
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
mbiebl<djszapi> seems there is no way to avoid the debhelper usage.00:41
mbieblI think the better way is to provide a patch to support subdirs in dh_installinit00:41
mbieblnot an upstart issue per se, as Keybuk already told you00:41
djszapi02:41 < mbiebl> I think the better way is to provide a patch to support subdirs in dh_installinit -> disagree05:55
djszapibetter to avoud the cdbs usage. I will not develop a software because of a one time usage...05:55
mbieblgot nothing to do with cdbs05:55
djszapibut yeah...I know the developers like forcing others to contribute. However it will not happen this time :)05:56
mbiebland nobody forces you05:56
djszapiyou indeed do05:56
djszapimore people told more times, I should use debhelper, but you still keep repeating I should patch cdbs. Meanwhile I told /quite many times/ I will /not/. period.05:57
mbieblrepeating to patch cdbs? You are confused05:57
djszapioh well05:59
djszapisorry, I will not patch cdbs, I will just use the debhelper.05:59
mbieblI never said you should patch cdbs06:00
mbieblwhere the hell did you read that non-sense06:00
djszapinot because of I am not involved in opensource leisure time and fulltime project, but I like working efficiently.06:00
djszapiand this is not my current interest06:00
djszapi02:41 < mbiebl> I think the better way is to provide a patch to support subdirs in dh_installinit06:00
djszapino, indeed no.06:01
djszapi08:00 < djszapi> 02:41 < mbiebl> I think the better way is to provide a patch to support subdirs in dh_installinit06:01
djszapi07:59 < djszapi> sorry, I will not patch cdbs, I will just use the debhelper.06:01
mbiebldjszapi: sorry Id did not repeat that06:01
mbiebland dh_installinit != cdbs06:01
mbieblseems your irc client is playing tricks with you 06:02
djszapisorry, I do not have time for this, back to work.06:02
djszapiI clearly claimed I will use the debhelper, that is. There is not much to say over that.06:02
mbieblyou still didn't understand it dh_installinit is part of debhelper06:03
mbieblhopefully you know what you are doing06:03
mbieblanyway, seems pointless talking to you06:03
djszapisure, none of us on the #debian-devel knows.06:03
djszapibut you !!06:03
mbieblobviously you don't06:04
mbieblof course you can stay ignorant if you don't take any advice06:06
mbieblKeybuk: are you using Gentoo nowadays :-)06:12
djszapiSpamapS: good to hear, is it already reported then ?06:21
djszapiHowever I will not use that improvement since I need to port the packaging style to debhelper today and I would not like to "port" it back then :)06:22
djszapior change anything.06:22
djszapibut there is a work ongoing, I think I am lucky. I do not even need then to report this feature request.06:22
djszapi* if there is ..06:23
SpamapSdjszapi: no promises as to when it will be done. I wanted to work on it last Ubuntu cycle and it just got slammed to the bottom of my list. :-P06:25
djszapi'kay =p06:25
djszapiI mean it is not important for me if I can use override_dh_installinit: for now.06:26
djszapiSpamapS ping07:25
djszapiSpamapS: I got the idea here: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.general/162391 override_dh_installinit: $stuff_to_manually_install_to_etc_init_apps. But i do not know what it means :o07:26
djszapiI do not see any good description for thsi override_dh_installinit here either: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#initd07:26
SpamapSdjszapi: it means, at the time when you'd normally call dh_installinit, you'll run those commands07:51
SpamapSdjszapi: they don't go right after the:, but on the next line , preceded by a tab.07:52
djszapiSpamapS: so if I would like to change the path for one file only, I can do that right ?07:52
djszapiI do not need to "enumerate" all the files because the other files I do not overwrite here will be copied just fine, right ?07:52
SpamapSdjszapi: dh_installinit is pretty elaborate. You'll need to either call it with special arguments, or emulate everything it does.07:53
djszapiwell, I would like to modify one file install path, but it is really a big overhead to do the other 100-200 files manually....07:54
djszapithat should not be touched at all....07:54
djszapijust what needs modification.07:54
djszapiotherwise, it is not really an intelligent system07:55
djszapiSpamapS ^08:08
SpamapSI need something that ends in a ?08:09
djszapipardon ?08:10
SpamapSYou made a lot of statements08:10
SpamapSbut if you want help, I'm not sure how to help you without a question08:10
djszapiwell, the question is that how I can overwrite the install path for *one* file.08:11
djszapiwithout forcing me to install all the other 1000+ files manually.08:11
mbiebldon't install it via dh_installinit but with dh_install08:11
mbiebli.e. don't name it *.init or *.upstart08:12
mbieblbut you will lose all dh_installinit integration08:12
mbiebli.e. start/stop in the maintainer scripts etc08:13
mbieblyou need to do that manually, if you need that08:13
djszapiSpamapS ^08:13
SpamapSmbiebl is right.08:16
SpamapSand I am sleeeepppyy08:16
SpamapSdjszapi: good luck! I'm going to bed08:17
djszapiAlright, he will remain ignored about his tone :)08:17
djszapiI will ask the guy on the debian-devel mailing list who advised it to me.08:17
mbieblyou are hilarious. do whatever you like08:18
mrvnMoin. Can I write an upstart job that is run last during startup?12:24
toabctlis upstart-udev-bridge available in debian stable (ustart 0.6) ?16:16
toabctljhunt, i want to execute a job after /dev/ttyS2 is available and use "start on tty-device-added" but nothing happen16:17
toabctljhunt, and i got the example from the cookbook you've written.16:18
mrvntoabctl: you need to specify the instance you are waiting for I thin16:37
jhunttoabctl: might be a bug in your .conf file. which example are you referring to? there is no example with tty-device-added in the cookbook.17:07
toabctljhunt, i used the example from section 9.2.3. "start on (graphics-device-added or drm-device-added)" and replaced this with "start on tty-device-added"17:09
jhuntare you running natty?17:10
toabctljhunt, no. i use debian on arm17:30
toabctljhunt, my question is: can i use upstart-udev-bridge in upstart 0.6.6 or is this a new feature?17:31
toabctljhunt, have to go. i'll ask again tomorrow. thanks!17:34
Keybukmbiebl: CrOS is built from Gentoo/Portage20:44
mbieblKeybuk: interesting. didn't know that21:38
Keybukit's about the only distribution system out there that can cross-compile21:39
mbieblit's not that I really know much about this topic, but iirc one of multi-archs goals in Debian/Ubuntu is to make cross-compile easier21:42
Keybukyeah, and multi-arch has been about two years away21:43
Keybukfor the past ten years ;-)21:43
mbieblhehe, true. At least there seems to be progress atm21:46
astoryif I want to run a job as late into shutdown as possible while the filesystem is still live, what event should I have it start on?23:34
mbieblastory: what do you want to do during shutdown?23:35
astoryjust remove a file, I'm trying to track unsafe shutdowns23:35
mbieblastory: are you on ubuntu?23:36
mbiebl/etc/rc{0,6}/S60umountroot will mount / ro23:37
mbieblyou want to remove the file before that23:37
astoryso how do I configure the script so that happens?23:38
mbieblstart the sysv init script at S5923:38
astoryah, thanks.23:38
mbieblunless you place your file on another partition23:39
mbieblthen you need  to do it before S40umountfs23:39
astoryit's going to be in /var, so that should be on root on my systems23:39
mbieblastory: the shutdown/unmounting in Ubuntu is not really "upstartified"23:41
astorymbiebl: so should I be using a regular init script, then?23:42
mbieblthat's why a sysv init script is the simplest solution for your case23:42
astoryok, thanks23:42
mbiebl[00:38:35] <mbiebl> start the sysv init script at S59 (in rc6/rc0)23:42

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