
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
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jussiapachelogger: ping08:18
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apacheloggerjussi: pongo10:35
jussiapachelogger: pm10:35
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Riddellrbelem: ping12:41
Riddellor anyone who has spoked to rbelem about pandaboards: ping12:41
sheytanRiddell got ya :D12:43
sheytanhey dude. Remember my ubuquity slideshow mockup?12:44
Riddellsheytan: I do12:44
sheytanRiddell want to implement it?12:44
sheytanor atleast add as "todo" ? :)12:44
Riddellsheytan: I'm afraid I'm not working on Kubuntu this cycle12:47
Riddellwe have an installer section on the todo and it can be added there https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo#Installer12:47
sheytanRiddell oh, why?12:47
Riddellsheytan: just felt the need for a change for a while, variety being the spice of life12:48
Riddelldon't worry, I'll be back in a few months :)12:48
Riddellbut edit the todo here if you want https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Oneiric12:48
sheytanRiddell i can't edit it without login. Could you do that for me? here's the mockup: http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2011/03/instalator-kubuntu-pokaz-slajdow-mockup.html12:50
sheytanI'm only looking for a developer ;)12:50
Riddellyou don't have a launchpad login?12:51
Riddellapachelogger: do you know why the installer notes never turned into todo items?12:53
Riddellsheytan: I've added it to the installer session notes, I'm not sure why none of the other items are on the todo http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/desktop-o-kubuntu-installer/12:54
apacheloggerRiddell: because neither maco nor afiestas created them12:54
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apacheloggerdespite poking12:54
* apachelogger needs a poke bot perhaps12:54
sheytanRiddell Thank you :) Hope someone will code it :)12:56
sheytanSome gnomes told me that apachelogger might do that ^^ :D12:56
apacheloggerRiddell: what is with the pandas?12:57
Riddellapachelogger: well I'm not sure, I believe rbelem has been poking canonical folk to get some and canonical folk are asking me who wants them12:57
sheytanapachelogger you're the master of code :D And implementing my idea into the installer would be both, awesome and easy (i guess) :D12:57
Riddellfew things in coding are easy I'm afraid12:58
apacheloggerRiddell: rbelem and me I suppose ... though shadeslayer also expressed interest in working on omap4 ... no idea if he'd see such a project through to actual working stuff12:59
jussiRiddell: ooh cool. We just made a couple of freescale boards happen for apachelogger and Quintasan.12:59
apacheloggersheytan: what idea?12:59
sheytanapachelogger http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2011/03/instalator-kubuntu-pokaz-slajdow-mockup.html12:59
Riddelljussi: we did? who's we?12:59
apacheloggerthe crew :P12:59
jussiRiddell: persia, with my assistance12:59
jussipersia: paid, I organised. 12:59
* apachelogger thinks sheytan should know that apachelogger is not the person to talk to about python code13:00
jussiapachelogger: rofl13:00
sheytanapachelogger is kubu installer written in python?13:00
sheytanthat sucks13:00
RiddellPython rocks!13:00
sheytanwho's developing the installer anyway?13:01
apacheloggermaco suggested interest IIRC13:01
Riddellsheytan: well nobody currently, that's the problem13:04
sheytancrap ;/13:05
RiddellI think maco is mostly interested in ensuring accessibility is supported in it (it has a few custom widgets)13:05
Riddellmaybe she'll do that and get hooked on to the fun of coding PyKDE!13:05
Riddellsheytan: added todo items to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo13:05
sheytanmaco please ping me if you can13:05
sheytanRiddell thank you :)13:05
sheytani'll talk to maco :)13:05
sheytanRiddell the help.kubuntu.org isn't needed. We have Support section on the new web page. 13:06
Riddellsheytan: talk to DarkwingDuck about that13:06
sheytanOfir doesn't have time now, so i'll finish it with DarkwingDuck :)13:06
sheytanYes :D13:07
* sheytan hopes the new printer kcm and notifications come with 11.1013:08
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macosheytan: hello13:11
macoRiddell: ive used pykde before :P13:11
Riddellright, so you know how much fun it is! :)13:11
sheytanmaco heeeey :) I have a perfect job for you which will make you proud of helping Kubuntu :)13:12
jussiHow does one see the updates history?13:14
macojussi: /var/log/apt/term.log13:19
jussimaco: thanks13:19
jussihas anyone else had skype suddenly stop working for them in the last few days? 13:21
jussijussi@squirrel:~$ skype13:22
macojussi: nah, skype stopped working for me a year ago....suddenly even preloading v4lcompat doesnt let it talk to v4l2 webcams13:22
jussicould either of these have anything to do with skype not working? 13:24
jussiSetting up glib-networking ( ...13:24
jussiSetting up libapr1 (1.4.2-7ubuntu2.1) ...13:24
debfxScottK: turns out that I do have a gpg signature from a DD13:25
ScottKdebfx: Excellent.13:25
SputOHAI Microsoft13:25
Sput, jussi13:25
jussiSput: thanks...13:26
jussiMS ....13:26
jussiSput: btw, GET BACK TO YOUR THESIS! :D13:27
jussirenaming .Skype fixes said issue. 13:29
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apacheloggerNightrose: thanks for the feedback13:52
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, I has no a team channel ... apparently my team of awesome does not have time to join13:52
kubotuapachelogger meant: "Nightrose: btw, I has now a team channel ... apparently my team of awesome does not have time to join"13:53
apacheloggerkubotu: smart bot13:53
Nightroseapachelogger: -.-13:54
Nightrosenot awesome13:54
Nightrosenot at all13:54
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Hobbseeapachelogger: BOO!14:26
txwikingerScottK: the new ntrack did not fix the problem14:29
apacheloggertxwikinger: what be the problem?14:36
txwikingerapachelogger: kded4 is spawning always losts of defuncts14:36
txwikingerIt has either to do with going in and out of sleep mode, and/or chaning wireless networs14:37
apacheloggertxwikinger: spawn defuncts?14:43
txwikingerwell.. it guess its spawns child processes that are not closed properly and hence end up to be shown as "defunc"14:44
txwikingerI guess14:44
apacheloggertxwikinger: kdebugdialog -> select all, then: killall -9 kded4 ; sleep2 ; kded4 &> log14:45
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apacheloggertry to trigger the issue and send me the log14:45
txwikingerapachelogger: ok I will do14:45
apacheloggertxwikinger: bug 515138 perhaps?14:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 515138 in kdelibs "kded4 (lucid, amd64) defunct on latop" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51513814:46
txwikingerNot sure.. I reported it in maverick on kde bugs14:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should like fix this ^ :P14:47
txwikingernatty is actually worse than maverick14:47
ryrychapachelogger: I figured out what was wrong: I don’t have the write access to phonon web site repository as ssh kde info points out; do you know if I can catch here any admin? :)14:50
apacheloggerryrych: #kde-sysadmin14:50
ryrychapachelogger: thx14:50
txwikingerapachelogger: The child processes do not seem to appear in the log14:53
apacheloggertxwikinger: killall -9 kded4 ; sleep 2; streace -ff -F -o kded.strace kded414:55
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shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell i'm definitely interested in OMAP4 ... i'm thinking on focusing on ARM for the next year 15:27
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ryrychapachelogger: so sneap-peak for you :D http://ryrych.pl/null/phonon/15:46
ryrychstopwatch and dots as navigation15:46
apacheloggerthe progress bar at the top is a bit weird IMHO15:46
apacheloggervery distracting15:47
apacheloggerI like the dots though :D15:47
ryrychhm, I like it but think out it :D15:49
rbelemhi Riddell 15:51
rbelemsorry for the late ping back15:52
Riddellhi rbelem15:52
Riddellhave you been talking to kiko?15:52
rbelemRiddell, yup15:52
Riddellgroovy, who did you have in mind for pandaboards?15:52
rbelemRiddell, three for plasma-active guys and two for kubuntu15:53
rbelemi just saw your email :-)15:53
Riddellrbelem: do you have specific people in mind?15:53
rbelemRiddell, aseigo knows who will get the boards15:54
Riddellrbelem: ok, and for Kubuntu?15:55
rbelemRiddell, apachelogger and me15:55
Riddellok I need postal addresses for you and apachelogger then15:56
Riddellrbelem, apachelogger: can you e-mail me your postal address15:56
rbelemoki :-)15:57
rbelemRiddell, i will ask aseigo to send the adresses to you :-)15:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol ... i got my package :P15:58
shadeslayergooglez didn't forget me15:58
shadeslayer :D15:58
apacheloggerI did not :(15:59
apacheloggercarol, y u forget me!15:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: so apparently mails travel faster to india ... :>16:00
apacheloggerwell, from a logistics POV I'd say they do not send all the stuff at once :P16:01
macoRiddell: the KC is sposed to approve the specs right? TheMuso says feature definition is soon, but KC election is going on so how do we get them approved?16:07
rbelemRiddell, mail sent :-)16:08
Riddellmaco: with the existing KC16:10
macoRiddell: is there gonna be a meeting or something?16:10
Riddellmaco: one should be organised16:11
RiddellSput: I've been using Quassel for the last couple of weeks, working well16:12
RiddellSput: a couple of issues, I find it strange that when someone /msg's me it appears in the left tree in the same colour as if there's background chat in a channel, I think it should be the same as if someone highlights me on a channel16:13
Riddellalso I'm not clear when walk away from a network then walk back into range again if or when quassel will reconnect16:13
macoi dont think it will16:13
macoit takes a few minutes to timeout and realise no really theres no network activity16:14
macooh wait that depends on setting16:14
macoyou can set a hardcoded timeout16:14
macoi had to go to "never time out actively" though because it was timing out on downloading backlog from the quassel core (which takes about 5 minutes)16:14
yofelwell, the solid integration worked somewhat well for me, so it connected whenever KNM said it got a connection16:16
shadeslayer^^ yep16:18
ScottKtxwikinger: OK.  Sorry.  Different issue.16:21
SputRiddell: can't really discuss very well now since I'm on a train, but the connection between client and core can be set to obey KDE's network status16:22
txwikingerScottK:  :)16:22
Sputthe connection between core and IRC is timeout-based though (unless the socket closes, but that is not always the case with a shaky connection)16:22
Sputif you have the core somewhere safe, and you want the client to reconnect, it's best to enable the use of KDE's Solid, which in turn is tied to NetworkManager16:23
RiddellSput: I have the monolithic setup16:23
Sputthen there's configurable timeouts16:25
KRFcould someone comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/786192 - especially why the SVG file's content is changed in kubuntu's amarok package?16:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 786192 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Wrong rendering of some elements of interface" [Undecided,New]16:26
SputI was thinking about adding solid integration for that part as well, but that's surprisingly non-trivial as the core has no KDE integration (and not even GUI support), architecturally :)16:26
Sputone could probably do a hack specifically for monolithic16:26
apacheloggerKRF: because the upstream artwork sux16:27
RiddellSput:  it could talk raw dbus I guess but yeah not easy16:27
KRFapachelogger: now it sucks even more, though. see attached screenshot16:27
apacheloggernono, it is better :P16:27
* apachelogger actually wonders where there change is coming from for real16:27
SputRiddell: dbus is not an acceptable dep on a server :)16:28
Riddellfussy server people :)16:28
KRFapachelogger: looks like someone opened the svg with another editor before packaging? also the SVG's XML layout changed16:28
Sputtechnically, the monolithic version is really just the core and the client lumped in one binary connected by an internal socket... but I assume we could add some special accessor16:29
Sput(that is, if someone has the time to do it; I'll still be very busy with $thesis for the next several months)16:29
apacheloggerkubotu: order a minion for Sput16:30
* kubotu slides a minion down the bar to Sput16:30
KRFapachelogger: ah, someone used adobeillustrator and destroyed the color schemes :P16:30
apacheloggerKRF: unlikely, then dpkg would have created a patch for it16:30
apacheloggerthere is no way to sneak changes into modern packages without triggering a patch creation16:31
apacheloggerunless someone tempered with the tar16:31
apacheloggerKRF: do you have a 2.4.1 tar lying around?16:31
KRFapachelogger: nope16:31
SputRiddell: I do have to wonder though, doesn't NetworkManager close active TCP connections when it determines it's offline?16:31
Sputa closing socket should trigger an immediate reconnect anyway16:31
Riddellno I don't think so16:31
Sputhm, at least other apps seem to notice NM going offline16:32
KRFapachelogger: second, just trying to find out what happened there16:32
apacheloggerKRF: no one touched the tar either16:32
apacheloggersame md5 as the one lydia mentioned in the tagging announcement16:32
Sputand I think I've tested it with quassel too... the other issue I get a lot with mobile though is that NM does *not* notice the net going away :)16:32
Sputin which apps can't do anything16:32
apacheloggerKRF: what is the SVG called?16:33
* apachelogger is blind16:34
apacheloggerKRF: must have been something at build or install time16:35
apacheloggercmpsvg: python-rsvg not installed, cannot compare SVG images16:36
KRFapachelogger: i'm a bit confuzzled right now, /usr/share/kde4/apps/amarok/images/default-theme-clean.svg totally does not look like the file for the 2.4.0 tag in repo16:37
apacheloggerscour 0.2516:37
apacheloggerKRF: something is compressing the svgs16:37
apacheloggerpart of the default build process it seems16:37
KRFsince when?16:37
apacheloggerI don't even know why16:38
* KRF wonders why noone noticed that earlier16:38
apacheloggerguess what16:38
KRFthe highlight color looks pretty out of shape16:38
apacheloggerdebian screwed us over16:38
apacheloggeror maybe not16:38
apacheloggeractually it is all Riddell's fault16:39
* apachelogger hugs Riddell16:39
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have a minute?16:40
Riddellapachelogger: what did I do now?16:40
KRFscrew that riddell!!!1116:40
debfxapachelogger: I've added the necessary dependencies to pkg-kde-tools so cmpsvg works16:40
apacheloggerRiddell: introduce scour16:41
debfxat least for oneiric it shouldn't be a problem anymore16:41
apacheloggerthe question i have is16:41
apacheloggerif the cmp fails, will it reject the compressed svg or what?16:41
debfxthen it uses the original svg16:41
apacheloggerno brainer16:42
apacheloggerI have that natty too16:42
apacheloggerand I do not have new packages16:42
apacheloggerdebfx: SRU for pkg-kde-tools && nochange SRU for amarok once pkg-kde-tools is through SRU process plz16:42
debfxapachelogger: go ahead :)16:43
debfxis there even a bug report?16:43
apacheloggerI am too old for this16:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 786192 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Wrong rendering of some elements of interface" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:43
apacheloggeroh hold on16:45
apacheloggerdebfx: you uploaded that fix to natty?16:45
apacheloggerpkg-kde-tools (0.9.3ubuntu10) natty; urgency=low16:45
apachelogger  * Re-enable Scour as python-scour has dropped the problematic dependencies.16:45
apachelogger -- Felix Geyer <debfx-pkg@fobos.de>  Sun, 20 Mar 2011 19:13:09 +010016:45
apacheloggerand even more so16:46
apacheloggerdebfx: that does not resolve the problem it appears16:46
apacheloggercmpsvg: python-rsvg not installed, cannot compare SVG images16:46
apacheloggerit would appear that python-rsvg is still not dragged in in oneiric16:46
apacheloggerso we need an explicit dep in oneiric, SRU that to natty, and then rebuild amarok via SRU16:47
debfxit certainly is now16:47
KRFapachelogger: uhm, how can i check the last upgrade of amarok on my system?16:47
KRFgive me some bash magic16:47
debfxis it even broken in plain natty? the bug report talks about 2.4.116:47
apacheloggerdebfx: hm, perhaps uploaded before latest amaork build then16:47
apacheloggerdebfx: yes16:47
apacheloggerI have plain natty here16:48
apacheloggerand the svg is fckd16:48
apacheloggeralso see build log https://launchpadlibrarian.net/68211946/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.amarok_2%3A2.4.0-0ubuntu5_BUILDING.txt.gz16:48
KRFpurely fcked, i can attest16:48
debfxso yeah, no-change rebuild in oneiric and SRU pkg-kde-tools and amarok16:50
debfxassuming that cmpsvg detects the broken svg16:51
apacheloggerdebfx: oh, we probably should test that first ^^16:51
apacheloggerthe oneiric rebuild should give us an idea ^^16:52
apacheloggerdebfx: at worst we'd introduce an env var to override scour, SRU that and then SRU amarok with the var exported16:52
KRFapachelogger: answer my question, lord of packaging16:52
apacheloggerKRF: I do not compute the question pretty much17:01
KRFwhen...last..update...to..amarok..package on my system?17:01
apacheloggerdebfx: shall I assign you to the bugs?17:01
apacheloggerKRF: ask the cloud17:01
apacheloggerthe log cloud17:01
apacheloggeror maybe without .log17:01
KRFi see17:01
KRFapachelogger: so, since when this is all fcked up?17:01
apacheloggerdh_scour was introduced in natty the ubuntu manpages site says17:01
debfxapachelogger: yeah, though I would be worried if you continue to age that fast17:01
debfxlooking at the bug report, cmpsvg will likely not solve the problem17:01
apacheloggerKRF: in case you happen to know: does svgtinter hardcode the mappings?17:03
debfxapachelogger: it does a string based search/replace17:04
apacheloggerbecause if so, then we should indeed introduce an overriding env var and thus provide scour from doing anything to amarok svg's17:04
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KRFapachelogger: no idea17:04
apacheloggerdebfx: we want blacklisting for SRU then, and probably for oneiric too17:04
KRFapachelogger: ah, sorry. yes, it indeed is hardcoded17:04
KRFm_tintMap.insert( "#666765", App::instance()->palette().window().color().name() );17:05
apacheloggerKRF: on a related note: you should gzip the svgs to svgz17:05
KRF"broken by design"17:05
* apachelogger believes gzipping will be 300% more efficient than scour anyway17:05
KRFapachelogger: not sure if that makes sense wrt to versioning17:05
apacheloggerKRF: gzipping?17:06
apacheloggergzipping makes always sense :P17:06
KRFgzipping and pushing it to Git?17:06
apacheloggerit is not like anyone cares about svg markup :P17:06
KRFbinary blobs are not really nice to `diff`17:06
apacheloggerKRF: make it part of the build process then17:06
KRFapachelogger: not sure if this is going to be that trivial in CMake17:08
debfxapachelogger: scour and gzip are not mutually exclusive17:08
apacheloggercourse not, but gzip doesn't screw up your data :P17:09
KRFdebfx: could you just gzip instead of using scour?17:12
KRFlooks like our code could handle it17:12
debfxI'm sure there are applications that hardcode the svg filenames17:13
KRFdebfx: sure, not globally. just for amarok17:13
apacheloggerquite honestly I'd go a different direction altogether17:13
apacheloggermake scour opt-in17:13
apacheloggerI do not quite like the idea of having stuff screw with xml files for all kde packages17:14
apacheloggerthen again since there is a scour sequence anyway it is opt-in without us doing anything17:15
debfxmaybe restrict it to main?17:17
debfxit would be interesting to know how much space it actually saves17:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: I like how the welcome package thread now has 57 mails17:18
apacheloggerdebfx: still too much option for breakage17:18
debfxbut why don't we just fix SvgTinter?17:18
apacheloggeryou need to tightly check the software to ensure no new release suddenly breaks with scour17:18
apacheloggermeaning you need to be aware of scour being used and you need to have the time to actually notice such things17:19
apacheloggerwhich for the better part of our main packages is just not doable17:19
apacheloggerdebfx: because it woudl be a workaround to scour being a necessary evil17:19
apacheloggera necessary evil that only ought to be used when someone knows why whatfor and when it makes sense17:19
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DarkwingDuckmorning gang17:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes indeed17:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: people screaming how they got their package17:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: should i 'contribute' :P17:30
shadeslayeroh anything interesting to do?17:30
apacheloggerI fear if I tell people that eric brought it over personally they might get jealous17:30
apacheloggerso I better not contribute17:30
* apachelogger needs to go find some place where one could acquire eatables17:31
KRFapachelogger: guten17:32
shadeslayer"Harald Sitter has appeared online" :317:36
amorphous1Riddell, ping17:40
Riddellhello amorphous117:43
amorphous1Riddell, hello, I need to file a bug against a packahge but I'm not sure which one17:43
amorphous1Riddell, in KDE Keyboard preferences"→ Layouts → "Options…"→ "Key(s) to change layout17:44
amorphous1what is the package that manages that17:44
Riddellkdebase-workspace I expect17:45
Riddellalthough it's probably an upstream bug in which case -> bugs.kde.org17:45
shadeslayer^^ on that note, are they really going to change bug trackers?17:45
amorphous1Riddell, thanks...that's the one17:45
shadeslayersomeone threw in LP in the mix17:45
* shadeslayer digs up emails17:45
Riddellshadeslayer: not that I know of17:48
Riddellthere's a view that bugzilla has passed its use by date but there's no leading candidate to replace it17:49
shadeslayerRiddell: apparently they're going to upgrade bugzilla to bugzilla 417:49
shadeslayerthats what the sysadmin team is saying17:49
shadeslayerRiddell: it's on the plasma ML17:49
* shadeslayer gets to merging choqok17:49
shadeslayerRiddell: so, did you start with the bzr teams?17:50
shadeslayerScott said that you were away trying to adjust with them :D17:51
Riddellshadeslayer: I did, got some patches in17:51
shadeslayerah 17:51
Riddellwe had a sprint in London17:51
shadeslayeroh cool, can i expect LP not to time out next time when i copy like 100 packages? :P17:52
shadeslayerRiddell: i see you added kubuntu_02_fix_message_indicator.diff to choqok17:56
shadeslayersimple change replacing INDICATEQT_BUILD with QTINDICATE_BUILD17:56
Riddellshadeslayer: alas launchpad timeouts are nothing to do with bzr17:57
Riddellshadeslayer: yes I sent that upstream17:57
* Riddell out17:57
shadeslayerRiddell: oh ... hasn't been applied :(17:57
shadeslayerRiddell: cya17:57
Riddellhmm, tsk, he said he would17:57
shadeslayerhmm.. would someone sponsor a merge request for choqok?18:26
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ScottKRiddell: Some of us other council members conspired in your absence and decided that waiting and having the new council review/approve specs was more important than hitting some arbitrary deadline in the schedule.  I expect we'll schedule a meeting as soon as election results are known.19:00
DarkwingDuckbbiab, 2nd interview time19:05
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: best of luck!19:05
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jussiQuintasan: apachelogger ping19:08
jussiQuintasan: apachelogger: my freescale boards just got updated to be shipped tomorrow. did you get a similar email? 19:08
shadeslayerScottK: around ?19:27
shadeslayerScottK: could you sponsor 2 merges?19:27
ScottKENOTIME for sponsoring right now.  Sorry.19:27
shadeslayersure np19:27
* shadeslayer files bug instead then19:28
c2tarunwhat does this class KFileMetaDataConfigurationWidget exactly do? in api its written that it configures what to be displayed from metadata but didn't explain how?19:31
shadeslayerc2tarun: the best place to ask would be #kde-devel19:32
c2tarunshadeslayer: ok :)19:32
DarkwingDuckThat's interesting.19:35
jussiDarkwingDuck: `??19:36
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: what happened? :D19:36
yofelhe just found out how to fix the wiki? =þ19:38
DarkwingDuckThe interview last 3 minutes and Jono wants to see a plan of action to refine, improve and grow the QA community by tuesday.19:39
jussiDarkwingDuck: good luck.19:43
DarkwingDuckjussi: Thanks Matre19:43
CIA-51[kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110526185904-3snd3ly8wkcvhd1s * (3 files in 2 dirs) Check the result of QApt Batch in InstallEvent before we triumphantly declare success. (LP: #745133)19:59
CIA-51[kubuntu-notification-helper] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110526185921-xdz5seqywv7r1y5l * debian/changelog Set to UNRELEASED19:59
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shadeslayerapachelogger: around?21:08
shadeslayersheytan: the screenshots on your blog are from KDE 4.7 ?21:20
shadeslayerah yes, google translate says so21:20
sheytanshadeslayer the latest ones?21:21
sheytanyes, neon21:21
sheytanshadeslayer: why?21:21
shadeslayeri should open up neon then :P21:21
shadeslayeri haven't opened neon in like a month ^_^21:21
sheytanfix akonadi please :D21:21
shadeslayersheytan: hahaha 21:22
shadeslayersheytan: you can export a var and it start working21:22
shadeslayeryofel documented it afaik21:22
* yofel is off to bed, good night21:51
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerhey apachelogger, i found your spaceshit http://fastcache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/9/2011/05/normandy.jpg22:11
shadeslayerherp derp22:11
shadeslayeri meant ship22:11
ryrychcan you tell me the name of high-end and good looking laptop that uses ubuntu/kubuntu? good for marketing purposes?22:21
shadeslayerryrych: google for zareason22:21
DarkwingDuckAnyone know where the reordings form UDS are located?22:22
ryrychshadeslayer: ok, but what about Dell that Canonical on ubuntu.com advertises?22:22
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: one sec22:23
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: http://ubuntu.mirocommunity.org/ 22:24
shadeslayerryrych: i have no idea on that22:24
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: you are amazing22:24
shadeslayeri tried to get a Ubuntu powered laptop, but i couldn't get one from Dell22:24
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: *hugs*22:25
DarkwingDuckshadeslayer: *hugs* XD22:25
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: alot of them are on youtube as well22:25
shadeslayerubuntudevelopers is the user iirc22:25
DarkwingDuckahhhhhh hah... This is what I was looking for... http://mirrors.tumbleweed.org.za/uds-o/22:27
shadeslayerthats a new one22:28
* shadeslayer adds to bookmarks22:28
shadeslayerDarkwingDuck: ah you meant audio recordings22:29
ScottKryrych: The systems you can get from Dell with Ubuntu on them are 'not very good.'22:32
ScottKI've bought quite a number of Dells and the pre-installed Ubuntu ones never made the grade.22:41
ScottKZareason is a great choice for Kubuntu preinstalled.22:42
DarkwingDuckZareason ++22:43
valorieZareason are Good Folks23:05
JontheEchidnaReminds me of this: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/9/17/ (coarse language)23:19

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