
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Cube``how can i boot into xmonad right away, skipping login managers and the like?01:01
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mariontesi notice something strange be for a update of my system01:12
mariontesmy wireless card have lost of signal and decreace the speed past some 10 or 20 sec befor the connection01:13
risdhi all,...01:26
risdanyone got a tutorial to install canon ip1980 driver on xubuntu from tar?01:26
risdi got a problem on compiling it.,...01:27
xubuntu521bust place and no one talking?01:39
xubuntu521<-------------n00b or b00b or whatever the eff you wanna call me01:39
xubuntu521i'm such a noob that in order to mount a new sata hd i had to reinstal my os01:41
xubuntu521awe you missed it01:41
xubuntu521had the whole crowd laughing01:41
Cube``xubuntu521: ?01:42
xubuntu521i dunno man01:42
Cube``xubuntu521: id suggest to switch your dealer01:42
xubuntu521i am tryin this linux thing out01:42
Cube``that often fixes things01:42
xubuntu521i am the dealer how am i supposed to switch01:43
Cube``drug dealer01:43
xubuntu521ya new topic01:43
xubuntu521need help man01:43
Cube``ok ya01:43
Cube``sup with the kernel01:43
xubuntu521i dunno he poppin in the microwave got the munchies01:44
xubuntu521how you know?01:44
xubuntu521nah just kiddin01:44
xubuntu521kernel fine as far as i know01:44
Cube``where you from xubuntu52101:44
xubuntu521in the middle of a reinstall saw this link clicked it01:44
Cube``i assume us01:44
Cube``what happened01:45
xubuntu521well bought a new hd01:45
xubuntu521and after reading several forums what they say was not working for me01:45
Cube``hds shoudl work01:45
Cube``i dont see any big problemz01:45
xubuntu521well most i read were old sayin it be hda hdb or whatever and so one then i found it be sda sdb and so on for sata01:46
n8daddyi was the xubuntu521 guy my install finished and i reboot all by accident01:54
n8daddycube hello01:56
MK``give it a moment01:57
n8daddyyou handy?01:58
n8daddysay i mounted a 500gig hd /home does that mean everything after home will be placed on the hd...so not like windows where it a seperate drive it really a seperate folder?01:59
n8daddyam a microsoft loser but since i own 3 xbox's figured i could at least take microsoft of my pc01:59
n8daddybut this linux stuff a bit confusing01:59
n8daddy* Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules                                    [ OK ]02:00
n8daddy * Starting VirtualBox kernel modules                                            * No suitable module for running kernel found02:00
n8daddy                                                                         [fail]02:00
n8daddyalso a problem i have no idea how to fix02:00
* n8daddy gonna wait all day...rollin time02:05
n8daddymiss this irc thing been years....02:05
* n8daddy cutting and rolling02:06
n8daddyj/k gonna light up a roach02:06
n8daddypreech to me02:06
n8daddytell me how good linux is and how me giving it an opportunity is a great thing02:07
n8daddyand why some sites say xubuntu is really not a lightweight os like ubuntu claims02:08
n8daddyi really like it02:08
n8daddytried ubuntu gave up with that one this xubuntu very user friendly for me i find02:08
n8daddycould really use some good reading material to get me up to par as to how to work with unix maybe one day hack the...02:09
n8daddywait for it02:09
preechern8daddy kinda like shoes---just try until you find a good fit02:09
n8daddythe DoD02:09
n8daddyhey somebody speaks to me02:09
n8daddywell i like the fit of this xubuntu so far has been good02:10
n8daddyso good in fact02:10
n8daddytrue story02:10
n8daddylast night was all gitty with how well it was working with my external hd's with fat32 for ps3 and xbox usage with vuze and everything02:11
n8daddygot up so quickly kicked my vantec hd enclosure off the shelf all tangled in the wires02:11
n8daddyso down about 2 hours of file transfer and organization i figure ok ide hd's be cheap02:11
n8daddywrong more expensive than a sat twice the size02:11
n8daddyso now here i sit at home hours ago tryin to get new sata hd out box to work with os been working with for a maybe 5 days now02:12
n8daddyread forums all say pretty much same thing02:12
n8daddyfound on that update me to the new sd rather than hd still no working for me02:13
n8daddysda sd* hda hd* thing02:13
n8daddyso i just reinstal xubuntu with usb stick (excellent feature) shows up when i type df in terminal02:14
n8daddynew hd does i mean but sayts mounted as /home02:14
n8daddyso...with it being mounted /home does that mean that everything in the directory tree should be on that new hd?02:14
n8daddyhave lots of doss experience working with batch files back in the early 90's but it has been years since i have even thought about that02:16
n8daddyneed something good to read i guess02:16
n8daddymaybe one day i will know all the answers and i can be quiet and sit idle on irc lol02:17
n8daddyin a good mood i understand irc such old software most you guys prolly have it open and your box been on for the past 12 years while the irc died away02:17
n8daddyand forgot to log off02:18
n8daddywell i have moved off to inactive window like all you but i'ma check back OFTEN02:20
n8daddystill nothing02:21
MK``<n8daddy> say i mounted a 500gig hd /home does that mean everything after home will be placed on the hd...so not like windows where it a seperate drive it really a seperate folder?02:22
MK``"after home?"02:22
n8daddywell in a directory tree02:23
MK``if it's mounted to /home, it'll put the stuff in /home.02:23
n8daddyopen home then i create directory and so on inside that directory i put files02:23
n8daddythat will all be then stored on my new 500 gig right02:23
n8daddynot like that02:24
MK``Windows's whole system dealing with partitions and drive letters is a hack job02:24
MK``at least they fixed it for mounted network locations02:24
n8daddyyes i have learned02:24
n8daddydone a lot of research ofn fat files systems02:24
n8daddyntfs kinda fixed it but they hold all the secrets02:25
n8daddyfrom whati  understood when i was reading of course02:25
n8daddyi dun know shit but what internet is able to inform me of02:25
MK``But yeah Xubuntu is not super-lightweight, but definitely much better than Unity02:25
MK``Lubuntu is good if you need it to be really lightweight02:26
n8daddyya i have always been interested in tryin linux02:26
n8daddyatholon 64 2.7ghz with 2.5gb ram and built in video that share 128mb my ram02:26
n8daddycan barely run windows but this xubuntu is quick and snappy02:27
n8daddyand very user friendly for what i have got working02:27
n8daddywhich not much but i dun need much either02:28
MK``I don't think modern OSes use hd* anymore by the way02:29
MK``even for PATA drives02:29
n8daddyvuze, web browser, this irc when i tried, pkr through wine, and now i am just tryin this virtual box which is gibving me problems i deally like to make a usb flash drive of windows so i can install that make my 40 gig for windows in need to situaitions and 500 gig for my linux and what i need to have work all the time situaitions02:29
n8daddyya i read that02:29
MK``http://www.resplect.com/?q=node/30 <-- ram02:30
n8daddyya that seem about right add vuze and a 2.5mb transfer rate and you use about an extra gig02:30
n8daddythat what task manager shows on my comp02:31
pteague_laptophmm... getting a crash report (looking at the info from the reporting it looks like gnome services?) when i login & then my wallpaper doesn't show up & i get a weird grey border around windows... & if i drag a window around it turns the background where it's been to grey02:40
n8daddyi just started usin linux i know nothing and not many people around here02:41
n8daddylike a ghost town probably blow dust off most the names over there ----------->02:41
pteague_laptopi'm wondering if it's because i upgraded from lucid -> maverick -> natty rather than doing a fresh install02:42
n8daddyno idea i did fresh instal xubuntu from web torrent download took like 10 minutes to dl then about 15 to make usb startup disk then about 20 min for an install02:43
n8daddyand during the install you c an even come in here and chat02:43
n8daddyi thought that was pretty kewl02:43
n8daddygot any experience with virtualbox?02:44
MK``The channels are strangely inactive today02:44
MK``even the normal ubuntu one02:44
MK``I think it's all the bad weather02:44
pteague_laptopyep, it's quiet...02:44
pteague_laptopoh, didn't even think about the weather02:45
n8daddyi like vibrance maybe i become a regular02:45
pteague_laptopi've used virtualbox, but it's been a while02:45
n8daddycan be one of them lurking learners mwahaha02:45
n8daddyi can't get it working02:45
pteague_laptopwhat exactly can't you get to work? is it not starting up at all?02:46
n8daddyvitual hard disk02:46
pteague_laptopis that where you're using the real hard drive?02:47
n8daddyget someone willin to help try and get back to the error and it works02:47
n8daddythanks for your help02:47
n8daddywith this virtualbox i can run macosx?02:49
n8daddyhow cool is that runnin a windows setup while on an irc window with a web browser open02:51
n8daddyi got a question02:56
n8daddyif i do a fresh windows install on my 40 gig then dual boot another linux install onto my 500 gig is there anyway i can boot the xp os while runing linux on the other drive?02:57
MK``I have no idea, I'm sure there's a way, but, no idea02:58
n8daddythat what i tryin to acheive right now have xp on one drive linux on another and i read this a way to make usb bootable xp install from linux02:59
n8daddysince i dun wanna use any cd media02:59
n8daddythat would have been the simple solution burn a copy of xp install usb install linux done02:59
n8daddynow that i got this virtual box in my hand though am curious about running a windows install inside linux03:00
n8daddypretty quick install down to 19 minutes left03:01
n8daddywoah scary got my mouse stuck in the virtualbox03:04
n8daddysome good entertainment this computer has been for a couple days03:04
n8daddybeen jammin xbox and windows for years...install linux xboxes are media players and the computer gets used again03:05
n8daddylove how i can type and get shit down in linux03:06
n8daddyfunny windows runs better in virtual box then it does installed03:10
n8daddywell wtf...virtual box not flawless hehe stole my mouse but not my keyboard and now i am stuck03:12
n8daddylucky i stuck here can someone helkp me with this one?03:12
n8daddyany over rulling keyboard commands or something03:12
john_ramboHi ..I just finished installing Xubuntu 10.04 ...configured dsl via pppoeconf ......problem is the networka manager is writing as dns server in /etc/resolve.conf.......I want to use my own choice of public dns    But the nm-applet is gone03:12
n8daddytold me right ctrl to get my mouse back which worked before but is not working now...it's like the window is not actually selected but my mouse thinks it is03:13
MK``no idea03:24
n8daddyman i been hiding under a rock or sumthing04:29
n8daddyis there anything linux can't do?04:30
MK``well, get viruses, but you can even do that if you try hard enough04:34
n8daddyno viruses?04:52
n8daddygot this windows all up and running inside my box now but i can't get usb to work yet have rebooted windows so many times tryin different things then it dawned on me....boots like super quick compared to a normal install04:53
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Guest39420some one04:58
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Guest39420need some help please05:00
Guest39420i have some problem whit the wireless05:02
Guest39420perfect conection but.. cant enter in a page05:02
Guest39420no one can help05:03
Guest39420ok thanks in advance05:04
Guest39420cya later05:04
n8daddyso i imagine there must be some good rpg style games for linux?05:25
MK``probably. There's also wine05:54
n8daddyyou there?05:55
n8daddyjust curious if there is a default password for xubuntu05:57
n8daddywhen i try and use fdsik to format forums say su -05:59
MK``default password?05:59
MK``oh, root account does not have a password by default, n05:59
n8daddythen fdisk /dev/sda05:59
n8daddysu -05:59
MK``use sudo, I'd imagine?05:59
n8daddywell i get authenticaition failed05:59
n8daddyand if i log in with one i created i don't have enough permissions06:00
n8daddyok i read that now thanks06:03
n8daddyahhh excellent mk thank you very much for the info06:05
n8daddymuch more of an understanding as to what i am doing at the terminal level06:05
MK``sudo is your friend06:05
n8daddyi see said the blind man to his def dog as he pissed towards the wind...it all comes back to me hehe06:06
n8daddyya totally i just had no idea as to why they were asking for shit to be like this and mine not working06:07
n8daddybut now i get it06:07
n8daddyespecially when i know the only password i entered into the thing and it still sayin wrong password06:07
n8daddyomg i give up to many hours with the same problem06:51
n8daddygonna break down and buy myself a burnable c d tomorrow06:52
jarnosIf I upgrade to 11.04 via Update Manager, can it utilize the Alternate installation image installed in an USB stick?07:40
MK``You can try, adding that as a software source first07:43
tsimpsonor start the upgrade from the loop-mounted ISO07:43
Unit193jarnos: Scroll down in this wiki for more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades07:44
MK``Wish I knew that before taking 3 hours to upgrade today07:45
jarnosUnit193, I wonder, if you can run cdromupgrade from bootable USB stick made of the alternate iso?08:02
Unit193jarnos: I have never done so, but I would guess you could08:03
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
n8daddyanyeasy way to make a windows usb install from linux?08:04
jarnosWhat about packages that are not contained in the image, but I have installed in my Maverick system? Can you upgrade them later using network?08:04
n8daddyor any experience makin usb work  in virtual box on windows08:05
risdcan anyone help my installing my canon printer on xubuntu 64bit?08:14
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balvonasdoes anyone experiencing the same problem? [72536.439871] xfce4-xkb-plugi[14963]: segfault at 7470616c ip 00509203 sp bfd2711c error 4 in libc-2.13.so[494000+15a000]09:36
JoeR1I have foud success09:39
JoeR1is anyone out there?09:40
n8daddyany easy way to change external hd label?10:59
Cube``whats the default xubunut login manager?11:19
ochosiCube``: gdm11:20
Cube``ok thx11:23
four2zerothank you sysi11:53
four2zerowas n8daddy b4 with the volume label question11:54
* four2zero was n8daddy b4 with the volume label question11:55
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.11:59
cousin_mariois there a shortcut for changing the fontsize inside a terminal?13:11
cousin_marioTheSheep: Any alternate terminal you would recommend?13:18
TheSheepno, I'm happy with the defaut13:30
cousin_marioThat's the only thing stopping me from switching to it.13:35
roastedIS it normal to select shut down while logged in and it takes me to the login screen?17:44
drcroasted: bug (iirc)17:45
drcIt is hit and miss for me...I never know which one I'17:45
drcll get (shutdown or login).17:46
roastedo boy17:46
drcI'm looking for the bug report....17:46
charlie-tcaThat is a bug as noted in the release notes for Xubuntu 11.04. A good, valid workaround is to logout, then restart or shutdown from the GDM screen, using the icon in the bottom17:46
roastedthats what Ive been doing17:47
roastedsimple workaround17:47
roastedjust made me wonder if it was intentional, somehow17:47
charlie-tcaIt is not normal, I only experience using my intel video system17:48
charlie-tcaMy system with Nvidia does not do it more than once in maybe 100 shutdowns17:48
drcAnd my nvidia system (as I said, hit and miss)17:48
roastedI also noticed on my desktop, which is Ubuntu 11.04 + XFCE (just like my two laptops) that it always defaults to Ubuntu. always. IT wont default to Xubuntu Desktop, even though that was the last DE I used.17:48
roastedWhile my 2 laptops come up as Xubuntu Desktop EACH time since that's what I last used.17:49
charlie-tcaDid you install Xfce or xubuntu-desktop?17:49
roastedXubuntu Desktop17:49
charlie-tcaThat would be a bug then. It should always default to the last session used17:49
Sysiiirc you can specify manually what session to use by default17:50
roastedSysi, would you know how to do that, by chance?17:50
Sysisystem → login screen17:50
roastedhey off topic. have any of you guys used puppet?17:50
charlie-tcaI have used puppets to help teach my grandsons ;-)17:51
drcI had the same problem when I partitioned for a testing partition...Grub2 would not "use" any changes to the config file. I solved it by re-installing grub2 (according to the wiki) and it mgically solved itself.17:51
charlie-tcaThat is not uncommon17:51
roastedcharlie-tca, have you heard of puppet?17:51
charlie-tcahand or marionettes?17:52
roastedthe program17:52
roastedfor linux17:52
roastedits a system administrator's appication17:52
charlie-tcano, I don't think so17:52
roastedsupposedly you can control all linux systems on the network. every 30 mins or so they check in to receive new instructions17:52
roastedso I can say at 1130 install gparted or something, etc.17:52
charlie-tcaI don't have enough systems to bother with that17:52
* drc can see roasted's questions for tomorrow :)17:52
roastedcharlie-tca, we have 2,000. :)17:53
roastedwere not on linux tho17:53
roastednot yet :D17:53
charlie-tcaWe will have to refer roasted to #ubuntu-server when it gets too much for us17:54
roastedI might be headed there right now actually17:54
roastedI'm trying to find someone who's used it so I can just kinda bum ideas around with17:54
roastedinstead of the #ubuntu chat which wants you to ask very direct and specific questions17:54
charlie-tcaThey might know, or #edubuntu, would be another possiblility17:54
roastedI want to have a starbucks conversation about puppet. ya know? Sit around and just kinda yack about it and learn from each other.17:54
coldpizza72iwhats the best newb-proof program to backup and restore a drive's image?17:57
coldpizza72ithanks, it looks good17:58
charlie-tcaIt even automatically encrypts the backup. There is an option to turn the encryption off too17:58
coldpizza72iim setting this up for my mom so she can restore her windows partition every time she messes it up lol17:59
charlie-tcaThen turn off encryption so it doesn't ask for passphrases17:59
coldpizza72iyea i will17:59
bin_bashwhen i try to open a .ppt with libreoffice impress i get the error: "version incompatibility. Incorrect FIle Version"18:50
bin_bashI opened one from the same class yesteray so idk18:52
drcbin_bash: Maybe it was created on a different machine, with a different version...or maybe it's just your bad luck gremlin at work again ;)18:58
bin_bashyeah maybe all three!18:59
drcbin_bash: You do know that as long as you keep feeding that gremlin, she'll stick around ?19:00
bin_bashle sigh19:00
bin_bashwhat d you suggest19:00
drcActually I heard thru the grapevine that roasted was looking for a spare gremlin (he's been working his pretty hard lately).19:01
bin_bashi'm using SO much RAM lol19:01
drcI discovered this morning that KDE doubles my basic RAM usage (as compared to xfce, but that was to be expected), but also it adds 10 degrees C to my laptop's temp :(19:04
bin_bashI'm using 23% of my RAM19:04
roastedkde is the lighest DE out there guys.19:04
bin_bashonly unity is lighter19:04
roastedunity actually is lighter19:04
bin_bashLOL rly?19:05
roastedunity runs nice on my netbook19:05
roastedKDE does not19:05
drcI read an article (somewhere) that stated that GNOME3/Shell basic RAM usage was even less than xfce...of course the comment ripped him a new one for his (lack of) methodology.19:06
bin_bashlol no ff uses a lot of RAM19:07
roastedgnome shell is java based19:08
roastedunity ftw19:09
roastedand xfce19:09
bin_bashunity sucks19:11
bin_bashbut srsly19:11
bin_bashgimme something else to open .ppt with19:11
bin_bashmaybe console-based19:11
bin_bashlibreoffice doesnt take my colortheme anyway19:11
Soupermanitobin_bash: search on the app center19:11
Soupermanitothere is a standalone ppt displayer19:12
bin_bashwhat is it19:12
Soupermanitois called like powerpoint viewer19:13
Soupermanito:P from microsoft19:13
Soupermanitoi dont know if its wine dependent XD19:13
Soupermanitobut i installed it before installing wine, so i think not19:14
bin_bashwell i have wine19:14
Soupermanitosearch it its there19:14
Soupermanitolike 1mb installer or something like that19:14
Sysibin_bash, hint: libreoffice-gtk19:15
bin_bashgd my intetnet is slowwwwww19:17
* Soupermanito opinion is that libreoffice-gtk is overrated19:19
=== The_Soup is now known as Soupermanito
MK``Ever since I upgraded to 11.04, the normal splash screen is replaced with a plain-text, non-centered "Xubuntu 11.04", looks pretty ugly. How do I fix this?20:01
MK``when I boot up20:02
Soupermanitowait, i tell you20:02
Sysipropietary driver?20:02
Soupermanitosudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth20:04
Soupermanitothere MK`` do that20:04
LamusjSoupermanito, Hi xDD20:06
MK``it's set correctly...20:07
MK``it's set to /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo, but it seems to read /lib/plymouth/themes/xubuntu-text20:07
Soupermanito:) hi Lamusj20:07
MK``maybe there is a text setting that chaged by accident20:07
* Soupermanito shrughs, dunno lol20:08
Soupermanitoi could never make my plymouth work like it should20:08
Soupermanitomine is soupuse to be a stargate, but it aint20:09
MK``hm yeah it's executing text.plymouth, not default.plymouth20:10
MK``need to fix that somehow20:10
Soupermanitonope it doesnt work, now i get broken characters colors and stuff20:13
foobarHi :)20:15
foobarWhere should I report a bug concerning xfapplet? At xfce or launchpad?20:15
MK``ok I ran something, restarting20:18
foobarAfter installation on one PC only stock-market quotation can be chosen and on the other system none...20:18
Soupermanitoi don't know20:20
Soupermanitoask on #xubuntu-devel20:20
Soupermanitothey might know20:20
MK``I changed the text setting and ran to update initramfs, and it's looking at the right text setting...hm20:21
foobarI'll do that. Thanks Soupermanito20:23
dirtycookie_hello people20:40
dirtycookie_i need help20:41
dirtycookie_i have an eeePC20:41
dirtycookie_and installed xubuntu without any problem20:41
dirtycookie_but i cannot mount my sdcard20:41
Soupermanitodirtycookie_, :) we will try to help, but please try no to use the enter key as punctuation mark20:42
Unit193!ask | dirtycookie_20:42
ubottudirtycookie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:42
dirtycookie_ah ok20:42
Sysidirtycookie_: what eee model?20:43
Soupermanito:) not a problem20:43
dirtycookie_model is a 4g and the device node when inserting the sd card it gets attached to sdc20:43
dirtycookie_here is the dmesg http://pastebin.com/r5Hpb2Ff20:45
Soupermanitodirtycookie_, can we see your fstab please?20:47
Soupermanitoyou installed 11.04 correct?20:51
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: yes20:51
Soupermanito:) ok, let me investigate and see if i can find something to help you20:51
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: :) thank you20:51
Soupermanitodirtycookie_, http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=4401320:53
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: if that would help u, when i insert the sdcard, which has been formated by a windows machine. and when entering "mount /dev/sdc /media/sd" into the console, it hangs20:53
Soupermanitotried this?20:53
dirtycookie_ONLY when taking the card out, would make my console responsive again20:54
Soupermanitoi see20:54
Soupermanitotried other card?20:54
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: tried what?20:54
Soupermanitoif you tried mounting another sdcard?20:55
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: well i have an usb sd cardreader and xubuntu was able to automatically mount the card and appeared on the desktop.20:56
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: i have only one card20:56
Soupermanitookay, so readed the link i pasted you? it gives an option to add stuff on fstab that should work apparently20:57
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: where? send it again please20:57
Soupermanitothis particular one http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?pid=379801#p37980120:58
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: ill try and give you feedback20:58
dirtycookie_Soupermanito: ok ill reboot and come online21:04
linuxman410does anyone know why unity was included in xubuntu 11.0421:26
Sysiit isn't, xubuntu uses xfce :p21:29
Sysicanonical wanted unity to ubuntu21:30
linuxman410but it says stuff about unity when i boot up with live cd21:31
Sysihum, where?21:31
linuxman410right as the desktop comes up21:31
drclinuxman410: I remember seeing something like that also...I *think* it's just an oversight from using the basic Ubuntu install slideshow21:41
linuxman410drc so its not really in there right21:42
drcUnity is not included in Xubuntu (I know that:)...I Think it was just some text that mentioned Unity...I21:43
drcm going to re-install Xubuntu 11.04 to my spare partition and pay close attention this time.  Back in a bit21:44
drcI must have been wrong, I couldn't find the Unity mention in the Xubuntu install, although I thought I saw something like that a while back.  They do say the memory is the second thing to go....21:55
linuxman410drc why does xubuntu have icons at bottom now21:56
Soupermanitolinuxman410, because someone though it would look pretty that way21:57
drc1) To simulate a dock; 2) To confuse one by hiding; 3) It looks pretty.21:57
drclinuxman410: It's panel 2, if you don't like it, delete it (but you can never get it back)21:57
Soupermanitoalso thats how the OSX dock looks like i guess, i never found it at bottom to be a proper way, i like my docks to be on top, but thats me21:58
linuxman410xubuntu stoppedsupporting my intel video at 10.0421:58
drclinuxman410: update the hardware...really, if they stop support a piece of hardware, it's usually really old (on not used by many people)21:59
linuxman410drc the intel video is on a pentium 4 2.5 computer22:01
drcContact a museum :)22:02
linuxman410i am running lubuntu on it22:02
drcThat's what lubuntu is for.22:03
Soupermanitoalso if you installed lubuntu, then lubuntu stoped supporting, not xubu22:04
drcIt's sort of replaced xfce as the "lightweight" Ubuntu-based distro. Hope they "official" status soon, they are doing good things.22:04
linuxman410drc i thought the whole concept behind linux was to be able to use your old hardware22:05
Soupermanitothats pretty much not true22:05
drcWhere did you hear that?22:05
Soupermanitothe whole concept behind linux is that other poeple care about other people22:05
Soupermanitothats opensource for you, old hardware support aint22:06
linuxman410well if that is not true then linux is like windows buy a new computer everytime a new version comes out22:06
Soupermanitonot true22:06
Soupermanitogiven that people care enough about other people, some support to old hardware is always given, if people who do the sofware think is worth its time22:07
linuxman410to me a pentium 4 2.5 is not old22:08
Soupermanitothat might not be, but you could consider using a newer vpu22:08
jarnosMy 11.04 is broken, first it didn't let me reboot since session was busy or something, and after it finally reboted, desktop environment is seriously broken.22:28
Soupermanitodid you upgraded ?22:28
Soupermanitoyeah, upgrades can be like that22:29
Soupermanitofirst take a deep breath22:29
Soupermanitoand then lets fix things22:29
jarnosSoupermanito, yes, I will sleep until morning.22:32
Soupermanitook, comeback later and ask again then :D22:33
PipeToDevNullSo.  Just switched my DE from Gnome to XFCE by way of xubuntu.  Liking it a lot; question, though - is there any way to configure a panel, so it won't move, but isn't in one of the pre-set positions?22:57
nicofsI can't connect to WLAN anymore. Ally I get is "Bad password." On three different computers with different cards - in three independent networks. Where can I start troubleshooting?22:57
charlie-tcaby unlocking the panel, you can put it anywhere on the desktop22:59
charlie-tcaPipeToDevNull: right-click the panel, panel, properties23:00
PipeToDevNullI'm trying to lock it into the position I drop it at afterward. >.>23:00
charlie-tcauncheck the lock, move it anywhere23:00
charlie-tcaYou can not do it by using move23:02
charlie-tcaafter unlocking, click on either end where there are a bunch of dots, and move it by holding down the left-button23:03
PipeToDevNull:/ Guess I'll just have to be careful not to accidentally drag it about.23:05
charlie-tcaafter moving it, you should be able to check the lock again23:05
charlie-tcaThen it will stay, even in the middle of the screen23:06
PipeToDevNullHrm.  That's in XFCE 4.8, I'm betting?23:06
charlie-tcaYou do have to make sure it is the right panel, though. I played with one for two days before I figured out it was the pnel 223:07
charlie-tca4.8, yes, which is Xubuntu 11.0423:07
PipeToDevNullThat might be the issue.  I'm in 10.04 lts, and it looks like that stopped at 4.423:07
charlie-tcaoh, yeah23:07
charlie-tcaI think you are limited to top or bottom23:08
charlie-tcaleft or right, too, if you go vertical23:08
PipeToDevNullLooks that way.  Shame.23:08
PipeToDevNullI'm not terribly apt to upgrade my full distro just so I can make sure a panel stays where I plop it.23:09
charlie-tcayeah, it isn't worth that23:10
PipeToDevNull(Even if it would let me avoid my chief issue with 11.04.  Stupid unity...)23:10
charlie-tcaunity doesn't affect Xubuntu yet23:11
PipeToDevNullI'd hope not.  Would be kinda' silly, given the main idea behind xubuntu is xfce.23:12
nicofsHow can I access a shared folder in my network? (sharen from a ubuntu machine via default share menu from nautilus)?23:38
charlie-tcashould be able to do it using thunar in 11.04, gigolo in 10.10 or less23:39
nicofscharlie-tca, how?23:39
charlie-tcain 11.04, just navigate to the folder23:39
charlie-tcaI use mount points in /mnt for my shared folders, and use ssh-fuse to access them23:40
nicofscharlie-tca, where should i look for it? "network" only has "Windows Network" which has nothing to display...23:40
charlie-tcawhere is your mount point?23:40
nicofserm... what mount point?23:40
nicofsi had somehow hoped to not have to do anything other than point and click...23:41
charlie-tcanot possible in Xubuntu. Ubuntu does that for you, though23:41
nicofsok - so i'd better just install nautilus...23:41
charlie-tcaYou set things up in Xubuntu and Xfce.23:41
four2zeroi am falling in love with linux as an os23:55
four2zeroi do not see myself ever goin back to ms except as a dual boot for need to situaitions23:55

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