
snailibeardslee: no, the fire drill wasn't a real one, but a LOT of things went wrong04:41
snailibeardslee: doors failing to open as they should, alarms failing to sound in some places, etc, etc.04:42
snailotoh, would have been a great opportunity to steal 30+ random laptops04:42
ojwbhmm, is there a command line volume control now?04:43
ojwbi used to use aumix, but that now complains: aumix:  error opening mixer: No such file or directory04:43
ojwbalsamixer seems to work still04:45
snailmorning all20:52
ajmitchafter so many days of waiting, it's finally friday!20:54
ibeardsleeand now if you wait a few more hours it'll be Friday afternoon21:02
ajmitchwho's had experience with having servers from rimuhosting?21:04
* ajmitch is looking at options for servers for work21:04
ajmitchrecommendations about other options are welcome :)21:05
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
* ibeardslee has a NZ based vps with rimuhosting21:40
ibeardsleebeen pretty bloody good as far as lack of downtime boo-boos21:41
ibeardsleeI also got a bit of a discount for being a linux, nzoss, following up from their stand at LCA 2010 type21:43
ibeardsleeand an upgrade when they noticed the VPS struggling a bit21:43
ajmitchso their service is generally pretty good21:44
ibeardsleethe follow up to questions has been excellent21:44
ajmitchit's sad when I look at a page for a nz company selling dedicated servers, and they advertise "Debian 3 or 4" and "Fedora Core 6"21:49
ajmitchit doesn't inspire confidence :)21:49
ibeardsleeit took me a while to go with rimuhosting .. was waiting for NZ based hosting and then waiting for them to offer prices in NZ$21:53
hadsFrom all I hear of Rimuhosting they are good.21:57
ajmitchthat's what I'd heard21:58
ibeardsleenot the cheapest if you consider what you can get for US based hosting21:58
ajmitchright, but in the case where $WORK wants NZ-based hosting for various reasons, it seems to be pretty good21:58
ajmitchfor US-based, I'm happy with linode21:59
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw

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