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dpmgood morning all!07:34
RawChidGood morning11:04
andrejzmorning rawchid11:06
RawChidIf you know TODO's for the Translations Tools, maybe make a blueprint of white board dpm ?11:06
RawChidHi andrejz11:06
dpmRawChid, good idea. I'm a bit constrained on adding separate actions to the diagram, as it should be frozen as of today (we can only add actions at the start of the cycle), but I think I can at least add one. What do you think about: "Improve the ubuntu-l10n-tools scripts to have it ready as a package for wide useage" - the idea is to get to a state where the scripts are working and can be used to automate tasks related to translations, and that w11:27
dpme've got them packaged in a PPA for people to easily download and install. What do you think? Would you be interested in contributing to that?11:27
RawChidSounds good. I would like to learn more on those processes and contribute in coding those scripts11:29
dpmRawChid, excellent, thanks. I'll add the action then :)11:30
RawChidYesterday I explored the other 'tools' from your branch and discovered that some things doesn't work at all. Only problem is that I have no idea what to do, or where to start.11:31
RawChidAt the moment I ca't work on it. But just that you know...11:31
dpmRawChid, yeah, as I said, I just put everything together in a branch to get started. Only the search tool is working. I'm about to add another simple tool that you might want to look at. Let me come back to you in a few minutes...11:39
dpmI'll add a README file with the description of what each tool does11:40
dpmand the TODOs11:40
dpmthat should help you get started11:40
RawChidThat can be very helpful11:47
RawChidI'm about to lunch, bbl11:48
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dpmRawChid, ok, done. When you're back, you'll see the changes if you pull from lp:ubuntu-l10n-tools - enjoy your meal! :-)12:09
RawChidGreat! When I work on this I'll see it. Today I have some obligations :P12:43
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andrejzhello dpm13:57
dpmhey andrejz :)13:58
andrejzi was wondering if you could help me with template priority settings13:58
dpmandrejz, sure, how can I help?13:58
andrejzI am not a coder and hence not sure how to expand the script to run over .csv file13:59
andrejzlook at the last answer - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/15896314:00
dpmandrejz, ah, don't worry about this, I'll take care of it, so that next time we need to set the priorities you can just run the script. We've been talking about this with RawChid about an hour ago, and he'd be willing to help on that14:01
andrejzthat's fantastic. thanks RawChid14:02
dpmI have added the code danilos wrote for us to the ubuntu-l10n-tools project already14:02
andrejzgreat. every small automation helps a lot in the long run :)14:03
dpmyeah, that's the idea :)14:03
andrejzok danilo just sent an improved script which already uses .csv14:07
danilosdpm, there was a small bug in the previous script14:08
dpmdanilos, what was it? (I was intending to run it over staging, but I haven't done it yet)14:09
dpmok, I see it from the answer, I'll update the script in ubuntu-l10n-tools14:19
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