
altharathe official stance from cannonical is one group per state, blah blah. It's highly impractical but it's what we have to work with.00:45
altharaOne thing I would love to see is people in all parts of the state putting on events00:46
altharaBut it's unfair to expect those of us who are interested and are located close to Seattle to not have events close to Seattle.00:46
Uber_GeekI hear you there00:52
Uber_Geekand visa versa00:52
kdubgeography is always a problem00:52
altharaI welcome anyone who is interested in spearheading events in their region to do so. No one will stop you. And to the extent that I am personally able to help I will.00:53
altharaIt's one of my long term visions for the LoCo to have distribution to the other population centers of the state.00:53
altharaBut we have to start somewhere to get traction. Which to be honest the group doesn't have at this point.00:54
* kdub is spying from san diego00:54
kdubbut sympathizes with althara 00:54
altharaWe only do one regular event which is mostly a hold over from when the loco was the PNW LoCo. And that is linuxfest in bellingham.00:55
Uber_Geekwhen is that?00:55
altharaIt was the last weekend of April this year.00:55
altharaLast year we also did release parties for Lucid and Maverick in south seattle.00:55
Uber_Geekwish I had know about these before :)00:56
altharaSpeaking of evens there is a bug hug day on the 26th00:56
altharaIt would be cool to have some virtual attendance from the loco peeps00:56
altharaSorry to get on my soap box about the even stuff. But I hear that a lot from people, and I haven't seen anyone stand up and take the initiative in creating events in other parts of the state.01:01
tenachWell, let's get people coordinated and eventualy have an east/west regional thing?01:01
Uber_Geekwell now that I know about these groups, and  I have added them to my daily activities to monitor  I hope to get more active and so what I can.01:03
altharaGood idea, tenach. Can you create a wiki page for people to sign up for volunteer duties? Maybe columns with their name, contact info such as they are willing to provide publicly, region and what they are willing to volunteer to do. Examples for volunteer duty could be event coordination/car pool provider/people recruiter/lug presenter.01:05
altharaUber_Geek: awesome :)01:05
tenachI can do that althara 01:08
altharaSuper, thanks. :D01:08
altharaAnything created under the wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam page gets auto linked at the bottom of that page. I.e /WashingtonTeam/VolunteerHere or something.01:10
Uber_GeekI am heading home from the office.  will log in later.01:11
tenachSee you then!01:11
altharahave a good evening :)01:11
tenachalthara: would /Volunteer be fine or do you want it as /VolunteerHere ?02:52
altharaVolunteer should be fine02:53
altharawe can always move it if it's too ambiguous02:53
tenachAye, true.02:53
tenachOh, we could do like others do, and have /GetInvolved02:54
tenachsounds more appealing, I think.02:54
altharasounds good :)02:54
tenachWhat avenues for social media have been created for this LoCo?02:59
altharafacebook page, twitter and identica account02:59
altharaand a posterous account to feed out to all of those02:59
tenachWhile I'm making the getting involved page, do you mind if I rearrange some information?03:04
altharanot at all03:04
tenachAlrighty. :)03:04
valorieyay, a volunteer!!!!!!!!!03:07
altharaHi valorie :)03:07
* valorie sucks at wiki-pages03:07
valoriehi althara03:07
valorieI am also recovering from a killer cold03:08
tenachHello valorie 03:08
valoriehave been a big mucus blob03:08
tenachDecided that I should stop lurking and actually *do* something for the LoCo LP says I'm part of. ;D03:08
valorieif all our members did that, we'd be "accepted" in no time!03:09
tenachWell, let's get us to that 'accepted' status then. :D03:09
valoriewe would love that03:10
Uber_GeekSorry bout the disconnects, Had an issue with my connection, think it is fixed now17:37
cjI wish my irc client would stop falling off the internets22:35
Uber_Geekuse pidgin22:36
cjyou mean finch?22:36
cjI'm going to have to move irssi over to one of the colos.  I don't really want it on any of the production systems...22:36
seattlegauchoUber_Geek: pidgin stopped working properly for me ... I now use PSI+ and never looked back22:38
Saltseattlegaucho, russian?22:40
* seattlegaucho testing maverick ... still f!@#$%^ strugling with the broacom wifi drivers22:40
seattlegaucho... and that is why I wasn't as kinds as I'd like in the survey22:40
Salti really want to play with bitlbee22:40
Saltcj, just set znc up22:41
seattlegauchopsi+ aka psiplus in apt repos22:41
Saltremove yourself from im client lockin!22:41
Saltseattlegaucho, yes, the russian client22:41
seattlegauchomy favorite public IM client is www.meebo.com ... to the cloud!22:42
Uber_GeekI cheated with Pidgin, I moved my .purple folder to the ubuntu one folder, and did symbolic links on all my machings to the ~ folder, so UbuntuOne syncs all my pidgin files across all my systems.22:43
seattlegauchoI would've used unison to sync between machines22:46
cjSalt: znc?22:46
cjheya seattlegaucho!22:46
Uber_GeekI have windows and linux machines ;)22:46
cjI'm going to be in Seattle next Thursday & Friday.  Will you?22:47
Saltcj, it's a bouncer22:47
cjUber_Geek: putty on windows, gnome-terminal on X and getty on the console.  All quite capable of ssh'ing to a server and running screen :)22:47
cjSalt: proxy-like?22:48
Saltyeah, you just point your client at it, it stays all connected22:48
Salti like the layout of xchat22:48
Saltbut i use andchat on the phone22:49
Saltand irssi on servers22:49
Saltor weechat22:49
Salteither way, i just have to have one znc instance22:49
Uber_GeekI don't want to appear online when I am not :)22:50
=== ubuntu is now known as seattlegauchoII
seattlegauchoIIstoopid kde netbook remix22:51
seattlegauchodoes anyone know if there is a painless way to go from 10.11 gnome install to a kde 11.04 install as painless as possible?22:53
seattlegauchomaybe start with a dist_upgrade and go from there?22:53
seattlegauchoopinions? wild guesses?22:53
seattlegauchohiya cj22:54
Uber_Geekclean install ,  but on a netbook you might like gnome 3 better.22:55
seattlegauchoIII want to keep what I already have ... clean install would wipe it out22:56
seattlegauchoIIie: spideroak cloud backup and a bunch of other stuff22:56
seattlegauchoII... might try the alternate CD for the dist_upgrade22:56
Uber_Geekgoing from 10.10 to 11.04 really funked up my netbook, so I did a clean install to fix it.  alot of my packages, like xscreensaver the distro upgrade removed.22:57
seattlegauchocrap! the same bug from more than a year ago is still there reg the broadcomm driver!22:57
SaltUber_Geek, that's configable22:58
seattlegauchoUber_Geek: 10.04 to 10.10 funked my netbook ... did clean install and it was a pain in the butt to get everything back up22:58
seattlegauchoespecially since I have to go through the pain of getting the broadcomm driver back into working shape after 3 distros!22:59
Uber_GeekI have 10.04 on an external drive, and tried going to 10.10 then 11.04.   wouldn't boot after that :(22:59
seattlegauchoI'm just going to stick to apt-get dist_upgrade and hope for the best :(23:00
Uber_GeekSalt: you in Seattle?23:01
seattlegauchobit the bullet ... going the automatic route to take my netbook "to 11"23:13
valorieI updated mine the easy way -- had the son do it23:15
valorieI was rather busy at the time, so that's my excuse23:15
seattlegauchoI'm in between projects ... so I decided it was a good time to do it23:16
seattlegauchoright now staying clear of KDE ... the netbook remix sucks! 23:16
valorieI never tried that23:17
valorienow the netbook interface is just one of the choices23:17
valorieI like it, but everyone has different tastes23:18
seattlegauchoI like it better than Unity23:18
seattlegaucho... and it has a few features that remotely mimick some that I use frequently on the desktop23:19
seattlegauchowhat I'll (try to) do is to upgrade as-is staying with gnome and then just drop the kde virtual package on top of it23:20
seattlegaucho... and go from there23:20
SaltUber_Geek, yes23:21
valorieI've done it that way, but found I prefer a clean kub. install, and then add in the gnomie bits I like23:22
valorienot sure what else23:23
seattlegauchosynaptic is my favorite gnome stuff23:28
seattlegauchoxchat used to be until I started liking quassel23:28
seattlegauchonow I miss the quassel features when I have to use xchat23:29
Uber_GeekI'll have to try quassel23:48

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