
hallynpersia: oh no, was i not supposed to update?  it's now complaning that plymouth couldn't upgrade, which is preventing me from installing other things in need00:19
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* ppisati tried a dist-upgrade but got stuck in python dependency09:17
ppisatibut a quick modification to debpython/version.py made it... :)09:21
ogra_hallyn, if you use my rootfs it should be fully upgradeable without any probs, most of the others arent09:56
* ppisati just finished upgrading panda to natty10:20
ppisatibtw, why do we have a skew between packets on i386/amd64 and arm?10:21
hrwppisati: cause it is hard to find fast arm with lot of ram to make builds at same rate as x86 ones?10:26
ppisatihrw: good point :)10:32
hrwppisati: omap4 has 400MB/s memory speed if all goes ok. how much does ddr2/1066 on pc have? or ddr3/1666...10:33
ppisatihrw: right, i'll compile my owh package then10:34
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ogra_hmpf, more android crap12:51
hallynogra_: which is you rootfs?13:23
plmHi all14:35
ogra_hallyn, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/tegra/2.6.37/14:40
hallynogra_: hm, that's what i used actually14:41
hallynogra_: plymouth refuses to upgrade complaining about a local customization14:42
hallyn(I dont' have the netbook on me atm)14:42
ogra_there is a diversion in place for the initramfs script14:42
ogra_thats on purpose,else the initrd gets to big to boot14:43
hallynogra_: so you can apt-get dist-upgrade fine with that diversion in place right now?15:09
ogra_heh, i dont use that image currently15:10
ogra_i will have to research that15:10
ogra_you should be able to remove the diversion though, then dpkg should stop complaining15:10
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hallynogra_: ok, will do thx15:32
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* pmathews is back21:58
pmathewswith 128MB RAM22:08
armin76pmathews: omg thats disgusting, get a head!22:23
jmontyhow can I make ubuntu running on a pandaboard boot into console mode? there's no grub, so what would i change?23:25
jmontysorry, somehow dropped23:26
jmontyanybody know how I can have ubuntu boot into a console mode on Pandaboard since there is no grub?23:26
GrueMasterjmonty: You could run the headless image.  It is designed to be run through the serial console.23:31
jmontyhmm, well, I've already configured this image with everything I need, would rather not have to redo all of that ... but where is the headless image for future reference?23:32
GrueMasterI think you can also edit the /boot/boot.script and add "text" to the bootargs.  Once you edit that, rerun "sudo flash-kernel"23:34
jmontycool, I will try that23:40

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