
jibelmorning czajkowski09:39
czajkowskijibel: ello09:40
czajkowskianyone able to triage a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mobile-broadband-provider-info/+bug/77500109:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 775001 in mobile-broadband-provider-info (Ubuntu) "Settings incorrect for Vodafone 'Top up and go' (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]09:40
jibelczajkowski, what importance would you set ?09:52
czajkowskijibel: I dont know but just had someone poking me asking how to get it triaged and I thought to ask in here09:53
jibelczajkowski, np, #ubuntu-bugs is a more appropriate channel for bug triage, but I'll triage it.09:55
czajkowskijibel: thank you09:55
jibelczajkowski, yw09:55
czajkowskiI didn't know09:55
czajkowskiknow for future :)09:55
jibelczajkowski, anyway, you'll always be welcome here if you want to help with testing. iso testing of Oneiric Alpha 1 is next week btw :-)09:58
czajkowskijibel: I'm still having issues with natty so I may wait :)09:58
xdatap1jibel, morning10:03
czajkowskixdatap1: Aloha10:03
xdatap1czajkowski, hey laura! :)10:03
czajkowskilong time no see hope you're keeping well!10:03
jibelHey xdatap1 , how are you ?10:03
xdatap1jibel, i'm fine thanks10:03
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elopiopedro_: hello.17:10
elopiopedro_: do you have some free time to talk in private?17:10
pedro_elopio, hola, yes i do17:10
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