
rick_h__snap-l: heh, oh well00:11
greg-gugh, the infrastructure for this Team Reporting stuff is cumbersome... *grumbles as he gets back to work on it*00:25
snap-lgreg-g: I take it you're playing with the wiki. ;)01:05
greg-gindeed, a bit01:14
* greg-g grumbles01:15
greg-gok, sent to the list the instructions on how to help. Man that was a pain setting that all up01:25
greg-gclick edit.. wait... type type type... click preview.. wait....... click save.. wait............................ INTERNAL SERVER ERROR!01:25
snap-lyeah, I saw a few server errors while looking at the diffs01:26
greg-gok, now to the other work I should do tonight01:27
rick_h__man, why does tornado always seem half baked whenever I go look into it01:28
greg-goh yeah, I/we should add the CHC/Ubuntu Hours to the reports01:41
greg-gdangit, forgot the link on that last tweet/dent01:47
snap-lMan, when rick_h__ and I get to talkin', we really talk. :)02:09
rick_h__snap-l: heh, yea I told you we were bad02:09
snap-lWith music, the show is just shy of an hour02:11
rick_h__heh, good job. I didn't think we'd come in under an hour02:11
snap-lCall it the "extreme blabbermouth edition".02:12
ukonvasarawhat is everyone's opinion of Unity in 11.04?02:30
snap-lI like it02:30
ukonvasaraI like what they did with it but it doesn't seem to be as customizable to me02:31
ukonvasaraI would have rather seen them go with Gnome-shell02:32
snap-lDifferent goals, overall02:33
greg-gukonvasara: I think it'll be interesting to see how things pan out over the next year. Really, it is an exciting time!02:33
snap-lGNOME Shell was about GNOME 3, while UNITY was trying to extend the life of GNOME 2 while at the same time removing a lot of the crufty build-up02:33
ukonvasarasnap-l good point02:34
ukonvasaraI am not abandoning Unity all together but it did make me look more into KDE02:35
ukonvasara^since Gnome-shell does not work right with 11.0402:35
jjesse_anyone got any links, books or a guide for learning soalris?03:15
snap-ljjesse_: Cyanide capsules?03:44
BlazeixStep 1) Assume linux knowledge will transfer. Step 2) Actually use a solaris system. Step 3) Get frustrated and defenestrate it.03:59
snap-lStep 4) See if there's money in the budget to replace all of the Solaris boxes with Linux machines.03:59
snap-lNote that steps 3 and 4 are not the same. ;)04:00
snap-lhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/208718 <- Yay, this bug hit the statute of limitations!04:21
rick_h__greg-g: :( on that tweet there man12:55
rick_h__need a radar alarm system12:55
greg-grick_h__: no kidding, or just be better about checking the radar first thing when I wake up :/12:56
brouscha smell a new mobile app12:56
greg-gyeah, the only setting is "What is the minimum time needed to bike home?" 15, 30, 45, 1hr12:57
greg-gthen an alarm goes off when it detects rain coming you way within that time12:57
brouschthe "detecting rain at your location is the hard part"12:59
rick_h__brousch: bah, image collision detection based on weather maps, that's easy stuff13:07
rick_h__gamers do it all the time13:07
brouschperhaps, but how do you do it for an hour into the future?13:08
rick_h__start out by cheating, mapping 'usual' movement patterns for a location13:10
rick_h__for instance, around here storms tend to travel straight w-e13:10
rick_h__other places it'd probably be more N-S or something13:10
greg-git would definitely be a fun learning project13:10
greg-gyou'd basically be doing what meteorologists did 10 years ago on supercomputers :)13:11
brouschhyperlocal weather forecasts13:11
rick_h__but you'd only have to do it for locations people are actually at/using the app13:11
* greg-g nods13:11
rick_h__which is a bit intersting13:11
greg-gbrousch: get on it! :)13:12
rick_h__ok, let's go get some funding, head to techrunch disrupt13:12
brouschtoo much math for me13:12
greg-gI could probably pseudocode the math for ya ;)13:12
brouschi think we'll need nate oostendorp to parse the radar images for us13:14
rick_h__now we just need to figure out how to make it more mass market13:14
rick_h__not sure we're going to get $$ selling a mobile app to bikers :P13:14
brouschwhy not? they have tons of spare cash due to not buying gas13:15
rick_h__I hear some don't even have smart phones13:15
brouschbut really, such an app would have a huge userbase13:15
brouschany outdoor venue or event13:15
rick_h__only an hour out?13:16
snap-lAnd that's when you learn the intricasies of radar imaging. ;)13:16
rick_h__I think they hit up good old weather reporting13:16
brouschhm, should i head for the golf course now?13:16
brouschdo i need an umbrella for the baseball game?13:17
snap-lJust because there's a pixel over your location doesn't mean you have rain there, and vice versa.13:17
greg-grick_h__: :P13:18
brouschsnap-l: i imagine we'd take animated radar images and project their path an hour into the future, then compare that with the location in question13:18
greg-g(re: the not having smart phones)13:18
rick_h__greg-g: :)13:18
brouschso now we need an sms alert?13:18
snap-lbrousch: Also need to take into account bird flocking patterns that distrupt radar13:18
snap-land give some very interesting images13:18
snap-lWe need to simplify the problem13:19
brouschif someone had the time and inclination to tackle this, i think they could make money13:19
snap-lJust send a SMS message to greg-g every 5 minutes asking him if he's checked the weather13:19
brouschi don't think he'll pay for that13:21
greg-gI would cancel my cellphone service13:22
brouschand buy  a smartphone?13:24
greg-gyeah yeah, I'll do that someday, don't push :)13:25
brouschif you aren't willing to pay $70/mo for a smartphone, how can we expect you to pay $5/mo for hyperlocalweatheralerts?13:28
greg-gif I didn't have to pay $70/mo for a smartphone data plan, I'd be more likely to spend $5 on a hyperlocalweatheralertawesomesaucesystem13:29
_stink_that's version 213:31
rick_h__and like all good ideas...13:34
rick_h__traffic, that one was a winner idea13:34
rick_h__there's your non-biker segment13:34
brouschthugh it's not clear if they just send alerts for thunderstorms and such13:34
brouschgreg-g needs to know if it's going to sprinkle so he can put on his galoshes13:35
greg-glol "$4.99 Per Year Crushing the competitors services that only work in 1 Zipcode!" from https://market.android.com/details?id=com.torwarn.app13:35
brouschi think that one only does severe weather13:36
brouschwe can still own this market13:38
greg-gI think there is something miss, yeah.13:39
brouschpersonally, i use weatherbug which has an hourly forecast based on my location13:40
brouschcity local13:40
brouschbut it has radar and even local webcams13:41
greg-goh yeah! weatherbug! that is still around? I remember than from 200013:41
brouschi hated it and banned it on work pcs, but it's really nice on android13:42
rick_h__and they were one of the apps marked as uploading phone and device info to sell to advertisors13:44
brouschnothing's free!13:44
greg-g"no such thing as a free lunch" man I hate that idiom13:44
brouschoh man, even greg-g is being replaced by robots http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/05/24/2232224/Robots-Retrieve-Your-Books-At-U-Chicagos-81-Million-Library13:47
greg-gnot me, no robot can do what I do, yet.13:47
brouschisn't that what librarians do? ;)13:48
wolfgerI thought they just shushed you....13:49
rick_h__reminder CHC tonight everyone, long 3 hr edition, see you at 7pm Blazeix snap-l _stink_ widox13:51
snap-lWell, I think I'm going to rewrite Piddlepodder (my podcatcher) in Python14:08
snap-lMiro is starting to annoy me with their ads.14:09
brouschbut but, miro syncs to android!14:09
snap-lAnd the Perl code is pretty hairy14:09
snap-lAnd I need a little knock-around project or I'll go insane. ;)14:10
brouschyou also have lococast and omc14:10
brouschcan someone running natty try something for me?14:13
brouschgo to http://pbskids.com/ and try to click on one of the games14:13
greg-gso, the flash in Fx4 on Maverick completely hates that site (I can't see anything, even though all the flash content "loads")14:16
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, those are cooking along. But I need something that'll give me an excuse to do more with sqlalchemy that isn't already rolling14:17
brouschgreg-g: thanks, it was mostly broken for me too14:17
brouschmy kid killed the old macbook he was using, so i hooked him up with ubuntu. he was very disappointed14:18
snap-llucid flash is working (at least I could get the collection jar to do something useful)14:18
brouschon the upside, xubuntu natty looks really nice14:18
brouschmaybe i'll drop it back to lts then14:18
snap-lHere comes the rain14:48
snap-lgreg-g: alert alert14:48
greg-gsnap-l: lol, thanks buddy!14:49
snap-lAnd there's a tornado warning west of us14:54
snap-lSadly, the NOAA has not issued a rapture watch for our counties.14:55
snap-lI mean tornado watch south-west of us14:55
_stink_that's because no one will know the day or time.14:55
jrwrensnap-l: now I have anie lenox in my head15:08
jrwrenor eurithmics.15:09
jrwrenhere comes the rain again...15:09
wolfgerfalling on your head like a DDR3?15:13
wolfgerfalling on your head like a new e-Motion (I'm sure that's got to be an actual product name somewhere....)15:14
snap-ljrwren: That wasn't my intention, but thanks for sharing.15:25
snap-lNow I have it stuck in my head15:25
snap-lIsn't an ear-worm like a cold? (You can't get rid of it until you give it to someone else)15:26
jrwrenhow do ya'll manage your vim PWD ?15:29
jrwrene.g. if you pop between projects do you start a new vim instance or do you cd in vim to the new project? How do you mix this with using vim --remote to send files to your existing vim instance?15:30
rick_h__I use workit to jump into my virtualenv/project path, auto source my virtualenv15:30
rick_h__and then I use gv to start my vim window15:30
jrwreni feel like maybe I wish there were a way to tell vim about a project root15:30
rick_h__which uses the local python15:30
rick_h__the workit command auto dumps me into the project root15:30
=== jjesse__ is now known as jjesse
jrwrengv?  gvim?  gv to me is ghostview15:30
rick_h__and I open up nerdtree so everything is done from the project root15:31
rick_h__helps with fabfile, etc as well15:31
rick_h__https://github.com/mitechie/pyvim/blob/master/.vimrc#L350 use that then so that each window is rooted to it's location15:31
rick_h__makes things like :!git add % and such easy15:31
jrwrenzomg #Lnnn  i had no idea... github FTW15:32
jrwrenoh yes, I think I like that.15:32
jrwrenty rick_h__15:35
jrwrenhow do you intergrate with system clipboard or do you really "+gP to paste if you have copied from web for example15:41
jrwreni'm thinking of using ctrl-v to "paste" since ctrl-shift-v is also visual block mode15:42
rick_h__no, I have ,y and ,p15:43
rick_h__as my yank/paste from clipboards15:43
rick_h__ctrl-v is too powerful for column visual mode15:43
rick_h__I use that a ton15:43
rick_h__fixing indenting, quick replaces, etc15:43
jrwreni like those.15:43
jrwrenI'll use those :)15:43
jrwrenI'm all for customization, but its too bad vim doesn't have a lot of things like this as default15:44
jrwrena great default that is also customizable would be better than no default IMO15:44
jrwrenor I guess a bad default in this case with '+gP15:44
jrwrensee, I even typed it wrong there... ' v. "15:44
snap-lWell, worse is that CTRL-V doesn't behave the same on Linux as it does under Windows15:51
snap-lCTRL-V is column visual mode, but under Windows, it's paste15:51
snap-ldrives me insane15:51
snap-lWell, not insane, but to the insane district, with plenty of shops and free parking.15:52
jrwrenjust found ctrl-6 in vim... i'm forever n00b16:22
jrwrensnap-l: ctrl-v is block visual for me in wondows.16:22
jrwrenare you running easy mode or something?16:22
Blazeixsnap-l: I think the default gvim on windows ships with windows compatibility, which does the ctrl+v funkiness16:44
Blazeixif you turn that off in your __vimrc, ctrl+v is visual mode.16:44
snap-lBlazeix: Ah, OK. Thank you. :)16:52
snap-lI need to copy over my .vimrc over to Windows, but haven't done so16:53
snap-lmostly because I rarely use vim under Windows (rarely use Windows for anything other than e-mail and non-dev work foo)16:53
jrwrenanyone know how i can show older releases on this page? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache216:56
snap-llike 2.0 or 1.3?16:58
rick_h__where's waldo when you need him: http://jessenoller.com/2011/05/25/pycon-everybody-pays/16:59
jrwrenno, like karmic17:15
Blazeixjrwren: like this? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/apache217:18
greg-gwarning, rain is imminent. leave soon or you will get wet.17:22
* wolfger leaves work, tells boss greg-g said so.17:23
jrwrenBlazeix: yes, like that, but I didn't see that link on that page.17:26
jrwrenI had to click a newer release and replace the version with "karmic"17:26
snap-ljrwren: It was near the bottom of the page you linked.17:44
snap-lEr, not for karmic, though17:44
snap-lKarmic isn't supported anymore.17:44
jrwrenright, yet the karmic lp page still exists... but how would I find it?18:02
snap-lI think that's the idea; they don't want you to easily find it. ;)18:12
snap-lbecause it's not supported.18:12
greg-gwarning, it is now too late to leave, you are already wet. Now you must wait X hours18:14
snap-lMy back yard is a swamp18:14
snap-lSump pump is working, but the ground is super-saturated.18:14
greg-gcrazy thunder here, and it just started to downpour again18:14
greg-gsnap-l: you are subscribed to all wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam/* pages right? Have you seen any edits on the team reports? I don't know if I am also subscribed in the same way18:19
snap-lHaven't paid close attention, but I've seen some wiki edits fly by18:19
brouschgreg-g: i saw some mentions of me on those pages from google alert18:22
greg-gbrousch: :) yeah, I liked to your blog posts18:23
brouschgoogle alert was right on top of it18:24
greg-gcool, I find that my tweets are found days later, while my dents are found almost instantly by GoogAlerts18:25
brouschwell there's only like 1 new dent/second while there are millions of tweets to sort through18:26
greg-gbrousch: bah! :P I've also discovered by tweeter's search doesn't pick up my tweets. Like if you did a hashtag search, I don't show up. THEY'RE CENSORING ME!18:28
brouschgreg-g: oh geez, supposed to fill out team reports every month?18:50
greg-gbrousch: yeah18:52
greg-ghopefully the work to streamline the process will get somewhere now18:53
snap-lI hope to God there's a streamlining approach18:57
snap-lbecause the wikis are frankly a pain in the ass18:57
snap-lSomething like attaching to a team meeting or event would be handy.18:57
greg-gyou know, we have this handy new system that plans and even records events, the LoCo Directory. I htink the reporting should be dang near automatic from that18:58
snap-lding ding ding ding18:58
snap-lDrives me batty when people ask for reports that can easily be tied to another system.18:59
* greg-g nods19:01
snap-lI think I just squee'd a bit19:19
Blazeixjrwren: I got to that page by clicking 'full publishing history,' then I clicked 'karmic'19:26
Blazeixit's sort of coming at it sidewise, though19:26
snap-lI'm downloading Fedora to give it the ol' test in a VM19:34
snap-lhttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/fedora-15-alpha-wont-install-inside-virtualbox-4-0-4-a-869879/ <- Wow, and we say some people in Ubuntu are caustic19:35
_stink_the guy is from Ann Arbor, too19:38
_stink_i thought everyone in Ann Arbor was a kindly tree-hugger19:41
brouschthere is a small ring of gun-toting, meat-eating, angry, michigan militia type19:45
brouschthey are even grumpier than most because they're surrounded by hippies19:45
_stink_poor guys, yeah19:46
brouschamazon app atore is pretty nice19:46
brouschi'm going to try a cat in the hat app and super why19:46
jrwrenBlazeix: I couldn't find the full publishing history link.19:47
jrwrenwow... John VV is a d.b.19:48
jrwreni think an even better question is... why do people use linuxquestions.com :)19:48
jrwrenbrousch: meat eating??? dude... AA is full of meat eaters.19:49
jrwrenthe farmers market sells local grown hippie meat.19:49
jrwrendoes greg-g eat meat? if he does... well... i bet he'd love some farmers market meat.19:49
TeamXlinkhttp://grandrapids.craigslist.org/sys/2359079690.html Is this worthwhile?20:01
_stink_$20 is too much imo20:01
_stink_i guess it depends on how much you 'need' it.20:02
TeamXlinkIt looks like it comes with with the motherboard, I'm emailing the poster too see what type it is.20:02
_stink_in that case, maybe.20:03
TeamXlinkFrom the picutre, it looks like it has 4-6 ram slots and some pci slots, maybe agp.20:04
TeamXlinkI'm not sure.20:04
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
TeamXlinkThe case looks like a standard ATX case, which I should be able to use if/when I build a new/another pc.20:05
jrwrenrick_h__: so the lcd with the buf change, does that read a tags file? what if your tags file is a few dirs up? or do you manually load tags?20:07
jrwren+1 does not look worth $20, but you can be nice and take it from him for free and then recycle it instead of letting it go to landfill, or repurpose the case20:08
rick_h__jrwren: so two partst20:10
rick_h__and then to keep my tags up to date, I auto run the ctags command as part of workit20:10
rick_h__so whenever I start on a project, it reruns tags on that project20:10
jrwrenyeah, I'm fine with rerunning ctags20:12
rick_h__but yea, that line in my .vimrc says to hit up parent dirs20:12
snap-lPlaying with sip clients, and actually have them working20:12
jrwrenholy shit... it will search parents for tags??? HOT!!!20:12
snap-lapparently something changed.20:12
rick_h__jrwren: yea, I keep all my tag files in the project root20:13
jrwrenme too20:13
brouschok, i'm trying to use my first amazon ec2 instance, and i can't figure out how to connect21:24
brouschi have a keypair, and the instance has an ip address21:24
brouschit is aparently running21:24
krondorbrousch:  did you configure your security group21:26
brouschit gave me a group21:26
brouschdefault group21:27
krondordid you give it an elastic ip21:29
brouschis there a firewall blocking ssh maybe?21:29
krondoryou confirmed your security group has 22 tcp and sourceefined21:29
krondorsource defined that is21:29
krondorcan't hurt to allow your outbound as well21:31
brouschi added port 22, no change21:33
brouschwait, ubuntu doesn't come with openssh-server installed21:35
brouschhow do i install it?21:35
brouschbah, fuckme21:37
brouschi was using the wrong ip address21:37
brouschi'm in now21:37
snap-lflood warnings for Macomb and Wayne21:48
snap-lbe careful out there, everyone21:48
_stink_yeah, 696 closed at least one way (Westbound, i think) at Greenfield21:52
brouschthis is fun21:53
widoxshould be a fun drive to CHC, woohoo22:44
snap-lwidox: Yeah, I'm wondering if I should borrow my parents canoe.22:47
snap-lInteresting. :)22:54
snap-lI think this will be more successful than Ohloh was.22:54
greg-gsnap-l: except, the whole bound to github thing :)23:11

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