
az7woooo chat night03:22
Ahmuck-Srhows everybody?17:20
kwadrokeI'm doing ok17:21
kwadrokebut I'll get over it17:21
Ahmuck-Srheh, cheerful i see17:21
kwadrokein an odd mood today17:21
kwadrokehow are you?17:22
Ahmuck-Sri'm well17:22
Ahmuck-Srlooking to visit AR this June for the Peach fesitival17:22
kwadrokePeach festival?17:23
kwadrokeoh, ok17:25
kwadrokenever heard of it before. Don't go to clarksville17:26
kwadroke*I Don't go to clarksville17:26
Ahmuckzillah: looks like ur under tornado watch?22:22
zillahyeah, it's just going to miss us by a few miles22:45
zillahone of them is anyhow, there have been a few touch down already22:45

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