
shaunoAzelphur: fun one for you - http://techland.time.com/2011/05/23/report-police-confuse-bitcoin-miners-power-use-for-weed-grow-op/01:33
Azelphurshauno: indeed, been linked to that a few times now, ali1234 totally called that happening to me about a week ago too01:33
shaunomight not be a bad thing; you might be able to get them to pay for a new door :)01:34
Azelphurindeed, mines still busted :(01:34
Azelphurshauno: http://www.photoblip.com/images/790/4ac4dbc44f1e23e6f426b0daf2983af4.jpg03:01
AzelphurI clearly need to do this03:01
gingyes and add at the bottom a foot note about the power consumption being created by huge amounts of valuable computer equipment03:04
shaunoare they all up and running now?03:05
Azelphurshauno: yea, I took the 6990 down because it runs too hot03:06
Azelphurshauno: but I have 8 5870s running, 3.1ghash :)03:06
Azelphurrather, 3.2*03:06
Azelphurging, rofl true :D03:06
Azelphurshauno: I brought the entire floor up about 10c, when you go downstairs it's like an arctic blast xD03:07
shaunoheh, oh dear03:08
shaunoI'll be interested to know what the reaction when your next electricity bill is ;)  2-3kW is fairly significant for a 24x7 load03:09
gingAzelphur: in a single machine?03:10
Azelphurshauno: I actually have it running at 1.74kw03:10
AzelphurGing no lol03:10
ging4 machines?03:11
Azelphurging 803:11
Azelphurshauno: should only be £7003:11
Azelphurperks of being right next to the worlds largest wind farm \o/03:11
gingi thought that was in california03:12
Azelphurging: I went a bit crazy, January: build my first PC, April: Water cool said PC. May: Build a supercomputer in the spare bedroom.03:12
Azelphurbecause weeeeee.03:12
gingor did they knock most of that down because it basicly didnt work?03:12
Azelphurging: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanet_Wind_Farm03:13
Azelphurmaybe there are bigger on shore ones *shrug*03:13
gingi remember years ago seeing stuff about a massive wind farm in calafornia that basicly did nothing because there for goverment tax incentives for these companies to build them but it didnt matter how much energy they produced, so companies just slapped a load up in some valley03:15
Azelphurging rofl, fail03:15
Azelphurshauno: I wonder how much it'd cost to get a 2kw renewable energy installation going03:15
Azelphurprobably wind since I'm clearly in the right place for it03:16
gingAzelphur: do you have a basement?03:20
Azelphuryea, but it's real bad down there03:20
Azelphurit's more like a dungeon/cave than a basement xD03:21
gingdo you have objections to running a small liquid thorium nuclear reactor in an urban area?03:21
Azelphursounds fun :D03:21
gingdo it03:22
AzelphurI might propose the idea of putting my 6990 unit in the back kitchen03:24
Azelphurit doesn't matter if it whirs a little back there, and that room is so cold it could make it warmer03:24
shaunoI'm not sure running a 24x7 load is the best use-case for home renewables03:26
shaunomost methods don't give you a good output all the time, so you typically use the current in to charge storage, then use storage as needed03:27
Azelphuryea, if I was to do it I'd probably pump the power into an UPS with a nice big battery03:28
Azelphurto try and buffer the bumps out03:28
gingin winter i'm guessing for a lot of people real energy consumption of thier pcs is far less than they think, as all the energy they consume they chuck out into the room which means the heaters are not workign so hard03:28
shaunoeven a ups would be pretty sketchy03:29
Azelphurshauno: maybe, but here you can pretty much get wind power 24/703:31
Azelphurthere's always wind here :D03:31
shaunoa ups would prett much waste the overcurrent when you're generating more than normal; and simply switch to battery when you're getting less than it wants03:31
shaunoif you're generating, say, 75% of what you need .. a ups won't provide the other 25%.  it'll just switch straight to the inverter, disregard the input current, and drain the battery03:32
Azelphurah, that's no good :(03:32
AzelphurIt'd nice to be trying to power it off wind as much as possible, and falling back to battery and mains when needed :P03:32
gingi think with micro renewables you dont want to be storing your own energy, you want to be selling it back to the grid when ever you can, you get a feed in tarif which pays out 3-4x as much for the energy you produce as it costs you to buy03:32
Azelphurthat's a simple idea :)03:33
shaunoflywheel or water pump systems would do better .. you'd really want something that's designed for the job03:33
Azelphurshauno: ging's idea seems better, just buy a wind turbine and pump everything back into the grid03:33
Azelphurand offset my energy bill lol03:33
Azelphurthat'd be easy/seamless \o/03:34
Azelphursomething fun to do one day :)03:34
shaunobut wouldn't survive a zombie outbreak ;)03:34
Azelphurtrue lol03:36
gingi think the way they work is that you have to be producing a surplus to get the feed in rate, but i think it counts in real time, so if over night your getting 5kw and only using 3 but in the day your using 7 you still get paid for the 2kw surplus you used over night03:36
shaunono idea how that works :/  most places I come across this, it's hermits trying to live entirely 'off the grid'03:37
Azelphurhaha :D03:37
Azelphurshauno: http://btcmine.com/toplist/ rank 6 \o/03:38
gingfeed in tarrifs are a big thing now, because they are so pay out so much more per unit than they charge because it's goverment subsidised03:38
gingsome people are litterally covering thier roofs in solar panels03:39
shaunothat's why I don't come across them; I'm not in the UK, so not offered the same subsidies03:39
Azelphurgotta love government doing something right :D03:39
gingi dont think it's unique to UK, but i think UK has a very good rate for it making it worth doing03:40
shaunothe chances of the irish government giving me anything are rather slim.  they're having more fun trying to figure out how to get me to pay for a housing bubble that burst before I moved here03:40
gingah yeah ireland's goverment doesnt really have anything to be giving away right now03:41
gingatleast they've got plenty of houses they could attach solar panels to03:42
shaunoyeah.  but no-one in them03:42
shaunoand don't you dare suggest the government buys the panels.  they've added enough <expletive> onto my pay stub as it is03:42
shaunothey got bored of adding taxes, and invented levies and charges to go with them :/03:43
shauno(call it a tax, and it has to obey tax brackets.  call it a levy, and it doesn't)03:44
gingrumour has it that barrack obama didnt get his change when he paid for his pint in an irish pub03:50
shaunothe queen was clever and got hers on the brewery tour, so it was on the house :p03:52
Azelphurhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/May%202011/IMG_20110525_034107.jpg magical photos :p03:52
gingi'm not too sure she actaully wanted it that much03:53
shaunonah she didn't touch it03:53
shaunohimself looked a little more interested tho03:53
shaunoAzelphur: I was wondering what you were gonna do with them physically.  that isn't what I pictured tho :p03:54
Azelphurghetto style \o/03:54
Azelphurshauno: I might build a little rack for them one day.03:54
gingah yeah i remember now she was going to try it then thought better of it or something03:55
shaunoor just find some standoffs and make a rack *out of* them03:55
Azelphurshauno: haha, but then the PSU's would have nowhere to go03:55
gingseriously Azelphur that is how they are currently setup?03:56
shaunoreminds me of this chap - http://helmer.sfe.se/03:56
Azelphurging yep03:56
Azelphurshauno: yea, I was thinking I should do something like that :P03:56
Azelphurging notice they all have no hdds too :D03:58
Azelphurapart from the one in the top left03:58
shaunohis designs for a new one are pretty - http://helmer2.sfe.se/03:58
gingAzelphur: what is much more aprent is they have no cases03:58
shaunobut the 'ikea rack' is famous now :)03:58
shaunoyou don't really want/need cases03:58
Azelphurshauno: someone linked this in #bitcoin-mining the other day, really impressive. http://image.bayimg.com/eabdfaadd.jpg03:59
AzelphurI love what he did with the graphics card to solve the exhaust problem :p04:00
shaunogoogle's servers are a good example - http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-10209580-92.html04:01
shaunocases are pretty, but tend to be one of the more expensive components in a cluster like that  (in azulphur's case, possibly the second most expensive behind the video cards)04:02
Azelphurpretty much yea, the CPU is £23 and the mobo is £33, RAM £1704:03
Azelphuror something like that anyway, I ended up getting a bulk deal of £250/unit04:03
shaunoI do think enclosing them is better for cooling tho, which seems to go against common wisdom04:04
Azelphur5870s have really nice cooling tbh, it's amazingly quiet for what it is and all of the cards are between 67 and 73c right now04:05
Azelphurand they are overclocked from 850 to 900mhz, but the gpu memory is underclocked through the floor :P04:05
Azelphur(weirdly, lower gpu memory clock = better hashrate performance...physics how do they work)04:05
shaunosurprised I don't seem to see many using risers to move the video card04:06
Azelphuryea, that photo I linked you to the guy is getting about 2.5mhash/watt04:07
Azelphurwhere as I'm currently only doing 1.804:07
Azelphurhttp://www.amfeltec.com/products/x1pcie-splitter3.php looks like a very interesting way of beating him though :p04:08
Azelphurwonder if I could slam one of those in and then like magic I'm running 3 cards on a machine that's ridiculously low power xD04:08
shaunoI wonder if you'd gain much efficiency by using one big power supply rather than 8 separate ones04:14
gingcan you do that? just split a pci-e slot like that?04:15
shaunoI think you just lose speed04:15
shaunoeg, splitting a 16x slot into 3 slots doesn't render 3 16x slots04:15
Azelphurbut obviously in this use case it's fine because your not using a whole lot of bandwith04:16
Azelphuryou can bitcoin mine on an x1 slot no problem04:16
gingso you only need the bandwith when you are putting a lot in and out of the memory?04:17
AzelphurGing I guess so yea, the bottleneck is the processing power :)04:18
ginghow much memory do these things need? could you get away with cards that had powerful gpus without much ram atall?04:19
Azelphuryou do need some memory, the general rule I've read is memory clock needs to be at least a third of gpu clock04:19
Azelphurso mine are at 900/300 atm04:19
Azelphuranyway, sleep time for me, nn all04:22
gingyeah but i mean how much memory is there, i'm thinking maybe if companies sold graphics cards with a low amount of ram but a fairly powerful gpu they'd be quite cheap for this sort of thing04:23
Azelphurging: they are gonna be rolling out ASIC processors soon for this04:23
gingi clearly need a wired mouse, this one uses 2 aaa batteries a month04:31
shaunowas reading about some of the fpga mining efforts.  not convinced anyone stands a chance of recouping their costs on that yet04:33
shaunomaybe later on, when coins are taking long enough to generate that performance per watt becomes a big deal04:35
shaunoit's interesting to read about, but not something I'm liable to play with.  it's an arms race, and that gets expensive.  just ask russia.04:39
shaunogeneration is limited network-wide to one block about every 10 minutes.  the more people join in with big rigs, the smaller the piece of the pie you get04:41
shaunothe only way to "win" is to be prepared to buy more hardware than the next guy :/04:41
shauno(and that's ignoring the economic conditions of "is this currency going to be worth anything when the hype dies down")04:43
shaunoI personally think the real winner is going to be amd :)04:43
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
gingi dont like amd05:03
=== drew is now known as Guest94724
knightwisemorning everyone06:32
knightwisehey BiRNiT07:39
MartijnVdSpopey: wow. unexpected.07:56
diplomorning all08:02
TheOpenSourcererCool - I remember the talk about Hotol all those years ago... Now looks like it might just happen http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-1350628908:26
MartijnVdSNice punny name.. "Skylon"08:26
ikoniaany oracle guru's around ?08:33
MartijnVdS!ask | ikonia08:35
lubotu3ikonia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:35
screen-xmorning :)08:40
MartijnVdS\o screen-x0r08:40
screen-xMartijnVdS: is that my 1337 alter ego?08:42
MartijnVdSI think so, yes08:42
* MartijnVdS runs the test suite.. for the 50th time today already08:48
* screen-x resorts to starwars for css specifity rules http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/archives/images/specificitywars-05v2.jpg08:48
screen-xmorning czajkowski08:53
MooDoohello all08:58
AlanBellhttp://now.eloqua.com/es.asp?s=491&e=162556 Microsoft start shutting down skype09:02
MooDoomorning czajkowski hugs09:03
screen-xAlanBell:  :(09:04
MooDooAlanBell: and so it begins09:04
mrwarmthSkype + Microsoft = http://i6.aijaa.com/b/00097/8091042.png09:05
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
dwatkinshaha, my brother started playing Minecraft yesterday with his son, I'm not sure who's more addicted...09:22
MooDoodwatkins: uh ho!09:23
oimontwitter web page is broken - type something in the search bar hit return, then delete the contents of the search bar, hit return, and it searches for the word "search" ?09:34
oimoni couldn't find a way to show the regular home page for ages...09:35
BigRedSwell, that is what's in the search box when you hit the search button. that's what the search button is supposed to do - search for the contents of the search box09:35
oimonBigRedS: what if you delete all the words from the search box?09:35
=== kissaki_ is now known as yizadesign
BigRedSthen it repopulates it with 'search' as soon as teh text box loses focus09:36
oimonalso, clicking on the twitter banner would just return me to searches for #superinjunction :-$09:36
oimondon't know who typed that in lol09:37
oimoni don't think they are really suppotring 'old/useful twitter' any more09:37
dwatkinshttps://twitter.com/#!/search/%20%23superinjunction oimon - replace with the text of your choice, seems to work for me09:37
BigRedSfor a while, going to 'old twitter' got a 403 error09:38
BigRedSduring which time, I got quite used to the new one09:38
oimonunfortunately i wanted no search...even clicking Home took me to the prefilled search09:38
oimonanyway, sorted it now09:38
oimonmy fault for not using a client09:38
BigRedSit seems to do everything right, though it's still impossible to follow other people's conversations09:38
oimonnew twitter is about as useful to me as new lifehacker09:39
BigRedSI suspect that might be more because its' different than through any lack of functionality, though09:40
oimonif i'm like this now, i'm gonna be terrible when i'm 7009:41
BigRedShaha, I'm not claiming innocence on my part :)09:41
BigRedSbut since getting used to new twitter through the odl one being broken, the old one feels broken09:41
oimoni'm more of a facebook man , but twitter has its uses09:42
popeyikonia: I know a bit of oracle, wassup?09:42
popey(morning btw)09:42
oimoni have a word doc that won't display properly in OOo, google docs, or word viewer 2003..any other ideas?09:46
BigRedSis this msooxml, or a back-in-the-day doc?09:46
oimonold skool doc09:47
BigRedSeither way, if MS's viewer wont show it, I guess it's broken09:47
oimongonna try virewer 201009:47
oimonlooks like some hideous document that's been rewritten 100s of times since 1990s09:47
oimonword viewer is running under wine btw09:48
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:48
BigRedSew. so it could just be wine breaking it09:50
* popey wonders how many more surveys will be created09:50
* BigRedS offers to survey the survey writers09:50
popeyhah, yeah, maybe we should make a survey "It looks like you're making a survey, we have a survey which may help!"09:51
oimonwhat surveys?09:56
BigRedSthere's just been one to the list09:56
BigRedSbut there does, generally, seem to be one floating around somewhere09:56
oimonoh yeah09:56
oimonone of them the other day was bizarre09:57
davmor2morning all10:00
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:04
oimonanyone recommend a good vendor for a high end graphics card? ( the nvidia gtx 590 )10:09
bigcalmIs it DNA's birthday/deathday?10:11
bigcalmHumm, nope10:12
bigcalmWonder why it's being reported as Towel Day10:12
dwatkinsPerhaps towel day is different.10:13
bigcalm"The annual Towel Day (25 May) was first celebrated in 2001, two weeks after Adams's death."10:13
bigcalmThank you WikiPedia :)10:13
dwatkinseek, towelday dot org is trying to do something wierd with feedjit dot com10:13
dwatkinsToday is also geek pride day.10:16
hooverthanks biggie, good to know10:17
hooverI'll have a few pints later in order to get ready for the pickup10:18
bigcalmDon't forget the peanuts10:18
bigcalmI'm editing crontab on a client's server:  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.10:20
bigcalmWhat/where is the master?10:20
BigRedSuse crontab -e10:21
BigRedSor crontab -e -u <user>10:21
bigcalmThat's what I'm doing10:21
* bigcalm shrugs and edits anyway10:21
screen-xbigcalm: are they using some sort of configuration management system?10:21
screen-xpuppet or something like that?10:22
bigcalmscreen-x: I really can't tell, but I don't think so10:22
bigcalmIt's a very old server with FirstServ10:22
bigcalmWhich we are moving away from and to RackSpace oh so very soon10:22
* screen-x has an interview with rackspace on friday10:22
bigcalmJob or renting servers?10:23
bigcalmGood luck :)10:23
screen-xthanks :)10:23
oimonbigcalm: it may be they use version control on those files, so it will get overwritten10:23
bigcalmoimon: we'll see tomorrow then :)10:23
oimonor in 3 months whenthe master changes10:23
bigcalmWe'll have moved hosts long before then10:26
screen-xbigcalm: set a daily cron job, that creates an 'at' task for tomorrow which sha1s the crontab to see if its been changed ;-)10:26
bigcalmscreen-x: I'm not being paid enough to care that much :P10:27
oimonwhere's the rackspace job located?10:27
screen-xoimon: hear heathrow10:27
oimonyou can probably hear it too from there10:29
oimonwow they have a lot of vacancies10:30
screen-xexpanding rapidly10:30
oimonthey don't seem to publish their salaries for the roles though10:31
oimonif i lived near there i would be seriously considering applying for one of those right now10:32
popeyoimon: canonical are hiring, many are work from home roles10:34
czajkowskioimon: from what I've seen only recruitment websites advertise salaries10:35
czajkowskiwhich is to be fair really annoying if you are applying directly to a company10:35
bigcalmHumf, gnu.org seems to be offline again10:40
bigcalmThey need to stop going down so offten10:41
BigRedSare they running on hurd?10:42
oimonor maybe turd10:42
bios__мені можуть допомогти з Кубунтою?10:44
lubotu3Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:44
bios__hm =)10:45
AlanBelland Kubuntu is in #kubuntu10:45
AlanBellyou were thinking ukranian?10:45
bios__little English10:46
oimonнe понимaю10:46
bios__писать на руском?10:47
bios__на каком языке вам писать?10:47
oimonпо  английском языке, пожалуйста10:48
bios__problems from the image on your desktop Where to download the screenshot to show what's the problem?10:49
devnatuHi can any one help in regards to adding banner in Drupal 710:49
devnatui have long banner with company name and logo10:50
AlanBelldevnatu: probably best asking in #drupal10:50
devnatuok i will do that10:50
oimonbios__: try imgur.com to display screenshot10:51
bios__cool, i like english10:51
AlanBelldevnatu: #drupal-uk even10:51
oimonAlanBell: you speak russian? or google did it for you10:53
AlanBellgoogle (and just recognising cyrillic)10:53
oimoni studied it at school :D10:53
oimonbut my skills are weak nowadays10:54
screen-x"How do I attach an email to an email?"  Outlook has much to answer for.10:57
BigRedSscreen-x: that is, sometimes, useful11:00
bios__image bags11:06
bios__help my11:06
oimonbios__: processor/ graphics card?11:09
oimonwhich hardware do you have11:10
bios__please wait11:11
bios__I go for lunch, then I for 1 hour11:12
bios__excuse me please11:13
oimonalso there is a #ubuntu-ru room for russian speakers, did you try in there?11:13
davmor2oimon: you can guess from the motherboard name surely ;)11:14
bios__Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT11:16
bios__video card11:17
bios__not drivers install11:17
davmor2bios__: Asus box then?  well asus mb at least11:19
davmor2oimon: It an all intel MB.  Intel core2duo as the top rated processor and intel GMA950 on an intel 945GZ northbridge  for bios__'s mb if that helps11:23
jpdsoimon: He's already there.11:23
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] LoCo Team re approvals are underway - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/05/25/loco-team-re-approvals-are-underway/11:25
=== kirrus is now known as totally-not-kirr
=== totally-not-kirr is now known as kirrus
* popey pokes ikonia with oracle11:50
davmor2czajkowski: prods just cause11:52
* czajkowski prods popey and davmor2 11:53
davmor2czajkowski: what did popey do?11:53
popeyyeah, bully!11:53
czajkowskidavmor2: I was making sure he wasn't feeling left out11:55
gordi heard that popey is going to be carrying the torch for the olympic games y'know11:55
gordoh awesome, twitter decided to sign me up, without asking me, to get emails when people reply to me. thats just fantastic11:55
davmor2gord: we discovered it was only for 300 meters at which point we realised he wouldn't suffer enough11:56
davmor2gord: yes I'm get that too11:56
davmor2fsckin twitter11:56
oimongord: i knew i was looking at the twitter web page for a reason...i haven't had those settings applied to my profile yet12:05
* BigRedS revels in his unpopularity :)12:06
davmor2oimon: it's under profile notifications12:07
oimondavmor2: i still have the old ones12:08
davmor2oimon: jammy get12:08
davmor2http://blog.alpha.gov.uk/blog/a-brief-overview-of-technology-behind-alpha-gov-uk nice use of Ubuntu in the government :D To add confirmation that it is Ubuntu http://blog.alpha.gov.uk/colophon12:11
oimondavmor2: yeah, i wish my employer would take note12:11
czajkowskidavmor2: no mention of it though12:12
davmor2czajkowski: look at the second link12:12
BigRedSew. ruby12:13
davmor2czajkowski: he is asked in the comments and answers there with the top link12:13
davmor2BigRedS: mostly django by the look of things though12:13
BigRedSweirdly sensible for a gov project12:15
AlanBelldid you see the humans.txt?12:15
jpds /fail is better.12:16
AlanBellit is!12:17
dwatkinsis anyone here familiar with a boot screen showing an angry fish in Ubuntu 10.4? Doesn't sound like the standard boot splash, but I'm wondering if it's a fairly common thing.12:17
BigRedSan angry fish?12:18
popeyscreenshot / photo ?12:19
dwatkinspopey: yeah, just asked for one12:20
gordtoo white for me12:37
bigcalmUsing the translate option in google chrome has worked wonders. That was very easy to read12:37
gordare they suggesting that it works in zero g though? ;)12:37
* DJones offers gord a tin of black hammerite to repaint the case12:37
davmor2gord: now I'd like to see popey put that one to the test :D12:38
oimontranslation: http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/25/asus-preparing-an-ultraslim-eee-pc-with-a-twist-for-computex/12:39
oimonChromium memory use: 1,453,380k12:40
popey"In relation to this and in the persuit of the right choices for our fans, here's a question to all our mobile gurus: what do you prefer to use:, pad, notebook or netbook? Also, given that we were first to try Linux with the Eee PC 701 back in 2007 - we'd like to know again: is Windows still a firm requirement for your everday needs?"12:43
popeythats ASUS asking on facebook12:43
Ngpad \o/12:47
Ngnetbooks only if they have nearly-fullsize keys - *hate* the dell mini9 keyboard12:48
czajkowskiNg: it does take getting some used to12:48
NgI reckon I can type faster on a touchscreen keyboard than on that thing12:49
=== denny- is now known as denny
andylockranz/win 613:12
gordi like netbooks much more than pads, would like a netbook with a touch screen though, maybe a reversible screen13:18
gordjust unfold the netbook part when you actually want to do proper typing13:19
davmor2dell duo then gord ;)13:39
BigRedSI used to have a snazzy snap-out keyboard for my XDA13:40
BigRedSit was only about 4" wide closed, expanded to about 10". I want a netbook that does that13:40
gorddavmor2, something thats not atom based ;)13:43
davmor2gord: I'm looking forward to a sensibly sized netbook/laptop that is arm based and the A15 chipset might be the thing that brings that about :)13:46
gordmy arm netbook is nice, but really not for the feint of heart13:46
dwatkinsgord: slow?13:51
dwatkinsI'm tempted by the Eeepad13:51
gorddwatkins, nvidia tergra 2, so its all closed source and stuff, if your getting a more open driver arm machine you should be fine13:51
gordarm certainly isn't slow13:51
dwatkinsgord: I'm going to be running Ubuntu on an iBook shortly :D13:51
BigRedSwhen dspam logs "dropping message", what does it mean?14:05
BigRedSI'm guessing it's either passed on with no spam filtering, or disappears into the ether14:05
davmor2gord: only the install then :D14:08
* hamitron sighs14:09
hamitronspanked by automation troubles again14:10
lubotu3For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:10
dogmatic69anyone know how i can access rhythmbox from external?14:11
dogmatic69i forwarded external port 7000 -> <pc_ip>:700114:11
dogmatic69going to on the pc works, but using the external ip:7000 just has a loading thing in the status bar14:12
bigcalmdogmatic69: can you access from another machine within the lan?14:15
dogmatic69bigcalm: i think so, seems the router is not allowing external connections14:15
bigcalmdogmatic69: try forwarding something else and see if it works14:15
bigcalmI had a router that would reboot itself if you tried to forward some ports14:16
screen-xdogmatic69: do netstat -nlt and see if rb is listening on or
dogmatic69tcp        0      0*               LISTEN14:16
screen-xdogmatic69: you need to get it to listen on (or your nic address) before you can access it from another machine.14:17
dogmatic69screen-x: how is this?14:20
dogmatic69tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN14:20
screen-xdogmatic69: that looks better14:21
dogmatic69k, now can access it within the wifi14:22
screen-xOne of my users has been sent a word doc with embedded PDFs. I can't seem to open the embedded PDFs with oowriter (double clicking results in "General Error" even with OOo pdf import plugin installed). If I save the doc as odt, and extract its contents, there are a few files named object\ 1-3 that are about the right size, however they are no openable as PDFs, "file" says they are corrupt CDF V2 Documents. Any suggestions?14:23
dogmatic69google word thingy14:25
dogmatic69it might be able to open / extract stuff14:25
oimonnew bbc news app: https://market.android.com/details?id=bbc.mobile.news.uk14:26
screen-xdogmatic69: tried importing into google docs, but the file was too large :(14:26
screen-xdogmatic69: thanks for the suggestion though :)14:26
dogmatic69windows vm + office14:26
MartijnVdSscreen-x: http://www.jules.fm/Logbook/files/extract_ole_from_word.html14:26
dogmatic69how big is this file?14:26
devnatucan some one please tell me how do i extract zip file in to certain location in ubuntu via command line14:27
screen-xMartijnVdS: thanks, I presume thats perl..14:27
MartijnVdSscreen-x: it is, and it's horribly formatted14:27
MartijnVdSscreen-x: and the italic bits are comments, prefix with #14:28
devnatucan some one please tell me how do i extract zip file in to certain location in Ubuntu via command line14:28
screen-xdevnatu: sudo apt-get install unzip; man unzip14:29
MartijnVdSscreen-x: http://search.cpan.org/~jmcnamara/OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19/lib/OLE/Storage_Lite.pm might be better/easier to use14:29
MartijnVdSscreen-x: it has some test/example files in the tar.gz14:29
screen-xMartijnVdS: Thanks, I'll have a go14:31
MartijnVdSscreen-x: or http://search.cpan.org/~mschwartz/OLE-Storage-0.386/Storage.pm14:31
hamitronis anyone here good with writing xorg.conf files from scratch? or know a good way to make one?14:31
MartijnVdShamitron: you don't need one anymore14:31
hamitronmy laptop won't work without14:32
hamitronand none of the tools I used to use seem to exist14:32
BigRedSMartijnVdS: you sometimes do14:32
MartijnVdShamitron: check the Ubuntu wiki14:32
MartijnVdSBigRedS: only if you buy Nvidia14:32
BigRedSor if udev/hal/whatever guesses wrongly14:32
MartijnVdSBigRedS: it never has for me14:33
DJoneshamitron: Is this any use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:33
BigRedSno, but sometimes people want to move buttons around or something14:33
MartijnVdSBigRedS: moving buttons around doesn't involve xorg.conf changes14:33
MartijnVdSBigRedS: keyboard mapping is all hot-changeable now14:33
BigRedSwhat's the currently approved way of doing it?14:33
MartijnVdSBigRedS: dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration ?14:34
MartijnVdSBigRedS: and/or some xkb magic in your session14:34
BigRedSand swapping buttons 1 and 2 on a mouse?14:34
hamitronI get no signal to my display yet14:34
BigRedSand monitor config?14:34
MartijnVdSmonitor config isn't swapping buttons, monitor config -> xradnr14:34
MartijnVdS(or the gnome variant using the randr extension)\14:35
BigRedSno, I know they're different. They're just things I've done in xorg.conf before14:35
DJoneshamitron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config First few lines have suggestions on how to create an xorg.conf14:35
=== denny- is now known as denny
BigRedSI've no had cause to manually configure X for a while, but I dispise this idea that you're now not supposed to14:36
hamitroniirc, I have to disable EDID14:36
hamitronor something14:36
hamitronand tell it what display to use14:36
MartijnVdSWhere do you buy such crappy hardware? :P14:37
hamitronI've had it longer than there has been ubuntu14:37
MartijnVdSthere's your problem14:37
MartijnVdSstone-age hardware14:37
hamitronyeh well, I'm getting annoyed with things not working14:38
hamitronmay have to install slackware 11.0 or something, to get the settings14:39
oimonhamitron: run knoppix live usb14:39
hamitronI got a slackware cd here14:40
oimondoes slackware have livecd mode?14:40
MartijnVdShaha. ha.14:40
hamitronno, but I can delete my swap partition14:40
oimoni didn't realise people actually used slackware/arch/gentoo14:40
hamitronoimon: only when I have to14:41
DJonesoimon: Slackware is good for learning14:41
oimoni thought they were just words people used when they were trolling on forums14:41
hamitronI know this isn't ubuntu's fault ofc, it is the X.org problem14:42
hamitronbut still hassle14:42
hamitronI'm sure I have a xorg.conf file backup somewhere, with all the stuff in14:45
hamitronjust dunno which "safe" place I put it14:45
oimoni use tomboy for that guff14:47
hamitronbut you know it is bad when you were coming across ipchains scripts14:48
popey\o/ guff14:48
oimonunfortunately i can't run latest tomboy on lucid cos popey hasn't packaged it yet :D14:49
popeyooo, thanks for the reminder14:49
* popey will do it14:49
hamitronI don't mind having text files in folders, I just need to delete all the old ones14:49
hamitronand have it sorted14:49
oimonpopey: i wonder if you will have any problems, since v1.6 uses stuff like libgtk2.0-cil-dev >= 2.10.414:50
oimonpopey: ignore that, i got my version numbers wrong14:51
oimoni had a right palaver yesterday getting inssider working on lucid due to libgtk2.0-cil dependencies :(14:53
Laneyi thought lucid had gtk-sharp 2.12 already14:58
Laneyalso it would be good to look at doing proper tomboy backports instead of the ppa15:00
popeybut the ppa is upstream with no patches15:09
popeyI guess a backport would have ubuntu patches?15:09
* bigcalm signs and send the VM contract15:10
bigcalmKeep forgetting15:10
Laneythat is true they are usually straight rebuilds of what's in subsequent releases15:10
popeystill, a valuable thing to have15:11
Laneyespecially for oneiric+ as backports will be enabled by default and presented in the software centre nicely :-)15:12
* Laney is rather chuffed about that15:12
* popey hugs pbuilder-dist15:14
oimonLaney: by default? looks like more reboots for me then15:14
Laneystuff won't be installed by default15:15
oimon"especially for oneiric+ as backports will be enabled by default"15:16
Laneywe have this flag called NotAutomatic which means that it gets a low priority15:17
screen-xhmm, if backports is enabled by default, whats the difference between -backports and -updates?15:18
Laneythe difference is the type of updates that are allowed to go into each15:18
lubotu3If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:18
BigRedSI'd assumed backports gets feature upgrades, updates only get security updates?15:19
Laneywell, important bug fixes15:19
BigRedSoh yeah15:19
Laneythere's -security for security only changes15:20
BigRedSthose too15:20
screen-xso -updates gets important non-security bug fixes, -backports could potentialy have a version with new features.15:21
oimoni'm sure there were less kernel updates in the olden days (ubuntu 2005)15:21
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 2005 in Launchpad itself "Cannot deprecate a team (dup-of: 50525)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200515:21
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 50525 in Launchpad itself "Can't delete a team" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5052515:21
oimonbe quiet botty15:21
LaneyDear #ubuntu-uk, if you like Belle and Sebastian and have Spotify then please visit this link: http://open.spotify.com/track/34DM93BGyz3o8XnpgFbAB8 Thanks, Love from Iain.15:21
popeyin my mind it's "updates is 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2, security is 1.1.1 -> 1.1.1OMGSECURITYHOLEFIXED", backports is 1.1.1 -> 1.2"15:21
oimonLaney: i'm going to see b&s next week in concert15:22
popeymassive oversimplification ^15:22
Laneyyeah summat like that15:22
Laneyoimon: awesome! I saw them last year :>15:22
screen-xpopey: heh that makes sense :)15:22
Laneythe guy is surprisingly young (at least to my expectations)15:22
oimoni actually prefer camera obscura but hey, it was supposed to be an old school mates meetup, now ther are only 2.5 of us going15:23
LaneyI prefer this version to the B&S original tbh15:23
* screen-x is disturbed by the non-integer attendee acount15:24
oimonscreen-x: somebody is bringin their other half :D15:24
popeyjust checkin'15:25
screen-xthis could get tedious ;-)15:26
oimonubuntu-uk needs to start doing some member surveys :D15:26
oimonhow many people in the room are left handed/ how many have buttons on the LHS/ atheist vs theist15:26
* Laney has NO BUTTONS15:26
popey-!- seeker [~seeker@unaffiliated/seeker] has quit [DISGUSTED!]15:27
bigcalmpopey: called 150. Upgrading to 30mb does mean the start of a new 12 month contract. Signing and returning now15:27
popeyi should open that letter then15:27
bigcalmAnd check your info is correct on it15:27
bigcalmThey didn't have Hayley down as the 2nd contact name15:28
popeyI want to upgrade my desktop CPU to be quieter15:28
popeywant quiet fans and a quiet heatsink for a q6600 cpu15:28
bigcalmNa, just wear headphones15:28
Laneywrap a duvet around it15:28
hamitronoh I give up :/15:29
hamitrongonna just use the terminal15:29
popeylooks interesting15:29
popeywhats the clear plastic thing?15:29
popeyin the right hand pic15:29
bigcalmChoking hazard o.O15:30
Laneypackaging i guess15:30
andylockranwhat's giffgaff like?15:30
bigcalmLooks like it, yeah15:30
LaneyI used to have a huge zalman flower job, that was great15:30
screen-xcould be a baffle15:30
popeyi hate doing hardware bits15:30
hamitronit has one of them holes at the top to hang in in a shop15:31
oimonpopey: colleagues asked me to get 2 x gtx590 nvidia cards = most powerful graphics cards available...wonder if they are into bitcoin15:31
hamitronwhat is wrong with gaming? :)15:32
hamitronbitcoining isn't the only gpu thing15:32
oimon£600 a pop15:32
oimonactually i think they are doing astronomical modellig15:32
oimonmathematica/maple/matlab all support cuda15:32
hamitronthat is their cover story for bitcoining :/15:32
popeyoimon: i hear ati > nvidia for bitcoin15:34
popey"Please note that the price of Lm Technologies 802.11N 150Mbps Fast Wireless NANO USB Adapter, Compatible with Windows XP / Vista / Mac 10.4 and 10.5 / Linux Ubuntu 8.04 (3cm Long) has decreased from £7.99 to £7.25 since you placed it in your Shopping Basket. "15:34
hamitrondo packages of gui apps require xorg to be installed, to be installed themselves?15:35
gordawesooooome - free mars bar15:35
gordits been a long time since i'v bought a mars bar, would not be surprised if you aren't saving enough to get one :(15:35
bigcalmI had to powercycle the superhub again this morning. Maybe Netgear just don't like me15:35
popeyhamitron: they tend to depend on something that depends on something that depends on x server, yes15:35
popeybigcalm: i still haven't yet15:35
hamitrondamn it15:35
* bigcalm tickles popey15:36
hamitronwould it be hard to make a dummy xorg package to trick them?15:36
gordhamitron, what are you really trying to accomplish :)15:36
gordwithout xorg those applications aren't going to run anyway15:37
hamitronI want X to run15:37
hamitronwith nvidia drivers15:37
oimonhamitron: what card/monitor?15:37
hamitronan old version of X.org ideally15:37
hamitronwell, my latest problem is a Geforce 420 go 32mb15:37
hamitronbut I have older cards that need older X.org also15:37
hamitronso thinking I should maybe just do something drastic and fix all my problems15:38
DJoneshamitron: I've got a geforce 2 at home that runs using the nv driver15:38
hamitronI can run teh nv driver, yes15:38
hamitronbut I want nvidia15:38
DJoneshamitron: Since about 10.04 I've not been able to get the nvidia driver working15:39
hamitronlast version to work was 8.04 for geforce 2 and below15:39
hamitronbecause of the X.org version15:39
DJonesHave you tried the nouveau driver15:40
hamitronit works too15:40
hamitronbut I want nvidia15:40
oimonwhich nvidia driver are you using?15:40
oimonthe legacy one ?15:40
hamitron96 on this laptop15:40
hamitronbut it would be handy having 71 as well15:40
hamitronso having a version of X.org 7.3 or lower would fix a lot15:41
oimonare you on natty?15:41
oimonand the additional hardware drivers thing doesn't give you the correct result?15:42
hamitronI am headbutting a wall, and I haven't even tried unity yet ;)15:42
czajkowskianyone on giffgaff do I have to top up before I can fill in some form to keep my number???15:42
hamitronI don't have a gui now15:42
popeyLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612770/15:43
popeyever seen that?15:43
popeysays my gpg sig is bad15:43
Laneylaunchpad bug15:43
Laneyit should still have accepted it15:43
hamitronoimon: I got this laptop working last time, by using a custom xorg.conf15:43
popey[PPA popey] [ubuntu/lucid] tomboy 1.6.0-0ubuntu1~ppa~lucid0 (Accepted)15:43
popeyhehe, just got the mail15:44
popeythanks Laney15:44
hamitronbut if I had an old version of X.org, I could generate it also15:44
gordso my router has forgotton the password for some reason, no idea why. its now that i find out to access the built in help, you have to log in...15:44
davmor2gord: press an hold the reset button then it's normally admin admin or with capitals :D15:47
gorddavmor2, don't want to go as far as a factory reset yet, at least, not until i have found my isp details15:48
* Laney uploads 1.6.1 to Debian15:49
DJonesgord which isp is it?15:49
Laneycan you feel the [Tomboy] love tonight?15:49
gordDJones, be15:50
DJonesgord: Right, I was going to say if it was sky broadband, most of those seem to use sky & admin as username/pw15:51
BigRedSalt+f2 apears to always open underneath maximised windows now, presumably 'cause they have focus...15:51
gordDJones, right, this isn't an isp supplied router anyway15:51
oimonhamitron: what kjind of screen is it?15:56
oimonvga connector or dvi15:56
Psychobudgiegord, have you ever changed the password on the router?15:57
oimonhamitron: check out bug 34890515:57
lubotu3Launchpad bug 348905 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 (Ubuntu) "GeForce4 420 Go issue" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34890515:57
* popey wishes his dell laptop still lived15:58
popeymight dig it out once more tonight and kick it15:58
oimonwhich model?15:58
popeythe funky one15:58
popeygen 215:58
PsychobudgiePsychobudgie, has gone and installed fedora 1515:59
BigRedSthat's a silly idea16:00
Psychobudgieseems less hastle than waiting for ubuntu to fix itself16:00
BigRedSat least that gives you a bunch of sensble tools and a sane package manager16:01
popeyhow can I tell what socket my cpu is?16:02
popey← hardware newb16:02
shaunoI was tempted to see if fedora installed on mine.  then I remembered that if it does work, I'm not left with something I'd particularly want to use :/16:02
popeyc2d 670016:02
BigRedSintel ark?16:02
popeyLGA775  ?16:02
popeyso my mobo should support a Q8300?16:02
shaunoI'd try to find out what model your mobo is, and look for it's manual.  not all procs are supported simply because you have the same physical socket, unfortunately16:03
BigRedSI'm sure hardware is designed to keep hardware guys in a job16:04
hamitronoimon: lcd on the laptop16:04
popeyasus P5N32-E16:04
popeysays it supports 1333MHz16:05
popeyhmm, core 2 quad Q6700 is the highest16:06
popeyor a c2extreme?16:07
shaunoI never figured out what the difference between c2q and c2e was (besides 5-700 euros)16:07
screen-xhave to compare on ark.intel.com16:07
PsychobudgieUsing Fedora atm and to be honest it's way nippier than natty, well after I'd spent an hour installing and configuring everything I need. Has the latest Evolution to boot.16:07
shauno(the price bit being less relevant now that they've got a year or two under their belt :)16:08
MyrttiI refuse to see how having Evolution in any distro is somehow a benefit or a perk16:08
BigRedSit makes other things look better16:08
Myrttigood call16:09
Psychobudgienout wrong with evo16:09
BigRedSbut, yeah, apparently it works alright16:09
Psychobudgieworks fine and has done for a few years now16:09
davmor2Myrtti: work fine for me :D16:09
BigRedSthere's a guy here using it. the only problem he has is he can't read mail in subscribed folders...16:09
Myrttiyeah, I just rather poke myself in the eye than use Evolution, evoexchange bridge and other painful user interactions16:09
screen-xthey are almost identical, except the q6700 has a lower tdp, and is newer16:10
davmor2BigRedS: That's a feature means you can't open a virus ;)16:10
BigRedSmaking anything work with exchange is a pain16:10
screen-xPsychobudgie: did you upgrade evolution between hardy and lucid? Evolution changed database format (to sqlite I think) and the upgrade script worked about 30% of the time.16:11
Psychobudgiescreen-x, I did16:15
PsychobudgieMyrtti, out of interest what do you use for email on ubu?16:15
shaunoI find this is the biggest benefit of imap; no harm in blowing away the local datastore if it starts misbehaving16:18
brobostigonPsychobudgie: so how is gnome3  in fedora?16:20
LaneyI used to have a script ~/bin/fix-thunderbird.sh that ran daily (this was the interval in which Thunderbird corrupted its local database)16:21
oimontb3 is great for me16:24
oimonafter disabling the offline folders things16:25
BigRedSI still don't like the broken-by-default search thing16:27
Laneythe ISP database is rather sexy16:27
oimonBigRedS: filter these messages works great on a per-folder basis16:28
oimonagree that the other search takes longer16:28
oimonhey i jsut discovered something amazing :D16:30
oimonif you upload a list of books that you own to google books, you can then perform a search on the words inside just those books in your library16:31
popeyis it "poke popey with a stick and he updates packages"?16:31
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, well it works which is one huge advantage over ubuntu at the moment16:32
* popey notes Unity works on the 3 machines he uses it on16:32
* popey shrugs16:32
brobostigonPsychobudgie: its works, i mean, gnome3 does, in natty.16:32
oimone.g. search linux and it gives the excerpts on page 401 of programming perl16:32
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, it doesn't as of the latest updates16:32
brobostigonPsychobudgie: what was the issue?16:33
oimonunity 3d is rather ...fussy about gfx cards16:33
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, can't recall, it's on the forums16:33
brobostigonPsychobudgie: becaue, i havent noticed anything recently.16:33
BigRedSoimon: yeah, it's just really bad at noticing which folder I'm in16:34
BigRedSI was really expecting a more capable search by now, too16:35
BigRedSI want to be able to put in "from:someone@somehwhere subject:work" or similar16:35
BigRedSrather than endless clicking and waiting16:35
oimoni rarely search folders that aren't inbox and sent16:36
oimonhmmm "publish via ubuntu one" crashes nautilus16:36
BigRedSAh, I frequently search massive ones that are16:37
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, one of the issues is to do with .ICEauthority and the other is to do with nvidia drivers16:37
Psychobudgieboth break it to the point of unusability16:37
brobostigonPsychobudgie: ok, i havent tried it on nvidia, so wont experience it, i am not familier with .ICEauthority,16:38
oimonwhere does ubuntuone store its logs?16:38
Psychobudgieadd to that the multitude of issues I've had with compiz, unity, invisible windows and overlays, banshee and just the general polish of natty, I thought I'd take the opportunity to have a look at another distro16:39
jeloimon: it's based on couchdb, so look for that stuff16:39
Psychobudgieat the moment, though it may change, I'm liking f15 over natty16:39
BigRedSI've never lasted more than a couple of hours on Fedora16:40
BigRedSthere's always sooo many hoops to jump through to make things work16:40
Psychobudgienah, theres a couple of nice apps which will install everything you need, takes about 15 minutes to do16:40
BigRedSah, that's probably what I didn't do16:40
Psychobudgiepretty much like ubuntu did a couple of years back16:41
BigRedSI just remember continually adding repos, each of which only provided about five packages16:41
jelBigRedS, nope, I agree with you.  Redhat = nightmare of poorly maintained packages.16:41
jel(and minimalist)16:41
* brobostigon will be sticking with debian or ubuntu.16:41
BigRedSI was debian before ubuntu. three repos is quite enough thankyouverymuch16:41
Psychobudgieredhat/fedora is a nightmare if you don't know what you are doing16:41
PsychobudgieI would like to think that I know what I'm doing16:42
jelsomething like 16 years with linux now, so I know what I'm doing.  That's how I know it sucks.16:42
Psychobudgieseriously, having used unity for a week or so, I reevaluated the defination of sucks16:43
jelunity also sucks :)16:43
BigRedSI tried to like gnome316:43
BigRedSI really did16:43
Psychobudgieit sucks more16:43
BigRedSbut it made me want to hurt things16:43
BigRedSunity, on the other hand, seems absolutely fine for me :)16:43
BigRedSthough I've got this weird thing of alt+f2 hiding behind maximised windows which I didn't have yesterday16:44
PsychobudgieI like gnome 3, it doesn't work as well as it can in ubuntu, F15 is built around it so I've gone with that for the moment until ubuntu sorts itself out16:44
Psychobudgiethat's the great thing with linux though, choice16:44
BigRedSnah, most of my issues with Gnome 3 were design choices rather than bugs16:45
BigRedSin fact, most of my issues were the workspaces16:45
PsychobudgieI choose gnome-desktop and gnome3  over unity and gnome 216:45
BigRedSI think we did this yesterday :)16:45
Psychobudgieuntil it works properly in ubuntu I'll probably use something else16:45
Psychobudgiewe did :p16:45
oimonunity2d is a massive fail if you want to switch windows without using alt-tab16:45
BigRedSgnome3 has been a continual rant of mine for the past couple of weeks16:46
PsychobudgieI love it16:46
oimoneven bigger fail if you wanna switch windows and the icon on the launcher is not on the top icons that appears onscreen16:46
BigRedSyeah, you freak :)16:46
oimonmind you, default gnome2 sucks a bit16:47
oimonespecially on rhel it looks like win2k16:47
mrwarmthAfter a few weeks of using gnome3 I started moving my mouse to the top left of the screen when I wanted to run something, no matter which OS I was using at the time...16:47
PsychobudgieI find the app switching far better in g3 than unity16:47
Psychobudgieapp switching in unity is one of my pet hates16:47
BigRedSit's teh same a gnome2 isn't it?16:47
BigRedSI disliked gnome3's thing of alt-f2 only having one icon for each app, and having to go 'down' to get others. though I'd probably get used to that...16:48
BigRedSunity on 11.04 seems to behave the same as gnome2 on squeeze? as far as alt+f2 and ctrl-alt-arrow goes16:48
BigRedSoh yeah, there's no taskbar thing, and it's that popout thingy at the side16:49
PsychobudgieBigRedS, or you can just sweep the mouse to the top left and it will show all running windows16:49
mrwarmthDoes gnome3 do that thing with the menubar where it puts it at the top of the screen like Unity does? I think they were talking about doing that at some point16:49
Psychobudgiemrwarmth, no they decided that it was stupid and nobody in their right mind would like it16:49
brobostigonPsychobudgie: orhit superkey,16:49
BigRedSPsychobudgie: ah yeah. That's not a 'just' for me, my mouse is at least 6" away from the keyboard16:49
mrwarmthPsychobudgie, :)16:50
PsychobudgieBigRedS, yup, choice is a good thing16:50
BigRedSPsychobudgie: that's one of the great things about this unity/gnome3 divide - people making choices16:50
BigRedSand, of course, it's a brand new Religious Argument16:50
Psychobudgiebut that is what I hate about unity, you have no choice16:51
BigRedSyeah you do16:51
BigRedSyou can not have unity16:51
Psychobudgieshuttleworth has decreed that thou shalt not configure it16:51
mrwarmthwonder if there's a correlation between vi/emacs users and unity/gnome3 users?16:51
BigRedSah yeah, it's old-gnomish in that regard16:51
BigRedSbut gnome3's short on configuration, too16:51
BigRedSeven with that tool you download for it16:51
PsychobudgieBigRedS, as MS has decreed that unity is pretty much ubuntu's future, without it you may aswell use something else16:52
AlanBellif you do alt+f2 and type "free the fish" you get a little fish wandering about16:52
BigRedSmrwarmth: vi and unity users are correct, the others are not :)16:52
AlanBellhow do you turn the damn thing off?16:52
BigRedSPsychobudgie: like XFCE or KDE or LXDE?16:52
BigRedSthe only non-choice is Gnome3 for which there's a repo that breaks unity16:52
BigRedSAlanBell: restart gnome-panel16:53
brobostigonBigRedS: it doesnt break unity, i cn sitch between unity and gnome-shell without issue.16:53
BigRedSI was under the impression it did, but I'd already broken unity before installing gnome316:53
PsychobudgieAs gnome 2 is no longer being developed by the gnome team unity will have to move to gnome 3 at some point or stick with a dead package16:53
BigRedSor the unity project will have to absorb the gnome libs they need16:54
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, it broke it here16:54
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, unity would only run in 2d with gnome 3 installed16:54
brobostigonPsychobudgie: it didnt here, on two tries.16:54
brobostigonPsychobudgie: unity 3d still runs fine here.16:54
Psychobudgiemind you, as I dislike unity so much it wasn't something I couldn't live with16:55
brobostigonPsychobudgie: every so often, before release, and after, i wouldswitch back and forth, and see how both were going.16:56
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, same here, normally have one machine using the alpha/beta and another on version16:57
brobostigonPsychobudgie: i play dangerous, i install dev versions to sdhc, and then dist-upgrade when i amhappy.16:57
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, for the first time ever I failed to like natty at any point in development16:58
brobostigonPsychobudgie: samehere to a point, hence i played with the gnome3-teams ppa very early.16:58
PsychobudgieI tried really hard to like unity, I did, I gave it a fair crack at the whip16:58
PsychobudgieI found myself disabling global menus, overlay scrollbars, changing anything and everything I could16:59
Psychobudgiethere came a point when there wasn't any point to using it16:59
oimonPsychobudgie: do you usually use a dock17:00
axtraCan anyybody help me with a wireless question?17:00
Psychobudgiebut hey ho, hopefully come the next lts release things will be a bit better, if not I'll go find another distro17:00
Psychobudgieoiman, I used docky and yes I know he's involved with unity17:00
jelI like the global menu idea; appeals to my amiga history (and my desire for screen realestate).  Unity, the scrollbars, and the window buttons annoy the tits off me though.  Already installed mint on my laptop instead.17:00
BigRedSaxtra: that sounds alarmingly productive :)17:01
BigRedSbut go for it, just ask the question and anyone who can help will :)17:01
jelMight do the same with my desktop when I don't need it for work for a wee while.17:01
oimonPsychobudgie: on the machines i have installed natty on, i'm using classic in the hope that unity will improve by 11.1017:02
Psychobudgiejel, the global menu on workbench though was developed for a time when your average resolution was 640x480 and moving to the menus didn't require a taxi to get there17:02
Psychobudgieoimon, from the noises mark s has been making I'm not getting my hopes up17:02
AlanBellthanks BigRedS17:02
jelPsychobudgie, lol @ the taxi line :)  I actually think they were far superior, hidden until requested.17:03
axtraI was unable to connect to my friend's wireless in Kubuntu - most recent version - using Network manager. I was able to connect to the WiFi in a BT5 livecd, but when I installed Wicd on Kubuntu, I couldn't  connect. I can also connect to my home wifi with this install, so I'm not sure what the problem is17:03
jelAlthough on ami, they blocked the whole UI if I recall correctly :D17:03
jelp.s.: my res was 1280x256 :)17:04
jelOr something like that.17:04
Psychobudgiejel, I'm pretty sure magicwb or mui allowed you to use app based menus rather than the global ones17:05
Psychobudgiejel, this was seen as a step forward at the time17:05
jelAhh, yes, MagicWB.  I knew I was half-remembering another kind of menu :)17:05
Psychobudgiejel, and here we are taking, imo, a step back17:06
Psychobudgiejel, global menus are great if you are on a netbook and using everything in fullscreen.17:06
BigRedSaxtra: do you get any error messages?17:06
Psychobudgiejel, global menus are not great if you are on anything else17:06
axtraBigRedS it alternates between bad password and unable to get ip address17:07
jelPsychobudgie, aye, you might have me convinced :)17:07
jelAs long as we can agree that radial menus are the devil ;)17:08
Psychobudgieoh yes17:08
jelHmm.  Some evil part of my mind just invented radial ribbons.17:08
Azelphurpopey: I got a trading standards enforcement team headed to aircondirect :D17:09
shaunobecause they shipped 1 day too slow?17:09
BigRedSaxtra: hmm, that's odd17:09
BigRedSI'm afraid I'm out of ideas now :(17:09
Psychobudgiejel, radial ribbon marquees17:09
Azelphurshauno: I paid extra for next day, they didn't deliver for 4 days later.17:10
jelPsychobudgie, with blinking notifications?17:10
Azelphurshauno: and ignored multiple requests to not deliver the item as it was no longer required, and refused to acknowledge UK distance selling laws, and have streams of problems people (including uuk people) over their sister company laptops direct17:10
Psychobudgiejel, awesome, if it can in some way interface with an activex control we might be on to a winner17:10
Azelphurso I figured I'd take them to the cleaners over it :)17:10
jelI was thinking XMLRPC.17:11
jelThere may be an XMLRPC activex component, which we can connect to the... let's call it the Mayfair Pole Widget, with the help of yahoo pipes.17:12
screen-xjel: wut?17:13
Psychobudgiejel, should have all its settings saved in the cloud17:13
jelPsychobudgie, yes.  Semantic Web 3.5.17:13
jelIt'll need an active directory plugin, to apply the right variation of cloud settings to different pee-cees.17:14
Psychobudgieright, I really must go get some work donw17:15
jelDon't work too hard after all that brainstorming :)17:15
PalaPadEvening all17:40
popeyAzelphur: http://strugglers.net/~andy/blog/2008/08/27/dont-shop-with-laptops-direct-unless-you-enjoy-marketing-email-and-a-hard-sell/17:56
popeyAzelphur: people from the company are subscribed to that, so do leave a comment and they'll see it :D17:56
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Trials and tribulations with EFI - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/137093.html18:25
ali1234does anyone know how to set firefox to spell checker american?18:49
ali1234preferably without messing up the whole computer18:49
MartijnVdSali1234: install the package that contains it, then right-click in the field and select it?18:50
ali1234oh excellent, thanks18:51
ali1234by default it is on english/australia18:51
HazRPGback from my holidays19:44
brobostigongood evening HazRPG :)19:44
HazRPGbrobostigon: good evening :)19:44
brobostigonyay. :)19:44
brobostigonHazRPG: had fun?19:44
HazRPGbrobostigon: definitely :)19:44
brobostigonHazRPG: where did you go, i know you told, but i cant remember.19:44
HazRPGbrobostigon: Egypt, to see the family19:47
brobostigonHazRPG: ah, :)19:47
HazRPGAlanBell: \o19:47
emmy_t /list19:58
brobostigonemmy_t: no space infront of.19:59
dutchiealso /list on freenode is Not Recommended20:01
brobostigondutchie: irssi warns you, if you are sure, or not.when you issue that command.20:01
dutchieother clients may not20:02
brobostigontrue, yes.20:02
DJonesAlso depends whether they wanted !list or /list20:02
emmy_tjust getting familiarised with things...brand-new to IRC, although been running AIX servers for 20 year20:02
emmy_t...complete newb ;-)20:03
MartijnVdSif you know AIX, Linux will be easy20:03
brobostigonwelcome  emmy_t :)20:03
* brobostigon is not familier with aix, other than whathe has read in history.20:03
MartijnVdSshouldn't that me smitty_t though, as an AIX user :P20:03
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's pronounced "aches"\20:04
emmy_tAIX - Aint unIX20:04
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah,20:04
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's "real" UNIX from IBM, basically20:04
brobostigonMartijnVdS: so it is svr* conformant?20:05
emmy_tAdvanced Interactive eXecutive (or just a good way to charge load of money)20:05
emmy_tyes - well, kind of20:05
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_AIX20:05
emmy_tit's pretty much a hybrid - and gives me a decent salary....20:06
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's from the SysV branch of the UNIX family, but it has more BSD features than other SysV unixes20:06
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Unix_history-simple.en.svg20:06
emmy_tenjoy the reading - but if someone says it has a "registry", I'm gonna give up in this Linux stuff !!!! :-)20:07
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah, interesting. yes i have looked atthat graph, many times, :)20:07
MartijnVdSemmy_t: There's not a registry as such :) Do you have any specific Ubuntu questions? :)20:08
emmy_tnot at the moment - as I said - I'm RTFM, about IRC, and this was the first link I pasted into a *very* new installation of xchat - so wanted to see what it was all about....20:09
MartijnVdSWell.. welcome :)20:10
brobostigonthe closest i have used to that, is either solaris, darwin, or freebsd. i suspect.20:10
emmy_tlooks good, and reminds me back when I used to use "archie" and "gopher" etc (yes, I'm showing my age!!)20:10
MartijnVdSemmy_t: Are you using a commandline/server install, instead of the desktop?20:11
emmy_tI'm just using my wife's laptop (I forced her to use ubuntu as I knew she couldn't break it)20:11
* hamitron has broken it20:12
emmy_ttrust me - she has 3 icons:20:12
emmy_t1 The Internet20:12
brobostigonthats another reason, i give my mum, mumbuntu, :)20:12
emmy_t2 The Word Processor20:12
emmy_t3 The EMAIL20:12
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: granbuntu in my case, but same idea ;)20:12
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yes,quite, :)20:13
DJonesemmy_t: That surprises me, I would have thought #1 would be Facebook rather than internet :)20:13
emmy_tno - no facebook allowed in our house ! ! ! I can't stand the idea of her coming home from work to tend her virtual farm20:13
brobostigonmy mum has broken ubuntu aswell though.20:14
emmy_tno way - how?20:14
brobostigonemmy_t: update manger messing up.20:14
emmy_tdropped the laptop on the floor ?20:14
brobostigonnot her faulti suppose, but she didnt know anydifferent, when apttried toremove some crucial packages.20:15
brobostigonand broke grub2 amongst other things.20:16
emmy_tah - I had that problem with this machine on an older distro (v.8 I think) but with only 3 things to re-install - no big deal ;-)20:16
brobostigonshe clicked update, without realising the consequences.20:17
brobostigonmind you, she has broke android on her phone, enough times.20:17
brobostigonwho knows how.20:18
emmy_tyou need a "do you know the consequences" prompt after the first click (but that's too much a M$ product....20:18
MartijnVdSemmy_t: it shows you one if you try to remove an essential package20:18
brobostigonyes. quite.20:18
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i asked her after, and it didnt do so.20:19
brobostigonquite, yes.20:19
brobostigontook me about 30 mins to fix, with a live cd, so, it wasnt too huge.20:19
brobostigonthe closest mydad has been to unixas far as i know, is either playing games on my mums machine,or looks at websites served by linux servers, inclusive of google.20:22
brobostigonor unix-like.*20:22
brobostigoneeek, sorry dad.20:24
brobostigonhehe, he isntlistening, :)20:24
emmy_twhat - you mean google is running on a unix-like o/s ? ! - The company I work for are adamant that it runs on windoze, 'cos their users can use it through internet explorer20:25
brobostigonemmy_t: i reckon google uses either bsd or linux.20:26
brobostigoni suppose you could use nmap to be sure.20:26
shaunousually that'll just tell you what their loadbalancers use20:28
damiangoogle is really a cluster of hp/compaq ipaq's :)20:28
brobostigonfair point.20:28
shaunohad a friend who had a cluster of ooold compaqs.  tried so hard to convince him that if he just bought a modern computer, he'd have more power, and the leccy bill would pay for itself inside a year :/20:30
brobostigonnoswaith dda daubers20:35
emmy_tanyway - gotta go now20:44
shaunocompletely off-topic, but nerd-friendly - http://www.thinkwithportals.com/music.php  :)20:51
dwatkinsI like Portal 2 a lot, shauno.21:06
shaunonot sure I'd buy the soundtrack, but luckily, they're giving it away21:07
dwatkinsIndeed, I like some of those tunes but not all.21:11
BigRedSIn unity, when I drag my mouse to the left a thing with buttons on it pops out21:18
BigRedSwhat's that called?21:18
BigRedSOh, it's a launcher apparently21:22
aquariuspopey, ping: is postcast.ubuntu-uk.org down?22:11
shaunoppuk has no ipv6?  why fore?22:23
shauno(appears down here too.  pingable, but timeout on http)22:24
HazRPGsame here22:29
bigcalmI want to use ticker-tape storage with syncany22:38
mgdmare you a Markov chain?22:38
BigRedSIf I want to file a bug against the behaviour of the alt+f2 dialog, is that the 'unity' package?22:39
BigRedS(I do mean the one in unity)22:40
BigRedSah, there's other alt+f2 bugs filed against unity. If I'm wrong, at least I'm in company :)22:41
jacobwyeah, i've found it to be buggy as well22:42
BigRedSI'm finding it no more buggy than Gnome 2 so far22:43
BigRedSbut Unity seems to have mistakes, whereas Gnome 2 seems to have dumb ideas22:43
jacobwunity has loads of great ideas22:46
jacobwcathedral vs bazaar22:46
jacobwimo, unity is more bazaar than cathedral22:47
BigRedSwell, it was cathedral and became more bazaar with the natty alpha didn't it?22:48
BigRedScanonical's very cathedral22:48
bigcalm"We appreciate that you have been with Yahoo! Mail for the past 13 years."22:49
bigcalmOh my22:49
BigRedSwell done22:49
BigRedSThat's something of an achievement :)22:49
bigcalmIt's scary22:49
jibadeehabigcalm, you should be given a victoria cross for bravery22:49
bigcalmOr lazyness22:49
bigcalmI opened my yahoo account when I needed a address for spamming. Then it was kept because Flickr requires it22:50
BigRedS"it works, I didn't change it"22:50
bigcalmDon't think I've ever used it for real email22:51
* hamitron has got teh same mail and HAS used it as his primary address all these years22:58
hamitronfinding the imap access on yahoo buggy though :/22:58
BigRedSnobody implements imap properly22:59
bigcalmI made it into the podcast \o/22:59
BigRedSthat's another of my rants :)22:59
hamitronwell, I'm giving ubuntu 1 last try23:00
hamitronif it doesn't work this time, I'm moving23:00
hamitronthat is my main rant23:00
BigRedSwhat's wrong with it? You've still got Gnome 2 haven't yo?23:00
hamitronI can't get X working23:01
hamitronso no23:01
BigRedSohh yeah23:01
jacobwman, it sucks that every beatles/stones/who/zep video on YT has of comments saying 'we hate justin beiber'23:01
BigRedSI just assumed this was yet another unity rant :)23:01
jacobwwho cares :| just chill out23:01
hamitronhell, i have nothing against unity23:01
hamitronapart from teh rants about it23:01
hamitronbut I've installed ubuntu, formated, installed slackware, formated, installed ubuntu23:02
jacobwi've tried gnome shell, it just gives me a headache23:02
hamitronso last chance23:02
BigRedShamitron: is this you having funny/old hardware?23:02
hamitronit isn't funny23:03
jacobwlol, distro cycling23:03
jacobwmaybe it'll work *this* time23:03
hamitrona Geforce 420 go is not old23:03
hamitronwell, not old and useless anyway23:03
BigRedSdidn't a not-that-recent kernel dump a whole load of graphics card support?23:04
hamitronbut I have made a dump of the EDID for this attempt23:04
hamitronyou are kidding?23:04
BigRedSnah, few years ago. I remember it being a list going back to the mid-nineties...23:04
BigRedSI've no idea how old a geforce 420 is though23:05
BigRedSI don't do graphics23:05
hamitrongeforce 4 will be 200423:05
hamitronat a guess23:05
BigRedSoh, I suspect that would've been too recent for that cull23:05
hamitronthe graphics is supported by the nvidia 96 driver23:06
BigRedSthough I'm finding people saying the module wont complile past 2.6.2323:06
hamitronbut there is a problem with screen detection23:06
BigRedSso perhaps23:07
BigRedSfor example23:07
BigRedS(I'm sure you've come across that already, though)23:07
* hamitron facedesk23:08
hamitronthere is a ubuntu package23:09
hamitronwell, no going back now23:13
hamitrongoing to at least try23:13
BigRedSI can't find anything specifically saying support's dropped in .24 though23:13
BigRedSoh cool23:15
hamitronthere is something about a bug with the new kernel23:18
hamitronI'll use an old kernel if I have to23:18
hamitronbut nvidia do update stuff for kernels reasonably well23:19
hamitronthey just weren't willing to rewrite a massive part of the 71 drivers when xorg changed loads23:19
hamitronthey did backport the changes to 96 driver though23:19
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S04E07  Powerslave - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/05/25/s04e07-powerslave/23:28
ubuntuuk-planet[iain woz ere] Greetings, Planet Debian! - http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/blog/posts/2011/05/hello-planet-debian/23:28

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