
tripelbor shoul I close error window and forget it?00:00
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BigNerdjoin /#podnutz00:00
puffHuh, I'm getting "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at releases.ubuntu.com"00:00
Murplepuff moneyisdust rww ... so basically I'm lost and I should downgrade my linux?00:00
puffIt's not my netowrk, I can still get to google. Hm.00:01
puffMurple: Hard for me to say.  Sucks, I know.00:01
rwwBigNerd: /join00:01
puffMurple: What were you running, what did you upgrade to?00:01
moneyisdustMurple: lsmod , you see some modules for wireless?00:02
Murplepuff: I've tested linux several times throughout the years, I finally felt like this version was somehting I could actually use but not being connected to the internet (or even the computer right beside) is a monumental setback.00:02
Bane99hey do i activate my NVIDIA drivers?00:02
Bane99or rather... should i?00:02
Batshuahey guys?00:02
Batshuahow do i locate my remote desktop app?00:03
seph_Bane99 ofc u should00:03
Batshuait says it's installed, but it's not in the menu00:03
ManinhoHello good evening, friends can help me with an error in emerald?00:03
Murplemoneyisdust: I tried that, but it's difficult to say since I'm not quite sure what to look for. I see firewire, video card, iSight, bluetooth, usb stuff. I can't see anything wireless/broadcom related, but I may be overlooking it.00:03
Maninhoemerald - replace00:03
ManinhoFault segmentation00:03
puffMurple: Yeah, unfortunately I'm not familiar iwth mac hardware.00:03
BatshuaBane99: If you're using nvidia, DEFINITELY00:03
rwwManinho: emerald isn't supported here or by its developers and is broken in 11.04.00:04
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.00:04
BatshuaBane99: it's a lot better.00:04
puffMurple: Huh, googled "imac ubuntu" and the fourth autocomplete option was "imac ubuntu wireless"00:04
ManinhoRWW, but use the summer 11:0400:04
puffMurple: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Intel_iMac00:04
rwwManinho: what?00:04
Murplepuff: Yeah... I found this article which I thought would help, but alas it didn'.t: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:04
ManinhoRWW that boring00:04
Bane99taking a day and a half to install :P00:04
ManinhoRWW, there is another window decorator?00:04
Bane99from the hardward drivers window00:04
erkumholy crap im amazed i finally got this to work!!00:05
rwwManinho: as ubottu said, " There are no known, supported alternatives."00:05
erkumi have a question00:05
ManinhoRWW, I00:05
ManinhoRWW, thanks00:05
puffMurple: I wonder if there's an ubuntu-on-mac channel or forum that might help.00:06
erkumi updated my OS recently00:06
puffMurple: This is almost certainly some funky compatibility issue wtih the mac hardware, and the best bet for that is somebody who's run into the problem before.00:06
SomelauwIs ubuntu good on mac?00:06
erkumand after the update pictures on mozilla have weird colors00:06
* Batshua beats head against the nearest wall00:06
BatshuaI know it's installed!00:06
BatshuaIt says so!00:06
puffMurple: I have multiple friends who have run debian or ubuntu on their macbooks, so it's not unprecedented.00:06
BatshuaHow do I find/invoke/whatever remote desktop?00:06
ChiawallaLinux noob.  I'm connected to the net (wired), but whenever I try to install something from the Software Center it says "Failed to download package files - Check your Internet Connection"00:06
erkumcan a pro nerd please pm me i need help00:07
BatshuaChiawalla: Is your router working fine with other stuff?00:07
Chiawallarouter is fine00:07
pufferkum: You're not going to get pm help, only public help, sorry.00:07
ikoniaChiawalla: are you on the computer now ?00:07
ChiawallaI'm browsing the web on it anyways00:07
Chiawallayes, its next to me00:07
BatshuaAh, that's bizarre.00:07
PalinBachman2012Chiawalla: have you tried using apt-get fromt he command line00:07
ikoniaChiawalla: ok - so it's connected to the net00:07
erkumok thanks, this is just confusing00:07
Murplepuff moneyisdust : sudo lshw shows *.network UNCLAIMED. Network controller. product: BCM4311 802.11a/b/g vendor Broadcome etc..00:07
nit-witerkum, if you run this command in a terminal what is the video card?00:07
pufferkum:  I know, stick with it...00:08
Chiawallayes, its connected to the net00:08
BatshuaIt /could/ still be the router.  I had ONLY http die on me once.00:08
ikoniaChiawalla: can you please open a terminal (do you know how to do that) and type "sudo apt-get update" please00:08
Chiawallawebsites are working00:08
nit-witerkum, lspci | grep VGA00:08
Chiawallaok 1 sec00:08
erkumnit-wit: which command?00:08
Batshuaand I was on IRC begging for help and everyone was like NOPASTE, and I was like, NO HTTP00:08
Batshuaso maybe you're having the reverse?00:08
Chiawallahow do I open a terminal in ubuntu?00:08
Chiawallanot used to the new interface00:08
Batshuaif you haven't tried rebooting the router, I'd try it00:08
BatshuaChiawalla: it should be under "accessories"00:08
BatshuaWhat version are you using?00:08
PalinBachman2012press win key and start typing terminal00:08
erkumnit-wit: i see now one sec00:09
moneyisdustMurple: did  you try to run a live cd of 11.04 and see if you have wireless?00:09
nit-witerkum, sorry caplock got hit.;(00:09
Chiawallaok I opened terminal00:09
ChiawallaI'm on the new one00:09
ikoniaChiawalla: ok, so "sudo apt-get update"00:09
nit-witI swear  wasn't shouting.;)00:09
Chiawallaits done now00:09
puffrww: re: install from thumb drive, will I need to clear the drive?00:09
yassine_hellhow can i open a text file and when it open, it goes directly to the bottom ?00:10
ikoniaChiawalla: did that work without problem ?00:10
Murplemoneyisdust: Well not exactly, but i installed off a LiveCD which was about a month old. On that version WIFI worked fine. After upgrading to the most recent version it stopped working.00:10
Chiawallaoh cool, now the software center install is working00:10
rwwpuff: Depends on what mood the startup disk creator is in. It can do it for you if it wants to clear it, though.00:10
Chiawallathank you ikonia and Batshua  :-)00:10
Murplemoneyisdust: I'm curious as to why lshw shows "*-network UNCLAIMED". What does that mean?00:10
Chiawallanow, how do I get the wireless to work00:11
ChiawallaI just installed an app called "Wifi Radar"00:11
ikonia!wireless | Chiawalla00:11
ubottuChiawalla: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:11
MurpleChiawalla: That's what I've been trying to fix the last few hours...00:11
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ChiawallaI've got the driver installed00:11
Chiawallait installed it when I installed Ubuntu00:11
moneyisdustMurple: i dont know,.... but you should burn the 11.04 to see if the live cd work, otherwise take your 10.10 live cd and see which module are loaded00:12
ChiawallaBroadcom 43xx00:12
bael56my /etc/apt/sources.list is messed up.. How can i restore it?00:12
ChiawallaIt worked in previous xubuntu and ubuntu00:12
dubertHello, I'm suffering from a VPN Problem on 10.x ubuntu and googling has led me to no results. I have my VPN setup for MSChapv2 and all appears well; this is the error: http://pastebin.com/ZUNthqLb00:12
BatshuaAnyone know where my remote desktop server might be hiding?00:12
erkumnit-wit: now what do i do? i think i may have done it?00:12
Murplemoneyisdust: Alright. Well thatnks so much for your help.00:12
moneyisdustMurple: take a look to dmesg , can help as well00:12
bael56I got alot of failed to fetch errors...00:12
MurpleChiawalla: You and I are having the exact same problem.00:12
dubertI've tried setting all-users and only this user to use VPN as well00:12
ChiawallaI don't even see the option to see wireless networks00:12
Chiawallaawesome Murple, lets work through this00:12
nit-witerkum, the command just identifies the card post it.00:13
MurpleChiawalla 's wifi worked before upgrading to the latest version. I have Broadcom 4311.00:13
isleshocky77Anyone have experience with using ssh -D as a web proxy? Both the server and the client are ubuntu machines. When I change the client's firefox to use the ssh prox I just get a blank white screen on every site.00:13
ChiawallaI have broadcom corporation BCM4311 802.11 a/b/g (rev 01)00:13
Chiawallaguess we're the same Murple00:13
Murplethat's the one, not sure about rev 01 though.00:13
ChiawallaI doubt it matters00:13
nit-witChiawalla, rthe link the bot gave you wil give you informay=tion try reading it.;)00:13
MurpleThis link looked promising to me but didn't help in the end: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:14
nit-wit! who | Chiawalla  Murple00:14
ubottuChiawalla  Murple: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:14
ChiawallaMurple, I'll read the article, can you monitor the chan and message me if I miss anything Important?00:14
MurpleChiawalla: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-connection-in-ubuntu.html If your network device comes back UNCLAIMED or there is no driver listed, then you have not correctly installed the driver for your device. You must review the procedures for installation of your wireless driver.00:15
erkumnit-wit: sorry im slow haha. i think this is it? [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]00:15
MurpleChiawalla: When running lshw, my wifi card is listed as network UNCLAIMED so it seems to be a driver related problem, which I think i knew already.00:16
ka1serhi, I formatted an ext3 partition on my PC with GParted, and after that GParted doesn't detect any partitions at all in my disk (/dev/sda)... fdisk -l show the partitions there... any idea of why GParted doesn't show up anything??00:17
bael56Please, how can I fix my sources.list??? when i run apt-get update I get alot of errors!!!00:17
Murplemoneyisdust: dmesg was very confusing, but i couldn't spot anything relevant.00:18
rwwbael56: copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ , link the page it creates here00:18
Murplemoneyisdust: Just thought i'd let you know...00:18
PalinBachman2012Murple: Chiawalla did you try these instructions? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10758325&postcount=2500:19
PalinBachman2012you should probably read up and see if those folks had your same problem, tho00:20
MurplePalinBachman2012: That looks promising. Altough I believe I need STA instead of b43 (I have no idea what that is but my network card is listed under STA on this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx)00:21
puffrww: Startup Disk Creator is nice, but the "erase disk" option should be more helpful about jstu *whcih* disk you're erasing...00:22
PalinBachman2012also, make sure wifi switch is enabled in windows, sometimes that causes probs00:23
Karen_mi want to shutdown X, and get a shell.  How do I do this?00:23
keegersHello everyone! I am sure you get this a lot, but I have a problem with Ubunu 11.04...00:24
=== ubuntu is now known as equs
MurplePalinBachman2012: What do you mean by enable in windows?00:24
uRockwhere does Network Manager hide the config file?00:24
Murplekeegers: I think it's standard procedure to just ask instead of asking to ask, the channel probably has rules/suggestions for that sort of thing.00:25
keegersI just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 now the computer feezes at the login screen00:25
Murplekeegers: Then you're worse off than I am :)00:25
keegersWell by login screen I mean the lovely purple screen before I can login...00:26
keegersThats no goo Murple00:26
bael56I am running ubuntu server, i am trying to install ubuntu-desktop but i get alot of failed to fetch errors.. any suggestions?????00:26
PalinBachman2012Murple: i mean the function keys that turn wifi on and off and perhaps even the hardware switch can sometimes only be enabled from windows00:26
Karen_mhow do I *stop* x11, leaving a shell?00:26
PalinBachman2012a windows install00:27
Karen_mctl+alt+f1, takes me to a shell but i see xorg still running00:27
stallioneI am running apcupsd 3.14.8, everything is working. Would like to know how can I shutdown other linux hosts connected on the network attached to the same UPS?00:27
psusiKardos, sudo stop gdm00:27
JoeR1what is the command to display CPU id and information?00:27
puffSo, I'm installing ubuntu on the new machine, which has a 500GB drive.  Historically I have been a bit gunshy of LVM, mainly because I *like* having my stuff on separate physical partitions.  What are people's opinions about this today?00:27
PalinBachman2012Murple: but you will get an error to that effect00:27
psusiKaren_m, rather, sudo stop gdm00:27
PalinBachman2012sometimes :)00:27
bael56I am running ubuntu server, i am trying to install ubuntu-desktop but i get alot of failed to fetch errors.. any suggestions?????00:27
Kardosbut i dont wanna do that00:27
psusipuff, LVM is awesome... I wrote a wiki entry about it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm00:28
Coreybael56: Fix your connectivity?00:28
Karen_mpsusi, thank you!00:28
MurplePalinBachman2012: I see... no hardware switch on iMac and only Ubuntu OS.00:28
nit-witpsusi, is your ppa up to oneiric yet00:28
ubuntucorkyay, brave ones I have returned ;-)00:28
uRockwhere does Network Manager hide the config file?00:28
bael56Corey, it works.. I can ping and everything..00:28
psusinit-wit, nope... what specifically are you looking for?00:28
claudiometbael56 change ubuntu mirrors, my local mirros always have problems, the main server always work for me00:28
nit-witpsusi, I was using the boot load script00:29
JoeR1I need the terminal command to display CPU id and information00:29
PalinBachman2012Murple: i only mentioned it cause i had to boot into win and enable wifi function keys once, and turn on the hardware switch, even to use a dongle00:29
iFrenzydoes anyone know how to reset my dual screen display settings without the second screen being plugged in because when i plug it in both screens go black00:29
psusinit-wit, boot load script?00:29
uRock where does Network Manager hide the config file?00:29
bael56claudiomet, Can you give me more details? :)00:29
nit-witpsusi, what evefr that faster boot thingy was if I'm correct.00:29
Waqascan somebody help me instsallaing flashplayer00:29
ubuntucorkJoeR1: cat /proc/cpuinfo00:29
bael56remove se from se.archive.ubuntu....?00:29
MurplePalinBachman2012: Understood, thanks again..00:29
ChiawallaI fixed it :-)00:30
uRockWaqas, install and use the flashaid add-on00:30
JoeR1ubuntucork thanks00:30
rjonesx1anyone here ever successfully mounted SSH/SFTP drives on boot?00:30
puffHm, this says there's a special verison of ubuntu for the thinkpad t520: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201102-722900:30
puffThe rep at lenovo didhn't know anything about it, anybody know where to get it?00:30
keegersHmm I think my problem may be related to my wireless driver. I have a Toshiba laptop and when I plug in the network line, the computer boots without any issues00:30
psusinit-wit, ohh, you mean my modified ureadahead?00:30
ubuntucorkJoeR1: here are my bank account details for a large donation 40-400....lol :-P00:30
claudiometmy "/etc/apt/sources.list" says http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu00:30
iFrenzydoes anyone know how to reset my dual screen display settings without the second screen being plugged in because when i plug it in both screens go black00:30
uRockpuff, which version did you have?00:31
claudiometbut cl.archive.ubuntu.com always fails00:31
Waqasi have to copy files to the root directory how does that work as a super user??00:31
bael56claudiomet, shall i only remove e.g cl. ??00:31
uRockWaqas, install and use the flashaid add-on00:31
JoeR1ubuntucork - $.50 headin your way, and you earned it!00:31
bael56claudiomet, and only have http://archive...00:31
puffuRock: Thinkpda t520.00:31
bael56ah okey00:31
FloodBot1bael56: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:31
uRockpuff, which version of Ubuntu did you have?00:31
nit-witpsusi, yeah that's it I see you have oneiric set in there cool00:32
claudiometyor sources.list must be diferent, my sources.list says ".cl" because i'm from chile00:32
psusinit-wit, I don't think there is a newer version yet in oneiric, so the natty version should work00:32
ubuntucorkJoeR1:  what version of ubuntu you using??00:32
tripelbI would likesome help. I have a 2nd drive plugged in. I want to copy its contents to my main drive. It has ubuntu on it. The last time I tried there was something about permissions. What is the proper procedure, before I mess things up.00:32
puffuRock: Oh, on the thinkpad? Nothing, yet.00:32
puffuRock: On my t43p, 10.04 LTS.00:33
rjonesx1I guess this is a weird way to ask it, but I would really like to see a program that ties SSHFS / AutoFS with a simple GUI so you can easily create auto-mounted SSH/SFTP drives. I imagine this could at least be scripted quite easily. Anyone interested in this kind of thing? Is there a place to go where I could pay for a custom script like this?00:33
uRock Use the LTS on the Lenovo, too00:33
uRock where does Network Manager hide the config file?00:33
ubuntucorkI love the LTS releases.  Am I getting old and boring? ;-)00:34
psusiuRock, what config file?00:34
cipher_uRock, i am relatively sure it uses the standard one00:34
nit-witpsusi, cool I have breakable Oneiric, brought it back from the dead several times, not sure how sheer luck I think.00:34
iFrenzydoes anyone know how to reset my dual screen display settings without the second screen being plugged in because when i plug it in both screens go black00:34
uRockpsusi, the network manager config00:34
lefty|afkOkay quick question is it possible to put use ubuntu off of a 4gb SD-Card ?00:34
puffuRock: Cool, thanks.00:34
ubuntucorktripleb: variety of ways to approach this, do you know what user your drive is mounting as?00:34
ubuntucorklefty|afk:  shortanswer yes!00:35
nit-witlefty|afk, not natty00:35
WaqasUrock I installed something hopefully that helps otherwise i have to use super user to copy files to root which i also dont understand how00:35
iFrenzy@lefty|afk if the computer bios will boot from sd00:35
psusinit-wit, yea... the natty version of ureadahead from my ppa should still work in Oneiric... you just have to download the .debs manually and install them with dpkg -i00:35
lefty|afkiFrenzy, It can00:35
lefty|afknit-wit, what ?00:35
lefty|afkubuntucork, thanks !00:35
nit-witpsusi, I'm lazy i use gdebi.;)00:35
iFrenzylefty|afk: then yes it will work you just have to change the bios to boot the sdcard first00:35
uRockWaqas, you should have to run the add-on for it to install the flash package for your system00:35
JoeR1Anybody know a good Graphically intense 3D game for linux?00:35
psusinit-wit, if you had it installed and did an upgrade you should still be using it00:36
nit-witlefty|afk, I believe the natty needs just over 4 gigs to be happy to install.00:36
moseswhy does firefox fail00:36
moseshard for me00:36
nit-witpsusi, I did an install and upgrade just to get Oneiric the original broke, so I'm not sure if it's installed as of now but will put it in the apt list00:37
Waqasurock i am downloading the flash player for linux but i dont know how to copy the files to root and in which folder?00:37
iFrenzydoes anyone know how to reset my dual screen display settings without the second screen being plugged in because when i plug it in both screens go black00:37
psusinit-wit, adding the ppa won't help now since it will look for the oniric version... check what version you have installed now with apt-cache policy ureadahea00:38
keegersI figured it out. It was a problem with the driver I needed for my wireless to work on 10.04.00:38
rationalOgreGreetings folks, trying to wrap my head around a wierd issue I am receiving on 10.04. I run PowerTOP and one of the issues it highlights is that an audio device is active 100% of the time. So, after googling, and finding many with the same error but no solutions, I decided to dig in and see what I could find. However, according to pulseaudio, all my sound devices are on standby.00:38
keegersthanks everyone for the inspiration!00:38
nit-witpsusi, that makes sense thanks.;)00:38
rationalOgreacording to pactl list00:38
bael56Guys, something is wierd with my /etc/apt/sources.list ... I have removed the country prefix before the url.. So I am using to standard servers.. before doing that I had alot of errors and I have errors now too I cannot for example run apt-get update without getting ton of errors. Any suggestions???00:38
bael56I am runing ubuntu server 9.1000:39
Waqascan somebody give me the command on how to copy flash files to root directory00:39
Waqasas super user00:39
linux_is_my_herohow do i install virtualbox on ubuntu 10.10 x86?00:39
nit-witbael56, run cat /etc/apt/sources.list and pastebin it00:39
rationalOgreWaqas: do you mean from a flash drive, or shockwave flash?00:39
bael56nit-wit, Its on another computer I am in shell..00:40
Waqasshockwave flash installation after extracting the files00:40
SomelauwHi, can I create an empty .xinit file in my home dir? Will it be launched before or after logging into gnome login manager>00:40
WaqasrationalOgre: I mean it says i have to copy the files as super user to root00:40
Waqashow do i do that00:40
bael56nit-wit, sec...00:41
rationalOgreWaqas: sudo cp /files/to/copy /00:41
nit-witbael56, hmmm your having update problems and the list seems insignificant.00:41
Logan_!virtualbox | linux_is_my_hero00:41
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox00:41
rationalOgreThough why you would have to copy them to the root of your install is beyond me.00:41
nit-witWaqas, if you want a working flash install flash aid in FF and run it.00:42
claudiometbael56 some firewall blocking ?? in my work a firewall is blocking and the updates doesn't work00:42
nit-witWaqas, FF add ons00:42
Scuniziwill the non-free flash plugin have issues when you have 2 different browsers open and both using flash? ie.. chromium & FF00:42
Waqasok firefox addons im going to watch that00:42
ubuntucorkclaudiomet: what is this four letter swear word you speak of beginning with "wo" and ending in "rk" :P00:43
bael56claudiomet, http://pastie.org/1973826 here it is..00:43
rationalOgreScunizi: Doubtful. They generally make their own sandbox for flash stuff.00:43
bael56nit-wit, here it is mate: http://pastie.org/197382600:43
KeegersOK my laptop will crash unless I have the network line plugged into it. I am on a Toshiba laptop and I upgraded to 11.04 from 10.1000:43
ScunizirationalOgre: nice to know.. FF is failing and chromium isn't.. mostly.. it's a SaS flash based app for work00:43
bael56claudiomet, I am not behind router/firewall or someting00:44
Waqasim now installing flash-aid 2.1.100:44
iFrenzydoes anyone know how to reset my dual screen display settings without the second screen being plugged in because when i plug it in both screens go black00:45
ubuntucorkI find ALL flash is buggy but the new beta on the adobe the least buggy of the lot, also todays chromium seems to crash less on heavy flash sites00:45
rationalOgreScunizi: you shouldn't have an issue. I've never heard of one. Time was you had to copy the flash files manually from your FF install to Chromium, now I believe flash installs in chromium automatically.00:45
ubuntucorkiFrenzy:  did you check your bios settings?00:45
rationalOgreI can go on youtube on both FF and Chrome at the same time.00:45
Waqasnit-wit: i need to execute on of the installation methods from the extension menu, how do i do that.?00:45
ubuntucorkChrome has Flash preinstalled :)00:45
Waqasthey say its recommend to use wizard mode00:46
ubuntucorkit is part of the deal they done with adobe to have early access to the code00:46
iFrenzyubuntucork: it was working fine until i was watching a hulu video and it went black and now when i plug it in both screens go black, if I restart it will work up until i log in and then both go black00:46
ScunizirationalOgre: I had a "DOH!" moment.. I was logged into the app in chromium and it didn't like that fact in FF00:46
rationalOgreScunizi: Ah, that might be more a function of how the app is written.00:46
ubuntucorkiFrenzy: try dpkg --reconfigure X.org (i think its x.org anyhow, the xserver)00:46
nit-witbael56, I don't see anything wrong with the list but I'm not a sever person.00:46
rationalOgreAs opposed to the instances of flash conflicting00:46
ScunizirationalOgre: could be.. it uses a "Scout" login tokin00:47
nit-witWaqas, I'm not sure what your talking about, nor I think will I.;)00:47
KeegersAnyone have any thoughts on my problem? What information do you need?00:47
Waqasi installed flash aid and than it said i had to install something or use wizard to do something as installation00:47
iFrenzyubuntucork: it says error unknowon option --reconfigure00:47
bael56nit-wit, Could you give me yours? :P00:47
ubuntucorkKeegers: sorry for the dopey question, what issue?00:48
KeegersOK my laptop will crash unless I have the network line plugged into it. I am on a Toshiba laptop and I upgraded to 11.04 from 10.1000:48
Waqasi installed flash aid but the youtube video is not coming00:48
rationalOgreScunizi: Oh then yeah, that was the app that was going nuts, not your flash install.00:48
KeegersNo worries I know people are busy00:48
ubuntucorkiFrenzy:  sorry typo dpkg-reconfigure X.org00:48
rationalOgreKeegers: Does it give any sort of error message when it crashes?00:49
iFrenzyubuntucork: package00:49
ubuntucorkKeegers, by crash does it just stop working even on the terminal or is it the display going wonky etc. can you explain?00:49
iFrenzyubuntucork: package 'x.org' is not installed00:49
ubuntucorkiFrenzy no idea if it is called X.org or x.org00:49
KeegersBy crash I mean screen freezes and the computer becomes unresponsive.00:49
iFrenzyubuntucork: neither works00:49
KeegersrationalOgre: no message00:50
ubuntucorkxserver-(your chipset name, nvidia etc etc etc)00:50
rationalOgreKeegers: At what point does this freeze happen? During initial bootup before you get to the GDM?00:50
nit-witbael56, I have natty you want this. http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/00:50
iFrenzyubuntucork: i just have like an intel internal graphics thing its a laptop00:50
KeegersrationalOgre:  GDM loads. It freezes right on the login menu00:51
ubuntucorkKEegers: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-intel00:51
nit-witKeegers, choose the recovery kernel then the failx boot from the gui00:51
ubuntucorknot too sure if the intel chip yoru using supports dual screen, mine doesnt :(00:51
iFrenzyubuntucork: I think you were directing that at me, but it didn't work either way00:51
Waqashow do i use and install flash-aid for firefox extension?00:52
iFrenzyubuntucork: it does because it was working earlier00:52
ubuntucorkiFrenzy: yup sorry so, not a gui guy, if i cant see black and white, its too many shades of grey for me ;-)00:52
Bane99hey guys00:52
nit-witWaqas, open ff open addons tyoe in flash aid install restart and run it if it does not have apopup00:52
iFrenzyubuntucork: the thing is i had it set to only display on my tv earlier, so when i plug it in i'm sure its defaulting to that display, so that's the reason my pc goes black00:52
Bane99any reason why the computer would show two different linux OS's to boot from00:52
Bane99the difference being a number 28 and 3100:53
iFrenzybane99: I noticed that problem when i updated my kernel00:53
Bane99it just appeared lol00:53
jamil_1Hello everyone, How do you ppl switch between multiple instances of an applications e.g 5-6 nautilus windows ?00:53
Bane99i just decided to use the higher number00:53
nit-witBane99, this are kernels00:53
hiexpoBane99, those are kernals you updated leave them alone00:53
jamil_1in unity00:53
agitkidDoes anyone know if there are still any jaunty repos around?00:53
Bane99use the higher number?00:53
ubuntucorkThis is why I run LTS releases 6-7 months AFTER they launch :-)00:53
Bane99i'm confused00:53
Bane99i updated a kernel?00:53
ubuntucorkStability :)00:53
Bane99all i did was install wine00:54
hiexpoBane99, yep00:54
Bane99and a bunch of updates00:54
nit-witagitkid, google will know jaunty is past life,00:54
rationalOgrejamil_1: ALT+tab?00:54
sparda_question: I noticed that Mac users can run an 'open' command line utilty to open up, say a html page, through the cmd.  I tried it in Ubuntu, say: open index.html, but it didn't work.  Is there any analogue to this in ubuntu, or I am just using it wrong?00:54
Bane99so just choose the one at the top of the list?00:54
Keegersubuntucork:  http://pastebin.com/edqkYD2U00:54
hiexpoBane99, yes00:54
arandsparda_: xdg-open is one00:54
Bane99anyways time to install Starcraft :P00:54
jamil_1rage: but that is too cumbersome...no other way other than double clicking nautilus icon on sidebar ?00:54
alextybobhi does anyone know how to recover a corrupted .odt (open office document) file / find an old copy of it?00:55
agitkidnit-wit: so that is no ;)00:55
hiexpoalways good to have the previous kernal to fall back on if you break something Bane9900:55
Keegersnit-wit:  I do not know what you mean...00:55
erkumhey im back00:55
sparda_arand: thanks,  will look into it!00:55
SpaceBassanyone using a drobo s with their ubuntu box?00:55
erkumi tried fixing my problem via the guide but it got too confusing00:55
Bane99my linux experience is limited to flashing ROMs on my android phone00:55
nit-witagitkid, there are probably some but jaunty is past life no official open repo's persay00:55
Logan_!anyone | SpaceBass00:55
ubottuSpaceBass: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:55
jamil_1rationalOgre: but that is too cumbersome...no other way other than double clicking nautilus icon on sidebar ?00:56
SpaceBasscorrection?. :)00:56
alextybobdoes anyone know how to recover a corrupted .odt (open office document) file / find an old copy of it?00:56
aminiestaget a symbian phone,a truly smartphone00:56
bael56nit-wit, Cool, but I have version 9? Does it metter??00:56
nit-witKeegers, do you get a grub menu when you boot00:56
erkumok here is my problem. in mozilla pictures seem to have inverted/neon colors. especially on facebook but other sites as well00:56
agitkidnit-wit: thx for the response.. i am even looking for unofficial repos. i have to finish on VM and i don't have time to deal with upgrading to an LTS version00:56
Bane99isn't symbian dieing out?00:56
Waqascan somebody tell me exactly how to get flash aid working in linux?00:56
erkumalso video is slightly choppy when full screen00:56
SpaceBassI have a new Dobo S with usb 3.0 - according to drobom (in the drobo-utils) package it is not a drobo because the device ID is "USB 3.0" rather than "drobo"  - anyone know a workaround or way to get drobom to recognize the device?00:57
alextybobanyone good with file recovery?00:57
ubuntucorksparda_: what is a mac? :-P00:57
rationalOgrealextybob: If you load it in OpenOffice it should try to recover it.00:57
Keegersnit-wit:  no it goes right to GDM00:57
alextybobyeah but when it does it's all hashes and random code and stuff00:57
ubuntucorksparda_:  wget url will download a full url for you00:57
ubuntucorksparda_: for full instructions see man or info wget00:57
sparda_ ubuntucork: http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/00:58
rationalOgrealextybob: You on Ubuntu?00:58
ubuntucorksparda: it says "site not available due to running internet exploder 3.0" :-P00:58
erkumanybody? nitwit helped me earlier but i didnt get anywhere...00:59
ubuntucorkerkum: whats wrong?00:59
alextybobrationalOgre,  I can't find any ubuntu orientated file recovery programs that support odt recovery00:59
erkumcork: after the new ubuntu update my colors when viewing pics on mozilla are screwy00:59
erkumlike neon/inverted00:59
byerleyif anyone is handy with grub: I installed windows which overwrote my ubuntu generated MBR. I booted with a generic linux livecd(which didn't have grub), then mounted /dev and /proc onto the original linux partition(also mounted). grub-install ran smoothly, but now I get "file not found" errors when trying to boot from any of the partitions. Any ideas?00:59
rationalOgreSee if an old copy is in there01:00
ubuntucorkalextybob: i had some success's with the built in file recovery dialog01:00
alextybobtried there nothing :(01:00
ubuntucorkerkum: sorry wouldnt even know where to start looking there!01:00
nit-witKeegers, sorry I thought you problem was a boot the problem you do have though is a bit unusual in that it makes no sense, but stranger things have happened.01:00
erkumhaha ok thanks01:00
alextybobyeah that normally works but i lost power as it was (i think) saving01:00
erkumcork: what about choppy video at fullscreen01:00
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ubuntucorkerkum: alextybob: no more of a server head here sorry :(01:01
alextybobhah fair01:01
alextybobits just i've lost 3 days of work01:02
erkumok cork: xchat help. how do i find rooms just to chat?01:02
ubuntucorkI always always say stick with the LTS as they are at least stable and no new changes just bugfixes01:02
alextyboband i have exams soon :(01:02
alextybobso i'm stressed as it is01:02
alextybobso any help would be massively appreciated01:02
ka1serhi, how is it possible that 'fdisk -k' detects my hard disk but GParted don't??01:02
rwwerkum: try #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus01:02
rationalOgrealextybob: Do you know if you have autosaves turned on?01:02
alextybobi do01:02
ubuntucorkka1ser:  GParted has to be run as superuser01:03
agitkidanyone else who might know where to find un-official repos for jaunty ?01:03
rww!eol | agitkid01:03
ubottuagitkid: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:03
rwwagitkid: second link has URLs of jaunty's repositories now01:03
alextybobrationalOgre, I do01:03
ubuntucorkagitkid: best options for you are ubuntu-tweak01:03
rwwagitkid: bear in mind that using them instead of upgrading is a rather silly idea, but it sounds like you're not going to listen to people telling you that :|01:03
ubuntucorkoops jaunty!!!01:03
ubuntucorkagitkid: upgrade to 10.04 mmmmmm LTS goodness01:04
agitkidrww: if i was dealing with just one server, i agree. i am dealing with a ton of VMs on a tested software platform01:04
rationalOgrealextybob: and it's nowhere to be found in the folder I referred to above?01:04
agitkidthat transition requires testing and time01:04
erkumrww: defocus says "cannot send to channel" ? what did i do wrong01:05
alextybobnot at all rationalOgre01:05
rwwerkum: read #defocus's /topic01:05
ubuntucorkagitkid: LTS=support for five whole years on the server!  count them!!01:05
agitkidubuntucork: yeah, that's where i am going for sure :)01:05
erkumrww: ohh i think i get it. probation period01:05
rwwerkum: basically, yeah.01:05
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rationalOgrealextybob: So all you have is a corrupted .odt file?01:06
Waqasdoes somebody know how to get flash-aid working after installation in fire fox/ so that i can see videos on youtube?01:06
ka1serubuntucork: it is being ran as superuser01:06
rationalOgreDid you try opening it with Archive Manager?01:06
rjonesx1is sshfs the only way to mount an SSH/SFTP server? basically, I want to be able to open/edit/save files off of other servers without always having to login or sync locally...01:06
ka1serubuntucork: im on live cd... I think it does that by default01:07
alextybobrationalOgre,  yes very much so01:07
ubuntucorkagitkid: I host on a VM too, and instead of apache am delighted with the cherokee ppa as it has a "webapp" store allowing defining a virtual server a snap AND installing the required app, eg. wordpress, drupal etc etc... no more tarballs :)01:07
alextybobrationalOgre, ^^^ for details01:07
erkumok xchat question again. im in some rooms but how do i find a room list?01:07
ka1seralso, ubuntu installation doesn't find any partitions01:07
ubuntucorkka1ser:  nope not for all releases :)01:07
x3k4phi please i need tool to control my router dlink01:07
ka1serbut on ubuntu live cd, I am able to even mount my partitions and see the content01:07
xangua!alis | erkum01:08
ubottuerkum: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*01:08
nit-witWaqas, there is a new icon in the FF top panel on the right side click it.01:08
rww!alis | erkum01:08
rwweep, xangua beat me to it01:08
Waqasnit-wit i try it01:08
agitkidubuntucork: that's cool. i use nginx for speed tho. and i build these VMs on a xen dom0 that requires me to use 9.04, which is why i need to find a repo just for this week, until i have time to test the upgrade to 10.401:09
Waqasyes i saw it nit-wit01:09
nit-witerkum, right click server list of channels01:09
x3k4phi please i need tool to control my router dlink01:09
Keegersnit-wit:  No worries. But it is a problem since it is a laptop and I cant keep starting it plugged into the Ethernet01:09
Keegersnit-wit: I had a 3rd party driver for my wireless card in 10.10. I removed it but still no luck.01:09
nit-witWaqas, flash aid will find the lates adobe install it and remove the installer and any other flash not needed.01:10
ubuntucorkagitkid: looks like the answr is no as others said it is gone past eol, your in a dark corner of the universe I am afraid.  Repeating the number 42 might help though ;-)01:10
x3k4phi please i need tool to control my router dlink01:10
Waqasyes it finished01:10
Waqasi have to restart fox now01:10
revalis there a way to increase the amount I can scroll up on my terminal?01:10
ubuntucorkx3k4p: try a web browser and the router manual.01:11
erkumhaha im linux retarded. its like getting help but the answers are in spanish! ill just take the slow kids role and learn soon hopefully01:11
nit-witreval, yes01:11
smwreval, it is somewhere in the settigns01:11
Waqasit worked out nit-wit, thanks for your support01:11
erkumthanks for all your help!!01:11
Waqasnit-wit do you have msn i would like to learn from you01:11
viking667quick question - I just added a font to my system, but I can't see it present in xfontsel. I've issued "xset fp rehash" but that didn't make any difference. What am I missing out?01:11
ubuntucorkerkum:  google fullcirclemagazine, it even pets your hand while holding it for you :)01:11
wolterare compiz crashes still common in natty? I am still getting them01:11
nit-witWaqas, no problem it is as if ut is magic .;)01:11
Cube``halt vs poweroff?01:11
smwreval, edit -> profile preferences -> scrolling01:12
Cube``whats the diff?01:12
nit-witCube``, yes01:12
revalthanks =)01:12
ubuntucorkits it a truetype font viking?01:12
viking667Also, I'm running stuff on a remote display, what server do I need to put the fonts on? the remote X server, or the host I'm running the program from?01:12
Cube``nit-wit: whats the diff?01:12
ubuntucorkCube``:  for eco credentials, always poweroff!!!01:12
Cube``ubuntucork: why?01:12
viking667it's from the xfont-jmk package...01:12
nit-witWaqas, I'm a open source user mostly, and there is not much I really know overall .01:12
erkumthanks cork ill check it out01:13
ubuntucorkCube``: poweroff = zero engery usage.  in some machines halt does not poweroff the machine01:13
JoeR1oh holy carp, I'm still in here huh?01:13
viking667I basically installed the package the standard way (apt-get install xfont-jmk)01:13
nit-witCube``, not suye of the answer how are you using halt ans power off.01:14
Hilikushow do i restart x?01:14
ubuntucorkCube``:  i always make sure by just issuing init 001:14
nit-witsudo start gdm01:14
Cube``ubuntucork: aah ok01:14
Cube``ubuntucork: just like that?01:14
smwHilikus, sudo restart gdm01:15
Cube``DAMN thats gotta be the leet way to do it01:15
nit-witHilikus, sudo start gdm01:15
ubuntucorkCube: "init 0" but without the quotes01:15
DGCJwhy the unity clock does not change it's format to 12 hours???...01:15
smwnit-wit, does start also work?01:15
ubuntucorkI run on servers so guis not available01:15
viking667actually, the best way of powering off isn't just "shutdown -h ...." - pulling the power cord (or even the power switch) does wonders for saving energy.01:16
ubuntucorkPS windows = work:  therefore work=bad. bad=avoid.  therefore work=avioid and by inference windows also = avoid :-)01:16
nit-witsmw, I don'rt think so my command is actually missing something but works if you run a stop gdm in the tty01:16
woltercompiz crashes anyone?01:16
nit-witwolter, you been trying to get the bling?01:16
smwwolter, no thanks. I don't like compiz crashes01:17
rjonesx1so... hmm, any way to mount ssh/sftp other than SSHFS?01:17
wolternit-wit, nah, been using compiz for a long time but since natty it occasionally crashes01:17
ubuntucorkviking667: on most hardware init 0 stops everything that the mobo powers even itself.  but yeah the power switch afterwards is always my favourite too :-)  I have to pay for my energy and tommorows generation pays for our misusing it :-)01:17
wolternit-wit, does it never crash at your end01:17
smwrjonesx1, why would you want another method?01:17
nit-witwolter, I have it set with the cube etc  loose the window titile bar once in a while01:18
sudokillany crazy people in here?01:18
ubuntucorkrjonesx1:  I dont like mounting SSH/SFTP as anything that stays open long enough can be snooped eventually.  A risk not worth taking for 30 secs/day of inconveneince01:18
viking667I've got machines here that don't entirely stop using energy, even though most of the hardware is off, there's usually enough trickling through the circuits watching for power-on events (i.e. power switches)01:18
Trfsrfrhey can anyone here help me with dual-monitor and sound/audio issues? Thanks01:18
nit-witsudokill, look in the mirror.;)01:18
Waqasnasa is active01:18
Trfsrfrhey can anyone here help me with dual-monitor and sound/audio issues? Thanks01:18
wolternit-wit, hm yes thats what I am talking about I think, you lose the panel too? And Desktop, etc..01:18
rwwsudokill: #ubuntu-offtopic has plenty ;P01:18
ubuntucorksudokill:  hi, me=killthemall@genocidal.im :-P01:18
smwrjonesx1, the file manager will do it for you if you go to an sftp uri.01:19
wolterTrfsrfr, when you ask to ask in any irc channel, you will be asked to ask01:19
flowbeehow do i get a list of users on my linux box01:19
ubuntucorkviking667:  thors weapons spring to mind to help stop that problem ;-)01:19
nit-witwolter, you have the window decoration I suspect I do to  but mine is pretty tweaked.01:19
roger21hi, how can i get the tasksel tasks from ubuntu-server on my desktop (to easily install lamp, pg samba ...)01:19
wolternit-wit, what do you mean?01:20
ubuntucorkflowbee: regular users or all users?01:20
KeegersOK so the other problem is still there. But I have a new question01:20
smwroger21, just install it yourself. If you want to know exactly what it downloads, you need to mount the image and read the preseed file.01:20
ubuntucorkroger21:  best bit so you dont ruin your desktop is install ubuntu-server as a VM01:20
flowbeeubuntucork, i want to see if the user 'mysql' and group 'mysql' exist01:20
smwroger21, just install what you need01:20
rjonesx1smw: well, frankly, it has just come down to 4 failed tutorials to do what I want: I have several servers that I would like to auto-mount on start-up. I spend all day working on a large number of web servers, and there currently exists no IDE or IDE plugin for Linux that allows me to live edit (these are dev servers, not production). So, the best solution I can come up with is somehow map folders to SFTP. SSHFS seemed like the best s01:21
rjonesx1olution, but as mentioned, 4 tutorials down and fail after fail after fail01:21
KeegersMy install sees my "mouse" as a PS2 mouse and not a trackpad. Any thoughts on how to make my mouse into a trackpad?01:21
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wolterand also, pressing the alternative-menu key seems to crash compiz almost every time01:21
ubuntucorkflowbee: you on a desktop or a server?01:21
roger21smw, i'm not sure what i need, the tasksel stuff sounded easy01:21
Waqasso i finally get the firefox working properly but still i need to learn how to use ubuntu01:21
nit-witwolter, loaded copiz config gui there is a window decoration plugin that is supposed to keep the window top panel working, you know likw a appp window like the browser01:21
sudokillWaqas, welcome01:21
smwrjonesx1, have you tried going to an sftp uri in the filemanager?01:21
Waqashey sudokill01:22
LAcanWaqas; once your NIC and Firefox work, you're set.. google is your friend!01:22
rjonesx1smw: not yet, ill give that a shot01:22
wolternit-wit, oh yes I know what the window decorator is hehe01:22
Waqasyes Lacan that sounds familiar01:22
sudokillWaqas, so what u trying to do / set up? I'm guessing ur new01:22
nit-witwolter, you want a link to a cube setup01:22
smwroger21, type "sudo tasksel" in a terminal01:22
LAcanWaqas, lol sorry... u got a specific problem cuz 'learning ubuntu' is pretty broad!01:22
smwroger21, I will warn you that running servers takes some CLI work.01:23
smwroger21, I will also say that most of the time people install the server edition and then install a desktop on top if they absolutely need it.01:23
roger21smw, no but the tasksel from ubuntu-desktop does not have the server stuff01:23
WaqasLAcan: thanks for thinking smart i think i need to think smart also, how did you learn ubuntu with google??01:24
ubuntucorkflowbee: "groups | grep "mysql"01:24
smwroger21, It does when I look...01:24
wolternit-wit, why? haha I am just trying to stop this crashes01:24
smwroger21, I see LAMP server, DNS server, etc01:24
Loshki!manual | Waqas this is a good way to learn ubuntu:01:24
ubottuWaqas this is a good way to learn ubuntu:: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:24
roger21smw, do you have lamp, samba-server postgresql-server ?01:24
Trfsrfrwolter, you lost me. What should I be asking?01:24
LAcanWaqas, i had very specific reasons to install ubuntu... so i just worked towards accomplishing my goal.. and im still learning.. every day... the people in this channel are a great help01:24
smwroger21, I see them01:24
roger21what did i missed01:25
nit-witwolter, I'm going for some thai food dinner time, I think the crashes are apr for course hard to say mine are not that big of a deal.01:25
smwroger21, no idea01:25
wolterTrfsrfr, you asked if you could ask a question about sound and dual monitors, right?01:25
roger21i'll check again01:25
smwroger21, I have never used tasksel before01:25
KeegersMy install sees my "mouse" as a PS2 mouse and not a trackpad. Any thoughts on how to make my mouse into a trackpad?01:25
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* sudokill wants food01:25
Waqasok LAcan01:25
wolternit-wit, ok enjoy your meal then!01:25
Waqasok thanks ubottu im reading it01:25
Trfsrfrwolter, I asked for help with sound and monitors. Did I not ask correctly?01:26
sudokillWaqas, don't be put off if anything seems hard coming from Windows01:26
ubuntucorkKeegers:   there is something about that on wrww.ubuntu.com, sorry since brain tumour, the memory is not great, todays lesson is never let them drill holes in your skull ;-)01:26
willjIf one wanted to install a package from library downloaded from a website using configure && make, is there a specific location where the packages should reside?01:26
LAcanid be a total convert to ubuntu if i could only sync my damn blackberry correctly01:26
ubuntucorkWaqas:  what is the problem exactly?01:27
sudokillwillj, no01:27
wolterTrfsrfr, chill, I just said that you'd be better off asking your specific question right away01:27
KeegersOK thanks ubuntucork01:27
willjsudokill, thanks01:27
ubuntucorkLAcan:  there is a method, I googled it recently as i had to use my gmail account to sync with it for calendar and mail purposes :)01:27
WaqasI resolved all programs by upgrading to a new system-kernel-operating system01:27
Trfsrfrwolter, I am chilled. Im just a noob here looking for help and learning a ton, albeit slowly.01:27
LAcanWaqas, if i were to give you one tip: always install stuff from repositories if they are available. will save u a lot of time and headaches01:27
arleslielove the autoparitioner in ubuntu 11.04 ...... anyway, need help installing grub since its not working (didnt install on the mbr, I installed it on the mbr and now it cant find the configfile [update-grub is not wok01:28
Trfsrfrand thanks01:28
Waqasok thanks01:28
LAcanubuntucork, ya i tried it but couldnt compile it properly :(01:28
arleslie*is not working in the llive CD01:28
peeps[lappy]does anyone here use tomboy synchronization via ubuntu one?  it is telling me synchronization failed01:28
peeps[lappy]but gives no other useful info01:28
LAcanpeeps[lappy], ya it works but u have to set it to i believe webdav in the tomboy options01:28
ubuntucorkLAcan no I exported my calendars as ical events to google calendar )01:28
LAcanubuntucork, i dont follow...?01:29
peeps[lappy]LAcan, i can't even edit the synchro options, they are greyed out01:29
ubuntucorkmy email account is default anyway to my gmail, which allows POP & IMAP01:29
WaqasIm going to sleep now, bye01:29
LAcanubuntucork, i want proper PIM sync for ubuntu.. i can do full backups of the BB01:29
LAcanpeeps[lappy], is ubuntuone configured?01:30
ubuntucorkLAcan: you tried running the windows sync thng in WINE?01:30
LAcanubuntucork, thats not a fix! (and yes)01:30
peeps[lappy]LAcan, pretty sure it is,  i synced them initially, don't know what happened.01:30
LAcanubuntucork, bb desktop is barely stable in windows let alone thru wine...01:30
Trfsrfrwolter, im more than happy to check out the chat rule book if you have a link. I surely am not trying to tick anyone off, so if there is a link i'd check it out for sure.01:31
ubuntu564how can i see all my partitions and how much of the partition is filled01:31
ubuntucorkLAcan: have you tried barry from the repos?01:31
LAcanpeeps[lappy], ok so ubuntu one is working for synchronizing files and such?01:31
arlesliecan anyone help me reinstall grub correctly from the 11.04 x64 live cd?01:31
wolterDon't worry, you didn't tick anyone off as far as I know, I just said that to you because it will save you time in the future to just ask01:31
billy_does noone click on my pictures !01:31
billy_click it !01:31
sudokilli did01:31
FloodBot1billy_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:32
ubuntucorkarleslie: too much www...www...wwwork for me i am afraid01:32
LAcanubuntucork, ya but it only lets u do the full backup... u need something else to do the synching...?01:32
=== billy_ is now known as Bibs
Trfsrfrcool. thanks.01:32
LAcanwwwork, lol thats a good term!01:32
sudokillBibs, so ur into beastiality too?01:32
arleslieubuntucork, ehh01:33
Bibssudokill,  of course01:33
ubuntucorkLAcan: Sorry as I use Google for my mail and calendars on my own domain, perhaps my solution for that would not work for you, hope you find something that wwww...www...works for you :)01:33
sudokillnothing like a bit of horse on mouse action01:33
LAcanubuntucork, ya.. idont trust google... and i actually like Outlook.. i know, shameful01:33
Trfsrfrhow do I get my dual monitor settings to keep? they change to mirror screen after screen saver.01:33
ubuntucorkLAcan:  I hate four letter swear words that being with "wo" and end in "rk" and cannot bring myself to say them :-P01:34
ubuntucorkLAcan: I wont shun you :-) I have to use it in my place of remunerated employment too, and at home use evolution for its famialrity and its power :)01:34
peeps[lappy]LAcan, hrm, i don't know what's going on.  I opened the Ubuntu One control panel from System-> Preferences.  and I can't log in from there.  when i go to the ubuntu one website, i can login just fine.  i am using the exact same credential01:35
LAcanhey outlook is powerful too.. if you have 8 gigs of ram and SSD lol01:35
Maverick001hi i've a question: is it ok that my ubuntu logs out automatically at least once a day (11.04). Do you experienced similar with this version or other? thanks!01:35
SpaceBassEvolution? *shudders*01:35
LAcanpeeps[lappy], lemme take a look at mine01:35
sudokillMaverick001, by itself?01:35
Trfsrfrwolter, did I ask that correctly? Ive been asking for 3-4 nights here with no response.01:35
sudokillwell no, thats not ok01:36
wolterTrfsrfr, yes there you did :)01:36
ubuntucorkMaverick001: I can't help you as I only use 10.04 LTS as I know I have only bugfixes and no new tech for the next 5 years :)01:36
Maverick001i have read on some forums that it happened with other users too01:36
wolterTrfsrfr, support is sometimes hard to find here in this channel :S I suffer from the same01:36
ubuntucorkSpaceBass: lol!!01:36
sudokillMaverick001, unless u mean screensaver password or something01:36
woltermost of the time nobody can't answer my questions01:36
Maverick001no scr saver01:36
Trfsrfrwolter, is there a more suitable place that I should be?01:36
Keegers_ShyiaAnd my computer crashed again01:36
SpaceBassubuntucork, I want to like and use it, but its always so ugly and frankly never works for me w/ exchange ?.01:37
wolterhm, can't think of any, If I knew I'd be there and not here haha01:37
Keegers_ShyiaThis time I was in Terminal and typed "sudo su" hit enter and then it crashed01:37
xangua!patience | Trfsrfr wolter01:37
ubottuTrfsrfr wolter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:37
Trfsrfrcool, thanks for the etiquette tips.01:37
Maverick001i wanted to search for some logs at log manager but i didnt find anything01:37
ubuntucorkSpaceBass:  never use exchange, I use Google[no smart cracks :-P] to manage my email for me on my domain01:37
LAcanpeeps[lappy], ok silly question bt, are you connected to the internet on your ubuntu machine?01:37
sudokillTrfsrfr, whats wrong01:37
sudokilli probably cant help01:38
peeps[lappy]LAcan, yes01:38
SpaceBassubuntucork, no cracks on google at all - its great. I run my own zimbra server otherwise I'd be on google in a hearbeat01:38
iFrenzyI've got a problem, I had an hdtv plugged into the hdmi port of my laptop, everything was working fine once I changed a few display settings, I changed it so that only the tv screen was displaying, well i was watching a hulu video full screen and all of the sudden the screen went black and ever since i can get nothing but a black screen when i plug in the hdmi cable on both the laptop screen and tv, I've restarted multiple time01:38
iFrenzys with the hdmi cable plugged in and not plugged in to no avail01:38
=== Keegers_Shyia is now known as Keegers
peeps[lappy]LAcan, like i said, i can log into https://one.ubuntu.com website in my browser, but my Ubuntu One control panel app will not login01:38
LAcanpeeps[lappy], ok so under the devices tab in ubuntu one what u got there...?01:38
peeps[lappy]devices tab?01:38
Trfsrfrdo bots ask questions?01:39
peeps[lappy]LAcan, is that i unity thing, i'm on classic mode01:39
sudokillTrfsrfr, whats wrong01:39
ubuntucorkTrfsrfr: only the inquisitive ones :-P01:39
ScuniziI've got acroread installed so I can open pdf's in that app if I want.. how do I get Firefox to default to that app or open a pdf in a new window?01:39
Trfsrfr2 issues01:39
Trfsrfrsound and dual monitor01:40
sudokillwhat about sound?01:40
ubuntucorkScunizi: Tools->Manage content plug ins01:40
sudokillchecked ur using the right sound card?01:40
sudokillin sound options01:40
=== Abnormal is now known as Milossh
TrfsrfrI went thru some troubleshooting and did a couple things in terminal01:41
lcasaleHello, I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.10 running a software RAID 1 array and noticed the hard drive light is on solid all the time.  Is this normal with software raid?  It never blinks01:41
Trfsrfrvery new to linux01:41
robin0800Trfsrfr, alsamixer?01:41
sudokillcheck in the sound options if ur using the right soudn card01:41
sudokillalsamixer shouldnt be muted by default01:41
SpaceBasslcasale, it could be - hard to say - could also be property of the mobo ? what type of RAID and what does cat /proc/mdstat show01:41
brandenburgKM0201:  are you active at the moment?01:42
Trfsrfrnothing is muted01:42
SpaceBassapparently Drobo shows up as series of 2tb disks in Linux? should I use LVM or is there something more preferable to make them work as one drive?01:42
Scuniziubuntucork: checked.. shows "Portable document Format (applicate bla bla) = Adobe reader 9.4" .... but doesn't work..01:42
TrfsrfrI had sound working at one point, before an update01:42
lcasalei don't think it's anything on the mobo, also mdstat isn't running anything right now01:42
peeps[lappy]LAcan, where do you see a devices tab?01:43
robin0800Trfsrfr, does it report the right card or can you select it?01:43
ubuntucorkScunizi:  is there an option for evince??01:43
SpaceBasslcasale, not running anything? how did you build the raid? mdadm?01:43
Scuniziubuntucork: no..01:43
LAcanpeeps[lappy], in the ubuntu one config under system/administration/ubuntuone01:43
iFrenzyI've got a problem, I had an hdtv plugged into the hdmi port of my laptop, everything was working fine once I changed a few display settings, I changed it so that only the tv screen was displaying, well i was watching a hulu video full screen and all of the sudden the screen went black and ever since i can get nothing but a black screen when i plug in the hdmi cable on both the laptop screen and tv, I've restarted multiple time01:43
iFrenzys with the hdmi cable plugged in and not plugged in to no avail01:43
sudokillTrfsrfr, are you getting no sound at all? or just in flash?01:43
Trfsrfrmaybe im not looking in the right place01:43
lcasalei turned off all the services i installed as far as i know, but yes i used mdadm to build the raid01:43
Trfsrfrno sound at all01:43
janisozaurI've created a package using checkinstall, but forgot to change some information. how can I edit the information in .deb file?01:43
ubuntucorkScunizi: try evince I never had any issues with it and it integrates into firefox too :)01:43
peeps[lappy]LAcan, ok, but that app needs me to login and it won't accept my email/password.  the same ones that work fine on the Ubuntu One website01:44
peeps[lappy]LAcan, i can't do anything in that app without logging in01:44
sudokillTrfsrfr, you could try googling an asound.conf and add a generic config for ur sound card01:44
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Sounds like you fried your video card.01:44
sudokillthat makes sure it always uses the right one01:44
ubuntucorkpeeps[lappy]: can you check to see is it using http or https and adjust the app one accordingly?01:44
naryfawhat does error "cannot stat" mean?01:44
sudokillbut it shouldnt be needed01:44
SpaceBasslcasale, if you used mdadm then cat /proc/mdstat will return something01:44
LAcanpeeps[lappy], huh thats weird... mine isnt working either... maybe its down?01:44
Trfsrfrsudokill, im more newbie than that!01:45
iFrenzyrationalOgre: my laptop screen still works, and the tv will work up until i log in01:45
janisozaurnaryfa, perhaps file does not exist01:45
escottnaryfa, file does not exist01:45
peeps[lappy]gonna try resetting my password through the app01:45
SpaceBasslcasale, also, paste bin the results of: mdadm -D /dev/md001:45
Scuniziubuntucork: evince isn't even in the drop down list.. unfortunately I actually have to use acrobat in the browser for work because of forms that have security on them.. I hate it but I can't avoid it.01:45
lcasaleactually i take that back, i'm not sure if mdadm built the array, it was created during the install, right now mdstat is just saying the array is degraded because i took out one of the drives debugging01:45
sudokillTrfsrfr, do u remmeber what update caused it?01:45
naryfajanisozaur: escott: thank you01:45
=== Zorlin is now known as Guest19150
Trfsrfrsudokill, what is the comand in terminal to view sound components?01:46
sudokilllsmod | grep snd01:46
LAcanpeeps[lappy], try just "Manage Account" from the account tab, that should take you to the ubuntu website01:46
SpaceBasslcasale, that would cause the light to stay on01:46
Trfsrfrsudokill, it was before the upgrade01:46
ubuntucorklcasale: is it possible in the logs its trying to rebuild the array and hence thats why the light is on?01:46
Trfsrfri just did this....01:46
Trfsrfrwhere is it?01:46
sudokilldid u upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?01:46
peeps[lappy]LAcan, dude, there are *no tabs* when you aren't even logged in01:46
ugliefrogim running dual monitors...is there away to disable second memune thing on the panel on the second monitor01:47
Maverick001where can i find the shut down, log off, booting logs in log file viewer, so that i can detect the reason why the system logs out randomly ..? thx01:47
Trfsrfryes to the latest version...from...meerkat? is that right?01:47
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Oh. Then I would guess something went wrong with the hdmi configuration.01:47
sudokillso sound was working in 10.10 but not in 11.0401:47
escottMaverick001, the logout is likely caused by an Xorg crash. check /var/log/Xorg.0.log but you may not find the cause01:47
ubuntucorkMaverick001: I just cat [file]| grep "string im interested in" > file.txt01:47
Trfsrfrbut before I uprgraded, I updated. and havent had sound since01:48
lcasaleit's not trying to rebuild the array now01:48
janisozaurMaverick001, try /var/log/syslog01:48
iFrenzyrationalOgre: do you know how I would reset the settings with the hdmi01:48
Trfsrfryes, in meerkat i changed a value from a 0 to a 1 somewhere along the line and got it working. then i let auto update do its thing, and voila. no sound again.01:49
janisozaurMaverick001, also, what escott said. you can grep for 'EE' or '!!', this should indicate error01:49
ubuntucorkTrfsrfr: worst case scenario you can always try dpkg-reconfigure -all01:49
Maverick001thx for the replies i will try that01:49
LevanderIt's been awhile since I messed around with Linux. Did it ever get any better about handling NTFS?01:49
lcasaleand looking at the syslog nothing is active01:49
BibsLevander,  yes01:50
peeps[lappy]LAcan, the only thing i can do in this app is fail authentication.  http://i.imgur.com/YllIS.png01:50
janisozaurMaverick001, but beware, as '!!' (without quotes) is also a bash 'command' (it repeates last command)01:50
peeps[lappy]LAcan, i juts reset the password and it still says authentication exceptions01:50
Trfsrfrubuntucork, what will that do?01:50
escottLevander, ntfs-3g is a fuse module that has a few more features than the kernel module01:50
Maverick001janisozaur: right i just try to read the file first01:50
ubuntucorkLevander:  NTFS is now mounted in userspace and has experimental but very good NTFS write support :-)01:50
LAcanpeeps[lappy], i have no idea bro... on a completely unrelated note.. did u know amazon gives u 5 gigs free?01:50
janisozaurI've created a package using checkinstall, but forgot to change some information. how can I edit the information in .deb file?01:50
iFrenzyI've got a problem, I had an hdtv plugged into the hdmi port of my laptop, everything was working fine once I changed a few display settings, I changed it so that only the tv screen was displaying, well i was watching a hulu video full screen and all of the sudden the screen went black and ever since i can get nothing but a black screen when i plug in the hdmi cable on both the laptop screen and tv, I've restarted multiple time01:50
iFrenzys with the hdmi cable plugged in and not plugged in to no avail01:51
LevanderI'm reading a page now that says Linux can't create/delete files or grow/shrink files. http://bisqwit.iki.fi/story/howto/ntfs/01:51
Bibsyour reading wrong01:51
LAcanLevander, THATS WRONG01:51
Bibswhy do you need ntfs anyways?01:51
peeps[lappy]LAcan, don't care about file storage, i want to sync tomboy notes01:51
robin0800Trfsrfr, there is a "multimedia systems selector" as a hidden menu available01:51
LevanderOh wait, there's a big note at the top of that page saying that page is obsolete...01:51
LevanderMy bad.01:51
ubuntucorkTrfsrfr: it will reconfigure all your packages on your machine without installing anything :)01:51
escottLevander, it can shrink/grow ntfs but it marks it as dirty, and windows needs to run its own fsck01:52
Levanderescott, eww - that sounds sloppy01:52
Trfsrfrrobin0800,  hidden? should I be messing with it?01:52
ubuntucorkLevander:  blame the authors and alleged patent holders of the filesystem for the ugliness, not the generous people who help us work with the sloppy thing :-)01:53
Trfsrfrubuntucork, ummm...okay. is that a bad thing? I have never had sound since the latest upgrade, so...?01:53
Maverick001janisozaur: ok i dont know what grep is, but i found a line at the time of crash in the syslog and also red this on the black screen something about cron:01:53
Maverick001May 26 02:17:01 maverick-A52 CRON[8315]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)01:53
robin0800Trfsrfr, yes I don't know why its hidden so is software sources01:53
escottMaverick001, thats nothing, just your hourly automated tasks01:53
sudokillMaverick001, grep searches for text01:53
Levanderubuntucork: So, there are still real problems using NTFS with Linux? (I realize it's not Linux's fault, but I got to decide whether to use NTFS or FAT for this external drive that'll be moved around sometimes)01:54
ubuntucorkMaverick001:  grep is a tool to seach through a file looking for matchng strings, in your case poweroff , shutdown or whatever01:54
agitkidubuntucork, nit-wit : FYI, in case people come asking again: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu01:54
Maverick001but anytime when the system logged out wrote something about cron01:54
escottLevander, FAT is probably better because it can e used on a mac as well01:54
Maverick001so how should i use grep01:54
sudokillhowever u want01:54
janisozaur!enter | Maverick00101:55
ubottuMaverick001: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:55
ubuntucorkLevander: I have used a 500gb portable drive and had to use it with windows machines so chose and formatted it as NTFS because i had to put files >2GB on it(DVD images) and have had zero issues01:55
escottMaverick001, if it is really cron related it would be on the hour every hour01:55
Levanderescott: Hmmm, NTFS can't even be used on a Mac? That about seals it for FAT... Suprises me FAT can't be read on a Mac...01:55
janisozaurMaverick001, man grep01:55
Levanderescott: Playstations can't read NTFS either, but can read FAT.01:55
Trfsrfrrobin0800, ubuntucork sudokill somewhere awhile back, i was using the community troubleshooting tips, and i went into terminal and changed a number somewhere, and I got sound. that was in the prior version.01:55
escottLevander, FAT can be but I think Apple has the same problems with NTFS as everyone else does01:55
ubuntucorkbrb need to help "she who must be obeyed :-)"01:55
quintokay, so im trying to make a startup command that also changes the working directory before executing a process01:55
Levanderescott: Yeah, I'm going FAT for this drive.01:56
sudokillTrfsrfr, "changed a number somewhere"01:56
LevanderThanks guys!01:56
janisozaurMaverick001, basically, you should do something like this: "grep -n EE /var/log/xorg.log" or whatever the file is01:56
quintany suggestions?01:56
quint(id prefer to no make a .sh01:56
iFrenzyI've got a problem, I had an hdtv plugged into the hdmi port of my laptop, everything was working fine once I changed a few display settings, I changed it so that only the tv screen was displaying, well i was watching a hulu video full screen and all of the sudden the screen went black and ever since i can get nothing but a black screen when i plug in the hdmi cable on both the laptop screen and tv, I've restarted multiple time01:56
janisozaurMaverick001, and also "grep -n \!\! <xorg_file_path_here>"01:56
iFrenzys with the hdmi cable plugged in and not plugged in to no avail01:57
Trfsrfrsudokill, yes. from a 1 to a 2, or a 0 to a 1. I felt like a programmer, it was awesome.01:57
rationalOgreiFrenzy: what does xrandr say?01:57
janisozaurhow can I edit the information in .deb file?01:57
sudokillTrfsrfr, lol01:57
sudokillTrfsrfr, hard to say what it was01:57
brandenburganyone know what:   " NetworkManager[596]: nm_setting_802_1x_get_pkcs11_module_path: assertion `NM_IS_SETTING_802_1X (setting)' failed"       tells a person about why a wireless connection does not work?01:57
nit-witagitkid, cool I will bookmark it.;)01:57
Trfsrfri dont remember where, but I got it from following the troubleshooting guides.01:57
sudokillTrfsrfr, asoundrc  pcm card0?01:58
iFrenzyrationalOgre: are you asking what it says about the hdmi port?01:58
Trfsrfrand I have been doing that recently here as well, but I have been without sound for 6 weeks.01:58
Bane99guys how do i use wine?01:58
rationalOgreiFrenzy: yes01:58
fsyncI make some software that people on Ubuntu use.  I'm extremely poor, does anyone have budget to send me an install CD, or, even better, get me on the list of people who are worth sending CDs to as they become available? (I'm on dial-up, otherwise I'd just download it.)01:58
Bane99for installing a game01:58
sudokillTrfsrfr, does pcm.card0 ring any bells?01:58
Trfsrfrsudokill, i dont know. tell me how I can answer that question for you.01:58
Trfsrfrmaybe, I changed a number on the end of a command, possibly like that01:59
iFrenzyrationalOgre: it says disconnected because when I plug it in I get nothing01:59
iFrenzyrationalOgre: like both screens go black01:59
Trfsrfrsudokill, since though, i have gone back to on-board sound, then swithced again, then back, etc...now I am back to trying to make the 5.1 card be the sound card. I turned of the on-board in bios.02:00
sudokillTrfsrfr, do neither of them work?02:01
Trfsrfrnothing works02:01
sudokilli have no idea what update caused it02:01
Trfsrfrbut it did at one time02:01
sudokillor what number u changed02:01
sudokilli have no idea02:01
Maverick001guys im very lame but do i have to login as root or put something else(the destination file is correct): grep: /var/log/xorg.0.log: No such file or directory02:02
rationalOgreiFrenzy: look in home for .xprofile is it there?02:02
Trfsrfrwhat was that pcm0 thing you mentioned?02:02
robin0800Trfsrfr, in alsamixer f6 allows you to select a sound card02:02
escottMaverick001, grep "pattern" /from/file suggested pattern was "EE"02:02
iFrenzyrationalOgre: where would I find that02:02
Trfsrfrrobin0800,  let me check that.02:02
sudokillTrfsrfr, try this: in ur home directory create an empty file called .asoundrc02:02
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Look in your home folder for a file called .xprofile02:02
escottMaverick001, and a capital X02:02
Bane99where do we determine CD ROM directories in linux02:02
rationalOgreif you cant see dot files hit CTRL+H and they will appear02:03
robin0800Bane99, media02:03
sudokillTrfsrfr, or do u already have one?02:03
escottBane99, your CD will usually be mounted (files made accessible) in /media/cdrom or /media/dvd02:03
iFrenzyrationalOgre: no I have an .xsession-errors and .xsession-errors.old02:03
Bane99i dont even know where to see that02:03
Bane99it's a blu-ray drive02:03
Bane99i also have a DVD-RW drive02:04
Trfsrfrsudokill, let me check02:04
rationalOgreopen the .xsession-errors with gedit and see what it says02:04
rationalOgreSee if it mentions the HDMI screen02:04
Bane99so do i run everything from terminal?02:04
acuariumHi, anyone here can help me with a new RAID0 installation?02:04
robin0800Bane99, its a folder in the filesystem02:04
acuariumI have a problem with grub02:04
flowbeei'm connecting to a vpn server that seems to affect my routes.  you can see here:  https://gist.github.com/990377 ... my question is; what should i do after this happens so that *only* traffic from port 80 will be sent through the assigned routes?02:04
escottBane99, you should be able to access them in the file manager. look for the cd/dvd on the left hand side with the disks02:04
Maverick001it says the following: 15:(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.02:04
Maverick00158:[ 15461.702] (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER02:04
Maverick001107:[ 15461.753] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)02:05
Trfsrfrsudokill, my home directory? with my name?02:05
sudokillTrfsrfr yes02:05
Trfsrfrwith the desktop, documents folder?02:05
iFrenzyrationalOgre: a lot of stuff, but nothing that appears to pertain to graphics02:05
Trfsrfrno i do not have that file or folder02:05
Bane99so when i run wine02:05
Bane99go to the terminal02:05
sudokillTrfsrfr, right click and create new empty file and call it .asoundrc (remember the dot)02:06
escottBane99, wine thats a whole different thing. wine you can configure to give fake letters to the drives so e: can point to /dev/cdrom or the like02:06
robin0800Trfsrfr, if alsamixer didn't find your sound card your in trouble02:06
Trfsrfrrobin0800, i havent located where to locate it yet02:07
acuariumanyone has ubuntu running on a RAID0 array?02:07
sudokillTrfsrfr, now paste this into it- (from the raw paste data) http://pastebin.com/6FmrwL4B02:07
Maverick001does this error "fglrx" cause the logs out? : 107:[    14.376] (EE) Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)02:07
Maverick001what the heck is it?02:07
Trfsrfri feel like a 6 year old02:07
escottMaverick001, that just means you aren't running the ATI drivers02:07
Stormx2Maverick001, you're trying to load a graphics driver that doesn't exist02:07
sudokillTrfsrfr, try reboot and see if it works that just uses default card02:08
ubuntucorknight night boys and girls, its bed time here in the Peoples Republic of Cork.02:08
sudokillif it dont work just delete that .asound.conf u made02:08
Maverick001goddamn that should be the problem, windows freezed with all the drivers02:08
ubuntucorkwww.peoplesreupublicofcork.com :-)02:08
iFrenzyrationalOgre: any other ideas?02:08
Trfsrfrsudokill, should I check alsamixer f6 like robin0800 suggested first?02:09
escottiFrenzy, you could check that you dont have anything unusual in /etc/X1102:09
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Sorry, I'm all out. This is unfortunately beyond my ken.02:09
sudokillTrfsrfr, u can, what do u see when u run alsamixer?02:09
Bane99ok escott02:09
nit-witubuntulo1, also known as http://5z8.info/-OPEN-WEBCAM---START-RECORD--_m3o1ff_-php-deactivate_phishing_filter-48-02:09
Bane99i dont know how to do these command things02:09
kz-manhow can i set emerald as the window decorator?, i clicked it in the fusion icon but nothing happens02:10
iFrenzyescott: what should i be looking for?02:10
Trfsrfrsudokill, robin0800 has suggested that when I run alsamixer and press f6 i can choose my coundcard02:10
escottBane99, it should be in the wine config gui whatever that is02:10
sudokillTrfsrfr, u can but it wont save unless u run a command02:10
escottiFrenzy, what kind of video card do you have?02:10
Trfsrfrsudokill, I havent run it yet...still looking for it02:10
rww!emerald | kz-man02:10
ubottukz-man: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.02:10
sudokillTrfsrfr, what does it say under "card" when u first run alsamixer02:11
iFrenzyescott: its an internal intel02:11
robin0800Trfsrfr, you run alsamixer in terminel02:11
TurkuSamais there a way to load mint inside of windows like wubi?02:11
rww!mintsupport | TurkuSama02:11
ubottuTurkuSama: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:11
Trfsrfroh thats cool02:11
iFrenzyescott: I've already ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-video-intel02:11
TrfsrfrI have 3 options02:11
Trfsrfr0 hda ati hdmi02:12
Trfsrfr1 mpu-401 uart02:12
sudokillTrfsrfr, did u do the .asoundrc?02:12
Trfsrfr2 via 823702:12
Jordan_U!details | acuarium02:12
ubottuacuarium: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:12
sudokillTrfsrfr, reboot let me know if sound works02:12
escottiFrenzy, make sure you don't have an Xorg.conf in /etc/x11 thats the only real suggestion i can give02:13
iFrenzyescott: I have an xorg.conf.failsafe in /etc/X1102:13
rationalOgreiFrenzy: What did you use to make it so your laptop screen shuts off when you plug in the HDMI?02:13
Trfsrfrsudokill, i might be awhile, my pc hangs on start screen.02:13
acuariumJordan_U: I installed ubuntu 11.04 on a raid0 array, the installation finished without problems, but after rebooting I get grub rescue and a message saying file not found02:13
iFrenzyrationalOgre: the display settings, I just set the laptop monitor to off02:14
acuariumJordan_U: I guess grub is correctly installed in the MBR, but it doesn't find the /boot partition02:14
escottiFrenzy, thats unusual, but since its failsafe i wouldn't worry02:14
Jordan_Uacuarium: Mdraid or FakeRAID?02:14
sudokillTrfsrfr, u might be better to reinstall 11.0402:14
acuariumJordan_U: Fake Raid (mdadm)02:14
sudokillTrfsrfr, but try it02:14
ryan_whats up everyone02:14
escottacuarium, i think you need a /boot that is not raid0. i don't think grub supports stripping the /boot partition02:14
sudokillryan_, yo dawg02:15
Trfsrfrsudokill, okay, let me restart and see what happens. Thanks. this has taken up to an hour before, so if youre still on, i'll let you know.02:15
iFrenzyrationalOgre: that's the reason I'm trying to figure out how to just reset the dual display settings so I'll atleast have my laptop screen when I plug in the hdmi so maybe I can tweak the settings and make it work02:15
rationalOgreiFrenzy: have kinda a crazy idea02:15
Trfsrfrthanks to all, brb02:15
sudokillTrfsrfr, an hour to reboot?02:15
Maverick001how can i open cron?02:15
rationalOgreOpen up the display settings02:15
Trfsrfryeah sometimes more02:15
sudokillTrfsrfr, what? reinstall lol02:15
Jordan_Uescott: Grub does support striping for /boot/, but it shouldn't be needed as the BIOS should be presenting it as a single drive.02:15
acuariumescott: As far as I saw grub2 should handle it02:15
iFrenzyrationalOgre: and then? lol02:15
rationalOgrePosition your cursor over the ON thing, then plug in the hdmi cable and click your mouse02:15
acuariumJordan_U: BIOS is not presenting it as a RAID array02:16
Trfsrfrokay, let me see what happens here first. ill be back, hopefully sooner than later.02:16
Jordan_Uacuarium: Can you be on IRC and at the grub rescue shell at the same time (from a different computer)?02:16
Jordan_Uacuarium: Then it's not FakeRAID.02:16
iFrenzyrationalOgre: lol I suppose I could try that, if it doesn't work it will probably take me a minute to get back in here02:16
rationalOgreiFrenzy: ok02:16
acuariumJordan_U: I was on live usb, rebooting02:16
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sudokillTrfsrfr, try rebooting, if sound still dont work just delete the asoundrc file u made02:16
ryan_can some1 point to a channel where I can get some general help with some ubuntu errors with my mouse? I'm new to ubuntu / linux02:16
acuariumJordan_U: so, sorry I didn't understand the difference :(02:16
sudokilldno if ill be on in an hour02:17
acuariumJordan_U: I am in grub rescue02:17
DrManhattanv0l is my bitch!!!!02:17
acuariumI see: error: fd0 read error.02:17
acuariumerror: file not found.02:17
acuariumand the prompt02:17
DrManhattanv0l is my bitch!!!!02:17
=== claudio is now known as Guest27326
Trfsrfrsudokill, im gonna as soon as I can kill alsamixer, but since ive never seen it b4...02:17
=== irvee is now known as irv
arleslieCan anyone recommend me a good file recovery tool for Ubuntu? ... Ubuntu whipped one of my drives when I told it to install next to my other OS.02:17
sudokillTrfsrfr, press escape02:18
quintmy metacity locks up from time to time when i copy files02:18
TrfsrfrThere is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it.02:18
Jordan_Uacuarium: What is the output of "ls" at the rescue shell?02:18
sudokillTrfsrfr, just kill it02:18
Trfsrfroh207, nice. thanks!02:18
Trfsrfrok, im rebooting.02:19
Bane99how do i navigate to the media directory from terminal02:19
Jordan_U!language | DrManhattan02:19
arandBane99: use "cd"02:19
DrManhattanSorry, it was my roomate02:19
DrManhattanI just threw him out02:19
Bane99cd /media doesn't work02:19
Jordan_UDrManhattan: Make sure your roomate doesn't do it again.02:19
arandBane99: In what way does it not happen?02:20
acuariumJordan_U: (md/0) (md/0,msdos4) (md/0,msdos3) (md/0,msdos2) (md/0,msdos1) (hd0) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) (fd0)02:20
Bane99says directory doesn't exist02:20
Bane99no such file or directory02:20
Jordan_Uacuarium: At least it is seeing the array properly. I assume you don't actually have a floppy drive?02:20
acuariumJordan_U: you assume correctly02:21
arandBane99: "ls /" is it not there?02:21
acuariumJordan_U: I have one USB with live usb desktop and une USB with live usb alternate02:21
hiexpoBane99, what is media is it a external hard drive02:21
Jordan_Uacuarium: Run "set" to view all environment variables. What is the value of $prefix ?02:22
Bane99it's my BR Drive02:22
Bane99cd drive02:22
robin0800Bane99, its a filesystem folder02:22
Bane99if you will02:22
Bane99yes i'm trying to navigate to it02:23
sudokillTrfsrfr, no joy?02:23
Trfsrfrsudokill, that was fast im back. and it looks like my dual monitor problem may be fixed.02:23
airtonixthunderbird in maverick : Incoming server already exists.  === Me rageface02:23
Jordan_Uacuarium: Run "ls $prefix/". Do you see a lot of *.mod files?02:23
Trfsrfrbut no sound02:23
Trfsrfrno bongos02:23
sudokillTrfsrfr, sometimes the startup sound is buggered anyway try something else02:24
acuariumJordan_U: error: file not found.02:24
Jordan_Uacuarium: Is that the only error?02:24
acuariumJordan_U: yes02:24
Trfsrfrsudokill, no sound from musicplayer02:25
acuariumJordan_U: one empty line and the error02:25
sudokillTrfsrfr, in asoundrc change all the card0's to card202:25
Trfsrfrsong is playing02:25
Jordan_Uacuarium: If you run "ls (md/0)/" do you see a list of files?02:25
Bane99i'm currently at xxx@xxx-Desktop:/media$02:25
sudokillthen reboot02:25
hiexpoBane99, maybe cd /cdrom02:25
Bane99in the terminal02:25
acuariumJordan_U: I see nothing, no error, nothing02:25
Bane99maybe i should just extract the files in windows, go back to linux02:26
Bane99and copy files over02:26
Trfsrfrsudokill, i think that file went away...02:26
sudokillit shouldnt02:26
Trfsrfri dont see it02:26
Jordan_Uacuarium: What filesystem is on (md/0)?02:26
Bane99wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\setup.exe"02:26
Bane99is what i get02:26
hiexpoBane99, ok it is your blue ray device and you are in linux right now ?02:27
robin0800Trfsrfr, it will be hidden because of the dot02:27
sudokillclick view show hidden files02:27
Trfsrfri need to learn terminal commands02:27
Bane99i am using XChat02:27
nimbioticshello. Im trying to install the pulseaudio-equalizer ppa, but i have idea how to do it. I cannot find the link of the form ppa:/location, I have (http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/webupd8?dist=natty). Please help. TIUA!02:27
hiexpoTrfsrfr, ls -la02:27
Trfsrfrokay its there. Thank you!!!02:27
acuariumJordan_U: /boot / /home and finally swap (all of them ext4, except swap, obviously)02:27
sudokillTrfsrfr, it's in home just do it from nautilus (the file manager)02:28
Bane99wine has the /media under D:\02:28
iFrenzyrationalOgre: that didn't work, but I did figure out something, its a problem with the settings on that particular tv because I just hooked it up to another tv in my house and that one works fine02:28
iFrenzyrationalOgre: so is there a way to wipe out the saved settings for displays02:28
zxcvpo[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   zxcvpo bildramer Afrix gremset Milos iFrenzy nimbiotics SuBmUnDo PurpleSmoke jsurfer Trfsrfr agrundner jwulf xerox1 brandenburg corretico ryan_ SmallR2003 SwedeMik02:28
zxcvpo[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   gratidude nit-wit Juankof awolfson Known_problems arpan_ yassine Guest19150 m00se QaDeS__ cprofitt fsync tpt damicita prewarkish Maverick001 escott ferret_ womp Pr02:28
zxcvpo[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Secluded1 BladeFreak safejav reval eledesmar mirsal Kyngdom wisag0d_ Jordan_U thegladiator arnotixe ryanallenbobcat Viliny Maddogm CoilDomain dollarbang jophish Jo02:28
zxcvpo[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   german_ sysop-work Terminator dubert kcs05dc brontosaurusrex kermit Gray lollo64it untitledwiz klasu__ Maninho bezao afief mmiller235 elgar Anzufvytar stjohnmedran02:28
robin0800nimbiotics, thats not a ppa they start deb02:28
rationalOgreiFrenzy: I asked over in #gnome and nobody has responded as yet02:29
Trfsrfrnautilus huh...whats that?02:29
sudokillthe window where u see all the files02:29
kermitis it possible to get a high speed hard disk light in X?02:29
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Did you check /etc/X11 to see if there's a xorg.conf in there?02:29
Bane99got it02:29
Bane99typed some random stuff in02:29
FloodBot1Bane99: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:29
iFrenzyrationalOge: yes there wasn't one02:29
Trfsrfr.nautilus is empty02:29
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Hrm.02:29
Bane99hmm that's just how i type in IRC.... gotta stop doing that02:29
nimbioticsrobin0800: I understand, but I cannot find the link to the PPA at http://linuxers.org/howto/how-install-software-ubuntu-ppa02:29
sudokillI got to go02:30
nimbioticsrobin0800: sry, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/pm/pulseaudio-equalizer02:30
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Then the gnome monitor preferences applet has to have a special place to save it's settings02:30
Jordan_Uacuarium: Do you see any files if you ls other devices?02:30
Maverick001I determined that why my system logs out randomly. the Jockey.log file clearly shows that the system tries to "querying driver db" and there is "no corresponding handler available", its going on for a while then its "DEBUG: Shutting down". Althought there is something about cron in an other log file at that time. My question is that how can i disable that the system won't try to locate the driver for my builtin ati card which cau02:30
Trfsrfrsudokill, cool dude! thanks so much for your time!02:30
Maverick001ses the auto log out problem. ?02:30
acuariumJordan_U: what do you mean with other devices?02:31
Trfsrfrrobin0800 what do you think?02:31
rationalOgreiFrenzy: What ubuntu are you on?02:31
Verseeri could use some help.  i updated my system and now my wired/wireless connections do not work.02:31
iFrenzyrationalOgre: ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 302:31
rationalOgreiFrenzy: look in ~/.gnome3 and see if you can find anything related to display or monitor02:32
Trfsrfrwhere is pastebin?02:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:32
escottiFrenzy, you might test to see if this happens for any other user. you could create a throwaway account and try the same there. if nothing bad happens then it might be in your .* files otherwise it must be /etc02:33
robin0800nimbiotics, click webud8 there are three terminal commanda on that page to install the ppa02:33
nimbioticsrobin0800: OK, THX02:34
iFrenzyescott: worth a shot02:34
Verseeranyone else on 10.10 have network problems after latest updates?02:34
ActionParsnipVerseer: broadcom wireless by any chance?02:35
rationalOgreVerseer: My 10.10 box seems to be fine. Wireless but not broadcom02:35
Verseerrealtek wired and my wireless also, its both connections02:35
robin0800Trfsrfr, try all soundcards in alsa mixer adjust sliders etc02:35
acuariumJordan_U: which are other devices?02:37
rationalOgreVerserr: What's the output of ifconfig?02:37
VerseerrationalOgre: it wasnt assigning an IP, so i changed it to static and now it shows an IP for eth0.  before that it also had an eth0:avahi02:38
Jordan_Uacuarium: I just realized that you partitioned your raid array rather than making an array of of partitions. This is odd, and is not recommended.02:38
acuariumJordan_U: right, I partitioned my raid, should I make equal partitions on each hard disk and make a raid0 of each pair of partitions?02:39
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Loafhas anyone had success connection open-iscsi (ubuntu server installer) to a solaris COMSTAR iscsi host? My ESXi and windows initators see the iscsi target fine but not ubuntu. It wont even discovery02:39
rationalOgreVerseer: You sure it's not an issue with your router?02:40
escottacuarium, you might also want to consider having /boot not be on the raid array. dedicate a gig to it and forget all these issues02:40
Jordan_Uacuarium: Yes, or a common thing is to use LVM on top of the raid array. Why do have multiple partitions?02:40
ActionParsnipVerseer: do you see lights on the router and NIC to show traffic?02:40
VerseerrationalOgre: my router works fine for laptop and xbox.  i powercycled router and modem to be sure also02:40
rationalOgreOk, just covering bases02:41
Trfsrfrrobin0800, I have nothing, zero, nada...02:41
Jordan_Uacuarium: But the main thing is that an array should not be formed from "raw" disks as then there is no place to embed grub, which leaves me wondering how exactly you managed to get it installed in this configuration.02:41
acuariumJordan_U: Nothing special02:41
Verseeractionparsnip there is no light on router for the port for my pc.  on the end the cable is connected it slowly flashes a yellow light02:41
Jordan_Uacuarium: So why not have only one partition?02:41
Verseeractionparnsip the PC end i mean02:41
ActionParsnipVerseer: thats cool. Light means the link is good, tried a different port?02:42
iFrenzyrationalOgre: do you know the screename of the other guy that was helping me?02:42
acuariumJordan_U: I made the raid array, and I had one partition that can't be resized, so I created the partitions with fdisk, and after that in the installation told what to mount on each one02:42
rationalOgreiFrenzy: escott02:42
iFrenzyescott: it works fine under other user02:42
acuariumJordan_U: Installed grub in the MBR and the installation process finished without issues02:42
rationalOgreiFrenzy: That means the setting is in one of your . files02:43
escottiFrenzy, since i cant find it anywhere im going to guess it is in gconf you might look in there02:43
Verseeractionparsnip i tried a different port on my router, but only have 1 ethernet on pc02:43
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: may be because of gnome2 settings in gnome302:43
flowbeei'm getting: Thu May 26 05:41:03 2011 Note: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory (errno=2)  when i try to connect to openvpn server.  from 10.04 server.02:43
Jordan_Uacuarium: Why couldn't you resize the partition? Why did you have a partition table on the array to start with?02:43
ActionParsnipVerseer: good enough02:43
robin0800Trfsrfr, if alsa sees nothing then your in trouble because all sound bits are hung on top of that lets see if I can find you a link02:43
Trfsrfrrobin0800, thank you, that would be awesome.02:43
mordofhow do i refresh the applet listings for gnome-panel without rebooting?02:44
Verseeractionparsnip ok i looked again and there is no blinking anymoer on pc end02:44
Trfsrfrrobin0800, but also did see 3 things.02:44
acuariumJordan_U: I don't know why, but after creating the array with raw disks it created one single partition02:44
Jordan_Uacuarium: Debian installer allows pretty much any sane configuration of partitions, which means that if there is something you're not able to accomplish within Debian installer it's probably not sane.02:44
ActionParsnipVerseer: got a different cable to test if it is good?02:44
acuariumJordan_U: I get it02:44
iFrenzyescott: what would i be looking for in .gonf02:44
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Found it02:44
trismmordof: logging out/back in is the easiest way02:44
Sup819is there a browser that supports ActiveX for ubuntu02:45
iFrenzyrationalOgre: where?02:45
Verseeractionparsnip ya got the same thing with different cable02:45
robin0800Trfsrfr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting02:45
wolterhow can I roll back to use compiz 0.8?02:45
mordoftrism: there's no command to update the list :\ it'll be inconvenient to logout and back in at the moment02:45
acuariumJordan_U: I can start the installer again now, would you guide me with the partition/raid part?02:45
wolter(can I in Natty?(02:45
escottiFrenzy, use gconf-editor. otherwise just be looking for anything that might be related to xrandr02:45
Jordan_Uacuarium: Sure. I assume you are using the alternate install CD?02:45
Verseeractionparsnip the strange thing is that both wireless and wired wont work02:45
acuariumJordan_U: If I can have /home in a separate partition I would prefer it, but not mandatory02:45
Trfsrfrrobin0800, thanks. can you tell me how to access what someone put in pastebin?02:46
acuariumJordan_U: yes, I have both, alternate and desktop02:46
Verseeractionparsnip but my wireless can see the networks02:46
acuariumJordan_U: Booting with alternate02:46
Verseeractionparsnip and my wired just says 'device not managed' after i chagned it to static, before that it say 'cable disconnected'02:46
ActionParsnipVerseer: is it ok as another user02:46
Doonzhey guys. i have 3 servers. 2 of the three can access a website the other cannot. they all go through the same gateway and have the same dns server. from the one machine that cannot ping the website using its url i can ping the ip address and it will work.. any ideas?02:46
Verseeractionparsnip ill give that a try now02:47
ActionParsnipDoonz: same DNS servers defined in /etc/resolv.conf02:47
Jordan_Uacuarium: Then yes, reboot with the alternate install CD, wipe the drive to start out with, and then I'll help walk you through setting up the RAID.02:47
ActionParsnipDoonz: similar output in: route02:47
=== evan_ is now known as evan1123
aeon-ltdDoonz: same os and firewall rules? (cloned machines)?02:47
robin0800Trfsrfr, click the link hilight text and right click choose copy paste into a new file on desktop02:47
iFrenzyrationalOgre: I have no gnome settings, I have gnome-screensaver, gnome-session, gnome-sound-recorder, and gnome-terminal02:48
pethi recently gave the opensource radeon drivers another try but was forced to go back to the proprietary ones. after re-installing them, terminal flashes/visual bell in xterm now take about a whole second. i can literally see the lines turn white one by one. any idea what may be the cause?02:48
SkrappJawhow is everyone in the USA? Staying out of the storms?02:48
Verseeractionparsnip won't work under a different user either02:49
* SkrappJaw is in Ohio.02:49
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Look under gnome-session for something about xrandr02:49
ActionParsnipVerseer: ok so we know its the app, not settings02:49
acuariumJordan_U: done, wiped all config, now I have 2 raw disks02:49
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: the ~/.g* folders hold the settings02:49
olvaphi, i downloading a .bin file, where do i have to save it to run it in the console?02:50
iFrenzyActionParship: You mean like .gconf?02:50
robin0800olvap, anywhere just cd to it02:51
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: exactly02:51
nit-witolvap, what is the file did you look in the repos first.02:51
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Just open a terminal and type gconf-editor02:51
Trfsrfrrobin0800,  more thanks. when sudokill told me to copy and paste into the .asoundrc file, I just copied his link and pasted it. not the data from the pastebin file. im a dork i know. im gonna reboot again and see if it changes anything.02:51
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: ou do realize gnome3 isn't supported here02:51
rationalOgrethen edit>find xrandr02:51
iFrenzyActionParship: hadn't thought about it02:52
olvapnit-wit: the file is the sdk tool for extjs 4,02:52
evan1123is anyone having trouble with folding at home on natty?02:53
iFrenzyrationalOgre: it found 2 one is in /schemas/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins and the other is in /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins02:53
Jordan_Uacuarium: Create a partition table on both disks with a single partition taking up all the available space.02:53
olvaprobin0800: but i like to call it from anywhere, so i could wirte sencha (bin file) if a need02:54
acuariumJordan_U: Done, each disk has one primary partition taking up all the available space02:54
acuariumJordan_U: They have a mount point ...02:54
olvapthere is no a folder to that like /usr/bin or something02:54
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Then they've changed how they store the settings...02:55
Jordan_Uacuarium: For the option of partition type rather than "ext4" or some other filesystem choose raid member (if I'm remembering the interface correctly).02:55
acuariumJordan_U: Did it again, selecting to not mounting it02:55
iFrenzyrationalOgre: well I've found the file i suppose so what do i do with it?02:55
acuariumJordan_U: physical volume for raid?02:56
robin0800olvap, usually whe you download it goes to Downloads so you just cd /Downloads02:56
rationalOgreiFrenzy: You found the one that sets the monitor stuff?02:56
rationalOgreIf so, rename it.02:56
iFrenzyrationalOgre: Idk give me a second I'm trying to find it in the file manager02:56
acuariumJordan_U: Done, selected physical volume for raid02:57
acuariumJordan_U: non of them has the bootable flag02:57
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Faster to go to it in the terminal but that may just be for weird people like me.02:57
Jordan_Uacuarium: The boot flag is a windows thing.02:57
acuariumJordan_U: :) ok sorry02:57
rationalOgreJust rename the file to something else and reboot02:57
rationalOgrethe simple-greeter one probably isn't it but it might be.02:58
Jordan_Uacuarium: See if you can figure out how to create a single array from those two partitions on your own. If not I'll fire up a VM so I can look at the interface myself.02:58
SynthbreadButt terdz02:58
rwwSynthbread: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support only, thanks :)02:59
acuariumJordan_U: I created a md software raid with two partitions02:59
evan1123anyone have trouble with folding at home on natty?02:59
acuariumJordan_U: with the two partitions, sorry02:59
Jordan_Uacuarium: :)02:59
SynthbreadPoo balls02:59
acuariumJordan_U: Now it shows a raid device, with one partition ext4 and 512.0 B unusable02:59
Jordan_Uacuarium: Sounds good. Use that as '/' and I think you can figure out the rest from there.03:00
acuariumwhat about swap?03:00
acuariumand boot?03:00
acuariumJordan_U: I guess I made a stupid question about /boot if I teel it to be / it will contain /boot as well03:01
moondogUnity is actually not too bad once you get used to it03:01
acuariumJordan_U: but I am not reserving swap space this way03:01
Jordan_Uacuarium: Sorry, I forgot about swap. Do you want your swap to be on RAID?03:03
acuariumJordan_U: it doesn't matter03:03
jonfhi all, wonder if someone can help me; I did an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 server using do-release-upgrade, and the system boots and works, but I dont get a getty on my default virtual console. It seems to work ok if I cat stuff to it though..03:03
pksadiqi get "device descriptor read/64, error 18" when inserting my usb pen drive and parted says "Error: opening /dev/sda: No medium found". What to do next?03:04
eiriksvinhow do I check to see if theres something wrong with my mouse?03:05
nit-witeiriksvin, try it on another computer.03:06
iFrenzyrationalOgre: would it be safe to delete the entire .gonf folder and replace it with the one from /etc03:06
eiriksvinthe camera jumps around while clicking/holding/letting go in WoW03:06
escottiFrenzy, no need to replace it03:06
zachsHi guys!03:07
iFrenzyescott: so just delete it and restart?03:07
eiriksvintheres no way to test it in Ubuntu?03:07
atluson my software center a program called blender is a much older version than what is on their website. how do i update the software center to see if there is a new version availible for install03:07
escottiFrenzy, sure... you will lose any customization you made to your gnome apps but you can just removeit03:07
eiriksvinbonanzaman test good03:07
iFrenzyescott: like my favorites programs and stuff?03:08
Logan_!test | bonanzaman03:08
ubottubonanzaman: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )03:08
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bonanzamaneiriksvin: thanks03:08
atluson my software center a program called blender is a much older version than what is on their website. how do i update the software center to see if there is a new version availible for install???03:08
eiriksvinbonanzaman np  :D03:08
escottiFrenzy, just whatever customizations are a in it. like background selection, theme selection, font selection etc03:08
iFrenzywell i can easily change that back i'll give it a go03:09
acuariumJordan_U: should I delete the partition and create two, one for / and one for swap?03:09
acuariumJordan_U: Or I need to create a smaller raid?03:09
PsydollCan someone please reccomend a good NAS?03:09
carnage1use yur ipod as swap03:10
atlushow do you update the software in software center?03:11
zachsAnyone know how to run a 32 bit program on 64 bit Ubuntu?03:11
Verseeractionparsnip any other ideas?03:11
IdleOnezachs: install ia32-libs03:11
ActionParsnipVerseer: thats all I got03:11
IdleOneatlus: use the update manager, if there are any updates it will offer to install them03:12
ActionParsnipPsydoll: install openssh-server and you will get an SFTP server you can put files on03:12
Jordan_Uacuarium: Go back to the inital stage of creating the single large partition on each drive and instead create two (on each drive, for a total of 4), one for the array that will contain '/' and another small one for the array that will contain swap.03:13
ActionParsnipzachs: why ask on the questions forum, then ask in the support channel?03:13
acuariumJordan_U: So I will make two raid0 arrays?03:13
pksadiqZachs, may be ndiswrapper03:13
PsydollActionParsnip: what is the capacity of that SFTP server03:14
zachsActionParsnip: well I just want to get a quicker answer?03:14
ActionParsnipPsydoll: as much space as your drives have03:14
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ActionParsnipzachs: asking here will get the quickest answer. I also answered it ;)03:14
Jordan_Uacuarium: Sorry, I'm doing a lot of things at once right now.03:14
jrmcmusing the find command with the -exec what is the syntax if i want to copy all of the files i find to a single folder?03:15
PsydollActionParsnip: Does this feature show it all as individual drives or does it appear as one big drive, if indivdual can it be made to appear as one large drive?03:15
acuariumJordan_U: no problem, I was just asking if I will create a swap array as well?03:15
zachsIdleOne: I have installed ia32-libs. But specifically what do I need to do say if I want to install a program labeled cups.deb which is 32 bit and my ubuntu is 64bit?03:16
ActionParsnipPsydoll: it will appear just as your filesystem does now, with access defined using the UNIX permissions in place, usually users get dropped in their $HOME folders03:16
escottzachs, you should install the 64bit version of cups03:16
Trfsrfrrobin0800, nothing03:16
=== kreative is now known as Kreative`
IdleOnezachs: install cups from the repository (software center)03:16
Psydolli see03:17
ActionParsnipPsydoll: you can control data storage by enforcing disk quotas03:17
zachsI renamed my printer driver which had a long filename to cups so its not actaully the program cups03:17
PsydollActionParsnip: Will I have to use the command line to accesss files? ie ls /media and then finding things manually or does it have a gui?03:17
SpaceBassapparently Drobo shows up as series of 2tb disks in Linux? should I use LVM or is there something more preferable to make them work as one drive?03:18
PsydollSpaceBass: yes it does but no usb 3.003:18
yell0wdoes anyone know how to increase clip board buffer size in lucid ?03:18
SpaceBassPsydoll, what do you mean?03:18
hiexpohola all03:19
dr_Willismc is a guiish filemanager for the terminal03:19
zachsactionparsnip: Thanks03:19
jonfhi all, wonder if someone can help me; I did an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 server using do-release-upgrade, and the system boots and works, but I dont get a getty on my default virtual console. It seems to work fine if I cat stuff to and from tty0 though.03:19
jrmcm(jrmcm) using the find command with the -exec what is the syntax if i want to copy all of the files i find to a single folder?03:19
PsydollActionParsnip: What I mean is are the files in OpenSSH got icons or long lines of text like you see on the command line.03:19
PsydollActionParsnip: Im very interested in this form of storage03:20
tohodsonWINDOW NEW03:20
moondogor not03:20
terranHi !03:20
ActionParsnipPsydoll: you can mount the sshfs in nautilus and it will act like a local folder03:21
hiexpohey is there a way to install python 2.5 without trashing other versions of python installed03:21
ActionParsnipPsydoll: just like when you mount anything03:21
dr_Willissshfs is very very handy03:21
ActionParsnipPsydoll: you can access it over WAN too as it uses the security in SSH03:22
PsydollActionParsnip: What im looking for is storage solution that i can access locally via usb 3.0, my own network or anywhere in the world.03:22
dr_Willishiexpo:  seen that asked at the askubuntu web site. look there yet?03:23
SpaceBassPsydoll, was your reply to me earlier about my drobo question?03:23
PsydollSpaceBass: ALso the capacity is alot more than 2tb03:23
Qillerhi, can i use iptables using "Lubuntu" Distro?03:23
kerNULLi am sure this is an easy fix, but when i try to send mail on my ubuntu server (using postfix) i can send just fine from the machine but if i connect from a remote computer and setup my server as SMTP it wont send mail... any thoughts03:23
IdleOne!es | doomblade03:24
ubottudoomblade: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:24
SpaceBassPsydoll, the problem is that I can't change the LUN size in linux, so I seem to be stuck with a series of 2T drives03:24
Jordan_Uacuarium: Thinking about it again it's probably better to just have two swap partitions (one on each drive) rather than making a raid0 array for swap.03:24
hiexpodr_Willis, notyetlet mesee03:24
m4vQiller: the iptables is in any Linux distro03:24
doombladeit's ok03:24
Qillerm4v: easy to configure?03:24
doombladeyes, just fine03:24
acuariumJordan_U: Ok, doing it that way, I will continue with the installation03:24
doombladei'm looking for help to my friend03:24
Qillerm4v:  easy to configure default rules using Lubuntu ?03:24
doombladecan somebody help me?03:24
acuariumJordan_U: escott: Thank you both!03:24
ActionParsnipPsydoll: if you port forward TCP port 22 to the server, you can access it at any time from anywhere03:25
ActionParsnipPsydoll: if you want a hardware thing then it is outside the scope of the channel03:25
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m4vQiller: using the iptables itself isn't simple. You should try using an iptables frontend03:25
escott!ufw | Qiller03:26
ubottuQiller: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.03:26
jonfAnybody else with console problems after a natty upgrade?03:26
carnage1nutty natter03:26
Qillerthank m4v  and escott03:26
ActionParsnipjonf: install guake and you are good to go ;)03:27
Tinyanyone in here have any experiance with the zimbra collaboration suite?03:27
hiexpodr_Willis, yah that is for 11..04 i should have been specific 10.0403:27
rudy__Hey, I just finished upgrading to Natty (BEAUTIFUL) and a friend of mine had a question.. what would happen if we stopped the upgrade process in the middle of installation by pulling out the power chord.. would our operating system still work03:27
Qillerm4v: hmm, can i download and install Lubuntu and configure iptables using UFW?03:28
jonfActionParsnip: I'm having problems with a getty not being spawned any more on my default virtual terminal03:28
yell0wrudy__: laptop then yes03:28
hiexporudy__, bad idea03:28
yell0wrudy__: desktop, not so good03:28
Tinyanyone know of the zimbra mail server requires a local dns03:28
rudy__yeah, i said to him it would be a horrible idea03:29
m4vQiller: UFW should be installed any Ubuntu derivative, so yes.03:29
phiVguys question, how can I open a window of the current path from the terminal? i.e. I'm at my ~/Document directory in the terminal and want to open a  GUI window for this current path.03:30
dr_Willisnautilus ./03:31
Kreative`phiV, nautilus ~\Documents in terminal03:31
dr_Willisopens current dir03:31
c0dege3kWeird problem happening: I can't load anything but the main page in the software center. help?03:31
phiVok thanks! is this true for most distros?03:31
Kreative`Provided they had nautilus installed, yes.03:32
dr_Willisbash basics03:32
Qillerm4v:  its ubuntu channel, more can i download Puppy distro and use iptables? I need get a small distro.03:32
dr_Willisiptables is standrd on most distros03:33
m4vQiller: iptables should be available in any Linux distro. Though as I said, the iptables isn't so simple to use. That's why Ubuntu has frontends like ufw03:33
nit-witcodege3k; if it is a fresh install run a upxdate.03:33
The_Pugilistso I somehow managed to remove myself from the sudoers list... the last thing i did was to add my user to the vboxuser group in an attempt to configure virutalbox... now i am unable to do anything with my computer... is there any workaround for this?03:34
Qillerm4v: hmm im learning about ufw, its cool... more i wanna get small distro to use03:34
escottThe_Pugilist, boot the livecd and add yourself back to the sudoers list03:34
Kreative`m4v, you may also want to look into apf.03:35
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The_Pugilistthat just consists of adding my username to that file?03:35
Kreative`m4v, though, only a bit simpler than iptagbles, if you want something simple, go with ufw03:35
nit-witThe_Pugilist, look here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106341803:35
escottThe_Pugilist, more likely adding yourself to the admin group03:36
The_Pugilistyeah, it would seem that somehow by adding myself to one group i removed myself from all others03:36
mishthacan anyone tell me about any keylogger fa bt403:36
ActionParsnipThe_Pugilist: you ran the usermod command wrong then, seen this a lot03:36
escottThe_Pugilist, thats a common mistake to make when using the groups command.03:37
The_Pugilisthehe, leave it to me... i go to set something up on my linux box and break 2 other things03:37
qinThe_Pugilist: adduser username desired_group (cannot be easier)03:37
dr_Willisive never needed to add myself to a vbox groiup in the past...03:37
escottThe_Pugilist, in the future when using usermod use the -a option in addition to -G03:38
wurmt0ngueis there a way to take this stupid application launcher bar off of 11.04 and just have a normal gnome ui?03:38
The_Pugilistdr_Willis, virtualbox said i had to add myself to the group in order to use USB support03:38
The_Pugilistyeah wurmt0ngue i only used -G03:38
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.03:38
nit-witwurmt0ngue, choose the classic dektop at the login.03:38
The_Pugilistthank you all for your help :)03:39
dr_WillisI thought it added users to that group by default. But ha havent used the latest vbox03:39
The_Pugilist4.0 i believe is what i have03:39
ActionParsnipwurmt0ngue: select gnome classic at logon, you'll get the original desktop03:39
The_Pugilist4.0.8 as a matter of fact dr_Willis03:39
ActionParsnipThe_Pugilist: once you get added to the admin group you can add yourself to other groups03:39
Qillerm4v: can i install ufw into Lubuntu ?03:40
xrfanghello, how can I access $val in parent function from within anonymous function? http://www.ideone.com/d4srR03:40
xrfangsorry wrong forum..;03:41
wurmt0ngueomg much better, that launcher bar is painful03:41
dr_WillisQiller:  lubuntu uses the same repso. so anything you can install in ubuntu you can insztall un lubuntu03:41
rwwQiller: it should come by default. if not, install the 'ufw' package.03:41
The_PugilistActionParsnip, can i still do this from the live cd?03:41
* rww assumes Lubuntu uses ubuntu-standard metapackage03:41
Qillerthank, downloading ufw03:42
Qillerdownloading Lubuntu*03:42
dr_Willisi always install lubuntu-desktop obver my Ubuntu Installs :_ so i ca use either.03:42
ninjaneohi i moved my kernel image, expecting to be dropped to the grub console on reboot...03:42
ActionParsnipThe_Pugilist: i guess, you can drop to root recovery mode and do it there instead, easier03:42
mishthacan anyone tell me about any keylogger fa bt403:42
ActionParsnipmishtha: backtrack isnt supoprted here in any way03:42
rwwmishtha: Backtrack Linux isn't supported here. Register with nickserv and try #backtrack-linux.03:42
ninjaneohow do i get to the grub console =x03:43
dr_Williskeeloggers wouldent be aupported either03:43
The_Pugilistsounds good ActionParsnip ill have try that, be right back ;)03:43
qinmishtha: logkeys (at google code you will find source)03:43
nit-witninjaneo, this a regular dual boot not a wubi?03:43
ninjaneonot sure what a wubi is, but I moved the /boot/vmlinuz file thinking i would be given the grub rescue console03:44
ninjaneoit just says that it couldn't find the file, and the failback entry didn't work either, and i press "any key" to continue, and it says the same thing03:45
rwwninjaneo: hold down the shift key at boot03:45
ninjaneoits painful03:45
dr_Willisgrub command line - can be reaced via the 'c' key at the grub menu i belive03:45
dr_WillisNo need to do any fancy tricks.03:45
ninjaneoshoot all i have is vnc access its vps03:45
dr_WillisHiding grub menu- is a differnt thing totally. :) heh03:45
walllablehow do i get to this channel on my omebrew pre plus?03:45
dr_Williswallable use an irc client. conect to freeenode03:46
ninjaneoI just was never able to get to the grub menu bah I fucked this up03:46
carnage1try #1 chat avenue03:46
dr_Willisi alwys set grub to NEVER hide03:46
ninjaneoi was trying to do that but /boot/grub.cfg was a fucking mess03:46
walllableim using pound03:46
ninjaneoso ithought i was making it easy03:46
rwwwalllable: ninjaneo watch the language, please03:46
rwwwalllable: sorry, mistab, ignore that :)03:46
dr_Willisno idea what pound is..03:46
carnage1go ride a bicycle03:46
qindr_Willis: £03:47
walllableits an irc cleint from preware03:47
dr_Willisyou normally NEVER edit /boot/grub.cfg03:47
rwwcarnage1: I strongly suggest your contributions to #ubuntu become less random and offtopic.03:47
ninjaneoI saw that it defered to /etc/grub.d03:47
carnage1i suggest you eat dirt03:47
ninjaneolooked in there and that was a mess too03:47
rww!guidelines > carnage103:47
ubottucarnage1, please see my private message03:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:47
dr_Willistime to check the grub2 docs and up your grub-fu skill levles :)03:48
nit-witninjaneo, if you would like you can run this script and pastebin all the text and get past a lot of questions and to the point. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/03:48
The_PugilistActionParsnip, I will have you know that i am now an admin once again :D03:48
walllableimma log in as ircmobiletest03:48
The_Pugilist(i dropped to root shell and ran usermod -a -G username admin which did the trick)03:48
ActionParsnipThe_Pugilist: good lad :)03:49
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ActionParsnipThe_Pugilist: want a list of default groups?03:49
ninjaneohrm, well I'm not your ordinary ubuntu user, no offense =p, i don't have a way to run any script atm, if theres no easy way to get to the shell from vnc (which is silly) i'll just boot up the live cd03:49
walllableit says poll resulted in error:50303:49
The_Pugilistthat would be awesome ActionParsnip03:49
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walllablewhat does error 503 mean?03:50
ActionParsnipThe_Pugilist: you will be in $USER adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare admin03:50
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wn1zidno matter how u look @ it, u cant beat the power and beauty of linux.03:50
ninjaneoservice unavail03:50
walllableguys what is error 503?03:50
nit-witninjaneo, if your speaking to me the script will benefit you as well.03:50
ActionParsnipninjaneo: if you want a shell, just use openssh-server03:50
ninjaneo>_< i have no way to boot the box folks, I moved the kernel =x ok nevermind I know the solution03:51
ninjaneothanks anyway03:51
walllablewhat is error 50303:51
ninjaneoits service unavail walla03:51
IdleOnewalllable: HTTP Error 503 - Service unavailable03:51
moondogninjaneo:  pull the hard drive and mount it on another machine03:51
ninjaneoits a vps03:51
ninjaneoluckily they offer a "mount cd image" so i'm just going to use the rescue shell03:52
moondogyeah, same diff03:52
walllablewhat command should i do after connect im in network options.03:52
The_Pugilistbeautiful, i have now re-added myself to all those groups ActionParsnip, ty once again03:53
walllablewhat should i enter in command to perfom after connect in network options?03:54
ninjaneoto do what?03:54
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walllablethe command to perform after connect on pound IRC. its blank i think dats the prob03:54
dr_Willisjoin #channel03:54
dr_Willistime to read up on irc basics walllable03:55
ninjaneojoin #,0 jk dont join that03:55
ccdI have a old 8.10 machine that I want to update... but none of the repos work.. is there a legacy repo I can point it to?03:56
dr_Willisccd yes03:56
ysaiascomo instalo un dhcp en ubuntu server03:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:56
ccddr_Willis, perfect. thanks!03:56
ysaiasalguien me puede ayudar03:56
walllablewithout spaces?03:57
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dr_Willis    /join #channelname03:58
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:58
Herbsysaias I dont speak spanish but assume sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server should be what you want03:58
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Logan_!es | ysaias03:59
ubottuysaias: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:59
ninjaneook folks, I have access to /boot, how do I disable the default grub entry, or extend the timeout03:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:00
hiexpodr_Willis, ok i figured it out justcompiled it myself and instead of calling make install >  called make altinstall    worked   :)04:00
LIGHT3MIS0Rwhat is the lenguaje in this canal, inglish or spanish?04:00
Steve132This link seemes to imply that the max partition size of an ext4 system is 1 Exibyte04:00
Steve132how do I actually get a system that large?04:00
rwwLIGHT3MIS0R: #ubuntu is English, #ubuntu-es is Spanish04:00
ninjaneoinglish pero yo hablo un poco espanol04:00
dr_Willislots of money04:00
Steve132I know that seems like an absurd question, but I'm currently sysadmining a system with a 26 TB hard drive04:00
Herbssteve132 the only way would be a VM on  a NAS04:01
hiexpodr_Willis, that way it don't over write  versions of python already installed04:01
kaushalwhen i do Super + W key in 11.04 and then how do i move around those 4 windows ?04:02
walllablewhat is the best channel on borknet?04:02
kaushalI mean for example select a specific window04:02
Steve132So, I actually have a physical hard drive04:02
walllablegtg bye04:02
dr_Willisjust double click to select i think04:02
Steve132that large04:02
hiexpokaushal, are you talking about the four desktops   / workstations ?04:02
phasegenWhy would my laptop suddenly start asking me to unlock the keyring three times???04:03
kaushalfour applications04:03
kaushalin a single workspace04:03
kaushaldr_Willis: I mean using shortkey key04:04
dr_Willisits using comiz plgins kaushal - check the ccsm tool and settings I guess.04:04
kaushallike press Super + W and then ?04:04
dr_Willisi just alttab a lot. :)04:05
hiexpokaushal, you arrow keys04:05
dr_Willisplay with the gui.. :)04:05
dr_Williscompiz can be so complex and full of easiallyoverlooked little details04:06
kaushalhiexpo: Thanks04:07
kaushalit worked04:07
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kaushalyes its the same for Workspace too04:07
hiexpoafter pressing super +w  you will seeall your windows have shrunk and you can move between them with the arrow keys than enter to select04:07
kaushalits excellent04:07
Jordan_USteve132: A normal install should work with a drive that large. You might run into bugs in the installer but I actually think it will handle it without problems. (unless you're asking because you did have problems :)04:08
kaushalhiexpo: any recommended applications for 11.0404:08
dr_Willis you can click on one, and drag it to the other workspaces I recall also..04:08
Herbsyou can actually get drives that big?04:08
hiexpokaushal, i don't use 11.04 sorry i use 10.04 lts04:08
dr_Willisor was that   during desktop selection.. :) i forget.04:08
dr_Willisi basically use Lubuntu these days :)04:09
hiexpodr_Willis, that will move them to differant workstations04:09
dr_Willisdiferent desktoos04:09
kaushalhiexpo: how do i move for example Terminal from one desktop to other ?04:10
dr_Willisunity can be just to goofy to  'learn by exploring' at  times..04:10
kaushalI mean switch workspaces04:10
dr_Williskaushal you can get a layout of all the desktops and you can spome how click/drag  to the other workspace.04:11
kaushaldr_Willis: I mean shortcut keys04:11
dr_Willisthers also compiz options to let you drag windows to the side and change desktops taking the windows with you04:11
hiexpokaushal, you can either just click on it and drag it there or you can right click on it and select move to another workspace04:11
dr_Willischeck ccsm's shortcuts settings.04:11
Herbsnot used gnome3 yet but never liked any other desktops think Ill be running in level 3 in the future04:11
izinucskaushal: super (windows key) S .. then just drag it.. not sure if right mouse clicking the title bar and "Move to" still works.04:11
dr_Willistheres also some guides/wallpapers out with unity key-shortcuts04:11
kaushalizinucs: I mean able to do with using mouse04:12
kaushalusing keypad ?04:12
hiexpoi have a big conky running and compiz at boot and am still only using about 250Mbs of ram after boot up04:13
izinucskaushal: only one command with the keyboard the rest with the mouse..04:13
kaushalizinucs: lets say i do Super + S and then move one apps from workspace 1 to 2 using shortcut keys ?04:14
dr_Willisunity seems to push the use of keyboard shortcuts  a little too much.04:14
dr_Willisi wonder if it will ever get more focused on potential tablet ussage.04:14
izinucskaushal: with the keyboard I don't know.. but you can drag with mouse..04:14
kaushalizinucs: so there is a slight delay04:15
hiexpokaushal, you do not have to do that just   left click mouse and hold it down and drag it04:15
kaushalso instead keyboard are pretty fast04:15
kaushalhiexpo: i did it already and it worked :)04:15
izinucskaushal: or right mouse click the title bar of the window and "Move to" ..04:16
kaushallet me try04:16
joshua__buenas noches04:16
h00k!es | joshua__04:16
ubottujoshua__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:16
kaushalanyway thanks04:17
kaushalI need to play around with it04:17
* cheapie is now accepting help requests04:17
hiexpocheapie, ask your ?04:18
izinucscheapie: can you help me find someone that needs help with what I can answer?04:18
grrizd72register ra1137604:18
cheapieizinucs: What's wrong?04:18
izinucscheapie: nothing.. was looking for help to find someone that needs help with what I know about.04:19
bullgard4grrizd72: Did you forget a '/' at the beginning?04:19
cheapieizinucs: Oops. I made the same mistake as hiexpo just did...04:19
grrizd72guess so04:19
grrizd72Brand new to irc - do I get a msg back form Nickserv?04:21
cheapiegrrizd72: ...wut?04:22
Logan_!register | grrizd7204:22
ubottugrrizd72: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:22
=== grrizd72 is now known as grrizd73
dr_Willis -----> /msg nickserv help04:23
cheapieThis is boring. Join, quit, join, quit. It's all that people ever seem to do...04:23
dr_Willisignore the part/join messages...04:24
* cheapie yawns and continues listening to stepper motors going "eeeeeeeeee ee ee ee ee eeeeeeee"04:25
iFrenzyrationalOgre: you still in here?04:26
websiteguyhey can anyone help me with my ubuntu vps04:26
cheapiewebsiteguy: What's wrong?04:26
dr_Willishelp in what way?04:26
websiteguythis is the first time i get a vps and i'm not sure how to setup my dns04:27
websiteguyi've got hyper cp and Kloxo cp running04:27
Herbswebsiteguy you have a cp such as Plesk ?04:27
* cheapie wonders what a VPS is... Maybe I'm not the best person to help with that...04:27
rationalOgreiFrenzy: I am04:28
dr_Willisi wonder at teh varity of vps's and how this channel cen even hope to support them all.04:28
iFrenzyrationalOgre: this is weird, I have 3 hdmi ports on my tv, I moved it to the second port and now it works04:28
websiteguydo i just add a dns templet ?04:28
dr_WillisiFrenzy:  i have a hdmi/dvi port for my tv to use wih the pc.04:29
Herbs!bind | websiteguy04:29
websiteguybind ?04:29
Herbsis the dns service04:29
bullgard4'~$ aptitude why tsclient; i   ubuntu-desktop Recommends tsclient'.Why does ubuntu-desktop recommend tsclient?04:29
iFrenzydr_willis: I have 3, but when i plug it into 1 i get a black screen was having problems with it all night04:29
cheapieOK. I have a few questions. Question 1: How do I make VirtualBox stop eating my partition tables?04:29
rationalOgreiFrenzy: Confusing. I vaguely remember hearing that HDMI had some type of encryption scheme with it. I wonder if each port identifies uniquely.04:30
websiteguyall i see is add dns templet04:30
websiteguythats it04:30
dr_Willisvbox  shouldent reallybe used to access real pysical hard drives. the docs give big warnings about it.04:30
rationalOgreThat or it was different enough that ubuntu decided it was a new 'screen'04:30
=== grrizd73 is now known as grrizd72
iFrenzyrationalOgre: I just plugged it back into the first one and now that one works too04:31
cheapiedr_Willis: OK. That explains that. Now, question 2: How do I make a particular hard drive always get a certain device name (sda, sdb, etc.)?04:31
ccdIs there another way to tell what version of ubuntu you are using other than "cat /etc/issue" ?04:31
iFrenzyrationalOgre: anyway though man Thanks for the help, my wife wants to see the new pirates movie so we're going to go watch that and hopefully I can have a little fun haha04:31
Herbscheapie use expandable storage for the hd instead of fixed size then it will only use what is stored04:32
cheapieHerbs: ...what?04:32
dr_Willisuse the fstab and device UUID or label - and the /dev/sdXX wouldent matter04:32
Herbsfor virtualbox when you create the hd for the vm04:32
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:32
=== rkdjfdkjf is now known as m00se
cheapiedr_Willis: Is there a way to use the device UUID with VBox raw disk access?04:33
dr_Willisi would have to say - check the vbox manual.04:33
Herbscheapie never mind miss read what you asked04:33
* lefty|afk is back (gone 05:39:05)04:33
dr_WillisI never use raw disk access for real hds04:33
ccdI followed the upgrade instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Intrepid and the upgrade happened.. and I rebooted... but /etc/issue still says it's 8.1004:34
lefty|afkOkay can someone help me real quick!? I got my HP Pavillion on ubuntu but I need the wireless drivers so I can connect to the Internet04:34
cheapiedr_Willis: In that case, question 3: Is it possible to make update-grub not probe a specific disk? It takes forever to probe my Seagate ST-157A-1.04:34
=== Jasonn is now known as JasonnAWAY
lefty|afkOkay can someone help me real quick!? I got my HP Pavillion on ubuntu but I need the wireless drivers so I can connect to the Internet   I just want the command to get the drivers04:34
rationalOgrelefty|afk: What kind of wireless card?04:35
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:35
lefty|afkrationalOgre, fuck idk04:35
Jordan_U!language | lefty|afk04:35
ubottulefty|afk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:35
lefty|afkbut rationalOgre i don't know04:35
rationalOgrelefty|afk: know how to run a terminal?04:36
lefty|afkYeah partly04:36
lefty|afki had installed ubuntu on my netbook04:36
rationalOgreok. USB or builtin wifi card?04:36
lefty|afkrationalOgre, built in04:36
rationalOgreopen a terminal and type (without quotes) "lspci | grep wireless"04:37
cheapielefty|afk: Step 1: Smash your computer. Step 2: Find the wireless NIC. Step 3: Find what model it is. Step 4: Build a time machine. Step 5: Travel back in time to when your computer is un-smashed.04:37
lefty|afkcheapie, lol04:37
lefty|afkrationalOgre, ok lemme do it on the other computer04:37
rationalOgrelefty|afk: actually "lspci | grep -i wireless" might be better04:38
Herbspr lspci | grep Ethernet04:38
cheapieNow, will anybody help me with my update-grub issues?04:38
hiexpolshw -C network04:38
lefty|afkrationalOgre, I can't find the terminal04:39
geeksmithcheapie: I'm not sure, but if you remove its entry in /boot/grub/device.map it may no longer probe it04:39
rationalOgrelefty|afk: Applications > Accesories > Terminal04:39
lefty|afkaha ok04:39
lefty|afkrationalOgre, sudo 1st right ?\04:40
cheapiegeeksmith: It's sort of hard to remove a line from a nonexistent file.04:40
rationalOgrelefty|afk: Naw, you can run this without sudo04:40
Herbsyou dont need sudo for lspci04:40
ascheelIs there a way to reduce the Ubuntu menu (Applications, Places,System) so it only displays as a single icon to click and splits off to those menus only after clicked?04:40
ameroanyone is familiar with checkinstall here? am i supposed to export the new bin path everytime i install with checkinstall?04:40
rationalOgrethough if you do lshw you may need to run sudo first04:40
lefty|afkrationalOgre, nothing comes up04:40
Herbstry | grep Ethernet lefty|afk04:41
hiexpoamero, yes what about checkinstall04:41
rationalOgrelefty|afk: Did you run the second command I gave? "lspci | grep -i wireless"04:41
Herbsmy wireless adapter only shows up using Ethernet04:41
lefty|afkrationalOgre, yes04:41
rationalOgreHerbs: Interesting. Never seen that before.04:41
amerohiexpo: ./usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx04:42
rationalOgrelefty|afk: then use this "lshw -C network | less"04:42
hiexpoamero, what04:42
Logan_ascheel: add  "Main menu" to the panel04:43
ascheelLogan_: trying now, thank you.04:43
rationalOgreLook for "description: Wireless interface"04:43
Logan_no problem04:43
lefty|afkrationalOgre, got broadcom04:43
ascheelLogan_: You are awesome...04:43
rationalOgrelefty|afk: Yuck. You're in for fun.04:44
lefty|afkand that means ?04:44
Logan_ascheel: :)04:44
amerohiexpo: why it places the bin in it's own dir name?04:44
geeksmithcheapie: you could make one with "sudo grub-mkdevicemap", but like I said I'm not sure this file determines which drives get probed04:44
lefty|afkrationalOgre, that means ?04:44
ascheelLogan_: That makes a netbook SO much more usable.04:44
rationalOgrelefty|afk: It means broadcom wireless adapters are notorious for having bad support on Ubuntu (and linux in general)04:44
hiexpoamero, are you talking about checkinstall04:44
Logan_ascheel: haha, glad to hear it :)04:44
amerohiexpo: ofc04:45
rationalOgrelefty|afk: Your easiest method is going to be to learn how to use ndiswrapper and run the windows drivers in linux.04:45
=== nick is now known as Guest36372
lefty|afkrationalOgre, i had the netbook that im using now have the same issue04:45
lefty|afkbut then i installed a driver and it apparently worked04:45
geeksmith lefty|afk: There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it might be a train.  Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517404:45
rationalOgrelefty|afk: sometimes it does, it's a crapshoot.04:45
lefty|afkrationalOgre, what does that mean ?04:46
hiexpoyep that light may be a train   >  wreck04:46
cheapiegeeksmith: I think you just accidentally solved a different problem (about the drives changing places). I'll see if VBox likes "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Seagate_Technology_ST157A_29087998".04:46
lefty|afkrationalOgre, what does that mean ?04:47
lefty|afkrationalOgre, what does that mean ?04:47
ascheellefty|afk: he means that setting up Broadcom wireless setups is a PITA04:48
geeksmithcheapie: I don't know if that means I'm really good or really ungood, but I hope it helps in some way!04:48
lefty|afkascheel, thanks04:48
rationalOgrelefty|afk: It means you're going to have alot of difficulty getting the wireless to work easily.04:48
rationalOgreOr really at all.04:48
rshlol @ accidental soln04:48
hiexpomeans   go to ebay and order a alfausb card04:49
rationalOgrelefty|afk: Just start googling for "ubuntu (your version number here) broadcom wireless setup"04:49
cheapiegeeksmith: Yep. VBox likes it! Now I won't end up with my installation of Ubuntu trying to run inside of itself every time I reboot.04:49
cheapiegeeksmith: Also, back when I had to mess with the VMDK file to make it work, VBox liked to eat my partition tables. Hopefully it won't do that now.04:50
geeksmithlefty|afk: There is a how-to on ndiswrapper with broadcom here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517404:50
=== oden_ is now known as Guest58413
geeksmithcheapie: awesome!  I'm not sure why this file wasn't already there.  I assume that making a device map would be part of the standard install, but sounds like you're on the right track now.  Does its existence prevent the drive probing?04:52
Trfsrfr  i give up for the night...04:52
izinucsIs there a tool in the repos that I can break apart a multi page scan that ended up in a gif file?  after that I can use convert to move them to a pdf04:53
lefty|afkgeeksmith, rationalOgre  ; thanks for the help but I have to call it a night ! thanks though I will come tomorrow or another day04:53
ActionParsnipizinucs: imagemagic maybe04:53
cheapiegeeksmith: Nope. It doesn't seem to be taking as long now though. I can live with it now, as it only takes a few seconds after I created and edited the device map. Also, it sees the OS on my ST-157A-1 now. However, that drive is on a controller card with no BIOS, so it can't be booted normally. I'm going to see if GRUB will boot it. I'll be right back.04:53
izinucsActionParsnip: convert is part of that.. but .. well... I don't know.. I'll google IM04:54
geeksmithizinucs: you could use gimp to cut it up04:55
cheapiegeeksmith: Well, the GRUB menu broke now.04:57
hiexpoizinucs, whatwas it a printed web page04:58
ccdAnyone know where I can get http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-proposed/main/dist-upgrader-all/0.111.8/jaunty.tar.gz ? the original is 404... need it to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.0404:58
cheapieccd: Have you checked the old releases server?04:59
cheapiegeeksmith: Hello?04:59
ccdcheapie, poking around now...04:59
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:59
kockstandmy unity bar crashed today on 2 different machines04:59
geeksmithcheapie: how so?04:59
geeksmithcheapie: did you run "update-grub" after making the device map?04:59
ActionParsnipccd: I recommend you use the alternate ISO and you should be ok05:00
kockstandat first the icons disappeared, so I logged out then back in and the bar itself is gone05:00
ccdhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ dies not even have a jaunty folder....05:00
cheapiegeeksmith: My monitor says "Frequency out of range". I'm running Oneiric, if that helps. As for update-grub, yes, I ran that.05:00
ccdActionParsnip, to go from 8.10 to 9.04?05:01
Diamondcitecheapie: Sounds like X was set to use a frequency which is higher than your monitor supports?05:01
izinucshiexpo: no it was a scan to gif.. PITA if you know what I mean.05:01
cheapieDiamondcite: I'm talking about the GRUB menu.05:01
kaushalis startup applications available in 11.04 ?05:01
bullgard4'~$ aptitude why tsclient; i   ubuntu-desktop Recommends tsclient'.Why does ubuntu-desktop recommend tsclient?05:02
izinucsgeeksmith: saving each layer as a separate file?05:02
Diamondcitecheapie: Err sorry.. how about the vga= option?05:02
nit-witkaushal, yes05:02
cheapieDiamondcite: It worked fine until a power surge fried my video card and I had to switch to integrated video.05:02
geeksmithcheapie: that's bizarre...making a device map simply identifies the drives for convenience sake05:02
kaushalnit-wit: ok05:02
cheapieDiamondcite: vga= option to what?05:02
=== kockstand is now known as vertigeaux
geeksmithizinucs: you could do it that way, or create new image files with the desired size, then paste the relevant chunks into the new files05:02
kaushalnit-wit: please guide ?05:03
Diamondcitecheapie: I believe it sets the graphical display method for grub if it had to do any graphics..05:03
kaushalI have installed google desktop on 11.04 How do i make it available after bootup ?05:03
cheapieDiamondcite: I can't even see the GRUB menu...05:03
izinucsgeeksmith: I've got about 30 pages to go through.. that sounds tedious.. I'm hoping to find a faster option to break them apart05:03
nugz_wow is it just me or is us.archive.ubuntu.com in the repos (natty) slow as hell -- my connection is fine everywhere else05:04
nit-witkaushal, I'm in oneiric right now can't seem to find it here, I'm sure iot is natty though.05:04
geeksmithcheapie: in /etc/default/grub do you have an entry for GRUB_GFXMODE ?05:04
dr_Willisgoogle desktop is just the fancy google widgits right?05:04
geeksmithizinucs: you're right, it's a bit tedious.  Layers would work, but I'm no gimp expert.  Maybe somebody else has a more automated way to do it.05:05
nugz_sometimes i'm pulling 15kB/s, sometimes 300kB/s (very rarely), but mainly ~500B/s05:06
=== Fishman12a is now known as FishFace
cheapiegeeksmith: Yes, but commented. (#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480)05:06
geeksmithcheapie: or in /boot/grub/grub.cfg any lines that say vga= ?05:06
dr_Willisyou do not normally edit grub.cfg byhand.05:06
lynx`Shizzle nizzle telefizzle05:07
DrManhattanubuntu.com is not coming up for me05:07
geeksmithdr_Willis: right, but you can grep it by hand to see the derived file ;~)05:07
FishFacecheapie: Even if you hold down shift button while booting up you dont see it?05:07
cheapieFishFace: Nope.05:07
DrManhattanis ubuntu.com down for everyone or is it just me05:07
cheapieFishFace: It tries to show it, but fails.05:08
nugz_DrManhattan: its coming up for me, but the repos for me are slow as hellllll05:08
mrdebhi, DrManhattan05:08
nit-witkaushal, I switched back to natty you find t it the mean time/05:08
=== Jens is now known as Guest14531
nit-wit*it in05:08
DrManhattanhi mrdeb - have we met?05:08
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_
cheapieDrManhattan: The connection timed out when I tried to access it.05:09
hiexpohmm getting a net split05:09
DrManhattancheapie, ok - at least it isnt me05:09
geeksmithcheapie: i have to run, best of luck...I'll check back later if possible05:09
cheapieAs for my GRUB issue, I ran "export MAKE_GRUB_WORK_RIGHT_FOR_ONCE="TRUE"". Should I try it now?05:09
* geeksmith is going to help put kids down for bed...g'night, all!05:09
CodeZombiesomething up w/ ubuntu apt servers?05:10
DrManhattanso what is the long term support release of ubuntu 10?05:10
mrdebDrManhattan: two year cycle05:10
hiexpono freenode05:10
DrManhattangnome 3 and unity are both a disaster for me05:10
dr_Willisive rarely had grub issues. :) but i have taught my self lilo, syslinux, grub1 and grub2 over the yeras..05:10
shingenwow, empathy sucks for irc :P05:10
DrManhattanmrdeb, i meant 10.04 10.10. what05:11
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
cheapie!classic | DrManhattan05:11
ubottuDrManhattan: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.05:11
hiexpopidgin is good or i like xchat myself05:11
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest2671
DrManhattanyeah I didn't have such good results with 11.0405:12
DrManhattanis Ubuntu classic REALLY gnome 2?05:12
dr_Willisits not the old gnome.. its jusgt similer05:12
=== Mathuin is now known as Mathuin_
DrManhattanyeah, no thanks. G3 aint ready for prime time.05:13
=== Mathuin_ is now known as Mathuin
MathuinWhen will Weyland ship?05:13
CodeZombiehmm, can anyone else ping ( us.archive.ubuntu.com )05:13
* cheapie decides to try something...05:13
=== cheapie is now known as cheapiephp
cheapiephpIt works!05:13
dr_Willisi dont think weyland is near ready for primetime either. :)05:13
=== cheapiephp is now known as cheapie
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:14
=== root is now known as Guest92842
MathuinPerhaps Mister Shuttleworth will then move the window controls to the bottom. :-)05:14
nugz_CodeZombie: no05:14
dr_Willishe will movce them to the mddle of the window. where they are easier to get to.05:14
MathuinAh, where users can bang their head into them.05:15
CodeZombienugz_, thanks05:15
CodeZombiewanted to make sure it wasn't just me05:15
dr_Willisjust replace them with hotkeys05:15
nugz_CodeZombie: trying to update now using them; however, and is slow as dog hell05:15
vertigeauxhave any recent updates broken unity for anyone else?05:17
=== WhoAmIHere is now known as GrouchySmurf
shingen__vertigeaux: not I...05:17
Propelwhat program do you guys use to grab multiple screen shots from a video?05:17
madpropsanybody knows a way to download songs off myspace?05:17
Propelvideodownload helper, madprops05:18
vertigeauxshingen_, happened to me today on 2 different machines05:18
Propelfirefox addon05:18
Propelit should sniff out the mp3 URL and then you can DL it05:18
CodeZombiedamn, seems like ubuntu.com itself is down05:18
madpropsare you sure it works with myspace?05:18
CodeZombiegah, I finally feel like being productive and the entire system dies05:19
rwwCodeZombie: no it isn't05:19
Herbsubuntu.com working fine for me05:19
nugz_CodeZombie: its down for DrManhattan too but working for me05:19
HerbsIm in th UK05:19
redpumanhello everybody, i have a network problem with 11.0405:19
MathuinHmm.  I'm hanging here at Connecting to ubuntu.com...05:19
CodeZombiemy ISP has been kindof flaky lately05:19
CodeZombieprobably it05:19
Mathuin(Portland, OR)05:19
marco_vvis ubuntu.com down? it works fine here05:19
Propelsorry madprops05:19
Propelno longer works :/05:19
DrManhattanok so 11.04 uses gnome 2 for Ubuntu classic?05:20
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foot-odorcan anyone check alternativeto.net too see if its down?05:20
madpropsmyspace sucks, won't even let me download my own songs05:20
=== cyclops is now known as Guest89378
=== Guest89378 is now known as jmknsd
Toph2foot-odor,,, HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.05:21
redpumancan 11.04 see win7 shares?05:21
foot-odorToph2, thanks05:21
vertigeauxhow can unity break on 2 of my machines (one desktop one laptop) on the same day, and this isn't a widespread thing?05:21
DrManhattangeez, it isnt a good sign when a distro's website goes down05:22
DrManhattanmaybe im just ASSUMING Ubuntu's website runs on Ubuntu though05:22
celthunderredpuman: why not?05:22
celthunderfoot-odor: sup mate05:22
Herbsubuntu.com is not down05:22
celthunderfoot-odor: good to see you're still awake05:22
nugz_its up for some, down for others05:22
foot-odorcelthunder, i'ts 7 am, of course i'm awake :)05:22
nugz_us repos barely responding05:23
Herbsso thats a route issue05:23
CodeZombieDrManhattan, it has to be some sort of routing issue across parts of the net05:23
foot-odorcelthunder, pm?05:23
dr_Willissevere thunderstorms across the USA could be power outages05:23
Herbsa backbone somwhere will be down05:23
CodeZombiehooray for redundancy05:23
celthunderfoot-odor: you don't have to ask :)05:23
CodeZombieoh wait... there isn't any!05:23
redpumanwhen i try open win7 share it fail with error05:23
celthunderredpuman: what's the error05:24
redpumansamba is installed and workgroup is correct05:24
ubusercan someone tell me if theres a driver scan or anyway i can get my computer up-to-date, i did a hardware test and i didnt see the video it showed05:24
shingen__wow, I'm surprised that xchat has much more features than xchat-gnome... xchat-gnome is almost handi-enabled05:24
ubuseri am currently on ubuntu 8.0405:24
CodeZombieI guess I could proxy through my linode for now05:24
CodeZombiewould be slow as hell though05:25
ubusercan someone tell me how to get my video drivers and my sound working on ubuntu 8.0405:25
dr_Willismost peole hate xcaht-gnome its very limited05:25
dr_Willisubuser:  whats your video chipset?05:25
ubuseridk, its a 256mg winfast px860005:26
redpumanError failed to get a list of available resources on the server Select a different view and try again05:26
shingen_dr_Willis: yeah, I couldn't remember which had more features, so I installed both and have both running05:26
nugz_ubuser: lspci | grep vga05:26
ubuseri checked alsamixer also and its all turned up05:26
dr_Willisubuser:  why are you using that old a release?05:27
ubusernothing came up05:27
nit-witUbuntu 8.04 reached end-of-life on May 12 201105:27
Herbsredpuman that sounds like an issue with the windows share are you able to connect from any other boxes05:27
ubuseri have finally found a version that worked05:27
ubuseri have been updating slowly05:27
nugz_ubuser: did you make sure alsamixer wasnt muted? lot of times is by default05:27
ubuseryes i did jus said that05:27
dr_WillisSo you are saying that a new 11.04 install dosent work?05:27
nugz_ubuser: lspci | grep VGA05:27
nugz_try cap05:27
mrdebis anyone using ubuntu lucid05:28
ubuseri burned the cd it kept crashing, i tried the minis both 64 and 3205:28
dr_Willislots of people use lucid. :)05:28
ubuseri am on a 64 bit or w/e and im using 8.04 ubuntu -.-05:28
bullgard4'~$ aptitude why tsclient; i   ubuntu-desktop Recommends tsclient'.Warum empfiehlt ubuntu-desktop die Installation von tsclient?05:28
bullgard4'~$ aptitude why tsclient; i   ubuntu-desktop Recommends tsclient'. Why does ubuntu-desktop recommend tsclient?05:28
dr_Willis!info tsclient05:28
rwwbullgard4: because it's included in the default installation and is a GUI program05:29
ubottutsclient (source: tsclient): front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.150-4ubuntu2 (natty), package size 295 kB, installed size 592 kB05:29
rwwand isn't essential, hence the recommend instead of depend05:29
ubuserhttp://www.heypasteit.com/clip/YK6 my grep stats05:29
bullgard4rww: Ah! I understand this reasoning. --  Thank you very much for your help.05:30
untitledwizin an if statement in a bash script what is the -z flag testing?05:30
ubusercan anyone help?05:30
ubuserwhats it sayin guys?05:31
ubusercan someone help me install video drivers im new to linux05:31
rwwuntitledwiz: according to Google, it tests if the length of a string is zero. So "" would be true and "example" would be false.05:31
redpumani see win7 pc bu i can't see win7 shares05:31
Herbsyou have an nvidia gfx just fgo to system > administratiuon hardware drivers05:32
dr_Willisi would suggest on focusing on gettin a newer release going ubuser.05:32
ubuseri did and i clicked it, but i cant increase the resolution after that05:32
redpumanonly if file -> connetc05:32
GrouchySmurfredpuman: http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Windows705:32
ubuseri guess i will, i jus canceled the download cuz i seen the java download05:32
_dwbear75my screen pixelates when using the display tool to set dual head with separate screens, on natty narwhal.. is this a nomodereset issue?05:32
ubusertook me a minute to do that lol05:33
GrouchySmurfredpuman: did you read that doc before coming here?05:33
_dwbear75I'm on an hp nc6400 with the ati radeon chipset05:33
redpumanGrouchySmurf: thanks i'll try it evening05:33
ubuserhow can i get sound working tho?05:33
dr_Willis_dwbear75:  some of those settings require a X restart - whats your video chipset? why are you using  seperate screens05:33
Herbsubuser have you updated your kernel?05:34
ubuserhow do i do that?05:34
_dwbear75dr_Willis: ATI radeon, I want extended display -- I need to see more05:34
dr_Willis_dwbear75:  you proberly want to extend.. not seperate X displayts05:34
redpumanGrouchySmurf: no, haven't that article in russian i found05:34
dr_Willisif you want one wide wide desktop that is..05:35
HerbsI was only asking because in the past kernel updates have required reinstalation of gfx drivers but wont be needed if you havent updated the kernel05:35
redpumanpackard bell laptop and 11.04 don't work touch scroll05:35
_dwbear75dr_Willis: yes, extended single desktop on two screens05:35
ubuseri reset my bios before this its been acting up05:35
ubuseri used the jumper and i couldnt even boot with 2 sticks of ram05:35
puffI'm installing ubuntu on a new thinkpad.  The installer's trying to get me to use LVM.  CHistorically I have four physical partitions: swap, system (/), user data (/home) and bulk (/mcgee).  Can I have a setup like that with LVM?05:36
_dwbear75will try to restart x --05:36
jmcantrellany way to mount an s3 bucket in ubuntu?05:36
dr_Williswhats an s3 bucket>05:36
ubusereven if i update it wont fix it?05:36
GrouchySmurf_dwbear75: I think your problem may be better addressed by the Xorg team, subscribe to the mailing list xorg@freedesktop.org, you can also address your issue through http://www.x.org/wiki/05:37
ubuseri tried all the iso's on ubuntu.com05:37
puffdr_Willis: Amazon S3 service.05:37
puffjmcantrell: There's some sort of doodad to mount amazon storage as a drive... fusion something?05:37
ubuserand i got stuck with 8.04 and i accidently chose 32 bit instead of 64 bit05:37
ubuserand personally i think its running slower, now i have no sound and in the video test i couldnt see the static or w/e05:37
puffjmcantrell: Fuse.05:38
jmcantrellpuff: i assume you're talking about s3fs?05:38
puffjmcantrell: ode.google.com/p/s3fs/wiki/FuseOverAmazon05:38
jmcantrellmeh. no ppa05:38
WhoAmIHere_dwbear75: I think your problem may be better addressed by the Xorg team, subscribe to the mailing list xorg@freedesktop.org, you can also address your issue through http://www.x.org/wiki/05:39
redpumanHLP packard bell laptop and 11.04 don't work touch scroll05:39
j3r0m3is there something weird going on with the apt repos?05:40
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vertigeauxj3r0m3, apparently so. A lot of people are reporting very slow speeds or no connection at all05:41
dr_Willis 05:41
puffSo... LVM, anybody?05:41
puffI had some problem downloading an ISO, around 6 or 7pm EST.05:42
puffI assumed it was something with my local network, as I managed to get it to work a short while later.05:42
j3r0m3oh.. they are finally working!05:42
j3r0m3no luck for like the last 30 min05:43
dr_Willissevere thunderstorms across most of the USA tinight.05:43
vertigeauxj3r0m3, US?05:43
superfirelord42oh great, not agiain...05:43
littlebearzdr_Willis: same in Canada too05:43
littlebearzI was soaked05:43
j3r0m3vert: ya05:43
superfirelord42yay, storms are going to miss me!05:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:44
leander__this one05:44
mysteriousdarrenya it sucks, well I live in one of the only parts that has no terrible weather(flash floods, tornados, earthquakes) except for snow and the cold. :(05:45
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littlebearzrww: isn't thunderstorm affecting the download speed of ubuntu considered relevent?05:45
rwwlittlebearz: no05:45
superproxywhat are the possible sources of a networking problem when using internet in a windows 7 os is possible, but in Ubuntu natty you can only access google?05:46
dr_Willischek your dns server settings05:46
littlebearzsuperproxy: only google? dns to
dr_Willisgoogle could be getting cached for some reason.05:47
dr_Willisi wonder how only one site would have its dns cached..  time to do some ping tests05:48
superproxywhy does it work on windows pure dhcp, when it can't work on ubuntu also dhcp?05:48
ubuseri got another question, i downloaded the 32 bit iso and i am going to update it05:48
ubuserbut i am on a 64 bit, will it be okay to update? or should i download the 64 bit one05:48
HerbsId suspect that windows is caching dns05:48
roger21hi, why ar my ssh connections so slow ?05:48
roger21it take 2-3 seconds each time05:48
superproxyalso i'm using windows right now05:49
dr_Willis2-3 sec to do what ecxactly05:49
roger21to answer betwwenn the connection and the password question05:49
ubuseris it okay to run 64 bit computers on 32 bit ubuntu05:49
dr_Willis32it os should work find on a 64bit hardware05:49
iFrenzyubuser: it would work fine unless you have more than 4gbs of ram in which case you couldn't utilize all your ram05:50
dr_Willis64bit os wont work on a 32bit hardware05:50
WhoAmIHeresuperproxy: check you have not seeing the cache, after that, check you have connected your cable to the card, after that, check you have the port open, after that, check you have a rule in your firewall for addressing traffic through the 80 port, after that check you are reaching the dns and the gateway, after that, if no one thing works, you can take a gun and kill a) your computer, b) your modem05:50
IdleOne!pae | iFrenzy ubuser05:50
ubottuiFrenzy ubuser: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info05:50
dr_WillisI try to use 64bit os whnever the hardware supports it05:50
ubuseri did i have 4 gigs, the max is 3 gigs, i already fixed that, i jus cant get the video working05:50
nit-witubuser, you can't run 64 bit on a 32 bit computer, also 8.o4 is end of life.05:50
Steve132What are some possible reasons a device might not be mountable?05:50
ubuserso if i update, it will probably fix my sound and stuff?05:50
Steve132I can see a device in gparted05:50
iFrenzyubuser: like what sort of video?05:50
Herbssteve132 whats the file system05:51
ubusermy 256 meg video card isnt showing up i couldnt see the static in the hardware test05:51
Steve132but I can't seem to get any partitions on it to mount...the "mount point" field just doesn't exist05:51
dr_Willisa device not getting seen by the bios/kernel/drivers.. is a differnt issue then a device not being mountable. :)05:51
dr_Willisthe hard driv could be dead.05:51
Steve132I did ext4 at first05:51
ubuserso if i update my video might be fixed?? or am i havin some different problem?05:52
Herbsis it ext4 though?05:52
osvinSomebody run ubuntu with 8 GB RAM05:52
dr_Willishard drives failing. can have very weird issues.. or be flakey.. then work.. then die...05:52
iFrenzyubuser: you could try it05:52
ubuseri got 4 gigs05:52
ubuserpae ftw05:52
Steve132dr_Willis: if you are talking to me, A) its brand new B) I can see it just fine there just aren't any options in the GUI to mount anything05:52
superfirelord42leander__: hi05:52
Steve132Herbs:  When I made an ext4 partition,no, it did not mount05:52
iFrenzyrww: did i some how get blocked in #ubuntu-offtopic?05:52
dr_Willissteve132 you did partion and format the filesystmesd? try mounting it by hand05:53
ubuseri clicked the update manager and it is showing a nvidia driver, but when i enable it, my resolution changes to 800x60005:53
leander__i have a wierd problem my fans seems to be off or running too slow does unistalling acpi will solve this05:53
Herbssteve132 how did you try to mount it? have you tried mount -t ext4 /dev/sd* /mountpoint ?05:53
Steve132so after it is formatted,try mounting it by hand?05:53
dr_Willisubuser you then use the nvidia-settings tool to set the res you want.05:53
ubuserthats max05:53
Steve132I tried just using gparted to set the mount point and there aren't any options to do it05:53
WhoAmIHereherbs: check you have the partition declared at /etc/fstab with the right setting for mounting the ext4 partition05:53
dr_Willisdont use gparted.. mount it by hand.. or make a fstab entry05:54
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:54
Herbs/etc/fstab will mount automatically you dont need an entry otherwise05:54
ActionParsnipubuser: you may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig05:54
dr_Willisgparted does not as far as i know - alter your fstab file05:54
Steve132thank you. I'll try that.  Due to something strange I'll have to leave to try it05:54
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:54
ubusernot found, after i enable that?05:54
dr_Willisubuser try installing it  from your pacnage manager05:55
ubuserwhats nvidia? my video card is winfast05:55
dr_Willisits part of the nvidia drivers these days.. but in 8.04 - no idea05:55
dr_Willismay be  a selerate install05:55
dr_Williswinfawt is not a chipset..   it maybe a company05:55
ActionParsnipubuser: nvidia is the chip. winfast bought nvidia chips and made the card05:55
dr_Willisso - yes. you are using an nvidia card.05:56
ubuseroh ok thx05:56
chandler12304first time here ... can anybody help me05:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:56
iFrenzychandler12304: what's your problem05:56
dr_WillisUnlike how windows likes to confuse things.  with speific drivers for idenical chipsets on differnt companies rebranded hardware05:56
Semitoneswe'll be able to help a lil better if you say what your question is :)05:56
ubuserthat all i should download??05:56
ubuserwhat about sound?05:57
nit-witguglu, whats up?05:57
iFrenzylol he asks to ask a question and then doesn't ask the question05:57
guglui did a sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade yesterday, now when i switch on the computer my KDE is not loading :( :( :(05:57
gugluplease, i need help badly05:57
guglui am not a linux/ubuntu guru05:57
iFrenzyguglu: I'm assuming you are using kubuntu05:58
dr_Willistell us what it IS doing\05:58
superfirelord42guglu: does it get to the graphical login screen? or just a terminal login screen?05:58
iFrenzyguglu: what does it do like do you get to the login screen05:58
chandler12304I am totally new to linux. I've just istalled natty N. from a CD. The screen is almost (and I mean almost) black. Using a flashlight I can make out symbols and "ubuntu"05:58
ubuseranyone know how i can fix sound too?05:58
gugluno login screen05:58
gugluwait, let me explain05:58
ActionParsnipubuser: run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     and it will install the driver05:58
iFrenzyubuser: I had a problem with my soudn earlier and reset the computer and that fixed it, it was weird05:59
superfirelord42chandler12304: would this happen to be on a laptop?05:59
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: pulse probably fell over05:59
ubuserill download current after i restart, do u know how i can fix sound?05:59
chandler12304yes its a new laptop05:59
MGMThey guyz05:59
Jordan_Uchandler12304: Do you have any keys for backlight control on your keyboard? Is it black when booted from the LiveCD or only when booting the installed system?05:59
ubuseri made sure it wasnt muted05:59
ubuserbrb restarting05:59
gugluthe GRUB loader comes, i choose UBUNTU, then the KUBUNTU loader is shown and after that a black screen that says "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16\r\n/dev/sda5: clean xxxx/xxxxx files, xxxx/xxxx blocks06:00
iFrenzyI also had the weirdest problem with my tv not working through hdmi as you guys might have saw earlier and ironically after hours of trying stuff changing the hdmi port it was plugged into on my tv fixed the problem06:00
guglui have pressed ctrl + alt + delete and restarted 5-6 times, but same thing happens everytime06:00
gugluright now i am using webchat, so if i ignore someone's reply please pardon me06:01
guglualso i am so tensed :S06:01
Herbsguglu is it at a prompt?06:01
iFrenzyguglu: ctrl,alt,delete works on ubuntu?06:01
gugluits not a prompt, because i cant execute any command06:01
gugluyes, it is restarting the system06:01
chandler12304what would a backlight key look like? I booted it from a CD, the moment I punched "install" it went black06:01
WhoAmIHereubuser: fix sound can be fixed by cheking: a) Your sound hardware is support by any ALSA, OSS or by any driver your vendor provides, you can also enable sound support by recompiling your kernel06:02
gugluiFrenzy: yes, it is restarting the system06:02
superfirelord42chandler12304: I may have missed it, but is this on a laptop?06:02
gugluHerbs: it is not a prompt, i cannot execute any command06:02
guglujust normal terminal like black screen, dont know what it is called06:02
guglui also choose recovery mode from the GRUB but same thing (just few more extra lines :( )06:02
WhoAmIHereguglu: it is called "this shit can't work"06:03
Jordan_Uguglu: *never* interrupt fsck.06:03
ubuserthanks man, my video is fixed06:03
chandler12304yes it is a laptop06:03
gugludam, what do i do now :(06:03
ubuseralthough 1260x is high06:03
Jordan_Uguglu: I would recommend booting from a liveCD and running fsck from there.06:03
Herbsguglu try going into single user and run fsck -y06:03
h00k!language | WhoAmIHere06:03
ubottuWhoAmIHere: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:03
iFrenzyguglu: yeah that06:03
ubuserim diggin it, lol, can someone help me fix my sound??06:03
gugluHerbs: but how ?06:03
bullgard4According to Ikhaya Oneiric UDS recommends to priorize Thunderbird for Evolution. What is the reason?06:04
Herbsguglu so you cant issue commands in single user?06:04
mrdebis thunderbird replacing evolution06:04
ubusercan someone help me fix my sound? i made sure alsamixer wasnt muted06:04
superfirelord42chandler12304: do you see any key on your keyboard for adjusting your screen brightness by any chance?06:04
ActionParsnipubuser: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh06:04
gugluHerbs: no, i tried some commands there, it wont work06:04
Herbsguglu when you say it doesent work are you able to enter as you need to use full paths in single user06:05
nkhhello , is there any instrucction to secure Ubuntu? I'm Using 10.04 and pidgin for chat, yesterday some of my friends told me that he saw my chat logs in someone else computer and he didn't revealed his name ! I'm So worry about this !! :(06:05
WhoAmIHereh00k: my language is well, words mean what you like to interpret, I'm friendly and professional when I say "this shit cannot work"06:05
nit-witchandler12304, try fn and the left right arrow keys.06:05
gugluHerbs: well, i just tried few simple commands like ls, etc. and nothing happens06:05
IdleOneWhoAmIHere: Stop the swearing please06:05
chandler12304There are blue signs on  the F5 and F6 keys... don't word, even if I press the blu Fn key at the same time06:06
Herbsguglu tru /sbin/fsck -y06:06
guglumaybe i am not doing it in the right place ? i am doing it in the same place where i see those msgs06:06
gugluok, one second06:06
chandler12304There are "light signs" on the arow keys, don't word either06:06
gugluthe computer is in the other room, i came quicker today to use this computer and get help06:06
Vonhintenubuser, what type of machine? what type of sound device (aplay -l)?06:06
WhoAmIHereguglu: exactly what happens when you boot your system?06:06
kyle123Hey guys, I'm trying to dual boot ubuntu and fedora on lvm partitions. What would be the best way to configure grub and the /boot partitions?06:06
satsathelp pls. i installed 11.04 on my hp mini 110.. now how to install graphic driver coz in my appearance settings theres no visual tab  to have fancy animation06:06
gugluWhoAmIHere: the GRUB loader comes, i choose UBUNTU, then the KUBUNTU loader is shown and after that a black screen that says "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16\r\n/dev/sda5: clean xxxx/xxxxx files, xxxx/xxxx blocks06:06
bullgard4WhoAmIHere: You are _not_ friendly when you say: ""this shit cannot work".06:07
john_ramboI am trying to configure squid ...followed http://tinyurl.com/3v9nhmd.........Now how do test that its working?06:07
nkhhello , is there any instrucction to secure Ubuntu? I'm Using 10.04 and pidgin for chat, yesterday some of my friends told me that he saw my chat logs in someone else computer and he didn't revealed his name ! I'm So worry about this !! :(06:07
ubuseri got it, http://www.heypasteit.com/clip/YK906:07
dr_Willischeck your squid logs perhaps?06:07
ubusercard 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC883 Analog [ALC883 Analog]06:07
gugluHerbs: nothing happened :(06:08
WhoAmIHereguglu: and after that, remains the message at the screen?06:08
guglujust the command was shown and thats it06:08
gugluWhoAmIHere: yes06:08
ActionParsnipubuser: are you using desktop or sever?06:08
guglunow when i typed /sbin/fsck -y06:08
gugluit just stayed at the screen06:08
ActionParsnipubuser: Hardy is no longer supported on the desktop06:08
guglui was using ubuntu 9.1006:08
satsathelp pls. i installed 11.04 on my hp mini 110.. now how to install graphic driver coz in my appearance settings theres no visual tab  to have fancy animation06:08
Herbsguglu and nothing was echoed back?06:08
gugluno sir :(06:09
john_rambodr_Willis, Am I suppose to ask Ubuntu or at least the browser to use proxy ?06:09
imikey<satsat> what kind of gfx card do you have?06:09
gugluits not like a command prompt, i mean there is not $06:09
ActionParsnipubuser: you can jump directly to lucid which IS supported on the desktop in one jump06:09
gugluor $user@home:06:09
dr_Willisjohn_rambo:  you configure the browser to use the squid prox06:09
chandler12304Fn and left arrow doesn't work either06:09
gugluhope i make sense06:09
ubuseri was going to download 10.0406:09
john_rambodr_Willis, How exactly ? ...I havent done this before06:09
nkhIs there any body there can help me with securing my ubuntu ? :(06:10
ubuserso the update should fix sound??06:10
Herbsguglu yeah Im just thinking06:10
dr_Willisjohn_rambo:  the squid docs tell you the defalt port to use.06:10
iFrenzynkh: what do you mean?06:10
nkhiFrenzy: hello , is there any instrucction to secure Ubuntu? I'm Using 10.04 and pidgin for chat, yesterday some of my friends told me that he saw my chat logs in someone else computer and he didn't revealed his name ! I'm So worry about this !! :(06:10
satsatimikey,  i have this  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics06:10
ActionParsnipubuser: it should help but Hardy support on desktop is dead06:10
bullgard4How can I scrutinize ubottu's repertoire?06:10
Jordan_U!brain | bullgard406:10
ubottubullgard4: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:10
ubuserwell atleast my 4 gigs of ram and video work06:10
guglui dont understand whats wrong with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade that caused this06:10
ubuserpae ftw06:11
nit-witnkh, was the chat on an ope IIRC06:11
nkhiFrenzy: I just mean show me ways to prevent this06:11
chandler12304still an almost black screen, any more ideas?06:11
imikey<satsat> im pretty sure they took that option you are looking for out when they made 11.0406:11
nkhnit-wit: no, yahoo chats06:11
guglubut anyway, i need to fix this asap, or else i am in serious trouble please06:11
satsatimikey, maybe its becoz im using gnome classic? i dont like the unity so i installed gnome desktop environment and chose ubuntu classic when logging on06:11
iFrenzynkh: ubuntu is secure you probably gave up your password on the internet somewhere06:11
imikey<satsat> your drivers should be supported by a default install06:11
iFrenzyrww: I'm not sure if you can see me in #ubuntu-offtopic, but it is tomorrow where I'm at06:11
Herbsguglu how many entries are there in grub any earlier kernels?06:11
guglu5 entries06:12
nkhiFrenzy: I don't think so , It's very Strong and i change it time by time !06:12
imikey<satsat> gnome classic would be the place to go to do things like that06:12
gugluubuntu, ubuntu recover mode, memtest, memtest something, windows06:12
Herbsguglu try one of the older kernels06:12
satsatimikey,  so the visual tab settings is gone in 11.04? how to enable extra animation then06:12
guglui dont know what that means :(06:12
WhoAmIHereguglu: possibly your BIOS isn't well supported and it may represent a bug with fsck... try to use an interactive startup06:12
Herbsguglu ah ok06:12
imikey<satsat> try downloading compiz fusion06:12
satsatimikey, ok i'll try06:12
nkhiFrenzy: so you mean we have nothing to do with ubuntu after default instalation to secure it more ?06:13
gugluhello, my messages are goin ?06:13
iFrenzyrww: lol so let me get this straight, you banned me from a chat room because I ask a question and you give me an attitude about it? I'm not starting anything else, I just want clarification.06:13
WhoAmIHereguglu: fsck is an utility that checks the disk drives when booting06:13
chandler12304no more ideas?  craaaaaaap!!!!!06:13
rwwiFrenzy: please drop by #ubuntu-ops if you want to have this conversation.06:13
gugluWhoAmIHere: so what should i do now ?06:13
Herbsguglu Im mainly a Red hat based and slackware user but if someone can tell the alternate to modifying the boot to rw, init=/bin/sh for ubuntu you could try that06:14
guglui will try running windows and see06:14
iFrenzyrww: still on freenode?06:14
rwwiFrenzy: yes, on freenode06:14
nkhiFrenzy: I remember that once some one had a test (nessuse? or something like this!) on my laptop and he said that it's security is awful ! :D06:14
guglui see, but no commands are executing06:14
guglubut i will try running windows and see whether that runs or not, brb06:14
Herbsguglu no from grub press e to modify the boot command06:14
Herbsguglu but I believe that doesent work on ubuntu06:15
bullgard4Jordan_U: Thank you for your help.06:15
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.06:16
chandler12304ok .. I'll try again:  I am totally new to linux. I've just istalled natty N. from a CD. The screen is almost (and I mean almost) black. Using a flashlight I can make out symbols and "ubuntu"06:16
nit-witchandler12304, you get the grub menu correct?06:16
gugluHerbs: WhoAmIHere windows is working fine, can i do something from there to fix the issue ?06:17
hawaiiis it laptop?06:17
gugluHerbs: i will try that now06:17
john_rambodr_Willis, Okay I know the pot now ....At FF select Manual Proxy settings ...then ? http proxy? & use ??06:17
Herbsguglu ok but I think the syntax is different on ubuntu I rarely use it tbh06:17
chandler12304No Idea ... I can start the grub (using my flashlight), but i don't know what to do next06:17
john_rambodr_Willis, port*06:18
hawaiichandler12304, on live CD was ok?06:18
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Herbsguglu as for windows dont have a clue I never use it other than gaming06:18
satsatimikey, i already installed comiz fusion how to open it?06:18
dr_Willisjohn_rambo:  i would check the squid docs.. its  not too hard to confiure. ip# and port.06:18
gugluHerbs: i pressed e06:19
gugluand it shows some text06:19
chandler12304Live CD gives me the black screen too06:19
guglui dont understand that honestly06:19
dr_Willisthers proberly firefox extensoons to enable/disable squid06:19
guglui can delete, write more text there06:19
Herbsguglu ok at the end put a space then type init=/bin/sh06:19
john_rambodr_Willis, Please06:19
hawaiichandler12304, how did U installed it? :D06:19
dr_Willisplease what? you want me to read the squid docs to you? Im no teven on a pc right now.]06:19
chandler12304from a CD if that's what you're asking06:19
guglua space at the end, are you sure ? or do you want me to write that on a new line , Herbs  ?06:20
Herbsguglu a space at the end of the string06:20
gugluthere are many lines06:20
VustomDoes anyone here have any experience with Joli OS06:20
imikeysatsat: brb06:20
ActionParsnipVustom: its offtopic here, this is ubuntu support only06:21
Herbsguglu like I said Ive only done this with red hat based distros I believe its a diff syntax on ubuntu but if theres 3 lines I think it will be the 2nd06:21
chandler12304grub gives me four lines 1. linus  2. linus recovery and two memory test... what do i do now?06:21
dr_Willisvustom it works. :) its weird.. and not oficially supported here.06:21
superfirelord42Vustom: Jolicloud?06:22
gugluHerbs: would you like me to write the lines and pastebin ?06:22
Herbsguglu yes please06:22
dr_WillisJoilcould is now known as Joli OS - based on  one of the older releases of ubuntu.06:22
gugluok, one second06:22
Herbsguglu I will try in a vm while you do it06:22
superfirelord42ah, name change.06:23
chandler12304grub gives me four lines 1. linus  2. linus recovery and two memory test... what do i do now?06:23
dzuphi, is there a utility to make swf banner for ubuntu?06:23
imikey<satsat> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onxWT8rIRE8&feature=related06:23
VustomYeah, I went on their IRC but theres only afk people there, I'll ask away but If I get no reply it's okay, I've got the Joli OS on a ISO but theres 3 options when it boots to the install screen, first one being "Use Joli OS without Installation" then "Install Joli OS" then "Help" but heres the problem, at that point my keyboard doesn't work, can't press TAB to select Install Joli OS :/06:23
satsatimikey, ok thanks ill check it06:24
dr_Willisvustom i found Jolios support rather lacking... either it works.. or  it dosent it seems06:24
leander__my fans arent working06:24
VustomHm, I might just try and install Ubuntu on the old PC instead. ^_^06:24
dr_Willisvustom unplug/plug in the keyboard. or try a ps2 keyboard perhaps06:24
chandler12304 I am totally new to linux. I've just istalled natty N. from a CD. The screen is almost (and I mean almost) black. Using a flashlight I can make out symbols and "ubuntu"  I can start the grub (using my flashlight), but i don't know what to do next06:25
dr_WillisI dident find JoliOS  that impressive.. and lacking in ways.  its hard for them to 'support' all the 'old' pc's they are trying to target.06:25
VustomWhat's a PS2 keyboard?06:25
superfirelord42Vustom: will it boot the default if you do not select anything?06:25
dr_WillisPS2 or USB.. round plug .. :) old skool06:25
damian_-_hi, how do i theme nautilus's sidebar. im trying to set a background in gconf-editor but nothing happens.. could my theme be overwriting this?06:26
VustomI don't think I have one of those..06:26
dr_WillisI have seen pc;s that grub dont work right with.. when using a USB keyboard06:26
nit-witchandler12304, do y9u have a external monitor you can plug in?06:26
Herbsguglu ok I just did it on a Debian box its at the end of the line pointing to the /boot image06:26
imikeychandler12304: wow thats terrible06:26
gugluyes, i was writing Herbs06:26
chandler12304no external available06:26
ActionParsnipps2 keyboards rock :)06:26
VustomHm, I suppose theres no way to edit the ISO and change change the menu options. :p06:26
chandler12304thanks for your pity06:26
guglulast line is something like initrd /boot/initrd.img-x..x.x.-generic , Herbs06:26
ActionParsnip!remaster | Vustom06:26
ubottuVustom: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility06:26
imikeydoes your laptop have a svideo port tvout?06:27
dr_Willisvustom you could make a live flash drivce.. and do some changes06:27
Herbsguglu thats the one you need to add it to the end of06:27
superfirelord42Vustom: if you change it to a bootable usb you can, or you can remaster and reburn the USB, but that is more work :P06:27
imikeychandler12304: does your laptop have an svideo port tvout?06:27
gugluso like initrd /boot/initrd.img-x..x.x.-generic init=/bin/sh, Herbs  ?06:27
Herbsguglu no sorry 1 sec06:27
guglualso please tell me how would i save06:27
chandler12304I don't even know what that is or looks like06:27
VustomAnybody willing to show me how? I have the .ISO in a folder and a spare USB/CD06:28
Herbsguglu where its points to /boot/vmlinuz-***06:28
nit-witchandler12304, your problem is unusual it did have no screen back-light to begin with but yet you installed anyway. Have you any other live cd"s of other distros to confirm the screen works?06:28
ActionParsnipVustom: install unetbootin and use that, be sure to MD5 test the ISO06:28
dr_Willisvustom remasering the iso is not trivial. and you dont even know what you want to change do you? easiest way is to make a bootable flash drive.06:28
imikeychandler12304: what are you typing from right now another laptop or a desktop?06:28
chandler12304the scrren works GRUB looks normal06:28
bullgard4According to Ikhaya Oneiric UDS recommends to priorize Thunderbird for Evolution. What is the reason?06:28
VustomWhat's a bootable flash drive.. -.-06:28
PalinBachman2012chandler12304: have you tried using the function keys for brightness06:28
chandler12304right now from a netbook06:28
VustomA USB with the .ISO in it?06:29
PalinBachman2012chandler12304: assuming its a laptop06:29
ActionParsnipVustom: a usb stick or SD card with a bootable system on06:29
nit-witchandler12304, to see grub you need the flashlight correct?06:29
VustomWhat do I put on the USB then?06:29
chandler12304yes, function keys don't work06:29
damian_-_hi, how do i theme nautilus's sidebar. im trying to set a background in gconf-editor but nothing happens.. could my theme be overwriting this?06:29
dr_Willisvustom - the proram unetbootin was mentioned earlier06:29
ActionParsnipVustom: its not the ISO, its some files from the ISO as well as extra boot infp06:29
chandler12304No, grub works whitout the flash06:29
ActionParsnipVustom: if you arent going to read the advice given, why bother asking for it?06:29
gugluHerbs: it is linux /boot/vmlinuz-***-generic root=UUID=some_serial_key\b04-some_serial_key ro single06:30
imikeychandler12304: what kind of graphics do you have in the laptop06:30
Herbsguglu yup thats the line you add it to the end of06:30
VustomI did read it.. just confused.06:30
gugluso ro single init=/bin/sh , right Herbs  ?06:30
ActionParsnipVustom: install unetbootin and run it, its childishly simple06:30
Herbsguglu yup06:30
chandler12304chandler12304: what kind of graphics do you have in the laptop ???? What exactly do you mean06:30
nit-witchandler12304, whenI  asked you earlier you said no, chose the recovery line and boot at the gui choose the faixsafe x boot06:30
gugluok, one sec and how to save ?06:30
dr_Willisthe Pendrivelinux web site - also has  alternatives to Unetbootin06:30
VustomIs this to install Joli OS or Ubuntu?06:31
Herbsguglu was ctrl x on Debian its enter on CentOS and Red Hat06:31
gugluHerbs: how to save then ?06:31
imikeychandler12304: ati nvidia intel06:31
Herbsguglu never done it on ubuntu06:31
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chandler12304recovery line ...and then?06:31
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gugluHerbs: init=/bin/bash would be ok ?06:32
nit-witchandler12304, hit boot at the gui that comes up choose the safe boot 4th or 5th line down.06:32
superfirelord42Vustom:  is this what you are needing? http://help.jolicloud.com/entries/231051-creating-a-jolicloud-usb-key-guide06:32
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Herbsguglu should be06:32
gugluok, lemme ttry06:32
chandler12304failsafx? (now i am using the flashlight again)06:32
gugluHerbs: yes, it loaded bash06:32
nit-witchandler12304, it is a safe graphics it may get you in, to look for a graphics driver06:32
gugluafter ctrl x06:32
VustomI have the Joli OS .ISO on a CD.. but I'll try this as well?06:33
Herbsguglu ok try /sbin/fsck -y06:33
gugluhello, are my messages going ?06:33
nicekiwii cant connect to the Ubuntu One service, help?06:33
ActionParsnipVustom: the unetbootin will work in that software]#06:33
superfirelord42Vustom: yeah, it makes it easier for you to modify the grub configuration if it will boot on a usb06:33
sam_samhow to delete multiple files within a directory recursively(subdir too) with a specific extension .. eg. all .pyc files06:33
gugluHerbs: just gave 3 msgs and ended06:33
chandler12304Okay... now it says "ubuntu is running on low graphic settings" (not exactly those words... I'm translating from German)06:34
Herbsguglu what where the msgs the fsck completed?06:34
gugluone sec, lemme write06:34
john_rambodr_Willis, Its working !!!!!06:34
nit-witchandler12304, correct but you have a back light right?06:34
sam_samhow to delete multiple files within a directory recursively(subdir too) with a specific extension? .. eg. all .pyc files06:35
chandler12304nope ... It's still me and my flashlight06:35
VustomI'm not sure what to change but one wouldn't think it'd not be hard to make the second option of the start screen (looks like grub) the first option?06:35
john_rambodr_Willis, Now how do I apply it system wide ? Using Xubuntu 10.0406:35
ActionParsnipVustom: if you are asking stuff like that, I suggest you do some research06:35
rwwsam_sam: find path/to/directory -name *.pyc -delete06:35
dr_Willisno idea  john_rambo  - squid is a http proxy/cache - it dosent make sence to apply it to every app. just browsers06:35
nit-witchandler12304, I would try another live cd this is going nowhere it has not worked since you booted the install cd06:36
rwwsam_sam: if you want to look in the current directory, path/to/directory would be "."06:36
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak06:36
sam_samrww:ty =)06:36
dr_Williswrong factoid06:36
rwwdr_Willis: I don't think we have a factoid for setting up proxy servers. I looked when I wrote that one :)06:36
chandler12304damn it!!!06:36
dzuphi, is there a utility to make swf banners in ubuntu?06:37
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl06:38
chandler12304great....I don't have another live-CD06:38
superfirelord42sam_sam: something like command `find . -name "*.pyc"` i think, run it with ls instead of rm first to make sure i didnt mess it up badly... (and can someone please check that plz?)06:38
foot-odordoes anyone use wbar?06:38
ActionParsnipsuperfirelord42: you can use -iname to make it case insensitive ;)06:38
gugluHerbs: you there ?06:38
Herbsguglu yup06:39
gugluHerbs: http://pastie.org/private/qqyreu0sqvw9i11zg1twwa06:39
superfirelord42ActionParsnip: interesting, didnt know that, thanks xD06:39
ActionParsnipsuperfirelord42: sharing the love <306:39
nicekiwii cant connect to the Ubuntu One service, help?06:39
dr_Willisthere is the #ubuntuone channel nicekiwi06:40
Herbsguglu ok the file system is fine however Id check the time in your bios is correct06:40
nit-witchandler12304, you could try upadating by choosing the command rootnet line in that recovery gui and running sudo apt-get update &&  sudo aptget upgrade.    then reboot and see if you have a back light.06:40
gugluHerbs: could you guide me regarding that please ?06:41
nit-witchandler12304, you have to be plugged in wuth ether net to updtae06:41
Herbsguglu should be del on post06:41
guglusorry ? del on post ?06:41
Herbsguglu when you restart the box the first screen that displays should tell you what to press to enter setup06:41
imikeydzup: http://freshmeat.net/projects/f4l/06:42
nit-witchandler the command is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:42
Milosshhello. I have a weird sound problem with VIA VT1818. I tried almost every solution out there, and nothing worked for me. For example, now, I can see input meter working, when I'm playing music or youtube vids, and in pulse I set rear mic as input06:42
Milosshwould someone please help me diagnose the prob?06:42
nit-witchandler12304, the command is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:42
gugluHerbs: when i restart first thing that shows is the GRUB LOADER, or am i missing something ?06:42
burghello. how can i move a window from one display to another?06:43
chandler12304Ok ... explain it again..and this time pretend you're talking to Grandma, who doesn't know what the command rootnet line is :-)06:43
john_ramborww, Isnt this only a caching proxy running at my end ? I mean whatismyip still detects my ip and says Possible Proxy Squid Port No & squid server name06:43
Herbsapt-get update && apt-get upgrade will only work if the apt-get-update connects otherwise it will terminate06:43
Milosshguglu, press del button on keyboard from when you start a computer until a blue screen shows up06:43
impizaapton cd restore not working06:43
Milosshthat's called bios06:43
freeman_there's a certain part my my screen i can't click. when i move the window im trying to click i can click the spot. ???06:43
john_ramborww, Staying anonymous is not my criteria06:43
gugluok Milossh , doing now06:43
rwwjohn_rambo: I didn't recommend tor to you.06:43
Milosshguglu, don't06:43
gugluMilossh: ?06:43
Propelhow do you make VLC Player not bring up a new window every time you play a new file?06:43
MilosshI'm just trying to tell you what 'del on post' means06:44
gugluohh, i see06:44
imikeyPropel use File open06:44
gugluHerbs: so i should do that, right ?06:44
MilosshI don't really know what's your prob06:44
john_ramborww, squid06:44
impizaherb how can i fix that06:44
rwwjohn_rambo: dr_willis, who has since left the channel, did. and they were the one helping you. I don't know anything about squid.06:44
gugluMilossh: my KDE is not loading06:44
Milosshdid you try reinstalling it?06:44
gugluno, it was working fine yesterday06:44
john_ramborww, Okay06:44
Milosshwhat errors do you get?06:44
rwwjohn_rambo: if you're looking for my opinion, though, I think caching proxy servers are a waste of time unless you have a lot of users, since your browser does basically the same thing by itself.06:45
Herbsguglu yup and check the time is correct as your fsck complained about the system clock06:45
Steve132Hey, thank you everyone who helped me 10 minutes ago.  It worked perfectly!06:45
george_i have a usb wireless adapter which when I connect, neither the light on it turns on nor does ubuntu detect it06:45
guglui did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, then i was working as usual06:45
guglueverything was fine and i was happy06:45
gugluthen i went home and today when i came its not loading06:45
john_ramborww, Just want to try new things06:45
gugluHerbs: ok, will do that now06:45
Propelimikey, is there a more convenient way to do it? it's a bit of a hassle to do that every time you want to play a file06:45
Milosshguglu, please explain "not loading" a bit06:45
Propelfor instance like music06:45
JoeR1rww - i found an answer to my problem with linux only reading my CPU as a single core06:45
impizaapton cd restore not working06:45
imikeymaybe drag and drop06:45
Milosshbut try herb's solution first06:45
john_ramborww, Bye ....Thanks06:46
JoeR1It was a BIOS option, I assume for compatibility06:46
freeman_how do i kill the AWN (avant window navigator) in ubuntu06:46
Propelimikey, nope :/06:46
freeman_it is giving me a dead zone where i cant click06:46
gugluMilossh: it loads a black screen with the message "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16\r\n/dev/sda5: clean, 383070/6553600 files, 6168548/26214055 blocks" and yes, i am trying herbs solution now06:46
mrdebfreeman_: is it no possible to clos it from what i know06:46
Milosshthen do what Herbs said06:46
nit-witgeorge_, run this command in a terminal and post the usb info.lspci | grep -i wireless06:46
freeman_mrdeb, it is making a dead zone where i cannnot click on my desktop06:47
freeman_no matter what window is open06:47
gugluHerbs: sudo shutdown -r 0 should be fine to restart, am i right ? (just a bit nervous right now)06:47
freeman_this is the question in launchpad.net https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+question/15690806:47
Herbsguglu should be fine but I usaully use now and not 006:47
imikeypropel have you ever tried gnome mplayer?06:47
george_nit-wit, one sec, let me turn that computer on06:47
Herbsguglu hangon your in the bios right?06:48
nit-witgeorge_, no problem06:48
george_nit-wit, the adapter is a D-link DWA-12506:48
JoeR1also, I installed Plane Shift and it doesn't run06:48
Propelimikey, nope. but thanks for the suggestion. i'll try it out. i was recommened smplayer and vlc06:48
JoeR1it installed just fine from an installer but it will not execute06:48
freeman_mrdeb, is there a way i can restart AWN and see if that resolves it? a system reboot doesn't :(06:48
imikeypropel it supports the drag and drop for music06:48
gugluHerbs: unable to resolve host (none)06:49
gugluand without sudo nothing happens06:49
robinhoodeAre there any tools for deleting orphan files? I know there are tools for deleting orphan packages, but I'm specifically looking to clean out orphan files.06:49
guglui am not in the bios but in that bash06:49
FloodBot1guglu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:49
Propelimikey, do you know of a program that doesn't need to drag and drop? just plays into the same window?06:49
gugluFloodBot1: sorry06:49
Herbsguglu try reboot06:49
gugluyes i tried06:49
PropelI know smplayer does that, but it's really annoying how it plays from where you elft off previously in the file06:49
guglunthig happens06:49
VustomHow do I cd in terminal to /home/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/USB?06:49
imikeypropel why not try rythym box and make a database06:49
coconutzhey guys, i got a 4 TB linux with content, i want to make backup but only to the system and ensure if its fails i can restore it but without the personal data... the tar method allways let me down... ideas?06:50
Herbsguglu no using the reboot script by typing reboot06:50
imikeypropel it will make the database for you all you have to do is tell it where to look06:50
gugluyes, i typed the reboot command and hit enter, nothing happens, Herbs06:50
joshmcVustom: sure you didn't mean /home/Vustom/Deskotp/Jolicloud/USB? unless your name is Desktop, or you are hiding your username06:50
Herbsguglu are you in the bios?06:50
Propelimikey, and then you just search through the DB within the program?06:51
gugluno, i am in that bash where i was taken after init=/bin/bash in the GRUB and then tried /sbin/fsck -y06:51
imikeypropel correct06:51
Herbsguglu ah your still in /bin/bash yeah?06:51
imikeypropel like itunes06:51
Propelimikey, thanks. :)06:51
george_nit-wit, it comes out blank, doesn't show anything, I even tried sudoing it06:51
gugluok :D06:51
gugluand then del to get the BIOS06:51
Herbsguglu yup06:51
Herbsguglu keep pressing del repeatdely06:52
nit-witgeorge_, it seems that that usb needs drivers just google the same idnetification you posted and you will see what I mean, here is a link for reference. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128991706:52
Da|MummyThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.06:53
gugluHerbs: del didnt work, f2 did06:53
Da|Mummywhen in upgrade manager06:53
Herbsguglu cool06:53
gugluwhat next sir ? :(06:53
Da|Mummyit wants to upgrade wine, but source isnt added i take it, how do i fix that?06:53
Vustomjoshmc It's Vustom, I triedc d /home/Vustom/Desktop/Vustom/Jolicloud/USB but it doesn't work..06:53
nit-witgeorge here is a link the bot gives when prompted as well.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:53
Herbsguglu depending on your bios version06:54
Herbsbut usually its on the first page the time settings06:54
george_nit-wit, hmm, so I need to compile the drivers myself?06:54
george_nit-wit, weird thing is I tried using ndiswrapper and didn't work, guess I'll try compiling06:55
joshmcVustom: so Jolicloud is on user Vustom's desktop? it would be worthwhile to verify the path using locate (unless you are sure and are just having freak problems). for example, `locate Jolicloud` would give you the path you want, likely.06:55
VustomThe V is undercase, just noticed it and it worked.06:56
joshmcVustom: then there you go :)06:56
nit-witgeorge_, hope the links are a help thats my limitations in this area.;)06:56
george_nit-wit, thanks for the link, i just hope it works06:56
gugluHerbs: time and date were wrong06:59
guglui rectified those06:59
Herbsguglu lets hope thats sorts it change it and f10 to save and exit06:59
guglurestarted , same thing06:59
satsathow to disable compiz in 11.04?07:00
gugluyes, i did f1007:00
gugluHerbs: restarting, same issue :(07:00
guglusome file has corrupted maybe, dunno ? dam :(07:01
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bullgard4[Natty] '~$ sudo lshw -class memory; *-memory: description: System Memory. slot: System board or motherboard. size: 1GiB; capacity: 1GiB.' How does lshw determine the "capacity"?07:01
logeshmy chat window in orkut is not visible.what can i do?07:01
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gugluHerbs: did youw rite anything ?07:03
logeshhow to made the chat window visible in orkut?07:03
Herbsguglu nope am thinking07:03
Deitybrother chun is ture man07:03
gugluok, webchat for me is a bit buggy, i miss messages sometimes07:03
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gugluHerbs: could the issue be with ram or HDD ?07:05
Herbsguglu unlikely07:06
gugluok, very weird07:06
george_nit-wit, well i downloaded the source code for the driver as a bz2 file but when I extracted it, all it has is a 2_dpo file, just one file, any idea what it might be?07:06
kelvinellahi, is tracker-indexer and tracker-applet really necessary to run?07:07
nit-witgeorge_, I have not a clue in this area, sorry.;)07:07
kelvinellatracker-indexer always running high in CPU time!?07:07
superfirelord42george_: whats the link please?07:08
Herbsguglu try pressing the esc key07:08
george_superfirelord42, http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=2 and it's the RT8070/RT3070/RT3370/RT5370/RT5372 USB link07:08
gugluwhere ?07:08
fernikelvinella: no. tracker just indexes your files so you could search from them easilly07:09
george_nit-wit, that's alright, you've been more than helpful07:09
Herbswhen you get the fsck message when you try booting07:09
kelvinellaferni, can i uninstall it?07:09
kelvinellaferni, how to uninstall?  which process associate with it?  do i uninstall it in synpatic?07:09
ferniI've run tracker etc software, sure its a nice idea, but when I tried to search something with it, it fails to find the information it says it should be indexing. so its totally useless07:10
superfirelord42george_: that dpo file is a tar file07:10
kelvinellaferni, how to uninstall?07:10
fernikelvinella: yes you can uninstall it. its propably some "tracker" package07:10
superfirelord42george_: mv thefilenamedpo thefilenamedpo.tar and then tar -xf thefilenamedpo.tar07:10
george_superfirelord42, u serious? first time seeing a file liek this, usually it would just be .tar07:11
fernikelvinella: dpkg -l |grep tracker  , then apt-get remove the packages07:11
superfirelord42george_: I think, but quite honestly, I just lost the file, quite literally lost the file....07:12
george_superfirelord42, wow, thanks so much, worked :) why they didn't just make the extension a tar is beyond me07:12
superfirelord42george_: well the extention should have been .tar.bz2 or something, but meh. sometimes software treats things different than other software07:12
george_superfirelord42, ehh, better than not having the source files at all, thanks a lot though07:13
histogeorge_: file extensions mean nothing in linux07:13
superfirelord42george_: no problem07:13
Herbsguglu any joy?07:14
guglueverything is so weird07:14
guglui wanted to load the bash again07:15
gugluits not ro single anymore, its ro   quiet splash07:15
gugluand then when i add init=/bin/bash the bash that comes is weird, where when i type commands the commands are not shown07:15
Herbsguglu as the fsck complained about the system clock before the only think I can think of now is running it again since you corrected the time in your bios07:15
guglualso the alignment of root@(none)# is weird07:15
bak0un1n3Hi, I've just lost one NIC after a power shutdown and reboot. The NIC completely disappeared (doest no show either via ifconfig -a nor lspci). Any thought ?07:16
bak0un1n3KUbuntu 11.04 / kernel 2.6.38-8 generic07:17
superfirelord42bak0un1n3: was it a proper shutdown? or a power loss?07:17
bak0un1n3a proper shutdown, followed by unpluging the power cable to move the machine to another room07:17
superfirelord42bak0un1n3: any chance the nic could have come loose physically? (just covering all my bases here)07:18
guglunothing happens with esc Herbs , it just shows ^[07:18
Herbsguglu what about ctrl+c07:18
sysdocbak0un1n3, LMAO!07:18
ferniremove nic, clear all the dust, reinstert nic. poweron07:19
gugluprints that07:19
gugluwhy did i upgrade yesterday ???????????? :'( ;_;07:19
bak0un1n3I've even remove I can't be sure it's not physically harmed, but the linkj led are green both sides (pc and router)07:19
guglureinstalling would kill me07:19
bak0un1n3but I've tried booti,g from a live cd, it doesn't see the NIC either07:20
bak0un1n3it's an onboard nic07:20
bak0un1n3the pci plugged nic still works07:20
mischiefperhaps it bit the dust, bak0un1n3.07:20
Kevin_FlynnXubuntu desktop 10.10.  How do you change the color of a panel in Xfce?  Can it be changed to a gradient?07:21
superfirelord42bak0un1n3: it sounds like a hardware issue, especially if the live cd cannot see it. I assume it could see it prior to moving the computer07:21
bak0un1n3if not better idea, I'll remove the (working) PCI interface, try to boot with the onbard one only, and see if detected.... but would prefer other solution07:22
Logan_!xubuntu | Kevin_Flynn07:22
ubottuKevin_Flynn: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:22
bak0un1n3yes, before the physical move, all was ok ... but it seems weird the move had any physical impact: since it's  an onboard card, it couldn't unplugged itself07:23
superfirelord42bak0un1n3: if the only difference is the move and it effects teh live cd detection, all i can think is either that, or possibly the bios reset if you had a bad battery in there. did you have to set up the time again?07:23
bak0un1n3no no setup time again, and the bios seems to see the card (the corresponding menu options are enabled)07:24
Kevin_Flynnubottu, right.  Xubuntu is Ubuntu.  So, that's why I'm here.07:24
ubottuKevin_Flynn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:24
Logan_Kevin_Flynn: Xubuntu-specific support is in #xubuntu07:25
bak0un1n3I've already faced interface inversion (eth0->eth1 / eth1->eth0) when power shutdown/reboot, but never completely lost the nic07:25
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bak0un1n3I've even remove the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file to clean the hardware info in it, and when recreated at boot, it contains only one interface (normal as the second one does ot appear in lspci)07:26
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bak0un1n3could it be a driver issue? I don't remember if rebooted after updates07:26
superfirelord42bak0un1n3: but then why would the live cd not work anymore.... as far as i know, ubuntu only updates its software, no firmware updates07:27
skilzhey how do I change my hostname?07:27
gugluHerbs: can i not run my KDE from that bash ?07:27
rww!hostname | skilz07:28
gugluany kind of work around will do for me07:28
ubottuskilz: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:28
guglujust need it working PLEASE07:28
gugluHerbs: after doing update and upgrade yesterday, i was working just fine, these issues happened after a restart/reboot07:28
gugluHerbs: there ? :(07:28
Loshkibak0un1n3: anything which inadvertently flexes the motherboard during a move can cause failures. Also check the BIOS enable/disable settings for the onboard NIC....07:29
iOSByDayUbuntuByok, I have Natty installed with Compiz, and a host of WM I want to pare down, and I cannot seem to get the ability to use pictures as my Cube Caps.  What am I missing?07:29
Herbsguglu I suspect the fact that fsck complained about the time that was incorrect in the bios that whats causing the issue is this is a scheduled fsck but its crashing due to the system time07:30
gugluwhat do we do now, Herbs ? still not working event tho i changed time and date in the BIOS07:30
guglufrom that bash can i somehow not run KDE please ?07:31
bak0un1n3Loshki: the nic is enabled in bios settings, as time goes I'm more and more  afraid of an hardware issue07:31
Herbsguglu you could try running the fsck manually in /bin/bash again or diabling fsck schedules07:31
guglu /sbin/fsck -y07:32
gugluok, will do that07:32
Peddyis there a program that allows me to have different wallpapers for dual monitors?07:32
gugluhow to disable ?07:32
carpiHi. Is there any difference between using the update manager or aptitude for updating an ubuntu system?07:32
skilzI done sudo hostname router and now it says localhost07:32
rwwcarpi: no07:32
Herbsguglu I dont know how to diable off the top of my head if just reading the tune2fs man page07:33
gugluhttp://pastie.org/private/aibyrkb47ldpmrhbhnsyyq <-- this is what it says now compared to http://pastie.org/private/qqyreu0sqvw9i11zg1twwa <-- was saying before07:33
carpirww: thank you for the clarification. But in that case, do you think that the "update manager" is redundant and can be safely removed if necessary?07:33
rwwcarpi: yup07:33
mrdebdo you think b spears may shave herself again07:33
iOSByDayUbuntuByPeddy>> check Xinerama to use one big desktop, and use Gimp to stitch two wallpapers together07:34
Herbsguglu try rebooting now07:34
iOSByDayUbuntuByPeddy>> KDE and XFCE can do it07:35
PeddyiOSByDayUbuntuBy, GNOME actually can do "one big desktop' wallpaper natively now. I know I can do it in GIMP, but it's a hassle to have to do that every time I want to change wallpaper. Is there no automated GNOME way as of yet?07:35
iOSByDayUbuntuByPeddy>> not that I am aware07:35
carpirww: thanks once again = ). I think i will uninstall it now. Other than the "update manager" and "unity" are there any other redundant packages you would remove on a fresh install of ubuntu natty?07:36
carpirww: maybe synaptic?07:36
Peddy iOSByDayUbuntuBy, thanks >.> I actually programmed a shell script that 'stitches' two images together for you, but tighter integration would be nice. Thanks again07:36
rwwcarpi: I'm probably not the best person to ask that question, I'd go with "most of them" ;)07:36
george_eDoes anyone know the name of the package on Natty that puts an application's menu in the top panel?07:37
ActionParsnip!info gnome-menu07:37
ubottuPackage gnome-menu does not exist in natty07:37
carpihaha.. i knew there was quite a lot of crud that had no place being on a default install of natty. i just wanted to make sure i didn't remove anything important.. But thank you anyways  + )07:37
ActionParsnipgeorge_e: global menu I believe07:38
george_eActionParsnip: That's the package name?07:38
ActionParsnipcarpi: could install minimal then build up instead07:39
ActionParsnipgeorge_e: something like that07:39
gugluHerbs: my /etc/fstab has no /dev/sda5 :(07:39
gugluand it has some line saying # Commented by Dropbox07:40
Herbsguglu to diable edit /etc/fstab and where you have ext* errors=remount-ro 0  1 change the 1 to 007:40
carpiActionParsnip: but i think that removes a lot of things. but its too late for me anyways. already have natty up and running, without a problem : )07:40
ActionParsnipcarpi: fair dos07:41
carpione more thing.. could someone please tell me what is "zeitgeist datahub"? I saw the words "passive logger" in the description and I'm thinking thats a cause for worry...07:41
carpiim thinking about disabling it in startup..07:42
jon1problem with hp laserjet 1020 on natty narwhal.  recognizes printer, lists job, shows job as completed, but nothing prints.  i've tried whatever i could find as help online, but i'm not able to get it to work.  anyone can guide me through this problem?07:42
ActionParsnipJon1: delete the printer and unplug it. Grab latest HPLIP and install it. Reboot and connect printer07:44
gugluHerbs: yes, i read that on a forum, and was trying, but it says "readonly" file07:44
gugluand doesnt let me save07:44
guglusudo doesnt work07:44
Herbsguglu then when youve done that run tune2fs -i 0 /dev/sda507:44
Herbsgulu you need to edit it as sudo07:44
iOSByDayUbuntuByHow would I add the functionality in Compiz to set pictures as Cube Caps?07:44
iOSByDayUbuntuByAll it shows is a color set07:44
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: its in ccsm07:45
guglusudo to any command says unable to resolve host (none)07:45
Herbsguglu oops nvm the file system is read only type mount -o remount,rw /07:45
jon1ActionParsnip: I think i've done this... maybe more than once.  how do i get the latest hplip and how do i install it?07:45
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> CCSM?07:45
gugluare you sure Herbs07:45
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: you can set image in the cube desktop plugin07:46
ptremeka hello im an amateur C++ developer, im struggling how to figure out how to implement variables of an object such that whenever a variable changes, the object performs a particular action. Say the object has 4 variables, each triggering a different action07:46
Herbsguglu yup we didnt add rw when we booted /bin/bash07:46
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> In the plugin, it gives only setting color07:46
gugluHerbs: this is the same issue i am having -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130335607:46
freshonei want to play the game GTA san andreas on my ubuntu how can i do it i have the play on linux software... i have an image of the game and no cd. how do i proceed07:47
freshoneimage or iso file07:47
ActionParsnipJon1: you'll find the site and file easily. Mark it as executable and run it in a terminal as user.07:47
gugluHerbs: i am doing mount -o remount,rw / now07:48
freshoneplease help iam new to ubuntu07:48
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: i believe it has option for image. You may need to expand a section07:48
gugluHerbs: says Internal Journal on sda5:807:48
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> i will look again07:48
freshonei want to play the game GTA san andreas on my ubuntu how can i do it i have the play on linux software... i have an imageor iso file of the game and no cd. how do i proceed07:48
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:48
gugluEXT4-fs (sda5): internal journal on sda5:807:49
gugluHerbs: do i need to do mount / -o remount,rw maybe ?07:49
gugluor they were same ?07:49
Herbsguglu no try touch test07:50
gugluyes that works07:50
guglumount / -o remount,rw worked, i changed 1 to 0 in fstab07:50
guglunow reboot with ctrl+alt+delete, ok ? :)07:50
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> Neither Top nor Bottom shows an expandable window like Skydome07:51
Herbsguglu yup07:51
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: afaik the bottom isn't doable. I'm not o07:51
ActionParsnipOn my pc now07:52
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: could try asking in #compiz07:52
ptremekaany ideas?07:53
avernoswhere could i find the xorg configuration file to make a backup of it? to avoid xorg problems later on...07:53
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> Bummer, ah well, its only pretty.  Is there a way to remove the buttload of window managers I have in Options at login?  I seem to be missing it, have KDE, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Classic, Openbox, Gnome and KDE openbox07:53
gugluHerbs: no luck, this time it didnt fsck but same black screen07:53
gugluwith just the cursor07:53
harvi_svkavernos:  /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:54
guglunow one thing, can i somehow not run KDE from the bash ?07:54
Herbsguglu ok weve found out its not the fsck that is hanging it at least tail the last 20 of dmesg off and paste it to pastebin07:54
Herbsguglu your using kde?07:54
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: if you remove openbox it will remove the openbox options07:55
gugluHerbs: yes07:55
gugludmesg is some command ? do i just run dmseg in the bash ?07:55
Herbstail -20 /var/log/dmesg07:55
avernosharvi_svk, it isnt there. could me /etc/X11/X/ ?07:55
gugluok, doing now07:55
thor99ActionParsnip: Maybe I'm missing something here, but didn't iOs(etc) install those other window managers? if so, then why not remove them from the pkg mgr?07:56
iOSByDayUbuntuBythor99>> So I could strip all of them out through pkg mgr?07:56
thor99I'm awaiting Parsnip's advice here...07:57
ActionParsnipthor99: does "remove openbox" not sound good? :-D07:57
gugluHerbs: ok, done. pastebinning wud be difficult job07:57
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip & thor99>> I removed open box through Software mgr, gonna switch users and see what is left07:57
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: they are added by packages. Removing relevant packages removes them07:58
Herbsguglu ok will take a look you got the link?07:58
thor99Parsnip: OK, i see where you are coming from.07:59
gugluHerbs: it outputted 20 lines, i am thinking of how to pastebin07:59
gugluumm, i dont think i can acces /var/log/dmesg from windows, hmm07:59
nit-witiOSByDayUbuntuBy, you can use the top and bottom of the cube with the cube reflection and deformation plugin; set thr deformation at none to keeo the cube07:59
nit-wit*the keep08:00
ActionParsnipThor99: glad you got my back. I'm knackered08:00
gugluHerbs: can i access the file from windows ?08:00
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionparsnip>> Ok, now I have no openbox, but retain Ubuntu, Ubuntu Classic, KDE plasma, Failsafe, and three Guest restricted08:00
iOSByDayUbuntuBynit-wit>> thank you08:00
nit-witiOSByDayUbuntuBy, no problem.;)08:01
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: ok. What do you want to keep?08:01
thor99ActionParsnip which window manager, if any, do you yourself personally use most often?08:02
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> Im finally happy with Ubuntu Classic (current) so I can lose KDE and XFCE, and I dont see a need for three Guest restricteds08:02
harvi_svkavernos: then they should be in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d08:02
harvi_svkavernos: all files in that folder08:03
gugluHerbs: take a look at http://pastie.org/private/8gy6sysg0ter5vyzugtlxa i will be updating it, have to write on paper and then edit that pastie08:03
avernosharvi_svk, .d means daemon?, its the same?08:03
Herbsguglu if you save it to an ntfs partition yes try tail -20 /var/log/dmesg > /path/to/ntfs/drive08:03
harvi_svkavernos: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37761/xorg-conf-in-ubuntu-natty-11-0408:03
ActionParsnipthor99: i use openbox on LXDE. I use Xpud a lot too which uses plateUI08:03
Herbsand add a file name at the end of the path08:03
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: search your packages for kde and remove them08:04
iOSByDayUbuntuByActionParsnip>> Removal or Complete?08:05
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: if you remove xfce4 it should remove XFCE08:05
ActionParsnipiOSByDayUbuntuBy: always complete08:05
ActionParsnipThor99: yourself?08:06
Herbsguglu I suspect theres an issue with kde displaying the login scree so what I would suggest is changing the run level to level 3 then hopefully you can login and reinstall kde08:06
jon1ActionParsnip:  Thanks!  That did it!08:07
ActionParsnipJon1: great!!08:08
thor99ActionParsnip: Mac OS X snow leopard.. right now I'm using virtualbox with an XP vm, Ubuntu VM... thinking of checking out Lubuntu, have you done so?08:08
iFrenzyhey does anyone know of a variant of ubuntu like mint or something that comes default with gnome 3?08:08
ActionParsnipThor99: i co08:08
gugluHerbs: where to change that ?08:08
gugluok, i will try08:08
jenvyanyone know how to specify a command to execute when a user quits /exits out of an ssh session?08:09
iFrenzyrww: cheers my pal, btw I'm sorry about our little problem earlier, perhaps your comment was meant jokingly and I took it the wrong way08:09
ActionParsnipThor99: i contribute to it on the mailing list. I think its awesome08:09
guglui dont have that file Herbs08:09
thor99ActionParsnip: I'm wondering how Xpud compares and contrasts w/ Lubuntu??08:09
gugluis it /etc/init Herbs  ?08:09
Herbsguglu ah doh ubuntu is different I dont know then Im used to Red Hat based distros08:09
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ActionParsnipThor99: it boots damn fast ( <3 secs) but has fewer default apps and drivers08:10
iFrenzyherbs: I've found ubuntu = more sudos and less sus haha08:10
thor99ActionParsnip: That's what I've read so far.  I've been a long time tech.. just a little rusty with some new developments with window managers and stuff these days08:10
HerbsiFrenzy yeah funny thing is /etc/inittab exists in Debian08:11
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: sudo -i == su08:11
harvi_svkiFrenzy: Im looking for something like that too. I just know that fedora5 got gnome3 as default08:11
thor99Parsnip: Ahh.. what's the size in K?... so Xpud is truly a minimalist thing08:11
jon1ActionParsnip: ha ha, now if you could only tell me how to get unity working with the nvidia accelerated graphics driver so i could see whether i want to use it or not08:11
iFrenzyharvi_svk: installing isn't that big of a pain, I just prefer it way more to unity and would love it as a default for when i install on other people's computers08:11
ActionParsnipThor99: my use is basic so xpud is great. Plus it loads quickly08:12
ActionParsnipJon1: which nvidia chip?08:12
thor99ActionParsnip: What are your specialties in computing?  you a basic nuts and bolts guy, jack of all trades, ???08:12
iFrenzyActionParsnip: by the way remember the problem I was having earlier with my tv and hdmi, I finally fixed it by changing the port on my tv the cord was plugged in08:12
ActionParsnipThor99: networking and system monitoring. I can sling systems together too08:13
thor99Action: Great.. which beckons the question.. I'm wondering what restrictions nVidia has put out there.. i doubt they'd GPL it for Linux08:13
gugluHerbs: env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL or env RUNLEVEL ?08:14
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: ahh nice08:14
guglufound it in /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf , Herbs08:14
Herbsguglu default runlevel08:14
iFrenzyActionParsnip: like there was 3 hdmi ports and moving it from 1 to 2 fixed the problem, I was like all these hours of trying to figure it out and this fixes it, I almost got pissed and didn't even watch the movie I was trying to watch haha08:14
gugluit is 208:14
gugluchanging to 308:14
jon1ActionParsnip: geForce 7025 / nForce 630a08:14
ravionrailsi am unable to paste to terminal after ssh ing in another machine08:15
Herbsguglu yes change to 3 unless thats diff in ubuntu as well :(08:15
ActionParsnipThor99: not sure. I don't delve into that. I just use what i know works.08:15
iFrenzyravionrails: did you try ctrl + v08:15
ActionParsnipJon1: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current08:15
ravionrailsiFrenzy, yup but of not use08:16
thor99Hmm, isn't it CTRL+SHIFT+V08:16
thor99or is SSH protecting this for sec reasons08:16
gugluHerbs: again "readonly" option is set issue08:16
gugluwut do ?08:16
ActionParsnipravionrails: +1 ctrl+shift+v08:16
thor99in all apps CTRL+V.. in Terminal add SHIFT.08:16
carpiwhen upgrading to the next version of ubuntu.. how do i carry over my installed programs and settings to the next version?08:16
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iFrenzythor99: never knew that08:17
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thor99damn i worded that wrong.. haste makes waste.   you get the idea08:17
iFrenzyI guess I've never had a problem with that before htough08:17
Herbsguglu you mounted it as read only have you could you touch a file before?08:17
ravionrailsi know that in terminal we use CTRL + SHIFT + C for copy and + V for paste08:17
ActionParsnipcarpi: that will happen automagically08:17
jon1ActionParsnip: says it's already the latest cersion08:17
iFrenzyDid anyone know that they made nero burning rom for linux?08:17
gugluno i didnt try touch08:17
thor99carpi: Just go thru update08:17
fretegiso when loading the live cd, what does it mean when the boot process stops at a command line that says initramfs?08:17
guglui wil better try touch /etc/inittab08:17
gugluand set env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=3 there08:17
Herbsguglu no dont do that08:17
thor99excuse me while I puke... the only Nero I respect is version 6 and lower08:18
jon1ActionParsnip: version08:18
ActionParsnipJon1: if you run nvidia-settings do you get an error?08:18
RealOptyiFrenzy, what nvidia card u have?08:18
thor99much better open source stuff08:18
carpioh.. so i don't need to do any backup or installed programs and settings and what not?08:18
bullgard4It is difficult to quit the Banshee program in Natty. What is the proper way to terminate the execution of the Banshee program?08:18
gugluok, so what shall i do now :(08:18
carpi*backup of* : )08:18
Herbsguglu just try touch test08:18
iFrenzyrealopty: i don't i have intel08:18
thor99Carpi: It's ALWAYS recommended that you do a complete backup08:18
gugluok, doing now08:18
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carnage1photoshop 4 money08:18
iFrenzythor99: didn't say it was good, I was just suprised they made it08:18
thor99and VERIFY said backup08:18
ChrisA132Has anyone ever used www.stealthtrades.com ?08:18
ActionParsnipCarpi: you should have a backup anyway!08:19
thor99That's ok frenzy.  was not attacking you :)08:19
gugluHerbs: cannot touch test: read-only file system08:19
gugluthats the error i get08:19
JanetPis there a better alternate for DIA .. or even better quality shapes for dia?08:19
thor99Parsnip: Have you messed around w/ OpenBSD?08:19
Herbsguglu then type mount -o remount,rw /08:19
iFrenzyalthough I did run into a problem earlier but I know how i could fix it just didn't feel like taking the time, I had an .mp4 file that was 2 hours and 7 minutes long, but was only 1.1gb and brasero was telling me it was too big to burn08:20
thor99Being a Networking and security guy, i would think you might have. Also, have you tried out Zyxel's stuff (life besides Cisco!)08:20
iFrenzywas hoping there was a shorter way than convertering the file08:20
ActionParsnipThor99: i have a pc-bsd cd laying around, never got to using it though08:20
jon1ActonParsnip: no error message.  but when i've tried to use unity i can't see any application or files listed, only a white screen where they should be08:20
carpibut storing all your data files in a seperate 'home' partition is a good enough backup.. .yes?08:21
danielhow would i delete a readonly directory in the comand line08:21
RealOptydoes banshee support ALSA or is it pulseaudio only?08:21
dean[w]I just rebooted my ubuntu 10.10 and I've no sound. I've checked alsamixer and sound config to check to see if anything is muted but i can't see anything. What might be happening?08:21
ActionParsnipJon1: can you change res and such using the app?08:21
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jon1ActionParsnip: yes08:22
ActionParsnipcarpi: its handy but drives can and do fail08:22
ActionParsnipJon1: do you have the unity addon enabled in ccsm?08:23
guglu_Herbs: no login screen :(08:23
aar_onHi there, so my boot time is VERY long. Over three minutes! I have a paste of dmesg | less but I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it08:23
aar_onhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/613088/ for the log08:23
Herbsguglu is it blank?08:23
thor99Parsnip: Ok.. verify this for me.. daniel wants to del a readonly directory from commandline... shouldn't he just CD to working DIR, then rm -rf * ?08:23
thor99(don't do this yet, Daniel)08:23
popeyaar_on: almost certainly a disk check was running08:23
guglu_Herbs: and i am guglu_ now, pls use that _ or i might miss msgs :(08:23
ActionParsnipaar_on: look for large gaps in the time on the left08:24
popeyaar_on: see lines 711 and 71208:24
guglu_do i set it to 5 ?08:24
jon1ActionParsnip: is that the unityshell plugin?08:24
=== guglu_ is now known as guglu
danielthor99, i would like to rmdir /Users/daniel08:24
KaptenRodSkagganyone that can help me to install ubuntu 1104 on my vista computer?08:24
danielthor99, but it says its read only08:25
KaptenRodSkaggi get stuck in BUSYBOX08:25
AlostsoulKaptenRodSkagg: im having a similar problem08:25
ActionParsnipJon1: its purple and mentions Unity. I'm not sure of the absolute wording. I'm on my phone on the way home from work08:25
bullgard4!install | KaptenRodSkagg08:25
ubottuKaptenRodSkagg: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:25
iFrenzywow i'm installing 11.04 on this old laptop i have the cd drive sounds like its eating the cd08:25
thor99Kapenten: I'm assuming you're trying to install Ubuntu alongside Windows and using its partition resizing tool?08:25
jon1ActionParsnip: I'll check08:26
ActionParsnipthor99: could chmod it then delete08:26
Alostsoulive just installed ubuntu while on windows xp (currently in ubuntu) but it has loaded saying my hard driveis about to fail however while in windows a chkdsk flags no bad blocks so im wondering if its a problem with the installation, is there any way of installing ubuntu while on ubuntu (essentialy i want ubuntui as the main OS)08:26
thor99Yeah, but there's more command switches to that, if he wants to delete the whole dang thing, rm -rf * CAREFULLY from the working directory should work just fine08:27
ActionParsnipJon1: enable it. Press Alt+F2 and run: compiz --replace08:27
KaptenRodSkaggthor99>> i have freespace (200gb) on my sata disk dedicated to ubuntu08:28
ActionParsnipthor99: sounds fine. Force may not be needed so try without first ;-)08:28
thor99ALostSoul: Interesting.. usually most OS's are not that S.M.A.R.T. drive aware08:28
Alostsoulcan anyone help me make ubuntu my primary os?08:28
iFrenzyAlostsoul: where are you at now?08:29
AlostsouliFrenzy: im on ubuntu08:29
skilzhi I got this error for coppermne photo gallery.08:29
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: do you mean change grub to boot ubuntu first?08:29
iFrenzyAlostsoul: what do you mean by primary os? like you want it to boot by default or what?08:29
AlostsouliFrenzy: but top right hand corner it has a HD and when i scroll over it it says my HD is failing08:29
thor99What specific error are you getting08:29
Alostsouli mean i want ubuntu to not be installed from windows so i dont have to use wubi08:30
bullgard4It is difficult to quit the Banshee program in Natty. What is the proper way to terminate the execution of the Banshee program?08:30
iFrenzybullgard4: what happens when you hit the x button?08:30
Alostsoulthor99: it just says one of my hard disks are failing08:30
ravionrailsi think it's problem with nano or what08:31
ravionrailsssh pasting in terminal in a file08:31
KaptenRodSkaggthor99>> BusyBox starts (initramfs)08:31
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: there are guides. It's not an easy job08:31
thor99If you indeed have bad sectors on your drive you'll need to run FSCK on it from a terminal08:32
bullgard4iFrenzy: Banshee still plays a song.08:32
thor99see the man page on FSCK or ask me for some parameters.08:32
harvi_svk!install  | Alostsoul08:32
ubottuAlostsoul: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:32
iFrenzybullgard4: stop the song first then close maybe?08:32
Alostsoulokay ty08:33
iFrenzybullgard4: perhaps if you still have a song playing, it continues to run in the background because I know they have the controls programming into the volume controls at the top08:33
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: its far easier to clean install then restore settings from your backups08:33
Alostsoulthor99: any specific arguments? it didnt really say much with the basic fsck command08:33
thor99Agreed.  Clean installs are the best and the way to go.08:34
AlostsoulActionParsnip: how would i go about that? i dont have a disk only a 2gb pen drive, which i assume is too small to store the iso image?08:34
carnage1robinson carusoe08:35
iFrenzyAlostsoul: no definitely not the install files are less than 700mb08:35
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: iso is only 700mb08:35
thor99SOUL: You just said you had an HD with errors on it.08:35
Alostsoulokie dokie soooo, download the iso, put the image on th pend drive and re-format/clean install from iso?08:35
iFrenzythor99: I think he meant he didn't have any cd's to burn it to08:35
zrbeckerCan I remove the gtk decorations from the chromium browser? I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and Unity.08:36
Alostsoulno i dont have a cd just a 2gb usb, though i can boot from usb i think08:36
iFrenzyalostsoul: you can't just put the image on the drive you have to use the usb creater tool08:36
zrbeckerIf I run in classic mode, chromium appears normal.08:36
KaptenRodSkaggthor99>> shure clean installs work best. but my dual boot dont work so i think that my clean install wount work either..08:36
iFrenzyalostsoul: its called startup disk creator08:36
AlostsouliFrenzy: yes i seem to have that file on my pen drive already, let me go do some research and ill be back shortly08:37
harvi_svkzrbecker: i dont use chromium but isnt there an option to use themes? maybe it'll look better08:37
Alostsoulty for your help08:37
thor99KaptenroddSkagg: Are you using GRUB for your boot loader?08:37
iFrenzyharvi_svk: yeah they have themes the default is fugly08:37
steveccchas anyone got a kindle? - I am looking for software to convert pdf to kindle doc format - does anyone know of any?08:37
AlostsouliFrenzy: usb-creator is an exe :/08:38
zrbeckerharvi_svk, I just want it changed for the one app. Everything else loosk fine.08:38
iFrenzysteveccc: you don't need software believe it or not amazon will do it for you08:38
iFrenzysteveccc: go to your kindle page on amazon and they're will be a username for your kindle08:38
stevecccifrenzy: they will but they charge per mb to transfer it so I was ideally looking to convert on my laptop and copy via usb08:38
KaptenRodSkaggthor99>> i think so? standard 1104 bootloader, nothing changed08:38
zrbeckerhttp://imgur.com/a/uJKIe Here is a compare and contrast between unity and classic.08:38
thor99Cool, Ifrenzy.  I did not know that re: the Kindle.08:39
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: its in a default install. You don't need to download anything. Just run the command08:39
iFrenzysteveccc: it doesn't charge if the kindle is connected to wifi and you send it to yourkindleusername@free.kindle.com08:39
AlostsouliFrenzy: will that mean i have to use windows to sort it? i wanted to do it through ubuntu if possible08:39
AlostsoulActionParsnip: i dont understand, my usb-creator is an executable what command would it be?08:39
iFrenzyalostsoul: no there's a program in ubuntu called startup disk creator that will do it08:39
harvi_svkzrbecker: I mean this https://chrome.google.com/webstore?hl=en&category=theme. You can find simple but nice themes too08:40
iFrenzysteveccc: make sure you send it from your trusted email that's listed on your kindle page on amazon though08:40
bullgard4iFrenzy: Indeed, this is the solution. "It's a feature!" --  Thank you very much for your help.08:40
Alostsoulcan i have the command or location please?08:40
c0mrade316QUESTION: I want to execute LEX & YACC programs..Using ubuntu 10.10.. What all packages i should install ? Pls help08:40
zrbeckerAh thanks, you got me looking in the right area. Its under preferences>under the hood in chromium08:40
iFrenzybullgard4: you talking about the banshee thing?08:40
bullgard4iFrenzy: Yes sir.08:40
ohshizlgizen?DCC SEND "ultimatekeylogger2001edition.exe" 0 0 008:41
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.08:41
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: press alt+f2 and type: usb then wait. It will be suggested. Or you can install unetbootin and use that08:41
c0mrade316QUESTION: I want to execute LEX & YACC programs..Using ubuntu 10.10.. What all packages i should install ? Pls help08:41
iFrenzybullgard4: well thanks, glad I could help08:41
mr`vile?DCC SEND "ultimatekeylogger2001edition.exe" 0 0 008:41
bullgard4!patience | c0mrade31608:41
ubottuc0mrade316: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:41
stevecccifrenzy: oh ok - thanks - will try that out - does it work well in your experience - techy books with diagrams etc08:42
_Neytiri_i am having a issue with making a ssh tunnel08:42
_Neytiri_it use to work for me and i didnt change anythign and now i cant get it to work08:42
c0mrade316Sorry.. Ty :)08:42
AlostsoulActionParsnip: nothing showed up so i use apt-get unetbootin?08:42
thor99C0mrade: Have you tried doing an exhaustive google search on it?08:42
bullgard4!details | _Neytiri_08:42
ubottu_Neytiri_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:42
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: sudo apt-get install unetbootin08:43
_Neytiri_i am getting this error in the terminal channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused08:43
AlostsoulActionParsnip: ty08:43
_Neytiri_i am useing ssh -D 9999 -l USER IP08:43
iFrenzyalostsoul: sudo apt-get install unetbootin08:43
iFrenzyactionparsnip: sorry i didn't see that08:43
ActionParsnipAlostsoul: apt-get unetbootin  won't work08:43
AlostsouliFrenzy: :P ty08:44
schnuffleAlostsoul: Try http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/08:44
iFrenzythor99: isn't lubuntu for really old hardware08:44
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: see what?08:44
bullgard4_Neytiri_: You should replace USER with the current user's name.08:44
iFrenzyactionparsnip: I told him to put sudo and you had already told him08:44
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: not strictly08:45
KrupteinHey I'm packaging some .deb  where can I find which standars-version I have?08:45
_Neytiri_i replaced the username i connected to the server with with "USER" when i posted it for security reason08:45
thor99Ifrenzy: Yes and No.  It's optimized for speed with a lighter weight window manager, only loading necessary daemons, etc.  You should read for complete details08:45
iFrenzythor99: I suppose it would be great for vms08:46
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: lubuntu can be used on high end systems too. It is designed to use few resources so low end systems do benefit from using it over gnome08:46
thor99Ifrenzy: but yeah, i've always leaned on the side of desiring an OS that's lightweight.  Believe it or not, there is at least one Linux distro that can still run on an 808808:47
iFrenzythor99: what like puppy or something?08:47
c0mrade316QUESTION: What is the diff b/w flex and flex-old08:47
thor99Heh, ActionParsnip cuts my detail level to readable :)08:47
iFrenzythor99: and if you like lightweight I got an xp install cd that's only 100mb08:47
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: similar but ubuntu based, although lucid puppy can use ubuntu repos. Very strange08:48
KrupteinActionParsnip: do you know how I can find the current standards-version (packaging)08:48
thor99IFrenzy: Ohh good grief, I do so much damn reading I'd have to look into it..08:48
iFrenzythor99: I use it for running netflix on linux08:48
_Neytiri_bullgard4,  any idea why i cant get it to work?08:48
thor99OK.. here's a decent article:08:49
_Neytiri_it use to work and now it doesnt and nothing hcanged that i am aware of08:49
thor99or a good article, rather:   http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=72799108:49
ActionParsnipKruptein: not something I've done. I know checkinstall can make deb from compiled source08:49
thor99ugh... TinyURL would have come in handy08:49
KrupteinActionParsnip: okay thanks anyway08:49
iFrenzyI just clicked the link...08:50
coconutz$a=echo $1 | sed -e 's/[^[:alnum:]|-]//g'08:50
coconutzideas how to fix it?08:50
bullgard4_Neytiri_: My idea is that the error should reflect in an error log. I was searching for you where this log is. So far I have not yet succeeded.08:50
MarkAngHey all.08:50
coconutzi want to strip from url the chars and get it into a valid folder name08:50
thor99morning Mark08:50
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: also look into slitaz and tinycore if you want light and fast :). Xpud boots really fast and is pretty good too :x08:51
_Neytiri_a increased load on the server shouldnt cause it tho?08:51
schnufflecoconutz: which chars?08:51
danielok so lets say its root/user/userone is user the parent directory or is root?08:51
iFrenzyActionparsnip: all my stuff is atleast dual core, I don't have any 8088 or 8086's laying around08:51
coconutzurl2folder name08:51
coconutzwithout http08:52
joostvQuestion: I have no HDMI sound output, aplay -l output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613095/. Been searching for a solution for a while now but couldn't find anything.08:52
iFrenzyjoostv: have you went to sound settings and changed it from analog to digital?08:52
ActionParsnipiFrenzy: they run on nice fast cpus too08:52
MarkAngI have a question (not very urgent, would like an answer though) about grub. I want to remove my ubuntu install (because it´s taking up my last two primary partitions), but when I delete it I also delete grub, making my windows unavailable. Would any of you recommend any software to reinstall the windows 7 MBR again, from within windows?08:52
iFrenzymarkang: download easybcd08:52
MarkAngI´ve heard about that, does it actually delivers what it promises?08:53
joostviFrenzy: there's no such option in the sound preferences08:53
iFrenzymarkang: yes it does, I just used it 3 days ok on my wife's computer as a matter of fact08:53
iFrenzymarkang: http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=108:53
MarkAngAlrighty, already installed EasyBCD.08:53
Alostsoulokay thanks again guys im feeling pretty optimistic, ive managed to get unetbootin to copy the iso over the usb so hopefully afetr switching the boot order on my bios everything should run smoothly, cant wait to be back ubuntu full time XD08:53
KaptenRodSkagganyone haveing a ide to find SATA disk in boot menu?08:53
Alostsoulhappy happy08:53
MarkAngJust wanted to hear if it was any good.08:53
MarkAngThanks iFrenzy!08:54
iFrenzymarkang: well then just click on whichever version of windows you have to replace the mbr and you should be fine08:54
thor99MarkAng: Put in the Windows7 Install Disk, hit F10 at bootup, repair the master boot record08:54
iFrenzythor99: easybcd is way quicker and you don't have to have an install cd08:54
MarkAngI have no install disk. Not anymore, at least. I think I´ll go with iFrenzy´s solution ;-)08:54
iFrenzythor99: not to mention with most of the computers they sell these days they don't even give you a windows cd08:55
MarkAngThanks, gentlemen.08:55
thor99IFrenzy: Thanks dude, I'll have to check that out!08:55
thor99IFrenzy: So true.  I'm so used to having my retail copy it's like 2nd nature.08:56
thor99IFrenzy: However, it's a pipe-dream, but it'd be a great day when Windows is eclipsed in popularity08:57
thor99by linux08:57
JanetPis there a better alternate for DIA .. or even better quality shapes for dia?08:58
iFrenzythor99: it already has in some countries, and I hate buying software hence I always use linux or perhaps some version of windows you'd find on a pirate's leg08:58
ActionParsnipThor99: why? Linux is not always the answer08:59
thor99Ifrenzy: Yeah, I'm aware that China and India rely more on open source08:59
iFrenzythor99: and a lot of underdeveloped countries as well08:59
ActionParsnipThor99: users should use the OS to suit their needs08:59
thor99ActionParsnip: That's the problem.. think in a different paradigm where Windows isn't de facto standard and on top.09:00
iFrenzyI do wish they would improve the wine functionaility09:00
thor99Action: Let's compare the security of Linux to Windows, tho09:01
ActionParsnipThor99: that is moot. If mac can do the systems intended job better than windows and linux and money is no object. Why choose Linux when it is the inferior choice, and so on09:02
thor99We haven't defined enough for the point to be moot!09:03
thor99I see your point, and I agree with you.  I see the OS as a tool to get the job done09:04
thor99but, when some tools are more polished and sophisticated than others are09:04
schnufflecoconutz: sed -e '{s/http:\/\///g;s/[^[:alnum:]|-]//g}'09:04
ActionParsnipThor99: the OS should be chosen on merit, not Linux because you happen to like it09:04
ActionParsnipThor99: so it is moot09:05
thor99What do you think I'm describing?09:05
newubuntui was wondering if anyone likes to program in c on ubuntu?09:07
ActionParsnipThor99: you want more users to use Linux than windows. That's fine. It may happen but not all needs are met by one OS so whichever OS is used more isn't terribly interesting as people will use the OS suiting what they want the system for09:07
schnufflenewubuntu: not me, but there're a lot09:08
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
GASUZAURIOHola a todos09:08
schnuffle!sp | GASUZAURIO09:08
GASUZAURIO<schnuffle> haber si me puedes orientar con algo09:09
A_JHello All, Can Someone Recommend me a Copy Paste Handler for Ubuntu. something like teracopy on the windows side.09:09
schnuffle!es | GASUZAURIO09:09
ubottuGASUZAURIO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:09
newubuntuon windows i used to write code on a program called "Turbo C" but on ubuntu all i have is the terminal, i want a similar program for ubuntu09:09
coz_A_J,   what issues are you having with copy paste functions on ubuntu now?09:09
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
joostvQuestion: I have no HDMI sound output, aplay -l output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613095/. Been searching for a solution for a while now but couldn't find anything.09:10
ActionParsnip!ide | newubuntu09:10
ubottunewubuntu: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator09:10
A_Jhey coz_  nothing much, but i want something to que files as i add them. Plus the current handler stops without any reason09:10
newubuntuactionparsnip: what?09:11
coz_joostv,  you might also want to log onto both the #alsa channel and #pulseaudio,,09:11
ActionParsnipNewubuntu those are guis to help code09:11
joostvcoz_: I'll do that right away, thank you09:11
newubuntuubottu: m actually a beginner, so please could u enlighten me on everything uve written after emacs :P ??09:11
ubottunewubuntu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:11
flowbeeonce you set the rc.locals or whatever to make the /etc/init.d/ script active on startup... if i modify the script do i need to redo that rc.locals command?09:12
schnufflenewubuntu: what do want to do with a IDE?09:12
A_Jcoz_,  something like this : http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/698/teracopy8026572zy6.gif09:12
newubuntuubottu: still!09:12
flowbeeor will it just work09:12
uriQuestion: how do I make my Ubuntu box to appear on the Windows network (Windows DNS server, Windows DHCP server, Windows peers)?09:12
schnuffleflowbee: no09:13
newubuntuubotto: what is umbrello?09:13
schnuffle!samba | uri09:13
ubottuuri: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:13
iFrenzyok this is weird, I just put a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 on my other laptop and now when it comes up i log in and i can see the background and pointer but unity never loans09:13
schnufflenewubuntu: ubottu is a roboter09:13
coz_A_J,  check out glipper   let me see if I can find a link09:14
newubuntuschnuffle: whats a roboter"09:14
A_Jnewubuntu,  a BOT as u=in robot09:14
TheLostSoulokay im back, for some reason my computer wouldnt boot from the usb, i tried in 3 different orders as my bios has the following usb boot options - USB-FDD/USB-ZIP/USB-CD-ROM but neone of the 3 booted, i ran the unetboot and coppied the ubuntu-1386.iso over to the usb in the proper manner, anyone have any ideas as why my PC doesnt boot into the usb?09:14
schnufflenewubuntu: it's a script that can be triggered to do some output, so when I use !ot ubottu will write a message to the channel09:14
iFrenzyand ideas on unity not loading?09:14
A_Jcoz_,  glipper is a clipboard manager mate09:15
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:15
newubuntuoh i see09:15
avernosin 11.04 i cant find under appareance the tab that was used to effects. how can i access this?09:16
urischnuffle, ubottu: I'm not  even talking about file sharing. Just simple DNS recognition, so I can ping, ssh (and later git) from Windows peer machines09:16
TheLostSoulokay im back, for some reason my computer wouldnt boot from the usb, i tried in 3 different orders as my bios has the following usb boot options - USB-FDD/USB-ZIP/USB-CD-ROM but neone of the 3 booted, i ran the unetboot and coppied the ubuntu-1386.iso over to the usb in the proper manner, anyone have any ideas as why my PC doesnt boot into the usb?09:16
=== nonz is now known as temporarytao
zatanHi can I downgrade Intel graphics drivers?09:16
coz_A_J,  right it is  ,, however I was assuming when you said "copy paste"  you meant clipboard managers... at this point I am confused,,09:17
TheLostSoulmy usb currently has the same files it had before and there is no ISO image, it has wubi.exe which confuses me a little09:17
schnuffleuri: only thing is setup up your network correctly. Do you have a IP already?09:17
A_Jcoz_,  to copy paste files mate.09:17
temporarytaohey, can anyone tell me how i can use bzr to generate a .diff file and then apply a patch using that file?09:17
schnuffletemporarytao: check http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr-0.9/tutorial.html09:18
A_Jcoz_,  how we use ctlr +c and crtl + v to copy paste folders and files..09:18
urischnuffle: Do have an IP. Able to ping to IP address. However, doesn't appear in DNS server. I've seen many discussion on dhcp3 configuration files, but no luck.09:18
logeshin which software i can convert one video format into another?(eg:avi format to 3gp).09:18
TheLostSoulanyone with knowedge of installing ubuntu from usb pendrive? please09:18
gugluhey guys09:18
schnuffleuri: paste sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf09:18
guglusomeone help me, i am in a terrible situation09:19
temporarytaoschnuffle, i've checked but i can't find a lead.09:19
gugluthe grub loader loads09:19
guglui choose ubuntu09:19
gugluand then blank screen09:19
guglunothing happens09:19
FloodBot1guglu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:19
guglusomeone please help me, :(09:19
coz_A_J,  so you want more of a file manager  than a clipboard manager ....yes?09:19
TheLostSoulguglu: when did the problem start? did ubuntu work before hand? how did you install ubuntu?09:19
gugluproblem startted today when i switched on my computer09:20
guglui installed ubuntu 1 year ago09:20
A_Jyes. coz_  but something which replaces the current copy manager in ubuntu.. Yes a Filemanager09:20
TheLostSoulguglu: so ubuntu was working before today? did you update to natty?09:20
logeshfriends someone help me.09:20
gugluit was all working fine. but i think the sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade has caused issue which i did yesterdasy09:20
newubuntudoes anyone here think that 10.10 was better than 11.04?09:20
guglubut after update and upgrade i was working on my computer and everything was fine :(09:20
guglui am in a terrible situation, trying to fix it for the past 4 hours now :(09:21
gugluand i am at work!09:21
gugluyes, you are right TheLostSoul , but i didnt upgrade to natty09:21
TheLostSoulguglu: they are for packages i believe though you could have installed something dodgey, im not too sure about grub loader though, have you tried recovery/root mode?09:22
guglujust sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:22
uri[sudo] password for uri:09:22
uri# Generated by NetworkManager09:22
uridomain rnd.confidela09:22
urisearch rnd.confidela09:22
FloodBot1uri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
guglurecovert mode also hangs TheLostSoul09:22
TheLostSoulguglu: sudo upgrade is an upgrade to natty09:22
guglui have tried adding init=/bin/bash in the grub loader and then bash loads, but what then ?09:22
gugluTheLostSoul: ohh :( :(: (09:22
schnuffleuri: can you ping the IP's of the nameservers?09:22
guglusudo apt-get upgrade is what i did09:23
gugluwhy did i do that :(09:23
guglucan i not undo those things now TheLostSoul  ? :(09:23
TheLostSoulguglu: the initransf might load as a last resort but unless your a techie im presuming you wont be able to diagnose the issue, you might need to force a package to finish or something09:23
iFrenzyhey when you're installing ubuntu and it asks you if you want to encrypt you're home directory, what exactly does that mean?09:23
schnuffletemporarytao: check http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr-0.9/tutorial.html09:23
datalaywho knows what is Slowloris.pl?09:24
schnuffletemporarytao: sorry check this http://old.nabble.com/bazaar---how-to-make-a-patch-td27199220.html09:24
TheLostSouliFrenzy: my usb does load after using the unetboot and copying the iso to the pen drive09:24
gugluTheLostSoul: no, i am not a linux guru09:24
urischnuffle: able to ping09:24
iFrenzythelostsoul: great09:24
TheLostSouliFrenzy: wait sorry it DOESNT09:25
guglunow what are the options available ? please tell me. reinstalling is the last option. maybe to 10.1009:25
A_Jcoz_,  well ?09:25
TheLostSoulguglu: im brand new to ubuntu too my friend, iwas hoping by taking some information from you a guru might take over :P09:25
logeshthelostsoul, in software i can convert one video format into another.09:25
schnuffleuri: so what happens when you do a: ping google.com09:26
iFrenzythelostsoul: and you're sure the bios is set to boot from the usb first?09:26
uriable to ping everything FROM the ubuntu box TO everything else, including pinging by name.09:26
coz_A_J,  there are many "file managers"  as well as  a few  clipboard managers,, all I can say is to search through them,,, although I rarely tell people to google,,  i would simply use the search string      linux  file managers  to see what comes up09:26
toperHi all, I have a problem with the back light on a toshiba Satellite A500, where is the right place to log this issue?09:26
iFrenzyhey guys, on a 200gb hard drive if you're doing separate partitions for home and root how much space should you assign to each?09:26
topersorry, by back litgh I mena the keyboard back light...09:27
urischnuffle: problem is pinging FROM peer Windows machine to the Ubunto box (by name. by IP works).09:27
schnuffleuri:  so your DNS resolving works09:27
TheLostSouliFrenzy: ive tried 3 combinations of booting from usb all failed, it just hangs, my bios has USB-FDD/USB-ZIP/USB-CD-ROM, i am curious is i just put the ISO into the usb weather the cd-rom may work?09:27
temporarytaoschnuffle, yes, i think the second one is it. thanks09:27
schnuffleuri: you need a local DNS that can resolve the names09:27
uriWhen going to Windows box, and trying to do: nslookup <ubunto by name> I get cannot resolve.09:27
iFrenzythelostsoul: no that won't work you have to make it bootable09:27
stevecccifrenzy: sorry to be a pain in the ass but have converted that doc for kindle but my kindle is at home - do you know of software that will read the azw file to see how well it converts?09:28
TheLostSouliFrenzy: an iso is bootable?09:28
temporarytaoiFrenzy, i don't know about your setup but i have 15gb as my root and i think i'm just using 9gb of it so far.09:28
TheLostSouliFrenzy: i tried the unetboot and coppies it over to the pen drive but none of the usb boot options worked09:28
iFrenzysteveccc: an iphone09:28
sadakoSIR NATZ !!!!!!!!109:28
urischnuffle: I do have a DNS locally on my local network. Problem is that my ubuntu box isn't registered there. I don't know why. All other Windows boxes are there09:28
logeshiFrenzy. in software i can convert one video format into another.09:29
iFrenzysteveccc: really an iphone will do it, don't know of anything else perhaps kindle for pc if you can finagle it to work with wine unless you are running windows09:29
fnlcountdownlet's jam down guys until 11.10 is released: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw09:29
stevecccifrenzy: no prob - thanks09:29
iFrenzyif i set my root to 30gbs and i need more space later, can i resize them without reinstalling09:30
schnuffleuri: is it a real DNS server or something in a DSL-Router?09:30
TheLostSoulanybody got knowledge of installing ubuntu from a USB pen drive please?09:30
george_how long does it take you guys to get the android sdk emulator started?09:31
logeshthelostsoul, s09:31
temporarytaoiFrenzy, i think you can use gparted for that but it specifically warns of data losses when resizing partitions tho09:31
Dekanshello, someone using transmission-daemon with the web interface here ?09:31
fnlcountdownTheLostSoul: It's pretty straight forward.09:31
toperandroid emulator aroun 5 min to me09:31
temporarytaoTheLostSoul, how many times have you created your usb booter?09:31
temporarytaomaybe its a bad write and you just have to do it agian09:31
urischnuffle: it is a very real DNS server: Window server 2008. The DHCP service is on the same box.09:31
george_toper, ohh, it's not just me then, why the hell does it take soo long, for me I haven't even gotten it to load yet09:32
logesh<temporarytao>,  in software i can convert one video format into another.09:32
DekansI jsut installed transmission-daemon but it's not accessible from the Internet, on localhost it works fine09:32
TheLostSoultemporarytao: just once, i guess it kinda un-compresses the ISO image into a bootable format but the files i see in the directory of my USB dont seem bootable, how is an exe bootable? wouldnt the iso image be more bootable?09:32
temporarytaologesh, can you clarify? are you looking for what program to use to convert one video format to another?09:33
schnuffleuri: Aaah, Okay thats a totally different thing. Not shure how to tweak the Windows stuff, it's possible but I don't know how.09:33
TheLostSoulfnlcountdown: how so? could it be my computer then? becasue i followed the steps and after trying to boot from usb my computer hung in all 3 instances09:33
temporarytaoTheLostSoul, you need a bootable usb creator to make a live usb09:33
iFrenzyso no one ever answered me, what are the advantages to encrypting your home folder09:34
logesh<temporarytao>, yes i need the software .eg(avi format to 3gp).09:34
TheLostSoultemporarytao: i used unetboot09:34
DekansI just installed transmission-daemon but it's not accessible from the Internet, on localhost it works fine09:34
urischnuffle: Do you know anything about the Ubuntu: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf file? There are few pages on the Internet that suggests the problem is there.09:34
Dekanscan you help me ?09:34
fnlcountdownOh I think you may need to edit something. IIRC I did.09:34
schnuffletemporarytao: try http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/ I had a lot of probs with unetbootin09:34
DJonesTheLostSoul: It could also be a corrupt download iof the .iso, have you checked the md5sum of the iso you downloaded against what it should be09:34
fnlcountdownIt was some mislinked file.09:34
temporarytaoTheLostSoul, that sounds ok. maybe you should try again. sometimes it messes up the write09:34
fnlcountdownIt should tell you about that though rather than crashing, however..09:35
yabanizeI have ubuntu installed now, I want to dualboot with Windows XP, Whats the easiest way to setup the partitions09:35
iFrenzyencrypting home folder, advantages?09:35
TheLostSoulDJones: how do i check? & temporarytao, okay ill try that09:35
iFrenzyyabanize: the other way around is wayyy easier09:35
schnuffleuri: could be but I'm familliar enough with it. I have  Win2008 servers running but the DNS is made by my linux boxes09:35
logesh <temporarytao>, yes i need the software .eg(avi format to 3gp).09:35
temporarytaoTheLostSoul, try also playing around with the usb settings at your bios. i think you turn off usb legacy compatibility or something...09:35
A_Jthanks coz_09:35
uriOK Thanks.09:35
DJones!md5sum | TheLostSoul09:36
ubottuTheLostSoul: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:36
TheLostSoultemporarytao: okie dokie ill have another look in my bios before anything else09:36
temporarytaologesh, you can try avidemux. but i've to warn you, there's a lot of hit and miss involved09:36
coz_A_J,  hope you find what you  need guy,, :)09:36
yabanizeThey need to make a UWII instead of Wubi09:36
fnlcountdowniFrenzy: Enhanced privacy? lol. I remember a news story about someone with linux and home folder encryption.09:36
temporarytaoTheLostSoul, ok09:36
bullgard4[Natty] '~$ sudo lshw -class memory; *-memory: description: System Memory. slot: System board or motherboard. size: 1GiB; capacity: 1GiB.' How does lshw determine the "capacity"?09:37
yabanizeI would love to stay with ubuntu but im missing my windows apps and wine doesnt cut it09:37
logesh<temporarytao>, what do u mean by hit and mis.i can't understand.09:37
temporarytaologesh, things do not usually work out as you expect. you'll have to play around with the settings to get what you want.09:37
iFrenzyyabanize: run microxp in virtualbox09:37
DJonesTheLostSoul: Once you've got the md5sum for teh iso you've downloaded, you can check against this list (assuming its 11.04)09:38
yabanizeNo, I need dualboot09:38
yabanizeI do have xp installed in virtualbox though09:38
temporarytaoyabanize, what apps are you missing?09:38
iFrenzyyabanize: what programs are you missing?09:38
yabanizePhotoshop, Visual Studio, Ovi Suite09:38
iFrenzylol well then09:38
iFrenzyalthough photoshop will work with some tinkering09:38
logesh<temporarytao>, ok friend send me the link to download avidemux.09:39
yabanizeOh and my steam games09:39
wckdTry aptitude install avidemux09:39
iFrenzylol well yeah you need windows09:39
yabanizeSo how do i partition now from ubuntu09:39
iFrenzywckd: what does the aptitude command have over apt-get?09:39
yabanizewithout formatting the whole drive09:39
temporarytaologesh, use the ubuntu software manager09:39
temporarytaosearch for it there09:39
iFrenzyyabanize: I've never done it personally I've always did it the opposite way so I wouldn't want to try to tell you and you lose all your stuff09:40
datalayhow can i upgrade my system to 11.0409:40
datalayiam using 10.0409:40
abaknet@iFrenzy u just need apps that run on windoze not windoze it self;)09:40
yabanizeIs GParted no longer included in ubuntu?09:40
iFrenzydatalay: you have to update to 10.10 then to 11.04 or do a fresh install of 11.0409:40
temporarytaodatalay, if you're really sure: sudo apt-get upgrade -d09:41
temporarytaodatalay, oh yeah, follow iFrenzy's suggestion. you have to upgrade to 10.10 first.09:41
fnlcountdowndatalay: IMO it's always best to start with a fresh install. I'm 1/10 for upgrading ubuntu so far.09:41
temporarytaobut its probably best all around to fresh install09:41
iFrenzyfnlcountdown: yeah the last time i upgraded I couldn't get chrome to work at all09:42
temporarytaoalso, make sure you know what you're getting into with 11.04. a lot of people are not to happy about it09:42
yabanizeI guess ill just format with windows and do wubi later09:42
iFrenzylol i'd recommend installing gnome 3 and getting rid of unity09:42
yabanizeI havent really got much in ubuntu at the moment09:42
iFrenzyyabanize: I'd recommend doing dual boot and not wubi09:42
yabanizeOr just use the 'Ubuntu Classic Mode'09:43
yabanizeWhy iFrenzy09:43
temporarytaoyabanize, i'm with iFrenzy. dual boot is better than wubi09:43
yabanizeHow is dualboot better09:43
iFrenzywubi seems to act funny with a lot of drivers and stuff09:43
jstooneHey everyone! I'm going to do a presentation in a while, and we use a projector which uses a standard monitor plug (the blue one)09:43
yabanizeLol i had alot of problems with drivers as it is09:43
jstooneHey everyone! I'm going to do a presentation in a while, and we use a projector which uses a standard monitor plug (the blue one) how do make natty connect?09:44
iFrenzyjstoone: congradulations...09:44
jstooneiFrenzy: haha.. funny xD09:44
temporarytaoyabanize, with wubi, your root is actually mixed in with your windows directories. imagine what would happen if someone messed up and deleted your linux folders09:44
jstooneiFrenzy: I pressed enter to soon..09:44
yabanizeYeah i guess so09:44
temporarytaoalso, if you just want to explore linux and not go all out, just run from a live usb.09:45
iFrenzyyou should just plug it in and you'll have dual screen or it might mirror default but go into monitor settings and click off mirror and drag your presentation onto the right screen and whoaloah09:45
yabanizeI couldnt get my laptop to boot from usb09:45
yabanizeso cd for me09:45
temporarytaoyabanize, booting from cd won't save your session changes though09:45
yabanizeNeither with usb09:45
iFrenzyyabanize: it will if you install it to the usb, like stick the cd in and pick the usb as your hard drive to install it to09:46
yabanizeOh yeah09:46
ubuntui have installed few programs on pendrive09:46
temporarytaoyabanize, actually, you can. you just have to enable persistence09:46
ubuntuis possible to copy it to hd ?09:46
temporarytaoubuntu, no09:47
ubuntuor install ubuntu on hd with this programs ?09:47
iFrenzyhey whats the chat command to see when the last time someone was in here was?09:47
jstooneI know I asked this a bit ago, but how do I connect to an external monitor?09:47
ubuntui dont have internet in 2 computer so i can download and install only on pendrive09:48
iFrenzyjstoone: plug it in and it should work, but you might have to tweak the resolution settings09:48
jstooneiFrenzy: I tried for some time ago, but it didn't do anything :S09:48
yabanizeI did like when i had multiple workspaces on ubuntu and virtualbox with xp in fullscreen on one of them, that was cool09:48
iFrenzygo to monitor settings and hit detect displays09:49
jstooneiFrenzy: Thanks!09:49
iFrenzyjstoone: thanks09:49
iFrenzylol i just realized i'm semi good at this help stuff as long as the questions aren't too complicated l09:49
temporarytaoubuntu, if you install it on your pendrive and you have persistence (is that the right term) enabled, it should still be there the next time you boot from your usb09:50
temporarytaoiFrenzy, same here. :) haven't helped out here in a while though09:50
iFrenzywhy would you have to have persistence if it was installed on the pen drive?09:50
ubuntutemporarytao,  yes but i need it on harddisk in 2 computer without pendrive09:51
pkoany channel where can i trade for hacking stuff ?09:51
temporarytaoiFrenzy, because, if it does not persist, the next time you boot, the installed programs are gone.09:51
temporarytaoubuntu, you can download .deb files for that then09:51
iFrenzyI know, but wouldn't it be better just to use an install cd and install the system to the pen drive instead of running it like a live cd09:52
temporarytaoubuntu, but you really should try and connect to the internet once in a while to pull the latest updates09:52
ubuntutemporarytao, yes but when i use apt-get install -d i got packages are installed in newest version09:52
temporarytaoiFrenzy, that's one way to go. but you need a bigger capacity usb for that. the thing with a live usb is that its good even with only 2gb09:53
ubuntuand dont download deb09:53
iFrenzythat's true09:53
pkodoes anyone knows any channel/server where i can find valid credit cards ?09:53
DJonespko: Thats not appropriate for this channel09:53
ubuntuiFrenzy,  i use now a ubuntu from pendrive 4gb and it works ok and i can install all09:54
iFrenzylol i use to have a livecd on a pendrive in high school so i could boot the computers into ubuntu so i could bypass the internet babysitter programs09:54
sveinseHow can I start a upstart service with a separate UID?09:54
temporarytaoubuntu, no, you need to find .deb packages for the programs you want to install.09:54
temporarytaoubuntu, try this link: http://www.getdeb.net/welcome/09:54
iFrenzybtw, the screen name ubuntu wasn't reserved?09:54
ubuntutemporarytao,  i find on ubuntu.packages.org09:54
pkoon what channel i have to go ?09:54
ubuntubut its not easy to download all packages09:55
temporarytaoubuntu, look for the files you want from there. download it, go back to your offline box and then double click to install (just like windows ") )09:55
joostvQuestion: I have no HDMI sound output, aplay -l output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613095/. Been searching for a solution for a while now but couldn't find anything.09:55
joostvand here's my alsa-info http://paste.ubuntu.com/613101/09:55
joostvand here's my alsa-info http://paste.ubuntu.com/613101/09:55
FloodBot1joostv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
DJonespko: No idea, but anything illegal isn't appropriate for the freenode network itself09:55
iFrenzya big mac would be really good atm09:55
bullgard4!details | Conan17909:55
ubottuConan179: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:55
ubuntui need openjdk package but in getdeb i dont see09:56
fishspongehey people... i have Ubuntu Server installed and plugged in via a very old nvidia card with a VGA lead into my HD TV... the best resolution I can select is 1024x768... which is the wrong aspect ratio...09:56
fishspongeand i cannot find a utility that lets me change the resolution... how can i do that?09:56
iFrenzypko: get the fuck out man, I normally try to keep in clean on here, but I hate scum like you09:56
pkoi understand but it must be a channel for hacking stuff somewhere09:56
pkoi will out chill out09:57
iFrenzypko: and if i knew one i would report it and you to the police09:57
ubuntutemporarytao,  i can find on pendrive deb package if i install it at moment? in some temp folder ?09:57
DJonespko: There probably is, but its illegal and not allowed on the network09:57
notostraca2pko: try asking someone you can contact at fbi.gov09:58
notostraca2i am sure they will just LOVE to help09:58
temporarytaoubuntu, you just download it like you would a windows installer. you don't even have to boot to ubuntu to download it. what you'll get is a file with the extension .deb.09:58
pkoi'm  police man people09:58
iFrenzypko: sure.... lol09:59
thrillERboyHi, My Mouse Freezes on Install.. I guess its the problem with my Inter D102 Motherboard, How to solve it?09:59
temporarytaoyou can then bring that to your computer, double click and it will hopefully install. take note, it might have to pull some dependencies which will need an internet connection09:59
notostraca2they get dumber and dumber every day...09:59
pkothat's right09:59
temporarytaothrillERboy, you tried removing then plugging back?09:59
iFrenzypko: well I have ur ip and i'm forwarding it to the fbi, I'm sure they'll be able to sort out if you're police or not09:59
ubuntutemporarytao,  yes i know i install now openjdk on pendrive, maby synaptic have in temporary folder this deb's09:59
pkoanyway some heroin where i can find09:59
thrillERboyyes temporarytao I have this problem forever09:59
tsimpsonlet's move on09:59
iFrenzydid someone block him?10:00
thrillERboyI literally tried like 20 times10:00
temporarytaoubuntu, try that link i gave you10:00
ubuntuyes i check and no openjdk ther10:00
temporarytaothrillERboy, what kind of mouse have you got?10:00
thrillERboyI tried with both PS2 Logintech and USB Dell10:00
bullgard4According to Ikhaya Oneiric UDS recommends to priorize Thunderbird for Evolution. What is the reason?10:00
temporarytaoubuntu, try searching google for openjdk deb installer10:00
thrillERboyAll two black mouse :D10:01
iFrenzybullgard4: a lot of people prefer thunderbird10:01
iFrenzybullgard4: but do you know if it has a built in calendar?10:01
temporarytaothrillERboy, both are ps2?10:01
ubuntutemporarytao,  openjdk need many another packages i dont know how auto download it all10:01
thrillERboyNo temporarytao I tried with both USB and ps2 mouse, both behaves the same way10:01
thrillERboyIf I pop in ubuntu 8.04, it works fine... but the latest version of ubuntus are having problem.10:02
temporarytaoubuntu, yep, that's a problem. :) i recommend you bring your machine somewhere where you can get online and install from there. i'm sure there's a solution to this, though. i'm just not hardcore enough for it10:02
bullgard4iFrenzy: Is this reason enough? --  I did not use Thunderbird often. I believe that I have heard that Thuderbirds now supports collaborative working better, and this should include a calendar.10:02
ashmew2_Hi, im copying a 2.6 GB file to a USB Drive , but the file operation is hanging at 0 Seconds Left..2.6 GB of 2.6 GB Copied...any advice on how to complete the process?10:02
temporarytaothrillERboy, maybe an incompatibility problem. is it getting detected?10:03
MonkeyDustashmew2_: use rsync for large files10:03
ashmew2_MonkeyDust how ?10:03
thrillERboyHow to check that temporarytao ?? The cursor appears, but doesn't moves.10:03
szalashmew2_: if the file system on the USB drive is FAT32, max file size is 2 GB10:03
MonkeyDustrsync file source target10:03
MonkeyDustashmew2_: rsync file source target10:04
iFrenzyyou know what pisses me off, you install ubuntu and it still has to download a gazillion files in the setup process, would they just put it on a dvd already10:04
ashmew2_szal:but the files have to be read by a DVD player , anything except FAT32 wont work..10:04
ashmew2_MonkeyDust , thanks , im on it10:04
=== plum__ is now known as plum
thrillERboyiFrenzy, They can't put those mp3 codecs due to legal issue I guess10:04
szalashmew2_: then you're out of luck10:04
plumhi guys10:04
temporarytaoiFrenzy, a lot of those files you have to download are restricted. ubuntu can't put it on their installers without getting sued :)10:04
ashmew2_szal: No way ?>10:04
plumI just reinstalled grub, and it tells me... Cannot find list of partitions !10:05
fretegiwhat does it mean when the ubuntu live cd stops loading at a command line that says <initramfs>   /10:05
szalashmew2_: no10:05
plumcan someone help me fix this?10:05
iFrenzylol but they can have you download them during the install?10:05
bullgard4!grub2 | plum10:05
ubottuplum: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:05
thrillERboyis there anyway, I can login with commandi prompt with ubuntu bootable USB?10:06
iFrenzyubottu on it again lol10:06
ubottuiFrenzy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:06
iFrenzyubottu i'm fully aware of that10:06
ubottuiFrenzy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:06
ouyeshow to make the computer remember all the running application when shut down, so that next time I can boot in and the system open the application automaticlly?10:06
szalouyes: set session type to Last Saved (should be configurable either in the display manager or in the logout dialog)10:08
bullgard4ouyes: System > Preferences > Startup Applications > (Startup Prefernces Applications) > Options > Automatically remember running applications whenlogging out > Assert.10:08
ouyesbullgard4, it is logging out, I mean when I shut down the system/10:09
bullgard4ouyes: I do not understand you. Say it in other words, please.10:10
BlehTMTo install java i downloaded the self extracting file and extracted successfully to /usr/bin/java/.  Now I'm trying to open the ControlPanel which I can see using ls, but when I type ./ControlPanel it says no such file or directory? (totally new to linux, using tinycore but i'm guessing it's the same idea)10:10
ouyesbullgard4, I mean there are some applications running right now in my computer, I am about to shut down the system then boot , I hope when I boot again , the system will  open all the applications I open last time/10:11
bullgard4ouyes: Yes. And I gave you the recipe for solving this task.10:12
whatwhatw00ti've created a new user and i set his home dir, now everything that i put on my home dir i see on my desktop, how can i fix that?10:13
ouyesbullgard4, it said, it is for logging out but I need shut down, I think logging out is different from shut down?10:13
ouyesbullgard4, ok wait a few minutes I will reboot to see if you  are right10:14
whatwhatw00ti want to show file on my desktop only those that i put in the desktop dir10:14
szalouyes: no, it isn't, in order to shut down you need to log out first, so on shutdown you're automatically logged out10:14
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iFrenzydoes keyring hold anything besides passwords to wifi networks?10:15
aureianimusiFrenzy, i know it holds svn passwords as well10:16
voxcrmbjr tout le monde10:16
aureianimuswait, no, usernames10:16
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skilzhey how do I set a mysql username and password?10:16
iFrenzyjust wondering up until 11.04 it was really annoying because it would ask you for your keyring password every time you logged on to get on your wifi network10:16
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=== hacknet is now known as newbies
schnuffleskilz: use phpmyadmin or mysql10:19
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Samo502i heard a little while back that ubuntu 11.10 will have(or at least give the option of) using a Gnome 3 desktop, is that true?10:19
iFrenzysamo502: I heard that too and I definitely hope so10:20
iFrenzysamo502: you can get it on 11.04 through a ppa are you interested?10:20
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Samo502iFrenzy: i did look into it after i heard about it10:20
TScorpZhi do i get help for ubuntu here?10:21
Samo502iFrenzy: it seems more well put together than unity in a way10:21
TScorpZor is this a general chatroom and there's a special help channel10:21
Samo502TScorpZ: this is the ubuntu help channel so yeah10:21
iFrenzysamo502: oh yeah, unity blows10:21
skilzHow do I fix this? PHP does not have MySQL support enabled.?10:21
Samo502iFrenzy: i'll check up on that in google, i'm sure there's a guide or two around10:22
iFrenzyskilz: I'm thinking that doesn't really fall into the help provided in this channel10:22
Samo502skilz: you'll probably want to find a PHP help channel if not a webmaster help channel/forum10:22
iFrenzyyeah its like 4 commands in the terminal and a restart, i'm running it now it sgreat10:22
skilziFrenzy: I don't know where else to ask sorr10:22
skilzits for apache10:23
schnuffleskilz: install php mysql support with sudo apt-get install php5-mysql10:23
iFrenzyskilz: I've got a friend that could probably help you but i'm quite sure he's asleep10:23
TScorpZSystemError: Failed to fetch http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/update-notifier/update-notifier-common_0.111ubuntu2_all.deb The HTTP server sent an invalid Content-Range header [IP: 80] --> this happened when i tried to install a driver on my laptop. any fix for this ?10:23
skilzschnuffle: thanks10:24
iFrenzysamo502: http://techhamlet.com/2011/05/how-to-install-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-11-04/10:24
Samo502iFrenzy: i've got a softpedia article up on it already, thanks10:24
DJones!gnome3 | Samo50210:24
ubottuSamo502: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.10:24
iFrenzythey're more stable than unity was for me10:25
dobblegocan I make the 11.04 desktop look like the old style?10:25
DJones!classic | dobblego10:25
ubottudobblego: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.10:25
Samo502dobblego: yes, it's pretty easy10:26
dobblegook thanks10:26
iFrenzydobbiego: change to classic when you log in down at the bottom10:26
dobblegowhat about when running live?10:26
iFrenzydobbiego: now that's a good one i don't know10:26
=== Viliny_ is now known as Viliny
dobblegook cheers10:27
skilzschnuffle: Im still getting the same problem, anything else I need to do?10:28
newbiezhow do i connect my printer from my laptop through my desktop win 7?10:29
newbiezusing samba10:29
newbiezit seems its not working10:29
stercorHow do I change my password?  The current password contains special characters and nickserv can't identify it.10:30
schnuffleskilz: what kind of error?10:30
iFrenzyanyone know when alpha's and such are coming out for 11.10?10:30
Samo502iFrenzy: so after gnome 3 is installed it installs over unity and becomes the default? or does it take setting an option like using classic does?10:31
MonkeyDustiFrenzy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule10:31
llutziFrenzy: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/ubuntu-11-10-release-schedule/10:31
skilzschnuffle: PHP does not have MySQL support enabled.10:31
iFrenzysamo502: you won't be able to use gnome classic anymore and unity works for some and for some it doesn't10:31
Samo502iFrenzy: ah, well that's fine with me10:32
loculinuxola wpa<10:32
iFrenzysamo502: for me, unity still works but others claim it breaks their unity10:32
MonkeyDusti just do not like unity, use gnome10:32
skilzschnuffle: do i have to edit something in the apache configs?10:32
newbiezit there a room for newbies ubuntu users?10:32
schnuffleskilz: how do you use php? mod-php or cgi? Check the php.ini to see if the module is loaded10:32
iFrenzysamo502: its funny you're asking though because i'm in the process of putting gnome 3 on a laptop right now10:33
MonkeyDust!ask| newbiez10:33
ubottunewbiez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:33
Samo502iFrenzy: even if something does happen i really don't have much on this partition that i don't on my windows partition, so i can just reinstall ubuntu without much issue10:33
stercorskilz: schnuffle: Try compiling PHP with ./configure --with-mysql.10:33
iFrenzysamo502: have you watched videos on gnome 310:33
stercorThen write a short script that sends php_info() to the screen.10:33
Samo502iFrenzy: yeah i watched the ones on the gnome 3 site10:34
iFrenzysamo502: its really cool but takes a couple days of getting used to10:34
stercorphp_info tells what is in/supported.10:34
stercorYou'll also have to include the php...so module in httpd.conf.10:34
stercoras in the LoadModule directive.10:35
newbiezhow do i connect my printer from my laptop through my desktop win 7? -- samba detects my desktop but cant connect my printer10:36
stercorIt's described on PHP, MySQL (most likely), and Apache pages.  Or search the Internet with the proper parameters.10:36
stercorI user PostgreSQL and had few problems installing it.10:37
TheLostSoul<--- just got the live CD, WOOT10:37
TheLostSoulthank god, time to re-install10:38
=== newbiez is now known as HongKong_ellery
HongKong_ellerythis will be really difficult for me to connect my printer10:39
MonkeyDustHongKong_ellery: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/PrinterSharing10:40
HongKong_elleryMonkeyDust,  thanks10:41
HongKong_elleryi have tryed alot10:41
dydhi all10:41
BlehTMCould someone tell me why this doesn't work?  http://i.imgur.com/6T8YI.jpg10:41
HongKong_elleryim not to elite10:41
dydi have a problem with a pdf and printing on a310:41
Toxik1983Hello, I have been running Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS for a while now and I performed an aptitude safe-upgrade instead of apt-get upgrade, which upgraded to the generic-pae kernel for me. Is it a problem that I am no longer running a server kernel?10:41
dydi can't find a software that has good functions for printing pdf files...10:42
gugluHi guys10:42
guglui am still stuck10:42
guglusomeone PLEASE help me10:42
sirlarkHi all, I had lucid NFSroot boot over network using PXE on a cluster of machines at my uni. I chrooted into the exported filesystem and did a general update, and now the cluster machines won't boot. The initrd loads fine, but boot fails when the rootfs needs to be mounted over NFS. Boot just stops, I can't find any error messages. Any ideas?10:42
gugluwhen i switch on the PC, the login screen is not coming, just a blank black screen comes. it was all fine untill yesterday. (i did sudo apt-get upgrade yesterday, that seems to cause the issue)10:42
notostraca2guglu, were you using Wubi?10:43
MonkeyDustguglu: try booting in recovery mode10:43
notostraca2I remember reading about a bug in older versions of Wubi that meant you shouldn't upgrade the grub package10:44
Samo502correct me if i'm wrong, but windows' boot manager always boots from a CD if one is available, correct?10:44
guglui dont even know what Wubi is10:44
notostraca2guglu, it is a windows installer for ubuntu10:45
gugluMonkeyDust: with recovery mode too, nothing happens. it just stands still at a position10:45
Samo502guglu: wubi is the executable that autoruns when you put a liveCD in10:45
gugluno i dont use such things10:45
Samo502(while on windows)10:45
whatwhatw00tewww windows ;)10:45
guglui have been at it for more than 5 hours now :(10:45
gugluwindows is working fine10:45
gugluand as far as ubuntu is concerned, all the files are there and safe10:45
whatwhatw00tyeah but it is eeewwww10:45
gugluthis guy Herbs helped me a lot, but we couldnt fix it :(10:46
guglui am so tired , and tensed and nervous :(10:46
gugluand i am at work!10:46
Samo502whatwhatw00t: i gave my friend an ubuntu livecd to try and it refuses to boot into it at all, all my computers have ubuntu and i only use windows when absolutely necessary :10:46
gugluplease help me someone10:46
guglui think the issue is with the login screen10:46
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guglumaybe gdm10:46
gugludont know, :(10:46
brideanHow do I restore the menu in Ubuntu?   Currently I have a bar on the left hand side with Firefox, Libre Writer, Libre Calc, Ubuntu Software Center, Ubuntu One, etc.   If I want to open a program that is not on that menu, I have to hit the + button and choose from all possible programs.   I want to restore categories (i.e. my MuseScore program should be in the sound and video category, Libre + should be in the office category, and so forth)10:46
notostraca2guglu, have you tried the various F1, F2, etc. keys when turning the computer on?10:47
Samo502bridean: you mean the original look?10:47
gugluyes, f2 will get me into BIOS10:47
Samo502!classic | bridean10:47
ubottubridean: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.10:47
brideanSamo:  Yes, or at least a more convenient look than the "new" look10:47
stercorguglu: Is it a BIOS or a Ubuntu problem?10:48
gugluit is ubuntu problem10:48
krylI have a problem with symlinks and home user encrypted content. I receive the following message : "Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible" I link /home/user/test to /var/www/test , the problem seems to have a link with ubuntu default crypto on this user. Any suggest please ?10:48
guglui did a sudo apt-get upgrade yesterday10:48
brideanIf I can put programs into categories with !Unity, then I would like to do that.   I don't want to search through 90 different programs to find the one I want10:48
gugluit had completed, while i continued to work10:48
guglutoday when i came at work and switched on the computer NO LOGIN SCREEN :(10:48
Samo502bridean: from what i've seen you can't10:48
stercorguglu: System->Administration->login screen, perhaps?10:49
Samo502guglu: maybe the option got ticked to automatically log in?10:49
brideanSamo:  So how is !Unity better?10:49
guglui dont know Samo50210:49
guglustercor: but i cant even login, so where would the menus come from ? :|10:49
gugluthe grub loader comes, i select UBuntu and then a blank black screen10:49
gugluthats it10:49
gugluand it has a cursor thats meant for no job10:49
Samo502bridean: personally i don't care for it, i'm installing gnome 3 right now and i'm gonna see how i like it10:49
notostraca2stercor, guglu is getting a black screen it seems10:50
guglui can type in and write stories but no sense10:50
stercorguglu: Can you get a terminal (Alt-F1)?10:50
stercorF2, F3, F4, F5...10:50
guglunone of them works10:50
guglui didnt try alt + f1 thi10:50
brideanSamo502:  Gotta agree with you there.   Just like I don't think grub2 is an improvement over grub, I don't think !Unity is an improvement over Classic10:50
guglui got a terminal screen by editing the grub10:50
guglutyping e and then init=/bin/bash10:50
gugluand ctrl+x10:50
FloodBot1guglu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
gugluwhere sudo wont work :|10:50
gugluFloodBot1: sorry10:51
gugluhope i make sense10:51
stercorguglu: How about su?10:51
brideanFloodBot1:  Do you have enough water?10:51
HongKong_elleryanything should i set to my windows 7 to connect to my printer?10:51
guglustercor: then do what ?10:51
th0rguglu: at the grub screen edit the boot line to remove 'splash' and if it isn't there add 'verbose'. then reboot and see if the resulting log info helps determine the problem10:51
guglui didnt try though10:51
notostraca2FloodBot1 is automatic, guglu -- robots accept no apologies and give no mercy :-)10:51
HongKong_elleryanything should i set to my windows 7 to connect to my printer?10:52
notostraca2no worries!10:52
gugluth0r: wait, it has splash, i will remove that and add verose and reboot10:52
th0rguglu: 'verbose'10:52
stercorProvide the root password.  Ubuntu, of course, makes it impossible to guess.  That's the reason I `sudo passwd root' to give it a usable password.10:52
HongKong_ellerymy laptop ubuntu cant detect my printer10:52
th0rHongKong_ellery: that sounds like a windows7 issue10:52
guglustercor: bash: no job controll allowed10:53
gugluth0r: its quiet splash10:53
gugludo i change that to quiet verbose ?10:53
th0rguglu: take out quiet and splash and add 'verbose'10:54
gugluand then ctrl+x am i rightr ?10:54
stercorguglu:  I'm out of my league now.  Good luck, and I'll be watching to see whether you get resolution.10:54
th0rguglu: that should result in scrolling text as it boots into ubuntu. See what it says when it stops10:54
HongKong_ellerywin 7 issue10:54
HongKong_ellerydo you know how to resolve it?10:54
th0rHongKong_ellery: now how would we know anything about windows7?10:55
HongKong_elleryor alternative?10:55
gugluth0r: there are some messages10:56
gugluthat dont make much sense to em10:56
MonkeyDustHongKong_ellery: win is not supported here10:56
gugluseems like starting of procedd ids10:56
guglulike X-Session etc.10:56
HongKong_elleryok monkey10:56
guglustercor: i just hope to get it solved, cause reinstalling will be a HUGE PAIN ATM10:56
HongKong_elleryi love ubuntu im learning from it.. but i have to use windows for my desktop , all i want to connect my ubuntu though my printer10:57
stercorguglu: I understand.  I used to be working on a problem, and some VP would be breathing down my neck saying, ``When will it be fixed?''10:57
schnuffleHongKong_ellery: can you be a bit more presice about connecting what to what?10:57
guglukinda same here10:58
gugluand already spent around 6 hoursx actually10:58
guglureinstalling might take few days, i am sure10:58
guglui know the issue is somewhere related to login screens, oh man, i wish someone could really help me solve it :(10:58
HongKong_elleryim at work at the moment..10:58
stercorI'm _not_ at work.  Retired a few years ago. :-)10:59
schnuffleHongKong_ellery: Your problem is that you have a dual boot PC and in Ubuntu the printer is not working or is it a network prionter?10:59
=== GrundoX[sleep] is now known as GrundoX
stercorguglu: Now, if it were MVS, z/OS, or the like, I might be able to help.11:00
schnufflestercor: lol11:00
stercorschnuffle: You old, too?11:00
gugluth0r: any idea ?11:01
schnufflestercor: not as old but nearly :)11:01
squigis the printer on fire?11:01
th0rguglu: I am still waiting for you to tell me the last entry on screen when it froze11:01
stercorschnuffle: My first computer programming was punched cards on an IBM 1620.11:01
schnufflestercor: lets move it over to #ubuntu-offtopic, in here only support11:02
stercorschnuffle: However, I _never_ wired plugboards.11:02
gugluadding swap on /dev/sda611:02
stercorschnuffle: Sorry, I'll shut up.11:02
th0rguglu: and then it just froze there?11:02
schnufflestercor: no go ahead but on ubuntu-offtopic11:02
stercorschnuffle: Nah, there's more interesting information here.11:03
stercorguglu: how many users do you have?11:03
gugluonly 111:03
schnufflestercor: of course but you can be connected to more than one channel :)11:04
stercorguglu: Can you get minimal functionality with a re-install?11:04
stercorguglu: Then add stuff as time goes by?  And the user won't know the difference?11:04
gugluno i cant, stercor11:05
stercorguglu: What a position to be in!11:05
gugluplease dont make me laugh11:06
schnuffleguglu: you write so much I couldn't even figure your problem11:06
gugluyes, because i am little nervous, time wont stop :(11:06
gugluit keeps on flying, i will re-explain11:06
schnuffleguglu: just give a short description of the problem again11:06
gugluyesterday everything was fine, i did a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade. both of them had completed and i was working working working, all ok. then i logged out the "normal" login screen was different, but i did not care and switched off and went home. today when i came to office and switched on the GRUB LOADER came, i choose ubuntu and then the screen freezes.11:08
guglulogged out and noticed that the*11:08
guglulogin/logout screen*11:08
BKTech86is it possible to upgrade from 10.04 64 bit to 11.04 32-bit ?11:08
gugluhope i make sense schnuffle11:08
Samo502well i'm in gnome 3 now11:09
tsimpsonBKTech86: no, you need to do a fresh install to change architecture11:09
Samo502and i gotta say this is really, really nice11:09
BKTech86tsimpson: is it possible to do that without a cd/usb drive11:09
schnuffleguglu: Yep, so now first you need to know what happened. Can you start your ubuntu in save mode?11:09
schnuffleguglu: if not, get a live usb key boot with it and chroot into your system11:10
guglui guess you mean recovery mode, but the same thing happens in recovery mode too, few lines get printed (like what process started and all) and then it freeszes11:10
iFrenzyok so don't accidentally go to virtualbox.com instead of virtualbox.org you'll get a big suprize if you do11:10
guglui might have a live 9.10 cd, have to find. ohh there are so many racks, cd boxes and cds :|11:11
tsimpsonBKTech86: see the "Installation without a CD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation11:11
schnuffleguglu: okay, I would go the usb route. You have to know which partitions are used for your system. Do you have one partition plus swap?11:11
gugluquite a few partitions (i was not the one who setup the system)11:12
guglu6 of them i guess11:12
seutjesilly question I can't seem to find the answer for with a quick google: is there a way I can reset my zoom level without using the mouse?11:12
seutjeI zoomed in on display A and now for some reason my mouse is stuck on display B :(11:13
gugluwell, i dont get a terminal, with ctrl+alt+f1 :(11:13
schnuffleguglu: imagine you have a root-partion and a /boot partion, you start live system, you mount your root part. somewhere ( e.g. sudo mount /dev/sdx /mnt ), you mount your boot partition ( e.g. mount /dev/sdx2 /mnt/boot ), you chroot into it ( chroot /mnt ) and then you can check your system11:14
pishguyhi all, whats this problem : number=$[ $RANDOM % 31 ] && sudo update-alternatives --set default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/$number/$number.plymouth11:15
guglustart live system means use the live cd or is it something else ? i am not a linux/ubuntu guru again please11:15
schnuffleguglu: yes11:15
guglulet me first hunt the live cd, then i can get back to know more :) thanks11:16
schnufflepishguy: is it a problem?11:16
pishguyyes,update-alternatives: warning: alternative /lib/plymouth/themes/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng.plymouth (part of link group default.plymouth) doesn't exist. Removing from list of alternatives.11:17
pishguyschnuffle: yes,update-alternatives: warning: alternative /lib/plymouth/themes/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng/INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng.plymouth (part of link group default.plymouth) doesn't exist. Removing from list of alternatives.11:18
schnufflepishguy: of course the chance that the path doesn't exist if you use a randon number is big11:18
pishguyschnuffle: $random is between 1-31.11:19
pishguyschnuffle: and i create all of theme11:19
pishguyschnuffle: i want to use random plymouth11:20
schnufflepishguy: apparently there is a path configured for it that doesn't exist, so what about to drop that before?11:21
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:21
pishguyschnuffle: rename all directory to numberic names11:22
schnufflepishguy: then drop all the existing alternatives that you renamed11:22
pishguyschnuffle: i droped thats11:23
skilzmy PHP does not have MySQL support enabled, how do I fix that?11:23
pishguyschnuffle: /lib/plymouth/themes$ ls11:23
pishguy1  10  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  AA  default.plymouth  details  text.plymouth11:23
schnufflepishguy:  you did a update-alternative --remove <name> <path>?11:24
schnufflepishguy: next time leave them and create symlinks11:25
pishguyschnuffle:  number=$[ $RANDOM % 31 ] && echo $number && sudo update-alternatives --set default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/$number/$number.plymouth11:26
pishguyupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for default.plymouth.11:26
Who[aresDoes anyone know why, after installing Ubuntu with Wubi, the dual boot menu won't show up when I reboot my PC ?11:27
asheshHi, I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, which was originally installed with Gnome. I switched to xfce and I need to disable some gnome services at boot, (gnome-power-manager, gnome-screensaver), how do I do that?11:29
schnufflepishguy: so you dropped it :). You  shouldn't paste everything I write into your terminal. To get it back you need to install it again. update-alternative --install default.plymouth .....11:29
Stormx2ashesh, should be possible to remove ubuntu-desktop, then do an apt-get autoremove11:30
achillionHello all. For installing Gnome3 on Ubuntu 10.04, a lot of how-tos tell you to add the Gnome3 ppa and install from there. What's the difference between that and installing from the Ubuntu repos? Is it safer to go through the official repositories?11:30
DJonesachillion: Gnome 3 isn't in the ubuntu repo's11:31
asheshStormx2: but wouldn't that mean removing all gnome components? Like Gnome keyring, which is something I need on xfce as well11:31
DJonesachillion: There is a ppa, but its not supported and is likely to cause severe breakages11:31
achillionDJones: Ok. Thanks!11:32
DJones!gnome3 | achillion (Just for a bit more info)11:32
ubottuachillion (Just for a bit more info): Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.11:32
Stormx2ashesh - nah. ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage with dependencies on everything gnome needs. If you remove it, it'll flag up any dependencies that AREN'T being used by stuff like xubuntu-desktop as no longer needed.11:32
achillionDJones: Thanks!!11:32
d_atharvahi I click on Shutdown and my computer shutdown's.But it automatically starts after 5-30 min without even pressing power button.pl. help me..11:34
rinchanHELP: Trying to watch videos in miro tv, but its not playing11:34
ashesh Stormx2 "Package ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed11:34
shockingbehavurd_atharva check your bios settings11:35
shockingbehavurafter power loss set it to off11:35
d_atharvaOk. will try now...11:36
pishguyschnuffle: number=$[ $RANDOM % 3 ] && echo $number && sudo update-alternatives --install default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/$number/$number.plymouth11:40
pishguyupdate-alternatives: --install needs <link> <name> <path> <priority>11:40
koghi,im a now user of ubuntu11:42
pishguyhow to play sound for startup ubuntu like with knoppix?11:42
pishguykog: wb,11:42
kogim using xubuntu10.0411:43
liminalubuntu 11.04 has a strange purple slash screen loading to over the grub2 boot messages by default11:43
shockingbehavuri'm a then user11:43
liminalhow do i deactivate it@11:43
schnufflepishguy: link is the path to file that gets changed so /lib/plymouth/.... somethin, name should be plymouth.default, path should be the path to the theme, priority a number where 1 is the highest priority11:44
kogI feel ubuntu11.04 start slowly11:44
pishguyschnuffle: i want to use random plymouth11:44
TheLostSoulhi guys11:45
schnufflepishguy: of course so you have to set it up11:45
TheLostSoulwhtas the command to check any broken packages?11:45
shockingbehavurpoor ubuntu11.0411:45
kogI like11:45
schnuffleTheLostSoul: a sudo apt-get upgrade will show you broken packages11:45
AxtraAnybody know how to get the Java Runtime Environment on Kubuntu/Ubuntu? I've looked all over for a guide, but nothing seems to work11:45
kogI like easy,so I using xubuntu now11:46
pishguyhow to change script for that and use random numberic file name? sudo update-alternatives --install default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/$number/$number.plymouth11:46
=== FusionX is now known as SyGeek
pishguyschnuffle: $number is generate random numberic file name11:46
schnufflepishguy: damned what gives you sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth?11:47
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ive just upgraded and LOADS of packages had to be re-installed, i just installed froma live cd and it wouldnt boot normally or in classic mode but did start in safe mode, what over commands can i use to check or fix it?11:47
supercabbage_ukI've got Wubi installed, I want to delete the windows partition and make a solely Ubuntu machine. I've backed up my Ubuntu installation. Can I simply wipe the entire HDD and then overwrite the new files with files from the backup? I don't really want to lose my server config I have a LAMP setup and all sorts going on I don't want to redo11:47
schnufflepishguy: TheLostSoul apt-get install -f11:47
Tex||CanAnyone with experience installing Tweetadder on Ubuntu?11:48
TheLostSoulschnuffle: k ty11:48
schnuffleTheLostSoul: apt-get install -f11:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:48
antismapjoin #wikipedia-fr11:49
antismapoups :)11:49
TheLostSoulschnuffle: 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 to remove, 4 not upgraded, any ideas what that means?11:49
vibhavsupercabbage_uk,  yes?11:49
pishguynumber=$[ $RANDOM % 3 ] && echo $number && sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/$number/$number.plymouth11:49
pishguyupdate-alternatives: error: unknown argument `/lib/plymouth/themes/2/2.plymouth'11:49
FloodBot1pishguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:49
supercabbage_ukvibhav: I've got Wubi installed, I want to delete the windows partition and make a solely Ubuntu machine. I've backed up my Ubuntu installation. Can I simply wipe the entire HDD and then overwrite the new files with files from the backup? I don't really want to lose my server config I have a LAMP setup and all sorts going on I don't want to redo11:50
robin0800TheLostSoul, if you mean fecovery from the grub menu then as long as you have an internet connection run the dpkg command from menu11:50
pishguyschnuffle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613149/11:50
schnufflepishguy: I told you what gives update-alternatives --config default.plymouth, so just that, nothing more11:50
vibhavsupercabbage_uk,  I think you can11:50
TheLostSoulrobin0800: i dont even have a grub menu? :/11:51
supercabbage_ukCan anyone confirm this?11:51
robin0800TheLostSoul, hold right shift at boot time11:51
vibhavsupercabbage_uk,  Dis  you backup it  or Make a hard drive image?11:51
schnufflesupercabbage_uk: I would backup a list of installed packages, backup home and etc, new install, reinstall the packages, copy etc and home11:51
schnuffle!es | usuario11:52
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:52
supercabbage_ukBack up, IE tar'd everything except /mnt11:52
usuarioahy alguien por aah11:52
TheLostSoulrobin0800: okay thats how you get the grub? my issue is when ubuntu boots into GUI nothing laods just the purple background11:52
TheLostSoulrobin0800: ty btw11:52
asheshStormx2: sorry about bothering you, but I just removed gnome-screensaver + gnome-power-manager from the system11:53
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asheshStormx2: and the problem, for the time being, is resolved11:53
robin0800TheLostSoul, I know the dpkg command fixes broken packages11:53
pishguyschnuffle: Thanks. i reboot now for testing11:54
schnufflepishguy: It won't work is my guess :)11:55
TheLostSoulrobin0800: whats the command?11:55
pishguyschnuffle: :) wait please . ;)11:55
robin0800TheLostSoul, you should get a menu11:55
floweris there non-free software in universe?11:55
bilanyone here?11:56
TheLostSoulrobin0800: no the dpkg command11:56
schnuffleTheLostSoul: if you want to reconfigure your packages it's dpkg-reconfigure -a11:56
tsimpsonflower: no, only in restricted and multiverse11:56
jamiewan! ask bil11:56
shockingbehavurhi bil11:56
schnuffle!anyone | bil11:57
ubottubil: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:57
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i want to find or fix broken packages11:57
guglufound the live cd, can see the data from live cd11:57
AxtraAnybody know anything about Remus Information Management?11:57
schnuffleTheLostSoul: apprently you don't have any11:57
robin0800TheLostSoul, its a menu item when you select recovery at the grub boot menu11:57
szalliminal: if you want a different splash screen, you have gotten instructions..  if you want no splash screen at all, find in /boot/grub/grub.cfg the section titled "/etc/grub.d/10_linux" (or an other section if *buntu is not your first boot menu entry) and in there the line starting with "linux", remove from this line the word "splash" (and, if you like, also "quiet" (makes for more elaborate output))..  to make this persistent (i.e.11:57
szalnot overwritten w/ the next kernel update), change in /etc/default/grub the entries in the line "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" accordingly11:57
BKTech86I want to upgrade to natty but i wont be able to connect to internet without the proprietary broadcom wireless driver - can I download it before hand?11:58
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what do you mean? firefox wont work and i cant boot into my gui without being safemode, something is wrong, i just want to know how to find out what it is and then fix it11:58
schnuffleTheLostSoul: I had to rerun apt-get dist-upgrade severall times to finish the upgrade11:58
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay ill try that11:58
szalBKTech86: use a LAN cable, it's more stable anyway11:59
BKTech86BKTech86: ok but that doesn't solve my problem11:59
corumxHello, I need some help configuring a LAMP server, could anyone help me?11:59
schnuffleTheLostSoul: there a difference between corrupted package and misconfigured. That's all. So your problem might be a wronlgy configured X, not a brocken one11:59
szalBKTech86: are you talking to yourself? ;)11:59
vibhav!lamp | cormux11:59
ubottucormux: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:59
BKTech86szal: szal:*11:59
TheLostSoulschnuffle: its replacing all my files again :/11:59
schnuffleTheLostSoul: so your dist-upgrade wasn'T finished12:00
szalBKTech86: why not?  you upgrade via wired LAN, set up wifi & voilà12:00
BKTech86szal: because I dont have a wire12:00
liminalszal ive already changed it /etc/default/grub  accordingly.. it didn't remove the splash12:00
TheLostSoulschnuffle: so i keep doing that command until it stops replacing files?12:01
robin0800liminal, did you run sudo update-grub?12:01
szalBKTech86: the average LAN cable goes for €5 in your favourite electronics store12:01
schnuffleTheLostSoul: yep12:01
schnuffleTheLostSoul: did you activated third party repos?12:01
BKTech86szal: that's a good price.  I don't have one.12:01
gugluschnuffle: when i boot in recovery mode this is the last line where it freezes on "internal journal on sda5:8"12:01
gugluany idea ? maybe there is a fix ? :(12:01
BKTech86szal: can install the driver manually or not12:01
liminalrobin0800, yes... the change did work.. the grub boot text now is shown12:01
TheLostSoulschnuffle: during installation? no i didnt tick either box for 3rd party repos or upgrade during install12:02
corumxThe LAMP is installed and it is working, what I need is to create a "shortcut" from a folder in a NTFS partition and open the content from the browser. It gives me error 403 Forbidden, and I can't change the folder permissions. Anyone can help me ;)12:02
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lucuswhere can I find the logs for a recent kernel panic?12:02
liminalbut i only get the very end of it.. there is still an default ubuntu 11.04 purple splash screen infront of the start12:02
madPJKfanis it just me, or is pms shit?  No end of troub trying to stream video to my ps312:02
szalBKTech86: other than that, you could do an online upgrade, that should pull in the wifi driver - unless you built it yourself or got it from some obscure source that is not a repository12:02
schnuffleguglu: only idea i have is the live usb thing I told you12:03
BKTech86szal: i got it from the ubuntu upgrade menu12:03
BKTech86szal: hardware drivers* menu12:03
madPJKfananyone know/have experience with good upnp media streamer?12:04
daniel_hello i bought a macbook pro and want to install ubuntu on it is there a mac specific iso or do i just use the main one from the website12:04
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay the upgrade says 0 on all accounts now12:04
sathisi'm running ubuntu in vmworkstation12:05
sathisand now i need see my windows file in my ubuntu12:05
sathisany one tell me how can i do this12:05
sathisany ideas12:05
guglubut isnt this kinda lame?12:05
guglua sudo apt-get upgrade causing such issues ?12:06
schnuffleTheLostSoul: so cross your fingers and reboot :)12:06
guglui mean really ... ?12:06
sathisi was like need to make share between my vmworkstation12:06
tejasHey guys, is ubuntu a rolling release?12:06
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay ill try but my software center doesnt work either, anything to do with safe mode? or becasue i need a reboot?12:06
daniel_can i install ubuntu on a macbook pro ?12:06
ikoniadaniel_: sure12:07
schnufflesathis: install vmware-tools and12:07
ikoniatejas: no12:07
sathisschmidtm i have done that12:07
tejasikonia, it isnt like arch then? What kind of release is it?12:07
sathiswhen i get try connected to windows file share it throw some error12:07
szaldaniel_: question is, why would one buy a Mac & install Linux on it?  isn't the whole point of buying a Mac using MacOS? ;)12:07
ikoniatejas: it really depends on your definition of "rolling release"12:07
BlackDalekHELP! the appearance of my icons and gnome theme was all messed up so I had to reboot. Now all my window border icons have moved to the left and the move/resize icon that is normally on the left has disappeared completely. I can't find how to get it back12:07
schnuffleTheLostSoul: not sure about but sounds plausible as save mode is root only12:07
daniel_szal, i like linux software and mac hardware12:08
tejasBy rolling release, I mean is ubuntu like arch?12:08
ikoniatejas: it's nothing like arch12:08
lucuswhere can I find the logs for a recent kernel panic?12:08
tejasikonia, so is ubuntu stable? It has the latest stable software12:08
schnuffleguglu: normally apt-get upgrade doesn't cause any problems12:08
sathisschmidtm usually when we get > connecte to windows server just with ip i can't get connected12:08
savrwhat is the record number of user in this channel?12:09
ikoniatejas: yes, each release is stable12:09
schnuffletejas: ubuntu diesn't use a rolling release12:09
tejasikonia, I read in the web that it is planning to become a rolling release12:09
sathishow to find my version of ubuntu ( command ....? )12:09
schnufflesavr:  165012:09
ikoniatejas: you read wrong and it's not a rolling release now=12:09
schnufflesathis: lsb_release -a12:09
savrschnuffle: so right now is the record?12:10
sathisDistributor ID:Ubuntu12:10
sathisDescription:Ubuntu 11.0412:10
tejasikonia, do you think ubuntu is a nice distro for a newbie in linux?12:10
FloodBot1sathis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:10
schnuffletejas: there's discussion about having debian switch to a rolling release, but it's a discussion12:10
robin0800tejas, Its only thinking about becoming a rolling release no decisions yet12:10
ikoniatejas: I think it's an excellent generic desktop, ideal for your first linux expereince12:10
schnufflesavr: now 164912:10
sathisbut  now i need to get my windows 7 files can be viewed in ubuntu12:11
schnufflesathis: then use samba12:11
savrschnuffle: do you know what record means?12:11
schnufflesavr: apparently not :)12:12
somesecretpeterAnybody home? I'm using irc for the first time in about 15 years. :)12:12
sathisbut samba is for form ubuntu>windows right schmidtm12:12
BlackDalekwhere has my window border controls gone and how do I get the minimize/maximize/close buttons back to the right side?12:12
schnufflesathis: it's for interconnecting both12:12
LjLhow can i make Firefox use the system's font settings (typeface, size and hinting)?12:12
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sathisthis i tryed and this didt work...12:13
schnufflesathis: what kind of network do you use? NAT/bridged/host only12:13
sathiswell i need some thing so simple casuse i'm not much expert with unix commands12:13
mithranhi all, what is the minimum net connection speed for mythbuntu to grab channels without a lag?12:13
savris ubuntu still recommended for servers?12:13
robin0800sathis, connect to a server menu item and choose windows share12:14
pishguyschnuffle: not worked :) , http://paste.ubuntu.com/613159/12:14
savror is it back to debian?12:14
savrI ask because ubuntu is seeing many radical changes12:14
sathisNAT: used to share the host ip address schmidtm12:14
pishguyschnuffle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613162/12:14
schnufflesavr: it does its job, enterprise mostly supports Redhat e.g. Centos12:14
tejasIf debian becomes rolling, will ubuntu become rolling?12:14
sathisi was able ping both schmidtm12:14
BlackDalekthis is BS.. why does the gnome theme randomly change itself without warning then make itself impossible to return back to normal?12:15
szalsavr: for a server you should use an OS anyway that you don't have to upgrade to a newer version too often -> *buntu LTS, Debian, or whatever else suits you12:15
pishguyschnuffle: random number is 1, but script dont set it12:15
liminalszal do you have a splash screen for your grub boot?12:15
tejasikonia, If debian becomes rolling, will ubuntu become rolling?12:15
szalliminal: no, I tend to turn it off12:15
DJonestejas: http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2010/11/ubuntu-is-not-moving-to-rolling-release.html12:15
liminalyou have text?12:16
schnufflepishguy: of course it didn't work. First install all the alternatives, then you can set them. So first you install all the alternatives, as soon they are all installed you can use your script to config them12:16
TheLostSoulschnuffle: no luck12:16
savrszal: why? I can run more than one node.12:16
vu1kanGM folks.  I'm attempting to set up internet connection sharing between two machines in my LAN.  The newer one has wifi(802.11G) and an onboard ethernet.  The older one has just a via-rhine ethernet card.  Currently, my network goes modem>802.11n router>lucid w/G>802.11b(wifi disabled)>lucid without wifi...i've been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing , but when i get to Configure routing(3rd step under Client set up),12:16
DJonestejas: We can't forsee the future, I doubt anybody would be able to answer that until it happened12:16
szalsavr: huh?12:16
schnuffleTheLostSoul: You mean your OS isn't starting into desktop after login12:16
tejasDJones, as of now, there is no plan?12:16
TheLostSoulschnuffle: yup exactly12:16
daniel_does anyone know anything about installing ubuntu on a macbook pro ?12:17
savrszal: forward the site to another node when upgrading12:17
schnuffleThen it seems that your X is misconfigured12:17
TheLostSoulschnuffle: the only way it boots in in safe mode and then nothing works like firefox etc12:17
DJonestejas: Not according to that link I gave you12:17
szalsavr: if you wanna go through that hassle, that's your choice ^^12:17
vu1kanbtw, it's "RTNETLINK answers: File exists"12:17
savrszal: like I'm going to need the latest ruby every now and then12:17
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what do i about that or how do i diagnose weather it is the X config?12:17
savrszal: what hassle?12:17
Sniffyhow do I open /etc/fstab in gedit with root privileges? sudo gedit /etc/fstab fails?12:17
savrszal: it is a 5 minute job12:17
sathisschmidtm any !12:17
LjLSniffy: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab12:18
supercabbage_ukCan I install a copy of Ubuntu and then replace files with ones from my backup to get back to where I am currently?12:18
Sniffyah, thanks man12:18
szalsavr: maybe, but it's still a job ^^12:18
kogor sudo vi /etc/fstab12:18
LjLhow can i make Firefox use the system's font settings (typeface, size and hinting)?12:18
schnuffleTheLostSoul: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will do that12:18
TheLostSoulschnuffle: thanks mate12:18
sathisany simple ways to configure samba in ubuntu 11.04 > urls please12:19
szalsavr: if you have a factual reason for using a more up-to-date OS version, use it, I'm not trying to talk you out of anything12:19
schnuffleTheLostSoul: but what happens if you boot normally? Does it freeze?12:19
TheLostSoulschnuffle: yes freezes with the laoding mouse and purple background nothing else laods and that command didnt bring back any results at all12:20
savrszal: yes I do. I am wondering if ubuntu is still the way to go or if it is back to debian12:20
savrI switch from debian 312:20
savrdebian has fixed itself up12:20
szalsavr: Debian isn't particularly current either, unless you go testing or unstable12:20
the_germansathis: What do you want to do?12:20
the_germansathis: with samba?12:20
kogubuntu is my first linux system12:20
pishguyschnuffle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613169/12:20
LjLsathis: check http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba though i'm afraid the docs might be a bit dated :\12:21
savrszal: yeah but ubuntu seems like it may becoming a little unstable in the future12:21
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sathisthe_german just wanna share my windows files with ubuntu12:21
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sathisand they say this wil work the_german12:21
the_germansathis: so you want to connect to a windows share?12:21
sathisthe_german my indows share shows some error12:22
szalsavr: *buntu seems to have a tendency to adopt new features early, though most of these are in the UI arena, so that shouldn't bother you too much on a server12:22
the_germansathis: ok w812:22
sathisas for as schmidtm says we cam go for samba right ?12:22
sathisthe_german sure12:22
pishguyschnuffle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613169/12:23
schnufflepishguy: when I check the man page it says to set it use  alternatives --set <Name> <Pfad>12:23
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what does this mean?12:23
TheLostSoulschnuffle: kipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox12:23
frenzzHello, i want use virtualbox or kvm as hypervizer, which version of ubuntu better to install now on host machine ?12:23
schnuffleTheLostSoul: it means that an old firefox profile is kept12:24
crazydiphow do I make screen "see" the changes done to my user account (I was added to a group)? detach/relogin/reattach does not work.12:24
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schnuffleTheLostSoul: can you paste your sources.list and any repos you use?12:25
ikoniacrazydip: you can't as it needs to reload/start a new shell12:25
schnufflefrenzz: the newer the kernel the more advanced are the KVM features12:26
savrbtw we are at 165112:26
crazydipikonia, so I have to kill my screen session?12:26
savrnew record?12:26
ikoniasavr: can you please stop counting the users12:26
ikoniacrazydip: the shell is in use, so you can't change it12:26
frenzzschnuffle, thanks, how about server vs desktop ?12:26
crazydipikonia, ok thank you!12:27
schnufflefrenzz: what do you mean with that? depends on your use case. I run it on both, servers for the heavy stuff and desktop when I need a test environement12:27
liminaldoes anyone here see a purple screen during the grub boot with 11.04?12:28
schnufflefrenzz: and mostly I use openvz when its only linux virtualization12:28
pishguyschnuffle: Thanks. reboot for testing. please wait :)12:28
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ive ran the dpkg reconfigure -a and i had too many options to remember, i dont really understand though, its acting as if its using packages from an old install or something?12:28
schnuffleTheLostSoul: dpkg reconfigure -a, just iterates over all installed packages and reconfigures them12:29
LjLhow can i make Firefox use the system's font settings (typeface, size and hinting)?12:29
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what do you recomend?12:31
jamiewanLjL, try open firefox then,edit,preferences, content and i think settings there for fonts and stuff from memory12:31
schnuffleTheLostSoul: have you checked the xorg logs to see if something goes wrong it's under /var/log/Xorg.0.log i think12:32
LjLjamiewan: ah yes but i should have specified, i don't really mean the fonts for webpages, more like the menus and other interface things.12:32
liminalDuring boot with 11.04 is anyone else seeing a purple screen by default?12:32
TheLostSoulschnuffle: nope ill have a look12:32
supercabbage_ukyeah I am liminal, I think it's normal?12:32
pishguyschnuffle: Oh !! Very thanks . its worked for my Thanks schnuffle :) :)12:33
schnuffleTheLostSoul: my problem is that we haven'T really sorted out your problem. My information is: after login your desktop isn't coming up and thats hard to analyze12:33
schnufflepishguy: your welcome12:33
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TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay what do i look for in this file? yes and not only that download center and firefox etc dont work12:34
pishguywitch scripts is running in shutdown?12:34
TheLostSoulschnuffle: just the terminal i think12:34
schnuffleTheLostSoul: and that with the combination of just having done a dist-upgrade12:34
TheLostSoulschnuffle: yup12:34
liminalsupercabbage_uk, i think its a default setting.. but i don't want it12:34
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what about the update command would it be of any use?12:34
schnuffleTheLostSoul: the more info the more chance to find the problem12:35
pishguyschnuffle: Which scripts is running in shutdown?12:35
TheLostSoulschnuffle: whats is it sudo get-apt update?12:35
schnuffleTheLostSoul: what do you mean with just the terminal?12:35
Samo502TheLostSoul: sudo apt-get update12:35
TheLostSoulschnuffle: well im on a terminal right now12:35
schnuffleTheLostSoul: normalyy its sudo apt-get update && sudo upgrade12:36
TheLostSoulschnuffle: using irssi and im executing the commands in anotehr terminal12:36
vu1kanTheLostSoul: <sudo apt-get update> will update your local repo list... <sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade> is what i use personally for my weekly update12:36
schnuffleTheLostSoul: So you have a X session with a terminal but you miss the rest of the desktop?12:36
TheLostSoulschnuffle: no in safe mode the desktop exists but isnt functional, liek i can open firefox but it doesnt work or software center12:37
dr_willistheres the 'make a new user and see if stuff works for them' test.12:38
schnuffleTheLostSoul: aah, okay so I'm right. One thing to  test: what happens when you do a apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?12:38
HyperbyteHi!  I've configured "Rear Microphone" as input device in Gnome settings, but everytime I reboot it defaults back to "Analog input".  How can I permanently save this?12:38
TheLostSoulschnuffle:k 1 sec12:38
vu1kanI'm attempting to set up internet connection sharing between two machines in my LAN.  The newer one has wifi(802.11G) and an onboard ethernet.  The older one has just a via-rhine ethernet card.  Currently, my network goes modem>netgear 802.11n router>lucid w/G>linksys 802.11b router(wifi disabled)>lucid without wifi...i've been following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing , but when i get to Configure routing(3rd step under Cli12:38
cheprehello, any one else having problem with skype ?12:39
TheLostSoulschnuffle: says its the newest12:39
Samo502Hyperbyte: it's safe to say you're using gnome 2?12:39
novitololohi. I'm trying to modify a XML file in an ubuntu server that has no access to Internet.  Which program can I use? I've tried VIM but it's not installe.d12:40
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i have the x config file open, what sort of things would i be looking for as an error12:40
vu1kanchepre: my skype beta works fine12:40
schnuffleTheLostSoul: You get to the login screen at normal boot? Can you choose classic mode at the bottom before you login?12:40
schnuffleTheLostSoul: the config file or the log?12:40
dr_willisnovitololo:  any text editor can do it.. yu could use sshfs and access th remote machine as if it was a local directory and use a local text editor12:40
TheLostSoulschnuffle: the log sorry, and yes ive tried classical, safe mode is the only one that works i think12:41
novitololodr_willis I was asking which text editors are by default in ubuntu server12:41
dr_willisnovitololo:  no idea. Install some.. I find it hard to belive that vi is not installed by default12:41
novitololome too12:41
novitololowell thank you12:41
dr_willisvi and nano would be my guess12:41
sagaciany up-to-date documentation on connecting to the internet via 3G modem wireless?12:42
HyperbyteSamo502:  Edubuntu 11.04, Gnome 212:42
schnuffleTheLostSoul: checl the log for ERROR/fail ......12:42
schnufflenovitololo: i think vi is installed by default just not vim12:43
Samo502Hyperbyte: if the mic gets unplugged at some point it would probably default back to the analog option12:43
TheLostSoulschnuffle: is there a key combination to search the file? or do i have to manually scroll it?12:43
novitololothat's right schnuffle.12:43
pythonirc101My vbox guest ubuntu hangs after some time (2.6.38-8.server) usually when the screen saver is running. Anyone has debugged this before?12:43
HyperbyteSamo502, well, it's inside an LTSP environment.  So it's safe to say the mic gets reset every reboot.12:44
dr_willisdefault vi is normally vim-light  :)12:44
schnuffleTheLostSoul: with vi? type / and the the word you search for. another /+return will search for the next occurence12:44
HyperbyteSamo502, could I set this to autoconfigure everytime, on Gnome login, for example?  I already have a startup script that runs on Gnome start, if this can be set via command-line I could do it from there.12:44
TheLostSoulschnuffle: no i have the file open in gedit12:45
ubottuvimtutor is an excellent tool for learning how to use vim. It can be found in the vim-full package, among others.12:45
vu1kanHyperbyte: system>prefs>startup applications12:45
vu1kanyou can plug your script into that12:45
Samo502Hyperbyte: that is a good idea12:45
Hyperbytevu1kan:  read the original question, up there ^^. :)  I have a problem with some Gnome setting not stored.12:45
Samo502Hyperbyte: and there probably is a way to set it via command line12:46
gorskiskype crashes on startup, teminal says aborted, help!12:46
HyperbyteOkay... so I guess then my question becomes, how can I set the default input device in Gnome via command line? :)12:46
chepregorski, everyone seems to have this problem12:46
vu1kanHyperbyte: i noticed...your mic port switching...i hate to say it, but google about for the CLI input, build a custom script and plug it into the startup app utility12:46
gorskichepre: o, this is new?12:46
chepregorski, yep12:47
chepregorski, started like 15 min ago12:47
Hyperbytevu1kan, well, I was looking at pactl.  I already figured out how to set the volume, but not a clue about the input device.  I'm fairly new to PulseAudio.12:47
ntr0pyIs there a video compiz plugin for natty?12:48
vu1kangorski, chepre: my skype (beta) installed from the .deb off skype.com works just fine12:48
TheLostSoulschnuffle:  Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)12:48
vu1kanbut i don't have it set to autolaunch at boot12:49
sproatyhi, I've just installed Natty, and my 2nd monitor was not being identified, so I installed the nvidia drivers. Now, whenever I login, my screen goes black and I get returned back to the login screen12:49
cheprevu1kan, try to restart it ;)12:49
vu1kani have, about six times...works just like it should12:49
sproatyI can still use ctrl+alt+f1 to go to the TTY1 terminal, and can login from there12:49
schnuffleTheLostSoul: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh :) So you have a ATI graphic card12:49
TheLostSoulschnuffle: yes i have a radeon 345012:49
gorskiskype - m$ has his deal?12:50
novitololothanks for help guys.12:50
hugo___Hello! Maybe not suitable here but il givit a try! im trying to notify on a event using pyhton. http://paste.pound-python.org/show/7238/ But im doing this in a loop, so that each item is displayed after each other. I would like to create a list, eg. multiple notifys in a list way, but closing the notify if open would work as well. What am i doing wrong. Plus, the timeout doesnt seem to work. The notifier is up in more than 100 mili secs. Cheers12:50
TheLostSoulschnuffle: is there a way of installing the driver from command line? if i remember i installed the driver before i upgraded to unity or 11.04 last time12:51
crazydippythonirc101, if by vbox you mean virtualbox, it may be because you don't have guest additional installed and turn off the screensaver would be my hint - no point to it anyway, but those are just guesses.12:51
schnuffleTheLostSoul: I just check12:51
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay thanks alot XD12:51
SniffyI've randomly lost sound on my ubuntu partition (well I say randomly, obviously something triggered it but I have no idea what). Any suggestions to fix it? I literally have no idea why sound doesn't output so dunno where to start12:52
schnuffleTheLostSoul: 32bit?12:52
TheLostSoulschnuffle: yup12:52
gorskihttp://www.skype.com/ won't open, maybe a server problem.12:52
ntr0pyDoes anyone know where the compiz video plugin went?12:52
sproatyfrom my terminal, if I do "sudo apt-get remove nvidia[tab]" I get suggested -common, -current, -settings -- I'm a bit worried about removing those12:52
beer_brouwergorsky, i had the same problem12:52
dr_willisntr0py:  check the package manaer - it may not be installed by default12:53
crazydiphugo___, you need to break your problem up into chunks and solve them individually - google will probably have an answer to just about every chunked question. If not, then 1) retry your search, then 2) read python docs, then 3) python irc channel12:53
guglui start my PC -> grub loader comes -> i select ubuntu -> no login screen comes :( HELP!!!12:54
ikoniaguglu: what does come, and please stop with the HELP!!!!! stuff12:54
halvorguglu: press alt+f2 and type sudo gdm12:54
guglublank screen, freezes12:54
gugluhalvor: that doesnt loads the terminal12:55
gugluikonia: i am sorry, but really situation is not great.12:55
hugo___crazydip: ok12:55
halvorguglu: does it boot up after you select ubuntu in grub?12:55
schnuffleTheLostSoul: latest driver package https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run12:55
ntr0pydr_willis: yes but what package is it into? i cant find it in natty12:55
dr_willisntr0py:  use the search featuyre and search for compiz12:55
schnuffleTheLostSoul: instructions;12:55
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i cant get online so do i use sudo apt get install thatwebsite?12:55
gugluhalvor: i do think it boots, that kubuntu loading image comes and then it freezes at a blank screen12:55
schnuffleTheLostSoul: wget https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat92-inst.pdf12:56
delinquentmesoo my skype is loading up .. accepting my password .. attempting to login .. and then disappearing12:56
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i appreciate your help, but i cant get online12:56
ntr0pydr_willis: yes i installed compiz-plugins-extra, but its not installed with it12:56
delinquentmeanyone happen to know how to fix this?12:56
TheLostSoulschnuffle: 1 minute ill brb12:56
schnuffleTheLostSoul: then how do you chat?12:56
gugludelinquentme: restart your computer12:56
vu1kandelinquentme: other users are reporting similar issues...i'm not experiencing it myself12:56
beer_brouwerdeliquentme: hat the same problem12:57
dr_willisdelinquentme:  start it from a terminal. look for error messages12:57
TheLostSoulschnuffle: im on irssi, im on a terminal12:57
delinquentmeho ho!12:57
fx1opps skype!!!!12:57
delinquentmeBLAM " Aborted"12:57
delinquentmeshould i run it with a particular tag?12:57
schnuffleTheLostSoul: so you're online, use screen to multipley your terminal, then you can use one window to chat and another to download the stuff12:58
ikoniafx1: what ?12:58
delinquentme"sudo skype -v" or something12:58
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i can browse the internet in a terminal?12:58
fx1can not use skype12:58
delinquentmefx1, yeah im there w you12:58
safiyyahskype not loading it is aborting, I ran it from the terminal and it aborted there too12:58
* delinquentme coughs microsoft12:58
safiyyahdelinquentme,  i agree its MS12:59
delinquentmesafiyyah, right there w you12:59
cannonballI know MS killed skype for Asterisk yesterday.12:59
schnuffleTheLostSoul: of course, there's lynx to do that and screen is a tool that gives you several windows in a terminal12:59
safiyyahso has anyone found a way to force it12:59
safiyyahI remember a force command ages ago12:59
TheLostSoulschnuffle: lynx?12:59
schnuffleTheLostSoul: and as I gave you the URL you can use wget to download it12:59
safiyyahexcept I dont remember it12:59
schnuffleTheLostSoul: yes it's a terminal based web browser13:00
ntr0pyDoes Natty compiz have not a video plugin anymore?13:00
schnuffleTheLostSoul: in the end your system'll still don't work but you'll have become a linux guru :)13:00
beer_brouwerreinstalling skype doesn't help either13:01
example92hello.. is anybody here to help me with something?13:02
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schnuffle!anyone | example9213:02
ubottuexample92: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:02
pythonirc101How do i debug my crashed/hung ubuntu guest on vbox?13:02
example92i cant start skype... anybody with same problem?13:03
vu1kanexample92: several users have reported issues13:03
schnuffleexample92: just installed it, but no problems13:03
TheLostSoulschnuffle: says unable to connect to host13:03
vu1kanexample92: i'm not having problems, myself13:03
pythonirc101My ubnuntu hangs inside vbox, any idea on how to debug it. It starts up and works fine till I need it, if i leave it for long period of time it hangs.13:03
TheLostSoulschnuffle: Looking up lynx.isc.org13:03
TheLostSoulMaking HTTP connection to lynx.isc.org13:03
TheLostSoulAlert!: Unable to connect to remote host.13:03
TheLostSoullynx: Can't access startfile http://lynx.isc.org/13:03
FloodBot1TheLostSoul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:03
TheLostSoulschnuffle: is there not an apt-get for the driver?13:04
example92vulkan , i makes some updates today and maybe thats the problem...13:04
schnuffleTheLostSoul: wait i'll check13:05
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i ran the "addictional drivers" from system> admin but it says i dont have the authority to activate the drivers13:05
delinquentmehacker news >> "skype server took a short break" >>  http://j.mp/vraSL13:06
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AnAntHello, is Skype working with anyone today on Natty ?13:06
delinquentmeAnAnt, see link :D13:06
delinquentmei just got on w lynx13:06
AnAntdelinquentme: ah, thanks13:07
example92i have problem with skype too...13:07
delinquentmeexample92, yeah im there w you .. its working for me now13:07
AnAntdelinquentme: that's what happens when M$ gets into something successful13:07
liminalwhen I boot my system I have a blank purple screen and no splash until the last few seconds when 'Ubuntu 11.04' shows up only in text. On shutdown the splash is norma13:08
delinquentmeAnAnt, hahah i said the same :P~13:08
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Gareth7015Hi, I'm new to Ubuntu and was looking for help with a wireless networking problem :S13:08
andriai use ubuntu 10.10 , was happy to  test for ubuntu 11.04 , tried to install ubuntu 11.04  as dual boot, but got an error message  when tried to install from bootable usb, i was able to see 'select keyboard & all that' so problem with usb , please assist13:08
* martynas_ hello does anybody knows what happend with SKYPE on ubuntu stopped working???13:09
schnuffleTheLostSoul: there'S a ubuntu-x ppa which should do the trick: apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates13:09
chepremartynas_, try skype.com13:09
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay thanks13:09
example92delinquentme but i cant start the program... other times it starts and says connect problem",13:10
safiyyahskype is not working and if you google it, users from other linux distros are complaining13:10
ikoniamartynas_: many people are complaining that skype is not working, is it possible the skype network is having a problem13:10
delinquentmeexample92, yeah same thing13:10
Gareth7015My problem is, when i click connect and add my network key, it tries to connect but fails. but it's working fine on a windows laptop - Please Assist13:10
schnuffleso we can be sure microsoft bought skype :)13:10
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example92ok, thanks13:10
StRHi everyone!  my aptitude upgrade from yesterday left Skype crashing. anyone has the same problem.. or does anyone have a solution?13:11
martynas_yes i can see what skype.com is not connecting as well 8-)13:11
schnuffleStR: a lot of people just complained about it right now13:11
TheLostSoulschnuffle: im not sure what that command did but the ati driver is still there but its not activated and it still says i dont have the authority to activate it13:11
schnuffleTheLostSoul: when you search for it with apt-cache search fgrlx, is one showing up?13:12
StRschnuffle, but is it the protocol, or is it the qt libts update?13:12
TheLostSoulschnuffle: im not searching with the terminal im using "additional drivers" from System > administration13:13
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ill try searching it on the terminal13:13
schnuffleStR: don't know mine is running, just installed it on lubuntu natty. That could be a hint that QT might be a problem13:13
TheLostSoulschnuffle: no response just went straight to the next line13:14
StRschnuffle, could you update your package list and see the proposals for upgrade? to see if I could downgrade mines? I just need to know which ones they are13:14
schnuffleTheLostSoul: wait I'll check on my laptop13:14
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okie dokie, could i use the apt-get install fgrlx?13:14
TheLostSoulschnuffle: thanks again for your help13:15
schnuffleTheLostSoul: yes but the name is different i think13:15
TheLostSoulschnuffle: well i just installed whatever that was :/13:15
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ill try rebooting brb13:15
schnuffleStr: libqtcore ..... all version 4:4.7.213:16
pythonirc101my ubuntu box freezes after I leave it a few minutes and it goes into the screen saver. How can I debug whats going wrong?13:16
schnuffleStR: still i need of the package versions?13:17
StRschnuffle,  4.7.2? that's the one you have or the one you would upgrate to?13:17
schnuffleStr: that's the one I have and which is the latest as well13:17
StRschnuffle, I found in /var/log/apt/history.log that I upgraded yesterday from libqt4-*  4.7.2-0ubuntu6  to  4.7.2-0ubuntu6.113:20
StRhow can I return to 4.7.2-0ubuntu6  ?13:20
choronzonHello. I completely remove samba from my system (11.04) but when I hit the "network" icon in nautilus I still can browse the shares of a windows computer on the network, how is that possible?13:21
halvorcan you use skype?13:22
halvorit was working properly for me about an hour ago13:22
halvorthen it quit suddenly13:23
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StRhalvor: I guess it's the libqt4 upgrade... I'm trying to return to  4.7.2-0ubuntu6 instead of  4.7.2-0ubuntu6.113:23
schnuffleStr: I think it's more of a network problem13:23
halvorand all it says in the terminal if i try to start it is "interrupted"13:23
halvorStR: how to do such thing?13:23
BluesKajchoronzon, tha's due to the default smb app on your machine13:23
StRschnuffle, your's stopped working too?13:23
schnuffleKeep in mind skype was jsut bought by microsoft13:24
StRhalvor: I don13:24
maedox_skype works fine for me13:24
StRhalvor: I don't  know, I'm onit13:24
schnuffleNo mine works but maybe because I'm based in germany13:24
maedox_it's still sh*t though :P13:24
schnufflemaedox_: just testing jitsi as alternative13:24
choronzonBluesKaj, thanks for you answer. is that an application I need to remove as well if I want to get rid of samba entirely?13:24
StRschnuffle, I'm based in Guatemala... :P what's the difference?13:24
GOMIi got some black dots on my left corner of my screen & its kicks me out to the login screen13:25
GOMIi updated to 11.0413:25
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GOMIit worked oke for three weeks and now it doesnt13:25
pethhi everyone. i was recently forced to go back to the proprietary radeon drivers and now i have problems with the terminal visual bell. gnome-terminal doesn't flash on them anymore at all and xterm is very slow (i can watch the lines getting inverted one by one, the whole cycle takes two to three seconds for a maximized term). any idea why thay may be or where can i start looking for causes?13:25
schnuffleStr: A lot of people just show up to report sykpe broken and not all of them because of a update. So my guess is that it has more to do with the skype network having problems13:25
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BluesKajchoronzon, well, if don't want to use smb to connect to windows pcs , then yes but I know of no other easy way to access windows13:26
schnuffleSo it could be that the skype node you're connecting to has problems and mine is still fine13:26
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maedox_schnuffle: jitsi seems nice. Does it work well with the Google Talk video chat?13:27
aaronb3rgi want to know one thing, is this good bad or what -> http://pastie.org/private/zv1vzdfetsdfqn2fzb88a ? (linux n00b here :) )13:27
schnufflechoronzon: a good way to access windows is hfs. it's a very small web server that serves files and has virtual folder support13:27
BluesKajchoronzon, smb is the daemon , samba is the gui ...it's a matter od semantics13:28
KaiForceIs there a better doc for setting up a multi virtual domain email server than http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/#config-simple-firewall?  That one actually looks pretty good and is up to date, I'm just curious.13:28
maedox_aaronb3rg: nothing wrong there.13:28
schnufflemaedox_: haven't tested it yet. My aim is to completly switch to jabber ( running own server ) as soon as voice works good13:28
TheLostSoulschnuffle: no luck :(13:28
benccdo I need LVM when using ubuntu as a vbox guest?13:28
aaronb3rgmaedox_: then why 383092/6553600 instead of 6553600/6553600 ? :)13:29
TheLostSoulschnuffle: any idea the command is to activate the driver?13:29
maedox_aaronb3rg: used/total13:29
ikoniabencc: no, you don't need it, you can choose to use it if you want it13:29
schnuffleTheLostSoul: damned what did it tell you? Check the X logs13:29
aaronb3rgmaedox_: ohh, so i can have 6553600 max files ?13:29
benccikonia: what does it give me?13:29
maedox_aaronb3rg: yes13:30
schnuffleTheLostSoul: Do you have a xorg.conf? If yes move it away and retest13:30
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay, i pressume its the same file though i think i need to activate this driver13:30
aaronb3rgand what are blocks maedox_ ?13:30
ikoniabencc: if you are asking, you don't need it13:30
llutz_BluesKaj: samba is the smb/cifs server name, smb is just one daemon. "GUI" would be swat13:30
TheLostSoulschnuffle: where do i find it?13:30
=== JasonnAWAY is now known as Jasonn
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:30
schnuffleTheLostSoul: /etc/X11 if you have one13:31
maedox_aaronb3rg: the minimum amount of space that can be allocated on disk. If a file is smaller than the block size, it takes a whole block.13:31
benccikonia: good answer :)13:31
BluesKajllutz_, right ,but we're talking about samba and smb and the relationship as gui vs daemon13:31
llutz_BluesKaj: samba has no gui13:31
aaronb3rgthank you maedox_  :)13:32
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i have the folder13:32
schnuffleTheLostSoul: which packages got install? only fglrx or fglrx-modaliases and fglrx-amdcccle as well?13:32
ikoniallutz_: there is the "SWAT" web interface13:32
TheLostSoulschnuffle: just the first one13:32
llutz_BluesKaj: smb is an (outdated) protocol, samba provides it13:32
schnuffleThe install the other ones as well13:32
TheLostSoulschnuffle: should i install all 3 and then modify something in the x11 folder?13:32
llutz_ikonia: as i mentioned before. but its external, doesn't come with samba13:33
BluesKajwell . what's the samba shares icon , we can split hairs if we want. llutz_ ..it's like a giu as opposed to the cli13:33
llutz_samba as package13:33
ikoniallutz_: sorry, I wasn't following the full conversation13:33
schnuffleTheLostSoul: no, just install all three and then launch the fglrc control center13:34
llutz_BluesKaj: i'd call it a nautilus/gnome extension offering the smb-share functionality13:34
BluesKajschnuffle, hfs is a mac /apple filesystem13:34
silv3r_m00nhi there13:34
dionyssis75good afternoon13:34
silv3r_m00nskype has suddenly started crashing13:34
BluesKajoh yeah , functionality, mustn't forget that word13:34
silv3r_m00nI fill login details and it closes13:34
dionyssis75i am a new user of ubuntu and dont know anything about linux13:34
dionyssis75is there anyone with advanced knowledge that could help a bit?13:35
llutz_BluesKaj: since i'm not native english speaker, you shouldn't ;)13:35
compdocdionyssis75, congrats13:35
DJonessilv3r_m00n: http://thenextweb.com/microsoft/2011/05/26/skype-goes-down-apps-crashing-for-many/13:35
ikoniadionyssis75: if you ask questions, people will try to help13:35
sudokillsilv3r_m00n, people are having problems with skype at the moment13:35
dionyssis75my system is a Pentium 4 with Intel 3,2gz and 4gb ocz sdram13:35
BluesKajllutz_, , it's ok , that word is so overused , it's tiresome to me13:36
Logan_How do you set CTRL-click to perform the right-click function in Natty?13:36
silv3r_m00nsudokill: hmmm13:36
dionyssis75i have a vga card which is the Gigabyte HD4650 radeon chip in AGP version with 1gb ram13:36
sudokilli think cos MS now owns it13:36
ikoniasudokill: please don't be silly,13:36
xevilhas anyone had any luck installing an nvidia legacy (nvidia-96) driver in 11.04?13:36
dionyssis75i cant get to install either version 10.10 or 11.0413:36
dionyssis75even from a usb stick installation my pc refuses to boot13:36
Picisilv3r_m00n: They're having an outage, see: https://twitter.com/#!/Skype13:37
TheLostSoulschnuffle: well its being very busy at the moment so fingers crossed13:37
dionyssis75any ideas anyone?13:37
MonkeyDustis it possible to rsync to two targets simultaneously, instead of copying the backup to another location?13:37
megabrakerhi is gnome 3 supported?? from ubuntu??13:37
schnuffledionyssis75: did you try to boot with a CD13:37
Logan_!gnome3 | megabraker13:38
ubottumegabraker: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.13:38
sproatyah balls. I'm just going to re-reinstall13:38
ikoniaMonkeyDust: no, it doesn't split, but you maybe able to script it as a 2 pass process13:38
GOMIanybody know about some weird black dots on the screen ??13:38
silv3r_m00nwhat's the reason behind that ?13:38
mihahello is there solution for latest version of skype crashing on amd64: Corrupt JPEG data: 3205 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd913:38
dionyssis75my pc refuses to boot either from cd or usb installation13:38
dionyssis75it just freezes after the first 10 lines of commands13:38
ikoniasilv3r_m00n: reason behind what ?13:38
schnuffledionyssis75: that sounds like you made an error creating both13:38
dionyssis75the usb i tried is a preinstalled 11.04 that works on 4 other pc's13:38
silv3r_m00nskype outage13:39
vu1kanmiha: They're having an outage, see: https://twitter.com/#!/Skype13:39
schnuffledionyssis75: aah, so it boots but the boot process fails?13:39
ikoniadionyssis75: it's possible it's not compatible out of the box with your ati video card13:39
ikoniasilv3r_m00n: email skype support, ask them13:39
* vu1kan loves copy & paste to peices13:39
mihavu1kan: why i think it's evil M$ buying skype to lock us out? ;)13:39
ikoniamiha: please don't make silly comments like that13:39
dionyssis75the lists of ubuntu hardware compatibility say13:39
dionyssis75that it is fully compatible with radeon 4650 chipset13:40
vu1kantsk, tsk...software is neither good, nor evil...it's the intent of the user that determines it's ultimate alignment13:40
ikoniadionyssis75: that doesn't mean out of the box13:40
dionyssis75when i put the usb that works on the other 4 pc and try to boot i get the initial purple screen and then it freezes there with no error msg or nothing13:40
dionyssis75just stops booting13:40
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay fglrx-amdcccle and fglrx but the modualalias doesnt work says its not needed anyway, how do i use the fglrx config?13:41
dionyssis75i was advised to try the alternative CD installation of version 10.10 with option "noapic"13:41
ganeshjacharyado you like the wall paper that is offered at the start?13:41
dionyssis75i dod so and installed on an empty harddrive13:41
dionyssis75it seemed to go ok and then i was asked to reboot13:41
schnuffleTheLostSoul: start the config center fglrx-amdcccle13:41
ganeshjacharyai just changed that13:41
dionyssis75when i did it never booted13:42
ganeshjacharyaand feel the OS is impressive otherwise13:42
aLkyhi guys, i am following these steps http://www.gedda.info/?p=132 i have downloaded and installed the driver but when i add the printer i get an error "Printer 'AL-CX11' requires the 'pstoalcx11.sh' program but it is not currently installed.  Please install it before using this printer." (there is a file pstoalcx11.sh inside the directory where i extracted the driver)13:42
dionyssis75i got error msg on the purple screen and i tried again and again and it never worked13:42
schnuffledionyssis75: have you tried to use the save mode hit F4 during boot options13:42
TheLostSoulschnuffle: whats the command?13:43
dionyssis75F4 on which installation?13:43
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dionyssis75do you mean using the alternative cd install or the comon one?13:43
schnuffleTheLostSoul: I don'T know: sudo updatedb && locate fglrx |13:43
erkulesI was told there is an ssd in one of some servers in the datacenter. how to find out in which one. Tryied with dmesg. But I got no clue :/13:43
TheLostSoulschnuffle: for the config file?13:44
TheLostSoulschnuffle: im confused13:44
dionyssis75using the alternative cd of version 10.10 the installation completed with sucsess on the empty hard disk but when i was asked to restart it never booted13:44
schnuffledionyssis75: when the usb stick boots you can open the options with F$ and choose save mode13:44
gugluHi erkules :)13:44
schnuffleTheLostSoul: in newer version X is configured dynamically, so no xorg.conf only if you tweaked it13:44
dionyssis75do you mean the istallation usb or cd13:44
erkulesHi guglu13:44
schnuffledionyssis75: on both13:44
dionyssis75or the one that already has on it version 11.04 installed?13:45
dionyssis75because those are 2 different things13:45
schnuffledionyssis75: ON THE pc THAT MAKES PROBS13:45
* guglu hugs erkules 13:45
dionyssis75i forgot to mention13:45
dionyssis75that if you make an installation cd or usb13:45
* erkules hopes guglu is a man :)13:45
dionyssis75and you select no install13:45
guglui heard you are quite famous for hugs :)13:45
gugluyes, i am a man13:45
dionyssis75but just load from cd or usb it never does13:45
schnuffledionyssis75: another option is to disable kernel mode setting with nomodeset13:46
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KaiForceUbuntu LTS Server - the "Welcome to Ubuntu" & the packages that can be updated appears twice, and the second one reports incorrect information.  Anyone know where that is so I can get rid of it?13:46
gugluhmm, or maybe i am talkign to the wrong guy, pardon me if thats the case.13:46
erkulesguglu: Hehe yeah they all claim for ma hugs :)13:46
KaiForcethis is when opening a remote shell through ssh13:46
gugluaah, so right :)13:46
dionyssis75you will have to be a bit more descriptive about the process because i know nothing about linux13:46
ikoniaerkules: guglu could you please take the friendly chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please13:46
dionyssis75how do i disable kernel mode?13:46
gugluikonia: sorry :)13:47
ikonianot a problem13:47
schnuffledionyssis75: press F6 during boot screen13:47
guglutoday is my first day on IRC, so pardon me :)13:47
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay it listed all the files related to the fglrx drivers i guess13:48
dionyssis75when you mean during boot you mean from the installation cd-rom or from the already installed hard disk?13:48
gugluBluesKaj: ?13:48
schnuffleTheLostSoul: yep and there should be one to call the config panel, maybe grep for bin13:48
TheLostSoulschnuffle: just a huge list of files in different places13:48
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okie dokie13:48
dionyssis75tha installation cd gives you 5 options on its own13:48
schnuffledionyssis75: from the usb13:48
gugluBluesKaj: sorry i did not understand that, could you explain please ?13:48
ashmew2Hi , im working on a python script ...at the end i have to open an index.html file in firefox but for some reason it wouldnt just open via this script..firefox index.html seems to work from the command line and also if another script is made , but it just shows up a blank page when called through this script , Help please ?13:49
choronzonI just reinstalled samba after purging it and now smbtree lists only the windows machine but it doesn't list the shares on my ubuntu machine. nautilus does the exact same thing. I can see the windows shares on the other machine but I can't see my own shares listed. any ideas? thanks13:49
dionyssis75the thing is i am trying to install it on my pc13:49
ashmew2OOOPS , wrong channel13:49
BluesKajhehe , checking ...you said it's your fist day om irc , wondering which client, guglu13:49
dionyssis75my usb works on other pcs13:49
gugluohh, wenchat :)13:49
dionyssis75what can i do to install it permenantly on my disk and make it work?13:49
rjonesxhey folks, is there a site online you would recommend for hiring someone for a small bash script kind of job for Ubuntu specifically? basically trying to automate a series of steps I have to do regularly... i'd rather stay away from the generic sites like elance.13:49
dionyssis75i have 3 disks so i dont care about windows13:50
guglurjonesx: i have heard about #freelance (from my team mate)13:50
ikoniarjonesx: is it for work, or your personal use ?13:50
schnuffleTheLostSoul: the command should be sudo aticonfig --initial13:50
StRPeople with skype issues::  http://heartbeat.skype.com/2011/05/problems_signing_into_skype_an.html13:50
rjonesxa little bit of both :-)13:50
ikoniaslakcphil: why are you pasting that13:50
ikoniarjonesx: if you ask in channels such as #bash (for example) people may help you write it get it done13:51
rjonesxit has to do with mounting SSH, so it can be used both for my personal and work servers13:51
ikoniaslakcphil: sorry, meant StR13:51
rjonesxcool, ill try both of there - thanks!13:51
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StRikonia, sorry, what?13:51
ikoniaStR: don't post the random links please.13:52
schnuffleTheLostSoul: and the panel is started with sudo amdcccle13:52
BluesKajrjonesx, try sshfs13:52
rjonesxoh, and if anyone is interested in here, they can PM me. thanks again for your help!13:52
researcher123Is it possible to install windows after the entire hard disk is used for Ubuntu 11.04?13:52
StRikonia, why is it random?13:52
dionyssis75any proposals?13:52
ikoniaStR: because no-one was discussing skype13:52
locumguys i have a problem with  a script that i made some time ago13:52
dionyssis75how can i install ubuntu on a system that refuses to install?13:52
ikoniadionyssis75: you need to understand why it won't install13:52
StRikonia, ehhmm.. yes, we were...13:52
rjonesxBluesKaj: I have, the process of auto-mounting using AutoFS can get cumbersome, and since i have to do this with future servers, it would be nice if I could have a script written that just acceps the necessary parameters and does it for me13:52
dionyssis75i am trying my friend13:52
dionyssis75but i dont get any msgs13:53
schnuffledionyssis75: so you have tried to boot the usb in save mode with nomdeset enabled?13:53
locumi cant locate this file -> http://bookeldor-net.info/merdier/Makefile-syntekdriver13:53
dionyssis75and when i tried preinstalled version from usb it would not boot13:53
ikoniadionyssis75: as I've explained to you, the graphics card is the most liklkey issue13:53
robin0800researcher123, yes if you shink it but leave windows as first partion13:53
ikonialocum: it's normally included in the package you download13:53
slakcphildoes anyone know of a command line tool that can search the w3 for a packages's url? basically giving an accurate path to download a tool via wget... withuot using some text based  browser though13:53
StRikonia,  with schnuffle  and  halvor and I was told many others have the same issue13:53
locumikonia, mmm i will take a look13:53
researcher123robin0800: how can it be done.pls guide me13:54
BluesKajrjonesx, soundslike you need NFS , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo13:54
ikoniaStR: fair enough, my apologies, the fact that you addressed it to the channel suggested to me it was just an annoucment13:54
dionyssis75my friend i do not know how to enable special commands on boot13:54
schnuffleresearcher123: get a partition tool on CD or USB and shrink your windows partition13:54
dionyssis75as i told you i am a complete idiot concerning linux13:54
researcher123schnuffle: but I have used whole hard disk with ubuntu 11.0413:55
RoastedQuestion - I installed Windows 7 on a 250gb drive with 30gb unallocated just for Ubuntu. When I boot Ubuntu, or even the GParted LiveCD, it says my drive is 100% unallocated. Yet if I reboot, I'm back in Windows 7. I've dual booted dozens of times and never saw this. What happened?13:55
slakcphili was thinking of something similar to harvester but for urls13:55
robin0800researcher123, you will need some sort of boot cd because you can't shrink a mounted disk13:55
schnuffledionyssis75: Again did you try to boot with nomdeset enabled and in save mode?13:55
researcher123schnuffle: which partition tool to be used?13:55
ikoniaRoasted: could you take a screen shot of the partition tool please ?13:55
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay im in that xorg conf file what do i do from here? it seems the fglrx is already set up there13:56
researcher123robin0800: I have a bootable usb13:56
schnuffleresearcher123: gparted13:56
dionyssis75i dont know how to do that?13:56
dionyssis75boot from where?13:56
dionyssis75i cant even install the damn thing13:56
schnuffleTheLostSoul: so fglrxinfo gives a correct answer13:56
ikoniadionyssis75: can you boot from a cd, yes or no13:56
Roastedikonia, ehh I cannot, because this machine is not with me today. I just wanted to ask here and generate some ideas. I do recall it simply saying /dev/sda1, no other partitions, and 100% of it saying unallocated. It did this in GParted LiveCD and Ubuntu LiveCD w/ GParted running. I tried older and new versions of GParted.13:56
dionyssis75that is the issue13:56
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what do you mean "correct answer?"13:56
schnuffleTheLostSoul: have you set it up with anticonfig --initial?13:56
dionyssis75i tried from CD no13:56
researcher123schnuffle: should g[arted be installed on pen drive which is bootable?13:56
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ikoniadionyssis75: ok, can you boot from any ubuntu CD, 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 ?13:56
dionyssis75i tried from usb NO13:56
schnuffleresearcher123: yes13:57
TheLostSoulschnuffle: says the driver isnt installed corrently when i do that command13:57
Roastedikonia, yet in disk management of Windows 7, I can definitely see the 100mb reserved partition, then my 200gb partition I created, and the remainder unallocated which I did intentionally for Ubuntu.13:57
dionyssis75i tried from preinstalled on usb stick and NO13:57
ikoniaRoasted: grab a screen shot when you get home and give me a nudge,13:57
ikoniadionyssis75: ok, can you boot from any ubuntu CD, 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 ?13:57
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dionyssis75i think i did when i tried to load from cd the 10.04 just to see how it is13:57
Roastedikonia, appreciate it. Have you seen this before by chance? I have a habit of using GParted to set up my disk before I do an installation. This time I used the Windows 7 partitioner, but I've heard of people using the W7 installation partitioner and it being fine.13:57
TheLostSoulschnuffle: Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so13:57
dionyssis75i think back then it did load (i am not talking about installation)13:58
ikoniaRoasted: not exactly what you described, but a few similar little glitches, hence why I'd like to have a look13:58
ikoniadionyssis75: ok, please try to boot from a 10.04 cd13:58
schnuffleTheLostSoul: when executing aticonfig?13:58
carpiHi. Could someone please tell me how i can do port forwarding on natty. Because 'deluge' says it is not receiving any incoming connections..13:58
dionyssis75where will i find that?13:58
TheLostSoulschnuffle: yes13:58
dionyssis75on the site i see only the lates version13:58
Roastedikonia, did you ever find solutions to those few instances you ran into? I thought about saving the W7 partition in Clonezilla and nuking the drive w/ a new table and re-creating the partitions in GParted, then dumping W7 back on it. Even if it tanks, doesn't matter. My NAS has my data and there's nothing personal on W7. It's just my gaming OS.13:59
dionyssis75can i upgrade version 10.04 to 11.04 later?13:59
schnuffleTheLostSoul: Did you install the dev package, you need it13:59
TheLostSoulschnuffle: what dev package? i installed 2 of the 3 you listed before but the alias one didnt install13:59
Roastedikonia, it's just when you do this an easy 4-5 dozen times and then outa no where it spins this on you, it's a little confusing. :P13:59
ikoniaRoasted: it depends on the problem, once was fixable, one was a genuine bug13:59
schnuffledionyssis75: yes and when you boot the usb stick hit F6 to set nomodeset and F4 to activate save mode and see if it boots then13:59
ikoniadionyssis75: you can download ubuntu 10.04 from www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download13:59
=== dy484 is now known as reliableNerd
schnuffleTheLostSoul: fglrx-dev14:00
Roastedikonia, I do however have to admit, I have two 250gb drives, and I know one of the 2 acted weird when I used it on a usb bridge, making me think it was bad. I almost wonder if I nabbed the wrong one??14:00
carpiHi. Could someone please tell me how i can do port forwarding on natty. Because 'deluge' says it is not receiving any incoming connections..14:00
mihaok skype published fix http://heartbeat.skype.com/2011/05/problems_signing_into_skype_an.html no linux instructions, but it's same .Skype/shared.xml and it works14:00
dionyssis75ok i will try so14:00
dionyssis75thank you14:00
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ahh okay ill do it now, thanks14:00
TheLostSoulschnuffle: apt-get install right?14:00
ikoniaRoasted: that's possible, change the drive in the partition gui (drop down in the top right) see what the other disk shows14:00
ikoniaRoasted: but grab the screen shot when you get back14:00
locumikonia,  cant find the file14:01
Roastedikonia, nothing shows. I always do my installs with 1 hdd installed.14:01
dionyssis75last question14:01
Roastedikonia, it just came to mind that I forgot one of them gave me issues.14:01
schnuffleTheLostSoul: As I don't have a ATI on Natty on hand right now, I have to google each step after it fails for you14:01
ikoniaRoasted: ah, bit odd, but ok14:01
ikonialocum: contact the people who provide the package then14:01
dionyssis75how do i get the dual boot menou out of my system from a failed ubuntu installation?14:01
TheLostSoulschnuffle: well your a great help XD14:01
dionyssis75i get this on system boot although there is no linux on my system now14:01
TheLostSoulschnuffle: my best =D14:02
TheLostSoulschnuffle: the package is installing14:02
ikoniadionyssis75: you just use the windows install CD for and the recovery option to re-apply the boot record14:02
Roastedikonia, Yeah, it is. Force of habit. Linux used to be a headache for me to install when you had 5 hard drives installed with each 1 needing to do a certain job. So I decided to just fire up one drive to get started then add accordingly. old habits die hard. ;)14:02
ikoniadionyssis75: the guys in ##windows can help you in detail with that14:02
schnuffledionyssis75: You mean you have a window box where before ubuntu was installed as well14:02
dionyssis75no no14:02
reliableNerd /j #xda14:02
dionyssis75when i turn on the pc14:02
Roasteddionyssis75, I believe you just need to put your windows CD in and do a repair. But as ikonia said, that's kind of a windows issue at this point.14:02
dionyssis75i got a menu14:02
schnuffledionyssis75: rewrite you MBR14:03
TheLostSoulschnuffle: still getting "Fail to link to fglrx-libglx.so"14:03
dionyssis75say which to load14:03
dionyssis75windows or ubuntu14:03
TheLostSoulschnuffle: on the aticonfig14:03
dionyssis75it is in the system from the last failed install of ubuntu14:03
Roasteddionyssis75, what is your goal, to have windows and only windows on the machine? If so, put your windows CD in and do a repair. It should repair the MBR - master boot record, and restore single-boot-functionality for Windows.14:03
dannersi have a problem with a ipw2100 device dmesg says it can't find the firmware, but it is there... anyone knows the problem?14:04
Roasteddionyssis75, but that falls under ##windows at this point if you need additional help ;)14:04
Roasteddionyssis75, I've gotten good help in there though.14:04
dionyssis75my system works fine14:04
mihaRoasted: simplest is to do fdisk /mbr see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/6901314:04
dionyssis75i just want to get the stupid menou option out of the starting14:04
dionyssis75there is no point of having that there14:04
Roastedmiha, did you mean that for me?14:04
ikoniadionyssis75: you've been told what to do14:04
mihato clean grub, you only need to reinstall mbr14:04
Roasteddionyssis75, as we said, run a repair. If you need additional help, ##windows :)14:05
halvordoesn anybody know anything new about the skype-issue?14:05
Roasteddionyssis75, take care14:05
mihahalvor: yes14:05
mihaok skype published fix http://heartbeat.skype.com/2011/05/problems_signing_into_skype_an.html no linux instructions, but it's same, remove .Skype/shared.xml re-enter password and it works14:05
halvormiha: could you share?14:05
kleopatraWhat could be a reason that amarok refuses to play mp3 data, when i have all neccessary codecs installed14:07
ikoniakleopatra: there wouldn't be a reason14:07
kleopatraikonia: it says something about a unsupported tag in the terminal14:08
gugluwhatever setting i try in grub and boot, it says "internal journal on sda5:8"14:08
ikoniakleopatra: there you go then14:08
guglucan someone help me with that14:08
guglui am tired now, if someone cant then my last option would be to reinstall14:08
kleopatraikonia: every otzher player i have installed does play the same files without any problems14:08
guglumy issue is the login screen wont come (after a sudo apt-get upgrade) that i did yesterday14:08
ikoniakleopatra: yes, but for that player it has an error and it's telling you the error14:08
gugluplease, i am very much stuck14:08
halvormiha: thanks! it works!14:09
mihahalvor: yup! :D14:09
Xcellkleopatra-   make sure that  (libxine1-ffmpeg)  in synaptic is installed, i know some times it gets missed14:09
kleopatraikonia: i cant belive that a mp3-tag will stopt it from playing, the frames are stzill ok and i dont cre whether a tag isnt ok or not14:10
mihahalvor: i was told here to check https://twitter.com/#!/Skype14:10
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schnuffleTheLostSoul: see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174272414:10
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i wish i could :P14:10
ikoniakleopatra: it's giving you the error, look into it14:10
TheLostSoulschnuffle: im lookign for this file, ill try linking it manually14:10
mihaguglu: only thing google finds is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1454881 unsure if it applies to you14:11
schnuffleTheLostSoul: what about lynx?14:11
TheLostSoulschnuffle: says cant connect to host and closes14:11
mihaguglu: dont know if it's good advice..14:11
Xcellkleopatra-   plus  make sure you have installed  ubuntu-restricted-extras     for the codecs14:11
LjLhow can i make Firefox use the system's font settings (typeface, size and hinting) for the menus and rest of the interface - not the web pages' text?14:11
schnuffleTheLostSoul: even with lynx http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174272414:12
TheLostSoulschnuffle: it closes14:12
=== Xcell is now known as wn1zid
kleopatraXcell: omg its really coz ogf that library, i wonder why other players didnt make problems tho14:12
wn1ziddid you put the ubuntu extras on the system ?14:13
wn1zidkleopatra-  amarok uses the xine back end14:13
Sniffyis GRUB stored inside the "System Reserved" partition?14:14
kleopatrawn1zid: what other backends are there?14:15
LjLSniffy: no, GRUB is stored partly in the MBR and partly in /boot14:15
wn1zidamarok uses xine14:15
wn1zidthats all i'm saying14:15
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i can give you any information you want14:15
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schnuffleTheLostSoul: the problem is that the latest fglrx came out before natty so it isn't really compatible. You could use the open source driver to begin with. So that you have a least a desktop to further elaborate14:17
schnuffleTheLostSoul: So what about installing the nouveau driver14:17
x42A friend would like to try ubuntu lilfe cd. After the purple start screen nothing happens. Whats wrong?14:17
schnuffleTheLostSoul: there are some hints to resolve the problem, but i think it's best that you read them yourself14:18
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ive used natty with this card before but this is a fresh installation, i have default driver atm14:18
schnuffleTheLostSoul: didn'T you tell me it was an upgrade?14:18
klzkHello all14:18
TheLostSoulschnuffle: additional drivers find the driver i need but it doesnt let me adctivate from the gui it says im not authorised so im wondering if theres a command for terminal to activate the driver14:19
TheLostSoulschnuffle: no, ive upgraded to natty14:19
kleopatrawn1zid: just for me if u nderstand what i read: an lternative to xine is eg mplayer?14:19
schnuffleTheLostSoul: right now I'm confused.  Is it a fresh install or did you upgrade to natty?14:20
SniffyLjL, is it stored only the MBR of the HDD Ubuntu installed to? Basically I was a windows user and that was installed on a separate hard disk. I needed to get comfortable with Linux so I whacked out an old hard drive, put it in the PC and installed Ubuntu onto that. It automatically installed GRUB (I originally intended to just change the hard disk boot priority when I wanted to switch between the two) and I now need to format the Window's partition to re14:20
Sniffyinstall windows, am I going to mess up GRUB in anyway?14:20
frogzooanyone tried ubunut on sony VPCSB19GGB ?14:20
wn1zidkleopatra-  ya14:20
Sniffyor is GRUB ONLY attached to my Ubuntu drive?14:20
simonandres_did someone have install ubuntu 11 on the acer aspire 5732z14:20
guglumiha: no luck :(14:20
klzkI am trying to tunnel ipv6 over ipv4 using ubuntu server edition 10.04. On the server i can ping IPv6 addresses but when i try to connect from machines from my network they don't get response.. But if i ping the local ipv6 address (fe80) I do get.14:20
TheLostSoulschnuffle: it was a clean install today, i also upgraded to natty today, i could log in either way around so i dont think its an issue with natty14:20
wn1zidkleopatra-  i also like vlc, it plays just about anything you throw at it.14:20
TheLostSoulschnuffle: couldnt log in*14:21
LjLSniffy: Windows will install its own boot loader on the drive you install Windows to, i believe. but i'm not entirely sure which drive Ubuntu would have installed GRUB to, whether the drive you installed Ubuntu on, or /dev/sda...14:21
SniffyWait, I guess I can just unplug my window's HDD and try boot up, see if it screws up14:21
TheLostSoulschnuffle: well i can log in but the screen freezes14:21
BluesKajsimonandres_,, no but I installed kubuntu 10.10 on an acer 4630z. and all is fine14:21
schnuffleTheLostSoul: aah okay, but Natty has a problem with the fglrx drivers, and that is where we are right now?14:21
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TheLostSoulschnuffle: no becasue classic doesnt work either14:21
SniffyI do remember window's screwing up when I deactivated the linux disk14:22
schnuffleTheLostSoul: okay did you have compiz enabled?14:22
klzkEeeuh, anyone? Can I ask technical questions overhere?14:22
SniffyGRUG is useful but damn, I'd prefer totally separate drives and just change boot sequence in BIOS14:22
TheLostSoulschnuffle: like essentially i havent activated the driver, so if anything ubuntu has an issue with the default driver for my g-card14:22
HyperbyteI get errors about not being able to modify ICEauthority file on login.  I'm mounting /home/ via NFS4, and permissions are correct.  What am I missing?14:22
TheLostSoulschnuffle: i havent tried compiz no14:22
mekwallhow can I check the current configuration that was made by ./configure ?14:22
pietr101Hello, I'm having some disk/filesystem trouble. This is dmesg output is http://pastebin.com/01ANZe9r    What does it mean?14:23
TheLostSoulschnuffle: whats compiz?14:23
klzkAnyone here familiar with creating ip6 tunnels over ip4 connections?14:23
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schnuffleTheLostSoul: 3D gadgets14:24
BluesKajHyperbyte, not sure but check your fstab settings ...I had the same prob a while back14:24
klzkcompiz are gadgets from gnome desktop14:24
TheLostSoulSniffy: whats the command to get it? or do i have it already?14:24
SniffyLjL, I don't have a /dev/sda directory?14:24
HyperbyteBluesKaj, could you show me your fstab settings so I can copy? :)14:24
BluesKajserver or client , Hyperbyte ?14:25
HyperbyteBoth if possible. :)14:25
MonkeyDustSniffy: /dev/sda is a partition, you need to mount it to a directory14:25
HyperbyteClient only has type = nfs4, options _netdev,auto14:25
Sniffyah thank you, excuse my igorance14:25
HyperbyteServer has   rw,sync,sec=sys,no_root_squash14:26
Sniffy/dev/sda seems to be my windows disk, according to GParted14:26
TheLostSoulschnuffle: is there a command to activate drivers?14:26
Sniffygod damn it14:27
HyperbyteSniffy, actually, /dev/sda is the whole harddisk, /dev/sdaX (X=number) is a partition14:27
Sniffysda contains sda1 with a boot flag14:27
schnuffleTheLostSoul: okay so lets go the open source way: first fully purge fglrx:  sudo /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh ( if it exists), sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*, sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon , sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:27
Sniffyis that a windows boot thing or grub?14:28
HyperbyteSniffy, fdisk -l /dev/sda14:28
schnuffleTheLostSoul: the comand to activate it is aticonfig --initial which fails14:28
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay #14:28
aaronb3rgis there anything wrong with this -> http://pastie.org/private/gwgwb8f5i9xc5u2rxzb6sw ?14:28
CyborgSmurfMy skype dosent start, anyone knows why?14:29
SniffyHyperbyte, that doesn't really tell me anything GParted doesn't. T14:30
schnuffleaaronb3rg: from first view it looks okay14:30
PiciCyborgSmurf: Skype is having an issue; https://twitter.com/#!/Skype14:30
BluesKajHyperbyte, PM14:30
HyperbyteBluesKaj, appreciated! :)14:30
andrei23Can anyone help me with some info about the Router and RouterFirewall documentation at ubuntu.com14:30
aaronb3rgschnuffle: Commented out by Dropbox ? why would Dropbox need to do anything with it ?14:31
BluesKajHyperbyte, np , hope it helps14:31
HyperbyteSniffy, if that's case, then you should already know the filesystem type.14:31
MonkeyDust!ask| andrei2314:31
ubottuandrei23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:31
SniffyIt just says "System Reserved" mate14:31
HyperbyteBluesKaj, I left one additional question in PM, because the fstab on the server isn't very meaningful, I'd need the /etc/exports there. :)14:31
SniffyBut I dunno if that's GRUB or Window's default bootloader14:31
schnuffleaaronb3rg: it added the user_xattr flag14:31
CyborgSmurfPici: so I can only wait?14:31
HyperbyteSniffy, what kind of partition is it?14:32
PiciCyborgSmurf: At this time, thats what I suggest14:32
MonkeyDustSniffy: what's the outcome of sudo fdisk -l ? paste it in http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:32
HyperbyteSniffy, well that's your answer then isn't it?14:32
CyborgSmurfPici: thanks, better to know that its in progress than missing out14:32
HyperbyteSniffy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS14:33
andrei23Does the script found in the RouterFirewall documentation also does the routing job of the script found in Routing documentation?14:33
tom_hi poeple...  short question: is it somehow possible to download all non-standart-packages which are required for a certain programm to a offline destinnation (USB for example) and then install them on another system without internet connection in a convenient way?14:33
bmdCan I get run() not to display the "[server] out:" part, so that it works well with programs like top?14:33
BluesKajHyperbyte, ok . /etc/exports PM14:33
HyperbyteBluesKaj, thanks again. :)14:34
schnuffletom_: yes, you can setup a local repository and install them from there14:34
aaronb3rgschnuffle: was there any need ? :S14:34
BluesKajHyperbyte, np14:34
Sniffyah I didn't know NTFS is window's exclusive14:34
Sniffythanks man14:34
tom_schnuffle: what program wold I use for that?14:34
MonkeyDusttom_: try here http://packages.ubuntu.com/14:34
HyperbyteSniffy, reading and study makes one smart. :)14:34
schnuffleaaronb3rg: user_xattr allows program to store extended attributes a dropbox might use it14:34
Sniffyhehe I was actually taught that at uni but meh, when it doesn't interest you at the time it's hard to retain it14:35
Sniffyjust remembered sitting in the lecture and the lecturer saying it14:35
d1gitalI want to enable progress bar on a running rsync.  Can I stop it and resume where it left off?14:35
schnuffletom_: don't know your environement but there is apt-proxy for example14:36
Hyperbyted1gital, you mean in the middle of one big file?14:36
CyborgSmurfPici: maybe skype has this problem with ubuntu because MS bought skype14:36
d1gitalHyperbyte: no, many small files14:36
Hyperbyted1gital, rsync only syncs what -needs- to be synced.  That's the whole difference between rsync and cp.14:37
schnuffletom_: apt-mirror might do the job as well14:37
PiciCyborgSmurf: Don't be silly, its a cross-platform issue.14:37
d1gitalHyperbyte: cool, thanks.14:37
Hyperbyted1gital, if it has already synced half, you ^C it and restart, it won't sync that again obviously.14:37
schnuffleTheLostSoul: how is it going? still alive :)14:37
tom_schnuffle: sounds like an option  (from the name it sound it might do the things I want :))14:37
TheLostSoulschnuffle: ive done all the commands all executed fine except the last which didnt do anything14:37
andrei23If I want my computer to act as a Router and Firewall should I use only the script fount at Ubuntu->RouterFirewall and skip the one at Router?14:38
TheLostSoulthe sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:38
CyborgSmurfPici: just got angry and needed something to blame. Windows has made me angry before so I figure it could help me unstress :P14:38
schnuffleTheLostSoul: of course it did, but with no output14:38
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okie dokie then all has been done XD what now boss?14:38
bluebaron#ubuntu's flood control system is brilliant ... i something like it instead of captcha on my website, now14:39
schnuffleTheLostSoul: Now reboot and see if you can login14:39
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TheLostSoulschnuffle: okie dokie, should i try activate it first?14:39
GOMIhi ,  i have some DOTS on my screen ? anyone familiar with this problem ??14:39
GOMIfirst time i see it.14:40
bmdAnybody know how I can get run() not to display the "[server] out:" part, so that it works well with programs like top?14:40
DirtyDawgdo the dots make shapes like letters? if so then i have those too14:40
=== eris23 is now known as NetRiot
GOMIno it are little squares14:40
schnuffleTheLostSoul: no the last line reconfigured the drive, no need to activate anything14:40
TheLostSoulschnuffle: okay fingers crossed brb14:40
schnuffleaaa reconfigured X14:40
GOMIthey are only in the left corner14:40
GOMIi have a NVIDIA card wiht additional drivers installed (recommended)14:41
andrei23If I want my computer to act as a Router and Firewall should I use only the script fount at Ubuntu->RouterFirewall and skip the one at Router?14:42
KinkyPinkieHey! Anyone else experiencing Skype to be aborted during login?14:42
cannonballRe all the Skype issues, supposedly if you delete ~/.Skype/shared.xml, the linux client should be able to work.14:43
klzkskype has issues14:43
klzkWorldwide issues its not your configuration14:43
mbeierlKinkyPinkie: do you have an integration for skype activated (such as skype4pidgin)?14:43
=== mig is now known as Guest5026
schnuffleKinkyPinkie: Skype is having an issue; https://twitter.com/#!/Skype14:43
foobarbecueHi. I am in charge of an ubuntu server A sharing a network with another server B that was compromised in a recent intrusion. We have pulled the network and I want to check if server A has been compromised. Is there a list somewhere of the security packages installed by default on Ubuntu Server?14:43
Piciklzk: Skype listed removing that file as a potential fix actually.14:44
KinkyPinkieklzk: it works fine on my phone, it just wont start again after two hours of leaving my pc suspended going to the store :/14:44
klzkAnyways, someone available to help me?14:44
Jackneillcan you tell me a good mounter program?14:45
gugluafter spending 10+ hours, it seems i failed. and will have to reinstall my ubuntu14:45
Piciklzk: You could try asking in #ubuntu-server if you don't get an answer here.14:45
klzkPici Thank you14:45
guglubut i still want to know this, why would sudo apt-get upgrade break things ?14:45
gugluthat is just so bad :(14:46
mekwallif I need to compile an ubuntu package and add another option to the ./configure, what's the easiest way to do this?14:46
schnufflefoobarbecue:  could be informative: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntegrityCheck14:46
KinkyPinkiecannonball: it wont happen to be in my /usr/share/skype/ do you have any idea where I can acctually find it?14:47
schnufflemekwall: when you have the deianized srources there's a rule file in the debian directory which sets the options14:47
gugluschnuffle: would you like to tell me ?14:47
mekwallschnuffle: do you know the name of that file? :)14:47
mekwallfound it14:48
mekwallrules of course :)14:48
foobarbecueschnuffle: So, that page is a spec that has not been implemented. Why is this useful?14:48
foobarbecueor am I misreading it?14:48
cannonballKinkyPinkie: Info comes from here:  http://twitter.com/#!/paulmutton14:49
Tkohello sirs14:49
schnuffleguglu: to find out you'll have to do the chroot stuff I told you hours ago, Maybe your harddisk fucked up14:49
KinkyPinkiecannonball: thanks14:49
benccafter editing /etc/network/interfaces, what service do I need to restart?14:49
schnufflefoobarbecue: I could be usefull, if not sorry14:49
HyperbyteHow can I set the soundcard input source via command-line?14:49
foobarbecueI can't believe there is not a list of the security features enabled by default in Ubuntu! Come on!14:50
ouyeshere is a bug of ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/751689, my lap has this bug , I am wondering after someone reported the bug for a month if there is a fix out there?14:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 751689 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "Thinkpad x201* overheats due to slow fans when on 'auto'" [Critical,Confirmed]14:50
schnufflefoobarbecue: there's chkrootkit to search for problems14:50
gugluschnuffle: i think reinstalling would be better than that14:50
gugluso i plan to upgrade to 11.04 now14:50
ouyesfoobarbecue, of course there are14:50
foobarbecuecould you point me to it?14:50
rohtashwhat my ip adress14:51
ouyesfoobarbecue, what kind of security do you want?14:51
gugluthanks everyone, terrible day. 1 day wasted gotta waste few more days to have my system up and working :|14:51
guglubye all14:51
foobarbecueIntrusion detection and recovery14:51
Picirohtash: you can use a service like http://ipchicken.com to determine your ip address.14:51
foobarbecueI want to know what's installed by default on ubuntu server 11.0414:51
schnufflerohtash: your router has
ouyesguglu, what is your problem14:51
andrei23If I want my computer to act as a Router and Firewall should I use only the script fount at Ubuntu->RouterFirewall and skip the one at Router?14:51
vu1kanpici, rohtash: or http://whatismyip.com14:52
schnuffleandrei23: URL to the scripts?14:52
gugluouyes: yesterday i did a sudo apt-get upgrade then i was working everything was fine, i switched of my computer. then when i came to office today and switched on, the login screen wont come :(14:52
guglugrub loader comes ,i choose ubuntu and then the kubuntu loader image/animation is shown. but then no login screen and the screen freezes at a black blank page14:52
andrei23schnuffle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router/Firewall , thanks14:53
foobarbecueI guess what I really want is just a list of all packages that are installed by default in ubuntu server 11.04, then I can check for thing14:53
ouyesguglu, which version of ubuntu are you running and what model of your lap?14:53
rohtashhow can create my own ip adress14:53
guglumodel of lap? its a computer/pC14:53
guglu2gb ram, 500gb HDD, 2.3ghz quadcore14:54
rohtashwhat means14:54
guglui have so many jobs in my hands, had to complete milestones and deliver today, now i am terribly screwed :(14:54
ouyesguglu, it is stopped to be supported since 10.0414:54
gugluuntil next week14:54
schnuffleandrei23: Your aim is internet connection sharing?14:54
gugluso latest version is 11.04 , am i right ?14:55
rohtashwhat np14:55
ouyesguglu, can you see the boot in screen? like recovery mode?14:55
gugluwhat else can i say14:55
Jackneillcan you tell me a good mounter program?14:55
elkukahi eveyone. my skype closes 10 secs after I launch it. any idea whats going on?14:55
gugluouyes: recovery mode also freezes14:55
gugluat the error message -> "internal journal sd5:8"14:55
ouyesguglu, recovery mode is text based14:55
foobarbecueelkuka: https://twitter.com/#!/Skype14:56
rohtashcon' t understand14:56
andrei23schnuffle, yes, internet connection sharing but also a local lamp and samba. for the samba and apache server I need the firewall.14:56
gugluyes i know, a lot of text is printed and it freezes, that message is the last text14:56
ouyesguglu, any error tips from the system?14:56
bogdanyes I have same problem with my skype14:56
choronzonis there a command to recreate the ubuntu default smb.conf?14:56
guglunot sure what you mean14:56
rohtashno know about14:56
schnuffleandrei23: the script seems to be okay14:56
rohtash        hello14:57
foobarbecueouyes: Still waiting for you to back up your statement that there is a list of ubuntu server pre-installed security packages somewhere.14:57
Pici!who | rohtash14:57
ubotturohtash: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:57
elkukathanks foobarbecue I'll read it14:57
ouyesguglu, ok you have to reinstall 9.10 or turn to 10.04, you can keep your data with home unformated14:57
andrei23schnuffle: so it will do both routing and firewall?14:57
vakhi all14:57
gugluouyes: i think i will backup my data with a live cd then upgrade to 11.04 tommorrow, i have 11.0414:57
guglubut the problem is that, its going to take me 2-3 days to reinstall + configure :(14:57
rohtash sir14:57
gugluand i dont even remember most of the configuration stuff14:58
foobarbecuecan someone ban this rothash guy?14:58
rohtashtell me14:58
andrei23schnuffle: actually it was a stupid question. I know it does both, I just need a confirmation to be sure.14:58
rohtashhow can create my ip adresas14:58
gugluthe most weird thing is why should sudo apt-get upgrade break ?!?!?!!14:58
Picirohtash: Tell you what? Please try to speak in complete sentences.14:58
vakmy Ubuntu went crazy -- a black text console came up suddenly and then session went logged off 8-/  What was that ?!..14:58
schnuffleandrei23: it will do the firewall stuff allow package forwarding from internal to external but the routes have to be set if you need extra ones14:58
ouyesfoobarbecue, actually I am not very familiar with server , but as a recommendation, you may try truecrypt, I do not what security tools are installed by default14:59
hiexpoguglu, i would suggest 10.04 lts14:59
rohtashok bye sir14:59
ouyesguglu, another is running14:59
rohtashsom help me14:59
gugluouyes: ?15:00
Pici!ask | rohtash15:00
ubotturohtash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:00
gugluhiexpo: wait, i should not upgrade to 11.04 ?15:00
ouyesguglu, you can just run one upgrade at a time, also make sure the internet connection of your lap is active15:00
rohtashhow change ubuntu ope source15:00
andrei23schnuffle: are you reffering to adding dedicated chains for the servers I will install?15:00
Picirohtash: Change how?15:00
schnufflefoobarbecue: I don'T get your question. there are no default security things apprt from selinux15:00
gugluouyes: what i am saying is that, my computer got screwed up after that sudo apt-get upgrade yesterday15:00
guglubig blunder, why did i do that, and now i have tor einstall everything15:00
gugluanyway. lets not waste more time, and reinstall/upgrade15:01
hiexpoguglu, 11.04 still has a lot of bugs and 10.04 is long term support and stable15:01
rohtashhow change my open source os15:01
gugluhiexpo: i see15:01
foobarbecueschnuffle: there is chrootkit, as you said. I want to know if any other similar things are installed, like AIDE or log checkers15:01
Picirohtash: You can use apt-get source to download the source packages.15:01
rohtash ubuntu15:01
DirtyDawgrohtash: with a hammer15:01
Pici!compile | rohtash15:01
ubotturohtash: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:01
gugluouyes: do you agree with what hiexpo  said ?15:01
schnuffleandrei23: if your setup is internalnet-------server---internet, there won't be much routing to be done15:01
foobarbecuePlease, someone, ban rohtash, he is clearly not a real person15:01
PiciDirtyDawg: Thats not helpful, especially with someone who doesn't speak english well.15:01
ouyesguglu, I have used 8.04, so 9.10 and 10.04, 11.04 gnome xfce , one thing I can tell you, you should go to 10.04 and use gnome15:02
Picifoobarbecue: Yes he is.  We get plenty of folks here whose primary language is not english.15:02
schnufflefoobarbecue: no default logchecker, no default IDS..... I install everything I need15:02
schnuffleeach time when I need it15:02
andrei23schnuffle: ok, thank you15:02
ouyesguglu, not just agree but I have the experience15:02
guglui see15:03
foobarbecuepici: Have you scrolled up and read his posts?15:03
silv3r_m00nhi there15:03
Picifoobarbecue: Yes.15:03
ouyesguglu, and tell one more thing, 10.04.2 has some problem when try to install on some type of laptops15:03
rohtashhow can i change open source operating system15:03
ouyesguglu, e.g thinkpad x20115:03
silv3r_m00nI inserted 11.04 cd and it says , select cdrom boot method 1. 2. but nothing is written which one shud I choose ?15:03
guglubut mine is a computer PC :)15:04
silv3r_m00nand what does 1 2 mean ?15:04
Picirohtash: I've already told you.  Perhaps #ubuntu-in (India) could be more supportive for you.15:04
rohtashok sir15:04
rohtashwhat proxy15:04
sfdsafdsafdsaconfigure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***15:04
ouyesguglu, so find 10.04.1 and download it and then  install, then upgrade to 10.04.215:04
sfdsafdsafdsa        <-how do i install it?15:04
rohtashwhat is proxy15:05
rohtashhello sir15:05
elkukathat was it foobarbecue. thanks a lot15:05
ouyesguglu, 10.04 is amazing though it still have a lot of bugs out there15:05
vu1kansfdsafdsafdsa: sudo apt-get install glib?15:05
rohtashwhat is proxy15:05
SpaceBassif I am rsyncin two local directories (different discs) should I still use -z?15:05
sfdsafdsafdsavulkan it doesent work15:05
ari_ubuntu 11.04 -skype 2.2 -  starting up but immediately closes . No traces in logs, what is wrong? Skype has been working ok, started this today15:05
schnufflerohtash: #ubuntu-in15:05
ouyesfoobarbecue, find what you need?15:05
vu1kansfdsafdsafdsa: it must have a different package name15:05
vu1kani'll check synaptic15:05
DJonesari_: Skype are having problems at the minute and working on a fix15:05
ari_DJones: OK Thanks15:06
ouyesI will keep running 10.04 until 12.0415:06
kommanderi have a process i cant kill. i tried kill pid and killall p name15:06
DJonesari_: https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10874/I-m-having-problems-with-Skype-today?frompage=category15:06
LjLkommander: kill -9 pid15:07
rohtashhow get other pc ip adress15:07
kogme too ,still using 10.0415:08
schnufflei upgraded to 11.04 to see all those problems, but it's just running fine :(15:09
ari_DJones: yep, that worked.15:09
kogwhen i installed 11.04 ,I cant update and  feel it start slowly,so~~15:09
flacohi all... where can I find the latest gstreamer build? (0.10.33) ?15:10
vu1kansfdsafdsafdsa: what is GLIB? i'm not seeing anything close to that in synaptic15:12
* cablop is pretty dissapointed with natty15:12
Pici!skypefail | DJones15:12
ubottuDJones: Skype are currently having issues with connection problems and are working on a fix. A temporary fix can be found at https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10874/I-m-having-problems-with-Skype-today15:12
DJonesPici: Thanks, thought that might be useful today15:12
PiciDJones: Indeedy.15:12
sfdsafdsafdsavulkan: i dont know what it is, but i got that message after trying to ./configure     i try to install xmms15:13
rinchanHELP: skype quites automatically , need help guys15:13
Pici!skypfail | rinchan15:13
Pici!skypefail | rinchan15:14
ubotturinchan: Skype are currently having issues with connection problems and are working on a fix. A temporary fix can be found at https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10874/I-m-having-problems-with-Skype-today15:14
vu1kan!make | sfdsafdsafdsa15:17
ubottusfdsafdsafdsa: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:17
vu1kanmaybe that link can help ya, i'm outta ideas15:17
cablopwhat can i do in order to make the classic ubuntu work?15:18
cablopsome things are just broken because of that unity15:18
cablophow is KDE as alternative?15:20
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cablopnot willing to start a discussion, just asking15:20
cablopis KDE good enough now as an alternative to gnome?15:20
danielmacbrownKDE is an original alternative15:20
cablopwhat i was afraid of KDE is it is in the other spectrum...15:21
cablopi mean at the opther side of the spectrum15:21
compdocsome ppl like KDE. I like gnome15:21
cablopgnome has very very few options to costomize things15:21
cablopeach KDE config window is like entering a jungle with just a small machete15:21
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compdocthere are ways to customize gnome. you just have to use the right program15:22
cablopand i feel that KDE apps are linux only15:22
BluesKajcablop, KDE has been a workable alternative for many yrs15:22
cablopyep, i liked KDE in the past15:22
cablopi disliked KDE315:22
cablopdunno about KDE415:22
cablopat that point i liked gnome more because many gnome apps work in windows too15:23
cablopi just ask to know a sincere answer15:23
danielmacbrownKDE has been around for soo long15:23
BluesKajkde 4,6.3 here , and I'm happy with it ...there are some wifi probs however , very similar to the ones in ubuntu tho15:24
cablopmaybe my problem is not with gnome or kde... is with ubuntu itself... this unity thing seemed like a very dissapointing force users to do things a different way15:24
cablophow is kdm?15:25
cablophow good?15:25
cablopi thought gdm was a login screen, but it seems it is a wole server15:26
BluesKajkdm is fine15:26
cablopwith no hacks?15:26
danielmacbrownWhat linux distribution did Apple build on top of?15:27
BluesKajcablop, to some degree , but i'm not into window dressing much15:27
Coreydanielmacbrown: BSD isn't LInux.15:27
danielmacbrownThen why does everyone say that Apple the source code for OS X from linux?15:28
cablopdanielmacbrown: not a linux15:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:28
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   psijackoff schnuffle FORTHELULZ Psychobudgie kostajh happyfaceoncamtw buren Osmodivs Ish10 syslq omichalek PMello Daekdroom leitaox vacarm furqan RA_drc MGMT 15:28
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Dig ari_ Krishnandu SimonP86 ClusterFCK darrenb veronika arand geoffb Gareth7015 vak tsaknorris vaasu hittt rzyz LuisCosta m3asmi breadbox MadViking netsjanek15:28
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   d1gital a16g rgr bmd psaux SANGKEUN din tom_ dajhorn pmcgowan lborda marrusl asavard Pranav_rcmas jamesiarmes DNX damebanda myrmidette genny_ coconutz xlogik 15:28
psijackoff[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   uni4dfx grgrz DJ_A Kartagis JoshuaL panphried rjonesx teddyroosebelt sideone davros Jackneill choronzon F_S reliableNerd Spacewalker GhostFreeman PEBMAC ashme15:28
rwwIt's spam, ignore it.15:29
cablopjatt ubuntu and mac are operative systems, to talk about other os for a few lines is to talk about its environment15:29
jattrww: ok15:29
=== FORTHELULZ is now known as Koopa516
BluesKajdanielmacbrown, mac OSs are Unix based , as is linux15:30
cablopdanielmacbrown: i think mac is on top of some sort of BSD, not unix, not linux, BSD is unix alike... and they released something called Darwin, somehow stealware masked as opensource15:30
danielmacbrownJust something interesting I thought of15:31
cablopyou can develop for darwin, test, use it for free, and what you do on it you can send to them, they can somehow close that code and build the next os x on top of it, LOL15:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:31
squigso i have a system natty system  I am finding it hard to install grub onto15:31
vu1kanlet's try...15:31
vu1kan sudo umount offtopic?15:31
Picivu1kan: /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:31
vu1kan(was a bad joke)15:32
squigis there a decent wiki artical about installing a bootloader?15:32
Picicablop: yes?15:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:32
cablopthe topic was closed, stop that, to send people to ot channel for just a few words is annoying too15:32
BlehTMIs it possible to use OpenGL hardware acceleration using only proprietary drivers and no Xorg?15:33
Picicablop: Channels have rules and guidelines for a reason.  Its not fair for the people who are looking for support to have this channel be used for other discussions.15:33
cablopPici, but you are drawing the line tooooooo strictly15:33
rwwcablop: No, he isn't.15:33
cablopso if we talk about wireless then is OT?15:34
cablopif we talk about NTFS is OT?15:34
cablopjust a few seconds ago my coworker told me15:34
rwwcannonball: Anyways, please /join #ubuntu-ops if you have questions about #ubuntu channel guidelines, best not to distract from support here.15:34
tsimpsoncablop: if it's Ubuntu technical support, it's in here. if not, it's in #ubuntu-offtopic15:34
cablopah, i got it, then Ubuntu is like Mac15:34
rwwcablop: ^^^15:34
rwwcannonball: sorry, mistab.15:34
TheLostSoulschnuffle: SORTED, i had to re-install lol, start in classic (without extra's) and install the drivers15:34
cablopthen i had to explain her that Ubuntu is not Mac, i think to break a missconception will help ubuntu also15:35
schnuffleTheLostSoul: perfect15:35
ntr0pyhow can i get compiz to display realtime video? mplayer builds up memory because Xorg is too slow...15:35
ziikutvWhen I press the sleep button and unsleep my ubuntu.. theres like lines everywhere .... i dont't know why I can see the cursor and can move it but nothing else can be done and i have to restart my pc why?15:36
ntr0pyi think there was a video plugin for compiz but i cant find it in natty15:36
OsmodivsI have been trying to run FEDORA15 in Oracle's Virtual box, but all I got is this screen, it wont login, Why might that be?  http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=1283315:36
cannonballrww: I was about to say, "all I did was suggest how to fix skype" :-D15:37
DynamicfailIs there a reason why the asterisk is no longer found in the ubuntu software center, and the version in synaptic is only 1.6 instead of 1.8?15:37
PiciOsmodivs: I don't see how this is related to Ubuntu? Try #fedora or #vbox15:37
Logan_Osmodivs: /join #vbox for VirtualBox support15:37
cablopOsmodivs you can also try ##linux15:37
OsmodivsPici I am in Ubuntu 11.0415:37
OsmodivsThere  is a thing called Virtual Box15:38
Logan_Osmodivs: Are you using virtualbox-ose?15:38
OsmodivsYou can run other OS inside UBUNTU15:38
rwwOsmodivs: VirtualBox guests that are not Ubuntu are not supported here. Please use the channel of your guest operating system.15:38
rwwOsmodivs: In this case, #fedora.15:38
PiciOsmodivs: Or #vbox, Virtualbox's official support channel may also be of use.15:38
OsmodivsLogan I am using Oracle VM VirtualBox15:38
Logan_Osmodivs: Again, /join #vbox or #fedora for support.15:39
cablopOsmodivs try in ##linux channel, they could help you a little bit more than here, also try vbox15:39
Brosephhi, I tried to move my home partition but it seems that I've failed somehow15:41
Brosephblkid returns this for my second harddrive: /dev/sdb1: UUID="a49bd8bb-dc97-4caf-b7b8-474716a63ec9" TYPE="ext4"15:41
dorganOK maybe someone can help me solve this once and forall....on one of my systems it seems that cron.daily, cron.weekly &  cron.monthy are not being run15:41
Brosephand relevant fstab entries are here:15:42
ntr0pywhy is natty compiz soooo sluggy slow compated to previous versions?15:42
Brosepham I missing something?15:42
gidnaDoes anyone use pianobooster?15:42
candreaBroseph, what did you do to move your home partition? and why have you failed (i.e. what kind of error are you getting)?15:43
candrea!ask > gidna15:43
ubottugidna, please see my private message15:43
Seven_Six_TwoI started my computer, and my home partition (sdg) won't mount. It complains about a bad superblock. I'm running the livecd now, and I can mount my home, and fsck reports that it's clean. am I missing something?15:43
Seven_Six_Twoit's a 250gb drive that is used only for /home15:44
Brosephcandrea: I simply copied everything over to the new location and placed those entries in my fstab15:44
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Brosephnot sure what the error was15:44
candreaSeven_Six_Two, your home partition can't be sdg, it should be something like sdg1 (with a trailing number)15:44
BrosephI'll have to boot again15:44
candreaBroseph, the mount point you specified in your fstab is wrong: it should be /home, not /media/data/home15:45
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, it can't be? It has been, and according to disk-utility, it still is.15:45
myrmidettewhat is /boot for?15:45
Brosephahh, okay, makes sense15:45
candreaBroseph, unless you have an uncommon setup (e.g. /home that symlinks /media/data/home)15:46
johnathan_good afternoon guys15:46
myrmidettewhy does it need to be on  a separate partition?15:46
myrmidettefwiw, why does /home need to be on a separate partition?15:46
TheLostSoulis there anyway to turn off the enterence exit output?15:46
candreaSeven_Six_Two, may you paste the full output of "sudo fdisk -l", please?15:46
candrea!paste | Seven_Six_Two15:46
ubottuSeven_Six_Two: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:46
BrosephI see, so basically I was making it look for media/data/home/media/data/home lol15:46
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, sure. one moment!15:46
cablopdoes KDE goes well along Compiz?15:46
daviswhy is that in eclipse debugging mode, you can set the Variables window to display hex values but not the watch window?15:47
Logan_!home | myrmidette15:48
ubottumyrmidette: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving15:48
m477h3whow to find where is it? '$ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree' ?15:48
Picim477h3w: It doesn't need to be, but its helpful during reinstalls, etc15:48
Picim477h3w: oops, mistab.15:48
gidnaI cannot connect the keyboard with pianoboostter..15:48
Picimyrmidette: It doesn't need to be, but its helpful during reinstalls, etc15:49
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, http://pastebin.com/2Axw9BST15:49
Logan_!please | dorgan15:49
ubottudorgan: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude15:49
myrmidettePici, is it safer?15:49
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, I have RAID1 with 2x250gb drives15:49
Picimyrmidette: It can't hurt.15:49
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, but not the one I'm having trouble with15:50
Logan_myrmidette: "Setting up /home on a separate partition is beneficial because your settings, files, and desktop will be maintained if you upgrade, (re)install Ubuntu or another distro."15:50
R1ngh10help, i have a problem with unity & my video card intel 85515:50
Logan_!ask | R1ngh1015:50
ubottuR1ngh10: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:50
johnathan_I'm trying to setup web server using ubuntu. has anyone here done this before?15:50
schnufflejohnathan_:  of course :)15:50
Logan_!server | johnathan_15:51
ubottujohnathan_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server15:51
Picidorgan: Is cron runing?15:51
myrmidettety Logan_15:51
Logan_myrmidette: You're welcome.15:51
candreaSeven_Six_Two, thanks, could you please also give me your fstab? just to have a full overview of the situation15:51
dorganPici: yes cron is running15:51
dorgananacron is not installed....and I can manually issue a run-parts15:51
Brosephstill getting an error on boot: http://pastebin.com/SpxtcPBV15:52
durandohello, I am trying to mount a nfs share on my ubuntu machine and I am running into issues, it was working the other day, but now doesn't work at all, when i used sudo mount /nfs/MOVIES it just sits there and hangs in terminal till i ctrl+c15:53
Picidorgan: Have you modified your /etc/crontab file yourself?15:54
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, http://pastebin.com/4yf6fQAU15:54
Brosephmy modified fstab: http://pastebin.com/BqEjJgSQ15:54
dorganyeah I changed the times things run15:54
R1ngh10unity not run on intel 855 video card15:54
dorganbut I did that on my other systems as well...so they all match15:54
dorganPici: that was for you15:54
Picidorgan: Is there a newline at the end of the file?  That needs to be there for it to run properly.15:55
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, fyi the commented out /homes - 1st was during most recent install, 2nd was old home, pre-install15:55
quantumlemurhey, I'm trying to use a socks proxy between two ubuntu machines, using ssh -D 1080, but it's not working; just says that the server closed the connection without sening any data.  I've done it before and it's always worked fine, so I don't know what's going wrong with this new machine15:56
dorganPici: theres just a # at the end of the file...just like all the others, which are working fine15:56
candreaSeven_Six_Two, ok, so you're using a disk as a filesystem without a partition table, but everything is configured well so that's ok. Now: is this the first time you fsck your disk? Have you already tried rebooting at least once?15:56
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rebelldoRfinally i can enter this channel15:57
Picidorgan: Do you mind pastebinning that file?15:57
Brosephhmm, my /media/data/home folder is completely empty\15:57
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, I've rebooted twice now, and I keep getting bad superblock error15:57
candreaBroseph, I've just seen your last message. Could you please paste your full fstab?15:57
dorganPici: http://pastie.org/private/7fb5qlpw7dkm6zhkpdlgdg15:57
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, and fdisk says that the filesystem is clean (during recovery console and live cd)15:58
brendandi really hate the way you don't see window titles in the task switcher - anyone know if this is settable somewhere?15:58
Brosephcandrea, did you see the error I'm getting on boot?15:58
candreaSeven_Six_Two, could you paste your /var/log/dmesg? (not the one of the live cd)15:59
candreaBroseph, yes, just now15:59
schnufflequantumlemur: you want to forward the local port to the remote port on the system you log in?16:00
SnyperxI have a dual booting Win7 and 11.04 system......how do you uninstall 11.04?  It is not longer listed in Win7 Uninstall16:00
SnyperxTrying to do a space reclaim for my Win7 system16:00
quantumlemurschnuffle, well, I want a dynamic forward.  Is there a way to test if a dynamic forward is working?16:00
candreaBroseph, could you give me the full output of "sudo blkid"?16:01
Picidorgan: Are you getting any relevant entries in /var/log/auth.log when each cron entry is supposed to run?16:01
schnufflequantumlemur: don't know16:01
Brosephcandrea: http://pastebin.com/nvPq1VJw16:01
brendandSnyperx - how did you install Ubuntu? Using Wubi?16:01
candreaBroseph, thanks. your problem is that you have a duplicated entry in your fstab16:02
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, http://pastebin.com/QCr8c5GA16:02
vakmy Ubuntu goes crazy16:02
schnufflequantumlemur:  I always use normal forwarding16:02
vakI am thinking if I am not (being) hacked16:02
candreaBroseph, sdb1 and UUID=a49bd8bb... are the same partition16:02
quantumlemurschnuffle, does that work for a proxy?16:02
candreaBroseph, I think you want to remove the sdb1 line16:03
schnufflequantumlemur: web proxy?16:03
BrosephI see but then I won't have /media/data pointing to my second hdd?16:03
quantumlemurschnuffle, well, I'm tryingto forward my browser traffic through an ssh tunnel16:03
schnufflequantumlemur: yes that works16:04
boobsbrEmpathy freezes if I open a chat window with a certain contact using Gtalk protocol. I'm running 10.10 32-bit. Started happening yesterday. Has anyone seen this bug?16:04
Brosephcandrea, the intent was to have a separate hard drive for data, including the home folder, do I need to do the home folder via symlinks instead?16:04
vak1. I got sudden log-off. 2. Now I look at console screen (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and it is full of really odd characters as if someone tried to type something in there... What the heck is going on?..16:04
dorganPici: sorry stepped away...checking now16:04
quantumlemurschnuffle, but don't you have to specify a destination host for a local forward?  what is the syntax that you use?16:05
candreaSeven_Six_Two, oops, sorry. I wanted kern.log, not dmesg16:05
Avaszis it possible to downgrade xorg?16:05
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, np.16:05
Avaszi mean.. i know it is possible16:05
Avaszbut how will it be?16:05
schnufflequantumlemur: yes you have, i always contact a web roxy or only one web server16:05
rwwAvasz: difficult and unsupported16:05
schnufflequantumlemur: let me tet the dynamic thing, it's interessting16:05
quantumlemurschnuffle, ahh, I see16:05
Avaszrww, so instead of downgrading xorg it would be better to use the older version itself?16:06
candreaBroseph, you can use two different partitions: one for your home and one for data; but is there a specific reason why you want to separate /home from your data?16:06
quantumlemurschnuffle, dynamic is nice; you just do a dynamic on the one port, then your remote host acts as a proxy... or at least it did every time I tried it until now16:06
rwwAvasz: if you care about difficulty and unsupportedness, yes.16:06
pythonirc1011what is the best place to download and configure a Ubuntu server from? DVD/CD ?16:06
candreaBroseph, (and yes, using symlinks is a possible solution, although the best solution depends on what you are trying to do)16:06
Avaszrww, ok. thanks. xorg from ubuntu 9.04 is not supported for my laptop.16:07
Avaszso... was thinking what to do16:07
dorganPici: It looks like I may be16:07
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, apparently it's too big to paste in its entirety...I'll give you the last parts16:07
pythonirc1011i only have a dvd burner and an empty dvd drive. Can I get a Ubuntu LTS from somewhere to install on a new machine?16:07
Brosephcandrea, there's no real reason, I'm just misguided. All I want is to have all user data on this separate hard drive, for the most part I only care about mysql data and the home folder16:07
candreaSeven_Six_Two, the parts that I need are the one that include the "bad superblock" error16:07
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, the words "bad" and "super" aren't found in kern.log16:08
Brosephcandrea, so the solution would be to just keep the /home entry and move my data in /home/data?16:08
candreaBroseph, then I suggest you to trash /media/data and keep just /home16:08
xitroxhi my laptop just crashed with speedy text running over the screen (i was looking at a pdf before). I rebooted and checked /var/log/messages for information it read: kernel: [19049.378499] SysRq : HELP : loglevel(0-9) reBoot Crash terminate-all-tasks(E) memory-full-oom-kill(F) kill-all-tasks(I) thaw-filesystems(J) saK show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(L) show-memory-usage(M) nice-all-RT-tasks(N) powerOff show-registers(P) show-all-timers(Q) un16:08
cablopwhat is the cli command to config kdm?16:08
xitroxwhere should i look for further information?16:08
Brosephcandrea, thank you for your help, I'll do just that16:09
candreaSeven_Six_Two, grep -ri superblock .../var/log16:09
candreaSeven_Six_Two, this command you tell you which log file contains the error :)16:09
RoastedWhen I connected to a samba server before, I saved my credentials. Where are these creds saved?16:09
candreaBroseph, you're welcome. If you need more help, please feel free to come back and ask!16:09
rebelldoRhey everyone16:10
rebelldoRwhere i can find a channel for ubuntu beginner16:10
unikis there any basic sound equiliser GUI app?16:10
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, I'm in /var/log (more or less) so I did     grep -ri .16:10
Logan_rebelldoR: #ubuntu-beginners16:11
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, but I didn't get any results16:11
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rebelldoRthanks Logan16:11
candreaSeven_Six_Two, you mean "grep -ri superblock ."?16:11
Logan_rebelldoR: You're welcome.16:11
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, I'm going to reboot, and join this channel from my laptop. Yes, that's what I did (minus the "")16:11
candreaSeven_Six_Two, mh, that's really odd; are you in the /var/log of the live cd or in /my/hard/drive/partition/var/log ?16:12
Seven_Six_Twocandrea, I've mounted my var, so it's   /media/103e5a91-a0a0-444e-9cb9-9470e32f3110/log#16:13
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picturesHi guys16:13
alwaysnoobhello, any help for software disk recovery ?16:13
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picturesany oracle guru's here?16:13
Logan_!recover | alwaysnoob16:14
ubottualwaysnoob: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:14
sevensixtwocandrea, ok. I'm on my laptop too. I'm going to reboot and try again now...maybe it will go better for me this time16:14
munin nautilus, when i press a key, e.g., 'a', it doesn't always jump to the first file starting with an 'a'. does anyone know how to fix this?16:15
dorganPici: ??16:15
alwaysnoobubottu, thanks i'll check it16:16
ubottualwaysnoob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
candreasevensixtwo, welcome back, I can't understand why the error you are getting isn't in the logs, so could you please copy the error by hand?16:16
Logan_!thanks | alwaysnoob16:16
ubottualwaysnoob: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:16
sevensixtwocandrea, sure. I'm rebooting now16:16
chrissbxHi. How do I create a bootable USB stick with Ubuntu on it when I'm running Debian to do it?16:17
vu1kanchrissbx: i find unetbootin to work rather well16:18
TomJI'm trying to apt-get install libxml2-dev on lenny/sid.  I'm getting 404 not found.  doing apt-get update also returns 404 on every single URL (it tries a huge list).  What can I do?16:18
alwaysnoobLogan, thanks too16:18
rwwTomJ: /join #debian ;)16:18
Logan_alwaysnoob: You're welcome.16:18
sevensixtwocandrea, aak. AAAK! now only storage6 and storage7 didn't mount. This is crazy.16:18
Picidorgan: Yes?16:18
dorganI answered your question16:18
dmsupermanWhat's the command to build from source (not from a source repo) but create a metapackage so apt can track your files16:18
impizachrissbx use unetbootin software to create usb bootable16:18
candreasevensixtwo, with the same error?16:18
dmsupermanIt runs the make command and parses the output I think16:19
Picidorgan: Anything that looks like an error?16:19
LjLdmsuperman: checkinstall16:19
dmsupermanah that's it thanks16:19
LjLdmsuperman: (it doesn't create a metapackage, it creates a normal package)16:19
* dmsuperman rubs LjL's italian faces16:19
LjLjpds: double-face i am16:19
jpdsLjL: That explains the two Ls.16:19
dmsupermanLjL: Does it just run the install in a sandbox? Or does it try to copy the make script into the deb with the built files?16:19
LjLdmsuperman: it runs it using an LD_PRELOAD program that tracks all the file open calls that the makefile makes16:20
dmsupermanthanks Luigi16:20
Picidorgan: I'm afraid I'm out of ideas then.  Perhaps someone else can lend a hand, or you could try asking in #ubuntu-server16:20
chrissbximpiza, vulkan: thanks16:21
TomJrww: ok now I'm confused..  /etc/debian_release says lenny/sid, but apt-get is hitting e.g.  us.archive.ubuntu.com.   Do I have some confused repo definitions or something?    I inherited this EC2 image from another admin and it's all rather messed up as you can see..16:21
sevensixtwocandrea, I think my drives are being assigned different letters...16:21
PiciTomJ: What does lsb_release -a say, or /etc/issue or /etc/lsb-release16:22
TomJPici: Ubuntu 8.10 / intrepid16:23
TomJlsb_release / issue / lsb-release all say that16:23
rwwTomJ: ah. Don't use /etc/debian_release, it's not informative ;)16:24
Abhijitwhere is the download link for "chromium" not the chrome?16:24
TomJrww: ok thanks16:24
rwwTomJ: You're using intrepid, which is EOL, hence the repository errors. See the link ubottu's going to give you for more info.16:24
rww!eol | TomJ16:24
ubottuTomJ: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:24
candreasevensixtwo, I see sdd2 in your fstab, but not in the output of fdisk -l16:25
freshonei  had started the assistive technologies while singing in on my pc the magnifier and on screen key board displayed but i dont want it now how do i diable it16:25
candreasevensixtwo, and sdd2 too16:25
candreasevensixtwo, sorry, sdd3 too16:25
candreasevensixtwo, probably you're right16:25
freshonepls help i am new to ubuntu16:25
sevensixtwocandrea, yes. the letters seem to be changing on their own. That's not right!!16:26
freshonei  had started the assistive technologies while singing in on my pc the magnifier and on screen key board displayed but i dont want it now how do i disable it16:26
candreasevensixtwo, you could use UUIDs to fix the problem safetly16:26
freshonepls help!16:26
sevensixtwocandrea, I just put home at the top of my fstab and rebooted, and it didn't work again16:26
choronzonwhen I put smb://workgroup/ in nautilus all I get is the windows machine shares but I can't see my own shares. the shares are set to browsable and guest ok already. any ideas?16:27
Avaszhi.. this wireless chipset.. rtl8187l works fine in xubuntu 10.04 but doesnt work in ubuntu 10.04. Why may it be like that? i thought core of both were same...16:27
candreasevensixtwo, I think you really should use uuids, do you need help setting them up?16:27
freshonei  had started the assistive technologies while singing in on my pc the magnifier and on screen key board displayed but i dont want it now how do i disable it16:27
sevensixtwocandrea, maybe if you could pastebin an example line? I know how to find the uuid16:28
bencchow can I see the name of the group with guid 1000?16:28
freshonei  had started the assistive technologies while singing in on my pc the magnifier and on screen key board displayed,but i dont want it now how do i disable it16:28
freshonepls help16:28
ls3How come upgrades never work right? maybe 1/10 work with no issues. ;)16:28
boobsbrEmpathy freezes if I open a chat window with a certain contact using Gtalk protocol. I'm running 10.10 32-bit. Started happening yesterday. Has anyone seen this bug?16:29
candreasevensixtwo, here's my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613306/16:29
lapionanyone having problems logging in on a skype account ?16:29
Brosephso I moved partitions successfully but I have mysql complaing now:16:29
BrosephERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)16:29
candreasevensixtwo, as you can see, it's really simple: instead of the device name, just put UUID=123416:29
Brosephrelevant settings in my.cnf coming up16:29
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b16:30
freshonecan any one pls help me i  had started the assistive technologies while singing in on my pc the magnifier and on screen key board displayed but i dont want it now how do i disable it16:30
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candreaBroseph, does /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock exist?16:31
freshonehow do i disable the assistive preferences like magnifier and on screen keyboard while signing in16:31
candreaBroseph, what does "ls -l /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" return?16:31
sevensixtwocandrea, thanks. I don't know which one is correct now...The letters definitley switched. I'll do this later. Thanks for your help!16:31
freshonepls help i am new to ubuntu16:31
Brosephsrwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql 0 2011-05-26 11:31 /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock16:32
candreasevensixtwo, you're welcome16:32
rww!helpme | freshone16:32
ubottufreshone: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:32
Brosephcandrea, do I need to change permissions for /home/mysql and /home/mysql/tmp?16:32
xcrwhere i am16:33
linusasus6hi how do I do upgrade please in linux mint 1016:33
rww!mintsupport | linusasus616:33
ubottulinusasus6: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:33
candreaBroseph, if the permissions are wrong then yes: sudo chown -R mysql: /home/mysql16:33
candreaBroseph, but the error is different16:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:33
R1ngh10Unity not run on my intel 855 anyone help me...16:33
candreaBroseph, why are you specifying 'port' if you are using a unix socket=16:33
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:34
Brosephcandrea, yes, port = 330616:34
* BluesKaj debates with self about switching to 64 bit with only 3Gb RAM ..wonders if it's worth the trouble ...have a separate /home partition16:35
BrosephI haven't touched those settings though16:35
candreaBroseph, but unix sockets don't need a port16:35
freshonehow do i disable the assistive preferences like magnifier and on screen keyboard while signing in16:35
Brosephcandrea, so comment out the port? http://pastebin.com/upjchPPD16:35
freshone!assistive preferences16:36
candreaBroseph, yes16:37
rabelaisis there an ncurses based centralized configuration tool for dhcpd and bind?16:37
freshonehow do i disable the assistive preferences like magnifier and on screen keyboard while signing in16:38
Logan_!repeat | freshone16:38
ubottufreshone: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:38
BrosephERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)16:38
Brosephcandrea, same error still, even after sudo service mysql restart16:38
candreaBroseph, what is giving you the error? can you paste the full output?16:39
shomonhi there. I'm trying to get my head around "man tar" !!! how do you extract a single file from an archive with tar?16:39
Brosephcandrea, I think it has more to do with changing the mysql data and tmp folders16:39
candreaBroseph, ah, are you trying to launch mysql from your user?16:39
Brosephcandrea, it was working fine before that16:39
Brosephcandrea, yes16:40
piotrekmHello. I've got a strange problem: On my MacBook2,1 grub-efi works fine, but booting natty kernel causes immediate reboot (it looks like kernel and initrd get loaded properly). Booting 10.10, though, runs smoothly. Booting 10.10's kernel into single user with natty's partitions as root works too. Any ideas what might be wrong with booting natty? (traditional boot goes ok).16:40
candreaBroseph, you should run it as the user 'mysql'16:40
schnufflequantumlemur: it works and I know howto debug16:40
widewakeHi, does anybody know a website for hackers? Like a forum or community? Id like to do some research16:40
quantumlemurschnuffle, cool, you got it working?16:41
sevensixtwowidewake, backtrack416:41
schnufflequantumlemur: yep one thing is strange though. I got it running with tsocks but not with manual proxy configuration in firefox16:42
rymannnHey guys anyone got a thinkpad edge 11 and writes code using it? I wanted to know if the keyboard is comfy for prolong coding16:42
furqanhow to find out how much GPU VRAM is used ?16:42
Brosephcandrea, access denied using my mysql root pass16:42
quantumlemurschnuffle, hmm, that's interesting... what's tsocks, though?16:42
Logan_!ot | rymannn16:42
ubotturymannn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:42
candreaBroseph, the command you are using?16:43
r4ykidHi everyone. If I prefer the "old" ubuntu desktop, what should i do in terms of support(im on 11.4). Just use the classic desktop? Will that disappear?16:43
afeijohi guys, one of my domains is listing the root content, instead of loading index.php (apache2)?16:43
furqanhow to find out how much GPU VRAM is used in ubuntu ?16:43
Brosephcandrea, I'm literally logging in as user "mysql" though ssh16:43
Logan_!classic | r4ykid16:44
ubottur4ykid: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.16:44
schnufflequantumlemur: tsocks lets you transparently set a socks proxy for an application. so tsocks firefox will redirect all tranffic through a configured socks proxy16:44
r4ykidLogan_, thanks. Do you think i can still do that in the next versions?16:44
Logan_r4ykid: As of now, they are removing the Ubuntu Classic interface from 11.10 (Oneiric).16:45
cablopwhat do you recommend for IRC?16:45
candreaBroseph, ah, ssh... then you should log in as your user and "sudo start mysql"16:45
cablopbesides chatzilla?16:45
R1ngh10Unity not run on my intel 855 anyone help me...16:45
quantumlemurschnuffle, cool, do you know of any howto info?16:45
cablopor a standalone chatzilla16:45
cablopdoes it exist?16:45
Logan_!irc | cablop16:45
ubottucablop: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:46
Brosephcandrea, start: Job is already running: mysql16:46
r4ykidLogan_, ok, thank you.16:46
candreaBroseph, and is mysql working?16:46
Logan_r4ykid: You're welcome.16:46
cablopthanks logan16:46
Logan_cablop: You're welcome.16:46
Brosephcandrea, I haven't had a chance to load any data in yet16:46
schnufflequantumlemur: so the way to go: sudo apt-get install tsocks, edit /etc/tsocks.conf and set the server to, then open your socket proxy with ssh -D user@server.tld and run firefox or any other app with tsocks app16:46
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Brosephcandrea, but I do believe the server is started16:46
xcrBroseph, ubuntu.16:47
schnuffleshh -D 1080 ( default port in tsocks)16:47
=== Jake is now known as JakeUSPS
candreaBroseph, yes, it is: it's possible that you are getting that error because the server is already running16:47
schnufflequantumlemur: http://www.debian-administration.org/article/SSH_dynamic_port_forwarding_with_SOCKS16:47
widewakeanyone know how to hack a facebook or yahoo passowrd? ;)16:48
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candrea!ot | widewake16:48
ubottuwidewake: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:48
Logan_!piracy | widewake16:48
ubottuwidewake: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:48
boobsbrEmpathy freezes if I open a chat window with a certain contact using Gtalk protocol. I'm running 10.10 32-bit. Started happening yesterday. Has anyone seen this bug?16:48
quantumlemurschnuffle, thanks, I'll see if I can get that working16:48
schnufflequantumlemur: debugged it with ssh -D port -Nv user@.... and http_proxy=....... wget .....16:48
Brosephcandrea, I'm going to try rolling back my changes to my.cnf, see if that fixes anything16:49
widewaketrying to recover an acount ;-)  i understand roger16:49
m3asmidhcpd: Not configured to listen on any interfaces16:50
bitchuloalguien para follar16:50
sevensixtwocandrea, I switched all of my non-raid partitions to mount by uuid, and no more errors. Thanks again!16:51
zayaanyone running 11.04?16:51
schnuffle!anyone | zaya16:52
ubottuzaya: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:52
zayaomnoGR: Can you compare it to Maverick as in is 11.04 geared more for GUI over script?17:01
m3asmi1709 personne & no reponce :'(17:01
zayaAlso ty schnuffle for your input.17:01
kandinskiI have installed natty anew on a laptop with a nvidia 7400 and X is hosed; how can I fix it from the command line?17:01
Kyle___Is anyone else finding 11.04's X seems to lock-up overnight if you leave a kvm isntance running?17:01
quantumlemurschnuffle, cool, I just got it working with tsocks :)  thanks for the tip.  I don't know why it wasn't working without it, though; it never required it before17:01
omnoGRhow i can make work Alt+Shift enable to change languages ?17:01
zayaomnogr keyboard pref > layouts and you cna set the options for keybindings per language17:01
nalexHey there. I got a couple of computers with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Is there a way to disable the shutdown/reboot/hibernate/suspend options for any normal user, for every wm/de ?17:01
Brosephcandrea, reset to defaults and everything is working now17:02
schnufflequantumlemur: yep my firt try failed as well17:02
Brosephcandrea, and by that I mean I can login with "mysql --user=user --password"17:02
Kyle___nalex: For certain users, yes.17:02
Kyle___nalex: I think you can just do that from the user & groups control panel.17:02
zayanalex: user settings or something rather,17:03
nalexHmmm, there're many users...doing it for certain users would not be possible. I need to do it in general17:03
omnoGRzaya, thank you i have made it and works17:04
CyrusBHi all. Does crontab continue on startup?17:04
CyrusBOr will I have to reset all my cron jobs17:04
zayanalex maybe a script that could change all users except root then remove the changes from certain users? Not sure on that one myself17:04
PiciCyrusB: I'm not sure what you're asking, can you clarify that?17:05
nalexzaya, nono it will not work...I will just try google again. Maybe I will find a good solution :-)17:05
CyrusBPici: I would like to create a crontab job, but I am not sure if after I reboot, that crontab job will continue to run on its specified time interval17:05
drewbyDoes anyone know while the links from the places menu open rhythm box and start it importing instead of opening nautilus at that location?17:06
PiciCyrusB: It wouldn't much use as a job scheduling system if you needed to re-add your tasks after each reboot. :)17:06
zayanalex, That one baffles me. I would google it also sorry17:07
CyrusBPici: Yea, makes sence. Just making sure :p17:07
PiciCyrusB: If you *miss* the job while the computer is off, it will not be run though.17:07
CyrusBPici: Yes, that I understand17:07
CyrusBPici: Thankyou :)17:07
PiciCyrusB: No problem17:07
nalexzaya, yeah...the problem is...most of the tutorial for that kind of problem are rather hacks than a solution...or totally outdated17:07
m3asmi Starting ISC DHCP server dhcpd         fail   * check syslog for diagnostics.17:09
zayanalex still beyond me but if you can get it to work individually then may get stuck with that (to avoid hacks and malicious guides)17:09
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simonandreshi, did someone has installed ubuntu studio on acer aspire 5732z17:10
simonandresmy friend told me that is bad idea17:11
afeijohi guys, one of my domains is listing the root content, instead of loading index.php (apache2)?17:11
drewbywhoah, caps lock buddy17:11
ziikutvsoz by mistake17:11
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:12
ziikutvi wasnt looking up17:12
zayasimonandres, why did they say it's a bad idea?17:12
simonandresbecause the screen turns black and you can see nothing on it17:12
simonandresit sucks17:12
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simonandresbut only with this model17:12
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simonandresi don't know why, but i kinda fixet on the grub17:13
eekTheCatshould mpd just work out of the box? Do I need to spend a lot of time configuring it?17:13
simonandresthe problem= i have to do it every time17:13
Vonhintenafeijo, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_autoindex.html17:14
boobsbrEmpathy freezes if I open a chat window with a certain contact using Gtalk protocol. I'm running 10.10 32-bit. Started happening yesterday. Has anyone seen this bug?17:14
=== eris23 is now known as NetRiot
codeymanI'm trying to get the source code of a software that is available on ubuntu repos on a non-ubuntu/debian machine. Could someone please point me to a link that I can use to download?17:16
Picicodeyman: http://packages.ubuntu.com should be helpful17:17
leandroim having an issue i need some help17:18
_alazarHi everybody! I don't use UbuntuOne, so I would like to remove its indicator, could you explain me how to?17:18
omnoGRi have install yum , but i haven't cofigure it well , can anyone simple explain to me17:19
_alazarWhy did you installed yum in Ubuntu?17:20
chrislu5tichi there, i am trying to install wine 1.1.14    , I really have no idea how to,  sudo apt-get install wine" gives me wine 1.217:21
omnoGR_alazar, i dont remember i was reading a tutorial and have to install it first17:21
jonasson_hello guys17:21
jonasson_how cqn I use eclipse CDN ?17:22
_alazarchrislu5tic: wine 1.2 is the last stable version, why do you want a obsolete one?17:22
omnoGR_alazar, and when i log on o pop up windows appear twice to request the passwd17:22
chrislu5ticbecause it is able to run a few things 1.2 cannot17:23
leandromy laptop fans arent running17:23
zayachrislu5tic, I think winehq.org has later releases of wine, however some get good results using the 1.3 release over 1.2 pending what you're trying to accomplish17:23
afeijoVonhinten, it was working nicely until yesterday. I added today the DirectoryIndex, no effect... weird17:23
stonepc23Hi all!17:23
boobsbrEmpathy freezes if I open a chat window with a certain contact using Gtalk protocol. I'm running 10.10 32-bit. Started happening yesterday. Has anyone seen this bug?17:24
simonandresfoxpro on ubuntu?17:24
olmarihello... having troubles to mount nfs4 with mine server17:25
_alazarchrislu5tic: that makes no sense, but you can force the installation of a previous version if you first get it from... maybe wine own repository?17:25
drewbyThank the lord.  My places menu works again http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10098466#post1009846617:25
olmari"svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97)"17:25
chrislu5ticit makes no sense?17:25
olmarigoogle suggest it has something to do with ipv617:25
chrislu5tici used it before and it worked just fine.. makes sense to me17:25
chrislu5tici am going to try something tho.17:25
_alazaromnoGR: yum is like synaptic, a package manager. I don't know why you'll need to use it in Ubuntu.17:25
olmaribut I don't wanna disable ipv6, I'm using it... tough I could disable it for NFS, if I'd just know how17:25
codeymanPici: this is what I was looking for.. thanks a ton17:26
=== Israfel_ is now known as Israfel
jonasson_how do I start an application I installed with synaptics with unity ?17:28
yassine_hellwer can i find my flash disk in ubuntu ?17:28
zayaflash drive usually in /media17:28
schnufflejonasson_: ALT+F2 as in Gnome2 to open a launcher?17:29
_alazarchrislu5tic: what makes no sense is that in a more recent version things that worked in 1.1 don't work now, but wine is a little complicatted so it's normal. There was a repository where wine put every version they made in .deb packages, with them you'll be able to downgrade.17:29
jonasson_schnuffle : it shows me eclipse, I want eclipse cdt17:29
yassine_hellcant find it :S  "cdrom" and "cdrom" are empty17:29
_alazarchrislu5tic: But I don't know if that repository is still available (at least I was unable to find it again).17:30
=== D34X is now known as Dommer
MIH1406in linux, I booted a into a CLI not a GUI17:30
yassine_hellawh found it, had to put it in again17:30
schnufflejonasson_: isn't cdt only a perspective for c development? then just start eclipse and open the correct perspective17:31
zayathat works17:31
=== Guest70333 is now known as soyo
MIH1406how to leave this CLI screen to a GUI screen what is the command?17:31
jonasson_schnuffle thanks to put m ystupidity in perspective17:31
Dommeranyone know whow well ubuntu works on an IBM 600X?17:31
jonasson_schnuffle how do I change a perspective ?17:31
DommerI'm running itand I don't know how well it'll work17:32
Fuchsjonasson_: top right17:32
schnufflejonasson_: open a project select a c project, it should switch17:32
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jonasson_oh yes thanks, found it17:33
yassine_hellit says : Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be used in17:34
MIH1406how to start X?17:35
MIH1406any help17:35
jonasson_startx in terminal17:36
shomonstartx, sometimes... although you might have to explain more about your problem MIH140617:36
Semitonesalso /etc/init.d/gdm start17:36
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MIH1406shomon, I have GNOME 3 try it cd and in I tried to boot it. But I end up in a terminal screen only. No GUI.17:38
MIH1406shomon, what is the command to start GUI17:38
oCeanMIH1406: how is that an ubuntu issue?17:38
MIH1406It is not Ubuntu its Ubuntu's user's issue17:39
oCeanMIH1406: than it's offtopic here. Gnome 3 is not supported, anyway17:39
shomonis there a gnome specific place?17:39
MIH1406It is just a command17:39
shomonwell if you try startx you will probably see some error message if it doesn't work.17:40
oCeanshomon: gnome channels are on irc.gnome.org17:40
shomonwell MIH1406 I guess you'll have to go to irc.gnome.org - sorry not to be of more help17:41
MIH1406I am going there then17:41
=== braiam is now known as braiam-l
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chrissbxI'm trying to put the Ubuntu installer onto a USB flashdrive, using Debian. I've used unetbootin and pointed it to the ubuntu iso file, but now the generated stick will boot the syslinux loader but that says "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg."17:47
chrissbxAnyone knows what's going on? Is the init searching after or before mounting the root volume? I'd guess after, right, but then why would that be, does the ubuntu live img not have init at the usual place?17:48
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=== braiam-l is now known as braiam
yassine_hellhi i plugged in my external hard driver, now when i try to open it i get this error$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)17:49
yassine_hellFailed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not supported17:49
yassine_hellMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use.17:49
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chrissbxHow do I install Ubuntu on a netbook without CD drive, when all I currently have is Debian?17:50
foobarbecueHi. I adminster server A on a network where server B was recently compromised by an intrusion that escalated to root access. I'm checking the server for signs of intrustion. chkrootkit detects a "winbind" infection on port 4000. Nmap shows a service called "remoteanything" running on 4000, which worries me. However, nmap shows rpc.statd listening on 4000 and I have seen things about a false positive in chkrootkit for rpc.statd. 17:50
chrissbxI *do* have a usb flashdrive.17:50
foobarbecueoops not windbind17:51
foobarbecueI meant17:51
omichalekHi all, is swap partition necessary? I have 8 GB ram and plan to run virtualized host among other things.17:54
aeon-ltdomichalek: yes you should keep one anyway, most apps like to 'dump' themselves into swap spaces if unused for a long time17:55
aeon-ltdomichalek: also suspend would not work without it, i'd say if you don't use suspend 1GB is fine17:56
braiamaeon-ltd: you mean "hibernation" or "suspend-to-disk"?17:57
aeon-ltdchrissbx: you can make a install usb17:57
aeon-ltd!unetbootin  | chrissbx17:57
ubottuchrissbx: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:57
aeon-ltdbraiam: both, they dump to a swap file17:57
omichalekaeon-ltd then I'll go with something like 1GB17:57
aeon-ltdbraiam: also some applications like gimp store some fonts there that don't neccessarily need to be in the ram17:57
braiamaeon-ltd: "suspend-to-ram" doesn't dump to disk, only to the ram17:58
braiamgimp: you stupid....17:58
omichalekaeon-ltd braiam and will disk suspending work with swap space spread across more disks?17:59
akuimiroI am having problems with mysql server 5.1 on ubuntu 10.10 - i cant seem to find help, I am unable to login as root after a fresh install.  I have started mysql safe, with --skip-grant-tables and followed the procedure for changing root password, but it is not working - (0 matched, 0 changed, 0 warning, 0 affected) ..17:59
aeon-ltdbraiam: you said suspend to disk the first time18:00
aeon-ltdomichalek: never tried it18:00
braiamcause you only said "suspend" <aeon-ltd> omichalek: also suspend would not work without it18:00
cabulosoakuimiro, try dpkg-reconfiure mysql-server18:01
bitcycleHey all.  I'm wondering how to make it so that the background that I see when my screen is locked is the same as my wallpaper.  Is that possible?18:01
omichalekaeon-ltd I might try that, don't want to waste much SSD space18:01
acovrigI am trying to install ubuntu to a netbook, is it safe to boot ubuntu in VMWare Fusion, dd the firtual disk to an external hdd (on a mac), boot the netbook w/something *small* via usb, then dd if=file.dd of=/dev/hdd?18:01
acovrig*furtial -> virtual18:01
omichalekaeon-ltd: now if we could just use btrfs subvolumes already...18:02
aeon-ltdomichalek: woah did not know that, if you have a regular hard disk use that instead, don't use the ssd unless you're using TRIM or an equivalent to save writes18:02
omichalekaeon-ltd don't use it for swap you mean?18:03
Grootstyraeon-ltd: trim is not to save writes18:03
aeon-ltdomichalek: yes18:03
omichalekaeon-ltd ok18:03
omichalekaeon-ltd I said I don't want to waste it after all :)18:04
akuimirocabuloso: Okay, I did dpkg-reconfigure , it asked me again to type in (and then re-type) the root password, which i did - but when i attempt to mysql -u root -p  and then enter the password, it gives me the same access denied error18:05
acovrigis it safe to dd a .dd to a hdd if the sizes don't match?18:09
Sniffyanyone know how to access a shared directory in ubuntu from a windows xp machine over a network?18:10
drewwhat is a floodbot18:10
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GhostHeartProbably a bot to prevent people flooding the channel, drew/guest18:11
wyvern666natty comes with CGJ installed by default?18:11
Guest42033have any of ya'll used backtrack 5 yet??18:11
KaiSforzai have.18:12
KaiSforzait's nice, but the damn ati drivers...18:12
Guest42033Awesome right, well to me it is18:12
PiciGuest42033: Possibly, but keep in mind that we do not support backtrack here, their channel is #backtrack-linux18:12
KaiSforzamy screen becomes a veritable strobe light.18:12
GhostHeartI need help. I'm trying to install Ubuntu to run alongside Windows 7, the site says use Wubi. I do. I select the relevant options and install, reboot on prompt. Eventually the screen comes up for fully installing ubuntu (selecting timezone, etc) but I can't see it. I can barely make out an outline18:13
davidHi everyone, does someone know how to list the ttys installed on the Linux ?18:24
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The123kingMy partition table seems to have got corrrupted, any ideas on how to fix it?18:26
BorgTK2001Ahhh, that could be why I couldn't address 5thHorseman18:27
The123kingI'm triple booting Haiku OS, Ubuntu and Windows on it if that helps18:27
meoblast001via CLI, how can i list all the files in a package i have installed?18:28
Picimeoblast001: dpkg -L packagename18:28
chrissbxaeon-ltd: yep, the newer version works.18:28
ActionParsnipThe123king: gparted in livecd may help18:28
aeon-ltdchrissbx: glad i good guide you a little :)18:29
chrissbxSo, anybody who tells Debian users to use unetbootin to make Ubuntu images bootable on flash sticks, please also tell them that the Debian stable version actually doesn't work, they need to upgrade to testing.18:29
chrissbx(upgrade to unetbootin from testing)18:29
MuNk`where are network folders from smb/windows mounted on the file system?18:29
ActionParsnipchrissbx: log a bug18:30
The123kinggparted live cd just came up with an unallocated disk18:30
chrissbxActionParsnip: where, on the debian bts?18:30
ActionParsnipMuNk`: ~/.gvfs18:30
MuNk`ty =]18:30
The123kinghence why i expect the partition table has gone up the creek18:30
ActionParsnipchrissbx: wherever appropriate18:30
chrissbxActionParsnip: I don't see how it would be useful on the debian bts if it's already fixed in testing (except when people visit the bts to look for help, but considering that it didn't occur to me to be a problem in unetbootin I'm not sure whether anyone would)18:31
safirehow do I see what files a package has?18:32
Picisafire: One you have installed?18:32
Picisafire: dpkg -L packagename18:32
safirealso, can I see what package a binary was installed from?18:33
Picisafire: Use dpkg -S  for that18:33
ActionParsnipchrissbx: if there is an issue you have found you should use bugs to inform packagers and devs. Although you don't have to18:33
chrissbxActionParsnip: it's been reported on the debian bts already, I see it now18:33
ActionParsnipCool :-)18:34
safirei'm looking at kpropd18:35
chrissbxSo again, anyone who listens, if you've been telling Debian users to use unetbootin, if possible remember that the version in current Debian stable doesn't actually work.18:35
safireand finding it weird that there's no init script associated with it18:35
chrissbxThanks :)18:35
macochrissbx: doh18:35
ActionParsnip!info kpropd18:36
ubottuPackage kpropd does not exist in natty18:36
prezidentHello people again18:36
macochrissbx: thankfully, most debian users don't run stable :P18:36
chrissbxwell, dunno.18:36
chrissbxI am :)18:36
safirekpropd isn't a package18:36
safireit's part of krb5-kdc18:36
safirewhich has an init script18:36
safirebut doesn't mention kpropd in it18:36
prezident i have a computer that boots both linux and windows but my windows have more space to save things is their any way i can take that space and give it to my linux ? if that makes sense18:37
ActionParsnipsafire: just hadn't heard of it and was curious :)18:37
macoprezident: if you boot from a live cd, you can resize the partitions using a tool such as gparted18:37
carpiHi. I am trying to install wings 3D. But the version in the repo is 1.2 and the latest stable version available on their website is 1.4. What are my options in this situation?18:37
prezidentmaco i can't do it from inside of ubuntu18:38
acovrigprezident: most likely not18:38
macoprezident: if you try to resize a partition while it's mounted, you'll destroy your data (unless you have a specialised setup, like with lvm)18:38
ActionParsnipprezident: or make a folder in the ntfs and use it to store junk. Ubuntu can write NTFS.18:38
prezidentlol i got to crawl before i walk here people lol18:39
Vonhintenthat would be crawling, versus using gparted18:39
prezidentmaking the boot-able cd sounds easiest to me18:39
sudokilla parted magic disc is always useful18:39
silveringhi guys, i want to place my terminal in the center of the screen and i have to describe X and Y geometry in tilda, my monitor is 4:3 and my resolution is 1152:864, what should i put for X and Y ?18:39
Grootstyrsilvering: do the math18:40
ActionParsnipprezident: making the folder is less graceful but is quicker and with less risk18:40
prezidentmy windows has alot of space that is not needed and i want to give it to my linux i know how to make a bootable cd and after that all i have to do is just resize in g  partition right ?18:40
macoVonhinten: dunno, i think dragging around a bar to resize is easier than making sense of bind mounts and whatnot to try to get the right folder from NTFS mounted somewhere in ~ and with the right umask18:40
prezidenthow would the folder give me more space on my linux18:40
silveringGrootstyr: well im a little confused, how?18:40
macoprezident: the folder suggestion would be that you could, from your linux, use some of teh windows space18:40
Grootstyrsilvering: depends how large the window is18:40
macoprezident: then you'd also be able to access that data from both18:40
prezidento ok  soungs good18:40
Vonhintenmaco, when I installed a dual boot linux, it all just worked, my NTFS partition was already mounted, and I could access it just like the filesystem...18:40
prezidenthow do i manage to do so18:41
Vonhintendoesn't get much easier than thtat18:41
Grootstyrsilvering: mostly the X and Y are the top left of the window, so just dividing both x and y through 2 does not work18:41
macoVonhinten: it automounted? huh. shiny newness i guess. used to be had to mess with /etc/fstab to get that18:41
silveringGrootstyr: it will be 924x66818:41
Grootstyrsilvering: as soon as you know how large the window is(in pixels) its easy18:41
Grootstyrsilvering: exactly what was your resolution18:42
prezidenthow do i make the folder and where do i make it ?18:42
ActionParsnipsilvering: tilda can be moved within its own config. Just shuffle it til you are happy18:42
silvering1152x864 on 4:3 16 inch LG flatron18:42
acovrigprezident: whereever you want it-what version of windows do you have?18:42
travisclineshould it be possible to dist-upgrade from a now-unsupported version? (jaunty) ?18:43
prezidentwindows 718:43
Sniffyhow do i access files in a shared directory? i can connect to the machine and see the directory structure but can't actually see the files18:43
Sniffyi'm trying to access the files from windows machines18:43
Sniffyit's a permissions issue18:44
carpiHi. I am trying to install wings 3D. But the version in the repo is 1.2 and the latest stable version available on their website is 1.4. What are my options in this situation if I want to install the latest stable version..which is 1.4?18:44
Grootstyrsilvering: try X:114 Y:98 for me?18:44
BorgTK2001Could be a permissions issue18:44
acovrigprezident: if you put it in C:\Users\<your username>\Desktop (I believe) it will be on your desktop18:44
BorgTK2001Oh, ZING18:44
Sniffyhow do i solve that though?18:44
ActionParsnipprezident: in places you will see the ntfs partition. Click it then make a folder someplace (or if you have it automounting use its mount point).18:44
Sniffytab for sharing gives no info on this18:44
prezidentok i get what your saying18:44
prezidentthank you18:44
silveringGrootstyr: just a second.. now when i run tilda, it runs on 0 on 0 wich is fullscreen, and i dont know how to run tilda setup again18:45
GrootstyrI don't know that but if my math is right, x:144 and y:98 would be right.18:45
ActionParsnipSniffy: is windows sharing the folder or accessing one under Linux?18:46
BorgTK2001Sniffy, who do the files on your Ubuntu machine [that you want to share] belong to?18:46
silveringthanks, i will try it and get back to you, when i find how to run tilda setup again :)18:46
BorgTK2001Yours, yes, but a particular username, Sniffy [And you don't have to give that user name in this IRC]18:46
darktrader79hello @ all18:47
ActionParsnipSniffy: run: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER    set the same pass as your user logs in with and you'll be fine18:47
BorgTK2001Could be in System->Administration->Users and Groups18:47
BorgTK2001Try ActionParsnip's first, though18:47
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carpiHi. I am trying to install wings 3D. But the version in the repo is 1.2 and the latest stable version available on their website is 1.4. What are my options in this situation if I want to install the latest stable version..which is 1.4?18:48
darktrader79please need quick help or link to change the window bottuns from left to right !!!! at moment  icant  search18:48
ActionParsnipSniffy: the windows client can now authenticate as the user (make the OS store the credential)18:48
darktrader79because handy to slow18:49
ActionParsnip!ppa |carp18:49
ubottucarp: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.18:49
BorgTK2001or this, http://nendowingsmirai.yuku.com/topic/7390#.Td6SoqWYEVU, carpi18:49
ActionParsnipDarktrader: so you haven't seen the thousands of guides for that?18:50
darktrader79im switched from kde18:50
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56418:50
darktrader79so its very hard18:50
Sniffyok it works if I physically share the parent of the directory containing the files but this will take ages (i.e. for each TV show I need to share each season directory). How do I apply read/write/execute to guest users?18:50
Sniffythe files are mine. accessing this machine from my network18:50
Sniffyerr netbook*18:51
Grootstyrubottu: to symbolize MAC OS X18:51
ubottuGrootstyr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:51
ActionParsnipDarktrader: web browser still works though, right...18:51
carpiubottu: but is it possible to install using aptitude? because it would nice to not have to contaminate my installation of natty?18:51
BorgTK2001carpi: Then you now have to do as ActionParsnip suggests and find a repo18:52
BorgTK2001a ppa repo18:52
BorgTK2001And that is something only you can do, carpi - good hunting18:52
fdawhy firefox lags heavily right after default installation and no plugins?18:52
SniffyUrgh, sharing the root directory should give access to the child directories18:52
Sniffythis is cumbersome at best18:52
safireso did people have to write their own kpropd init script?18:53
usr13fda: Lags?  Slow to load a page?18:53
ActionParsnipCarpi: ubottu is a bot. If you can find a ppa you will be able to get the newer version18:53
fdano, gui lags18:53
BorgTK2001Could be in System->Administration->Users and Groups, Sniffy18:53
fdalag when opening tabs, lag when listing tabs,18:53
usr13fda: Run from terminal and see what it's doing.18:53
Vonhintensomething chewing up CPU?18:53
fdano, cpu is fine, but running in terminal shows (firefox-bin:17670): LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed18:54
usr13fda: Yea, and maybe run top and see what it says about FF as it's coming up.18:54
carpiActionParsnip: thanks. i shall lookinto it18:54
fdatop is fine, firefox <10% cpu always18:54
kishfda, depends on your tabs18:55
kishif you have 200 tabs open with javascript running all the time18:55
silveringGrootstyr: can i give you link to a picture on prv?18:55
usr13fda: So it's slow to come up at first?  Try setting the home page to about:home18:55
fdano, I have lag with 1-2 tabs18:55
silveringGrootstyr: to see what i want to acomplish18:55
fdaempty tabs! Its the gui18:55
Grootstyrsilvering: yes, but I dunno if this thing supports it ^^18:56
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fdanavigation is fine and bast, the problem is when fiddling with firefox interface, like switching tabs, listing them etc18:56
Sniffyok i've added a user18:56
usr13fda: Do you see any clues in the terminal output ?18:56
Sniffybut this windows machine isn't asking for a bloody password lol18:56
fdajust the "LIBDBUSMENU-GTK-CRITICAL **: dbusmenu_menuitem_property_set_shortcut: assertion `gtk_accelerator_valid(key, modifier)' failed" thing18:56
Sniffyjust "access denied"18:56
kishafter having upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 I get screwed18:57
kishthere's nothing in /usr/share/terminfo18:57
usr13Sniffy: So this is a MS Windows machine trying to access samba shares on a Ubuntu PC?18:57
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Sniffydon't worry guys i've got it working19:01
Sniffythanks for the command ActionParsnip19:01
ActionParsnipSniffy: np man, windows can have a hard time authenticating so a manual method can be used19:02
zayaHas anyone tried getting Silverlite(sp?) to work via wine or vbox?19:04
mRyHello! Looking for an expert Linux developer for hire! Please PM me if interested19:07
ActionParsnipZaya: it will work under vbox as it'll be running on windows. I believe there is silverlight for Linux19:07
xeeHi, I have a strange problem, date and date -u display the same thing(and the time displayed inside KDE is wrong as well) although my TZ is set to Africa/Cairo19:07
zayaActionParsnip: Microsoft gave in to linux users finally?19:07
Refael__hola, can anybody make reference to total Unix & Linux Daemon process documentation?19:08
tensorpuddingSilverlight for Linux, when did that happen? Why did it happen?19:08
Picitensorpudding: Theres moonlight19:08
zaeryMicrosoft and Novell worked together to make Moonlight19:08
tensorpuddingMoonlight is different19:08
tensorpuddingIt uses mono19:08
tensorpuddingIt also isn't 100% compatible19:08
ActionParsnipZaya: i believe its around19:08
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ActionParsniptensorpudding: thats it! Thanks :-)19:09
tensorpuddingAsk anyone who tried to use the Netflix app in Moonlight19:09
zaeryI haven't actually tried it, but from what i've read, moonlight is significantly better than silverlight in wine, but not as good as silverlight in a vm19:09
ActionParsnipI don't know anyone using netflix19:10
zayamoonlight I have heard about. Basically trying to get 'flix in linux lol19:10
ActionParsnipMiro is pretty good afair19:11
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tensorpuddingzaya: give up19:11
zayalol that bad of a lost cause huh? lol19:11
Picizaya: It does not work in Linux natively.19:11
tensorpuddingzaya: it's not going to be supported; it requires a drm library that mono can't/won't include in moonlight19:11
zayaSad... micro-crust stinks19:12
Sazpaimonwhen building a package using dpkg-buildpackage, how do I specify the concurrency level19:12
boobsbrEmpathy freezes if I open a chat window with a certain contact using Gtalk protocol. I'm running 10.10 32-bit. Started happening yesterday. Has anyone seen this bug?19:12
Sazpaimonlike, make -j919:12
tensorpuddingi don't think microsoft added the drm of their own accord, it's probably part and parcel of the deal they negotiated with content-holders19:13
ActionParsnipDrm sucks. Stops onlive working too :(19:13
tensorpuddingerr, netflix19:13
tensorpuddingit's not in netflix or microsoft's best interest to have drm19:13
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zayaYeah, only one of a few reasons I keep windows floating around.19:14
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ActionParsnipZaya: tried miro. I believe xbmc has some streaming plugins19:15
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djznhow much in MB is the entire Unity package group19:18
Grootstyrdjzn: to much, download gnome 3 instead ^.^19:19
BorgTK2001DRM is a necessary evil19:19
djzni move to linux mint19:19
djznpermanently now19:19
djznabandoned ubuntu, and now with gnome3, abandoned fedora19:19
iskinWhat is the bash setting to turn on auto-completion?19:20
djznj #archlinux19:20
djznops sorry19:20
BorgTK2001djzn, that's nice - perhaps spread THAT news in a different channel?19:20
ActionParsnipDjzn: i'd guess around 20mb. If you tell the OS to install it (assuming you don't have it already) you will be told19:20
BorgTK2001This is the Ubuntu channel19:20
djznwant to let mark shutterworth that he got a 12 caliber... and shot on his foot19:20
oCeandjzn: stop that19:21
djznand fedora went and did that as well19:21
djznwhat`s the matter19:21
djzni`m disappointed19:21
djzncan`t i be19:21
oCeandjzn: this channel is for support. Stop the offtopic messages19:21
djznok stopped19:21
ActionParsnipdjzn: the support channels for mint are vastly smaller than the support for ubuntu.19:21
BorgTK2001You can be disappointed, djzn - but only in the right channel19:21
Grootstyrdjzn: /join #disappointed19:23
ActionParsnipLearned the other day, Linux mint originates in Ireland19:23
jpleasuare we allowed to say we _like_ unity in this channel?19:24
PiciActionParsnip: Please stay on topic here.19:24
oCeanjpleasu: this channel is for support issues. Chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic19:24
jpleasuok, that's a no :-(19:25
xcrubuntu == uncool ?19:25
iskinWhat is the setting to make bash auto complete commands again? Like if I wanted to 'apt-get install <package>' and I started to type 'blue' and hit tab I could see all packages that start with 'blue'?19:26
ascheeliskin: it's not a setting, it's a script.  I believe it's named /etc/bash-completion19:26
iskinascheel, thanks19:26
iskinHm, bash-completion is already installed but it's not working.19:27
ActionParsnipiskin: in ~/.bashrc   you probably have the bash complete bit commented. Uncomment it, save the new file and run:  source ~/.bashrc19:28
Piciiskin: I believe  you need to have something i19:28
XylchI just installed Fedora on my system on a separate partition from Ubuntu, but Fedora didn't add Ubuntu to the boot menu, how can I fix it? I am on Ubuntu now after messing with grub.conf, however it booted me into the command line where I had to log in there and startx to get into ubuntu, but I have no menu at the top of my screen nor the unity launcher.19:28
Piciiskin: Sorr,y you need to have this in your ~/.bashrc for it to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/613402/19:28
ActionParsnipiskin: its at the bottom of the file if memory serves19:28
ActionParsnipXylch: try: sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub19:30
Garnashaso, I burned a data disk with brasero, contents two parts of a fivepart .tar.7z backup, ejected it and put it back in19:30
Garnashahow do I get my machine to do the equivalent of the windows "open in explorer"?19:30
XylchActionParsnip: Alright thanks, I'll boot back into Fedora and try it.19:31
ActionParsnipGarnasha: it should automount and ask what to do19:31
GarnashaActionParsnip: it doesn't19:31
bannaN-When i logg inn with my newly created user my bash profile seems kind of wierd, i cannot press the up arrow to access bash history, and the terminal symbol is only $, if i try to set $PS1 to \u@\h, \u@\h is actually displayed, not <user>@<host> but the actual signs\letters \u@\h... Anybody knows whats wrong?19:31
TECH936hi anyone seen the news latly?19:32
GarnashaTECH936: seen a lot of news, what exactly?19:32
oCeanTECH936: do you have a support question?19:32
elijahIs there a way to get my trackpad to do a two finger swipe to the left to go back in the browser, same with right=forward?19:32
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RAGEMADNESSwhat about tech936?19:32
TECH936no support question's im here to help19:32
elijahIt does a 2 finger scroll beautifully!19:33
TECH936the anonymous stuff19:33
oCeanTECH936: don't start offtopic talk then19:33
ascheelTECH936: this is a support channel for Ubuntu related topics.  Let's please keep it on topic19:33
TECH936oCean  don't get rude19:33
KangaroooTECH936:  #ubuntu-offtopic19:33
Brom_StorytellerI've a question about Bash should I ask it here or another place?19:33
oCean!ot > TECH93619:33
ubottuTECH936, please see my private message19:33
ascheel!offtopic | TECH93619:33
ubottuTECH936: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:33
Garnashaok, so, anyone got any ideas why my data disk, freshly burned with Brasero, won't automount?19:34
elijahBrom_Storyteller: Just ask it here19:34
KangaroooGarnasha: when u put CD then it autpmounts19:34
bannaN-When i logg inn with my newly created user my bash profile seems kind of wierd, i cannot press the up arrow to access bash history, and the terminal symbol is only $, if i try to set $PS1 to \u@\h, \u@\h is actually displayed, not <user>@<host> but the actual signs\letters \u@\h... Anybody has an idea of whats wrong? Its ubuntu server btw...19:34
GarnashaKangarooo: yeah, usually it does that. This one doesn't19:34
oCeanBrom_Storyteller: there is a #bash channel for specific questions19:35
sage000bannaN-: Could you pastebin your .bashrc?19:35
Brom_StorytellerI'll head over there. Thanks.19:35
PicibannaN-: It sounds like you created your user with useradd rather than adduser.19:35
sage000bannaN-: or the relevant line19:35
bannaN-Pici: hm, could be19:36
bannaN-sage000: just a sec19:36
RAGEMADNESSbtw...i just installed backtrack 4 r-2....i had installed ubuntu 11.4...and for some reason, it can't run ubuntu again...eventhough igot the choice to do it at the boot....any ideas?19:36
KangaroooGarnasha: try other disks witch previously opened. maybe its still empty19:36
GarnashaKangarooo: it isn't, empty disks do automount and I can see where it's written on19:36
PicibannaN-: Either re-create it, or copy the stuff from /etc/skel/ into your user's home directory.  Thats usually the cause of these sort of issues for new users.19:36
bannaN-sage000:  http://pastebin.com/9cmUvpnS19:37
KangaroooGarnasha: is it RW disk? try on other comp and then if its empty try rewrite and then if its empty in terminal write ubuntu-bug brasero or in opened brasero click help->report bug19:38
KangaroooGarnasha: maybe it weared out if RW?19:39
GarnashaKangarooo: I'm starting to think Brasero just fouled up badly. Trying to load it on a winPC freezes explorer when it tries to open "my computer"19:39
GarnashaIt's DVD-R and was clean first19:39
yakuzahi all19:39
zayaGarnasha possibly Brasero19:39
Kangaroooaaaah Garnasha then its scrachy :) old RW disk right? ;) dont put hands on disk and dont put in wetness19:40
zayaHello Yakuza.19:40
RAGEMADNESSheya yakuza19:41
sage000bannaN-: What is the value of your TERM environment variable? It may be set to something other than rxvt* or xterm*. Maybe like pici said, just copy the .bashrc from /etc/skel if TERM is set correctly and it's still not right.19:41
bannaN-sage000: fixed with Pici's solution19:41
bannaN-just recreated the user with adduser19:42
bannaN-Thanks for the help anyways .)19:42
s_v_e_nHello, I ned help with Intel N10 Grafics. I cannot configure it to use 1366x768 point. It is an integrated screen. It just runs wit 1024x768 ...19:42
Garnashahmm, ok, new question before I try again: What's the best program for burning foo.tar.7z.001 and foo.tar.7z.002 on one disc and foo.tar.7z.003, foo.tar.7z.004, foo.tar.7z.005 on another?19:43
mRyany expert Ubuntu engineers available for consulting work?19:43
oCeanmRy: don't use this support channel for recruting19:44
Da|MummyThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.19:44
Da|Mummyit wants to upgrade wine, but source isnt added i take it, how do i fix that?19:44
zayaGarnasha: I can't speak for others but I have been successful with using the terminal for data disks19:44
Da|Mummyin upgrade manager19:44
Garnashaalternatively, is there a better way than packaging it like that to prepare stuff for making a backup of my home directory?19:44
Garnashazaya: commands?19:45
hypatiaanyone seen a natty bug with Preferred Applications not saving settings?19:45
Da|Mummymy sound never saved settings after a hibernation19:45
KangaroooI notice red "fail" while rebooting but it was too fast to see what was it related to. I check all logs in /var/log and I don't see it anywhere. where is the log I should check?19:45
BorgTK2001Da|Mummy: I believe WineHQ.org has instructions for Ubuntu to the latest WINE release19:45
BorgTK2001If the most updated source is not in their repo, it soon will be with patience19:46
Da|MummyBorgTK2001, im talking about the ubuntu upgrade manager19:46
Da|Mummyit lists wine in there, but it wont upgrade19:46
Da|Mummyand thats the error it gives me19:46
BorgTK2001Is there an error message?19:46
Da|MummyThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.19:47
BorgTK2001Not authenticated by Canonical19:47
Da|Mummyright, so where do i add the source so its downloaded from the wine source19:48
BorgTK2001Do you know from which repo it is trying to update WINE? A Canonical repo or the WineHQ [which is more official than Canonicals] repo?19:48
Garnashazaya: could you give me the name of the command/program I need to burn a data disk using the terminal? I'll man it, I just need to know what it's called19:48
xangua!gpgerr | Da|Mummy19:49
ubottuDa|Mummy: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »19:49
zayaGarnasha: I use cdrecord19:49
Garnashazaya: thanks19:49
Garnasha... which gives me " See 'man 7 undocumented' etc."19:50
sage000Garnasha: Brasero is a front-end to growisofs and cdrtools19:50
Da|Mummyxangua, thats a little too technical for me, sorry :{19:50
mRyis there a good channel for recruiting Ubuntu experts???19:51
mRydon't want to use the improper channel19:51
BlouBloumRy: #ubuntu-offtopic19:51
mRyok thanks!19:51
zayaYeah, the GUI's have presets that punch into the cdrecord and growisofs19:51
nit-witmRy, #ubuntu-beginners has a lot of really knowledgeable helpers as well.;)19:51
Garnashanit-wit: he's not looking for help, he's looking for consultants :P19:52
jxshxxI'm setting up a dual boot of XP Home and 10.04LTS.  Any reason I should create a partion for XP when I put it on?  Or, should I just let it do it's thing and wait to partition when I add Ubuntu?19:52
nit-witGarnasha, thanks for your projection of intent Duh.19:53
tsimpsonjxshxx: the easiest way would be to install XP first, then Ubuntu19:53
nit-witjxshxx, use the custom install of XP and make the partition for it there the size you want.19:54
BorgTK2001jxshxx: Do you have a drive 'map' for the partitions on paper or in your head?19:54
BorgTK2001For example: I want to give XP 5GB, and Ubuntu can have the rest... - in this scenario I would make the partitions at the time of installing XP19:55
BorgTK2001For example: I have no idea how much space I want to give to either OS... - in this senario I'd leave partitioning till you've installed XP and are inside the installation wizard of Ubuntu19:56
jxshxxBorgTK2001: I suppose I only need about 10% of the drive.  Is it better to start with a partition for XP, knowing that?19:56
BorgTK2001Yep - if you know what you want ahread of the game, set your partitions up ahead of the game19:56
Garnashaputting XP in 5 GB... does that even fit?19:56
BorgTK2001Garnasha: Irrelevant - I was just making a hypothetical statement19:57
woodtjxshxx:  Don't overthink the partitioning scheme.  Just create the partition you want for XP when you install XP and leave the rest of the drive unpartitioned.  Then when you install Ubuntu, let it use the remainder of the drive, or customize it then.19:57
jxshxxBorgTK2001: I get it.  Thanks!19:58
BorgTK2001But if you are flying by the seat of your pants, then you set up the partitions by the seat of your pants ;)19:58
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jxshxxFlying pants.  Got it.20:00
jxshxxThanks all20:00
BorgTK2001Best wishes for the dual boot, jxshxx20:00
ownerDoes anyone know where I can find the source code for ubiquity for natty?20:03
BorgTK2001owner: Most likely Launchpad20:03
oCeanowner: usually by running 'apt-get source ubiquity'20:04
owneroCean I tried that20:04
entombedIs it possible to get the broadcom bcm4313 id:4727 working?20:04
oCeanowner: I'm not on natty, but it works on lucid20:05
plumHey guys, i just updated to natty and i'm having a bit of issues...20:05
pythonirc1011whats a good tool to use for setting up networking in ubuntu?20:05
plumupdating to natty was not my problem, but I tried to get compizconfig to have the Rotate Cube again, and now i don't see the top or bottom panel20:05
zayaplum: I never used cube but does it require the extras packages?20:07
s_v_e_nhello I need help with Intel N11 and Monitor, when I configure it manually in xorg.conf I get this error in /var/log/Xorg.0.log: (II) intel(0): Not using mode "1366x768x59.8" (exceeds panel dimensions)       --- which is definitly wrong. the buils in screen has 1366x78620:08
plumzaya: i think it might, but do you know of a way to kill ccsm and re-launch my panels? i rebooted and still can't see them...20:08
mary_some keys are not working in my aptop20:08
gerrinjust ripped and audio cd, trying to change the attributes of the files, like artist and album name, but not able to do it, can anyone tell me why20:08
mary_key board probem onm y aptop'20:09
mary_pease your hep20:10
Garnashathat looks like hardware20:10
zayaplum: no sorry, only think I can think of is if it did not install right20:10
plumI can get into my filesystem but I can't see my panels, is there a file I can edit to reset my gui config?20:11
Shnookie@mary buy a usb keyboard plug it in and just use it like that, or replace the keyboard for your laptop20:11
zayaDesktop environment you mean?20:11
plumThat's it, yeah20:11
=== msh is now known as msh-
plumi tried alt + f2 to run something but it didn't display20:12
buttonscan anyone tell me how to determine if the filesystem of my computer is readonly?20:12
jimbobcoanybody else having problems with archive.canonical.com?20:12
oCeanbuttons: type 'mount' in terminal, it shows all currently mounted filesystems with their options (rw would be read-write)20:13
Garnashabuttons: tried ls -l?20:14
pythonirc1011what is the gui named for setting up a static ip on ubuntu?20:14
Garnashanvm, oCean's answer is better20:14
=== Guest84198 is now known as asmith
red_red_redi need help , i'm trying to lower my powerdraw  for a laptop running 11.04 using "powertop "  , have 2k+ ehci hcd usb interrupts20:15
Kartagishow do I remove dhcpd from start-up? update-rc.d doesn't give me dhcpd20:15
red_red_redlaptop mode tools is installed20:16
=== carif_ is now known as carif
buttonsit says /dev/sda1 on /  type ext3 (rw, errors=remount-ro) what does that mean20:16
oCeanbuttons: that your root filesystem is mounted read-write (but in case of errors it gets remounted read only)20:17
jimbobcowould someone mind hitting http://archive.canonical.com and letting me know the results?20:17
buttonsso currently is it mounted read/write?20:17
Matan[M]hi, where i can get terminal font from ubuntu 11.04, i want use them in 10.0420:17
oCeanbuttons: yes20:17
woodtjimbobco: No dice.  Site down?20:19
jimbobcolooks like it20:19
jimbobcoanybody know of a mirror?20:19
jimbobcoit's for the partner repository20:19
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »20:19
xanguaooh i see20:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:21
jimbobcoim sure licensing issues keep it from being mirrored, but seems like an issue to me20:21
eb3ha4elCan I use any burning program like Nero to burn a DVD to be either playble music in Audio player and OS booting disk for computer?20:24
IdleOneeb3ha4el: yes.20:25
eb3ha4elIdle0ne: thanks.20:25
eb3ha4elidle0ne: can you please recommend me any free ones for windows?20:25
eb3ha4elIdle0ne: I mean the burner20:25
smweb3ha4el, infrarecorder20:26
IdleOneeb3ha4el: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:26
eb3ha4elsmw: thanks20:26
nomikeI have Ubuntu 11.04 (fresh install) and wether I use Unity3D or Unity2D, the application bar on the left overlaps Maximised Windows20:26
nomikeIs this a known problem? Anywhere I could configure this?20:27
ironhandsjoin #giroll20:27
zayaMore of a software thing but has anyone compared LibreOffice to OpenOffice and would it be worth upgrading it on Lynx?20:29
LjLnomike: erm, unless i'm misunderstanding what you're saying... that's by design20:29
flametai1My update manager is stuck on "Unpacking replacement dpkg..." can someone tell me how to make it not stuck? =|20:30
LjLnomike: maximized windows *lose* their title bar, and instead the close/min/max buttons end up on the panel20:30
nomikeLjL, no, what I mean, if I maximise e.g. a gnome terminal I could no longer see the prompt as it is hidden behind the Application bar.20:31
Who[areshello everyone ! I'm trying to get help on my Ubuntu 11.04 installation. I used Wubi and now, when I reboot my PC, the dual-boot doesn't appear ... Does anyone know why ?20:31
flametai1Anyone able to help? =|20:31
LjLflametai1: oh damn, i'm sorry, that could be pretty serious, because dpkg is the program that installs other programs in the first place, so if you interrupt that, you might end up not being able to install anything anymore :\20:31
flametai1LjL SOUNDS AWESOME20:31
LjLnomike: ah, i see. i don't know then, hasn't happened to me20:31
LjLflametai1: how long has it been stuck?20:31
nomikeLjL, thx20:31
flametai1LjL: I left the update manager running when I left for work at 10am came back at 2:30pm and it's stuck o-o had about a 328mb download for updates sooooooooo20:32
LjLflametai1: hm. pastebin the output of "ps aux" please (but make sure there aren't any private information in that before you pastebin it)20:33
xanguaWho[ares: try a real install, not wubi20:33
Kangaroooflametai1: do update again- it will continue from where it left20:33
eb3ha4elIs CD ISO image basically, files stored in CD + MBR information?20:33
LjLKangarooo: not while it's installing something, no20:33
panda__hey, I just installed the 10.04 LTS version of Ubuntu and I can't hear any sound when it boots up/off, when I play music, YouTube, videos, etc. I was wondering if anyone knew how to correct this.20:33
nikitisHey guys, i accidentally overwrote Alsa/pulseaudio by installing ossv4.  Can someone tell me how to reinstall alsa/pulseaudio?20:33
LjLKangarooo: especially not while it's installing dpkg20:33
KangaroooLjL if its downloading then it isn't installing20:34
john_ramboIs there any video player under linux which can display the video as wallpaper ?20:34
LjLKangarooo: "unpacking" means it has long finished downloading20:34
KangaroooLjL so then you finished it then why you say update stuck on downloading.20:35
flametai1Sent you the paste in a pm lol.20:35
Who[aresxangua: with the partitionning and everything ?20:35
LjLKangarooo: please read the whole discussion20:35
zayajohn_rambo there may be something with compiz to some respects20:35
flametai1Kangarooo, I never said it was stuck on downloading. lol.20:35
xanguanikitis: reinstall ubuntu-resktop metapackage20:35
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zayaKangarooo: stuck on unpackaging dpkg20:35
Kangarooo328mb is downloading and stuck that's what LjL said20:36
jakedesnakedear peeps, dear peeps, dear peeps20:36
jakedesnakei need your help.20:36
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
LjLKangarooo: 1) flametai1 is who said that, not me 2) they said "and it's stuck. HAD about a 328mb download".20:36
jakedesnakeWell, not help really, but advice. My machine just rebooted, and i'm in a steady state with basicly nothing started20:37
jakedesnakeI'm gonna start all my processes in screen sessions, and i thought it would be fun to be able to somehow see what stress that puts on my poor machine20:37
nikitisxangua, how do I go about doing that?20:37
jakedesnakeBut i dont know what to look at. Something similar to pressing ctrlaltdelete on a Windows machine and looking at the processor load or so20:37
LjLjakedesnake: "top" in a terminal, or (i think) Ctrl+Esc in GNOME20:38
jakedesnakeLjL: its a headless machine... but is top a good way of seeing how if changes over time, so to speak?20:38
panda__I'm not hearing sound on anything, or at all. how do I fix this?20:38
nikitisxangua, i installed ossv4 cause WINE needed it to compile.  But i had no idea it would overwrite alsa/pulseaudio20:39
lethuhello,  I have removed the mpd.conf file from /etc/ under ubuntu, and now can't uninstall/reinstall it20:40
buttonsI have a read-only filesystem, how would one go about fixing it20:40
lethuhow can I fix this plz ?20:40
harrigan__Hello - I'm trying to install a tar.bz2 app. I've unzipped it, changed dir to the app folder but ./configure comes back 'no such file or directory'20:40
xangua!compile | harrigan__20:41
ubottuharrigan__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:41
tsimpsonharrigan__: you can try looking for a "README" or "INSTALL" file20:41
xangua!sound | panda__20:42
ubottupanda__: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:42
BPowerHey everyone.  I'm really confused.  Apache should always load the first virtual host if it doesn't match any others but mine is ALWAYS loading the second virtual host.20:42
BPowermy vhost file: http://pastebin.com/zeJjpMJb20:42
BPowerdomain is: stage.dev.mvretail.com20:43
buttons1can anyone tell my how to fix a readonly file system?20:43
benccdoes apt-key adv creates a file somewhere?20:43
lethuplz can I have some help with mpd ?20:43
tsimpsonBPower: it goes by alphabetical listing in /etc/apache/sites-enabled20:43
guntbertBPower: if you don't get good answers here you could asl in #ubuntu-server or in #httpd20:43
=== amy__ is now known as amybunny
BPowertsimpson, it's all in one file20:43
BPowerguntbert, ok thanks20:43
* cheapie is accepting support requests20:44
eb3ha4elHow can I burn a video file to DVD?20:44
VCooliolethu: it's just a config file, but apparantly apt-get misses it; create an empty file named /etc/mpd.conf and try again20:44
PhoenixSTFGello m8s anyone having issues on printing in 11.04? it is always printing above top margin (actualy it missis a bit), and on 10.10 is ok.20:45
oCeanflametai1: you're still stuck with the hanging dpkg process?20:45
xeeHi, I have a strange problem, date displayed in the notification area is UTC and the commands 'date' and 'date -u' display the same output although TZ is set!20:45
cheapieeb3ha4el: Have you tried Bombono DVD?20:45
flametai1oCean, Indeed. LOL20:45
oCeanflametai1: is your system maybe under heavy i/o load (or was?)20:45
VCooliolethu: sudo touch /etc/mpd.conf20:45
tsimpsonBPower: the only "NameVirtualHost" I have is in /etc/apache2/ports.conf, and it's "NameVirtualHost *:80"20:45
LjLjakedesnake: not quite no, as it only shows things in real time. there are certainly things that show CPU utilization and stuff over time, but i'm personally not aware of ones that work from the terminal...20:46
eb3ha4elcheapie: no, I'm using Nero at the moment on windows20:46
lethuVCoolio, I have tried that and now I get "* /etc/mpd.conf must have pid_file set; cannot stop daemon." when I try removing it and it exits with error20:46
flametai1oCean: Maybe, I was running a Minecraft Server at the time, but i didn't think it would effect it much?20:46
cheapieeb3ha4el: There should be a video DVD option somewhere.20:46
BPowertsimpson, i tried without it to no avail.20:46
oCeanflametai1: well, there are bugs (such as 624877) that are possibly related, pointing in that direction20:47
BPowertsimpson, btw, I have the same too20:47
tsimpsonBPower: but you have one in your vhost file too, from the paste20:47
jakedesnakeLjL: right. thanks anyhow. i was gonna ask in #linux but you gotta be regged, and this is only a temporary user since my real user is the one thats gonna be started along with those processes in this test.....20:47
flametai1oCean, Should I just take a gamble and kill it and hope it doesn't mess up? xD20:47
oCeanflametai1: I don't think it can be killed. The process is probably in Ds state?20:48
eb3ha4elcheapie: quite strange... is there any difference in burning ISO image and any other types of file? I thought burning is really just a process of writing MBR20:48
VCoolioif you do "ps -ef | grep mpd" does it mention a config file?20:48
BPowertsimpson, yes, i tried without the one in my vhost file first and it didn't work.  I added it to see if it'd work then but it doesn't.20:48
VCooliolethu: ^20:48
flametai1oCean, Unsure what that means but there's always the power button. <.<||20:48
cheapieeb3ha4el: Burning a disc is writing all the data on the disc. Different procedures are required for different types of files.20:49
lethuVCoolio, I get this "5177  4163  0 20:48 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mpd"20:49
Godfather_ /join #html20:49
BPowertsimpson, if I don't have it and I add a third (e.g. just dev.mvretail.com) then it spits out errors unless I define NameVirtualHost for one of them20:49
oCeanflametai1: the point is that you might have a serious issue. Of course it is up to you, but I want you to understand.20:49
LjLoCean: yes, it is20:49
LjLoCean: (in Ds state)20:49
cheapie!windows | eb3ha4el20:49
ubottueb3ha4el: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:49
oCeanflametai1: LjL ^ so not accepting any interrupts (=kill signals)20:49
LjLoCean, what does Ds state mean exactly? that it's busy doing an I/O operation?20:50
oCeanflametai1: what you can try at least, is running the sync command in separate terminal20:50
tsimpsonBPower: oh, all my VirtualHost sections are "<VirtualHost *:80>", no hosts20:50
oCeanLjL: it's uninterruptable sleep, mostly caused by wait for i/o20:50
VCooliolethu: so mpd is not running? try to add a line like this in /etc/mpd.conf: pid_file "/tmp/mpd.pid"20:50
lethuVCoolio, ok let me try20:50
yassine_helli plugged in my external hard driver, i can see it from "System:/media" and from "/media" but when i try to "cd /media"  i get root@bt:/media# cd part 2 yassine20:51
yassine_hellbash: cd: part: No such file or direct20:51
VCooliolethu: it seems it should be like this: pid_file "/var/run/mpd/pid"20:51
flametai1oCean, I have no clue how to do the sync command <.< I only know basic stuff like sudo and natilus <.< lol..20:51
panda__I'm looking at the opensound devlist. how do I exactly figure out which one suits my soundcard?20:51
flametai1oCean, I haven't really studied yet about Linux20:51
LjLoCean, flametai1: there seems to be the same problem discussed here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/09/22/%23ubuntu.txt i'm having a look20:51
BPowertsimpson, okay that did it.... now I'll try to add the third...20:51
oCeanflametai1: open new terminal and type   sync20:52
LjLiceroot, flametai1: (search for MACscr)20:52
lethuVCoolio, it worked, thank you lots :)20:52
* cheapie is available20:52
LjLhmm nothing useful said there though, i think20:52
metroidis there a way to monitor how much video memory i am using?20:52
rwwcheapie: please don't do that, just answer questions that people ask20:53
flametai1oCean, I typed sync and it shows nothing? <.<20:53
cheapierww: OK then...20:53
Azelphurmetroid: that's down to the graphics driver vendor, I believe ATI has a GPU Monitor, dunno about memory though.20:53
yassine_hellroot@bt:/media# cd part 2 yassine20:53
yassine_hellbash: cd: part: No such file or direct20:53
oCeanflametai1: does the sync command hang, or did it return your commandprompt?20:53
VCooliolethu: no problem20:53
flametai1oCean, Just hang20:53
LjLoCean: might an lsof, or something, tell us what it's stuck on?20:53
metroidAzelphur: i am using the opensource driver, does it work with that or would i have to install the proprietary driver?20:53
yassine_helli plugged in my external hard driver, i can see it from "System:/media" and from "/media" but when i try to "cd /media"  i get root@bt:/media# cd part 2 yassine20:53
yassine_hell bash: cd: part: No such file or direct20:53
cheapieyassine_hell: Did you try quoting the spaces?20:54
LjLoCean: he has a few remote mounts. i'm thinking maybe he's NFS'ing something important ;) though not really sure from the ps output20:54
Azelphurmetroid: I have no idea if any drivers support it or not, I just know it would be down to the driver to support it if such a feature exists20:54
VCooliolethu: with this config mpd won't work btw, so reinstall and create a proper config; have fun, mpd is the best20:54
shcherbakyassine_hell: ls and #backtrack-linux20:54
yassine_hellcheapie : what do u mean?20:54
yassine_hellshcherbak : lol ?20:54
metroidAzelphur: oh, ok.  thanks20:54
oCeanflametai1: that is what other users reported in the bugreports. Sync can take a long time to complete, depending on what diskactivity happened before20:54
yassine_hell<shcherbak> ???20:54
A_Jhey all where can i get a crc for ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso20:55
cheapieyassine_hell: Like "part\ 2\ yassine" instead of "part 2 yassine".20:55
lethuVCoolio, thanks, yeah I have removed/purged it, now I am doing a new install20:55
shcherbakyassine_hell:Insted of "cd" type "ls" without the quotes.20:55
flametai1oCean, So I should leave it running?20:55
yassine_hellroot@bt:/media# ls20:55
yassine_hellcdrom  cdrom0  part 2 yassine  windows20:55
oCeanLjL: if the process tries to access anything on the NFS filesystems, then that can be the cause of failed sync, and thus of failed dpkg process20:55
metroidI am using a radeon card with the opensource driver --is there a way to monitor how much vram is being used?20:55
buttons1how do I force a fsck on restart?20:55
shcherbakyassine_hell: cd par<TAB>20:55
cheapieyassine_hell: So is "part 2 yassine" one folder?20:55
yassine_hellcheapie: omg thx so much !20:55
oCeanflametai1: for now, that's the best I can suggest, but not really happy since it does not sound like a solution :(20:55
yassine_hellyea :D done im in !20:56
=== damian is now known as creativetux
cheapieyassine_hell: The "backslash trick" (quoting) works for all special characters (I think).20:56
=== creativetux is now known as damian
yassine_hellcheapie : lol space is a special character? :) thx u again20:57
flametai1oCean, Just appreciate the help =] And yes I have a NFS 2TB hooked up but I wasn't doing anything at the time considering I was at work. But my girlfriend may have watch Anime off of it would that have effected it?20:57
[deXter]Hi all, is http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/InRelease working for you?20:57
cheapieyassine_hell: It interprets it as an argument separator.20:57
A_Jhey all where can i get a crc for ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso20:57
WaynegrowHello all... I'm new here and I have a question about Ubuntu 11_4 and vsftpd... Shall I ask away?20:58
cheapieyassine_hell: Cd was seeing "Argument 1='part' Argument 2='2' Argument 3='yassine'". With the backslashes, it tells it that you want "Arugment 1='part 2 yassine'".20:58
oCeanflametai1: it should not. Can you pastebin the output of the following command? ls -al /proc/5749/fd   (this will show files related to that process)20:58
cheapieWaynegrow: Don't ask to ask, just ask.20:58
yassine_hellcheapie : ahh it make sense ..20:59
yassine_hellchepie : i should rename it ..20:59
cheapieyassine_hell: Is that all or do you need more help?20:59
xcrhi i am cheapie20:59
WaynegrowI've setup vsftpd and I'm trying to figure out a good way to have FTP users secured in their home directory but also have access to a shared directory.20:59
flametai1oCean, http://pastebin.com/7JV8Gqsq20:59
cheapiexcr: ...what?21:00
yassine_hellcheapie: :) thx u so much ^^21:00
oCeanflametai1: give me a minute21:00
flametai1Alrighty :321:00
cheapieyassine_hell: Glad I could help. BTW, I just learned about quoting last month...21:00
yassine_hellcheapie : i just started linux 2days ^^21:00
cheapieyassine_hell: I see. I think you'll like it here though.21:01
A_Jhey all where can i get a crc for ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso21:01
yassine_hellcheapie : hell yea ^^ and wth this IRC .. :D !21:01
PiciA_J: If you mean an MD5SUM, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes21:01
cheapie!md5sum | A_J21:01
ubottuA_J: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:01
jebulaCould someone help me figure out why when I launch geany that it will seg fault as a normal user, but I can run it OK with sudo?21:02
LjLA_J: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes (not sure whether you got this since i got disconnected)21:02
cheapieyassine_hell: Also, ubottu can help you with some things too.21:02
buttons1I did a fsck on restart how do I view the outcome of it21:02
cheapie!ubottu | yassine_hell21:02
ubottuyassine_hell: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:03
SpaceBasslame just say?. core i5 w/ ssd running ubuntu server boots up FAST!21:03
yassine_hell:) ah ok ^^ ill check it21:03
Sonjai'm having issues with natty not accepting my mouse clicks21:03
yassine_hellok cya :)21:03
cheapie[deXter]: What's wrong?21:03
crazedpsycI'm using GSettings with python (from gi.repository import Gio) and I'd like to know how I can list the different choices for each setting. Any clues?21:03
[deXter]cheapie, Is http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/InRelease working for you?21:04
jebulaCould someone help me figure out why when I launch geany that it will seg fault as a normal user, but I can run it OK with sudo?21:04
cheapie[deXter]: It returns a 404.21:04
[deXter]cheapie, I'm unable to use apt-get (today) because of that.21:04
cheapie[deXter]: I can help with that. Please wait a second...21:04
Pici[deXter]: I'm having an issue here as well.21:04
[deXter]Pici, Thanks for confirming.21:05
oCeanflametai1: I'm sorry mate, at this point I don't have a clue how to resolve. The sync command is still hanging?21:06
alejandrovillegahola, soy nuevo en Ubuntu, Alguien puede ayudarme en Español?21:06
cheapie[deXter]: To make apt-get use an alternate mirror, open /etc/apt/sources.list in your favorite editor and replace all references to us.archive.ubuntu.com (or whatever official mirror you're using) with http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/ubuntu/.21:06
flametai1oCean, Indeed. Perhaps I'll just take the gamble? LOL I have a boot cd so maybe if dpkg goes wrong maybe I can use the boot cd to fix it?21:06
cheapie!es | <alejandrovillega>21:07
ubottu<alejandrovillega>: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:07
[deXter]cheapie, Thanks, checking it out now.21:08
Batshuawhy would it be that commercial flagging works fine but transcoding doesn't?21:08
cheapie[deXter]: If you put your sources.list on pastebin I can fix it for you.21:08
oCeanflametai1: it sounds a little scary to me, now to reboot. You can retry your question later, and wait for that a bit. That's your choice (no promises)21:08
BatshuaI invoke transcoding myself instead of letting it happen automagically.21:09
[deXter]cheapie, Thanks, but I'm doing it right now, will let you know in a sec if it's working or not.21:09
harrigan__./configure to work21:09
Batshuaand I keep gettting Autodetect (exit status 136, job status was "Running")21:09
cheapie[deXter]: OK. I can wait...21:09
flametai1oCean, Alrighty well thanks for trying =]21:09
deek0146Is there a way to tell gnome to reset all my xorg stuff because I've installed new hardware?21:09
harrigan__still can;t get ,/configure to work21:09
[deXter]cheapie, It works, thanks!21:09
[deXter]cheapie, Now my only doubt is why didn't canonical make a script or something so it'll automatically use a different mirror..21:10
Mjukselcan anyone explain to me in "linux-noobish" language to change some stuff21:10
Mjukselsomething is wrong with my Wifi USB Stick ;p21:10
harrigan__loaded build-essential, automake and checkinstall21:10
cheapie[deXter]: Mine changes automatically for some reason. If you want, you can use apt-pinning to make that yourself.21:11
cheapie[deXter] Or, you can just put both in your sources.list. It's also faster that way.21:11
[deXter]cheapie, command not found.21:11
cheapie[deXter]: What command?21:11
[deXter]cheapie, apt-pinning21:11
cheapie[deXter]: That's not a command.21:12
[deXter]cheapie, Oh, how do I use it then?21:12
ArmyMan007_hi... i'm not getting any sound to my ubuntu...21:12
harrigan__./configure command not found when installing tar-biz2 app21:12
cheapie[deXter]: It will work fine if you just put both mirrors in your sources.list.21:12
ArmyMan007_i'm using ubuntu 11.0421:12
metroidi have a hard drive with windows on it that i would like to move somewhere else so i can use the hard drive for linux --how would i transfer all the contents?21:12
cheapie!sound | ArmyMan007_21:12
ubottuArmyMan007_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:12
BatshuaWW, sorry guys! >.<21:12
[deXter]cheapie, Alright, will do that, also if my local mirror comes back up it'll use it automatically, right?21:13
Mjukseluse Norton Ghost , make an image somewhere :)21:13
Mjukseljust make a bootable Ghost CD :)21:13
cheapie[deXter]: It will use whatever has the latest version, and often download from both sources at once to make the downloading faster.21:13
[deXter]Mjuksel, There's no need for Norton Ghost.. Clonezilla works just fine.21:13
metroidso i would have to boot into the windows drive?  is Norton Ghost a free program?21:13
[deXter]cheapie, Oh, that's awesome, I didn't know it could do that!21:13
sec_goathello all21:14
cheapie[deXter]: It'll just make apt-get update take a little longer.21:14
[deXter]cheapie, How so?21:14
cheapie!ask | sec_goat21:14
ubottusec_goat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:14
cheapie[deXter]: It has to check bot mirrors.21:14
[deXter]cheapie, Actually you're right though my apt-get update is still updating since we started this conversation..21:14
Mjukselokay sorry :)21:15
cheapie[deXter]: Whoops, meant to say both mirrors.21:15
Mjukseli only used Ghost :)21:15
sec_goatDamn cheapie I  thought I should at least say hello, you know being polite and all that21:15
guntbertmetroid: no need for norton ghost, as pointed out above21:15
Mjukselbtw, can anyone explain in normal language what COULD be wrong with my USB Wifi Stick?21:15
Mjukselit worked out the box21:15
Mjukselbut i get slooooooow speeds on it21:15
cheapiesec_goat: Usually we say "Hello, I'm having a problem with blah blah blah...".21:15
gsrHi all.  Since the update to 11.04, I have been having major issues with flash.   I'm on an HP Pav dv7, intel i7 core, ATI mobility radeon graphics.  I've tried: Using ubuntu 32 bit and 64 bit, Chrome and Firefox, nonfree and free flash plugins, and unity and classic gnome, and all permutations possible.  After about 1 minute, processing % from the flash plugin goes to 100%-200%, and the video gets so choppy its unwatchable.  Has anyone else encountered this?21:15
cheapie!enter | Mjuksel21:15
ubottuMjuksel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:15
metroidgunbert, i am looking into clonezilla right now!21:16
gsrI've also tried switching between compiz and metacity, also making no difference.21:16
GalvatronMjuksel: have you set proper DNS's?21:16
sec_goatCheapie I know, I know I'm getting to it .21:16
Mjukselyes Galvatron :)21:16
cheapiegsr: Is flash up to date?21:16
gsrcheapie: yup21:16
Mjukselive set a static IP address, the Subnet, Gateway AND both DNS´s21:17
[deXter]gsr, That is odd; have you tried the Flash square plugin when you were on Ubuntu 64bit?21:17
cheapiegsr: Have you tried any of the alternatives to Flash?21:17
Mjukseldoes ubuntu need the routers ip address at DNS too ?21:17
buttons1is there a way to scroll up through terminal output when in text only mode?21:17
gsr[deXter], I don't think so, just the free and non-free versions21:17
gsrcheapie, yes, every flash plugin thats in the repositories (canonical and universal)21:17
sec_goatOK code revision programs such as subverison and git. is there something simpler that either? I was unable to get subversion to work at all and I ma having a hard time wrapping my head around git. Just looking for suggestions, thanks!21:17
[deXter]gsr, Try this: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/adobe-flash-player-square-102-64bit.html21:17
cheapiegsr: Yeah, that is strange... IDK what's wrong.21:17
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[deXter]gsr, Works fine for me on my ATI Radeon laptop.21:18
[deXter]gsr, Also, have you installed the proprietary ATI drivers yet?21:18
gsr[deXter], I'm using the 32bit version now, is square available for 32 bit OSes?21:18
[deXter]gsr, Nah square is meant for 64 bit only.21:19
cheapiesec_goat: I've heard about some "cvs" thing, and there's also Bazaar.21:19
gsr[deXter], yes, currently using the most up to date proprietaries21:19
sec_goatcool cheapie I will check it out, thanks21:19
MjukselLOL i get 0.30mbps, i get 42mbps on windows :/21:20
[deXter]Mjuksel, Perhaps you could try ndiswrapper.21:20
Mjukselyeah someone said that to me yesterday but i dont understand.. can some explain in private maybe ?21:21
Waqashi there21:21
Mjukselyou perhaps [deXter] ?21:21
GeminiDominoHere's an weird question. I use a closed-source IDE (Komodo) for my PHP work and it has a killer feature (YMMV) in that you can select a function name and it will jumpt to/open the file where the function is. Exceedingly useful in debugging. I'm considering trying to fix a 3+ year-old bug in eog, and I was wondering if any of you guys knew if any of the C/C++ IDE's in the repos had that feature or something similar. I don't know what21:21
GeminiDomino the "official" name for it is, so research has been rather unenlightening.21:21
[deXter]Mjuksel, It's all explained here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper21:21
cheapie!ndiswrapper | Mjuksel21:21
ubottuMjuksel: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:21
guntbertbuttons1: does <shift><pgUp> work four you?21:21
Mjukselok thx, ill take a look..21:21
Waqasdoes anybody know where i can download a good game in linux?21:22
gsr[deXter], thanks for the advice.  Unfortunetly,  this machine is being used pretty frequently, so I can't take the time to reinstall my entire system from scratch :(21:22
gsrwaqas: Wolfenstein: enemy Territory21:22
cheapie!software | Waqas21:22
ubottuWaqas: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:22
cheapie!equivalents | Waqas21:23
ubottuWaqas: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot21:23
[deXter]gsr, Fair enough, well the alternative flash plugins are worth a try: Gnash + lightspark21:23
gsr[deXter], thanks, I'll give them another shot; maybe they have been updated since I tried them last month21:23
Coty91is it possible to use fglrx drivers with kernel 2.6.39? I haven't found a way, yet.21:24
cheapieWow...10 updates per hour. Oneiric sure is moving fast...21:24
[deXter]gsr, This may be worth a try as well: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/02/watch-embedded-flash-videos-online-with-totem/21:25
GalvatronCoty91: Is there a reason why you need the 2.6.39?21:26
kofaHi all21:26
cheapie!ask | kofa21:26
ubottukofa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:26
dusfi am trying to format my 8gb usb drive so i did a 'sudo umount /dev/sdf1' but when i try 'cfdisk /dev/sdf' it outputs 'fatal error: cannot open disk drive', and when i try 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sdf' it tells me 'fatal error: bad primary partition 0: partition ends in the final partial cylinder' - what can i do please?21:26
panaggiolibnotify stopped working21:27
Mjuksel[deXter], does this mean im screwed? -> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Linksys_WUSB10021:27
panaggioeven notify-send "bla"  "bla" won't show up21:28
jakedesnakeLjL: "htop" was a decent choice!21:28
panaggiobut it don't show any errors, so that I can search for a bug or something21:28
[deXter]Mjuksel, Well if it doesn't work, nothing much you can do about it unless if you're familiar with device driver programming..21:28
panaggiothe notifications just don't show up, but it seems that everything else works well21:28
panaggioany ideias?21:28
[deXter]Mjuksel, Well you could see it on eBay and but a WiFi adapter that's confirmed to be working. That's what I do before buying any new hardware.. check if it's known to be compatible.21:29
Mjukselnot really, but can i try to use it or is this really the end for WUSB100 stick :P21:29
Mjukselwell [deXter] i didnt buy it, i borrowed it from work :) so tomorrow ill take the 300N version :)21:29
[deXter]Mjuksel, Ah, nice. :)21:30
preecherjust installed unetbootin---when i try to open its not accepting the admin password im using in 11.04---any ideas21:30
A_Jhi all i'm having trouble coping files, the process is very slow : taking 30 mins to copy 600mb and when i launched copy via dolphin it shows that speed keeps increasing and decreasing often stalling.. what can be the Issue21:31
kofaWell, thanks. :-) I managed to solve my issue while writing the question. :-) Another case of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging21:32
quinti have a pdf file on an ntfs drive which shows up when i ls or index the dir in nautilus but when i try to delete it it just says it doesn't exist21:33
nit-witpreecher, is your pass word working in a terminal update function?21:33
kofaTime for bed. Good night to all!21:33
A_Janyone can help me ?21:33
A_Jnit-wit,  ?21:34
preechernit-wit i dont know---i dont know what that is--21:34
[deXter]A_J, Could be a hard-drive issue.. can you confirm this with another OS? Perhaps boot from a live CD and try copying files from there..21:35
A_J[deXter], It happned after i upgraded to 11.0421:35
nit-witpreecher, open a terminal and run this command and try your password, which will not show when you type it.   sudo apt-get update.21:36
quintanyone ever resolve an issue regarding an un-deletable file?21:36
quinton ntfs21:36
nit-witpreecher, no period at te end of the code though sorry.21:36
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[deXter]quint, Haven't seen such issues since a while now, which version of ntfs-3g are you using?21:36
quintdeXter, how do i check?21:37
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[deXter]quint, Open a terminal and type ntfs-3g --version21:38
preechernit-wit looks like it did something--run the update & got many things listed and "Done" at the end21:38
quintntfs-3g 2010.3.6 external FUSE 2821:38
A_J[deXter],  well ?21:38
[deXter]A_J, Could be a hard-drive issue.. can you confirm this with another OS? Perhaps boot from a live CD and try copying files from there..21:39
quintdeXter, i have ntfs-3g 2010.3.6 external FUSE 2821:39
[deXter]A_J, I meant it could be a coincidence.. Boot from a 11.04 live CD and confirm and if you can do the same from a different live CD like knoppix or 10.0821:39
OntologWill I regret installing a full KDE desktop on Ubuntu 10.04?21:39
[deXter]Ontolog, Yes.21:40
Ontolog[deXter]: aww :(21:40
nit-witpreecher, that same password should work for unetbootin. How did you install unetbootin?21:40
A_Jokie will do [deXter]  but it's been there since i upgraded so i doubt21:40
[deXter]quint, That is pretty old. The current version provided by ubuntu is 2010.8.8 and the current latest stable version is 2011.4.12 .. there have been plenty of bug-fixes since that time so I think it's worth an upgrade.21:41
preechernit-wit from the software center --im looking in user ccts now --but never hd this prob before21:41
OsmodivsWhy can't I print? Is it a Ubuntu BUG?? (print:3949): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed21:41
quintahh, thanks much deXter21:42
preecheruser accounts21:42
quintill give it a shot :)21:42
Solowhat's you doing?21:42
liinker4I just arrived21:42
Soloand me )21:43
A_J!offtopic | Solo, quint21:43
ubottuSolo, quint: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:43
SoloSorry for asking, all of you are using ubuntu ?21:43
Osmodivs(print:3949): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed21:43
oCeanSolo: this is support channel, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic21:44
Solothat's new version?21:44
preechernit-wit is it possible to uninstall & do a install thru terminal21:44
SoloHmmm what's kind of it is the best version ?21:44
A_J11.04 Solo21:45
SoloI wanna true some of that on an old PC21:45
nit-witpreecher, yes run sudo apt-get purge unetbootin && sudo apt-get install unetbootin     copy and paste this or run the sudo commands seperatly with no &.21:45
Osmodivs!ubuntu 11.04 Solo21:46
ubottuOsmodivs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:46
preechernit-wit many thx21:46
A_Jfail Osmodivs21:46
SoloCan i reduce the grafic settings, and optimize that ?21:46
Osmodivs!ubuntu | Solo21:46
ubottuSolo: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:46
nit-witpreecher, that will probably fix it.21:46
OsmodivsThere it is21:46
Solobecause it's too slowly...21:46
ArmyMan007hi.. how can i connect my netstick to ubuntu?21:46
[deXter]Solo, You could try Lubuntu if you have an old PC.21:46
Osmodivs!netstick | ArmyMan00721:47
SoloLubuntu? what's is that  ?21:47
nit-witArmyMan007, is this a wireless usb?21:47
Osmodivs!Lubuntu | Solo21:47
ubottuSolo: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:47
Soloits on GNome ?21:47
ArmyMan007nit-wit: yes21:47
oCean!lubuntu | Solo lubuntu uses lxde21:47
ubottuSolo lubuntu uses lxde: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.21:47
ArmyMan007nit-wit -> any idea?21:48
Solocan i use wine there ?21:48
[deXter]Solo, yes.21:48
nit-witArmyMan007, run this command with it plugged in and post the read out and identify it as well. lspci | grep -i wireless21:49
nit-witArmyMan007, lspci | grep -i wireless21:49
ArmyMan007nit-wit: run it in terminal?21:49
nit-witArmyMan007, yes at the least we are trying to identif it you can tell me as it is a external. the command will tell us if the computer is even seeing it.21:50
Osmodivsprint:4042): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed21:50
edwardghmm... i have a mounted drive (mrely a secondary hard drive) but no corresponding entry in /etc/fstab. how did it get there? ^_^21:50
OsmodivsWhy can't I print??21:50
nit-witArmyMan007, this command lspci | grep -i wireless21:51
ArmyMan007nit-wit: can we pm?21:51
eb3ha4elI just burned short film I made into DVD, but why doesn't it start automatically as I insert the disk, like any other DVD being sold in shop?21:51
nit-witArmyMan007, this is not an area of expertise though we are just trying to identify the devioce21:51
ArmyMan007i've typed in the command21:52
A_J[deXter], it's taking 30 Mins to make a bootable usb of ubuntu and live cd runs fine21:52
ArmyMan007it dosen't show anything... the lspci command shows a lot but I can't make anything out of it21:52
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A_J[deXter],  maybe a USN driver21:52
carpiHi. I am using deluge on ubuntu natty and I am only able to download data and cannot seed it. Deluge says "no incoming connections". My router ports are open Im sure, because when I use utorrent on win7, the seeding happens normally.. Can someone please suggest some solution? I feel guilty plucking the fruits without giveing anything back...21:53
Osmodivsi AM using Ubuntu 11.04, I want to print something in GIMP Gutenprint, but I got this on the Terminal: print:4042): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed21:53
[deXter]A_J, It can take a while to make a bootable USB  - especially if you choose the "persistent storage" option.21:54
A_J[deXter], used 0mb.21:54
[deXter]A_J, and do you have any other USB device plugged in?21:55
carpiHi. I am using deluge on ubuntu natty and I am only able to download data and cannot seed it. Deluge says "no incoming connections". My router ports are open Im sure, because when I use utorrent on win7, the seeding happens normally.. Can someone please suggest some solution? I feel guilty plucking the fruits without giveing anything back...21:55
=== Starlight is now known as Guest15417
A_Jyes [deXter]21:57
Osmodivsprint:4042): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed21:57
[deXter]A_J, Which ones?21:57
Neko_TalCan someone help me figure out how to get Ubuntu working? I installed it on a Vista box in a partition and upon attempting to log in I get (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256) I have no idea what to due and a forum search turned up no solution that I could understand being completely new to Linux.21:57
OsmodivsAh, never mind...21:57
A_Janother Pendrive21:58
[deXter]carpi, You'll have to check the settings in deluge and make sure the ports that its using are actually the ones forwarded in your router. There is no "fixed" port for bittorrent (except for DHT)21:58
carpi[deXter]: all the ports on my router are forwarded, because when im using utorrent on win7, i have no problem. seeding happens normally21:59
[deXter]carpi, What do you mean by all the ports are forwarded? You mean 0-65535 or have you set it on DMZ to your PC?21:59
nit-wit! broadban |22:00
ArmyMan007fire away nit-wit22:00
A_J[deXter], another Pendrive mate + mouse22:00
nit-wit! broadban |22:00
nit-wit! broadband |22:00
nit-wit! wireless |22:00
ubottu: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:00
carpi[deXter]: one moment please. let me confirm22:01
[deXter]A_J, Well as long as you're not transferring files from that other pendrive at the same time, it shouldn't cause an issue. I've no more ideas left, except for doing a clean install.. unless someone has a better solution.22:01
QationCan anyone help me with network manager? Network-manager-gnome shows up but with a disconnected plug and 'X' I can't connect to any network but I can see them22:01
Qationdmesg|tail gives ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready22:01
A_J[deXter],  perhaps reinstall natilus22:01
Qationthe same thing is for eth0, but I'm using wlan022:01
[deXter]A_J, Well you could try the copying from terminal and see if it's any different.22:01
A_Jokie [deXter]  i'll try that22:02
=== kreative is now known as Kreative`
A_Jelse clean install [deXter]  ? NO OTHER options ?22:02
[deXter]A_J, Well try copying from the terminal to see if it's a Linux issue or it's just an app issue..22:03
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A_J[deXter], how do i do that ?22:03
[deXter]A_J, cp -R source destination22:03
carpi[deXter]: okie. Now I put it on DMZ for one host alone22:03
[deXter]carpi, Cool, and you might have to reboot your router for the settings to come into effect. Make sure you save it first.22:04
QationCan anyone tell me anything to help? I've been trying to find a solution for 4 days22:04
carpi[deXter]: thank you for the suggestion. i did not reboot. but i saved it and the router acknowledged it22:05
A_J[deXter], it was super fast via terminal22:06
zelevwHi everyone22:06
carpi[deXter]: deluge still says no incoming connections.. Is there anything else I might try?22:06
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zelevwi just installed 11.04 from scratch and cannot get ubuntu one to work...I get this: Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist...can anyone help? thank you22:07
[deXter]carpi, Restart deluge, also, it might take a while for it to kick in, depending on how popular the file is..22:07
[deXter]carpi, Well you could also check the firewall22:07
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=== brech is now known as brechdurchfall
mionoHow do I make the terminal bell audible? (11.04)22:08
A_J[deXter], the terminal launches the same copy window :\ it's slow22:08
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[deXter]A_J, You mean when you type the command you see a graphical window pop up?22:09
rrrhello, could anyone quickly explain to me what the difference is between a -server and a -virtual kernel?22:09
A_Jyes [deXter]22:09
carpi[deXter]: okay. thanks. i will wait and see if it workds22:09
[deXter]A_J, That's really odd. Something's messed up for sure..22:09
rrrcan't seem to find any solid info on that22:09
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A_J[deXter], now what ?22:11
[deXter]A_J, Well you could boot into failsafe mode and try the copy process there22:12
A_Jokie [deXter] . i'll try22:12
SamJ190494is there a way for me to force my laptop fan to run faster, natty is making it burn a hole in the desk atm22:13
[deXter]SamJ190494, Funny, I was looking for a way to make it run slower or less frequently.. It's too noisy for my liking!22:14
SamJ190494[deXter], i'm scared it's gonna break, it's running way too hot22:14
an0nwell... this is boring22:14
SamJ190494could it be unity?22:14
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[deXter]SamJ190494, Possibly; I noticed that too, but when I logged into the classic mode my laptop runs cooler and uses less cpu22:15
[deXter]SamJ190494, Use the classic mode for a while and see how it goes22:16
SamJ190494[deXter], i might just do that. it's a shame that being one of the few people who actually like unity, it's causing me a hassle :(22:16
A_J!offtopic | an0n22:17
ubottuan0n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:17
[deXter]SamJ190494, Also try this, I haven't given it a try yet but it might work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10848757&postcount=222:17
A_J[deXter], coping time is varing from a few minutes to 4 hours22:18
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A_Jsomething is looking bad [deXter]22:19
R1ngh10Unity not run on my intel 855 anyone help me...22:21
mionoHow do I make the terminal bell audible? (11.04)22:21
SamJ190494so im on classic now, i miss unity :(22:22
SamJ190494but the cpu is still at 40%22:22
[deXter]R1ngh10, Just use the classic mode.. Unity requires compositing which requires a relatively modern computer.22:23
R1ngh10ok but my vgs is supported22:23
[deXter]SamJ190494, Have you installed all the proprietary drivers (if any needed)?22:24
imikeyr1ngh10 what vga do you have?22:24
R1ngh10intel 85522:24
SamJ190494[deXter]: oh i suppose i did install the open source one, but that was to get minecraft working22:24
imikeyr1ngh10is it a centrino laptop22:24
SamJ190494is appears ATI hates minecraft and java22:24
nit-witR1ngh10, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1464239  might be relevent.22:25
[deXter]SamJ190494, Well Java works fine for me.. haven't yet tried minecraft on my laptop but other games seem to work fine. Btw, I am using the proprietary driver.22:25
[deXter]SamJ190494, It's a shame though; on my old Dell XPS laptop I used the open source Gallium3D drivers and I got pretty decent performance in games like Oblivion.22:26
SamJ190494[deXter]: how would i go about uninstalling the open source one and reinstalling the propetiary one?22:26
josemiguelI'm trying to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct but when I tried to sign it appears an error22:26
SamJ190494i can't remember how i did it first time round22:26
[deXter]SamJ190494, Just use the "Additional Drivers" program.22:26
R1ngh10i have added this repositories too22:26
nit-witR1ngh10, this seems to say the classic desktop may be the choice as of now be careful. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165385222:27
[deXter]SamJ190494, System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers22:27
imikeyi have the fglrx installed on my 4870x2 card and it works great ati runs everything sometimes i get a little flickering when i go full screen flash apps or youtube but for the most part runs perfect22:27
SamJ190494[deXter]: yeah, i get that. will it just overwrite the old on?22:27
[deXter]SamJ190494, Yep.22:27
SamJ190494even if i have to sacrifice minecraft for a while, it's better than burning my house down22:28
cirwinMy sound only works when I'm not within X — any ideas?22:31
OBITTI have an old computer with very limited resources. What's a good desktop environment to use with Ubuntu?22:31
cirwinOBITT: I enjoyed lxde while I was using that22:31
Aboradyi just upgraded to 11.4 i got blank screen after login ! jus the violet ubuntu background no panels no icons , ctrl+alt+f2 is working , i tried to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and commented out loading Glx it doesnt help , i reinstalled xserver-xorg , help plz22:32
Booshis there a way to include a file into /etc/hosts?22:32
SamJ190494ugh, so minecraft doesnt work again22:32
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[deXter]SamJ190494, did you install the sun jre ?22:33
Aboradyi just upgraded to 11.4 i got blank screen after login ! jus the violet ubuntu background no panels no icons , ctrl+alt+f2 is working , i tried to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and commented out loading Glx it doesnt help , i reinstalled xserver-xorg , help plz22:33
SamJ190494[deXter]: i think so, i'll check22:33
SamJ190494sun java 622:34
SamJ190494still crashed22:34
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Aboradyi just upgraded to 11.4 i got blank screen after login ! jus the violet ubuntu background no panels no icons , ctrl+alt+f2 is working , i tried to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and commented out loading Glx it doesnt help , i reinstalled xserver-xorg , i've nvidia graphic card22:35
[deXter]SamJ190494, You'll have to run update-alternatives to make sure it's using the sun java..22:36
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[deXter]SamJ190494, sudo update-java-alternatives -l    to see what all versions you're having right now.22:37
SamJ190494java-6-openjdk 1061 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk22:38
SamJ190494java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun22:38
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[deXter]SamJ190494, sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun22:40
[deXter]SamJ190494, finally, check with java --version to see if it's the correct one being called.22:40
Axsuulif i do anything sudo related... $ sudo ... , it gives me: The program 'sudo' can be found in the following package22:41
Axsuulany ideas?22:41
SamJ190494[deXter]: doing that first command doesnt really do anything22:42
SamJ190494and neither does the second22:42
[deXter]SamJ190494, Yeah you won't get any output and try "java -version"22:42
[deXter]Or simply "java"22:42
SamJ190494java version "1.6.0_24"22:43
SamJ190494Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)22:43
SamJ190494Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode)22:43
SamJ190494i honestly think i'll take the burnt down house, i'm getting minecraft withdrawal symptoms22:43
Dreamscape_hey guys iv just installede ubuntu inside windows to use as a dual boot its all done and gone through fine but now im in ubuntu its all wierd? its version 11.4 or something and i cant see any of the menus at the top and i have some wierd launcher on th left????22:43
[deXter]SamJ190494, Yep it looks like it worked try Minecraft now.22:44
maximilianotengo problemas al actualizar Ubuntu 11.0422:44
[deXter]Dreamscape_, Welcome to 11.04. :)22:44
SamJ190494[deXter]: it still closes, i think its dead22:45
SamJ190494ima install the open source one22:45
Dreamscape_dexter: im running this on a celeron rig here too and it doesnt look like this??22:45
[deXter]Dreamscape_, If you prefer the old interface, before you login to the system at the bottom of the screen choose the option  "classic mode" or something like that.22:45
Dreamscape_will give it a try tank you22:46
histoDreamscape_: that's not wierd that's the new interface22:46
histoDreamscape_: if you mouse to the upper left or hit the windows key it will bring up a gui22:46
histoDreamscape_: as others have suggested if you select "Ubuntu Classic" at the bottom of the login screen you will get something similar to the old interface22:47
Dreamscape_dexter: that solved it thanks22:48
[deXter]Dreamscape_, Cool, you're welcome. :)22:49
scensisHow do i install a .tar.gz file ?22:50
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choongiihi. I'm trying to get glassfish running, and would preferably install it from the package repos. I've enabled canonical repos and installed all the packages here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/glassfish . however, these only appear to be libraries and I dont see any package providing anything like a binary or init script to start the server22:51
choongiiwondering if anyone else here has bumped into this before?22:52
choongiirunning natty, by the way22:52
scensisHow do i install a .tar.gz file?22:53
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chrislu5tichi there, I am running ubuntu 10.10  I have docky installed,  But it wont run upon start up,  i read something like.. gnome something has to start first and i need to delay the start up of docky?22:54
choongiiscensis, you dont. it's an archive, much like a zip file22:54
dkim1987scensis: tar.gz is just a way of compression22:54
chrislu5ticafter start up i can click docky and it starts just fine.. so.22:54
ldz420I am using ubuntu 11.04 on an eee netbook.  sometimes when I get to authentication screen  the input devices appear to be affected. mouse won't click and keyboard won't type.  but the mouse moves. any know if this is a common issue or where to direct my search for an answer?22:54
scensischoongii: Ok, i've unzipped it and now, how do i get it to run? :p22:55
dkim1987scensis:  what are you trying to install?22:55
scensischoongii: It's utorrent btw22:55
scensisdkim1987: utorrent22:55
dkim1987scensis: most likely there are ant, maven, etc. to build it22:55
chrislu5tichi there, Docky won't run upon start up.  I am running the macbuntu theme so i really wan't it to run ,22:56
dkim1987scensis: let me look at it... it looks kinda funny with zip inside22:57
scensisdkim1987: Oh thank you !! :)22:57
magizianSSH exploit http://pastebin.com/Naef5pys  and the Fix http://pastebin.com/XG6RmMLc22:58
ikoniaplease ignore that nonsense from magizian22:59
dkim1987scensis: it doesnt need installation22:59
scensisdkim1987: Ok, How do i run it? And btw, why does it say "Utorrent-server"?23:00
justinkhi, ive installed natty a few weeks back but never got around to getting unity working because whenever i try to log in, the desktop just keeps flashing on and off with my files on the desktop flashing so for weeks ive been using the ubuntu classic theme, has this issue been sorta resolved since? i have nvidia quadro fx 500/600 and the nvidia 173 drivers installed23:00
[deXter]scensis, Because it's meant to be run on a server, and controlled using a web browser.23:02
[deXter]scensis, If you don't like that then you can always run utorrent for windows in Wine; or you can use a native client like Transmission which works just fine23:02
bluefireis there anyway to download software for ubuntu like we do have a setup.exe for windows?23:03
scensisdeXter: Ok, so it's impossible to use utorrent as i did in windows on ubuntu?23:04
ikoniabluefire: it doesn't work the same,23:04
coilbuckerYou use the ubuntu software center, synaptic, or apt-get.23:04
Dreamscape_hey all im trying to get ubuntu's desktop effects to work but i cant find where the settings for this are in 11.04??? can anyone advise?23:04
bluefireuse qtorrent. it is a linux alternative for utorrent23:04
scensisbluefire: Ok, i'll try that and Transmission ;) Thanks23:05
chrislu5tic hi there, Docky won't run upon start up.  I am running the macbuntu theme so i really wan't it to run ,23:05
ikoniamacbuntu theme....terrible product, it can cause real problems23:05
bluefirescensis: sorry it is qBitTorrent and not qtorrent23:06
scensisbluefire: Ok, thanks :)23:06
bluefirecoilbucker: i know these ways of getting software for ubuntu, but what to do if i want to save the software setups for a situation when i m not able to access internet?23:07
ikoniabluefire: you can download the "deb" files and it will install that package locally23:08
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ikoniabluefire: but it is not the same as the windows .exe files23:08
Dreamscape_where are desktop effects located  in 11.04??23:08
nit-witDreamscape_, I don't think the effects are in appearance anymore you have to use compiz very carefully.23:08
Dreamscape_ah i see23:09
Dreamscape_damn lol23:09
nit-witDreamscape_, do you want the ubiquitous cube.;)23:09
Dreamscape_i want the cool effects when u close windows23:09
Dreamscape_beryl i think it was?23:09
bluefireikonia: I got your point that software installation in linux is not as it is in Windows. But .deb files are not available readily for all softwares. Tarballs are available which later need to be compiled23:09
nit-witDreamscape_, that is compiz like folding, exsploding ....etc effect23:10
ikoniabluefire: you don't want to use tar files23:10
Dreamscape_nit-nit: is it hard to install?23:10
ikoniabluefire: if they are not in a deb format, you don't want to install it, log a request to have the software packaged into a deb format23:10
KM0201bluefire: have you looked in the repositories, to see if the program is there23:11
Logan_!ccsm | Dreamscape_23:11
ubottuDreamscape_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz23:11
histobluefire: what are you trying to do?23:11
coz_bluefire,  there is an application named aptoncd  if i understand what you meant23:11
histobluefire: You can use aptoncd or just download the debs23:11
histo!offline | bluefire23:12
ubottubluefire: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD23:12
html_inprogresshow  do i format my flash drive ?23:12
KM0201html_inprogress: if you want a gui tool, gparted23:12
coz_html_inprogress,  system/administration/disk utility23:12
bluefirehisto: I seek something like a local repository, which i can ocassionaly update from internet, but when it comes to installing software they should be installed locally without accessing the internet.23:12
histobluefire: you can run your own repo23:13
html_inprogresswhat about coomd line ?23:13
KM0201html_inprogress: fdisk23:13
html_inprogresswhats that?23:13
KM0201html_inprogress: something you shoudln't be using if you don't know what it is.. it's easy to make a mistake and format the wrong disk/partition.23:13
KM0201use the gui tools, its why they are there23:13
bluefireI tried downloading deb files from packages.ubuntu.com. But this does not help, as each application has many dependecies.23:13
html_inprogressok thanks for the warning23:14
histobluefire: did you see the link that I had ubottu post?23:14
histo!offline > bluefire23:14
ubottubluefire, please see my private message23:14
histobluefire: also check these http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20217 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.packtpub.com%2Farticle%2Fcreate-local-ubuntu-repository-using-apt-mirror-apt-cacher&ei=gtDeTYjfDojl0QHEidW9Cg&usg=AFQjCNF7Q5SkRXXDhfJkeprVX5nXtkY69A&sig2=saka3jwT6YEhcH9y9SuQeQ23:15
g0bl1nwhere are the Launcher icons stored ? Seamonkey has no icon ?23:15
marxohi, anyone running Launchpad on a test machine?23:15
shcherbakhisto: goo.gl is really awesome.23:15
histoschmidtm: yeah lol just realized google did that to links copied from search results23:16
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bluefirehisto: Will this APT chooser search for all the related .deb and dependencies of the application i put in the search field?23:18
histobluefire: the offline thing will23:18
histo!offline | bluefire23:18
ubottubluefire: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD23:18
bluefirehisto: yes that is what i am referring to23:19
LjLhisto: actually though, the site isn't yet updated for Natty :(23:19
html_inprogressKM0201, coz_ , thanks for the help and fast response  ,,,, imk in a hurry,,  so latetr thanks23:20
Dreamscape_hmmmm ok for some reason all my windows are only showing the actual content of that window and not the boarder?! i cant move windows around?!?! whats going on lol23:20
coz_html_inprogress,  ok guy23:20
html_inprogresscoz_,  :)23:20
histobluefire: yeah you can put in the meta package you have also like ubuntu-desktop so it won't post extra requirements. But I'm not sure this is the best option. What are you actually trying to do can you explain it better?23:21
bluefirehisto: thank you, you were a great help :)23:21
justinkhi, ive installed natty a few weeks back but never got around to getting unity working because whenever i try to log in, the desktop just keeps flashing on and off with my files on the desktop flashing so for weeks ive been using the ubuntu classic theme, has this issue been sorta resolved since? i have nvidia quadro fx 500/600 and the nvidia 173 drivers installed.23:22
Dreamscape_hmmmm ok for some reason all my windows are only showing the actual content of that window and not the boarder?! i cant move windows around?!?! whats going on lol23:23
Dreamscape_i have rebooted... stuff nothing?! i cant move any wwindows now :S23:23
entombedMy synaptics trackpad is being detected as a PS/2 mouse by my kernel.  I am running 2.6.38, has anyone else encountered this?23:24
bluefirehisto: I intend to keep all the software i use ready locally on my computer, just in case if i need to install them again sometime in future and if i am not able to access the internet then. I want a solution for such a situation.23:25
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histobluefire: I would create a package list and backup the /var/cache/apt/  directories23:25
histobluefire: no need to redownload all the packages again they are already in /var/cache/apt/23:26
histobluefire: something like dpkg --get-selections > installed-software.txt   would create a list of all the packages23:27
Dreamscape_argh why can i see my windows boarder anymore? anyone? this is mental23:28
bluefirehisto: does this folder contain all the dependent packages of any particular application? if i backup this folder how will i reuse this folder and get all my application back on a fresh ubuntu install without accessing internet?23:28
redGoatbluefire: All packages (dependences or not) are downloaded to that directory.23:28
redGoatbluefire: You might want to look at !aptoncd23:29
redGoat!aptoncd | bluefire23:29
ubottubluefire: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline23:29
nit-witDreamscape_, window dcoration plugin should be on23:29
pstewartDreamscape_: did it work before?23:29
ubuseri was wondering if anyone could help me with my computer i am currently on ubuntu 8.04, i have tried installing every iso that is on ubuntu, but i got a 6.10 to work, and i updated to this one, i tried to update to 10.04 and it had video problems, right now all i want is my sound working23:31
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ikoniaubuser: what version are you currently using ?23:32
ubuseri got 4 gigs on ubuntu 8.04 with pae and my video settings are good, i just cant figure out the sound23:32
bluefireredGoat: i will check APTonCD once23:32
coz_ubuser,   open up a terminal   type    alsamixer  and see if the audio card is recognized,, it should be shown at the upper left23:32
ikoniaubuser: ok - well, to get support you need to upgrade to a supported version as 8.04 is not supported23:33
ikonia!upgrade | ubuser23:33
ubottuubuser: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:33
ubuserit says realtek alc83323:33
ikoniaubuser: if you follow the instructions ubottu has just pasted into the channel, it will show you how to upgrade to 10.0423:33
FlashJordan1I need help installing windows xp sp3 along side my currently running ubuntu 10.0423:33
ubuserand under card it says hda nvidia, but my sound is integrated23:33
ziikutvikonia: Do you know how to set it so my pc boots to Ubuntu by default instead of windows?23:34
lorphhow do I default all processes to use CPU 0? I tried putting this in /etc/init.d/rcS "/bin/taskset -pc 0 $$" and it doesn't work23:34
ikoniaubuser: you need to upgrade to a supported version23:34
coz_ubuser,  ok so it is recognized,, all I can say is check the sliders there in alsamixer,, be sure they are u p and not muted,, if muted  hit the 'm' keyboard key and use the arrows to scroll through them23:34
FlashJordan1I am currently downloading the windows torrent but i want to keep my ubuntu stuff aswell, so use GRUB23:34
ubuseri tried.23:34
ubuseri checked nothing is muted23:34
ikoniaziikutv: the grub menu just needs the default entry pointing at the ubuntu install23:34
coz_FlashJordan1,  yeah if you install windows after ubuntu you   will have to reinstall grub23:34
ikoniaubuser: you need to upgrade to a supported version23:34
coz_FlashJordan1,  let me get link for the  how to23:34
ziikutvikonia: How do I do hat?23:34
yassine_hellwhats the best linux mp3 player? (my pc sucks so i need a light one)23:35
FlashJordan1well, if im running linux right now, and downloading windows.. how can i, within ubuntu, install windows onto a seperate partition so i can dual boot without losing saved memory?23:35
Jordan_U!best | yassine_hell23:35
ubottuyassine_hell: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:35
ikoniaziikutv: I've not got notes on grub2 as the menu is dynamcic23:35
FlashJordan1how do i reinstall GRUB?23:35
Jordan_U!grub | FlashJordan123:36
ubottuFlashJordan1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:36
coz_FlashJordan1,  hold on trying to find the link23:36
yassine_hellok whats the lightest mp3 player ?23:36
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Jordan_Uyassine_hell: I would expect mplayer to be lightweight, but it's more of a player for individual files rather than one for making playlists or handling a library.23:36
valleydaddy78my ubuntu 11.4 wont update it gets a parcing error what should i do23:37
nit-witFlashJordan1, this channel does not support pirated XP from a torrent.23:37
FlashJordan1make sure synaptic is closed23:37
Jordan_Uyassine_hell: Are you looking for a player with a graphical interface?23:37
DrManhattanyassine_hell, i'd personally recommend xmms, vlc, or mplayer23:37
FlashJordan1or isnt trying to do anything23:37
bluefireanyway to run adobe creative suite products on ubuntu? or any alternative apps?23:37
FlashJordan1coz_ can we go into a private chat? could use some help23:37
yassine_hell:) DrManhattan thx23:37
DrManhattannit-wit, it isnt necessarily pirated, as long as he has a legit key23:38
coz_FlashJordan1,  well check the section here about reinstalling grub from live cd,, I dont think you are going to need much help with this but check it out first    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD23:38
nit-witDrManhattan, okay23:38
juniourhey i am not able to start my ubuntu in normal boot23:38
yassine_helli can install "xmms" with "apt-get install xmms"23:39
Jordan_Uziikutv: Did you install Ubuntu via wubi?23:39
juniournow i am running my ubuntu in recovery mode23:39
juniourhelp please23:39
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ziikutvYes I did23:39
ShinydanI'm having problems with MSN Messenger via Empathy, the error reads "no reason given". How can I get more debug information out of Empathy?23:39
juniourit gives me white screen in normal boot23:39
justinki, ive installed natty a few weeks back (from 10.10) but never got around to getting unity working because whenever i try to log in, the desktop just keeps flashing on and off with my files on the desktop flashing so for weeks ive been using the ubuntu classic theme, has this issue been sorta resolved since? i have nvidia quadro fx 500/600 and the nvidia 173 drivers installed.23:40
nit-witjuniour, use the recovery but at the gui choose the faisafe x boot.23:40
Jordan_Uziikutv: Then it's the Windows boot manager that you need to configure differently. IIRC "bcdedit" is a good tool for that if you're using Windows Vista/7.23:40
juniournit-wit i dident got you23:40
ziikutvJordon_U: Do i have to loginto Windows to do this?23:41
nit-witjuniour, your in low graphics mode already it seems. did hyou run a update in the manaf=ger or the terminal and look in menu system admin additional drivers?23:41
juniourya i am runnig ubuntu in low graphics mode23:42
jeandjoin# ubuntu.fr23:42
juniouri run update manager then only the shit happens to me23:42
nit-witjuniour,  did hyou run a update in the manager or the terminal and look in menu system admin additional drivers?23:43
jeandubuntu .fr23:43
Logan_!language | juniour23:43
ubottujuniour: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:43
juniourubottu sorry23:43
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/23:43
IdleOnejeand: /join #ubuntu-fr23:43
Jordan_Uziikutv: Yes.23:44
ziikutvAlright I'll do it later then. Thanks23:44
Jordan_Uziikutv: You're welcome.23:45
ziikutvJordon_U: I used wubii... i think ubuntu is installed in C drive.. but I don't see it on "my computer" in Ubuntu.. how can I goto C drive? I can see my other partitions23:45
ShinydanI'm having problems with MSN Messenger via Empathy, the error reads "no reason given". How can I get more debug information out of Empathy?23:45
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ldz420what is the name of the authentication application in ubuntu?23:47
nit-witziikutv, with a wubi install you can access both the host and guest from both OS you just have to look.23:47
Jordan_Uziikutv: You're Windows partition is accessible in "/host/". To get there in the file browser you would go to "Filesystem" then "host".23:47
abysHi everybody! :)23:48
Logan_!fr | TiCaf23:49
ubottuTiCaf: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:49
DaditosQuestion, I need to install Ubuntu on Dual Boot on a machine with Windows 7 and no CD drive.  The machine already has a 50gb partition that's free to use for Ubuntu.   As I couldn't figure out a way to format ext3 through windows 7 in order to install ubuntu I'm following the steps to boot with the ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso and Linux Live USB Creator.  I was just about to free up a 10 gb or23:50
DaditosI was just about to free up a 10 gb or so partition in the HDD for this purpose.  Is it going to work?  Am I missing something?  Am I doing something terribly wrong?23:51
abysCould someone give me a little help fixing my unity dash on natty? I'm not able to use the search engine anymore ... :/23:51
ziikutvThanks both of you23:51
ghostnik11does anyone know the keyboard commands for print screen shot in ubuntu 11.0423:52
pstewartDaditos: so you already have a 50gb partition for ubuntu to use, and you want to free up 10 more?23:52
lefty|busygeeksmith: Can you give me that link of the thread about the broadcom drivers ?23:52
Daditosno, in order to install ubuntu, as I have no CD Drive, I need to boot it from a USB hdd23:52
Daditosso I'm going to create a partition in that drive23:53
Jordan_UDaditos: Rather that saying "that drive" it would be more clear if you reffered to the USB drive as "the USB drive" (if that indeed is what you are trying to reffer to).23:54
juniourhey i am getting white screen while starting ubuntu23:54
Daditosyes, sorry for any confusion... It's a 500 gb  USB drive.23:54
juniourhelp please23:54
AbhishCairo dock won't launch Kopete or Conversation. Don't know why. I have the KDE integration packkage installed.23:54
pstewartDaditos: i don't see why it wouldn't, but you probably only need 1gb or so23:54
ShinydanHave lots of people been in tonight asking about Empathy problems?23:54
juniouri am running now in low graphics mode23:55
=== Guybrush88 is now known as you1
Logan_Shinydan: No, you're the only one.23:55
dkim1987finally.. it's time to work out23:55
=== you1 is now known as Guybrush88
dkim1987oh wrong channel23:55
dkim1987my bad23:55
abysdkim1987:  no prob ;) enjoy23:56
=== SpaceBass is now known as away
juniourhelp me23:56
=== away is now known as SpaceBass
Logan_!please | juniour23:56
ubottujuniour: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:56
DaditosI'll proceed then, still, need to finish reading the Linux Live documentation23:56
nit-wit! help | juniour23:56
ubottujuniour: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:56
reliableNerdAny hd2 users? Trying to find a way to update magldr on Ubuntu...  :/23:57
nit-wit! patience | juniour23:57
ubottujuniour: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:57
dijonyummyis kde/kubuntu for 11.04 very very slow for you folks? anything to improve it, i'm under virtualbox but still seems too slow, not just ui, but also networking23:57
juniourwhile starting ubuntu i am getting white screen23:57
reliableNerdOr a way to run windows mobile device center without the requirement of windows23:57
Logan_dijonyummy: I would ask that in #kubuntu23:57
lefty|busyOk I need some help with Ubuntu I have it installed but I was wondering what broadcom driver i should get ?23:57
lefty|busybecause I don't know which one works23:58
abysMy dash => https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/unity-dash-intro.html is not working anymore, someone has an idea how to fix it? :)23:59
ShinydanEmpathy can't connect to MSN. I've been using "kill telepathy-butterfly" for the last week, and that's been fixing it. Now it doesn't work any more. Any ideas?23:59
lefty|busyOk I need some help with Ubuntu I have it installed but I was wondering what broadcom driver i should get ?23:59
lefty|busybecause I don't know which one works23:59
justinki, ive installed natty a few weeks back(from 10.10) but never got around to getting unity working because whenever i try to log in, the desktop just keeps flashing on and off with my files on the desktop flashing so for weeks ive been using the ubuntu classic theme, has this issue been sorta resolved since? i have nvidia quadro fx 500/600 and the nvidia 173 drivers installed.23:59

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