
shaunogetting slammed with email at 00:00 is even less sociable than it sounds :/00:01
hamitronAT LONG LAST00:15
hamitronX is working00:15
* hamitron does a dance00:15
andylockranczajkowski: are GiffGaff any good in Ireland do you know?00:17
BigRedShamitron: whooo!00:21
BigRedSwhat did it take?00:21
hamitronnot 100% sure00:21
BigRedShaha, it's annoying when that happens00:22
hamitronit has a xorg.conf file00:22
hamitronEDID dump00:22
hamitronthe config file tells it what display to use, and to use the EDID file00:23
BigRedSoh, cool00:23
BigRedSseems almost like the prper way to do it00:24
BigRedSanyway, I've just noticed it's half past midnight :/00:24
hamitronjust a shame I had to use another OS to write me the xorg.conf00:25
shaunoandylockran: looks like it's just eu roaming as far as pricing goes (and no data).  coverage-wise, you should be fine most places00:42
shaunoI've done dublin to galway without my modem disconnecting.  it's not a third-world country, it just looks like it in places :o)00:43
czajkowskiandylockran: no idea sorry never heard of them till I came here and seeing as I can use my irish cc on their site I suspect you cant buy one over there but mabe use one you already have05:43
screen-xmorning early people :)06:25
czajkowskiscreen-x: howdy06:26
knightwisemorning everyone06:26
screen-xmorning czajkowski :)06:26
screen-xand knightwise :)06:26
knightwisehey screen-x czajkowski06:26
screen-xare you still videocasting knightwise?06:27
knightwiseyep , got a kwtv episode standing by for this weekend06:27
knightwisereviewing 2 android tablets this week06:28
czajkowskiI'd love to learn to sleep can you do a podcast on that please06:28
screen-xczajkowski: awwww :(06:28
knightwiseczajkowski: i "feel your pain" (read some of your FB updates)06:28
knightwisei know how backache can realy drive you nuts :(06:28
czajkowskiawake now since 4:3006:29
czajkowskitis not normal after being on the beer06:29
knightwisecant lie down  - cant sit - cant stand - cant walk kinda ache06:29
czajkowskino backache just wide awake06:29
czajkowskiahh tv shows just landed down06:29
knightwisegreat podcast with soothing music06:29
screen-xprotip: changing the volume in gnome doesn't work when headphones are plugged into phone..06:30
knightwisehmmm.. got an old eeepc here from my sis in law06:30
knightwise7 inch 4gig version06:30
knightwisewondering what to do with it06:31
screen-xooh, I've got one of those, a 701?06:31
screen-xI run 10.04 une on it, works well.06:32
knightwiseand what gui ?06:32
screen-xnetbook launcher06:32
knightwiseas in unity ?06:32
screen-xno, the old one06:33
screen-xunity was way too slow on it.06:33
screen-xthe UI from the old netbook remix06:33
knightwisei was wondering06:33
knightwiseif i put ubuntu server on it06:33
knightwiseand then install the "gnome shell'06:33
knightwisewill i have gnome without any apps ?06:33
screen-xat work we have a couple of eeepcs that run ubuntu server and act as data loggers :)06:34
knightwise(as oposed to doing a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?)06:34
screen-xI've not tried installing gnome shell on a server, so I don't know which dependencies you'll end up with..06:34
knightwisegnome shell is just like ... "naked gnome" .. right ?06:35
screen-xknightwise: not really, I think its just what the main UI is called in gnome 3. It still requires all the gnome libraries and infrastructure.06:36
knightwiseperhaps i could try a Lubuntu06:36
knightwisethat looks light and nice06:37
screen-xnot a fan of UNR?06:37
knightwisenot really06:37
screen-xfair enough06:38
AlanBellknightwise: yeah, that will basically work06:40
knightwiseHey AlanBell06:40
AlanBellyou will be missing the theme though06:40
knightwiseah , but thats not really a problem06:40
AlanBellI have done apt-get install gedit on servers before06:40
knightwiseso if i'm ever in a pinch and need a simple gui for a server , (without all the apps) i can just try that06:41
AlanBellhauls in a most of an empty gnome desktop06:41
knightwiseand "roll my own" selection of required packaged ?06:41
AlanBellGDM will be a bit broken06:41
knightwisebut , als a "thin clienty thing" it would be ok06:41
knightwisei would just install NXfree client on it and have it connect to my nx server in the house06:42
AlanBelland you can just install bits until the stuff you want works06:42
knightwiseThats about what i'm looking for :)06:42
knightwiseThanx guyz :) might give it a spin this afternoon06:42
AlanBellyou may get to the "sod it, just install ubuntu-desktop" stage06:46
knightwiseAlanBell: true06:48
knightwisei'll tinker in a VM first , see how i like it06:48
knightwiseVM running now.07:01
diploMorning all08:05
screen-xSince upgrading to 10.04, gnome print dialogue boxes take a while to become responsive, with text in the status column saying "waiting for status from printer" or something like that. Any way to disable that, I dont want to know the status of the printer, I want to queue a document to it regardless of it's status..08:06
screen-xmorning diplo08:06
screen-xbug 53498508:13
lubotu3Launchpad bug 534985 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Gnome print dialog box poll for printer info every time it's opened" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53498508:13
DJonesMorning all08:18
czajkowskiello DJones08:24
DJonesHi czajkowski Hows thing08:24
DJonesGood, are you still work hunting08:26
DJonesNot so good from that point of view then08:28
DJonesHad your contract already come to an end, or is this in anticipation of it coming to an end08:29
knightwisehmm .. lubuntu looks pretty good at first sight08:30
BigRedSlubuntu's lxde isn't it?08:35
DJonesknightwise: I keep meaning to have a look at that08:35
BigRedSopenbox is awesome, if you can be arsed to configure it08:35
mrwarmthknightwise, I still can't believe they called it that08:35
BigRedSand lxde does a reasonable job of trivialising that08:35
knightwiseit looks fairly ok !08:37
knightwisebut it does sound like a lobotomy08:38
czajkowskiDJones: came to an end08:42
DJonesczajkowski: Right08:42
TheOpenSourcererMorning campers08:49
* DJones opens the door of the tent & realises its not a tent08:50
danfishDJones: I think he means we are all camp, ducky ;)08:55
MooDoohello all08:59
DJonesWith the confirmation that twitter have bought tweetdeck for $40M, I wonder whether AlanBell will be selling circleoffriends to them for a similar amount09:01
diploAny one successfully built syncany ?09:04
MartijnVdSDJones: likely09:11
Neotiany one want to set up a telecoms business ?09:17
MooDooNeoti: phones?  internet?09:20
Neotiand internet lines09:26
Neotii need a new challenge09:26
MartijnVdSNeoti: gardening?09:28
Neotii can do the geeky stuff ... if some one else can do sales etc ... split things 50/50 etc09:28
Neotii currently cook to relax whjen i get home ... lol09:28
Neotiand not doing anything for garding09:28
screen-xhere probably isnt the best place to find people to do the non geeky stuff..09:29
* MartijnVdS looks at the "sci fi exhibit" doodle page09:32
AlanBellDJones: they would have to pay more than that!09:39
DJonesAlanBell: Heh09:39
diploAnyone here use Facebook chat and having auth failures ?09:54
diploWas working this morning, but seems to have stopped recently09:55
DJonesdiplo: Seems fine to me09:55
diploThink my internet connection dropped, won't reconnect after09:57
davmor2morning all10:01
czajkowskidavmor2: ello10:01
JGJonesI'm wondering - anyone here have an Asus Transformer?10:02
davmor2morning czajkowski JGJones10:02
JGJonesAs just wondering how you access the storage on the tablet via USB?10:02
JGJonesAh it use MTP...I see there's a mtpfs (FUSE for MTP)...off I go...10:15
davmor2JGJones: Ubuntu should just mount it as a visible drive10:21
JGJonesdavmor2 - sadly it doesn't10:21
davmor2JGJones: Is it android based?10:22
davmor2JGJones: if so there maybe a mode switcher on the device10:24
Oli``popey: helmet firmware?10:50
MartijnVdSOli``: you know, the stuff that makes it firm..10:52
Oli``popey's tweet was: Overheard in the office. "Ooh! There's new firmware for my helmet!"10:53
Oli``Extremely curious to know what on earth that could have meant10:53
Oli``Unless it was firm-wear.. Which would be comparatively dull.10:54
popeyOli``: motorcycle helmet10:59
mrwarmthI think helmet firmware was a plot point in Lawnmower Man10:59
BigRedSbluetooth thingy?11:01
popeygot a headset on so he can make calls on the road and listen to tomtom thingy11:01
BigRedSI tried one of those out at the weekend11:02
BigRedSI kept getting distracted chatting to the guy behind me :(11:02
* BigRedS has no hyperthreading11:02
screen-xBigRedS: at least you can't overlay IRC on your visor AR style11:03
DJonesNetbooks set to become cheaper http://www.reghardware.com/2011/05/26/intel_atom_cedar_trail_price_fall/ if the reduction is passed on11:08
popeyi want to know what this new asus thing is going to be running11:10
gordoh cool, if your sshed in somewhere and the client machine suspends, it somehow keeps the ssh session open - suspend is great, why didn't anyone tell me before ;)11:14
screen-xgord: that must depend on the session timeout /keepalive settings on the server, and how long you suspend for11:15
gorda while11:16
BigRedSyeah, that suddenly started happening for me the other day11:23
BigRedSI've no idea what I changed, but it's awesome11:23
BigRedSI resumed an ssh session from ~36hrs after suspending my laptop11:23
screen-xBigRedS: wow, thats long than I assumed would work.11:28
BigRedSyeah, me too11:32
BigRedSI've not made any config changes to sshd or the client, though11:33
BigRedSso I'm not really sure how that worked. Unless it was done by the router I was using or something11:33
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:33
mark__from liverpool11:34
brobostigonmorning mark__11:34
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
DJonesYay, another NW Englander :)11:42
BigRedSNW England? that's gloucester way11:43
DJonesBigRedS: Sounds about right11:45
DJonesAlthough, could argue that Gloucster is more south east wales11:46
oimonis fglrx the proprietary ati driver?11:54
MartijnVdSoimon: it is11:54
MartijnVdSoimon: don't use unless 100% necessary11:54
oimonMartijnVdS: free driver is causing problems11:55
oimonbut fglrx won't install11:55
oimonwell, it install, but still shows radeon in lsmod list11:55
MartijnVdSoimon: are you using jockey-gtk?11:55
MartijnVdS(you should be)11:55
oimonshows no properiaty driver11:55
MartijnVdSthen fglrx doesn't support that chip anymore11:56
* oimon hasn't used a machine with ati in for 10 years11:56
oimoni'm screwed then11:56
MartijnVdSThe proprietary driver supports the newest few generations, and that's it11:56
MartijnVdSolder cards are well-supported by the free drivers11:56
oimonnot the x1250 though :(11:57
oimonbug 31832511:57
lubotu3Launchpad bug 318325 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "[X1100] flickering after resume from ram " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31832511:57
MartijnVdSoimon: could your problem be related to my ancient x700 bug?11:57
oimondoesn't work in unity and resume from suspend is bad11:58
MartijnVdSoimon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/2028311:58
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 20283 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "[X700] Really bad sync on HP NW8240" [Medium,Fix released]11:58
MartijnVdSoimon: also https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=803811:59
lubotu3Freedesktop bug 8038 in Driver/Radeon "Wobbly image on Radeon Mobility X700 (RV410)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:59
MartijnVdSah yes11:59
oimonubuntu sucks when you inherit crappy hardware :D11:59
MartijnVdSoimon: "radeondump" fixed it for me -- check those bug reports for my workarounds :)12:00
oimonwhere do u find radeondump MartijnVdS?12:04
MartijnVdSoimon: in a package.. no idea which12:09
MartijnVdS!info radeondump12:09
lubotu3Package radeondump does not exist in natty12:09
MartijnVdSoimon: or radeontool - utility to control ATI Radeon backlight functions on laptops12:10
MartijnVdSI think it's in that package12:10
MartijnVdSoimon: oh no.. it's "special" -- see http://who.is.free.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php/xrandr (look for "radeondump")12:10
BigRedSanyone know of any good docs for simple-cdd?12:14
BigRedSthe page on the debian wiki is rather terse...12:14
MartijnVdSBigRedS: what is it?12:15
BigRedSMartijnVdS: for building mildly custome debian install cds12:16
BigRedSseems to be the tool for doing same with ubuntu, too, which is handy12:16
BigRedSI just want additional packages by default, and a couple of extra repos (for now), and following the wiki produces an error on which my google fu is failing :(12:17
BigRedShttp://wiki.debian.org/Simple-CDD/Howto is the wiki12:17
MartijnVdSBigRedS: I'd use UCK for that12:18
BigRedSMartijnVdS: oooh12:19
BigRedSI do need to do this to debian, too, though. and ideally debian first12:20
oimonMartijnVdS: do u have a copy of radeondump on your box? the build is failing :(12:20
MartijnVdSoimon: no, I don't have that machine anymore12:21
MartijnVdSoimon: how is the build failing? did you do the dependency install thingy?12:21
oimonlooking for expat.h12:21
MartijnVdSoimon: apt-file search :)12:21
oimonah found it...12:22
knightwiseit might be blasphemy , but i'm curious to try out Amahi12:25
knightwiseis IS fedora based but one heck of a "home server solution"12:26
oimonMartijnVdS: runningn radeondump didn't fix...12:28
oimonsounds like a similar issue though12:28
MartijnVdSoimon: file a bug, point people at mine ;)12:28
oimonis this video on a site of yours? the link is 40412:29
oimonbtw the patch diff doesn't work on the pge you gave me12:29
MartijnVdSoimon: probably don't have the video anymore12:30
MartijnVdSoimon: don't do the patch thing.. just build straight from git12:30
oimonthat's changed too12:30
oimonfails :(12:31
safiyyahslight problem12:42
safiyyahskyoe keeps loading and aborting12:42
safiyyahso I can't actually log in12:42
safiyyahi tried it on the terminal and it came up then it terminated itself saying aborted12:42
MartijnVdSoimon: ask on #radeon12:42
safiyyahi mean skype*12:42
oimonMartijnVdS: ok thanks for all the help12:42
andrewebdeverm... I just hit some key in the terminal and it "stopped" my process, but it's still running in the task manager? Is there anyway I can get back into that process in the terminal?12:53
andrewebdev(have some unsaved data in there o.O)12:54
TheOpenSourcereryou probly typed CTL+Z12:54
safiyyahsorry, skype is aborting and won't load please anyone?12:54
andrewebdevTheOpenSourcerer, thx, worked :)12:54
safiyyahAlanBell,  skype is aborting, it was due to the upgrade according to google searches12:57
safiyyahis your working?12:57
safiyyahIs there a force command for this problem guys?13:00
MartijnVdSsafiyyah: there's currently a problem with skype13:20
safiyyahokay thanx MartijnVdS13:25
DJonessafiyyah: http://heartbeat.skype.com/2011/05/problems_signing_into_skype_an.html Seems to have a temporary solution14:00
DJonesBut doesn't mention a linux fix14:01
screen-xhowdy andylockran :)14:08
andylockranyou well?14:08
screen-xgood thanks, just revived an eeepc that had a spilage, by putting it in an incubator :)14:09
screen-xhow about you?14:09
andylockranyeah, doing very well thanks14:09
shaunofinally ordered an ssd for my lappy.  stoked :D14:13
screen-xshauno: which one?14:14
shaunoan owc one .. because they beat their firmware into playing well with the trim-less osx14:15
shauno(and they bundle a handy kit to let me replace the dvd with a drive, so I don't have to give up my spindle)14:15
screen-xsounds good14:16
screen-xis that for a macbook pro?14:16
shaunofigure it makes more sense to get rid of the dvd, rather than give up 750Gb of storage14:17
screen-xyeah, I wish manufacturers would stop putting optical drives in.. they have done their time.14:17
screen-xI didn't know you could replace the DVD drive in an MBP with another disk, thats a great idea.14:17
gordoptical drives are good for "normal" people14:18
gordyou can watch dvd's and games and music and stuff14:18
screen-xgord: but thats what the tubes are for14:18
gordgood luck getting a good movie watching thing14:20
shaunoscreen-x: there's a couple different companies that do them.  optibay's another that comes to mind14:20
shaunoI got an adaptor to replace where the dvd is now, and an external enclosure for the dvd14:20
shaunoso I can still use the dvd, it's just no longer internal.  which is fine, since I barely use it week-to-week, let alone day-to-day14:21
screen-xyeah, in my thinkpad, I have a battery in the ultrabay most of the time14:23
shaunothat's one option I really wish apple did.  but apparently seams are the devil, or closely related to14:24
andylockranthat's kewl shauno14:25
andylockranI just put a 120G OCZ drive in mine.14:25
andylockranbut took out my 350G standard14:26
andylockranwould have been good to know I could have replaced the dvd14:26
shaunothat's what I'm trying to avoid.  since this is my main machine, going from 750Gb to 120Gb would be crippling14:26
andylockranI don't have that much stuff to be honest14:29
andylockranCome into the office and connect to the network for files14:29
shaunoI'm a hoarder :/14:32
shaunoI'm glad it's all just data, else I'd be a genuine crazy cat lady14:33
BigRedSyeah, I've a 200GB disk in this laptop, that represents approximately infinite space as far as I'm concerned14:36
shauno200 I could fill with sensible things, before I start moving onto my stash of music & such14:39
shaunolast time I looked my photos folder was around 73GB14:39
shaunoheh, 4th minecraft update in one day.  glad I'm stuck at work sitting this one out14:40
shaunodude's gotta learn to ignore the rabid masses a lil, and release when it's closer to ready14:44
oimonanyone use numpy and scipy?15:18
screen-xoimon: I used a few functions from scipy.stats, but haven't used either very much15:21
dogmatic69anyone know if its possible to copy music direct to an iphone on ubuntu?15:26
dogmatic69got it working so i can browse the folders15:26
Azelphurdogmatic69: I'm pretty sure rythmbox can do it15:26
dogmatic69music is not in rhythmbox15:26
Azelphuralthough one would ask why you have an iphone in the first place ;)15:26
dogmatic69> android :)15:26
Azelphurclearly confused, you are :p15:27
safiyyahDJones, that worked. just go to .skype in home, and remove the .xml file15:38
safiyyahDJones, thank you15:38
MichealHpopey, ping?16:32
BakedBeanOn 11.04 how do I assign applications to particular workspaces on startup ?16:45
Azelphurhmm, I'm running screen -d -m <command> and it doesn't seem to be launching the application. What am I doing wrong? :(17:00
* bigcalm scratches his head17:02
bigcalmAnybody got symlinks working in samba shares?17:02
Azelphuroh, it is launching it, it just randomly exits half way through the bash script for no apparent reason.17:02
oimonbigcalm: have you got follow symlinks =yes in your smbd.conf?17:03
ubuntucorkAzelphur: by default ubuntu does not use bash but rather a *bash* compatable shell17:04
oimonbigcalm: http://superuser.com/questions/128716/ubuntu-latest-samba-version-symlinks-no-longer-work-on-share-mounted-in-window17:04
Azelphurubuntucork: ah I'm starting to see what's going on, it's not loading the required env variables so the script is failing17:04
ubuntucorkAzelphur:  you need to install bash specifically to retest it, the version of the shell ubuntu uses is not 100% bash compatable17:05
Azelphuryep, screen bash /usr/bin/mine saves the day :D17:05
Azelphurubuntucork: ty :p17:05
ubuntucorkAzelphur:  ahhh env variables...sheesh lol.  :)17:05
ubuntucorkStill on 10.04 and counting down to 12.04 when Stability returns(crosses fingers, walks room the backwards while incanting the Lords prayer, and burning incense and dancing a jig)17:07
Azelphurubuntucork: I run a quad screen setup, I don't get stability anywhere. :(17:07
ubuntucork12.04 equals shiny new laptop with all the bells and whistles.  Well laptop is vague term...power station in a luggable form factor :P17:08
AzelphurI have one of those17:08
ubuntucorkAzelphur: stop showing off hehehehe.....have one pc in storage, laptop is my main workhorse and its so old only a few keys still have logos on them17:08
Azelphurpower stations in a luggable form factors are awesome17:08
Azelphurhehe, that's all I had too :D17:09
* Azelphur used to run off a P4 1.6ghz laptop that belonged to a school and had been decomissioned as beyond economical repair17:09
Azelphurhad busted in usb ports and scratches all over :D17:09
ubuntucorkAnd i wont trade it in for two years as it is working 100% perfectly both hard and software17:09
ubuntucorkno everything 100% working17:09
ubuntucorkIt even convinced my gf to swithch from Win7 to lucid for playing her games on :-)  Oddly they run faster now!17:10
gingwhat games are these, didnt think many ran on linux17:11
BigRedSwine/xover-office sort of helps some of them17:11
ubuntucorkI am thinking for my replacement I want a quad core rig and dual drives, big screen, like the alienware rigs.  Save save...Save. sAve.....shi*****  Tax tax tax tax tax......17:11
Azelphurubuntucork: the alienware rigs are overpriced, you should custom build17:11
AzelphurI just sold my old quad core rig a couple months ago :)17:11
ubuntucorkfor her, mostly her facebook games, for me, counterstrike(i am not allowed to shoot the idiots i meet daily, oddly enough)17:11
ubuntucorknot a desktop, a laptop version Azelphur17:12
Azelphurah :)17:12
Azelphurubuntucork: what source or 1.6?17:12
ubuntucork1.6 more fun17:12
Azelphurhehe oldschool17:12
AzelphurI used to run a CS:S server, now I run some TF2 servers :)17:12
ubuntucorkyup i jump for joy 6 months *after* a LTS release, thats how old school I am :)17:13
Azelphurteam fortress 2, made by the same people who make CS17:13
Azelphurit's good stuff :D17:13
ubuntucorkDont have time with www....wwwwww.....wwww....flog it.  the four letter swear word starting with "wo" ending in "rk"17:13
bigcalmpopey: I hope Hayley don't mind my addiction spilling over: http://discworld.cuth.eu/dump/IMG_20110526_164526.jpg17:14
ubuntucorkbigcalm: lol!!17:14
Azelphurubuntucork: I run a pretty big gaming community, a lot of us are Ubuntu users / wine users :)17:14
* bigcalm likes wine ;)17:15
ubuntucorkah cool....Sorry Im not a gaming geek, but I know lots are, and I can run almost anything in wine these days except dopey hardware stuff17:15
Azelphurindeed, wine is awesome17:15
ubuntucorkI run internet exploder to test various sites.....17:16
AzelphurI do all my gaming in Linux :)17:16
bigcalmStill too early to drink though :(17:16
ubuntucorkdifferent versions of the browser17:16
ubuntucorkcant do that on the real thing :P17:16
bigcalmThat said, 5.12pm!!17:16
ubuntucorkbigcalm: thats gone past beer o clock in my part of the world17:16
* Azelphur really needs to take a better picture of his gaming rig some time, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/May%202011/IMG_20110511_172337.jpg17:16
Azelphurthat ones so dark17:16
Azelphurand my case has a dead fan xD17:17
AzelphurI also need to shorten that ridiculously long pip17:18
ubuntucorkI want something like a 16 core low power high GHZ rig, something like the new ARMS coming out, nice and quiet...no need for games here, well much.  A fast NVidia chip will do.  Just your average basic quick porn station basically but faster disk. more ram and no hassles with unity..oops sorry about the last one :P17:19
bigcalmAzelphur: does the joggler get any use?17:19
Azelphurbigcalm: not currenty, I've been so busy on other projects I havn't had time for it17:19
Azelphurslowly starting to clear my schedule though :D17:19
bigcalmAzelphur: I know that feeling :S17:19
ubuntucorkAzelphur:  we cal that ethnic cleansing round here ;-)17:20
Azelphuratm I've been playing "how much can we overclock the 5870 without it breaking"17:20
czajkowskiubuntucork: are you from Cork ?17:20
ubuntucorkstart at middle management, and work your way to HR for bonus points :P17:20
AzelphurI've got a 5870 running at 975Mhz (the "max" is 900Mhz, stock is 850)17:20
ubuntucorkczajkowski: Peoples Republic of Cork, yes.  Formerly one of the 26 counties under tyranical dublin control.  Now a free state :)17:20
czajkowskiubuntucork: ah yes with an answer like that you are from Cork17:21
ubuntucorkwww.peoplesrepublicofcork.com :)17:21
czajkowskiubuntucork: do drop into ubuntu-ie some time17:21
ubuntucorkreal website17:21
ubuntucorkczajkowski: I would only be a tourist17:22
ubuntucorkI live in the UK the last few years now :)17:22
czajkowskias do I17:22
czajkowskibut from Castleconennell Co. Limerick17:22
ubuntucorkczajkowski: shhhh dont let them all know your from Limerick, you will scare them man!!!!17:22
ubuntucorkczajkowski:  :P17:22
czajkowskiusually a few others but not in here today17:23
davmor2I know a limerick not sure it's suitable for this channel though17:23
* czajkowski peers at davmor2 you behave! 17:23
ubuntucorkI got out in early 2008 before the banking crisis, as anybody with half a brain could see that house prices at 12-15 times earnings and 125% mortgages was not sustainable17:23
ubuntucorkczajkowski: I wll come in to ask them how  things are.  Cork( centre of known universe) has a great linux scene :)17:25
czajkowskiit has CLUG which is a ml to meet up to drink17:25
ubuntucorksure what else do you want on a Thursday night in November?!17:25
davmor2czajkowski: What?17:25
czajkowskidavmor2: Cork Linux User group17:26
czajkowskithere is ILUG and CLUG17:26
czajkowskicork is special they have their own17:26
ubuntucorkdavmor2: Cork Linux User Group, the hometown of Professor Boole, inventer of Boolean Algebra.   That's the Cork effect for yah! ;-)17:26
davmor2czajkowski: No I meant the peering17:26
czajkowskithe limerick17:26
czajkowskiI pre empted you17:27
shaunowe used to have a glug, but it ran out of steam :(17:27
ubuntucorklol shauno17:27
ubuntucorkshauno, ye were all too busy watching the seoiges :P17:27
davmor2czajkowski: lots of people talking about limericks I just wanted to join in :P17:27
davmor2you should be flattered :D17:27
ubuntucorkI miss Zig and Zag Story time on Friday afternoons.  No reason to skulk off early now :(17:28
ubuntucorkoops a little ot here ;-)17:29
ubuntucorkBTW drupal needs documentation and user guides....its rubbish right now without them.   Wordpress is the benchmark for docs right now.  Does a great job!  just my 2c (minus bertie biscuit fund)17:30
ubuntucorkum anyone see me am I connected?17:37
MartijnVdSyes, we see you17:37
shaunotrying to decide if I'm really too lazy to get up & go nap.  doesn't make for thrilling convo :)17:39
ubusercan someone help me fix my pc, i tried installing grub2, now its giving me error 1517:50
ubuseris there a way around this?17:51
ubuserplease help17:51
lubotu3GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:51
ubuseri am on a different harddrive17:52
MartijnVdS!grub2 | ubuser17:52
lubotu3ubuser: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:52
brobostigonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 inthe error section on that pae it gives instrcutions,17:52
ubuseri cannot get passed the boot screen17:53
ubuserso is there a cd?17:53
brobostigonubuser: you will need a live ubuntu media,yes.17:53
ubuserto reload....?17:54
HazRPGhmm, seems skype doesn't work anymore :S17:54
brobostigonubuser: to reinstall grub2, according to the instcutions i pointed to, yes.17:54
brobostigonubuser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD17:55
ubuseru gave 14 links thx so much17:55
HazRPGwas working last night... even tried restarting17:55
MartijnVdSHazRPG: skype is having a bad day17:55
HazRPGI don't recall seeing skype under the update list I had17:55
MartijnVdSHazRPG: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13506_3-20066430-17.html17:55
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Hmm?17:55
brobostigonubuser: thts page, is instructions.17:56
HazRPGMartijnVdS: oh17:56
ubuserty sorry bad day17:57
brobostigonubuser: dont worry, i understand.17:57
ubuserokay, i got a 5.1 cd?17:57
brobostigon5.10 ?17:57
ubuseri got 10.04 on my pc17:57
brobostigonubuser: it needs to be from a ubuntu version, that uses grub2.17:57
ubuserbut its not running right now, and the video flickers17:58
MartijnVdS(you'll need a more recent CD, version 9.10 or newer)17:58
ubuseri was trying to add a command to the grub thing really, radeon.new-pll=0 they said would fix it17:58
ubuseri dont want grub17:58
ubuseri want my pc17:58
ubuserthat blows. yay.17:58
MartijnVdSubuser: grub is the first program that loads on your computer, which then loads Ubuntu17:59
brobostigonubuser: grub is ubuntu's boot manager, you need grubto bootubuntu.17:59
MartijnVdS(or Windows, or something else)17:59
ubusernothing loads on mine.17:59
MartijnVdSubuser: Try following the troubleshooting advice on the pages the bot sent you18:01
ubuseri dont have any cd's18:01
brobostigonubuser: can you make someother live media?18:02
ubuserim not downloading another gig to fix it18:03
ubuserill throw the shit in the street18:03
lubotu3Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:04
lubotu3The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:04
ubuserits awesome upgrading from 5.118:05
ubuserlooks like thats my options/.18:05
ubuseri tried installing 11.04, 10.04 9.04 all the minis18:05
ubuserand finally, after i update to 8.04 or w/e i get my video working18:06
ubuserbut i have no sound, and the guy tells me to update18:06
ubuserand i did, now i have no computer18:06
ubuseri couldnt care less about what most of the douches think18:06
lubotu3Help!  dgjones, Myrtti, Mez, jono, popey, Gary, Seeker`, Daviey, PriceChild or X3N18:06
popeyubuser: enough.18:06
ubuser4 days of this18:07
brobostigonwe are trying to help, and point you at how to fix it. abd gets things working again.18:07
Davieyubuser, I can see you are clearly frustrated, but this isn't the best approach to get help.18:07
ubuserman i got booted from all the other rooms, someone give me advice instead of a bunch of links18:07
ubuserim not computer literate18:08
ubuserthere isnt a way to just get around grub?18:08
ubuseri mean i got 2 harddrives, but the other one isnt showing up18:08
brobostigonubuser: we have given you advice, we having given you exact instructions and ways, of fixing your issue.18:08
ubuseri missed it, i tried copying the link18:09
ubuseri'll type it this time18:09
brobostigonnow, any live media will work about 9.10, as MartijnVdS said.18:09
ubuserlmao, ive read those.18:10
brobostigonubuser: it tellsyou exactlyhow to fix it.18:10
ubuserif someone was telling me, they would say grab teh iso18:11
ubuserthat doesnt say anything18:11
brobostigonubuser: if you dont understand it, as us, forabout bits you dont understand.18:11
brobostigonsk us*18:11
brobostigonask us*18:11
ubuserunderstand what? u sent me to like and ad webpage18:11
brobostigonubuser: one page, the one i sent you, is all you need.18:11
ubuserso r u telling me to download teh iso?18:12
brobostigonubuser: make  yourself alive media of somekind, weather livecd or liveusb or otherwise.18:13
ubusersudo addappgrub = fail.18:13
ubuserokay ill try18:13
brobostigoni have to be going soon, can someone take over please.18:14
JGJonestransmission is taking up 99% CPU even though it's in a zombie state...18:28
MartijnVdSJGJones: use ps fax to check what its parent process is19:22
MartijnVdSJGJones: then kill that19:22
MartijnVdS(that should re-parent the zombie to init, which will reap it)19:22
JGJonesit appears to be gnome-session19:23
JGJonesyup it's gnome-session19:25
JGJoneswhose parent is then gdm-binary19:25
JGJonesso in short...kill GUI to kill transmission19:25
MartijnVdSJGJones: you can also see what's keeping it going19:26
MartijnVdSJGJones: because eating 100% sounds like not being zombie19:26
MartijnVdSbut a reboot should do it :P19:27
JGJonesWayhey, it takes me back to my Windows days.19:27
MartijnVdSJGJones: logout/login should be enough though19:27
JGJones"yup a reboot'll fix that"19:27
* MartijnVdS had to reboot, because of a broken X driver :(19:27
MartijnVdSX worked fine.. mouse cursor was OK19:28
MartijnVdSbut everything was black on black...19:28
JGJonesnah, something up with transmission...I've only just noticed that it's doing this everytime I reboot so I'll remove it from start up.19:28
JGJonesThe only thing it's doing is just seeding backtrack19:28
MartijnVdS(so it feels very HHGTTG: "Every time I press one of these black controls, labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let me know I've done it.")19:30
JGJonesWhat's wrong with that?19:35
JGJonesBlack is all the rage these day isn't it?19:35
MartijnVdSJGJones: yes, but I prefer some contrast on my screen19:35
davmor2czajkowski: quiet spell so prod19:43
czajkowskidavmor2: *burp*19:44
davmor2czajkowski: you're such a charming young lady :D19:45
czajkowskihey at least you admit I'd a lady19:46
AlanBellevening all20:38
AlanBello/ popey20:38
MartijnVdS\o AlanBell20:39
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I've added my name to the Scifi exhibit doodle list thingy :)20:39
MartijnVdSWanted to see that anyway.. :)20:39
MartijnVdSOh no, Alan Invasion :)20:41
dutchieMartijnVdS: that happened a *long* time ago :)20:46
MartijnVdSdutchie: yes, but sometimes it's more obvious :)20:47
gordjust make sure you don't get abducted by alans, no one will believe you20:47
MartijnVdSgord: Good thing I'm not a chicken then20:48
=== damian is now known as creativetux
=== creativetux is now known as damian
popeyTeam meeting about to start in #ubuntu-uk-meeting20:59
JGJones_ok...transmission now have no parent processes at all, and is in a zombie state and is still chewing up 100% CPU and still can't be killed21:13
JGJones_even trying sudo kill -9 processID doesn't kill it off completely21:14
MartijnVdSJGJones_: cool..21:14
MartijnVdSJGJones_: do you have NFS?21:15
MartijnVdSor some other network file system21:15
MartijnVdSit might be waiting on that21:15
JGJones_it's a zombie that can't be killed. I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen in The Walking Dead...21:15
MartijnVdSDoing a quick Google search, one reason often given is that the21:15
MartijnVdSprocess has done an uninterruptable system call (usually related to21:15
MartijnVdShardware). It's waiting for the call to return but, for whatever21:15
MartijnVdSreason, it doesn't. Therefore controll is never returned to the21:15
MartijnVdSprocess to receive the signal.21:15
JGJones_no NFS21:16
MartijnVdSJGJones_: strace -p ?21:16
MartijnVdS(sudo strace -p pid_of_process)21:16
JGJones_ta...will try that in a bit, I'm needed downstairs atm.21:16
MartijnVdS good luck21:16
* MartijnVdS is off to bed (yay time zones :))21:17
JGJones_ta for help and nighty night21:18
gneelI have a weird NFS problem21:53
gneelI mount a couple of shares from my NAS, in fstab.21:53
gneelI can write to them as my normal user, but not using 'sudo'21:54
gneelAnyone have any ideas?21:54
oimongneel: what are the mount options?21:56
oimonthis explains the problem i believe21:58
gneeloimon: thanks, I'll take a look at that21:58
SamJ190494is there any way i can force my laptops fans to run faster??21:58
gneelTried google, and didn't have the right fu21:58
oimongneel: it's not recommended though21:58
BigRedSdoes ubuntu have a /etc/mysql/debian.cnf?21:58
oimonbecause any user can boot off a live cd, gain root access and edit files on your nfs21:59
BigRedSOh, wait, I'm on a ubuntu. yes it does21:59
oimonBigRedS: talking to yourself again:?21:59
BigRedSoimon: yeah :)21:59
gneeloimon: I've got an encrypted home, but I guess that wouldn't help in that situation21:59
gneelThanks for the link anyway.22:00
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 9th June 21:00 BST #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Libraries,SciFi and Geeknicks! http://doodle.com/53dpqtd6qgbvdpmp
oimoni thought it was quiet in here22:03
ubuseri have finally got my computer running it is an older version of ubuntu23:10
ubuseri have tried burning the iso's for better version but they freeze when im installing23:10
hamitronwhat sort of computer is it?23:10
ubuserso, i am trying to figure out is there a way to check to see if ur drivers are good on ubuntu23:10
ubuserand i am having trouble with sound23:10
ikoniaubuser: what was the point of joining #ubuntu-ops making a pointless comment and exiting ?23:10
ubuseri got java and flash working in mozilla, finally23:10
ubuseri got banned from ubuntu23:11
ikoniaahhh, so you want support in here as you got banned23:11
ubuseridleones banned me23:11
ikoniaso if you rejoin #ubuntu-ops we can try to resolve that23:11
ubuserhe told me it wasnt for support23:11
ikoniaI doubt #ubuntu-uk will support you as you got banned23:11
ikonia#ubuntu is for support,23:11
ubuseri got banned23:11
ikoniaif you join #ubuntu-ops we can try to resolve you're ban and get you back into #ubuntu23:11
ubusercan anyone help me with my sound?23:12
ikoniathat seems bette to me, as a banned american user in #ubuntu-uk won't get much support23:12
ubuseri have followed the directions given to me in that chatroom and they were all fails23:12
ubuserbetter than that room23:12
ikoniaubuser: I'll ask you one more time then leave you to the silence you'll get in here23:13
ikoniaubuser: if you join #ubuntu-ops again we can try to resolve the ban you have in #ubuntu and get you back in #ubuntu for support23:13
hamitronwhy would he get silence? :/23:14
bigcalmHow do you find out which users have cronjobs?23:21
mgdmbigcalm: ls /var/spool/cron23:21
mgdmbigcalm: might be /var/spool/cron/crontabs, actually23:21
mgdmah yes, the latter23:22
bigcalmDepends upon the system23:22
bigcalm/var/spool/cron was right for this one23:22
bigcalmCheers, mgdm23:22
mgdmnae bother23:23
bigcalmI need to sort a sub-array within an array based upon a deep field23:26
bigcalmFor some reason those are out of date order23:26
mgdmI did something similar the other day23:27
bigcalmTa, I'll take a look23:27
mgdmyou write a function that returns -1, 0, or 1 based on two array values23:27
mgdmif you're on PHP 5.3 you can use a closure ;)23:28
bigcalmThe CakePHP 1.1 project won't run on 5.323:31
bigcalm<?php function cmp($a, $b) { return strcmp($a["id"], $b["id"]); } usort($client['Payment'], "cmp"); ?>23:33
bigcalmYeah, CakePHP v1.1 is known not to run on PHP 5.323:34
bigcalmIt stops me from updating my dev server23:34
mgdmCodeIgniter 2.0 throws some E_STRICT warnings on 5.323:35
mgdmI should fix them and send a pull request23:35

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