
=== dead_letter is now known as MTecknology
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbmhall119, cjohnston, Daviey: We have responses from the survey.  I've mailed you folks.12:44
chayniemhall119: you around?13:05
Davieynigelb, ta13:13
nigelbDaviey: :)13:14
mhall119chaynie: morning13:14
nigelbGood morning mhall119 :)13:14
mhall119nigelb: morning13:14
mhall119or evening13:14
mhall119evening it is then13:15
mhall119nigelb: what city are you in?13:15
nigelbmhall119: Bangalore13:16
* mhall119 adds Bangalore time to the Unity clock applet13:16
chaynie mhall119: cjohnston finally guilted me in to helping out. What should I do to get started?13:24
chayniecjohnston wields guilt not unlike a fireman's axe.13:24
mhall119nigelb: reading over this feedback, it seems 30% of the requests just involve educating the user (or making existing features easier to find)13:27
mhall119chaynie: helping out on what?13:27
mhall119summit? loco-directory?13:27
chayniemhall119: loco directory I think.13:28
chayniesomething involving python and django.13:29
mhall119loco-directory is a nicer place to get started13:31
chaynieshould I checkout trunk from bzr then and start poking around?13:33
mhall119there are instructions for getting your local env setup13:33
mhall119you know where to find cjohnston and I if you need help13:34
YoBoYcan I ask a stupid question on the LD project ?13:37
YoBoYwhy all the code is in a "loco-directory" folder and not in the root of the project folder, it's a django who need a folder always with the same name ?13:39
cjohnstonI don't know the true answer.. mhall119 would maybe be able to shed some light13:40
* YoBoY don't like to have to enter in so many folders to start hacking ^^"13:41
nigelbmhall119: heh13:42
nigelbcjohnston: I like one of them13:42
nigelbmhall119: I like the one where they want to select the sessions one is interested13:43
chaynieYoBoY: The deeper hierarchy encourages good namespacing, which is important for larger projects. :)13:43
YoBoYchaynie: sure, but in my case I have to cd loco-directory/loco-directory/loco-directory13:44
cjohnstonI have a Projects folder, in there I have a LoCo Directory, Summit, etc... In LoCo Directory I would have a trunk/ and then the bugs I'm working on13:46
cjohnstonso cd Projects/loco-directory/xx/loco-directory13:46
chaynieYoBoY: echo "alias lll='loco-directory/loco-directory/loco-directory'" >> ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc13:47
YoBoYcjohnston: yes when I try to hack first thing is to make a new branch (your xx) but I keep the "original" your trunk in the default name13:47
nigelbYoBoY: well, the correct way to do it is like what Ubuntu distributed development tries13:48
nigelbyou create a repo and then keep making branch from that and work on those branches13:48
nigelbquite like what launchpad development is like13:49
YoBoYlike I said, it's just a stupid question, and only concern the inside loco-directory folder not how we work with projects13:49
mhall119YoBoY: "loco_directory" is the python project14:14
mhall119django project, sorry14:15
mhall119this is the simplest directory structure for keeping a django project in a branch14:15
mhall119think of "loco_directory" as equivilent to "src" that you find in most source trees14:16
mhall119also, do what cjohnston and nigelb suggested, bzr init-repo loco-directory, then bzr branch lp:loco-directory trunk"14:17
mhall119then you can "bzr branch ./trunk ./fix-bug-12345"14:17
YoBoYsure, thanks14:18
mhall119YoBoY: I've recently been following this: http://micknelson.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/sharing-your-development-environment-across-branches/ and it's been working out very well14:21
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb; ^^ you guys might be interested in that too14:21
YoBoYthe switch seems great :) I'll have to try it on one of my team projects :D14:27
dakermhall119, i ma using django 1.3 at work and i can't work on LD since it needs django 1.1.1, do you know can i run 1.3 & 1.1.1 on the same machine ?14:33
mhall119daker: you can with virtualenv14:33
dakerany docs ?14:33
mhall119on virtualenv, yes, on using it for loco-directory, no14:40
mhall119but I can give you a quite setup14:41
dakerok give me14:43
mhall119I'm writing it up in the wiki, give me a few minutes14:44
mhall119daker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/Development#Using%20Virtualenv14:51
mhall119whoops, should be python2.6 not 2.314:51
nigelbmhall119: that's sort of exactly what I use for summit and LD :)14:56
dakermhall119, is it --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 .env or --python=/usr/bin/python .env? because on natty there is no python2.615:18
dakeron /usr/bin/ there is just python & python2.715:18
mhall119no 2.6 on natty? mine must be left over from maverick then15:20
mhall119I don't *think* there's an issue using 2.715:20
dakeralso virtualenv needs a destination dir15:20
mhall119if that's all you have, you don't need the --python option at all15:21
mhall119daker: that's the .env part15:21
dakerthanks mhall11915:24
mhall119np, happy hacking15:24
nigelbmhall119: generally using /usr/env/python works :)15:25
nigelbmhall119: erm, /usr/bin/env python :)15:28
nigelbmhall119: wait, ignore me15:28
nigelbmhall119: sorry, wrong context.15:28
cjohnstonmhall119: whats the status of django-openid-auth?15:45
mhall119cjohnston: I got a hold of jamesh last night (morning in Australia) to ask him to pickup the 2 outstanding MPs15:47
mhall119once they've landed, I'll bug achuni to build a new package15:48
mhall119or get the package branch from him and do it myself15:48
cjohnstonwould be aweosome if we could get it fixed in the next few days15:48
mhall119why the next few days?15:48
cjohnstoncuase im tired of waiting ;-)15:48
nigelbjoey: heh, did you say "Its awesome! I want to hug the developers!" ;)16:58
joeyNo, but that's a neat idea for the next time :-)16:58
joeyI put in the same info we have bugs for16:59
mhall119hugging us is a neat idea16:59
* joey wonders what his wife would think.16:59
nigelbmhall119: I have a suggestion17:01
mhall119does it involve hugs?17:01
nigelbcan we move to celery for the tasks we now run on cron for LD and summit?17:01
mhall119joey: she can hug us too, it that'll help17:01
nigelbthat way an admin can control it from the web UI17:01
joeymhall119: oh I'm sure it'll help :-)  She's just never in the same spot as me17:02
mhall119nigelb: if you want to make that happen, I'd support it17:02
nigelbmhall119: If we can get rid of critical bugs, that's a feature I'd like to work on.17:02
mhall119nigelb: +117:02
nigelbGot the idea from Launchpad.17:03
nigelbSee? Working on LP isn't that bad :)17:03
joeymhall119: although, she might make a guest appearance at UDS Orlando .... there's some talk about doing a disney vacation17:06
* cjohnston hands out directions to mhall119's house17:06
mhall119joey: my family has disney passes, so we'll go on any planned group trip17:15
dakermhall119, each time i need to install django on Virtualenv or what ?17:18
mhall119daker: each time you create a new virtualenv, yes17:18
mhall119but you can re-use the same .env for all of your LD branches17:18
Ronniemhall119: it could be nice if the commands are explained a bit more17:29
Ronniemhall119: and what about jquery libs in virtual env?17:29
nigelbRonnie: jquery works despite virtualenv17:29
nigelbokay, I'll fix this up17:29
nigelbI mean, its on my list, but just not *right now*17:30
Ronnienigelb: 10.10 has a newer jquery than 10.04. In 10.10 is a bug. so if that coud be fixed by virtual env, that should be cool17:31
nigelbRonnie: It can't.17:31
nigelbRonnie: We'll just have to tell people to manually drop a particular version of jquery17:31
nigelbThis reminds me need more documentation for new developers.17:32
=== daker is now known as daker_

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