
keantokenI'm trying to install a color profile for my monitor. I got as far as getting the color profile loader with Synaptic, but the nVidia drivers just reset it all. Am I doing something wrong?00:42
buntyhi all03:06
jerry_lcan ubuntu studio do green screen?04:01
jerry_lubuntustudio 10.04 is awsome, but should i really go to ubuntu studio 11.04?04:04
holsteinjerry_l: if you want to upgrade, you can05:44
holsteinthe 10.04 version is an LTS05:44
holstein*long term support05:44
holsteinwhich is why im still running 10.04 on my studio production machine05:44
buntyhi guys. Anyone awake ?11:09
buntyfor some reason I don't have sound working when using rosegarden.11:10
buntyI have jackd running, rosegarden is playing a midi , but no sound output11:11
buntymy midi device is emu10k1. This is the same setup I have on another system. And it works there11:12
Strayfolkbunty, did you add synths?11:26
buntylike qsynth ?11:26
Strayfolkfor instance11:27
buntyi believe fluidsynth is installed11:27
buntyrosegarden loads GeneralUser_GS_FluidSynth.sf2 ..11:29
buntyare you talking about this?11:29
Strayfolkmaybe, do you have a simpler synth like hexter to try with?11:30
bunty1 sec11:32
buntyHexter works11:33
StrayfolkI choose whatever plugin I want to use, choose preset or soundfont in fluidsynth-dssi and it works11:33
Strayfolkok, then there's something with your fluidsynth or your soundfont11:33
Strayfolkyou can try calf fluidsynth-dssi and fluidsynth dssi11:39
Strayfolkthey both work for me11:39

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