
* ScottL is reading backscroll00:26
ScottLckontros, i checked in on the meeting as it happened and yes, i have some seed work that i would like to do to also clean up some things00:30
ScottLckontros, how would you like for me to be involved? 00:30
ScottLckontros, not trying to obfuscate, but i just want to understand the expectations00:38
* saidinesh5 waves at ScottL from his Ubuntu Studio :P00:42
ScottLlol, hi saidinesh5 00:43
saidinesh5good mornin? :)00:43
saidinesh5ScottL: its the same thing as when i tried it a couple of years ago..00:45
* persia idly wonders why consistency is no longer widely considered a positive attribute00:45
saidinesh5persia: it isnt??00:46
persiaOh, you mean that in a good way?  Sorry.  I'm oversensitive I suppose.00:46
saidinesh5i thought consistency is like at the core of any good design00:47
saidinesh5ScottL: btw. doesn't ubuntu studio bundle compiz by default ? or is it my NVIDIA drivers?00:48
* saidinesh5 might not have "I m a designer guy" written on his head though00:48
persiasaidinesh5: consistency over elements is not always considered in the same was as consistency over time, but we digress :)00:49
saidinesh5Ah okay!!00:50
saidinesh5well back then it was a hugeee disappointment for me00:50
* saidinesh5 was totally new to linux back then though00:50
saidinesh5so i was expecting different things i guess00:50
ckontrosScottL: No. I don't need to be involved now. I do however want to look at the *-desktop depends for the Xubuntu conversion at some point and rearrange things. I think Il be further on our new *-settings package this weekend.00:57
ScottLsaidinesh5, i think you will find the next release will be quite different, but in a good way01:32
saidinesh5naice ScottL :D01:33
saidinesh5also i was wondering where could i find some roadmap or something if i can contribute to anything01:33
persiasaidinesh5, Well, what sort of thing do you like to do?01:51
saidinesh5dunno persia.. will look at what can be done 01:54
saidinesh5and then will decide01:54
saidinesh5m fair enough with writing code .... like can use Qt to make little apps that do what i want them to do01:54
persiaWell, some areas that always benefit from people: reviewing/replicating/investigating bugs, documenting how to accomplish common tasks with the default software selections, improving integration support between applications in the default software selection, regular testing and reporting of any discovered issues, (and lots more)01:55
persiaWell, if you're good at writing code, we've heaps of bugs that need fixing.  We generally coordinate with the Debian Multimedia team to get patches we prepare applied to the applications we select.01:56
persiaJust pick any application installed by default, visit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/${PACKAGE}/+bugs01:57
saidinesh5oh cool: looking into it01:57
persia(note that in some cases the source package name differs from the binary package name: if `apt-cache show ${PACKAGE} | grep "^Source:" returns anything, use that instead of the binary package name01:58
saidinesh5oh sure :)01:58
persiaquadrispro is often around in this channel, and is the primary person pushing patches into Debian Multimedia: once you have a couple, I'd recommend talking to him about the best way to get them applied.01:58
saidinesh5sure :D01:59
saidinesh5thank you :)01:59
scott-workmorning abogani 14:15
aboganiscott-work: Hi Scott!14:16
scott-workhi falktx 14:49
falktxhey scott-work14:50
falktxscott-work: I noticed what you said about the gtk-deco theme, but I don't have the skills to make it better14:50
falktxI just modded the ubuntu theme...14:50
scott-workfalktx: you mean the dark on dark window treatment?14:51
falktxscott-work: yes14:51
scott-workholstein: i'm talking to skaet right now about website access :)18:18
scott-worki got tired of trying to catch her on a channel and finally realized i could simply /query her :P18:18
holsteinscott-work: w00t18:20
holsteinyeah, i tried a /q once, but she wasnt on freenode at all18:20
Kokitoscott-work: you've got mail20:11
scott-workhi Kokito20:12
* scott-work is looking20:12
astraljavaHmm... I can't make out the difference between a query and a msg. Someone enlighten me?21:45
scott-workquery opens new window, what most people think of as PM22:13
scott-worki think22:13
astraljavaHmm... when in irssi, /msg also opens a new 'window'.22:19
holsteinastraljava: think of /msg as sending a message to the server23:41
holsteinlike /msg nickserv or /msg chanserv23:41
holsteinyou are asking for something from the sever via a message23:41
holstein /query gets you a PM with whatever nick23:41

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