
jedijfSadin: just wondering, did you set a time to give up and re-install Ubuntu?00:07
jedijftonight is vague, put a number on it00:07
Sadin10 or 11ish why00:14
Sadini am really hoping i dont have to even though i love ubuntu more then windows because i need PS00:15
Sadinwhy do you ask for a specific time Jedijf00:40
* pleia2 starts the clock00:40
Sadini think i got it working...00:43
Sadini found a driver that works but its not the right one for my card... why doesnt the installer thats supposed to do its job work...01:16
ChinnoDogIt isn't like linux where there could be multiple drivers that will work. In Windows there is generally only one right driver. Make the right one work.01:17
ChinnoDoghi Rocket2DMn01:22
Rocket2DMndid remember that i was still in this channel :)01:24
SadinWhen installing wine from ubuntu software center which of the three should i use01:26
Rocket2DMnprobably the meta package01:26
Sadinthe one with or without the compatability layer?01:27
Rocket2DMnthe one that has ratings01:28
Sadinalright lol01:28
Rocket2DMnit should be the firs tin the list if you searched for "wine"01:28
Rocket2DMnbrb gonna restart X01:28
* Sadin is trying to get photoshop working in ubuntu and if he can will say screw it to windows01:29
ChinnoDogThere you go peeps. That is your out so I don't have to be Windows tech support.01:30
Rocket2DMnugh windows01:30
Sadinlol i think i got windows working too i dont have the right driver but its working fine under a different ati driver01:30
Rocket2DMnbut the way Unity is behaving...01:30
SadinUnity is being fine for me :O01:31
Rocket2DMnit's alright, my mouse starts misbevaing after awhile though01:31
Rocket2DMnscroll wheel and clicks dont seem to register all the time01:31
Rocket2DMncould be related to putting the computer to sleep a few times each day too01:31
Sadinmine some times has a screen flickering issue but thats only happened once or twice01:32
InHisNameEvening jthan,   did'ja notice the average age got lowered again recently ?03:03
ChinnoDogI am stranded in Philadelphia tonight03:58
InHisNameAwww, poor poor ChinnoDog.  No wheels, not even bicycle type wheels ?04:00
ChinnoDognope. :-(04:00
ChinnoDogNo hotel either. It is weather related.04:01
InHisNameHows the shoe leather ?04:01
InHisNameAren't you a simple marathon away from Philly to your home, ChinnoDog?04:03
ChinnoDogMy car is in Harrisburg. :-(04:03
ChinnoDogI need a place to stay now. Rebooked for 9:47am flight out.04:03
Sadinwhere are you flying to ?04:03
ChinnoDogIts a week night, and it is late. No one at home that can pick me up.04:05
InHisNameLets see now.... you left Harrisburg to go to Chicago and ended up in Philly ?  Did the pilot get lost in directions ?04:05
ChinnoDogIt connected in Philly04:06
InHisNameYou live near Harrisburg ?04:06
ChinnoDogConnection delayed, then we boarded, taxied, and then turned us around and came back to the gate.04:06
ChinnoDogCloser to Harrisburg than Philly, and I work a lot closer to Harrisburg, which is where I was before I got on the first plane.04:06
InHisNameOh, I C04:07
waltmanChinnoDog: There's amtrak, but it might be too late for them, too04:12
SadinChinno dog i found a temporary driver for my ATI card but it just failed and the legacy drivers still wont install :(04:14
SadinChinnoDog ^04:15
ChinnoDogwaltman:  not quite that desperate yet. I am booked for a flight out at 9:25a tomorrow through IAD.04:47
ChinnoDogfound me a room at the Red Roof. sigh04:47
waltmanat least they have nets04:48
waltmana bed, a shower, and interwebs -- what more do you need? :)04:49
SadinWow i got photoshop working in ubuntu!04:50
Sadintook like 2 minutes to install and setup04:50
* Sadin gets ready to go back to ubuntu on his desktop04:50
Sadinjedijf :)04:51
waltmanunder wine?04:52
Sadinyeah no activation required or anything :)04:52
* ChinnoDog yawns05:37
Sadini really hope i get drafted on dribbble or forrst05:41
Sadinwell gdnight everyone05:43
Irishmanlukehello teddy-dbear05:48
Irishmanlukeyou only think that you need photoshot Sadin05:48
rmg51morning JonathanD10:42
JonathanDhowdy rmg5110:42
rmg51why are we the only stupid people up and watching chat at this hour?10:44
JonathanDwe're not stupid10:45
JonathanDwe're the smart ones.10:45
JonathanDeveryone else is missing out ;)10:46
rmg51but not on sleep :-D10:46
JonathanDeh, I got my sleep already :P10:46
rmg51you can never get enough sleep10:48
rmg51or so says Teddy10:48
JonathanDperhaps :P10:54
InHisNameGood Morning ! all you early birds !!11:16
JonathanDhi InHisName11:17
jedijf@later tell sadin great work \o/12:29
PennBotjedijf: The operation succeeded.12:29
InHisNameHi JonathanD,  I'll be out until afternoon.  Then I can ketch up with all this morning's chatter.13:34
* ChinnoDog yawns13:58
* erstazi yawners14:54
teddy-dbearstop it, your making me sleepy :-/15:00
teddy-dbearI wants a nap!15:52
teddy-dbearmy eyes are closing on me15:53
teddy-dbearI could fall asleep at the keyboard15:58
ssweenygo for it16:08
teddy-dbearit's almost lunch time16:45
teddy-dbearI dpn't want to sleep through that!16:46
teddy-dbeardang paws16:46
InHisNamewell, teddy-dbear did you have a fine noddy time ?20:12
Sadinjedijf guess what :D20:38
* JonathanD going camping tomorrow :D20:38
* pleia2 going to canada tomorrow :D20:39
Sadinmy grandpa was born there :D20:39
JonathanDParachute out. Bring marshmellows.20:39
JonathanDand butter.20:39
Sadinoh pleia2 i got photoshop working perfectly under 11.0420:41
pleia2great :)20:41
Sadinyeah apparently theres only a little zip file you gotta download and then extract and hit install its hacked so no activation required :)20:42
Sadinanyone got a link to a download for ubuntu 10.10 i cant find it on the site anymore20:42
PennBotTitle: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) (at cdimages.ubuntu.com)20:43
pleia2oh, those are dvds, hrm20:44
Sadinyeah i need the torrent if at all possible20:44
pleia2torrents are included in that link, but it's all the dvd version for some reason20:44
PennBotTitle: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) (at releases.ubuntu.com)20:45
pleia2there you go20:45
pleia2scroll down to get the full list of everything, including torrent files20:45
Sadinthanks :)20:46
Sadinanyone know some one who is a member of either http://forrst.com or http://dribbble.com ?20:50
PennBotTitle: Forrst is a community for developers and designers - Forrst (at forrst.com)20:50
jedijfSadin: check your pm messages20:55
jedijf07:29 < jedijf> @later tell sadin great work \o/20:56
Sadini saw it lol21:00
Sadinim going to duel boot ubuntu cause i love it :)21:00
Sadininstalling server edition on my junker pc atm21:00
PennBothmm... 10.04 is and LTS, right, jedijf21:05
Sadin10.04 server and 10.10 desktop on my desktop21:06
* Sadin cries21:07
Sadinno one voted to accept me on http://forrst.com21:08
PennBotTitle: Forrst is a community for developers and designers - Forrst (at forrst.com)21:08
jedijfwhy not 11.04 with gnome on desktop?21:08
jedijfor xfce, lxde, flux, enlightenment insert other names21:11
jedijff ...motorcycle dude facedown on 9521:13
Sadini guess i could use 11.04 but i dont have the iso anymore21:13
Sadinouch thats sucks.... my dad got hit by a van on his motorcycle once21:13
SadinAnd Jedijf ive already got the ubuntu 10.10 iso on my flashdrive21:15
jedijfw0 mins vs 7 months21:21
jedijf20 minutes vs 7 months21:21
Sadinwants to duel boot with arch linux21:22
Sadinwoops forgot the me21:22
Sadinre installing XP and putting it on about a 15gb partition so i can save most space for ubuntu on second partition :)23:05
Sadinive been told you need to install windows before linux of your going to duel boot is that true23:05
pleia2you don't need to, but it makes life much easier since windows likes to overwrite the MBR without asking23:06
Sadinalright my friend in school goes to votech mentioned something about installing windows first but i wanted your opinions23:06
Sadinif any of you dont mind giving our your social accounts do any of you have a twitter?23:07
* pleia2 is pleia223:07
Sadinpleia2 i followed you :) im Sadin5623:09
pleia2ah :)23:11
JonathanDgoing for some foods.23:16
JonathanDSadin: windows will overwrite the MBR, and you'll lose your list. most linux distros will write an MBR with a selection list of some kind.23:17
waltmanmmm, foods23:17
JonathanDmexican foods23:17
waltmanI'm still cooling off from my walk home.23:17
JonathanDit's warm.23:17
waltmanFor some reason I decided to get off one station early and walk through Bryn Mawr.23:17
JonathanDI hope you packed water :P23:18
JonathanDwe're going to food and then stopping to get a couple cases of bottled water prior ot camping tomorrow23:18
waltmanI should have bought some, but the stores were on the wrong side of the street.23:18
JonathanDsilly stores.23:18
waltmanI wasn't really hot until the end, and by that time I was going to be home in 5-10 minutes anyway.23:19
waltmanThe worst part of my walk from the train is when I get inside. Our elevators are like ovens in the summer. At least outside there's a breeze.23:20
* Sadin wishes he could go camping23:20
waltmanI'm pondering some chipotle tonight.23:20
waltmanor maybe just a wawa run23:20
Sadinwaltman chipotle is the bomb!23:21
waltmanindeed it is23:21
Sadincan you pick em up a large slushie :D23:21
waltmanOften around this time the line's 20-30 deep at Chipotle. I'm hoping it'll be a little less now that Villanova's on break.23:22
Sadinsadly ive never eaten at chipotle23:25
Sadinjust had the sauce on stuff23:25
waltmanIt's tasty stuff.23:25
Sadini know ive had the sauce23:28
Sadinjust never eaten at the restaraunt23:28
waltman"the sauce"?23:28
waltmanYou mean chipotle sauce?  That's just sauce made from chipotle peppers. The Chipotle I'm talking about is a restaurant.23:29
andrewI think I heard a new one opened in Exton this week23:29
waltmanthere's one in West Chester.23:30
waltmanacross from Stadium Grill23:30
andrewYes, but when I'm near that, I'm eating across the street at the Stadium Grille23:30
waltmanOf course.23:30
andrewcase in point: monday23:30
JonathanDapparetly we're now waiting.23:34
waltmanfor what?23:35
waltmanor whom?23:35
JonathanDmy parents.23:35
JonathanDThey're going to meet us at food23:35
PennBotTitle: Taqueria La Michoacana - Norristown, PA (at www.yelp.com)23:35
waltmanmmm, gino's23:35
JonathanDjedijf: that was sunday.23:36
JonathanDand it was good23:36
JonathanDbtw, try the onion rings.23:36
jedijfdamn you, i still haven't done this incarnation23:36
JonathanDThey are amazing.23:36
JonathanDjedijf: ginos geeknic, perhaps.23:36
jedijfubuntu 2 hour23:36
JonathanDI wonder if they do fundraisers.23:37
waltmanalso try their fried chicken23:37
JonathanDjedijf: if they did, would there be something to raise funds towards?23:37
JonathanDwell, anyone answer that one, really :p23:37
jedijfJonathanD: them and krispy kreme should be contacted for fosscon sponsorship23:38
JonathanDjedijf: I thought about that.23:38
JonathanDBut Ginos is pretty far, geographically.23:38
JonathanDfrom fosscon23:38
jedijfJonathanD: stop thinking;23:38
JonathanDIdally I'd like them to provide sponsorship in the form of free burgers.23:38
JonathanDFor everyone.23:38
jedijfthat's for them to decide23:38
JonathanDI think we can all agree this would be a useful contribution.23:39
jedijfwe all can travel23:39
JonathanDjedijf: well, I'm going to email them, actually :p23:39
jedijfkrispy did tech week23:39
JonathanDI already started writing one about the fundraisers.23:39
JonathanDSo I'll add in the "also sponsor fosscon"23:39
JonathanDjedijf: Some of the reviews aren't great, but I've had a great time every time I've gone.23:40
JonathanDIn fact, heres a mini review, from my mom...23:40
JonathanDCouple weeks back she goes there with my grandmothers boyfriend (who we inherited when my grandma passed a while back)23:41
JonathanDmy mom can barely walk, and he can't without a walker and significant help23:41
JonathanDThe ginos staff came to the table, took the order in person, went back to the register to total it, came back, got the payment, etc, so mom and ed wouldn't have to go up and do it.23:41
JonathanDand the manager came out to check on them and see if they needed anything.23:42
JonathanDFar in excess of what I'd expect from a fast food sort of place...23:42
JonathanDjedijf: I'll be back later, but if you have any contact info on krispy it might help... if not I'll just looked generic contact info.23:43

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