
ochosimr_pouit: did you see xfce bug 7564 is marked as resolved? maybe that would be something worth backporting/pushing to natty...08:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7564 in Ubuntu "cupsd is not started on the Warty live CD" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/756408:23
ochosidarn you, ubottu 08:24
ochosii mean xfce 756408:24
ochosimeh :/08:24
mr_pouitochosi: no, I didn't =]09:28
ochosiwell, it's brand new anyway09:28
mr_pouityeah, it's probably worth  doing smothing to natty09:28
ochosibut it would be pretty cool if indicators would support vertical panels09:28
mr_pouitcan you file a bug on LP about that?09:28
ochosii think xfce would be the first DE to sport that feature09:28
mr_pouitotherwise it'll get lost09:29
ochosisure, np09:29
ochosimr_pouit: bug 78797709:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787977 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "doesn't support vertical panel layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78797709:33
charlie-tcaGood morning15:11
micahggood morning charlie-tca 15:12
* drc hands charlie-tca a cuppa...noting that tea has been added to the menu.15:15
charlie-tcaThank you, drc15:20
charlie-tcaUbuntu daily, daily-live, and ubuntu-server images for oneiric are available from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/15:28
drcOh darn...time to go to work :(15:29
charlie-tcaNo, you are waiting for Xubuntu images15:30
drcoh...yeah...I'm just so used to people saying "I installed Ubuntu" for all three flavors15:31
* drc returns to his dozing.15:32
* drc suddenly wakes up, thinking he'll just DL it anyway, just to see if common things like the "activated but not in use" bug is still there.15:43
charlie-tcaThese are the first images, most bugs will not fixed yet15:45
drcI know, but I'm bored...and who knows?15:45
drcMaybe I'll like Unity so much now, I'll switch.15:46
drcNo really, I *want* to like Unity, I just...can't.15:48
* drc checks to make sure the Get Off My Lawn sign is still up.15:51
charlie-tcaI do like unity! I just don't like to use it for me15:58
drc"Oh no! Something has gone wrong."16:01
drc32 bit Oneiric won't even boot to the try/install screen...something about /run/udev not writable (error message flashes to fast to read all of it).16:03
micahgdrc: it should fall back to /dev/.udev16:03
drcWell, considering it's not even alpha yet...not to shabby :)16:03
drcmicahg: It boots to a screen with the "Oh no!" message, with what looks like an incomplete nautilus window on to of it (you can close that window)16:06
drcOne day down, only 150 to go.16:06
* drc has had a very tiring day now...decides to take a nap.16:09
charlie-tcastill need to get word, I guess - "didn't knwo xubuntu 11.04 was already out! great, thanks"16:19
drccharlie-tca: No, that was <U>buntu Oneiric.16:21
charlie-tcawhat was?16:21
charlie-tcathe tiring day?16:22
drcNever mind, I thought you were replying to my "Oh no!" series.16:22
charlie-tcano, that was a comment from another channel16:23
drcohhhh...multichanneling...how cool ;)16:23
ochosicharlie-tca: the bugfix for the indicators was just uploaded to -proposed19:15
ochosiyay! :)19:15
ochosithat means that vertical panels will work _a lot_ better than before, even better than in maverick19:15
drcYeah Redux...er...that was bug 759312, correct?19:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759312 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce-indicator-plugin requires more space on panel than necessary" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75931219:17
ochosidrc: no, it's bug 78797719:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787977 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu Natty) "doesn't support vertical panel layout" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78797719:18
ochosidrc: what you have to uninstall to get rid of the envelope is "indicator-messages"19:19
ochosiit always worked for me19:19
ochosi(meaning i can't confirm your bug)19:20
ochosidrc: after uninstalling the indicator-messages package you obviously need a "xfce4-panel --restart"19:21
drcochosi: no, it goes away automagically soon after I use pidgin the first time (at least I think that's the when, so systematic testing...Maybe I'll do that sometime during my daily tests).  But after it goes away, the spacing is all messed up (re: 759312)19:22
drcochosi: The spacing is *still* off after...how many reboots has it been since I files it?19:23
ochosidrc so you really uninstalled indicator-messages? (uninstalling gwibber is not enough), your /usr/lib/indicators kinda suggests otherwise...19:24
ochosireboots shouldn't change much, restarting the panel should be fine for the indicators19:25
drcNo...let me see if I can explain it a little better.19:25
ochosisure, go ahead19:26
drcWhen I first started with xubuntu, gwibber was installed by default.  I usually uninstalled it early in my config process (I never used it and did not like the indicator being present).19:27
drcThis resulted in the spacing proiblem I indicated.19:28
drcSince then, gwibber appears to not be installed by default, but the "envelope" is still present (with a pidgin message).19:29
ochosii understand all that19:30
drcThe envelope now goes away (after some unspecified time, but I *think* it's relatively soon after using pidgin the first time, and rebooting).  The spacing problem is, however still there.19:30
drcUsing a "light" theme (say clearlooks), one can detect what looks like a spacing holder in the inidicators.  I'll do a screenshot and post it in just a moment.19:32
ochosidrc: i know the "spacing" problem19:32
ochosino need for the screenshot19:32
drcok...then what am I not telling you that you need to know? ")19:33
ochosiopen a terminal, what does "sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages" say? :)19:34
drcThe indicator messages was removed....I did a "xfce4-panel --restart" and the spacing problem was fixed.19:36
ochosik, then you know what you have to write in your bugreport ;)19:36
drcYup, but the question remains...without removing the indicator-messages, why does the "envelope" disappear, but the spacing remain?19:37
drcNot that it matters, just curious19:38
ochosii assume because there's nothing the indicator can show. you could try the same in ubuntu, wondering what would happen there19:38
ochosiin fact it's a teensy bit better to not show the envelope when there are no apps installed that use it than showing it19:39
ochosibut i agree that maybe it should either be completely hidden or completely shown19:39
ochosiso basically you can confirm the bug but explain how to "fix"/workaround it19:39
* drc is trying to figure out how to word this so he doesn't look totally stupid :)19:42
drcochosi: Could this have something to do with the fact the I never stared pidgin thru the indicatore but always used the menu/icon on the panel?19:44
ochosinope, not as far as my experience goes19:44
ochosiwait, i think you're talking about two different bugs here19:44
ochosione is: if there are no apps using indicator-messages but the package is still installed, there is some empty spacing19:45
ochosithe other is: for some reason the envelope appears/disappears randomely when pidgin is installed19:45
ochosidid i get that right now?19:45
drcGotta run for about 5 min...puppy wants out...NOW 19:48
ochosik, good luck with that19:48
ochosigotta go too19:49
ochosisee you around19:49
drcBack...and see you later.19:52
foobarHi :)20:24
foobarWhere should I report a bug concerning xfapplet? At xfce or launchpad?20:24
foobarAfter installation on one PC only stock-market quotation can be chosen and on the other system none...20:24
foobarBoth systems running Xubuntu 11.0420:25
micahgfoobar: ubuntu-bug xfce4-xfapplet-plugin20:28
foobarThanks micahg - I'll post it there.20:29
foobarHave a nice day.20:29
drcWell, that was interesting...never installed from the ALT series before...why does everyone think an ncurses install is "hard"?20:51
drcBTW, Ubuntu Alt64 install get the same /run/udev notwritable error (although it does try to fall back to .udev (?)20:52
Soupermanitoi installed from alt the other day, had to use another live cd to use gparted, which is ghey if ask me20:55
drcI never had to repartition...I just used my existing testing partition and formated, so I can't speak to that.20:57
micahg_BTW, lightdm seems to work great ATM22:46
charlie-tcaGlad to hear that22:53
charlie-tcame and Luke are up for insuring it is fully accessible in Oneiric, too22:53
charlie-tcaWe promised at UDS that it will be22:53
micahg_same list of users as default GDM ATM, hopefully we can make that a preference22:55
* micahg_ also has to add some stuff to the Firefox apparmor profile for it22:55
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
Soupermanitomicahg, does lightdm allows user pictures to be added?23:33
micahgSoupermanito: no idea23:34
Soupermanitothanks anyway23:35
charlie-tcait will use html and css too23:36
Soupermanito:D that is awesome23:36

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