
=== Jens is now known as Guest14531
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didrocksgood morning07:04
oSoMoNgood morning08:01
MacSlowgreetings everybody08:06
toshibahello is anyone there09:19
toshibaI have a unity question if anyone is avalible09:21
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:21
toshibaHow can I add the time and date to my desktop screen like all gnome09:22
Peddytoshiba, do you mean add it to your panel (the bar at the top of your screen)?09:23
toshibayes that's it any thoughts ?09:23
Peddytoshiba, do you currently see any date information up there at all? or is it blank?09:24
toshibano date, no time just signal sound, mail X and the off button09:25
toshibain the usual place you would find the date and time09:26
Peddytoshiba, which ubuntu version are you using?09:26
toshiba11.04 unity desktop09:27
toshibaI have been using Ubuntu gnome since 8.0409:27
Peddytoshiba, did you update from 10.10 or do a clean install?09:27
toshibaI updated but if YOu think it will help  I will start from fresh no problem with that09:28
Peddytoshiba, it probably won't. Can you open a terminal, type "unity" and press enter please?09:29
coz_toshiba,  also  in terminal ,, you could try   compiz --replace & disown and or   unity --replace & disown,, not sure that is going to bring back the upper panel,, but I have experienced this at times09:31
toshibaI did it and the screen filled with data09:33
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toshibaI'm sorry Peddy I did what you said "type unity in a terminal" and the screen filled and had a frozen computer so I rebooted and went to the wrong channel09:48
toshibathe panels disappear for a moment then the last line on the terminal window is "setting update "fullscreen_visual_bell" and that's it it just waits09:50
toshibawhen I tried to close the waiting terminal page the computer freeze and I have to use ctrl-alt-F2 and login again and reboot from there09:57
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didrockskaleo: I have an additional diff for migrating natty -> oneiric, should I propose against /oneiric or /4.0 (I saw you merged the oneiric changes in 4.0, was this intended?)12:11
kaleodidrocks: there was no merge :)12:21
kaleodidrocks: it's just a nickname12:21
kaleodidrocks: 4.0 is a nickname for the branch called /oneiric12:21
didrocksoh ok, the lp:unity-2d/4.0 alias12:21
didrockskaleo: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-2d/oneiric-natty-migration/+merge/62466 then :) I faked the migration here to ensure it works well12:23
didrockskaleo: thanks :)12:36
* didrocks brb12:36
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mterrynjpatel (and others): I hear there is porting-indicators-to-gtk3 work to be had?  Can I help?  Shall I just grab an indicator and start porting?14:07
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mardyhi, what's the bzr equivalent for "git rebase -i"?14:32
mardyI have 4 commits in a branch, the last two being corrections to the previous ones14:33
mardyI'd like to squash them in order to get only two commits in my tree, 1+3 and 2+414:33
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njpatelmterry, probably, but you'll need ted to be sure :)15:33
njpatelor maybe kenvandine15:33
kenvandinemterry, i would say just dive in and ping ted about it when you see him online15:34
mterryDoing it already, thanks guys!15:34
kenvandinewe know they need porting, and i think ted wants to make sure they build for gtk2 as well15:34
mterrykenvandine, doing that too15:35
kenvandinemterry, of course you are, you rock :)15:36
evaluateI am installing an icon in my program in the location /usr/share/pixmaps/myapp/trayicon.svg and I'm having problems setting this icon as the appindicator icon with  appindicator_new_with_path()...15:37
didrockskaleo: agateau_: oSoMoN: unity-2d is now seeded by default in oneiric, congrats \o/15:37
agateau_didrocks: congrats to you!15:37
oSoMoNdidrocks: awesome, long live unity-2d :)15:37
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mterryevaluate, you may consider installing it in the more standard location /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps15:37
evaluateI am passing "/usr/share/pixmaps/myapp" as the last argument and 'trayicon' as the second one.15:38
evaluatemterry, how is that location more standard than /usr/share/pixmaps ?15:38
mterryevaluate, that's part of the icon theme spec.  So it will be treated as an "icon-name" you can use in GTK.  And it will be themable if anyone wants to create a themed version of your icon15:39
evaluateI mean, if the user doesn't have the hicolor theme or has a custom theme that doesn't depend on hicolor, the icon won't work either...15:39
kaleonerochiaro: ^ 16:37 < didrocks> kaleo: agateau_: oSoMoN: unity-2d is now seeded by default in oneiric, congrats \o/15:39
didrocksI was looking for nerochiaro, autocomplete betrayed me :)15:40
evaluatemterry, but is it guaranteed that the icons from hicolor will be available in any configuration (like the ones I mentioned above)?15:40
mterryevaluate, hicolor is the fallback theme for all icon themes, so yes15:41
evaluatemterry, ok then, now if I already have a package in Debian/Ubuntu that installs the icon to /usr/share/pixmaps, is there a way I can remove it with an update (or is that even needed)?15:43
mterryevaluate, that would be handled automatically by dpkg15:43
evaluatemterry, that's good. Thank you very much for your help!15:43
mterryevaluate, and that way, you likely wouldn't need to pass appindicator a special path, just use its normal icon setting function15:44
evaluatemterry, that's good to hear. But I'd have one more question. If in the future I'd like to install a couple more icons, is there a way to create a separate directory, or what would be the best way to handle this?15:45
mterryevaluate, look in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable.  there are other directories and such.  it doesn't matter which subdirectory you put the icons in, the theme will find them (as long as you don't invent subdirs)15:46
mterryevaluate, and if you have a png icon, put it in the appropriate top dir like 48x48 instead of scalable15:47
evaluateThe icon is in svg format, so I guess scalable would be the right place.15:48
mterryevaluate, (this may be TMI, but you are allowed to put svg icons in the sized directories if they are designed to be viewed at that size)15:50
evaluatemterry, well, yeah, but afaik the scalable folder should be the fallback for any size anyway, shouldn't it?15:51
mterryevaluate, the lookup algorithm is complicated.  It's certainly the fallback if there aren't any other sized icons15:51
evaluatemterry, a final question. In my makefile I am currently installing the icon to $(datarootdir)/pixmaps/myapp. Should I change that to $(datarootdir)/icons/hicolor or is there already a more appropriate variable set for this case?15:54
mterryevaluate, no, you have to spell it out15:56
mterrydon't forget the /apps too15:56
evaluatemterry, ok. Thanks again for your help!15:57
evaluateOhh, yeah. :-)15:57
mterryevaluate, yw!15:57
evaluatemterry, hmm. Having the icon in the path you specified doesn't seem to have the desired effect either...16:14
mterryevaluate, :(16:15
mterryevaluate, did you reinstall via dpkg or just copy the file there?16:15
evaluateI installed it with make && sudo make install16:16
evaluatebut I'd guess it would be the same, since make also just does a cp, doesn't it?16:16
mterryevaluate, let me give you a bit of automake magic16:16
mterryevaluate, you have to update the gtk icon cache after copying.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/613299/ will do that nicely16:17
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evaluatemterry, that worked. Thanks! :-)16:27
mterryevaluate, awesome16:27
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mardykaleo_: hi! About the home button issue...16:52
mardykaleo_: the QToolButton is not subclassed at the moment16:53
kaleo_mardy: correct, it's a pain :(16:53
kaleo_mardy: I am sorry about that16:54
mardykaleo_: should I add the subclass in a different source file, or in the same?17:01
racarr@dbarth Hi. I sent you a pm just in case you missed. ready when you are :)17:01
racarrwoah...did I just twitter message on IRC? -.- brain scattered17:01
mardykaleo_: OK. But then I'll also move the timing in that subclass, so that HomeButtonApplets will not have any hacks17:02
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Kaleomardy: sorry, I have connection issues today17:04
Kaleomardy: in a different source file would make sense17:04
Kaleomardy: and moving the hack in that class makes a lot of sense17:04
Kaleomardy: it will give us reusability17:04
mardyKaleo: agreed, thanks!17:04
mardyKaleo: do you know how I can squash two commits together in bzr? (having some other commits in between: so, it's actually a re-order + squash)17:46
* mardy already misses git :-)17:47
Nafaimardy: I always miss git when I have to use bzr )17:48
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Kaleomardy: sorry I don't know17:58
Kaleomardy: but it's fine, what matters most to us is the merge commit17:58
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mardyOMG! I need to try this! https://github.com/termie/git-bzr-ng18:25
mardyKaleo: I updated the review request18:28
mardyKaleo: seems work fine now :-)18:28
Kaleomardy: fantastic!18:33
Kaleomardy: I have to run now, but I'll take a look and I guess merge it right away :)18:34
Kaleo(or let the robot merge for me)18:34
mardyKaleo: I did a small variation, so I prefer that you review it. I'm not in a hurry, so take your time :-)18:35
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