
jmedinanow this: grep options /etc/bind/*00:02
jmedinathat is00:07
jmedinayou are including options again in .local00:07
jmedina /etc/bind/named.conf.local:include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";00:07
jmedinadelete that line from named.conf.local00:07
jmedinaand run named-checkconf again00:07
post/etc/bind/named.conf.local:39: open: /etc/bind/named.conf.local: too many open files00:10
jmedinaplease, post the output from named.conf.local00:12
posthalf-asleep / jmedina: can you give me the command for it again ;)00:14
jmedinajust show me the content00:14
jmedinadid you edited named.conf.local by hand?00:14
jmedinathat is extrange00:15
jmedinaif you didn't someoneelse did00:19
postnever touched it...00:20
jmedinawell there are some direct and  reverse zones loaded00:22
jmedinaand other thing00:23
jmedinanamed.conf.local incluids again include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local"; at the end00:23
jmedinaprobably it is a old installation00:24
jmedinapurge the package and delete all the /etc/bind :)00:25
jmedinaaptitude purge bind900:25
jmedinaand install again00:25
post * Starting domain name service... bind9                                 [ OK ]00:29
postjmedina: Thank you :)00:29
jmedinait looks like someone used bind in that server before you00:31
postWebmin => Servers => BIND DNS Server  doesnt load :(00:32
posteverything else in webmin works fine accept bind00:32
jmedinathe it was webmin00:33
jmedinasorry webmin is not supported :)00:33
=== medberry is now known as med_out
moonpupwould anyone know why after setting up postfix and dovecot I can no longer check mail from the command line using 'mail' from the heirloom-mailx package? I see mail in my Maildir/new directory, but mail says I have no new mail :(01:07
SpaceBassapparently Drobo shows up as series of 2tb disks in Linux? should I use LVM or is there something more preferable to make them work as one drive?01:43
SnuggerHello, does anyone know how to close a screen session within ubuntu server? i can't find what i should type and the server i'm running on a screen session froze.01:51
qman__^a d01:51
uvirtbotqman__: Error: "a" is not a valid command.01:51
SnuggerI don't understand qman01:52
qman__hold control and press a01:52
qman__then press d01:52
Snuggerthat just returns you to the main console, that doesn't close out of a screen session01:52
qman__that detaches from a screen01:53
qman__thought that's what you were after01:53
qman__if you just want to kill it, ps aux or screen list, and kill the pid01:53
Snuggerthats what i'm after =D01:54
qman__if it's really stuck, you may need kill -901:55
qman__but only do that if it won't stop with a regular kill01:55
shaunoif it'll reattach (just screen -r), I'd try to kill the window with ctrl+k from within screen.  that way you don't need to clean up leftover pipes01:56
Snuggerso i type in ps aux and then type..?01:56
shaunoah, ctrl+a, k rather01:56
qman__try that first01:57
qman__if it doesn't work, ps aux | grep [hung process name]01:57
qman__take note of the PID, then kill [PID]01:57
twbqman__: pgrep01:57
Snuggerthank you guys, ctrl + a + k worked01:58
Snuggeri apoligize i'm new to ubuntu server, i want to do some more cool stuff with ti01:59
shaunothat one's specific to screen.  learning how to seek & destroy is useful too :)  but if I can get screen to clean up it's own children, means less leftover cruft02:00
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com02:00
twbI don't know about you, but on my system something in my config makes screen leak memory like a mofo -- RSZ of 200MB by the end of the day02:01
qman__I haven't run into that problem02:02
qman__and I run a screen'd irssi 24/702:02
qman__on a box with 256MB02:02
twbYeah, I have talked to upstream about it and they don't know either.02:03
flowbeei'm connecting to a vpn server that seems to affect my routes.  you can see here:  https://gist.github.com/990377 ... my question is; what should i do after this happens so that *only* traffic from port 80 will be sent through the assigned routes?02:03
twbThat's a question for #netfilter02:04
shaunoit doesn't actually answer your question, but where it adds a route for .. there's a good chance removing that route will do what you're actually trying to achieve02:05
qman__routes aren't set based on ports02:06
flowbeeso removing that route would allow me to pass nothing through the vpn02:06
twbshauno: AIUI he wants *only* port 80, i.e. he needs netfilter to add marks and then "ip rule" to set up mark-based routing02:06
qman__it's possible to reroute traffic with some iptables magic02:06
flowbeeso sounds like: step 1) remove the route of
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flowbeeand 2) use iptables to do the rest?02:06
qman__pretty much02:07
shaunotwb: I understand that's what he's asking.  I'm not sure if that's actually the route to his problem02:07
twbwouldn't be the first xy problem02:07
shauno(as I prefixed "this doesn't answer your question").02:07
qman__if you're trying to access known resources on the VPN, you don't need to do any of that02:07
qman__you just need to set your normal default gateway and then ensure the appropriate VPN routes are set02:08
qman__but if you actually want all web traffic to route through the VPN, then yeah, you need to do some fancy stuff with iptables02:08
shaunoI'm assuming he's running into an issue like I get, where if I vpn to work, I can't access irc because work becomes my default route, and work block irc.  fixing his routes so that only traffic destined for the vpn'd network goes down the vpn, and traffic destined for the public internet goes over his local link, would be a better solution to such a problem02:09
flowbeeso this can be done purely with iptables02:09
shauno(if my assumption is right, of course)02:09
flowbeeand i leave the routes that are pushed down in place?02:09
twbIf that's the case he just needs to not set up his VPN to be retarded02:09
patdk-lapyou use iptables to mark the packets you want to use those routes02:09
flowbeeshauno, that is what i'd like to do02:09
patdk-lapand you adjust the routing table to notice that mark and use a seperate routing table for those02:09
twbIdeally one woudl first tell the VPN client not to break the 0/0 route in the first place02:10
qman__and chances are02:10
qman__if the work VPN is not under your control, and is still set up that way02:10
qman__it's for a reason02:10
qman__check your company policy02:10
flowbeewell its the vpn provider;  i just done need all my traffic to go through them02:10
flowbeeits for personal use02:10
qman__if you have control over the VPN server, tell it not to funnel all traffic02:11
flowbeei sadly have no control over the vpn server02:11
flowbeei just have control over what i do once i connect to it and after it pushes those routes down02:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #788419 in openssh (main) "package openssh-server 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 useradd: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78841902:11
flowbeepatdk-lap, so how would i adjust that routing table02:12
qman__route del default gw
qman__where is the VPN server02:13
flowbeeso that will allow any traffic to flow *not* through the vpn02:15
qman__assuming you still have your normal, internet default gateway set02:26
qman__if not you'll have to set it again02:26
flowbeethen the only thing i need to do is figure out how to use iptables to send traffic ... through ... ?02:33
flowbeei'm getting: Thu May 26 05:41:03 2011 Note: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory (errno=2)  when i try to connect to openvpn server.  from 10.04 server.02:43
Doonzhey guys. i have 3 servers. 2 of the three can access a website the other cannot. they all go through the same gateway and have the same dns server. from the one machine that cannot ping the website using its url i can ping the ip address and it will work.. any ideas?02:44
negronjl...maybe here I'll have better luck.  I am trying to upload a package to launcpad ( via dput ) but, I am getting a rejection that I don't understand ( https://pastebin.canonical.com/47851/).  Any thoughts anyone?02:46
* negronjl is done for the day02:49
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SpaceBassapparently Drobo shows up as series of 2tb disks in Linux? should I use LVM or is there something more preferable to make them work as one drive?03:18
jonfI have a problem after an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 using do-release-upgrade - I do not have a text login any more on my default VC03:41
jonftty0 seems to work fine though (using cat to and from it)03:41
jdstrandif Aison shows up, someone might point him at isc-dhcp-server-ldap04:11
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kthomas_vhwill mod_evasive work with apache2-mpm-prefork?05:24
slicslakhey guys05:59
slicslaki'm downloading some libraries to compile from source and wondering where the best place to store the source code is.  I'm assuming /usr/src but figured i'd to see what others are doing05:59
kthomas_vhdepends on the libraries :)06:45
slicslakin this ffmpeg and various codecs06:47
uvirtbotslicslak: Error: "case" is not a valid command.06:47
slicslakperhaps the better question is, is using /usr/src a bad idea?06:49
twbSuppose the root filesystem has a directory, /srv, on which is mounted a separate filesystem.  *Without* unmounting /srv, is it possible to chmod 0 the mountpoint beneath it?07:10
twbHm, looks like I can with mount --bind07:11
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eagles0513875hey guys07:42
eagles0513875im trying to update the motd on my server by changing and saving /etc/motd07:42
eagles0513875yet every time i relogin to my server the motd message doesnt show but the server specs07:43
eagles0513875and stat usage07:43
eagles0513875do i need to install update-motd?07:43
flowbeehow bad an idea is it to remove the need to type a password for sudo?  i have only key based auth to the server; so i'm not really worried about users logging in08:34
eagles0513875flowbee: wait you mean sudo login via ssh08:52
tsimpsoneagles0513875: no he doesn't08:52
tsimpsonflowbee: if your system is very locked down as to who can interact with it, which is sounds like yours is, then I think it's not too insane to remove password auth. however having an extra auth layer for sudo action is always a good thing :)08:54
twb16:42 <eagles0513875> im trying to update the motd on my server by changing and saving /etc/motd08:55
twbeagles0513875: wrong; edit motd.tail08:55
eagles0513875twb: ok08:56
twbflowbee: personally I enable key-based ssh as root08:56
twbflowbee: apart from bypassing that issue, it makes it less of a hassle to do e.g. ssh x tar -c etc | ssh y tar -x08:56
twbI also add NOPASSWD for me, but not my users :-)08:57
twbtsimpson: the downside of too MUCH auth is that then you get security by post-it08:57
tsimpsonI prefer to enforce sudo use, as it's logged. but that all depends on the specific scenario08:57
twbtsimpson: unless you NOEXEC, it isn't logged08:58
twbAt least, no more logged than sshd08:58
twband NOEXEC will break things like /etc/init.d/*08:58
tsimpsonbut every times sudo is used, it logs the user and command08:59
twb(Hint: "sudo -i", or "sudo python -c ...", or "sudo whatever", where "whatever" is some GUI diagramming tool that happens to contain a python debugging shell.)08:59
tsimpsonthe point being that sudo is mostly for running a command, where ssh is mostly for logging-in09:00
tsimpsonobviously not always, but generally09:00
twbMaybe you use it that way, but an attacker that doesn't want his privileged commands logged is not going to run each one separately09:00
twbI guess it depends if you're trying to log malicious users or accidental rm -rf's from other trusted but not-too-bright sysadmins09:01
tsimpsonbut the attempt to gain sudo is logged, and you can tell what account was comprised09:01
twbtsimpson: well, the same applies for ssh09:02
tsimpsonssh tells you who logged in, sudo tells you who attempted to gain privileges09:02
tsimpsonrestricting sudo is a pre-requisite for security09:02
twbI give up09:03
twbprinter admin installed hplip, which pulled in fucking console kit09:08
flowbeeonce you set the rc.locals or whatever to make the /etc/init.d/ script active on startup... if i modify the script do i need to redo that rc.locals command?   .. or will it just work09:12
LinSkyratequestion: how can someone easy explain howto make a private cloud using virtual desktops directly from the private Ubuntu Server and dont use Amazom?09:15
SyriaAfter successfully  installing Ubuntu server 10.4.2 and configuring software raid all i get is a blank screen on booting! and this were the instructions that i have used https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html09:41
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Aisondamn ubuntu natty, now my dhcpd suxx :((((  dhcpd: getentry.c:46: ldap_next_entry: Assertion `ld != ((void *)0)' failed.12:14
corumxHello, I need some help figuring out a LAMP problem12:23
corumxanyone can help?12:23
koolhead11guys just put your wuestion please, instead asking permission for that :)12:23
corumxThe LAMP is installed and it is working, what I need is to create a "shortcut" from a folder in a NTFS partition and open the content from the browser. It gives me error 403 Forbidden, and I can't change the folder permissions. Anyone can help me12:23
frenzzHello, what difference betveen desktop ubuntu and server in case use as virtualization host (virtualbox or KVM) ???12:25
auriguscorumx: are you having problems with html files or executing php files?12:29
corumxaurigus: no12:29
auriguswhat user is shown as owner on your ntfs partition12:30
aurigusand what user is apache running on12:30
aurigusmake them match and your error will be gone12:30
corumxaurigus: please help me change the ntfs partition ownership12:31
koolhead11frenzz, kindly check ubuntu community documentation12:31
auriguscorumx: you set ownership in /etc/fstab on the mount point12:32
aurigusin the options field: uid=apacheuser,gid=apachegroup12:33
aurigusits not really a great solution but it should work12:33
corumxaurigus: I don't have the ntfs partition on fstab file12:34
corumxaurigus: I solved the problem12:40
aurigusBeat it with a hammer?12:41
corumxaurigus: I just install the NTFS Configuration Tool I it works now. Possible that this tool changes permissions on the NTFS partitions. Thank you for the help ;)12:42
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koolhead11kim0, ping13:14
benccwhen using ubuntu-server as a guest, is there to use LVM?13:27
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kim0koolhead11: hey13:35
kim0koolhead11 is everywhere :)13:35
kim0bencc lvm would probably make more sense on the "host" .. but it really depends on what you're trying to do13:36
bencckim0: in that case I don't need it. just want a simple server as a guest. thanks13:36
koolhead11kim0, hehe!! what did i do now!! :D13:36
koolhead11hey TeTeT :)13:37
kim0TeTeT: woohoo o/13:37
TeTeThi gents13:37
SpaceBassanyone using mhddfs and have any thoughts about stability?13:39
zulDaviey: i added a comment to the seeds sepc13:57
Davieyzul, and i responsed :)14:06
zulDaviey: maybe we should have a "grab bag spec" so that work items that doesnt fit really anywhere else can be put in one place and tracked14:09
Davieyzul, I think that idea might have legs.14:11
* Daviey ponders14:13
alvinI'm looking for a workaround for bug 769927 (can someone mark it as critical?). A workaround would be to unmount nfs shares automatically at shutdown before the would actually be unmounted. What's the opposite of rc.local in that regard?14:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 769927 in linux "Kernel Oops : Dentry  still in use (1) [unmount of nfs4 0:1d]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76992714:28
Doonzhey guys Im looking at using x forwading for some apps. My question is it possible to keep an app running when i lose my network connection and just am able to reattach?14:32
alvinDoonz: NX can do that.14:34
Doonzoh yes i forgot about that program14:44
sorenkees: Hey. OpenStack currently uses sudo to elevate privileges when it needs to do "stuff". This sucks for a number of reasons and we'd like to change it. Do you have any recommendations? The euca_rootwrap thing? userv? Just run everything as root? :)14:44
klzkHello, anyone available here?14:46
pmatulisklzk: no, nobody is here today14:47
klzkI've installed Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS server to tunnel ipv6 over ipv414:47
pmatulisklzk: there are 309 people in this channel14:48
klzkBut they might be not available x)14:48
klzkMight you be able to help me pmatulis?14:49
pmatulis!ask | klzk14:49
ubottuklzk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:49
zulsoren: i have a work item to look at the eucawrap thing for openstack14:51
klzkKk, I've set up an IPv6 tunnel over ipv4 and pinging from the server is going great. But now i want to ping from my machines to the internet over this tunnel it won't work. If i Ping from ipv4 to this server i get response. Same thing goes if i ping Fe80 (internal) but when i try Ipv6 2001 from DHCP i don't get any response. i edited the file in /etc/sysctl.conf to accept ipv6 routing14:51
sorenzul: Cool!14:52
klzkalso i forced to accept routing on /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwaring14:53
klzkah mind the typo(s) please14:53
benccafter editing /etc/network/interfaces, what service do I need to restart?14:53
klzksudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:53
sorenzul: Not sure if it was on your todo anywhere, but I just uploaded a working Xen package to Oneiric.14:57
zulwhich version?14:57
RoyKlol - this norwegian news site just reported that Fedora 15 was so cutting edge it supports encrypted homedirs14:58
zulhmm...i dont see it on oneiric-changes yet14:59
zulsoren: what did you do to fix it?14:59
sorenzul: "just" being the operative word.15:00
zulsoren: heh15:00
sorenIt'll probably hit oneiric-changes within the next 30 seconds.15:00
soren(the clock just having passed the hour)15:00
zulsoren: it also doesnt help that i was looking at natty-changes15:01
cerberos:join #vimperator15:02
sorenzul: Probably not, but really, I didn't get the accept e-mail until after I made my "within the next 30 seconds" comment.15:02
zulsoren: cool anyways thanks15:03
sorenzul: Sure.15:04
m3asmi/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server: command not found !!!15:04
pmatulism3asmi: natty?15:05
m3asmipmatulis: what15:05
m3asmipmatulis: yes   natty :)15:06
koolhead11m3asmi, /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server :D15:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #788623 in nagios3 (main) "Please sync nagios3 3.2.3-1 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78862315:16
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keessoren: sudo is too wide, which is why I liked my eucarootwrap idea... it validated arguments, etc. alternatively, you could write a dbus backend to do the work (it would do the arg validation)15:39
sorenkees: wouldn't I just be reinventing userv then?15:41
RoyKkees: sudo is too wide for what?15:41
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sorenkees: Actually, sudo lets you specify arguments that you're allowed to pass and whatnot.15:42
sorenkees: My beef with it is that it creates pam sessions and it's a little brittle for my taste in terms of configuration.15:42
m3asmi koolhead11: thinks a lot15:43
m3asmi koolhead11:thanks a lot ;)15:44
lynxmanping zul15:46
zullynxman:  whats up?15:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #788647 in rabbitmq-server (main) "Soft link to version 2.3.1 instead of 2.4.1 break plugin builds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78864715:46
keessoren: i don't know userv. my wrapper came with helper tools to deeply validate args15:46
lynxmanzul: got all the rabbitmq stomp goodness for you15:46
lynxmanzul: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rabbitmq-server/+bug/788647 <-- attached debdiff15:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 788647 in rabbitmq-server "Soft link to version 2.3.1 instead of 2.4.1 break plugin builds" [Undecided,New]15:46
keesRoyK: for openstack privileged operations15:46
zullynxman: thanks ill look at it laster15:46
lynxmanzul: and all the other packages here https://launchpad.net/~lynxman/+archive/ppa15:47
sorenkees: userv has a daemon that acts on your behalf. I/O is passed over a UNIX socket (IIRC). It sanitises environment and lets you limit args passed.15:48
sorenkees: It's a bit long in the tooth, so it probably does't support capabilities, though.15:48
sorenkees: It's a tool Ian Jackson wrote and I believe he said it had been formally audited.15:49
zultomcat uses it i think15:49
sorenzul: What, really?15:50
zulsoren: i think so15:50
zulor maybe not15:51
RoyKkees: just create wrapper scripts15:53
zulkees: anyways euca rootwrapper is on the wi tracker for openstack15:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #788651 in python-boto (main) "Please merge python-boto 1.9b-4 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78865115:57
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hallynkirkland: jinkeys, byobu just crashed on me it seems16:11
hallyni lost my ssh connection, reconnected, and it was gone16:12
hallynooh, juicy, i've got a segfault in syslog16:13
hallynMay 26 10:10:36 sergelap kernel: [658538.322656] screen[21148]: segfault at 0 ip 000000000042bce0 sp 00007fffa3a78f10 error 4 in screen[400000+58000]16:13
kirklandhallyn: natty?  or oneiric?16:15
hallynopened bug 78867016:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 788670 in byobu "segfault in byobu in natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78867016:16
kirklandhallyn: technically it's screen that segfaulted, not byobu16:16
kirklandhallyn: how did you launch?16:17
hallynssh-agent byobu16:17
hallynwell, of course, byobu is just config files...16:17
hallynguess i shoudl retarget then16:17
hallyni don't know that i can reproduce, it's a weird one16:18
kirklandhallyn: these two lines are causing segfaults for a number of people:16:18
kirklandlayout save byobu16:18
kirklandlayout autosave16:18
kirklandhallyn: the layout feature in screen is buggy16:18
kirklandhallyn: let me check upstream git16:18
scalability-junkwhat permissions do i have to set in the ftp dir to be used by wordpress for automativ upgrade?16:18
scalability-junkups sorry wrong window16:18
kirklandhallyn: i bet it's fixed by 8cf5efc07048abee125a24652768f4b24fc761bf16:19
kirklandhallyn: the last commit in screen's git16:19
kirklandhallyn: were you launching a new session, or reattaching to an existing one?16:20
hallynattaching to an existing one16:20
kirklandhallyn: yup16:20
hallynwhich may have been still up as the ssh session may not have timed out yet16:20
RoyKFrom http://www.conservapedia.com/Wikipedia - "Wikipedia is a online encyclopedia[1] written and edited by an ad hoc assemblage of anonymous persons who are mostly, according to the Register (UK)[2][3], teenagers and unemployed persons."16:25
RoyKeveryone should read conservapedial from time to time :D16:25
kirklandhallyn: can you reproduce it easily, by starting another session, detaching, and then attaching in the same way?16:27
m3asmi dhcpd: Not configured to listen on any interfaces!16:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #788680 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78868016:36
m3asmi dhcpd: Not configured to listen on any interfaces!16:49
thesheff17if a project is failing to build on launchpad will it not install? https://launchpad.net/~igraph/+archive/ppa I add the repo & apt-get update & I don't see any packages for igraph or python-igraph is this due to the build failing?17:33
thesheff17natty 64bit is my version.17:34
pmatulisthesheff17: right, if it's not there you can't use it17:37
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RoAkSoAxnegronjl: ping17:50
negronjlRoAkSoAx:  hi.  give me a few minutes.  I"ll ping you in a few.17:50
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: k thansk ;)17:51
dinoxanyone have experience in adding freetype support to php?17:56
RoyKteenage mutant evilsushi?18:03
negronjlRoAkSoAx: hi.18:08
evilsushiRoyK: =D18:10
zullynxman: uploaded thanks18:30
lynxmanzul: yay :)18:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #788742 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient16 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.16.0.0', which is also in package mysql-cluster-client-5.1 0:7.0.9-1ubuntu7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78874218:31
DavieyRoAkSoAx, funny that, I am looking at writing custom facts as we speak.  Is it the same debdiff as yesterday?18:33
koolhead17is there some separate channel for ubuntu orchestra18:33
PiciWhat is Ubuntu orchestra?18:34
koolhead17hey RoAkSoAx18:35
negronjlDaviey:  check facter-customfacts-plugin in ppa:orchestra/ppa18:35
RoAkSoAxDaviey: I just dropped a patch18:36
Davieynegronjl, How about give me a hint what it does? :)18:36
Picikoolhead17: doesn't look like it, but as you can see here, it looks like some orchestra stuff is happening here18:36
negronjlDaviey:  facter-customfacts-plugin allows you to create custom facts by using a script called fact-add.18:37
koolhead17Pici: yeah just realized!! :D18:37
negronjlDaviey:  ie:  fact-add <new_fact> <new_value>18:37
RoAkSoAxhi koolhead1718:37
negronjlDaviey: that is how we are currently adding new facts in orchestra18:37
RoAkSoAxPici: orchestra is the provisioning/config management, etc etc from Ubuntu18:38
Davieynegronjl, interesting... what about the .rb script?18:38
PiciRoAkSoAx: Ah. Neat.18:38
RoAkSoAxPici: so it is just the integration of puppet/cobbler/etc etc into one single solution18:38
PiciRoAkSoAx: I was hoping it meant something like that, no need to completely reinvent the wheel.18:39
negronjlDaviey:  the script is so we can read the facts ( which are stored in /etc/facts ) and incorporate them into facter18:39
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Davieynegronjl, Hmm.. why do you need an additional command to add them?  Surely being in RUBYLIB is enough?18:40
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: is munin there as well ?18:40
negronjlDaviey:  fact-add and fact-del just add the custom fact in /etc/facts where the filename is the new fact and the contents of said file is the value of said fact18:40
Davieynegronjl, interesting...18:41
negronjlDaviey:  this way I can programatically add and remove facts without having to write a .rb file for each18:41
negronjlcustomfacts.rb reads /etc/facts and adds it all into facter18:41
negronjlDaviey:  ^^18:41
Davieynegronjl, i see!18:42
Davieynegronjl, elegant.... Are you putting this in oneiric any time soon?18:42
DavieyI was working on something similar... and duplicating of work--18:42
negronjlDaviey:  I am pushing it to bzr and my PPA for all to see/per-use/test.  I'll need a sponsor ( hint hint ) :)18:43
Davieynegronjl, happy to..18:43
Davieynegronjl, However, might need resync'ing with what is about to be in Oneiric18:44
negronjlDaviey:  no worries.  It's a simple enough package.18:44
Davieynegronjl, As we are starting to crack on with feature work now, we really need to be clear what each of us are working on to make sure we are complementing and not duplicating.18:45
negronjlDaviey:  I agree.  Any place where current work is being coordinated18:46
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koolhead17RoAkSoAx: is there any documentation explaining about the components part and other stuff18:49
Davieynegronjl, the blueprints? :)18:50
* koolhead17 looks at Daviey18:51
RoAkSoAxnegronjl is there any documentation yet?18:55
RoAkSoAxlynxman: ^^18:56
negronjlRoAkSoAx:  not yet.  we'll have it soon18:56
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: ^^18:56
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: thanks ;)18:56
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: thanks. :D18:56
koolhead17am more interested to see munin in the list too 4 monitoring :)18:58
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adam_gis there any way of testing/debugging cloud-init userdata after instance has booted?19:43
adam_g^ smoser19:43
uvirtbotadam_g: Error: "smoser" is not a valid command.19:43
smoseradam_g, yes.19:44
smoserthe real question, though, is why smoser is not a valid command19:44
adam_gmisallocation of resources. i blame management19:45
smoserfyi, seed directory changed in natty19:47
jimbobcoanybody else having problems with archive.canonical.com?20:10
jimbobcowould someone mind hitting http://archive.canonical.com and letting me know the results?20:17
* soren recommends http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/20:18
negronjlDaviey: facter-customfacts-plugin is ready in lp:~negronjl/+junk/facter-customfacts-plugin20:18
jimbobcothanks soren20:18
negronjlDaviey: check it when you get a chance and let me know20:18
jimbobcothat's handy20:18
sorenjimbobco: Quite.20:18
sorenjimbobco: It has no sense of humour though... http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com20:19
jimbobcomade me laugh :)20:20
jimbobcowonder if there's a loop there to be exploited20:20
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Davieynegronjl: ok, will look shortly20:38
BPowerI posted this in #ubuntu but was told this would be a more appropriate place to post it.20:50
BPower I'm really confused.  Apache should always load the first virtual host if it doesn't match any others but mine is ALWAYS loading the second virtual host. my vhost file: http://pastebin.com/zeJjpMJb. Locations in question: http://stage.dev.mvretail.com/20:50
sorenBPower: Because the second one has a more specific <VirtualHost XXX>20:52
sorenBPower: Make them the same (i.e. <VirtualHost *:80>), and you're golden.20:53
BPowersoren, thanks. I just fixed that and it's working now for those two.20:53
BPowernow i've added one more vhost and it's always going to the default. i'll paste the new file20:53
BPowergoing to http://dev.mvretail.com/ should say "We're live!"20:54
BPowergoing to http://stage.dev.mvretail.com/ should say "We're stage!"20:54
BPowerand going to should say "We're www!"20:55
BPoweras you can see, all work except live20:55
littlebearzpermission error?20:56
littlebearzmake sure DocumentRoot /var/www/live/MerchantView/ is readable my apache i think20:57
littlebearzdo ls -alh on /var/www/live20:57
BPowerlittlebearz, are you talking to me? the entire /var/www has the same permissions (I just did it)20:57
littlebearzoh, wait, which one doesn't work?20:57
littlebearzhm.. I don't see any thing wrong with your config, anyone else found anything?20:58
BPowerI'm going to test swapping the last two and see what happens20:59
BPowerthanks littlebearz, soren21:00
littlebearzmaybe it's your vhost taking all the *:80, but i don't think that's the problem21:00
littlebearzlet me dig out my config21:00
littlebearznvm LOL, i have a nginx config http://pbin.xxw.ca/84fb3b462.php21:01
maxbBPower: That's a bit confusing. However, do you have a NameVirtualHost *:80 line elsewhere in your config?21:01
BPowermaxb, ya, ubuntu-server has it by default in /etc/apache2/ports.conf21:02
BPowerbtw littlebearz maxb & soren, swapping the order didn't fix it or change any behavior at all21:05
littlebearzBPower: hm.. i might check if the folder exist and then the typo21:06
BPowerlittlebearz, no typos and folder exists21:08
BPower(just double checked)21:08
littlebearzBPower: i'm baffled, um. try to remove the / after MerchantView ?21:11
sorenBPower: Don't put port number in the servername.21:13
BPowerlittlebearz, soren, trying now thanks :)21:17
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BPowerlittlebearz, soren, applied both  -- don't know which did it but now live.*  works but dev.* still doesn't21:21
sorenBPower: What does your conf look like now?21:27
BPowersoren, littlebearz, maxb:  Found the problem21:33
BPowerSince /etc/apache2/conf.d/fqdn was not created, it would use my server's hostname as the default for anything it didn't recognize21:34
BPowerMy server's hostname happened to be dev.mvretail.com21:34
BPowerso it was hijacking the vhost21:34
BPoweri solved it by creating /etc/apache2/conf.d/fqdn with "ServerName localhost"21:35
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littlebearzBPower oh thanks, I didn't know that , i thought apache auto detect localhost and uses that as FQDN21:47
BPowerlittlebearz, ya apparently it autodetects the actual hostname ...which seems like more of a bug than a feature to me.21:48
littlebearzBPower: experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted :)22:00
BPowerlol nice22:01
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