
Picirww: you're boring. 11:0400:04
rwwPici: you forgot to miscapitalize my nick00:05
ikoniaI've just realised how useless most of the wiki pages are now with the change to unity00:11
LjLmost of them were useless already, last updated for Hardy :(00:13
ikoniathis community thing isn't working is it.....;)00:13
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (zxcvpo appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)02:28
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget give me a test03:12
Logan_LjL: one of your gems :P03:12
rwwI like that one.03:13
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )03:13
IdleOne!give me a test03:13
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!03:13
IdleOnenope that stays03:14
IdleOneI like it also03:14
Logan_fine :P03:14
IdleOneLogan_: We can't get rid of all the personality, people might think ubottu is a bot03:14
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)03:15
IdleOnethat is a smoke screen03:16
rwwin reality, ubottu is jussi.03:16
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget mjg5903:17
ubottusays that !ultamatix is "nowhere near the most condescending or belittling thing I've written about someone else's software."03:17
ubottumjg59 has no aliases - added by elkbuntu on 2008-11-05 09:29:1703:17
ubottu<reply> says that !ultamatix is "nowhere near the most condescending or belittling thing I've written about someone else's software."03:17
rwwelky: y u <reply>03:17
rwwJordan_U: mjg59 is a hero for our times. I would consider it immoral to remove that myself.03:18
Logan_apparently I'm too deletionist for you guys :P03:19
Jordan_U!u | rww03:19
ubotturww: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.03:19
rwwTime to test a thing!03:20
rww!mjg59 =~ s/<reply>//03:20
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:20
rwwoh wow, that worked.03:20
ubottumjg59 is  says that !ultamatix is "nowhere near the most condescending or belittling thing I've written about someone else's software."03:20
rwwoh, derp03:20
rww!mjg59 =~ s/  /<reply> mjg59 /03:20
ubottuNothing changed there03:20
IdleOnejust forget it?03:20
ubottu says that !ultamatix is "nowhere near the most condescending or belittling thing I've written about someone else's software."03:20
rww!mjg59 =~ s/^ /<reply> mjg59 /03:21
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:21
ubottumjg59 says that !ultamatix is "nowhere near the most condescending or belittling thing I've written about someone else's software."03:21
rwwIdleOne: no I'm doing science be quiet03:21
rwwand let me spam the channel03:21
IdleOneoooh science03:21
* IdleOne gets safety glasses03:21
FlannelIdleOne: dont forget to stand back!03:21
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !no, otherdistro is <alias> distributions03:22
IdleOneFlannel: but I can't see if I am to far back03:22
Logan_get rid of that comma after !no, though :P03:22
ubottuwe really don't do help for your distro, perhaps if you put a # in front of the distro name you might find yourself in their channels where they would be able to welcome you and help more than we can03:22
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)03:22
rwwI had a thought earlier that I kinda wanna change !derivatives or whatever it is from listing things we don't support to listing things we do support.03:23
IdleOnethe list of things we do support is shorter ;)03:23
rwwand changes less often03:23
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget dad03:25
ubottuDaD was an alternative to !mom and has been shutdown in February 2009, see http://dad.dunnewind.net/end.php03:25
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget crackports03:26
IdleOnethat has to be from the days when anybody could add factoids03:26
ubottu<StevenK> You don't randoming just say 'do it' on the SRU team at the consistent volume that the crackports team does.  Also, it's all jdong's fault03:26
rwwwell it might be, but I'm pretty sure Hobbsee has factoid privs03:27
Logan_ooh, I found another LjL gem :P03:27
ubottuDo you have any?03:27
rww!forget sco03:34
ubottuI'll forget that, rww03:34
rww!forget point03:34
Logan_holy lag03:35
FlannelOh, that wasn't me?03:36
rwwLogan_: she doesn't repeat herself on things like !forget. questionable flood prevention03:42
Logan_well, I was just talking about my connection lag in general, but... :P03:42
rwwah, nvm :)03:43
Jordan_ULogan_: Bet you can't beat 3 minutes.03:43
Logan_I hope I can't :P03:44
=== maco2 is now known as maco
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1513 users, 1 overflows, 1514 limit))05:45
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1511 users, 1 overflows, 1512 limit))05:45
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1511 users, 1 overflows, 1512 limit))05:45
rwwignore that yo ^05:45
Tm_Thuh, just realised I can list the "normal" users in the channel instead of listing all05:55
Jordan_UHas ubuser been allowed back in #ubuntu intentionally or is this ban evasion again?06:01
IdleOne<rww> it's kind of a technicality, so I'm not planning on bothering otherwise06:04
IdleOneI fail at multiple line pasting06:05
* rww schools IdleOne on pasting from unlogged channels to logged ones06:05
IdleOnethat line out of context means nothing06:06
rwwJordan_U: they're ban-evading. you're the original banner, you pick what to do ;P06:06
Tm_Tfriendly notifying what the case is in PM and hoping he gets the hint would be my first try06:07
rwwhi iFrenzy06:14
iFrenzywell hi06:14
rwwfor ops playing along at home, BT #4043306:15
iFrenzynow to the issue at hand06:15
iFrenzyare you waiting for me to restate my question?06:15
IdleOne<iFrenzy> rww: lol so let me get this straight, you banned me from a chat room because I ask a question and you give me an attitude about it? I'm not starting anything else, I just want clarification.06:16
rwwthe tl;dr from my point of view is that you asked a support question, I told you "#ubuntu-offtopic is not a backup channel for when #ubuntu doesn't answer you :(", and you replied with a bad attitude repeatedly until I got tired of it and muted you for being disruptive.06:16
rwwnotably, I told you to come back "tomorrow". I do not feel that less than 5 hours later is a reasonable interpretation of that.06:17
iFrenzyrww: I had a bad attitude because you could have simply in a nice way said that offtopic didn't handle support questions but instead gave me a smart alec response06:17
iFrenzylol and also tomorrow is tomorrow whether its 2 minutes or 23hours and 59 minutes later06:17
rwwiFrenzy: The channel /topic that you're expected to read when joining the channel says that very plainly.06:18
rwwiFrenzy: I do not intend to have an argument with you about what is a reasonable interpretation of "tomorrow".06:18
Tm_TiFrenzy: 1) there's no excuse for bad behaviour  2) we usually mean "come next day same time" when we say tomorrow06:18
iFrenzyrww: and as I told you earlier I read you what my chat client displayed as the topic06:18
iFrenzyTm_T: ok so its ok for him to give me a smart ass response when i ask a question, but my rebuttal is unacceptable?06:19
rwwIf it makes things clearer to you, the relevant Bantracker comment says "24 hours", not that I expect you to know that.06:19
IdleOneyou're rebuttal was unacceptable because iirc you called rww an asshole06:19
IdleOnethat IS not acceptable at any time06:20
rwwIdleOne: snobs, actually. I did give you the BTid, go read ;P06:20
Tm_TiFrenzy: as far as I can see rww wasn't anything "unsmart" as you suggest06:20
rwwoh, I lied, asshole too.06:20
* IdleOne goes back to idle06:20
iFrenzyby the way, who is rww?06:20
rwwwhy do people keep asking that06:20
IdleOnehe is an op in several ubuntu related channels06:20
IdleOnenot sure if you have read these but...06:22
IdleOne!guidelines > iFrenzy06:22
ubottuiFrenzy, please see my private message06:22
IdleOne!code of coduct > iFrenzy06:23
ubottuIdleOne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:23
IdleOne!code of conduct > iFrenzy06:23
Jordan_U!coc > iFrenzy06:23
ubottuiFrenzy, please see my private message06:23
iFrenzyall I'm saying is if he would have responded to my initial question with a respectful, to the point response and instead of the smartass one he gave there would have never been a problem06:23
IdleOnehe did, you took it the wrong way and chose to get all snitty and upitty.06:24
IdleOneand rude06:24
iFrenzyI'm the one that was being upitty?06:24
IdleOneand you are continuing to act like that in here06:24
rwwiFrenzy: 1) I maintain that my answer was not disrespectful. 2) Even if it had been, it does not excuse your petulant and aggressive behavior.06:25
IdleOneso I suggest you take a break, come back tomorrow (24 hours) and you can discuss it then.06:25
iFrenzygeez man these rules in chat rooms are worse than high school06:25
rwwAs someone who works at a high school... yes, they are, and thank goodness.06:26
iFrenzyforums are the same way, give a guy forum admin and he thinks he's the president,06:26
IdleOnethat is because in Ubuntu land we expect people to act accordingly, in high school you can break all the rules you want. Not our problem.06:26
iFrenzyI'm just saying how in highschool they suspend you for saying a curse word and you have to raise your hand to ask a question06:27
rwwi wish06:27
rwwanyway. As IdleOne said, please wander back into #ubuntu-offtopic in about 24 hours.06:28
iFrenzyok, lol am i banned from here or something?06:28
IdleOneno but we ask that you not idle in here unless there is an immediate issue that needs to be addressed06:29
rwwI see you didn't take my advice :(06:29
rwwiFrenzy: This conversation really isn't going anywhere, and the part of the /topic you're not seeing is "Please exit the channel once your issue is dealt with. | We reserve the right to remove idlers"06:30
iFrenzyoh well, considering I can't go back in offtopic, is there another general talking room related to ubuntu, or am I going to have to go see the fedora folks?06:30
iFrenzyoh wait, so I have to physically leave the room is that what you're saying or just quit talking?06:31
IdleOneyou need to part the channel06:31
rwwWe really need to affiliate with ##club-ubuntu and direct all the rule-libertarians over there.06:31
IdleOneyeah, umm, NO.06:32
Tm_TI was about to suggest to check our wiki page that has channel list with caution: basic rules about the behaviour applies to them all06:32
rwwI was trying to figure out how to honestly answer that question.06:33
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:41
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)08:41
ubottuvibhav called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()11:58
Picifyi, there appears to be some sort of skype outage happening: https://twitter.com/#!/Skype13:31
ikoniashock horror13:33
Tm_Tskynet outage?13:34
ikoniaall the idiots are out "this is what you get for letting M$ buy it !!!"13:34
jussiwhich is easily worked around....13:34
ikonialol omg I bet bill gates is making calls13:34
jussiHas anyone else had issues with the linux client?13:35
PiciI don't use skype. I just wanted to make sure that y'all knew just in case we get support questions about it13:35
jussiyeah, I had an issues, resolved it by removing the settings folder.13:36
ikonia13:36 < sudokill> i think cos MS now owns it13:36
Piciikonia: although to your benefit, someone just said exactly what you said in #ubuntu13:36
ikoniaI know, ha ha13:36
Piciikonia: you know our users too well. :|13:39
Tm_T...he is one of our users, he has only to know himself13:40
ikoniaTm_T: grep the logs, find me making such a stupid comment and I'll donate to an opensource project13:40
Tm_Tikonia: I never claimed you would do that, you siply know how and why that happens13:41
jussi[15:34:54] <ikonia> lol omg I bet bill gates is making calls13:41
jussiI win. :D13:41
jussino mention of context there :D13:42
ikoniajussi: void13:42
ikoniathen you are not playing fair13:42
ikoniayou should be shamed13:42
jussiikonia: just playing :)13:42
jussikinda had to though...13:43
ikonianot play fair I think13:43
ikonia13:44 -!- Zephr0 [Zephro@fuck.me.who.just.farted.net] has quit [Quit: changing13:45
ikoniawhat a nice host13:45
ikoniamessaged him13:45
knomeany host that has "fart" in it is nice13:49
ikoniathe fuck.me bit isn't great though13:49
knomeagreed :)13:58
knomefart always wins, that's the rule13:58
* jpds walks in, reads ikonia saying "fuck me" and wonders what happened.14:10
ikoniaread the scroll back for uninteresting info14:11
jpdsJust knowing that was more fun.14:22
Technovikinghello, are bots allowed in #ubuntu channels?14:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:39
popeythat last link I guess14:39
Tm_TTechnoviking: some bots are allowed14:39
Tm_T...in some channels14:40
TechnovikingI'm running an RSS feed bot (supybot) in #ubuntu-power-users, pull feeds from The Planet and other Ubuntu blogs14:41
PiciGenerally they need to be approved by the channel's founders/ops14:41
LjLTechnoviking: if staticsafe is fine with it, i'm sure there is no problem14:41
TechnovikingI will ask him and jussi14:43
Coreyhttp://www.flightstats.com/go/FlightStatus/flightStatusByFlight.do?airline=UA&departureDate=2011-05-26&flightNumber=493&x=0&y=0 <-- Whee.14:51
LjLyou're on the plane?14:52
CoreyLjL: Yes.14:52
LjLinternet must be expensive14:52
Corey$13 flat rate.14:53
Coreyaka "Less than a drink in Los Angeles"14:53
PiciPower too?14:53
CoreyBut it's a Macbook Air.  Battery will last me another 6 hours yet.  Flight's done in ~4.15:00
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: !skypefail is Skype are currently having issues with connection problems and are working on a fix, a temporary fix can be found at https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10874/I-m-having-problems-with-Skype-today15:11
Pici !skypefail is <reply> Skype are currently having issues with connection problems and are working on a fix. A temporary fix can be found at https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10874/I-m-having-problems-with-Skype-today15:12
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici15:12
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (psijackoff appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)15:28
Picirww: thanks15:34
rwwone of those mornings, I see15:40
rwwPici: i have a couple of #ubuntu-offtopic bans for ginbuntu that were me changing banforwards by you into bans. still think he needs to be banned there?16:13
Picirww: I think it'll be okay to remove them at this time16:14
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget oracle16:22
Logan_it's a dead link16:22
ubottuIf you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html16:22
Pici!oracle =~ s#:$#: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/linux/xe-on-kubuntu-087822.html/16:23
ubottuMissing end delimiter16:23
Pici!oracle =~ s#:$#: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/linux/xe-on-kubuntu-087822.html#16:23
ubottuNothing changed there16:23
Pici!no oracle is <reply> If you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/linux/xe-on-kubuntu-087822.html16:24
ubottuI'll remember that Pici16:24
Logan_heh, that works16:24
PiciAlthough oracle's search is horrible16:25
rwwPici: I think you meant s#:.*$#...#, btw ;)16:25
popeyreally? we need to "-must-" that?16:25
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:25
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !oracle =~ s/-must- install oracle ..../need to install Oracle,/16:25
popeywhy doesn't that say "If you _must_ install skype"?16:25
rwwwhy don't we !forget oracle, since I've never ever seen that be used16:26
Logan_rww: that was my original idea :P16:26
rwwalso, "Oracle" is not a product, it's a company kthx.16:26
* popey wishes he could !forget oracle IRL16:26
genii-aroundThe packages in that repository are from 200516:26
rwwgenii-around: Oracle's?16:26
highvoltageOracle is like The Game16:26
popeyI see what you did there.16:26
ubottuoracle has no aliases - added by Spec on 2006-07-19 22:24:00 - last edited by Pici on 2011-05-26 15:24:2816:26
rww!forget oracle16:26
ubottuI'll forget that, rww16:26
genii-aroundrww: Yes, the dates on files like in here: http://oss.oracle.com/debian/dists/unstable/main/source/16:27
rwwgenii-around: all the more reason, then :)16:27
rwwpopey: I for one think we should push for ubottu to get FSF approval by removing all non-free factoids and repository !infos ;D16:27
popeyooo, a vrms for the bots16:27
LjLall ops should have their DNA mapped and open sourced16:28
rwwsomething about FloodBots16:29
LjLsomething about security16:29
LjLsome lies* about security16:30
rwwoft-repeated comments about security through obscurity that don't really apply16:30
genii-aroundWhen we tell ubottu to forget something, does it actually have some result on the size of it's collection of factoids? Because http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi still shows them, just as <deleted>16:50
PiciNo, they still stick around.16:50
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, mc44 said:  !whywouldyouwanttobeanop is <alias> areyoumad17:01
genii-aroundI have lunch shortly, was considering going through factoids and removing some old/obsolete ones, should I post the potential ones here or someplace before removal, for review?17:02
tsimpsonreviewing all of the factoids is one of those often talked about but rarely done things17:06
ikoniaI did it a while ago and we did a reasonable clear out17:07
ikoniathe problem is things that people thing should go, others thing are valid17:07
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
ubuseris there a way to get around the grub menu?17:26
ubusermy computer when i boot, grub says error 1517:26
ubuseri do not have a way on this computer and it is not showin that i have two harddrives? is there a way to skip grub?17:27
ubuseris there a way around teh grub, please help17:28
ubuserthanks for telling me update btw faggot17:28
CoreyHow civil.17:29
IdleOneyou in Africa Corey ?17:31
IdleOneor did a couple of weeks go by and I missed them17:32
PiciHe was en-route to JFK Int'l earlier17:32
CoreyIdleOne: No, at the moment I'm... over Wisconsin.17:32
IdleOneah, k17:32
Coreyhttp://www.flightstats.com/go/FlightTracker/flightTracker.do?id=226751490&airline=UA&flightNumber=493 Or not quite.17:32
PiciThe traffic around JFK is annoying.  I've never been to the airport though.17:32
CoreyYeah, I'm on United now.17:34
CoreyThe connection is Royal Air Marac (NOW WITH SEATBELTS!).17:34
ubuserplease help me..17:39
ubuseri tried installing grub2, now my pc wont boot17:40
IdleOneyou did wrong, this is not a support channel btw.17:40
ubuserit says error 15? how can i get around it17:40
ubuserplease man17:41
IdleOneLike I said this is not a support channel, if you wish to discuss why you were banned from #ubuntu, this would be the place.17:41
ubuserlick my balls.17:42
ubuseri done everything they said17:42
ubusernow im screwed17:42
IdleOnealrighty then, I think you need a timeout but I am going to give you some help anyway. try ##linux17:42
ubuserso much for teh updates.17:43
PiciIts a ban forward to here17:43
IdleOnewell now he is stuck in a loop17:44
genii-aroundThe current ones I'm thinking to remove: screenshots-#edubuntu tribe6 intrepidkde3 hungover plf latestkde17:51
IdleOne!forget screenshots-#edubuntu17:53
ubottuI'll forget that, IdleOne17:53
IdleOne!forget tribe617:53
ubottuI'll forget that, IdleOne17:53
IdleOnegenii-around: if they aren't relevant anymore, go ahead and forget them17:54
IdleOnewe can always unforget if needed17:54
charlie-tcaubuser is now showing in many channels asking about grub17:54
genii-aroundIdleOne: okeley dokeley17:56
popeyubuser now in -uk18:07
PiciWas that what that ops call was?18:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu, carpi said: ubottu: but is it possible to install using aptitude? because it would nice to not have to contaminate my installation of natty?18:51
jussiHiya Zephr0.19:38
jussiZephr0: Do you have any idea why you got forwarded here?19:38
Picipozic: I've asked another op to look into it, just hang on a few minutes.19:52
Coreycharlie-tca: Could have asked here. :-)19:53
CoreyEr, that was to CarlFK19:53
IdleOnepozic: how can I help you?19:57
pozicIdleOne: you can press the 'unban' button.19:58
IdleOnepozic: from what I read in the logs you appeared to have somewhat of a bad attitude the day you got banned.19:58
pozicIdleOne: a bad attidude requires two persons.19:58
IdleOneI am a little concerned that attitude might still be present and I need to make sure you understandf our guidelines19:58
pozicIdleOne: one who supposedly has this attitude and another one to interpret it as such.19:59
IdleOnepozic: I am here to help with getting you back in #ubuntu19:59
IdleOnewhat other people said/did is not my concern right now19:59
pozicIdleOne: I am not an ass hole, if others are not, generally.19:59
IdleOnepozic: ok first rule is no swearing, at all.19:59
pozicSince when did that rule got introduced?20:00
pozicThat was not a rule years ago.20:00
IdleOnesince always in the ubuntu irc channels20:00
pozicOr at least, it was not enforced.20:00
IdleOneif it wasn't enforced back in the day it was an oversight20:00
IdleOneit is now.20:00
pozicWhat is a good other word for that word in this context to mean exactly that?20:01
IdleOnenot the exact same meaning granted but way more acceptable20:01
IdleOneGoing to have ubottu give you a couple of links20:01
IdleOne!guidelines > pozic20:02
ubottupozic, please see my private message20:02
pozicAnyway, I reported bugs in Ubuntu, so I helped more than most people.20:02
IdleOne!code of conduct > pozic20:02
IdleOnepozic: the amount of help one gives does not allow them to break the rules20:02
IdleOneyou can say I love you 1 million times but the time people remember is "I hate you"20:02
pozicIdleOne: it appears that admins can break the rules all the time.20:03
Coreypozic: I assure you that's not the case.20:03
CoreyIf I start swearing, I'll lose ops and be banned.20:03
pozicIdleOne: that is probably sound advice.20:03
IdleOneif by admin you means ops no they can not. you can come here and report any abuse to the ops team.20:03
pozicIdleOne: ok, so if someone acts like an incompentent jerk, I can report them and they lose their ops?20:03
IdleOnenot necessarily20:04
pozicIf so, I am more than willing to obey by the rules.20:04
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.20:04
IdleOnebut if the Ubuntu IRC council feels it warranted it is possible20:04
pozicIn general, ops should be competent people, imho.20:04
IdleOnesee the above link20:04
pozicThey should have e.g. higher education.20:04
IdleOnepozic: ops are volunteers, same as you when you report bugs. We all can make mistakes20:04
pozicOtherwise it just leads to conflicts.20:05
pozicThey should have natural leadership by being vastly better than the occasional users.20:05
pozicWhat is the point otherwise to give them special privileges?20:05
IdleOnethey try but when confronted by users with a poor attitude even the calmest, cool headed op can lose his bearings at times.20:05
jussipozic: you may want to take a read of the requirements to become an operator: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements20:06
IdleOneSo, I need you to agree to follow our guidelines and code of conduct (you don't have to sign it)20:06
IdleOneif/when you agree I will remove the ban.20:07
pozicIn my reading catalytic implies competent.20:08
IdleOnepozic: if you believe you can do a better job I invite you to apply for ops, that will require signing the code of conduct I believe.20:09
CarlFKpozic: we put forth a best effort.  it seems to work good enough, and I doubt there are any reasonable alternatives.20:12
ikoniaoh, my connection appears to have hung, damn screen20:14
pozicIdleOne: if there would be 36 hours in a day, I would. I can agree with these rules, certainly now they apply to all users.20:15
IdleOnethey do and always have.20:15
pozicI have seen enough jerks in #ubuntu.20:15
IdleOnepozic: I need to remind you that any unacceptable behaviour from you will result in another ban and it will be more difficult to get it removed next time20:16
Coreypozic: Technical prowess takes a backseat to "able to resolve conflicts sanely."20:16
pozicCorey: unfortunately.20:17
IdleOnepozic: could you please join #ubuntu to make sure I got all relevant bans20:18
pozicAnyway, I don't think there is anything else left to discuss.20:18
IdleOneok. have a good day. hope not to see you here again :)20:18
pozicI hope so too.20:18
pozicGood day, sir ;)20:19
LjLflametai1 has a potentially pretty serious problem in #ubuntu that i don't really know how to solve, if anyone wants to have a look20:41
oCeanLjL: bug #624877 might be relevant20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624877 in Linux "INFO: task dpkg:23317 blocked for more than 120 seconds." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62487720:42
LjLoCean: oh that might be it. however i think flametai1 was particularly unlucky to have it happen on the installation of dpkg itself... :\20:44
oCeanyeah, that's a tricky situation20:44
IdleOneI say, kill and restart the install, make sure to md5 the iso.20:45
rwwouch O_O20:46
LjLIdleOne: i'm not sure he was installing Ubuntu, but updating20:46
IdleOnethat is different20:46
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
ikoniahello ubuser23:08
ubuserEnter text here...yepp23:09
ikoniahello ubuser23:13
ikoniaok, so lets try to sort this ban so you can use #ubuntu again23:14
ikoniaIdleOne: if you are awake jump in23:14
ikoniaubuser: what happened/why did you get banned from #ubuntu23:14
ubuserthe first 22 times, not really sure.23:14
ikonia? first 22 times ?23:15
ubuseralthough i have been searching google and noticed that the chats show up :)23:15
ubuseryea i type fast, apparently so i get booted23:15
ubusernevertheless, im computer illiterate so they kick me23:15
ubuserbut, yay i got ubuntu 8.04 working23:16
ikoniaok - I've just read through the logs23:16
ubuseri tried the 10.04 and it had major video prollems23:16
macotyping fast shouldn't be thing, but hitting enter after every few words would set off a bot23:16
ikoniayou have a bit of history in #ubuntu23:16
ikoniaubuser: there seems to be two problems here 1.) when people help you, you don't listen 2.) you are rude to people23:16
ikoniafor you to get back in to #ubuntu we need that behaviour to stop23:16
ubuserdude someone said "my coke glass is hairy" and booted me.23:17
ikoniaubuser: I'm reading the logs - that's not what happened23:17
ikoniaubuser: so as I said, there are two problems23:17
ikoniathe first is you don't listen to people when they are helping you23:17
ikoniawe need that to stop,23:17
ikoniait wastes time in the channel for people and frustrates people23:18
ikoniathey are there to help you so you need to work with them to allow them to help you23:18
ubuseri haven't helped people there either.23:18
ikoniaI didn't say you had helped people, please listen to the conversation23:18
ubuseri got it, no cussing, dont say stupid thhings and what not23:19
ikoniano - that's not what I said23:19
ikoniaplease try to follow the conversation23:19
ubuserdont be rude23:19
ubuserand list23:19
ikoniathe first issue is you don't listen to what people are saying (as this conversation is showing)23:19
ubuserand dont press entar alot23:19
LjLwhich you're doing right now23:20
ubuseri been looking for a sound fix for 4 days.23:20
ikoniawe need that to stop, if someone is trying to help you, work with them, pay attention and help them to help you23:20
ikonialooking at the logs you ignore their help and just keep asking the same question over and over, which causes a problem in the channel23:20
ikoniado you understand the point I'm making ?23:20
ubuserive done it all myself, i dont think that chatrooms gonna help me anymore than it hasnt bro23:20
ikoniaubuser: please stick with me here, and follow the conversation23:21
ubuseri have done everything they told me man23:21
ubuserit put me at no computer 4 times23:21
ikoniaI'm not doubting you followed their advice, but you seemed to not follow the advice, and just ignore people23:21
ikoniaas I said, work with them, give feedback, help them to help you23:22
ubuseryea, atleast half of them are cool23:22
ikoniaNO !23:22
ikonialisten to what I'm saying23:22
ikonia"half of them are cool" is nothing to do with what I've just said23:22
ikoniaI'll try one more time23:23
ikoniawhen people are helping you in the #ubuntu channel, try to listen to what they are saying, if you don't understand something, feedback that you don't understand, if it didn't work, feedback that it didn't work, if they tell you something won't work, let them help you find a solution that will23:24
ikoniado you understand what I'm saying now ?23:25
ikoniaok, do you think you can agree to do that in future ?23:25
ubuseryea and hopefully someone can help23:26
ikoniathe second problem is your language and attitude23:26
ubuserthats what i was sayin23:26
ikoniacalling people names like "faggot" and telling people to "lick your balls" is totally unacceptable, and will not be tollerated in any way23:27
ikoniado you clearly understand that ?23:27
ikoniaok - so if I remove the ban on you in #ubuntu, you will follow the points I have set out for you in here ?23:28
ikoniaok, I will remove the ban for you23:29
ikoniaubuser: I have removed the ban for you, you can now join #ubuntu and ask for support23:29
ubuseralthough they are saying my version isnt supported23:29
ubuserso, should i try a different one?23:29
ikoniaok - then that will be a problem23:29
ikoniayou need to upgrade/install a supported version23:29
ubuseri tried23:29
ikoniawell, #ubuntu can help you resolve that23:30
ubuserplz keep spamming me with bots i <3 it.23:34
IdleOneubuser: the bot is giving you information you need.23:34
ubuseri tried updating with cd's23:34
ubusermy cdrws must be scratched the only one that worked was a mini 6.1023:35
ikoniaubuser: we don't support in this channel, you should leave it now and continue the suppor tin #ubuntu23:35

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