
fogobogowoot. buntu! ubu!00:00
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
Thraspicyou guys know of any ansi art drawing programs, for X, not ncurses?00:01
IIAir_LeoIII found gambas but when running ./configure i says bash: ./configure: No such file or directory00:02
raoult1wait.. Blinken stiil no audio :(00:03
benccI removed nginx with "apt-get remove --purge nginx" and installed back with "apt-get install nginx" but the etc folder is missing "/etc/nginx"00:06
benccis there a way to fix it?00:07
medionpalI just installed kubuntu on my ubuntu 10.04 system and really like it. however when I go to firefox the fonts look so "pixelated", not so rounded as in gnome. it is tiring for the eyes, how can I change this00:07
TiCPUhow come it is SO HARD to disable access to ANY shutdown/reboot/standby/power management option from non-root users?!?!?00:07
BigbucksOk, The USB ports on my computer stopped working, so I figured I would load Ubuntu Server onto it and use it as a small server....I already had a harddrive with Ubuntu Server on it, and I popped it into the computer, but now I keep getting an error "Unable to enumerate USB device on port 4" any ideas?00:08
xanguamedionpal: you need to comfigure gtk apps in the kde config center00:08
xanguaor ask in #kubuntu00:09
kzmancan i install kde and ubuntu, and hide the applications of the other desktop manager00:09
=== Xaevo_ is now known as Anthraxium-64
xanguakzman: you ca manuay hide them one by one editing the menu, yes00:09
medionpalwhere is the kde config center, is that "system settings" ?00:09
medionpalin kubuntu I get no reply00:09
schnuffleIIAir_LeoII: Gambas is in the universe repository, did you install it from there?00:10
xanguathere was also a program to keep gtk/gnome and qt/kde apps on it's own separate submenu00:10
Cradamhi i was looking through synaptic for python 3.2 and all i could find was 3.1 :O00:10
=== Anthraxium-64 is now known as Xaevo
xanguakzman: but don't remember how it was called, one is for gnome menu and the other for the kde enu00:10
xangua!latest | Cradam00:11
ActionParsnip!ppa | Cradam00:11
fogobogoThraspic: syncdraw00:11
benccI removed nginx with "apt-get remove --purge nginx" and installed back with "apt-get install nginx" but the etc folder is missing "/etc/nginx"00:11
kzmanxangua, but not hide, but grouping it in a submenu?00:11
=== SaschaLopez is now known as SaschaL
marenostrum!off topic00:13
ayigwaryada waxan nadatiraaxeyn baa niniyiiri00:13
ubottuCradam: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.00:13
ubottuCradam: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.00:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:13
Thraspicfogobogo, many thanks!!00:13
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ayigwaryada waxan nadatiraaxeyn baa niniyiiri00:14
Azelphur!english | ayig00:14
ubottuayig: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:14
Xereniak[QUESTION]whenever i try to install my ubuntu v 11.04, it crashes during the "wipeing for security" or whatever its called. need help.00:16
medionpalhow can I get rid of the pixelated appearance in kde, in gnome on the same pc it looks nice00:16
hiexpoinstall gnome00:17
medionpalI have gnome... gnome 3 sux and I am moving to kde now00:17
medionpalunity sucks too00:17
medionpalno task bar00:17
medionpalis there a way to get the smoothness in appearance which gnome provides?00:18
medionpalin kde00:18
xanguamedionpal: use qt/kde apps00:18
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medionpalwhat does that mean?00:18
medionpalstep by step please00:18
medionpalyou mean firefox will always look so pixelated in kde?00:19
medionpalthen why does it look smooth in gnome?00:19
xanguano idea , I don't use kde; firefox is better looking integrated with gtk/gnome00:20
Guiriedbian: I got the cd into rescue mode. I'm trying to mount the LVM but am having some trouble. mount /dev/NAME/root /mnt/NAME fails with an Invalid argument00:20
=== Guest35190 is now known as JohnnyonFlame
medionpalhmmmm that would be a major argument against kde then...00:20
GuiriIt could be b/c it's an LVM with btrfs?00:20
tristan3199usim using the new ubuntu and cant hook up two monitors or my screen gets strange00:22
Xereniakcould someone explain to me why my ubuntu installer crashes whenever it starts some sort of security wipe, and how to fix it?00:23
asoltyshi, i'm using 11.04 with unity.  my volume icon disappeared from my system toolbar.  how do i get it back and manage the toolbar icons in general?  e.g. to remove ubuntu one chat?00:23
aeon-ltdasoltys: right click add to00:23
tristan3199usit goes black on the top of the desktop and i cant see about a third of my screen.. however the toolbar on top still shows up but the dropdown menus fall under that black square00:24
medionpalunity sucks!00:24
asoltysaeon-ltd: right clicking does nothing for me00:24
tristan3199ushow can i update the software that runs the monitors00:24
medionpalit is totally unintuitive and if you work with 20 windows like me it is just not workable00:24
nit-wit! ot | medionpal00:25
ubottumedionpal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:25
cradamhow do i update synaptic?00:25
tristan3199usalso how do i install unetbootin into unity00:25
GuiriAnyone know how to mount a btfs from ubuntu's rescue mode?00:25
jerryitthey guys i get an error: no such partition.  Grub rescue>    on boot up. any ideas how i can remove grum from the cmd line?00:26
cradamim trying to install python 3.200:26
nit-wittristan3199us, sudo apt-get install unetbootin00:26
jerryitt*sorry remove grub from the cmd line..00:26
nit-witjerryitt, remove and do what?00:26
tristan3199ushow do i configure a duel monitor... laptop and bigscreen...00:27
tristan3199uswhen i plug in another monitor it just goes all silly00:27
nit-witjerryitt, your question make no sense, without a what is happening and whats the goal.00:28
jerryitti just want to remove grub so i can install win.. or can i change the partition it boots?00:28
ubuntuCEOhi, how to install newest vlc in ubuntu 8.04?00:28
cradamhow do i update synaptic?00:28
xanguaubuntuCEO: upgrade to latest version, 8.04 is not supporeted00:28
cradamubuntuCEO, why is your ubuntu so old and you can get the tar.gz from vlc main website00:28
xangua!latest | cradam00:29
ubottucradam: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.00:29
HyperbyteHow can I enable Gnome classic for all users by default, on Ubuntu 11.04?00:29
medionpalthanks dudes00:29
tristan3199usdoes anyone know how to set up my laptop to operate a second monitor without it going haywire00:29
ubuntuCEOcradam, because i have an old netbook that came with ubuntu 8.04 and i am not sure if the new ubuntu will work 100%00:29
nit-witjerryitt, windows will install grub prompt or not a cd or dvd boots before the grub>     You answer is a dichotomy install or fix what s it.;)00:29
ubuntuCEOand it is my working laptop i dont want to mess with it00:29
cradamXangua this is one case where latest is a VERY good idea00:30
nit-wit! help | dathern00:30
ubottudathern: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:30
cradamand i know the package is available 10.1000:30
AcidHello, will installing ubunto on the same partition as my current W7 installation, mess up W7 or the ubunto install?00:30
jerryittnit-wit: sorry full story is this.. I had a duel boot sys. win7 and ubuntu. friend decided to remove win7 and put on win xp, but he just deleted all the partitions in win7 partition manager and now all i get is grub prompt..00:31
ubuntuCEOcradam, last time 2 yrs ago took me a long time to make the ssh work over the wireless network.  apparently the wireless card boardcom has driver issue with ubuntu00:31
smwAcid, W7 would die00:31
nit-witAcid, do you mean a wubi install?00:31
tristan3199uscan anyone point towards fixing my monitor problem.. it only happens when i attach the lcd to the laptop... why is this happining00:31
jerryittnit-wit: if i install win i get the same error. so i cannot boot it00:31
smwAcid, unless you use wubi. But I must warn you that people in this channel tend to not know wubi well...00:31
nit-witjerryitt, so you have a wiped HD and a disc to install windows?00:31
Acidsmw, nit-wit: no I mean the full install, not booting of flash/cd00:31
jerryittnit-wit: correct00:32
cradamso how can i update the repos to 11.04/10.10 state?00:32
smwAcid, I do not understand00:32
nit-witAcid, you can't install in the same partition.00:32
smwAcid, NOT booting off a cd/flash?00:32
=== sbell is now known as fueerr
=== fueerr is now known as sbell
nit-witjerryitt, grub is not the problem is the disc not booting when the bios is set to read the disc befor the hd?00:32
xanguacradam: aah upgrade t 11.04 or 10.10 ¿¿00:32
smwAcid, define "full install"00:33
cradami dont have a good connection so i stick to the LTS releases00:33
jerryittnit-wit: one thing. i only have a win7 recovery disk. the disk boots and installs win correctly but on rebooti get that error..00:33
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jerryittnit-wit: i have no options in the recovery disk to do anything to the partitions.00:34
Acidsmw, nit-wit: I am planning on using ubuntu as an OS next to W7, so installing it to a HDD, not running it off a flash device, thats what I ment. I hope I am not confusing you, I am new to ubuntu as you might have noticed00:34
nit-witjerryitt, a recovery disc is only f=good if you have a image for it to install.00:34
xcr http://paste.debian.net/117886/ what do?00:34
nit-wit! help xcr00:34
=== Fusionator is now known as sbell
nit-wit! help |xcr00:34
ubottuxcr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:34
smwAcid, so you are burning an install cd. You will need to make room for ubuntu on the hdd, put in another hdd, or let ubuntu automatically repartition00:35
Xereniaki am having a repeditive problem with my ubuntu v 11.04 installer, the installer gets to a point where it says its wipeing something for security and then crashes. it then says it will open a desktop mode (trial ubuntu) and closes the installer and opens a full screen terminal that often does not work. i cannot figure out what could have gone wrong but i have recently taken apart the computer to upgrade it a little (in case thats an i00:35
smwAcid, ubuntu is able to shrink the windows partition, but I have never used this feature00:35
xcrERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on :1.45:/org/wicd/daemon: <- repair this?00:35
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nit-witjerryitt, the f=good was a typo sorry00:36
Acidsmw, nit-wit: so safer installing on a seperate partition / HDD / SSD00:36
smwAcid, not "safer". It is the only way to keep windows00:36
jerryittnit-wit: the image installs alright but it will not boot. it goes back to grub.00:36
jerryittnit-wit: im guessing it doesnt change the mbr?00:37
nit-witAcid, MS runs in NTFS partitions basucally and have to be primary partitions. Linux use a ext type partition are you familiar with this.00:37
rcmaehlOkay #ubuntu . I need about 15000 .chkk files that have lost their name and extension restored on a FAT32 flash drive of my friend;s00:37
Acidsmw: thank you very much, one more question: I am planning on setting up a coding environment for chromium-os... can I do that by running ubunto off a flash device or will that result in ultra slow compiling?00:37
rcmaehlHow do I do this00:37
smwAcid, why not code for chromium OS on windows?00:38
nit-witjerryitt, run the recovery disc to tthe language choose it then hit r go to the command line and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr00:38
Xereniak[BUMP] i am having a repeditive problem with my ubuntu v 11.04 installer, the installer gets to a point where it says its wipeing something for security and then crashes. it then says it will open a desktop mode (trial ubuntu) and closes the installer and opens a full screen terminal that often does not work. i cannot figure out what could have gone wrong but i have recently taken apart the computer to upgrade it a little (in case tha00:38
Acidsmw: they tell me I need a x86_64 ubuntu environment00:38
smwAcid, a flash device would be ultra slow to use.00:38
smwAcid, they? (curious)00:38
xangua!repeat | Xereniak00:38
ubottuXereniak: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:38
jerryittnit-wit: il give that a go.. 2 min :)00:39
Acidsmw: irc.freenode.net #chromium-os00:39
nit-witjerryitt, that should reload the mbr for you and wipe grub out.00:39
Acidsmw: user vpalatin to be exact00:39
smwAcid, ok, just curious.00:40
xcroh i dont get help here, cya00:40
smwAcid, I think a flash would be slow... you need to install it to its own partition00:40
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smwAcid, and give it a swap partition too ;-)00:40
Acidsmw: so I think putting ubuntu onto its own drive formatted in ext would be best for coding00:41
Acidsmw: the last thing i want, is to run into performance issues when giving chroium-os coding a try00:41
smwAcid, sounds good. But you may want to let ubuntu automatically partition the drive00:42
Acidsmw: will do, can you explain what you ment by swap partition?00:42
smwAcid, know what a page file is?00:42
jerryittnit-wit: cheers mate that worked nicely...00:42
Acidsmw: I am afraid not, very new to this all00:42
nit-witjerryitt, cool00:42
smwAcid, no that is windows terminology ;-)00:43
Acidsmw: pagefile.sys?00:43
GuiriHi. Do any of the mozillateam PPAs have builds for PPC?00:43
rcmaehlAnyone? Please? 15000-ish files is alot to sort through00:43
smwAcid, if you run out of memory, it "swaps" less used data to hard drive00:43
Acidsmw: ok I understand00:43
smwrcmaehl, I have no idea what your question is00:43
rcmaehlsmw: Okay. I need about 15000 .chk files that have lost their name and extension restored on a FAT32 flash drive of my friend. How do I do this?00:44
Acidsmw: not to brag but I have 8gigs of ram, dont think i will run into memory problems with ubuntu?00:44
xanguaGuiri: don't think so00:44
smwAcid, in that case, get at least a 10GB swap :-P. Swap is also used for hibernation00:45
smwAcid, it also makes your disk make funny noises so you know a program is leaking memory :-P00:45
Acidsmw: will I be asked to set the swap partition size in the installation, or is this a more complicated procedure?00:45
smwAcid, if you use automatic partitioning, it will figure it out00:45
Acidsmw: super, thank you very much00:46
smwAcid, if you have free, unpartitioned space, ubuntu will figure out how best to allocate it00:46
Acidsmw: ok, will it do the formatting to ext by itself as well?00:46
smwAcid, of course00:47
scotchpotchhello folks00:47
EldaMeh... what is the package I wish to get that has most of the codecs for streaming radio?  Currently in a bathroom because a terrible most likely tornado producing storm is on it's way here and I cant get the radio to play online >.>00:47
Acidsmw: thank you very much, you were very helpful (:00:47
EldaAn odd situation I give you that but it would be nice to get this setup asap >.>00:47
smwAcid, it will partition, format, find your windows install, and setup a dialog for you to choose windows or linux.00:48
Acidsmw: may I come back at you and PM you if I run into any problems during my install?00:48
xanguaElda: restricted-extras '¿00:48
Eldathat sounds about right... let me pull up the repositories list00:48
smwAcid, you may say my name in channel. Or ping me via pm. But all talk will be on #ubuntu ;-)00:48
jutzusi just got ubuntu cant get online00:49
Acidsmw: yes of course, thank you very much00:49
jutzusit looks like im getting a ipv6 address00:50
nit-witjutzus, have you found the network manager in the top panel00:50
isleveganis there a room for linux on mac users?00:50
jutzusyes i have tried a few different options under eth000:50
jutzusim thinking this is a dhcp issue00:50
islevegani have sound input working on a macbook pro but no sound output00:50
jutzuseth0 is enabled00:50
Acidsmw: installing on the same drive as my OS is no option, I have W7 on a 40GB SSD, space is tight already, I furthermore have 2x1TB in Raid0 for data,programms etc. My solution now is I will hook up an old 120gb sataII drive I have lying around to my mobo, and put ubuntu on there00:51
Acidsmw: do you think that is the best solution too?00:51
nit-witjutzus, run lspci in the terminal and find the card and post it00:51
smwAcid, yes, sounds good00:52
Acidsmw: ok thank you very much again00:52
Acidsmw: you were a great help!00:52
nit-wit! hello | marquis00:52
Acidsmw: see you, bye bye!00:52
jutzusrealtek Semiconductor co. RTL810E/RTL8102E Pci express rev 02\00:52
jutzuswireless Ralink00:53
harriganhi, I'm looking the ubuntu wine channel00:53
EyesOnly_Bluetooth woes: AR3011 not detected via gnome-bluetooth, shows up in lsusb fine. Can anyone assist me?00:53
xcrrm -rf /etc/wicd /var/log/wicd /etc/dbus-1/system.d/wicd00:54
afeijohi guys, I wrote a backup .sh script, I added it into my ubuntu 10.04 crontab as 0 0 * * * /home/feijo/backup.sh, but I've got emails with "permission denied"? all done thru root acct! how is that possible?00:54
nit-witharrigan, you running xchat00:54
jutzusmy router is dd-wrt and does dhcp00:55
NarcHello everyone. I installed Natty on a Toshiba Satellite laptop, had problems to boot, which I solved with the "acpi=off" boot option. But now, the PC won't shutdown and just hang on the splash screen forever. Any advice anyone ?00:55
bencchow can I see the password hash of a user?00:55
nit-witharrigan, right click then server-list of channels and tyoe in wine that might help.;)00:55
GuiriGot it working by downgrading Xorg. Next, how can I tell if it's using the radeon driver for the iBook and if I have hardware acceleration?00:55
ActionParsnipafeijo: when you added it to cron, did you run:  sudo crontab -e00:55
nit-witharrigan, no problem, hope that gets you there.00:56
afeijoActionParsnip, no, I'm using root acct00:56
MK``Would it be difficult/unsafe to move /boot to its own partition when it's currently in the same one as /?00:56
jutzuscan anyone help00:56
ActionParsnipafeijo: makes sense, I wouldn't suggest you use root for everything00:56
ActionParsnipafeijo: look at what is being backed up and the permissions00:56
afeijoActionParsnip, I know, but they do that into that server :/00:57
afeijoActionParsnip, just mysql bases00:57
afeijoActionParsnip, the destination has root:root and chmod 77500:57
args0hello, im installing ubuntu for the first time and when installing and choosing partitions, the system asks me for the "/" directory or partition that I have to choose, the system already has Windows isntalled00:57
args0what should I do in this case? thank you00:57
meLonAny way to monitor/log power consumption on a machine ?00:58
CoreymeLon: A kill-a-watt.00:58
ActionParsnipafeijo: ok is the script marked as executable?00:58
afeijoActionParsnip, it was not! I noticed 1 min ago and added +x :) time to test00:58
nit-witargs0, you have windows 700:58
jutzusi need help getting online guys00:58
meLon.... thanks00:58
jutzusrealtek Semiconductor co. RTL810E/RTL8102E Pci express rev 02\00:58
jutzuswhat gives00:58
ActionParsnipafeijo: the extension doesn't make it a script, the executable bit does00:59
Guest41487How can I customise my login screen?00:59
ActionParsnipjutzus: want to give us some details of what is happening or not happening, or do you expect us to guess....00:59
jutzusjust ask00:59
EldaWow I fail at life.... I had the volume off, this is why the radio was not working00:59
jutzusfresh install unbuntu00:59
EldaWell all the way down00:59
jutzusno internet00:59
=== SaschaLopez is now known as SaschaL
nit-witargs0, you have windows 7?01:00
jutzusi think its a dhcp issue01:00
ActionParsnipjutzus: ok do the lights around the interface flash? Have you tried a different port on the router?01:00
jutzusline is ok01:00
ActionParsnipjutzus: you can't reply 'yes' to TWO questions..01:00
=== Guest41487 is now known as iPwntech
meLonAny programs to monitor/log power consumption on a machine ?01:00
ActionParsnipjutzus: yes to which?01:00
jutzuswhich interface'01:01
rwwmeLon: You can't monitor power consumption from the computer itself. Corey wasn't kidding when they said to get a Kill-A-Watt.01:01
solovoyhi, how can i install a patch for Banshee ?01:01
ActionParsnipjutzus: around the LAN port there will be lights01:01
Cube``how can i boot into xmonad right away, skipping login managers and the like?01:01
ActionParsnip!patch | solovoy01:01
ubottusolovoy: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.01:01
meLonI understand he was just kidding.  That's why I asked and was more specific :P01:01
iPwntechI have tried downloading a new login screen but then when I drop it on the appearance screen it says it's not a valid theme, how do i fix it?01:01
jutzusno lights01:01
CoreymeLon: I was not kidding.  That's the point.01:01
ActionParsnipjutzus: do you have a connected light on the router?01:02
jutzusi dont see why lights are important the line works on windoes 701:02
dathernInstalled Ubuntu 11.04 and everything works! What do I do?  :-)01:02
ActionParsnipjutzus: because decent interfaces have lihts so you know there is a connection01:02
jutzusyes light on router is on01:02
Coreyjutzus: It establishes what layer the problem is at.01:02
nit-witdathern, don't get to comfortable yet.;)01:02
ActionParsnipjutzus: ok then run:  sudo dhclient3 eth0     do you get a reply01:02
Cube``ActionParsnip: how can i boot into xmonad right away, skipping login managers and the like?01:03
jutzusi get a stall01:03
jutzusno output01:04
jutzuscursor blinking01:04
ActionParsnipCube``: no idea, or i'd have replied the first time you asked01:04
jutzushmm no reply'01:05
args0nit-wit: yep01:05
jutzusnext please01:06
nit-witargs0, do you know the limitations of how many partions and what types on a single HD?01:06
args0nit-wit: partitioned with the NTFS fifle system01:07
jutzuspoint me to a tutorial or something please'01:07
args0nit-wit: 2 paritions01:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ActionParsnipjutzus: you may need to blacklist the r8169 module01:08
ActionParsnipjutzus: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1054480.html01:08
jutzushow so01:08
jutzusthanks i will read this01:08
ActionParsnipjutzus: are you also websearching while you request help?01:08
nit-witargs0, that is windows my concern here is that you have not maxed out the an=mount of partitions allowed, if you have just installing can mess things up.  So close the install open in the menu-system-admin-gparted and take a screnshot of gparted so we know exactly whats there , imagebin the screenshot.01:08
jstooneIf i do - ssh HOST - will it then use my own username?01:10
args0nit-wit: oh okay, so seems there's no simple solution for this.. I'm at work now and don't have access to that system, so I'll have to do it later01:10
p896gbmhey folks, i want to install ubuntu on a new system with the home partition on a software raid. can i do this straight from the manual partition manager in the installer? all the online help i'm seeing is for ubuntu server edition01:10
=== reliableNrd|away is now known as reliableNerd_
SirScotti've got a box running 9.10 server that after a reboot is no longer showing the eth0 device, yet the card is still visible w/lspci.  Any ideas how to go about getting it recognized?01:10
kzmanhi, how can i run scripts on a terminal with KDE?01:11
ActionParsnipjstoone: it uses the name whom executed the command01:11
nit-witargs0, if you really only have two partitions check with gparted shrink the W7 with its own disk manager leaving a ua=nalocated soace for the ubuntu.01:11
ActionParsnipjstoone: if you use:    ssh username@host   it will use username as the name01:11
celthunderjstoone: yes01:11
jutzusblacklist commmand not found01:11
jstooneActionParsnip: so "ssh HOST" it would be the same as "ssh USERNAME@HOST"?01:11
ActionParsnipjutzus: try researching rather than trying to guess01:11
celthunderjstoone: thedefault username ssh uses is the username on the local system01:11
nit-witargs0, use the W7 virtual partitioner to resize it leaving the unallocated for the ubuntu install.01:12
Cube``jstoone: yup01:12
silveringhi guys, im using ubuntu karmic, and installed irssi 0.8.14, and i want to set-up irssi to be able to read and write cyryllic with CP1251?01:12
ActionParsnipjstoone: yes, if you are using -X  for x forwarding then use ssh -C -X username@host     to enable compression01:12
ActionParsnipsilvering: karmic is no longer supported01:12
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silveringsupported where, here?01:13
IIAir_LeoIIi cant install gambas the package seems bad there isnt any repos for lucid or deb package BRB01:13
ActionParsnipsilvering: its EOL, there is no support anywhere for Karmic01:13
macosilvering: no more security updates...nothing01:14
silveringi dont want support for the distro, but for the irc client, i just mentioned what distro im using01:14
jstooneCube``: celthunder: ActionParsnip: Thanks alot guys! I'm really deap in love with ssh! We just started using ssh at work and then that question poped op in my mind and i thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask (: Thanks again!01:14
silveringi like 9.10 and im not gonna upgrade soon01:14
geeksmithsilvering: try using http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu01:14
jutzusim new to ubuntu i need some help with this01:15
jutzusi dont know what modules or anything is01:15
ActionParsnip!blacklist | jutzus01:15
ubottujutzus: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »01:15
naptasticI need to install Samba on my Ubuntu desktop box.01:15
mariontesi need some help too01:15
silveringgeeksmith, use it for what? im asking how can i make irssi to work with CP125101:16
ActionParsnipjutzus: if you can't research just a little you will never learn your OS any, learning your OS is useful as you will be ableto fix stuff easier01:16
naptasticI do "sudo apt-get install samba" and get this error:01:16
jutzusok once i blacklist it what do i do01:16
jutzuswill it work01:16
naptasticsamba : Depends: samba-common (= 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8) but 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.4 is to be installed01:16
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jstoonesilvering: I've been useing irssi for some time on 11.04 and it works like a charm (:01:16
jutzusi plan on learning this os if i can get it to work01:16
ActionParsnipjutzus: you will need to unload the module if its loaded, as well as the module which drives the interface, then reload the module which runs it01:16
jutzusbut i dont know to do any of this01:17
SirScottwhat does it mean if an interface shows up in ifconfig -a, but not ifconfig?01:17
jstoonesilvering: Sorry misunderstood you'r question (:01:17
ActionParsnipnaptastic: what is the output of: lsb_release -d01:17
silveringJStoker, no problem, but after all, can it work like i want?01:17
SirScottI see eth1 in ifconfig -a, but if I do 'ifup eth0' I get: "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0."01:17
ActionParsnipnaptastic: also what is the output of: uname -m01:17
ActionParsnipjutzus: nobody is born knowing any of it either01:18
naptasticActionParsnip, Description: Ubuntu 10.1001:18
paperclip11hello, i've got a problem with ubuntu and a 3com router, is there any channel where I can ask 3com questions?01:18
naptasticActionParsnip, and x86_6401:18
marionteshi need some help, i have wireless card RTL8187L and have lost of signal, i have xubuntu 11.0401:19
ActionParsnipnaptastic: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/65610904/samba-common-bin_3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.4_amd64.deb01:19
jstoonejutzus: Just make simple little "achievements" to acomplish. That's what I did/do! Altso if you can get a friend into ubuntu, then you can learn together!01:19
ActionParsnippaperclip11: ask away01:19
mariontessome one know for what is?01:19
jutzusrmmod r8169    returns operation not allowed01:19
ActionParsnipmariontes: tried a different channel?01:19
ActionParsnipjutzus: it needs sudo01:19
jutzusogot it01:20
iPwntechDoes anybody know about getting new themes?!01:20
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:20
naptasticActionParsnip, Okay, I downloaded that .deb and did "sudo dpkg -i" on it, and it did not fix the error. Anything further?01:21
ActionParsnipnaptastic: then run:  sudo apt-get -f install01:21
afeijohow can I install mod_status?01:21
jutzusso did you suggest i load 8168 or just blacklist r816901:21
evilkidcan anyone help me,01:22
ActionParsnipnaptastic: can you pastebin the output of the command. SImply saying "doesn't work" is less than useful01:22
ActionParsnipevilkid: without a question, no01:22
jutzuslol this chat is busy01:22
jstoonejutzus: also when there is a command you normally just would've executed without further thought, do like this "man COMMAND" where you replace "COMMAND" with e.h sudo - also when you're reffering to someone type their name in the sentince, could do like I do, but it's all about personal prefferences.01:22
ActionParsnipjutzus: both01:22
ActionParsnipevilkid: if you ask a question, somebody may help01:23
paperclip11ActionParsnip: It's about 3com Router 5232 I'm trying to configure a site-to-site VPN but don't want to go over tunnel virtutal interface(don't want GRE), one side is an Ubuntu LAN and the other it's a W$$ LAN. I'm really upset since I don't find any example on how to do this, thanks01:23
p896gbmhi folks, how can i get a list of packages i've installed with apt-get?01:23
iPwntechI can get themes to work I just want to customise my login window.01:23
quintwhats your favourite torrent client??01:23
iPwntechAnybody know how to?01:23
xanguaquint: the one you like ;)01:24
naptasticActionParsnip, here is the complete error: http://pastebin.com/q7QMx6Ue01:24
evilkidwell i had ubuntu 10.04 , and i just installed backtrack 4 on ubuntu partition (i formated it) , now when i try to open my pc i get "Symbol not found grub_dl_iterate" im now connecting using live cd, any help :( ?01:24
jutzusAction: i got you, i am on a old laptop and keys are really stupid, im hoping to get my new laptop back online and get settled in with ubuntu, i have unloaded 8169 you suggest blacklist it and then update with 8168 ?01:24
nit-witevilkid, do yu have the lucid cd?01:24
evilkidwhats that01:25
ActionParsnipevilkid: backtrack isnt supported here01:25
nit-witevilkid, 10.0401:25
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:25
nit-witevilkid, is that the one your booted on01:25
evilkidActionParsnip: its as same as Ubuntu >.> ..01:25
evilkidnit-wit: nope01:25
jstoonejutzus: ok, just realized that I have NO clue how much you're actually into ubuntu, but I hope it all goes well. - And yes, it is always bussy in here, and while waiting for answar on your question you can always read a little about what people are helping with, maybe it's something you've solved before.01:25
ActionParsnipevilkid: it's NOT Ubuntu, it's backtrack01:25
cradamubuntu comes with intel drivers doesnt it?01:26
ActionParsnipevilkid: this is Ubuntu support ONLY, for releases by Canonical ONLY01:26
ActionParsnipcradam: for many intel devices, yes01:26
evilkidok -.- lets say i have problem with ubuntu ..01:26
ActionParsnipevilkid: backtrack has it's own support and own channel01:26
ActionParsnipevilkid: your distribution isn't supported here01:26
ActionParsnipevilkid: your OSis supported in #backtrack-linux01:27
p896gbmhi folks, are there any downsides to getting the 64-bit version of ubuntu?01:27
jstooneHave a good one guys, I'm gone to bed, it's 2:30 in the morning/night01:27
nit-witevilkid, boot the 10.04 cd and give the boot back to grub2 backtrack is grub legacy follow this guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD01:27
wilharti have nvidia fast card and i'm getting flickering on my television screen but not on my monitor?! what to do help01:27
p896gbmif i install the 64-bit version of natty, will i have problems with e.g. flash, etc? and will wine still be able to run most apps the same?01:27
evilkidnit-wit: oki :) thx ima try that ^01:28
ActionParsnipnaptastic: also grab http://launchpadlibrarian.net/61845030/libwbclient0_3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.2_amd64.deb01:28
jstoonep896gbm: not at all, only if you're at a 32-bit box xD hehe01:28
nit-witevilkid, this will reload the 10.04 grub to the mbr01:28
ActionParsnipp896gbm: it will be fine01:28
flametai1Hey guys if you go onto utorrent.com you can download uTorrent for Linux now, is there anyway to use that to install without using Wine?01:28
p896gbmok good01:28
evilkidnit-wit : but i deleted ubuntu ..01:28
jstoonep896gbm: I have a 64-bit box in my kitchen and it has NO problem at all!01:28
p896gbmbecause i heard like a couple years ago that there were a lot of problems getting flash to work on 64-bit linux... i assume that's all been resolved?01:29
ActionParsnipwilhart: use nvidia-settings and play with the settings01:29
wilhartActionParsnip: i've done that :|01:29
nit-witevilkid, did you mention that sorry if I missed it so what is on the computer now altogether01:29
ActionParsnipp896gbm: there is even 64bit java and 64bit flash you can  use01:29
p896gbmnvidia binary drivers, lexmark printer drivers, wine sc2, etc. no 64-bit problems?01:29
naptasticActionParsnip, Okay, I installed that one, and the same error (pastebinned above) still persists.01:29
jstoonep896gbm: Yes, flash and linux are good friends again.01:29
evilkidnit-wit : backtrack 4 and windows Xp01:29
wilhartActionParsnip: i have even tried to change numbers in xorg.conf01:29
RadarGhello all I'm running a 11.04 lamp server and I'm trying to get an email php script to work. I would like a recomendation on a light weight mail server that I can install on my lamp that will allow email verifiactions to be sent through gmail any help will be most welcome01:30
ActionParsnipnit-wit: will you kindly take the backtrack support to its respective channel01:30
EyesOnly_jstoone: completely opposite from apple01:30
cradamjstoone, mind telling me where the flash editor is if they are such good freinds is?01:30
risdhi all,...01:30
risdanyone got tutorial how to install canon IP1980 driver on ubuntu 64bit? i've got some trouble on compiling it....01:30
nit-witevilkid, follow the Parsnip.;)01:30
evilkidsame link?01:30
wilhartActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1745442 is that good example of fixing it?01:30
evilkidsudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt <-- i have /dev/hda2 ...01:31
jstoonep896gbm: NVidia -> none, HP-Inkjet/etc -> none, wine -> tested EvE and WOW and they did run flawless01:31
wescx005question, i need to reset screen resolution on a pc via remote connection.  (i am not near the pc)01:31
ActionParsnipwilhart: there is the 275 beta driver in the xorg edgers ppa, may help01:31
jstoonep896gbm: when i say "none" it's good, like problems=none01:31
wilhartActionParsnip: hmm how do i get it plz?01:31
jstooneEyesOnly_: Pretty much yea.. haha!01:31
ActionParsnipwilhart: you'll find it if you search01:32
nit-witActionParsnip, I know nothing about backtrack but thanks for your interest.;)01:32
wescx005i noticed i cant change screen size from remote connection.  i looked in the /etc folder for x11 config but didnt see where to specify a new size01:32
wilhartActionParsnip: is it apt-get file?:P01:32
jstoonecradam: Do you mean like Adobe Flash?01:32
jutzusim not sure what this should enter as: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`01:33
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p896gbmexcellent thanks jstoone, ActionParsnip et al01:33
paperclip11is there any channel on 3com routers stuff?01:33
wilhartActionParsnip: could you help littlebit now?01:33
evilkidroot@bt:~# sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hda201:33
evilkidDue to a bug in xfs_freeze, the following command might produce a segmentation01:33
evilkidfault when /mnt/boot/grub is not in an XFS filesystem. This error is harmless and01:33
evilkidcan be ignored.01:33
evilkidxfs_freeze: specified file ["/mnt/boot/grub"] is not on an XFS filesystem01:33
pcpowerpaperclip11: yea it's called #sell-it-for-cisco-or-juniper01:33
evilkidInstalling GRUB to /dev/hda2 as (hd0,1)...01:33
FloodBot1evilkid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
jstoonep896gbm: No problem ;) and good question btw!01:33
genewitchlink to how to do filesharing on ubuntu, please? (not samba, linux to linux file sharing)01:33
naptasticgenewitch, you'll probably use NFS. Do "sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel server"01:34
ActionParsniprisd: did you grab the debs from the Canon site?01:34
evilkidroot@bt:~# sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hda201:34
evilkidDue to a bug in xfs_freeze, the following command might produce a segmentation01:34
evilkidfault when /mnt/boot/grub is not in an XFS filesystem. This error is harmless and01:34
evilkidcan be ignored.01:34
evilkidxfs_freeze: specified file ["/mnt/boot/grub"] is not on an XFS filesystem01:34
evilkidInstalling GRUB to /dev/hda2 as (hd0,1)...01:34
FloodBot1evilkid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
wilhartActionParsnip: aa, i have to put ppa in sources?01:34
paperclip11pcpower: ok, is there any channel on HP-A series stuff?01:35
ActionParsnipwilhart: yes, make sure the ppa has the 275 driver01:35
naptasticgenewitch, you will then need to list your desired shares in /etc/exports, which you should google.01:35
risdactionparsnip: it's for i386,... i'm using 64bit01:35
pcpowerpaperclip11: don't think so01:35
genewitchnaptastic: that's it?01:35
wilhartActionParsnip: what should i write in konsole sorry01:35
naptasticgenewitch, Once you list your exports, you need to restart the NFS service (/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart) and then mount the nfs share on the other computer01:36
alotesnivekhas anyone tried the new aim.com/av/ with natty?01:36
wilhartActionParsnip: cant find in google :P01:36
ActionParsniprisd: install them with:  sudo dpkg --force-all -i debfile01:37
alotesnivekit's there01:37
jutzusAction: looks like ralink has already realeased a new driver and has autorun.sh01:37
ActionParsniprisd: this is one reason why 32bit is advised01:37
naptasticgenewitch, nfs-common needs to be installed on the other computer. Create an empty mount point (for example /media/mount) and sudo mount the share onto that mount point01:37
wilhartActionParsnip: can you point out an url for me please?01:37
genewitchnaptastic: thanks.01:37
naptasticgenewitch, no problem! Good luck!01:37
alotesnivekAnyways, everytime i try to access it, my access for camera is auto denied. Works fine an all over OS. /:01:37
NarcAnyone can tell me how to install Kernel 2.6.39-1 on Natty ? Thanks01:38
ActionParsnipwilhart: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa   it will also upgrade X to the bleeding edge, which may break things, add the ppa, install nvidia-graphics-drivers then remove the ppa01:39
alotesnivekgah, can't figure this out01:39
ActionParsnipNarc: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa01:39
ActionParsnipNarc: its an unofficial kernel compiled by the PPA owner so you use it entirely at your own risk01:40
celthunderActionParsnip: watch which nvidia drivers you install on latest X the older nvidia drivers break the newer xorg other than nvidia-current01:41
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wilhartActionParsnip: ok thanks01:41
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ActionParsnipcelthunder: ive seen the 96 nvidia driver cause issues, bug has been reported. This is for the 275 driver though01:42
celthunderActionParsnip: kk i just got here didn't see the full case just making sure01:42
silveringcan someone help me to set-up irssi to work with CP1251?01:42
ActionParsnipcelthunder: no bad thing ;)01:42
mythhow go to ubuntu servers in language spanish?01:43
TheRealJeanLucdoes anyone know where I could get checksums for the ISO images? also, a page with just a listing of the files available would be nice. I'm a little miffed by the new "easy" download page at the cost of the one with more info.01:43
m4vmyth: el canal de soporte en español es #ubuntu-es, pero es para soporte general. No hay un canal en español especial para servidores01:44
wilhartActionParsnip: ok installing now tnx..01:44
wilhartActionParsnip: pretty slow repo01:44
nit-witTheRealJeanLuc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes01:45
TheRealJeanLucoo. thanks a lot, nit-wit01:45
nit-witno problem01:45
celthundermyth: /etc/locale.gen01:46
rukkkhow could I transfer all of my bookmark in firefox to new installation01:46
rukkki want to install neww natty01:46
Cube``rukkk: go to old firefox, export your shit, then import into the new one01:46
rukkkCube``: how?01:46
Tri-EdgeAnyone having overheating issues with laptop running Ubuntu?01:46
Cube``Tri-Edge: which plaptop?01:47
wilhartmany ppl have issues with flickering01:47
Cube``rukkk: come back when your have your old firefox open01:47
ActionParsnipwilhart: .....?01:47
RadarGI would like a recomendation on a light weight mail server that I can install on my lamp that will allow email verifiactions to be sent through gmail any help will be most welcome01:47
rukkkCube``: it is open dear01:47
wilhartActionParsnip: hope this works.01:47
Tri-EdgeWell when running Ubuntu on flash drive my CPU overheats and PC shuts down.01:48
ActionParsnipRadarG: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer01:48
Cube``ok greate01:48
Cube``rukkk: go to bookmarks01:48
NarcActionParsnip: Thanks, but I already added this PPA and there's only kernel 2.6.39-0, not -1 and I think I need this version to solve a bug on a laptop.01:48
Cube``CTRL+B rukkk01:48
celthunderNarc: kernel.org01:48
ActionParsnipNarc: i see, then you will be compiling or finding an extra ppa01:48
rukkkCube``: It is there01:48
rukkknow what01:48
rukkkall of my bookmarck is under unsorted bookmark01:49
ActionParsnipNarc: you could contact the ppa maintainers to see if they are intending to update soon.01:49
NarcActionParsnip, celthunder: I thought I might avoid compiling but I think I lied to myself. :) Thanks01:49
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wilhartok the flickering did not stop01:51
Cube``rukkk: export them01:52
Cube``under file or something01:52
mythhow to change files administrator thunar to nautilus?01:52
kermitcan i encrypt a whole partition?  i'm on a system that doesnt support hd passwords, so i want to boot off cd then mount an encrypted root01:52
mythmy file administrator is thunar01:52
Um_cara_Qualquerexcuse me, is there some kind of audio software to make sounds the way I want, like a DJ?01:54
jutzus i have install r8168 but now im not gettin any eth0, i have restarted01:56
MK``kermit: when you create it, yes, you can use the built in thing with the disk utility or a tool like trueCrypt01:56
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ActionParsnipmyth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager01:56
wilhartwho was i talking with ?01:57
cba123Is there anything like join.me for linux?  I need to remotely support someone's PC, but can't setup vnc from here01:57
ActionParsnipwilhart: me but I have nothing intelligent to add01:57
ActionParsnipcba123: use ssh :)01:57
wilhartActionParsnip: yes did i have to change nvidia driver to something else?01:57
wilhartActionParsnip: to enable it?01:58
ActionParsnipcba123: or there is team viewer01:58
ActionParsnipwilhart: if you run nvidia-settings  it will tell you the driver in use01:58
cba123ActionParsnip, TeamViewer can be run as a host on a Linux machine?01:58
wilhartActionParsnip: it's not:P01:59
ActionParsnipcba123: Ive heard people use it, so I'll say yes01:59
ActionParsnipwilhart: is 270 in use?01:59
wilhartActionParsnip: dunno nope01:59
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wilhartActionParsnip: version doenst say that01:59
wilhartActionParsnip: 275.0902:00
ActionParsnipwilhart: then you need to install the driver fully. I suggest you remove the drivers and reboot, then install the nvidia-current driver02:00
ActionParsnipahhhh, then its in use :)02:00
wilhartah.h. ok02:00
wilhartstill got flickering tho..02:00
ActionParsnipwilhart: i dont have anything else to suggest, maybe others can help02:01
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glitchdanyone know anything about updating minecraft server?02:05
glitchdlike how to update and save your current map and such?02:05
matt_799When dual booting ubuntu with windows, do both os need to be installed on the same volume?02:06
sage000glitchd: #minecraft on irc.esper.net02:06
glitchdsage000, thx02:06
yassine_hellcan anyone help me02:06
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glitchdsage000, can i get to that room from xchat?02:07
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PalinBachman2012glitchd: /server server.name and then /join #channel02:08
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jutzusthis is silly question but im trying to replace interfaces file but not allowed'02:08
sage000glitchd: You'll need to add it to your network list. I don't have the details on that. See http://minecraft.net/community.jsp02:09
jutzusubuntu why are you making this so difficult02:09
glitchdPalinBachman2012, sage000 thxthx02:09
JohnnyonFlameAnyone's got a link to the full 11.5 Catalyst's Changelog?:02:10
jutzusi have no eth0 under interfaces file02:10
jutzuscannot edit file02:10
jutzuswhat should i try02:10
glitchdPalinBachman2012, can i jus type the server name in here?02:10
IIAir_LeoIIok so im intersting on programming i have been googling and i will go with c++ Does eclipse support it very well i mean its stable and it compile its?02:10
PalinBachman2012glitchd: in that little box that you type in02:10
glitchdPalinBachman2012, awesome thx man02:11
PalinBachman2012glitchd: in irc, you prefix commands with /02:11
yassine8hellhow can i delete unbuntu ,02:12
ziikutv1is there a way to put custom DNS server addresses in Ubuntu?02:13
Matt_799to dual boot, do i need windows and linux both installed on the same volume??02:13
ziikutv1Matt_799: No.02:13
ziikutv1Matt_799: Though you should to keep things clean.02:14
ziikutv1Matt_799: You can use Wubi to install, which would do everything for you with no work at all.02:14
Matt_799ziikitvl how much room will linux take up?02:15
ziikutv1Matt_799: Do you mean Ubuntu?02:15
Matt_799ziikitvl how much room will ubuntu take up?02:16
ziikutv1Matt_799: Depends on what you are doing.. Ubuntu documentation recommends 8gb of free space. But there wont be much room so go with a 15Gb partition.02:16
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ziikutv1anyone know how to set custom dns servers or what02:17
jutzusalright i cant even rename a filename02:18
jutzusor delete files for that matter02:18
jutzusinterfaces is not listing eth002:18
yassine_hellhow can i unistall ubuntu?02:19
yassine_hell>.< ?!02:19
nit-wityassine_hell, do you have any other OS on the HD?02:19
yassine_hellyep windows xp02:19
jutzuswell ill resume this stupid eth0 problem tommorow02:20
nit-wityassine_hell, what is the menu you se at boot is it grub?02:20
yassine_helland i cant get on it >.> cuz that damn "grub" is not letting me ...02:20
rjonesx1so, i have managed to make everything disappear on my 11.04 desktop (ie: no panels, no buttons, nothing). Any ideas on how to get it back? I was trying to get past the desktop cube / unity conflict and then restarted the machine probably with conflicts.02:20
nit-wityassine_hell, if we could fix it would you want to keep ubuntu?02:20
yassine_hellhell yea02:20
GuiriMy radeon driver doesn't seem to have 3d acceleration. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I'm on a radeon 920002:21
Matt_799is there a killer app for ubuntu?02:21
Semitones_teayassine_hell, what happened when you installed ubuntu?02:21
nit-wityassine_hell, have you run sudo update-grub in the Ubuntu terminal ?02:21
yassine_hellnope ima try it now02:22
yassine_hellok updated grub , ima go check02:22
rjonesx1any ideas on how to get panels, etc. back? i have had my system76 laptop for 2 hours now and I have already killed it :-(02:22
trahm93Can anyone help me regarding Kubuntu? Specifically, my weather widget on the desktop keeps putting itself in the bottom of the screen mysteriously, even when the widgets are locked.02:23
nit-wityassine_hell, if it sees XO you would see it in the terminal.02:23
Semitones_tearjonesx1, what exactly happened?02:23
PalinBachman2012rjonesx1: since its a new computer, try making a new user with fresh defaults and logging into that02:23
rjonesx1how would I do that, I dont even know how to get to the terminal now that I have no gui interface (just a pretty background)02:24
nit-witrjonesx1, try crtl-alt-t02:25
rjonesx1nothin :-(02:25
jutzushow do you create sudo for entire session02:25
roastedDumb question - can VPN kind of be treated like an encrypted VNC for across networks?02:25
rjonesx1i can right click and get some basic desktop options02:25
rjonesx1like creating launchers02:25
Semitones_teajutzus, try sudo su or sudo grub02:25
Semitones_teabe careful02:25
PalinBachman2012rjonesx1: alt-f2?02:26
nit-witrjonesx1, have you been messing with compiz, like removing the desktop wall?02:26
Semitones_tearjonesx1, rjonesx1 how did you get it that way?02:26
PalinBachman2012rjonesx1: i messed up something once and just make a launcher for ternimal02:26
rjonesx1yeah, what is the command for launcher02:26
rjonesx1i mean for terminal?02:26
jutzusSemit: im still getting permission denied02:26
jutzusim trying to move files02:27
rjonesx1yes, thats what i did,  i removed desktop wall and replaced with desktop cube and rotate02:27
Semitones_teajutzus, are you sure you're using the right password?02:27
rjonesx1but i then turned sort plugins back on02:27
rjonesx1which i think was a mistake02:27
rjonesx1it went fubar after that02:27
jutzusit didnt ask for password'02:27
PalinBachman2012theres a way to default compiz02:27
yassine_hellsame error , "File not found , grub rescue >"02:27
rjonesx1I tried. it appears now that we have default / unity. neither one worked, and that is when i restarted02:28
Semitones_teajutzus, what's the output of "sudo su" ?02:28
rjonesx1so now im on my wife's pink netbook. demoralizing.02:28
jutzusdrops me to a new input02:29
nit-witrjonesx1, if you get back to a desktop and can set up a launcher on the desktop follow this link.http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/02:29
Semitones_teajutzus, is this on a live cd, or a regular install?02:29
PalinBachman2012rjonesx1: right click make a launcher using 'gnome-terminal' for the command, and then do 'unity --reset'02:29
Semitones_teatry typing "whoami"02:29
Semitones_teajutzus, ok, then sudo su has already worked02:30
Semitones_teanow you should be able to do what you're trying to do02:30
jutzuswell i still cant drag and drop to move a file02:30
jutzuswhat the fuck ''02:30
yassine_hell same error , "File not found , grub rescue >"02:31
jutzusalright sorry i had enough will fix this timmorow02:31
Semitones_teaoh for that, do gksu nautillus02:31
Semitones_teagksu nautilus02:31
FloodBot1Semitones_tea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
Semitones_teaagain, be very careful02:31
rjonesx1nice. unity reset gets me a pretty error02:31
jutzusstupid eth002:31
nit-wityassine_hell, run this script and post all the text in a pastebin, and do you have a XP cd.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/02:32
Semitones_teajutzus, please keep the channel family friendly :)02:32
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yassine_hellnit-wit : nope i dont have xp cd :s02:32
rjonesx1needed to un-sudo02:32
rjonesx1back up and working at the moment02:32
rjonesx1ok. wow.02:33
rjonesx1that was frustrating, thank you so much PalinBachman201102:33
nit-wityassine_hell, okay the script will show more info to go with. Do you have a backup of the XP?02:33
rjonesx1is that name meant to be ironic?02:33
nit-witrjonesx1, what mine.;)02:33
yassine_hellnit-wit : ok im downloading the script .. and what do you mean by windows backup,02:34
PalinBachman2012just annoying and yet honest02:34
roastedOdd Question - There's something that's been eating the fish out of the pond out back. So I want to set up an Ubuntu desktop with my USB webcam and let it run all night on a huge spare internal HDD I have to record the feed. The catch is I want it to be motion activated. How can I do this?????02:34
Semitones_tealol roasted, sounds awesome02:35
nit-wityassine_hell, you can back up parts of the st=ytem and whole images that are clones. Newer computers come with a recovery partition that will reload the OS, just phishing for where you are at with the tools to fix this if we find the culprit.02:35
roastedSemitones_tea, its a good idea, right? :D02:35
rjonesx1hmmm. i closed the terminal and unity crashed again,02:35
trahm93roasted I've been thinking about doing something like that but over my garden to see what's eating my tomatoes >.>02:36
roastedSemitones_tea, I have a spare desktop to run ubuntu and a usb webcam. why not? I just want to make it motion activated so I dont have to sift through HOURS of video02:36
Semitones_teaI don't know how to motion activate it though02:36
rjonesx1upon restart, things looking good.02:36
roastedtrahm93, well, look into zoneminder. It's an open source CCTV solution. The thing is I got lost setting it up and its 930 and Im just TIRED, so I was hoping for a simple quick app I can set up now to handle it02:36
Thedemon007i need help I try to view a surveillance cameras connected to a pci card.02:36
trahm93alright that sounds cool roasted02:37
roastedtrahm93, I plan to spend more time with it this summer to see if we can implement it at work (I work in a school district)02:37
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roastedSo anyway, does anybody know how I can make a program motion activated with a webcam?02:38
trahm93roasted, for security?02:38
Thedemon007this my card http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/606692/02:38
roastedtrahm93, something has been eating the fish out of our small pond out back. I just want to set up a basic rig for the night and see what it is.02:38
trahm93Anyone here familiar with using Github?02:39
nit-witrjonesx1, that is the thing in natty when your tweaking compiz, beready to reboot or logout or run compiz -replace in the terminal02:40
rjonesx1ok. i will keep that in mind, but i definitely dont underestimate my ability to ruin things02:40
Thedemon007I try to view a surveillance cameras connected to a card I tried to see the cameras with various programs but I only get a blue screen.02:40
DommerOk, so using terminal I mad a web browser inside of python.  does anyone here know how I would make it a program without having to write the whole damn thing again?02:41
Thedemon007this my card http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/606692/ help please02:41
DommerPM me if you can help, I'll brb02:42
Thedemon007I think it's like a TV tuner anyone has experience with TV tuner02:43
PalinBachman2012roasted: Zoneminder seems to be a dedicated survallence app suite what will prob work with your webcam02:44
roastedPalinBachman2012, yeah, problem is I had trouble setting it up, and I was looking for a QUICK solution for the night. DO you have experience with zoneminder?02:45
PalinBachman2012roasted: no02:45
FriarI am starting to write some stuff in python. but I can't seem to get my script to run in the command line.02:49
FriarI've made it executable.02:49
FriarI get the command not found error. I've made a /bin folder in my home folder. and that is where it is.02:50
carnage1i need a manly way out02:52
th0rFriar: I just got here so forgive me for asking dumb questions....did you make the file executable? and are you using the complete path when issuing the command?02:53
Friarth0r, yes I did.02:53
rjonesx1i set it to auto login when i set up ubuntu. any idea on how to turn that sucker off?02:54
FriarI didn't use the complete path...I'll try that.02:54
th0rFriar: and did you use /home/user and not ~02:54
hiexpomaybe nedd to cd /bin first02:54
Friarth0r, just got: nathan@Pluto:~/bin$ /home/nathan/bin/montecarlo.py02:54
Friarbash: /home/nathan/bin/montecarlo.py: /bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory02:54
th0rhiexpo: not if he uses full path02:54
th0rFriar: ask 'which python'...looks like you don't have it installed02:55
iskinLibreOffice is breaking Unity, LibreOffice windows are trapped in Maximize, and the launcher wont dodge. How do I fix this?02:55
SuperFireLord42Friar: python should not be in that directory.02:55
FriarI do have it installed....2.7.102:55
hiexpothor i know  but maybe easier for him02:55
surgeterrix /msg NickServ identify 32843202:56
surgeterrixwell that was stupid02:56
iskinsurgeterrix, yep.02:56
th0rhiexpo: if he is in /home/user/bin he would still need ./command....unless it is another ubuntu 'modification'02:56
carnage1i hear the new spiderman has mitt romney in it02:56
SuperFireLord42Friar: run "which python" in the terminal. It should say something like /usr/bin/python if my guess is right02:57
escottrjonesx1, remove /etc/gdm/custom.conf02:57
Friarth0r, I got it going...SuperFireLord42, that did the trick.02:57
Friar/usr/bin/python instead of /bin/python at the top of the script02:57
Friaralways the little things.02:57
rjonesx1escott: thanks.02:58
andantinohow do i create a keyboard shortcut for a command02:59
wallraceso i02:59
wallracewhoops lol02:59
escott!ccsm | andantino shortcuts can be found in there02:59
ubottuandantino shortcuts can be found in there: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:59
wallraceso i'm having trouble with setting up ssh on my friend's ubuntu box03:00
wallracei had him install openssh and openssh-server but i can't seem to connect to him03:01
wallraceit keeps timing out03:01
wallraceis there some configuration step i'm missing?03:01
celthunderwallrace: /etc/init.d/ssh start03:01
SuperFireLord42wallrace: what happens when he runs sudo services sshd status ? (if i remember my commands correctly)03:01
escottwallrace, service ssh start03:01
SuperFireLord42oops, its ssh, ignore me03:01
wallracei had him try that and it was started03:02
celthunderwallrace: also make sure /etc/hosts.allow has sshd:  ALLOW03:02
celthunderwallrace: iptables blocking it ? (iptables -L to look)03:02
escottwallrace, make sure you can ping the box03:02
wallraceno i couldn't ping the box either i don't think03:03
escottwallrace, well thats the problem. is it behind a NAT?03:03
tripelbI have a file called brasero.iso  how do I look at it to see what it is?03:04
escotttripelb, mount -o loop03:04
Trfsrfrhello y'all. Need newb help here. How can I get my dual monitor to stay in the configuration I have them set in? When I come back from screensaver, they go back to mirror screen. Thanks!03:04
celthundertripelb: mount it? or open it with an archive manager03:04
tripelblet me see.03:04
celthunderwallrace: is it on the same network?03:04
wallraceno and i think that's part of the problem03:05
wallracei'm having him fix his hosts.allow right now03:05
escottwallrace, if his machine is ip address 192.168.something then he is behind a NAT. you would need to enable port forwarding and then ssh to the ip address of his router03:06
tripelbescott sudo mount -o loop brasero.iso ... mount: can't find brasero.iso in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:06
hiexpotripelb, it is an iso you made and forgot to renmae it what it really was03:06
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tripelbhiexpo that's what I figured.03:06
escotttripelb, you have to give the mount point and device (in this case the *.iso) when mounting something not in fstab03:07
celthundertripelb: add somewhere to put it03:07
tripelbescott I didnt know that. What's a mount point?03:07
hiexpotripelb, what folder is the iso in ?03:07
escotttripelb, so it would be sudo mount -o loop /path/to/brasero.iso /path/to/where/you/want/to/see/the/data03:07
hiexpotripelb, just get this sudo apt-get install gmountiso probally easier for you03:08
tripelbhiexpo, celthunder escott I did cd Desktop (which is where it is) nicely terminal told me I had to be root to do that. duh, so I added sudo.03:08
tripelbescott I want to see it in a filebrowser (nautilus) window03:08
tripelbI've looked at the files in an iso easily before.03:09
escotttripelb, once you mount it to /home/tripleb/brazero_loop you could open that folder in nautilus03:09
wallraceescott, i would enable port forwarding in his /etc/ssh/sshd_config?03:10
escottwallrace, in the router03:10
wallraceescott, i've never worked with routers before... can you just point me at the man page or something i would have to read to get started on that?03:11
SuperFireLord42wallrace: does his ip start with 10, 192.168, or 172?03:11
escottwallrace, depends on the router have him go to assuming his reported ip is 192.68.1.xxx03:11
Trfsrfr hello y'all. Need newb help here. How can I get my dual monitor to stay in the configuration I have them currently set in? When I come back from screensaver, they go back to mirror screen. Thanks!03:11
ubuseri was wanting help with my computer, i had windows, but i got a sick virus, now i am trying to load ubuntu on it03:12
tripelbOK escott I can see the filenames in archive mgr. it's some unknown movie, dvd. Now I want to play it so I know what it is. ((I havent gotten past the fstab stuff))03:12
ubuseri have ubuntu 5.1 the ancient version and i had to do a xserver dpkg command to get it running something about vesa video card03:12
wallracethanks escott03:12
ubuseri was wanting to do a mini ubuntu version on a cd, and i was wanting to know if i should go with 64 x or 32 idk anything really03:12
ubuseri jus dont want to run into any problems03:13
SuperFireLord42ubuser: what processor does your computer have in it?03:13
ubuseri dont know any ubuntu commands03:13
ubuseri got 4 gigs ram, and 500 harddrive thats all i really know man03:13
ubuseroh, and i had to take out 3 gigs03:14
escotttripelb, double click or copy the file out to some other folder03:14
ubuserto get it running again...03:14
hiexpotripelb, doubleclick one of the vob's03:14
hyperairhello. has anyone managed to get vmware player running in ubuntu 11.04 x64?03:14
SuperFireLord42ubuser: you had to take out 3gb of ram?03:14
ubuseri need to do bios update?? i dont know if i have to get a linux version or not03:14
ubuseri flashed the bios :(03:14
ubuserits getting hot man, hurry03:14
SuperFireLord42ubuser: do you have an internet connection on the box so i can have you pastebin something?03:15
celthunderhyperair: what error are you getting03:15
ubuseri am on here? now03:15
hyperaircelthunder: something about signal 11 (probably a segfault), or at other times, it says virtual machine busy03:15
SuperFireLord42ubuser: copy the results of this command to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/ and give us the link it gives. run cat /proc/cpuinfo in the terminal03:15
john_rambo Hi ..I just finished installing Xubuntu 10.04 ...configured dsl via pppoeconf ......problem is the networka manager is writing as dns server in /etc/resolve.conf.......I want to use my own choice of public dns    But the nm-applet is gone03:15
celthunderjohn_rambo: /etc/resolv.conf.head03:16
escottjohn_rambo, gnome-network-properties03:16
tripelbmy VLC has been loading funny as if in horizontal pieces. Can I reinstall it over itself without removing it?03:16
hiexpobad paste03:17
john_ramboescott, The command "gnome-network-properties" failed to run:03:17
john_ramboFailed to execute child process "gnome-network-properties" (No such file or directory)03:17
ubuseri need to know what is best ubuntu for my pc, and will it have the sources list automatically stored -.-03:17
celthunderubuser: ?03:17
celthunderubuser: can you expand that question a bit03:17
john_rambocelthunder,  /etc/resolv.conf.head ?? please explain03:17
ubuseri flashed my bios...., i dont know what to do03:17
SuperFireLord42celthunder: he wants to know if he should dl 32bit or 64 bit, he said something about removing 3GB of ram to get it to work and running Ubuntu 5.103:18
ubuseri am currently on ubuntu 5.1, i want the better one.. lol i paste bind my pc stats03:18
celthunderjohn_rambo: dhcpcd/dhclient don't overwrite /etc/resolv.conf.head it says so in the comments03:18
SuperFireLord42ubuser: the paste didnt work right, its blank :/03:18
Narcarsisshow do i search file a word in a file03:18
celthunderubuser: 64 bit as long as your processor supports it (if newer than 2003 and not a 2007-2010 atom it does)03:18
ubuserit said amd 6403:18
celthunderubuser: then go for the 64 bit version03:18
* SuperFireLord42 sighs........03:19
celthunderNarcarsiss: grep?03:19
escottNarcarsiss, grep is the command line tool grep "pattern" /in/file03:19
Narcarsissok maning it thankyou03:19
ubuserokay i am downloading the small 64 bit, and should i have to put a certain video driver or something?03:19
SuperFireLord42ubuser: go with 64, dont worry about the paste03:19
ubuserit was complicated installing an ancient version03:20
celthunderubuser: what video card do you have03:20
TrfsrfrIve been dealing with this dual-monitor issue for awhile now.03:20
john_rambocelthunder, Thanks03:20
Trfsrfranybody have some troubleshooting advice?03:20
celthunderubuser: ?03:20
ubuserim staring at the paste bin03:20
ubuserit doesnt say vid?03:21
celthunderubuser: lspci and look for it and just paste it in here...should be 1 line03:21
SuperFireLord42ubuser: for that use lspci (and please use pastebin.ubuntu.com)03:21
escottTrfsrfr, guessing that the monitors are being turned off and are turning on at different rates. in the process its resizing the desktop, you could disable dpms but thats probably undesirable03:21
ubuserone sec ill look, winfast px8600 256 meg03:21
fritzophrenicquick question, I'm trying to configure the package manager to look for stuff in a ppa (specifically, https://launchpad.net/~mercurial-ppa/+archive/releases) and it gives instructions on that page for using add-apt-repository. It also gives instructions for using "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mercurial-ppa/releases/ubuntu lucid main" which looks like the format the package manager GUI is looking for. Is there any signific03:21
fritzophrenicresult of the two?03:21
SuperFireLord42ubuser: well, unless you only paste that one line, in which case put it right here03:22
celthunderSuperFireLord42: the video card is 1 line...not over 303:22
escottubuser, if the flags section contains "lm" then it is 64bit03:22
SuperFireLord42celthunder: yes but lspci is over 303:22
celthunderSuperFireLord42: oops sorry i'm reading several lines behind here03:22
SuperFireLord42celthunder: no prob, my client is lagging03:22
wallraceSuperFireLord42, his ip address on whatsmyip is 65.93.xxx.xx and from ifconfig it's 192.16803:23
wallraceand still timing out03:23
celthunderubuser: that showed up empty for me .....03:23
celthunderwallrace: you connect using the 65. one make sure his port 22 is open on the router and forwarding to his machine on incoming03:23
escottwallrace, the 65 is his routers ip (wireless router or the like) it is using NAT to convert to 192 which is not a valid ip for you03:23
SuperFireLord42wallrace: on your computer you need to connect via the 65 address, his firewall needs to be set to pass through port 22 to the 192 address03:23
celthunderubuser: just find the one line03:24
rjonesx1hey folks, so it seems that when I launch compiz settings manager I can't actually change anything (ie: grayed out options). any ideas?03:24
celthunderrjonesx1: use compiz's wm?03:25
ubuserso with the winfast px8600 256 meg would i have to choose a certain driver? i was wondering, i flashed my bios earlier, and it wouldnt start up so i took out all ram except one stick, and it booted back up. do u have to download a certain bios file?03:25
SuperFireLord42rjonesx1: is compiz running?03:25
ubuseror can someone please run me through fixing my bios so my ram will work?03:25
ubuserim any good at linux03:25
celthunderubuser: ? why would you have to use a certain driver for ram?03:25
ubuserno 2 questions03:26
rjonesx1unity is running, so I assume compiz is03:26
SuperFireLord42ubuser: how far will it boot with all the ram in? it could have to do with the old version of linux not supporting it03:26
ubuseri am about to install ubuntu 11.04 mini 64, and i flashed my bios03:26
celthunderubuser: ok03:26
ubuserno i had windows03:26
ubuserand it wouldnt boot03:26
escottubuser, the installer has a version of memtest which you could use to identify an bad/incompatible modules03:26
MK``11.04 fixed my ips issue but I still can't change the brightness on this laptop heh03:26
rjonesx1what is compiz wm?03:26
ubuserit was after i flashed the bios, with that jumper thing03:27
SuperFireLord42ubuser: thats a reset, how long did you have the jumper in the reset position?03:27
celthunderrjonesx1: idk what compiz uses but it changes the wm doesn't it (seems to do all the tasks of a wm)03:27
ubuser5 seconds03:27
escottrjonesx1, it does effects. if you don't have effects (transparent windows and the like) then you have metacity, you can find its keyboard shortcuts in gconf-editor03:27
celthunderubuser: you did a reset not a flash03:27
ubuseri made sure it was unplugged03:27
ubuseridk it effed me03:28
SuperFireLord42ubuser: good, i recommend you may want to reflash your bios (not reset)03:28
fritzophrenicrjonesx1, if I remember correctly, I had to set system->preferences->appearance->Visual Effects to "extra" or "custom" first, but I'm not sure of that, I'm pretty new to Ubuntu.03:28
ubuserhow do i do that?03:28
wallraceSuperFireLord42, escott, celthunder and i do that by going through his router settings on on his network? we can't seem to find anything like that though03:28
fritzophrenicignore me if what I said makes no sense :-03:28
rjonesx1escott: i do have transparent windows (ie: i can see through terminal)03:28
SuperFireLord42wallrace: what is his gateway address according to ifconfig, it should be or something?03:28
ubuserits going to catch on fire soon..03:28
SuperFireLord42ubuser: pull up your computer online and find the newest bios for it and follow the instructions in general03:28
escottrjonesx1, real transparency or fake I can see the background transparency03:28
ubuseri know, but this is linux man03:29
ubuseri cant download my exe's03:29
nit-witrjonesx1, compiz --replace in the terminal will reload it.03:29
ubuseridk what commands to do or nothing03:29
celthunderwallrace: the simple way is to throw his machine in a dmz the second easiest is port forwarding the other option is make his router into just a modem and use just your machien (won't work iwht other machiens online unless your isp gives you more than one ip) also the last option is extremely insecure03:29
SuperFireLord42anyone know if bios flashes work right in wine? :P /probably a bad idea03:29
ubusershould i go ahead and install 11.04 b4 the bios update?03:29
rjonesx1seriously nit-wit, if I type that into terminal again and this thing crashes I am coming for you.03:29
pythonirc1012I've a library sitting in a directory that a python program can not find -- I added the path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Is there anything else i need to do? ldd libyaafecore.so.0.61.0 -- outputs -- No such file or directory03:29
celthunderubuser: unless you have an actual bios problem i wouldn't reflash it...03:30
ubuseri cant use my other 3 gigs of ram?03:30
wallraceSuperFireLord42 it's 192.168.2.xx03:30
SuperFireLord42ubuser: i would reset to factory in bios at the very least, it may fix it03:30
escottubuser, use memtest to test the dimms one may have gone bad03:30
celthunderubuser: ? in the os or does bios literally not show it03:30
rjonesx1hmm, ok, seems to have reloaded fine03:30
nit-witrjonesx1, you could reboot compiz is finicky in natty you have to be able to log out of X run that command a and reboot, while teaking03:30
SuperFireLord42wallrace: what happens when you go to that address in the browser? (probably
ubuserit wont turn on, i cant see anything on the monitor if my rams in03:31
ubuseritll boot up tho03:31
celthunderubuser: is your ram compatible with your motherboard?03:31
nit-witrjonesx1, I was lokng for you over the back fence.;)03:31
SuperFireLord42celthunder: it sounds like the reset he did on the board did not work right. imho, thats why i was thinking of flashing it03:31
ubuseryes, i had windows running03:31
tomek_hi, how can i get root privileges?03:31
nit-witsudo su03:31
rjonesx1so, when i close the terminal in which i ran compiz --replace, and my computer burns to the ground, what is your phone number and home address?03:31
SuperFireLord42tomek_: sudo -i03:31
wallraceSuperFireLord42 it gives information about his router and lets him change settings but we can't find anything about port forwarding/anything that looks like it would work03:32
celthunderSuperFireLord42: he can't make up his mind one minute the ram doens't work at all the next windows ran fine with the ram in...either it turns on or it doesn't....03:32
SuperFireLord42wallrace, what router is it? linksys?03:32
escottnit-wit, sudo -i03:32
nit-witescott, thanks03:32
celthunderwallrace: did you see my last message03:32
celthunderwallrace: also make/model of his router/modem?03:32
SuperFireLord42celthunder: i still wonder if the old ubuntu he has is too old to handle the ram? i thought the older kernels had a 4GB limit, then again, i am not faimilar with 5.103:33
celthundertomek_: sudo su -03:33
tripelbhiexpo, clicking on one or another of the VOB's opened totem player and pressing play gave me nothing, black silent. -- I dont understand dvd's at all. I mounted it into a folder called test which has two folders VIDEO_TS AND AUDIO_TS both of which are "apparently" empty. I can see their insides when I look at the .iso thrru archive manager. -- I have no idea what I am looking at. Nor what I made a diskimage of.03:33
ubuserokay im having more problems03:33
wallracecelthunder yeah i have three browser tabs on dmz's loading right now03:33
celthunderSuperFireLord42: probably lol03:33
ubusersince i am on ubuntu 5.1 i cant find my sources list, so the svn repository doesnt work03:33
celthunderubuser: /etc/apt/sources.list03:33
ubuseri want to know how to do a bios flash in linux, i dont have an a:03:33
ubuseri cant burn a cd without svn03:34
ubuseri got that03:34
SuperFireLord42ubuser: uh... svn? isnt that a subversion tool?03:34
ubuserall the links are old now03:34
celthunderSuperFireLord42: yeah03:34
ubuserthe repositories man03:34
nit-witubuser, there is no universal way it depends on the app for installing.03:34
ubuser. . .03:34
celthunderSuperFireLord42: what i'm wondering is why he's on a version from like 7 years ago03:34
ubuseri got it mailed to me -.-03:35
SuperFireLord42celthunder: i think the best bet is he just needs to put 11.04 on it and then we see what to do.03:35
ubuserim sick of viruses03:35
SuperFireLord42ubuser: can you burn the 11.04 cd?03:35
ubuseri cant reload without a cd, i dont have a flash drive03:35
nit-witubuser, usually it involves a floppy,  installed mine on my acer asipre from a live W7 session.03:35
ubuseri cant burn a cd, there is no program03:35
ubuserwhat program doesnt require any dependencys? will i have to download them 1 by 1?03:35
wallracecelthunder SuperFireLord42 it's a 2wire 2701HG-G03:35
Dommeranyone here good with programming and python?03:35
DommerI need help03:35
ubuseru cant use a cd to flash bios?03:36
SuperFireLord42ubuser: Dommer a bit03:36
celthunderubuser: get a ub stick then do dd if=<ubuntu11.iso> of=/dev/<usbdevice> then install from that03:36
tensorpuddingDommer: #python would be a better place to field questions about python03:36
grendal-primei want to build a package from some source for gtk-gnutella03:36
grendal-primeanyone dont that reciently03:36
celthunderDommer: some..what's the issue03:36
SuperFireLord42celthunder and wallrace i know nothing about 2wires.03:36
ubuserguess im on my own..03:36
tripelbcool, found the ubuntu 10.04 disk torrent on the pirate bay, thru google03:37
celthunderSuperFireLord42: wallrace 2wires FAIL...with that said...it should have port forwarding/dmz abilities check portforward.com and then just replace the game port with 2203:37
Dommerit's not about python exactly, but how to make a program from it.  that said, taking a program I have scripted that is currently running and make it a real app03:37
wallraceSuperFireLord42 i forgive you. but seriously you've been a huge help so far thanks03:37
SuperFireLord42wallrace: you will ahve to look around a bit for it i think03:37
tensorpuddingDommer: that's still a python question; you have to add a hashbang and make it executable03:37
SuperFireLord42wallrace: thats what I do when i see new stuff xD03:37
nit-witubuser, your missing the important part it relies on the media itself, whether cd usb flppy or from a live setup, contact the manufacturer or the patch conveyor.03:37
wallracecelthunder yeah he said he got it for free but thanks03:37
Dommerhow the hell do I do that?03:37
SuperFireLord42Dommer: look at pythons tutorials, they actually are pretty well written03:37
tensorpuddingDommer: but wait, you mean you have a script and you want to make it an app?03:38
tensorpuddingDommer: python scripts already are "applications"03:38
tensorpuddingDommer: they don't need to be compiled or anything03:38
celthunderSuperFireLord42: wallrace did you try that site and seeing if it had the 2wire model listed or try a similar model name and just clickon a random app replace the port with 2203:38
Dommeryeah.  I have written a web browser and it is runing currently on facebook.com  I haven't seen ANY bugs and the plus to it is no proxy server is needed.  I want to make it available for use for whenever03:39
wallracecelthunder SuperFireLord42 escott at least i know it's a router problem now :P03:39
SuperFireLord42celthunder: looking at it now actually :P03:39
wallracecelthunder SuperFireLord42 working on it now03:39
celthunderSuperFireLord42: pm?03:39
tensorpuddingDommer: you're not very clear03:39
SuperFireLord42celthunder: go ahead, if this client will support it :P03:39
celthunderDommer: upload it somewhere03:40
celthunderDommer: link to it then...you're sharing it03:40
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Dommerhow would I go at doing that exactly?03:40
SuperFireLord42hey wallrace, i got some light reading for us to look through :P http://www.2wire.com/pages/pdfs/2701HG_user_guide.pdf03:40
JuJuBeecan i restore grub2 from a 9.04 live cd?  I did a fresh install of Windows and lost grub.  I was using 10.04 prior with grub 2 but only have 9.04 live with me...03:40
tensorpuddingDommer: what exactly is it that you have, a python script?03:41
nit-witJuJuBee, not from a9.0403:41
escottJuJuBee, yes follow the chroot method in !grub03:41
DommerI'll show you if you tell me how I would post it03:41
JuJuBee!grub > JuJuBee03:41
ubottuJuJuBee, please see my private message03:41
nit-witJuJuBee, what is the distro installed03:41
Dommerwait wait wait, I think I know how03:41
Zelozelosanybody know if wine will run combat arms fps?03:41
tensorpuddingDommer: you can share files on the internet in a lot of different ways, one rather simple way would be using dropbox03:41
JuJuBeenit-wit: I have 10.04 installed03:42
tensorpuddingZelozelos: check the wine appdb03:42
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:42
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:42
Zelozelosahh ok forgot about that  tensorpudding03:42
pirlo89Dommer: use postbin03:42
nit-witJuJuBee, you need a 10.04 do you need a esy link03:42
DommerI'm new at coding, I dunno much :O03:42
tensorpuddingDommer: if it's a single .py file, you can copy and paste it onto pastebin.com03:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:43
JuJuBeenit-wit: no I am going to download a 11.04 iso03:43
tensorpuddingthere's one03:43
pirlo89Dommer: post it at http://pastebin.com/03:43
JuJuBeenit-wit: I can use that to restore, can't I?03:43
Guest86693hi someone french 603:43
tensorpudding!fr | Guest8669303:43
ubottuGuest86693: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.03:43
nit-witJuJuBee, don't use the 11.04 to load grub it is diffrent.03:43
JuJuBeeawww maaannn... Now I need a 10.04 also...03:44
escottJuJuBee, I would worry about the 11.04 easy version for the same reason. just use the chroot method03:44
Dommerwait.. what the....03:44
KSHawkEyeIs ubuntu one here to stay, or should I also backup my files at another location as well?03:45
celthunderKSHawkEye: ??03:45
Dommerall the code is gone :O it's replaced by freakin web scripts03:45
KSHawkEyecelthunder: Is there any chance that ubuntu one will be closed in the future?03:45
DommerFile "<stdin>", line 2, in load_progress_changed03:45
DommerZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero03:45
DommerTraceback (most recent call last):03:45
Dommer  File "<stdin>", line 2, in load_progress_changed03:45
DommerZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero03:45
FloodBot1Dommer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
KSHawkEye"ubuntu one" the online storage03:45
tensorpuddingKSHawkEye: if you're asking whether canonical will drop support for it, i'm going to suppose that's unlikely in the short-term03:46
JuJuBeeescott: what do you mean?  chroot method?03:46
poppoHopefully not.03:46
JuJuBeedo you have link?03:46
wallraceSuperFireLord42 haha not only that but you're making me mad for not having set up copy/paste on this gentoo machine :P03:46
escottJuJuBee, its in the !grub link03:46
escott!grub > escott03:46
ubottuescott, please see my private message03:46
celthunderKSHawkEye: lol idk...100 percent likely long term...as things develop i'm sure it'll disappear /turn into something else but...for now ? probably not...always good to have more than one backup location anyway03:46
poppoKSHawkEye: Although if they do drop it, there's still Dropbox.03:46
SuperFireLord42wallrace: :P03:46
SuperFireLord42wallrace: i am not used to there being that detailed of a manual03:47
escottJuJuBee, beginning here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#METHOD%203%20-%20CHROOT03:47
The_Exploreri did a chroot to run linux on android, but the internet wont forward to it, so apt-get wont connect03:48
wallraceSuperFireLord42 and the worst part is the picture doesn't match up with what he's seeing03:48
JuJuBeeescott: says 9.10 or later... :(03:48
SuperFireLord42wallrace: hmm, ouch...03:48
wallraceSuperFireLord42 he doesn't have a firewall tab at the top...03:48
SuperFireLord42wallrace: is the pdf the right unit?03:48
nit-witJuJuBee, exactly and I doubt you have to chroot but it is a good skill to heve.;)03:48
escottJuJuBee, the chroot thing will get you into your installed system. you can do a standard grub reinstall following grub1 instructions if that is what you ahve03:49
nit-witescott, 10.04 is grub203:49
JuJuBeeescott: I have grub 203:50
KSHawkEyepoppo: Thanks for the tip for Dropbox, im trying it now03:50
wallraceSuperFireLord42 it's a 2701 HG-G but I don't see that that has its own manual03:50
poppoKSHawkEye: no probs :)03:50
roastedQuestion - how do I tell what device my usb webcam is, in terms of /dev/video0 or what?03:51
escottJuJuBee, i can't imagine why they say 9.10 and higher, it should work fine unless there were some substantial libc/kernel changes which will be obvious as soon as you chroot in03:51
JohnTeddySo Lenovo keyboards are crippled, the Fn key is where the Control key should be. I can't change 15 years of habit.... how can I change my Fn key to be a control key also?03:51
trism10.04 would be the "or later" part, the message is included because grub2 was first introduced in 9.1003:52
trismas default that is03:52
escottJohnTeddy, first see if Fn is even recognized in xev if it isn't then i think you are SOL03:52
rosstaylori have a problem with youtube videos, everytime i maximize the videos it lags03:52
rosstaylorfull screen maximization03:53
tensorpuddingJohnTeddy: the Fn key is actually special03:53
escotttrism, which is bull**** because the point is to chroot in, the only versions that matter are the versions on the already installed system03:53
tensorpuddingJohnTeddy: it's not a real key; it only sends key signals when paired with another key03:53
tensorpuddingJohnTeddy: so there isn't likely anything you can do03:53
JohnTeddydamn, this is so silly. Why did they put the Fn key there.03:53
tensorpuddingJohnTeddy: since pressing the key isn't recognized by the OS03:53
JohnTeddyI hate laptop keyboards03:53
tensorpuddingJohnTeddy: my advice is to make caps lock a second control key03:54
trismescott: oh, I see your point, yes it is awkwardly worded03:55
ZelozelosJohnTeddy, best advice is to get used 2 getting used to diff keyboards. adapt-overcome ;)03:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.03:56
escotttrism, unless there was a big libc change or if the 9.10 and later libc cannot interface with 9.4 and earlier kernels... and its been a while since that kind of incompatiblity has been introduced03:57
Zelozelosusing 11.04 and i guess its called unity, is there a way to add a panel so i can have my applets  back such as the clipboard edit thingy n such?03:57
The_Explorercan one edit xorg.conf and set vncserver as display output?03:57
rhizmoewhat package should i use for qt4 core?03:57
yourname32Is anyone familiar with the iFolder client? I keep getting a 'Novell.iFolder.iFolderApplication.StartiFolder' error when I try to start it not as any user but root.03:58
rosstaylori have a problem with youtube videos, everytime i maximize the videos to full screen view it lags03:58
maxagazis there a terminal more powerfull than gnome-terminal ? another alternative ?03:58
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maxagazthe terminal is more powerful on KDE03:58
escottmaxagaz, what do you want that makes it more powerful?03:58
rwwmaxagaz: then install the KDE terminal and use that instead ;P03:58
rww(package: konsole)03:59
roastedQuestion - lsusb shows Bus 001 Device 004: ID 046d:080f Logitech, Inc. Webcam C120. for my usb webcam. What would this translate to in /dev/path? I need to use a /dev/video path for ZoneMinder to work.03:59
sage000maxagaz: I'd recommend urxvt (rxvt-unicode in the repos)03:59
escottroasted see where the symlink in /dev/bus/usb/001/004 points03:59
roastedescott, how would I do that?03:59
wallraceSuperFireLord42 escott all the guides for the 2701hg-g say there's a firewall tab in the top right but we don't have one. this is getting to be ridiculous.04:01
SuperFireLord42somethings really wrong, i'm gone04:01
escottroasted ls -l04:01
maxagazsage000: it looks so ugly04:02
Zelozelosrosstaylor youtube uses flash right? try and increase the amount of storage space is my only guess, or pause for a while then goto fullscreen and play04:02
maxagazsage000: I'd like something that allow me to split the terminal in two04:03
sage000maxagaz: Do you want powerful or pretty? ; p (if you want split-screen terminals, look into byobu or screen)04:03
maxagazsage000: I want pretty04:03
rosstaylorzelozelos: any other suggestion?04:03
maxagazsage000: byobu/screen's mouse scroll isn't convenient04:04
bluebomberDoes anyone know if there is terminal software that allows tabbing, like gnome-terminal, but that I can use remotely without having to enable X forwarding?04:04
Kevin_FlynnHello.  I'm running Xubuntu 10.10 which came with Parole media player.  I'm trying to play an AVI file, but it says I'm missing a pluggin.  I searched the net but, found nothing.04:04
bluebomberI'd like to SSH into my remote box and open multiple prompts within a single, non-x-forwarding session.04:05
Zelozelosrosstaylor, perhaps its the browser and not flash, try a diff browser, check 2 make sure your connections is good, u have a decent vid card right?04:05
escottbluebomber, screen04:05
maxagazsage000: sorry, byobu's mouse scroll is fine indeed04:05
escottroasted, that may not work actually. im not sure how you distinguish v4l devices04:05
maxagazsage000: better than screen's one04:06
maxagazsage000: do you know how to run byobu by default when I open a terminal ?04:06
lsvI found this page ( http://ajdiaz.wordpress.com/2010/12/20/integer-conversions-in-bash/ ) and I was wondering if any one could explain the first example in the page?04:06
sage000maxagaz: I just have a keyboard shortcut, with 'urxvtc -e byobu' mapped to Alt-S.04:07
uabn93how can I get my pc's internal sd card reader to read my card?04:08
rosstaylorzelozelos: this problem has surfaced as of recently, everything worked fine before i upgraded to 11.0404:08
_genuser_hello ubntu nuts04:09
lsvhello you04:09
yourname32uabn93, what trouble are you having with it now?04:09
nit-witrosstaylor, try the FF addon flash aid.04:10
uabn93yourname32: It doesn't read my sd card when I plug it in. It's strange.04:10
yourname32uabn93, when you plug in the card, if you type in 'dmesg' to the terminal, does it show any reference to a new usb device?04:11
uabn93yourname32: And I know that its plugged into the mobo correctly because it lights up when plugged in04:11
wallracealright escott SuperFireLord42 celthunder thanks for all the help we're gonna call it a night04:12
celthunderwallrace: gnight04:12
maxagazwhat's the name of the terminal for kde ?04:13
maxagazcarnage1: what's the package name ?04:13
uabn93yourname32: all i really see is "usb 5-1: reset full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2"04:14
lsvuabn93: try this unplug the card, open a terminal and enter this: tail /var/log/messages , now insert the card and check if the computer recognize the sd card04:14
pirlo89@maxagaz kosole04:15
ariezanyone know whats segmentation faults exacly?04:16
pirlo89ariez: its when you access something your not allowed to04:16
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debsanariez, that's a common problem in programming04:16
lsvuabn93: you want this line: "May 24 22:15:20 <Computer Name> kernel: [ 2591.345811]  sdb: sdb1" more exactly you want the "sdb1" part of the line04:16
uabn93lsv: didnt work.04:17
Exia00Hello, I need help... I want to install Ubuntu but i dont want to fully format my windows hard drive, is there a way to partitionate my disk without losing my data ?04:17
carnage1side by side04:17
jesterok, here's the problem:  i have the user account logged on. only 1 user account without root privs. how do i get root privs without them already lol04:17
ariezi see this message error every time i do iwconfig04:17
jestersorry im nub at ubuntu. i work on windows computers lol04:18
xrfangI found there is no way to report a problem on launchpad now, if I click "report a bug", it direct me to a wiki page on how to collect program data etc. that is not what I want... any hints?04:18
lsvuabn93: so nothing is added to the terminal when you plug your sd card?04:18
rosstaylornit-wit: how do i get that04:18
uabn93lsv: Oh. wait a sec....04:18
nit-witrosseaux, click on the addons and put it in the search box04:19
jesterany1 got a solution?04:19
yourname32Exia00, I don't know if the current ubuntu installer has this built in - but in the past I've always used gparted LiveCD to resize my windows (NTFS) partition and leave some blank space, then install a dual-boot setup.04:19
debsanExia00, off course, in the installation you are asked to select all the disk or just some free spce to install ubuntu04:20
nit-witrosstaylor, click on tools addons and put it in the search box, sorry rosseaux04:20
carnage1at least 8 gigs04:20
uabn93lsv: this apears "sd 0:0:0:0: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery" and then this line afterwards "EXT4-fs (sda7): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)"04:20
jestercan any1 help?04:20
Exia00hmmm nice many thanks! yourname32 and debsan, i'll check both04:20
yourname32jester, do you need root to install something? You shouldn't always be running as root. If you've got unubtu, just append 'sudo' before the command you're trying to run.04:21
roothorickis there a way to disable the sound manager stuff? I have powered speakers and want the ALSA mixer set up a certain way04:21
trismxrfang: it is described on that page, in the Filing bugs at Launchpad.net section04:21
jesterno. i dont have an account so i can do anything that requires admin privs04:22
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rosstaylornit-wit: that didn't work..04:22
jesterit took forever to even log in04:22
ubuserokay, hello everyone, i am still having bios problems, i am on ubuntu 5.1, i was wanting to upgrade.., i was wondering if there was a mini ubuntu that i could just download instead of having to burn to a cd, and keep this as backup or delete it later...04:22
lsvuabn93: I don't know a lot but did your pc turn off suddenly while your sd card was on or you unplug the sd card when you were passing thing to or from the sd card?04:22
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yourname32jester, are you trying to recover a computer that you need root access to? I'm just confused as to what you're trying to do.04:22
tomek_is ubuntu built in firewall secure?04:22
jesteri had to reset my pass for my account04:22
nit-witrosstaylor, did you have a popup to run it on restart of FF?04:22
jesteranytime i want to do anything (almost) it asks for admin privs account password04:23
jesteri dont have one and cannot set04:23
ubuserhow do i do an ubuntu install from desktop without cd?04:23
jestercant make a new account or anything04:23
yourname32jester, are you running in ubuntu, or some other flavour of linux?04:24
roothorickjester: can you open a terminal?04:24
jesteri have it open now04:24
rosstaylornit-wit: no pop up04:24
roothorickjester: if you can, ps ax > process-list.txt and pastebin the process-list.txt04:24
roothorickjester: which version Ubuntu btw?04:24
jesterbut it says my account is not in the sudoers file04:24
ubuseri downloaded a mini 64x 11.04 ubuntu iso, and it kept freezing04:25
roothorickjester: you probably just clobbered your /etc/sudoers04:25
jesterlol maybe04:25
roothorickjester: actually, pastebin your /etc/sudoers, if you can read it04:25
ubuseris there any way around using a cd to install ubuntu04:25
jesterhow to fix?04:25
jesterok hold04:25
uabn93lsv: I don't think so cause it never worked since Ive started using linux. not sure if it even worked back when i had windows but I can get the sd card to work if i plug it in with a usb to sd adapter i have.04:25
rosstaylornit-wit: it doesn't seem to work..04:25
roothorickjester: use a LiveCD to copy the /etc/sudoers from a working Ubuntu install04:25
geeksmithubuser: have you checked out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes ? You can't upgrade from 5.1 to the latest, you have to do it incrementally04:26
nit-witrosstaylor, it usually popsuo the first run as it searches for the latest Adobe and removes the installer. Most people don't remove the installler so it seems strange for it not to.04:26
yourname32tomek_, the firewall is secure, although you might need to tweak the default setup if you're making a production server.04:26
ubuser4 gigs ftw04:26
jesteri dont have a sudoers file lol04:26
rosstaylornit-wit: i ran it04:27
qinjester: You can reset password via recovery04:27
jesterand i dont know how to copy the files04:27
jesteri did that04:27
lsvuabn93: oh ok.  type " mount " in the terminal, is there anything in the output with "sda7"?04:27
nit-witrosstaylor, generally it is a fixall tool hope it works.;)04:27
ubuseralt f4 to type with colors!1104:27
roothorickjester: well there's your problem, hahah. Do you have a working Natty machine elsewhere? I don't know if the LiveCD sudoers is the same or not04:27
roothorickreally, no ban for that?04:28
qinjester: Hold shift at boot, log to root shell (no networking), passwd <your username>04:28
jesterno i dont (im sorry im such a lost cause  XP)04:28
Flannelroothorick: Not on the first time.04:28
jesteri did that04:28
roothorickFlannel: fair enough04:28
geeksmithubuser: your only option is to do a fresh install, then. You can't do that in-place, you'll need a boot CD04:28
rosstaylornit-wit: ok it appears so04:28
rosstaylornit-wit: thank yo04:28
rosstaylornit-wit: !!04:28
nit-witrosstaylor, no problem04:28
roothorickI wish I knew more about Ubuntu recovery stuff, heh04:28
qinjester: groups <your username>, what it gives?04:28
roothorickjester: long story short, you need to replace your /etc/sudoers. That'll fix your biggest problem by itself.04:29
uabn93lsv: just this "(sda7): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)"04:29
gastaldiDoes ubuntu 32 bit uses 4Gb RAM ? Or that is just another windows crap ?04:29
jesterill see if i can copy form the cd04:29
roothorickgastaldi: the 4GB limit is an inherent hardware limitation. It affects all versions of Windows, all versions of Linux, OSX, FreeBSD, Hurd, you name it.04:29
uabn93lsv: forget what i said above04:30
jesterand ill see if i can stay on chat while so04:30
roastedIs there a way I can disable my integrated webcam?04:30
gastaldiroothorick: thanks for the explanation04:30
roothorickgastaldi: you should be using 64bit if your processor supports it, regardless, anyway04:30
uabn93lsv: Yup :) i see it. it say /dev/sda7 on /media/blahblah04:31
qinroasted: Well you could just chmod /dev/video0 (if this is right dev)04:31
roothorickgastaldi: because AMD64/EM64T is more than just bigger pointers, it has extra registers and other useful thihngs04:31
tripelbre my .iso file I know what it is because the My-computer view showed me the titile. so I renamed the .iso file. so I opened the .iso with VLC and it is all well thanks hiexpo and  escott and celthunder04:32
uabn93lsv: Do you mount with " mount" followed by the sda7 line?04:32
gastaldiroothorick: Superb !04:33
Fritz750hi sorry my english04:33
roastedqin, what just chmod 000 it?04:33
Omen_20hi is it no longer possible possible to change your user account pic?04:34
Fritz750but i d like to know how i can secure my computer under ubuntu ... mask ip etc04:34
qinroasted: For a test yes, eventually you can blacklist coresponding module.04:34
MokkabarSo, I used unetbootin with Natty Narwhal, and used the "add persistent" feature and gave it 300mb (2gb usb)04:34
lsvuabn93: I would mount it by typing: sudo mount /dev/sda7 /media/some-folder04:34
Mokkabarbut when I go in there, it says I have 0mb available to me04:34
roothorickso how do I disable SoundMenu?04:35
MokkabarI see "330mb file system" in the file explorer, but there's nothing in nit04:35
Mokkabarwhat did I do wrong?04:35
qinroasted: Just make sure what where orginal /dev/video0 permissions (if you change your mind)04:35
lsvuabn93: where some-folder is an existing folder04:36
roastedqin, thanks bro04:36
geeksmithFritz750: can you be more specific?  Ubuntu has firewall, intrusion detection, and several other network security systems.  What are you trying to accomplish?  (Don't worry, your english seems just fine)04:36
qinFritz750: man iptables (first stop)04:37
Mokkabarappend initrd=/ubninit file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper quiet splash -- persistent04:38
Mokkabarthat's my syslinux.cfg line04:38
Fritz750yes i know ubuntu is almost secure than W7etc but its about my ip what i do on the net etc ,,,04:38
uabn93lsv: Mounting it under a new file name worked but still doesn't read the card. It's alright though04:39
uabn93lsv: i learned something new04:40
lsvuabn93: :D glad I could be of help04:40
uabn93lsv: Thanks for the help. I'll just use the usb adapter from now on04:40
l00pb4ckhi everyone , is it possible to stop notifications momentarily when 'im playing mame in full screen?04:41
geeksmithFritz750: you can use anonymizer systems like anonet to tunnel traffic and essentially hide it. If you're trying to secure your computer from attacks, then iptables is the first stop, as qin indicated.04:41
lsvuabn93: no problem04:41
mosesone of my monitors looks like shit04:42
mosesthe other one is clear04:42
moseswhy is this?04:42
FloodBot1moses: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:42
Fritz750iptables ? sorry don t know what is it? :)04:42
IIAir_LeoIIhi do C++ coul be used for bilding apps for linux04:43
surgeterrixFritz750 it's your software firewall built into the Linux kernel04:43
Fritz750oops ok sorry04:44
pirlo89<IIAir_LeoII> sure, why not04:44
Fritz750are from us 604:44
SkrewtapeHey, I hope somebody can help me out.  My apache error log is being spammed with weird messages and I'm not sure where they're coming from.  They don't seem to be associated with any entries in the access log04:45
IIAir_LeoIIallright then back to study.......04:45
REK_007do we need any antivirus on linux , AFAIK it was no but read in some tech magazine that it is better to have it .. is it true?04:45
AxlinREK_007: i only use an AV to scan files before passing them on to windows users04:45
littlebearzi personally use clamav04:46
REK_007Axlin: which one do you use?04:46
Axlini just use clamav, but there are others available, like avast04:46
REK_007ok so its basically required to clean windows in a way :P04:46
surgeterrix@REK_007 ClamAV but its very unlikely04:46
surgeterrixas mentioned mainly to used to scan for Windows viruses on Samba shares, email gateways, etc04:46
=== pilau is now known as piLau
AxlinREK_007: i just do it *just* to be certain. i have never found anything malicious yet, as i don't send my friends/family suspicious stuff, but i guess i'm just nice like that :-P04:47
surgeterrixFritz750 Firestarter will allow you to easily configure your firewall (IPTables) but its good to learn how it works04:47
SkrewtapeOr maybe it's the case that they show up in my error log after each request, but they're PHP errors and I'm requesting a perl cgi04:47
Fritz750thanks a lot surgeterrix04:48
Fritz750oh i m ok for firewall but it s for "net" activity .. mask my ip on irc ... ?04:52
surgeterrixFritz750 just remember to open ports for anything your running as a server like ssh, httpd etc04:53
surgeterrixFritz750 that's a bit more advanced04:53
lsvdoes anyone know what " let someVar=10#$anotherVar " do if both variables are integers?04:53
surgeterrixFritz750 proxies, anonymyzers, Tor, etc can be used but you kind of have to know what your doing04:53
Fritz750hey guys don t you know what s really happen in europ604:54
Trfsrfrwhy does my dual-monitor revert to mirror screen after screen saver?04:55
geeksmithlsv: in what language? sh? If so, it assigns 10 to someVar, and ignores the rest due to the '#'. I guess this could be shell-dependent, but zsh treats it how I described.04:56
lsvgeeksmith: I'm using bash. I ask because I saw this ( http://ajdiaz.wordpress.com/2010/12/20/integer-conversions-in-bash/ )04:58
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
solovoyhi, how can i install this patch to banshe : https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54087304:59
ubottuGnome bug 540873 in User Interface "Allow changing browser filters; add/remove genre, album artist, year, etc" [Enhancement,Assigned]04:59
ApOgEEhi all, can i know when is the next meeting for Asia Oceania Ubuntu Membership Board?05:02
jasonj2000xchat-gnome --help05:02
mrdebis anyone using lts here05:03
van7hu3 questions :)05:03
p896gbmhey gents, i've been using kde for going on 6 years now. is gnome good now? should i give it a try?05:03
p896gbmi've been looking forward to kde 4.605:03
p896gbmgoing to upgrade to natty05:03
p896gbmbut wondering if i should try gnome, i keep hearing about 'unity' and all that05:04
geeksmithlsv: interesting...i guess zsh and bash differ in this functionality05:04
p896gbmis it good?05:04
tensorpuddingp896gbm: it's good05:04
p896gbmis kubuntu good or should i use a different distribution to get a good kde?05:04
Toph2p896gbm,,, i found Unity very clumsy to use, so I went back to Classic05:05
lsvgeeksmith: yeah, I was like Whaaatt?!?!?! because I though that # would do what you said...05:05
mrdebp896gbm: kubuntu is pretty good, but barebone05:05
geeksmithp896gbm: hard to get an objective opinion here in the Ubuntu forum, but I do enjoy Kubuntu more than other KDE distros I've tried.  You can always install kubuntu-desktop to give it a whirl.05:05
lsvgeeksmith: and now I'm trying to figure out how that works... no luck so far05:05
Fritz750are u from us from all of people on here ?05:05
geeksmithlsv: that's a pretty interesting bash feature!05:07
mrdebis karmic koala still supported05:09
infinituxokay. how do I get emerald working?05:09
infinituxseems in 11.04 it doesn't work.05:09
infinituxrelated to unity from what I understand, so how do I fix it?05:10
mrdebwhats emerald05:10
infinituxi prefer to use xfce4 with compiz and emerald.05:10
lsvgeeksmith: it is, but I don't understand it :(05:10
piLauim kinda liking mint1005:10
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KSHawkEyewhat are some decent text editors for Ubuntu? Other then gedit and vim05:14
=== DrProfessor is now known as rannmann
KSHawkEyeNon command line based05:15
rzx237KSHawkEye: scite, leafpad05:16
dinKSHawkEye: mousepad05:16
p896gbmKSHawkEye: gvim :)05:16
qinKSHawkEye: emacs05:17
dinKSHawkEye: meld05:17
dini use that for svndiff a lot.05:17
qinKSHawkEye: also kate, bluefish05:17
KSHawkEyeWow thanks, thats a long list05:18
Abhijitwhich is the standard address book format supported/accepted by windows/mac/linux and evolutioon/thunderbird/outlook and gmail/yahoo/hotmail?05:19
MODspartanso how many times do you guys recommend running apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade05:19
AbhijitMODspartan, ubuntu can automatically check for new updates. you can set the interval05:20
KSHawkEyeMODspartan: i dont use the update manager so i do it every time i log on, first thing05:20
p896gbmbacking up stuff to an external drive to format. always makes me nervous >.<05:20
Logan_Abhijit: CSV?05:20
KSHawkEyeMODspartan: which would be once a day in my case05:20
AbhijitLogan_, ok05:20
Fritz750you can on w7 ? so you can onlinux /ubuntu ans it s more simple05:21
p896gbmhey guys can i rsync to an ntfs drive? i gather it will strip all the permissions but that's fine.05:21
MODspartancool thanks for info05:22
qinp896gbm: You can gzip to make things work better.05:23
p896gbmwell i assume gzip would reduce performance since i'm copying between local drives...05:24
KSHawkEyeis build-essential now included with ubuntu 11.04?05:24
p896gbmdoubt it :/05:24
KSHawkEyei think it is, i went to install it on a fresh 11.04 and it was already there.05:25
p896gbmwow that would be great if it is05:25
p896gbmmakes me happy :)05:25
rwwso did I the other day, so I guess so :\05:25
dinp896gbm: find .|cpio -dpmv /destination works well too.05:25
gh0stso fcrackzip....how do I know when it finds the password to my zip file?05:25
FerrelAnyone using 10.04 and know hot go get lvconver --merge support?05:25
Flannelbuild-essential is in the manifest file, so... yes?05:25
p896gbmanybody know how to get rsync to remove destination files that aren't in source?05:26
dinp896gbm: --delete05:26
dinp896gbm: just make sure you don't the the source and destination confused.05:27
dinit could be very detrimental.05:27
dindon't get*05:27
p896gbmyeah i'm doing a dry run05:28
p896gbmbacking up before a format is hectic shit :(05:28
p896gbmbut hopefully once i get this setup, i won't have to change anything for a while05:28
p896gbmi've got five harddrives in this thing, and i'm gonna take a 500gb partition from each one and set it up in a software raid6 for /home05:28
p896gbmis this a bad idea?05:28
p896gbmthree of the five drives are 500gb only, so they will be fully used... also have a 1tb and a 2tb05:29
p896gbmthe 2tb will be partitioned for windows, root, and the 500gb home05:29
Avaszhow can i downgrade a package?05:29
p896gbmand the other half of the 1tb is just extra space i guess05:29
Avaszi need to downgrade wicd 1.70 to wicd 1.5.805:29
qinp896gbm: Using links seems to be less demanding...05:30
dinp896gbm: nope. maybe set up a raid 6 with the partions then stripe them with a raid 0, hence raid 60 :)05:30
p896gbmdin: well raid6 is already striped no?05:31
p896gbmqin: using links instead of raid you mean? the idea is to get redundency, so if any of the drives fail i don't lose any data05:31
p896gbmi can just buy a new drive, make a 500gb partition and hook it up05:31
dinp896gbm: i misunderstood. raid 60 doesn't do much good unless you have more than one raid 6 set.05:33
infinituxso emerald's been linched?05:33
KSHawkEyeis unity here for good?05:34
Flannelinfinitux: Emerald has been dead for a couple of years now05:35
rwwthe latest major release of Compiz killed it for good. it's been unsupported for a long while.05:35
infinituxreally? first I heard of it. jeeze am I out of the loop.05:35
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.05:36
srshk213guys im trying to try ubuntu on an imac through a usb stick but the info found the website is too technical, can anyone help me please?05:36
rwwthat factoid was last edited in 2009 ;)05:36
flowbeehi folks... can someone help me in configuring openvpn?  i want to ensure that *only* a few types of traffic go through the vpn.  i.e. like web browsing.  right now i'm using hidemyass's openvpn config and it seems to be sending *everything* through the proxy05:38
Avaszhm.. the wicd 1.5.8 crashes in lucid.05:38
lsvdoes anyone know how to stop X05:39
ouyesthere is a shortcut  Fn+ home or end to adjust the screen light of my laptop, but I find that in all the screen light have 8 levels, how to increase the levels, in windows xp I get 12 levels05:39
ouyesthe screen brightness05:40
ptleyLsv: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop will dtop05:40
lsvptley: thanks05:40
synchrowhat is a IRC plz ???05:41
KSHawkEyesynchro: Google is your friend05:41
synchrook ^^05:41
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:41
Fritz750if someone talk about what s really happen in spain and france ... :)05:42
synchroKSHawkEye   thanx :)05:42
van7huFritz750, they're fighting in battle fields05:44
lsvsome one in the kubuntu channel sugested " sudo service kdm stop "05:45
PseudoGouNo that's not how you do it05:46
infinituxjust gonna give up on emerald for now.05:46
qinlsv: kdm - KDE, gdm - Gnome05:46
PseudoGouIt's /etc/init.d/kdm stop05:46
qinPseudoGou: Why not service?05:47
PseudoGouqin: That's how I remember it05:47
qin!upstart | PseudoGou05:48
ubottuPseudoGou: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:48
PseudoGouWhat's this then?05:48
qinlsv: sudo service kdm stop - is ok05:48
qinwell, both works.05:48
lsvqin: thanks05:48
Fritz750so the real battle field will come to us van7hu05:48
lsvPseudoGou: thanks05:48
PseudoGouDoes anyone know what happened to the developers of bootlogd?05:49
askajhi,how  to  chage  my  root   pass05:50
qinaskaj: Why do you want to do it?05:50
PseudoGousudo su05:50
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.05:51
qin!sudosu | PseudoGou05:51
Flannelaskaj: Usually there's no reason to set a root password, use sudo instead.05:51
PseudoGouAh that's why Kernelcheck wouldn't work, I have no root password05:51
guyvdb_ Hi. I think I messed up my .fonts.conf in ubuntu 11.04. Could someone pastie theirs for me05:52
Semitones_teaPseudoGou, you have a root password, it is just a very long random string05:52
FlannelSemitones_tea: No, the root account is locked.  There is no valid password.05:53
gentoo_paulooAnyone know Helbreath run in PlayOnLinux?05:53
PseudoGouSemitones_tea: Any way of discovering it?05:53
PseudoGouPseudoGou: I thought so05:53
PseudoGouPseudoGou: I thought so05:53
PseudoGouFlannel: I thought so05:53
Semitones_teaguess I'm wrong :P, Flannel, was it ever that way?05:53
FlannelSemitones_tea: No05:53
PseudoGouIt's a locked account - that makes sense05:53
rwwUbuntu out of the box comes with the root password set to ! or * or some other obviously invalid never-matching password hash.05:53
FlannelI believe it's !05:53
Flannelor rather, the root password hash.05:54
PseudoGouBut Kernelcheck kept telling me my password was wrong - now I know why, it needs root access05:54
wonginator1221guyvdb_: where is it located?05:54
Flannel(entered passwords generate a hash that can not contain a '!', therefore no passwords will ever match ! when hashed.05:54
guyvdb_or /home/<you>/.fonts.conf05:54
SnakkahJust out of curiosity, why is it that OpenSUSE and Fedora use the "xorg-x11-drv" drivers whereas Ubuntu uses the "xserver-xorg-video" drivers? Is there a real difference or is the difference in name only?05:55
hiexpokinda funny that when i sudo su   i type my sudo password and get a root terminal   :)05:55
PseudoGouSome guy wrote an article on how that Ubuntu pushing people never to use root access is a conspiracy05:55
wonginator1221guyvdb_: I only have a .fontconfig directory, sorry.05:55
guyvdb_ok thx... looks like Font Manager must have added it05:56
qinhiexpo: Change habit to sudo -i05:56
guyvdb_will try remove it05:56
askaj 05:56
flowbeehi folks... can someone help me in configuring openvpn?  i want to ensure that *only* a few types of traffic go through the vpn.  i.e. like web browsing.  right now i'm using hidemyass's openvpn config and it seems to be sending *everything* through the vpn.05:56
gh0stso my laptop screen keeps locking after no use. how do I disable that annoying ass shit05:56
wonginator1221gh0st: check your screensaver Preferences05:57
gh0stthanks wonginator122105:58
Semitones_teagh0st, power options also has relevant settings05:58
gh0stya I disabled those but it keeps blacking my screen05:58
wonginator1221gh0st: you're welcome05:58
wonginator1221gh0st: Turn off your screensaver?05:59
gh0styes wonginator122105:59
Guest65078my computer won't connect to the internet05:59
Guest65078or a router05:59
piLauGuest, Have u updated the drivers?05:59
wonginator1221gh0st: did you check your powermanagement preferences?05:59
gh0styes they're set to "never"05:59
PseudoGouHow do you connect to the internet?05:59
Guest65078Palau it was just working06:00
piLauare you wired?06:00
Guest65078pilau rather06:00
Guest65078wireless been working forever06:00
piLauwhats your pci card?06:00
piLauubuntu ver?06:00
PseudoGouWhich wireless?06:00
wonginator1221gh0st: i'm all out of ideas.06:00
Guest65078... no idea06:00
Guest65078I can't be a driver issue06:01
wonginator1221gh0st: might be graphics driver related, but i'm probably the wrong person to ask06:01
Guest65078I can connect to a router now06:01
Guest65078I just can't use the internet06:01
piLauhave u paid ur cable bill?06:01
Guest65078lol yah06:01
Guest65078I even tried with a few other.routers06:02
Guest65078even my phone06:02
piLauthat happened to me... blamed everything but me paying the bill06:02
Guest65078... ugh06:02
lsvGuest65078: are you using a laptop?06:03
PseudoGouGuest65078: Which wireless?06:03
Guest65078no idea06:03
=== piLau is now known as pilau
PseudoGouGuest65078: Who makes your wirelesss card?06:03
Guest65078its a Sony laptop heh06:03
PseudoGouGuest65078: Model and make06:03
PseudoGouGuest65078: Model and make of laptop then06:03
Guest65078how can I check06:03
Ferrelanyone know if there are PPA repos for 10.04 with updated packages like LVM2?06:04
PseudoGouPseudoGou: On the underside of the laptop it says which Vaio it is, then I can reference the specs06:04
lsvGuest65078: does it have a switch to turn the wireless on and off?06:04
hiexpoGuest65078, open terminal type iwconfig06:04
Guest65078dis iwconfig06:04
PseudoGoufirst ifconfig -a see if it shows06:04
PseudoGoushould be "wlan0"06:04
Guest65078I'm on a phone hard to write what it all said heh06:05
Guest65078could someone pm me so I can keep up please06:05
hiexpoyou have a wlan006:06
lsvGuest65078: does it have a switch to turn the wireless on and off?06:07
Guest65078yes its on06:07
WetNetC-a 006:10
lsvGuest65078: I'm sorry I can't help you, but when you fix it, I would like to know how you did it06:13
ouyesthis is really something terrible, I get a temp 46 but a fan speed at 4200 rpm, what is wrong ?06:14
gh0ston fcrackzip how do I know when it's found the password?06:14
ouyesouyes, I have installed the thinkfan06:14
Mokkabarmy casper-rw didn't mount06:15
Mokkabarcan anybody help me?  I used the latest ubuntu with the latest unetbootin'06:15
* pilau np: James Brown-Rocdusa Re-Freak - Its A Mans World (0:21 / 2:59)06:16
rwwpilau: we don't want to know what you're np, thanks :)06:17
pilausorry wrong room >:]06:17
jason_562hi people06:18
pilauJason_562 good evening!06:19
=== jason is now known as Guest55881
Guest55881ok now who's gonna join our open forum chat?06:21
Guest55881in which channel are you?06:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:22
Corey!hello | android_lsv06:23
Guest55881hi android_lsv06:23
Guest55881hi SANGEKUN06:23
Guest55881and all the people06:23
android_lsvhello back nice people06:24
Guest55881how's life android?06:24
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android_lsvquiet nice actually how are things on your end of the web?06:25
ganeshjacharyacan i use kvm for an already installed windows copy06:27
android_lsvanyone with a HTC evo phone?06:29
Ben64I just installed a new SATA drive, and I want to boot off it instead of my current boot drive. What is the best way to accomplish that?06:35
Guest55881who let the dogs out!!!!06:35
Guest55881remove the hdd06:36
Guest55881what's so hard aout that?06:36
Ben64you don't get it06:36
AvaszBen64, the best way is...06:36
rwwGuest55881: You might prefer #ubuntu-offtopic.06:36
Avaszselect the boot option in bios06:36
Ben64nono, it has no information on it06:36
Avaszthen your machine has not detected the HD?06:36
Ben64i want everything on /dev/sdb1 on /dev/sdc106:37
Avaszthere is something called... partmage or something for that i guess06:37
lsvit's off to bed people, thanks for all your help06:37
android_lsvme too, bye06:38
BibsPseudoGou,  :)06:40
pirlo89hi, is it possible for someone to help me with a programming problem ?06:40
Bibsfixed mah internet issue :p06:40
moltendorfHaving a little trouble getting cron to work on Ubuntu Server 11.04; but I'm sort of new to it in general, so I guess that's to be expected.06:41
moltendorfAnyone available to help?06:41
Flannelmoltendorf: Best to just ask the question, and if anyone can help, they will.  Make sure you have a carriage return at the end of the line.06:41
Flannelmoltendorf: er, sorry, the "carriage return" comment was regarding your crontab. not your IRC question :)06:42
overcluckpirlo89: maybe, but you might want to look for a channel specific to the language you are using06:42
moltendorfI have two additional newlines at the end of /etc/crontab06:43
pirlo89overcluck:  its C++06:43
pirlo89overcluck:  do u know any channel ?06:44
moltendorfSo this is the /etc/crontab file I set up: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=G0iLFab306:46
moltendorfIt has two additional lines (21 total) after the # at the end.06:47
moltendorfIs there any sort of command I have to run when I modify /etc/crontab? I restarted the cron service with service cron restart, but it didn't do anything.06:49
ilonmoltendorf: do you have an error in your syntax?06:50
ilonmoltendorf: i recall it silently ignoring lines with syntax error, hence seems to dont load the changes06:50
moltendorfI'm not sure, I posted a link to pastebin: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=G0iLFab306:51
=== overcluck is now known as overclucker
moltendorfDoes it accept tabs?06:51
moltendorfRather than individual spaces?06:51
ilonmoltendorf: i'm not sure, but i dont think you'll have to reload anything, i rather think it parses the crontab each go06:52
moltendorfI did add two lines to it though.06:52
moltendorfand two folders.06:52
ilonmoltendorf: try a simple line, like google up an example and try out to see that it works06:52
ilonmoltendorf: like, let it touch a file in /tmp/ or so for test06:53
ilonanyways, off to work now.06:53
ganeshjacharyacan i use kvm for an already installed windows copy06:56
ganeshjacharyai wanted to start windows from linux06:56
ganeshjacharyais there a way06:56
pranavganeshjacharya: virtualization06:57
rwwpranav: that's what KVM is, yes.06:57
xbmcuser                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    06:57
moltendorfAdded this line to the top of the jobs in crontab: 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60 * * * * root date > /tmp/test06:57
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ganeshjacharyapranav: thanks06:58
rwwganeshjacharya: not sure if this applies to KVM, but most virtualization software I've seen that can boot from hard disk partitions has issues with Windows attempting to reactivate constantly because of the different hardware.06:58
ganeshjacharyadifferent hardware?06:58
ganeshjacharyai have windows and ubuntu in the same machine06:59
rwwganeshjacharya: yes, your actual computer's hardware is different from the hardware Windows sees from inside the VM.06:59
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=== FusionX is now known as SyGeek
ganeshjacharyarww: am installing VirtualBox07:01
axanyone have a problem that when they run 64-bit their fan runs a ton more than in 32-bit?07:01
||arifaXmoltendorf: wouldn't */5 * * * * do the same ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron07:01
SyGeekax: nope07:01
=== Semitones_tea is now known as semibottu
axits really odd.. and sort of absurd07:02
RealKillazwhy is the ubuntu OS installed on the server showing two landscapes when I log in?07:02
moltendorf||arifaX: like I said. I'm a newb. <307:02
RealKillazHow can I fix this? Is there a configuration file to edit the way landscape is being shown?07:03
RealKillazIt's a very annoying bug07:03
pranavganeshjacharya: http://techthrob.com/2009/03/02/virtualization-in-linux-a-review-of-four-software-choices/07:04
overcluckerpirlo89: ##c, ##c++, #c++-basic07:04
pranavganeshjacharya: have a look at that07:04
ganeshjacharyapranav: thanks07:04
pranavganeshjacharya: so which did you prefer to choose :?07:05
pirlo89overclucker:  thanks, i really appreciate it :)07:06
pranavganeshjacharya: vitualbox :D07:06
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ganeshjacharyapranav: is that good?07:06
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pranavganeshjacharya: yup, but i tried the windows version07:07
pranavganeshjacharya: it was amzing07:07
pranavi'm logged in as Admin,.. & i forgot my password :<,.. what to do now :?????/07:09
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pranavonce i logout, i'm gone. please someone help :(07:10
||arifaXpranav: change the password to something you can remember07:10
overcluckerpranav: change the password: passwd username07:10
pranavoverclucker: sudo requires typing old passwd07:11
pranav||arifaX: needs old passwd, i'm logged in as root, althought :??07:11
entombedMy synaptics touchpad is showing up as a PS/2 device and its annoyin gme... has anyone else ran into this?07:11
Mokstaraww man07:11
Mokstaroh wait, there it goes07:11
AntonisHello. Could someone recommend a native keylogger for ubuntu? (11.04 on a netbook)07:11
Mokstarhey, I need some help with casper on my liveusb07:11
||arifaXpranav: you are not root. you might be a user that is a sudoer07:12
pranav||arifaX: the account type says administrator07:12
Mokstarit's not mounting... my boot.log says "can't umount /cdrom: device or resource busy"07:12
overcluckerpranav: if you have a root shell, you shouldn't have to type the old password07:13
pranavoverclucker: thanks guys it worked07:13
||arifaXpranav: if you need old password then you are currently not root. what kernel are you on. There were some nice exploits the last 6 month to get root very easy.07:13
pranav||arifaX: very *easily07:13
pranav||arifaX: can you tell me some ?07:14
overclucker||arifaX: there's a nice little exploit called recovery mode . ..07:14
||arifaXoverclucker: you are right. and it would be better not to tell exploits here. If he is not able to boot he is maybe not the admin?07:16
pranavoverclucker: ||arifaX are you guys talking about the root shell which loads without a password, when choose as recovery mode in the initial grub07:18
overcluckerpranav: yup. you can reset a user password from there.07:19
pranavoverclucker: why hasn’t ubuntu changed that yet :B07:20
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capnDoes anyone know what the liscence is for the Fortran programming language?07:20
overcluckerpranav: no reason to. you can password protect that grub entry if you want07:20
pranavoverclucker: ohh! ok. i get it :)07:21
pranavcapn: 57fbdf6ffe6c4118f454cc2004f9d9b007:21
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capnDoes anyone know what the liscence is for the Fortran programming language?07:26
histocapn: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fortran+license07:27
capnThanks for the sarcasm.... you don't think I've tried to google it?07:28
overcluckercapn: maybe there is a fortran channel?07:30
capnIt's inactive.07:30
moltendorfI found out my issue... run-parts ignored my file in cron.bidaily because it had a period in it.07:30
internetpcHi I have a mac book and I have a usb flash drive formatted in hfs.I can open and copy files from it in Ubuntu but cannot copy files on it..pl hepl me.07:32
zenga [ U y a r ý ]  :  internetpc  : Lütfen Seviyeyi Düþürmeyiniz Aksi Taktirde Kanaldan Uzaklaþtýrýlýcaksýnýz !.07:32
overcluckercapn: what fortran compiler are you using? I would poke around for a liscense in compiler package you are using.07:32
internetpczenga : ?07:33
capnI know the liscence for the individual compilers, but the language itself...?07:34
Largetokehow are yall doing this evening07:35
LargetokeI have a question anyone have time to give a person a hand?07:36
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LargetokeI have a question anyone wanna help07:37
Largetokenot a huge one07:37
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WurstBrotJust ask and if anyone can help, I'm sure they will07:37
rwwLargetoke: best to just ask and see if someone knows the answer07:37
anthony_devhi. any suggestions on quick start to develop for ubuntu (gui) ?07:38
Largetokeok I'm new to the room07:38
LargetokeI can't get 3rd party software to install on lxde07:38
anthony_devide with minimal setting from me. etc07:38
ActionParsnipLargetoke: software like what?07:38
Largetokewell everything bit torrent, browsers all that07:39
ActionParsnipLargetoke: when you install apps via software centre, they will be added. Is this not happening?07:39
Largetokei know that i need to use a pkg installer , Ubuntu didn't seem to give me this prob07:40
Largetokeyea I can get that to work07:40
ActionParsnipLargetoke: LXDE isn't an OS, its a desktop. Ubuntu uses Gnome07:40
ActionParsnipLargetoke: if you log off and on, does it update?07:40
Largetokei can choose whice desktop enviro07:40
ActionParsnipLargetoke: sounds like a bug then, if the menu doesn't get updated until you log off it needs attending07:41
Largetokeok I'll check it out , its just im new to linux07:41
tsimpsoncapn: the spec for the language is an ANSI standard07:41
Largetokebut I do thinks its awesome07:41
robinschanyone here knows perl regex?07:43
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:43
vexati0nokay.... at first i was afraid of Unity, then I was like 'hey this ain't so bad,' and now i hate the living crap out of it.07:43
vexati0nsomebody help me fix it07:43
robinschI wanna remove "- Grateful Dead - Fillmore West 1969 - The Complete Recordings - "  from file: "904 - Grateful Dead - Fillmore West 1969 - The Complete Recordings - Disc 09 - Morning Dew.flac"07:44
MK``You can use the old gnome shell instead07:44
vexati0nno no, i like the idea of unity.... i just wish it would, you know, work right.07:44
Donniesitovexati0n:  Just select "ubuntu classic" on the login screen07:44
vexati0ni have 3 major issues with it....07:44
MK``oh, I don't think it has "work adequately" support yet07:44
ActionParsnipvexati0n: log off and log into gnome classic session, it will look and run just like maverick dide07:44
Largetokefavorite game for ubuntu07:44
robinschi tried but this doesn't work: for f in *.flac; do mv "$f" "${f#'- Grateful Dead - Fillmore West 1969 - The Complete Recordings - Disc'}"; done07:45
vibhavLargetoke,  Tremolous07:45
vexati0na) every time i log in i can't click on any of the notification icons except the calendar; b) i have dual monitors and the menu bar keeps running of the edge of the second one; c) you have to restart network-manager EVERY TIME you do ANYTHING.07:45
ActionParsnipLargetoke: penumbra overture, urban terror07:45
robinschany help?07:45
robinschfor regex07:45
overcluckerrobinsch: install rename07:45
vibhavLargetoke,  sodoku lol07:45
ActionParsniprobinsch: asked in #bash ?07:45
vibhav!games | Largetoke07:46
ubottuLargetoke: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/07:46
vibhav!games | Largetoke07:46
robinschActionParsnip, not yet07:46
ActionParsnipvexati0n: i've heard people with dual heads not liking unity07:46
overcluckerrobinsch: it uses 's///' like substitutions, and can candle multiple files07:46
vexati0nthis is why windows users keep saying "uhh, no thanks," you know.07:46
Largetokedlin now07:46
ActionParsnipvexati0n: what, because of a single feature which doesn't need to run. Doubt it07:47
vexati0nno, not because of a single feature. because of a hundred little 'issues' that all add up to make the system feel like a cobbled together basement project.07:47
robinschoverclucker, what are you talking about?07:47
* vibhav is ready to help others!07:47
vibhavLargetoke,  Tremolous07:47
ActionParsnipvexati0n: look at the bug lists for windows my friend, you'll see its just as bad07:48
overcluckerrobinsch: there is a tool called rename that can do what you are asking.07:48
vexati0nlike i can't click on the network icon... weird. oh look, i just added a new network connection, but i can't use it til i "sudo restart network-manager." oh, now i can't find the log off button on my second monitor. weird.07:48
vexati0nyeah but the bug lists for windows have one thing over ubuntu: the system SEEMS to work just fine.07:48
robinschi have rename installed but i still don't know how to use it, all I know is for loops07:48
JoeR1Is there a command to copy all of the files on my root drive over to another drive, including all system and protected files?07:48
ActionParsnipLargetoke: penumbra is not free in any way, but the demo is free as in beer Urban terror is free as the birds :)07:48
vexati0nyou click on something, it responds. you add an item, it shows up in a list where it's supposed to. that kind of thing.07:49
llutz_JoeR1: cp -ax / rsync  / tar   use whatever you like07:49
ActionParsnipvexati0n: works flawlessly here for the last 6 years07:49
JoeR1ok good, now what is the command to list all system devices?07:49
JoeR1I need to find a hard drive07:50
ActionParsnipvexati0n: the 4 years before that were bumpy, but its pretty smooth now07:50
llutz_JoeR1: sudo fdisk -l07:50
ActionParsnipJoeR1: sudo parted -l07:50
overcluckerrobinsch: rename 's/-\ Grateful\ Dead\ -\ Fillmore\ West\ 1969\ -\ The\ Complete\ Recordings\ -\ //' *.flac07:50
indrajit_1Joe: click on the power button on top right, it shows at the bottom07:50
vexati0nubuntu is smooth for me because i know how to restart services, change permissions, track down dependencies and do a bunch of other little odds and ends that should never be presented to users.07:50
robinschoverclucker, should i do -n just to make sure?07:50
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overcluckerrobinsch: always a good idea07:51
JoeR1ok, for some reason my hard drive is not being recognized07:51
ActionParsnipvexati0n: well yes but look at the money difference between the companies making the OS. As well as the support from manufacturers compared to Windows07:51
ActionParsnipJoeR1: is it internal?07:51
vibhavvexati0n, ActionParsnip  No talk about crappy Windows07:52
vibhavLargetoke,  Tremolous07:52
coz_JoeR1,   did you try    df -h  in terminal07:52
vexati0noverall i like Natty, and i like Unity. i just wish Ubuntu would have a "we went ahead and kept everything the same, except it all works this time" release, instead of all these "we completely redesigned the wheel and now it has even more sides!" releases.07:52
panfistis it possible to search for repositories for packages that contains a certain file?07:52
ActionParsnipvexati0n: then use the clasic desktop and you will get that07:52
ActionParsnip!ppa | panfist07:52
ubottupanfist: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.07:52
robinschoverclucker, can I add a 0 at the beginning of files starting with 3 numbers?07:52
vexati0ni doubt the issue with network-manager will go away just because i disable the Unity plugin in compiz.07:53
JoeR1coz - got it, I started Gparted under root and found the drive with no MBR or filesystem so I set it to format it ext407:53
coz_panfist,   yes  there is a small utility name   y-ppa-manager07:53
Flannelpanfist: apt-file, or the second set of search stuff on packages.ubuntu.com07:53
coz_panfist,  I dont think it is in the repositoreis07:53
ActionParsnipvexati0n: use something else, wifi-radar and wicd both exist07:53
panfisti'm sorry i mistyped my question07:53
vexati0nit's for wired connections07:53
coz_panfist,  also it is not to search for packages within existing repositories07:53
panfisti meant search repos already on the system07:53
Flannelpanfist: apt-file, or the second set of search stuff on packages.ubuntu.com07:53
Bibssup room07:53
JoeR1I'll be back later guys, I need to see if the live cd will now recognize the HDD07:53
vexati0ni have to manage a bunch of different wired network scenarios with only 2 NICs. network-manager is the best solution, even if i have to restart it every four minutes.07:53
coz_panfist,    sudo apt-cache search name of package07:54
ActionParsnipvexati0n: then you don't even need it and you can just let it pick up dhcp naturally07:54
harpalpanfist: use apt-cache or dpkg -S to search package which contain that file07:54
ActionParsnipvexati0n: unless you have some vpn / special dns servers you want to use07:54
vexati0nno dude i have NAT/no-NAT/shared-to-other-computers/spontaneous LANs/VM testing, etc etc etc07:55
ActionParsnipvexati0n: for wired connections I use /etc/network/interfaces file, its great if you need to edit the address of a system as you can edit the file and restart the networking service07:55
vexati0nway more than 'just plug it in and let it autoconfigure' will ever provide for07:55
robinschoverclucker, also can I remove the disk #?07:55
vexati0nActionParsnip, or I can just edit network-manager connections, and click on the right menu entry. way easier.07:56
ActionParsnipvexati0n: super handy as you can do it over ssh too, rather than having to use bloated VNC or pysically attend the system07:56
vexati0nplease don't mention VNC.07:56
vexati0nit's funny that crappy protocol still exists.07:56
ActionParsnipvexati0n: i think its really oafish07:56
* vibhav is ready to help others!!07:56
ActionParsnipvexati0n: wicd also has an ncurses UI which you can run over ssh too07:57
vexati0nsorry i'm addicted to X07:57
ActionParsnipvexati0n: shame07:57
vexati0nyeah it really cuts down on my nerd cred but what can you do07:57
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ActionParsnipvexati0n: its just slower07:58
vexati0nwayland is supposed to fix that07:58
vexati0nassuming they can get the mouse to actually click on things...07:58
llutz_some day....07:58
overcluckerrobinsch: does disk # have a pattern? maybe 's/disk\ [0-9]//'07:59
ActionParsnipvexati0n: could use quicksynergy07:59
vexati0ni use synergy all the time08:01
robinschoverclucker, that only clears out upto disk#808:03
robinschoops disk #7*08:04
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robinschoh nm08:04
jutzushow do i get eth0 working its been removed from interfaces08:05
alexeyhi all! I want to make in my school nfs bootable ubuntu, so all of thin clients have hdd and I can install grub or any another loader08:05
alexeyhow I can do that?08:05
alexeyI think I need in special configured distr and nfs + bootp/dhcp08:06
ActionParsnipalexey: look intomaking a PXE boot server08:06
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jutzusAction: i loaded r1868 but now eth0 is gone08:07
JoeR1Ok so here's the low down, I am trying to install Xubuntu but the install fais out fairly early saying that it "fail mount /dev/loop" or some such thing any advice?08:08
lwizardli am having trouble with linking bluetooth devices in 11.0408:08
coz_JoeR1,   are you installing  xubuntu-desktop?08:08
JoeR1coz yes I believe so08:09
coz_JoeR1,  so  you did   sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  ...yes?08:09
JoeR1coz_ no, I am using a live cd08:10
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coz_JoeR1,  mm I am confused,, is ubuntu already installed?08:10
JoeR1should I sudo apt-get install when it fails out and I have a command prompt?08:10
JoeR1coz_, no08:10
pooltablehelp how do I stop this from popping up s.aspx?08:11
coz_JoeR1,  ah ok  what you might want to do is to use the mini.iso image  instead,, at one point you will get a list of things to install and you can choose xubuntu  as the desktop environment08:11
coz_JoeR1,  if you go here   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD   download the mini  and burn it08:11
JoeR1coz_ I have no cd's left to use and this system must be operational by morning08:11
coz_JoeR1,  ah ok08:12
robinschok so now my files are: 0706 Turn On Your Lovelight.flac08:12
coz_JoeR1,  can you install ubuntu and then ,, after rebooting    sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:12
jutzuscan someone help me get internet going on new ubuntu install r186808:12
robinschI wanna add a "." after the 4 digit number08:12
jutzuseth0 is not up08:12
coz_JoeR1,  or is this the xubuntu  live cd08:12
pooltablejoer1 any dvd around ?08:12
JoeR1I do have a HDD with the appropriate install of Xubuntu meant for the system it is going into08:13
robinschhow can I do that?08:13
JoeR1this is a Xubuntu live CD08:13
JoeR1pooltable yes08:13
pooltableburn it to dvd08:13
robinschjust insert a dot after first 4 characters all the .flac files in a folder08:13
robinschusing rename08:13
JoeR1pooltable but will it not be right, I man won't the DVD be non-bootable since it is coming from a CD iso?08:14
firtvid20Is dubstep possible with LMMS?08:14
llutz_JoeR1: cd-iso will run fine from dvd08:15
JoeR1does anyone no why it is shooting that "fail mount /dev/loop error" is that a fault in the disc?08:16
jutzusanyone know how to get ethernet working in ubuntu08:16
trap24jutzus: my was automatic, when i installed ubuntu :}08:17
jutzusi have lo and wlan0 under ifconfig08:17
DasEijutzus: let's see, open a terminal, it's ether, not wlan ?08:17
llutz_jutzus: does it show up in "ifconfig -a"08:17
* vibhav is ready to help others!08:17
jutzuseth0 is not up08:17
pooltablehelp how do I stop this from popping up s.aspx?08:17
SuperLagI have one fs that's separate from /, added it to /etc/fstab to mount on boot, but it's showing up on my desktop. How do I keep that from happening?08:18
jutzusyes ether08:18
DasEijutzus: ethernet or wlan ?08:18
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:18
vibhavjutzus,  What is the problem??08:18
jutzusvibhav: no internet or network access08:18
lwizardli am having trouble with linking bluetooth devices in 11.04 anyone around that can help ?08:18
vibhavjutzus are you ohh08:18
DasEijutzus: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces08:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:19
JoeR1also does anyone know the command to set a flash drive as bootable?08:19
DasEiJoeR1: from some few cases where dd can be use, rather use a tool like unetbootin08:20
jutzusunable to locate package pastebinit08:20
DasEijutzus: gksu gedit  /etc/network/interfaces08:20
JoeR1DasEi, is that a command or a gui?08:21
alexeyhi all! I have mission to install ubuntu linux on 15 computers in school classroom. What is prettier for it? tftp/nfs/bootp boot or install distros on hdds?08:21
DasEijutzus: which distro are you using ;; command08:21
jutzusDasEi: ubuntu 10.0408:21
robinschrename used to be soo much easier in windows08:22
DasEiJoeR1: err, unetbootin is a tool that comes with a gui, dd is a command for block-wise copying08:22
jutzusDasEi: i have gedit open with interfaces08:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:22
JoeR1DasEi, unetbootin is currently installing\08:23
DasEijutzus: click on the first above link, copy the content of interfaces there, press post, then copy url from browser back here08:23
coz_JoeR1,  that is an easy utility for creating  bootable usb.. just point it to the iso and thats it08:23
jutzusi have no internet on ubuntu08:23
jutzusbesides there is nothing to copy in interfaces08:24
robinschI remember writing a windows powershell script to convert a .jpg named Artist - Album [Year].jpg to folders named /Artist/[Year] Album and put that .jpg inside that folder as folder.jpg08:24
jutzusits blank08:24
mamadooITS MY IDOL08:24
FloodBot1mamadoo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
alexeyhi all! I have mission to install ubuntu linux on 15 computers in school classroom. What is prettier for it? tftp/nfs/bootp boot or install distros on hdds?08:24
DasEijutzus: allright, second, I'll give an complete interfaces, you connect via dhcp ?08:24
jutzusmy router does dhcp08:24
robinschi still have the script lying around if anyone needs it08:25
Propelif you have to manually reboot your computer (holding onto the shutdown button), and you recently downloaded and completed your files hours ago, do your files stay in tact?08:25
HeTaLHello. I ran free -m and I noticed that my swap is completely maxed out. What caused me to look at this is mainly because I notice a lot of HDD I/O writes while on chrome. Killing chrome freed up almost half of the swap. Why was it using all o fmy swap when I had almost 800 mb left on my ram?08:26
ecinxhi, I can't boot to my ubuntu any more.. I havent been able to boot since  11.04 has been released. I was on 10.10 i believe. windows 7 boots fine, and im under a fedora live CD at the moment08:26
DasEijutzus: make it look like this08:26
DasEijutzus: save file, close gedit08:27
ecinxmaybe something is broken with my grub, but i tried some suggestions given to me last month  so I don't know08:27
nit-witHeTaL, you can tweak the swap.   http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/28224/How_to_tune_your_Ubuntu_PC_for_faster_performance_08:28
HeTaLnit-wit: I doubt it's a problem with my swap size. Sure, it's not much, but why would chrome resort to using my swap when it should be happy using RAM?08:28
DasEijutzus: sudo service networking restart08:29
jutzusDasEi: i have saved interfaces08:29
DasEijutzus: sudo service networking restart08:29
nit-witHeTaL, that link does not change the swap size.08:29
jutzusunknown instance08:29
DasEijutzus: sudo dhclient ,output ?08:29
Kevin_FlynnIs there a windows manager or desktop environment or something that can change the shape of the windows from square or rectangular?  Currently I'm using Xubuntu 10.10, but I'm willing to change that.08:29
jutzussudo dhclient'08:30
Kevin_FlynnIs there a windows manager or desktop environment or something that can change the shape of the windows from square or rectangular?  Currently I'm using Xubuntu 10.10, but I'm willing to change that.08:30
nit-witHeTaL, its not chrome deciding it is the system when chrome is using up the ram if your correct.08:30
HeTaLnit-wit: I'm sorry for speaking without looking at the link first.08:30
DirtyDawgwhat shape would you like08:30
overcluckerrobinsch: robinsch i'm not sure if rename has the ability to use a match in a substitution. you might have to use a for loop and sed to add a . after the ## field08:31
jutzusany ideas08:31
DasEialexey: depends on purpose, what should be done with it ? is the hardware already there or is it a fresh build-up ?08:31
jutzusDasEi: i have no eth0 under ifconfig or sudo dhclient08:32
DasEi!who | jutzus08:32
ubottujutzus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:32
DasEijutzus: sudo ifup eth008:32
HeTaLnit-wit: I really appreciate the help. Thanks.08:33
jutzusDasEi: no such device08:33
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DasEijutzus: which nic was this, you mentioned earlier ?08:33
nit-witHeTaL, no problem hope you find what up I think chrome is a memory eater from what i have seen on lne.08:33
Kevin_FlynnDirtyDawg, rounded or completely circular,  triangular,  I don't care.  I think anythin else would be cool.08:33
HeTaLnit-wit: It pretty much is, though it does have some features I wish were available on FF or Opera.08:34
JoeR1HHMMM, this is interesting, UNetBootin seems to be hanging on "media/2850-43E0/casper/filesystem.squahfs" which is what th error during install kept referencing08:34
jutzusDasEi: no such device eth0 is missing in action08:34
DasEijutzus: which nic  ?08:35
JoeR1well gotta go, again, I will no doubt be back soon to either ask for more advice or report success08:35
jutzusDasEi: ralink r816808:35
jutzusDasEi: i had to blacklist r8169 and install r8168 but then eth0 went missing08:36
alexey<DasEi>fresh, I must create stations witch have same hardware and software (like lazarus, fpc, gcc, etc)08:36
jutzusDasEi: what does one do when eth0 is missing or how to go about fixing this08:37
Kevin_FlynnEvery desktop environment looks so...  Windows-y.08:37
DasEijutzus: looking for correct driver and modprobe it08:37
llutz_jutzus:checkt output of "dmesg" for errors (r8168 related)08:38
DasEialexey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinClientHowto08:38
jutzusDasEi: you lost me08:38
DasEijutzus: nope , looking for your module08:39
jutzusDasEi: thank you08:39
Kevin_FlynnIs there a windows manager or desktop environment or something that can change the shape of the windows from square or rectangular?  Currently I'm using Xubuntu 10.10, but I'm willing to change that.08:39
trap24which is the standard as well as easiest way to set environment variable ?08:40
ActionParsnipKevin_Flynn: try awesome ;)08:40
Kevin_FlynnActionParsnip,  ???08:41
ActionParsnipKevin_Flynn: looks nothing like windows08:41
llutz_Kevin_Flynn: thats not job of a windowmanager, you'll need an Xorg-extension for non-rectangular windows/shapes08:41
jutzushow do you keep the screen from locking out with password08:41
Kevin_Flynnllutz, such as...?08:42
HeTaLIs it bad if I don't have an /etc/inittab?08:42
ActionParsnipjutzus: its in the screensaver setting and / or power08:42
ma3xhi why does ubuntu recognize the partition as sda1 and debian as xvda108:42
ActionParsnipHeTaL: I don't either08:42
coz_jutzus,  when you open screensaver dialog..you will see two tick boxes,, untik the bottom one first then the top one08:42
llutz_Kevin_Flynn: such as "x nonrectangular window shape extension" ;) use google to find out how to get/how to use that,whyever one wants it08:42
coz_jutzus,  that takes of the issue08:43
Aprendizbom dia a todos08:43
ActionParsnipma3x: not heard of that08:43
jutzuscoz_: found it under screensaver thanks08:43
llutz_ma3x: your debian runs in a xen-environment?08:44
Kevin_Flynnllutz, should I google just xorge extension or do I need one specific to xfce or ubuntu?08:44
coz_jutzus,  you might also , as ActionParsnip  suggested,, check under Power options  to see what you want to do with monitor  hard drive settings as well08:44
llutz_Kevin_Flynn: idk, i never used/saw that. i only know that there had been extensions for that in the past08:44
coz_jutzus,  rather Power management08:45
DasEijutzus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612624/08:45
DasEiwill have to copy it over manually, jutzus08:45
ma3xllutz, yes it does but the thing is i created the partition with ubuntu live cd, and it's hda1 now instead of xvda1 so i can't boot .... should i remake the initrd image and specify -r /dev/xvda or how can i make the partition to be recognized as /dev/xvda108:46
llutz_ma3x: use UUIDs or labels08:46
HeTaLEvery package I try to install warns me abou it being unsigned. Can anyone pinpoint what's wrong?08:47
DasEialexey: well on 15 machines workload can be havy, so one would do with one or maybe two serverboards, it really depends what will be done with the boxes, that's cheaper, but on heavy apps might be slow, if whole class is doing intense computing08:47
=== 17WAAI6C3 is now known as bildramer
jjinco33Hello all. I am unsure if this is the correct channel to ask this question. After a system update in the last week my tuner card stopped working. Would anybody be able to assist in getting it working again or point me to a resource that can? I can tell you where I have looked and provide any output needed.08:48
DasEialexxy: nice thing you only have to admister the server then, can spare things like local apt-repository and such08:48
imikeywhat kind of tuner card do you have?08:49
DasEi!pm | alexey08:49
ubottualexey: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:49
nit-witHeTaL, add the missing key number at the end in-place of key id  sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys KEYID08:49
jjinco33Hauppauge WinTV-HVR1250 cx2388508:49
jutzusDasEi: sorry but none of that code worked08:50
imikeydefine update08:50
jjinco33normal apt-get update and upgrade08:50
DasEijutzus: you have downloaded the driver and already copied it over ?08:50
HeTaLnit-wit: And how do I find out my KEYID?08:50
syskkis there a cat for binary files08:50
nit-wit! who | imikey08:51
ubottuimikey: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:51
syskkI want to send some audio file to /dev/audio08:51
DasEialexey: please leave conversation here08:51
jjinco33imikey: Not sure when exactly it happened, but was working last week ... then this week no applications can see it08:51
jutzusDasEi: yes i have installed the latest drivers08:51
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DasEialexey: please leave conversation here08:51
quiescenscat should work with binary files, don't know if it will do wat you want it to do though08:51
jutzusDasEi: r8169 is blacklisted08:51
jutzusDasEi: eth0 went missing after this08:52
nit-witHeTaL, the error will show what is missing a a string of a few lwtters and numbers that is the key \.Otherwise paste the errors in a pastebin I will look.08:52
llutz_!info bless08:52
ubottubless (source: bless): A full featured hexadecimal editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-2 (natty), package size 515 kB, installed size 1224 kB08:52
llutz_syskk: ^^08:52
ma3xllutz, if i use uuids can i still modify the partition, so when i do cat /proc/partitions to display /dev/xvda instead of /dev/hda or sda. is this dependent on /etc/fstab?08:52
wernerdevHey everyone, got a quick question.08:52
HeTaLnit-wit: http://pastebin.com/ArVXSzfV08:53
wernerdevWhen installing 11.04 I can't find a custom package selection option. Is it just not there?08:53
HeTaLnit-wit: It just says cannot be authenticated.08:53
imikeyjjinco33:  what version of ubuntu are you running08:53
HeTaLnit-wit: But I can install it fine.08:53
llutz_ma3x: you'll use UUIDs to reference filesystems.that won't affect the way how the kernel names the partition08:53
DasEijutzus: sudo modprobe r8168 , module there ?08:53
jjinco33imikey: 11.04, had to upgrade from 10.10 as known bug with the driver prevented it from working, was working the last several weeks after the upgrade to Natty08:54
nit-withetal at the end of the terminal command is the info needed post the while thing.08:54
ma3xllutz, so you can't absolutely influence the way the kernel names the partition?08:54
nit-witHeTaL,  at the end of the terminal command is the info needed post the while thing.08:54
alexeyWill I have any problems with booting 15 machines (LSTP) if I have gigabit eth to switch and 100Mbit eth to clients?08:55
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DexterLBhi, I have a problem. I upgraded to natty and compositing is now all screwed up - compiz is times slower than maverick, there are awful compositing errors happening all the time08:55
llutz_ma3x: afaik no08:55
wernerdevOh and will there be a huge power usage difference between 11.04 Desktop and Server? I'm thinking about switching to Desktop because of some users being able to Remote Desktop to it instead of using SSH.08:55
DexterLBand I'm not even using unity, that's the classic desctop08:55
jutzusDasEi: i entered sudo modprobe r8168 and no output went to a new line with blinking cursor08:55
jutzuswhat is this called08:55
HeTaLnit-wit: That is the whole thing. Just running apt-get install *packagename*08:55
DexterLBwernerdev: you could install the graphics stuff you need by hand :)08:56
nit-witHeTaL, run in the terminal sudo apt-get update  and paste that read out08:56
DasEijutzus: seems fine so no FATAL warning there ? try again sudo dhclient08:56
jutzusDasEi: same thing08:56
wernerdevDexterLB will it work the same as installing the Desktop version? Or does it give more trouble with some things?08:56
llutz_ma3x: can't you just reference all filesystems by UUID without using partition-names?08:57
ActionParsnipjutzus: no output means the command succeedd08:57
alexeyany can help me with LSTP?08:57
ActionParsnipjutzus: no news is good news08:57
DexterLBwernerdev: dunno about trouble but it gives control - you get to choose what to install and what not08:57
wernerdevBecause when I choose for the Desktop version I want to install as clean as possible. Without Games and other programs I don't use.08:57
Kevin_FlynnI googled "linux non rectangular windows"  and the first two sites that came up where at Microsoft.com.  Weird.08:58
DexterLBwernerdev: you could also install the ubuntu-desktop package even on ubuntu server if you don't want trouble08:58
jutzusi do notice i have no auto eth0 or eth0 for that matter08:58
jutzushow the hell do i get eth0 back08:58
ma3xllutz, ok i'll tr08:58
DasEijutzus: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start08:58
jutzusunknown instance !!!!08:59
HeTaLnit-wit: http://pastebin.com/nLeagV1608:59
ileacan anibody tell me please how or what comand or what to do so that linux will automaticaly detect the dns ip adress?08:59
jutzusDasEi: are we at a road bloack now? ?08:59
DasEijutzus: hard to see, have you got a live cd ? you could then get the correct settings out of it, if networking is working there09:00
wernerdevDexterLB: I tried installing X on a Server Linux distribution before and it gave me a lot of trouble. That's why I'm thinking it will be the same with 11.0409:00
llutz_ilea: thats job of dhclient, "sudo dhclient3 ethX"  ethX == your network-iface09:00
nit-witHeTaL, run this in the terminal key is from from line 114  sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B509:01
DexterLBwernerdev: try installing the ubuntu-desktop package then09:01
jutzusDasEi: i have a bt4 live cd that networking was working on09:01
DasEijutzus: could work, too, boot it and come back here09:01
DasEijutzus: one thing still :09:02
wernerdevThanks, I'll try in a Virtual Machine. Thanks for your info. Just wanted to make sure the Desktop version has a Clean Install option (without Games and stuff).09:02
jutzusDasEi: wait boot into the live cd and do what ?09:02
ileaok thanks i needed some info about detecting dns ip for slitaz because i want to install slitaz on a old computer09:02
DasEijutzus: take a look in /var/logsyslog,  search for eth to see if any probs reported09:02
jutzusDasEi: this computer is on windows xp im not needing to leave09:02
HeTaLnit-wit: I got this: http://pastebin.com/8fY0sbNw but I still get this when I update: W:: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:02
DasEijutzus: take a look in /var/log/syslog, * search for eth to see if any probs reported09:03
testcompileanyone have experience with software center not installing software in maverick?09:03
jutzusDasEi: im at var/log i dont see syslog09:04
wernerdevThanks DexterLB, bye09:04
DexterLBwernerdev: you're welcome09:04
alexeyHow can I start applications on clients but have tftp boot? I know that LSTP can run all applications on server, but I need in staring em on clients (maybe /home /tmp /var mounts from cliens hdds)09:04
nit-witHeTaL, you have to run the update again to see if you se the line 114 repeated again. I think you have a broken entry in the apt.sources list as well. run the update and see if that key missing is gone.09:05
DasEijutzus: strange, logging disabled ? well, boot bt then09:05
jutzusDasEi: sorry found it09:05
HeTaLnit-wit: "ut I still get this when I update: W:: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG  40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:05
HeTaLnit-wit: So even after doing apt-get update, I still see that line09:06
jjinco33imikey: any idea or information needed?09:06
nit-witHeTaL, sorry that is it for me i never have problems in this area09:06
HeTaLnit-wit: Thanks a lot man. I'm just a bit paranoid about infected packages.09:07
DasEijutzus: take your time; on bt   lsmod in terminal will show loaded modules, try to find the correct one ,ral8168 or such09:07
nit-witHeTaL, those are standard repositories, there are no infections per say on the web other then rootkits to worry about. A root kit needs root access your locked out withpout sudo.09:09
jutzusDasEi: cant creat vaqr/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases: no such file or directory709:09
ActionParsnipHeTaL: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B509:09
imikeyjjinco33:  did you try  :: sudo modprobe cx2388509:10
DasEijutzus: might be if interfaces was empty before09:10
JoeR1I have not found resounding success09:11
ActionParsnipalexey: run a PXE boot service and the clients can boot from the LAN09:11
ActionParsnipJoeR1: wtg :D09:11
HeTaLnit-wit: Yeah, perhaps I'm being paranoid09:11
HeTaLActionParsnip:After running apt-get update I get this:  W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:11
jjinco33imikey : Just did, returned to prompt. Tried to watch with Kaffeine says no available device found ... mythtv just hangs, me-tv reports it is unable to find a dvb device09:12
ActionParsnipHeTaL: sudo apt-get -y install aptitude; sudo aptitude -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True -o Acquire::BrokenProxy=true update09:12
ActionParsnipHeTaL: may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80215609:13
JoeR1I have an interesting situation , I am currently on the system on which I wish Xubuntu to be installed, it is running xubuntu without being installed, it will not recognized the hard drive as a valid installation location only the jump drive. Advice?09:13
alexeyI have seen that live DVD ubuntu kills processes when there is no more memory. But in installed system I run recursive script (bash) and system has gone down. How to do that. I have hear that I must editing proc config or any like that09:13
imikeysomehow the drivers got uninstalled09:13
imikeythe modbin should load the drivers if they are present09:13
HeTaLActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/nnbV6GvS09:13
jjinco33imikey: do what can I do to reinstall?09:14
HeTaLActionParsnip: Added --force-yes09:14
ActionParsnipHeTaL: sudo apt-get --force-yes install aptitude09:14
jokoonis C++ eclipse included in the available eclipse in the official ubuntu repo ?09:14
imikeyjjinco33: they were installed by default? with the 11.0409:14
HeTaLActionParsnip: It still gave the same error.09:15
JoeR1no? no one has anything to offer me in the way of help?09:15
jokoonactually it's eclipse CDN09:15
ActionParsnipHeTaL: the commands in the link I gave may help09:15
HeTaLActionParsnip: Yep, checking them out. Thanks for the help09:16
YankDownUnderJoeR1, Um...can't really make sense of the question...09:16
JoeR1How do I get Xubuntu to install to the Hard Drive that is recognized in Bios and in Gparted but not in the Xubuntu installer09:17
imikeyjjinco33: try this ---- sudo lshw -C multimedia09:17
sagarchalisehi I want to change the owner and group of all folders inside home folder according to their folder name. Can anyone suggest me a single command to this ?09:17
YankDownUnderJoeR1, "Manual Partitioning"09:17
JoeR1YankDownUnder, It is partitioned EXT4 with boot flags09:18
ActionParsnipJoeR1: could try partitioning the drive in gparted, then kick off the installer09:18
ActionParsnipJoeR1: also run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install gparted ubiquity     to update both apps :)09:19
YankDownUnderJoeR1, When you start the installation, choose to partition manually - you don't have to necessarily re-partition, but you're going to need to have the system recognise the scheme you've laid out already.09:19
JoeR1ActionParsnip, Gparted seems to be reporting the HDD mounted as a CDROM drive09:19
ActionParsnipJoeR1: thats probably the install media09:19
jjinco33imikey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612630/09:19
trap24where should I define JAVA_HOME environment variable, when I install the "openjdk using apt-get" ?09:19
trap24the grails & git requires it09:20
JoeR1YankDownUnder, I do not have access to that option in this installer, a consequence of the type of ISO I downloaded I believe (Deaktop ISO)09:20
jjinco33imikey: Shows the card there09:20
JoeR1ActionParsnip, I think Not, I have never had a 500 gig DVD09:20
imikeyjjinco33: i see let me look over this brb09:20
JoeR1ActionParsnip, OH wait, i think you are right09:21
dr0idneed some help guys, wanted to upgrade chrome from synaptic, but it's failing to fetch the file (because google removed it I think)09:21
trap24where should I define JAVA_HOME environment variable, when I install the "openjdk using apt-get" ?09:21
JoeR1ActionParsnip, I think I used UNetBootIN to make the 500 gig a bootable install disk but I did the same to a jump drive that is hooked up and it will let me install to the jump drive09:22
trap24Git requires it09:22
JoeR1Lets try this, how do I change the mount point of this hard drive to something other than a CDROM drive?09:22
impizafriends please help me when i try to install any deb file it says only one management tool allowed to run at the same time09:22
overcluckertrap24: do you want to have JAVA_HOME set temporily, or perminantly?09:23
trap24overclucker: I know the method09:23
trap24overclucker: i m confused where does java_home actually points ?09:24
JoeR1very well, I am certain i shall return09:24
jutzusDasEi: im on bt4 but the internet is not working right now ifconfig shows eth009:24
trap24overclucker: I installed openjdk using apt-get install09:24
ActionParsniptrap24: you can define it in ~/.bashrc09:24
imikeyjjinco33: try this too ::09:24
imikeylspci | grep Conexant09:24
rockenrolahi, I'm trying to boot through PXE, but I get "no dhcp or proxydhcp offers were received". If I boot with a livecd I get an IP. Any ideias?09:24
DasEijutzus: sudo dhclient09:24
trap24ActionParsnip: yup i know how to set env. vars. , but what should I put in JAVA_HOME=?????????09:25
jutzusDasEi: for some reason now terminal commands are hanging09:25
ActionParsniptrap24: let me websearch, you do the same too09:25
overcluckertrap24: it should be the dir that java binary is in09:25
trap24overclucker: its not in /BIN either09:25
DasEijutzus: live cd is lil' slower, that's normal09:25
impizafriends please help me when i try to install any deb file it says only one management tool allowed to run at the same time09:26
ActionParsniptrap24: does:   export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/"   work09:27
jjinco33imikey: dev >>lspci | grep Conexant 03:00.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23885 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 04)09:27
jutzusDasEi: ok sudo dhclient has not responded09:27
impizadoes any can help me here09:27
ActionParsniptrap24: verify the folder exists09:27
imikeyjjinco: take a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123427409:27
mykalhi all. i work for an isp, and to check auth records we use radsniff. it looks like it's part of the freeradius project. atm we use a gui, but the guy who maintains it has left. we have access to the command line, but barely anyone knows how to use it. im trying to find the man before the inevitable collapse of the gui. install freeradius client utils, but no man. suggestion09:28
overcluckertrap24: find /usr -name java09:28
imikeyjjinco: its from 2009 but they seem to be having similar problems09:28
ActionParsnipimpiza: do you have updates running or is software centre running?09:28
DasEiimpiza: softwarecenter and synaptic both open, or apt in terminal same time ? close btw. let it finish first09:28
trap24ActionParsnip: yes, i found.. I am trying the same :) thanks09:28
coolballI typed ./startup % instead of ./startup & ... what would the % do ?09:28
ActionParsniptrap24: coolio09:28
impizano i have not running any thing09:28
ActionParsnip!aptfix | impiza09:28
ubottuimpiza: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:28
impizajust try to run a .deb file09:28
ActionParsnipimpiza: the command will free up the packages foryou09:29
trap24ActionParsnip: i have verified09:29
DexterLBanyone know why compositing is so slow and bugged in natty09:29
mykali should point out im a customer facing tech with no access to the radius server other than radsniff.09:29
ActionParsniptrap24: sweet09:29
ActionParsnipDexterLB: what video chip do you use?09:29
trap24ActionParsnip: .bashrc, should i restart ?09:29
ActionParsniptrap24: no, this isn't windows09:29
ActionParsniptrap24: run:  source ~/.bashrc09:30
jjinco33imikey:I do have a /dev/dvb entry though if that matters, but I will try that09:30
ActionParsnipDexterLB: and did you upgrade to natty or clean install?09:30
DexterLBActionParsnip: nv gf 9500 gt09:30
impizathanks friends this one works  !   sudo dpkg --configure -a09:30
DexterLBActionParsnip: clean09:31
impizaubottu thank you buddy09:31
ubottuimpiza: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
ActionParsnipDexterLB: ok can you give a pastebin of: sudo lshw -C display; uname -a; lsb_release -a       Thanks09:31
mykalok, so noone, any suggested irc. freeradius pages dont seem to reference radsniff at all, but google just brings me straight back to freeradius09:31
jjinco33imikey: It also says that the driver is fixed in later releases, as it was for me, then broke again, then fixed again, now broke again, but will try to compile them as sugegsted09:31
ActionParsnipDexterLB: also add:  dpkg -l | grep nvidia      Thanks09:32
DexterLBit's nvidia-glx (the recommended one)09:32
DexterLBwill post the exact one in a second09:32
DexterLBActionParsnip: http://bpaste.net/show/16479/ here is the display info09:33
DexterLBActionParsnip: nv driver version is 173.14.30-0ubuntu109:34
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
fairuz Hi, If I have 2 lines, a/b/c/d and g/h/j/k/l, how to take only the last one? In this case d and l09:37
jjinco33imikey: During "make" it warned me ... WARNING: You're using an obsolete driver! You shouldn't be using it!09:38
jjinco33 If you want anything new, you can use:09:38
jutzusDasEi: rt2800pci_mcu_status09:39
jjinco33imikey: It seemed ok on the make install, rebooting, brb09:39
jutzusDasEi: no response from hardware09:40
imikeyjjinco33: ok09:41
DexterLBActionParsnip: any idea?09:42
jutzustrying to list lsmod but screen wont scroll up09:43
jutzushow to scroll up in root#09:43
jjinco33imikey: Same problem, Kaffeine says No Devices Available, Me-TV says "There are no DVB devices available"09:45
bullgard4The  »kernel comman line« appeared under Grub 1 in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Where is it to be found under Grub 2?09:45
bullgard4The  »kernel command line« appeared under Grub 1 in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Where is it to be found under Grub 2?09:45
llutz_fairuz: sed 's/^.*\(.\)$/\1/'  foo09:45
fairuzllutz_: ok thanks09:46
llutz_bullgard4: "linux  /boot/...." in /boot/grub/grub.cfg. to change it, modify /etc/default/grub09:47
imikeyjjinco33: man i thought for sure that would probably work for you09:47
shah_Hi friends, I am stuck with an issue while fetching some data through wget from https even i am using --ca-certificate=file.cer09:47
jjinco33hmmm, how can I tell at what level things are breaking down with it? Can I tell if there is a failure somewhere loading the driver, or trying to use the card?09:50
jo-erlendin unity launcher, some icons have grey and some coloured background. What does that mean?09:50
bullgard4llutz_: Thank you very much for your help.09:51
coz_jo-erlend,  are you talking about the last two icons on the launcher?09:52
imikeyjjinco33: maybe try the kaffeine crash log09:52
jo-erlendcoz_, no. They are special. But gedit, gcalctool and totem are all grey while nautilus, firefox and xchat are coloured.09:53
imikeyjjinco33: odds are its not to do with kaffeine but more along the lines of the driver09:53
coz_jo-erlend,  is it possible to screenshot that? and upload to pickpaste.com or whichever you are accumstomed ot09:53
jutzuscan someone help me getting eth0 online09:53
jutzusthis is a ralink with major issues09:53
jo-erlendcoz_, if you run totem. Does it get the same color background as Firefox does?09:54
coz_jo-erlend,   I would have to log onto Unity  if you want to waite a minute or so09:54
jo-erlendoh, ok. I can take a screenshot.09:54
shah_Is there some one please who can help me on wget issue :(09:54
=== sloopy is now known as Guest28297
coz_jo-erlend, be right back09:54
coz_jo-erlend,  ok on Unity and opened totem and it does indeed have a grey background09:56
jo-erlendcoz_, http://ubuntuone.com/p/vT4/09:57
jo-erlendcoz_, right. So some icons have colors and some are grey. I'd like to understand what that means, if it means anything at all.09:57
coz_jo-erlend,  hold on let me check09:58
coz_jo-erlend,  this is all could find in a short time   http://askubuntu.com/questions/37707/what-are-the-different-colors-on-the-unity-launcher-icons10:00
jjinco33imikey: Can't find kaffeine crash log, did check the ~/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/config.dvb and found this ... I don't know if it matters: frontendName=Samsung S5H1409 QAM/8VSB Frontend10:00
jjinco33I saw this in MythTV as well which cannot read from the card anymore either10:01
jutzusis anyone able to solve this ethernet issue10:04
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edgarsanyone have working multitouch screen with gestures?10:08
jutzusi have rtl810e ethernet10:09
jutzusno one is able to get this working10:09
guddu_anybody tell me about ubuntu 11.04 how it works10:09
coz_edgars,   well I have dual monitors with gestures by not multitouch10:09
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edgarscoz_: :>10:10
guddu_can anyone tell me10:11
llutz_!manual | guddu_10:11
ubottuguddu_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:11
watcheris there a way to group mail by date as in Outlook10:11
watcherusing gnome evolution10:11
guddu_will you tell me about phishing10:11
scott__I have found success10:12
rockhopper_hey guys, i get this error when trying to install php-cgi: php5-cgi: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.9) but 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6 is to be installed10:12
edgarsguddu_: it works10:12
rockhopper_any ideas what should i do to fix it?10:12
edgarsit even works with touchscreen10:12
jutzusalright i seem to have installed wrong driver for ethernet10:12
guddu_what works edgars10:12
jutzusis it ok to just install new driver10:13
=== scott__ is now known as JoeR1
edgarsguddu_: ubuntu 11.04 works :>10:13
jutzusor do i need to uninstall10:13
JoeR1Let me say that again, I have found success with installing Xubuntu10:13
edgarsrockhopper_: reinstall your php packages :>10:13
guddu_i uninstall 10.10 and install 11.0410:13
edgarsand of course update them10:13
coz_JoeR1,  cool  what was the issue before?10:13
guddu_i also update it10:13
ole2Guys, I have a problem: I have qjackctl not working, while jackd works fine - under x64.10:14
guddu_i am using ubuntu 11.04 natty version10:14
coz_guddu_,  you may want to go to #jack  channel as well10:14
guddu_how to go there and for what coz_10:15
ole2coz_: look better, it was not him.10:15
JoeR1coz_, because I had used UNetBootin to make the HDD a bootable install disk Gparted and the Xubuntu insatller decided it must be a CDROM so I used MSDOS FDISK to wipe the drive and then started again and the installer gave me formatting options and installed to the 500 gig10:15
coz_guddu_,  sprru wrong person10:16
coz_ole2,   right that was for you:)10:16
coz_JoeR1,  excellent ,, glad you got this worked out :)10:16
coz_guddu_,   wrong person I meant ,, apologies10:17
Guest30574hi bodis10:17
guddu_dont worry coz_10:17
JoeR1coz_, I may not be a Linux master but thank god I am proficient enough to realize when I made a stupid mistake10:17
coz_JoeR1,  lol  I completely understand :)10:17
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JoeR1well I will be off now, thanks for all the help10:18
jjinco33Anyone else mayeb want to try assisting me with my TV tuner issue since imikey left? I verified that scan can use it and try tuning ... kaffiene, mythtv and Me-TV all say tehre is no DVB device still10:18
coz_edgars,   out of curiosity,, what are you using for the gestures?10:19
jutzushow do you locate drivers for ethernet controller10:20
jutzusim having hard time10:20
sellahtype lsconfig in terminal10:21
coz_oo I may have offended guddu  by accident in PM  :(10:21
Guest30574              10:22
Guest30574          10:22
jutzusi located my driver for ethernet im on ubuntu 10.0410:22
jutzusLINUX driver for kernel 2.6.X and 2.4.X (Support x86 and x6410:23
jutzusis this correct version10:23
=== david is now known as Guest4403
jutzuswhat the fuck10:24
jutzusmother fuck10:24
zverokotim have problem with ASUS USB-N13 WiFI dongle10:24
zverokotany ideas?10:25
coz_jutzus,  I realize there can be frustrations,, however, this is considered a "family channel"  maybe a  "mama caca" would be better :)10:25
jutzusbut i cant even get the correct driver located and downloaded10:26
coz_jutzus,  what is the drive for again?10:26
zverokothmm howto it?10:26
rockhopper_edgars: i tried and it didn't work10:26
coz_jutzus,  driver rather10:26
jutzuscoz_ ethernet rtl8101e/rtl8102e10:27
jutzuscoz_ ralink corp10:27
zverokotubuntu no  plag'n'play  system?10:27
jutzuscoz_ cant locate a good download10:27
coz_jutzus,  oh ok,, I would be frustrated as well,, I am not the right person for this,, but let me check10:28
jutzusi find the download page and it redirects me to audio drivers10:28
coz_jutzus,   see if this post helps   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105448010:28
zverokotim find driver on ASUS.com - but it sourse code (not binary)10:29
jjinco33jutzus: the realtek provided drivers from their page didn't work?10:30
jutzusit redirected me10:31
dcgjutzus: could you please post the link you thought were the correct drivers.10:32
dcgjutzus: by the way, did you try running the "additional hardware" wizzard?10:32
jjinco33jutzus: The two CN links did not work for me, the HK link gave me a tarball download10:32
jutzusFnally   get the drver10:34
=== guiGuy is now known as haunted85
jutzusall because Action sent me link to wrong driver10:35
A_Jis There a Separate Netbook Version of ubuntu, if yes a Link Please.10:35
xrohi, i'm on a Lucid server and i ry to use openssl with IPv6... but i cannot do a s_client -connect IPv6 --> i get connect: Invalid argument... do you know a solution?10:35
jutzusi cant complain though10:36
A_JActionParsnip,  here ?10:36
natalie_A_J, that has now been discontinued in latest release. latest release with Unity should do fine though10:36
dcgA_J: yes there is, if you go to ubuntu.com and look for "Netbook Remix" otherwise known as "NBR"10:36
cdbsA_J: No, there's no longer a separate netbook remix10:37
dcgA_J: natalie_ oops; didn't realise it had been retired :(10:37
natalie_dcg, that will be an older version thought right. im new to this but im sure thats what i reas10:37
omega__hello all10:37
cdbsA_J: The netbook remix code was merged into the desktop edition, and now, there's only one edition for all: Ubuntu10:37
A_Jcdbs, and dcg how do i turn down the power on 11.04 then ?10:37
cdbsA_J: Umm, what do you mean?10:38
A_Ji'm pretty sure it won't be able to run 11.04 smoothly10:38
dcgA_J: do you mean make your laptop battery last longer?10:38
cdbsA_J: Okay, it seems you're running Gnome classic, it doesn't seem to have a shutdown menu10:38
omega__I made upgrade to 11.04 via update manager. so i have a mess with unity, how to reinstall the upgrade still with update manager10:38
A_Jcdbs, which version do u recommed for a netbook 11.04, 10.10 or 10.04LTS ?10:39
cdbsA_J: I'd suggest you to install package unity-2d and use that, you're using the classic old style panel env10:39
cdbsA_J: 11.04, of course10:39
cdbsA_J: install unity-2d, it'll give you a good interface10:39
cdbsA_J: as for shutdown10:39
A_Jcdbs,is that a package unity-2d ?10:39
cdbsA_J: Ctrl+Alt+Delete should suffice, but I recommend installing unity-2d for a better experience across the system10:40
dcgA_J: I am currently running 10.10 on an asus eeepc900 netbook, and have another running 11.04 with no problems10:40
cdbsA_J: yes, the package name is unity-2d10:40
A_Jokie ty cdbs.. btw what time does ActionParsnip  come around ?10:40
cdbsA_J: after installing, at next boot you should have a new session to choose at GDM login screen titled "Ubuntu Unity 2D session" or similar10:40
cdbsA_J: ^^ :D10:41
cdbsActionParsnip: You do have fans :)10:41
jutzus[install] Error 110:41
jutzus[install] Error 210:41
ActionParsnipcdbs: apparently so :)10:41
jutzusPermission denied10:41
* jsuhde has a strange problem10:41
jsuhdeanyone willing to help?10:41
A_JActionParsnip, i Bought that Graphics Card, how do i go along installing it so i don't get that old infarmus error10:41
jutzuscannot create regular file10:41
cdbs!anyone | jsuhde10:41
ubottujsuhde: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:41
dcgjutzus: please pastebin your shell session so we can see what is happening10:41
A_Jthanks btw cdbs10:42
ActionParsnipA_J: what is the infamous error?10:42
A_JActionParsnip, i asked you a few days back, i put a card in and did a powerdown and got an error10:42
ActionParsnipA_J: i can barely remember last week dude10:43
A_Jnvm then, nvdia GFX Card how do i install it on a already running OS. ActionParsnip10:43
jsuhdeI installed 11.04 64bit, wireless works fine. Couldn't get some packages to work so I bit the bullet and went 32bit route. During install I was able to use wireless no problem, however after 32bit install wireless is dead, I tryed installing again, wireless is still dead except this time I couldn't access it during install. Suggestions?10:43
dcgjsuhde: is this a laptop?10:44
ActionParsnipA_J: power down, install and disable the onboard if one exists10:44
jsuhdedcg: yes10:44
A_JActionParsnip, drivers update ?10:44
jattcan I upgrade from 32bit to 64bit or do I need to install it again from scratch10:44
jutzushow the meca bec you pastebin from a linux to windows10:44
A_Jjatt, yes i Think So10:45
natalie_A_J, when i updated, it just turned it off10:45
dcgmany laptops have a key sequence that enables/disables the wireless. often fn-F210:45
ActionParsnipA_J: the nouveau driver will be used until you get the proprietary driver in10:45
natalie_A_J, Unity i mean10:46
A_Jmaybe i can get that driver ActionParsnip card is a GT43010:46
jsuhdedcg: It has a dedicated wifi button, still don't understand why it worked no problem in 64 bit, so you sugest I try a fn-f2?10:46
ActionParsnipA_J: the nvidia-current package will givethe driver10:46
dcgjutzus: do you have any working internet connection on the linux machine (wired maybe)?10:46
A_JActionParsnip,  full command please ?10:46
dcgjsuhde: just try the wifi button, see if it helps10:46
jsuhdedcg: been there done that £åügHîñg Øüt £öüÐ10:47
ActionParsnipA_J: sudo apt-get Install nvidia-current       I thought that was obvious. You can also use software centre10:47
jutzusdcg: thats what im trying to get working, extemly frustrating, i have just installed the correct driver can anyone tell me next step10:47
farciarz84hi, I'd like to get latest ubuntu kernel 2.6.3910:47
farciarz84where it is10:47
farciarz84currently I have 2.6.39rc410:47
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: there is a kernel ppa10:48
dcgjutzus: so you have installed driver, did you end up with any error messages?10:48
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: you use them at your own risk as they are not official10:48
A_JActionParsnip, it's installing. After this Just pop the card in and disable onboard ?10:48
farciarz84ActionParsnip: do you have the address?10:48
Chris_HHi, I would to download an OS of about 565MB, do you guys know any application or download manager with resume capabilities?10:48
ActionParsnipA_J: yes10:48
trap24i get this application say "gedit" while Alt+F2,... but when I try to add it to the GnomePanel on the top, it is not in the list,.. how do I make a short-cut there ??10:49
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa10:49
jutzusi got networking working, just no internet access, this seems easy to fix, anyone10:49
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: a quick websearch would have found you that EASILY10:49
A_JActionParsnip, thank you. I hope nothing breaks like last time.. will try and let you know. Thanks once again10:49
dcgjs: do you have any working internet connection on the linux machine (wired maybe)?10:49
A_JChris_H, Gwet download Manager10:49
natalie_A CHALLENGE: and sorry if it's lame. if you had access to a 'nix server at work, could run commands on it at work from an xp machine at a low user level only, how would you write the output of those commands to XP. (like $ command > gedit  as as example)10:49
dcgjsuhde: do you have any working internet connection on the linux machine (wired maybe)?10:49
A_Jcomes pre-installed Chris_H10:50
jsuhdedcg: kinda, but not easily accessable. Any reason why 64bit install would work and 32 wouldn't?10:50
Chris_HA-JA_J: Are you sure? I can find it in application lenses.10:50
ActionParsnipnatalie_: redirect the text to a file, then open the file in nano and copy / paste10:51
farciarz84ActionParsnip: thx10:51
ActionParsnipfarciarz84: instead of immediately asking for clarification, try websearching based on the direction given10:51
dcgnatalie_: try "command > /tmp/filename.txt" then use wget to put filname.txt on a webserver then download to XP. should be virtually foolproof.10:51
Chris_HA_J: It wasn't pre installed, but I found it in Software center. Thanks10:52
A_JChris_H, 11.04 has it10:52
natalie_ActionParsnip, I will test that, but if nano or no other text editor is available, anything elses10:52
natalie_ActionParsnip, *else10:52
ActionParsnipnatalie_: you can cat to the screen10:52
dcgjsuhde: likely driver issues. but if wifi got disabled for some reason you may need to re-enable it using wifi button, or bios10:52
A_JActionParsnip, we are not your fans we <3 you10:52
ActionParsnipnatalie_: there WILL be a text based editor, or you can use dc's advise and use sshfs10:52
natalie_ActionParsnip, so $ cat COMMAND10:52
ActionParsnipnatalie_: cat file10:52
ActionParsnipA_J: haha, thanks10:53
jutzusUnder ifconfig... eth0 as well as eth0:avahi10:53
jutzuswhat gives10:53
dcgnatalie_: what program on xp are you using to access the linux box?10:53
jsuhdedcg: tried that, bios doesnt have that option. Seems strange that it was working during install of 32bit, would the LiveCD use a driver from the 64bit install for some reason?10:53
coder2Hello. My display goes into suspend state after some time of idle. How to disable it? I've switched off screensaver, display power options, but it continues switching off.10:54
coder2Please help10:54
thauriswulfaQUESTION: anybody know of a tool to capture video of desktop10:54
DJones!screencast | thauriswulfa10:55
ubottuthauriswulfa: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.10:55
elfranneis there a way to get the time when the pc was started ?10:55
ActionParsnipthauriswulfa: recordmydesktop10:55
Chris_HA_J: I couldn't find it. Anyways, I found MultiGet and it looks good10:55
llutz_elfranne: who -b10:55
dcgjsuhde: no more likely the 32 bit install uses an older version of the driver. it is also possible that the 64bit driver has put the card into 64 bit mode, and for some reason the 32bit driver has not reversed that.10:55
ActionParsnipcoder2: I've done it in xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612664/10:55
elfrannellutz, thx a lot :)10:56
jsuhdedcg: but it *was* working during my first install of 32.... after reboot, dead.10:56
dcgthauriswulfa: you can also use gst-launch with the appropriate gstreamer pipeline. was doing it the other day10:56
natalie_dcg, it's a stoopid thing, but i work for an isp (yeah, i was in another id before) ad everyoe acesses our radius via a gui. radsniff is actualy whay we are after, but i cant find the man for it10:56
jsuhdedcg: I'm at a complete loss10:56
jutzussome1 help me get online10:57
natalie_dcg, want to write a script that will make it easy t just dump. much easier to get 'appreoved' than a gui on a specifc version of jave10:57
dcgjsuhde: yes, on first install of 32bit it may work, then once you have used 64bit it may be forced into a different mode that will not work in 32bit10:57
jutzuseth0 and eth0:avahi has wrong inet addr:10:57
natalie_dcg, this kboard is crap sorry10:58
coder2ActionPar: Should there be more user-friendy way. For regular users, not for root10:58
dcgnatalie_: come and join me in #sbts this will be easier there....10:58
coder2ActionPar: thanks, I'll try it as a last measure10:58
natalie_dcg, kewl10:58
jsuhdedcg: the thing is I installed 64 first, then loaded a LiveCD of 32. On the install of 64 after reboot, it worked, during the install of 32 it worked, after reboot nada. I tried reinstalling 32, during install its broken, after reboot it's broken. It just doesn't make sense ¶:(10:59
jutzusyeah just ignore me10:59
jutzusAction: you had me install the wrong drivers whats up with that ?10:59
natalie_can a couple of ppl verify user dcg for me in this chat, seems dosgy11:00
dcgjsuhde: hmmm, unless one of the drivers has done something strange I don't knwo11:00
* jsuhde pulls hair out, applys boot polish11:00
dcgnatalie_: not dogy, just think the solution I have in mind should be take away from this channel11:00
jsuhdedcg: I guess I'll just try again11:01
jsuhdedcg: thanks for your time11:01
wujieChrome 11今天已经发布最新版本Build 11.0.696.71,Windows、Mac、Linux三大平台用户均可到Chrome官方下载页面获取新版本,11:01
TrevelyanIncnatalie_: hello Good Friend i am Marcus Smith from Geni Uganda and I have Business proposition for send $$ 55 millon Ugandan dollars and your assist is required11:01
Sidewinder1!caps > jutzus11:01
ubottujutzus, please see my private message11:01
=== dark is now known as Guest40076
TrevelyanInc^^ now that seems dodgy11:02
Sidewinder1!cn > wujie11:02
ubottuwujie, please see my private message11:02
jutzusmaybe all that is needed is a simple reboot11:03
TrevelyanIncPower cycling covers a multitude of sins11:03
PudabudigadaHello, every so often my system locks up almost completely, the RAM ans swap space seem to both be full at this time, help?11:04
Guest40076HELLO ALL11:04
somethinginteresis there a way to set up Ubuntu to in some way make a 2nd local copy of a specific file or folder to another hard drive on my system each time it is edited, without any new software.. more like a script of some kind?11:04
jutzusfor the love of this laptop i can not get ethernet working11:04
TrevelyanIncjutzus: what's your NIC11:05
Guest40076JUTZUS HI11:05
TrevelyanIncI had the hardest time with my Toshibas but oddly enough my Dell that shipped with all the proprietary stuff runs 11.04 like a charm11:05
jutzusTrevel: not sure11:05
Sidewinder1!caps > Guest4007611:06
ubottuGuest40076, please see my private message11:06
TrevelyanIncjutzus: do you have an alongside Windows install with autodetect11:06
Guest40076HI I SAID JUTSUZ11:06
jutzusTrevel: no11:06
jutzusTrevel: straight ubuntu 10.0411:06
Sidewinder1!caps | Guest 4007611:07
ubottuGuest 40076: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:07
TrevelyanIncjutzus: I had way fewer hangups with 11.04. Aside from that awful bug11:07
TrevelyanIncWhat is it called11:07
TrevelyanIncThe ugly thing that won't leave the left side of the screen11:07
TrevelyanIncOh, yeah. Unity11:07
jutzusTrevel: what does that mean11:07
TrevelyanIncjutzus: 11.04 interfaced better with my network devices. Also Unity is a nuisance11:08
jutzusi might be on 11.0411:08
jutzusyup 11.0411:08
jutzushow do i get this eth0 working11:08
PudabudigadaCan anyone help with my lockups? My RAM and PF both fill themselves and all I can do is (just about) move the mouse.11:09
jutzusi have installed correct drivers11:09
TrevelyanInc10.04 is the LTS so a lot of ppl still use it11:09
jutzusim on 11.0411:09
andrei23Hello. Is this the right place to seek for some help regarding a server configuration?11:09
TrevelyanIncjutzus: have you rebooted twice? It sounds silly11:09
TrevelyanIncbut it may fix it11:09
jutzusleave ethernet cable pluged in?11:10
eljakhello, i have vt technology enabled in bios but module kvm-intel fails to load what could be the reason? kvm module loads with errors11:11
jutzusTravel: no luck there11:11
jutzusTravel: im showing eth0 and eth0:avahi11:12
trap24well, how to compile a code in gedit, which plugin do i require :P11:12
jutzusTravel: that tell you anything11:12
TrevelyanIncjutzus: what a shame... let me see11:13
andrei23do you know where I could find some good documentation on firewalls?11:14
bullgard4'~$ aptitude why [packetname]' prints a list of packetnames, each packaetname is prepended by "i   ", "i A" or "p   ". Does this stand for »installed«, »installed automatically« or »purged«, respectively?11:15
jutzusits showing
=== xxx is now known as Guest37784
jutzusstop playing with me11:16
bullgard4andrei23: Yes. Put a specific question here in this channel.11:18
sfdsafdsafdsahi i downloaded tibia 7.9, extrakted files to a folder on desktop but i cant run application/x-executable file, i have put it on allow but nothing happens when i try to click it, how can i run it from command line meaybe? or someone have tips what else i can do?11:20
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  from terminal ,, cd to the location of the directory,,, type   ./nameof executable11:20
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ ./Tibia: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:21
ja660khey all, i need some help with my resolution, i installed nvidia drivers and now my res is stuck at 640x48011:21
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ i am in the dirictory11:21
wujieUBUNTU server edition 2TB memory support?11:22
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  you need the  ot install that library then and it;s development package probably11:22
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ what do you mean?11:22
andrei23I want to configure one of my machines to act as a router and firewall. I have read almost all the documentation in the community section but I can't find a well documented article on this subject.11:22
wujieUBUNTU server edition 2TB memory support??11:22
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  which version of ubuntu are you one?11:23
wujieUBUNTU server edition 2TB memory support?????11:23
Sidewinder1!repeat > wujie11:23
ubottuwujie, please see my private message11:23
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ the latest, 11.04 i think11:23
andrei23I am looking for books/articles/anything that will explain routing/firewall very accurately.11:24
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  then you wont be able to run that since on 11.04  the libstdc++6 is installed11:24
bullgard4andrei23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router11:24
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  althouth you can install it  sudo apt-get install libstc++5  not sure if it will conflict11:25
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  rather11:25
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ but whats libstc?11:25
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  sudo apt-get install libstdc++511:25
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  it is a library that particular appliation requres11:25
Ben65how to tell grub which drive to use on boot?11:26
andrei23bullgard4: I read that and I find it to be incomplete for my needs.11:26
=== jutzus is now known as elks294
bullgard4andrei23: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82976111:26
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ it worked now and i could open the application file, but will this do something to my other programs?11:26
Ben65can anyone hear this?11:27
bullgard4andrei23: "I find it to be incomplete for my needs." <-- this may well be. Then please specify and elaborate.11:27
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  I dont t hink so  ,, there should be no conflict11:27
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ ok, thanks11:27
coz_ok be back later11:27
coz_sfdsafdsafdsa,  no problem11:27
mrmistBen65: you are visible, yes.11:27
Ben65ok, using telnet to irc so wasnt sure. you know how to make my grub work?11:28
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ can u tell me how can i install this? http://otfans.net/threads/56486-Linux-loader-IP-changer  the 7.x version11:28
sfdsafdsafdsacoz_ i have to install from that code?11:28
Sidewinder1wujie, Don't you mean 2 GB of memory? Also, I believe there is a #ubuntu-server chanel where someone might be able to help.11:28
bullgard4'~$ aptitude why [packetname]' prints a list of packetnames, each packaetname is prepended by "i   ", "i A" or "p   ". Does this stand for »installed«, »installed automatically« or »purged«, respectively?11:28
dfsfdfdis anyone able to help with networking11:29
=== dfsfdfd is now known as jutzu
andrei23bullgard4: for instance, the ip forwarding and masquerading shows just a config file with no explanations. I do agree it works fine but I can't seem to understand it in order to make it suit my need or debug it.11:30
jutzueth0:avahi is getting ip address of 169.11:30
jutzui know this is a simple issue11:30
jutzuits something to do with dhcp11:30
jutzuand ip configuration11:31
TrevelyanIncjutzu: yeah. What's the address of your DHCP server?11:31
Sidewinder1Ben65, Grub should automatically scan your drives and give you choices of which OS to boot to.11:31
Bragerdoes anyone have Intel GMA 950 graphics? Can you tell me if they play back 720p HD video fine??11:32
andrei23bullgard4: same goes with the next chapter, firewall. just a huge config file. I really need to understand the works behind it in order to make my custom server secure11:32
Ben65Sidewinder... I copied everything to a new drive/partition11:32
bullgard4andrei23: So the proper way to solve your problem with the help of #ubuntu is that you name the "ip forwarding and masquerading" more precisely and ask for an explanation of your particular "ip forwarding and masquerading" problem.11:32
ObsolateBrager: not really mine is kinda choppy on 720p11:33
Bragerthanks Obsolate  :)11:33
Sidewinder1Ben65, You could boot to LiveCD, open a terminal and type sudo update-grub   That might work.11:33
bullgard4andrei23: Another route where you can go is that you ask in this channel for a "ip forwarding and masquerading" tutorial.11:34
Ben64_LappySidewinder1, i don't have an ubuntu cd handy11:35
Ben64_Lappyand grub is installed, just need to boot lol11:35
Sidewinder1Ben64_Lappy, Yes, try the sudo update-grub.11:35
Ben64_Lappybut i dont have an ubuntu cd around :(11:36
andrei23bullgard4: thank you for the advice. you are probably right, but having so many questions I believe I more fair from my side to read as much as I can on the subject and then ask questions.11:36
KalabokUse flash stick11:36
Sidewinder1Ben64_Lappy, That proceedure is probably beyond my ability...:-(11:36
bullgard4andrei23: Reading a tutorial is usually the best starting point when having many questions on a subject.11:37
nightdreverif i download and install an RC version of mint ..... will it upgrade automatically to the final version?11:37
andrei23bullgard4: so, could you recommend me a solid ip forwarding and masquerading tutorial?11:37
HISHAMany body tell how can i conect with mig in the first time11:37
Ben64_LappySidewinder1, :(11:37
bullgard4andrei23: No, I can't.11:37
patchi there!11:37
bencccan I add sources by adding files to /etc/apt/sources.list.d or is it for something else?11:38
andrei23bullgard4: You do know that that was my second line here, asking for books/tutorial recommendation?11:38
bullgard4andrei23: I can recommend you the Wikipedia article on network address translation.11:38
HISHAMwhy i get error in coniction11:38
patcdo someone know if the messages entered while the gnome screensaver is locked are stored / logged somewhere?11:38
DJones!mint | nightdrever11:39
ubottunightdrever: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:39
andrei23bullgard4: please do11:39
Sidewinder1bencc, If it were me I'd add sources through Synaptic Package Mgr.11:39
Sidewinder1patience > HISHAM11:39
bullgard4andrei23: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation11:40
HISHAMany body answer me?:-(11:40
benccSidewinder1: I'm using the server11:40
bullgard4HISHAM: hi11:40
KalabokWhat's the problem?11:40
HISHAMwhay i get eror in connictiom with mig?11:41
KalabokMig33? :)11:41
Sidewinder1bencc, I believe there is an #ubuntu-server chanel where someone might be able to help...11:41
bonhofferif i am supposed to check stderr log for details, where is that?11:41
HISHAMthis is the first time11:41
andrei23thank you for your support, i'll came back when i'll have more specific questions11:42
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sfdsafdsafdsahttp://otfans.net/threads/90926-Linux-Loader-IP-Changer-GUI  how can i install this on 11.04 ?11:42
KalabokThe first time of what11:42
sfdsafdsafdsachmod +x Install.rb   dont work11:43
patcdo someone know if the messages entered while the gnome screensaver is locked are stored / logged somewhere?11:43
HISHAMof conniction the mig11:43
patc(sorry for repeating, no idea if someone's read the qestion before)11:43
KalabokWhat do you think about unity11:43
jussiKalabok: thats offtopic for here, try #ubuntu-offtopic11:44
bonhofferor maybe i can find all files updated in the last hour11:44
bonhofferthat will help me find the error log11:44
patcfine thx HHH and u?11:44
HISHAMcan i get some help please11:44
HISHAMwhy i cant connict with mig?11:45
tic^!ask | HISHAM11:45
ubottuHISHAM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:45
patcdo someone know if the messages entered while the gnome screensaver is locked are stored / logged somewhere?11:45
Sp4rKyHHH: please stop using capslock11:48
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:48
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
jutzuubuntu has not been to friendly to me as of yet11:49
HHHhow can i find a persian person here11:50
ikoniayou don't need a persian person11:50
ikoniaHHH: what is the problem you are having11:50
ikoniaHHH: what is the problem you are having ?11:50
patchello, do someone know if the messages entered while the gnome screensaver is locked are stored / logged somewhere?11:51
popeyHHH: this isn't a chat room, it's a support room11:51
=== NyberMi1_ is now known as NyberMi1
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.11:51
HHHand there arent any chatrooms in x chat?11:51
popeyHHH: there are #ubuntu-offtopic is one11:52
PudabudigadaHHH Xchat allows you to connect to chat rooms.11:52
PudabudigadaAny of them that use irc11:52
Kanhiyahello to all ubuntu users11:52
patcnobody for my topic? am I off-topic?11:52
KanhiyaI am having problem with bluetooth11:52
popeypatc: they're not logged11:52
dcgpatc: could you please explain a bit more?11:53
NyberMi1HHH, you are here right now aren't you?11:53
HHHhow can i connect to a chatroom from here11:53
PudabudigadaHHH, Click the button that says 'Xchat' in the top left corner of the program, then 'network list'.11:53
KanhiyaMy bluetooth is not working properly in ubuntu11.0411:53
HHHgot it11:53
dcgpatc: do you mean, what login attempts are made while the screen is locked?11:53
patcdcg: when the gnome screensaver is locked, you can usually leave a message that displays when the user logs back11:53
popeyKanhiya: what are you trying to do with the bluetooth adapter?11:53
patci would like to know if and where they re stored for later use11:53
NyberMi1HHH: Irc works with servers, inside those servers you can create chatroom like the one you are talking in right now, so what you want do is pick a server you want and connect to it with "/server irc.theserveryouchose.com" and inside that server then join a channel with "/join #channelname"11:54
KanhiyaI am not able to add device properly11:54
NyberMi1HHH: getting clearer?11:54
popeypatc: they are stored in memory I believe11:54
dcgAh, not sure. I have never used that myself. to ask the obvious have you done a google search?11:54
popeyKanhiya: what kind of device11:54
Kanhiyapopey: Sometimes i found it disabled11:54
popeyKanhiya: how are you associating devices?11:54
patcpopey: dcg :yes, but isn't ther a way to re read them later? no log file at all?11:54
MichaelKohlerhi, I'm using an Australien 3G connection shared from my phone (tethering). Ubuntu can't connect to any website no matter which browser I am using. What could be wrong? (ping commands works though)11:55
patcdcg:yes I tried google of course, but could not find anything of any help so far11:55
patcmaybe am I not looking for the right keywords :P11:55
dcgpatc: might have something, give me a moment11:55
patcdcg:of course thx11:56
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HHHthanks aloooooot11:56
jutzucan someone help me with networking with ubuntu11:56
susundbergMichaelKohler: does ping work on say 'google.com' -- that is does DNS work?11:56
MichaelKohlersusundberg: it does, yes11:57
susundberg!ask | utzu:11:57
ubottuutzu:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:57
MichaelKohlersusundberg: sometimes it even says "connected to google.com" in the browser but nothing happens after that11:57
susundbergMichaelKohler: weird indeed11:57
jutzuok i cant get networking running on ubuntu11:57
MichaelKohlersusundberg: on windows it works perfectly and I can say that the network isn't that slow11:57
jutzuim having problems with dhcp11:57
jutzuand no network connection11:58
jutzuim seeing eth0 eth0:avahi11:58
jutzuwhat is wrong11:58
susundbergMichaelKohler: and since there is 'connected' message i guess its not matter of any 'working offline'11:58
PudabudigadaI'm having a problem with ubuntu freezing almost completely, filling up the RAM and swap space. Anyone know why it could be happening?11:58
MichaelKohlersusundberg: no certainly not11:58
susundbergonly thing i can come up with is that your operator is expecting something (authentication etc, or blocking something etc) that causes other than ping packages drop11:59
jutzuis anyone knowledgable with ifconfig11:59
susundbergyou could try -- if you have access to some server -- see what ports do work if any11:59
susundbergbut that is certainly quite longshot11:59
susundbergtry telnet !11:59
ChessTeachDoes anyone use the program freetalk? I have it running, but I cannot find the command to send a private message12:00
KanhiyaPopey:just click on add device  than another device my phone asks for matching code12:00
Kanhiyai select yes but it do not add device properly, it's name appear but do not send or receive files12:00
Kanhiya also there is no option pop up for DUN12:00
KanhiyaDial up networking12:00
FloodBot1Kanhiya: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:00
jutzugreat i have to reinstall ubuntu12:00
pontinohello to all12:00
jutzuif there more user friend linux dist.12:00
ChessTeachjutzu: Ubuntu is pretty user friendly12:01
KanhiyaAny body please help me to solve bluetooth problem12:01
ChessTeachwhat issues are you having12:01
jutzunetworking! until the cows come home12:01
pontinoPermissions /var/www is 775, owner: root, group: www-data. I add my user "tux" to group www-data, but if I open /var/www from the classic explorer of ubuntu, I can't make new files or make new directories12:01
KanhiyaI have installed ubuntu11.0412:01
KalabokI'd such a problem12:01
jutzuidont know12:01
Kanhiyait is having problem with bluetooth12:01
ChessTeachjutzu: you cannot connect to the internet? or to other computers?12:01
KanhiyaIn earlier version it was working properly12:02
jutzui believe networking is not working12:02
jutzui cant get a ip12:02
KanhiyaHow to downgrade the bluetooth drivers12:02
jutzudhcp crap12:02
cristican anybody hear me?12:02
pontinoHello, I've a problem: Permissions of /var/www is set to 775, owner: root, group: www-data. I add my user "tux" to group www-data, but if I open /var/www from the classic explorer of ubuntu, I can't make new files or make new directories!!! WHY? Thx12:02
Grootstyrjutuz: ifconfig ?12:02
jutzueth0 eth0:avahi12:03
nrdbHi, I am trying to get samba to work (again)... Samba is going (according to netstat)... but neither is the WORKGROUP showing up or the computer when I try to find it in the "Places->Network" menu item.   what could be wrong?12:03
Sidewinder1!ask | cristi12:03
ubottucristi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:03
jutzui have to reinstall now because i started to reinstall and lost my os12:03
susundbergMichaelKohler: 'telnet www.google.com 80' -- see http://www.apacheweek.com/features/http1112:03
jutzuthis is bullshit12:03
Kanhiyahow to downgrade bluetooth drivers12:03
MichaelKohlersusundberg: it's just weird that under windows it works perfectly.. so I don't think this is a matter of authentication or similar12:03
susundberg"get / http/1.0 <ret> <ret>" should return some text if connection works12:03
susundbergMichaelKohler: true indeed12:04
jutzuis it always a learning process with ubuntu or do you get it after some time?12:04
Kanhiyai mean because latest drivers have lot of bugs12:04
Grootstyrafter some time it just works and you run away ;)12:04
cristihello. i am having a problem with ubuntu 10.04. window minimizing and resizing takes a lot of time, and also programs start slowly. i have an ATI 477012:04
MichaelKohlersusundberg: thanks I'll try that.. but need to start ubuntu to do that since I have only one computer ATM12:04
susundbergMichaelKohler: but also the browser does not know anything about what connection you are using -- and its not like network is blocked for application X (it can be done though but it requires tricks)12:04
KanhiyaI don't know why people change something when everything is running properly12:04
susundbergMichaelKohler: Check the web page i pasted12:04
Grootstyrjutzu: static IP, does internet work after that?12:04
=== rico is now known as pinoy83
jutzuno luck12:05
susundberg(for the proper protocol things)12:05
MichaelKohlersusundberg: I will thanks12:05
PudabudigadaCAn anyone help me with freezing?12:05
jutzubut i have to reinstall i have no os now12:05
jutzui dont know which dist to try12:05
jutzuubuntu has failed big time12:05
Grootstyrjutzu: reïnstall Ubuntu, or try Debian or something12:05
GrootstyrBoth the same dna though12:05
KanhiyaUbuntu will lose popularity with such type of bugs12:06
KanhiyaAnybody here listening to me12:06
pinoy83Hi, can you help me setting up openLDAP on ubuntu 10.10. i'm currently following https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html but i'm stuck at the point loading the frontend module. i'm getting " ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)12:06
jutzuyeah i hear yuou12:06
jutzuim reinstall ubuntu12:07
GrootstyropenLDAP on ubuntu or debian is a mess.12:07
GrootstyrIt took my like a thousand times to get it running, and by the time I had it, I forgot how.12:07
popeyKanhiya: sorry, someone grabbed me for work12:07
nrdbHi, I am trying to get samba to work (again)... Samba is going (according to netstat)... but neither is the WORKGROUP showing up or the computer when I try to find it in the "Places->Network" menu item.   what could be wrong?12:07
popeyKanhiya: you're trying to connect your pc to a mobile phone and use dial up networking?12:07
pinoy83haha @ Grootstyr.  Thanks for the insight though.  Are you still running a pdc with openldap at the moment?12:07
Kanhiyapopey: Yes, u r absolutely right12:08
PudabudigadaCan anyone help me, the problem is rather serious.12:08
popeyKanhiya: has it ever worked?12:08
popeyPudabudigada: not until you tell us the problem ☺12:08
NarcHello everyone. The wired ethernet connection drops randomly on a new Natty install. Toshiba Satellite laptop. Any advice ? Thanks a lot.12:08
jutzushould ubuntu have networking access at installation screen?12:08
patcare the messages entered while the gnome screensaver is locked stored / logged somewhere?12:08
Grootstyrpinoy83, I gave up on it after I ran into trouble importing data.12:08
Kanhiyapopey: It worked with earlier version but not in this version12:08
PudabudigadaI have a couple of times already :p12:08
tic^Kanhiya: I have 10.04 LTS 64bit running on my dell desktop, everything works out of the box. mp3's, all sounds including headset and mic, movies play, and i even have my all-in-one scanning/copying works great. If if ain't broke, don't fix it!!12:08
jutzuif not how to go about getting it working12:08
dcgpatc: ok, looks like the "leave a message" feature of gnome-screensaver does not store a copy of the message anywhere.12:09
PudabudigadaMy PC freezes now anfd again, with the RAM and PF full.12:09
popeysory Pudabudigada12:09
jutzushould ubuntu have networking access at installation screen?12:09
=== Emmanuel_Chanel_ is now known as Emmanuel_Chanel
Kanhiyapopey: My bluetooth version is 3.012:09
s08noertelwie gehts euch =?12:09
popeyjutzu: it should, but it will work without it12:09
Grootstyrjutzu: yes12:09
dcgpatc: also from what I can see, the feature is due to be removed from ubuntu nextime we sync with upstream. likely for 11.1112:09
popeyKanhiya: what guide are you following?12:09
Laurencebhi, i have raw data on an as card12:09
patcdcg: ah! ok thx, where did you find this info?12:09
jutzuhow do i get networking running before i install12:09
Kanhiyapopey: mobile have version 2.112:09
s08noertelhaii ?12:09
Laurencebhow can i read it?12:09
popeyPudabudigada: what apps are you using that eats all your ram and swap?12:10
GrootstyrBtw: installing ubuntu netinst without internet connection will get you a beautifully clean install xD12:10
s08noerteli have not plan12:10
Kanhiyapopey: i do not understand12:10
Sidewinder1Kanhiya, I believe that I read somwhere that to use Dial up networking that you first must disable Networking...12:10
jutzuhow do i get networking running before i install12:10
jutzuhow do i get networking running before i install12:10
jutzuhow do i get networking running before i install12:10
popeyKanhiya: are you following some online guide?12:10
dcgpatc: mainly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/333269 but some other bits and bobs about the place too.12:10
FloodBot1jutzu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 333269 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "leave message uses an ugly and confusing dialog" [Low,In progress]12:10
s08noertelsarah ?12:10
s08sromanowskihallo leute?12:10
Pudabudigadapopey, Firefox and Xchat12:10
Grootstyrjutzu: Ubuntu will dhcp, if it does not get DHCP address, something is wrong elsewhere12:10
popeyPudabudigada: how much RAM does your machine have?12:10
popeyjutzu: wireless or wired?12:11
Pudabudigadapopey, 512Mb12:11
s08noertelcheck this out yeahh :D12:11
popeyPudabudigada: do you have loads of tabs open?12:11
Kanhiyapopey: I have installed 11.04 & in 10.10 it automatically pop up a message for DUN12:11
s08noertelwhy ?12:11
Sidewinder1!dialup > Kanhiya12:11
ubottuKanhiya, please see my private message12:11
s08noerteldeutsch please12:11
popeys08sromanowski s08noertel this is a support channel, take your chat elsewhere please.12:12
fahmadcan some one tell me how can i replicate whole drive data into USB. HDD is 320 GB but its hardly using 9 GB and i want to replicate it into 16 GB USB Stick with MBR12:12
fahmadany idea for this ?12:12
Sidewinder1!de > s08noertel12:12
ubottus08noertel, please see my private message12:12
patcdcg: nice of you, thanks!12:12
dcgfahmad: have a look at partimg12:12
jpds!de | s08sromanowski12:12
ubottus08sromanowski: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:12
fahmaddcg: ok12:12
dcgfahmad: sorry that is partimage12:12
Kanhiyapopey: I mean to say that, in earlier version it was detecting everything automatically, now this is not good12:13
dcgpatc: no problem12:13
MaZ-hrm... boot machine this morning, no changes since monday and worked fine then - unity panels / left bar no longer load by default, but will appear if i run unity --replace from console12:13
popeyKanhiya: a regression by the sound of it12:13
fahmadbut if i get partimage then it will copy whole hdd which is 320 GB12:13
Kanhiyapopey: i also installed blueman12:13
fahmadbut i want to copy it into 16 GB12:13
Pudabudigadapopey, Usually no more than five or six.12:13
popeyKanhiya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=735018 may be useful?12:13
Kanhiyapopey: but when device is not adding properly ,how one can be able to connect to internet12:14
popeyPudabudigada: lots of firefox extensions? flash?12:14
dcgfahmad: no, partimage uses some smarts, it should only use as much space as has been used on the HDD. in your case 9GB12:14
popeyKanhiya: sorry, I don't know, I haven't used bluetooth for some months/years12:14
Pudabudigadapopey, I'm wondering if it could be linked to FLash player, though it happened yesterday when I was just trying to open an image.12:14
Kanhiyapopey: thanks12:14
PudabudigadaExtension; Firegestures, and that's about it.12:14
dcgfahmad: check out http://www.partimage.org/ there are good explainations there. well there were last time I looked :)12:17
yassine_hellcan anyone help me,12:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:18
Kanhiya1Hello everybody12:19
JoeR1Hello anyone12:19
yassine_helli just wanted to make sure if theres somenone on^ ^12:19
JoeR1I need a command to list the current cideo devices12:19
Ben64_Lappytheres 1601 people in here...12:19
BajKis there any nice way to change policykit configuration? It starts to get on my nerves. Yesterday I had to work 2 hours with Windows 7 and that was enough. Now I can't stand any more "ARE YOU SURE blabla" with password prompts12:19
fahmaddcg: ok12:19
Kanhiya1Just tell me the simple way to downgrade bluetooth driver in ubuntu11.0412:19
BajKI just want to grant me all rights to install, remove and update packages12:19
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, There are currently 1,601 on this chanel.12:20
Kanhiya1if any body knows how to do that , send a private message12:20
JoeR1BajK in terminal type "su"12:20
GrootstyrBajK: sudo su12:20
BajKno, no, no!12:20
BajKno sudo12:20
BajKno terminal12:20
FloodBot1BajK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
yassine_hellwell i had ubuntu 10.04 on a partition, and windows xp on another, i tried to install a older version on ubuntu (8 something), now when i try to open my pc i get "grub rescue>"12:20
GrootstyrWhats the point of Linux without Terminal :\12:20
BajKthat it is a end user oriented working nice environment..12:20
JoeR1BajK - no can do, terminal is the ultimate tool, it is where you give yourself the permissions to do all the extreme system editing12:20
BajKpsht man!12:21
Ben64_LappyBajK, just use sudo when you need it, no need to make your system less secure by being root all the time12:21
BajKI dont want to use the terminal. period.12:21
BajKoh man...12:21
ikonia /whois resyoi5k12:21
BajKyou didnt understand the purpose of Policykit, do you?12:21
JoeR1BajK - then you don't want to edit linux12:21
BajKI dont want to edit linux12:21
Ben64_Lappyyou don't understand the purpose of sudo i guess?12:21
BajKI just want to install some packages without it asking me like 10 times for a password12:21
BajKsince "Remember authorization" doesnt work for ages12:21
Ben64_Lappyit asks once, then remembers12:21
BajKit does not12:21
GrootstyrIt ask for a password to help make it more secure...12:21
Ben64_Lappyyou're exaggerating12:21
BajKwell, could you just tell me, where and how I can edit the Policykit configuration? thanks.12:22
GrootstyrThe second time in one session it says like, auto-granted sudo rights because of password blablabla?12:22
BajKin 9.04 there used to be a nice tool but it was then removed12:22
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, You may have installed an old, unsupported version; can you reinstall 10.04?12:22
JoeR1BajK, Ok I'm out of this, i am sure you can find people who know more than me anyway12:22
dcgBajK: on all 10 machines I have here the "remember auth" function works fine!12:22
Kanhiya1how to downgrade bluetooth drivers12:22
BajKdcg: then maybe it's a Kubuntu symptome12:22
rileypBajk if you dont want to asked  about permissions go use windows and get vrus as it does not have to ask to install12:22
BajKwindows asks more than Ubuntu does...12:23
JoeR1What command do I use to display a list of all the connected video devices?12:23
Grootstyr/join #kubuntu12:23
yassine_hellSidewinder1: ok how can i delete it?12:23
Guest2971help ~12:23
GrootstyrOr buy a nice mac12:23
Guest2971can't expand lv snapshot target support missing from kernel12:23
JoeR1rileyp, you really make windows sound worse than it  is12:23
BajKAgain: I dont want to be root and I am not working as root. I just want to be able to install, remove and update packages without it CONSTANTLY asking for a password, without sudo, just using the package manager..12:23
rileypthats rght but it asks wrong questions12:23
popeyBajK: the GUI was removed upstream12:23
rileypno its unsecure and sad12:23
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, No need, reinstall to the same partition and it should over-write.12:23
BajKpopey: so, how do I edit it then?12:23
Kanhiya1how to downgrade bluetooth drivers12:23
dcgBajK: if you are using kde (kubuntu) I would suggest asking in #kubuntu or #kde12:23
popeyBajK: use the command line to maintain policykit, thats the only answer for now12:23
BajKand any idea why it doesnt remember my authorization? Natty is even more strict than Maverick already was12:24
JoeR1rileyp, never got a virus in windows, just sayin12:24
Ben64_LappyBajK, using the package manager, it asks for the password periodically, you can enter it, then install a thousand packages without entering password again12:24
yassine_hellSidewinder1: ok , but if i wana delete , i just have to format the ubuntu partition?12:24
BajKthe problem herer is:12:24
BajKit asks EVERY SINGLE TIME12:24
Ben64_Lappyare you rebooting in between12:24
BajKyou install one package, enter your password, then you recognize "oh, i forgot something"; install another one and then it ass again12:24
BajKi dont even close the application12:25
GrootstyrThat sounds not right, mine only asks it ones,12:25
BajKit used to ask only once in maverick12:25
BajKbut since natty it asks everyt ime12:25
JoeR1all right so really no one knows the command I am looking for?12:25
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, Yes, that will work also, but, obviously will destroy all data on that partition.12:25
dcgBajK: it also depends what packagemanager you are using, if it is aptitude then visudo after reading man sudoers12:25
Kanhiya1is there any channel specially for bluetooth help12:25
BajKKPackagekit I am using12:25
BajKdcg: again: you miss the point12:25
BajKit's not sudo, it's polkit12:25
Ben64_LappyJoeR1, never heard you ask anything12:25
BajKthat's something totally different12:25
GrootstyrBajK: stop being angry and go to #kubuntu12:26
BajKand I think policykit also breaks automatic package update12:26
yassine_hellSidewinder1: i dont have any data on that partition anyways, but it would fix my boot?? i dont have to setup windows or something?12:26
JoeR1Ben64_Lappy, sorry, i am looking for the command to list all of the connected video devices12:26
BajKman, you Ubuntu middle age GTK based program users suckj -.-12:26
GrootstyrBye, have a nice day12:26
dcgBajK: you may be suprised....either way you NEED TO ASK in either #kubuntu or #kde as it WILL be different for KDE installs12:26
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, I don't think so; just try it...12:26
Grootstyrdcg: he allready left12:26
robin0800JoeR1, lsusb12:26
Ben64_LappyJoeR1, don't know if that exists exactly. you can try "lspci | grep -i vga"12:27
yassine_hellSidewinder1: >.< well if it dosnt how can i fix it :s?12:27
xroHi, someone already deals with openssl s_client connect? i need to connect an IPv612:27
* Sidewinder1 Sighs..12:27
dcgGrootstyr: downside of doing a /ignore parts joins nick quit :)12:27
Kanhiya1is there any channel specially for bluetooth help12:27
Ben64_Lappyso i'm downloading ubuntu cd now.. how can i make grub stop giving me "error 2"12:27
Ben64_Lappyi miss my non-lappy12:28
dcgKanhiya1: no need to repeat yourself, if anyone knows they will answer.12:28
GrootstyrKanhiya1: //list and go have a look for it.12:28
yassine_hellSidewinder1: so to format , can i use "Partition editor" then format to NTFS ?12:28
Ben64_Lappyyassine_hell, i doubt it'd do ntfs12:28
Kanhiya1Grootstyr: i do not understand12:29
robin0800yassine_hell, disk utility is better12:29
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, Wait, you're not talking about a wubi install are you?12:29
Grootstyrtype: /list, you'll get a channel list, and go look for something with bluetooth in the topic12:29
yassine_hellBen64_Lappy: what do u mean ?12:29
moopwaxI'm having an issue, and I don't know what package to start delving into. I installed Ubuntu-tweak, enabled some ppas, and rebooted, now when I try to minimize everything I just see http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1066681/Screenshotwtf.png and on the session control page, everything is listed as "unset"12:29
Ben64_Lappyyassine_hell, i don't think anything in ubuntu can format ntfs12:29
dcgyassine_hell: Ben64_Lappy I think it may do ntfs, you will just have to try it :) otherwise it should be possible from the command line.12:29
yassine_hell<Sidewinder1> nope i have windows in its own partition12:29
Grootstyrdoubt you'll find one as /list bluetooth only gets 2 unrelated channels12:29
JoeR1holy s***, I'm running a 9400 gt - I was certain the video card in this thing was worse than that12:29
robin0800Ben64_Lappy, yes it can disk utility and gparted12:30
yassine_hellwell in the "Partition editor" there is an option "Format To >" and there are alot other open ntfs,ext.....12:30
Ben64_Lappy!fixgrub | Ben64_Lappy12:30
ubottuBen64_Lappy, please see my private message12:30
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, Then reformat the ubuntu partition to ext3 or ext4; leave the NTFS partitions alone.12:30
Grootstyr9400 gt sucks though ;)12:30
Grootstyrat least an HD4xxx+ or an GTXxxx serie would be preferable.12:30
yassine_hell<Sidewinde> i meant what ima format it to ..12:30
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TrevelyanIncNothing like programming naked12:31
Sidewinder1yassine_hell, Please see my previous.12:31
GrootstyrTrevelyaninc: programming naked makes fun release notes?:D12:31
TrevelyanIncGrootstyr: it certainly makes this episode of my vlog more interesting12:32
robin0800yassine_hell, depends what you intend to do with it but most installers can format it to what they want12:32
dcgyassine_hell: I would always recommend using one of the ext filesystems for linux12:32
TrevelyanIncoh speaking of12:32
TrevelyanIncI need to find data on Linux desktop/netbook user gender ratios12:33
YankDownUnderAnyone done an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 yet?12:33
Slixxori have]12:33
dr_Willislots of people have12:33
YankDownUnderSlixxor, Mate, did you keep Gnome2 or move to Gnome3?12:33
AlmehdiFor those who might have misses... Gnome-Tweak-Tool now have On/Off switch for the Gnome-shell extensions.. pure awesomeness!!12:33
Slixxor11.04 is more stable. but I have 1 lingering bug.12:33
Slixxori kept gnome 212:34
fairuzi kept gnome2 too12:34
Slixxorits much nicer12:34
GrootstyrGnome 3 is prettier than Unity though12:34
Slixxori like a free desktop not a tabbed OS12:34
TrevelyanIncIs this the part where I say let us move the f#$%#$ Unity bar12:34
YankDownUnderSlixxor, Right oh - that's what I was wanting to know...right...I certainly have tried/mucked with Unity and Gnome Shell (hell) and just wanted to keep my happy Gnome2...12:34
robin0800gnome 3 breaks unity12:34
GrootstyrUnity was the wrong move imho, gnome3, gnome 2 choices would be better12:35
YankDownUnderrobin0800, Doesn't matter...don't want to move a particular machine to Gnome3 or Gnomeshell or Unity...just want to keep it at Gnome2 but move the OS to 11.0412:35
Obsolatedunno unity is not worse than gnome 3 imo12:35
robin0800Grootstyr, gnome 3 wasn't ready in time12:35
dr_Willisjolios is fun gui to experiment with12:35
Grootstyrrobin0800: sticking to gnome2 until it was ready would have been a better solution.12:36
AlmehdiGnome-shell rocks the ass of Unity... Gnome2 also.. at least for me12:36
Grootstyrchances are we are now stuck with Unity for a while(longer than just one release)12:36
YankDownUnderdr_Willis, Don't want to experiment on this particular machine...had enough of that in the past month...just want Gnome2 and STABLE... ;)12:36
ObsolateGrootstyr: whats the problem u still can launch gnome12:36
jattdoes gnome3 include light themes? all the screenshots I've seen have this dark background themes I hate12:36
robin0800Grootstyr, they had to release12:36
dr_Willisold school gui   is lubuntu12:36
GrootstyrObsolate: I know, although I would prefer gnome3 out of the box, instead of Unity12:37
nnubuntui chant restart , shut down and logout my systems Ubuntu 10.0412:37
ObsolateGrootstyr: i have gnome 3 on my arch distro, well is not so great12:37
Grootstyrrobin0800: They could've waited one release with throwing gnome2 to the second place.12:37
AlmehdiJatt: I think they have.. The Elementary is pretty "light"12:37
Pudabudigadannubuntu, Tried 'sudo' then 'shutdown' or 'reboot'?12:37
engammalskoDo ubuntu support .ace extracting?12:38
voozeObsolate, I think gnome3 is great :)12:38
Slixxorsoo I have a question... I have noticed in both 10x and 11x i can no longer slide the bar in movie player to choose what timeframe i want to play mp3's from.. as in i cant fast forward or rewind. this has happened on 2 laptops. unsure what the fault is.12:38
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:38
voozeObsolate, you just have to figure it out, after a day, is really much better and faster12:38
NarcHello everyone. I have a hard time setting up an old Toshiba Satellite A60 laptop. How can I install older kernel on natty without enabling untrusted ppas ? Thanks a lot.12:38
robin0800Grootstyr, the next release will be better gnome 3 unity3d and unity2d12:38
Fudgeguys, can grub-pc detect osx on another drive. looking at /etc/grub.d/custom files. not sure how to use them though12:38
Obsolatevooze: im sure it is, the thing is windows manager are like womans some like blondes some like brunetes ;)12:38
GrootstyrDebian is more my thing anyway, use linux mostly on my servers, and 30000 packages is nice. Especially when you are looking for some ported Darwin Calendar Server(Mac OS X Server)12:39
nnubuntuPudabudigada : but i already tried12:39
engammalskosudo apt-get install file-roller; Already newest version.12:39
voozeObsolate, ofcouse, but i just forced my self to try it, and stick with it.. after 3 days i really love it12:39
Pudabudigadannubuntu, What happened?12:39
YankDownUnderGrootstyr, So what if ya like a redhead that shaves half her head, has tatoo's from head to toe and speaks only in Icelandic? ;)12:39
voozeYankDownUnder, haha :D12:40
nnubuntuPudabudigada : have you experience  on EVOLUTION12:40
GrootstyrYankDownUnder: i dont follow :O12:40
Almehdivooze: Yes, that is the way... when you get it... you GET it! Gnome-shell will be and are awesome! ;)12:40
Pudabudigadannubuntu, What?12:40
* Slixxor pokes dr_Willis12:40
voozeAlmehdi, :))12:41
Pudabudigadannubuntu, I know a little about evolution, but I hardly think that's relevant.12:41
burghello. when i have to displays connected to my machine, how can i move one window from one display to another? because it seems that i can`t drag it more than to the limit of its display12:41
Sidewinder1Slixxor, Have you tried playing the mp3s in Totem?12:41
Slixxorno im used to movie player now.12:41
voozelooking forward to gnome next gnome3 release or 3.2 (should bring some nice email + calender options #gnome told me12:41
Slixxori will try to in banshee12:41
Sidewinder1Slixxor, Sometimes different programs react differently, experiment an find what works best for you.12:42
Almehdivooze: Yeah, that is very much needed. Have you noticed the news in Gnome-Tweak-Tool?12:42
nnubuntuPudabudigada :- Sir commends are not working properly .....................some time its work or some time not12:42
Almehdivooze: You now have an On/Off switch for extensions12:43
Pudabudigadannubuntu, Is English not your first language?12:43
Slixxorhmm has anyone else experienced this?12:43
voozeAlmehdi, nope, i just hate evolution.. i like pure gmail and google calender much more12:43
voozeAlmehdi, ah nice :D12:43
Almehdivooze: Mee too.. Doing Postler and google calendar12:44
Sidewinder1Slixxor, Rarely; most times it happens to me is when I try something different like a .mkv file.12:44
Almehdivooze: Do you know a way to integrate Google Calendar with the clock applet without Evolution?12:44
NarcAnyone can tell me the right way to install older kernels on Natty ? Thanks.12:45
Slixxorhmm seems weird 2 different laptops with 10 on one and 11 on the other12:45
voozeAlmehdi, nope, thats what #gnome told me, would be possible in 3.212:45
Slixxor95% of my mp3s have this issue12:45
ileai want to install skitaz on a old computer but i need after instaling to configure the pppoe network with console. Is there a way that i can make when i reach the dns part to make it autodetect dns ip adress because it dosnt work without it12:45
Slixxorthen some work.12:45
Almehdivooze: Awesome!12:45
Slixxoralways the same ones.12:45
Sidewinder1Slixxor, A Codec issue, perhaps?12:46
Slixxori find banshee too clunky. i think ill just use totem.12:47
Sidewinder1!codec > Slixxor12:47
ubottuSlixxor, please see my private message12:47
Sidewinder1Slixxor, Perhaps that'll help. :-)12:48
nrdbHi, I am trying to get samba to work (again)... Samba is going (according to netstat)... but neither is the WORKGROUP showing up or the computer when I try to find it in the "Places->Network" menu item.   what could be wrong?12:48
antotestHi i am using ubuntu 10.10  I have to add another language into my system. By googling i know that how to do. But in my administration menu there is no menu item like language support. Is anyone know how to add it?12:48
Slixxorhmm im trying gnome mplayer12:48
Slixxorit doesnt cycle travks12:48
Slixxorit runs a new instance each time12:49
Slixxor= fail12:49
antotestHi i am using ubuntu 10.10  I have to add another language into my system. By googling i know that how to do. But in my administration menu there is no menu item like language support. Is anyone know how to add it?12:49
Matt_799Hello ubuntu users!  I am looking for reasons to try ubuntu, but I already have a paid version of windows 7 64 bit.  Is there a killer app for ubuntu?  Can I program easier on ubuntu?? Thx12:50
toastyubuntu will get you laid.12:50
DirtyDawgby a man tho12:50
Slixxor??????? Interesting. I have set the default player as Mplayer and now back to movie player and now.. mirculously they ALL work. this has been a 3 month issue. i installed xchat just to ask you guys lol12:51
AlmehdiMatt_799: What languages?12:51
=== NyberMi1_ is now known as NyberMi1
Matt_799well, C++, C, Java, HTML,CSS thats about maybe i will learn more12:52
DirtyDawgMatt_799: install it with wubi then you can keep win 7 and still play with ubuntu12:52
Sidewinder1Slixxor, CONGRATS!I love it when a plan comes together. :-)12:52
Matt_799yes but just what does play with ubuntu mean??12:52
Slixxorindeed.. i love the expendables quotes haha12:52
* Sidewinder1 Throws rotten tomatoes at wubi!12:52
MaZ-guys any idea what might cause compiz (+ unity) to not auto start when logging in? has been working fine since 11.04 upgrade and this morning just stopped working - but running compiz --replace or unity --replace from terminal starts it up fine with no issue12:53
Slixxorawesome.. back to 2 hour drum and bass sets i can cycle through :)12:53
Slixxornight ya'll.. outstanding as always.12:53
AlmehdiMatt_799: I am not sure there is any special advantages on Ubuntu for those..12:54
Matt_799Almehdi ok but what languages have advantages on Ubuntu, and what are those advantages?12:54
Sidewinder1Other than a secure enviornment.12:54
DezzimalI started my Ubuntu PC this morning after an unexpected shutdown and the Login Window isn't appearing after boot, I have a mouse and the desktop background is there. I can SSH into the box fine. How do I fix GDM, since I assume that is what is broke?12:55
AlmehdiMatt_799: The advantages is freedom. No need to crack, slash and flush programs. Little chance of viruses. Probably a faster and more customizable system.12:56
ubuntuрусские есть?12:56
DezzimalI've tried /etc/init.d/gdm restart as root, but no luck.12:56
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_sd325my ubuntu 10.04 does not start anymore. the load bar runs endless in the splashscreen. what can i do?12:57
Sidewinder1!ru > ubuntu12:57
AlmehdiMatt_799: What i mean is that you would probably be equally productive on a win machine. Python, QT and bash are great on a Ubuntu machine though12:57
Matt_799are those object oriented??12:57
robin0800Dezzimal, thats depreciated now its all service start stop12:57
Grootstyrrobin0800: still works though12:59
robin0800Grootstyr, I know12:59
AlmehdiMatt_799: I am just a casual programmer so you might want to read up on those to get a picture.12:59
nrdbHi, I am trying to get samba to work (again)... Samba is going (according to netstat)... but neither is the WORKGROUP showing up or the computer when I try to find it in the "Places->Network" menu item.   what could be wrong?  I have tried everything I know.12:59
NarcAnyone can tell me how to install an older, more compatible kernel on a fresh Natty install ?12:59
Sidewinder1Matt_799, You'll find an invaluable resource, regarding ubuntu and all of it's facets at: www.ubuntuforums.org13:00
Matt_799Sidewinder1 thankyou i will look at "Absolute Beginner Talk"13:00
dcgnrdb: is it possible that samba is restricted to only run on a specific network address, maybe or an address that is nolonger configured on your machine?13:00
AlmehdiMatt_799: The nice thing is that you often not need to look on the internet for apps.. You have them in the repositories.. one click install.13:01
dcgNarc: if it is still available via the package manager running "sudo aptitude" may let you do it. but read the aptitude man page first13:01
Sidewinder1Matt_799, Or programming13:01
Matt_799Almehdi oh that sounds nice sounds like cydia for the iphone13:01
AlmehdiMatt_799: Yeah.. like a market place but where everything is free to download13:02
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Sidewinder1Matt_799, Keep in mind that the repositories connect to the internet unless you're using, exclusively, the CD.13:03
Dezzimalreinstalling GDM appears to have no effect on the login screen not showing up either13:03
AlmehdiMatt_799: As you seem more of a power user it could take a while before you get into it. When you do... you will never go back13:04
gabehello, I'm trying to find out how much longer is 10.10 going to be supported please?13:04
dcg_sd325: how long have you left it running, every so often it will check your harddrive and it can take quite a long time with a big drive and a slow system13:04
nrdbdcg, both "interfaces" and "bind interfaces only" and commented out.   netstat shows "tcp        0      0 *:microsoft-ds          *:*                     LISTEN      8096/smbd  "13:05
Narcdcg: ok, thanks. I'm a bit lost.13:05
Sidewinder1Matt_799, Synaptic Package Manager handles most if not all downloads/dependencies, etc. It's the way one installs software in ubuntu13:05
[TK]D-Fendergabe: Should be until 12.0413:05
_sd325dcg: 2 minutes. restarted several times13:06
gabethank you :)13:06
Picigabe: Non LTS releases are supported for 18 months13:06
Matt_799Almehdi well i don't think I can completely ever give up with windows, it has much better gaming13:06
RAMLOCKi am using ubunty 10.0413:06
gabedo you know why 11.04 doesn't like nvidia graphic cards?13:06
_sd325dcg: it a new pc with 2 cpu's13:06
RAMLOCKmine is CRT13:06
Sidewinder1gabe: Take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2913:06
RAMLOCKwhich is turing off after some interval13:06
=== panphried is now known as panphried_work
gabethanks :)13:06
AlmehdiMatt_799: Yes, so far that is true.. although Linux are getting better13:06
RAMLOCKthe only resolution is to reboot the system13:07
Matt_799Sidewinder1 can you sort the repository for most popular/most downloaded/highest rated??13:07
dcg_sd325: that is probably not long enough, it can take 30 min on a really big drive13:07
RAMLOCKi was not facing this issue when i was using fedora13:07
AlmehdiMatt_799: Most games are playable through Wine. Not the newest ones though13:07
Sidewinder1MatBoy, No, I don't believe so.13:07
Sidewinder1Matt_799, ^^^13:08
_sd325dcg: can I get some infos about it?13:08
juhdeI need some help installing wl modual, anyone game?13:08
VonhintenIt's too bad OpenGL has largely gotten its ass spanked by DirectX13:08
pinakihello there....13:08
=== NyberMi1_ is now known as NyberMi1
RAMLOCKanyone can help me13:08
RAMLOCKto resolve it13:08
RAMLOCKdoes anyone use Ubutu with CRT13:09
pinakii just installed ubuntu 11 ...i am using linux for the first time13:09
pinakii am under a user authenticated proxy server13:09
GrootstyrI'm using an state of the art IPS LED LCD 2560x1440 screen, so sorry can't help ya13:09
nrdbRAMLOCK, I am using a 21 inch CRT monitor on one of my computers..13:09
Sidewinder1Matt_799, Last time I checked, there are 31,000 pieces of software available for install in ubuntu, all free!13:09
DirtyDawgshow off13:09
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: Try look into Power settings in the settings13:09
pinakidoes the ubuntu software center work under user authenticated proxy server?13:10
Sidewinder1Matt_799, And that's just the repositories.13:10
MaZ-holy christ - login as ubuntu classic, works fine - went into ccsm, enabled unity plugin, logged out and back in again on ubuntu classic13:10
MaZ-unity loads13:10
DezzimalI started my Ubuntu PC this morning after an unexpected shutdown and the Login Window isn't appearing after boot, I have a mouse and the desktop background is there. I can SSH into the box fine. Reinstalling/Restarting GDM did not fix it.13:10
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: Might be an issue with screens saver or something13:10
MaZ-log out and back in again on ubuntu profile, same shit13:10
dcg_sd325: I think you said you are using 10.04, if so you *may* be able to press alt-right arrow to see a log screen. be aware that you cant get back to the splash screen though (from memory)13:10
gabedoes anyone know why 11.04 doesn't support nvidia drivers? I upgraded my desktop from 10.10 and my graphics are a mess :(13:10
RAMLOCKits not screen saver issue13:10
pinakican somebody help me?13:10
RAMLOCKas the system is getting only flicks after tht13:10
RAMLOCKnothing else13:11
VonhintenDezzimal, sound problems?13:11
RAMLOCKand screen saver goes off once you are active13:11
Sidewinder1!ask > pinaki13:11
ubottupinaki, please see my private message13:11
DezzimalNo idea, I don't use sound on this desktop until login + pulseaudio starts.13:11
[TK]D-Fenderpinaki: You have not told us how you authenticate.13:11
Sidewinder1pinaki, Sorry, I didn't read your original questions... :-(13:12
nrdbHi, I am trying to get samba to work (again)... Samba is going (according to netstat)... but neither is the WORKGROUP showing up or the computer when I try to find it in the "Places->Network" menu item.   what could be wrong?  I have tried everything I know.13:12
PiciTrevelyanInc: stop that13:12
GrootstyrThe bot don't care13:12
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: Have you tried with another screen? Like the TV or something... might be hardware13:12
VonhintenDezzimal, try sudo alsa force-unload prior, see if it gets to the login13:12
RAMLOCKnope i haven't tried with tht13:12
dcggabe: you may need to install the proprietry NVIDIA drivers (package nvidia-common I think)13:12
TrevelyanIncPici: I gathered as much13:12
PiciTrevelyanInc: If you want to play with it, /msg ubottu13:12
burghello. when i have to displays connected to my machine, how can i move one window from one display to another? because it seems that i can`t drag it more than to the limit of its display13:12
RAMLOCKsyspecting the graphics card13:13
RAMLOCKi dont have external card13:13
[TK]D-Fendernrdb: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/install.html <- testparm13:13
RAMLOCKits all on board13:13
pinakiin the system settings under internet and network i have provided the proxy server and port information13:13
_sd325dcg: i can read: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sda1: clean13:14
pinakibut i am under user authentication...13:14
dcgburg: you will need to enable xinerama. but unfortunately I can't tell you how, as it depends on your specific setup13:14
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: Could be... har to say. You also might wanna check the "gedit /var/log/syslog" or "gedit ~/.xsession-errors" for errors13:14
DezzimalVonhinten: Nothing, I have no idea how alsa could cause this but stranger things have happened13:15
VonhintenDezzimal, caused it for me before, there's a chime that plays, gets stuck13:15
dcg_sd325: if that is the case, you may be able to log in at a consle by pressing ALT-F1. then run "less -S /var/log/Xorg.0.log" or similar to see if there are any X errors. it is also worth looking at log files for gdm and /var/log/messages13:16
DezzimalAlt-F1 should do something for me too shouldn't it? Nothin :(13:17
Almehdidcg: You didn't mean ctrl+alt+f113:17
burgdcg, thank you, i`ll google about it13:17
_sd325dcg: alt-f1 shows a black screen, but no login prompt13:18
dcgAlmehdi: no, he is already at a console level, so the ctrl is not needed.13:18
Almehdidcg: ahh.. sorry.. wasn't following ;)13:18
dcgAlmehdi: ctrl was added to the sequence from within X to allow alt-F1 sequences to be available to apps13:18
RAMLOCKchecked the log13:18
RAMLOCKnot much help13:19
perlsyntaxhey does ubuntu have gparted?13:19
Sidewinder1perlsyntax, 10.04 does13:19
fahmadi just installed partimage and tried to copy it13:20
dcg_sd325: oh dear. that is not good. I suggest you may need to boot from a live cd or similar and try running fsck -f /dev/sda1 (or whatever your install partition is)13:20
fahmadbut i found that13:20
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: I think you need to wait for it to happen before you see the log.. could be pretty verbose otherwise..13:20
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timlkim on ubuntu 10.04(Lucid). In byobu , im able to create new windows, and navigate windows but F8 to rename a window is not working. Also,the option to change keybindings is not working. Any way to fix this ?13:20
fahmadpartition is crypted using crypt-luks13:20
RAMLOCKwhn those flicks come13:20
fahmadany idea how to copy content of partition withtout encryption ?13:20
RAMLOCKthen i can do anything in the system13:20
dcgfahmad: where possible please put everything on one line, don't use enter for punctuation13:20
_sd325dcg: ok. I try to get a live cd13:20
RAMLOCKi can not even go to console13:20
fahmaddcg: okay sir13:21
RAMLOCKi only has to reboot the system13:21
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: No, but you could check it directly after a reboot...13:21
dcgfahmad: it just makes it hard to read when the channel is busy :)13:21
asdfafadHi i am using ubuntu 10.10  I have to add another language into my system. By googling i know that how to do. But in my administration menu there is no menu item like language support. Is anyone know how to add it?13:21
fahmaddcg: indeed, i am sorry about that13:21
_sd325dcg: and if i start ihn recovery mode?13:22
dcgfahmad: I don't know of any easy way, the onlything I can think of is to un-encrypt the partition first....sorry13:22
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: or SSH into it from another computer13:22
Sidewinder1perlsyntax, You're welcome.13:22
dcg_sd325: I would just use a live cd, recovery mode on your harddisk may just make things worse13:22
fahmaddcg: how can i do that i entered the password and it showing content ...13:22
rileypMatt_799,  yes its called linux and its called inbuilt security13:23
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: You could also try another driver for the graphic card to see if it get's better13:23
dcgfahmad: I have not used the encrypted filesystems myself so I don't know. once again sorry. this is probably as far as I can help you. someone else may know though.13:23
Matt_799rileyp oh the killer ap13:23
RAMLOCKis the driver available online13:23
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: Normally you don't need to go on the internet for that... depends little what card you have13:24
* vibhav and Emacs fell in Love13:24
* vibhav is ready to help others!13:24
* TrevelyanInc is cheating on it with vi13:24
dcg_sd325: I have to go now. but if you need help with checking the disk, or fixing things once you have a live cd, ask here and someone should be able to answer13:25
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: Although the vendor would probably have it on their site and that is probably the latest13:25
* vibhav still hate vi13:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:25
subz3r0hi there. have a problem with my new eeepc, installed first win xp, then ubuntu 11.04 and crypted it. now when i boot, i cant see anything the screen is black13:26
_sd325dcg: ok, thanks13:26
subz3r0guess something went wrong with the installation of the gfx card13:26
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dcgsubz3r0: it should work fine, but just in case try fn-F5 with an external monitor connected. that key sequence toggles between monitor output options.13:28
dcgsubz3r0: only press it once then wait 5 seconds before pressing again13:28
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Almehdisubz3r0: When you get to the grub menu at start up you can press "e" to edit. Then remove the "splash quiet" and "ctrl+x" to start. That will give you a lot of text.. where does it stop? What does the error say?13:28
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subz3r0dcg: no external monitor available. i got a problem during the installation as well. where it tries to install the software. but i thought i could fix that later, when the system is runnig... like update...13:29
Guest53578hi. my ubuntu install from minimal cd failed but i managet to get into the installed system via the rescue option. it's lucid. my question how can i finish the installation, what is the command that starts the installer or how can i force to reconfigure the system? i know i should reinstall from scratch but i am really curious about these questions please help this way if you can13:29
rileypMatt_799,  my mythtv setup can record 15 channels all at once on a single core atom with 5 tuners and run front ends diskless.13:29
RAMLOCKi am getting following error before reboot13:30
RAMLOCKdhclient: Sending on   Socket/fallback13:30
RAMLOCKgdm-binary[628]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory13:30
RAMLOCKgdm-binary[628]: WARNING: Unable to find users: no seat-id found13:30
FloodBot1RAMLOCK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:30
Matt_799rileyp I do not understand any of what you said13:30
Matt_799rileyp do you have a tv tuner card?13:30
YankDownUnderRAMLOCK, Mate, sounds like you need to do an fsck on your partitions; best use a liveCD for that.13:30
MichaelKohlersusundberg: re my problem with connecting to sites using ubuntu.. I tried telnet but it doesn't return any status code13:31
asdfafadhai i am using ubuntu version 10.10 . I would like to add the menu Language -support . But i have no idea how to add this Language-support form the system menu. Any please got this idea tel me13:31
engammalskoHi, i try to open zsnes but it doesn't work, so I try to type zsnes in the shell and this is my result: http://pastie.org/197099113:31
engammalskoCould someone tell me what I can do to solve the problem?13:32
Guest53578ok how can i disable showing of part/join messages in ircII?13:32
subz3r0wont work with FN+F513:32
subz3r0Almehdi: i will try that13:32
rileypMatt_799,  yes 5 phscial and 3 vitual and one is dual dual tuner (playtv)13:32
DJonesGuest53578: Which IRC client are you using13:32
perlsyntaxanyone know if the true mobile pc card work in ubuntu 10.4.2?13:32
NarcI need your help folks. The only way to make Natty's kernel work on an old laptop is to set acpi=off. Problem is, when doing so, the system won't shutdown completely and the user need to press the power button. I'd like to see the "System halted" text instead of the splash screen just hanging there. I already set "nosplash" in boot options but it seems it's only effective at startup. How do I enable text-only shutdown ? Or solve13:32
Narc acpi issue ? Thanks.13:32
rileypMatt thats 3 virtual per tuner so that makes 5 x 3 = 1513:32
Almehdisubz3r0: You could also try "ctrl+alt+f1" and "ctrl+alt+f7" to get back... to get to a terminal/console/tty13:33
dr_Willisnarc try  nosplash noquiet and text options13:33
vibhavNarc,  try the SysRq method that first makes your partition readme and then shuts down13:35
Narcdr_Willis: Thanks, I'll try that. I thought "text" was booting in text-only mode, with no xorg... Am I wrong ?13:35
Matt_799rileyp why do you need 5 physical tv tuners? do you have a tv?13:35
Narcvibhav: Thanks, but how do I do that ?13:36
kevinSJDoes anyone know a diff tool that's web based?13:36
rileypAnd I can watch any recording or video or livetv on a FE while my single core is atom is recoding.13:37
subz3r0Almehdi: just the quiet splash or that "vt.handoff=7" too?13:38
naxahow can I make ircII not show part/join messages? sorry if someone already answered this but i was with wrong nick so i didnt notice the answer! also please no links since i have a miserable state here only one terminal13:38
MichaelKohlerkevinSJ: take a look at http://ejohn.org/projects/javascript-diff-algorithm/ if you have any JavaScript knowledge13:38
x_maxpc1i want a help about my audio13:38
_sd325I run fsck -f /dev/sda1 from a live cd and got: file system was modified. is that an error?13:38
rileypmatt i dont watch live tv I just record and wacth what I like when I like on my projector using mythtv I can do live tv as well though but you stop using live tv when you realise you just record and then then you can skip the adds and see a 1 hour show in 40 minutes or less13:38
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x_maxpc1i have a audio interne13:39
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rileypMatt_799,  I dont watch live tv anymore I just record and watch what I like when I like on my projector using mythtv I can do live tv as well though but you stop using live tv when you realise you just record and then then you can skip the adds and see a 1 hour show in 40 minutes or less13:40
Almehdisubz3r0: You could remove that too... but not necessary. Also the "set gfxpayload".. It is not permanent.. it will come back in the next reboot you do.13:40
naxahooray i turned off part/join messages13:40
kevinSJMichaelKohler, Thanks :)13:40
vibhavNarc,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/612714/13:41
rileypMatt_799,  In Au we have 15 FTA channels from 5 networks so 5 tuners I can record everything if I want!13:41
_sd325  /var/log/syslog says: io/hpmud/pp.c 667: unable to read device-id ret=-113:42
naxanow could anyone help me to restore my minimal lucid install? it was stuck at "selecting and installing software" at 1% probably becouse the mirror went down. now i logged in to the system with the rescue option from the CD and i want to finish the installation manually. i know i should restart from scratch but i am very interested how to do it like this. now if anyone knows how to restart the installer from that point or which command cou13:42
_sd325before i interruptet an installation process and restarted my my system. could that be the reason13:42
AquinaWhy are there still upgrades for hary (kernel, libapr, etc.)? Is it because the meta-packages are still maintained in hardy-server?13:42
NarcThanks vibhav, I'll see that :)13:42
mang0How do I install dropbox?13:43
rileypMatt_799,  not that I ever do but If Im running multiple FE 's with live tv runing ( rarely) I have plenty of tuners left to rec those  shows MRs will be upset if not rec13:43
mang0sudo apt get-install dropbox isn't working13:43
Aquinamang0 avoid dropbox13:43
rjonesx1has anyone else noticed a graininess issue with Wobbly Windows? especially along the borders of the window chrome as it is being moved?13:43
rjonesx1i have seen this now on 2 different computers (my old laptop and my new one)13:43
mang0Aquina: why, and what should I use instead? I need somewhere I can put files to share with others, and very quickly.13:43
vibhavNarc,  No prob!13:44
vibhavnaxa,  yes?13:47
Matt_799rileyp what is FE13:47
naxai was just wondering if my connection reset. i have only one text terminal...13:47
Matt_799rileyp and what is FE diskless13:47
naxaand that's running ircii. and i dont know how to use multiple conversations/channels so i'm just sitting here at the main channel... :)13:47
MichaelKohlerI can't display any website in Ubuntu with any browser.. it can connect to the website though but it doesn't download any data to display.. I'm using vodafone 3g in Australia.13:48
JvdBHi all. Question, I have an ubuntu installation which I use to host zabbix for my company. Now I have connected a serial GSM modem, everything works prefectly. Only problem is that when I want zabbix to use the GSM device after a restart, I have to initialize the modem first with minicom. I was wondering if you guys know of way to 'initialize' the moden on boot?13:48
researcher123 INTERNET speed and general PC functioning dropped after I installed Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 . Is this installation a cause of slowing down?13:48
BlueEagleJvdB: Do you want to run something from rc.local perhaps?13:48
naxavibhav: don't you know hot to switch conversations in ircii? :) i mean like "multiple windows" behaviour... unfortunately i cannot open a link to read it since i have only this one terminal at the moment and this is running ircii13:49
rileypfront end  pc has no hdd it runs diskless from server with all the tuner cards and noisy harddrives in shed so front end is asrock ion can do 1080p13:49
BlueEagleJvdB: ie. is minicom an app you just run and it does its magic or do you need to interact with it?13:49
rileypMatt_799, xbmc very good app and works better than in windows13:49
BlueEaglenaxa: Sounds like you should try ALT+F213:50
JvdBBlueEagle; when I start minicom it initializes the modem for me, thats all I need. So basically I just start minicom, it initializes the modem and then I just quit the program.13:50
BlueEaglenaxa: ...and if you're not comfortable navigating trough terminals then perhaps you should let the installer do its work and then revisit the issue once you're more familiar with Linux.13:50
naxaBlueEagle: when i'm telling i have this "one" terminal i mean the other terminal is not working. actually this first terminal is logged in the system and the others are all logged into the rescue cd and i don't know how to start the system prompt from them...13:50
rileypand can be used to create more eye candy than a whorehouse on party night. Its uber impressive13:51
JvdBand it has to start under a specific user, not being root.. because when I start it as root the permissions on the device change to root.root13:51
BlueEagleJvdB: is minicom a text-based or a gui-based application?13:51
JvdBBlueEagle; text, Im using ubuntu server13:51
naxaBlueEagle: so if i would only know how to make the other rescue CD terminals log into the installed system on /dev/sda2 like this (this one was logged in by the installer) it would be a great help...13:51
BlueEagleJvdB: You could start and kill it using rc.local I guess.13:52
naxaBlueEagle: the problem is not with my lack of knowledge how to use Alt-F2 but finding out just what the installer actually does with all those nice dialogs... i don't know where is the file that executes those, if I could only read it ( i guess it's a script of some sort)13:52
JvdBIll give it a try BlueEagle, thnx13:53
sagacihow to connect mobile broadband via the command line?13:53
subz3r0sagaci. you have to use iwconfig13:53
Sidewinder1!it > giulillo13:54
ubottugiulillo, please see my private message13:54
BlueEaglesagaci: That's what JvdB is attempting yes. Any help would be good.13:54
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BlueEagleI need to run and fetch my kid from kindergarten.13:54
sagacirighteo, i'll look around iwconfig options13:54
elks294it seems r8169 keeps loading under terminal:dmesg13:55
JvdBiwconfig is for wireless13:55
elks294is anyone able to help me with this realtek 8101e13:55
naxai exit and look if the cd has some preseed folder or something...13:56
elks294i tried to blacklist 8169 but it keeps loading13:56
_sd325startet my ubuntu 10.04 without quiet and splash. it shows: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/sda1: clean, but does not go on.13:56
rileypelks294,  whats the issue13:56
elks294networking r8169 keeps loading13:56
susundbergMichaelKohler: it should print something like13:56
elks294wrong driver13:56
=== tchnkion-wrek-ga is now known as wrek-gar
AquinaWhy are there still upgrades for hary (kernel, libapr, etc.)? Is it because the meta-packages are still maintained in hardy-server?13:56
wrek-garhttp://paste.debian.net/117928/ <- how does one go about running this?13:57
susundbergMichaelKohler: like this : http://pastebin.com/itEzZLsc13:57
elks294i had added this driver to blacklist with no avail13:57
PiciAquina: Yes.  Even though you may be running the desktop install, many of the packages that you use are standard on a server install as well, and those are still supported.13:57
JvdBAquina, LTS ?13:57
elks294can anyone solve this13:57
rileypelks if you using an earlier version of ubuntu the 8169 driver will load which is a 10/100 driver and you want the 8101e driver is this correct fro GB connection?13:58
susundbergMichaelKohler: if it does not the problem truly lies somewhere in connection settings -- check your firewall (iptables -L)13:58
Matt_799rileyp and this is not possible on windows at all??13:58
elks294im using ubuntu 11.0413:58
sagacilol, installed from 11.10 daily alternate install and I don't have wireless tools/iwconfig13:58
sagacii'll have to wait til tomorrow when I'm on ethernet to get the extra packages I need'13:58
MichaelKohlersusundberg: then it looks like it's just extremly slow.. for me it stops at "Escape character.." and doesn't seem to do more until I hit Ctrl+C13:58
elks294i have never had a problem with ealier ubuntu ie bt413:58
wrek-garhttp://paste.debian.net/117928/ <- how does one go about running this?13:59
NarcIs there a better, less bruteforce alternative to the "acpi=off" boot option ?13:59
rileypMatt-799 the recording options alone of mythtv are simply awesome  once a day once a week everyday at this timer everyday at any time on any channel  on this channel etc13:59
elks294i guess this will never be fixed14:00
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susundbergMichaelKohler: So you get the connection up and running but data is not transferring properly .. which is quite weird indeed14:00
susundbergsince firewall would (afaik by default setup) block also the connection14:00
elks294its fucking stupid but now i need ant14:00
rileypYou dont miss recordings and you dont get duplicates its smart14:00
MichaelKohlersusundberg: using WLAN works without any problem14:00
maco!language | elks29414:00
ubottuelks294: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:00
susundbergYeah, weird indeed. I am out of advices, sorry14:01
MichaelKohlersusundberg: no problem :) thanks anyway14:01
bibsany websites i can grab a decent theme ?14:01
Picibibs: http://gnome-look.com14:01
elks294fuck motherfuck cock fuck shit piss slut bitch ass hoe whore14:01
wrek-garhttp://paste.debian.net/117928/ <- how does one go about running this?14:01
bibspici i tried that site, it kinda failed for me :\14:01
Picibibs: er, it might be .org14:02
bibsno no it's right14:02
CombatjuanAre jaunty apt servers down?  I've been getting these errors since yesterday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612725/14:02
bibsi just can't understand the site heh14:02
rileypelks294 hare you there14:02
Picirileyp: No, hes been removed.14:02
Picibibs: Whats the issue exactly?14:03
rileyplol nice talk14:03
Combatjuanwrek-gar: That's C code.  It needs to be compiled before being run.14:03
bibspici i dunno what themes i can or can't use14:04
Picibibs: gtk2.0 and metacity themes14:04
bibsthose are the ones i can use?14:04
rileypMatt_799,  my mythtv automatically records shows and transcodes selected shows for my ipod that  I like14:04
wrek-garCombatjuan, is there a link describing how to compile code?14:05
Picibibs: Without needing to use other things that may or may not be entirely supported, yes.  GTK 1.0 themes are probably good too, but they're all ugly ;)14:05
rileypauto magically14:05
simonesend Free|209 xdcc #4614:05
bibswhat i have now fails14:05
bibsit's a clusterfuck of black14:05
FloodBot1bibs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:05
Picibibs: Mind the language please.14:05
BluesKajhey folks14:05
Combatjuanwrek-gar: That's probably beyond the scope of this channel:  This command would compile it to an executable called "test": "gcc -o test main.cpp", but it fails to compile on my system because it doesn't know where getpid comes from.14:05
bibsthanks for the help :)14:06
wrek-garCombatjuan, is there a link describing how to compile code?14:07
Sidewinder1!complie | wrek-gar14:07
kubu2Combatjuan: you need to tell your compiler  where your includes are14:07
Pici!compile | wrek-gar14:07
ubottuwrek-gar: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:07
CombatjuanDoes anyone know about the jaunty servers being down?  Is it just me?14:08
Sidewinder1Combatjuan, Jaunty went out of support 10/23/201014:10
carnage1nutty natter14:11
BluesKajCombatjuan, jaunty is no longer supported in the repos14:11
Sidewinder1!eol > Combatjuan14:11
ubottuCombatjuan, please see my private message14:11
CombatjuanAre there third party jaunty servers that people use?14:13
jiltdilclicking to change desktop background is not opening , any idea to reslove this?14:14
wernerdevHey everyone. I was wondering how much power usage the Desktop version uses compared to the Server version.14:14
arandCombatjuan: I don't think soo, it's provided for 18minth for non LTS and that's it14:14
wernerdevCan Unity be as idle as the command-line Server version?14:15
coz_wernerdev,  I never measured it, however I would assume server is les intensive14:15
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TrevelyanIncwernerdev: realistically, not much different14:15
Sidewinder1carnage1, Won't work without jumping through hoops, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:15
wernerdevWill it be a lot of difference, or just a few watts.14:15
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jiltdilclicking to change desktop background is not opening , any idea to reslove this?14:15
carnage1yeah i had to change sources to th next version14:15
wernerdevBecause I want to add the UI for some of the people using it. They can't work with SSH.14:16
beliwernerdev: an idle system is an idle system......but you could renice unity or whatever apps to your needs14:17
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wernerdevBest option for me will be to install ubuntu_desktop on the server I guess. Or is there a way to install the Desktop version without Games and other "crap"14:18
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BluesKajwernerdev,wer , pls explain , can't work with ssh ?14:18
Sidewinder1!nickspam > GrundoXcopy14:19
ubottuGrundoXcopy, please see my private message14:19
beliwernerdev: another idea is to start stuff just before you need it using port knocking for example14:19
wernerdevBluesKaj: People using the fileserver with 0 experience with Linux14:19
Sidewinder1Good Morning14:19
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carnage1osx intrepid iGoat14:20
Tuacest time here14:20
BluesKajwernerdev, , what about setting up alias commands for ssh ? to make it easier for them14:20
wernerdevBeli: You have a article about that for me to check?14:20
wernerdevBluesKaj: That might be an option, but since most of them barely understand Windows I don't think that's going to work.14:21
Combatjuanarand, Sidewinder1, BluesKaj: Thanks.  I'll begin the painful slog of getting servers upgraded to lucid.  (-814:21
beliwernerdev: http://www.zeroflux.org/projects/knock   --> knockd14:21
Sidewinder1Combatjuan, Good luck!14:21
wernerdevBeli: Thanks, I will check that out.14:21
CombatjuanIt was silly to deploy a non LTS anyway.  Not sure why we did that.  )-814:21
beliwernerdev: basically you start/stop services/commands/whatever   after a sequenze of predefined ports have been connected in a time window14:21
Jinxed--Is there an easy way to switch the LXDE desktop enviornment to GNOME?14:22
Sidewinder1Combatjuan, You may decide that's it's easier to do a fresh install; I'd go with 10.04 Lucid.14:22
RAMLOCKdoes ubuntu support " Intel 82845G Chipset Integrated Graphics Device"14:22
AlmehdiRAMLOCK: I think so... my wife is on a 82945G that works anyway14:23
sagaciJinxed--, do you have gnome installed?14:24
wernerdevBut if I decide to just use the GUI what will be my best option? Use Server and install "ubuntu_desktop"? Or use Desktop and remove all Games and other "crap"? Since you can't do a custom install without the Games as far a I know.14:24
Jinxed--sagaci, I have LXDE installed14:24
mac_can i inastall brug boot loader in ubuntu 10.1014:24
aeon-ltdmac_: should do, it should be able to replace grub in most situations; though there are risks as with any software14:26
RawChidHi, I run 11.04 (classic) and "saving session" doesn't work anymore. Aynone knows an alternative or solution to get something similar?14:26
Sidewinder1RawChid, Just out of curiosity what is "saving session?"14:29
carnage1similiar to rfresh inwindows14:29
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Sidewinder1Don't use windows...14:30
RawChidSidewinder1, that when I log-out it will remember the current running programs, en restart them when I login again.14:30
Dr_Willissave session - saves all open apps and restarts them when you next login14:30
Dr_Willisit can get.. annoying. :()14:31
Dr_WillisThere used tobe a 'save, dont save, ask to save, or always save' setting.. somewhere..14:31
Sidewinder1I believe my Lucid does that by default14:31
aeon-ltddoes that feature still work if you use compiz and not metacity? i thought it was metacity only14:31
RawChidIt's good enough for me to have a static set of apps starting on login. So save once, apply every login is good enough for me14:31
Sidewinder1Firefox, T-Bird, etc.14:31
Sidewinder1I use Compiz14:32
avernosis there anyone that uses QQ instant messenger here? someone could help me set it up so it works?14:33
Sidewinder1I usually shut down everything but when I forget, they're there when I reboot.14:33
MichaelKohlerI can't display any website in any browser in Natty even though it can connect to the website. I'm using vodafone 3g usb tethering and in Windows it works perfectly14:34
v_vavernos: what's the problem14:35
Sidewinder1MichaelKohler, I have noticed that no one appears to know the answer to your question; have you tried http://www.ubuntuforums.org ?14:35
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MichaelKohlerSidewinder1: no I haven't yet.. but I will then, thanks14:36
FelixBi've a problem with my ubuntu 20.4 system: when i start it it shows the ubuntu splash but after a few seconds the display gets black14:37
Sidewinder1MichaelKohler, Always a good option if your question is not answered here; it does take a little longer though :-)14:37
James2hi guys i wonder if anyone can help, im having graphics problems when booting mythbuntu (this is before X gets loaded)14:37
James2the system is sitting waiting for something, but all i get graphics wise is a set of vertical black and white lines14:38
MonkeyDust!ask| James214:38
ubottuJames2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:38
Sidewinder120.04 WOW! 9 years in the future; just kidding!14:38
James2and slightly different blocks of vertical lines where text oughtto be (well is :P)14:38
Sidewinder1Sorry, couldn't resist :-)14:39
James2maybe 20.04 will just work with magical autoconfig :P14:39
robin0800James2, compiz unity crash?14:39
avernosv_v, wont connect with empathy. i remember used to be with pidgin some configuration about the server conection, but with empathy no idea14:39
James2this is before X even loads14:39
FelixBso what can i do?14:39
avernosv_v, right now is giving me problems about authentification14:40
robin0800James2, does it get to x then?14:40
wk32147i have a dell inspiron mini 10 with b-com chipset and need driver how do get it14:40
v_vavernos: i don't think empathy will be success. forget it.  download a deb from qq.com. or try the webqq14:40
James2i *think* its waiting for my raid array to become available, and giving me the choice os S to skip, M for manual recovery14:40
James2but i cant read it, pressins S doe let the boot continute14:40
James2and then i get a normal screen14:40
PhilwongWhatsup all14:41
James2whatever stage its at, X isnt runing, neither is ssh14:41
avernosv_v, from those, which one you recomend me? have you tried the .deb qq?14:41
robin0800James2, disable quiet and splash in grub14:41
PhilwongCan someone please recommend a linux distro that will work well with my ATI 4350 HD ?14:41
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coz_Philwong,   ubuntu isnt working?14:41
pilauphilwong: what have you tried?14:42
v_vavernos: deb is good14:42
avernosok, ty ^^14:42
PhilwongWell both mint and ubuntu don't seem to handle it very well14:42
Philwongwith ubuntu I try and install the recommended drivers and it just wont start agin14:42
wk32147i have a dell inspiron mini 10 with b-com chipset and need driver how do get it14:43
PhilwongWith mint.. the performance is too choppy (although it got better results that ubuntu)14:43
James2ok with quiet,splash removed from /etc/default/grub, and grub-mkconfig run14:43
James2it does exactly the same thing :S14:43
wernerdevJust to make sure: There is no "Custom Installation" option in 11.04 right? To select which packages you want and don't want...14:43
James2is verbose a valid option in grub?14:43
mac_last time when i uninstall win 7  i also lost my ubuntu desktop can anyone help me that how i install grub in a safe area14:44
wk32147i have a dell inspiron mini 10 with b-com chipset and need driver how do get it14:44
FelixBi even cant start in the recovery mode it gets black as well14:44
P|xelatedHey guys, I just installed Firefox 4.x for ubuntu (it wasn't in the repo's) and now whenever I start firefox it opens to a blank tab even though I have it set to open to my homepage. I toggled the option back and forth and restarted Firefox and it still has the issue. Any ideas?14:44
robin0800James2, its sudo update-grub after changing /etc/default/grub14:44
Sidewinder1mac_: Were you using wubi?14:45
carnage1how can i demonstraeopengl?14:45
James2ok try again :P14:45
wk32147i have a dell inspiron mini 10 with b-com chipset and need driver how do get it14:45
BluesKaj!grub | mac_14:46
ubottumac_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:46
James2is /etc/default/grub the right place to be removing the splash/quiet options?14:46
James2ah yes :P14:46
wk32147i have a dell inspiron mini 10 with b-com chipset and need driver how do get it on 11.0414:46
SpaceBassanyone have a suggestion for a package while will encrypt a file during a copy? Or some other way to encrypt files on "their way to the cloud"?14:46
James2rsync over ssh?14:47
SpaceBassJames2, that will encrypt the traffic right, but not the end result14:47
SpaceBassgrated, my question wasn't very clear :)14:47
wk32147i have a dell inspiron mini 10 with b-com chipset and need driver how do get it on 11.0414:47
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SpaceBasslooking for something to encrypt the files in their final state14:48
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BluesKajSpaceBass, ssh perhaps14:48
James2rsync --options...... -e 'ssh --options.......'  /path/to/src/   user@dest:/path/to/dest/14:48
SpaceBassssh will encrypt files? new to me? I'll check the man pages, thanks14:48
James2or without the trailing /'s if its a single file not a folder14:48
frostschutzSpaceBass: maybe ecryptfs on top of nfs?14:48
James2ssh doesnt encrypt the files14:49
robin0800wk32147, do a google search for a linx driver for your network chip14:49
SpaceBassfrostschutz, ahhh that sounds like the ticket, thanks14:49
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:49
Philwongwhich linux distro is the best on driver support14:49
James2ssh encrypts the connection between your rsync source and destination14:49
jpds!best | Philwong14:49
ubottuPhilwong: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:49
jpdsPhilwong: And Linux is the kernel shared by all of them so... most of them?14:49
PhilwongI duno14:50
PhilwongI sued mint and it performed better than ubuntu14:50
James2SpaceBass: tbh sounds like you want both solutions, or your files are being transmitted in the clear, and only encrypted one they reach the target14:50
Philwongsame hardware14:50
BluesKajJames2, ithat's what he asked14:50
SpaceBassJames2, the transport I'm using is already secure (either ssh, https webdav or dropbox) ? don't know the exact terminology but essentially looking for a cypher to push files through on their way out of my box so they arrive scrambled14:51
Jinxed--Any guess's on why my ubuntu install freezes when it asks to select a keyboard ladyout14:52
Jinxed--10.04.2 LTS14:52
carnage1too any usb?14:53
SpaceBassugh! everything for new ubuntu box arrives today EXCEPT processor? going to be hard to be patient for that14:53
_sd325how can i get the = sign in the boot menue?? i can't find it14:55
boomboorumIs there any alternative to Gwibber, I need  a microbloggin client for Google Buzz and Twitter14:55
_sd325wanna set a new kernel option evalator=cfg14:55
SpaceBassboomboorum, for CLI? theres bti14:56
SpaceBassboomboorum, for gui there are tons? air clients are prolific, tweet deck and seesmic come to mind14:56
Jcook_5xDataany one here know a goog how for dovecot+sieve14:57
boomboorumSpaceBass: I would love to have something like gwibber (all in one + simple interface). I really like gwibber, but it is just not working anymore14:57
SpaceBassboomboorum, tweet deck might be the ticket, covers most major SM networks. Although the interface isn't as simple as gwibber14:58
P|xelatedHey guys, I just installed Firefox 4.x for ubuntu (it wasn't in the repo's) and now whenever I start firefox it opens to a blank tab even though I have it set to open to my homepage. I toggled the option back and forth and restarted Firefox and it still has the issue. Any ideas?14:59
S0me1I need help with mod_auth_mysql14:59
SpaceBassP|xelated, you might find and delete the rc or prefs file? not sure where it is, just a though14:59
xuruDoes anyone know a good site/channel/anything to help setup fiber channel multipath on ubuntu?15:00
P|xelatedSpaceBass: well i upgraded over 3.1 so it could be a prefs file I suppose, but everything transferred over correctly, including history and bookmarks, and my old version was set to open homepage15:01
macojok3er: keep it on topic15:01
Leman_Russhi there.   I have just bought my girlfriend a laptop, and installed Ubuntu for her.  She knows nothing about computers, and I want to be able to access her computer via remote access to fix any problems she has / install software, etc.  How can I do this over the internet?15:01
SpaceBassP|xelated, wish I had some better advice ? I'm a chrome user and, knock on wood, haven't had to trouble shoot much with firefox lately15:02
herby_traxleman_Russ: I find teamviewer a good program15:02
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v_vherby_trax: it's good but not free15:02
coz_xuru,  what I have found on google doesnt look promising using this string    ubuntu set up fiber channel mutipath15:03
P|xelatedSpaceBass: seems a lot of people are using chrome lately, including my brother and geek co-worker so perhaps I should switch over, but initially when I used it when it was beta for linux it couldn't play flash correctly15:03
avernosv_v,  it says Wrong architecture 'i386', is there any other way to get the .deb working?15:03
v_vLeman_Russ: what you need is windows, not ubuntu.  :)15:03
herby_traxI run teamviewer free15:03
Sidewinder1Leman_Russ, Have you looked into "Remote Desktop"?15:03
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, look into VNC - you'll have to open ports on your router, may be more preferable to tunnel via SSH for security reasons15:03
xurucoz_: yeah, I found google to be almost useless15:03
v_vavernos: i guess your system is amd64. the package is for i38615:03
Leman_RussThanks for the response guys.  I just want a built in, simple solution.15:03
coz_xuru,   not sure which other channle could be of help,, unless maybe  ##linux channel15:03
Leman_RussThe simpler the better15:03
v_vLeman_Russ: vnc15:03
avernosv_v, so im stuck with the web version?15:03
xurucoz_: ok, I'll ask there too.  Thanks15:04
v_vavernos: install the i386 libs, and you can run i386 programs15:04
Sidewinder1Leman_Russ, Works great on a LAN; never tried it on WAN.15:04
SpaceBassP|xelated, humm haven't tried flash lately on linux, all my linux boxes are sans X? I'll have to test it ? find Chrome very stable on OSX15:04
Leman_RussThanks guys, I will look into it.15:04
lucazadehi! can anyone help me with bug 788138  about plymouth15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788138 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "group default.plymouth is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78813815:04
avernosv_v, oh, i had no idea i could do that15:04
Leman_RussProbably simple stuff for you Gods Of Linux, but a little complex for me15:04
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, yeah, VNC remote access is built in. Only real concern is security15:05
v_vavernos: play with webqq. it's nice15:05
FelixBhey, my ubuntu 10.4 system is crashed: i cannot start in the normal nor in the recovery mode! It always gives me a black screen15:05
FelixBsome one an idea?15:05
P|xelatedSpaceBass: well it's in the repos so i'll check it out now15:05
Leman_RussSo, say if I am in my house, and she is in her house, I can access her computer and fix stuff?15:05
GTRsdkis Ubuntu supposed to run faster when the virtualization option in BIOS is turned off?15:05
ikoniaGTRsdk: shouldn't matter15:05
GTRsdkikonia, would that change anything?15:06
ikoniaGTRsdk: not really no, it's really only if you're hosting virtual machines15:06
Sidewinder1Leman_Russ, Check out: http://logmein.com15:06
v_vavernos: if you really need the deb, install it with dpkg -i --force-architecture  qq.deb15:06
avernosv_v, its cool. but i rather have it outside of the browser. my browser is really unstable (chromium) wont last active for more than few minutes. but having the qq minimiced in notification area is what im looking for15:06
GTRsdkikonia, so virtual machines in virtualbox won't work?15:06
iomarigreetings, when booting 11.04, the last startup process says  "Starting configure network device     [OK]" then if just freezes. This also happens on kubuntu 11.04.15:06
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, you'll have to be able to reach her computer, you have a few options. 1) open VNC ports on her router. Thats the least secure. 2) open SSH ports on router and tunnel the VNC traffic 3) some sort of VPN, probably most complex to setup but also most flexable15:06
ikoniaGTRsdk: no, that's not what I said15:06
avernosv_v, would that work? without the i386 libraries?15:07
ikoniaGTRsdk: if you have that enabled in the bios, it will improve performance of the virtual guests running on that host15:07
cesar_CRhello all, is there a way to use DD of an ubuntu system that is running ?15:07
v_vavernos: dpkg -l|grep ia3215:07
v_vavernos: i think the ia32 libs is installed by default15:07
Sidewinder1Leman_Russ, It works with or between linux/windows boxes as it's done through tcp/ip/https15:07
Leman_RussSpaceBass: Thanks15:07
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, I'd suggest you look at option 2 ?. ssh is powerful, secure way to connect to remote machines. You'd have to open a port (22 is default) on her router and you'll have to know her IP address (dyndns services can help with that)15:07
GTRsdkikonia, thanks for the info15:07
Leman_RussWe are both on Linux15:07
cesar_CRsorry use DD to back up the system15:08
avernosv_v,  yeah, ur are right.. ok, gonna give it a try :D15:08
* Sidewinder1 Sighs...15:08
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, good luck. Not a super complex project, but one that will stretch your linux experience just enough that you'll get a lot of it!15:08
xroHi, i compiled the openssl from source... it nearly works but cannot verify certs... i get --> "20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)"... It looks like openssl don't find the certs... can you help me?15:08
S0me1How mod-auth-mysql works on Ubunut apache2?15:08
ikoniaxro: why di dyou compile it from source15:08
Leman_RussWell, any info I want to get from her, I can get, of course. This is not a malicious exercise; I am just trying to help her, and get her away from f@@king Windoze15:09
S0me1I did many configurations but not work anymore15:09
xroikonia, i need IPv6 support15:09
Leman_RussThanks for all your help15:09
ikoniaxro: a lot of things depend on that, you may well have broke your system15:09
ikoniaLeman_Russ: controll the language15:09
Leman_RussOh, one more thing!!!15:09
ikoniaxro: openssl should support ipv6 in the ubuntu package15:09
Leman_Russ (sorry)15:09
Leman_RussWould it matter that her laptop is in a different language to mine15:09
S0me1could you please advice?15:09
xroikonia, i didn't break my system... i compiled it in my home directory beside the ubuntu openssl15:10
Leman_RussI mean, hers is in Japanese and mine English15:10
Sidewinder1!ask > S0me115:10
ubottuS0me1, please see my private message15:10
ikoniaxro: fair enough15:10
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, only matters if you don't speak Japanese :)15:10
xroikonia, and IPv6 isn't supported with s_client in the ubuntu package15:10
ikoniaxro: that surprises me a lot15:10
anuraghey can any one pls help me with some installation process difficulties ??15:10
S0me1I configure mod-auth-mysql on ubuntu15:11
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S0me1but never work anymore15:11
ikoniaanurag: just ask the question15:11
ikoniaS0me1: did it ever work ?15:11
Leman_RussWhat is the command that auto finishes screen names again?15:11
anuragwhenever i install ubuntu first n then windows , windows option never show up when i try to boot my laptop15:11
Leman_RussSidewinder1: thanks15:11
S0me1I create virtual host and I wanna keep it secure using mod-auth-mysql with my database table15:11
xroikonia, try a openssl s_client -host ipv6 -port 2515:12
Sidewinder1Leman_Russ, Welks :-)15:12
Leman_RussSpaceBass: thanks a lot15:12
ikoniaS0me1: did it ever work ?15:12
S0me1ikonia: what do you mean please ?15:12
ikoniaS0me1: has it ever worked15:12
iLaptopIs there any graphics cache for ubuntu?15:12
ikoniaxro: not got a box to test on at the moment15:12
avernosv_v, nah, isnt working...15:12
SpaceBassLeman_Russ, my pleasure! good luck15:12
P|xelatedSpaceBass: you can let the world know chromium browser (in linux repos) works with flash now, you just have to update your adobe flash from their site15:12
v_vavernos: any messages ?15:12
v_vavernos: i have no amd64 now.15:13
DeanoMolenook I am confused and I thought maybe this place might be able to help but I just installed Ubuntu and its been ages since I ran it, things have changed it seems, but I am trying to get my nvidia display drivers to work and in the additional hardware window it says activated but not in use on the driver I want it to be using, does that mean its not running at all, or what does that mean?15:13
anuragpls see my question also ??15:13
avernosv_v, the same actually, eventho i used the command you gave me, looks like it ignores it15:13
S0me1I followed up these steps http://alimanfoo.wordpress.com/2010/11/17/apache-authentication-and-mysql/15:13
xroikonia, in fact... it sees that openssl new version dont load /usr/lib/ssl/cert15:13
SpaceBassP|xelated, woot! Just tested it on my end too :) also had to d/l flash, but once I did, it worked fine! Its a great browser, and if you trust google the syncing is just awesome? keeps all your instances of Chrome across different computers identical15:13
v_vavernos: the deb cannot be installed ?15:13
Jinxed--Stupid Ubuntu Install stops at the keyboard layout15:13
v_vavernos: try the tgz.15:13
Jinxed--every time15:13
avernosv_v,  parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control' near line 7 package 'linuxqq:i386':   error in Version string 'v1.0.2-beta1': version number does not start with digit15:13
P|xelatedSpaceBass: you mean for my google account? how does that work across all computers15:14
avernosv_v, i tried the tgz and there must be something wrong with it. wont completely load...15:14
tumiiI ripped a game as an ISO to my hdd but the iso is now read-only , how can i fix it like that i can write it?15:15
v_vavernos: sorry, i have no amd64 now. google it ?15:15
S0me1ikonia: ?15:15
tumiichmod 777 didn't help15:15
SpaceBassP|xelated, check in the chrome settings, under personal stuff, theres button to set up syncing. Will keep bookmarks, plugins, etc in sync using Google as the back end15:15
avernosv_v, ok, thanks anyhow. i did found some resources (http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/QQ) but seems to be outdated too15:16
iLaptophey , i asked a question15:16
DeanoMolenoanyone have a good link to info about propriatary nvidia drivers running on 11.0415:16
ikoniaS0me1: I don't believe that guide will work15:16
ikoniaDeanoMoleno: in what respect ?15:16
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v_vavernos: good luck15:17
ikoniaiLaptop: anyone what ?15:17
DeanoMolenothis question: ok I am confused and I thought maybe this place might be able to help but I just installed Ubuntu and its been ages since I ran it, things have changed it seems, but I am trying to get my nvidia display drivers to work and in the additional hardware window it says activated but not in use on the driver I want it to be using, does that mean its not running at all, or what does that mean?15:17
v_viLaptop: just shoot ;)15:17
S0me1ikonia: me too :) , where is the problem ?15:17
ikoniaS0me1: it doesn't make sense to me how it's ever going to work15:17
Sidewinder1tumii, How 'bout sudo chown -R tummi:tummi yorISO15:17
anuraghey pls help me with my problem . i have already written twice15:17
ikoniaDeanoMoleno: what video card do you have15:17
DeanoMolenonvidia 560 Ti15:18
avernosv_v, ty :D15:18
DeanoMolenoits acting like it has hardware accelration, but I had doubts when I saw it say that in that window15:18
malletHello. I updated to Natty, and now I cannot mount a USB disk anymore. :-( Why?! My USB disks are in ext4. Thunar says I am unauthorized to mount.15:18
iLaptopanyone . please answer my question15:19
v_vavernos: np15:19
ikoniaiLaptop: if someone knows, they will answer15:19
ikoniaiLaptop: if they missed the question saying "anyone" won't help them see it15:19
PiciiLaptop: Could you repeat your question?15:19
iLaptopAnyone know if theres any way of caching grapics in linux15:20
v_vavernos: try google-chrome-stable if your browser is not good. firefox4 is also a good option15:20
PiciiLaptop: What exactly do you mean?15:20
ikoniaiLaptop: what do you mean caching your graphics15:20
* Sidewinder1 Thought the same thing.15:20
anuraghey . whenever i install ubuntu first n then  windows , windows option never shows up15:21
iLaptopCache , just like disk cache15:21
iLaptopbut for my graphics15:21
anurag?? can anybody help me with this ??15:21
ikoniaiLaptop: what graphics ?15:21
v_vanurag: try to dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc15:21
sgerbinohey ubuntoids, I have a server that says it's holding back packings (linux-tools landscape-common), I read alot of guides that just say to apt-get dist-update.. doesn't that mean distribution upgrade? I don't want to go 10.04 LTS -> 10.10... if anyone could give me advice I'd appreciate it :]15:21
DeanoMolenois there anything in ubuntu that lets me see what drivers I am using for my display card?15:21
iLaptopVideo Graphics , 3d graphics15:21
anuragv_v h then ??15:21
v_vanurag: if grub doesn't add a label for your windows, you maybe add it manually15:21
robin0800anurag, do sudo update-grub15:21
sam85_iLaptop: caching graphic for what?15:21
ikoniaiLaptop: what do you mean cache them ?????15:21
ikoniaiLaptop: you're not making any sense15:22
avernosv_v, im looking onto it now. syslog reports segfault. what i've being wondering because not only chrome crashes but other random apps too. i cant figure it out what could be ( just switched HD to a brand new one, with still unstable things)15:22
malletDeanoMoleno: lsmod should list it.15:22
anuraghow can i add manually ??15:22
iLaptopPreprocess , or store the results of some graphic operation15:22
DeanoMolenothank you15:22
Sidewinder1anurag, Please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub15:22
iLaptopjust like some games do , but sistem wide15:22
ikoniaiLaptop: you're not making any sense, sorry15:22
v_vavernos: try debian lol15:23
PiciiLaptop: Have you seen this done elsewhere? What you're describing is something that I've not seen any OS or desktop environment do.15:23
sam85_iLaptop: like graphic programming? CUDA? n stuff15:23
iLaptopLike any graphics operation done by any app15:23
Jinxed--Any idea how to get around the installer when it freezes on keyboard layout?15:23
avernosv_v, lol!! i wish i could, just afraid of my newbieness lol15:23
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S0me1ikonia: is there any guide for auth-mysql?15:24
anuragcan any one tell me how to manually add the label for windows in the grub ??15:24
myrmidetteHelloWorld321, I would like to download/install ubuntu and I'm at http://www.ubuntu.com/download but I don't see any md5 sums I can verify. wher do I get them?15:25
sam85_iLaptop: NO, u cannot cache graphics unless u create an app using CUDA or other graphic programming languages15:25
sam85_anurag: grub-update15:25
malletAs for my mounting problem, I could partially solve it after modifying /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy manually, to allow any "filesystem-mount". But: it it safe? And the mount point is not /media/volume_name anymore. It is apparently /media/some_hash.15:25
myrmidettesorry to highlight you HelloWorld32115:25
Picimyrmidette: Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes15:26
anuragsam n then ??15:26
DeanoMolenoodd that ls mod lists "nvidia" as in use, but the "additional drivers" window says no propritary drivers in use, and labels the nvidia driver as activated but not in use15:26
sam85_anurag: it should automatically detect windows15:26
sam85_or do u want to manually change the label15:26
Jinxed--Any idea how to get around the installer when it freezes on keyboard layout?15:27
anuragi want to manually change the label15:27
v_vanurag: have you check /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?15:27
anuragnope. should i ??15:27
lesh4khello! i want do a dvd to iso, but the dvd mount in /media/dvd_name how can i do it to iso?15:28
v_vanurag: grep it.  'grep chainloader /boot/grub/grub.cfg'15:28
robin0800anurag, no15:28
lesh4kany ideas?15:28
sam85_lesh4k: man mkisofs15:28
v_vanurag: there should be somehing like that. chainloader +1 around that is 'menuentry "windows blahblah"15:29
robin0800anurag, no only /etc/default/grub15:29
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robin0800anurag, no only /etc/default/grub also etc/grub.d15:31
AceKingHas anyone figured out how to disable "Recent Documents" yet?15:32
v_vlesh4k: try dd.   dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/path/you/want/dvd.iso15:32
myrmidettealso, the natty wallaper is the best since the heron15:32
pfarrell_hi! I'm in a hotel with a wired (ethernet) internet connection and I'm trying to share it over wireless with my colleague. I go to networkmanager and 'create wireless network' and put in an ssid/password. he can find the ssid, put in the password, but it doesn't work: he never gets a dhcp offer. any ideas?15:32
v_vlesh4k: mount and find the device name of your dvd. and replace /dev/sr0 with that device name15:33
AceKingI'm sorry, has anyone figured out how to disable "Recent Documents" yet in 11.04?15:33
sam85_AceKing: how to do that in 10.10 ?15:33
coz_AceKing,  not disable but I have a command you could use in compiz for  emptying it15:33
AceKingsam85_, are you asking?15:34
coz_sam85_,  you want the disable recent documents?15:34
AceKingcoz_, but it will keep storing things when you open them right?15:34
sam85_thats why I asked!15:34
coz_AceKing,  well this command will empty the recent documents15:35
coz_AceKing,  they will be gone after that15:35
DeanoMoleno :/ I really wanna like this OS but I'm having a bumpy ride, at least the initial install was nicely done15:35
AceKingcoz_, so it's pretty much the same as clicking "clear recent documents" ?15:35
Danyk2099Hello, can anyone help me with installing zend framework on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit (Lucid)?15:35
coz_AceKing,  sam85_   gnome people say there is no command to empty recent documents  but I do have one if you guys want it,, I use it with easystroke and compiz  edge binding to erase recent documents15:35
beubuntuNeed help, I have 4 NTFS drives, 2 of which are working just fine. The other two show up in the disk utility but say "unknown"15:35
coz_AceKing,  yes but way faster15:36
AceKingcoz_, Ok, sounds good15:36
coz_AceKing,     python -c "import gtk; gtk.recent_manager_get_default().purge_items()"15:36
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Is this a wubi install?15:36
coz_AceKing,  set that in compiz if you use compiz as an edge binding  that way just move the mouse cursor to that edge and they will be gone15:36
beubuntuSidewinder1, No I just redid it15:37
beubuntuStraight from the CD15:37
beubuntuScrewed up my windows boot though haha15:37
Sidewinder1beubuntu, "Redid?"15:37
AceKingcoz_, at the risk of sounding stupid, how do I do that exactly.. sorry15:37
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coz_AceKing,   are you using compiz?15:37
sam85_coz_: thanks! can be used in cron too15:38
AceKingcoz_, No15:38
beubuntubut it's still the same problem Sidewinder115:38
AceKingcoz_, how do I set that up?15:38
beubuntuSame two Hard drives just won't let me use them15:38
coz_AceKing,  oh ok  ah mm... you could make a launcher for it,, or if you use one of the docks yyou can make a launcher for it,,15:38
coz_AceKing,  set up compiz?15:38
Sidewinder1beubuntu, So you made a partition and formated it either ext3 or ext4?15:38
DeanoMolenowhat do I need to install for compatability with 32 bit programs on my 64 bit install?15:38
coz_sam85_,  yeah I never thought of that option :)15:38
AceKingcoz_, do I need to install that from the repository?15:39
herby_traxAceKing: set up compiz, see latest youtube vid by gotbletu15:39
coz_AceKing,  which version of ubuntu are you running?15:39
beubuntuext4 and I installed it on a seperate HD no partition needed.15:39
coz_love gotbletu :)15:39
coz_funny guy15:39
AceKingcoz_, 11.04 in classic mode15:39
AceKingherby_trax, thanks!15:40
coz_AceKing,  ok  well actually,, see if you have ccsm installed   open a terminal type     ccsm15:40
AceKingcoz_, installing now15:40
lesh4kv_v: how to find the device..15:41
Sidewinder1beubuntu, OK, I've seen this problem reported before but unfortunately the solution process is beyond my abilities; sorry..15:41
lesh4kv_v: /dev/dvd....?15:41
AceKingcoz_, Ok, it's opened15:41
coz_AceKing,  ok cool ,, when done either go to system/preferences / compizconfig settings manager or in terminal  ccsm or alt+F2   ccsm15:41
beubuntuAnyone else here able to help me get my NTFS drives mounted?15:41
coz_AceKing,  ok  go to  Commands15:41
beubuntuThanks anyways Sidewinder1  =)15:42
AceKingcoz_, Ok there15:42
coz_AceKing,  paste this command in   "Command line 1"     python -c "import gtk; gtk.recent_manager_get_default().purge_items()"15:42
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Sorry I couldn't be os more assistence. You may wish to restate your question.15:42
AceKingcoz_, Done15:43
coz_AceKing,  then click on the edge bindings tab and decide which you want ,, one of the corners or the edges for  Run command115:43
coz_AceKing,  now hit the large "Back" button on the ccsm dialog window and lets see what you have as a basic set up for compiz15:43
beubuntuNeed help, I have 4 NTFS drives, 2 of which are working just fine. The other two show up in the disk utility but say "unknown"  This is a CD install on it's own HD ext4.15:43
VEndixhello, the best tool to see the security performance in ubuntu? can someone tell me about any good program that makes a security tests on ubuntu server?15:44
leagrisI love how ccsm popup that many times here since Natty. Sweet!15:44
coz_AceKing, ` where are we now?15:44
AceKingcoz_, It's saying  the action Run command 1 in plugin Commands conflicts with the action Flip Right of the Desktop Wall plugin.15:45
coz_AceKing,  ok you can either change that or fix the conflict15:45
coz_AceKing,  generally I use the  left screenedge for this but I also dont use desktop wall15:46
erixHow I can change the permission of a folder with umask for specific user and group without chmod and chown ?15:46
coz_AceKing,  you can disable wall in favor of the cube if you like15:46
AceKingcoz_, Ok, that's what I'll do.15:46
coz_erix,  you could right click the file  ,, go to permissions tab15:46
coz_AceKing,  ok let me know when you have done that15:47
AceKingcoz_, Ok15:47
rkhshmis NFS referrals support added in 2.6.35 kernel?15:47
erixI need to do that in Command Line buddy15:47
coz_AceKing,  ok are you on the main ccsm window now?15:47
rkhshm2.6.35-22 to be more precise15:47
trirnoth1Hello all. Looking for backup software of some sort that would allow me to do the following: Backup whatever it can on a drive. When full backup the difference to a second drive, when full, .... I know I can do this manually with rsync and --exclude=PATTERN. But manually doing this/ keeping track would become a nightmare.15:48
ssureshotwhat is the equivilent for update-rc.d for upstart ? iee is there a way to remove a job from startup with a single command without editing the /etc/init/job15:48
AceKingcoz_, Ok, I set it to Cube.15:48
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coz_AceKing,  ok cool15:48
Jinxed--coz_, Any idea why I can't get past the keyboard layout screen on ubuntu 10.04 install. It appears that it doesn't like my keyboard plugged into the usb hub. However I only have one usable usb port that is non hub based which I need to have the usb plugged into to boot off of.15:48
trirnoth1These drives would be treated like cartridges (docking station) so it would not have the contents of other drives live to do the comparison.15:48
coz_Jinxed--,  whoa,, thats odd15:49
coz_Jinxed--,  have you tryied unpluggin the keyboard and pluging it back in ?15:49
coz_AceKing,  ok are you on the main ccsm window?15:49
AceKingCoz_ when I changed it to Cube, I lost my minimize maximize close buttons15:50
Jinxed--coz_, yeah. I have tried all sorts of arrangments with the keyboard... no luck. I remade the usb installer... still no luck.15:50
AceKingcoz_, Yes, I'm still in ccsm15:50
Jinxed--Is there a a way to just skip that screen and install? coz_15:50
carnage1plug the usb into an electrical plug socket or buy a new one15:50
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coz_Jinxed--,   does it allow you to do that?  I havent tried15:50
v_verix: what do you mean, with no chown and chmod. what about perl ?15:50
coz_AceKing,  on the left is a list of categories  click the  Window management category first15:50
VEndixHELLO, everybody, does someone of you know any good ubuntu intnernet security tool15:50
AceKingcoz_, Ok, there15:51
coz_AceKing,  make sure these plugins are enabled,,, grid,,, move window... place windows...put...resize window... scale..and one of t he switchers,, I use shift switcher15:51
Jinxed--coz_, nope... just sit there... f.o.r.e.v.e.r15:51
coz_Jinxed--,  ooo darn ,,,, try rebooting  see what happens15:52
Jinxed--coz_, rebooted many times15:52
coz_AceKing,  ok now move to the Utility category,, enable,,, compiz library toolbox,,, dbus,,, mouse position polling,, regex matching..resize info,,, scale addons...title bar  info15:52
HyperbyteOn login I get the error "Could not update ICEAuthority file"... this is probably related to the fact that I mount /home/ via NFS, but the permissions are correct and the user does have ability to edit the file.  What could cause this error to appear?15:52
coz_Jinxed--,  oh man,, is this US keyboard?15:53
[TK]D-FenderVEndix: Could you explain exactly what it is you are looking for?15:53
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Since no one apparently has you're answer, I would try booting into windows and "Safely Remove Hardware" for each of the two that are not working; IF they are external hard-drives.15:53
coz_Jinxed--,  ok can you switch to the other usb port  to see if it is reconized from there15:53
beubuntuSidewinder1, I can't because installing ubuntu screwed it up ;p15:53
Jinxed--coz_, tried that it didn't work15:53
coz_Jinxed--,  dam15:53
coz_Jinxed--, are you sure the keyboard is funtional?15:54
coz_Jinxed--,  by chance,, do you have another keyboard available for testing15:54
AceKingcoz_, Some  bindings of Plugin Scale Addons conflict with other plugins. Do you want to resolve these conflicts?15:54
coz_AceKing,  always resolve15:54
AceKingcoz_, thanks15:54
Jinxed--coz_, keyboard works fine with other ubuntu systems15:54
coz_AceKing,  let me know when that is finished15:55
beubuntuSidewinder1, It showed win vista and said if your os is there  you can go ahead and install ubuntu...it said vista but vista has never touched this machine! I figured it was just confused and went on with the install...but now I can't boot windows15:55
Jinxed--coz_, can I install ubuntu from an existing ubuntu installiation?15:55
coz_Jinxed--,  thats very odd then,, I am at a loss,, off hand I cannot think of a solution,, however,, is this the live cd?15:55
beubuntuSidewinder1, Also, all my drives are internal.15:55
Jinxed--coz_, USB drive15:55
AceKingcoz_, Set zoom anyway.. don't set zoom... or disable terminate?15:55
coz_Jinxed--,  well not sure about the existing installation .,,probably not withouth issue15:55
coz_AceKing,  disable terminate15:56
coz_AceKing,  always follow the dialogs with conflicts,, if it needs to disable something ,, disable it :)15:56
coz_Jinxed--,  do you have an extra cd available?15:56
AceKingcoz_, Ok15:56
coz_Jinxed--,  you could try using the  minimal install cd15:56
AceKingcoz_, Ok all done with that step15:56
drhachmannsomobody know some room about device driver?15:57
drhachmannLinux Device Driver15:57
coz_AceKing,  ok now move up to the Utility category and be sure all 4 are enabled15:57
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Even though it mistook as Vista, it sounds like you installed OVER  the windows partition; not a good thing if you didn't back up your data, before-hand. :-(15:57
Jinxed--no cd drive coz_15:57
coz_AceKing,  no no15:57
coz_AceKing,  rather move up to the Image loading category15:57
coz_AceKing,  make sure all 4 are enabled15:57
coz_Jinxed--,  double dam15:57
drhachmannLinux Device Driver15:57
coz_Jinxed--,  ask the question again,, hopefully someone e lse may have a solution15:57
beubuntuSidewinder1, Nope, I installed on a seperate HDD and when I installed for the second time the drive was still full. It has not been formatted.15:57
AceKingcoz_, Ok I enabled them15:58
coz_AceKing,  ok now move up to the extras  category15:58
coz_AceKing,  annotate,, screnshot15:58
coz_AceKing,  then move up to t he Effects category15:58
coz_AceKing,    animations...animations add on... cube reflection and deformation which will want the desktop cube enabled,,, fading windows,,, window decoration and wobbly windows15:59
drhachmannLinux Device Driver15:59
Sidewinder1beubuntu, OK, I'll try, :-) please list the output of sudo fdisk -l then...15:59
Sidewinder1!pastebin > beubuntu16:00
ubottubeubuntu, please see my private message16:00
coz_AceKing,  let me know when that is finished16:00
tapoxiHey guys, I'm running an Apache 2 server on my laptop for development, and I don't want anyone else connecting to it. Any recommendations for a GUI front-end to IPtables so I can control the firewall?16:01
AceKingcoz_, I don't see the cube reflection setting in there16:01
coz_AceKing,  ok forget that one for now16:02
coz_AceKing,  we will install the extras afterwards16:02
AceKingcoz_, Ok16:02
beubuntuSidewinder1, ok so sudo fdisk | pastebinit?16:02
beubuntuI just installed pastebinit16:03
coz_AceKing,  when that is done move up to the Desktop category,,, desktop cube,,, expo...rotate cube,, viewport switcher ,, show desktop16:03
bullgard4'man aptitude: "SYNTAX: aptitude [<options>...] {why | why-not} [<patterns>...] <package>;Explains the reason that a particular package should or cannot be installed on the system.' Why does '~$ aptitude why phpmyadmin' answer: "Unable to find a reason to install phpmyadmin.'?16:03
Sidewinder1beubuntu, I think that's right.16:03
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Don't forget the -l16:03
beubuntuYeah it was the -l Sidewinder116:03
AceKingcoz_, There I don't see a show desktop setting16:04
coz_Jinxed--,  out of curiosity,, reboot and go into the bios and be sure the legacy usb is enabled16:04
coz_AceKing,  ok skip the ones you dont see16:04
AceKingcoz_, Ok16:04
tapoxiSuggestions? GTK+ front-end to iptables?16:04
coz_AceKing,  tell me when finished with that16:05
AceKingcoz_, All finised16:05
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Please stand by...16:05
VEndixinstalled ubuntu on my laptop and i now whant to log into as root. can somebody tell me there can i find the password of root16:05
coz_AceKing,  ok move up to the accessibility category,,,, enhanced zoom desktop,,, and opacity birghtness and saturation16:05
beubuntuSidewinder1, The first drive we can focus on is sda1 btw not sure which tb drive is the right one16:06
gabehey guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu tweak and it won't work because it needs python 2.7, but according to this link I should not upgrade from 2.6... is that true? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152931516:06
AceKingcoz_, Ok, done16:06
coz_AceKing,  when that is done,, move up to the General category,,, commnands,,composite,,openGL16:06
Sidewinder1ikonia, Perhaps you would be kind enough beubuntu as I'm getting a little beyond my abilities and his problem doesn't sound too involved?16:06
carnage1what happened to hda drives16:06
Sidewinder1to help16:07
coz_AceKing,  also gnome compatibility16:07
SmashcatHi, is it possible to undo an upgrade from 11.04 -> 11.11 ? I prefer the old style (not so dumbed down). If it's not possible I'll just reinstall 11.0416:07
coz_AceKing,  this is a desktop ...yes?16:07
AceKingcoz_, Yes16:07
bibsis 1,586,198KB alot of data for a cellphone?16:07
AceKingcoz_, I'm done with that16:07
coz_AceKing,  ok  middle click and hold on the desktop and move the mouse while holding16:08
gabe-20 hey guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu tweak and it won't work because it needs python 2.7, but according to this link I should not upgrade from 2.6... is that true? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152931516:08
coz_AceKing, does the cube appear?16:08
Sidewinder1beubuntu, This is what concerns me: "This doesn't look like a partition table16:08
Sidewinder1Probably you selected the wrong device."16:08
beubuntuWell, I didn't have to make a partition, it's installed on the full hard drive.16:09
AceKingcoz_, No16:09
usr13Sidewinder1: Is beubuntu's problem that he does not have an option in grub to boot his MS Windows drive?16:09
coz_AceKing,  ok,, open a terminal ,,,        paste this command     ps ax | grep compiz16:09
AceKingcoz_, You're talking about clicking the middle scroll wheel on the mouse right?16:09
beubuntuusr13, That is one of my problems yes.16:09
coz_AceKing,  yes16:09
AceKingcoz_, Ok, done16:10
usr13beubuntu: All drives have partitions, it is just that sometimes there is only one partition on the drive.16:10
coz_AceKing, what does that say?16:10
beubuntuusr13, Sidewinder1  btw I'm beumac from yesterday.16:10
macousr13: it is possible to format a drive without putting a partition on first. SD cards are often done this way16:10
beubuntuusr13,  right I was just making sure you guys knew I hadn't devided the hard drive up from somewhere else16:10
usr13beubuntu: The Hard Drive designation is the sda part, the partition is sda1 or sda2 etc.16:10
Sidewinder1usr13, Yes, and he can't see some of his NTFS partitions...Also has more than 4 logical partitions,..16:10
coz_maco,  you should be able to format the entire driver ...yes16:11
AceKingcoz_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/612791/16:11
Jinxed--Any install guides for ubuntu network boot without internet?16:11
coz_AceKing, ok  ,, when you move a window around ,, does it wobble?16:11
beubuntuusr13, Sidewinder1 I have 4 drives that are NTFS 2 are working find, 2 are showing "unknown" in disk utility.16:11
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Back to haunt me, aye? :-)16:11
beubuntuSidewinder1, Yes sir!16:11
SmashcatAnyone here know if it's possible to do a "downgrade" from 11.11 -> 11.04 without a reinstall?16:11
carnage1when you wobble does it wiggle?16:12
usr13beubuntu: Which ones are showing "unknown"?16:12
Danyk2099Hi, I need help with installing Zend Framework.16:12
beubuntu usr1316:12
coz_Jinxed--,  did you check bios for legacy usb  support?16:12
AceKingcoz_, No16:12
Sidewinder1usr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/612783/16:12
coz_AceKing,  ok  in terminal        lspci | grep -i vga16:12
beubuntuusr13,  My 500gb sda1 and one of the tb drives, not sure which one.16:12
Jinxed--coz_, yeah it was setup for 2.016:12
coz_Jinxed--,  ok16:12
AceKingcoz_, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]16:13
coz_AceKing,  ok so the driver is probably installed,, now in terminal       compiz --replace & disown16:14
usr13beubuntu: The only 500GB drive I see is sda16:14
coz_carnage1,  to push it into background process16:14
beubuntuusr13, Correct, it says sda1 for me16:14
AceKingcoz_, Ok, now I have wobbly windows16:15
FelixBHEy I have a problem with my ubuuntu 10.4 system: When i start it it shows the splash window but after a short while the display get black and it stays black!  its even the same with the recovery mode16:15
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coz_AceKing,  cool ,, now open a few text files videos whatever to populate the recent documents16:15
FelixBcan anyone help me16:15
coz_AceKing, after that test the edge binding you made for that command16:16
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Sidewinder1usr13, Is the problem that every partition is listed as "logical/physical"/16:16
sam85_FelixB: can u get to the linux console?16:16
AceKingcoz_, You are a genius!16:17
coz_AceKing,   very cool ,, I take it that works ....yes?16:17
coz_AceKing,  one thing16:17
AceKingcoz_, It works perfect!! I can turn the cube now also!16:17
FelixBsam85_, no the display gets black and stays black, so i cant get too a console16:17
coz_AceKing,   are you on calssic (no effects)  or just classic16:18
AceKingcoz_, Classic16:18
Sidewinder1usr13, All 6 partitions, that is16:18
coz_AceKing, ok then compiz should start up automatically however, if it doesnt use the compiz --replace & disown command16:18
socrates_johnsonafter upgrading to 11.04 I get the following error when trying to mex with matlab : as: /usr/local/Matlab/R2008a/bin/glnxa64/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libbfd-2.21.0-system.20110327.so) /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/Matlab/R2008a/bin/glnxa64/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libbfd-2.21.0-system.20110327.so)16:19
AceKingcoz_, I will. I'm also going to copy everything you typed to me in case I ever re-install for any reason.16:19
Sidewinder1beubuntu, As you can see, I'm "somewhat outta' my league" with your problem. :-(16:19
coz_AceKing,  if you want that cube to zoom out a bit when rotating open ccsm again ,, then click on the Rotate cube plugin under the Desktop category,, and push up the zoom slider16:19
FelixBthe systems still seems to work, it shuts down correctly if i press the off button i can start with a live cd and16:19
socrates_johnsoneverything worked in the previous 4 versions of ubuntu...did a library move/get renamed/deleted?16:19
tsaknorrishmm how i can see bandwidth with linux native tools16:19
coz_AceKing,  half way with the zoom slider should be fine16:19
FelixBwith a live cd it works correctly16:19
AceKingcoz_, Ok.16:19
beubuntuSidewinder1,  I applaud your ability to care nonetheless!16:20
coz_AceKing,  the one thing you want to be sure you have a copy of is the recent documents command,, i dont often give that out16:20
FelixBfor me it seems that loading the grafic drivers go wronk so the display stays black16:20
AceKingcoz_, Ok, I will do that. Thank you so much for your help!16:20
sam85_FelixB: yes but console should atleast work16:21
coz_AceKing,  no problem at all :)16:21
Sidewinder1beubuntu, It's frustrating, though...16:21
Who[aresHello Everyone ! I have a problem with Ubuntu 11.04 . I installed it with Wubi but the boot menu doesn't show up when I reboot my CPU ... I just goes directly to win Xp ...16:21
usr13beubuntu: sda 500GB, sdb 15GB, sdc 1TB, sdd 120GB, sde 120GB, sdf 15GB = 6 Hard Drives16:21
tsaknorrishttp://puthtannbona.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users/ <--- i have this list here, but if i want to see bandwidth i really have to install one of these? O.o16:21
pontinohow to switch to old desktop manager from unity?16:21
beubuntuSidewinder1, Tell me about it! I can't even boot my OS atm, I'm guessing I can fix it but I've never nuked the bootmanager like this from linux16:22
sam85_FelixB: run the system blank or no .. shutdown .. use a live cd and check the logs especially Xorg. ...16:22
usr13beubuntu: Right?  Are they IDE? or SATA or...?16:22
FelixBsam85_, just when i start the system with a live cd, not with the normal system16:22
coz_pontino,   log out and after putting in password and before hitting enter change the session to classic or classic ( no effects)16:22
beubuntuusr13,  One Is a flash drive 16gb Other than that they are all sata16:22
usr13beubuntu: Ok, which one has your MS Windows install on it?  sda ?16:23
beubuntuusr13,  sda1 and either sdc1 or sdb1 are the ones I can't use16:23
beubuntuusr13, sda1 Has my windows install16:23
duryhi there channel :)16:23
coz_hey guy16:23
marekw2143hey, how in new ubuntu 11.04 quickly see all open applications ?16:24
usr13beubuntu: Ok so the situation is: You have Linux installed on sde, (250GB drive), and you CAN boot to Linux but you do not have an option to boot MS Windows.  Right?16:24
VonhintenSuper (windows key) + W16:25
BlouBlouhow to add "read" permision to all users16:25
BlouBlouto a file16:25
marekw2143Vonhinten: oh, thanks16:25
tic^!chmod | BlouBlou16:26
ubottuBlouBlou: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:26
marekw2143Vonhinten: that's quite usefull shorcut I think16:26
beubuntuusr13, Well the original problem is that I can't use 2 of my hard drives for some reason unless I'm booted to windows so I was told to install without wubi, so I installed straight from the disc and installed it on the 250g HD Which screwed up my windows boot in the process.16:26
BlouBloutic^: thank you, I can do it too16:26
BlouBlouI mean the exactly command16:26
usr13beubuntu: So when the grub screen comes up, does it show an option to boot MS Windows?16:27
tic^BlouBlou: sorry, thought I thought I was helping....16:27
beubuntuusr13, No, there is an option to windows recovery or whatever but...it doesn't work.16:27
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Betcha didn't remove/uninstall wubi, first...16:28
beubuntuSidewinder1, Incorrect, I uninstalled wubi within the wubi installer first.16:28
Sidewinder1beubuntu, I stand corrected. :-)16:28
Sidewinder1beubuntu, usr13 Knows more than I..16:29
usr13beubuntu: You are talking about the grub boot screen.  Right? And the grub boot screen shows you an option for "windows recovery"?16:29
beubuntuYeah, something to that extent at the bottom yes.16:30
FelixBsam85_, i just started the live cd: which xorg files should i look at?16:30
durymmm.... I got an *.MPG file of 17.4 MB size and I've converted in to avi format with FFMPEG but it has 2.1 MB the quality it's low .... the question it's how can I make it better which application should I use. what you suggest?16:30
BarryBwhat commadn can i use in dpkg -i to fix dependencies or install if needed?16:30
usr13beubuntu: So what are the options?16:30
sam85_FelixB: get the logs in /var/logs16:30
FelixBsam85_, in Xorg.0.log: there is an error: VESA: Kernel modesetting driver in use,refusing to load16:30
beubuntuusr13,  Hmmm Well there are the two ubuntu options one being recovery mode, then the 2 more mem test options and then the windows recovery thing16:31
x1nuxI want to know if there are any ubuntu 9.04 active repository, any ideas?16:31
sam85_FelixB: this is of the system that doesn't work right ?16:31
beubuntuusr13, Sorry, I came with more intent on making ubuntu work or I would have wrote down everything.16:31
Sidewinder1usr13, If his grub is listing a "Windows Recovery", something must be drastically wrong.16:32
BarryBx1nux: good question....16:32
FelixBsam85_, an idea what i can do?16:32
FelixBprobably i v to change the xonf?16:32
sam85_FelixB: yes16:33
beubuntuusr13, One thing that was weird...before it installed grub it asked if all my OS's were listed. It listed windows vista but vista has never touched any of my machines...I figured it was just a minor confusion on the installers part and continue'd on.16:33
Sidewinder1usr13, beubuntu Something left-over from wubi....I hate wubi...16:33
x1nuxno support ?16:33
sam85_FelixB: first copy livecd xorg.conf to orginal system16:33
Sidewinder1!eol > x1nux16:34
ubottux1nux, please see my private message16:34
usr13beubuntu: What is it?  Win7?16:34
beubuntuSidewinder1, Is that possible? I mean the hard drive was completely formatted16:34
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beubuntuusr13, win7 yes16:34
FelixBsam85_, there is just a xorg.conf.d16:34
Sidewinder1beubuntu, At this point, it's anybodies guess...16:35
sam85_FelixB: wait16:35
Who[aresDoes anyone know why won't the dual boot menu won't show up after I've installed ubuntu 11.04 with Wubi ?16:35
usr13beubuntu: Did this computer originally have just the 500GB drive in it when you started out?16:35
wilharthello, i have flickering on my tv monitor even tho i have put v-sync on the monitor, but it' flickers16:35
Sidewinder1Oh my god!!!!...16:35
duryhow can I convert a *.MPG file to *.AVI with the same quality16:36
wilharti have the latest beta drivers for nvidia16:36
beubuntuusr13,  Hmmm that was a while ago, I believe it had the 500g and the two tb drives.16:36
durycan someone assist me please?16:36
sam85_wilhart: on crt this was due to refresh rate16:36
datalaymount /tmp –o mount,acl16:36
wilhartsam85_: ok so how do i fix it?16:37
datalaynot working... what should i do?16:37
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usr13beubuntu: So what exactly happens when you try and boot to MS Windows?16:37
beubuntuusr13, One thing the two drives have in common that aren't working are that they are both samsung f3;s16:37
sam85_wilhart: tv like CRT or LCD ?16:37
wilhartsam85_: in nvidia-settings ?16:37
beubuntuusr13, It complains that the bootmgr or something is screwed16:37
usr13beubuntu: Which ones are the samsung f3s?16:38
Jinxed--How would I change from LXDE to Gnome16:38
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beubuntuusr13,  sda1 and either sdc1 or sdb116:38
wilhartsam85_: it's HDMI my nvidia to television16:38
coz_Jinxed--,  if both are installed,, log off,, put in password but before hitting enter,, change the session to lxde16:38
wilhartsam85_: i have lcd television16:38
coz_Jinxed--,  or gnome16:38
coz_Jinxed--,  but if you want regular gnome interface change to classic16:39
Jinxed--coz_, what if LXDE is only installed16:39
wilhartsam85_: but my main monitor does not flicker, btw i cant find anything in nvidia-settings16:39
coz_Jinxed--,  then you need to install   ubuntu-desktop16:39
sam85_wilhart: lcd no idea :( google16:39
coz_Jinxed--,  then when you log off it should be in the  sessions pulldown menu16:39
kaffienHow can i connect a wyse terminal to a ubuntu workstation?16:39
FelixBsam85_: which xorg.conf should i take?16:39
kaffieni don't think it supports vnc16:39
k5673SUP fellas!16:39
GrexTheMalignhey guys - anyone able to help with eeepc crashing when attempting to conect to wireless? (1001P)16:40
VEndixguys what does it mean: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python (>= 2.7) ?16:40
carnage1supports xvnc16:40
usr13beubuntu: Well, if MS Windows has a problem booting, (as Sidewinder1 stated earlier), it's anyone's guess what happened to it.  But, it may be a hardware problem, just a problem with the HD.16:40
usr13!grub2 | beubuntu16:41
ubottubeubuntu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:41
beubuntuusr13, The install is still there, I'm sure it's just a matter of correcting the MBR16:41
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sam85_FelixB: my bad. there is no xorg.conf @ livecd16:41
FelixBso that doesnt work16:41
FelixBwhat can i do16:42
usr13beubuntu: Then go to the above link and trouble-shoot grub.  Make sure it is actually trying to boot sda1 as the MS Windows partition.16:42
FelixBis there any other sloppy possibillity to run my computer again?16:42
jhankaycan anyone recommend a good website stress testing tools, like autobench and bees with machine guns ,,,that emulates DoS attacks against one's own servers to see how would the website stand up against such an attack>16:42
sam85_FelixB: check this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162931616:42
usr13beubuntu: Look at the information pertaining to grub216:42
SaalkoHi everyone, can anyone tell me the name of the german help channel? I think my english isn't well enough.16:42
Sidewinder1beubuntu, usr13, The final thing I would try is to boot to windows cd and "fixmbr" then you'll have to fix grub and perhaps reinstall ubuntu form scratch.16:42
k5673I have a pxe install environment, with ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 as installable options. Now i've adquired a PC with a jmicron PCI-E Fast Ethernet network interface, and the module isn't in any of the initrd images from the netboot installer. I've already downloaded the module fomr the jmicron website. How can i add the module to the initrd images of my netboot install?16:43
wilhartcould someone help me with this nvidia playback flickering on my lcd tv? (hdmi)16:43
Saalkothx carnage116:43
usr13!german | Saalko16:43
ubottuSaalko: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:43
GrexTheMalignanyone able to help with a ubuntu 11.04 install on an eeepc, it keeps crashing when attempting to conect to wireless? (1001P)16:44
Saalkogood bye. ^^16:44
FelixBsam85_, probably nomodeset could work?16:44
carnage1run with eth0 for thre days it will fix16:45
sam85_FelixB: no idea. I never had this problem.16:45
JediKayakerI would like to load an Ubuntu LAMP stack onto my laptop for development purposes.  I am very new to ubuntu.  Anyone have recommendations on sufficient disk space for Ubuntu Server, Apache, MySql, and PHP that I should set aside.  Already running Win 7 on that laptop.16:45
thr01jedi : use xampp16:45
thr01all in one preconpiled package16:45
thr01good for testing16:45
Picithr01: We do not support xampp installs here.16:46
thr01needs about 1gb fot space16:46
beubuntuYeah Sidewinder1  I figured running the windows installer to fix the MBR would work...but it still doesn't fix my problem with the hard drives...which is why I was more worried about that lol16:46
thr01Pici : do not support but can suggest16:46
sam85_wilhart: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+lcd+nvidia+flickering16:46
erixRead permission is enough to backup?16:46
durygot it... :)16:46
beubuntuSidewinder1,  but ohwell, I'll just give up on this for now until I'm ready to fix windows and then fix my problem with my hard drives on ubuntu later.16:47
duryAvidemux does16:47
Sidewinder1beubuntu, Understood; back-ups are Gold. :-)16:47
beubuntuThanks for the support guys16:47
thr01Pici : setting up normally on ubuntu would take time to configure it to work properly for testing16:47
durykeeps the quality that I want16:47
Sidewinder1No prob16:47
Picithr01: I find it rather straightfoward myself.16:47
JediKayakerthr01: thanks ... But, already have xampp on desktop.  Want dev machine to be like production.  So, would like suggestion on Ubuntu LAMP space reqs ... Thanks.16:48
FelixBsam85_, this solved the problem I can get the login screen again,!16:48
FelixBNOw there s a new prob: i cannot login anymore16:48
thr01Pici : i run a few debian servers , its not hard, but for a portable laptop testing setup xampp is ideal16:49
sam85_FelixB: how come ? passsword ?16:49
FelixBif i login it seems to start but than returns to the login screen again,16:49
thr01JediKayaker : I would reserve at least a gb16:49
bartekHi there. What's the right way to upgrade to a specific version of ubuntu through the command line? I'm going from 8.04 to 10.0416:49
bartekDo I just modify /etc/apt/sources.list with lucid lynx information?16:49
thr01that includes ur content tho]16:49
wilhartThe problem is that when i play a video (all media players have this problem) i get 1 or 2 horizontal lines flickering across the screen. this happens when there is a lot and fast motion. It is very disturbing:/16:49
FelixBxserver seems to ve n error when loggin in16:50
wilhart. sync VBlank enabled still nothing..(although i read that for the sync VBlank to work good i have to set the refresh rate above 60HZ, but my secondary screen only goes up to 60.. so i don't know if that has anything to do with.. any ideas?16:50
coz_wilhart,   which video card?16:50
FelixBi can login in the console16:50
wilhartcoz_: nvidia 9800gs16:50
sam85_FelixB: details16:50
wilhartcoz_: or gr16:50
coz_wildc4rd,  are you running compiz?16:50
sam85_FelixB: just create a new user and log in16:50
coz_wilhart,  are you running compiz?16:50
coz_wildc4rd,  sorry wrong nick16:51
SPowHi, I try to set a cron to wake my computer. I edited the cron file and added the command (that I tested and works) etherwake -i eth1 MACADDR but it doesn't work. I also added "; echo 1 >> log.txt" that is printed indeed. What do I do wrong ?16:51
wilhartcoz_: nope16:51
david__Is there a firewall like software for my soundcard? I am sick of gnome, skype, msn, websites and other programs from playing sounds without my permissions16:51
coz_wilhart,  mm ,,  does this happen only with video then ...yes?16:51
wilhartcoz_: yeps...16:51
coz_wilhart,  and you have all of the codecs installed16:51
wilhartcoz_: yep my main monitor does not flicker16:52
FelixBthat also doenst work16:52
coz_wilhart,  dual monitors ?16:52
coz_wilhart,   are they set to twinview?16:52
erixTo back up a folder by others, the folder permission must be read and execute or read is enough ?16:52
wilhartcoz_: 1 dvi and 1 hdmi16:52
FelixBit seems that the loggin works but than it doesnt open the desktop16:52
wilhartcoz_: found a thread http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1266564.html16:52
coz_wilhart,  do you have them set to twinview16:53
FelixBon the console i can login with both16:53
usr13SPow: man etherwake16:53
sam85_FelixB: u r logged in then logged out automatically ?16:53
FelixBseems so16:54
wilhartcoz_: yes twinview16:54
sam85_FelixB: can u see the desktop? Is the graphic settings alright?16:54
usr13david__: You will just have to work with the gnome skype msn etc. and configure them to do, (or not do) what  you want.16:54
coz_wilhart,  mm,, I am using a 7300gt here without these issues,, are you on 11.  ...yes?16:54
SPowusr13: I made etherwake work, but it does not when called by a cron16:54
david__usr13, ok.16:54
coz_wilhart,   11.04  rather16:54
FelixBit acceppts the password than display turns black  and than theres the login screen again16:54
sam85_FelixB: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:55
FelixBcant see the desktop16:55
wilhartcoz_: does gnome have some effects enable/disable?16:55
wilhartcoz_: yes 11.0416:55
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usr13SPow: Then create a script and have set a crontab job to run the script.16:55
wilhartcoz_: does this new gnome have effects?16:55
coz_wilhart,  well   it does but you can open a terminal and type   metacity --replace & disown16:55
coz_wilhart,  that will stop compiz from running however,, if you are on Unity  that may not work well16:56
SPowusr13: that is an option indeed16:56
wilhartcoz_: hmm16:56
coz_wilhart,  if you are on classic gnome that should work f ine16:56
wilhartcoz_: i'm using this new osx like gnome16:56
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxIs this a chat for ubuntu users?16:57
macoxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: it's for ubuntu technical support16:57
coz_wilhart,   is there a large vertical Launcher panel on the left side of the primary monitor?16:57
macoxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: if you just want to chat with other ubuntu users, you can do so in #ubuntu-offtopic16:57
Sidewinder1My wife has done that: Sidewinder1 --replace & disown16:57
coz_Sidewinder1,  ooo  bad command in that case :(16:57
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxGood. I wat to create a hidden chat for me and friends, so we can talk in privacy...16:58
PudabudigadaHello, trying to play a CD through the headphone jack on the CD player itself, how do I do this in ubuntu?16:58
wilhartcoz_: ehmm yes16:58
ikoniaxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: ask in #freenode how to make a channel16:58
wilhartcoz_: let's get this working :D16:58
ikoniaxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: /join #freenode for irc network support16:58
wilhartcoz_: should i try xscreen ?16:58
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxhow to do?16:58
gabe-20 hey guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu tweak and it won't work because it needs python 2.7, but according to this link I should not upgrade from 2.6... is that true? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152931516:58
usr13xXxExXxAxXxBxXx:  /join new-channel16:58
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxIkona: how to do16:59
coz_wilhart,  you mean separate xscreens?  probably not16:59
ikoniaxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: type "/join #freenode"16:59
the_drowis it safe to upgrade wubi from Maverick to Natty Narwhal?16:59
wilhartcoz_: yep i had that before but hmm it doesnt support new gnome anymore16:59
the_drowI have a wubi installation, should I upgrade it from windows or from linux?16:59
coz_wilhart,  you could log off , and just after putting in your password but before hitting enter  change the session to  classic (no effects)16:59
gabe-20 hey guys, I'm trying to install ubuntu tweak and it won't work because it needs python 2.7, but according to this link I should not upgrade from 2.6... is that true? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152931517:00
wilhartcoz_: hmm classic17:00
coz_wilhart,  the other option is to install  unity-2d17:00
coz_wilhart,  this way no effects will be on but look very similar to Unity'is launcher17:01
the_drowso, should I just click upgrade if I have a wubi installation?17:01
gabe-20hello, is anyone able to help me please?17:01
JediKayaker_ I would like to load an Ubuntu LAMP stack onto my laptop for development purposes. I am very new to ubuntu. Anyone have recommendations on sufficient disk space for Ubuntu Server, Apache, MySql, and PHP that I should set aside. Already running Win 7 on that laptop.17:01
usr13JediKayaker_: How big is your linux install?17:02
engledJediKayaker_: I usually set aside 16GB minimum for those kind of things, but imagine you could get away with quite a lot less if necessary17:03
FelixBsam85_, seems not t change anything even after restart17:03
gabe-20hello? am I in this chat room by any chance?17:03
engledgabe-20: no!17:03
the_drowsomeone please stop me if I'm doing it wrong. I'm upgrading to the newest version of ubuntu on a wubi installation. I now have maverick (no idea how to spell it)17:03
coz_JediKayaker_,  as far as I can recall.. I dont think LAMP is going to take up much room  but I dont have specifics for you17:03
usr13gabe-20: Y ou are on it, but not in it.17:03
gabe-20what the??? what was that engled?17:03
engledgabe-20: a not funny joke?17:04
gabe-20not funny17:04
usr13gabe-20: What is your native language?17:04
Almehdiwhat is your problem gabe-20?17:04
sam85_FelixB: quickest option -> save ur home and reinstall or have u already tried that?17:04
JediKayaker_usr13: Not sure at this point.  As I mentioned this will be my first install of ubuntu server.17:04
gabe-20it's Spanish, but how does that help?17:05
FelixBno haven't tried that17:05
gabe-20I'm trying to install ubuntu tweak and it won't work because it needs python 2.7, but according to this link I should not upgrade from 2.6... is that true? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152931517:05
usr13!es | gabe-2017:05
ubottugabe-20: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:05
PudabudigadaHow can I get a CD to play through the headphone socket on the actual CD player?17:05
gabe-20ubottu: I don't believe I spoke Spanish17:05
ubottugabe-20: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:05
coz_  ok have to break here,, be back a bit later17:05
Sidewinder1the_drow, Wubi is used to see if you like ubuntu if you do install it as dual boot.If you try to upgrade, within wubi, god knows what will happen.17:05
mischiefhello, does anyone here have any information on the Ubuntu Hour occuring in the greater Sacramento area?17:05
AlmehdiWhat error do you get.. which version of Ubuntu are you running?17:05
JediKayaker_engled: Wow 16 GB!  That's, I'm assuming very little space issues in the future.  Right?17:06
wilhartcoz_: still getting flickering17:06
the_drowwell, everything is under source control so I don't really care17:06
Kronwhere's the user list...17:06
gabe-20sam85: yes?17:06
the_drowjust making sure17:06
the_drowwell, let's try anyway17:06
sam85_gabe-20: try  altinstall as posted in the link u gave17:06
wilhartcoz_: could it be the television ?17:06
engledJediKayaker_: 16GB is much more than necessary, but disk space is so cheap you might as well not risk running out of disk space17:06
sam85_wilhart: coz_ took a break17:07
the_drowwhy is open office no longer supported?17:07
Almehdigabe-20: What error do you get.. which version of Ubuntu are you running?17:07
gabe-20sam85: I could certainly do that, but I'm asking if upgrading python from 2.6 to 2.7 will really harm my system as the link says17:07
lkgchow do you turn on classic mode in ubuntu 11.0417:07
FelixBit there no other way?17:07
JediKayaker_engled: thanks for the suggestion.17:08
IdleOne!classic | lkgc17:08
ubottulkgc: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.17:08
Almehdigabe-20: you will have them both side by side installed.. so no problem there17:08
Sidewinder1!classic | lkgc17:08
gabe-20I'm using 10.10 and when I try to download Ubuntu Tweak from the web-site it says: missing dependency (python 2.7)17:08
d1gitallinux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-19-server: Depends: linux-restricted-modules-common but it is not installable.  Why?17:08
asoltyshi, i recently upgraded to 11.04 unity.  i've noticed that now when i paste a line of text into my gnome-terminal it slowly spells out each letter of the text instead of pasting it instantly.  any ideas how i can fix this?17:08
sam85_gabe-20: no idea, try in virtualbox or google more :)17:08
usr13gabe-20: If you are worried about the package installer being confused, that isn't gonna happen. Just uninstall python adn go on and install (compile from source) the version you need17:08
Almehdigabe-20: just install "python-all"17:08
PudabudigadaHow can I get a CD to play through the headphone socket on the actual CD player?17:08
gabe-20Almehdi: should I do that from the terminal?17:08
sam85_FelixB: re ask the question some one new might know something17:09
Almehdigabe-20: Sure.. just "sudo apt-get install python-all"17:09
usr13Pudabudigada: Should just do it. But that is a hardware issue.17:09
Pudabudigadausr13 What program shoul dI use?17:09
usr13Pudabudigada: There may be a little thumb-wheel volume control, if so, turn it up.17:09
duryneed to go17:10
durybe back  later on17:10
gabe-20Almehdi: that didn't work as it says python 2.6 is already installed. I guess the problem is that version 2.7 is not in the repos for 10.10 like it is for 11.0417:10
usr13Pudabudigada: Again, it is a hardware issue.17:10
Almehdigabe-20: That could be the case17:10
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sam85_gabe-20: u can still try the altinstall  option17:11
Almehdigabe-20: Do it from a PPA then17:11
mikael89Yo peeps17:11
the_drowSidewinder1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/75841117:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 758411 in Ubuntu Natty "Upgrade from 10.10 to Natty results in system freeze" [High,New]17:11
the_drowI hope this is now solved17:11
gabe-20Almehdi: pardon my ignorance but what's PPA?17:11
Pudabudigadausr13, What do you mean by 'hardware issue'? I17:11
Sidewinder1the_drow, That doesn't surprise me in the least.17:12
FelixBhey I 've following problem: When i try to login, it accepts my account, the screen gets black for a second and than i am back at the login screen,. on the other tty-windows i can login in the console17:12
mikael89I'm trying to install Kubuntu on a old laptop, but it won't get further than the loading screen of Kubuntu, is there any way I can close X on CTRL+alt+F7 and reload it ?17:12
the_drowSidewinder1: but it works once you restart17:12
the_drowso i'm fine with that17:12
usr13Pudabudigada: Sorry, but I don't know any other way to say it.17:12
IIAir_LeoIIits 47. ¬¬|°17:12
Pudabudigadausr13, I meant, what sort of hardware issue?17:12
Dezzimalhow would you get a script to run after X and GDM have both started?17:12
ezrafreehow can i install the very latest build of chromium in ubuntu 10.04?17:13
FelixBdoes anyone an idea what todo?17:13
jgji noticed that jaunty no longer exists under http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ - is that an error or have I missed an announcement on Uranus?17:13
Almehdigabe-20: Its a Personal Package Archive... wait a minute and i get it for you17:13
Sidewinder1the_drow, You'd be amazed at how many folks come here with problems, major problems related to wubi...17:13
gabe-20thank you :)17:13
IIAir_LeoIIi mean its 46°C 47°C Laptop temp something to worry about?17:13
Sidewinder1the_drow, If it works for you, that's great!17:13
the_drowwe'll know in about 2 hours17:14
mikael89What is the command to shutdown X ? I am currently in another textmode, the normal one is frozen and wont get past the login screen..17:14
usr13Pudabudigada: Listening to a Music CD with earphones plugged into the mini-phone port on the CDROM drive is a hardware issue.17:14
wilharthmmmmm still getting flickering :P17:14
sam85_IIAir_LeoII: No17:15
usr13Pudabudigada: Is that what you are tyring to do?17:15
Migswhat's the proper way to upgrade from 9.4 to 11.4 from the command line?17:15
Pudabudigadausr13, Yes.17:15
* Sidewinder1 Thinks the_drow will be back here in 2 hours. :-)17:15
the_drowSidewinder1: hehe, who knows17:15
Pudabudigadausr13, You mean it requires a specific controller for that function?17:15
the_drowmaybe I'll just remove it and perform a clean installation17:15
the_droweverything is under source control here and I don't care about anything else17:16
jpolohi all17:16
usr13Pudabudigada: Ok then.  It is a hardware issue.  If there is a thumb-wheel-volume control on the front of the CDROM drive, make sure it is turned up.  Other than that, I have no further advise.17:16
Sidewinder1!eol > Migs17:16
ubottuMigs, please see my private message17:16
Pudabudigadausr13, Ok, well, thanks anyway.17:16
Migsuh, why are you private messaging me?  If you have an answer, post it in the main room. Maybe others have the same problem.17:16
usr13Pudabudigada: If it does not work, take it up with the CDROM manufacturer.17:17
Sidewinder1the_drow, You said that before; what is "source control?"17:17
d1gital`apt-get -f install` wants to remove my linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-11-server.  I guess this makes sense, since I am running linux 2.6.32, but I see no restricted-modules package for my version.  is it safe to remove?17:17
Almehdigabe-20: Do this in terminal.. "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes". (test it.. not sure if it work in Maverick)17:17
usr13d1gital: uname -a17:18
d1gitalLinux vm-ubuntu-dev 2.6.32-31-generic-pae #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 20:00:13 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux17:18
wernerdevHey everyone, is there an custom install option for 11.04? To make a clean install without the office tools and games...17:18
Pudabudigadausr13, I don't even know where to start to try playing through it, and the drive is probably older than the (ten year old) computer itself!17:18
=== D34X is now known as Dommer
wernerdevI know I can remove them after installing, but not installing them in the first place is even better.17:18
the_drowI use ubuntu as my python programming machine. As a programmer it's always good to be able to revert changes/tag versions/create new branches for new features. Source control softwares do just that. They keep a history of your development and let you perform all kinds of things with it17:18
DommerOk, so yesterday I had asked for help on a code with python17:19
the_drowmy code, alongside with it's history is available from anywhere around the world17:19
the_drowDommer: #python17:19
usr13Pudabudigada: Just try playing it from a music player.17:19
Sidewinder1the_drow, OIC, thanks.17:19
DommerI've redone it all, it isn't much but does someone know how to make it a permanent app?17:19
IdleOneylmfos: no swearing please17:19
Migswow, I thought this was a family friendly channel17:19
MigsMy bad.17:19
usr13Pudabudigada: If you want to consistantly listen via the ear-phones, set the music player to autoplay when a music CD is inserted.17:20
Dommerpython- unregistered :o17:20
gabe-20Almehdi: thank you, I'll try that :)17:20
Pudabudigadausr13, that's what i've been trying, do modern OSs even support those jacks anymore, I haven't seen one on a new drive for years.17:20
Pici!register | Dommer17:20
ubottuDommer: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:20
d1gitalusr13: forgot to hilight you.  here it is again: Linux vm-ubuntu-dev 2.6.32-31-generic-pae #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 20:00:13 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux17:21
DommerI like how I have to register my chat box yet I can't because it's Xchat XD stupid networks17:21
usr13Pudabudigada: I don't think the OS controls the output jack on the CDROM drive.17:21
macoDommer: can't?17:21
IdleOneDommer: what does xchat have to do with registering your nick?17:22
macoDommer: how does xchat prevent you from messaging Nickserv to register your nick?17:22
Almehdigabe-20: if it works you should only need install in as normal from Synaptic.. If not add "ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes" through Synaptic instead.17:22
DommerI dunno, it's just retarded and won't let me :o17:22
IIAir_LeoIIIts my prompt right cause sometimes i cant erase the sudos apts when pressin up arrow getting the history17:22
Pudabudigadausr13, Ah, so is it just wired into th output on the player itself?17:22
carnage1my small tvs have a square spdf but my large tv has a round spdf and output port17:22
d1gitalDommer: -.-17:22
macoDommer: keep the mental disabilities out of it17:22
macoDommer: is it giving you an error or anything?17:22
IdleOneDommer: ubottu sent you a link with easy to follow instructions on setting up your nick17:23
Dommeryeah, but it was a while ago when I tried to register my nick17:23
usr13Pudabudigada: Far as I know, that is the case.  I really don't know for sure, just assume it to be so.  Like you, I haven't seen one in a long time.17:23
Sidewinder1Dommer, Perhaps there's already a "Dommer" registered?17:23
IIAir_LeoIImy bash PS1= look like this: PS1="\e[0;32mU said:\W\$\e[m "17:23
DommerI'd be surprised17:24
=== Dommer is now known as D34X
Pudabudigadausr13, Ok, thanks anyway, I'm just trying to get my PC to play some music in a listenable way!17:24
yusuohi guys im having trouble trying to install ubuntu17:24
D34Xand I doubt anyone even uses their coder names :|17:24
yusuois there a way to grab the install files off the internet via termianl using a live cd17:25
carnage1i avent coded since comodore 6417:25
Friaris there an easier way to create an array of letters in alphabetical order? This is what I have, but it seems like there might be an easier way....http://pastebin.com/B1vuGCaB17:25
FelixBhey what can i do with that error in Xorg.0.log: Failed to initalize GLX extension (compatible NCVIDIA X driver not found)17:25
PiciFelixB: Please use #python for python support17:26
outer_spacehow do I enable non-lts distros for apt-get distro-upgrade17:26
wernerdevAnother try...17:26
wernerdevHey everyone, is there an custom install option for 11.04? To make a clean install without the office tools and games...17:26
macowernerdev: from an alternate or mini cd you should be able to choose which packages get installed17:26
Sidewinder1yusuo, If you already have the livecd, what other files do you need?17:26
jgjanybody: jaunty no longer exists under http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ is that an error?17:26
yusuoi have 10.10 but a busted cd drive it boots up the live enviroment but wont install17:27
wernerdevMaco: Is that the difference between Desktop and Alternate?17:27
yusuoi basically wanna install via internet17:27
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toi_bonjour a tous17:27
macowernerdev: alternate is also a text interface (totally keyboard, but has menus and such)17:27
enriqhi. Trying to print this pdf results in wrong spacing, even re-printed to pdf file: http://www.biblioteca.unlpam.edu.ar/pubpdf/anuario_fch/n07a07salomon.pdf17:27
arandjgj: It's gone end of life by now.17:27
MonkeyDust!fr| toi_17:27
ubottutoi_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:27
Migsjgj: It's EOL17:27
MigsI just renamed my sources.list to karmic17:27
Mathuin_Can I install ubuntu-netbook on top of 10.04.2 LTS ?17:28
wernerdevMaco: Ok thanks, let me try.17:28
MonkeyDustMathuin_: ubuntu-netbook no longer exists17:28
enriqanyone can try to print this pdf to a pdf file? http://www.biblioteca.unlpam.edu.ar/pubpdf/anuario_fch/n07a07salomon.pdf17:28
Mathuin_MonkeyDust: not in modern Ubuntu, but it does as a package in 10.04.2 LTS, doesn't it?17:28
gabe-20Almehdi: it didn't work, but how do I add ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes through synaptic?17:28
anybodyEOL - doesnt that just mean no more updates - does it also go away???17:28
macoanybody: the repositories are moved eventually...a few months after it goes EOL17:29
Sidewinder1anybody, That's correct.17:29
macoanybody: they are archived elsewhere though in case you need to upgrade through EOL releases to get to a supported one17:29
maco!eol | anybody17:29
ubottuanybody: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:29
gabe-20never mind, it shows under synaptic now :)17:29
Mathuin_enriq: why are you trying to print a PDF to a PDF...17:29
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anybodyok - more calm now - where are the archives archived;-)17:30
macoanybody: check out the second link in ubottu's message17:30
Mathuin_I have an original Asus Eee and modern Ubuntu left its tiny screen behind. :-(17:30
the_drowwhat's the right place for code libraries that I just downloaded?17:30
anybodyThank You everybody! I will save this page for reference!17:30
macothe_drow: if you want to see all the files from a package you've installed:    dpkg -L packagename17:31
the_drowit's not a package17:31
macothe_drow: and doesn't have an installer of its own?17:31
the_drowI don't know a PPA which provides the latest dojo toolkit17:31
the_drownope, no need17:31
carnage1lets go seal clubbin in tj17:32
macothe_drow: is this a web server thing?17:32
macocarnage1: get on topic17:32
enriqMathuin_, when I print that particular pdf to the printer it prints garbage, and the same happens when printing to pdf, and I wonder if this is the same for everyone (i.e. it's a problem of that pdf)17:32
the_drowmaco: a javascript toolkit17:32
blong_http://zenhuber.blogspot.com/2011/05/preview-bin-laden-dead-and-loving-it.html   "Osama bin Laden is the greatest military and political strategist in human history, bar none."17:32
yusuoright basically i have an old machine, with a half working cd drive, my live cd boots but fails on install, im in the live enviroment now, was basically wondering if its poss to instead of using the cd-rom as a source use the net for source files instead, is that poss17:32
llutzenriq: works here (cups-pdf)17:32
macothe_drow: possibly someone in #ubuntu-server might know. otherwise, if an old version of it is packaged, look up that package on packages.ubuntu.com and click on the list of files to see where it put them17:33
MonkeyDustTuxist: i think it is possible with ne17:33
MonkeyDustTuxist: i think it is possible with unetbootin17:33
enriqhmmm. llutz would it be to much to ask you to upload the output pdf?17:33
Mathuin_So is ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso an actual LTS release?17:33
the_drowI'm running a desktop machine, it's a development machine. No need for a server with javascript17:33
Picienriq: Why can't you download that pdf yourself?17:33
MonkeyDustyusuo: i think it is possible with unetbootin17:34
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Guest70230hello,everyone!Good night!17:34
anybodyThank You again: Reading package lists... Done!!!17:34
macoMathuin_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-April/000133.html no, netbook is not LTS according to the 10.04 release announcement17:34
fission6something is eating a lot of memory, how can i see what it is?17:34
d1gital`apt-get -f install` wants to remove my linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-11-server.  I guess this makes sense, since I am running linux 2.6.32, but I see no restricted-modules package for my version.  is it safe to remove?17:34
llutzenriq: http://files.rfc1149.de/n07a07salomon.pdf17:34
Mathuin_maco: thanks, I'd seen conflicting announcements but I didn't check the mailing list.17:34
enriqPici, I have the pdf but I cannot print it correctly, even printing to pdf show garbage, so if anyone can print correctly to pdf and send me that output I could possibly use it17:34
macod1gital: i think it should be fine. those old modules shouldnt even be compatible with your newer kernel17:34
fission6how can i check whats eating up memory?17:35
MonkeyDustfission6: free -m17:35
enriqgreat llutz thanks a lot17:35
xiamxIs there any PPA that offers *stable* xulrunner 2.0 for Lucid?17:35
MonkeyDustfission6: htop17:35
matt__im trying to set up a home server for my family can anyone help a guy out im using ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition and using samba17:35
jpds!atemyram | fission617:35
llutzenriq: got it? i'l delete it here17:35
enriqhm llutz it won't allow me ... 40317:35
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d1gitalmaco: thanks17:35
jpds!ram | fission617:35
ubottufission6: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html17:35
carnage1i used three 2gb partions as swap and installed 8.1 gb of linux17:36
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llutzenriq: try again pls17:36
fission6cool thanks jpds17:36
kubanccan anyone tell me what kind of communication is Inter-machine Communication?17:36
enriqllutz, great got it thanks a lot again17:36
llutzenriq: ok17:36
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antivirtelhello all! I'm planning to buy a new microSD card to my HTC Wildfire, I found these(the best of the others): http://ipon.hu/webshop/product/_transcend_4gb_microsdhc_class_10/178482 or http://ipon.hu/webshop/product/_silicon_power_4gb_microsdhc_class_10___sd_adapter/162541 - I want a 4GB, plus an adapter(to SD), also the fastest(here are Class 10)... what will you suggest?17:37
fission6free -m is showing 12M of available ram  so i need to see whats eating up everthing17:37
NugeI do not know how it happened but Ubuntu is missing from my Grub menu.17:37
enriqllutz, just to dig into my problem later: you have printed it from evince? which version?17:37
llutzenriq: from okular into cups-pdf (debian sid)17:38
fission6none of these links explain how to see what is using my actually memory17:38
apocalyptiqhi! how can i search in files content, all files of current directory and all subdirectories?17:38
NugeHow might I boot Ubuntu manually from a console.17:38
apocalyptiq"grep "something" **"?17:38
MonkeyDustfission6: have you tried htop?17:38
fission6MonkeyDust, no i dont have it, should i install it17:39
llutzapocalyptiq: grep -ri pattern path/*17:39
icerootapocalyptiq: grep -r searchstring /path/17:39
MonkeyDustfission6: yes17:39
apocalyptiqllutz, iceroot thanks :)17:39
fission6MonkeyDust, and how do i use this to see whats consuming memory?17:40
MonkeyDustfission6: just type htop17:40
NugeHow do I boot Ubuntu from the grub console ("grub>")? The entry is actually missing from the menu.17:40
akakakhtop is awesome.17:40
fission6ok almost done installing17:40
jcgshi :) does anyone here know how to make a dvd from an mp4 file? i got part of the way through using tovid's gui, but i've got the error: no video format specified for VMGM, and I don't know what to do about it?17:41
Picijcgs: I've successfully used devede in the past17:42
Mathuin_I would like to make a system disk but I cannot use the graphical tool.  Is there a wiki page with the command-line steps required to turn a USB drive into installation media?17:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:44
icerootMathuin_: dd should do the job17:44
fission6MonkeyDust, okay running htop, how do i focus on memory management17:44
llutzfission6: F617:45
fission6ah i see17:45
fission6this is pretty nice stuff17:45
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blongmy girlfriends been working so much, I might need to go to the airport and TSA to get some action17:46
fission6hmm why do i have 20 /opt/google/chome process running ?17:46
jcgsPici: there's some problem with the package, it depends on four packages called lib[something]-extra-[something] and i've got the ones without the extra17:46
carnage1yo ho ho17:46
jcgsPici: is that problematic?17:47
Picijcgs: What release of Ubuntu are you using?17:48
Mathuin_iceroot: I hadn't considered dd.  Thanks!17:48
jcgsPici: kubuntu natty17:48
Picijcgs: From what I see here, you shouldn't be having any problems installing it.  Can you pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy devede   ?17:49
carnage1*apt-cache apache17:50
llutzMathuin_: since ubuntu-isos aren't hybrid-iso, dd won't work without modifying the iso17:50
Picicarnage1: what?17:50
ubuseri am still having trouble with my computer, i have tried installing 11.04 the mini and both 64 and 32 bit it keeps freezing during install17:51
ubuseri did have windows 7 but i got a virus, then i reset my bios with the jumper17:51
gabe-20Almehdi: it doesn't work :( synaptic shows some packages of python 2.7 installed but when I try to install ubuntu tweak it still says dependency not satisfied > pythonV2.717:51
CerberusIs your drive OK?17:51
ubuserand it wouldnt boot and i had to take out 3 sticks of ram, now it boots, but i only have ubuntu 5.1 and its ancient and i want to put a newer version on here17:51
ubusercan someone please help17:51
jcgsPici http://pastebin.com/d4DmvHp117:51
CerberusDid you run memcheck to verify your memory sticks are fine?17:52
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ubuser2 drives17:52
fission6how would i install a .bin file?17:52
ubuseri took them out, i jus want a computer17:52
jcgsPici: I've already marked the non-extra libraries for removal17:53
ubuserany suggestions on what ubuntu i should load on a 64 256 meg 500 gig hd and 4 gig ram computer? it keeps freezing on installs of ubuntu17:53
jcgsfission6: what do you mean?17:53
fission6i downloaded adobe reader and its a .bin file? well i guess its mute since i just installed t hrough apt-get17:54
carnage1is it baad ram ubuser?17:54
ubuseri have burned 3 cds and none of them are installing ubuntu17:54
ubuseri took the ram out17:54
ubuseridc about the ram17:54
ubuseri want my computer running17:54
coldpizza72iwhats the best newb-proof program to backup and restore a drive's image17:54
carnage1did you download 10.04 lts?17:54
Piciubuser: You need to have ram in your computer for it to work.17:54
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxHow to make hiddden server?17:54
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxFor IRC17:54
ubuserno, ill try it thanks17:54
PicixXxExXxAxXxBxXx: What is a hidden server?17:55
jcgsfission6: that just means it's an executable which will do the installing itself--like on windows. adobe will probably give you a deb option, if you try and download again, which might be better, because it won't install things you already have twice etc17:55
SpaceBassanyone have an opinion of connecting a drobo via usb 3 vs esata?17:55
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxprivacy/ anonym chat.17:55
IIAir_LeoIImy laptop is hot should upgrading to 10.10 help?17:55
nosettoset term_force_colors on17:55
Picijcgs: Hm.  That looks good to me.  I'm doing some looking here, and if it says that it needs to remove things like libswscale0 and replace it with libswscale-extra-0 it should be okay.17:55
ubuseri am downloading 10.04 now, the 32 said 404 error btw17:55
PicixXxExXxAxXxBxXx: If you want a cloak you can ask in #freenode, or ask them about using tor to connect to freenode.17:56
Pici!cloak | xXxExXxAxXxBxXx17:56
ubottuxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode17:56
ubuserits working now, i guess im going to download 64 bit?17:56
ezrafreeis "Compact Navigation" available in Chromium/Chrome for Linux yet?17:56
pontinowhy my desktop graphics is slow in 11.04 without graphics effects ???17:56
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ubuseri was wondering if ur bios is out of date on linux, and u dont have an a: what do u do?17:56
carnage1gtk and unity17:56
postI deleted the apps folder and I cant start apache (Ubuntu server 11.04) can i get some help here :)17:57
xXxExXxAxXxBxXxhow to  Make a hidden chat function, on IRC, so just me and friends can talk.17:57
gihello! i have  a problem. my 2 laptop on ubuntu 11.04. and after 5-10 min very high temp. is this known trouble?17:57
PicixXxExXxAxXxBxXx: /join #anychannel17:57
ubuserdoes anyone else have trouble with the ubuntu cd's they burned to install it?17:57
ubusermy always crashes17:57
Piciezrafree: You could check in about:flags, I haven't tried on any of my linux installs, but it works on the few windows ones I've used.17:57
zerwasezrafree> not in my build 8624517:57
carnage1i hope my laptops melt17:57
Brosephhey, I'm setting up a new computer with ubuntu server 11.04 and I've got a SSD and a 250GB drive, I want to have all my data in addition to a mysql database on the 250GB drive and only the operating system on the SSD. Can this be accomplished after install and does anyone know any guides I should look at?17:57
ubuserbroseph u wanting to keep ur data? but reload completely?17:58
pontinowhy my desktop graphics is slow in 11.04 without graphics effects ??? In previous version my pc was very faster and flow/fluid graphics, now is all flickering17:59
JimmioAnyone know where I can ask some questions about input with X11? (Specifically, I want to stop getting repeating keys)17:59
BrosephI don't really have that much data at this point, I just want to make sure that it's setup properly for future use17:59
jcgsPici: seems to be working away: thanks for that :)18:00
pontinowhy my desktop graphics is slow in 11.04 without graphics effects ??? In previous version my pc was very faster and flow/fluid graphics, now is all flickering. And i don't see TAB "Graphics effects" unfortunately18:00
postI deleted the apps folder and I cant start apache (Ubuntu server 11.04) can i get some help here :)18:00
Picipost: What apps folder?18:01
squigsomething i havnt done in a long while, but how do I configure ubuntu for xdmcp?18:01
jcgsxXxExXxAxXxBxXx: if you join a channel with no-one in it, you will be the operator, and you can choose to make it private, password protected etc18:01
postPici: in   something/www/ there is a folder called /apps/18:02
Picipost: And what errors is apache giving you when you try to start it?18:02
abaxhas somebody figured out how it's possible to disable opening program menu by F10 in unity? or change it to <Ctrl>F10. i've looked from system settings -> keyboard shortcuts, but it wasn't there, and i've also gone to gconf-editor and changed all the places that have F10 to <Ctrl>F10, and i've restarted Xorg, but no effect.18:03
axis 11.04 considered unstable?  my friend just installed it [moving from 10.04] [64-bit] and now he gets random freezing18:03
Almehdigabe-20: Which version of Python2.7 are Gnome-Tweak asking for?18:03
postpici: Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/apps] does not exist Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/apps] does not exist Syntax error on line 32 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-apps.vhost: Wrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/apps/.php-fcgi-starter cannot be accessed: (218:03
Jimmioabax: CompizConfig Settings Manager. Install it.18:03
JimmioUnity is a plugin for Compiz.18:04
carnage1gtk and unity 8gb of ram18:04
=== archer__ is now known as Guest47739
zerwasezrafree> let me upgrade chromium to see if it works now18:04
Picipost: That seems rather self-explanatory.  your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-apps.vhost file specifies /var/www/apps as a DocumentRoot.  Either modify the file, or (re)move it from your site-enabled.18:05
TTAhi!i try to copy the main file of my python interpreter in /usr/local/bin but it does not work, the reason is that i am not autorise to do that, what can i do to avoid that or what is the others possibilities?18:05
phox_Does anyone here have experience with this perl script for many archives in the same folder? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/unp-unpack-almost-everything-with-one-command.html18:05
abaxJimmio: now i found it from "ubuntu unity plugin". thanks!18:05
postPici: Thx will try that if it doesnt work I will come bacl18:05
Brosephreprashing my question slightly, if I want to install mysql server on my machine, do I need to do anything during the install process to ensure that the data goes on the desired hard drive or is that handled later in config?18:06
Brosephesentially, I want to be able to wipe my SSD and leave the mysql data intact18:07
carnage1be vigilant on very step18:07
squigdoes any one know what the greater is for the current version of ubuntu?18:07
TTAi try to copy the main file of my python interpreter in /usr/local/bin but it does not work, the reason is that i am not autorise to do that, what can i do to avoid that or what is the others possibilities?18:07
Picicarnage1: If you have nothing to add to the support at hand, you don't need to say anything.  If you're bored, feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:07
Almehdiphox_: Why do you want that? Isn't right clicking in File manager easier?18:07
PiciBroseph: You can make configuration changes in /etc/mysql/ post-install.18:07
carnage1boy are you pici18:08
Brosephawesome, thanks Pici18:08
Mathuin_Mad props to 10.04.2 LTS for *actually fitting the install windows on my screen*.  Serious hatred for later versions for failing to handle small screens gracefully.18:08
phox_Almehdi: Not in this case. I have hundreds of GB's that need to be unarchived and then I want the archives themself removed.18:09
=== Carlos is now known as Guest61936
Almehdiphox_: Ohh.. i see... well sorry on that point. Have not tested that18:10
modWhat's the most light weight VM for ubuntu within which I can run windows?18:10
modcarnage1, thanks.  VMware is just such a jhog18:11
postPici: Thank you it worked :*18:11
Picipost: great18:12
AlexqwWhat channel should I jump to to ask about when apt 0.7.26 will be released for Lucid?  There's a fix in there that's pretty important18:12
squigdoes any one know what the unity login app (like gdmlogin) is called?18:12
coz_squig,  you mean gdm?18:13
squiggdm has this config option RemoteGreeter=/usr/lib/gdm/gdmlogin18:13
JediKayakerI'm downloading virtual box right now.18:13
Almehdisquig: Right now Unity is also using GDM but will switch to LightDM in Oneiric18:13
squigcoz_,  gdm has this config option RemoteGreeter=/usr/lib/gdm/gdmlogin18:13
coz_squig,  let me check here hold on18:14
squigtrying to enable xdmcp so i can play with the latest version :/18:14
NugeI kept on trying and trying but no luck.18:14
NugeI can't boot Ubuntu from the command line :(18:15
coz_squig,   mm I am looking in /usr/lib/gdm  I dont see a gdmlogin18:15
wildc4rdevenin all!18:15
coz_squig,   this is all I have in that diretory   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/Screenshot-gdm.png18:16
inglorHi I got a problem when upgrading to natty, I am stuck getting an error: Could not calculate the upgrade18:18
yovannyhola a todos18:18
Pici!es | yovanny18:19
ubottuyovanny: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:19
yovannyok gracias18:19
ingloranyone ?18:20
squigcoz_, thanks, I dont guess you know how to turn on xdmcp any more?18:20
coz_squig,  ooo,, of hand no,,   i would  have to search for that18:20
coz_sorry darn fingers18:21
coz_squig,   let me look18:21
adamkexcan somebody help me with the vlc syntax in the shell?18:21
NugeBAH D:18:21
squigcoz_, firstly I need to find where xnest went :/18:21
coz_squig,  ok18:21
groosthe beginner channel did not help me.  i will post my wuestion here.18:21
ezrafreecan anyone tell me if google-chrome-unstable 13.0.772.0 should have "Compact Navigation" in Ubuntu 10.0418:21
groosHello, all.  I have a text file I created at /bin/cat, and I need to get its content into another file, /dev/sda1.  I tried 'sudo man cat /bin/cat | dd /dev/sda1', but it gave error "invalid argument".  This makes no sense cuz I passed no arguments.  Help!18:22
squigcoz_, how do you deal with the huge amounts of out of date information?18:22
gisomebody can help me??18:22
adamkexgroos: what are you trying to do?18:22
MonkeyDust!ask| gi18:22
groosgi i will try are u running widoes 7?18:22
ubottugi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:22
coz_squig,  which outdated info ?18:22
groosadamkex: i want to get my list of cat data onto my hard drive, /dev/sda118:23
adamkexgroos: you will overwrite that partition with weird data if you try something like that18:24
gisorry. question: is there any known bug about high temp on ubuntu 11.04? on 2 laptop (dell and asus) after 10 min work - very hot laptops and they are shutdown18:24
groos?? no i put my text in the file bin but i need it on my hard drive how can i copy it?18:25
oCeangroos: /bin/cat is a program, not a textfile18:25
coz_squig,  not sure guy,, I would have to search this t hrough actually,,  have you checked online for this in 11.04 ?18:25
oCeangroos: any textfile you might have created, is already on your harddrive18:25
SpaceBassoCean, its a troll, don't bother18:25
BluesKajgroos, /dev/sda is a path to drive partition, rename the destination folder18:26
groos?? no it is a list of info.  i dont need a program for it gedit is fine.18:26
MeglaWhi, i have a p266MHz, i wanna install xmonad insted of gnome, point me to a good guide pls, my goolefoo cany work.18:26
inglor1Hi, I am trying to upgrade to Natty and stuck to a problem with calculating the changes. Anyone can he lp?18:26
oCeangroos: don't be silly, and don't ignore the answers you get18:27
gabe-20Almehdi: it only says: PythonV2.718:27
adamkexgroos: you use "cp" to copy18:27
ActionParsnipMeglaW: i'd install the minimal OS then install what you desire.18:28
adamkexgroos: type man cp to find out how to use it18:28
Juesthi, do i get updated copies of my packages if i upgrade??18:28
ActionParsnipJuest: most likely yes18:28
coz_Juest,  after upgrading you can run   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:28
JediKayakergi: looks like no one knows.  I would have liked to hear the answer on you overheating issue.18:29
Juesti got 10.10 and i have troubles with hicolor-icon-theme18:29
coz_Juest,   apt-get dist-upgrade will be able to remove packages in favor of other, higher priority packages. Both use the package manager so they both use package dependencies.18:29
SpaceBassgi, whats overheating?18:29
Juestdoes the upgrade solves my hicolor iusse?18:30
ActionParsnipJuest: what troubles?18:30
Juesti can't even start gnome properly18:30
ActionParsnipJuest: does it affect all users?18:31
ScorpKinghi guys. is anyone here still on 10.10?18:31
JuestActionParsnip, yeah, is system wide and i got root login18:31
ActionParsnipJuest: why?18:31
BajKis there a way to make plymouth appear sooner on shutdown. I dont care if dbus is disconnected from system bus or if all ttys were killed by the TERM signal. I just want the X go away and then have my shutdown screen :)18:31
Juestdoes every user gets migrated?18:32
ActionParsnipScorpKing: many are18:32
BajKbut since this has been there for ages, I dont think this will ever going to be possible/fixed unless Wayland comes or so18:32
gabe-20Almehdi: I got it... I followed these steps: http://blog.ubuntu-tweak.com/downloads and it worked beautifully :)18:32
gabe-20thanks a lot for your help :)18:32
carnage1is there a way to use a winmodem in ubuntu?18:32
ScorpKingActionParsnip: i'm looking for the md5sum of /usr/bin/sudo and a few other bins on 10.1018:32
JuestBajK, try login and then run sudo halt18:33
BajKJuest: and then?18:33
ActionParsnipJuest: make a new user and test. Root login is not supported, advised or necessary18:33
arandScorpKing: Are you not able to download the packages and check?18:33
Juestnothing, it shutdowns18:33
frostschutzScorpKing: you should add your architecture as well, because the sums will be different for 32/64bit. or you could download the .deb and verify the files yourself...18:33
pokrmessiahanyone found a fix or workaround for the nm-applet mem leak? looks like there are a lot of bug rports but I havent seen a solution so far18:33
llutzScorpKing: /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.md5sums   has them18:34
ScorpKingok thanks guys. didn't think of that. will have a look18:34
phox_Why can't I use the command "unrar e *.rar" to extract all archived files in the folder I'm in?18:34
ActionParsnipScorpKing: download the deb for each file and extract it. You can do it yourself then :-)18:34
skegeekAnyone know a way to separate a file consisting of two PDFs and a PPT? I was trying to move the files to another directory, unfortunately it didn't exist so now the files are concatenated into a single file.18:34
ActionParsnipPhox: does unp allow globbing?18:35
llutzphox_: since unrar won't accept the expanded * from shell. use for foo in *.rar; do unrar e $foo; done18:35
JuestActionParsnip, well i got an extra user :) but i use root for mosy18:35
ActionParsnipJuest: then you have drastically reduced system security. Congrats18:36
phox_ActionParsnip: Are you referring to the link I posted earlier? And anyways, I don't know what globbing is...18:36
kaffiencan a thinclient  connect to a ubuntu install?18:36
Juestwell. froget about the root user18:37
Juestjust tell me if hicolor gets solved by upgradibg18:37
ActionParsnipPhox: using the * in commands is globbing. Install unp, see if it does it.18:37
ActionParsnipJuest: no. I don't support people who enable the root account.18:38
arandSpeaking of downloading packages.. Is there any way to use apt-get inst the same way you would "aptitude doesnload" without the need for authentication?18:39
Doonzhey is there a way to use x forwading but when i close the ssh connection like i wanna use xchat over ssh but when i close putty i dont want that program to stop18:39
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phox_llutz: Thank, but that didn't quite do the trick. It extracts the file from the first archive, but the archives are like "part1", "part2" and so on. So then I have to press no like 10 times, that I don't want to replace the file. Hope you understand!18:39
gileshi, If I have a .deb file what's the easiet way to install it an all its dependencies?18:39
JuestActionParsnip, ok, i leave root user by side, just think i have root disabled :)18:39
phox_Actionparsnip: Yes, I have checked out unp, but I have the same problem as I just described to llutz, see a few lines up.18:39
Krupteinis there somewhere a list with all stock icons for appindicators?18:40
ActionParsnipGiles: sudo dpkg -i file; sudo apt-get -f install18:40
ActionParsnipJuest: no18:40
bernd_is anyone here18:40
ActionParsnipPhox: then you will need the bash code given earlier18:41
celthunderbernd_: no we all died18:41
Mathuin_'for file in *.rar; do unrar -e $file; done' or something?18:41
gilesActionParsnip: ta18:41
nivarduswhat config file is a user's default shell in? (ubuntu/classic/etc)18:41
ActionParsnipGiles: np :)18:41
maconivardus: /etc/passwd18:42
maconivardus: oh wait the other shell18:42
phox_Actionparsnip: I executed the one given to me by llutz, but then I got the problem with it wanting to replace the file and stuff.. Or what do you mean?18:42
gilesActionParsnip: I just found that on google too, but... it's a bit silly that it tells you that it couldn't find the dependencies, and then you have to "fix" them...18:42
maconivardus: nevermind. i dont know.18:42
celthunderDoonz: vnc18:42
Juestwhy not?, i just came for some upgrading help18:42
zschallzCould someone please point me to a guide on how to set postfix in Ubuntu to be able to send email to any domain from localhost? I'm trying to use it for a web service.18:43
ActionParsnipMathuin_: might wanna put "s around the variable to catch spaces in the filename ;)18:43
gilesActionParsnip: Don't you think?18:43
zschallzI can't seem to find one that works well for what I'm trying to do18:43
trismnivardus: ~/.dmrc I believe18:43
Mathuin_ActionParsnip: Folks who use spaces in filenames deserve the surprises they get. :-P :-)18:43
Web-userich rufe zum krieg der penise auf18:43
celthunderzschallz: theres lots....18:43
Pici!de| Web-user18:43
ubottuWeb-user: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:43
Web-usertotet die muschis18:43
llutzWeb-user: hau ab18:43
nivardustrism: no such file in 11.04 at least18:44
* Mathuin_ notes that updating an LTS install via cellphone tethering requires a great deal of patience.18:44
llutz!ops | Web-user trolls, bad language18:44
ubottuWeb-user trolls, bad language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:44
Web-useres lebe der krieg der pennise18:44
yassinehi folks18:44
Picillutz: thanks18:44
macoMathuin_: thats the point where i go borrow the library's wireless18:44
trismnivardus: it is here in 11.04 on my system18:44
phox_Actionparsnip: I executed the one given to me by llutz, but then I got the problem with it wanting to replace the file and stuff.. Or what do you mean?18:45
llutzphox_: so your multipart-rar have different filenames per part?18:45
zschallzI seem to remember that there was automatic configuration before for postfix where by default it would relay from localhost >_<18:45
ActionParsnipJuest: i don't personally do it because enabling the account is not supported. Its disabled for MANY good reasons deemed by Linux experts with years of experience. But you know better, right?18:45
Mathuin_maco: work has a somewhat strict policy on what gets connected, so I'm avoiding it.  I just forgot to pre-download everything I needed. :-(18:45
bullgard4How can I start the phpMyAdmin  program in Lucid?18:46
zschallzcelthunder: the only ones involve setting up a whole mailbox system for sending/receiving mail locally (for example https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto). I want to send mail to anyone.18:46
Mathuin_127.2 MB, 108 packages, 1h 39min remaining.  Woo!18:46
celthunderbullgard4: it's not a program it's a front end if you're using apache add /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf to your sites list and enable it18:46
ka1serhi, for some reason my desktop folder seems to be set to my home folder instead of ~/Desktop ... do you know how can I change it back to ~/Desktop ??18:46
zschallzthe ones i've found*18:46
ActionParsnipGiles: dpkg only installs the deb you tell it. That's all it does. The second command grabs the deps. It is weird but simple to fix18:46
nivardustrism: it may only be created if a non-unity shell is used, thanks I have figured it out18:47
hypatiawill suspending my laptop during package installation in an upgrade break things?18:47
llutzzschallz: better use nullmailer, msmtp or ssmtp for that18:47
zschallzllutz: ah okay, thanks18:47
bullgard4celthunder: What is the filename of my "sites list"?18:47
Mathuin_hypatia: I'd avoid it, personally.  Can you modify power management to not suspend when the lid is shut temporarily?18:47
llutzzschallz: postfix can do, but its overkill (imho)18:47
celthunderzschallz: linode.com community has a bunch slicehost has a bunch http://www200.pair.com/mecham/spam/virtual2p2.html is good18:47
ActionParsnipka1ser: sure you just don't have nautilus i18:48
hypatiaMathuin_: already have that, but i have to get on the subway mid-upgrade :s18:48
zschallzcelthunder: thank you18:48
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hypatiaMathuin_: and i just don't trust my battery to last the whole way18:48
celthunderbullgard4: /etc/apache/sites-available/?18:48
ActionParsnipInstructed to show the home folder on the desktop?18:48
trismnivardus: yes, I had the same thought, time to experiment18:48
Mathuin_hypatia: on the bright side, when your battery reaches critical it should suspend cleanly so you will get as much time as possible done on installing.18:48
ka1serActionParsnip: what do you mean? I have nautilus18:48
hypatiaMathuin_: true :)18:49
hypatiai'm also worried about it heating up in my bag18:49
ActionParsnipka1ser: add my 2nd lot of text18:49
Mathuin_I've done it a number of times and haven't had any trouble -- both SSD-based and hard-drive-based laptops.  It's not summer at least! :-)18:49
foot-odorhello ubuntu people18:49
foot-odordoes anyone use openbox here?18:50
celthunderfoot-odor: used to don't atm using xmonad18:50
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:50
hypatiaMathuin_: it's summer here, haha18:50
hypatiaMathuin_: and my laptop already runs pretty toasty18:50
foot-odorcelthunder, do you know how to enable compiz (aka normal / extra settings in gnome session)18:50
ka1serActionParsnip: I didn't do anything at least conscious... I had an issue with my hard disk... fixed it with fsck and the next time I log in I started to see the desktop differently18:50
ka1serActionParsnip: so it is just a nautilus config?18:50
bullgard4celthunder: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ is a directory containing two files of November 2010: default, default-ssl. Which one do you mean?18:50
Mathuin_hypatia: thought it'd be fall by now there... Seriously, though, might not be worth the risk.  Is the subway safe enough for you to hang out with it on your lap?18:50
Brosephhey, I've just mounted a new hard drive in ubuntu 11.04 and I'd like to move my home directory, I imagine there's a bit more to it that just moving the folder18:51
hypatiaMathuin_: i'm in toronto, it's pretty safe :)18:51
hypatiai think i'll just risk suspending it, though18:51
Mathuin_Then do that and watch the install.  Who knows, maybe you'll strike up a conversation with a fellow Ubuntu user. :-)18:51
Broseph/dev/sdb1       /media/data     ext4    defaults        0       218:51
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
celthunderbullgard4: ....copy the file previously mentioned there and rename it phpmyadmin or something then a2ensite phpmyadmin and /etc/init.d/apache2 restart (or /etc/init.d/httpd restart)18:52
Brosephentry in fstab for the second hdd18:52
ActionParsnipka1ser: there is a setting in gconf-editor. I forget what it is but a websearch will show you18:52
celthunderBroseph: sure you can just move it?18:52
Mathuin_Broseph: were it me, I'd boot single-user, move the user directory to /media/data/username, change /etc/fstab to mount that device as /home, and reboot single-user to make sure it's okay.18:52
Mathuin_I did this last week and that's how I did it.18:52
celthunderBroseph: might want to change your /etc/fstab after18:52
oCeanBroseph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving18:53
Brosephthanks Mathuin_ and celthunder, what should my fstab look like when I'm done then? This is ubuntu server by the way, so it's all command line18:53
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Mathuin_oCean: that's an excellent page, and lucky for me it pretty much describes what I said. :-)18:54
p0lar_beari keep getting denied the ability to rm or chmod a few files even as root (via sudo)18:55
celthunderBroseph: UUID=1e39d7e1-8fae-4088-8788-eb75ced211ff /home ext4 defaults,user_xattr 0 1 obviously change the uuid mines not configured for performance either theres a few things yo ucan add to make it faster...18:55
Brosephthanks celthunder18:56
Mene-MeneWhat does ". /usr/share/..." do? (long irrelevant name)18:56
celthunderBroseph: yo ucan get the uuid's from udisks or from /dev/disk/by-uuid18:56
modnice creating a fixed drive for virtual box... load is over 12.  I haven't seen a load this high since i was running bsd on a vax18:56
Mene-Mene(that's dot space)18:56
Brosephif I just do that with correct UUID, and have media/data/username, can I simplay delete the old home? I've got 0 files on there right now18:57
Mathuin_Mene-Mene: "." is the same as "source".18:57
Mathuin_". .bashrc" is the same as "source .bashrc"  for instance.18:57
Mene-MeneOOOH! Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.18:58
Mathuin_No problem!18:58
bullgard4celthunder: : You said: "copy the file previously mentioned there". What file do you mean by "the file previosly mentioned"?18:58
p0lar_beari keep getting denied the ability to rm or chmod a few files even as root (via sudo). what do i do?18:58
celthunderBroseph: ? yes cp the files from /etc/skel to your directory...mount it on /home or if yo uwant to keep it media/data/username then change it in /etc/passwd or use useradd to make a completely new user18:58
Mathuin_p0lar_bear: what is the error message you are getting?18:58
Juesttired to do chown?18:59
celthunderbullgard4: /etc/phpmyadmin/apache or whatever it's called18:59
bullgard4p0lar_bear: Please give the exact error message.18:59
JediKayakerGenerally speaking ... Ubuntu server - PC or 64-bit version?  Do the other LAMP applications officially support 64-bit?  Or should I stick with the 32-bit?18:59
p0lar_bearit seems i can't do anything to them. rm and chmod both tell me "Operation not permitted" on all the files19:00
celthunderp0lar_bear: what files do they exist? what arguemtns are you passing to rm or chmod19:00
celthunderJediKayaker: go for 64 bit...stop supporting the past19:00
celthunderJediKayaker: i sell hosting /vps's / etc...most of them run lamp all of them run just fine19:00
p0lar_bearand no, i can't chown them to myself.19:01
dpin Natty, what applications mounts an ipod automagically?19:01
dper, application19:01
bullgard4celthunder: I previously mentioned 2 files: /etc/apache2/sites-available//default and /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl. Which one do you mean?19:01
celthunderbullgard4: the one i just said19:01
bullgard4celthunder: Your message is of no help if you are not specific.19:02
JediKayakercelthunder: thanks!  What would have been your biggest issue on 64-bit?  If any?19:02
avernoshello, i keep getting segfaults all the time with random applications after a while of booting up, what should i do ?19:02
p0lar_bearlittle background, i was following this tutorial in an attempt to chroot apache, adapting the directories given in the tutorial to the ubuntu/debian package of apache: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/3633119:02
celthunderJediKayaker: none?  i did have t install the 32 bit libraries for one person but they were running a vnc and using flash and didn't want a chroot.19:03
carnage1i think my cola is powdered19:03
celthunderbullgard4: one minute i'll type out step0 to done in one line for you19:03
JediKayakercelthunder: Thanks Again.19:03
p0lar_bearlong story short, it didn't work so i'm getting rid of the copies. the files that're getting left behind are the two logfiles in /chroot/httpd/var/log/apache2, and the files i copied from /etc19:03
bullgard4celthunder: Ok.19:03
bennishey, where do i go to make the window buttons on the right?19:05
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56419:05
ActionParsnipBennis: there are thousands of guides for that. Did you not websearch any?19:06
p0lar_bearanyone got any ideas as to my issue with files I just can't access? do i need to repost the info?19:07
celthunderbullgard4: if you don't want to make a new site for it just add this line Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf to /etc/apache/sites-available/default or default-ssl if you want it through ssl (recommended) if yo uwanted it on a different hostname or something cp default file or default-ssl and modify the hostname part to whatver domain you wanted phpmyadmin to respond on...make sense?19:07
daviswhat is the command to see which .so's  a process has loaded? pf_load or something?19:07
ActionParsnipp0lar_bear: please. Wassup?19:07
eb3ha4elI want to know what gnome-setting-daemon does and with what kind of command... which file should i open with gedit to see those commands?19:07
p0lar_bearlittle background, i was following this tutorial in an attempt to chroot apache, adapting the directories given in the tutorial to the ubuntu/debian package of apache: http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/36331 long story short, it didn't work so i'm getting rid of the copies. the files that're getting left behind are the two logfiles in /chroot/httpd/var/log/apache2, and the files i copied from /etc19:07
ActionParsnipdavis: lsof may do it19:07
davisthere is actually a command which will do more than show file handles, can't remember it though.19:08
nit-witdavis, not sure what .so's are but is it htop19:08
davisi got it19:09
p0lar_bearyou could also ldd the binary19:09
ActionParsnipnit-wit: they are shared libraries used by apps to work19:09
p0lar_bearif you know where it is, that is19:09
NarcHello everyone. Here's my story, help would be very appreciated. I'm trying to install Natty on a Toshiba Satellite A60 for a friend. It's way faster than with 10.04 but has compatibility issues. I can't boot normally, fast scrolling text shows and the machine finally reboot. Need to boot with "acpi=off" which disables USB support. I tried downgrading to Lucid's Kernel 2.6.32 but it's extremely slow now. I think I tried everythi19:10
Narcng, anyone can help ? Thanks.19:10
carnage1does nutty natter have a green Azenis theme?19:10
ActionParsnipp0lar_bear: i don't have any experience of that stuff dude, others may or try a little later, sorry19:10
nit-witActionParsnip, thanks it igood to know.;)19:10
IdleOne!themes > carnage119:11
ubottucarnage1, please see my private message19:11
p0lar_bearActionParsnip: no idea as to why chmod and rm keep throwing "Operation not permitted?" sorry, my thinking is disjointed as hell :x19:11
ActionParsnipNarc: do you have the latest bios, it may have acpi based fixes. Are there bugs reported?19:12
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celthunderp0lar_bear: rm -rf them ? f should be force19:12
Mathuin_p0lar_bear: could apache still have those files open?19:12
ubusercan anyone help me with my pc, i reset my bios cause it wasnt showing both harddrives i had, i had a 250 gig with 2 OS's windows 7 and ubuntu... now i am stuck with a very old version of ubuntu19:12
AlmehdiNarc: Have you tried anything else than Unity and Compiz on 11.04? I bet it is Compiz that hogs the system.19:12
ubuseri am trying to get the update, i have 10 different iso's of ubuntu19:12
p0lar_bearMathuin_: nope. i ran sudo killall apache2 and sudo killall httpd19:13
ubuserbut now it is sayin i need a bios update or something19:13
p0lar_bearthough there could be something else, i dunno. lemme check; is lsof the tool for that?19:13
Mathuin_lsof would work.19:13
ubuseri do not know how to get my bios uptodate, i do not have a floppy drive19:13
AlmehdiNarc: Have you checked "gedit ~/.xsession-errors" for faults?19:14
Mathuin_Alternatively, using 'sudo -s' to get a root shell, then 'rm -rf /chroot/whatever/badness' may push it along.19:14
ActionParsnipubuser: did you configure the BIOS after resetting it?19:14
NarcActionParsnip: There's a bug reported on launchpad, which seems very similar. About flashing the BIOS, it's an old laptop, I'm a bit scared to mess with it.19:14
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ubuseryeah pretty much its accepting 2 gigs of ram now19:14
ubuseri dont know what files i need or whatever on linux19:14
ubusermy windows 7 is gone :(19:15
ActionParsnipNarc: bad BIOS flash can brick your system19:15
phong_hi guys, how can i go back to ubuntu 10.10 style menu19:15
phong_i hate the new 11.04 menu19:15
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phong_i want the classic menu19:15
celthunderbullgard4: any luck19:15
ubuseri cant install any ubuntu19:15
phong_please help19:15
ActionParsnipubuser: boot to live cd and reinstate grub219:15
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.19:15
celthunderubuser: weren't yo uin the the other night19:15
llutzphong_: ^^ see ubottu19:15
p0lar_bearMathuin_: those files aren't open, lsof | grep chroot only shows my cwd open in bash, lsof, and grep. lemme try that su shell19:15
NarcAlmehdi: Ubuntu boots without Unity support. Probably because the ATI Radeon is not supported.19:15
ubuseryes. i still havnt fixed anything19:16
Mathuin_How long until the classic interface is no longer supported?19:16
ubuserim stuck with this bs19:16
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NarcAlmehdi: I'll try this, thanks.19:16
celthunderMathuin_: when gtk based libraries update to gtk3 and break gtk219:16
ActionParsnipPhong: use classic and the unity bar won't show up.19:16
bullgard4celthunder: http://pastebin.com/c2MNrCbX contains 948 bytes. On what line should I insert the line »/etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf«?19:16
ubuseri just want to reload with 11.0419:16
ubuseri tried both 64 and 32 on 10 and the mini'19:16
NarcActionParsnip: I know, that's why I'm reluctant, plus I don't even know if there's an update available.19:16
Mathuin_celthunder: good to know.  Unity better grow on me by then, or I'll cry. :-)19:16
p0lar_bearMathuin_: no dice on a root shell, STILL operation not permitted.19:16
tjiggi_foubuser, do you have a cd drive?19:17
p0lar_bearwtf did I do to my directory tree?! D:19:17
Mathuin_p0lar_bear: boot single-user and kill it from there?19:17
ubuseryes, i have 2 cdrws and i tried all of them19:17
foot-odorcan anyone tell me how to enable conpiz in openbox ?19:17
ubuseri think its sayin i need a bios update..19:17
p0lar_bearMathuin_: how do I do that?19:17
tjiggi_foubuser, then look here: http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html19:17
ActionParsnipNarc: see if there are any acpi fixes in the new bios, otherwise its no use to you19:17
Mathuin_sigh.  lemme find a link for you. :-)19:17
nit-wit! who | ubuser19:17
ubottuubuser: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:17
AlmehdiNarc: I am having ATI (R580) and have no problems... i am using Gnome-shell however19:18
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"19:18
foot-odorcan anyone tell me how to enable conpiz in openbox ?19:18
llutzp0lar_bear: chattr -i /chroot/....    <- all those files you "chattr +i " before19:18
Mathuin_p0lar_bear: if you have an install CD for your current version, reboot into rescue mode that way.  Alternatively, interrupt your boot by holding down ESC or SHIFT depending on what grub version you have.19:19
ActionParsnipubuser: if you reinstate grub2 you will get the dual boot back19:19
Mathuin_... or do what llutz said.  I forgot about chattr. *doh*19:19
p0lar_bearllutz: son of a b- brb19:19
celthunderbullgard4: http://pastebin.com/YHjyvMpJ there exactly as i did it (you can use that if yo uwant)19:19
NarcAlmehdi: It's an old ATI chipset, Radeon IGP 7000, it's not even supported by the proprietary driver. From what I read.19:19
AlmehdiNarc: Maybe trying another version of Plymouth or use Usplash (if that works still).19:20
ActionParsnipNarc: the open driver will support it19:20
celthunderfoot-odor: oops sorry i sort of disappeared on you one sec19:20
p0lar_bearllutz, Mathuin_: that did it. excuse me while i repeatedly slam my head on the nearest wall.19:20
llutzp0lar_bear: following a tut is nice, but next time you should try to find out what you're doing19:20
xskydevilxIs there any application to get the labels in nautilus (like the ones in Mac OS X)?19:21
NarcActionParsnip: It seems, but only with the default 2.6.38-8 kernel on Natty, because with the downgraded Kernel, everything is very slow19:21
ubuser10.xx was a fail19:21
NarcFlash, windows, etc19:21
AlmehdiNarc: Mine is also fairly old.. like 5 years. The proper name is Radeon 1950 Pro. Are you sure it is not supported in the open Radeon driver?19:21
Mathuin_p0lar_bear: glad we could help. :-)19:21
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: how do you mean 'label'19:21
celthunderfoot-odor: exec ck-launch-session ccsm openbox in .xinitrc?19:21
p0lar_bearllutz: I get the concept behind chroot jails. it's just that the debian package of apache uses like three scripts to launch httpd or something19:21
NarcAlmehdi: I'm not sure, as I said I think it's supported by the newer kernel19:22
foot-odori don't use .xinitrc19:22
xskydevilxActionParsnip: Here's a picture as an example: http://curmi.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/FinderLabel.jpg19:22
foot-odori use gdm to start the session19:22
p0lar_bearas for the uninstall, i just overlooked the immutable flag. derp.19:22
nit-wit! who | foot-odor19:22
ubottufoot-odor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:22
ActionParsnipubuser: 10.04 will still be supported after Natty dies. Its rock solid19:22
celthunderfoot-odor: then modify gdm's .Desktop file for openbox to launch ccsm...works the same way?19:23
llutzp0lar_bear: next time you know where to look ;)19:23
foot-odorcelthunder,  ccsm is the compiz thing?19:23
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: loading (slowly)19:23
AlmehdiNarc: How much RAM does it have?19:23
celthunderfoot-odor: ccsm is the compiz manager yes (or it should be)19:23
foot-odorcelthunder, what is it set to, normal or extra (gnome session) ?19:24
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: nautilus shows mounted volumes on desktop by default19:24
ubuserwhat is the earliest version i should download19:24
NarcAlmehdi:  I'm not sure, about 512, not much.19:24
bullgard4celthunder: I have inserted this line. When does it becom edective?19:25
bullgard4celthunder: I have inserted this line. When does it become edective?19:25
AlmehdiNarc: That is your problem... Unity would be to heavy19:25
ActionParsnipubuser: lucid is the earliest release still supported19:25
celthunderbullgard4: a2ensite default then /etc/init.d/apache2 restart it'll be effective19:25
xskydevilxActionParsnip: That's not what I meant. I meant something like this: http://gigapple.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/colorlabels.png?w=213&h=11819:25
celthunderfoot-odor: sorry it's not ccsm it's literally compiz ccp19:25
ubuserim going to try to load an earlier version i tried both 11.04 minis, and 10.04's and 11.04s19:25
celthunderfoot-odor: sorry about that ccsm is the settings manager19:25
NarcAlmehdi:  But why being slow only with the downgraded kernel, not the default newer one ?19:26
ActionParsnipubuser: on desktop anyway. Maverick and Natty are also supported19:26
foot-odorcelthunder, so ccp starts compiz?19:26
Jackneillhow can i add a new user in terminal?19:26
ubusershould i try kubuntu or one of those??19:26
bullgard4celthunder: I do not understand your word "a2ensite". Please explain.19:26
llutzJackneill: sudo adduser <nnewusername>19:26
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: not sure. I see what you mean though.19:27
llutzbullgard4: lit's a command19:27
=== nick_ is now known as botenza
NarcAlmehdi:  It's very fast with the default install, in classic mode. Problem is, acpi=off disables USB completely.19:27
celthunderbullgard4: it's a command type it "a2ensite default;/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" if you wantit in one line19:27
ubuserwhat are mav and natty?19:27
ActionParsnipubuser: sure. You can install an alternate DE if you desire. Log off and log i19:28
xskydevilxActionParsnip: Oh, and BTW, do you maybe know how to get the Enhanced Zoom in Compiz that was on default in Maverick?19:28
nit-witubuser, how old are you?19:28
ActionParsnipInto it19:28
ubuseri meant what year19:28
Jackneillhow can i logout and login into my new user?19:28
celthunderfoot-odor: idon't use compiz...i hate it...what i gave you is how you start other wm's within a current one though19:28
ubuseri hope they work man, 1 gig a piece19:28
ubusertakin forever19:28
_numbersubuntu is not detecting my orico JBOD 4x 2TB RAID5 drive. but my BIOS and Win7 recognize it as a usb disk of 5.5TB in size19:28
Jackneillsorry for my dummy question..19:28
ActionParsnipxskydevilx: it will be in ccsm someplace19:28
foot-odorcelthunder, it's not for me, it's for my girlfriend19:29
ActionParsnipubuser: lxde is nowhere near 1gb19:29
bullgard4celthunder:  '~$ a2ensite default; Site default already enabled'19:29
cillinhow to get evolution to work with hotmail?, every guide i tried has failed so far19:29
celthunderbullgard4: good then just do the restart of apache19:29
AlmehdiNarc: Classic mode does not use as much RAM. If i remember right normal Unity used about 500 without any additional apps running.19:29
nit-witubuser, moths or years?19:29
bemisstupid question but i can't seem to figure it out - how do i get to a grub menu/command line in natty?  i screwed up and left one of my VMs unbootable and it never shows a boot menu19:29
ubuser11.04 = 700 megs, almost a gig19:30
nit-witubuser, ;)19:30
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AlmehdiNarc: Seams like your problem is Plymouth or possibly ureadahead19:30
ActionParsnipubuser: if you installed kubuntu-desktop then that's why its a gig19:30
celthunderubuser: the entire install of linux with reasonable amount of usable stuff is like 1gb total19:30
NarcAlmehdi:  I had a warning on first boot that my hardware wasn't capable of running full unity, so, it boots on classic mode.19:30
celthunderubuser: aka you could load your entire install in ram19:31
carnage1change gtk controls19:31
ubuseri have tried them, where can i get a 9.10 iso19:31
ActionParsnipUbuser: why not just install kde on the current OS?19:31
celthunderActionParsnip: he was running version 5.0 or something19:31
foot-odorcelthunder, my gf said there's no ccp, just ccsm19:31
_numbershere is the dmesg log. http://pastebin.com/Te5e3bqq why wouldn't ubuntu work with a jbod array of 4 disks over usb 3.0?19:31
NarcAlmehdi:  Oh, really... How do I investigate this ? Thanks for your help by the way.19:31
ActionParsnipcelthunder: yikes19:31
=== D34X is now known as Dommer
AlmehdiNarc: Classical or Unity2d should probably not be a problem with 512 megs of ram. It doesn't need 3d acceleration either19:32
celthunderActionParsnip: he also refused to take advice and just keeps complaining....have fun19:32
ubuserwhat the website19:32
AlmehdiNarc: As long as you keep away from compiz i think it should be okay19:32
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:32
bullgard4celthunder:  '~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart; [sudo] password for detlef: ***;  * Restarting web server apache2;  ... waiting [OK].'19:32
celthunderbullgard4: then it's taken effect19:32
ActionParsnipcelthunder: at work now, so will have fun :-(19:33
AlmehdiNarc: After a boot up you could check "dmesg" how long the actuall boot took and if there are any hickups...19:33
celthunderfoot-odor: here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Compiz#As_a_Standalone_Window_Manager modify the .xinitrc to the gdm .Desktop file and theoretically everything should translate19:33
AlmehdiNarc: Also Boot Chart could be helpful19:34
bullgard4celthunder: But '~$ ~$ phpmyadmin; phpmyadmin: command not found'. How can I start phpMyAdmin?19:34
celthunderbullgard4: It's a front end yo uaccess it through http....19:34
oCeanbullgard4: phpmyadmin has webinterface, browse host/phpmyadmin19:34
AlmehdiNarc: Plymouth and Ureadahead have been problematic and buggy in 11.0419:34
_numbersthis guy has same problem. looks unanswered as of jan 12 2001 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166493419:35
celthunderbullgard4: <ip>/phpmyadmin or something is likely the default19:35
foot-odorcelthunder, do you know where the configuration file of gdm is?19:35
llutzbullgard4: point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin     or whatever you configured19:35
celthunderfoot-odor: i use slim...so no sorry19:35
Mac_Weberwhy when I untar a file it is setting the extracted files user:group as 6226:6226?19:35
foot-odorcelthunder, i tried installing slim, but i failed, ubuntu just hanged at boot19:35
NarcAlmehdi:  I did check dmesg and found messages with various boot options to add, like "pnpbios=off" or something like this, I tried a dozen combination of boot options to no avail.19:35
foot-odorended up removing ubuntu :)19:35
foot-odorcelthunder, gave up on life19:36
celthunderfoot-odor: lol i'm on archlinux i just idle here to randomly help people when bored19:36
AlmehdiNarc: Is it very important to have graphical boot?19:36
foot-odorcelthunder, i use microcore19:36
peterhilHi! I installed Windows 7 on a machine with two drives and detached the Ubuntu drive when installing19:36
celthunderfoot-odor: pm?19:36
AlmehdiNarc: Grub and "dmesg" is not the same thing... dmesg is a log19:36
peterhilNow I've got some problem about Windows not loading when Ubuntu is set to boot first at BIOS19:36
AlmehdiNarc: It will show what time different services and such start up19:36
eb3ha4elwhat is bin folder for?19:36
NarcAlmehdi:  Oh, yes, it is. It's for friend who needs it.19:37
qineb3ha4el: Binaries19:37
nit-wit! ot | thr0119:37
ubottuthr01: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:37
peterhilAnd Windows boot loader tells me to "fix the system by inserting the Windows install DVD" and select repair system. Does this fuck up the Linux GRUB or something?19:37
thr01anybody respond and say hi19:37
oCeanpeterhil: mind your language please19:37
MagePsychohi guys19:37
NarcAlmehdi:  Yes, I know, but there was messages in dmesg that said "To solve this, try this boot option"19:37
thr01x mxcbnmn vcrffff jmEJA6KSRYX19:38
MagePsychocan you help me in grep command to find the word 'Mager' recursively in files19:38
NarcAlmehdi:  Which I did add to grub.19:38
nit-witno hi's ask the question19:38
peterhilI just can't stand how bad an operating system every version of windows are... My whole network is slowed down because of this POS19:38
Picinit-wit: saying hi is fine.19:38
cillinanyone able to point me in the right direction for a working guide hotmail thru Evolution?19:38
llutzthr01: do you have any ubuntu support-related question?19:38
Picithr01: stop that19:38
AlmehdiNarc: Ahh.. well did you notice any extra delay?19:38
ubuserim glad i had a couple cdrw's19:38
ubuntu__1NICK andreim8919:38
qin /ignore thr0119:38
AlmehdiNarc: Like from 3 sec it jumps to 145 sec19:38
=== ubuntu__1 is now known as andreim89
oCeanMagePsycho: if you want to search all files from you current directory, try:  find . -type f | xargs grep Mager19:39
andreim89it's ok :)19:39
carnage1grep ep19:39
NarcAlmehdi:  No, the only boot option that works is acpi=off so far... Otherwise, boot hangs on very-fast scrolling text and crash.19:39
thr01bye bad lazy peeps19:39
ubuseri have a ms7260 k9n neo motherboard, and idk how to find the bios drivers in linux plz help19:40
bullgard4celthunder: llutz, Ocean: It works! Great! Thank you very much for your help.19:40
llutzMagePsycho: grep -r Mager path/19:40
thr01bye bye fat peeps19:40
nit-witPici, I agree but when preceeded by spam and then a hi it seems a abuse.19:40
eb3ha4elqin: what do you mean by binaries? do you mean file contaning binary (0,1) information?19:40
AlmehdiNarc: How does it crash? Normally you have a error in the end telling you why19:40
Picinit-wit: in that case, agreed.19:40
AlmehdiNarc: You could also check the syslog after19:41
areelsis ubuntu still has two seperate task bar by default in desktop?19:41
bullgard4areels: Do you mean "Panels"?19:41
ubuserokay i am download 11.04 of kubuntu, in case this doesnt work can i start another download any suggestions19:41
carnage1unity barely has a righ-click button19:41
Krupteinthere is a portion of my screen where my mouse can't do anything, it's like there is in the middle of my screen a group of dead pixels although they do show me the right things, I just can't interact with them :f (clicking or dragging)19:42
NarcAlmehdi:  It starts booting, than fast-scroll endlessly, the only way is to force-shutdown with power button. But if you let it scroll, it'll reboot by itself eventually...19:42
qineb3ha4el: More less, /bin is primal $PATH, so executable files of package are placed there, also /usr/bin and others...19:42
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
ubuserplease use easy bcd!!! and jus click around a lot19:42
bullgard4areels: No, no longer by default. You will need to select "ubuntu Classic" at your login screen after having selected your user.19:42
AlmehdiNarc: What does the error say? Is it complaining about something missing?19:42
bergLNXHelp! I want to install Ubuntu over my current Arch, but booting from USB drive only starts the local bootloader (GRUB)... How am I suppose to get around that?19:42
Krupteinhas there someone else experienced this weird behaviour?19:43
ubuseri tried to wine the bios drivers19:43
vgolubevHi! I have a question!19:43
Krupteinoh really?19:43
JoeR1I am running Xubuntu 11.04 and I have the Flash Player Square plugin to install but I don't know how to install a .so file19:43
nit-witbergLNX, hit the f12 key on powering on and see if that gets you to a boot from menu19:43
carnage1my coke glass is so hairy19:43
vgolubevMay I use fonts under OFL to make web-sites without naming ofnt which I use?19:43
vgolubevMay I use fonts under OFL to make web-sites without naming font which I use?19:44
ubuserwhy does my system freeze on ubuntu installs19:44
arandubuser: EasyBCD is unlikely to work in wine, and I don't see why you would want to use ir either.19:44
eb3ha4elqin: when I " leafpad /usr/bin/leafpad"  it shows me tiny information.. 3 alphabets, and 4 rectangular containing 4 digits... I think it's too small data to run even simple notepad... do you know why this is?19:44
NarcAlmehdi:  I did check syslog, but I didn't know what to look for. It's not readable, scrolls too fast, only numbers on the sides. I took a picture and the only words that I can read are "spurious_fault" and some memory addresses...19:44
ubusereasybcd works bro19:44
cillinanyone able to point me in the right direction for a working guide hotmail thru Evolution? tried every guide i can find19:45
NarcAlmehdi:  I mean, the messages at boot scrolls too fast, not syslog :D19:45
AlmehdiNarc: If you can't see it you could first try a boot without acpi=off and then with acpi=off.. then "gedit /var/log/syslog" to see the log19:45
nit-wit! who | ubuser;19:45
ubottuubuser;: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:45
NarcAlmehdi:  I'll try that then, thank you very much for your help. I'm quite lost.19:45
nit-witubuser; read the bot message please.;)19:45
Krupteinnit-wit: he just left the room ;)19:45
AlmehdiNarc: You could post the syslog on pastebin.com or similar and i have a look19:45
llutzeb3ha4el: you cannot "read" binaries in a texteditor, use a hexeditor like bless to look into them (whyever you want that).19:46
nit-witI like to help but that u=is a loss cause, I ope not but jeez.;)19:46
eb3ha4elllutz: thanks, just wondering.19:46
jeand_join# ubuntu.fr19:47
NarcAlmehdi:  Ok, thanks. I did check syslog but my opinion was that since boot hangs and crash, nothing is actually written in syslog. Just a thought.19:47
eb3ha4elllutz: when i download any programs, do i download only binaries? not actual source code? or do I download source code file and something like compiler in my OS translate them for CPU?19:47
AlmehdiNarc: Syslog is started first in the boot process so there is probably something there19:47
jeand_join #ubuntu.fr19:47
rwwjeand_: /join #ubuntu-fr19:47
tensorpuddingeb3ha4el: when you install packages from the software center, they generally are binaries19:48
NarcAlmehdi:  Ok then. :)19:48
qineb3ha4el: You do try to aviod "downloading" software in Ubuntu19:48
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eb3ha4eltensorpudding: what about in windows then?19:48
eb3ha4elqin: What do you mean?19:48
tensorpuddingthe same thing19:48
eb3ha4eltensorpudding: thanks19:48
llutzeb3ha4el: you should install packages, which usually contain precompiled binaries. you also could download sources, to modify them and compile/build new packages later19:48
tensorpuddinga .exe file is a binary executable19:49
sparklinghi all19:49
kwikshotI'm using a Dell Vostro 3700 and when my screen dims if flashes back to full brightness so the whole screen flickers while it's dimming as if something is trying to force it to full brightness, does anyone know why this is?19:49
qineb3ha4el: Either, use repositories (apt-get), install .deb package (dpkg), or install from source (more complex)19:49
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
eb3ha4elllutz: okay thanks I think I understand that... just curious how programs work.. thanks19:49
bergLNXHelp! I want to install Ubuntu over my current Arch, but booting from USB drive only loads the bootloader from my disk! How should I get around this?19:49
eb3ha4elqin: oh i understand thanks19:49
sparklingdo you know how to log shutdown procedure to understand where i got an error that doesn't poweroff my machine?19:49
tensorpuddingeb3ha4el: usually you also get a bunch of dynamically-linked libraries, which are .dll files in windows or .so files in linux19:50
nit-wit bergLNX did you try the f12 at p[owering on.19:50
JoeR1So is there anyone that has advice for me?19:50
kwikshotbergLNX: Change your boot priority to prioritize USB over Harddrive19:50
tensorpuddingeb3ha4el: but windows usually puts all the libraries in the same directory as the program; linux puts binaries in one directory, libraries in another19:50
kwikshotDoes anyone know what is causing my screen flickering issue?19:50
bergLNXkwikshot: nit-wit: I am booting from the USB device, no doubt, but I still end up at the GRUB from my disk19:51
NarcAlmehdi:  There's a bug on launchpad describing it : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/75909419:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 759094 in linux (Ubuntu) "Linux 2.6.38-8-generic doesn't boot on Toshiba Satellite A60" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:51
eb3ha4eltensorpudding: i don't know what is libraries, but do linux puts binaries in bin? is that right?19:51
AlmehdiNarc: I'll check it out...19:51
tensorpuddingeb3ha4el: in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin and /usr/sbin19:51
celestialhey everyone i have a question whats the best encryption software you recommend besides truecrypt19:51
kwikshotbergLNX: What computer are you using? What did you make it with?19:51
qineb3ha4el: Installed, rather in /usr/bin19:51
NarcAlmehdi:  Thanks.19:51
eb3ha4eltensourpudding: right19:51
llutz!fhs | eb3ha4el  read this, it might give you an idea19:52
ubottueb3ha4el  read this, it might give you an idea: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier19:52
=== macele is now known as elecam
nit-witbergLNX, the f12 if your computer is set to use this key prompt--gets you to a boot from menu outside of the bios.19:52
JoeR1I Need help installing the 64-bit flash player19:52
nit-witbergLNX, what is your computer model19:52
eb3ha4elubottu: thank you very much19:52
ubottueb3ha4el: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:52
kwikshotnit-wit: I think the USB boot is failing and falling through to the HardDrive19:52
eb3ha4elllutz: thank you, (it was bot..)19:53
bergLNXkwikshot: nit-wit Im using a Lenovo laptop, and I did press F12, and it tells me Im loading the USB drive, it reads Ubuntu and all that, and then I end up at my local GRUB19:53
nit-witkwikshot, could be but I see a lot of boot from other then the HD fail but the gui  mention works19:53
kwikshotbergLNX: What did you make it with? Just copying the files over?19:53
nit-witbergLNX, are you using a usb or a cd19:53
kwikshotnit-wit: He's using USB19:54
areelsis there anyone using smoothwall or ipcop?19:54
nit-witkwikshot, thanks good question on the loading method.;)19:54
todd1I have a start-up script that runs that depends on some environment variables, which I put in a .sh file in /etc/profile.d/    It seems that the script in profile.d is not sourced in the start-up process. How can I fix this?19:54
kwikshotbergLNX: Just out of curiousity, why do you want to install ubuntu?19:54
SpaceBassareels, I have used both previously, currently prefer PFsense19:55
kwikshotIs it me or is there too many people in this channel?19:55
bergLNXkwikshot: nit-wit Using win32diskimager, and creating a bootable USB... worked for Arch before...19:55
nit-witbergLNX, use unetbootin19:55
areelsSpaceBass pfsense had no url filtering or proxying capability if i remember correct19:55
kwikshotbergLNX: Have you done an MD5sum check of the ISO?19:55
bergLNXkwikshot: Just temp for the weekend, dont have a working Arch and need Ubuntu to play music and stuff :)19:55
areelsor something was missing, i don't know19:55
SpaceBassareels, you can add proxy and filtering plugins - but they do take a minimalist stance on things19:56
kwikshotbergLNX: I would also advise unetbootin as nit-wit suggested19:56
areelsright, that's what i didn't want to deal with SpaceBass, i like things that are as simple as possible19:56
qinbergLNX: What version of ubuntu?19:56
bergLNXkwikshot: nit-wit Yeah it might be the USB creator who messes up19:56
JoeR1I ask again, Can anyone give me assistance with installing the 64-bit Flash Player Plugin?19:57
bergLNXLet me try that unetbootin19:57
bergLNXqin: Newest19:57
mjukselhi guys :D19:57
=== mjuksel is now known as Mjuksel
areelsJoeR1 who needs flash, don't install it19:57
Soupermanito!hi Mjuksel19:57
kwikshotbergLNX: I think it's either your USB creator or the ISO integrity19:57
JoeR1areels - not an option, I need it19:57
Mjukselhi :) !19:57
Mjukseli have a question19:57
qinbergLNX: Then native ubuntu disk creator (run from liveCD) have more chances than unetbootin.19:58
SpaceBassareels, not trying to sell you on it :) whats your IPcop question?19:58
kwikshotMjuksel: Yes?19:58
areelsSpaceBass is it possible to install smoothwall behind or front of sonicwall? i have sonicwall with expired url filter licence19:58
Mjukselanyone familiar with USB Wifi sticks on Ubuntu ?19:58
AlmehdiNarc: A guy in the bug report said that using the xorg-edgers solves the problem.. have you tried that?19:58
Mjukseli have a Linksys (Cisco) 300n stick, but my internet is very slow19:58
JoeR1Really, not one person has an answer for me?19:58
kwikshotbergLNX: Do you not have any DVDs? As a last resort?19:58
bergLNXkwikshot: No :(19:59
Mjukselit says 150Mb/s but even youtube 240p songs lag as hell :(19:59
nit-witMjuksel, do you need to confirm if one is compatible?19:59
todd1I have a start-up script that runs that depends on some environment variables, which I put in a .sh file in /etc/profile.d/    It seems that the script in profile.d is not sourced in the start-up process. How can I fix this?19:59
bergLNXkwikshot: New place, havent moved 100% yet :P19:59
kwikshotJoeR1: Just keep posting if no one listens, I miss a lot of stuff that scrolls past19:59
kwikshotbergLNX: Ahh ok19:59
SpaceBassareels, sure you can double stack routers fairly easier? begs the question tho, if you are only interest in IPcop or Smoothie for filtering, why not just build a standalone squirt box19:59
JoeR1kwikshot - I have been, but I must admit it gets a bit frustrating19:59
NarcAlmehdi:  I did, with kernel 2.6.39-3. And then the ethernet connection would drop randomly after a while, flooding syslog with "etho link up" lines. I admit I gave up. :D19:59
oCeanJoeR1: have patience, help is not always available. Don't repeat too soon20:00
kwikshotJoeR1: I agree, no one has answered my question about my brightness flicker issue yet20:00
kwikshotJoeR1: Try asking on /r/ubuntu20:00
NarcAlmehdi:  But it did solve the acpi=off issue.20:00
areelsSpaceBass that's probably because i don't know how to build one, only familiar with clarkconnect, smoothwall, ipcop, endian, pfsense, m0n0wall, etc..,  never tried to build a squid box before20:00
JoeR1kwikshot - well I have had a lot of experience with video settings perhaps I can help maybe I can help you20:00
carnage1now i wanna fix ubuntu 11.0420:00
AlmehdiNarc: Well.. then that is probably the way to go...20:01
carnage1need a good vidocard tho20:01
AlmehdiNarc: The logs there didn't give much20:01
kwikshotJoeR1: I have an Nvidia graphics card20:01
JoeR1kwikshot, what is the screen refresh rate at? just out of curiosity20:01
JoeR1kwikshot are you using the nvidia driver or the experimental driver?20:02
SpaceBassareels, all of those router distros are using squid (typo above, not squirt) for the filtering and proxy support? again, not trying to push that solution? just may be cleaner than two routers20:02
NarcAlmehdi:  I suppose it's a bug specific to this kernel (Natty's default).20:02
kwikshotJoeR1: It only happens when the screen is dimming to go to sleep, and I can't change the brightness, it's as if something is forcing it at 100%20:02
kwikshotJoeR1: Proprietary drivers20:02
SpaceBassareels, on the other hand, if you know IPC and Smoothie, why not replace the sonic wall altogether with one of them?20:02
JoeR1kwikshot - so it doesn't actually dim to sleep it just flickers instead?20:03
Mjuksel@ nit-wit ; it is compatible20:03
NarcAlmehdi:  Yes, but what about the network connection ? It's only changing the problem, and it's not a stable Kernel from what I read.20:03
Mjukselit works, im on it now.. so yeah :P it works20:03
JCDGHi friends, can someone explainme what are the lens in Unity???20:03
Mjukselbut its just slow..20:03
Mjukseli have dual core + 4gb ram + ssd disk so it cant be the pc..20:03
kwikshotJoeR1: As the screen fades to black it flickers back to 100% brightness while it's dimming, once it's fully black it's fine20:03
todd1I have a start-up script that runs that depends on some environment variables, which I put in a .sh file in /etc/profile.d/    It seems that the script in profile.d is not sourced in the start-up process. How can I fix this?20:03
Mjukselits something in the network settings20:03
carnage1all aptos should have a keyboard like on there webcam20:03
AlmehdiNarc: No, that kernel had a lot of regressions..20:04
JoeR1kwikshot, well that is a unique problem, there should be three drivers listed for your card perhaps you could try another one and see if the resolves the issue20:04
NarcAlmehdi:  Natty's default ? 2.6.38-8 ?20:04
JoeR1kwikshot, other than that I am not sure I can help, that is a pretty odd problem20:04
AlmehdiNarc: You could use a alternate network manager possibly... depending on the problem20:05
bergLNXkwikshot: nit-wit unetbootin didn't make a difference :( This is so wierd, it's like I can't boot from anything else20:05
kwikshotJoeR1: It's like something is forcing it to 100% brightness20:05
AlmehdiNarc: Yes.. 2.6.38-8-generic20:05
kwikshotbergLNX: You have done a USB install before right?20:05
kwikshotbergLNX: Also have you tried redownloading the ISO?20:06
JoeR1kwikshot, I know, it reminds me of a problem my roomy had with Zoom Player in windows but I doubt my knowledge base on that will be of any help20:06
NarcAlmehdi:  Well, maybe my problem is an acpi regression.20:06
kwikshotJoeR1: Also I am using f.lux20:06
nit-witMjuksel, run a net speed and compare it what your service should be maybe you need to reboot the router.20:06
bergLNXkwikshot: Worked with USB loader before, yes, but never tried while I had Arch installed20:06
eb3ha4elllutz: great reference. thanks. but what does 'documentation' usually mean? I know usage of documentation in ordinary sense.. but what about when saying Ubuntu documentation?20:06
kwikshotbergLNX: Do an MD5 check on the ISO20:07
JoeR1oh, holy carp - flash plugin just started working for no reason20:07
bergLNXkwikshot: Yeah, redownloading now, will check20:07
flowbeehi folks... can someone help me in configuring openvpn?  i want to ensure that *only* a few types of traffic go through the vpn.  i.e. like web browsing.  right now i'm using hidemyass's openvpn config and it seems to be sending *everything* through the vpn.20:07
eb3ha4elllutz: is it like blue print documented?20:07
flowbeeare these the steps i must go through to create a self signed x509 cert? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL20:08
llutzeb3ha4el: all those online documents  and the ubuntu-manual too20:08
nit-witbergLNX, did you reformat the usb before loading with unetbootin? Did you check the md5sum on the ISO?20:08
llutz!manual | eb3ha4el20:08
ubottueb3ha4el: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:08
eb3ha4elllutz: so like instructions / manuals / guide . okay thanks20:08
Meow27I got a brief question: what's the most effective way for SSD partitioning for a windows7-ubunu dual-boot?20:08
Mjukselnit-wit, how do i run a net speed ? im a windows user normally :)20:09
AlmehdiNarc: Might be... but it could be solvable.20:09
MjukselMeow27, what capacity is your SSD ?20:09
Meow27its 120GB20:09
Meow27capacity isnt the problem20:09
Meow27the issue is that i want to hibernate on windows 720:09
Mjukselah right20:10
nit-witMjuksel, go to google and search with net speed or ant related word sequence there are lots of sites that will cj=heck the speed.20:10
NarcAlmehdi:  I'm sure it is, that's why I've been trying for two days :D20:10
Mjukselah right20:10
bergLNXnit-wit: kwikshot: How do I check the MD5 from here (Vista)?20:10
Mjukseljust a regular speed test20:10
AlmehdiNarc: Shame on those who give up ;)20:10
nit-witbergLNX, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM20:11
Meow27whats the most effective way for partitioning a windows7 dualboot? Q_Q20:11
Ahnzehlikajust asking, does ubunto 11.04 support raid 0 configurations?20:11
bergLNXnit-wit: Many thanks :)20:11
AlmehdiNarc: The positive side is that however this ends you will have learnt a lot.20:11
Mjuksellool.. nit-wit, i get 1.01 mbps20:12
nit-witbergLNX, no problem th others are doing a graet job we just try to not step on each other.;)20:12
Mjukselon windows right now i get 42mbps20:12
kwikshotTIL name highlighting doesn't work in irssi unless the person put your nick at the START of their message...20:12
nit-witMjuksel, what is the amount you should be getting20:12
NarcAlmehdi:  Haha, I never give up, which can be exhausting. Yes, learning is what makes it worth it. My best option would be to keep current kernel and find a workaround to make USB work with acpi=off, I think.20:12
Mjuksel~40/45 mbit20:12
Mjukselso on windows im just about right, but this thing just lags as hell..\20:13
Mjukseli set "static" ip , i set subnet + gateway20:13
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MjukselDNS 1 + 220:13
Mjukseli set everything rights20:13
Mjukselright *20:13
FloodBot1Mjuksel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
MK``After upgrading to 11.04, Plymouth uses text.plymouth instead of default.plymouth, how do I change this?20:13
kwikshotIrrelevant, but anyone know any good IRC client alternatives to irssi20:14
burghello. how can i move one window from one display to another?20:14
AlmehdiNarc: I am not so sure about that...20:14
kwikshotMjuksel: xchat is gui-based20:15
Mjukselah lol, sorry kwikshot .. im just a regular Ubuntu user :p not a pro20:15
AlmehdiNarc: It might be... but i have no clue how that would be done20:16
Meow27ok any intermeddiate professional users here?20:16
kwikshotMeow27: Nope but I might be able to help20:16
nit-witMjuksel, I think that wireless usb is a bit of a setup problem, here is a older UF link, don't just follow it it is for reference.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34068920:16
Meow27i need to repartition my SSD so it works properly with a windows7-ubuntu dualboot20:16
Meow27i need to make sure Windows7 will be able to hibernate20:16
bbrandonhave you considered virtual machining either OS's?20:17
kwikshotMeow27: Sorry I know nothing about SSDs :\20:17
Meow27yes and VMs dont cut it for me20:17
Meow27im using an optimus laptop20:17
nit-witMeow27, how big is the ssd card how many gihs?20:17
Meow27and for 3d stuff i need windows720:18
woodtMeow27: There's nothing different about SSDs except TRIM.20:18
Meow27120GB. im telling you size isnt the issue its the location of the windows and linux partitions that i care about20:18
Meow27yes mine has TRIM support20:18
ExplodingpigletsFirefox froze and xkill will not work20:18
Meow27the SSD thing was extra information20:18
Mjukselkwikshot, you mean me ?20:18
Explodingpigletssome help?20:18
NarcAlmehdi:  I found several bug reports suggesting to add "acpi=copy_dsdt". I dont know what a DSDT corruption is but I'll try. Thanks a lot for your help anyway20:18
silverarrowhow do I download Opera, when package manager is acting up20:19
silverarrowI am in lubuntu20:19
AlmehdiNarc: np20:19
kwikshotMjuksel: No my ethernet adapter and bluetooth adapter have both died in my 8 month old £800 Dell20:19
Meow27silverarrow: you go download it from the opera site20:19
Mjuksellol, kwikshot20:19
silverarrowI have downloaded opera from their site, and open the package, and I get terminal window?20:19
Odayhow do i install gnome 3 on my ubuntu?20:19
nit-witMeow27, use the Wy partitioner to clean a space by shrink a partition. Make sure you are not past the max amount of partitions and install Ubuntu in the unallocated space, .20:19
Odaywhenever i type "sudo apt-get install gnome3" i get  "The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:19
Oday gnome3-session : Depends: gnome-shell but it is not installable"20:19
Odaywhat do i do? :o20:20
Meow27nit-wit, i need to fully reformat my disk anyway my problem is about making room20:20
silverarrowDo you wish to:20:20
silverarrow - I)nstall the package now,20:20
silverarrow - S)ave it to a file, or20:20
silverarrow - Q)uit now20:20
silverarrowYour choice (I/S/Q)? I20:20
FloodBot1silverarrow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:20
silverarrowInstallation of Debian packages needs to be done as root.20:20
ikoniaOday: you don't install it, it's that simple20:20
ikoniaOday: the package isn't supported20:20
oCeanOday: gnome3 is not supported20:20
kwikshotAnyone tried Crunchbang linux?20:20
Meow27isnt about making room*20:20
ikoniakwikshot: all the guys in #crunchbang has20:20
Odayah, i cannot get gnome 3 on my Ubuntu, then?20:20
nit-witMeow27, so you want size allocation for MS and Ubuntu ?20:20
kwikshotikonia: thanks20:20
Odayis that it?20:20
oCeanOday: yes20:20
Meow27nit-wit, no i need a location advice20:21
MonkeyDustOday: with a gnome 3 ppa20:21
nit-witOday, have you added the gnome3 ppa20:21
silverarrowyes, sorry, I am onto the paste bin20:21
Odayno i haven't i don't know how20:21
Odayi've done it before but i've forgotten how20:21
woodtMeow27: If you're worrying about partitioning the disk before the W7 install, then just split out what you'll need for W7 and let the Ubuntu installer handle splitting up the remaining space during its install.20:21
Odayit's adding a package to my repository, i know that much20:21
nit-witMeow27, you have lost me but that is not hard to do.;)20:21
nit-witOday, is that enough to know?20:21
Meow27woodt, nit-wit, ever since i started using GRUB, windows7 lost the ability to hibernate20:22
oCean!gnome3 |Oday20:22
ubottuOday: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.20:22
Odayi just need the path to it20:22
Odayso i can add it, i think20:22
* kwikshot has gone AFK20:22
Meow27woodt, nitwit, from what i understand ubuntu needs to be the leftmost for this to work--so grub works20:22
Odayreally, ubottu20:22
Odaygood to know20:22
Odayi guess i will roll back to 10.10 later20:22
nit-witMeow27, maybe easybcd will do it better.20:22
FloodBot1Oday: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
rom1vhow to get autocompletion for a2enmod and a2ensite on ubuntu?20:22
Odaybecause 11.4 is horrible so far20:22
oCean!afk > kwikshot20:22
ubottukwikshot, please see my private message20:22
JoeR1I need a command to display CPU id and information20:22
rom1vI have it in ubuntu server, but not in ubuntu desktop20:22
Meow27nit-wit, whats that?20:22
Mjukselnit-wit, i dont get all that stuff..?20:22
Mjukselis that for updating the "driver" ?20:23
Bert_2Hi, I want to use the gnome & humanity icons used in ubuntu, where can I find the license information ?20:23
tensorpuddingJoeR1: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:23
ikoniaJoeR1: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:23
burghello. how can i move one window from one display to another?20:23
woodtMeow27: Didn't see the earlier comment about GRUB introducing the problem.  See this for the fix:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134169420:23
tensorpuddingJoeR1: from in the terminal20:23
JoeR1tensorpudding, ikonia thanks much20:23
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nit-witMeow27, I'm not sure why you would use hibernate anyway it takes just as long to fire up then a boot or reboot.20:24
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nit-witMeow27, sleep yes I see a use there.20:24
qinBert_2: Ubuntu ships with GPL20:24
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Bert_2qin: yeah, but that doesn't mean that all the iconsets are GPL, I know that some icons used to be CC20:25
JoeR1tensorpudding, well clearly I understood that if i was asking for a command20:25
nit-witMeow27, here is a easybcd link join there forum, if you need help as well. http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=120:25
M4ticusing mirggi, irc client for nokia s6020:25
Meow27woodt, nit-wit, ok let me ask this: would this partition setup work: || 1stpartition: 100MB for GRUB only | 2nd Windows 7 partition| 3rd main windows partition | Extended(Ubuntu|Swap)||20:25
flowbeetrying to generate my first x509 cert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL ... but curious when it says "Create the server configuration file, by editing ~/myCA/exampleserver.cnf with your favorite text editor. Add this example content:"  ... there is no exampleserver.cnf generated prior to that step20:26
nit-witMeow27, you don't need a partition for grub, install and use the easybcd and the hibernate will work I suspect20:26
llutzMeow27: why an extra grub-partition (/boot)?20:26
th0rMeow27: if you want hibernate in win I think you need to leave at least {RAM} amount of free space for windows to put the hibernate20:26
Meow27th0r, thats not the problem :320:27
JoeR1This is odd, does anyone know if the Pentium D's were ever available in single core models?20:27
nit-witthor; no the problem is that the hibernate sends the user to the grub menu.20:27
Meow27llutz, nit-wit, because some programs like writing around the harddisk free space zones, just like GRUB does.20:27
Meow27JoeR1, arent they dual-threaded CPUs?20:28
woodtMeow27: I think you're overthinking this problem.  Just install W7 as usual, then install Ubuntu as usual.  If necessary, see the link I posted previously to fix any hibernate issues.  And make sure that you have at least as much pagefile space in Windows as you have physical RAM.20:28
nit-witMeow27, that makes no sense in using a partition for grub.20:28
Meow27JoeR1, nevermind20:28
MonkeyDustMeow27: grub is just a menu20:28
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JoeR1Meow27 - I don't know, I'm an AMD guy but I got this system handed to me so I'm trying to find out what I'm working with20:28
woodtJoeR1:  What does 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' tell you.  Post that to the pastebin.20:29
qinBert_2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/humanity-icon-theme/+copyright20:29
JoeR1woodt so far as CPU cores it says 120:29
Meow27nit-wit, woodt. ok i think i know how im gonna go by my reformat now. thanks for support :320:30
nit-witMeow27, you only fail until you suceed keep trying.;)20:30
nit-witsucceed *20:31
Meow27nit-wit, i dont get it... in anycase im off. thanks agian20:31
hexdump_Heya folks!20:31
woodtDo we have any CUPS experts in the house today?20:32
hexdump_I have a question regarding my wireless internet.  It was working just fine before, and now all of a sudden when I click on my network it says "wireless is disabled"20:32
cihhanhi all! while installing ubuntu, i did not encrypt user's home directories. but now i have to add lots of users from the same class and i dont want them to be able to reach other home directories. any suggestions?20:32
M4tichey guys, what's the best way to get software and it's dependencies for an offline install? Meaning downloading from a different host, windows to an offline ubuntu install?20:33
Bert_2qin: thank you, I didn't know I could find that on launchpad20:33
woodthexdump:  Had that happen to me before when I accidentally hit a small switch on the front of the lappy that disabled the wireless.20:33
eb3ha4elis it possible to install more than one linux in same partition?20:33
qincihhan: man chmod, do not make anyone sudoer but yourself.20:33
woodtciihan:  chmod 700 on each of the users' home directories would do the trick.20:33
cihhanthanks guys!20:34
hexdump_Whenever somebody has a bit of free time, I just wanted to see if somebody could help me with my wireless issue.  Thank you =)20:34
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qinwoodt: -R would help20:35
nit-withexdump_, have you rebooted to see if it works.20:35
M4ticanyone help?20:35
woodthexdump:  What do the output of "ifconfig -a" and "iwconfig -a" tell you?20:35
hexdump_nit-wit:  yuppers many times20:36
nit-withexdump_, what is the card20:36
hexdump_woodt:  my wireless adapters show up, and even when I do lsusb and lspci the hardware is there.20:36
MK``After upgrading to 11.04, Plymouth uses text.plymouth instead of default.plymouth, how do I change this?20:36
MonkeyDusthexdump_: is it a Broadcom 43xx wireless adapter?20:37
woodthexdump:  Try right clicking on the NetworkManager icon and select "Enable wireless".20:37
hexdump_on sec plz20:37
rumpe1eb3ha4el, yes20:37
bergLNXnit-wit: kwikshot: Yay! Unetbootin did the magic :) After redownloading the .iso and making sure unetbootin ran 100%, it booted me to the installer. Im sure the issue was the silly USB creator who made a boot wich just sent me directly to my local bootloader. Oh well, thanks a lot guys, off to instaling :D20:38
hexdump_01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)20:38
hexdump_then lsusb20:38
nit-witbergLNX, cool.;)20:38
hexdump_Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter20:38
earthmeLonI can no longer move windows around my desktop.  O_o20:39
hexdump_weird both wireless adapters show up when I type sudo ifconfig -a20:39
MonkeyDustearthmeLon: you need metacity20:40
areelsSpaceBass there are too many settings to migrate, have no time to deal with them. just wanna pass internet through smoothwall20:40
earthmeLonMonkeyDust, I'm using emerald.  I am able to see my title bars, they just dont move when I click them20:40
kwikshotWhat is better, awesome or xmonad? What are the differences?20:40
hexdump_I tried sudo lshw -C network20:40
qinkwikshot: xmonad20:40
SpaceBassareels, you can do that, but you'll end up with a double NAT situation so you'll basically have to duplicate the firewall settings in the downstream box20:40
kwikshotqin: Why?20:41
hexdump_both are disabled20:41
qinkwikshot: It is better (in my opinion)20:41
hexdump_I've tried sudo ifconfig wlan0 up20:41
hexdump_or wlan1 up20:41
kwikshotI just realised that I have irssi on the right taking up half the window and firefox on the left taking up half and I'm thinking "why am I using metacity..."20:43
AxtraHey guys, I'm having a problem with Kubuntu - my network manager isn't letting me join my WiFi20:43
qinkwikshot: You right, go with compiz, there is grid plugin too ;)20:44
nit-withexdump_, hit fn-f2 and see if the wireless is now able to be turned on in the network manager20:45
earthmeLonMonkeyDust, I just restarted.  I am still unable to move windows but they *do* have title bars.  Emerald w. Compiz20:45
AxtraAnybody have any ideas?20:45
usr13Axtra: Did it ever?20:46
AxtraI used to straight after I installed Kubuntu20:46
hexdump_nit-wit:  nothing happens after hitting F-220:46
usr13Axtra: So it did connect ok at first?20:46
Axtrausr13: Yes, it did20:46
usr13Axtra: Is there some software event that you can think of that could have made a difference?20:47
nit-withexdump_, I believe that is a broadcom I could not find the wiki page on getting those setup correctly.20:47
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usr13Axtra: ifconfig   #tell us what it says.20:47
usr13Axtra: iwconfig   #tell us what it says.20:48
usr13typo  sorry20:48
Mathuin_When using Ubuntu classic, is there any way to make the bars across the top and bottom fade/disappear/shrink off the edge at least temporarily?20:48
Axtrausr13: I installed Wicd-KDE at the suggestion of someone in the Kubuntu help channel - that didn't fix the problem20:48
usr13Axtra: What does Wicd say about it?20:48
AxtraIs there a place I can go to paste the text?20:49
usr13Axtra: iwconfig  | pastebinit20:49
jooostAtra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:49
AxtraUsr13: Wicd gave the same errors as network manager20:49
jooostAxtra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:49
usr13Axtra: What error?20:49
usr13Axtra: iwconfig  | pastebinit20:49
usr13and send resulting url20:50
jaxxdrewI am having some trouble connecting my hdmi on laptop to hdmi on tv.  Is it not suppose to automaticallly connect or is there something to do different with linux?20:50
usr13Axtra: lspci |grep ireless  #And tell us what that says.20:51
hexdump_nit-wit:  welp I tried to do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up and this is what I got returned...20:51
usr13Axtra: iwconfig  | pastebinit  #It will prompt you to install pastebinit20:51
hexdump_nit-wit:SIOCSIFFLAGS: Unknown error 13220:51
Mathuin_All the references to 'auto hide gnome panels' are from like 2006.20:51
Axtrausr13: Wicd is telling me Connect Failed: Bad password.20:52
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AxtraIt's definitely the right password20:52
usr13Axtra: What type of encryption is enabled on the router?20:52
Mathuin_Hah!  Right-click each panel, select "autohide".  Duh!20:53
usr13Axtra: Dissable WPA and try again.20:53
earthmeLonMonkeyDust, Just so you know, you have to activate "Moving Windows" under compiz.  What a joke.20:54
nit-withexdump_, I'm not familiar with doing other then plug and play in this department.20:54
MonkeyDustearthmeLon: i do not use compiz, but thanks20:54
RoastedSo I set up software raid with 2 drives in my Ubuntu 11.04 box and disconnected one drive to test it. It worked. I plugged it back in and it never came back online. I see no entry for sdb1 in  cat /proc/mdstat, although I see sdb1 under fdisk -l. what the?20:56
SpaceBassRoasted, using mdadmin?20:57
Roastedmdadmin???? Im using mdadm...20:57
hexdump_but when I typed sudo ifconfig wlan1 up there was no issue and it shows up when I type ifconfig but then wireless is still disabled???21:00
hexdump_Sorry I was gone had to take care of something.21:00
joo_i have a maverick computer... i want latest ubuntu what should i replace maverick with in sources.list to update?21:01
SpaceBassRoasted, yeah, mdadm ? typo on my part21:01
SpaceBassRoasted, run and paste bin: mdadm -D /dev/md021:02
RoastedSpaceBass, yes. I thought mdadm was like a utility or something since it was mdadmin : md-admin21:02
Roastedthat's what threw me off :P21:02
guntbert!upgrade | joo_21:02
SpaceBassI do that in the CLI all the time? type mdadmin and it always fails21:02
ubottujoo_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:02
guntbertjoo_: don't just replace some lines21:03
joo_so there isnt a zombie solution?21:03
joo_i smoke many weed21:03
guntbert!ot | joo_21:04
ubottujoo_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:04
RoastedSpaceBass, http://tinypaste.com/f3672f21:04
msavafternoon all, how can I completely remove postgresql and postgis21:05
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wilhartwhere can i speak about overclocking21:05
joo_msav, didn't apt-get remove --purge help you ?21:06
SpaceBassroasted: sudo mdadm -a /dev/sdb1 /dev/md127pl21:06
guntbertwilhart: in #hardware maybe?21:06
SpaceBassRoasted, -a is shorthand for --manage --add ? you may have to manually re-add the drive. mdadm is not really how swap aware in my experience21:07
RoastedSpaceBass, says not an md device.21:07
Roastedshould I just re-add it quick?21:07
SpaceBassRoasted, which is why so many people like that package that sends emails on raid status and state changes ? forget what its called21:07
Axtrausr13: I don't think I can disable wifi21:07
RoastedSpaceBass, oooo, email? oh man... you don't remember it?21:07
SpaceBassRoasted, my syntax may be backwards ? -a may take the md device first and then the disk21:07
Axtrausr13: Not wifi, WPA*21:08
RoastedSpaceBass, that's it. I just had to reverse the command21:09
Roastedit readded it and its in recovery mode now resyncing21:09
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RoastedSpaceBass, do you know of a linux web site that has ALL of these commands oni t? I found ubuntu's wiki to be super helpful, but limited on information. It's things like this I wish Ic ould just see a massive listing of.21:09
SpaceBassRoasted, was racking my brain trying to remember the package?21:10
SpaceBassRoasted, I sure don't I often have to use mdadm --help21:10
MjukselCan anyone help me with my wifi problem?21:11
Mjukselits fluctuating from 10mbps to 200mbps, but firefox/browser is verrryyy slow :/21:11
SpaceBassRoasted, I wrote a bash script to email the results of mdadm -D and cat /proc/mdstat21:11
RoastedSpaceBass, mdadm --help really isn't that informative though, in my opinion. but then again, is --assemble = -a?21:12
SpaceBassRoasted, you can build on --help? for instance: mdadmin --assemble --help21:13
SpaceBassRoasted, ( btw -A is assemble)21:13
RoastedSpaceBass, is there any worthy guis to manage this or is terminal the best bet?21:14
roan_hi guys i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my aspire one with a usb install (cuz it doesnt have a cd rom) evey thing works, i even did the updates but it won't boot without the usb drive plugged in. it says no bootable device found, insert a bootable device and press any key. i insert the usb pendrive with the ubuntu 10.10 install (the same one i use to install ubuntu on this pc) and everything starts fine, ubuntu loads ok i put my password and i21:16
roan_can get connected and everything, i can even eject the usb pendrive and everything works. if i reboot it says the same thing "no bootable drive found..." whatz goin on? help plz21:16
Roastedroan_, sounds like your boot record is on the flash drive and not the internal drive like it should be.21:16
Roastedroan_, http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/how-to-recover-grub2-linux.html21:17
Roastedtry that guide21:17
msavjoo, thanks, apparently i have 2 installations of postgresql. The remaining wasn't installed with synaptic. very confused21:17
roan_Roasted: thanks ill check it and let u no :D21:17
oljasHi! How to connect to natty via vnc or something? ps ax | grep vnc - gives nothing. how to start a vnc server via ssh?21:18
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thomas___i reinstalled my notebook with ubuntu 11, now my internet is extremely slow, only on this computer21:19
thomas___can anyone help?21:19
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RoastedSpaceBass, by the way, what happens if my raid box blows up? Like lets say the system gets hit by lightning yet the drives are okay. How can I crack open the array to copy the data off manually to another source?21:20
ooxihi i have a question concerning local dns auto registration (dhcp). one ubuntu machine can be reached using it's host name in the local network, another not. how can i tell ubuntu to register it's hostname in the local dns resolver via dhcp?21:20
bencchow can I create local apt repository for custom debs? I couldn't find docs about it21:21
tensorpuddingbencc: an easy way to have your own PPA to get an account on launchpad21:22
JCDGhi, does anyone of you have the problem of the "not up to date" adobe plugin in chromium???21:22
bencctensorpudding: I can't publish the deb package21:23
tensorpuddingbencc: ppa's aren't publishing, they're personal21:23
Roastedwould sudo -i give me constant root access? Later I want to install a ton of software and make some changes, which I can do with commands like apt-get install exaile && apt-get remove transmission-gtk, but in the past each time the next command came around after && I'd have to log in again as root since I was using sudo. If I use sudo -i this time would I bypass the need to re-enter my password after the time expires?21:23
ooxibencc, i know a tool for that, have to look it up, wait a sec21:24
bencctensorpudding: the package is stored on my server or on a remote server?21:24
Mathuin_Roasted: "sudo -s" will give you a root prompt.21:24
tensorpuddingbencc: remotely21:24
ooxibencc reprepro21:24
CarlFKhow come "blacklist firewire-ohci" isn't working?  I boot the box and it gets loaded.  here is  /etc/modprobe.d/*, lsmod... http://dpaste.de/H3O9/21:24
guntbertRoasted: keep with sudo -i for that purpose21:24
RoastedMathuin_, thank you. how does that differ from -i?21:24
Mathuin_I have never used -i.21:25
bencctensorpudding:  so I can't use it. thanks21:25
benccooxi: thanks, reading about it21:25
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guntbertRoasted: -i  adapts the environment like in a genuine login21:25
Roastedguntbert, so -i is what I want?21:25
guntbertRoasted: and it therefore preferred, yes21:25
guntbertRoasted: but don't forget do end that session (just a gentle reminder :-))21:26
guntbert*to end21:26
guntbertoljas: the default vnc server is called vino21:27
Mathuin_guntbert: have you used x11vnc?21:27
Mathuin_I am curious, and you sound like you have experience.21:27
guntbert!info vino | oljas21:27
ubottuoljas: vino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu2.1 (natty), package size 155 kB, installed size 508 kB21:27
guntbertMathuin_: sorry, no, I rarely use vnc at all :)21:28
Mathuin_guntbert: it's how I get around the screen-size limitations of my old Asus Eee for the most part.21:28
linuxman410does anyone know why xubuntu 11.04 has unity too21:28
Mathuin_It's a decent enough little server for my purposes, but oh the tiny screen.21:28
Bane99hey when i went to install 10.04.221:28
Bane99it had some garbled thing on top21:28
Bane99it was odd21:28
guntbertMathuin_: I prefer ssh -X ...21:28
JCDGhi, does anyone of you have the problem of the "not up to date" adobe plugin in chromium???21:29
notrootHello, I noticed that something is different with my graphic card when I actually installed it on the HD, while it was on live cd, graphics went smooth, now when I drag windows around they break, and are moving slow, how to fix this??????????!?!?21:29
moucheanybody know what updates the message of the day dynamically? /etc/motd only shows the latest motd21:29
Mathuin_guntbert: alas, "ssh -X" doesn't have that "screen"-style persistence that I need.21:29
notrootIt's always something with linsuxes, always something...21:30
notrootHello, I noticed that something is different with my graphic card when I actually installed it on the HD, while it was on live cd, graphics went smooth, now when I drag windows around they break, and are moving slow, how to fix this??????????!?!?21:30
guntbert!repeat | notroot21:30
ubottunotroot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:30
Roastednotroot, what is a linsuxes?21:30
notrootIt's backtrack 521:31
notrootbut it's child of ubuntu  afaik21:31
notrootand #backtrack seems empty21:31
RoastedIs backtrack meant to be installed? backtrack 3 was livecd only.21:31
guntbertnotroot: not supported here21:31
notrootIt's backtrack 521:31
Roastednotroot, maybe try #linux, since that's a broader area there.21:31
notrootbut anyway, it's ubuntu21:31
RoastedIt's not Ubuntu21:31
RoastedIt's backtrack, based on Ubuntu21:31
guntbert!backtrack | notroot21:31
ubottunotroot: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:31
notrootwhen I actually installed ubuntu everything moves slowly, even large texts21:32
maconotroot: they customise it enough that we don't support it21:32
notrootWhile it was live cd, everything was smooth, any idea what could cause it21:32
notrootI am talking about ubuntu now21:32
Roastednotroot, it's like calling intel for help with my dell laptop when it's not a processor issue.21:32
notrootAbout my other laptop which has ubuntu on it21:32
Buddhacznotroot: gfx drivers?21:32
Roastednotroot, so you have two systems, one bt5, one ubuntu, but with the same issue?21:32
notrootHaven't installed any gfx drivers yet, I have ati mobility 5850 HD21:33
notrootwhere can I get drivers?21:33
sabier_tuxUBUNTU 11.04 Freeze several time ! Has anybody face this problem ?21:33
Buddhacznotroot: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk21:33
Roastednotroot, in the hardware drivers menu of ubuntu.21:33
nicofsI'm looking for a tool to create diagrams / organizational charts (like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia_article-creation-2.svg ) - are there any recommendations?21:34
Roastednotroot, are you on 11.04?21:34
Buddhacznicofs: there are some free Chrome Apps for this21:34
Buddhacznicofs: or Ubuntu Dia21:35
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silver_hookI'm planning to migrate my GF's desktop from openSuse to Ubuntu next week and have a few questions.21:37
jstooneHey everyone! I'm about to make a 50G ntfs partiton but I don't know how to do it the "easy way". I have to do it in here(which is ok) because the WinXP does not support ext4 and cannot make a partition from it.21:37
oljasguntbert, info vino - no vino in node top. however it installed in system. the problem is ive got my ubuntubox rebooted remotely and i cant connect to vnc anymore.21:37
Buddhaczjstoone: boot Ubuntu Live CD/Flash and use gparted from the Admin section21:38
urmethi. is it possible to make udev reload the rules and recreate device files when a package, which installs a new rules file is installed?21:38
jstooneBuddhacz: I was thinking of that just now (: thanks a lot!21:38
Buddhaczjstoone: you can resize and rebuild partitions, or mount and trasfer data as needed safely21:38
Mjukselstill nobody that has any ideas for slow internet/wifi problem ? :(21:38
silver_hookCurrently she uses LVM — does Ubuntu support it out of the box? i.e. when I install it, will it see the /home, /, /boot, and swap volumes and I'll be able to just override the root volume?21:38
oljasguntbert, if i login localy i can connect. but how do i login remotely?21:38
jstooneBuddhacz: Cool, thanks!21:39
Buddhaczjstoone: UR welcome21:39
urmetcurrently i'm having problems with ccid smartcard drivers. plugging out and then plugging in or restarting the computer seems a bit cumbersome21:39
pairahi i can't get ubuntu to work with my radeon graphics card on my thinkpad t400... can anyone help?21:43
primehow send file fron ubuntu tu windows in xchat i've got problem21:43
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silver_hookurmet: Did you try restarting just the pcscd daemon (or whatever Ubuntu calls it)?21:45
urmetrestarting the daemon doesn21:45
urmet't work21:45
haukewhi everyone!21:45
urmetthe device file is still unreadable for pcscd21:46
pairadoes anyone use the ati radeon HD 3400 card?21:46
haukewi'm having a nasty problem with my hard disk...i can't access it anymore after my ubuntu crashed on a system update21:46
haukewparted doesn't find it anymore21:46
silver_hookurmet: Hmmm, odd. No idea then. Sorry :\21:46
urmetif i restart udevd or force it manually to reload everything or replug the card reader, the device file gets recreated with correct permissions21:47
haukewso i'm asking myself...how can i recover my data?21:47
urmetis it possible for a package to force udev to reload it's rules at installation time? maybe i could suggest it to whoever manages the ccid package..21:49
primehow send file fron ubuntu to windows in xchat i've got problem21:50
Buddhaczpaira: this may help - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates21:50
Booyahey there21:52
Booyaquick questio21:52
Booyais Firefox 4 compatible with 10.0421:53
Buddhaczbooya: yes21:53
BuddhaczBooya: works perfectly and smooth21:53
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Booyanice..just rolled back to 10.0421:53
Booyacause of LTS21:53
BuddhaczBooya: I did same - but not rolled back, just considered not to upgrade21:54
BuddhaczBooya: you can update kernel, drivers and move from OO to LibreOffice21:54
Mathuin_Buddhacz: whoa, 10.04 will do LibreOffice?  How hard is that to make happen?21:54
Booyalooking to do that as well21:55
BuddhaczMathuin_: uninstall OO = sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-common21:55
BooyaNice nice..21:55
Booyathanks Buddha21:55
BuddhaczMathuin_: add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/ppa/ubuntu lucid main #Libreoffice PPA21:56
Mathuin_http://martinwebster.eu/2011/01/28/replacing-openoffice-org-with-libreoffice-on-ubuntu-10-04/ <-- will this work?21:56
BuddhaczMathuin_: and you know, update and install LO21:56
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GALARemove OpenOffice, add LibreOffice repositary, update, and then install LibreOffice21:57
BooyaBuddha is there a command to upgrade to Firefox 421:57
MK``Installing LibreOffice will remove OpenOffice.org for you21:57
BuddhaczMathuin_: yes21:57
PseudoGou4Bonanzaman, if you're here let me know21:57
Mathuin_Awesome.  Thanks!21:57
BuddhaczMK``: LO is forked old OO and now newer and patched21:58
MK``I know, but I mean, the installer for LO will remove OO.o due to conflicts anyway21:58
BuddhaczMK``: it is cleaner this way / just to be sure21:59
MK``Anyway; I installed 11.04 and now Plymouth only uses the text version when booting up, how do I change it back to the graphical splash?21:59
PseudoGou4MK''' how do I get the text I don't want the graphic21:59
BooyaBuddha : does Banshee work on !0.04 as well..cause i hate Rythm Box22:00
kelvinellahi i just upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04, but the other software source is missing, how do i add it back in?22:00
macoBooya: sure, banshee's been around for quite a number of years22:00
MK``I do not know PseudoGou4, I assume the mechanism is the same :P22:00
tensorpuddingBooya: what do you dislike about rhythmbox?22:00
GALABanshee works up to 11.0422:00
Booyaits alright tensor..just feel that Banshee is better22:01
tensorpuddingBooya: oh, so you're familiar with banshee22:01
Bane99hey guys i need some major help22:01
BuddhaczBooya: works22:01
tensorpuddingi was going to say, that banshee doesn't really improve on rhythmbox's shortcomings and adds quite a few new ones22:02
Bane99having issues installing ubuntu22:02
Booyawell used it on 11.04 breifly when i installed it22:02
Bane99anyone willing to help me in pm?22:02
BuddhaczBooya: but I am with Rhythmbox anyway - works for me and my Zen22:02
Bane99too many people joining and leaving here22:02
Bane99for the message to get across =/22:02
Soupermanito!ask | Bane9922:02
ubottuBane99: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:02
BooyaBane99 : I  think this is best place to get it acoss22:02
tensorpuddingBane99: what is your problem (no need for pm, if you refer to people by name)22:03
Soupermanitoalso hide part/join22:03
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GALAExplain chat you problem is first22:03
Bane99i installed ubuntu using ext4 to /dev/sdb322:03
Bane99now it wont startup22:03
tensorpuddingBane99: did you install GRUB?22:03
Bane99set a 6GB swap file drive too22:03
Bane99what is grub?22:03
GALAWhat do toy meen it doesn't start up ?22:04
tensorpuddingBane99: in the BIOS, did you set it to boot from the right hard drive?22:04
PseudoGou4tensorpudding: Grub should install by default22:04
Bane99shouldn't it give me the option to choose the OS to startup?22:04
tensorpuddingBane99: when you say /dev/sdb3, that means you have at least two hard drives, right?22:04
GALAYeah that's what Grub does basically22:04
tensorpuddingBane99: well, it might be trying to boot from the wrong drive22:04
GALAIn the Bios, change the boot order22:05
Bane99for some reason sda is my backup drive.  I set the boot manager to sdb to make sure it would choose it22:05
Bane99i have a win7 partition and a linux partition on this drive22:05
GALAWhat happens when you boot ?22:05
tensorpuddingBane99: i guess it's possible that the bootloader is on /dev/sda then...try switching it to the other drive22:05
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BuddhaczBane99: sometimes grub gets installed on the Win7 partition if you switch boot drives22:05
Bane99how do i do that? tensorpudding22:06
Bane99and how do i tell Buddhacz22:06
BuddhaczBane99: BIOS or F12 when booting22:06
tensorpuddingBane99: in the BIOS, you have to find the boot order and make sure that the drive which is /dev/sda is listed first22:06
kelvinellahow to make the webcam work in skype?22:06
Buddhaczkelvinella: it should wokr automatically or there is a fix for the linux video22:06
PseudoGou4kelvinella: lsusb and post the ID of your webcam22:07
tensorpuddingkelvinella: are you sure that you have the webcam working?22:07
Bane99sda isn't my primary drive22:07
Bane99i guess i just plugged them in wrong22:07
kelvinellai had my webcam working before i upgrade from 8.04 to 10.0422:07
GALAPut the drive with Ubuntu on it first in the boot order Bane9922:07
Buddhaczkelvinella: http://skypefix.blogspot.com/22:07
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tensorpuddingBane99: it might not be your primary drive, but here's the thing: when the bootloader GRUB was installed, it installed it to the first drive detected, which was probably /dev/sda22:07
kelvinellahow to lsusb?22:08
PseudoGou4open a console22:08
Bane99ok so how do i change the grub installation22:08
PseudoGou4and type lsusb22:08
tensorpuddingBane99: so that normally you don't have to change anything to get the boot order correct22:08
kelvinellawhats the whole command?22:08
PseudoGou4just lsusb22:08
PseudoGou4If you want, put it in a text file and send it to me with DCC22:08
tensorpuddingkelvinella: do you have cheese installed? does it work in cheese?22:09
kelvinellalet me check wait22:09
Bane99ok when i was installing 10.04.2 i had a box on the top of the screen with garbled graphics that kept on showing parts of the screen22:09
Bane99ok brb22:09
Bane99gonna change the boot order22:09
kelvinellawork in cheese22:09
PseudoGou4Bus 003 Device 002: ID 046d:08da Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Messanger22:09
Bane99and load this chat on my laptop22:10
PseudoGou4Now we have to find out if the module is loaded22:10
PseudoGou4lsmod and post it to pastebin as well22:10
tensorpuddingkelvinella: if it works in cheese, that means that linux supports your webcam fine, the problem must be with skype being misconfigured or a bug22:10
kelvinellado i just run lsmod?22:10
Buddhaczkelvinella: try this: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so skype22:10
Buddhaczkelvinella: it worked for my friend with a cam22:11
kelvinellaBuddhacz, how to try?22:11
Buddhaczin console22:11
Buddhaczor from ALT+F2 menu (RUN)22:11
kelvinellaBuddhacz, what do i type?22:11
BuddhaczLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so skype22:12
PseudoGou4kelvinella:  Your driver is loaded22:12
PseudoGou4The problem is with Skype22:12
PseudoGou4Do what he says22:12
kelvinellado i need to shut down skype first?22:12
PseudoGou4LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so skype22:12
BuddhaczPseudoGou4: yes, it is the lib problem as noted22:12
kelvinellaERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.22:13
CarlFKis there some way to just compile 2 or 3 modules without compiling a whole new kernel?22:13
PseudoGou4type sudo updatedb22:13
PseudoGou4and then "locate v4l1compact.so"22:13
Buddhaczkelvinella: are you on 64bit system?22:13
Buddhaczkelvinella: uname -a22:13
kelvinellai am on 32bit22:13
kelvinellaLinux orz 2.6.32-31-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 18:24:35 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux22:13
PseudoGou4No he has the driver loaded, the directory you gave him must be wrong22:13
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benccin what path I should put a local apt repo? /usr/local/myrepo is ok?22:14
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PseudoGou4kelvinella:  sudo updatedb22:14
kelvinellasudo updatedb takes 4eva22:14
PseudoGou4locate v4l1compact.so22:14
PseudoGou4Yea your computer is old, get a new one22:14
PseudoGou4You're using an old Athlon XP22:15
kelvinellai am still wating for sudo updatedb22:15
kelvinellano mine is an intel22:15
PseudoGou4I looked at your lsmod22:15
Buddhaczwhat skype version?22:15
kelvinelladuo core 3 Ghz22:15
PseudoGou4You're using an Athlon XP with an nForce2 chipset22:15
Buddhaczskype --version22:15
kelvinelladone sudo updatedb now then what?22:15
kelvinellaCopyright (c) 2004-2011, Skype Limited22:16
PseudoGou4locate v4l1compact.so22:16
kelvinellalocate v4l1compact.so but nothing returns22:16
PseudoGou4locate v4l22:16
kelvinellaagain nothing22:16
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PseudoGou4One sec22:17
kelvinellawrong spelling22:17
PseudoGou4That doesn't make sense22:17
PseudoGou4The module is loaded, it *must* be there22:17
quintjust was wondering if anyone knows if i can complete an incomplete torrent that started downloading in transmission with deluge ?22:17
PseudoGou4LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so skype22:18
PseudoGou4Spell it correctly22:18
PseudoGou4The file is there, there's no reason it shouldn't work22:18
kelvinellakelvin@orz:~$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so skype22:19
kelvinellaERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compact.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.22:19
PseudoGou4exit Skype first22:19
bael56Hello guys22:19
kelvinellai did22:19
PseudoGou4LEt me see if I can reference that error22:19
PseudoGou4bael56:  Hello22:19
bael56I have an issue here, I cannot get my network up on my ubuntu server.22:19
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PseudoGou4bael56:  Are you Bonanaza?22:19
n1k0sHi everyone, I have a question about remotely connecting to a ubuntu box...  I know I am going to use VNC, but I am not sure if I should tunnel VNC over a SSH connection, or via a Hamachi connection.  Anyone know which method is better?  Or what is a better way to remotely connect to a ubuntu box securely with a gui.22:20
bael56it says "eth0 : Error while getting interface flags: No such device. Failed to bring up eth022:20
bael56when I run: ifup eth0 and /etc/init.d/networking restart22:20
kelvinellaother than skype which software in ubuntu can let me webcam with others?22:20
benccin what path I should store custom bash scripts?22:21
bael56ls /syss/classs/net found only eth1, lo, virbr0 ..22:21
benccthat should be run as root22:21
bael56any ideas?22:21
quintbencc: /usr/bin22:21
benccquint: are you answering me?22:21
benccquint: thanks22:21
PseudoGou4kelvinella:  The problem is with Java22:22
Picibencc: If they're just for your user, you can put them in ~/bin22:22
kelvinellaPseudoGou4, how to fix?22:22
quintgood point~22:23
PseudoGou4kelvinella:  Sorry, I recommend you post on the Skype forums, they have a Linux section.22:23
PseudoGou4I am stumped.22:23
benccPici: I need root to run it22:23
benccand in what path I should put a local deb repo?22:23
PseudoGou4kelvinella:  Read this:22:23
PseudoGou4Different program, same problem22:24
n1k0sHi everyone, I have a question about remotely connecting to a ubuntu box...  I know I am going to use VNC, but I am not sure if I should tunnel VNC over a SSH connection, or via a Hamachi connection.  Anyone know which method is better?  Or what is a better way to remotely connect to a ubuntu box securely with a gui.22:24
Picibencc: I'd say somewhere in /var, but its up to you22:24
Buddhaczkelvinella: GTalk plugin for Chrome can show video too22:24
benccPici: /var/lib/myrepo or /var/myrepo?22:25
lcawteneedshalpHi.. I'm having problems with my display, I recently removed the nouveua driver to see if I could get the nvidia one working, and if I could have my 1280x1024 screen resolution, but now 1024x168 doesn't work because the refresh rate shows at 0... how'd I fix all this22:25
benccPici: or maybe /opt/myrepo22:25
Picibencc: That would be good too22:26
n1k0sHi everyone, I have a question about remotely connecting to a ubuntu box...  I know I am going to use VNC, but I am not sure if I should tunnel VNC over a SSH connection, or via a Hamachi connection.  Anyone know which method is better?  Or what is a better way to remotely connect to a ubuntu box securely with a gui.22:26
Silowyiok I'm on maverick22:27
benccPici: thanks22:27
BigbucksIs there a way I can disable a certian error from coming up in Ubuntu Server? I keep getting a USB error, and it prevents me from being able to enter any commands because it comes up a couple times every second22:27
Silowyiand I just did an apt-get install kernel to try and upgrade my kernel... it says no such package can be found?22:28
Silowyiwere the kernel packages renamed?22:28
jamil_1Hello everyone, How do you ppl switch between multiple instances of an applications e.g 5-6 nautilus windows ?22:28
niklasfihow do i update gcc? i tried installing g++-4.5 but g++ --version still yields 4.4.522:29
BigbucksIs there a way I can disable a certian error from coming up in Ubuntu Server? I keep getting a USB error, and it prevents me from being able to enter any commands because it comes up a couple times every second, is there a way I can stop this so I can actually use the server?22:29
BuddhaczSilowyi: what exactly you typed?22:29
PiciSilowyi: 'linux' is the source package name. so there are things like linux-image-generic etc.  Also, if you just want to grab the latest updates, you should consider doing an apt-get dist-upgrade.  That should pull in the latest kernel for your release.22:29
kelvinellaPseudoGou4, hey i search on internet LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype works22:29
PseudoGou4kelvinella: cool22:30
kelvinellaPseudoGou4, thx22:30
BuddhaczSilowyi: apt-cache search linux-image22:30
PseudoGou4Did it fix the webcam?22:30
MurpleI don't know how to connect my old iMac running the newest Ubuntu to a wireless network. It seems I have a broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver BCM4311 installed but I cannot see any wireless networks and I don't know how to proceed. Any advice would be much appreciated. I've googled my way to this page which addresses my problem precisely, but I followed all the steps only to find out that the driver was already installed and activa22:30
kelvinellaPseudoGou4, dont understand the diff??22:30
kelvinellamaybe i dont have the /usr/bin path setup properly or?22:30
SilowyiPici: thanks22:30
MurpleThis page sorry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:30
PseudoGou4Me neither.  But that link I sent you tells you how to make a permanent shortcut so that you don't have to type that each time22:30
Buddhaczkelvinella: nice that it worked22:31
Buddhaczkelvinella: probably something with PATH in your system22:31
kelvinellahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7529411 should i follow this instruction?22:31
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PseudoGou4That will make it permanent kelvinella22:32
kelvinellaone more problem, the mic in the webcam doesnt work22:32
PseudoGou4Open up your mixer22:32
PseudoGou4And set it to record input from the microphone port22:32
PseudoGou4and turn the mic volume up22:32
PseudoGou4I don't know how to do this in Gnome, I use KDE22:32
Buddhaczkelvinella: RMB the repro icon22:33
Buddhaczkelvinella: or run >> gnome-volume-control22:33
PseudoGou4Ah, the attack stopped22:34
kelvinelladefault the mixer choose internal mic , i change it to logitech quickcam now everything works NOW !!!!22:34
PseudoGou4Oh no, I was just scrolled up22:34
kelvinellai am so happy u save my day22:34
prezeshello everbody. I looking for program which help me changed contrast and gamma in my laptop screen.22:34
PseudoGou4kelvinella:  Good luck to you G-D bless.22:34
kelvinellathx PseudoGou4 Buddhacz22:34
kelvinellaamerica is back yea22:34
PseudoGou4prezes lechi lejafar bebabel amud22:34
kelvinellaalthough i am not american haha22:35
PseudoGou4U are from Vancouver22:35
PseudoGou4What a dump22:35
prezescan u write in english please22:35
yassine_helli got one simple question , how can i view *.lst file  in terminal ?22:35
xskydevilxCan I dual boot Fedora 15 and Ubuntu 11.04? If so, how do I do it?22:35
Piciyassine_hell: view the contents? or do you  want to see a list of all the files that match *.lst in your current path?22:36
grAUY5Gray Adams succ22:36
yassine_hellPici : contents22:36
Piciyassine_hell: less filename.list22:36
grAUY5geber-diffu sucks huge...beach balls22:36
Piciyassine_hell: use 'q' to quit22:36
PseudoGou4What's the difference between more and less?22:36
PicigrAUY5: Stop that.  This is a support channel.22:36
trahm93Can someone help me regarding KDE?22:37
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PseudoGou4What problem do u have with KDE?22:37
PiciPseudoGou4: more scrolls page by page, less can do line by line.  (Theres also 'most', which has a few more features)22:37
trahm93PseudoGou4, my widgets randomly move themselves around the screen, even with widgets locked22:37
PseudoGou4cool pici, noted.22:37
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PseudoGou4Sorry trahm93, I don't know.  I use folder view for my Desktop and I don't use Desktop Widgets.22:38
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trahm93OK, thanks anyway PseudoGou422:38
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HyperShockHello fellow Ubuntu fiends! ;> Anyone have a clue as to why the current system might want to randomly shutdown the system on a desktop?22:39
kelvinellaPseudoGou4, yea i am from vancouver GO CANUCKS GO22:39
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PseudoGou4kelvinella:  Canucks will lose.22:40
PseudoGou4I hope they do.22:40
Pici!ot | kelvinella PseudoGou422:40
ubottukelvinella PseudoGou4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:40
icerootHyperShock: high temp? look at /var/log/syslog22:42
HyperShockI have an 11.04 system running classic, that randomly shutsdown, for no particular reason it will show the shutdown dialog for 5 secs and then reboot! Any clues as to what I should be looking for?22:42
prezeshello everbody. I looking for program which help me changed contrast and gamma in my laptop screen.22:42
prezeshello everbody. I looking for program which help me changed contrast and gamma in my laptop screen.22:42
nicofsI can't connect to WLAN anymore. Ally I get is "Bad password." On three different computers with different cards - in three different networks. Where can I start troubleshooting?22:43
HyperShockiceroot: thanks, i'll look22:43
icerootnicofs: using the correct password22:43
prezeshi. i looking 4 program 2 changed gamma and contrast on laptop screen22:43
nicofsiceroot, because i mistyped every single of the three different passwords each time i tried...?22:43
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icerootnicofs: if it is from different computers with different cards, i guess so22:44
BigbucksIs there a way I can disable a certian error from coming up in Ubuntu Server? I keep getting a USB error, and it prevents me from being able to enter any commands because it comes up a couple times every second, is there a way I can stop this so I can actually use the server?22:44
riz0nHey guys, I have an Ubuntu server running the latest LTS. I have an issue where every so often the machine will go into sleep mode and quit responding to requests, however becomes responsive if a key is pressed on the machine. There is no keyboard or monitor attached to this machine, and is beginning to become a major inconvenience. What can I check, and what can I change to keep the machine22:44
riz0nfrom going into sleep mode?22:44
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PseudoGou4Bigbucks:  What is the USB error?  Elaborate.22:45
nicofsiceroot, i had even others type the passwords for me... trust me - i'm not using a wrong password...22:45
icerootnicofs: maybe your cards dont provide the encryption method22:45
icerootnicofs: or you are setting the wrong encryption on the client22:46
BigbucksPseudoGou4 the error is: [ Some kind of timer] :  hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 422:46
icerootnicofs: maybe there is a log on the access-point which shows a better error22:46
nicofsiceroot, it's not that they didn't connect before... same setup, same settings - it just stopped working...22:46
riz0nBigbucks I think I'd simply detach the device USB device on port 422:46
icerootnicofs: or try to use "iwconfig" with some kind of verbode-mode22:46
Bigbucksriz0n: It is not as simple as that, its soldered into the MB, and the same little metal box also contains the ethernet port.22:47
PseudoGou4Bigbucks:  Answer the PM22:47
nicofsiceroot, i would have to use it with wpa-suplicant... i have no idea how that works... its all WPA2 and passkey or identiy/password with PEAP/MSCHAPv222:47
PseudoGou4I have a few suggestions22:47
riz0nIs it considered an "integrated" device? Perhaps there is a way you can disable in BIOS22:48
cleiferwhat happened to jaunty? http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/22:48
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rww!eol | cleifer22:48
ubottucleifer: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:48
icerootnicofs: i dont have that idea, sorry but i guess its a good start to get a better error-output22:48
Viper550Okay, how well does Natty run on a eMachines em250 laptop?22:48
cleiferubottu, dance22:48
I-I hello there I did something accidently wrong and cant use the keyboard and mouse interface at start up anymore it has to do with the option of BUS being disabled by me, how do i use a command line to enable BUS system option?22:48
iceroot!hardware | Viper55022:48
ubottuViper550: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:48
icerootViper550: if i am correct, that model was mentioned there22:49
HyperShockiceroot: what should be normal cpu temp?22:49
icerootHyperShock: depending on the cpu22:49
nicofsSo back to the others: How can i get my WLAN connection to work again? All I get is bad password. In all networks.22:49
HyperShockiceroot: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  E2180  @ 2.00GHz22:50
icerootHyperShock: what temp you have?22:50
icerootHyperShock: lm-sensors normally shows what is the critical area for tehmps22:51
Waqascan anybody help me with the expertise22:51
zvacet!ask | Waqas22:52
ubottuWaqas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:52
HyperShockiceroot: 40c (104f)22:52
WaqasI want to know how to enable the BUS option which i accidently disabled and couldnt use my keyboard and mouse anymore at startup.?22:52
Waqasin ubuntu22:53
icerootHyperShock: that is ok22:53
icerootHyperShock: no infos in /var/log/syslog?22:53
eekTheCatDoes much change for server editions of ubuntu from release to release? Where's the big marketing "What's New" page for that?22:53
Viper550eekTheCat, the installer's got a purple BG now22:53
icerooteekTheCat: the biggest changes are in the gui (and using upstart)22:53
Viper550that's definately a feature.22:54
eekTheCatViper550, OMG, I'll install it right now!22:54
r|z0nhow can i disable all acpi power options available in ubuntu from the shell?22:54
GilesWhere can I go to ask questions about ppa:'s22:54
icerootr|z0n: disbale acpi in the grub-line22:54
PicieekTheCat: They're listed on the release notes page with the rest of the notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu%20Server22:55
GilesIt hangs uploading the changes file 1k/2k22:55
Viper550eekTheCat, http://on-disk.com/images/Ubuntu-11.04-screenshot-18.jpg not kidding22:55
bael56Can someone please help me with my netowrk???22:56
bael56it says "eth0 : Error while getting interface flags: No such device. Failed to bring up eth022:56
bael56ls /syss/classs/net found only eth1, lo, virbr0 ..22:56
PseudoGou4bael56:  ifconfig -a22:57
r|z0niceroot: Please elaborate22:57
bael56PseudoGou4, I got et1,lo and virbr022:58
Viper550Okay, important question, for those recovery partitions, are the functionality for launching them usually in the MBR, or the BIOS?22:58
eekTheCatViper550, the mbr22:58
PseudoGou4bael56:  So try bringing up Eth1 instead of Eth022:58
HyperShockcan web based game trigger a shutdown event?22:58
bael56PseudoGou4, how? :)22:58
eekTheCatViper550, at least on my system. I can't speak for "usually"22:59
PseudoGou4ifconfig eth1 up22:59
Viper550eekTheCat, the system I'm installing on has it as their first partition before the OS partition22:59
bael56PseudoGou4, did not work?22:59
PseudoGou4what did it say?23:00
HyperShockViper550: if you are wiping out their windows partition, then wipe out the recovery partition too. unless you want to get windows back at a later point.23:00
PseudoGou4That means it worked23:00
PseudoGou4ifconfig eth123:00
Viper550though on this system it might not be worth it because THE FREAKING RECOVERY IMAGE WAS FAULTY :U23:00
k-rAd-i'm running vinagre vnc client on my ubuntu box and when i access it from my mac mini screen rewrites and refreshes don't happen i've got a gigabit router and gigabit nics.  would i better be able to control my mac mini if i can a vnc server on it, and accessed from my much more powerful linux machine ?23:00
Viper550as in, I couldn't even get it to a working desktop23:00
yassine_hellhey anyone know the crunch tool ,23:00
HyperShockviper550: then wipe out the whole disk, give it to ubuntu.23:01
Viper550yay. he'll finally get his advertised 160GB23:01
yassine_hellcan i run command & conquer : generals on ubuntu ?23:02
eekTheCatYes, give it to ubuntu as tribute. A tithe, if you will23:02
k-rAd-actually vinagre server on ubuntu natty.  accessing it from snow leopard makes screen refreshes impossible would i have better luck running snow leopard vnc server and accessing it from a much more powerful linux box ?23:02
bael56PseudoGou4, nothing really changed, still got localip23:03
PseudoGou4bael56: ifconfig eth1 what does it say23:03
puffI just received my new thinkpad t520.  I was going to install ubuntu on it, but I've heard there are some problems with 11.04 on the t520. Something about drivers for the wireless.   Anyone know about this?23:03
puffI'm tempted to install 10.4 TLS.23:03
yassine_hellwhat command shows the running process in ubuntu?23:03
puffEr, 10.4 LTS.23:03
puffyassine_hell: ps or top23:04
puffyassine_hell: To see all processes with lots of detail, ps -ef23:04
yassine_hellpuff : thx ima try it23:04
bael56Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr e0:69...... inet6 addr:80::e2.... Scope:Link ...UP BroadCasr running multicast....23:04
puffyassine_hell: To get a running display of your most CPU-intensive processes, run top from the command window.23:04
bael56PseudoGou4,  Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr e0:69...... inet6 addr:80::e2.... Scope:Link ...UP BroadCasr running multicast....23:04
puffyassine_hell: I don't know of any equivalent GUI tools, but then I tend to use ps and top, so I haven't looked.23:05
PseudoGou4bael56:  Put it on pastebin23:05
yassine_hellpuff : top looks cool23:05
PseudoGou4bael56:  It is working, the question is is it pulling an IP address23:05
bael56PseudoGou4, I have to write it by hand.. it's on another computer.. Is there some value that is important i can write that/those..23:06
puffyassine_hell: Ah, there's a GUI tool:  System/Administration/System Monitor.23:06
bael56PseudoGou4, no its not :/23:06
PseudoGou4bael56:  Try typing "dhclient eth1" what does it say23:06
PseudoGou4(I'm assuming you have the ethernet port actually connected to something)23:06
Waqashello PseudoGou423:06
PseudoGou4Waqas Hello23:06
Waqasmay i ask you a question about ubuntu bus option23:07
moodaepoFolks are there plans to ship 2.6.39 with transparent_hugepage enabled?23:07
bael56PseudoGou4SIOCSIFADDR: No such device..... eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: no Such device.. .... Bind socket to interface: No such device23:07
PseudoGou4Waqas Ask, you may get an answer23:07
Waqasok i try it23:07
PseudoGou4sudo dhclient eth123:07
bael56I did that23:08
Viper550Errno 30?23:08
bael56and I got that error msg23:08
Picimoodaepo: Not sure, you may want to check the ubuntu-kernel mailing lists or their IRC channel: #ubuntu-kernel23:08
WaqasI was playing with the Bus option, turned that option off, but somehow i couldnt use keyboard and mouse anymore at start up phase, how do i enable the bus option from command line before start up? I need to enable the bus system option.23:08
moodaepoPici: Thanks!23:08
PseudoGou4bael - I would tell you to run lspci and lsmod and to send me a textfile of their output23:08
PseudoGou4That's the nexttstep to a diagnosis23:08
PseudoGou4But you will have to make accomodations for this if you want my assistance23:09
PseudoGou4I need to see which network card yuo have and which modules you have loaded23:09
bael56PseudoGou4, wow!!!!! it worked!!! :)23:09
PseudoGou4Waqas - You mean you recompiled the Kernel and played with the bus options in the kernel?23:09
PseudoGou4Can't you boot to the old kernel?23:09
Waqasno i only disabled the bus option from system menu23:09
Waqasthat caused it23:09
Waqaslong time ago23:09
PseudoGou4You can't type anythign at all?23:09
bael56PseudoGou4, Can I modify a file or something to tell it to autostart on reboot?? Perhaps by mod.. 70-persiastnt-net.rules?23:10
PseudoGou4bael56:  What worked?23:10
Waqasi cant use the keyboard and mouse when screen appears of login23:10
PseudoGou4bael56:  I don't know, it should work automatically at next reboot, try it23:10
bael56PseudoGou4, I got the ip when I runed dhcclient eth123:10
Viper550Okay, I was doing a unetbootin install, and I got a "Errno 30"23:10
bael56PseudoGou4, Thank you extremly much mate! you're the best! :)23:10
PseudoGou4bael56:  Set the connection up in the Network Manager GUI, it should do this for you23:11
PseudoGou4bael56:  G-D Bless23:11
PseudoGou4Waqas:  Are you able to ctrl_alt_shift Fkey to a new console?23:11
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Waqasi dont think i can do that, the keyboard responses frozen23:12
Waqasi am now in win723:12
bael56PseudoGou4, I just have a another question (short one) ... On my workstation I am running ubuntu 11.04 yesterday I tried installing KDE 3 and something wierd happend I am not able to login to the system via KDE.. but if I press alt + ctrl + f2 I am able.. I have tried to remove KDE but noting works.. Is the only way to reinstall the system??23:13
PseudoGou4bael56:  The question is too ambiguous.  Elaborate "could not log on".23:14
yassine_hellwhat parameter should i use with "cd" to get the size of a file ?23:14
PseudoGou4Waqas:  So go into Linux you Dutch bufoon23:14
yassine_hell*i mean with "ls"23:14
rwwyassine_hell: ls -lh23:14
th0ryassine_hell: ls -l23:14
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Waqasi need to enable the option before i start the start up screen do you know how to use a comman to run and enable bus system?23:15
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seph_Guys i dont know why but something is wrong with my ubuntu narhwal im having a very very slow internet while in windows its normal and stable23:15
seph_anyway i can debug the situation?23:15
marekw2143 /whois Waqas23:16
PseudoGou4Waqas:  You can't access your Linux partition from Windows without a 129-bit inode EXT3 partition23:16
Bane99now in Ubuntu 10.04.2 :)23:16
k-rAd-actually vinagre server on ubuntu natty.  accessing it from snow leopard makes screen refreshes impossible would i have better luck running snow leopard vnc server and accessing it from a much more powerful linux box ?23:17
Waqasno i mean when i start the linux in dos mode i have the option to choose the menu from there to activate the bus configurationo23:17
Bane99question guys, is there a reason why my sound blaster audigy 2 is all scratchy?23:17
nit-wit! who | Waqas23:17
ubottuWaqas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:17
PseudoGou4Waqas:  Sorry I can't help you I am too inexperienced and your English is confusing me.23:17
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
WaqasI try with somebody else23:18
elkyPseudoGou4, that's no reason to go namecalling.23:18
ubuntucorkThe countdown to ubuntu 12.04 LTS has begun and so has my savings fund for a new laptop to run it :-)23:18
rwwXuMuK: Your ZNC is set to change your nickname when you disconnect from it. This is against Ubuntu's IRC Guidelines and is rather annoying; please disable this feature.23:18
PseudoGou4Melissa - mind your business23:19
ubuntucork#Bane99, I thought the audigy2 chips were well supported these days?23:19
ubuntucork#Bane99 they were well supported in the 2.0.3x kernels anyway.....the good old days ;-)23:20
Bane99well all i'm getting is audio with crackles23:21
luchenbillis there a way to change folder permissions?23:21
elkyPseudoGou4, as I am an op here, your behaviour is very much my business. I will hence mind it.23:22
ubuntucork#bane99, Silly Q, you tried googling it or tried it with a different distro or even a distro live cd?23:22
PseudoGou4elky - it would be nice to know if you're a mod by placing a "@" in front of your name23:22
rwwPseudoGou4: It would be nice if you would treat all users with respect as our IRC Guidelines (which ubottu has linked you to) mandate.23:22
PseudoGou4elky:  So that I can avoid getting in the way of your menstral power trips23:22
WaqasPseudoGou4 i solved it i am reinstallating ubuntu23:23
elkyrww, he's yours.23:23
ubuntucorkhow do I ignore people on irc?  (havent time to google)23:23
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Kangaroo_Hi im installing 10.04.2. I installed Windows Xp on 14gb of 140gb and then using 11.04 live i moved that to end. Then installed 11.04 and shrinked it to end till windows xp. Now in free space i want to put 10.04.2 witch will i be using all the time and i have installation now.23:23
Khisanthubuntucork: depends on irc client23:24
SenatorLincolnubuntucork, you have time to sit here and wait for an answer? I honestly think you could figure it out with a single guess for your irc client :)23:24
luchenbillI have installed a lamp-server on ubuntu 11.04, and i'm trying to place files such as an index.php into the /var/www/ folder, and I keep getting permission denied23:24
Kangaroo_Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup. OR Use the largest continious free space.. The 2nd option shows where it will install. Why 1st option doesnt show?23:24
SenatorLincolnluchenbill, permission denied when you place files there? Or when you open them through your apache server in the browser?23:25
luchenbillSenatorLincoln: i'm trying to place files into that directory so I can view them via apache23:26
luchenbillfor local testing23:26
ypaqhi guys23:26
SenatorLincolnluchenbill, so the files aren't getting placed?23:26
ypaqi'm running a jaunty in a cloud service which i want to update23:27
luchenbillSenatorLincoln: no I can't place files into the directory /var/www/ I don't have permission23:27
ypaqunfortunately the i get a 404 for a bunch of packages when i apt-get update23:27
rww!eol | ypaq23:27
ubottuypaq: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:27
SenatorLincolnluchenbill, you can use sudo to place the file. sudo mv index.php /var/www23:27
SenatorLincolnluchenbill, you can change the permissions there so your user or a certain group has access there with chmod23:28
luchenbillthanks SenatorLincoln23:28
ypaqexactly what i needed! thanks again23:29
GuitarMan517Does anyone know a sound mixer that I can adjust levels of mids, bass, and highs? Just got some new speakers and am looking for a bit more mid sound, but can't seem to find an audio mixer for Ubuntu23:29
luchenbillit worked very nicely SenatorLincoln, but how can I change the permissions so I can just place files there?23:30
Bane99so do you think i should use my realtek onboard sound instead of my SB Audigy 2?23:30
SenatorLincolnluchenbill, a simple way would be to chown(change ownership) everything in /var/www. sudo chown -R luchenbill /var/www23:31
SharpclawDoes anybody know about some good applications for Ubuntu?23:31
SharpclawLike a Unity?23:31
zatanhi can anybody, remind me what dictionary is on ubuntu with blue icon?23:32
SenatorLincolnSharpclaw, luke a unity?23:32
SharpclawUnity, Unity3D.23:32
AlmehdiSharpclaw: Gnome-shell? ;)23:32
griskBane99: no.23:32
GuitarMan517Gnome ftw!23:32
Bane99sigh i'll deal with my scratchy sound then =/23:32
SharpclawUgh... what is a Gnome-sheel?23:32
SharpclawI mean Gnome-shell.23:33
Bane99so just deal with the scratchy and muffled sound?23:33
AlmehdiSharpclaw: Just joking.. it is another shell than Unity.. which is the default of Ubuntu 11.0423:33
puffHm, I have a new t520 with an i7. It says it's 64-bit in Windows' Start/Computer/Properties.23:33
Bane99was i supposed to use ext3 or ext4 to format the partition?23:34
Bane99yes puff?23:34
SharpclawOh. Wrong Unity. LOL! I mean Unity3d gaming. (unity.com)23:34
rwwpuff: yes, amd64 will work fine.23:34
Bane99i have an i7 too23:34
puffShould I download the 64-bit ubuntu install?  The install file has "amd" in the name...23:34
AlmehdiSharpclaw: Are you after a game or something?23:34
puffrww: Ah, you got there ahead of me :-).  Thanks.23:34
Bane99that's what i used23:34
GuitarMan517I didn't like unity; I am running 11.04 and selected classic view at boot.23:34
rwwpuff: welcome23:34
puffBane99: Thank you, also.23:34
SharpclawOh yeah, is there a Unity desktop for Ubuntu 10.10 desktop?23:34
WelshDragonHi. I've just installed ubuntu 11.04, and my display keeps fading to black after 5 minutes of being idle. There used to be an option to stop that in power management but it's gone now, so how do i stop it?23:34
rwwSharpclaw: no23:34
SharpclawNot exactly, Almehdi. See, I MAKE the games.23:34
eb3ha4elwhat is logic gate?23:34
SenatorLincolnGuitarMan517, I could have helped you before Ubuntu adopted this pulseaudio thing. Now everything seems confusing (and often broken).23:35
Bane99do i need WINE?23:35
puffHm, installing from a USB key... do I need to do anything special, or just copy it over to the USB key, plug it into the T520, open it and click the file?23:35
Bane99for say old StarCraft23:35
AlmehdiSharpclaw: Ahh.. ;)23:35
GuitarMan517SenatorLincoln: Dang it, no way around that?23:35
SharpclawI know theres one for Netbook, but I don't have enough space for it. I'm running out of HD spage.23:35
puffI'm still kinda leery of 11.04... I am/was on 10.04 LTS.23:35
rwwpuff: Do you have an Ubuntu computer handy?23:35
Bane99that's what i installed puff23:35
Bane99over 11.0423:35
GuitarMan517puff: seems to be ok, but unity..I dont like it23:35
AlmehdiSharpclaw: What typ of games are you after?23:36
SharpclawI make 3D games23:36
MurpleI am not able to get my old iMac running the newest edition of Ubuntu online via wifi. I am using a Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA BCM4311 driver which allegedly is "activated and currently in use", yet I cannot find and connect to any wireless networks. I'm a linux newb, so I'm not sure how difficult this problem is to solve, but I would much appreciate any advise.23:36
krikulishow do one create network bridge for KVM ? I'm confused about that part which does not state additional IP addresses23:37
rwwpuff: if you do, download the ISO to the Ubuntu computer, run System -> Administration -> Startup Disc Creator, it'll prepare the USB stick properly.23:37
AlmehdiSharpclaw: Understand, but you wanted a recommendation...23:37
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Bane99is ext4 stable now?23:37
rwwpuff: If you don't, I think the thing the Windows kids use is called unetbootin23:37
AlmehdiSharpclaw: So in what area? ;)23:37
SharpclawNo. I was just saying that they should make Unity3D for Ubuntu.23:37
SenatorLincolnSharpclaw, there is nothing like Unity3D for linux23:37
puffrww: Yes, I have my old thinkpad t43p, running 10.04 LTS.23:38
AlmehdiSharpclaw: Yes, indeed they should... little sad they have not23:38
rwwpuff: I think it's named slightly differently in 10.04, but it's still in System -> Administration.23:38
P05TMANHow can I install glib-2.6 in ubuntu 10.1023:38
Bane99so i installed Docky and it asked me to turn on Composition?23:38
SharpclawNothing for Unity in Snaptic.23:38
gdx_Hello guys i've got problem with saving&watching AV stream from rtsp camera so far i figured out this pipeline but i have no idea how to write proper one.           gst-launch-0.10 rtspsrc location=rtsp:// latency=90 name=s ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! tee name=videoout ! queue ! matroskamux ! filesink location=sampel.mkv videoout. ! queue ! decodebin ! autovideosink s. ! rtpvorbisdepay ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! alsasink23:38
Bane99what is that23:38
puffrww: Startup Disk Creator is kinda cool, but it really oughta handle finding and downloading the right version for the user, to _really_ spread ubuntu...23:39
Almehdi<-- afk23:39
puffany other votes for 10.04 vs 11.04?23:39
SharpclawIs there a way to get KDE without all the apps?23:39
puffHm, I should bittorrent this ISO.23:39
nit-witpuff, no23:39
puff"15 hours, 44 minutes remaining - 3.4 of 698 MB (10.5 KB/sec)"23:40
puffI blame comcast.23:40
rwwpuff: I like 10.04, personally.23:40
zvacetpuff: depend what do you need stability of new stuff23:40
puffnit-wit: No opinions, or no I shouldnt bittorrent it?23:40
nit-witpuff, no on the comparison that is.23:40
puffrww: I'm also slightly worried about drivers wtih the t520, there have been some reported odd behavior.23:40
puffAnd since 10.4 is LTS, it still has a fair bit of support window.23:40
P05TMANHow do you install glibc-2.6.1 in ubuntu 10.1023:41
puffCome to think of it, my original reason for going with LTS is still valid, so...23:41
nit-witpuff, comcast is a known throttler.23:41
zvacetpuff: are you downloading with torrent?23:41
rwwpuff: Hrm, but newer means newer kernel means more likely to have the drivers you want. Tricky.23:41
SharpclawActionParsnip! The person that got my Ubuntu USBs up and running!!23:41
Bane99umm comcast is much much faster than my DSL lol23:41
puffrww: Well, the last several version upgrades caused problems with funky kernel stuff, usually wireless-related.23:41
puffrww: Which *eventually* got sorted out, but...23:41
puffrww: I am now a bit gunshy about upgrades, hence LTS.23:42
puffAs well as not liking the upgrade treadmill.23:42
Murplepuff: Do you have any advise on how to solve those funky problems? I could get online until i recently upgraded to the latest ubuntu. Now I'm lost.23:42
puffMurple: Depnds on the problem.23:42
zvacetpuff:  stay with LTS if it works for you23:42
rwwpuff: yeah, it's a dilemma23:43
SharpclawDo you know how to clean up HD space to make room for Ubuntu 10.04 upgrade?23:43
MurpleI can't see any networks, yet the broadcom driver is supposedly "activated and currently in use"23:43
zvacetSharpclaw: sodo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean23:43
P05TMANPlease, how can I install glib-2.14 or higher, not in package manager23:44
puffSharpclaw: I used to use this nifty tool, jdiskreport.  I think there's a similar app in an ubuntu package.23:44
puffMurple: Mine had to do with wireless just getting flakier and flakier.  Ultimately I found a comment in the bug system that said one user solved his problem by reflashing his router from DD-WRT (which mine was) to tomato. I did that and my problems went away.23:44
puffOh yeah, that reminds me... with the t43p, I had problems using the regular installer, I had to get the altenrate installer image.  Anybody know if that's still the case with the t520?23:45
Murplehmmm... I'd rather not have to touch the routher, and it seems very unnecessary. The router hasn't changed, it worked before and it's working right now. But the last Ubuntu upgrade killed my internet connection.23:45
SharpclawNothing for jdiskreport. sudo apt-get clean worked well. Still not enough space though. Any more sugestions?23:46
puffMurple: Killed it _how_?23:46
puffSharpclaw: jdiskreport isn't in the repos, it's a java program you have to download.23:46
SharpclawOh. LOL23:46
P05TMANWhat is a workable programme that will record audio to mp3 format in ubuntu23:47
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MurpleI'm not sure. I can't see any wireless networks. I'm a linux newb, so I might be the problem. I just don't know how to troubleshoot. I found this article which precisely addresses my problem, but after finishing all the steps, but not joy.23:47
zvacetSharpclaw : sudo apt-get autoclean23:47
Sharpclawpuff: It reads the Java file as an archive.23:48
puffSharpclaw: baobab is the other app I was thinking of, that one *is* in the repos.23:48
puffSharpclaw: However, my notes say that jdiskreport still has a hadny display-by-file-type option that baobab doesn't.  Then aagain, maybe it does now.23:48
puffSharpclaw: Downlaod the java file, save it, then run it with java.23:49
puffSharpclaw: Speaking of java, if you're freeing up space temporarily, to upgrade, then you might remove the JDKs, they're quite large.23:49
puffMurple: Step one, make sure you actually have wireless enabled.23:50
puffSharpclaw: Java Development Kits.23:50
puffSharpclaw: sudo dpklg -l | fgrep -i jdk23:50
SharpclawUgh... Ok?23:50
Murplepuff: You lost me at step one.23:50
puffMurple: sudo ifconfig -a23:50
SharpclawHow do I get rid of them23:50
puffMurple: a) sudo ifup eth123:50
Murplepuff: ifconfig: eth0 + lo. Ethernet + Local loopback.23:51
puffMurple: b) sudo ifconfig eth1 up23:51
puffMurple: Ohwait.23:52
Murplepuff: ifup: Ignoring unknown interface eth123:52
puffMurple: Usually eth0 is wired and eth1 is wireless.23:52
puffMurple: Is this a laptop or desktop?23:52
Murplepuff: I don't think the wireless is listed.23:52
Murplepuff: stationary iMac. 5 years old or so.23:52
puffSharpclaw: Did that dpkg command find any JDKs?23:52
puffMurple: Ah, does it have wireless?23:52
puffMurple: Yeah, sounds like it's not listing it... may be some other problem entirely, then.23:53
Murplepuff: Yes, as I said, I used it in Ubuntu up until I upgraded.23:53
SharpclawI don't know what command to use.23:53
Murplepuff: indeed.23:53
puffSharpclaw: sudo dpkg -l | fgrep -i jdk23:53
puffMurple: Hrm, sudo lsmod23:54
Bane99this is my first day on ubuntu23:54
Bane99well linux in general23:54
puffMurple: See if you can spot your wireless driver module in there.  I'm not sure what it's called.  On mine it's ipw2200, but it's a hardware-specific thing.23:54
x1010011010xBane99, do you hate it yet? :P23:54
moneyisdust"Murple: Usually eth0 is wired and eth1 is wireless." ??? wlan0 is wireless23:54
Bane99hahaha it's fun so far23:54
x1010011010xlol, give yourself time :P23:54
Bane99but i'd like my audio to stop having crackles23:54
puffmoneyisdust: Okay, usually on *my* machines it's eth0 and eth1. I've seen wla0 on other machines too.23:55
Sharpclawpuff: nothing happened.23:55
x1010011010xBane99, might want to play with your alsa settings23:55
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puffSharpclaw: Okay, then you don't have any JDKs installed.23:55
rwwmoneyisdust, puff: It depends on which module you're using for wifi. Some use ethX, some use wlanX23:55
SharpclawHow do I add templates?23:55
Murplepuff. I don't think it's listed, although it's hard to say because several of the items are difficult to decipher.23:55
puffSharpclaw: So run baobab and see if that helps you find out what's sucking up your space.23:55
Bane99alsa settings?23:55
puffrww: Ah, maybe you can advise murple further...23:55
moneyisdustbasic install of ubuntu :)23:56
SharpclawI can't run my Python scripts because I don't have a template for it.23:56
Murplemoneyisdust: wlan0 was not listed either. I only had "eth0" and "lo".23:56
Dephenomdoes anyone know how much Landscape alone is per seat?23:56
Sharpclawpuff: baobab is also known as the "Disk usage analyzer", right?23:56
Andrew131hey guys unity crashes on me periodically is there any way to deal with this other then unity --reset?23:57
moneyisdustMarple: ifconfig -a23:57
MurpleThat lists eth0 and lo.23:57
puffSharpclaw: That sounds likely.23:57
Bane99so x1010011010x, what are the alsa settings?23:58
SharpclawOk. Let me check that... I'll be back on Friday. Thanks!23:58
Bane99what is alsa? i'm very new to linux lol23:58
moneyisdustit is to back the cake :)23:58
seph_is it just me or ubuntu narwhal has issuies with internet speed?23:58
tripelbGet this on boot in a window. What is this from? Ub should tell me source. How to find out? ---> search for suitable plugin  The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file?23:59
cbilljonesSo just tried ubuntu 11.04 on my new state of the art allinone elo POS, nice to see touch out of the box, Great Work :)23:59

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