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dpmgood morning all07:07
braiamgood night dpm ;)07:11
RawChidGood morning :)09:21
serfustop of the morning09:23
dpmhey RawChid, serfus and andrejz :)09:30
RawChidbzr push lp:~/<your_lp_id>/ubuntu-l10n-tools/<the name you like for your branch>09:55
RawChidWhat is usual? trunk ?09:56
dpmRawChid, usually the upstream project uses 'trunk', so if you are working on a branch of your own (perhaps implementing a feature or fixing a bug), you won't be able to use the same name. Some examples of names: 'bug-12345' if you are fixing a bug, 'my-new-awesome-feature' if you're implementing a feature, 'i18n-fixes' if you are adding some fixes to the internationalization infrastructure... you get the picture. Just name the branch in a way that09:59
dpm it describes what the branch does09:59
RawChidOh okay, now I understand :-)10:00
dpmcool :)10:02
RawChidHmm, something else. Yesterday I asked about an untranslated string in users-admin10:16
RawChidThis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612650/10:17
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
yurchorHi! How can I see the progress for the question about team inclusion to Launchpad Translators? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/15590012:25
dpmhi yurchor, the progress itself cannot be tracked (people is not continuously working on that question, but they tend to other questions too). As you're subscribed, you'll receive notifications of changes. That said, I can approve the team straight away. Before I do that, could you look into the following points?:13:15
dpm* The team description is a bit too brief. Could you add some info on: a welcome note and the purpose of the team, how to contact the team, how to join the team13:16
dpm* (This is optional and up to you): you might want to add the ubuntu-l10n-uk team as a subteam of lp-l10n-uk13:17
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dpmThis way translations from the Ubuntu Ukranian translators will make it to the upstream projects in Launchpad thanks to upstream sharing.13:18
yurchor1. No, I cannot, I am not a team owner. 2. If it's recommended why those LP teams organized?13:18
yurchorI mean, is not it simple to address your translation to Ubuntu teams?13:19
yurchorThat's the way that Fedora did with its teams on Tx.net.13:20
dpmyurchor, ok, so on 1., can you get the team owner to do this, or ask him to make you an admin to be able to change it? On 2.,13:20
yurchor1. No. There was no response to my mail for more than 5 months (I asked the team owner to join lp-translators).13:21
dpmwe make the separation because some people want to translate upstream projects but not Ubuntu, and they don't want to join the Ubuntu translation team. This way they only need to join the lp-l10n-* team. And just because Fedora does it in another way, it doesn't mean it's the best way ;)13:22
dpmyurchor, then in that case, I would suggest that you get the ownership first. We certainly don't want to add a team in which the owner is not responsive13:23
yurchorHeh, now it's a worst way (nobody can translate to Ukrainian anything).13:23
yurchorOk, can I ask to include Ubuntu Ukrainian translators, if no LP-translators for Ukrainian?13:24
dpmyurchor, just because it does not work for your team doesn't mean it doesn't work for everyone else. The fact that you cannot translate upstream projects in Ukrainian is not because of the team separation, but because no one has asked for the team to be included before (and also because the team seems to be inactive)13:24
dpmyurchor, we don't want to have exceptions. Why is it a problem to request the ownership of lp-l10n-uk and then ask for inclusion?13:25
yurchorBecause nobody respond to it anyway (I have already waited for 3 weeks).13:26
yurchorAnd it's non-sense: I will create the team with only member (ubunut-translators).13:27
andrejz2hello dpm, do you have any more comments about natty templates priority?13:27
dpmyurchor, I'm more interested in finding a solution than hearing complaints. If no one has responded, you can just ask again to poke. It's the same for every open source project when people get busy. So anyway, let's try to get this sorted. Could you please file a support request to get the ownership of the lp-l10n-uk team and I'll make sure it gets looked at? Then we'll approve the team13:28
yurchordpm: what's the addres for such requests?13:30
andrejz2sorry, apparently i am also logged in at another computer, needed to change nick13:31
dpmyurchor, it's the same: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion - so if you could file a question there asking for the ownership of the team to be assigned to you, that you tried to contact the previous owner and he's unresponsive, and that you've discussed it with me, we'll assign it to a Launchpad admin who'll be able to make the changes. Then we can take it from there.13:32
dpmandrejz2, I haven't had the chance to do another review, but I don't want to be a blocker on this. So do you think you could file the request as I suggested on my e-mail reply yesterday?13:34
andrejz2sure i can do it13:34
dpmandrejz2, ah, even better, it seems the document can be saved as a CSV file, which the Launchpad team will find easy to work with. So could you either attach the CSV file (if it can't be done in Answers, I'm not sure) or point at the document and mention it can be saved as CSV?13:36
dpmand feel free to subscribe me to the question as well13:37
dpmanyway, time for lunch, I'll be back later...13:37
dpmcool, thanks13:37
RawChiddpm, any news on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/612650/13:40
RawChidOh, bon appetit ;)13:40
yurchordpm: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/15896013:41
dpmyurchor, thanks for the support request, but I believe this comment was not necessary: "Regretfully, Launchpad Translations Coordinators must be fantastically overloaded and there was no progress for 3 weeks." You'll find that people will be generally more willing to help without derogatory comments :(14:29
dpmwe're an open source project, and if something is not working, it's better to ask how one can help, rather than complaining about other people14:30
dpmthat's why we've got the code of conduct, to avoid such situations and to work more effectively together14:31
yurchorØ ëòùö åðôå åðø³ ø³ ùçóò ³ùãêñóþ Èãå ø庳 åðó àøê³å åøüó øò 7 íóôê³ öøåð ³ãñð ô äùòï öôøåþ14:32
yurchorOop, sorry.14:32
yurchorI know that this is open source. But it is the first time in 7 years, when I waiting for such a long time.14:33
dpmyurchor, well, then you've been very lucky. I find this all the time, and if there is no response in something I've got a special interest in, I just insist and poke the people working on it14:35
yurchorI try to choose the projects with the responsible teams. This was the first time I have been forced to do something. I really do not like this.14:37
andrejz2@yuchor: I think nobody does14:38
dpmhey RawChid, I asked that on #ubuntu-desktop when you mentioned it the other day, but I got no response. I'm not sure if conf.in files are a new format or just plain text configuration files. I'd suggest filing a bug so that we can keep track of it on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+filebug14:43
andrejz2@dpm: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/158963 is this ok ?15:06
kamusinmorning folks16:56
kamusinI am wondering if this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/685119 is connected in some way to ubuntu translations project, at least banshee developers guess that17:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 685119 in banshee (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Banshee Sync iPod/MP3 page, Displays selected Playlist from dropdown incorrectly. (affects: 3) (heat: 34)" [Low,Incomplete]17:02
dpmhola kamusin, looking at the last upstream bug comments, it seems to me that it's not translations related (although I cannot say I'm 100% sure)17:57
kamusindpm,  I see.. anyway, I have noticed that there is still a discussion in upstream tracker about that17:59
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