
CarlFKsudo apt-add-repository ppa:pcf/miro-releases; sudo apt-get update = Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pcf/miro-releases/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-amd64/Packages05:01
CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/~pcf/+archive/miro-releases  says "adding ppa:pcf/miro-releases           to your system's Software Sources"05:01
CarlFKso what broke?05:02
micahgCarlFK: nothing published in natty05:02
CarlFKah, right.  thanks05:02
CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/~pcf/+archive/miro-testing  that has natty.  I will swear it wasn't working either, but now it is.05:08
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TheMusoSo, seems some people are being booted from teams without advance warning...06:57
TheMusoSee #ubuntu-devel for some examples.06:57
TheMusoI haven't... Yet.06:57
sladenyo, is expired SNAFU07:31
sladenjust seen ~30 expires on https://launchpad.net/~papercuts-ninja and other people are reporting similiar for other teams on #ubuntu-devel07:31
wgrantI thought I answered that in #ubuntu-devel :(07:32
wgrant15:58:16 < wgrant> The expiry script has been broken for a week or so... but I thought it was still sending warnings.07:32
wgrant15:59:13 < wgrant> All the expiries were legitimate, just without warning :/07:32
sladenmmm, could do with better interlocking07:34
sladenbut 1 weeks sounds like the timeframe for a full set of warnings :)07:34
RAOFI'm fairly sure that I'd recently *renewed* my ubuntu-sponsors membership.  Or maybe I'd resolved to renew it once the next warning message cameā€¦07:35
wgrantRenewals were not reversed.07:36
wgrantBut expiry was delayed and warnings were unsent.07:36
Laneyare you going to reverse the ones that just happened or should we be readding people?08:20
lifelesscan they readd themselves?08:29
wgrantMost of them were in open teams.08:32
Laneywe had a small number of developers expire08:42
LaneyI'll just re-add them then08:42
wgrantAh, yeah, I see three motu members there :/08:44
wgrantProbably best to readd them.08:44
dpmhi, could someone help me? We need to change the owner of a team on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/158960 and someone has assigned the question to the 'launchpad-translations-coordinators' team, who hasn't got the permissions to do such things. Could someone please assign it to a person or team who can actually change ownerships? Thanks09:00
wgrantdpm: You've approved the request?09:03
flowerwhich ubuntu repo's are turned on by default for the ubuntu ppa packages build environment?09:04
dpmwgrant, I suggested the original poster to file the request, since the current team owner is unresponsive.09:04
wgrantflower: updates and security.09:04
wgrantflower: You can change this under the 'Edit PPA dependencies' link on the PPA page.09:04
flowerwgrant: but you can't build all the packages with just updates and security? what about main universe multiverse etc?09:05
wgrantdpm: Right, but allowing randoms to request takeovers of a team is not likely to work very well. We would generally seek approval from a community leader.09:05
wgrantflower: Ah, those two dimensions are orthogonal.09:05
wgrantflower: By default you can build against all components (main, restricted, universe, multiverse).09:06
dpmwgrant, what kind of approval do you need? Is my comment on the support request not enough?09:06
flowerwgrant: ok. In which repo's are the non-free packages?09:07
wgrantdpm: A comment is enough, but I don't see one...09:07
wgrantdpm: I see one suggesting further discussion.09:07
wgrantflower: multiverse.09:07
flowerwgrant: thanks09:07
flower'Use the same components used for each source in the Ubuntu primary archive.'09:07
flowerwhich are they?09:08
floweris that main?09:08
wgrantIt depends on the package.09:08
wgrantCheck https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/SOURCEPACKAGENAME09:08
dpmwgrant, as I say, I'm fine with the team ownership change, since I suggested him to file the request myself. Is this enough for an approval or shall I add another comment?09:08
wgrantdpm: That's fine. I've assigned it to the LOSAs.09:09
dpmwgrant, excellent, thanks!09:09
maxbIs there any place in launchpad which shows a list of all branches subscribed to by a team?09:17
wgrantmaxb: http://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad/+subscribedbranches09:19
wgrantmaxb: http://code.launchpad.net/~bzr/+subscribedbranches, I guess.09:19
maxbDid I just miss a link somewhere?09:19
maxboh, the top right portlet09:20
wgrantAlso, suppressing team bugmail on a per-user basis *is* part of the structural subscription work. Beta testers have access to it now.09:20
wgrantThere's a mute link there.09:20
wgrantYes, I should probably just reply to the email, but meh.09:21
maxbSo *that's* where it's hiding09:21
wgrantLinks in bugmail will be updated once the feature is released.09:21
wgrantIt's hard to do that on a per-user basis.09:21
maxbI think we still want to go forward with a team reorganization though09:23
wgrantI think it's sensible.09:24
wgrantAlthough I would like to ban team notifications.09:24
wgrantThey serve very little purpose.09:24
maxbhuh, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+subscriptions showing me a bugmail subscription or a branch subscription? Or both?09:24
wgrantThat only does bugmail for now.09:25
maxbah. I care mainly about branch subscriptions right now09:25
wgrantBug subscriptions were brought up somewhere in that thread.09:26
wgrantAnd are a little more managable now.09:26
maxbYes, I tried to keep the thread focussed on a single kind of email, but people resisted my efforts :-)09:27
sladenhttps://launchpad.net/~sladen/+archivesubscriptions/18181/+index  "https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntufontbetatesting-merged/"09:44
sladenwhere's the  -merged coming from?09:44
bigjoolsuh oh09:45
bigjoolsdid someone merge an account with a PPA?09:45
sladenin the mean-time, could you do a quick grep for me and (try) to find out where that PPA is now09:46
sladenso that I can upload to it ;-)09:46
sladen(and fix the documentation to match)09:46
bigjoolsyou need a losa or someone doing the maintenance rotatioj09:46
bigjoolsand you now have an orphan repo09:47
bigjoolsso don't upload to it09:47
cdbsHello all, it seems that suddenly all members of ~papercuts-ninja got expired, without any prior notifications or so10:02
wgrantcdbs: There was a bug in the notification script, and 30 members were expired today -- correctly, but without prior warning.10:07
cdbswgrant: aiey, explains things10:08
cdbswas shocked to see myself expired suddenly from 4 teams10:08
cdbsHello there czajkowski10:28
gmbWotcher czajkowski.10:28
* czajkowski hands gmb a mug of tea10:29
czajkowskiyou sound like you need it10:29
czajkowskicdbs: howdy10:29
gmbThankee kindly.10:29
cdbscjohnston: I'm fine, thanks. You?10:35
cdbsHow's the LoCo world to deal with? :)10:35
czajkowskicdbs: I assume you mean me :)10:40
cdbsoops, yeah10:40
czajkowskilocoteams are interesting and always enjoyable10:40
cdbsanyway, we're going too offtopic on #launchpad10:40
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dokolaunchpad is spamming with bug mails for new imports from upstream trackers11:58
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u_userI'm looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/natty/gtodo to get the source. the 2nd file seems to be the source, the third file is an ubuntu-specific patch i guess. what's the first one for?12:14
lifelessdoko: sourceware specifically, or others?12:15
dokoyes, most of it sourceware12:16
lifelessI believe deryck just added the sourceware username to the lp config12:16
dokobut maybe it's just me subscribed to these reports ;)12:16
lifelessno, I got ulrich's lovely wontfix comment on  bug 23410512:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 234105 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "Support latin locale" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23410512:16
wgrantAhaha, hadn't seen that one.12:17
lifelessdoko: so, please file a bug - we shouldn't spam out notifications when we first sync with a bugtracker12:18
lifelessdoko: but these are genuine first-time-they-were-synced, its just catching up on the newly added bugtracker with all the old watches12:18
wgrantu_user: Those three files are the source packages. You give the .dsc to 'dpkg-source -x' to extract the package.12:18
wgrantu_user: The .dsc lists the other files in the package, and other metadata.12:19
lifelessdoko: so it will stop once its caught up (vs looping forwever)12:19
u_userwgrant: ok, thanks, will have to read the manpage but i know were to start now :)12:20
nhandlerDid something strange happen with team expirations? I just woke up to a LOT of emails saying people expired froms teams. I got 2 such emails for myself, and I know I did not get any warning emails that my membership was expiring12:35
nhandlerAh, just saw a comment from someone saying it was a bug12:36
wgrantA bug had broken the notification/warning script for slightly over a week.12:37
wgrantWe didn't realise warnings weren't being sent either.12:37
wgrantSo around 150 memberships correctly expired a few hours ago, but without any warning.12:37
wgrantSorry, 150 memberships that were in non-open teams.12:38
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=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gary_poster | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
Simiraso, how do I become a Ubuntu member again? I was expired without warning.14:24
StevenKSimira: I would suggest an e-mail to the CC14:28
xdatap1StevenK, btw there's a problem with expring email. To day I expired from ubuntu testing without warning14:30
SimiraStevenK: to all 300 that happened to? There's not going to be a fix for it?14:31
geserxdatap1: known, the script to send out the reminders was bugged14:31
xdatap1geser, ok. Thanks14:31
xdatap1flacoste, hello14:32
StevenKSimira: I suspect a bunch of the teams were open, ubuntumembers is probably one of the restricted ones.14:32
StevenKBut wgrant did the analysis14:33
Simiragood point14:35
flacostehi xdatap114:37
xdatap1flacoste, hi, nice to meet you. I'm the community guy who wrote this blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/bug-workaround14:38
xdatap1flacoste, I've seen you marked it obsolete, is that idea already in another spec?14:38
flacostexdatap1: we don't use specs14:42
flacosteit's tracked in bug 5465214:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 54652 in Launchpad itself "Add a "workaround" field to bug" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5465214:42
xdatap1flacoste, oh, wow, it's an old idea! 2006-07-3114:43
xdatap1flacoste, I will subscribe to that bug. Thank you14:44
santagadacan I have more than one repository in a project?15:38
santagadaand how do I do that15:38
ahasenacksantagada: you mean a bzr repository?15:39
santagadaahasenack, I don't know it really, I want to have two directories that can be bzr checkout individually and have their own history15:41
santagadaon mercurial and git this is a repository15:41
santagadathe launchpad manual just talks about branches15:41
ahasenacksantagada: ok, it's the same in that sense15:42
ahasenacksantagada: the urls look like lp:~yourusername/projectname/branch15:42
ahasenacksantagada: so yeah, you can have several15:42
santagadaso a branch in bzr  is a repo in other dvcs?15:42
ahasenacksantagada: lp:~santagada/myproject/trunk, lp:~santagada/myproject/production, lp:~santagada/myproject/fix-for-1234, etc15:42
santagadathey don't share history or code15:42
santagadaI want to have things like account_manager and account_blablabla15:43
santagadatwo different directories15:43
santagadathey are plugins for the system15:43
ahasenackah, ok, yes, there can bedifferent repositories too, it's just not visible in the url15:43
santagadaahasenack, how to do this?15:44
ahasenacksantagada: you should join #bzr probably15:44
maxbActually, #launchpad is the correct place, as it's a question entirely about the usage of Launchpad15:48
santagadawell but do anyone knows this?15:49
maxbYou can push entirely unrelated code to branches under a single project if you want to15:50
maxbHowever, it's generally better to register a separate project for each codebase15:50
santagadamaxb, but I don't care about branches15:50
santagadaor is branches what bzr calls repositories?15:50
maxbNo, branches are branches15:51
maxbEven if you only have one of them15:51
santagadaso my question remains15:51
santagadacan I push two different repositories to the same project?15:51
santagadatwo things with no common root or files or history?15:51
maxbThe main difference with Bazaar is that the primary object you interact with is the branch, not the repository15:51
maxbEffectively, every branch has its own repository. Most branches on Launchpad use "stacking" - the branch's repository only contains some of the history and refers to another one that contains the rest.15:52
maxbTo facilitate this, Launchpad automatically sets up stacking onto the development focus branch of the project when you push a new branch15:53
maxbWhilst there's no constraint that all the branches within a project have any common history, it can be surprising to users if this is not the case15:54
maxbAlso, if the development focus branch is not a suitable stacking base, each branch will end up storing a full copy of the history involved, which can make pushing new branches take an excess amount of time and bandwidth15:55
santagadanot having repositories is very confusing15:56
santagadamakes no sense to talk about different things as branches, when they don't share any ancestor15:57
santagadamaxb, thanks for the help but its too confusing for me16:00
maxbYou only think it doesn't make sense because you are so used to the way git and mercurial do it16:01
maxb<santagada> makes no sense to talk about different things as branches, when they don't share any ancestor16:01
santagadamaxb, and i'm to used to real trees16:02
maxbOf course it does. There are branches of the Linux kernel and there are branches of MySQL, and they have no ancestry whatsoever, but they are both branches16:02
santagadamaxb, branches of what?16:03
maxbBranches of their respective projects16:03
santagadauhm so it is project that is the same as a repository16:03
maxbA repository is simple a container for storing revisions on disk16:05
santagadawell, they are branches of a tree, a tree in hg or git is a repo, a tree in bazaar is a project16:06
maxbWell.... no.16:06
maxbAnd what do you mean by "tree" anyway?16:07
maxbTree of files? Tree of revisions?16:07
santagadamaxb, revisions16:07
santagadamaxb, common history16:07
maxbThe term tree in bzr jargon usually refers to a tree of files.16:08
maxbA collection of related revisions in any DVCS isn't strictly a tree, but a graph16:08
santagadamaxb, ok I was going to say graph, or dag16:09
maxbAnd, nothing in hg or git or bzr says I have to restrict myself to one DAG per repository, other than common conventions16:09
santagadajust sanity16:09
santagadawell so if I have completely different branches on the same project on launchpad things are not going to work in my favor16:11
santagadaso it is one project per set of files (graph or dag) that I want to control versions16:12
santagadanow I have a project to delete in launchpad16:16
Guest16011It was not obvious to me how to create a milestone in Launchpad is there a howto page or a link on how to create a milestone?16:34
jmlGuest16011: not sure. if you click on a series from your project's main page, you'll get to a page (e.g. https://launchpad.net/testtools/trunk) with a link to "Create a milestone"16:38
Guest16011jml - thank you - just saw the 'Create a milestone" I need to check my eyes again. thx16:40
jmlGuest16011: np.16:40
Guest16011jml: do you know which role you have to have on the project to be able to create series and milestones? I could create milestone on the staging server, but not on a real project?16:51
jmlGuest16011: umm... you have to be the "driver", I think.17:02
jmlsinzui: ? ^^17:02
sinzuiGuest16011: you must be a project owner or the driver of the series to create a milestone17:03
sinzuithe series driver is called the Release Manager17:03
Guest16011sinzui: jml: thank you17:03
Guest16011sinzui: can multiple people be the Release Managers?17:04
sinzuiGuest16011: no, but you can assign a team composed of many users17:04
Guest16011sinzui: ok17:05
sinzuiGuest16011: https://launchpad.net/people shows links to register a new team17:05
Guest16011sinzui: ok will follow that thread - thank again17:06
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Cube``guys, how can i turn off bug notifications?17:17
Cube``got 25 emails last night17:17
Cube``not cool17:17
maxbOnly 25? :-)17:21
maxbIt tells you at the bottom of each email why Launchpad is sending it to you17:21
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guest129hey there, i created a team mailing list and sent a test mail to it. because i didn't want it to get published, i clicked "decline" on the "moderate" page. now i believe my e-mail address is blacklisted. any ideas??18:01
guest129i already tried deleting the mailing list, deleting the team -- nothing helps18:01
bdrung_hi, can someone with the appropriate rights set these proposals to Rejected? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/rxtx/natty-201105201225/+merge/61757 https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/rxtx/natty-201105201529/+merge/6179118:27
bdrung_i can upload these packages, but can't modify the status18:28
benjiguest129: after declining the test message you then sent a subsequent message that never arrived, and that's why you think your emails are being dropped?18:28
guest129benji: yep, i sent a couple of messages after the test message18:29
guest129and they are not added to the moderation overview18:29
guest129and i even tried to delete+re-create the list -- but nothing seemed to help18:30
benjiok, I'm trying to figure out what's going on18:33
guest129thank you so much!!! i know it's really stupid :-)18:34
benjiguest129: did you "reject" or "discard"?18:40
guest129AFAIK i discarded. i didnt know that it would have such an impact18:40
benjiI don't think it will.  I can't say for certain, but I can't find any evidence that discarding a message will blacklist the user.18:42
guest129hm. what now? i definitely cant send mails to it...18:43
benjiI'm surprised the message was held for moderation to begin with.  Did you send it from an address that Launchpad knows is you?18:43
guest129yes. it's the only address i registered with launchpad18:43
benjiguest129: if you would, try sending another message and I'm going to as well; yours shoudl go through without moderation and mine should require moderation18:50
benjiand while we're waiting for those to be processed I'm going to grab some lunch18:50
guest129okay. will do. and i'll grad dinner :-D18:50
guest129i did get the mail of yours, even though it's not in the archives...18:53
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binwiederhierbenji: just let me know once you're back :-D19:24
benjibinwiederhier: I'm back19:28
binwiederhierdo you know what could be19:31
binwiederhierthat the mails are delivered, but gmail doesnt show them19:31
Kangarooohello is it possible to remove comment in launchapd?19:32
binwiederhierbenji: and since there is noone else in the list, nobody else gets the mail19:32
binwiederhierbenji: when are the archives updated?19:32
benjibinwiederhier: I don't know what the schedule is off the top of my head.19:33
binwiederhierbenji: would you mind joining the list, so i can send a mail and you tell me wether or not you received it? would be great!19:33
benjibinwiederhier: sure, one sec19:34
benjiKangarooo: do you have a potential spam comment?19:34
Kangarooodelete plz this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/788591/comments/2 i found out that 2nd comment has nothing to do with bug. that its another bug.19:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 788591 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "On panel netw man app changed its position" [Undecided,New]19:34
Kangaroooso i dont confuze ppl.19:35
binwiederhierbenji: the first message from 3 hours ago just appeared in the archive19:39
binwiederhierbenji: i bet the rest will follow ...19:39
benjibinwiederhier: cool; I'm working with someone that knows more about LP mailing lists to see what's going on19:40
benjiKangarooo: I hid the comment for you.19:40
binwiederhierbenji: you're the best!19:40
Kangarooobenji: thx19:40
sinzuibenji: Kangarooo: I think we need to consider that the archive can be days behind because of backlogs19:42
benjisinzui: I think you meant to address that to binwiederhier19:42
Kangarooosinzui: propably yes propably no it might be like how u say i dont know :)19:43
sinzuibinwiederhier: : seeing the message tells us that MM accepted the message and sent it to the list and archive. The archive is behind by a few hours today. Have you gotten any of the messages19:43
sinzuisorry Kangarooo. I jumped into a conversation without asking who needs mailing list help19:44
sinzuibinwiederhier: we know that the actual list email is processed in minutes. so I believe you should have gotten every email you have sent. Well, at least the one we see in the archive19:45
binwiederhiersinzui: i believe i found out that the problem is with gmail.19:47
sinzuibinwiederhier: okay19:47
binwiederhier"Note: if you use Gmail and you do not see your own posts arrive in your inbox, it is probably because of this issue.  Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it, but if you check your list's archive, your message should appear there. " https://help.launchpad.net/ListHelp19:48
binwiederhiersinzui: one more question. If I delete this mailing list, and re-create it directly afterwards, will the "test" mails i sent earlier be delivered to the new archive?19:49
sinzuibinwiederhier: the archive is never purged19:50
sinzuiyou can deactivate it, you can even purge Lp's knowledge of it, but the archive will only be removed when an admin rms it19:50
binwiederhierhm. could you maybe delete the archive for me? (i assume you are one of the admins)19:52
binwiederhiersinzui: i mean, once all the mails are sent are in there ...19:53
sinzuiI cannot19:54
sinzuiYou can ask a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad and a system admin can delete it19:54
Kangaroooah sinzui u meaned that comment is also in archive in mailinglist of team witch is for package to what i posted that comment?19:55
binwiederhiersinzui: but that'd mean i will have to publicly name the list. is there a way to contact an admin privately=19:56
sinzuiKangarooo: I confused you because I should have been messaging to binwiederhier. But to you question about the comment, yes we can easily remove the comment20:00
* sinzui looks20:00
Kangarooosinzui:  yes that comment is already removed.20:01
sinzuiKangarooo: looks like benji removed the comment already20:01
Kangaroooim not like using a lot mailing lists- like to find where could that comment be sent to witch mailing list. but thats ok if its sent.20:02
binwiederhiersinzui: what do i do now to get all these "hello/welcome" messages out?20:04
sinzuibinwiederhier: you can ask a question, system admins can remove messages.20:06
sinzuibinwiederhier: only private teams (requires a commercial subscription) can have private lists. Did you want a private lists?20:07
sinzuiMost lists begin with test messages. No one is startled by them20:07
binwiederhierno. i do not. i just want the welcome messages out of there. if it as one or two, but not 10?!20:07
binwiederhierwell, if there is no other way, i'll ask then in the answers section of LP20:09
binwiederhierthank you guys!20:09
binwiederhierboth of you!20:09
sinzuibinwiederhier: it is okay to ask for their removal, I was just uncertain about publicly naming the list. All lists are public unless the team was setup to be private by an admin20:10
sorenIf a mercurial import fails, do I need to file a bug, or does that automatically show up on the relevant people's radar? If I need to file a bug, what do I need to file it against?20:10
binwiederhieralright. i'll find a way :-) thank you!20:10
sinzuisoren: ask a question, a vcadmin will investigate. a bug is only needed to fix a defect in code20:11
sorensinzui: I think it is a defect, but I can start with a question :) Just "against" launchpad itself?20:12
sorensinzui: Or against the project and then subscribe someone?20:12
sinzuisoren: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad20:12
sorensinzui: Ta.20:12
sinzuisoren: the only hg defect I know of is that we cannot import non-master branches20:13
sorensinzui: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/72481990/soren-xen-4.1-hg.log20:14
sorensinzui: It doesn't seem to like utf-8 or something.20:15
sorensinzui: Question filed. Thanks.20:17
sinzuisoren: I do not know much about imports, but your log looks similar to the utf8 issues reported on https://dev.launchpad.net/FailingBzrGitImports  and https://dev.launchpad.net/FailingBzrGitImports . If there is not an immediate fix, I believe a FailingHgImports pag will be started20:19
sorensinzui: Those two links are identical. Did you mean to give me two different ones?20:20
sorenAren't they?20:20
* soren stares some more20:20
sorensinzui: Thanks.20:22
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Cube``guys, this is pathetic20:39
Cube``im getting spammed with 20+ mails per hour20:39
Cube``and i cant even unsubcribe20:39
Cube``it says "Your team Aiki Framework Developers is subscribed to branch lp:aikiframework.20:40
Cube``To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~aikiframework-devel/aikiframework/trunk/+edit-subscription"20:40
Cube``and when i go there, it says "You are not currently subscribed to this branch."20:40
Cube``im about to just mark those emails as spam and forget about it20:41
benjiCube``: are all the message the same?20:44
Cube``benji: no, its different bug reports etc20:44
benjiCube``: Will you pastebin one of the messages at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ so I can take a look at it?20:50
maxbCube``: ~aikiframework-devel is subscribed to the branch though20:55
maxbI agree that the link in the email is wrong, though20:55
benjiCube``: We'll be releasing some new features to manage bug email in the next week or so that should help you get less of the messages you don't want.21:00
benjialso, the "Aiki Framework Developers" team is the bug supervisor for "Aiki Framework", so if you are on that team you will get lots of bug mail21:01
* benji has to join a phone call now.21:01
maxbbenji: I don't believe any of those features address branch-based subscriptions, though21:02
benjimaxb: right, but he also said that he was getting lots of bug mail (which the features do help with)21:02
Cube``maxb: so, how can i get myself removed from there?21:07
maxbCube``: Your options are to leave the ~aikiframework-devel team, or to unsubscribe the team from the branch21:09
maxbIf you opt for the second, you might want to contact the team or team owner first21:09
Cube``maxb: i thank you for your help, but neither are good options21:10
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
NCommanderout of curiosity, are there known scaling issues with the dependency tracker in blueprints?23:26
NCommanderhttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-arm-server - cause I kinda broke it :-)23:26
mwhudsonNCommander: looks ok to me?23:44
NCommandermwhudson: its a bit hard to see what's going where. It was a lot mor eorganized before I added the last dependency23:46
mwhudsonNCommander: well23:47
mwhudsonNCommander: blame dot? :)23:47

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