
pooliehi all00:55
pooliehi spiv?04:02
spivpoolie: hi04:39
pooliehi there06:19
vilahello poolie !07:02
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jammorning poolie, good to have you back around08:00
pooliehi jam, it's good to be back08:12
pooliei had a great trip08:12
vilapoolie: I was a bit worried you get stuck in Europe due to this other volcano ;)08:13
jampoolie: I'm curious why you're online at this time, though. Just finishing up your day?08:14
pooliejam it's 17:40 here, not so late08:41
pooliei will finish up now though08:41
poolievila, no, i came back on my scheduled flight08:42
pooliegood night08:42
jampoolie: sure, you just didn't say "hi there" until 2 hours ago, and I didn't see you chatting earlier08:42
jamso I thought that you might have been in a different TZ08:42
jamI now see that you said high 8 hours ago08:42
vilapoolie: cool, enjoy your evening !08:45
poolieglad we got that straight :)08:49
temporarytaohi, can anyone tell me how i can generate a .diff file using bzr and then apply a patch using the diff file?09:22
Kamping_Kaisertemporarytao: 'bzr diff' and 'patch'?09:24
temporarytaoKamping_Kaiser, i think that's what i need but just to clarify...09:25
temporarytaoi use diff to create the .diff file by piping the output of 'bzr diff' to a file, right09:26
temporarytaoand then use patch to apply the changes in the file09:26
vilathat should work (expect for binary files, renames and so on)09:27
Kamping_Kaiseryes. or use merge requests. , bzr help send09:27
* vila nods at Kamping_Kaiser 09:27
Kamping_Kaiservila: gday09:28
Kamping_Kaisernp :)09:30
maxbpoolie: Hello. I was wondering if you happened to know the rationale in lp:~bzr-core/bzr/devnotes being owned by ~bzr-core rather than ~bzr ?09:39
Lo-lan-doHi all.  Is it possible to ship a shelve?13:50
Lo-lan-doOr do a bzr send --uncommitted or so13:50
vilaLo-lan-do: shelves are supposed to be used locally, there are many different available and well supported ways to ship revisions ;)14:13
Lo-lan-doThe point was not to ship a set of revisions, but an uncommitted patch.14:15
Lo-lan-do(To a remote box, so bzr merge --uncommitted wouldn't work)14:15
vilaI got that, I'm pointing out that, no, shelves are not meant to be shipped, you can try copying the file under ./bzr/checkout/shelf14:17
vilabut there are cases where you won't be able to use it because it's not *meant* to be used this way14:18
Lo-lan-doI understand.  I'll do with a simple bzr diff then.14:18
santagadais there a way to associate two repositories with the same project on launchpad?15:46
goursantagada: group?15:46
santagadagour, I wanted to do it with a project15:47
santagadagour, or do I have to have one project for each repository?15:47
maxbSorry to bounce you around, but this question is more rightly discussed on #launchpad15:47
maxb(I know you were just pointed in this direction)15:47
santagadaI am going to guess this is impossible, it is 1 project 1 repo because there is no docs about this15:50
vilalamont: ping, did you find a solution for your "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'trace' " ? (aka bug #788072)16:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 788072 in Bazaar "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'trace'" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78807216:24
lamontvila: I did not16:24
lamontit's one of those "busy with other things, this is only mildly  annoying so far" things16:25
vilaI see16:25
smoserhi, i wonder if i can have some help...16:27
smoseri've got a branch at lp:ubuntu/python-boto16:27
smoserbzr diff -r tag:1.9b-1..tag:1.9b-1ubuntu516:27
smosershows a bunch of adds and removes or renames16:27
smoserand the net is that nothing changed16:27
smoserit was probably user error that created that, but16:28
smoser(on my part)16:28
smoserbut a.) is there a way to ignore those in a 'bzr diff'16:28
smoserb.) is there a way that i can get that to happen by default16:28
smoseri'm willing to muck around with things now to get that fixed in the future16:46
maxbI don't believe there's any way to get bzr diff to do what you want16:51
maxbIn similar situations I have bzr export-ed both trees and diffed the result.16:52
* maxb grabs the branch to inspect how it arose16:52
maxbAh, right. Yes, it was the manner in which you brought in the debian version which has caused this17:01
maxbsmoser: Hmm. I'm tempted to say that the most expedient way to fix it would be to erase the ubuntu branches and have the importer reimport them17:03
maxbUnless you can think of any other branches which might have history built on top of these17:03
smosermaxb, probably not.17:08
smoserat least not that couldn't be ignored.17:08
maxbsmoser: How much to you know about Bazaar file ids?17:08
smoseri know that you just said "Bazaar file ids" and not much more :)17:09
maxbOK, the very quick summary:17:09
maxbBazaar tracks the identity of files via an id that is generated when you add it17:09
maxbThis works great most of the time and allows sensible handling of moved files17:10
maxbHowever, if the "same" tree is separately imported in two different branches, odd stuff like you can see tends to result17:10
maxbThis is known as a "parallel import"17:10
maxbThere are ways to mitigate this quite a lot, but they are best applied when first merging the two parallel imports - so applying them after 5 ubuntu releases have happened since that merge isn't optimal17:11
maxbAs the only revisions on the branches which are not generated by the importer anyway, are the ones causing the problem, I'm suggesting a reset and reimport17:12
maxbPeople who can make this happen are a subset of ~canonical-bazaar folks17:13
* maxb wonders if vila or spiv is around17:13
maxbor james_w17:13
smoseryeah, i think that sounds like the best course of action.17:13
james_whi maxb17:13
smoseri'd rather have the tree look sane17:13
james_w"bzr diff | filterdiff" might hide them :-)17:14
maxbjames_w: Hi. Would you agree with my assessment that if the only non-importer revisions in some UDD branches are a slightly botched parallel import, it's best to delete the branches and restart the import?17:15
james_wmaxb, sounds about right, but today isn't a good day to ask me anything unfortunately17:15
maxbOK, fair enough. LP question against udd?17:15
vilaI'm busy freezing bzr-2.4b3 but I can run a command on the importer17:15
james_wmaxb, I'm not sure if I receive those or not, so a bug might be better17:16
* maxb checks delete_branches_from_lp.py syntax17:17
vilahmm, if this involve running *that* script, yeah a bug to track the process sounds better17:17
maxbhmm, that could really do with an --ubuntu-only option17:17
maxbvila: During the sprint, I observed that delete_branches_from_lp.py had local modifications on jubany. Could you have a look at them and commit them if there is nothing confidential involved?17:19
maxbThat way I can put up a MP adding an --ubuntu-only flag without worrying about conflicts17:19
* vila shudders17:21
vilayeah, I asked for this changes to be committed with the intent triggering them but... never happened17:21
james_wIIRC the intent was that the current script is completely broken :-)17:23
vilaargh and branches diverged :(17:24
vilaand whoami not set :(17:24
vilawhy did I pop up here !17:24
james_wthanks vila17:29
maxbCould I get a requeue_package.py sysvinit too?17:34
maxbI expect it to fail, but I want to see if the failure reason has changed17:34
vilano options ?17:34
maxbno options17:34
mgzit seems to have been a cyclic day in my absense.17:35
vilaha ha ha17:35
mgzoh, is 2.4b3 being release today?17:43
vilafrozen, not released ;) Don't start rumors will you ?17:44
smosermaxb, so do you or vila need me to open a bug ?17:55
smosersorry, i was away a bit.17:56
vilahmm, I understood that maxb will open it but I may be wrong17:56
maxbI was going to open one once I'd had a look at the existing scripts and figured what needs to be done in detail17:57
maxbHowever, if you'd like to open one (under launchpad.net/udd) and subscribe me, that works too, and I'll fill in the details later17:57
maxbActually, I wonder if we could do it less brutally17:58
maxbYes, we don't need to delete all the branches, we could just remove a few revisions18:00
smoserso you still want a bug ?18:08
mgzvila: ouch on bug 785098 I wondered why I couldn't repo that18:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 785098 in Bazaar "bzrlib.tests.test_utextwrap.TestWrap.test_umlaut_followed_by_dash (from ) " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78509818:32
vilasee my last comment ? Got sphinx ? Got python test files ?18:32
mgzyeah, reading it. not having sphinx is why.18:32
smoserbug 788747 opened18:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 788747 in bzr (Ubuntu) "requesting diff of one file gives output of all changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78874718:32
mgzsphinx are being very naughty.18:33
vilaI've got a fix for them18:36
mgzare you filing an upstream bug?18:36
vilayup, in progress, patch missing18:37
fbondHi, I just got hit by https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/641330 .18:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 641330 in Bazaar "unable to unshelve shelved root-id change" [Low,Confirmed]18:40
fbondIs there any way to get my shelved content back?18:40
fbondMaybe I can edit the shelf pack file by hand to remove the root?19:06
fbondnm, no time for bzr bugs today...19:15
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mgzconfused by core count detection again.20:08
vilahmm, wasn't there a patch to rely on python to do that ?20:14
mgzunless I lie the fork code never gets run on my machine20:15
mgzbecause it thinks it knows best based on the fact I only have one cpu20:16
vilamulti-core ? OS ?20:16
mgzI still need to test that fork works, even on my old machine20:17
mgzotherwise all you people with fancy new computers will yell at me when my code breaks when you run it20:17
mgzbah, this nearly works, there's just an api gap.20:29
maxbCould I have a "./requeue_package.py --all-of-type xwax" please?20:29
vilamaxb: done20:38
maxbI expect them all to fail, but with new and different tracebacks20:39
* vila returns the thanks ;)20:39
vilathat's a good game20:39
__monty__How do I start solving a bug, how do I know where to look for the code that's responsible?20:42
* vila blinks20:43
vila__monty__: in bzr ?20:43
viladepends on the bug :) Is it one you encounter yourself or just heard about ?20:44
__monty__Something I would find on the bug tracker, I don't have a specific bug in mind yet.20:44
vilaha, hmm20:45
vilaThere is no generic answer to such a wide question, there are bugs tagged 'easy' you may want to try first20:45
JFoor bitesize20:46
vilahmm, I. not sure we started using bitesize, that's a good idea20:46
vilamgz: do you expect more feedback on https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/lazy_hook_test_cleanup_785054/+merge/61586 or should we mark it WIP ?20:48
JFolots of packages are using it from the look :)20:48
poolie /back20:53
pooliehi jfo, vila, mgz, maxb20:53
maxbHello poolie20:54
maxbI had a question for you - why is ~bzr-core/bzr/devnotes owned by ~bzr-core rather than ~bzr ?20:54
pooliethe short answer is i don't know20:55
poolieis ~bzr in ~bzr-core or is it vice versa?20:55
maxb~bzr is in ~bzr-core20:56
mgzvila: well, I probably do need some more input, but it can wip till I have some of these other branches landed20:56
mgzhey poolie!20:56
maxbSo ~bzr-core does mean more people can write - though the vast majority of branches appear to be on ~bzr anyway20:56
maxbIt's all a bit messy20:57
vilamgz: no, if you need more feedback just put an additional comment20:58
maxbAh well. I think I'll get the code review subscriptions issue sorted first, then attack bugmail20:58
vilapoolie: hey !20:58
vilapoolie: my god, you fall from your bed ?20:59
* vila shuckles poor poolie getting remarks at all hours :)20:59
JFohi poolie  :)21:00
* JFo was looking at another computer for a bit :)21:01
pooliei am a bit21:01
pooliewhat's worse is i've been up for a couple of hours21:02
pooliehow are things here?21:02
JFonot bad21:03
* JFo has a dinner meeting in a few, so will be away21:03
JFobetter get moving now I've looked at the time :-/21:03
pooliei bet i've already filed a bug asking for a way to subscribe to all code reviews21:06
poolievila, how  have you been?21:06
vilabusy ? :D21:06
vila2.4b3 frozen, some chroots configured, some bugs fixed, more filed, some PPing (jelmer is away AIUI)21:10
poolieyes, we should have rescheduled that21:11
pooliehe is on holidays21:11
vila.. and still hoping for some reviews on config :-D21:11
pooliecould you officially take it on for tomorrow?21:11
__monty__I think this is a good bug to start working on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/71292221:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 712922 in Bazaar "standard way to warn about deprecated parameters" [Medium,Confirmed]21:12
__monty__However I don't know how to begin.21:12
vila__monty__: 1) look into bzrlib/symbol_versioning.py and search for the corresponding tests and use cases21:12
vila2) start playing with 'bzr selftest -s bt.symbol_versioning'21:13
pooliehi __monty__21:14
pooliei will try to give you some reviews21:14
vila3) write a failing test in bzrlib/tests/test_symbol_versioning.py that will exercise the code you're planning to write21:14
poolie__monty__: are you just looking for some bug to fix?21:14
pooliethere are some tagged easy21:15
pooliethat one should be fairly easy, but involves a bit of metaprogramming21:15
vilapoolie: yeah, np, I was more or less doing it ~officially already21:15
poolieso depends a bit how much you know python21:15
vilapoolie: great !21:15
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila
poolievila, jam, do you think https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/602614 is really conclusively fixed?21:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 602614 in Bazaar "Out of memory error in _ensure_content on auto repacking" [High,Fix released]21:15
vilaNo idea, it was mentioned in the news so I marked it fix released, if there are pending issues, it may be worth filing a new one21:17
vilanew bugs are easier to track for all parties involved (we have bugs opened for too long otherwise)21:17
__monty__Hmm, I don't know about metaprogramming, maybe I should look for another bug?21:19
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pooliewell, yes21:20
pooliebut that's a pretty popular bug21:20
poolieso i think it would be a bit pedantic to mark it closed and ask people to move to another21:20
pooliei will comment21:21
vilapoolie: I see. Sorry, I was a bit rushed while I cut the release (maxb is doing wonders on the package importer and needed a proxy ;)21:26
pooliereally no problem21:27
poolieit's good to have multiple eyes21:27
poolieit's just good on hot bugs like this (especially) not to say it's closed when it's not21:27
pooliebut in this case it seems it may well be21:27
vilahmm, I add a --browser option to checknewsbug.py, in which section should I mention that ? Internals ?21:32
vilanot a major change but interesting for *some* bzr devs :)21:33
__monty__Maybe this is a better bug to begin with? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/5462421:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 54624 in Bazaar "warn when committing large (binary) files" [Medium,Confirmed]21:33
__monty__It doesn't sound hard if a file is binary, check the size, if it's bigger than some variable limit, give a warning?21:39
poolievila, internals21:40
poolieor, perhaps better, past to the list21:41
poolie__monty__: that sounds good21:41
pooliei wouldn't even bother checking if it's binary21:41
pooliejust if it's more than say 10MB by default, warn21:41
poolieand ideally take that from a config variable21:41
vilapoolie: the proposal is almost ready, I'll see what reviewers say, no big deal anway21:41
__monty__poolie: Where should a check like this be? Somewhere in commit.py? And how do I add a config variable?21:45
poolie__monty__: probably yes, in commit.py21:49
poolieyou should get the wt configuration object21:49
poolieand then i think just get_user_configuration passing it the name you want21:49
poolieif you want a really easy one to start https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/364462 would be good21:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 364462 in bzr email commit hook "smtp "connection timed out" causes full stack trace to be dumped" [Medium,Confirmed]21:50
jampoolie: it is not conclusively fixed, but we have more headroom.21:51
jamI think the ultimate fix is to not read whole files into memory21:51
jamwithout that, we'll always have a case where we fail21:51
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__monty__poolie: Looking at the traceback (in the bug you suggested) it seems the error should be handled in bzrlib/plugins/email/smtp_connection.py However I don't have the email directory, should I install a certain plugin or is it located somewhere else?22:12
poolie__monty__: it would be in lp:bzr-email22:14
pooliethere are smtp sending wrappers in bzrlib itself22:14
pooliei think that's where it should be handled22:14
__monty__poolie: in smtp_connection.py?22:24
pooliesounds right22:26
poolieor possibly in crash.py, just to say this error is never an internal error22:26
__monty__How can I catch the error from within smtp_connection.py or crash.py?22:38
poolie__monty__: crash.py has a concept of errors that don't indicate bugs22:39
__monty__So this should go in crash.py? But how does crash.py know this error occurs?22:40
pooliehm maybe not crash.py22:40
__monty__smtp_connection.py then?22:42
poolieok, it's report_exception in trace.py22:42
pooliethat has the policy about whether something is a bug (and should get a traceback) or just an environmental or user error22:43
pooliesocket.error is normally an environmental error and should be treated as such22:43
__monty__Is there a prefered pastebin for this channel?23:16
__monty__poolie: Would this be enough for a fix? http://pastebin.com/uxh5u0ag23:24
pooliethat's almost it23:26
pooliebut socket.error can mean many other things than just a timeout23:27
poolieyou need to get a string about the particular error23:27
ironcamelanybody got bzr bisect installed and got it to work?23:27
poolieyes, i have23:28
pooliewhat's wrong?23:28
poolie__monty__: how's it going?23:41
poolieprobably just printing the str form of the excepiton would be a good start23:42
poolieideally we would also include something about just which host we were failing to connect to23:42
pooliei don't know if socket.error includes that23:42
__monty__I'm still trying to find out how to get the string :s23:42
pooliestr(e) should do it23:42
pooliethe default exception-reporting thing should print that probably23:43
poolieso you may notneed to specify anything special23:43
__monty__What do you mean by the default exception-reporting thing, report_user_error()?23:45
__monty__Should I pass an advice parameter to report_user_error() or is this fix meant to handle every socket.error?23:47

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