
psusiI can somewhat reliably cause unity-window-decorator, which apparently is part of compiz, to crash when running the standhal mmo game.  Shouldn't it crashing cause... shoot... what was the little bug reporting app called?  to start?00:02
micahgpsusi: apport?00:04
psusithat's it00:06
psusiunity-window-decorator makes a few complaints about G_IS_OBJECT() failing, and invalid unclassed pointer in cast to GObject, then about 50% of the time it segfaults... shouldn't that trigger apport?00:07
micahgpsusi: is apport enabled?00:11
psusiI didn't do anything to disable it...00:12
micahgpsusi: well, it's off in the stable release, and idk if it's on in thedev release yet officially00:12
psusiohh, it's stop/waiting00:12
psusiohh... I thought it was always there00:12
psusihow do I start it?  sudo start apport says start:job failed to start00:14
micahgpsusi: sudo service apport start00:14
psusisame thing00:15
micahgpsusi: sudo service apport start force_start=100:15
psusithere we go00:15
micahgpsusi: you can enable in /etc/default/apport if you want it on all the time00:15
psusithere we go...00:18
psusinow let's see what the backtrace says...00:18
micahghi robert_ancell, how are you?00:29
robert_ancellmicahg, hello00:29
micahgrobert_ancell: I take it you won't be planning on touching webkit this cycle?00:30
robert_ancellmicahg, just normal updates if required...00:30
robert_ancellmicahg, do you know if they have any plans for this cycle?00:31
micahgrobert_ancell: no, haven't seen anything yet00:31
micahg1.4.0 is out00:31
robert_ancellis it worth sruing?00:31
micahgrobert_ancell: idk, I haven't checked the diff yet, if it has security fixes, yes, otherwise, we'll wait for the next point release00:32
micahgI was going to take a look next week00:33
micahgrobert_ancell: actually, if there's an ABI break (which hopefully there isn't), we would go through -proposed first most probably00:35
robert_ancellAll SRUs go though proposed don't they?  Or can security fixes bypass that00:35
micahgrobert_ancell: security fixes normally bypass -proposed (except for chromium), but I might start using it more00:36
micahgbut we always build in the security PPA with only -security and the release pocket00:36
micahgrobert_ancell: BTW, tried lightdm for the first time today, worked well, only thing I didn't like was the user list, but I guess there will be a preference for that (and gdm has that by default as well)00:42
robert_ancellmicahg, yeah, the greeter is just an example at the moment, there will be a proper unity designed one, hopefully some work started for A200:42
micahgrobert_ancell: I'm using it for xubuntu ATM actually :), we'll probably have our own greeter as well00:43
robert_ancelloh nice, please let me know how you guys go with the API00:44
micahgrobert_ancell: k, will do00:44
cyphermoxhey robert_ancell00:45
robert_ancellcyphermox, hello00:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i've got firefox moving system-installed extensions in to the users profile now :)00:59
chrisccoulsonbut i had to add support in ubufox for it00:59
micahgchrisccoulson: k, we have to update that anyways, so I'm fine with it01:00
micahgchrisccoulson: awesome though, thanks01:00
=== asac_ is now known as asac
patrickmwLibreOffice build = BEAST!05:45
pittiGood morning06:23
TheMusoHey pitti.06:25
RAOFHey pitti!  If I wanted to drop libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (as it contains only the nouveau 3D driver, which we're planning to ship by default), what does jockey need to be told about?06:52
pittiRAOF: you mean "install by default"?06:53
pittiwe need to drop jockey's handler for it06:53
RAOFpitti: I mean “drop the -experimental package, and ship nouveau with the regular -dri package”.06:54
TheMusoRAOF: Is it really no longer experimental? Or are we just taking a big gamble?06:54
TheMusoBTW, both you pitti and you RAOF expired from ubuntu-sponsors...06:54
RAOFTheMuso: Bug reports are no longer considered worthless :)06:54
TheMusoRAOF: ah.06:54
pittiTheMuso: yeah, I just asked in #u-devel, very weird06:54
pittithere was no advance warning06:54
TheMusoYeah I know.06:55
RAOFI'm fairly sure I recently *renewed* my ubuntu-sponsors membership?06:55
TheMusoThats what I thought.06:55
didrocksgood morning07:04
pittiRAOF: so, want me to drop the handler then?07:07
pittihey didrocks07:07
didrockspitti: guten morgen! Thanks for the approval :)07:07
didrocksI'll upload pkgbinarymangler now in oneiric, I'll need it for unity-2d07:08
* pitti dies a little inside when looking at http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-desktop-team.html07:08
pittididrocks: oh, sorry; I ran the test suite last night and forgot to dput, hang on07:09
RAOFpitti: Yes, please.07:09
pittididrocks: (it's already tagged in bzr007:09
pittididrocks: uploaded, sorry07:09
pittinice, version 9907:09
pittiwhat will version 100 bring?07:09
RAOFIs that *480* work items for oneiric?07:10
didrockspitti: heh, who knows!07:10
didrockspitti: thanks a lot :-)07:10
pitti * Strip out the biggest 1/3 of files to save CD space07:10
pittiTake that, vmlinuz!07:11
didrocksafter the oom killer, the oos deleter! :-)07:11
pittiRAOF: yes :-(07:11
pittifor the record, in natty we had 30007:11
pittiso, everyone cut a spec07:11
RAOFpitti: We've trippled the size of the Desktop team, right? :)07:11
pittithe sad thing is that the really fat ones are pretty much must-have (firefox maintenance, gnome 3 migration, cd space)07:12
didrockscan I cute the "Qt by default?" then, the size memory, langpack and everything is fixed. Magic \o/07:13
pittiwe can cut thunderbird, quickly, lightdm, etc. but it starts getting painful there07:13
didrocksthe first one who proposed oneconf to be cut… It's too guilty of out of time for the last couple of cycles and I think it's the right time to get it by default (without desktopcouch) :-)07:14
pittiwow - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110525/07:17
pittiand it's not oversized, how come?07:17
RAOFI haven't pulled llvm on there yet :)07:18
pittiyeah, but with all the new gtk3/gnome3 packages and autosyncs I had expected some fallout there07:18
pittipresumably we lost a couple of old gnome 2 libs07:19
pittiwhere "lost" == "got rid of"07:19
Debashishhello people! can i ask questions about gnome shell here?07:19
didrocksthe CD failed tonight?07:20
pittijust ask, and someone might answer07:20
pittididrocks: it's not cron'ed yet; cjwatson built it manually07:20
didrockspitti: oh ok :)07:20
Debashishok so i installed ubuntu mini iso for natty and installed gnome shell from the official gnome 3 ppa (i didnt break unity) and i got a successful gnome shell build but07:24
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
Debashishthe network manager looks and behaves awful07:24
Debashishit does not integrate well with the gnome shell07:25
Debashishis there a solution to integrate it well in the gnome shell panel07:26
didrocksDebashish: people working on this ppa aren't around right now. You can maybe ping them a little bit later today?07:26
didrocksricotz: ^07:26
Debashishok thanks i will check it out later07:27
didrocksyw :)07:27
ricotzDebashish, you are missing network-manager 0.9 which isnt available in the ppa yet07:27
Debashishso where can i get the source?07:27
ricotzDebashish, it is in my testing ppa, but add this isnt officially suggested07:28
Debashishi am willing to check it for my personal use, so can i get it?07:28
ricotzDebashish, ppa:ricotz/testing, if you got problems there should be several postings which can help you07:29
Debashishok thanks07:29
Debashishbtw the sound applet in the panel also crashes sometimes while changing the backends so what can be done?07:31
ricotzDebashish, without an error message it is hard to tell, but i havent seens such thing, so it might be a pulseaudio problem07:33
Debashishit does not give any error message and the window just vanishes, so is it crashing or something else07:34
Debashishcan i not switch to alsa on gnome shell?07:35
ricotzDebashish, you mean the gnome-control-center crashes?07:36
Debashishno but sort of because the sound preferences item is under gnome-control-center and sound preferences from the sound menu in the panel opens that and that is the thing that crashes/vanishes but other items under gnome control center work flawlessly07:39
ricotzDebashish, so when you choose/click on the "sound-icon" it immediately crashes?07:41
Debashishno but when i change backends07:41
Debashish...after the window is already opened07:42
ricotzDebashish, ok, sounds like a pulseaudio/libcanberra problem07:42
ricotzDebashish, what is the output if you run gnome-control-center from a terminal?07:43
GunnarHjpitti: Good morning! I have yet another SRU proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/natty/language-selector/natty-proposed-imfix/+merge/6241607:43
GunnarHjpitti: Noticed that you have set status "Won't Fix" on bug 663776, but considering the discussion on the bug report I ask you to reconsider.07:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 663776 in unity "[dash] Search field in Unity can not support iBus" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66377607:43
Debashishhmm not yet checked and now i am running from windows so i will let you know sometime later07:44
pittihey GunnarHj07:44
pittiGunnarHj: oh, that was mostly bug cleanup, I thought for natty the im-switch SRU would suffice; but apparently that causes too much unexpected behaviour, so I guess we shouldn't release that; WDYT?07:45
pittiGunnarHj: the language-selector fix about auto-updating the input method combobox and settnig the value from the language indeed seems appropriate to me07:45
ricotzDebashish, ok, try to report a bug, against the ppa and check if you have libcanberra-gtk3-modules installed07:45
pittiGunnarHj: I've seen your MP, I'll upload it asap07:45
Debashishok sure will. thanks ricotz for the replies and that's all.07:47
pittiGunnarHj: i. e. for the l-s fix, people will get the right thing when they use it; for im-switch, it changes unexpectedly, i. e. people who use English in China would suddenly lose their ibus configuration, won't they?07:47
ricotzDebashish, np, thanks07:48
Debashishbtw ricotz  can i not switch to alsa and remove pulseaudio or would that break the system?07:49
pittiDebashish: pulse uses alsa07:50
pittiDebashish: why do you want to "switch off" pulseaudio? it's by and large the standard desktop audio API these days07:51
Debashishoh ok my bad :)07:51
pittidoes it cause disturbance etc.?07:51
Debashishbecause it is a bit buggy?07:51
pittiDebashish: you can try to switch to direct alsa in gstreamer-properties and see if it makes any difference07:52
pittiDebashish: right, I'm interesting what particular bugs you have07:52
GunnarHjpitti: I too thought that the im-switch SRU would be enough. OTOH, not releasing it wouldn't be good either, since there are other effects from the Natty i18n changes. I believe that if both im-switch and l-s are SRUed, there will be no significant adverse effects left. As regards people loosing their ibus config if they use English, please see comment #60 on the bug report.07:52
Debashishyeah i would like to do that07:52
pittiGunnarHj: I was concerned about comment 59; Tualatrix certainly knows how to get it back, but it's still a major behaviour change in an SRU07:53
pittiGunnarHj: I agree that it is a correct fix, and we should have it in oneiric, but for SRUs I'm very hesitant07:54
Debashishpitti, just a couple:1 network manager integration in the panel, 1.1 sometimes its icon doesnt show after login and if it shows it doesn't show the monochrome one, 2 sound preference window crash/vanishing without a message while changing backends07:57
Debashishbut now i gotta go because the laptop's battery is low and i have no power source.07:57
pittiDebashish: neither of these seem pulse related07:58
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:07
didrockshey chrisccoulson08:08
didrockshow are you?08:08
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, i'm good thanks, although a bit tired. how are you?08:08
chrisccoulsonRAOF, you there?08:08
chrisccoulsonhi czajkowski08:08
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm very good, thanks! :-)08:09
czajkowskihas anyone every heard of a random reboot for no reason on natty. My machine keeps going to reboot while I'm on irc or doing things08:09
czajkowskiit goes into the boot up screen where it say battery ok etc then goes to login prompt and then back to normal08:10
chrisccoulsonsounds like X is crashing ;)08:10
czajkowskiyeah I don't know how to reproduce or report the bug08:11
czajkowskias it doesnt happen every day but is happen more and more ove the last 2 weeks08:11
GunnarHjpitti: I understand. The behavior change is basically: Previously you enabled ibus from l-s for the LANG locale (2:nd tab). (People probably have thought that they enabled it irrespective of other settings.) Now you control ibus from l-s for the current language.08:17
GunnarHjpitti: If you e.g. have zh_TW as the first language, "ibus" is default, which is shown on the IM control. If you change it in l-s to e.g. English, you instantly see that the text on the ibus control changes to "none" (the default for English), which should imply that if you want to use English with IM enabled, you need to change it to "ibus".08:17
GunnarHjpitti: One of my thoughts about justifying this as an SRU is that considering the Unity+ibus problem (not yet solved), this is a tiny detail...08:17
GunnarHjpitti: Think that's all I can say on this topic. :)08:17
ricotzchrisccoulson, hello, could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gjs/+bug/78850008:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 788500 in gjs "Use libmoz185 instead of xulrunner-2.0" [Undecided,New]08:22
chrisccoulsonricotz, sure08:24
ricotzchrisccoulson, thanks08:24
chrisccoulsonricotz, you tested it and it builds ok?08:26
chrisccoulsonit looks fine, so i'll just sponsor it08:26
ricotzchrisccoulson, yes i am running it08:27
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks08:27
ricotzchrisccoulson, ty08:27
czajkowskichrisccoulson: any idea on how I report that kinda bug?08:29
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, there might be a trace in one of the Xorg log files after it crashes (/var/log/Xorg.*.log)08:29
czajkowskichrisccoulson: so ubuntu-bug application?08:30
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, i'm not sure if that will pick up the correct log file08:31
chrisccoulsoni think the old file is rotated when X starts again08:31
chrisccoulson(so it might be /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old or something)08:31
czajkowskino what do I file it against ? just so I know08:31
chrisccoulsonprobably xorg-server for now08:32
czajkowskithank you08:32
chrisccoulsonricotz, ok, uploaded08:34
chrisccoulsonpitti, i figured out how to kill most of the extensions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/FirefoxUpgradeChecklist/5.0 for lucid and maverick so we don't have to update them every 6 weeks, and without the user even noticing :)08:36
chrisccoulson(ie, they will still get up-to-date and fully functional extensions with upgrades)08:36
czajkowskichrisccoulson: thanks for your help08:39
didrockssalut seb12808:47
seb128lut didrocks08:47
seb128hey rodrigo_, how are you?08:52
rodrigo_hi seb12808:53
seb128pitti, evolution-common is 10meg installed, 2.8meg of deb08:53
seb128so the evo = 0.5 isn't right08:53
seb128(just reading the blueprints emails)08:53
didrockschrisccoulson: so, if you answer to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=608402#c3, vuntz agreed to review the patch again (FYI, I've updated it in the latest gnome-session upload, you should maybe start from that?)08:56
ubot2Gnome bug 608402 in general "Add support for delaying autostart applications" [Enhancement,New]08:56
pittibonjour seb12808:59
pittiseb128: ah, thanks08:59
seb128hey pitti08:59
seb128pitti, you should count evolution-exchange as well and maybe some of e-d-s ui libs09:00
didrocksseb128: do we really have to ship evolution-exchange by default btw?09:00
seb128it will not compensate the tb but will not be 0.5 either09:00
pittiseb128: right, updating the spec, thanks for pointing out09:00
seb128didrocks, "have to"09:00
seb128didrocks, well it's like everything, some users need it especially in corporate environments and it's small enough09:01
didrockslike, can we ran e-d-s without it? Seems more a corporate environment requirement?09:01
seb128it's of no use if we don't use evo09:01
pittichrisccoulson: oh, awesome! you can switch them over to the firefox plugin updater somehow?09:01
seb128that's why I mentioned it as something to count on the "to drop list"09:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's the plan - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/ubufox/trunk/revision/233 :)09:02
chrisccoulsonalthough, i need to test all cases to make sure it works still09:02
seb128pitti, btw don't we have some langpacks still to drop to make up for it? i.e getting tb seems it would be about one langpack09:02
didrocksseb128: but even if we stay with evo, seems like 479k to win, isn't it?09:02
seb128hey chrisccoulson, you are early today09:02
chrisccoulsonhi seb128. i'm not that early am i?09:02
pittiseb128: that's the part what I meant with "drop something else instead"09:03
seb128didrocks, well, the number of users who need to connect to exchange servers for their work seem to warrant that09:03
pittiseb128: 16 MB extra is 2 langpacks, yes; which essentially means that only chinese will be left, and Spanish on i386 (and powerpc will be screwed even more)09:04
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, maybe it's me who is late today ;-)09:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, yes, you're slacking today already ;)09:04
didrocksseb128: ok, I was more thinking as an easy target, but if you feel most our users need it (but IIRC, thunderbird doesn't have this support, so if it's "required", the discussion can stop ;))09:04
pittiseb128: I just don't consider langpacks as something which we can throw away without any pain; it makes testing the live system significantly harder for non-English speakers09:04
didrockschrisccoulson: did you see my message about the gnome-session patch?09:04
pittiand at least Spanish, Portugese, and Chinese cover a lot of the world..09:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, will look in a bit09:05
didrockschrisccoulson: excellent, thanks :)09:05
seb128pitti, though we are down to 3 locales anyway so that or none is close to be the same09:05
pittiseb128: well, if you count a difference of 1.5 Billion people to be negligible :)09:06
pittichrisccoulson: nice trick!09:07
pittichrisccoulson: that would go along with updating these packages to be empty transitionals then?09:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - nearly. we'd still need to ship the xpi in the package, which would then just be picked up by the addon installer09:08
seb128pitti, btw libevo is 2.5m deb09:09
seb128pitti, so adding the deb you should get at least 6m rather than 0.509:09
pittithat's not needed by e-d-s?09:09
pittiah, indeed09:10
seb128no, that's build from evo, that's the ui part09:10
pittiok, changing again09:10
seb128that's basically what they splitted to be able to write things like (anjal), i.e mobile uis based on evo09:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - we also need to make sure that the xpi's have an updateURL field in their install.rdf too09:10
chrisccoulson(else firefox can't update them)09:10
pittiseb128: so, down to 14 MB delta; better than 20 indeed09:10
chrisccoulsonbut doing this once is definitely going to be easier than doing it every 6 weeks :)09:11
pittiof which 8 MB is growth between the curretn version (12 MB) and the daily builds (20 MB)09:11
pittichrisccoulson: do you think that this 8 MB growth can be reduced again a bit?09:11
seb128we should move all the comments on the whiteboard to a wiki or something09:11
seb128it's hard to spot the actual diffs in the email ;-)09:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm not sure what's caused it to grow yet (firefox grew by a similar size too)09:12
pittiso if we could find a solution for sharing libxul, and reduce the size growth, we'd be almost in the ballpark09:12
pittiseb128: we didn't count the size of lightning yet, though09:14
chrisccoulsoni'm really concerned about lightning :/09:14
pittiI take it we'd need to add that as well, unless we want to drop calendar support09:14
chrisccoulson(just like all of the binary extensions)09:14
pittiwell, or anything which provides calendar support on the desktop09:15
seb128they don't have a solid calendar story09:15
pittias long as it tells you about your appointments and has a reasonable UI09:15
seb128that's a weak point for the switch imho09:15
seb128they made it clear that they are not maintaining the calendar09:15
seb128so it means there is no garanty the calendar keeps working on updates etc09:15
seb128it's really third party code09:16
chrisccoulsonb'ah, my ubufox trick doesn't handle incompatible extensions too well. seems i need to manually trigger an extension update too :/09:21
* chrisccoulson looks at more documentation09:21
seb128pitti, btw if you want to start making some space on the CD we can clean the gnome-system-tools stack now09:53
seb128the new gnome-control-center does manager user accounts09:53
seb128which was the remaining bit we needed in gst09:53
huatsmorning everyone09:53
seb128once the at-spi2 mirs are reviewed we might be able to drop bonobo etc as well09:54
seb128lut huats09:54
huatshello seb12809:54
pittiseb128: ah, indeed; seems still a bit buggy, but should by and large do what we need09:54
seb128pitti, right, and if it lacks something we should fix it rather than to stay back09:57
pittiseb128: fully agree; I'm looking forward to getting rid of all this Perl :)09:57
pittiseb128: the only thing that immediately sprang into my eye is the wrong handling of "administrator" accounts09:58
pittiit apparently doesn't check for the "admin" group, but for something else09:58
pittibut that seems trivial to fix09:58
geserdoes somebody know where "libgtk3.0-bin" might come from? I've seen two users already in #ubuntu+1 having problems with it (bug 786170)09:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 786170 in gtk+3.0 "libgtk-3-bin failed to install/upgrade: diversion of /usr/sbin/update-icon-caches to /usr/sbin/update-icon-caches.gtk2 by libgtk-3-bin clashes with same diversion by libgtk3.0-bin" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78617009:58
seb128geser, gtk3?09:58
pittilibgtk3.0-bin is an old package name09:59
geserseb128: the current package is named libgtk-3-bin09:59
pittipresumably from a PPA or so?09:59
seb128that's a leftover I guess09:59
pittiPackage: libgtk-3-bin09:59
pittiConflicts: libgtk3.0-bin09:59
seb128geser, pitti: the most recent commit in the debian svn is10:03
seb128"Remove leftover diversions from the libgtk3.0-bin package10:03
seb128that got replaced by libgtk-3-bin (Closes: #617662 ).10:03
pittiah, nice10:03
seb128so we should backport that to oneiric10:03
seb128pitti, the admin issue is likely similar to http://bugs.debian.org/61876410:07
pittic'mon bugs.d.o10:08
seb128pitti, there is a patch in accountsservice which does10:08
seb128+        if (cd->account_type == ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMINISTRATOR) {10:08
seb128+                add_user_to_group (context, cd->user_name, "sudo");10:08
seb128+        grp = getgrnam ("sudo");10:09
seb128pitti, we might need to tweak that in ubuntu10:09
pittiright, also for the check if a user is an admin10:09
pittiso, should be easy10:09
seb128-                if (groups[i] == wheel) {10:09
seb128+                if (groups[i] == admin) {10:09
seb128                         g_free (groups);10:09
seb128                         return ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMINISTRATOR;10:09
seb128seems it does check for admin10:10
pittiis admin == getgrpname('admin')?10:10
RAOFchrisccoulson: I'm here now.10:11
seb128pitti, ok, they have10:11
chrisccoulsonRAOF, do you have an account on bugzilla.mozilla.org?10:11
seb128        grp = getgrnam ("sudo");10:11
seb128        if (grp == NULL) {10:11
seb128                g_debug ("sudo group not found");10:11
seb128                r10:11
seb128                return ACCOUNT_TYPE_STANDARD;10:11
RAOFchrisccoulson: I don't think so, no.10:12
mvowoah, removing the entire python protocol support (iteration, subscription) for the treemodel path stuff in GI/gtk3 is just … not nice10:12
pittimvo: there are some overrides for that, they don't work?10:12
chrisccoulsonRAOF, i got subscribed to a private security bug that might be of interest to you (it's really an X bug)10:13
pittimvo: we can add some more overrides if needed10:13
seb128pitti, so I guess changing that check sudo -> admin should do it, I will try that10:13
mvopitti: oh, get stuff that used to work (like len(path), path[0] etc) is no longer working for me10:13
mvopitti: do I need to do anything to make this work again, i.e. set some compat option or somesuch?10:13
RAOFchrisccoulson: I'll get me (yet) a(nother) bugzilla account.10:13
mvohonestly, forcing that C api for this on people is IMO a huge step in the wrong direction10:13
chrisccoulsonRAOF, mozilla bug 658219 (i don't think you can view it unless i subscribe you though)10:14
ubot2chrisccoulson: Error: Error getting Mozilla bug #658219: NotPermitted10:14
pittimvo: there are no "compat" modes or so; it's by and large doing what GTK does, plus /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/Gtk.py10:14
chrisccoulsonRAOF, there's not much information on there atm, but you might be a better person to extract the right information and figure out what's going on10:14
pittimvo: the overrides do define a __getitem__10:14
pittiwhich support both a Gtk.TreeIter and an int as value10:15
mvopitti: thanks, that is a good pointer, I check it out10:16
mvo(the py file)10:16
rodrigo_where's the page that summarizes all WIs from the blueprints?10:16
pittimvo: if you have something which should be added there, please let bz.g.o. know, I can mediate with upstream (or even commit myself)10:16
seb128rodrigo_, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-desktop-team.html10:16
pittimvo: for apport and jockey these were quite sufficient, though10:16
seb128rodrigo_, if you only want our team, similar pages exist for other teams10:17
mvopitti: ok, thanks!10:17
rodrigo_seb128, yes, just want our team for now, thanks!10:17
mvopitti: glad to hear, for a moment I was really scared :)10:17
mvo(I thought it was like with the default arguments for pack_start() - stay close to the C etc)10:18
RAOFYes!  gnome-session no longer has a 1ms window where you could perform some input and have the session perpetually marked as idle!10:19
RAOFchrisccoulson: raof<at>ubuntu.com is ready for your subscription.10:19
chrisccoulsonRAOF, thanks. you should be able to see it now10:20
RAOFAaah, firefox and XRender.10:21
chrisccoulsonheh :)10:21
RAOFFirefox is fond of rendering to insanely sized pixmaps (like 16k x 4k)10:22
chrisccoulsonah, ok :)10:22
RAOFIs that magyar? :)10:22
vuntzRAOF: thanks for the patch, and sorry for not reading about it earlier :-)10:23
RAOFvuntz: No problem.  If it had been an easier10:24
RAOF-to-trigger bug I'd have pushed harder :)10:24
RAOFOh, balls.  Lucid.10:25
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, that's a pain. i was going to try booting from a live image later to see if i could reproduce it10:26
RAOFI can't, but oneiric has a *slightly* different X stack :)10:27
chrisccoulsonyeah, i couldn't reproduce it on oneiric either10:27
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
pittivuntz: autostart-delay> \o/10:38
pittivuntz: want me to close the bug then?10:38
pitti(sorry if that came through twice, got a disconnect)10:38
seb128vuntz,  reviewing patches \o/10:42
vuntzpitti: autostart-delay is not in yet, but will re-read the patch and do the requested changes if chrisccoulson is not faster, I guess10:46
pittiah, it was only the libegg one, sorry for misreading10:46
vuntzpitti: don't be sorry for being enthusiastic!10:47
chrisccoulsonvuntz, i'll have a look in a bit. i haven't made a gnome contribution in ages, so i probably should do ;)10:47
mvopitti: any hints why I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/613131/ ? AttributeError: 'gi.repository.Gtk' object has no attribute 'drag_dest_set' - I do require version 3.0 of Gtk in the file and I can see it in the gir xml (gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0"))10:57
* pitti looks, I think I know why10:58
ftamvo, hi. http://paste.ubuntu.com/613132/  known?10:58
pittimvo: yep, it's a method of Gtk.Widget, not a function in Gtk10:58
pittimvo: i. e. use mywidget.drag_dest_set(flags, targets, actions)10:59
chrisccoulsonpitti, w00t, this does the job quite nicely now - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/ubufox/trunk/revision/234 :)11:01
chrisccoulsonit triggers an update of the extension after installing it now11:01
mvofta: yes, thanks for letting me know. oneiric only, right?11:01
mvopitti: thanks!11:01
pittichrisccoulson: ah, you can trigger the update check manually with that? \o/11:02
pittimvo: how did the tree iter problem work out?11:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. so, the intention is that users who install the old and incompatible extensions in the archive will get an update to a compatible version without me having to lift a finger :)11:02
mvopitti: I use path.get_indicies() instead of subscribing directly, that works fine11:04
ftamvo, right11:06
mvohm, no longer crashing but ot accepting drops either11:06
* mvo looks further11:06
* pitti looks at current langpack-o-matic change11:10
pitti 575 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 4277 deletions(-)11:10
pittic'est la cleanup!11:10
rodrigo_pitti, :)11:12
seb128pitti, now the question is how you landed to write that number of lines for nothing ;-)11:15
pittiseb128: well, most of it was due to moving the language-support-* dependencies to language-selector11:16
pittiripping out the code and test cases for language-support-* did the rest11:16
chrisccoulsonwe don't carry a cairo patch to enable freetype subpixel smoothing any more do we?11:16
pittibut it makes the thing quite a bit simpler indeed11:16
seb128chrisccoulson, no we don't11:17
seb128that went upstream in 1.1011:17
seb128pitti, nice ;-)11:18
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, that's good. i can drop that from firefox and thunderbird now then. they just upgraded to cairo 1.10, and broke all my builds :)11:18
seb128pitti, btw I fixed the admin thing, will upload in a bit11:18
* pitti hugs seb128, you rock!11:18
* seb128 hugs pitti back11:18
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
didrocksLaney: congrats btw! :)11:24
pittioh, nice11:25
pittiwe'll save several MBs by dropping the en-GB language support from the CDs11:25
pittiand just keep en-US11:25
pittiand libreoffice-l10n-en-za, sorry Mark!11:26
pittichrisccoulson: do we need firefox-locale-en by default, or is that only the en-GB difference?11:27
pittii. e. do we need it for en-US?11:27
pittichrisccoulson: I keep it seeded for now, it's small enough; but I'm curious11:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - we don't need it for en-US. it contains only the en-GB and en-ZA translations11:27
didrockspitti: thanks for making room, seeding unity-2d in a few minutes :)11:28
chrisccoulsonfirefox has everything it needs for en-US11:28
pittididrocks: oh, please do11:28
pittididrocks: I'd like to see what we are up against11:28
didrockspitti: just making some final tests on the snapshot11:28
didrockspitti: do you want to build a CD before after your langpack drop to get an idea of size of unity-2d + needed Qt component?11:28
pittididrocks: that means after that we could drop the -fallback session again?11:28
pittididrocks: we have a CD build from yesterday11:29
pittididrocks: at this point I don't need individual deltas; let's just add everything we need and then see how bad it is11:29
didrockspitti: well, not really for alpha1, because we need a new gnome-panel which recommends the -fallback session (and mine is build-dep), so we need gnome-panel 3 which won't be there for alpha111:29
didrocksfor people trying to upgrade11:29
pittididrocks: but I think dropping the LibO en-gb/en-za support will buy us quite a lot (6 MB or so)11:29
didrocksnice :-)11:30
pittiah, fine11:30
pittididrocks: after seeding, will you rebuild -meta?11:31
didrockspitti: sure11:31
pittiSweetshark: FYI, language-support-* is gone, so you can drop our delta in the depends: fields in the hyphen-* and other stuff11:34
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Sweetsharkpitti: k11:42
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Sweetsharkpitti: usually the launchpad branches for packages are generated automatically, right? And we dont have that for LO because of its hugeness.11:53
pittiSweetshark: presumably; it might be also turned off deliberately because it takes like a month to generate11:55
ricotzseb128, hello, if you want you can take the mutter and gnome-shell packages from the ppa they build fine oneiric12:19
seb128sorry but I've no interest into those so I will let somebody who has deal with them12:20
seb128or you should use the normal sponsoring process12:20
ricotzseb128, alright :(12:20
seb128gnome-shell could be synced on debian? did the gjs libmozjs issue got sorted?12:20
ricotzseb128, yes, my patched gjs got uploaded12:21
ricotzseb128, a sync wont work yet, since nm0.9 is missing12:21
ricotzand the default applications arent matching ubuntu12:21
seb128ok, well do a merge request and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors I guess12:22
seb128you should run for motu or work a bit on official updates and ask a package set uploads for g-s and its depends12:23
ricotzof course mutter can synced if it get updated12:23
seb128since you seem interested by maintaining it12:23
ricotzi am interested in using it ;), so doing the updates are needed for this12:24
seb128well that's a first step to work on it ;-) I'm not interest to use it so I'm not interested to get out of my way to test the updates are working12:24
ricotzyeah, that makes sense ;)12:25
ricotzseb128, btw what is going to happen with glib2.0 and gtk+3.0 updates?12:28
seb128you mean? what version we will be tracking?12:28
seb128we will update to the unstable serie when someone feels like doing the update12:28
ricotzcurrently there are new stable updates12:28
seb128right, we are still busy getting merges done and GNOME3 in12:28
ricotzi am running 2.29.4 a while now12:29
seb128ricotz, well, I've said that before but it would be very welcome if you helping on official updates ;-)12:29
seb128we are limited on manpower12:29
ricotzno problems yet, but it need quite a packaging update, it introduced some python script like gdbus-codegen12:29
seb128slomo, do you plan to get the new glib in debian experimental?12:29
ricotzwhich is needed for nautilus 3.1.112:29
slomoseb128: if time permits, sure12:30
seb128ricotz, not sure what you are aiming for...12:30
seb128ricotz, it seems it would be less work for everyone and better for users if you helped getting the current updates in oneiric so we can official start on 3.112:30
seb128rather than doing stack of updates on a crack ppa on your side12:31
ricotznothing, just wanted to point some things out ;)12:31
ricotzseb128, yeah, i know, i am just a bit worried about the workflow which takes more time on my side12:33
seb128what is your goal?12:33
seb128it will take a bit extra time first12:33
seb128until you have done enough to get upload right12:33
seb128which will allow you to work directly in the distro to fix issues12:34
seb128which will be a time win12:34
ricotzyeah, that is most likely the goal12:34
seb128we will likely set up daily upstream builds this cycle as well12:34
ricotzi am just worried about the having no time in the future to actually do more things12:35
seb128but we need to get the packaging in shape in oneiric first12:35
seb128there are also some autoimported issue to be solved before that12:35
ricotzoh, daily upstream builds sounds nice12:35
seb128ricotz, well, another reasons to help in the distro rather than maintaining a ppa, if you lack time to work on it other can pick it up12:36
ricotzyeah, and patches which are desperately needed for some apps12:36
seb128if you manage to get what you need in the distro that remove the need for ppa builds12:36
ricotzseb128, actually trying to serve people who arent running oneiric yet, seems useful12:37
seb128right, the natty ppa is useful work for sure and it's a team ppa not a personal one ;-)12:37
seb128but things like building glib 2.29 or nautilus 3.1 should come through distro work and daily builds12:37
ricotzyeah, of course12:38
ricotzi didnt want to suggest to put these versions in the ppa12:38
seb128ricotz, well it's that you often have things in https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing that could go to the distro12:40
seb128which seems a bit of duplication12:40
ricotzseb128, which one?12:41
seb128sure it's easier for them to get those there but it means the work get duplicated and you often have to rebase your work on official versions12:41
ricotzthe 3.1.1 are in oneiric already12:41
seb128ricotz, gnome-system-monitor, the gtk cpp bindings12:41
ricotzseb128, yeah, the gtkmm3.0 is still pending in debian :\12:41
ricotzkklimonda^, hey ^ ;)12:42
seb128well you could have asked for sponsoring in ubuntu12:42
seb128we probably want those in and we will not block on debian12:42
ricotzseb128, actually i was hoping kklimonda^ will do so12:42
seb128ok, anyway let's not pick on detail, I just encourage you to contribute on official updates so you can collect to uploads and ask for upload rights ;-)12:43
seb128which would benefit you and the team work ;-)12:43
ricotzi see ;)12:43
mvothanks pitti I think the port is done now, was quicker then expected actually12:50
mvopitti: the one thing that does not yet work is the drag-n-drop, it does not crash but I can't drop from nautilus either. but might be something else entirely, maybe oneiric is just in a bad state or something12:51
kklimonda^ricotz: bah, sorry about that - I was supposed to do that at the beginning of the cycle, but due to some random stuff (mostly a renovation of my flat taking much longer than expected - a month on bags, and counting) I didn't have head to do that.12:58
ricotzkklimonda^, no problem, perhaps you have some time it13:01
kklimonda^ricotz: do you know if there are any outstanding issues wit the packaging? The last thing I remember was that I've uploaded it to debian, and that it should be ready for sponsoring. If you don't remember, I'll start checking it tonight.13:04
kklimonda^(uploaded to debian svn repo*)13:05
ricotzkklimonda^, uploaded?, it was already there13:05
kklimonda^yeah, so my mind is obviously playing tricks on me ;)13:06
ricotzyeah, i think it is in unstable13:06
ricotzi mean the unstable packaging branch13:06
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittimvo: interesting; so it seems that at least the call to GTK gets through properly13:33
didrockspitti: hey, I'm not sure we contact mh21 from the right email/way from launchpad to ask him signing the CA, do you have a way to point dx (will be nice that this patch go the current SRU which is… today ;))13:41
didrockssalut cyphermox13:42
mvopitti: yeah, that one is fine13:43
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
pittididrocks: he already signed it yesterday, dbarth added him to the contributors team13:45
pittididrocks: also, mdz pointed out that we don't really need a CA for trivial patches13:45
didrockspitti: yeah, but dx wants to be nitpicky13:46
seb128pitti, well, dxteam don't want to listen about that13:46
didrockspitti: that's what I argued13:46
pittianyway, he signed it13:46
didrocksand they want even a CA for a gsettings change13:46
didrockspitti: and we don't merge that one https://code.launchpad.net/~manuel-nicetto/unity/bug-750781/+merge/59389 because it was reviewed one month after13:46
didrocksand the CA isn't signed13:46
didrockspitti: so, I have to take the burden of distro patching it13:47
pittioh come on13:47
pittilike we wouldn't have anything else to do?13:47
didrockspitti: yeah, I totally disagree and made it clear 2 days ago and today again13:47
didrocksseems njpatel and MacSlow wanted to follow the full process…13:47
njpatelSo we shouldn't follow the process?13:48
pittiyou should, but only for contributions which actually involve a copyright claim13:49
didrocksand this one clearly doesn't…13:49
pittian obvious one-liner patch certainly doesn't13:50
pittiadding a new module and file with a new copyright/author header obviously does13:50
MacSlowdidrocks, pitti, njpatel: Manuel Nicetto signed it... it's listed now13:50
didrocksMacSlow: ok, nice, let's merge both then13:51
njpatelpitti, when Mark ACKs then I'll happily let trivial patches in13:51
MacSlowdidrocks, doing that now...13:51
pittimdz did, good 'nuff for me :) but let's see13:52
pittisabdfl: hey Mark, how are you?13:52
didrocksMacSlow: for both? thanks, update the bug status as well13:52
MacSlowdidrocks, don't worry I'll do that13:52
pittisabdfl: do you agree to mdz's assessment that we shouldn't bother people with CA for obvious one-liner patches like https://code.launchpad.net/~manuel-nicetto/unity/bug-750781/+merge/59389 which don't actually entail a copyright claim?13:52
mterryseb128, wow!  versions.html is light!  is something wrong or has the desktop team been rocking?13:54
seb128mterry, hey, are you calling us slackers? ;-)13:56
seb128mterry, we have been rocking ;-)13:56
* kenvandine should get sick more often :)13:56
* mterry wants to take a snapshot13:56
seb128mterry, there is still a bunch to do, do you want to help a bit?13:56
mterryseb128, yeah, I know I've been light on the gnome 3 stuff, so I wanted to see what was left to do13:56
pittihey kenvandine, how are you?13:56
seb128kenvandine, hey, do you feel better? half of the red ones are yours in fact :p13:56
kenvandinemuch better, no fever today :)13:57
pittiand some of the still-to-be-drafted BPs, if I might add :)13:57
kenvandinelungs are still not better, just can't take deep breathes or talk much13:57
seb128mterry, if you want to do some we have: gucharmap file-roller yelp gnome-doc-utils gdl anjuta13:57
kenvandinei only see one red one... gtk313:58
* mterry can't install ubuntu-dev-tools...?13:58
mterryseb128, anjuta and gdl are done13:58
mterryseb128, I'll look at the others13:58
seb128mterry, done when?13:59
mterryseb128, by me, maybe a week ago?14:00
mterryI can recheck, maybe debian got ahead of us again14:00
seb128mterry, well those are all .2 minor updates to do14:00
seb128mterry, you want an hard merge rather? ;-)14:00
mterryseb128, where did you get that from?  I don't see those on versions.html or the etherpad14:01
seb128mterry, gdl and anjuta are not in the default install so you need to click next to the "package" column header to display the extra components14:01
seb128hum, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html just shrinked14:02
mterryseb128, ah!  that's why it looked so light14:02
seb128mterry, the default list broke because http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.oneiric/ broke14:02
seb128cjwatson, ^ is that known that seeds vanished from there?14:03
mterryseb128, ok, so we are officially in our "merge upstream versions" phase instead of "merge debian" phase?14:03
seb128mterry, both14:03
mterryseb128, what about 3.1?14:03
seb128we tend to merge on debian and then update to the current version on top14:03
seb128mterry, we said we would land 3.0 first to avoid mixing instability issues due to 3.1 with the merges ones14:03
seb128but feel free to follow 3.1 for some components if you feel like it's worth it14:04
seb128it's especially fine for applications14:04
mterryseb128, have we not finished landing 3.0 (modulo point releases)?14:04
mterryOh, panel issues14:04
seb128we probably want to keep gnome-session, nautilus etc in their current version14:04
mterrybecause of DX14:04
seb128mterry, right, that's the next chunk14:04
seb128mterry, if you prefer you can start porting indicators to gtk314:05
seb128rather than doing GNOME updates14:05
seb128we are mostly done on updates, next is the indicator stack to gtk314:05
mterryseb128, ah... hmm..  I suppose that would be more optimal timewise, so we're not blocked on them14:05
cjwatsonseb128: I'll have a look, thanks14:05
* mterry goes and plays with gtk314:05
seb128cjwatson, thanks14:06
seb128mterry, one thing I would like to figure is what happens if we land let's say indicator-session built on gtk314:06
seb128will it take the unity service down on symbol conflicts? or just be ignored?14:06
seb128but I've the feeling that somewhat we will need to land the system indicator gtk3 build in once14:07
seb128i.e the indicator stack in once14:07
mterryseb128, I believe they version the folders in which the panel looks in indicators.  So they would bump the version for gtk3 indicators14:08
mterryseb128, otherwise, it would bring the panel down, yes14:08
kenvandineugh... i see pain in our future14:08
mterrykenvandine, hi, Ken!  You must be new here!14:09
seb128mterry, do we want both versions in the archive at the same time?14:09
loolUpdating today, I saw some warnings on the terminal:14:09
seb128i.e rename sources and binaries?14:09
lool(gtk-update-icon-cache:16786): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type14:09
loolThese seem multiarch related14:09
mterryseb128, that would ease the transition, sure.  Depends how much we care if that transition is smooth.  Probably worth it14:09
seb128lool, weird, librsvg2-common's postinst and libgdk-pixbuf both update that file14:09
mterryseb128, I don't know about rename14:10
mterryseb128, it can just install both versions of the indicator for a while14:10
seb128like dual build from the same source?14:10
bcurtiswxgood morn14:10
mterryseb128, that's what I was thinking14:10
seb128that would mean adding logic to pick at configure time the version of gtk to use14:10
mterryseb128, yeah.  We did that the various dx libraries last cycle14:10
seb128ok, let's do that14:11
seb128that will allow not having the gnome-panel and unity gtk3 transition to be one14:11
kenvandinethat what i was going to do with ido too14:11
kenvandinealso remember xfce and others use some of that stack too14:11
kenvandinewhich will still be gtk214:12
loolseb128: The file was created during the upgrade now14:12
loolseb128: I think it's some preinst expecting it before another postinst creates it or something like that14:12
loolit seems we might want something like [ -r /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache ] && update-command instead of a plain update-command somewhere14:12
seb128lool, ok, doesn't seem a blocker issue but we should review that14:12
loolyeah, seems to be just a warning14:12
seb128mterry, btw no need to worry about work duplication with dx on indicators port to gtk314:24
seb128it's nowhere on their list before feature freeze14:24
mterryseb128, ah.... yikes14:24
cjwatsonseb128: ah, pitti broke it :)14:25
pittiwhere? what?14:25
seb128pitti, you broke version!14:26
pittioh, so I did! -- how?14:26
cjwatsonyou added seed dependencies to STRUCTURE without actually adding lines for the dependencies themselves14:26
cjwatson(ubuntu.oneiric seeds)14:26
pittioh, needs "dvd-langsupport:"?14:26
seb128pitti, the versions "default list" use the germinate lists which you broke14:26
pitti(i. e. empty dependencie?14:26
cjwatsonthere need to be lines starting with "dvd-live-langsupport:" and "dvd-langsupport:", probably with some dependencies14:27
cjwatsonempty dependencies is very likely wrong14:27
cjwatsonthat will cause germinate to have to sit there re-expanding the entire base system and desktop for them14:27
pittiso should I merge the dvd-live-langsupport and dvd-langsupport files into dvd and dvd-live then?14:28
cjwatsonI suggest "dvd-live-langsupport: live" and "dvd-langsupport: ship"14:28
cjwatsonas a first pass14:28
cjwatsonno need to merge14:28
pittiok, will fix that (also in Kubuntu & friends)14:28
cjwatsonlet me know when you've done that and I'll kick germinate-output again14:29
pitticjwatson: while I'm at it, does it really make sense to only add all language-support-* bits to dvd, and none to dvd-live?14:29
pittikubuntu does that the other way round, which seems more sensible to me14:29
cjwatsonpitti: dvd-live is just the live filesystem on the DVD - i.e. ultimately the same image14:31
pitticjwatson: right, but you would have teh languages actually available in the live system14:32
cjwatsonpitti: I think the problem with putting them all in dvd-live is that ubiquity takes forever to install14:32
pittias opposed to just on the DVD ship when you install in alternate mode14:32
cjwatsonbecause it has to sit there removing all the unnecessary language-support packages later14:32
cjwatsonthat's a serious problem for Edubuntu14:32
pitticjwatson: ah; just asking because that's how edubuntu and kubuntu currently are set up14:32
cjwatsonright, and it's a problem the way they're set up14:32
pitti(independent from my changes, I kept ship/live as before)14:32
pittiok, I see14:32
cjwatsonI don't think we should duplicate that in Ubuntu right now14:32
pittiI don't touch it for now then14:33
cjwatson(perhaps unfortunately)14:33
pitticjwatson: anyway, seeds fixed14:33
pittik/edubuntu ship all language-support, ubuntu DVD only for some 6 languages, so the problem/bloat is smaller either way14:33
mvofta: fix uploaded for the s-c issue you mentioned, thanks again for reporting it :)14:50
ftamvo, excellent, thanks14:50
didrockspitti: so, uploaded some SRU for nux and unity-place-applications for now. I mistyped the bug number for bug #772152, sorry about that14:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 772152 in unity-place-applications "unity-place-applications.menu has double-hyphen in XML comment, causing "cxmenu:error: unable to parse '/etc/xdg/menus/unity-place-applications.menu': Invalid string in comment field [Ln: 157, Col: 8]"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77215214:53
didrocksI've subscribed the team to all bugs for now14:54
bcurtiswxkenvandine, welcome back :)15:00
kenvandinebcurtiswx, thx :)15:00
sabdflpitti: yes, FSF has a "10-line guideline" which I think we can adopt easily enough15:04
sabdflas long as it's friendly15:04
sabdfli.e. if someone says "sure land it and enjoy it" that's enough for up to 10 lines15:04
sabdfljust keep that IRC or email log15:04
pittiI think that 10 line thing even is in some law15:05
pittisabdfl: ok, thanks for confirming15:05
pittinjpatel, MacSlow ^15:05
MacSlowpitti, sabdfl: thanks for the update on this!15:06
cjwatsonseb128,pitti: germinate output should be back now15:20
pitticjwatson: ah, and so is the new live CD15:26
pittithis time oversized, not totally unexpectedly so15:26
pittiI really wondered how the 0525 one managed not to be15:26
seb128cjwatson, thanks15:28
cjwatsonpitti: it's not clear - it wasn't missing *that* much15:29
pittiand the manifest diff between the two doesn't have new stuff, just changes15:29
* cjwatson shrugs15:29
pittianyway, easier to compare alternates15:30
cjwatsonit has a few new bits, but not much15:30
cjwatsongnome-session-fallback, libnotify-bin, libyajl1 that I noticed15:30
pittiand gir1.2-gnomebluetooth15:30
pittiperhaps RAOF's new LLVM-enabled gallium drivers15:31
Sarvattpitti: that's not for another month or two15:31
pittiand it's not that15:31
pittiwell, let's leave that for later15:32
pittithe alternate CD comparison script answers that in no time15:32
pittionce we have alternates, too15:32
njpatelpitti, thanks15:33
pittididrocks: do you want to upload -meta, or want me to?15:35
didrockspitti: I'm just finishing to refresh it15:35
didrocksoh done :)15:35
pittitres bien15:36
rodrigo_cjwatson, did you have time to look at the packageset missing stuff we talked the other day?15:36
didrockspitti: uploaded! :-)15:36
seb128didrocks, pitti: you could have dropped the g-s-t stack from the seed15:43
seb128well next upload I guess15:43
didrockspitti: in case you didn't accept the nux upload yet, can you reject it? seems that upstream trunk changed its location without notice and so I can backport 2 additional patches15:43
seb128we will need to switch from at-spi to at-spi2 as well once the mir are approved15:43
pittididrocks: to natty-proposed?15:43
seb128didrocks, you can do it as an archive admin15:43
pittididrocks: reject it at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=115:43
seb128didrocks, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=15:43
seb128ups, pitti was quicker15:44
didrockspitti: yeah :-)15:44
didrocksok ;)15:44
* pitti ^5s seb12815:44
seb128pitti, ;-)15:44
* didrocks rejects himself :)15:44
cjwatsonrodrigo_: not yet, sorry15:53
seb128rodrigo_, what that about upload rights? (I lack the history to see the question)15:56
rodrigo_cjwatson, ok, no problem, just wanted to know if I could upload it already, but no hurry15:58
rodrigo_seb128, brasero not being in the desktop packageset, so my uploads get rejected15:59
seb128rodrigo_, didn't pitti gave you rights using edit_acl the other day? (those don't stick but should let you upload it)15:59
cjwatsonhe said he did, at least15:59
cjwatsonmy side should not be blocking you15:59
seb128rodrigo_, did you try uploading?15:59
rodrigo_seb128, yes, but then I did another upload so I talked with cjwatson about doing it permanently15:59
rodrigo_seb128, not since it was rejected, shall I try again?16:00
cjwatsonyou misunderstood the nature of the temporariness, I think16:00
seb128rodrigo_, right, that should be fixed but don't block on cjwatson, yes try again16:00
seb128pitti workarounded around it for you16:00
seb128so uploads should work16:00
seb128it's just that cjwatson should fix it the right wait at some point as well16:00
rodrigo_ok, trying upload now16:01
rodrigo_wasn't really blocked on this though :)16:01
rodrigo_right, it worked now16:10
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pittigood night everyone!17:03
seb128'night pitti17:03
didrocksgood night pitti17:11
kinouchouhi seb128 and didrocks17:13
seb128lut kinouchou17:14
didrockssalut kinouchou17:14
didrocksseb128: nice work on gnome-screensaver \o/17:28
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)17:28
seb128didrocks, nice work on unity, nice to see some bugs fixed in a SRU ;-)17:28
seb128njpatel, ^ you as well17:28
didrocksseb128: thanks ;)17:29
njpatelthanks, team did well :)17:29
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seb128rodrigo__, hey17:49
seb128rodrigo__, could you work on making evolution-indicator build with evo3?17:49
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rodrigo__seb128, yes, is there a bug?17:50
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seb128rodrigo_, let me check, I was reviewing things using deprecated libraries in oneiric17:50
seb128rodrigo_, seems not, do you want one? or just write it on the etherpad?17:52
rodrigo_no, no need for a bug, will use the ehterpad17:52
seb128rodrigo_, ok, thanks17:52
seb128no hurry but since I noticed you updated evolution-couchdb17:52
seb128there is mapi that still need an update and evolution-indicator that needs porting17:53
rodrigo_yes, although it doesn't work, been debugging it a bit in the last couple of days17:53
rodrigo_ok, will do the evo-indicator thing, and then I can do the mapi thing17:53
rodrigo_it's just packaging the 3.0 version of evo-ews, right?17:53
seb128rodrigo_, don't bother about mapi, it just needs an update and it's in universe17:54
seb128rodrigo_, evolution-mapi yes, what is ews?17:54
seb128well we care rather about evolution-indicator since that's dx code with nobody in dx having time to port it17:54
seb128so we shouldn't wait on them to do it ;-)17:54
rodrigo_I think ews is the new exchange backend, not sure though17:55
* rodrigo_ checks17:55
didrocksevo-indicator? I already ported it with deprecation args on gtk218:00
didrocksthen, not sure how well it works with the new evo18:00
seb128didrocks, the porting is rather to the new eds that to the new gtk18:03
rodrigo_didrocks, it needs to pkg-config evolution-plugin-3.0, so if all goes well, that should be enough18:03
didrocksseb128: hum? did I miss something? evo-indicator is talking to eds directly? It's not embeeded in evo itself?18:03
rodrigo_it's not afaik in configure.ac18:03
didrocksok, makes more sense then ;)18:04
rodrigo_afaics, not afaik :)18:04
didrocksheh :)18:04
didrocksso yeah, let's hope the plugin api didn't change18:04
rodrigo_not much, evo-couchdb didn't need any change18:04
rodrigo_just linking to the correct libs18:04
seb128didrocks, dunno, I never looked at the code, it's just on the list of things that need a rebuild for evo318:04
seb128it might be a no change rebuild, I didn't try ;-)18:05
rodrigo_seb128, no, as I said, it needs to check for evo-plugin-3.0, not evo-plugin, so at least that is needed18:05
didrocksrodrigo_: seb128: let's be optimistic then! I can have a look tomorrow18:05
seb128didrocks, rodrigo_ is on it but thanks18:05
rodrigo_didrocks, ah, I was going to18:05
seb128rodrigo_, ok great18:05
didrocksok, great ;)18:05
didrocksrodrigo_: go go!18:05
rodrigo_hehe :)18:05
didrocksif that's the kind of this that doesn't stick because you touch it once (well, three times in fact), I would be happy :)18:06
seb128mterry, so it doesn't matter on what gtk version the indicator services are right?18:06
seb128mterry, it's just the .so which have to be built for each version?18:07
mterryseb128, right18:07
seb128ok, makes sense18:07
seb128mterry, you might get stucked on some indicators by lack of ido on gtk3, kenvandine was working on that at UDS but not sure if he got it done18:08
seb128check with him maybe if you need that one18:08
mterryseb128, k18:08
didrocksrodrigo_: just checked, yeah, I cleaned the deprecated symbols at least :)18:09
kenvandinenot done yet, but i'll get back to it as soon as tp-indicator is kind of working18:09
rodrigo_so seems only some configure.ac magic is needed18:09
didrocksseb128: just for my understanding, there will speak be the issue of the applets, right?18:09
rodrigo_hey kenvandine, feeling better?18:09
didrockshey kenvandine!18:09
kenvandinerodrigo_, yup18:09
seb128didrocks, speak be the issue?18:09
rodrigo_kenvandine, cool :)18:09
didrocksseb128: still*18:09
didrocksseb128: eod, tired :p18:10
didrocksseb128: the applets being gtk2 and the panel gtk3?18:10
seb128didrocks, well, not so much, plan of action seems to be that every indicator-<something> will dual build and have a gtk2 and a gtk3 version in different directories18:10
didrocksoh nice :)18:10
seb128didrocks, so we can transition as we want18:10
rodrigo_talking about eod, temperatures are much lower than yesterday, so time for a motorbike ride on the fresh air, bbl :)18:10
didrocksand as the services don't need to be synced… nice!18:11
kenvandinerodrigo_, have fun!18:11
seb128didrocks, but we might just go back to upstream gnome-panel and don't bother18:11
didrocksseb128: we should just ensure to migrate unity and unity-2d at the same time for CD space18:11
seb128didrocks, the indicator-applet can be ported later18:11
seb128didrocks, well CD space will not be an issue, the few system indicators .so is going to be less than one meg18:11
seb128didrocks, isn't unity-2d using the unity-panel-service from 3d though?18:12
seb128i.e is there any work to do in unity-2d?18:12
seb128didrocks, well in any case we can dual build the indicator stack to start, that's going to keep us busy for a while18:13
seb128then we can decide what to do with unity18:13
seb128unity and gnome-panel18:13
didrocksseb128: not yet, that's the plan, but nothing sure for oneiric18:13
didrocksright :)18:13
xclaessewhat's preventing network-manager-gnome 0.9 to be pushed to gnome3 natty ppa?18:59
dobeyxclaesse: i thought it was in the gnome3 ppa already? or maybe not because it breaks the world19:09
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