
Sarvattohh, this transition tracking talk on the ubuntu-devel list is interesting, we definitely should be adding X there whenever we do it next04:05
tjaaltonRAOF: yeah it's in git :)05:51
tjaaltonSarvatt: like for tracking which drivers need a rebuild and stuff?05:51
RAOFtjaalton: And in the repository, and FTBFS on arm :).05:54
RAOFWhat finishes first?  An armel build of libdrm, or an i386 build of mesa.  Gentlemen, place your bets!06:01
tjaaltonhehe :)06:57
tjaaltonlooking at the list of video drivers to drop, a promising start :)07:42
mgariepyhello, i've got an issue with xorg-server-video-intel v 2.14 and 2.15 that makes the transparency black when using a remote Xorg server i commented the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/785280 can someone help about this problem ?13:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 785280 in gentoo (and 1 other project) "transparency not working with intel driver and LTSP (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Unknown]13:59
tjaaltonbest file it upstream14:00
tjaaltonand not spam several channels about it :/14:01
czajkowskiwonder are folks awake ?14:57
czajkowskiI've an Xorg bug and I'm not sure how to proceed as I cant reproduce it as it happens on it's own 14:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 788508 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Machine randomly reboots for no reason (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Incomplete]15:01
tjaaltonthat sounds like a hardware problem15:05
Sarvattczajkowski: one sec, i'm digging up the bug yours is a dupe of15:06
Sarvattczajkowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/77497815:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "xserver crashes in RecordAReply when XRecord is enabled in syndaemon (affects: 32) (dups: 10) (heat: 342)" [High,Triaged]15:06
Sarvattsee comment #25 for a temporary fix15:06
tjaaltonah, so it doesn't actually reboot15:07
Sarvattit's not actually rebooting just X is crashing and you see plymouth again before GDM comes back up yeah15:07
tjaaltonnow I see there's that backtrace again15:08
czajkowskiSarvatt: yes 15:11
czajkowskiso I'm not going insane and it just happens 15:11
Sarvattczajkowski: you can add this PPA to get the fix that'll be overwritten by the fixed one in the archive when it comes out - https://launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/sru315:12
czajkowskiahh k15:13
Sarvattsudo add-apt-repository ppa:sarvatt/sru3 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:13
tjaaltonmh, 'sudo -s; <do-stuff>' :)15:14
czajkowskiSarvatt: thanks for the help, I didnt know how I was going to do a backtrace as I didn't know what sets it off15:15
SarvattRAOF, bryce, tjaalton: anything planned for the sprint? like any specific machines I should bring?16:17
SarvattRAOF: what do we plan to do with dri-experimental? I think I'll move nouveau to dri in edgers now but that package is going to be empty. maybe ship i915g in there in oneiric?16:21
bryceSarvatt, I won't be attending, so no plans on my end.18:03
Sarvattoh shoot I forgot! alrighty18:04
tjaaltonI'll probably bring the fujitsu sis-crap for llvmpipe testing18:09
SarvattI thought I remembered something about nouveau testing there, my only working nvidia laptop is a fermi though18:09
Sarvattboth 8xxx generation laptops died18:10
Sarvattok I take back what I said, those looks good to me.18:25
tjaaltonah, good18:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
RAOFSarvatt: Yeah.  There'll be a nouveau testing day at the sprint, so bring whatever nvidia you've got that's easily portable :).23:44
RAOFSarvatt: As for -dri-experimental… I was thinking of just dropping it entirely, given it's current contents will be folded into -dri.  If you'd like i915g in there I guess that's ok :)23:46

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