
=== Cammmy is now known as Cammy
amichairhow do I re-run a package installation so that it will ask me again if I want to keep or replace a new configuration file?00:15
surunverithere's this "knetworkmanager" window constantly open00:45
surunveriis there anyway to close that without restarting computer and losing network connection?00:46
surunveriie if i kill hte process from System Monitor00:47
surunverihmm anyone?01:28
new2netwhats the name of that regex builder application? I guess it only helps :p02:11
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vbgunzI had a rt2500 wireless card that needed blobs to work. I never asked for the blobs and never really used the wireless card. I physically removed the wireless card and just want to use the lan connection. how can I make sure the wireless drivers if any are removed?03:47
claydohvbgunz: the driver won't load if the hardware isn't there anymore iirc03:54
KeshlI think he wants to remove the actual drivers from his system..03:54
claydohvbgunz: but you can add a file to /etc/modprobe.d to keep them from loading03:55
claydohthere are various blacklist files in there.03:56
vbgunzI just believe I might be having a problem due to those drivers. I am not sure if they're loading. just trying to eliminate the possibility I guess03:56
claydohthe command lsmod will list what is loaded03:57
claydohso you can check03:57
vbgunzthanks claydoh, I don't see it, nothing even familiar to it, it probably isn't an issue. just never really wanted the wireless card and I only put it in and forgot due to some troubleshooting I had to do with the motherboard03:59
vbgunzI would like for this to work "echo noop > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler" before the system is finished booting up. as early as possible. I prefer not to use elevator=noop as I only really want to target a single disk. root will need to execute this file. anybody know how to do this? help?04:10
vbgunzman google is killing me. I used to remember how to do this. it's a single file that's executed before a gui ever shows up. it's run with admin priviledges. something init and I can't find it :/04:15
vbgunzgotta hack to get things done. im feeling terribly sick and just no brain power to do things right04:28
vbgunzbrb, gonna see if my hack works04:29
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dan_lI have a KDE annoyance.  When I first login, kwallet comes up wanting to authorize kdedaemon04:31
dan_lIf I do not punch in the password quick enough04:31
dan_lkopete won't connect, nor will googsystray.  I believe this are symptoms of the same issue.04:32
dan_lkwallet is set for always allow04:32
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franzmaximilianhello. yesterday I wrongly hit a button instead of "shut down". I can't remember if it was "suspend to RAM" or "suspend to Disk".  The screen went black, but the unit led remained lit (on).07:35
franzmaximilianNow, how can I restart my computer?07:36
franzmaximilianAny combination of keys I tried, didn't bring it to life again07:36
franzmaximiliannor it worked hitting briefly the on/off switch07:37
franzmaximilianReally nobody know how to return to life from a suspend????07:39
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LINKSWORD2Hey guys, can I load up a specifications list and have somebody tell me if my computer can run visual effects? And if so, how do I do it?07:59
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, how can I find out if my system will run Visual Effects without problems?08:09
LINKSWORD2I'm unfamiliar with most Linux system commands, so I don't know how to find my system specifications.08:10
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, how can I find out if my system will run Visual Effects without problems?08:19
LINKSWORD2Any ideas?08:21
LINKSWORD2Yup. My IRC client sucks.08:24
eristikophilesi never thought about it before but i now realize i haven't done it before... how do i mount a cd iso?08:29
LINKSWORD2eristikophiles: try this http://www.kubuntu.org/doc/7.10/musicvideophotos/C/burning-cds.html08:30
eristikophileswhat i have to physically burn a CD to mount an iso?!08:30
eristikophilesthat seems silly. there's no alcohol 120 / daemontools / ultraiso app for linux? how can that be?08:31
LINKSWORD2I'm not sure. I'm still looking.08:31
eristikophilesfound one08:31
Unit193Down to loop mount http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html08:32
FloodBotK1eristikophiles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
eristikophilesi guess i didn't think it through. i figured there would be a shell command or something08:32
LINKSWORD2At the bottom of that page I linked you to, there are instructions to mounting an ISO without burning them to a CD, eristikophiles08:32
Unit193eristikophiles: There is. It's called loop mount08:32
apersonis there a way to reload the kde notification system?08:32
apersonI find kde crashes and then I'm stuck with gtk notifications08:33
LINKSWORD2aperson, are you talking about the KNotify manager?08:33
eristikophilesi tried that except without the -o loop and it gave me an error and said to try -o loop08:33
eristikophilesi guess that was sort of silly of me then.08:33
* LINKSWORD2 pokes eristikophiles with a sharp stick.*08:34
apersonLINKSWORD2⤳ I believe so08:34
LINKSWORD2Just a second. I'm looking for something I can use to help you.08:35
apersonI just tried killing it and restarting it (I noticed it was running before I killed it)08:35
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry aperson, but the document I have found is not providing any relevant help at the moment. Allow me to keep searching.'08:37
apersonLINKSWORD2⤳ thanks, I've been searching for a couple days08:37
apersonIt's very odd to see kde apps using gnome notifications :S08:38
LINKSWORD2When I attempt to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 or even to 11.04, the request in the Konsole terminal says that there are no newer versions available. Any help on this?08:48
LINKSWORD2Excuse me. Any time I search for upgrades via command line, I get a reply that says there are no new versions available. I'm currently running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS, so the reply is false, considering that 10.10 and 11.04 are both available.08:58
LINKSWORD2I need help upgrading.09:18
tsimpsonLINKSWORD2: it would help if you stuck around longer than 2 minutes for an answer09:28
tsimpsonLINKSWORD2: you need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to check for "normal" releases09:28
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry. My IRC client sucks.09:31
LINKSWORD2So what exactly do I need to do?09:31
tsimpsonLINKSWORD2: change "Prompt=lts" to "Prompt=normal"09:32
tsimpsonthen run the updater again09:32
LINKSWORD2Where do I change that? (Linux n00b here.)09:32
tsimpsonas I said, in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades09:33
LINKSWORD2In the Konsole terminal?09:33
tsimpsonyou can use "kdesudo kate /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"09:33
tsimpsonor "sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" for terminal09:33
LINKSWORD2OK. Let me try that.09:35
LINKSWORD2What commands can I use to upgrade if I have a burned CD in the disc drive?09:37
fayaz_how can i add keyboard layouts for kdm login?10:01
rethushave some pulseaudio-questions... is this here the right irc for it?10:23
ArchangelSe7enum ..10:25
ArchangelSe7enyou can ask here10:25
rethusok, i have a 5.1 sound system and use kubuntu natty10:25
rethussound is realy bad all the time.10:26
rethusthe subwoofer sounds like a whawha10:26
rethusthe other channels have some scratchy noise if i change soundvolume over kmix10:26
rethusnow i found this page http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/KDE#Phonon10:27
ArchangelSe7enI'm honestly an ALSA fan , I hardly use Pulse Audio at all10:27
rethus(me too, pulseaudio seems to be a realy bad choice at the moment for kubuntu)... would be fine if its stable.. but till startup its bad for me10:28
rethushere a screenshot of my multimedia-section:10:28
rethuswow, wait,10:29
rethusseems that i have done something, that could make it work10:29
rethusnow i only have Pulseaudio-Sound-Server as Hardware listet in the multimedia-manager.10:30
rethusbefore it was like 3 image in the above send wiki10:30
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ecinxhow do I install KDE 4.7 beta?10:46
tsimpsonecinx: get the source and compile it10:49
ecinxthere's no package  for kubuntu?10:50
tsimpsonno, or at least not yet, the focus is more on the stable updates10:52
ecinxoh ok10:54
markithi, 11.04 here, if I logout (since I want login with a different user) the screen just becomes monocrome and I only see the cursor, not login dialog. Known issue?10:55
surunverii overwrote master boot record for the HD is there anyway to restore it without using live CD or similar.. without restarting computer?11:10
tsimpsonsurunveri: follow the process at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub you only need to use the LiveCD if you are running the system from the HDD you need to install grub to11:13
surunveriok not possible11:13
tsimpsonchanging the MBR of a disk with partitions mounted can be somewhat dangerous11:14
surunveriyou mean like how?11:14
surunveriright now i cant restar the computer because then it wont start11:16
surunveridoesnt get much worse anyway11:16
tsimpsonyou can try just running the commands from the running system, I guess you can't do too much more damage11:17
AxtraHey guys, can anybody tell me how to get Java Runtime Environment in Kubuntu? The guides I've looked at so far aren't any help11:44
jussi!info sun-java6-jre11:45
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jre does not exist in natty11:45
jussioh thats right, hang on11:46
AxtraJussi: Thanks for the help :)11:46
jussi!info default-jre11:46
ubottudefault-jre (source: java-common (0.40ubuntu1)): Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6-40ubuntu1 (natty), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB11:46
jussiAxtra: ^^11:46
alvinMamarok: thanks for responding to bug 777639 (KDE bug 249095). Amarok is currently hanging here. I haven't killed it yet. Can you tell me how to provide a backtrace? Those crashes aren't picked up by apport.11:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777639 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok hangs while holding down of next/previous track hotkey" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77763911:46
ubottuKDE bug 249095 in general "Amarok crashes after pressing "next track" (global hotkey)" [Crash,Resolved: backtrace] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24909511:46
AxtraThanks jussi: it seems to be working11:48
alvinI looked at ~/.kde/share/config/amarok*, but there's nothing out-of-the ordinary there. Personally, I think the advice to erase config files is too easily given. This isn't Mac OS.11:48
jussiAxtra: yw11:48
Mamarokalvin: well, you should install debugging symbols for it, and then run it from a konsole with the options -d --nofork11:48
alvinMamarok: ah, for the next crash. ok.11:49
Mamarokalvin: just erase that file, it will be rebuilt automatically with the current setup11:49
alvinWill do11:49
alvinthere are settings in there for the mysql database11:49
Mamarokbut of course kill amarok first, erase the configuration files in that folder (there are 3)11:49
Mamarokyou use an external db?11:50
alvinWell, yes. On the same computer.11:50
Mamarokthat is not really necessary, unless you want to share the collection on several computers, the capacity and speed is the same for embedded11:50
alvinOne mysql server for all those desktop applications that need a database (akonadi, amarok,...)11:50
Mamarokstill, the database is written to another folder11:51
alvinIt's not for sharing. The idea was to speed up akonadi and reduce the number of crashes (too much). But I can use Amarok without external mysql for a while.11:52
alvinMamarok: I killed Amarok and that causes KDE bug 258706. (scary)11:53
ubottuKDE bug 258706 in general "Plasma crash in [QString, KIconEffect::fingerprint, KIconLoaderPrivate::makeCacheKey, KIconLoader::loadIcon]" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25870611:53
=== phoenix is now known as Guest89527
Guest89527is there a ppa for kde 4.7 beta 111:57
AxtraHas anybody here used Remus Information Management?11:57
MamarokGuest89527: it will be announced on http://kubuntu.org/news once it is ready11:59
Guest89527Mamarok: ok11:59
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Guest89527Mamarok: will the daily build contain the beta?12:01
Guest89527Mamarok: i think i am asking a wrong question12:02
alvinMamarok: got it! (I erased the settings, started with $ amarok -d --nofork | tee debug.txt played and kept pressing 'next'. Eventually it crashed.)12:02
Peace-Mamarok: hi :)12:03
alvinplasma going down....12:03
Guest89527alvin: what?12:04
alvinGuest89527: plasma never crashes on you?12:04
Guest89527alvin: no12:04
Guest89527alvin: everything is very stable12:04
Mamarokdepending on the context Guest8952712:05
alvinGuest89527: You're not serious? No plasma crashes, akonadi crashes, nepomuk zombies, amarok crashes and a load of kded processes at 100%?12:05
Guest89527alvin: what is your gpu?12:05
Guest89527alvin: ya, i am very happy about that. i like the OS12:06
Guest89527Mamarok:  ??12:06
MamarokGuest68842: he is talking about a crash on Amarok quit, not just Plasma12:06
Mamarokalvin: I had that a few times, but it should not happen anymore with Amarok 2.4.112:06
alvinYes, actually it is fixed in the upcoming version (the plasma crash).12:07
Guest89527alvin: you mean the plasma crashes due to amarok or you just talking about plasma>12:07
alvinMamarok: people in that report all talk about Amarok crashing on them, but I haven't seen any bug reports about the particular crash. I assumed it could be the issue I'm reporting.12:07
Mamarokalvin: you talk about the plasma version?12:07
Mamarokalvin: without a backtrace it is impossible to say12:08
Guest89527Mamarok: did he tried deleting the settings?12:08
alvinThere are a lot of bugs I'm suffering from. I'll take the time to update some bug reports today. But I can't be the only one?12:08
alvinI did12:08
MamarokGuest89527: of course, don't worry, I can handle that :)12:09
Guest89527alvin: there is some problem with nvidia driver that may cause the crash of plasma. is your gpu nvidia?12:09
Guest89527Mamarok:  sure :)12:09
alvinGuest89527: Yes, but I'm well aware of that bug. (I'm the original reporter on Launchpad)12:10
alvinI didn't resize the konsole here ;-)12:10
Guest89527alvin: ya12:10
Guest89527alvin: did you try the latest nvidia drivers12:11
alvinthere was some blog post about the difficulty of reporting bugs that lead to kded using 100% CPU. I'd like to find it, because it happens often en doesn't go away when logging off. It does when rebooting, but that panics the kernel, so I try to avoid reboots.12:12
alvinGuest89527: I'm not aware of more recent drivers.12:12
Guest89527alvin: i think the kded 100% cpu thing is due to the network service12:13
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alvinGuest89527: I have no idea what it might be. Can you elaborate or point to a bug?12:14
alvinThere is an old bug (Jaunty) that gets updated a lot these days, but this might be something else.12:14
Guest89527alvin: does it kded carsh when you disconnect from a wifi or a 3g connection?12:14
alvinGuest89527: No, I only have a static interface defined. No wifi or 3g in this machine.12:15
Guest89527alvin: Did you find which service is causing kded to crash?12:16
alvinGuest89527: No, that's the difficult part. I wouldn't know how to identify the right service.12:16
AxtraI just installed Nevernote, but I can't seem to find it to start the program - anybody know where I should go to find it?12:16
sandro_j sloavenia12:17
szal!info nevernote12:19
ubottuPackage nevernote does not exist in natty12:19
MamarokAxtra: sorry, I don't know nevernote12:19
alvinMamarok: This time the 'Crash Reporting Assistant' appeard, so it was easy to attach a backtrace. [DONE]12:22
Mamarokalvin: thanks :)12:22
Mamarokalvin: at first sight it seems to be a problem with a 3-rd party script12:23
Mamaroktry disabling your scripts12:23
Mamarokif you find out which it is, you should report this to the script author on http://kde-apps.org12:23
alvindisabled Lyricwiki, Cool Streams and Librivox.org12:23
Mamarokthese are internal ones, I talk about external scripts12:23
alvinI didn't install external scripts. It really is default.12:24
Mamarokalvin: also, you need to install amarok-dbg12:25
alvinMamarok: Ow, you're right. It's not installed. (I saw 3 stars, so I thought this was ok)12:25
Mamarokwell, because the crash is not caused by amarok, but by a script, are you sure you have no residual script installations?12:26
MamarokI use a few scripts here and don't see that happen on 2.4-git12:26
alvinMamarok: Pretty sure. This is basic kubuntu with some extra applications. Where should I find these scripts?12:27
cousin_marioWhat's happening to my screen here? http://i.imgur.com/TrW3Q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/SxrWq.jpg (screenshot and camera picture, respectively), kubuntu 11.04 with nvidia binary driver. Doesn't occur on my ubuntu/gnome installation.12:28
Mamarokif you go to the Amarok menu Tools12:28
Mamarokwrong, it's in configuration, at the bottom, sorry12:28
Mamarokcousin_mario: likely a driver issue12:29
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: can you check if it occurs after disabling desktop effects?12:30
alvinMamarok: I'll look in a moment :-) right now, I reproduced the crash again. No drkonqi this time and no automatic kill. I think we can safely disregard the crash with a backtrace. It must have been another bug. The behaviour is different.12:30
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: I can't see much: is there a way to disable them from the command line?12:30
alvin(plasma going doooown)12:30
phoenix_firebrdalvin: hey12:31
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: i dont know12:31
cousin_mariohowever it started occurring right after having installed virtualbox-4.0: could there be a link?12:31
alvinHey, I also have pictures like that :-)12:31
cousin_marioalvin: like mine?12:32
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: what is your nvidia driver version12:32
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: 270 I believe12:32
cousin_mariothe official one12:32
alvincousin_mario: Yes. Problem is that I can't see them now, or I would upload them.12:32
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: can you give me the full version number.12:33
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: I'll have to restart for that, just a moment please.12:34
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: sure12:34
alvinMamarok: Can I attach the output to the bug report? It's a lot of text. 1.9MB. Should I zip it or is it not needed entirely?12:34
alvinMamarok: Last line before the crash is amarok: END__: void Playlist::Actions::next() [Took: 0.022s]12:35
alvinThat even doesn't look abnormal to me.12:35
alvinAfter that, it hangs with the OSD displaying the title of the song.12:36
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: back12:36
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: ii  nvidia-current          270.41.06-0ubuntu112:36
cousin_marioproblem is not occurring atm12:36
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: when does this occur12:36
alvincousin_mario: start konsole, resize it with the mouse. Then report back :-)12:36
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: no12:37
cousin_marioalvin: wait12:37
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: no12:37
phoenix_firebrdha ha ha12:37
alvincousin_mario: those are the instructions to reproduce, so, yes: phoenix_firebrd is warning you here12:37
phoenix_firebrdalvin: probably his system crashes :)12:39
Mamarokalvin: no, only the last 100 lines or so, you can attach those as text to the bug report12:39
alvinMamarok: thanks. Will do.12:39
Mamarokor even better, paste it directly in the comment12:40
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Yes, I should have warned him in the same line.12:40
cousin_mariothe damn thing froze12:40
phoenix_firebrdha ha ha12:40
alvinThat wasn't very polite of me, but hey. this one is just too easy.12:40
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: wb :)12:40
* alvin is so glad he didn't upgrade the whole company to natty.12:41
alvinPeople would be at my door with torches and pitchforks.12:41
cousin_marioand it froze again12:42
cousin_marionow I'm on XFCE as precaution12:42
cousin_marioalvin: natty is a firework12:42
phoenix_firebrdnatty is great12:43
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: is it?12:43
phoenix_firebrdya, it is. Its the 3rd party soft that is causing these crashes12:43
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: unity and the half-baked thing that's gnome-classic are the reason why I'm experimenting with KDE in the first place:)12:43
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: welcome to the real world12:44
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: ok, I just uninstalled virtualbox12:44
alvinI'm not entirely convinced the proprietary driver is the sole cause here.12:44
cousin_marioit worked for a while12:44
alvinAnd the kernel panics I have on shutdown are certainly not third-party.12:45
cousin_mariowhat would you recommend to ameliorate my predicament?12:45
phoenix_firebrdalvin: what do you mean?12:45
phoenix_firebrdalvin: i dont get those problems12:46
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Easy to reproduce. If I shutdown the machine, the kernel panics during shutdown.12:46
phoenix_firebrdalvin: strange12:46
cousin_mariothere's always something crashing when I log out from KDE, but I can live with that12:46
phoenix_firebrdalvin: is the backports turned on?12:46
alvinphoenix_firebrd: No, I figure it must be something I alone use. I think it's because I'm using this system as an NFS client.12:46
cousin_mariodo you think I should disable the effects then?12:47
topmanhello ,everybody12:47
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Yes, but these panics where there before the final release. I don't think they are KDE related.12:47
LINKSWORD2Hey guys. I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10. Unfortunately now, my computer loads Kubuntu, but doesn't seem to do anything. It's like it freezes at the OS load.12:47
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: try that12:47
alvincousin_mario: there are several workarounds in bug 76063212:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760632 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76063212:48
topmanis there chinese?12:48
alvinLINKSWORD2: any more information? What do you see at the moment of the freeze?12:48
phoenix_firebrdalvin: will kernel panic due to network soft issues?12:48
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。12:49
LINKSWORD2No other info. It loads the background image on the desktop, the little gold plasma swirl thing, and the mouse cursor.12:49
LINKSWORD2Apart from that, it's frozen.12:49
alvinphoenix_firebrd: I'll do a test. Can take a while.12:50
phoenix_firebrdalvin: now?12:50
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Yes12:50
the_p_hi. i have a problem with skype it always crashes12:50
phoenix_firebrdalvin: ok i will wait12:50
LINKSWORD2Screw Skype. It always crashes anyway.12:50
phoenix_firebrdthe_p_:  can you try with sudo command12:51
jussiLINKSWORD2: sounds like your plasma config is messed up12:51
LINKSWORD2What do I do, then, jussi?12:51
the_p_it was a serious question when i start it it says just aborted on the command line during the log in.12:51
jussiLINKSWORD2: remove or rename your plasma config files?12:51
the_p_i can't use it at all12:51
phoenix_firebrdthe_p_: can you run the program in terminal with sudo ?12:52
LINKSWORD2I didn't change any of them.12:52
LINKSWORD2New info: The launch bar is coming up, but only the top border and the left & right ends. None of its contents.12:53
jussiLINKSWORD2: no, that is what I would say do to see if it fixes.12:53
the_p_phoenix_firebrd: then it does not start with the message No protocol specified12:53
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: no good, rebooted again12:53
LINKSWORD2I don't see how I would do that. I'm stuck.12:54
phoenix_firebrdthe_p_: hmmm, bad12:54
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: but at least now it's not showing up again12:54
phoenix_firebrdthe_p_: can you try reinstalling . Purge the config also12:54
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: gooood12:55
the_p_phoenix_firebrd: i already did both of this12:55
LINKSWORD2jussi, may I do a one-on-one chat?12:55
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: wait till the new nvidia driver is available for update or you could try the ppas12:55
jussiLINKSWORD2: no, hang on a sec12:55
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: ppa for a beta nvidia release?12:56
phoenix_firebrdthe_p_: the gtk apps dont work well in kubuntu12:56
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: ya12:57
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: got a pointer to that?12:57
the_p_ok the skype problem is not specific to me it also does not work for others.12:57
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: wait12:57
LINKSWORD2I've been able to pull up the Alt+F2 menu and click on the system resources icon. Plasma-desktop is using a LOT of memory. :\12:57
jussiLINKSWORD2: press ctrl+alt+f3. login. do: mv .kde/share/config/ .kde/share/config112:58
LINKSWORD2 OK. Hang on a moment.12:58
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Back. Problem here is that the log says: kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped. The kernel panic occurs after that.13:00
alvinFiled it as bug 76049413:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760494 in linux (Ubuntu) "Natty: 2.6.38-8. shutdown causes kernel to panic" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76049413:00
phoenix_firebrdalvin: good13:00
LINKSWORD2Ugh. Crashed.13:01
LINKSWORD2Anyway jussi, what's the command for restarting via command-line?13:01
jussiLINKSWORD2: sudo reboot13:01
LINKSWORD2Nice. :D13:02
LINKSWORD2Now we see if my machine commits suicide in the process of rebooting.13:02
alvinphoenix_firebrd: I wrote something down and found that the bug was already reported. Mine is a duplicate. Other people succeeded in logging it because the panic occurs during work for them.13:02
alvinIt's bug 76992713:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769927 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Oops : Dentry still in use (1) [unmount of nfs4 0:1d]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76992713:02
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates13:02
LINKSWORD2lol @ ubottu13:03
alvinLike I thought: It is NFS related.13:03
jussithe_p_: strange, my machine just started same with skype.13:03
LINKSWORD2Loading. Harddrive. Settings. Global. Desktop. KDE.13:03
jussiI wonder if its an update.13:03
alvinUbuntu should really learn that NFS is not replaced by samba. There are still people who use it.13:03
LINKSWORD2It appears, I'm in.13:03
jussiLINKSWORD2: :)13:04
phoenix_firebrdalvin: yes it is. Nfs daemon13:04
LINKSWORD2Now I need to restore some lost settings and hope I don't get screwed in the process.13:05
alvinIt's the default file sharing for Linux/Unix. Please, please support it. I have begged for this on the ubuntu server mailinglist and asked Canonical directly to not disregard the existence of NFS. Yet they never test NFS with new releases.13:05
phoenix_firebrdalvin: may be they are more concern with samba13:07
LINKSWORD2It did it again.13:08
LINKSWORD2jussi, would I have better luck perhaps by upgrading to 11.04?13:09
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Probably, but that's catering to the wrong crowd. If they want to be taken seriously by businesses they need to put Linux/Unix compatibility above Windows compatibility.13:09
LINKSWORD2If they did that, Linux wouldn't be free. >.>13:10
alvinLINKSWORD2: What makes you think that?13:10
* LINKSWORD2 shoots Se7en in the head.13:10
LINKSWORD2Easy. Windows makes its money by being compatible with just enough stuff to get out into the mainstream and the workforce...13:11
LINKSWORD2And not being compatible by just enough to need pain in the ass updates.13:11
alvinCanonical's business model is not based on selling Ubuntu. It's based on selling commercial support.13:11
jussialvin: and engineering services13:12
LINKSWORD2jussi, it did it again. Don't know if you saw that before.13:12
alvinHmm, compatibility is not the main issue for businesses. I administer a very mixed environment. We use what we have to.13:12
LINKSWORD2Would I have better luck upgrading to Natty? (11.04) ?13:12
jussiLINKSWORD2: did it again? what did you do in the time between it working and not working?13:12
LINKSWORD2Just grabbed the edge of the launchbar so that I could see it on screen.13:13
alvinIf Windows is the best tool, you'll use Windows. Imitating doesn't cut it. If you want ot be competitive, you don't need half-assed compatibility, because you'll always loose. You'll need a solution that can stand by itself. If you have linux servers, linux desktops and NO Windows, will you then use Windows file sharing between them?13:14
LINKSWORD2And then it died. lol13:14
LINKSWORD2Windows isn't the best. lol13:14
jussiLINKSWORD2: I would say try updating to 11.04, but Im really not sure whats causing this13:14
BajKI think this question has been asked here like a million times but there will be KDE 4.7 Beta 1 packages for Kubuntu wont there?13:15
phoenix_firebrdalvin: I think they are concentrating on attracting the windows users. Some of the examples are use of xml in libree office that is more compatable with microsoft document formats, samba...13:15
LINKSWORD2If you want the best, use an Apple machine. Their hardware & software are designed to work together seamlessly.13:15
phoenix_firebrdBajK: +113:15
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hello13:15
LINKSWORD2Hey there, BluesKaj13:16
LINKSWORD2''Screw this. Time to upgrade to 11.04."13:16
BluesKajhi phoenix_firebrd , LINKSWORD2, BajK13:16
alvinphoenix_firebrd: Yes, and that's where they will loose the battle. They need a complete solution instead of trying to be compatible. Businesses don't take that risk. Besides, they offer Landscape at the same price of a Windows license. You can hardly compare an operating system to a tool to remotely reboot it.13:17
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: thanks man13:17
LINKSWORD2BajK, I would assume so, as there have been KDE Beta packages before the previous full releases.13:17
LINKSWORD2I see no reason not to.13:17
BajK dunno if there have been packages for Beta 1 always, but the RCs have been there all the time and Beta 213:17
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: you are welcome13:18
alvinLINKSWORD2: I don't like Windows either, but it sure crashes a lot less than Ubuntu. (This is Windows ME all over again). Apple is not really fit for commercial usage. It's only for managers to show off, but don't try to administer a network with Mac's. That's a nightmare.13:18
LINKSWORD2alvin, I've done plenty of work with all 3. (Linux, WXP, OSX.)13:19
phoenix_firebrdalvin: thats because windows release is a lts release13:19
alvinLINKSWORD2: Oh really? What did you use for file storage.13:19
phoenix_firebrdalvin: there are throughly tested and bugs fixed and released13:20
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: are you sure 270.41.19 will do the trick?13:20
BluesKajLINKSWORD2, apple just sent out an antivirus app to combat the phony antivirus apps for mac: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1356013713:20
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: not sure, the driver is still in ppa. so you have to choose13:21
LINKSWORD2We had a huge, huge CISCO network server in the back room in our Mac system lab.13:21
alvinphoenix_firebrd: True. But that isn't the case with Lucid. It's supported for long term, but it was not tested enough. Upstart/grub2 were too untested and caused all manner of mayhem.13:21
alvinLINKSWORD2: what protocol(s)?13:21
alvinAnd did you need all those systems to talk to each other? Or was there a separate file server for each?13:21
phoenix_firebrdalvin: if ubuntu want to compete with a firm that has a strong history, they have to take some shortcuts13:22
LINKSWORD2Separate jobs at separate times.13:22
alvinI'm asking this, because file sharing is in my opinion a very basic network service.13:22
cousin_mariophoenix_firebrd: I suspect it's not a prerelease of 275.xx13:22
LINKSWORD2I've been a long-time Windows junkie. WXP is one of the most stable I've seen out there. Too many people bitch about Vista.13:23
LINKSWORD2And even more bitched about WS7 until the initial driver issues were fixed.13:23
alvinupstart is not taking a shortcut. it's introducing untested technology well before it was ready. It still is not ready for production use.13:24
phoenix_firebrdcousin_mario: no13:24
LINKSWORD2I love working with Macs... But that makes me just wish I could afford one. lol13:24
Tm_TJust as a reminder...13:24
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:24
* LINKSWORD2 grumbles13:24
phoenix_firebrdalvin: you could always use debain , if you are more concerned with stablity13:24
alvinLINKSWORD2: I have one. A mac is fine by itself. In a network with Linux, Windows and even other Unixes, they don't play well.13:24
alvinphoenix_firebrd: True, and I will. But it takes time to move all those machines to another OS.13:25
* cousin_mario won't switch to Gnome3 exactly because it's too similar to MacOS13:25
phoenix_firebrdTm_T: i though of tell that , thanks13:25
cousin_mariorigid and unconfigurable13:25
LINKSWORD2I can network a Mac with Windows. It just has to be reworked about 4 times before you get it right.13:25
alvinOh yes, support. Well, that's how the small offtopic began.13:25
LINKSWORD2I can't network them with Linux.13:26
LINKSWORD2alvin, if you'd like to talk some more, you may /query me13:26
jussithe_p_: perhaps our skype issue is: http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/26/skype-goes-down-globally-investigation-underway/13:26
alvinLINKSWORD2: thx, but it's ok. I'm at work. The mac situation is more or less under control. I'll go back to the bug reports.13:27
* LINKSWORD2 lights his old Skype CD on fire with a Zippo.13:27
alvinSkype on my N900 is still online. (best Skype integration on Linux ever. I hope it lasts)13:28
LINKSWORD2I hope ya'll will pardon me. I've never used my Skype CD. I've always... ALWAYS hated Skype.13:29
jussithe_p_: renaming .Skype fixes said issue.13:29
* LINKSWORD2 watches Skype burn.13:30
LINKSWORD2I suppose I can shut my laptop off while I wait for my other computer to upgrade to Kubuntu 11.04 Natty.13:33
SaidBakrIt is just a test for irc13:33
xevilhas anyone had any luck installing an nvidia legacy (nvidia-96) driver in 11.04?13:35
alvinI was about to answer that, but he must have resized his konsole.13:44
alvinBesided being terribly funny, should this bug not be added to the release notes as 'known bug'.13:45
kleopatraHallo, Amarok weigert sich beharrlich MP3 Dateien abzuspielen, er faselt was von einem ID_irgendwas tag der nicht mehr unterstützt wird und gibt keinen Laut von sich14:00
BluesKaj!de | kleopatra14:01
ubottukleopatra: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:01
kleopatraWell in english again: Amarok refues to play mp3 data, in the terminal i just find something like tag_xxx isnt supoorted anymore. I have the codecs installed14:02
alvinNot terribly important, but if you use the mouse to the top left corner, to view all windows, can the size of those windows be set? At the moment, I have 26 open windows. 22 of those are identical in size when viewed normally, but when viewed together, they all get different sizes. It's just weird.14:06
BluesKajkleopatra, that's a difficult problem , amarok plays mp3 's here ok , altho i don't use it much ..I prefer VLC14:07
* alvin wonders whether it is possible to resize his 22 terminal windows at once to produce an epic crash.14:08
BluesKajoh epic is the word of the yr ...I see it allover ..epic this and that epic that ...I wonder if ppl understand the real meaning14:09
cousin_mariohow can I disable all sounds?14:10
alvinBluesKaj: You'd understand it if you saw it ;-)14:11
BluesKajnothing about some frames on a computer is epic14:12
alvincousin_mario: Oh, I know that one! Install Pulseaudio. (Actually, now that you ask, I looked at settings and couldn't find it either)14:12
BluesKajthose tornados in the midwest  are epic14:12
cousin_marioalvin: :/14:13
alvinBluesKaj: Normally I'd agree, but after too much coffee I don't care anymore and feel like the Count from Sesame Street. (1 crash, haha, 2 crashes, hahah, 3...)14:13
BluesKajcousin_mario, open system settings/ notifications /player settings, click on no audio output ..you're just trying disable system sounds , right ?14:15
alvinOn a more positive note: I'm glad to see that rdesktop is fixed. People have been pestering me for years about that one.14:16
cousin_marioBluesKaj: yes, system sounds only14:32
cousin_marioBluesKaj: thanks14:33
BluesKajcousin_mario, you're welcome14:38
seawingI am visiting my folks who have a westell7500 modem. I am running kubuntu 10.10 and can connect to most wireless networks that I encounter. With this router/modem, network managment finds it when doing a scan and I read that I enter the SN for the ssid and the WPA# for the password.  I have gotten it to connect for a few minutes but then it asks for the password again.  If I switch over to my windows partition, I can connect with no14:38
seawingdifficulty, so I don't think it is a hardware issue.  any ideas how I can solve this?14:38
cousin_marioseawing: what wifi network card are you using?14:54
seawingwell, I use the internal card in my lenovo (not sure what the name is)  and I have also tried my netgear pci card with the same results.14:55
wintellectHow can I tell Kubuntu on my aceraspireone to run the standard KDE desktop, not this different look?15:45
genii-aroundwintellect: Install the package plasma-desktop, then at login it will have that as an alternative15:47
wintellectgenii-around: excellent! Thanks15:48
cablophello, how good does compiz and kde lasme go along?15:55
cablop*kde plasma15:57
cablopwhat is the cli command to config kdm?16:08
genii-aroundcablop: probably sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow kdm16:12
* BluesKaj debates with self about switching to 64 bit with only 3Gb RAM ..wonders if it's worth the trouble ...have a separate /home partition16:33
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PC_BotWhat's up party people16:46
BluesKajPC_Bot, what party ? :)17:01
amichairdoes natty support exFAT?17:01
amichairdoes anyone know how to get exFAT/FAT64 to work?17:11
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ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Karmic and above do not include KDE3, but a remix install CD can be obtained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic (or .../Lucid, etc.). This is not officially supported. Support, instructions, and ways to contribute can be found on the wikipage.17:23
darthanubisanyone getting 95% X usage?17:33
darthanubisok, that was when I had the teminal the size of the desktop17:35
darthanubisafter resize, X usage normal17:35
kevin__I edited my /etc/fstab to do auto mounting and it is auto mounting properly17:37
kevin__but when ever i enter the particular auto mounted partition the short cut of it appears on the places in the dolphin and disappears when i leave the partition17:37
DarkriftXat some point in time i set my window manager to something else (compiz i think) but decided to go back to kwin. problem is every time i reboot the old one comes back and i have to "kwin --replace" to get kwin back. is there a permanent way to set this?17:37
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Helpmeout2hey i just did something idiotic, i installed kubuntu and forgot what i made my username18:46
Helpmeout2i have the passwd, any help?18:46
RealmkeeperIn Mandriva to remove orphaned items I just typed: urpme --auto-orphan. What is the usual way in Kubuntu? Google search isn't helping much.18:46
Helpmeout2i can get into recovery mode18:46
Helpmeout2by mashing shift18:46
DarthFrogHelpmeout2:  You can read /etc/passwd.  Your name will be there, at the bottom.  Or look at the /home directory, your home directory will bear your username.18:47
Helpmeout2how do i look at it?18:48
Helpmeout2from the recovery console?18:48
DarthFrogHelpmeout2: "cat /etc/passwd | less"18:48
DarthFrogOr just "cat /etc/passwd"18:48
Helpmeout2yeah but there isn't anywhere to type, it just prompts user: pass: screen18:48
DarthFrogOr "ls -d /home".18:49
Helpmeout2which option do i choose in the recovery menu?18:49
DarthFrogWhy not just boot normally and let the login screen give you the name?18:49
Helpmeout2there isn't a name in the user box18:50
Helpmeout2i can go to console login18:50
Helpmeout2restart x server etc..18:50
DarthFrogIsn't there a drop-down combo box that lists users?18:51
Helpmeout2this would be my first login18:51
DarthFrogWell, then, boot from the Live CD, mount the Kubuntu partition and go exploring. :-)18:51
PC_Botif you just installed it, re-install it... only takes about 5 minutes18:51
PC_Botother than that, you need to boot from something else and explore the files via another OS18:52
Helpmeout2i have cd rom as 1st priority boot and still takes me there lol18:52
Helpmeout2instead of reading it as live cd18:52
DarthFrogThen how did you install?18:52
DarthFrogHmm, you're special. :-)18:53
Helpmeout2on a partition18:53
PC_Botdisconnect the drive and then boot to the CD18:53
Helpmeout2i installed as primary / kd4, and the swap logical18:53
DarthFrogRe-install and be done with it.18:54
Helpmeout2going to try it out18:55
Helpmeout2im use to gnome but decided to mess with kde18:56
Helpmeout2is the update cmd the same? apt-get update/upgrade?18:56
DarthFrogPretty much everything is the same at the command line, mostly the differences are GUI.18:57
Helpmeout2k, also i saw a reverse install'18:57
Helpmeout2what is the deal with that18:57
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Helpmeout2can someone explain what the swap is on installation?19:11
Helpmeout2how much space should i use on a partition for it19:11
Peace-15 for /19:11
Peace-swap = ram19:11
Helpmeout2also was wondering what primary and logical is19:11
Peace- /home the rest of your harddisk19:11
Helpmeout2ok so the swap is / and system will be /home19:12
Helpmeout2which primary and which logical19:12
tsimpsonyou can only have 4 primary partitions, but a logical partition can have many partitions inside it19:12
Helpmeout2oh ok19:12
Helpmeout2sorry im new to this peace19:12
tsimpsonswap is the equivalent to what windows calls a "page file"19:12
Helpmeout2bare with me19:12
tsimpsonit's used primarily when the system needs more memory (RAM) than it has, or for hibernation (suspend to disk)19:13
Peace-Helpmeout2: so if you use suspend and you use a lots of ram ....19:15
Peace-mb ram = mb swap19:16
Helpmeout2i have an i5 72019:16
Helpmeout2so 15mb swap is good//?19:16
Peace-4gb of ram ==> 4gig of swap19:17
szalbetter more19:17
Peace-3gig of ram ===> 3 gigs19:17
Peace-but that only to be sure...19:17
Peace-andn only if you use ALots of ram19:18
tsimpsonif you want to hibernate, you will want (to an extent) 1.5xRAM19:18
tsimpsonobviously the more RAM you have the closer to 1xRAM you'll want, and even less if you don't plan to hibernate at all19:18
Helpmeout2i have 4 gigs of ram19:19
Peace-so do 4 gig of swap i guess should be fine19:19
Helpmeout2i do leave the pc on a good bit when downloading and all19:19
Helpmeout2gah, i feel like im at burger king installing this19:19
tsimpsonhibernation is when you shutdown, but resume at next boot19:20
Helpmeout2primary or logical? beginning or end? ketchup or mustard?19:20
Peace-Helpmeout2: have you windows ?19:20
tsimpsondoesn't really matter all that much what you choose19:20
Peace-Helpmeout2: how many partition have you ?19:20
Helpmeout2choose from the 8000 file systems lol19:20
Helpmeout2i have a windows partition19:20
Helpmeout2and another one with music19:20
Helpmeout2then now im making this one19:21
Peace-Helpmeout2: please use the live cd , run partition manager , then do a screenshot19:21
Peace-then post it19:21
Peace-if you have 4 partition ==> you must do another partitoon but must be logical19:21
Peace-when you did that you can do other partition inside the logical one19:21
Helpmeout2oh ok19:22
Helpmeout2so 4 primary per hard drive?19:22
Helpmeout2should work out then19:22
Peace-if you don't know who knows19:22
Helpmeout21 = win7 1=files 1=linux 1=swap19:22
Helpmeout2that equals 419:22
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:23
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bomberinenredadoALguien que hable español?19:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:26
bomberinenredadoubottu, usted habla español?19:26
ubottubomberinenredado: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:26
tsimpsonbomber: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es"19:27
tsimpsonbomberinenredado: ^19:27
bomberinenredadoHi everyone19:27
Helpmeout23.Swap partition - this need only be twice the size of your memory.19:32
Helpmeout2so since i have 4gigs of ram, make it 8gigs right19:32
Helpmeout2for partition size19:32
elijahDoes Kubuntu have a way to do two finger left/right swipes on the trackpad?19:33
tsimpsonHelpmeout2: there is no need for 8GB of swap, the most I'd recommend for someone with 4GB RAM would be 5GB19:34
Helpmeout2i was just reading what the website said19:37
c2tarunHelpmeout2: why you need so much swap partition?19:38
Helpmeout2ok im going to make 3 partitions for linux (note i alrdy have 2).. Im going to make a root (20g) primary, a /home (20g) primary, and a (5g) swap logical19:39
Helpmeout2c2tarun that is what the linux site said19:39
c2tarunHelpmeout2: well I may be wrong but with grub you cannot create more that 4 partitions.19:39
tsimpsonno, you already have 2, so only one more can be primary and another logical19:39
c2tarunHelpmeout2: and buddy you got 4 GIGS of RAM that is hell lot of memory,  :) unless you are doing some NASA research work, I dont think you need any swap space19:40
Helpmeout2Create a partiton to use as swap space. Swap space is used by the kernel as extra memory. You will need to make it double the size of your installed memory.19:40
tsimpsonc2tarun: it's not a grub limit, it's a old HW limit (due to DOS or some such nonsense)19:40
c2tarunoh... he is dual booting with windows...19:41
tsimpsonHelpmeout2: regardless of what you are reading, you do not need to make swap double your RAM19:41
tsimpsonit's only so for very small RAM19:41
Helpmeout2is 5 to much19:41
Helpmeout2i don't want to have to redo anything19:41
c2tarunHelpmeout2: just for sake of your peace of mind, make it of 2GB and save rest of the space.19:42
Helpmeout2sorry for newbing out19:42
tsimpsonif you don't plan to hibernate, 2GB is plenty19:42
tsimpson1 would probably be enough, but 2 is a safe amount19:42
Helpmeout2ok one more thing, if you said 4 primary and i have two already, then what is wrong with what i said up there ^19:43
Helpmeout2i said i have 2 and making 3 more, one of which will be logical19:43
Helpmeout2the swap being logical19:43
Helpmeout2oh oh and this... mount point thing19:44
Helpmeout2am i suppose to do the swap (/) files partition (/home) linux install (??)19:45
tsimpsonHelpmeout2: you can either have primary or extended partitions, but only a total of 4. inside an extended partition you can have 1 or more logical partitions19:45
tsimpsonyou do not mount swap, at all19:45
Helpmeout2what about the other 2?19:46
tsimpsonif you want to have logical partitions, then you can only have 3 "normal" partitions, as the 4th must be extended19:46
tsimpsonswap isn't mounted, then you have / which is where the system files go, and /home for your personal files and settings19:46
tsimpsonhaving a separate /home partition is optional, you could just have swap and / if you wanted19:47
Helpmeout2ok so / is basically root19:47
tsimpson/ is "root"19:47
tsimpsonnot "basically", *is* ;)19:47
Helpmeout2k cool19:47
Helpmeout2yeah i want my /home to be seperate, incase i don't like the os or something goes wrong etc..19:48
Helpmeout2i was thinking around 20g of space for the root19:49
Helpmeout2plan on running some web dev apps19:50
tsimpson20 is good if you plan on installing a lot of programs/applications etc19:50
Helpmeout2and im assuming to stick with location for the new partition at beginning19:51
tsimpsonit really doesn't matter where on the disk the partitions are19:52
Helpmeout2hmmm.. i might not even do a swap and just not hibernate19:57
Helpmeout2would that be ok19:57
tsimpsonyou probably still want swap, 1 or 2 GB is a good number19:58
Helpmeout2hehe, causing my partions to be ugly19:59
* c2tarun not using swap and never faced any problem since last 6 months :)19:59
mcnateWhat is the total memory of your computer,19:59
tsimpsonpartition tables don't have to be pretty, only functional19:59
Helpmeout2mine is 500gig20:00
Helpmeout2hard drive20:00
Helpmeout2radeon 5850h.d. graphics, too bad linux sux for gaming20:01
giantpunehey boys, ive just installed a program from the repos and it is failing to start.  im using kubuntu 11.04 x64, and the program i got from the repo is the package "sysinfo".20:01
mcnateI not use linux for play20:01
mcnateI use LInux for the "Konsol"20:01
Helpmeout2yeah my partitions are sda1 sda5 sda6 sda3 sda420:01
tsimpsonactually game programmers suck, linux is perfectly capable of running games20:01
* c2tarun use for KDE :)20:02
Helpmeout2yeah i agree tsimpson20:02
giantpunethis is the message i get when i try to use the program    http://pastie.org/private/mvnrzrh12e1ccobeuehpgw20:02
mcnateIS true tsimpson20:02
Helpmeout2i use to play wow and daoc through wine20:02
Helpmeout2on ubuntu20:02
Helpmeout2and ext4 is the way to go for file structure right20:03
mcnateLInux is for programming20:03
tsimpsongiantpune: just use kinfocenter20:03
mcnateAnd others activitys20:03
Helpmeout2which im about to try to get into20:03
Helpmeout2going to learn php stuff20:04
Helpmeout2since it is soooo free20:04
mcnatePs: I'm french sorry for my english20:04
giantpunethat program works tsimpson.  but i like sysinfo better (when it works)20:04
Helpmeout2boring looking language, but useful20:04
mcnateLinux is for hacking20:04
giantpunelinux is for everyday use in my house20:04
tsimpson*cough* #kubuntu-offtopic *cough*20:05
tsimpsongiantpune: it looks like (guessing) it can't find the libgconf2.0-cil package20:05
mcnateI know 5 programming languages and for the C there are not Ide20:06
mcnateSo i use WIndows for the C20:06
tsimpson!ide | mcnate20:06
ubottumcnate: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator20:06
tsimpsonthere are plenty of IDEs, including for C20:06
mcnateYes but20:06
mcnateI hate this IDE20:07
mcnateI want Code blocks xD20:07
Helpmeout2i use notepad++ for webdev20:07
Helpmeout2too cheap for the good stuff20:07
tsimpsonmcnate: erm, so install codeblocks20:07
macoshould umbrello really be in that list?20:07
tsimpson!info codeblocks20:07
giantpuneindeed tsimpson.  i installed that package, and then it throws another error when trying to start it.  so it appears that installing this package did not install all of its dependencies20:07
ubottucodeblocks (source: codeblocks): Code::Blocks integrated development environment (IDE). In component universe, is optional. Version 10.05-1 (natty), package size 1639 kB, installed size 4752 kB20:07
Helpmeout2ok weird20:07
macoi think umbrello's just a UML tool, like Dia20:07
c2tarunmcnate: I think code block is in linux aswell20:07
mcnateWIth ubuntu 11.0420:07
mcnateDonc je vais m'exprimer en français20:08
Helpmeout2i deleted all of those partitions i just made to redo them to drill it in my head, playing with it.. now it isn't asking if i want it to be primary or logical20:08
mcnateAvec Ubuntu 11.0420:08
tsimpsonmcas: code blocks is available in 11.0420:08
tsimpson* mcnate20:08
mcnateJe n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner Code Blocks20:08
c2tarunmcnate: sorry, english please :(20:08
mcnateBut with Kubuntu i haven't try yet20:08
mcnateBut now i will try20:09
mcnateLet's go20:09
tsimpsonI've used code blocks in Kubuntu, though I tend to sick with Qt Creator now20:09
giantpunethat one and libglade2.0-cil made it work.  so is this the sort of thing that would require a bug report?20:09
c2tarunmcnate: you can try, but just asking, what is problem with emacs of vim?20:09
tsimpsongiantpune: yes, you should file a bug about it20:09
tsimpsonc2tarun: some people want a (real) GUI ;)20:10
Helpmeout2tsimpson: should i make my files partition ext4?20:10
Helpmeout2or a diff. file structure20:10
tsimpsonext3 or ext4, flip a coin20:10
Helpmeout2ill stick to 4 then20:11
Helpmeout2any good web dev apps for linux20:12
Helpmeout2i remember some really popular text editor20:12
Helpmeout2that i use to have on ubuntu20:13
tsimpsonprobably quanta20:13
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya (Hardy or earlier) - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:13
mcnateI will test ANjuta20:13
mcnateWith Code Blocks there are errors20:13
Helpmeout2i love this channel, you guys have been nice and helpful20:14
mcnateluckely i can programming with HTML/CSS/PHP and MYSQL20:15
mcnateOn linux20:15
Helpmeout2you running a LAMP test server20:15
Helpmeout2i hate CSS20:15
Helpmeout2because of browser compatibility issues20:16
Helpmeout2oh and i hate internet explorer20:16
tsimpson1) everyone hates CSS, 2) #kubuntu-offtopic is our chat channel :)20:16
mcnateHave you got Firefox?20:16
Helpmeout2css 3 looks kind of broken already too20:17
Helpmeout2but not yet finished20:17
mcnateOr Konqueror20:17
mcnatetsimpson: Have you got firefox or Konqueror,20:18
tsimpsonyes and yes20:18
PC_Botif you have kubuntu, you have both by default20:18
tsimpsonno, not FF by default (only the FF installer)20:18
mcnateSo where are the issues?20:18
mcnateI go sorry20:19
Helpmeout2oh i just got an ipod touch for my b-day, does linux have run itunes?20:24
Helpmeout2or have a compatible prog20:24
Helpmeout2dang, did i ask the forbidden question or something lol20:26
Mc-NateI will install Squid on Kubuntu20:29
Mc-NateIS there somebody?20:31
Helpmeout2you want to know how?20:31
Mc-NateNo anything20:32
tsimpsonHelpmeout2: itunes does not run on linux, blame apple for being evil20:32
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee20:32
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:32
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions20:33
Aniarnot quite..20:33
Mc-NateBut if Itunes don't fonction on Linux why you don't use Windows?20:34
Mc-NateAfter you met the musics and Usb key and after you met the musics on LInux20:34
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Helpmeout2should i encrypt my home folder?20:37
tsimpsonyou could, but you certainly don't have to20:37
Mc-NateI will learn Python20:38
tsimpsonHelpmeout2: it's up to you. it add extra security, but it also adds extra complexity20:38
Helpmeout2im going for it20:38
Mc-Natetsimpson have you got proxy?20:38
tsimpsonalso, if you forget the password to decrypt it, you can't regain access20:38
jmichaelxHelpmeout2: you would likely take somewhat of a performance hit, if you do. that is worthwhile to consider, if you happen to be using older hardware20:38
Helpmeout2you can about learn anything on the web20:38
tsimpsonMc-Nate: no20:39
Helpmeout2i have a i5 720 4 gigs of ram, im decent20:39
Mc-NateYes in France they have the "SIte du zéro"20:39
sysop-workok I have a block on my screen I cant get to go away. I even tried switching the displays and it followed the display.20:39
jmichaelxHelpmeout2: yeah, you'll have no problem20:39
Helpmeout2prob getting another 4 gigs and xfire my graphics cards20:39
tsimpsonHelpmeout2: just to make sure you see; if you forget the password to decrypt it, you can't regain access, the data is lost20:39
Helpmeout2burn my system up lol20:39
Mc-NateI learn the html/csss/php/mysql and the C in this web site20:40
Helpmeout2are you good with php?20:41
Mc-NateI learned*20:41
sysop-workhow to force kde to refresh the screen?20:41
Mc-NateYou want a web site?20:41
Helpmeout2where is a good documentation site20:41
Helpmeout2with global cmds etc..20:41
Mc-NateI know a french site20:41
Mc-NateYou speak french?20:42
Helpmeout2i took spanish and suck at that20:42
Helpmeout2not many Frenchmen running around in USA20:42
Mc-NateI speak french/english and spanish20:42
Helpmeout2well not in the dirty south anyways20:43
Mc-NateSo you ned a good documentation site?20:43
Mc-NateFor the php:20:44
Helpmeout2oh did anyone answer my question on ipod software20:44
seicherlbobdiff is showing a whole file to be different, but i cant see a single difference. Never seen that before. Any suggestions whats going wrong?20:44
Helpmeout2yeah i was reading php.net20:44
Helpmeout2but their tutorials are tricky20:44
Mc-NateAh okay20:44
Helpmeout2i wan't to learn about security with php first20:45
Helpmeout2so i don't open myself up for attack20:45
Mc-NateFor attack what?20:45
Helpmeout2when i make my page20:45
Helpmeout2you have to secure your code20:46
Mc-NateYes and?20:46
Mc-Nateit's easy20:46
Helpmeout2or ppl can input code20:46
Mc-NateI have got one book20:46
Helpmeout2oh nothing i was saying i need to read up on php security20:46
Mc-Nateon the security20:46
Mc-Nateof the computer20:46
Helpmeout2with sql injection and all that gayness20:46
Mc-NateANd javascript20:47
Helpmeout2is jquery all what it is cracked up to be?20:47
Helpmeout2looks like a useful library20:47
Mc-NateSorry i don't unterstand your message ( i'm french)20:48
Helpmeout2have you worked with jquery?20:48
nikitisI need help with sound.  I installed OSSv4 as WINE needed it for compiling.  However, now I have no sound period, and my sound device in Sound and Video Configuration screen are greyed out.20:48
Helpmeout2it is a javascript library20:48
Mc-NateI have worked with WAMP for php/mysql20:49
Helpmeout2basically shorthand javascript20:49
Mc-Nateand Java with Eclipse20:49
Helpmeout2oooh java, i thought you said javascript20:49
Mc-NateBut i say "And javascript injection"20:50
Mc-NateI not learn the javascript and java20:50
Aniarnikitis: is your user in the "pulse-access" group?20:50
Aniarnikitis: and do you have skype installed?20:50
Mc-NateI know the php mysql html css and C20:50
Mc-NateI will learn the python20:51
Mc-NateAnd i will forget the web languages20:51
nikitisAniar, I don't see pulse-access under secondary groups20:52
nikitisAniar, okay i just checked it yes20:53
seawingI am visiting my folks who have a westell7500 modem. I am running kubuntu 10.10 and can connect to most wireless networks that I encounter. With this router/modem, network managment finds it when doing a scan and I read that I enter the SN for the ssid and the WPA# for the password.  I have gotten it to connect for a few minutes but then it asks for the password again.  If I switch over to my windows partition, I can connect with no20:53
seawingdifficulty, so I don't think it is a hardware issue.  any ideas how I can solve this?20:53
Helpmeout2where is terminal in kde20:53
nikitisAniar, do I need to check pulse group as well?20:53
Aniarnikitis: and Skype?  Skype seems to grab some lock on pulse that wine/crossover can't get past20:53
Aniarnikitis: no, that's an internal-use group20:53
Aniarnikitis: and the skype problem I can only solve by not auto-launching skype20:54
nikitisi have skype installed however it was installed long before I had this problem,  And it' snot loaded atm20:54
Aniarnikitis: although, i'm stuck in a strange "only one program can access pulse at a time" problem.20:54
Aniarnikitis: try logging off, hit "ctrl-e" to reload kdm, then log back in, then try wine again20:54
Aniaronce skype launches, it locks the audio away from wine (documented in a crossover bug)20:55
nikitisAniar, Didn't work i've really buggered my sound system20:57
Helpmeout2does kubuntu use the /sudo?20:57
Helpmeout2so /sudo apt-get update20:57
nikitisAniar, when I go into Sound Control Panel I get a window  that says KDE Detected that one or more internal sound devices were removed.  DO you want to forget about these devices?  And it's my sound card!20:58
genii-aroundHelpmeout2: For command-line only apps, sudo is used for admin rights. For graphical apps in Kubuntu, kdesudo20:58
nikitisof course not20:58
Mc-NateI have find THE ide20:59
Aniarnikitis: do you have other devices listed?20:59
nikitisDUMMY AUDIO20:59
nikitisAniar, I want my HDA Intel to work.  KDE is saying it removed them, and is asking if it can forget about them.  I want the exact oposite21:00
Helpmeout2ok and during install i made a username and pass, which i just logged into... is this like the gnome version where root is locked?21:00
nikitisWhy would OSSv4 remove my audio cards?21:00
Helpmeout2how do i see if im logged in as root21:00
nikitisAniar, could it have blacklisted it?21:00
Aniarnikitis: it's not uninstalling the driver for the card21:00
Aniarnikitis: pulse is a sound server that interfacess with the hardware.  so it's talking about deregistering your HDA Intel with the pulse server21:01
genii-aroundHelpmeout2: root account is disabled in all *buntu by default21:01
Aniarforgetting it then removes the entries from the DB/conf file (whatever backends pulse)...21:01
Helpmeout2ok yeah21:01
Aniarnikitis: it's *supposed* to redetect on next startup, so that should be a safe operation21:01
Aniarnikitis: you upgraded from 10.04 too, right?21:01
nikitisAniar, 10.1021:01
nikitisto 11.0421:02
Aniarnikitis: err. yeah.  me too21:02
nikitisbut sound worked21:02
nikitisit only stopped working after I installed OSS21:02
nikitisAniar, so how do I tell it to keep and use my sound card?21:02
Aniarnikitis: that's what I'm working out too...21:02
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions21:02
Aniarnikitis: have you checked that wiki yet?21:03
Helpmeout2is there any type of security software i need to get for kubuntu?21:10
Helpmeout2i know linux is virus free and all21:11
Helpmeout2but wasn't there a clam prog. or something21:11
Helpmeout2does itunes support linux21:14
ChrisGagnonHelpmeout2: most people used clamav to scan incoming email attachments on mail servers.21:15
Helpmeout2oh ok21:16
Helpmeout2what about itunes on linux? would i have to use wine?21:16
Helpmeout2and one more question and ill leave lol21:17
Helpmeout2after kdesudo apt-get upgrade, it says need to get 65.8mb/152mb of archives21:17
Helpmeout2what do i type in21:17
Piciusually after that it says something like: do you want to continue [Y/n]:   right?21:18
frodo @ Helpmeout2 check http://www.ehow.com/how_5197743_download-itunes-linux-ubuntu.html21:19
Helpmeout2says After this operation, 172kb disk space will be freed.21:19
PiciHelpmeout2: What does it say all the way at the bottom?21:19
Helpmeout2that is the last thing it says21:20
PiciHelpmeout2: It shouldn't be.  Try scrolling down, perhaps you accidentally scrolled up.21:21
Helpmeout2oh at the top QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/$user/.config/ibus/bus21:23
Helpmeout2maybe that has something to do with i21:23
preecherjust installed unetbootin---when i try to open it it doesnt accept the admin password im using in kubu 11.04----ny ideas21:26
Linkmasterpretty quiet here as of now21:32
preecheri know---is there something simple im overlooking--ive instlled unetbootin & gparted and they will not accept my admin password21:33
anoneemousei dont get it... no #qt channel.... am i missing something?21:34
anoneemouse*sorry for asking here21:35
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genii-aroundanoneemouse: I just did /join #qt   and it exists, 536 ppl in it21:36
anoneemouseam i in some wretched forgotten timezone?21:37
anoneemouseyour right... i wonder wtf happened earlier...21:39
genii-aroundanoneemouse: Perhaps you got caught in the middle of a netsplit21:39
anoneemouseprobably... sadly it wasnt a banana split :(21:40
anoneemousei guess i might as well ask a question while i am here... im using 11.04, and my screen resolution settings don't want to stay put. it keeps resetting to my dual monitor resolution, making some modal dialigs pop up half cut off on the left of my screen21:42
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preecheranyone know why unetbootin & gparted will not accept my password in kubu 11.04???21:58
LinkmasterWhat are you trying to do? :/21:59
preecheropen it21:59
preecherinstlled from kpackage & when i try to open either of them it says "wrong password"---only password i use22:00
preechereven tried installin from terminal--same results22:00
LinkmasterHm..have you tried just pressing 'enter'?22:03
preecherlol well no now that you mention it22:03
preecherFailed to run /usr/bin/unetbootin ''rootcheck=no'' as user root.22:04
preecherWrong password.22:04
preecherdo you happen to know the terminal command to open unetbootin--mybe i try that22:05
preecherwell i used just unetbootin and got the same results22:06
preecherisnt there a way to have the ubuntu software center instead of using kpackage?22:39
anoneemouseim sure you can install it preecher22:43
preecherif i cant get this unetbootin issue figured out im just gonna switch to something else--i like & use it alot22:44
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rosco_yI suddenly lost all of my audio, does anyone have any ideas I can try?22:51
rosco_ynever mind my audio, it was my headphones (volume dial turned all the way down :(22:54
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AbhishCairo dock won't launch Kopete or Conversation. Don't know why. I have the KDE integration packkage installed.23:54
* Linkmaster was planning on vidling with Cairo sometime or another23:55
LinkmasterYou can use Docky, thats what I'm using23:55
AbhishLinkmaster: Cairo is very nice actually, and excepting this issue integrates very nicely. This may not be an issue in Kubuntu though. I use openSUSE, but nobody in that channel seems to use Cairo.23:56
LinkmasterOh, I've wanted to use Cairo forever, I can't stand the GTK libs of Docky :P23:57
LinkmasterYou using KDE?23:57
dijonyummyis kde/kubuntu for 11.04 very very slow for you folks? anything to improve it, i'm under virtualbox but still seems too slow, not just ui, but also networking23:58
LinkmasterBecause my only experience with openSUSE has been...bad, to say the least. My school uses a cracked up, locked down version of it supporte by Novell, so it sucks..23:58
AbhishLinkmaster: Always KDE. Cairo only occasionaly reveals its GTK roots. Otherwise it feels native.23:59
Linkmasterdijonyummy: Its pretty snappy for me, especially on less then a gig of RAM, so its probably the VB. You need the RAM to use the original OS plus whatever RAM you need to run the GuestOS. So that makes it slower23:59
LinkmasterAbhish: its probably because there are decent ports over to KDE23:59

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