
czajkowskibug #77500109:29
lubotu3Launchpad bug 775001 in mobile-broadband-provider-info (Ubuntu) "Settings incorrect for Vodafone 'Top up and go'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77500109:29
airurandoafternoon all12:05
airurandoI've spent a good bit of time fleshing out the Experience section of our reapproval application.12:06
airurandoI'd appreciate it if folks could review that section know and make changes as the see fit.12:07
airurandoParticularly important is the inclusion of activities that I may have missed12:07
airurandoczajkowski: I think the team report list at the end of the section is a bit much.  I've put a link to the team reports into the key details section.12:09
airurandodo you agree?12:09
czajkowskiwas kinda just seeing how it looked12:09
ebelI tried to make a summary of the team reports12:10
airurandoI just linked to12:10
airurandoI think that is the simplest12:11
airurandoczajkowski: without your photos we would be dead12:11
airurandoI am worried about including our forum.12:13
slashtomwe have a forum?12:13
ebelon ubuntu forums12:14
czajkowskiairurando: why worried?12:15
airurandoits not very active12:15
czajkowskimeh so12:15
czajkowskiit's there if people want to use it12:15
czajkowskimay as well list it12:15
airurandowill do.12:16
airurandotdr112 said he'd look at the roadmap12:16
airurandoso we are getting there.12:16
czajkowskiI'll be more productive this weekend12:18
czajkowskijust trying to do packing now12:18
czajkowskiand move12:18
slashtomwhere you moving?12:21
ebelthought you were in london?12:22
czajkowskisouth west of london12:23
slashtomnah, she's in the equivilent of Port Laoise iirc12:23
czajkowski50 mins on a train from waterloo12:23
slashtomczajkowski: if you don't find anywhere, we would be glad to have you back in dublin! :)12:24
czajkowskiheh thanks12:24
czajkowskino jobs for me there12:24
czajkowskiplus bf in london12:24
ebelI had a bf in england for aaaaages. :P12:24
airurandoczajkowski: good luck with the move.12:26
airurandoebel: glad that worked out for you eventually :)12:27
* ebel adds some photos to the 'release party' section of re-approval application14:17
* ebel found some karmic photos 14:17
czajkowskiit's getting fixed14:18
ebelI'm trying to keep it all on one page. So loco council don't have to leave the page14:18
czajkowskiwe're waiting on stuff to get moved14:18
czajkowskiebel: aye always nice :)14:18
czajkowskiit still saves14:18
czajkowskibut the error is annoying14:18
czajkowskibug has been filed14:18
czajkowskiand they are testing the new wiki atm14:18
ebelTis OK, just control-shift-R till the edit gets through :)14:21
czajkowskiwow the application looks FANTASTIC14:31
czajkowskiI'm so impressed14:31
infoturtlehello all, just back from the UH19:33
airurandoevening all21:30
airurandohey infoturtle how did UH go?21:30
infoturtlenobody showed, just me again21:30
airurandoah no21:31
infoturtlefrais so21:31
infoturtleso I've no idea what's happening with 3d camp now21:31
airurandoWell I reckon nobody has said no21:32
airurandoso I think we should go for it.21:32
airurandoworst case scenario it will be just you and me and possibly tdr11221:33
infoturtleya, sure we can just set up our own thing and they can join later if they wish21:33
airurandotdr112 you about?21:33
airurandoinfoturtle agreed21:34
airurandoset up a geeknic for the 11th of June and have UL grounds as the venue.21:34
infoturtlewill we have to run anything by UL for this?21:35
airurandotry to get lunchtime for 3Dcamp21:35
airurandodon't think so21:35
airurandoanyone can wander on campus right?21:35
infoturtleit is public grounds isn't it?21:35
infoturtleI beleive so21:35
airurandothe stables isn't students only is it?21:36
infoturtlenope, had many's the night there myself21:36
infoturtleit's also holded day long gig's that I know were not students only21:37
airurandowell I reckon there you go.  Certainly try to fit in with 3Dcamp and deginitely try not to annoy them.21:38
airurandobut apart from that I reckon as no one showed we just go for it.21:38
* airurando crosses fingers and toes21:38
infoturtlecool, i'll make the event tomorrow if you'd like, can't tonight as I'm working on something, then poker tournament and then movie with ericka21:39
infoturtlebut tomorrow for sure unless you want/can have it done tonight21:39
airurandohope the app gets finished, good luck in the poker and enjoy the movie with Ericka.21:40
airurandoI'll leave it with you for tomorrow or whenever.21:40
infoturtleshould be, not much left but wall's have a habit of springing up outta nowhere, cool, I'll get it done first thing so21:41
* airurando is working the weekend.21:42
airurandowill not get to see magners league final21:42
infoturtleoh no!! there's a long day of sport round here for sat, UTD and Barca are playing, the magners final and then watching 5 hours of poker for the WSOP 2010 main event final! it's going to be a great day!! (I'm sorry this comment doesn't help your pain at all)21:44
airurandothat's life I suppose.....21:48

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