
Proz01di need to make cmake00:04
Proz01di need cmake00:04
holsteinProz01d: that .deb doesnt work?00:05
Proz01di just want to make sure i get the latest version00:05
Proz01dholstein how do i get the above?00:17
holsteinProz01d: ?00:17
Proz01dwell i have a link like this http://mirror.pnl.gov/ubuntu//pool/universe/e/eurephia/eurephia_1.0.1-3build1_i386.deb but i have only ever used apt-get00:18
Proz01dnot sure how to do it with a .deb file00:18
holsteinProz01d: you just click on the .deb00:19
Proz01dforgot to mention i'm on the CLI00:19
Proz01dit's ubuntu server00:19
holsteincd /to/where_ever and run wget URL.deb00:20
holsteinthen sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb00:20
holsteinlike https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware00:20
holsteinProz01d: it might not work though*00:21
Proz01dhow do i remove it00:21
holstein-r should do it00:22
holstein*assuming you get it to install00:22
holsteincheck out dpkg -help00:22
philipballewcan i have terminal apps but on ubuntu server edition or do those apps not run in cli but only terminal?01:58
philipballewsorry for the stupid question01:58
holsteinphilipballew: its the same01:59
philipballewim going to set up a desktop to act as a dedacated media server for playing my music and i want to have the ability if need be use a cli music player to play music02:00
holsteinsure, just open a terminal02:00
holsteinphilipballew: you might want to check out the application screen too02:00
philipballewhow so?02:01
holsteinim running irssi in screen (which is quite common) i can connect into irssi running in screen from any other machine02:01
holsteinscreen bascially allows a terminal app to remain running in the background02:02
philipballewso i can loggin to my server and play music directly off it from my laptop if i want to then?02:02
holsteindepends really, on what you use to play it, and if you are playing the files locally (server side) or streaming them (client side)02:03
holsteinjust depends on what you want to do02:03
philipballewi was thinking set up the server on my network and maybe play directly off that or have it locally stream to a laptop that is old but can still just sit there plugged in to the headphone jack02:04
holsteinsure, the options are limitless really02:05
philipballew its the limitless options that make me confused :)02:14
ryan_hello everyone02:22
ryan_I need some help with my mouse going nutz on my ubuntu laptop02:22
ryan_I have done a ton of research and I can only come up with some simple solutions to the issue.  The issue is the mouse jumps around the screen all over the place uncontrolably02:23
ryan_and the only thing I can do is disable the touch pad using "xinput set-prop....." command to stop it and use the eraser mouse for a while02:24
ryan_bummer... is no one here?02:25
OmsniffiscentCan someone help me get this working? http://www.mangler.org/2010/02/mangler-jukebox-a-ventrilo-client-that-plays-mp3s/03:26
OmsniffiscentIt says I need these additional libraries, but I don't know how to get them or check to see if I already have them.  libmpg123-dev libmpg123-0 libspeexdsp-dev libspeexdsp103:27
OmsniffiscentCan someone tell me where the /trunk folder is located? Is that a Mangler thing or a system thing?03:28
wastrelhi dere03:30
wastreldpkg -l | grep libmpg12303:30
wastrelor libspeedx03:30
wastrelor you could just    sudo apt-get intsall libmpg123-0 libmpg123-dev libspeex1 libspeex-dev03:32
Omsniffiscentcool. It's doing stuff.03:33
OmsniffiscentNow I need to find my Mangler folder somehow.03:33
wastrelwhat's a mangler folder03:33
OmsniffiscentMangler is a program.03:34
OmsniffiscentI need to find where it is on my computer.03:34
wastrelyou downloaded it?03:35
OmsniffiscentIt's installed. Somewhere.03:35
wastrelhow did you install it?03:35
holsteinlooks like theres a ppa03:35
Omsniffiscentwith a deb from their website.03:35
wastrelbest way to find things imho is "sudo updatedb" then use locate03:37
wastrelso locate mangler03:37
wastrelupdatedb may take a while03:37
Omsniffiscentcool. Found the folder I'm looking for. Now to compile... this'll be interesting.03:49
frannybooim trying to install 11.04 on a netbook via flashdrive, but it doesn't seem to be working03:51
holsteinfrannyboo: you have the normal live iso image?03:51
frannybooI can boot the USB stick fine, and when I select install ubuntu, goes through a bunch of text, then a command prompt type thing03:52
frannybooI do, but no CD drive on my netbook03:52
holsteinfrannyboo: IF you have the normal live CD iso, you should be able to boot live, and get into the desktop03:53
holsteindo that instead of selecting 'install'03:53
holsteinim going to guess you have a graphics card that is not well supported03:53
frannybooaah the graphics card makes sense, what about the busybox that it takes me to? (the command prompt thing)03:54
holsteinyou could also have a bad image, or the stick is not working properly in some way03:55
holsteinfrannyboo: try booting the live CD image to the desktop and we'll go from there*03:57
frannybooTrying that now04:00
frannyboook it still takes me to the busy box, not the ubuntu desktop04:03
holsteinfrannyboo: thats what you'll want to troubleshoot04:03
holsteinwhen im installing, i want to see a live desktop before installing04:03
holsteini want to run some tests, and see how *all* of the hardware works04:04
holsteinfrannyboo: have you tried 10.04? what netbook is it?04:04
frannyboodell inspiron mini, with win 7 starter04:05
frannyboohaven't tried 10.04, was thinking of maybe lubuntu?04:05
holsteindoesnt matter what OS is on it... whats the #'s?04:05
holsteinfrannyboo: all the variants are going to have the same kernel for the most part04:05
holsteinfrannyboo: i put ubuntu on a dell mini 9 once... i downloaded the ubuntu image from dell actually04:06
holsteinthere was a tricky wifi card in there that they had already set up04:06
frannybooholstien: CPU: intel atom @ 1.66 ghz HDD: 160GB04:08
frannyboohmm might look into that04:08
holsteinfrannyboo: flip it over, and get some model #'s and google them04:09
holsteinlike for me, "ubuntu asus eeepc 1001p"04:09
frannyboowill do, thanks!!04:09
holsteinsure, anytime04:10
holsteinfrannyboo: sometimes its not 'out of the box' easy04:10
frannyboook I found ubuntu on the dell site, am going to give that a try, will let you know!!04:14
holsteinfrannyboo: :)04:15
iggy19.win 407:34
DavLinTrying to get 1920x1080@60Hz to work on an AMD E-350 Zacate, ati hd-6310, on 11.04 x64 with amd's v11.5 proprietary driver. All i get is 1920x1080@25 or 30Hz. Tried adding new modelines from cvt to xorg.conf and also "UseEDIDFreqs" "False" but still no change. Anyone have an idea or a pointer in some direction?12:12
DavLinbtw, setup works fine with 1920x1080 at 60Hz with a windows os so the hardware is capable of it.12:13
vu1kanGM folks.  I'm attempting to set up internet connection sharing between two machines in my LAN.  The newer one has wifi(802.11G) and an onboard ethernet.  The older one has just a via-rhine ethernet card.  Currently, my network goes modem>802.11n router>lucid w/G>802.11b(wifi disabled)>lucid without wifi...i've been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing , but when i get to Configure routing(3rd step under Clien12:26
vu1kanbtw, that 802.11b(wifi disabled) is an old linksys i'm using just to link the two towers12:26
vu1kanGM folks.  I'm attempting to set up internet connection sharing between two machines in my LAN.  The newer one has wifi(802.11g)-connected to internet- and an onboard ethernet.  The older one has just a via-rhine ethernet card.  Currently, my network goes [dsl modem>802.11n router>lucid w/802.11g>linksys 802.11b router(wifi disabled)>lucid w/o wifi] ...i've been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing , but when 12:52
coalwatervu1kan, i never really tried this under linux so i cant really help12:58
vu1kanthe instructions i found @ ubuntu.com are pretty straightforward...what i'd like to know is why i get the 'file exists' error, or, how to accomplish <sudo ip route add default via>12:59
vu1kanin some other manner13:00
vu1kan. o O ( stupid touchy enter key )13:00
DavLinvu1kan: take a look in /etc/network/interfaces13:04
DavLinand it should be up not ip.. ie up route add [-net|-host] <host/net>/<mask> gw <host/IP> dev <Interface>13:04
DavLin"up route add [-net|-host] <host/net>/<mask> gw <host/IP> dev <Interface>"13:04
vu1kanah...i bet that's it...a typo in the howto13:05
vu1kan"up: up command not found"13:06
vu1kanalso "sudo: up:" returns the same13:06
vu1kanDavLin: hmm... /ect/network/interfaces contains "auto lo" "iface lo inet loopback" on the client13:07
DavLintry looking at the examples here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html13:09
Gareth7015Hi, can anyone here help with a wireless network problem?13:11
vu1kanGareth7015: what's the problem?13:12
Gareth7015i'm running the newest Ubuntu distro on an Acer Aspire laptop and it keeps failing to connect :S13:12
vu1kanhas the wifi ever connected under that distro?13:12
Gareth7015i only installed about an hour ago, so no13:12
Gareth7015but it does bring up the list of available networks n/p...13:13
vu1kantry hardwiring ethernet and running <sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade>13:13
vu1kanmaybe you need a driver that wasn't on the disc13:13
Gareth7015is that a repository? i'm pretty new to this13:13
vu1kanthat command updates your local repo list and upgrades all of your packages13:14
vu1kanif you just do the <sudo apt-get update> it should tell you if there are newer versions of installed packages13:14
bioterror!apt | Gareth701513:15
ubot2Gareth7015: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)13:15
Gareth7015i tried that in the command line, but it didn't work :(13:18
Gareth7015gareth@ubuntu:~$ <sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade>13:18
Gareth7015bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'13:18
bioterrorwithout < >13:18
Gareth7015AM I missing something/ making newbie errors?13:19
Gareth7015thanks, i'll go try it :)13:19
vu1kansorry about that...in the irc channels command line input is usually inside <>, don't type those into the terminal13:19
Gareth7015n/p, i'll get used to this yet :)13:19
vu1kantotally forgot...it's been a while since i've logged on here13:19
Gareth7015Woah, that seems to have downloaded quite a bit in terms of updates lol13:21
vu1kanyea, if it's a fresh-off-the-disc install, it would13:21
Gareth7015yeah, it was straight off the 'Wubi' installer off the website.13:21
vu1kanonce that finishes, log out, log back in and try your wifi13:21
Gareth7015hopefully will be able to get some work done lol, thanks for the help :)13:22
vu1kanso, DavLin, if you're still around, i'd wanna <route add -host netmask dev eth0>?13:22
vu1kannp, Gareth7015...hope that fixed ya up13:23
Gareth7015just while i have you, is there anything similar to Piriform's 'Speccy' for Ubuntu? it just gives you detailed system information...13:23
Gareth7015cool, i'll check that out13:23
vu1kan<sudo apt-get install hardinfo> should get it for ya13:23
vu1kanit shows up as 'system profiler and benchmarking utility' in tools under the ubuntu menu13:24
vu1kan(-Utility...just 'system profiler and benchmarking'...oy it's gonna be a long day, lol)13:26
Gareth7015haha, yeah you could say that :P13:27
Gareth7015i just got my laptop back from being repaired and they gave me the wrong monitor :|13:28
vu1kanweak sauce13:28
Gareth7015so i decided to fiddle around with the laptop and see if i could improve it any13:28
Gareth7015and it actually seems to be higher-res in Ubuntu instead of Windows 7...?13:28
Gareth7015need to get hardinfo to see if its all in my head lol13:29
vu1kanhey, hey...progress on my issue...<sudo route add -host dev eth0> appears to have done what <sudo ip route add default via 192.xx> was supposed to do13:33
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lapagais there a difference between installing from the livecd (when you first boot) or the desktop icon?16:24
coalwateru mean the first choice (try or install) and the actual install link that is placed on the desktop16:26
coalwaterit's the same, but i prefer the desktop icon , cause i could waste time on firefox or something while installing16:26
lapagayes that is what i mean16:26
wastreli like installing16:31
charlie-tcaThe only time it seems to matter is if you need a special connection setup for wireless16:32
charlie-tcaThat's easier from the live desktop than the install only16:33
lapagai was wondering because I have a limited ram system (256 M) and it is using some swap already16:36
MichealHcprofitt, Emergancy ping :)17:10
cprofittMichealH: emergency response -- sorry for the delay17:25
philipballewanyone know a good guide on setting up a samba file server in ubuntu server. cant seem to find one17:42
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stlsaintphilipballew: mind if i ask where you are from?17:46
stlsaintphilipballew: also the help.ubuntu.com site has good wiki pages for samba17:46
charlie-tcaphilipballew: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html any good?17:47
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NewUserPlzHelpMeHello everyone!18:01
coalwaterthat was fast18:02
philipballewNewUserPlzHelpMe hello18:13
lapagacan one post multi line questions or will that be considered flooding? just do not want to type several lines and get booted.18:19
lapagaI have a computer that the bios will only give the option to one hd.  My first hd has WinXP on it and will be installing Xubuntu on the second hd...18:42
lapagaif I put grub on the second hd will it be able to boot both?18:43
lapagalittle missed word...will only give the option to boot one hd.18:45
coalwaterno lapaga , it doesn't work like that18:48
coalwateryou need the xubuntu installation to update the first boot loader18:48
coalwaterand keep the first hard disk as primary boot18:49
coalwaterdon't ask me how, cause i don't think i know the answer to that question, it should be done automatically if you are installing while both harddisks connected18:50
lapagaso when I install grub do I tell it to install to sda (XP) or sdb(Xubuntu)?18:50
charlie-tcalapaga: installing grub on the first drive should allow it to decide to boot the second, even if the bios didn't18:50
charlie-tcainstall it to sda18:51
lapagawon't that overwrite the XP bootloader?18:51
bioterrorno sda1, no sda2,just sda18:51
bioterrorlapaga, no18:51
bioterrorgrub loads before windows chainloader18:52
coalwatereven if it overwrites it, grub will still recognize windows and will give u an option to boot it18:52
coalwateri think :D18:52
coalwaterthat's what it did to me18:52
lapagathis is the only thing that has stopped me from installing18:53
coalwateri usually just remove the windows boot loader, i prefer grub :D18:53
lapagaso grub will still write the boot files to sdb but put something into mbr ? of sda?18:54
lapagaor am I all wrong in my thinking18:55
bioterrorif it feels so difficult, be a man and install over XP ;)18:55
lapagaprobably not the best option:)18:56
lapagaone other question...do I put a boot flag on sdb ?19:13
Who[areshello everyone ! I'm trying to get help on my Ubuntu 11.04 installation. I used Wubi and now, when I reboot my PC, the dual-boot doesn't appear ... Does anyone know why ?20:31
holsteinWho[ares: lets start with what appears?20:31
Who[arespretty much nothing ... it goes to win xp directly20:32
holsteini would look in the winxp boot loader thing20:32
holstein*i forget what thats called20:32
Who[aresI did and there's nothing in there20:32
Who[ares(nothing about ubuntu at least ) ...20:33
holsteinWho[ares: i would say something failed20:33
Who[aresI certainly know that .... but what and how to fix it ?20:33
holsteindo you see the entry in add-remove programs?20:33
holsteinWho[ares: i would uninstall, and try again20:34
holsteinmaybe double check the image md5 sum20:34
Who[aresI tried to find the log file and see what happened but I couldn't ...20:34
Who[aresI re-installed about 5 times20:34
holsteinyou might need to edit that boot.ini manually somehow20:35
holsteinWho[ares: did you try 10.04?20:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Who[aresnope, haven't tried 10.04 ...20:35
holsteinthats an option... also, just dual booting, which is always going to be preffered20:36
Who[aresI think I'll try 10.04 ... thanks man20:38
holsteinWho[ares: sure, enjoy :)20:39
Who[aresis there such a big diff between 10.04 and 11.04 ?20:41
holsteinWho[ares: yeah20:41
Who[aresdamn :(20:43
holsteinthe look and feel has changed since 10.04, now 11.04 is running the unity instead of gnome. 10.04 is an LTS (long term support) so it will be supported for 3+years instead of 18 months20:43
Who[aresis it easy to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04 &20:43
Who[ares'cause if it is, I could simply upgrade afterward20:44
holsteinWho[ares: you wouldnt want to do that20:45
Who[areshow come ?20:45
holsteinyou would choose to install and run the LTS verion (10.04), or just go ahead and use the latest (11.04)20:45
Who[aresI wish I could use 11.04 but the damn installation doesn't work :S20:45
holsteinWho[ares: the biggest reason is that it would take the computer about 16 hours to do that, assuming you have a decent internet connection20:46
holsteinWho[ares: does 11.04 run live?20:46
Who[areswhat do you mean ?20:46
holsteintry burning a few CD's, 10.04 and 11.0420:46
holsteinand dont install, just run them live, from the CD... without installing20:46
holsteinthen, you can get an idea of how well your hardware is supported20:46
holsteinALSO, if you have the ram to spare, you can always just install virtual box or VM ware on windows, and run ubuntu in there20:47
holsteinwubi is/has-always-been problematic20:48
gmulakVideo help - please.  I have a video CD from Costco off of my Video camera.  What programs do I need to download into Ubuntu to edit it?21:52
gmulakIt plays on my DVD player....21:52
holsteingmulak: theres a bunch really21:53
holsteinand they all do different things.. ive heard open shot is easy-ish21:53
holsteini like pitivi21:53
gmulakOK - thanks.  Just import it and then?21:53
gmulakDoes it have soud editing capability?21:54
holsteingmulak: learn how to edit video ;)21:54
holsteini think its important to realize that what you are asking to do is *not* trivial21:54
holsteinand is going to take some time to learn how to get even mediocre results21:54
holstein*that being said, its totally doable21:55
gmulakThank you for that.  I realize that and don't even know where to start.  I have to do it for an outreach thing for the church and I am thrown into it....21:55
holsteinalso, check out http://jaycut.com/21:55
gmulakI know.  I will start with pitivi and see what I need to learn I guess.  Thanks21:55
gmulakOK - I'll check those out.  Thank you much21:56
holsteingmulak: sure, check out #opensourcemusicians and #ubuntustudio as well21:56
gmulakOK - will do21:56
holsteinlots of the guys in opensourcemusicians have some video experience21:56
holsteinim really just getting started21:56
gmulakThanks again.21:56
holsteini bought a flip camera a few days ago, and ive just been too busy to do much more than import into pitivi21:56
holsteingmulak: enjoy :)21:57
Error404NotFoundnice spelling dude22:37

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