
orangeninjahello vychune01:44
vychunehow you doing01:45
orangeninjagood, how are you?01:46
vychunegot a surprise upon logging itno midsouthmakers's chan01:48
vychune<CTDummy> vychune: Message from Svpernova09: I'm really glad your herpes test was negative01:48
orangeninjalol, well congrats......01:49
vychunehe was just messing01:49
orangeninjaha, I know.01:49
vychuneand it not that funny01:50
vychune!weather 3811601:50
vychuneoops wrong chan01:50
orangeninjahere you go, 83 and partly sunny01:51
orangeninjaat least i my zip01:51
vychunebtw where wrst bot01:52
orangeninjayou do OK with the flooding down that way vychune ?01:53
vychuneyes im very far from the river down here01:54
wrstvychune: working on another one01:54
vychuneoh ok wrst01:55
orangeninjavychune: midsouthmakers is a maker group near memphis right?02:00
oriaswhy do you ask?02:46
orangeninjaOh, I thought it was I remeber something about it several months back.03:01
orangeninjaI don't know about any local maker groups up here.03:01
oriasThere's us in Memphis (MidsouthMakers) a group in Knoxville and ofc HC in Nashville03:04
oriasHuntsville has Makers Local as well03:05
oriasare you in Memphis?03:07
orangeninjai am in Nashville03:08
oriaschecked out HC yet?03:11
orangeninjalooking at the site now03:11
orangeninjathanks to your link03:12
vychunethanks for answering in my absence orias03:28
vychunelocobot_4: o/03:39
cyberangerAnyone here using 64 bit on their desktops (I've only used it on servers)07:19
cyberangerI would care to know if you've been seeing any 64 bit only issues as of late07:19
chris4585cyberanger, not lately, but the only issue I even encountered was with flash07:20
cyberangernot lately, good, that's what I want to hear07:22
chris4585well I meant not lately by that specific issue ^07:23
cyberangerI'm looking to upgrade, between ram and the hdd, I have to use Grub2 (or a mess of patches) for GPT (instead of MBR) to deal with a limitation on hard discs07:23
cyberangerand memory is 16 GB, which will mean 64 bit07:24
chris4585you could use the pae kernel, I'm using it and ubuntu automatically installed it07:24
cyberangerchris4585: it's the biggest issue I hear, 32 bit code on x64, and you've not had it lately07:24
cyberangerthe x64 or x86 pae kernel?07:25
cyberangerchris4585: yeah, but that might not solve the HDD issue, just the ram issue07:27
chris4585there is an HDD issue?07:28
cyberangerI can try x86-PAE first, worst case, I reinstall with x64-pae07:28
chris4585x86 pae kernel, I have 4gbs of ram and a x64 cpu and ubuntu installed the x86 pae kernel07:29
chris4585using the 32bit iso ^07:29
cyberangerchris4585: 2.19TB07:30
chris4585are you serious? I didn't know that07:30
cyberangerand I'm seeing conflicting info on ubuntu setting the HIGHMEM64 option07:31
cyberangerchris4585: more in hardware than linux it seems yes07:31
cyberangerchris4585: yeah, it's gotta have GUID Partition Table (GPT) instead of an MBR07:33
chris4585ah, I didn't know that07:34
cyberangerand Unified Extensible Firmware Interface instead of the BIOS07:34
cyberangerthere is also a limitation in the PAE HIGHMEM64 option, each process is limited to ~3.75GB but I hope that's not a concern for awhile07:39
cyberangerchris4585: you answered what really concerned me, the biggest issue, 32 bit code running on 64 bit being too buggy07:41
cyberangerflash for example07:42
cyberangeryou've not had any issues of late07:42
cyberangerI've been at this for awhile tonight, checking hardware with debian and ubuntu07:44
cyberangerand so on, if I'm putting this much into it07:44
cyberangerchris4585: thanks07:46
cyberangerchris4585: this is gonna be the most powerful (and possibly most expensive) rig I've built07:50
cyberangergotta do my homework before I invest07:51
cyberangerI'm excited though, this will be sweet07:54
chris4585I don't think I'd worry about the flash so much, I haven't heard of many issues with it lately08:08
chris4585doing the research sucks I can assure you that, I've had to do it before, but its worth it to get hardware that works flawless08:09
chris4585I'm going to sleep, good night cyberanger08:09
cyberangerchris4585: indeed08:11
cyberangernormal rig isnt as much work too08:11
cyberangerthis is too much power08:11
wrstmorning everyone13:35
cyberangerMorning wrst13:52
cyberangerwrst: your using 64 bit too right?14:06
wrstcyberanger: me no I haven't?14:24
wrstcyberanger: well take that back I do use 64 on the desktop since I have 8 GB of RAM and I just ordered a laptop and will likely run 64bit on it also14:26
cyberangerwrst: any issues14:41
cyberangerwrst: getting parts for a rig that will require it14:41
wrstcyberanger: No only with flash I've always had to run an alpha version of flash that I haven't looked or updated lately14:41
wrstthe 32 bit wrapped flush sucks14:42
wrstthats on both ubuntu and arch14:42
wrstI think possibly that broadcom wireless on 64bit may be a bit of a pain14:42
wrstatleast on ubuntu14:42
cyberanger16GB ram and 3TB HDD, gonna have to use 64 bit when that arrives, made sure that wifi was a open chip type14:43
cyberangerflash is always a pain, but it has worked, yes?14:43
cyberangerthe 64 bit alpha?14:44
wrstyes and I think it may be in the wild now cyberanger not for sure14:45
wrstyou building a new system?14:46
cyberangerwrst: will be, soon enough14:46
wrstcool cyberanger that's a beast14:47
cyberangermini-itx more powerful and more compact than any other of my rigs14:47
cyberangerquad core i5, 3.33 Ghz14:47
wrstI have a mini-itx atom powered server I love that form factor14:47
wrstnice cyberanger :)14:47
wrstcyberanger: I've not had intel chips in a long time but new laptop has an i3 in it14:47
cyberangerwrst: how many cores?14:48
wrstwanting to go 4 but... just a little more money than I could get out with14:49
wrsthang on i will get you a link14:49
cyberangerand I've always had Intel chips personally (not that I don't like AMD, just the other chips work, wifi, video, audio, no hassle, and for that without a cost difference, why not)14:49
wrstyes cyberanger i'm not so up on the video would have preferred NVIDIA but price once again14:50
cyberangerbut it it's an intel video chip, it probally works14:51
cyberangerwrst: nice14:51
wrstthat's what I know cyberanger along with the wireless and I like that14:52
cyberangerthis is going to be a desktop, but since it's Mini-ITX it'll be travel sized14:52
wrstso I am looking forward to a "just works" linux experience with it14:52
cyberangerhey vychune14:52
vychunewhat are you guys talking about this morning14:52
wrstyeah cyberanger you will really like all that i think and 16GB of RAM not for sure what I woudl do with all of that14:53
wrstvychune: hardware hardware hardware :)14:53
wrstvychune: good morning14:53
cyberangerand I'm seeing how I might be able to build a custom case for it, nice and compact, see about adding a keyboard (leave the mouse out, I have enough usb devices for that, and could probally find a touch pad or something)14:54
cyberangerit wouldn't be a laptop, but it could head to linux confrences next year, and stuff like that14:55
wrstcyberanger: get a keyboard with a touch pad built in?14:56
cyberangerand plug in with no cable clutter14:56
cyberangerwell, I've not quite worked that out yet, with the hardware mod stage being worked over14:56
wrstahh :)14:57
cyberangeryeah, not too sure where the ram will get used, exactly14:58
cyberangerbut between VirtualBox and Ramdisks, and other work, it will14:58
wrstyeah I mean asssign 4GB of ram to a guest os how cool will that be?15:00
wrsti do that some with vista on my VM on my desktop but you will still have 12GB left!15:00
vychuneat first i saw WMware lol isnt that hard to use15:06
wrstvychune: ?15:07
wrstohh no I use virtual box vychune15:08
vychunei tested bodhi linux on it a few days ago15:09
wrsthow is it?15:10
wrstits ubuntu based?15:10
vychunei like it15:10
vychuneidk think its *buntu based though let me check15:11
vychuneyes it isd15:12
cyberangervychune: VMWare isn't bad, but not as simple15:13
vychunei didnt say it was bad15:13
vychuneim just lazy15:14
vychuneso i like VB15:14
wrstvychune: i'm lazy too15:15
vychuneMootBot: tell wrst he's lazy15:16
wrstha :)15:16
vychunewho's bot is locobot?15:16
vychuneis that the logger?15:16
cyberangervychune: one of two15:17
vychuneoh ok15:17
cyberangerwrst: it'll make squid fly15:19
wrstha ha yes15:19
cyberangerhaving a pretty hughe ramdisk for for squid and perhaps some files for apache15:19
vychunewhat is sqiud?15:20
cyberangeran HTTP Caching Proxy15:22
vychunethanks wrst15:23
cyberangerit's useful15:26
cyberangerbut yeah, one bottleneck I can't do too much to fix is the internet15:34
cyberangerbut I can upgrade my lan at least15:34
cyberangerGigabit LAN15:35
cyberangerand with it in Ram, no delay from HDD I/O15:35
Xpistoswhat is going on home scrollnicks!15:36
cyberangerhey Xpistos15:37
cyberangerhow's it going15:37
Xpistosnot bad, sleepy but not bad15:37
cyberangerwoot, just setup a transparent proxy, suprised I never did that before15:52
=== Xpistos is now known as Lunch4Xpistos
cyberangerwrst: ok, thanks18:56
vychunehey guys20:07
vychunegot the bot up?20:12
wrstbah laptop fried been delayed20:14
vychuneWHAT HAPPENED?20:15
wrstpoor airflow the laptop is about 5 years old and had one of the first I think amd dual core processors in it always ran hot and sucked air from the bottom where you always had it laid so lasted much longer than i expected but not as long as I would have liked so I could have replaced it a little better than I did20:18
vychunebummer dude20:19
vychuneget a netbook?20:21
wrstno vychuneI use a notebook for a lot of stuff, and prefer a little more full size feel20:22
wrstvychune: its one of these: http://www.amazon.com/A52F-XA4-15-6-Inch-Versatile-Entertainment-Laptop/dp/B004RCNS4W/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1306331394&sr=8-420:23
vychunenow that my friend is a laptop20:24
Lunch4Xpistoshey cyberanger with the skype news recently, I may want to get a sip server going. Can I get away with a P3 on that?20:28
vychunewhat's up my ninja lol20:39
wrstvychune: its ok i woudl have preferred nvidia video, but i like the HDD space a lot20:39
vychuneoh ok20:40
orangeninjasup homie20:42
wrsthello orangeninja20:42
wrstLunch4Xpistos: how you doing?20:42
orangeninjadoing good, how about you guys?20:43
=== Lunch4Xpistos is now known as Xpistos
Xpistoswrst: fair20:43
vychuneLunch4Xpistos: got sum for me?20:43
Xpistosaggrievation, sure. Have all you want20:43
XpistosI am working on day 4 with a migrane20:43
orangeninjaman I hate those Xpistos, hope it gets better for you soon20:45
Xpistosthanks brother20:45
vychunethe pounding sensitivity to light gosh20:46
vychuneget well soon20:46
Xpistosat least it has been moving20:47
vychunemoving? ouch20:48
linuxman410wrst u here21:25
linuxman410cyberanger u here21:26
wrsthey linuxman41021:33
linuxman410wrst how come xubuntu 11.04 has unity too21:33
wrstbeats me linuxman410?21:34
wrstdidn't know it did, that's silly21:35
linuxman410wrst there is a unity 2d out now21:36
wrstyeah has been for a while QT based too which is interesting21:36
cyberangerlinuxman410: mistake?21:48
linuxman410cyberanger what mistake21:48
cyberangerxubuntu unity21:50
linuxman410cyberanger whhen i booted up it said something about unity the live cd21:51
cyberangerbut didn't actually boot unity?21:51
linuxman410cyberanger no i do not guess but what are the icons on bottom21:52
linuxman410cyberanger xubuntu has icons on the bottom now21:53
cyberangerXpistos: perhaps, depends on the task, the load21:58
Xpistoswell I would need to assume 6 callers21:59
cyberangerI'd be able to presume no, based on the motherboards ram limitation for common P3 boards22:00
cyberangeror more accurately, a strech that seems unrealistic for 'on-air' quality22:01
Xpistoswe are a bit away from that need, but I want to proceed with that in mind22:02
* cyberanger nods22:08
cyberangerwrst: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidMemory23:29
cyberangerplus the idea of a ramdisk cache, might give you an idea on some ram usage23:30

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