
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
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NCommanderMorning all15:57
* janimo waves15:58
Guest40648G'day NCommander15:58
MootBotMeeting started at 09:59. The chair is NCommander.15:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:59
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011052616:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011052616:00
NCommander*is having some issues with the wiki and 500 errors*16:00
NCommanderThere are no action items from last meeting so ...16:00
NCommander[topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:00
NCommander[topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html16:00
ogra_still lots missing16:01
NCommanderand of course the WI tracker doesn't see any of my specs16:01
ogra_but davidm said he would do an approval round16:01
ogra_NCommander, they need to be approved first16:02
Guest40648Yep I want to to approvals today16:02
ogra_and have a prio16:02
ogra_and indeed need to be assigned to oneiric16:02
ogra_i see 6 for NCommander btw :)16:02
NCommanderyeah, a number thats bound to go up :-(16:03
GrueMasterI see none for me.  Yippie!16:03
NCommanderI sent a list of all the server specs to davidm. With the exception of the security/entropy one, they're all drafted and ready for review16:03
ogra_you have at least two items on my specs16:03
GrueMasterdamn.  :(16:03
=== Guest40648 is now known as davidm
ogra_that should be all our specs16:04
ogra_if anything is missing we need to fix that16:04
=== davidm is now known as Guest68947
* ogra_ sees david has fun with nickserv16:04
NCommanderI don't think there's anything else on burndown charts16:05
NCommander[topic] Unity 2D Status16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Unity 2D Status16:06
ogra_well, action; everyone get their specs in the right state16:06
ogra_before end of the week16:06
* ogra_ guesses release team wants to review in the release meeting tomorrow16:06
NCommander[action] everyone to get their specs in proper shape before end of the week16:06
MootBotACTION received:  everyone to get their specs in proper shape before end of the week16:06
ogra_NCommander, we too that one out btw16:06
ogra_unity-2d is desktop team now16:07
* ogra_ though we discussed that last week)16:07
davidm_See if I stay davidm this time16:07
ogra_just be nice to nickserv :)16:07
davidm_sometimes nickserv hates me16:07
NCommanderflower and candy are a good way to sooth rough feelings16:08
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)16:08
ogra_davidm_, since you missed it16:08
ogra_<ogra_> well, action; everyone get their specs in the right state16:08
ogra_<ogra_> before end of the week16:08
ogra_ACTION received:  everyone to get their specs in proper shape before end of the week16:08
ogra_davidm_, i suspect the release team will want to review16:08
davidm_Actually I need to get to it today as today is the deadline16:08
rsalvetibug 770679 is now fixed commited16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770679 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Missing proper support for Beagle XM rev B and C" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77067916:08
ogra_so we need to get them ready before meeting16:09
rsalvetionly major change for kernel16:09
rsalvetistill long way to hit the archive16:09
* ppisati is here too16:09
ogra_rsalveti, thats .proposed though16:09
ogra_any oneiric news you want to share ?16:09
rsalvetiogra_: not yet proposed16:09
ogra_well, will be :)16:10
ppisatinothing i'm aware off: at last TI call someone mentioned a .39 tree, wwaiting for it to appear16:10
janimoomap4 still remains a separate source for O ?16:10
ppisatistill a topic branch16:11
ppisatiwe will cherry pick CVE and stable updates from master16:11
ppisatino rebase (unfrotunately)16:11
ogra_until mainline is on par feature wise16:11
ppisatiactually i'll try (but since ompa4 is so big i'm pretty sure i'll fail)16:11
ppisatibtw, can anyone add me to the invitation of the weekly TI conf call?16:12
ogra_ppisati, talk to ndec in #ubuntu-arm16:12
ogra_he owns the invitation iirc16:12
ogra_NCommander, move ?16:13
davidm_ppisati, done, you are added16:13
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:13
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)16:13
ppisatidavidm_: thanks16:14
janimonothing here16:14
* NCommander hides in fear of the FTBFS list16:14
janimoa bit of bug triaging in the KInaro Jam16:14
ogra_31 packages in main isnt that bad16:14
janimothe nasty oes from natty are still here16:14
janimoas they are upstream issues16:15
ogra_only 8 arm specific16:15
NCommanderand some of that seems to be ghc blew up16:15
ogra_dbus, upstart and libnih look serious16:15
ogra_i gave back dbus and upstart already16:16
ogra_and the failures are weird segfaults16:16
janimold segfaults iirc16:16
NCommanderHas anyone reproduced out of the data center?16:16
janimosame in chromium16:16
ogra_do we know if anyone is inspecting that on the toolchain side ?16:16
janimoLinaro know about it, I am not sure what the status is16:17
ogra_oh, also note that we will switch seeds this release16:17
janimoto ubuntu-desktop?16:17
ogra_so look at the desktop seed once the first images roll in16:17
ogra_netbook will go away16:17
NCommanderogra_: do you want to follow up with Linaro w.r.t. binutils segfaults?16:18
janimoso our images get larger as well? will we ship the same ubuntu desktop metapackage?16:18
ogra_NCommander, well, would at least be good to know a bugnumber16:18
ogra_janimo, do you know if there is one (since you seem to know that linaro knows about it)16:19
davidm_We might need to make our own  seed, I don'think we want all of desktop on ARM16:19
ogra_thats fine16:20
janimoogra_, no idea, I just saw it discussed on #linaro16:20
ogra_we can do per-arch excludes16:20
ogra_no need for an extra seed16:20
ogra_NCommander, then put an action item on for me16:20
janimodid  not follow FTBFS lately as it seemed there were large rebuilds and I was waiting for it to settle down16:20
NCommander[action] ogra to trim down desktop seed on ARM16:20
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to trim down desktop seed on ARM16:20
ogra_NCommander, ??16:20
NCommanderogra_: what?16:20
ogra_"<NCommander> ogra_: do you want to follow up with Linaro w.r.t. binutils segfaults?"16:21
ogra_i was referring to that one16:21
NCommanderwrong followup :-P16:21
ogra_i dont need an action item for my day to day work :P16:21
NCommander[action] ogra to follow up with Linaro on binutils segfault16:21
MootBotACTION received:  ogra to follow up with Linaro on binutils segfault16:21
GrueMasterHard to follow the multiple topics of the meeting.16:21
* ogra_ has nothing else for ftbfs16:21
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (NCommander, ogra)16:22
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (NCommander, ogra)16:22
ogra_but i think cjwatson built the first x86 images today16:22
janimoeta for live helper?16:22
* NCommander is making funeral perperations :-(16:22
ogra_so it shouldnt be long anymore16:22
ogra_and its still 2 weeks to A116:22
NCommanderthen we get to re-implement evertyhing for l-h16:22
ogra_so chances are good we can make it16:22
GrueMasterI estimate image availability the day before A1.16:23
cjwatsonjanimo: not necessarily for a116:23
ogra_cjwatson, wohoo16:23
cjwatsonstill using livecd-rootfs for now16:23
ogra_when do you plan the final switch ?16:23
cjwatsonwhen it's ready16:23
GrueMastergood plan.16:23
NCommanderI don't think their is much mor eon this point16:23
cjwatsonif I can make it before a1, I will, but I'm not promising anything16:24
NCommanderthanks cjwatson16:24
cjwatsonthe CD image cron jobs are back on now16:24
GrueMasterwrt netboot images, make sure we have both uImage/uInitrd & vmlinuz/initrd.img available16:25
ogra_so we should have something to test (if it builds)16:25
cjwatsonso unless GrueMaster knows something I don't, they should build tomorrow16:25
ogra_GrueMaster, will do16:25
ogra_GrueMaster, i also plan a "mini iso" as well16:25
GrueMasterI'm just speaking from experience as the QA guy that has last minute image testing to do...always.16:25
NCommanderanything else on this subject or can I move on?16:25
* NCommander moves to New York16:26
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)16:26
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)16:26
GrueMasterHey, that's me.  Isn't that special.16:26
GrueMasterWork continues on usbboot.16:26
GrueMasterIssues still with aboot, but we have enough to enable the buildd farm.16:27
ogra_GrueMaster, btw, it would be good to know if there is a usb0 after boot16:27
ogra_then we wouldnt need the conventional network for netcatting the tarball but could pull it via usbnet16:27
GrueMasterThere is.  Networking and usb ports both function (My keyboard/mouse is on one, usb drive on the other).16:27
ogra_i mean a usbnet device16:27
ogra_(the g_ether module being loaded)16:28
ogra_well, lets discuss that offline16:28
GrueMasterMissing are mmc and reboot.  mmc is mia, reboot causes the kernel to hang at the end with message:  Rebooting.16:28
GrueMasterOh, that requires musb to work.16:28
ogra_we dont need mmc so i dont care16:28
GrueMasterWhich it doesn't.16:28
ogra_in kernel ?16:29
GrueMasterI need mmc for automation testing.16:29
ogra_hmm, i thought that worked16:29
ogra_k, then its conventional network, sad16:29
ppisatiIIRC musb is broken upstream16:29
ogra_usb would have been sexier16:29
ppisatisince .38.x where i don't remeber the x16:29
GrueMastermusb has never worked in .38 that I know of.16:30
GrueMasterLast worked in .35.16:30
ogra_moot discussion then16:30
GrueMasterBack to usbboot.  I am very concerned about the copyright issues with the source.16:31
ogra_well, for internal use thats a non issue16:31
ogra_for packaging it thats a disaster16:31
ogra_did you start conversation with upstream ?16:32
NCommanderogra_: w.r.t. to copyright, if the code is invalid, we can't use it, internatl or not.16:32
GrueMasterFor initial deployment, I should have it working fully by eod tomorrow.  For packaging and future automation, I am looking to do a rewrite, at least for the host side.  Not much to it, shouldn't take too long (2-3 days max).16:33
ogra_NCommander, as long as we dont distribute it ...16:33
NCommanderogra_: I'm not going to argue specifics during this meeting, but I'll be glad to discuss in private16:33
GrueMasterThe mods needed for immediate deployment are fairly trivial and can be pushed upstream.16:34
NCommandercan I move on?16:35
GrueMasterI am also gearing up to review lava for our use.16:35
GrueMasterCurrently, it will not work with our images.  Looking to see what modifications need to be in place for that.16:35
davidm_I'm sure we can sort license issues, I'm in contact with upstream16:36
NCommander[topic] AOB]16:36
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB]16:36
ogra_is it a requirement that all images get tested with lava ?16:36
ogra_or could we just define a certain set of i.e. images that work ootb16:36
* ogra_ could imagine the mini iso might work just fine 16:36
ogra_or any other alternate ones16:37
GrueMasterI was told to get lava working on some of our images.  headless & server are prime candidates.16:37
ogra_well, mini iso with server preseed file should get you that16:37
ogra_it can test isos too, right ?16:37
ogra_(i mean for x86)16:38
GrueMasterIt currently works with linaro style images & hw packs.16:38
ogra_why the heck are we forced to use it then ? i thought its the "save the world" solution for all image testing automation16:38
* ogra_ wasnt aware thats only used for linaro tarballs16:38
GrueMasterNot my call.  Way beyond my pay grade.16:38
ogra_then i dont understand the hype16:39
GrueMasterThat's why it is called the Linaro Automated Validation App.16:39
ogra_right, still i thought the plan was to have all images tested on it16:39
GrueMasterThe front end is pretty good.  It is the back end that needs rework.  Unfortunately, it is all combined in one atm.16:40
GrueMasterIt isn't modular.16:40
ogra_oh, like livecd-rootfs :)16:40
GrueMasterNever having seen that, I can only guess.16:40
* ogra_ likes non modular after looking at live-build today :P )16:40
ogra_anyway, no more questions for QA here16:41
GrueMasterYou want modular, but in an intelligent way.16:41
GrueMasterOtherwise we would be stuck with a hugh kernel binary that loaded every driver under the sun.16:42
* ogra_ doesnt want too modular :)16:42
* NCommander would rather just refactor livecd-rootfs into modules16:42
ogra_NCommander, ++++++++++++16:42
ogra_and +16:42
GrueMasterThe proper way to do it is with libraries and function calls.16:42
ogra_but i guess we cant have that pony16:42
GrueMasterAt least that was what I did in my old days of automation development.16:42
ogra_well, for shell scripts thats different :)16:43
GrueMasterNot just shell scripts.16:43
ogra_i agree for C code though ...16:43
ogra_but we somehow get offtopic :)16:43
GrueMasterI'm done unless someone has other questions on QA.16:44
NCommanderanything got anything else?16:44
NCommanderif not, I'll close the meeting16:45
ogra_go for it16:45
NCommanderclosing in 316:45
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:45.16:45
ogra_and dont call me anything :P16:45
rsalvetiogra_: we should be able to test ubuntu images on lava16:48
rsalvetiit's linaro but it can be more generic16:48
rsalvetiif it's not supported yet it's just because nobody created the support16:48
rsalvetibut it'll probably be there16:48
rsalvetipplars can answer your questions on this16:48
ogra_i was expecting that it already supports a wider range of images if we switvch the whole testing framework16:49
ogra_but apparently that needs to grow first :)16:49
ubusercan someone help me? i tried to install grub217:47
ubuserand now my pc wont boot, it says grub error 1517:47
ubuseris there anyway around this from boot screen?17:47
davidcalleubuser: hi, this channel is dedicated to team meetings, you should ask this question in #ubuntu.17:48
smartereHello there17:48
ubuseryea, i got booted from the others17:48
ubuserplease help me.17:48
=== smartere is now known as Miles-Prower
ubuserive been having problems after problems and they just dont like me17:49
ubuseridk what to do anymore17:49
ubuseri cannot get my pc running17:49
davidcalleubuser, you can try to ask on #omg!ubuntu!17:49
ubuserb4 i reload, again..17:51
Technovikingare folks here for the Ubuntu Power User meeting18:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:01. The chair is Technoviking.18:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:01
Technoviking[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Meeting18:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Meeting18:02
Technovikingthere is the agenda18:02
Technoviking[TOPIC] Organization of the team18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Organization of the team18:03
TechnovikingSo this team is pretty new and we are still getting our bearing18:04
TechnovikingWe have done alot of work on our wiki18:05
Technoviking[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers18:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers18:07
Technovikingbut I think the key thing we need to work on is goual for the next cycle18:07
Technovikingfirst off, low hanging fruit18:08
TechnovikingWe have been working on getting useful Unity quicklist in to the Ubuntu 11.10 base install18:09
Technoviking[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Quicklists18:09
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Quicklists18:09
Technovikingwhat else can we help with this?18:09
TechnovikingI guess first off, I shall have asked if everyone know what the team vision is?18:10
OmegaClarify on that (so we are all on the same page).18:11
snap-lPlease state the vision. :)18:13
LaserJockTechnoviking: does that make sense?18:25
Miles-ProwerThe guy trying to make Unity run on his Eee701 (CPU @ 600MHz)18:25
TechnovikingLaserJock: yes18:26
Technovikingbut we need to focus on clear actionable goals18:26
LaserJockTechnoviking: yes, thats the next step18:26
TechnovikingLaserJock: so, what do you suggest18:26
LaserJockwell, we have 3 fronts, right, Docs, Tools, Communicate18:27
jonoapologies for being silent, currently doing a job interview for my team18:27
Technovikingmaco: also I think we need to think Ubuntu on this team as derivative generic18:27
LaserJockI'm thinking it would be good to start of by picking maybe 3-5 actionable (low-hanging fruit?) things to do in each category18:28
Technovikingthere power users on Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Studio, etc...18:28
LaserJockin Tools, there is discussion about Ubuntu Tweak and other such tools and how to get them ready for the archives18:29
OmegaTechnoviking: That's what I have been trying to say, but didn't want to clutter the meeting up more, so I just dropped it.18:29
TechnovikingThe dev of Ubuntu Tweak joined our mailing list18:29
LaserJockyes, good start18:29
LaserJockI think an analysis of Ubuntu Tweak18:30
Technoviking[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTweak18:30
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTweak18:30
LaserJocka  Power Users Bug Day18:30
xdatap1Technoviking, I agree with derivates. And also, a power user may be interested in mixing technologies from different platforms. Yesterday I tried plasma-desktop over unity, it was fun :)18:30
LaserJockand then we need to liaison with MOTU to figure out what needs to be done18:31
Technovikingso, I think the next version of Ubuntu Tweak will have a plugin feature, so the PPA part the prgram can been an spearate install in the next version.18:31
LaserJocka plugin system will be a major help18:32
Technovikingdo we have in MOTU/core-devs on the poweruser team yet18:32
LaserJockI'm former core dev but a bit rusty18:32
macoLaserJock: you expired?18:32
LaserJockyes, I let it go18:33
TechnovikingLaserJock: would you be willing to work with tualatrix@gmail.com and be that liaasion18:33
TechnovikingI can help as needed18:33
LaserJockmaybe, I think maybe we need to cross that bridge when we get there18:34
LaserJockI think Ubuntu Tweak still needs some work, I think it's good to focus on getting the code in shape18:34
LaserJockthe packaging will fall into place pretty easily once that is done18:35
LaserJockUbuntu Tweak does a lot of stuff18:36
LaserJockI think it really needs some analysis18:36
OmegaMaybe we can start documenting the various configuration options that are available (in dconf)18:36
LaserJockfor safety and stability18:36
LaserJockIt killed my Unity and did some funky things on me the other day18:37
LaserJockso I want to see the 100+ bugs looked at18:37
TechnovikingLaserJock: We should add that info to the tweak wiki18:38
TechnovikingWhat actions do people suggest we can work on now18:39
torosLaserJock: have you tried the stable or a development version of ubuntu tweak?18:40
LaserJockstable I think18:40
LaserJockwhatever is on their site18:40
LaserJockTechnoviking: do we know if trualatrix wants help with the plugin system?18:40
OmegaWell, the documentation of the various configuration options we have available (we need this info to integrate it into a pretty GUI configurator anyway)18:40
TechnovikingHe is looking for people to write plugins18:41
toroshe asked for help in creating the unity plugin18:41
LaserJockit seems to me that the plugin system and plugin writing/analysis would be top priorities18:41
xdatap1Technoviking, I agree with Omega, we need to document what we can configure on unity. Also what we would like to configure. IE: launcher background color and alpha is not configurable afaik18:42
LaserJockI would favor essentially starting with a blank slate and adding plugins as they are found to be stable and meeting Use Cases18:42
cprofittjust got back from doing a trouble ticket -- I am curious what low hanging non-technical items need to be tackled?18:43
LaserJockOn the documentation front, I agree with Omega and xdatap1,  a good set of documentation on Unity would be great18:43
agrundnerI'm getting the feeling that this ubuntu power user idea is morphing into something unexpected and possibly unwieldy. Looking forward to seeing an outline of the scope of this project.18:43
LaserJockkeyboard shortcuts, what options exist and what they actually do18:43
cprofitt+1 xdatap1 -- documenting what can be done would be a good idea... and one I could put some people to work on as well as do myself18:43
torosLaserJock: we already have many documentation on Ask Ubuntu18:44
LaserJocksome yes18:44
Omegaagrundner: Now is your chance to influence it, speak up! :)18:44
LaserJockbut Ask Ubuntu is not, IMO, a documentation source18:44
Technovikingis the doc team working on Unity docs18:44
LaserJockmaco: I would also like to see some documentation maybe on the KDE side18:45
torosis there anything that isn't documented on Ask Ubuntu regarding Unity?18:45
LaserJocklike what the heck some of the options actually mean/do18:45
macoLaserJock: ive kinda got the impression it doesnt exist...like..at all18:45
OmegaI'm not exactly sold on this "one configurator to rule them all" idea. Is that not why we have gsettings?18:45
LaserJockOmega: I agree18:45
OmegaErr, dconf-editor.18:45
macoLaserJock: nixternal used to write kubuntu docs but he's been busy the last year and a team hasnt really formed around it18:45
LaserJockI'm not saying kubuntu docs18:46
Technovikingthere can be multiple, but "support one" is a good idea18:46
macoLaserJock: and based on what happens every time i try the help menu in any app in kubuntu, either there are no docs upstream or for some reason we dont put them on the iso18:46
LaserJockI mean Kubuntu Power User docs, which I don't know if they really exist or not18:46
agrundner"kitchen sink" app to tweak your desktop and Unity defaults: cool. #ubuntu-power-user channel to exchange tips and experiences: cool. Wiki for XYZ outside of kitchen sink's capabilities: potentially become a mess and overlap previous wiki documentation items.18:46
LaserJockwell, you don't have to put a GUI on *every* option18:46
cprofittaskubunut is a good place to look for help if you know what you are looking for... but some folks want to know what is possible and would not know what to search for18:46
TechnovikingI think the power user wiki is a good place to centralize the docs, maybe get it into help.ubuntu.com at a later date18:47
LaserJockI still have no idea what "Fade on bfb and Slide" means in the Hide Animation option in Unity18:48
LaserJockfor instance :-)18:48
cprofittTechnoviking: I think having the wiki point at askubuntu is ok too, but having a centralized place to document the 'cool power options' is good18:48
TechnovikingSo do we want to make a overall Unity Guide a action item for the next few month18:48
torosLaserJock: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29553/how-can-i-configure-unity18:48
toros"Fade on bfb and Slide - fades based on the position of your cursor in the bfb (big funny button - the one in the top left of your panel with the Ubuntu circle of friends on it) and slides."18:49
torosIt's already documented :)18:49
LaserJockthat's not documented18:49
LaserJockthats somewhere on the net where I never found it ;-)18:50
LaserJockit doesn't do me any good if I don't know it exists18:50
LaserJockthat's the point of a centralized "go to" place18:50
cprofittLaserJock: +118:50
cprofittit makes it easy for us to 'document it' since all we have to do is point to it18:50
Technoviking+1 here18:50
LaserJockin other words, Ask Ubuntu is great for information18:50
LaserJocknot so great for documentation18:51
TechnovikingLaserJock: agree18:51
toroscprofitt: it is already linked at our wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Documentation18:51
cprofitttoros: awesome!18:51
torosshould we make a copy&paste session, and copy&paste everything from ask ubuntu into a wiki?18:51
LaserJockwell, and organize and prettify it18:52
LaserJockbut I think it would be a good idea personally18:52
TechnovikingDO we want to make a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Documentation/UnityGuide page, to organize just the UNity info and make it an easy link to sahre18:52
LaserJocksounds good to me18:52
agrundnerNot sure what happened there... sorry if I missed any responses.18:52
xdatap1Technoviking, +118:52
Technoviking[action] create an UnityGuide page on the wiki18:53
MootBotACTION received:  create an UnityGuide page on the wiki18:53
LaserJockI would like to see pages for the different use cases too18:53
agrundnerLaserJock: there should be a UnityGuide in the official docs, no?18:54
LaserJockwhat official docs?18:54
cprofittusecases would be a good idea as well18:54
torospersonally, I am not really a fan of forking an already existing documentation...18:55
Technovikingagrundner: help.ubuntu.com18:55
agrundnerLaserJock: sorry, in the non-poweruser ubuntu wiki18:55
LaserJockwell, it might go there when it's done18:55
torosI think it is better to spend our time on improving the already existing one rather than copying it18:55
LaserJocktoros: I would see Ask Ubuntu as a starting point18:56
agrundnertoros: that's kind of my point18:56
TechnovikingI think have a Unity section of the docs section would help the wider community,18:57
LaserJockdocs generally undergo  a few stages of development18:57
LaserJockinformation -> Work In Progress/feedback -> publication18:57
agrundnerTechnoviking: exactly... there should be a general documentation as a base and then a power user wiki page for tweaks/overrides18:57
LaserJockAsk Ubuntu is (information), the Power User wiki would be (Work in Progress), and help.ubuntu.com would be (Publication)18:58
torosLaserJock: what about things like custom quicklists, lenses, etc.? Should they be included in the documentation? (add this PPA, install that package...)18:59
LaserJockmost likely yes, if they reach stability19:00
Technovikingso, we need to close out, out two goals are duction an unity section and working with Ubuntu Tweak dev and help get his program into the archive for Ubuntu 11.1019:00
LaserJockwhen should the next meeting be?19:01
Technovikingsame time next month, or should we switch times19:01
cprofittas difficult as it is for me to do this during work -- I think stable meeting times are better than rotating19:02
cprofittrotating tends to cause confusion19:02
LaserJockwould it be worth setting up a time "poll" to see what most people want?19:02
LaserJockI just usually pick morning US/evening Europe19:03
LaserJockbut it stinks for East Asia19:03
xdatap1maybe a poll in doodle for checking in which timezone lives most of the members?19:03
Technovikingxdatap1:  could you set that up19:03
xdatap1Technoviking, sure, no problem19:03
agrundnerFYI, I was confused about the location of the meeting. The channel message #ubuntu-power-users makes it sounds like it was going to be held there19:04
Technovikingok , sorry I have to go19:04
Technovikingthe meeting should take place in #ubuntu-meeting always19:04
xdatap1Technoviking, bye and thanks for this meeting19:04
LaserJockthanks Technoviking19:05
LaserJockthanks everybody19:05
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:05.19:05
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