
=== maco2 is now known as maco
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 05:45
* pleia2 hugs czajkowski 06:48
nigelb*yawn* Good morning!06:57
czajkowskipleia2: go to bed07:30
dpmgood morning all!07:34
nigelbGood morning dpm!07:46
czajkowskimy natty install is behaving badly, randomly reboots today07:48
czajkowskiand then freezes on movies07:48
jussiczajkowski: that sounds horrible. Ive been having random freezes and kernel panics. natty hasnt been a success for me so far :(07:49
dpmmorning nigelb :)07:51
czajkowskijussi: its the random reboots is annoying08:08
czajkowskigoes to half way through boot up08:08
czajkowskiand then login screen08:08
czajkowskivery odd08:08
jussiczajkowski: yeah, i can imagine.08:08
czajkowskijussi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/78850808:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 788508 in xorg "Machine randomly reboots for no reason" [Undecided,New]08:40
tsimpsonLucid is working fine ;)08:50
kim0morning everyone09:08
czajkowskitsimpson: *mutters*09:11
czajkowskitsimpson: works fine on my mini09:12
=== daker_ is now known as daker
kim0huats: hey o/09:52
huatshey kim0 !09:52
huatsmorning everyone btw09:53
huatskim0, I'll give a look at the data we received09:53
huatsI hpe by the end of the week09:53
huatsor on monday I think09:53
huatsI'll let you know09:53
kim0huats: awesome .. have fun buddy :)09:53
kim0huats: I can't wait to get this data out there :)09:54
kim0huats: thanks for your help09:54
huatsmy pleasure09:54
czajkowskijussi: kubuntu fan  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/78035810:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 780358 in xorg-server "Random X crashes in Ubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:41
jussigrumble wiki grumble11:12
czajkowskijussi: are you becoming a clone of jcastro :)11:15
jussiczajkowski: fine, you tell me why the htc flyer table doesnt work here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/TabletList11:16
nigelbjussi: fixed11:20
czajkowskiI was fixing it11:20
czajkowskiand editing11:20
jussinigelb: what was wrong with it?11:20
czajkowskiand marked preview11:20
nigelbjussi: space at the end11:21
nigelbczajkowski: sorry :(11:21
* jussi rolls eyes at the wiki11:21
czajkowskiI thought if you marked preview it locked others out11:21
czajkowskibut did you not get a mesage saying I was editing when you clicked edit...11:21
* AlanBell has access to the new test wiki11:35
jussiAlanBell: how is it?11:39
duanedesignmornings all11:44
* duanedesign finally replaced his Tinariwen CD and is enoying listening to it this morning11:45
jussibtw, who was it that was complaining about the lack of a !fail factoid in here?11:47
ubot2FATAL Error: Operation succeeded11:47
AlanBellit is still slow, they haven't turned on xapian yet12:06
cjohnstonjussi: me12:09
jussicjohnston: happy now ?12:09
nigelbAlanBell: can more of us help?12:12
cjohnstonDeleting stuff will help!12:17
czajkowskiI hate packing and moving house!12:18
czajkowskiI seem to have extra stuff from 7 months ago and I've just bagged clothes for charity and still may have to sit on suitcase12:19
jussiczajkowski: moving again?12:27
czajkowskiI like making my life exciting12:28
czajkowskibut I really hate packing12:28
jussiczajkowski: Im in agreeance with you there.12:29
czajkowskimhall119: wife and Pendulum helped me pack coming back from orlando was entertaining12:30
mhall119it was rather entertaining13:02
AlanBellcjohnston: I am unconvinced that deleting stuff will help13:07
AlanBellapart from user profiles perhaps13:07
cjohnstonWell.. deleting stuff will get rid of some erroneous results13:08
AlanBellyeah, main performance problem is brute force evaluation of regexps to get the list of names to send notification emails13:08
mhall119AlanBell: cjohnston: whatsamatta?13:09
cjohnstonthe wiki13:10
* cjohnston thinks our resident isd guy should fix the wiki.. what do you think AlanBell ? ;-)13:10
mhall119we don't do the wiki13:10
AlanBellbradm is doing it13:11
macocjohnston: yeah, ending up at "____HowToBreezy" after a google is a bit not-helpful13:27
cjohnstonjcastro's favorite thing.. Delete!13:27
AlanBelldeleting obsolete stuff is good, but I don't think it has a performance impact13:35
popeydepends how much you delete13:49
huatskim0, I have started to play a bit with the documents we have received13:52
kim0huats: and what do you think13:52
huatsI think we might have to ask them to change a bit some stuffs :)13:53
huatsor we won't be able to automate things at all13:53
huats(but I am not yet at the end of my exploration)13:53
kim0huats: koolhead11 is one of the guys that had written that book13:53
koolhead11hi all13:53
huatskoolhead11, hey13:53
koolhead11huats, hello13:53
huatskoolhead11, that will ease the process !13:53
koolhead11huats, ok sir13:54
huatskoolhead11, I will continue to play a bit with the sources I have received and I'll let you know if I founf any blocker13:55
koolhead11huats, ok13:55
huatsright now I am focussing on try to automate the various transformation13:55
koolhead11huats, kool13:55
kim0huats: I'm still unsure if we'll be able to integrate the output with the wiki somehow13:55
huatskim0, I'll let you now13:56
kim0if not .. just a pdf I guess13:56
huatsright now I have converted the sources to a rought rst13:58
huats(I will continue refine the output but it is a basis)13:58
huatsand then to sphinx13:58
huats(which is done now but needs also more love)13:59
koolhead11sphinx ^^13:59
* koolhead11 wonders how many ubuntu channel we have on freenode :D14:02
koolhead11waoo nigelb !! hello sir14:02
head_victimAnyone know if there are any global events planned in the near/nearish future?14:23
czajkowskirelease party end of october14:23
czajkowskijumps out at me14:23
czajkowskibe nice to have a UGJ this cycle14:23
head_victimczajkowski: yeah that's all I could think of, just had the question asked in the loco so thought I'd see if there was something I hadn't heard of yet though.14:24
czajkowskino worries14:25
nigelbkoholhead11: ello14:25
head_victimJust found jono's post from 3 days ago, looks like a good start14:26
koolhead11nigelb, how many channels we have man?14:27
nigelbkoolhead11: jussi would know14:27
* koolhead11 looks at jussi 14:28
* head_victim is just doing a channel list to see if he can work out how many ubuntu channels are on this network14:29
head_victimWell if you show all channels with more than 1 user it's 675 according to the list I just did14:30
head_victimThe search was all channels with "ubuntu" in the channel name14:30
tsimpsonhead_victim: channels registered in our namespace is somewhere in the region of 1,30014:54
huatskoolhead11, do you know if instead of exporting to html it is possible to export xhtml ?14:54
tsimpsonthat's not necessarily "active" channels, just ones registered14:54
koolhead11tsimpson,  waoo (o.0)14:55
tsimpsonyep, it's officially "lots and lots"14:55
koolhead11huats, i think kim0 would have given you text files?14:55
huatskoolhead11, I have received an html export... but it is not really great so I was wondering if a xhtml would be possile14:56
koolhead11i doubt that :(14:56
kim0it's wordpress .. whatever that can output14:57
head_victimtsimpson: that's a bit scary actually14:57
tsimpsonwe're working on removing the dead/unused ones14:58
head_victimSounds like quite a task14:59
koolhead11head_victim, yeah true14:59
huatskoolhead11, I am asking because right now the output is not xhtml valid ...and it would be really helpful14:59
koolhead11huats, <kim0> it's wordpress .. whatever that can output15:00
kim0huats: seems like it can export xml15:01
huatskoolhead11, I have never used wordpress .. that is why I am asking15:01
huatskim0, might worth the try15:01
koolhead11huats, kim0 catch you guys from home.15:06
huatsok koolhead11 thanks15:07
czajkowskiwhoo my xorg bug fixed thanks to Sarvatt15:30
=== nixNcode is now known as n1xNc0d3
nigelbhttp://www.androidguys.com/2011/05/26/ubuntu-ported-galaxy-ii/ :O16:14
popeymeh, vnc16:18
doctormomeh, no web browser16:22
doctormopopey: Do you have Ubuntu running on your iPad yet? ;-)16:22
popeyNot yet. If there was a port I'd certainly try16:24
popey(subject to numerous conditions)16:24
jonostarted work today at 9am for the first time in ages instead of 7/8am17:27
jonofelt good to get the sleep :-)17:27
* paultag waves to jono 17:28
jonohey paultag :-)17:28
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
jonoTechnoviking, meeting in 20?17:40
TechnovikingTechnoviking: yup17:41
=== braiam is now known as braiam-l
jonoTechnoviking, awesome17:42
jonoTechnoviking, I will be doing an interview at that time so will dip in and out17:43
Technovikingsounds good17:43
jonoTechnoviking, I would recommend you try to get the team to focus on a clear set of goals for the 11.10 release, such as documentation and getting the new Ubuntu Tweak in the Software Center17:43
jonoand maybe running a Power Users online training event, akin to Open Week17:44
jonowhatever you folks feel is best17:44
Technovikingjono: I agree, also other hanging fruit such as helping get quicklist in the basic install17:46
TechnovikingI sent an email asking for people to start thinking about thing we could do during open week17:46
jonoTechnoviking, totally17:47
=== braiam-l is now known as braiam
macoAlanBell: by the way, for the question about rating the install process, people who didnt install it can click "not applicable" and then just skip the one about how it was installed.17:59
nigelbthe world is a strange strange place.19:01
nigelbI just got this tweet from someone I've never met - https://twitter.com/#!/ichattopadhyaya/status/7380989454909440019:01
nigelbRest assured that is my pen and I remember writing that :)19:01
mhall119jono: ping19:02
jonomhall119, hey19:02
jonoabout to hop on a call19:02
koolhead17nigelb: someone in love with you :)19:02
mhall119hey, I won't be able to make the 4pm call today19:03
* koolhead17 waves to jono :)19:03
mhall119nigelb and cjohnston can just assign me work items as they see fit19:03
jonohey koolhead1719:03
jonothanks for letting me know mhall11919:03
nigelbmhall119: We'll be fair, don't worry.19:03
koolhead17jono: your not there today!! :D19:03
jonokoolhead17, ?19:04
mhall119my preference would be to work on the rss aggregation, since I'm already familiar with that19:04
koolhead17i meant that channel :)19:04
mhall119nigelb: ^^19:04
koolhead17oops. notthing :P19:04
nigelbmhall119: cool, okay.  We'll pass that bit onto you.19:04
nigelbmhall119: I've been trying to get started on the image crediting thing. Its not easy.  Still continuing.19:05
mhall119if daker_ or Ronnie could make a mockup of what the aggregated feed should look like on the front page, all the better19:05
mhall119since they're better designers than me19:05
nigelbmhall119: ugh, this makes me feel we should have meetings often19:15
nigelbthat way work can get assigned and stuff19:15
nigelband we can actually have proper discussions19:15
czajkowskiwe will be soon19:16
mhall119nigelb: we can do regular meeting in -meeting19:16
nigelbczajkowski: :)19:16
nigelbmhall119: yup, I'll talk to Ronnie and daker and discuss about a time. Fridays would be the best day for you right?19:17
mhall119or wed.19:19
koolhead17kim0: your cloud-init video looks good. can`t we link it in ubuntu-community documentation for cloud-init?19:27
kim0koolhead17: I think it's already linked, no? if not feel free to link to it :)19:52
koolhead17adding it in bottom, related video with link19:53
nigelbpleia2: \o/ ipv6!20:22
doctormonigelb: Every cell needs an ip address! ;-)20:22
nigelbdoctormo: not mine :)20:23
doctormonigelb: We should play some more Wesnoth, when are you next free for a game?20:23
pleia2nigelb :)20:23
nigelbdoctormo: hrm, some time next week probably. I'd love to play again.20:23
doctormonigelb: We need to find some more players too, 3 more for a complete team.20:24
nigelbdoctormo: you're better at that sort of thing than me :)20:24
doctormopleia2: Want to play a drawf in a game of magic?20:25
nigelbAnyone knows if akgraner is better?20:25
pleia2doctormo: sorry, no time :(20:25
jonoczajkowski, cjohnston, nigelb dialing into the call now21:01
jonorrnwexec, are you joining us?21:01
cjohnstonI'm on21:01
nigelbjono: okay21:01
jonorrnwexec, I can't remember if I mentioned this call21:01
rrnwexecjono: i'm dialed in21:02
jononigelb, want me to skype you in?21:03
nigelbjono: yes, please :)21:03
jononigelb, cant hear you21:04
nigelbjono: at all?21:04
jononigelb, nope21:04
jonorrnwexec, are you dialed into the conf call number21:04
rrnwexeci am21:04
nigelbjono: bah, I can hear you21:04
jonoczajkowski, call?21:05
nigelbrrnwexec, cjohnston, jono: I'm taking notes here http://pad.ubuntu.com/SQKZerOLaz21:06
nigelbthat was a fairly productive call :)21:28
jonoawesome call :-)21:29
jono30mins and a solid plan21:29
rrnwexecthanks Jono. good start.21:29
jonorrnwexec, :-)21:30
=== salgado is now known as salgado-bbl
jonorrnwexec, nigelb, cjohnston nearly done with the design21:51
nigelbjono: nice :)21:51
cjohnstonplease take your time... like 2 months :-P21:53
cjohnstonjono: ^21:53
jonojust about done21:57
jonocjohnston, nigelb, mhall119, rrnwexec http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5184/5763041728_9d776baccd_o.jpg22:01
doctormojono: Would you like a UI review of that design?22:03
jonodoctormo, feel free to offer comments22:03
jonoI am writing up a blog entry where people can provide some input22:03
jonoand then cjohnston, nigelb and mhall119 can decide what they want to do22:04
doctormojono: You've got 3 horizontal navigations and 1 vertical, consider combining the horizontal especially for the front page.22:04
jonodoctormo, I recommend you leave the comments on the blog entry so it can be part of the discussion22:05
jonoI will blog it first and then we can go from there22:05
jonoshould be up fairly soon22:05
doctormojono: Yikes, sorry.22:05
jonodoctormo, no worries - I jut want to make sure that more people can see your feedback than just people in here22:06
macowow, that is *busy*22:06
jonoit is based upon http://cloud.ubuntu.com/22:07
doctormojono: This isn't normally how UIs are critically reviewed, mailing lists and such are much better because they're focused. You're going to get a lot of OMG types on your blog.22:07
jonodoctormo, Nigel started a discussion on the loco dir mailing list22:07
jonofeel free to comment there if you like22:07
pleia2which mailing list is this? the loco dir one hasn't had an email since march22:15
pleia2oh, there it is :)22:20
* Cheri703 is apparently on that list and had no idea22:22
Cheri703I may have subscribed during UDS, I apparently subscribed to a bunch of them and have been going "oh, really? ok, sure"22:22
Cheri703when they arrive22:22
nigelbpleia2: cough22:36
nigelbpleia2: I thought I subscribed22:36
nigelbproceeded to try to email from gmail and ubuntu.com to realize I didn't22:36
nigelbso I subscribed and sent again22:36
nigelbpoor cjohnston is going to kick me :P22:37
pleia2as usual22:37
nigelbpleia2: I forgot what komputes real name was22:37
nigelbDavid... something22:37
pleia2not sure22:38
nigelbpleia2: I just need to subscribe to the lists with both email addresses and mark one as web only. That seems to be the only practical solution.22:42
* nigelb goes to bed22:46
* popey gets an email from a test wiki22:57
* popey pokes AlanBell 22:58
AlanBellyeah, sorry22:58
AlanBellpeformance still sucks on the new wiki because they haven't turned on xapian22:59
* AlanBell is trying to pursuade them that it is the entire point of the upgrade!22:59
=== salgado-bbl is now known as salgado

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