
chris4585I like how xchat likes to connect to freenode the second time I try running xchat05:14
=== orias_ is now known as orias
cyberangerMorning everyone13:32
cyberangerchris4585: I like how when I try to run my client twice, it prompts me it's already running (and usually autoconnects13:33
cyberangerreal nice bit)13:33
wrstmorning vychune, cyberanger13:52
wrstanybody have any trouble with the storms overnight?13:53
vychunescared the shit outta me besides that nope13:54
vychunehad problem with my new dog though13:54
vychune400 dollars for hospital bills13:54
vychuneswitching clients14:04
vychuneim bacccccccccccccccck14:17
vychunebut nobody else is lol14:19
=== vychune is now known as vychune_afk
cyberangerwrst: what storms?14:20
wrstyou didn't feel them?14:20
wrstor like me slept through them?14:20
cyberangerthey never got here, UT Medical Center, but not Maryville14:22
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=== vychune is now known as vychune_afk
cyberangervychune_afk: yeah, Metro-Knoxville14:27
vychune_afkoh ok14:28
=== Juzzy- is now known as Juzzy
cyberangerwrst: now we're getting rain17:50
wrstthought you might... much?17:50
cyberangerno, and short lived too18:00
wrstthat's good18:06
wrstcyberanger: i'm counting down the minutes until laptop delivery18:07
cyberangerwrst: did you see my squid memory usage link?18:09
cyberangerpart of where I see 16GB coming from18:09
cyberangerthat's gonna be super18:11
cyberangeresp. for confrences and such18:12
cyberangergive a percieved bandwidth boost18:12
cyberangerPart of why I'm building this extremely compact18:13
cyberangerrivaling a laptop if I can18:13
cyberangerit'll be a real nice carputer of sorts18:15
cyberangerI'm gonna have fun with this18:17
cyberangerwrst: any fun plans for the laptop?18:19
wrstcyberanger: not really other than just triple booting maybe quadruple booting18:31
cyberangerthat's all? nothing new for you?18:31
wrstnot really on the laptop i pretty much had the setup that works for me18:36
wrsti do plan on giving Unity a little more of a shot18:36
wrstalso going to be nice to experience not having to fuss with hardware (hopefully)18:37
wrstcyberanger: you have any suggestions? :)18:39
cyberangerwell, the hardware I didn't look for any issues that didn't stick out (none came to mind)18:40
wrstme either one reason i went intel, on the chip as you said18:41
wrstcyberanger: but you think of anything i need to tinker with?18:41
cyberangerand my only other suggestion is grab unity, toss in blender, wait18:42
cyberangerfor perfection18:42
cyberangernow for hardware, with what I saw, should be good18:43
wrstcyberanger: oh yeah going to run unity, probably won't use it much18:48
=== Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos
cyberangerwrst: instead using the CLI, Right? ;-)19:18
cyberangerwrst: http://paste2.org/p/143760919:18
wrstha ha pretty good cyberanger19:19
wrstcyberanger:  I am going to install Arch also so needless to say some CLI will be involved ;)19:20
cyberanger"I got an answer that was completely accurate and totally irrelevant to my problem" I wonder how common that is19:21
cyberangerbut I love it (fits me rather well too, I can be a bit of a smart, um, smart something)19:22
wrstno I never noticed ;)19:22
cyberangerHow'd the answer help you find the airport, well, I got an answer that was completely accurate and totally irrelevant to my problem, must have been the IBM building19:24
cyberanger(the IBM building is really nice too, but to me it'd be too big a landmark for that area of atlanta)19:25
cyberangerArch, Ubuntu, one or two more linux OSes, hrm?19:35
cyberangerwhat else19:36
wrstcyberanger: win 7 will leave it19:41
cyberangerin a VM?19:44
wrstno will leave it as an option to boot for when i need it, since i will have a 640GB hard drive have plenty of room for all the above19:46
cyberangerroom, that seems like small potatos compared to my plans19:48
cyberangerand also, how often do you plan to need it?19:49
cyberangerWindows 7 on this laptop I mean19:52
cyberangerwrst: this is more like it, thunder, hail20:04
wrstha ha20:04
wrstcyberanger: just got it20:04
wrstwell always needing to test something here and there with windows20:04
wrstgood to keep up to date on win stuff atleast20:05
cyberangerwrst: in moderation I suppose20:06
cyberanger1 in 4 ratio would be better, care to quad boot OpenSUSE or Fedora then ;-)20:06
cyberangerwell, that was short too, worse to the south20:10
cyberangerXpistos: that was quick20:12
cyberangerhow goes it?20:12
wrstcyberanger: probably going to put F15 on it also20:13
wrstman win 7 still blows compared to...20:13
cyberangerCrap which shall not be named20:14
wrstwell cyberanger it boots going to install ubuntu now :)20:14
cyberangeryou sure, arch could go first ;-)20:15
chris4585I think the last few times I installed ubuntu ontop of arch it didn't recognize it in grub :/20:17
wrstchris4585: it has no trouble now with it done it a few times :)20:29
chris4585thats good20:30
wrstgrub 2 is starting to actually work as advertised now i don't need the documentation i wanted :)20:31
chris4585grub2 still confuses me on the configuring part.. I liked the old menu file20:32
cyberangerwrst: when did it not, honestly I never had an issue that was exclusive to grub2 (and I've been using Grub2 only features I'll need soon)20:32
wrstearly days it woudl pick other linuxes up but never get them right for me but now save fedora/opensuse its pretty decent20:34
wrstand those may be better now20:34
cyberangerand they're a bit oddball to me anyhow22:16
cyberangeryum and grub, hrm....22:16
wrstha ha22:23
wrstyeah opensuse especially i think is a pile of junk, however fedora 15 and gnome 3 is pretty nice i have tried it out22:23
chris4585wrst, it really is23:21
chris4585I had it on my laptop while it was in beta and it was lovely23:21
chris4585fedora 15 ^23:21
pace_t_zuluis f15 out? i thought it isn't out for a little bit23:26
pace_t_zului stand corrected23:27
pace_t_zului guess they don't invalidate torrents of old isos23:28
chris4585yes fedora 15 is out23:32

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