
=== braiam is now known as la
=== la is now known as la_tierra
=== la_tierra is now known as braiam
=== casandera is now known as hajour1
=== casandera is now known as hajour1
=== casandera is now known as hajour1
hajour1question is it allowed for others to stay pm you even if you have sayed you not want to be pm ed anymore?20:43
hajour1and it are not nice pm s btw20:49
Picihajour1: If its within the Ubuntu namespace, the rule is usually that you ask before you pm.20:50
hajour1i have said i not want to talk anymore because its not friendly pm s and it also not will become more friendly only more worse20:52
hajour1but till a few sec ago he was staying everytime pm me over and over20:53
Picihajour1: I suggest you use ignore then.20:54
hajour1i clickt everytime away.i hope he finally have give up and not go do it again20:54
hajour1but i thought ignore was not allowed by COC?20:54
PiciIf someone is harassing you, its definitely an option,.20:54
hajour1ok then i will put him on ignore if he starts again20:55
hajour1that means now20:55
hajour1he just started again20:55
hajour1what is the command of ignore Pici ?20:57
hajour1i never have put someone else on ignore before you see20:58
Picihajour1: It usually depends on your IRC client. /help ignore   might give you enough information to start with20:58
hajour1ok thank you Pici 20:59
hajour1it do not work name and emailadress he still pm s me21:11
hajour1to put it on ignore21:11
hajour1and i am not allowed to let see pm s21:12
hajour1ubuntu rules21:12
hajour1btw i don't think you want to see that pm s :(21:13
hajour1i thought that leaving ubuntu beginners team and ubuntu accessibility and only helping lead speechcontrol from behind the scenes would help :(21:14
hajour1if that not helps i will be forced to leave the loco team also and that means i leave irc channels completly21:16
PiciThats not a good solution21:16
hajour1on this moment it looks that is the only choice i have21:17
PiciWhat IRC client are you using?21:17
PiciOkay, one moment.21:17
Picihajour1: should be able to use: /ignore nick!*@* all 21:18
Picireplace nick with the person's nick21:18
hajour1i have used /ignore name and email adress priv chan21:18
hajour1but that command do not help21:18
=== braiam is now known as s112___
=== s112___ is now known as s__s
hajour1ok i will try21:19
=== s__s is now known as braiam
hajour1also de * in command?21:20
hajour1Pici, ^21:21
Picihajour1: Yes, exactly as I wrote it, but replace the NICK with the person's nickname on IRC21:22
hajour1i have done it i hope it help21:25
hajour1because he have a wikipedia cloack i do not know or that is making it more dificult to put him on ignore21:25
hajour1so i not have the number or something what is behind the name21:27
PiciThats fine, thats what the '*'s are for21:27
hajour1ok i hope really it will work21:28
hajour1i only have my locoteam left now you see21:28
hajour1and in a kind of way my (old) team 21:29
hajour1and thank you Pici 21:35
Picihajour1: you're welcome.21:35
hajour1sometimes i think i am just born for to have bad luck everytime21:35
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen

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