
nicekiwii cant connect to the Ubuntu One service, help?06:40
mandelmorning all07:55
mandelralsina: ping?09:45
mandelIs it holidays somewhere?10:45
mandeldammed… this is boring :P10:45
Chipacamandel: want me to juggle for you?10:46
mandelChipaca: aha, so there is someone ;)10:47
Chipacamandel: about to go for coffee. want some?10:47
mandelChipaca: if I can download it ;)10:47
Chipacamandel: i can probably get you some coffee if you're not on a small island somewhere :)10:48
mandelChipaca: hahaha10:54
mandelChipaca: I'm not in a small island, went o see my parents in Madrid, I needed to get out of Barcelona for some days10:55
Chipacamandel: "small island" also includes great britain, btw10:55
Chipacamandel: i know :)10:55
mandelChipaca: oh, that is a small, don't tell the britons, they think they are big10:56
Chipacamandel: you say "madrid", is it really "madrid", or is it "madrid" like uds-m was in "brussels"?10:57
mandelChipaca: Madrid as in the place where people call it Madriz10:57
mandelI must say that is a very complicated question...10:58
Chipacamandel: madrid empieza con "M" y termina con "T"10:58
Chipacamandel: think about it10:59
mandelChipaca: y ciudad?10:59
* Chipaca goes for coffee10:59
mandelChipaca: I'm lost...11:00
Chipacamandel: ciudad con "C"11:02
* Chipaca picks mandel off the floor11:03
mandelChipaca: ok, you have been in England for far too long11:04
mandelChipaca: by the way did they like the netbook?11:04
Chipacamandel: yes, very much11:04
* mandel is glad11:04
Chipacamandel: it's been complaining about disk problems since day one, but doesn't seem to be broken yet11:04
Chipacamandel: meanwhile i'm looking up what to replace the disc with, for when it dies :)11:05
Chipacamandel: they're loving it; it works flawlessly (even if it's not fast, but it's so obviously puny they don't seem to expect it to voom much)11:05
Chipacamandel: so, all-round win. thank you again.11:06
mandelChipaca: no worries, I also have found another small nicer one that I can take there if you want to… only problem AZERTY :(11:06
Chipacamandel: i'm a hardware junkie, and i had to give it all away before coming over, so I can't say "no". But, I don't really need it :)11:10
mandelChipaca: same here… but I think you will take more advantage of it, at least if the other onew dies you have a decent one to use11:11
mandellets say I'm going through a life style change ;)11:11
Chipacamandel: as you wish, then. I can't complain either way :)11:13
mandeldone then :)11:13
Chipacawoo, hardware!11:16
duanedesignmorning ll11:39
duanedesigni was promised juggling ;)11:39
duanedesign<.<   >,>11:40
ralsinagood evening!11:40
duanedesignhello ralsina11:40
* ralsina is pretending to be in argentina today11:40
ralsinaChipaca: I have the 701 with me here, will get it to you on June11:41
ralsinahi duanedesign11:46
* fagan did the same12:01
fagan(pretended to be on ar time today12:01
ralsinafagan: it's 8 AM dude ;-)12:08
faganralsina: yeah I didnt sleep till 7AM my time this morning12:09
ralsinaChipaca: you are a hardware junkie? I have a couple of really special fixes for you ;-)12:09
* ralsina has a HP Jornada 720 that can run linux from a CF card12:09
* ralsina has a true first-gen corel netwinder12:09
Chipacaa netwinder!12:09
Chipacao man12:09
Chipacai wanted one of those so bad12:09
Chipacanot now, tough -- i'm going to be building something with a pandaboard soonish12:10
Chipacaa pandaboard, a pixel qi display, and a lenovo usb keyboard, a kilogram of batteries, and i should be golden12:10
* ralsina has a libretto 50ct with Debian in it12:11
Chipacai need to remember i have less space now than i used to12:13
ralsinahahaha 1kg of batteries12:14
ralsinathat should keep it running for a week :)12:14
ralsinaChipaca: how much is a Wii in London? My son has discovered them and will kill me if I don't get one12:15
faganralsina: its 100 pound now12:15
Chipacaralsina: amazon.co.uk, deliver to millbank12:15
faganbut dont get one now12:15
fagansince the wii is going to be replaced very soon12:16
ralsinafagan: MY KID IS 412:17
ralsinaoops, sorry for screaming :-)12:17
ralsinafagan: I would get him a PS1 if I could get away with it ;-)12:17
faganralsina: hahah12:17
* fagan has a PS2 you can use 12:17
ralsinanah, he wants to play those motion-control sport games12:18
ralsinahe beat me at fencing last night12:18
faganralsina: the PS2 was very advanced it has the eye toy if you ever saw that :)12:19
ralsinaI would get a PS2 for myself. But at least with the Wii you don't sit like a zombie all day12:19
ralsinaspecially if you are4 and actually believe you have a sword :-)12:19
ralsinaok, onto reviewing nessita's code...12:20
faganyeah actually the price is after dropping so your in luck anyway12:20
rye100 pound, wii?12:36
faganrye: im guessing because its 120 euro in ireland atm12:37
ryewhat forgotten country am i living in? $240 or more in Ukraine...12:38
faganrye: wow12:39
ralsinarye: like U$S 300 in argentina, so...12:44
ralsinamandel: ping, need reviews?12:44
ryeralsina, ah, that's... weird?12:45
mandelralsina: I had a python question, but I managed to fix it :)12:45
ralsinarye: nah, it's the usual state of electronics in .ar ... it's cheaper to order SD cards from china than buying them in a store, for example.12:46
ralsinamandel: ok, cool12:46
ryeralsina, well, if there is a guaranteed delivery of stuff, then yeah, which is not the case for postal service and neither FedEx nor DHL can send anything electronic here12:47
* fagan feels lucky 12:48
ralsinarye: I have ordered dozens of things from dealextreme.com (even little notepads), never lost anything :-)12:48
ryeralsina, yeah, vds has done the same too. Were you ordering via regular post delivery?12:49
ralsinayep. Takes a month.12:49
ralsinaand the sole idea of buying my pens in china makes me giggle like a little girl.12:49
fagantakes 5 days max in ireland12:49
ralsinafagan: from china?12:50
faganralsina: never tried12:50
ralsinafagan: go browse dealextreme.com for 10 minutes :-)12:50
faganim just saying in general from the eu or us12:50
ralsinabuy a solar cockroach :-)12:51
JamesTaitHey urbanape. |:)12:57
JamesTaitYou in the lobby, or not quite yet?12:57
ralsinafagan: ping13:05
faganralsina: pong13:07
ralsinafagan: are you a firefox user? Are you in the mood for some adventure?13:08
faganralsina: well im also on ff513:08
faganralsina: im on 11.10 already13:08
ralsinafagan: cool, please try bindwood ;-)13:08
ralsinaand then try with firefox from https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+packages13:09
ralsinaI expect a report later today13:09
fagancool will do13:09
* ralsina feels soooo managerial13:09
faganill be able to check if it syncs on my desktop13:10
ralsinafagan: cool, try it both ways13:10
ralsinasync up and down, so to speak13:10
faganyep cool13:10
faganralsina: just checked and the one in 11.10 is up to date more or less with that ppa so ill just use the repo version13:11
ralsinafagan: ok13:12
faganralsina: broken for ff513:14
ralsinafagan: crapola13:14
faganralsina: says not compatable in the addons thing13:14
ralsinafagan: broken how?13:14
ralsinaok, may be just a metadata thing.13:14
ralsinaI will take a look maybe tomorrow13:15
fagansure im on the dailies I can check when ever you have a new version merged13:15
faganoh and while you are at the metadata you link canonical ltd to the bindwood page on lp13:16
faganinstead of canonical.com13:16
ralsinafagan: file a bug?13:18
faganralsina: will do13:19
faganBug #78859413:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 788594 in bindwood "Wrong link in metadata (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78859413:43
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
alecuhello #ubuntuone!13:49
ralsinamerhaba alecu!13:49
alecuralsina, hey there, boss. How's turkey going for you?13:50
ralsinaI am sitting under a tree, 50m away from the bosphorus, drinking lipton mango ice tea, it's 22C with a sea breeze.13:51
ralsinaso... pretty nicely ;-)13:51
alecuralsina, cool!13:51
ralsinahola nessita13:52
alecuralsina, I might be late for the standup, there's a bell ringing right now.13:52
nessitahola ralsina13:52
ralsinafagan: thx for the bug report. Chris Coulson has a patch to make it work with FF 6 so it should work for 5 too13:52
ralsinafagan: I will merge it soonish13:52
fagannice ralsina13:54
faganff6 is already in dev thats pretty interesting13:54
faganff20 coming soon13:54
ralsinawell... coming in 6*15 weeks or so13:55
faganralsina: sooner than it would have been in their old release system13:55
ralsinafagan: sure. This should convince people that release numbers are not important13:55
* ralsina has never released a 1.0 :-)13:56
thisfredHighest I ever got was 3.x but that software was 6 years old13:56
faganralsina: well its always good to release a 1.0 when you have like a 0.30..etc13:57
thisfredsoftware years > dog years13:57
nessitaralsina: answering your review question: "assertEquals is deprecated, so we try to change them to assertEqual every time we modify a test file (we are not doing it all at once because that will be a huge branch)."13:57
nessitaalecu: did you have any chance to review my SD branch?13:58
ralsinanessita: makes sense, thx13:58
ralsinathisfred: My highest version number is like 0.16.213:58
thisfredI like conservatism and modesty in versioning ;)13:59
ralsinaI will someday re-release the same version as 2.0 ;-)13:59
ralsinaor 2.16.0 ...13:59
ralsinastandup in 1'13:59
nessitain 5"! :-)14:00
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
thisfredI wonder what version Silva is at now...14:00
mandelfive or 1?14:00
nessitamandel: 5 seconds14:00
nessitaralsina, thisfred, alecu, dobey?14:00
* alecu is writing notes.14:00
thisfredralsina: ha! I lied, it was 2.x, and they're only at 2.3.1 now :)14:00
mandelnessita: ok14:01
nessitadobey: say me please?14:01
nessitafagan: go!14:02
fagan* Tried out bindwood in ff514:02
fagan* Tried to figure a way of sharing a windows image or install with people so they can test out stuff14:02
fagan* Ask ralsina for something good to do14:02
fagan* nope14:02
fagannessita: go14:02
nessitaDONE: QT windows control panel port, reviews, emails14:02
nessitaTODO: QT windows control panel port, reviews, emails (you're not seeing double ;-))14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:02
nessitaNEXT: mandel14:02
mandelDONE: Finished reactor plugin for ubuntuone-dev-tools. Fixed CredentialsManagementTool issue in my branches and ensured that all of the work.14:02
mandelTODO: Ask dobey for a review, propose creds fix. Work on json-rpc14:02
mandelBLOCKED: no14:02
mandelralsina, go go go14:02
ralsinanessita: groundhog day?14:02
ralsinaDONE: natl holiday, couple of reviews, mgmt call, administrivia TODO: 1-on-1s with almost all of you (tmorrow!) more reviews, installer coding BLOCKED: nope. Thisfred, your turn!14:02
thisfredDONE: reviews | fixed bug #781119 | filed and investigated bug #788206 TODO: add tests to ubuntuone-couch BLOCKED: no NEXT: dobey14:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 781119 in ubuntuone-couch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Crashes if not logged into Ubuntu One (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78111914:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 788206 in ubuntuone-servers "Oauth authentication against couchdb.one.ubuntu.com fails (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78820614:03
dobeyλ DONE: working nightlies, reviews14:03
dobeyλ TODO: magic14:03
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:03
ralsinaadd "update bindwood with Chris Coulson's patch" to my TODO, I guess14:03
faganralsina: how do I install logmein? I cant find it :/14:04
faganyou said install it a while back14:04
mandeldobey: can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-dev-tools/allow_txnamedpipes_reactor/+merge/61515 to see if that is what you meant ?14:04
nessitaalecu: go!14:04
alecuDONE: national holiday. Dined with the web&mobile guys14:04
alecuTODO: review nessita's branch, work on qt-net14:04
alecuBLOCKED: no14:04
ralsinafagan: go to logmein.com14:04
mandeldobey: it aint perfect, but does make it nicer…14:04
faganralsina: ahh ok14:04
dobeymandel: ok; can you also fix the conflict in your ubuntuone-client branch? :)14:05
ralsinaI am on 7% battery so I will take a shortish break in a random number of minutes14:05
mandeldobey: yes, on it next, I wanted to fix first the dev-tool sone :)14:05
ralsinabut I will work late today (I am on almost ART timezone)14:06
dobeyok, cool, i'll look at it14:06
=== karni_ is now known as karni
faganralsina: ok installed14:13
ralsinafagan: ok, now share it with alecu privately ;-)14:14
faganralsina: sec will do14:14
alecumandel, ping14:14
mandelalecu: pong14:15
alecumandel, were you able to upload the VM we discussed on Tue?14:15
mandelalecu: I believe that fagan cloned his14:16
mandelfagan: where is that vm?14:16
faganmandel: on my desktop14:17
faganin ireland14:17
faganwell I couldnt find a way to share the image correctly so im trying logmein14:17
faganalecu: working?14:18
alecustill loading14:18
faganalecu: good?14:18
alecubrb, just dropped a cup of matecocido on the desk14:20
faganmandel: I tried to put it up on u1 but it would have tied up my net connection for a week14:20
faganmandel: and for a .torrent id have to use a tracker and it would be available to the public so that was a no go14:21
faganmandel: so allowing remote access is the last step really14:21
faganbut I can share my vm with anyone so its cool alecu controlled it there for a sec before he spilled his tea14:22
dobeymate != tea14:25
aleculuckily my laptop got only slightly wet (?)14:28
alecuand my nexus s missed the action by about 2 cm14:28
faganalecu: is it usable14:29
alecufagan, yes, it seems to be usable so far.14:29
faganeverything is installed fine since I did all my testing on it14:30
faganI should probably set the paths but I got too lazy14:30
alecufagan, ok.14:35
alecufagan, can you show me how you run the tests? I have not worked on the windows codebase much.14:35
faganalecu: sure14:35
alecufagan, cool. And do you have any u1 branch around?14:41
faganalecu: there probably is something in trash14:41
alecufagan, my fingers keep forgetting that Alt-F4 closes my local browser, not your remote windows :P14:48
faganalecu: hah14:49
faganyou can still get in with the old link14:49
* fagan break 14:52
mandelnessita: ping14:54
nessitamandel: pong14:54
mandelnessita: I'm nearly done with the credentials issue, but there is something that we did not consider. the exception class...14:55
faganalecu: thats copied right click copies it to clipboard14:55
mandelnessita: we can make a subclass of the ubuntuone.credentials one, same as the credential management tool14:55
nessitamandel: let me do the context swicth on my brain14:56
faganalecu: you cant run the tests on everything in that folder14:56
alecufagan, thanks, but I know how to use the windows console :-)14:56
mandelnessita: sure :)14:56
* nessita needs to stop singing out loud Avril Lavinge so she can hear her thoughts14:56
faganalecu: I forgot myself the first time thats why I was saying :)14:56
dobeythat seems like something that should go on the quotes page14:57
alecufagan, the thing is that I'm having a hard time getting it out of the "LogMeIn" flash applet.14:57
fagannessita: why'd ya have to and things so complicated I see the way your acting...something something frustrated :D14:57
nessitafagan: I'm lost inside!!!14:57
faganalecu: you can pastebin in the vm14:57
fagannessita: hahaha14:58
nessitamandel: the error is CredentialsError?14:58
nessitamandel: let me browse code to check when we raise that14:58
mandelnessita: sure14:58
alecumandel, I'm running the u1-client tests on trunk, on fagan's VM, and I'm getting this: "ImportError: no module named credentials"15:00
nessitamandel: can't we define the same exception name inheriting from CredentialsError?15:00
alecumandel, is this what you are discussing with nessita?15:00
nessitaalecu: yeah, that was caused by our revert, mandel is working on landing that fixed15:00
mandelnessita: yes we can, is ugly but would work15:01
nessitamandel: so, under linux/credentials, we can have class CredentialsError(CredentialsError). And we get the price to the ugliest code ever15:01
dobeymandel: weird; you made a plug-in that loads plug-ins; seems like too much abstraction. and i'm not exactly sure they need to be plug-ins in that way15:01
mandeldobey: we can merge all together in a single one, but adding new reactors this way would be very easy15:02
mandeldobey: but feel free to give a diff idea, merging it in a single plugin is not hard15:03
dobeymandel: i am actually thinking of not using plug-ins at all, at least, in this sense of the word plug-in15:04
dobeylet me think a minute and i'll make a branch15:04
mandeldobey: sure15:04
mandeldobey: there is a funny error importing the reactors were you have to use __import__ which is ubber lame15:05
alecunessita, perhaps that can be better written as "from somemodule import CredentialsError as OriginalCredentialsError;class CredentialsError(OriginalCredentialsError)@15:06
alecunessita, perhaps that can be better written as "from somemodule import CredentialsError as OriginalCredentialsError;class CredentialsError(OriginalCredentialsError)"15:06
nessitaalecu: agreed, 100%15:06
mandeldobey: alecu had the same issue, if you try to import and install the reactor from a function it brakes… at least the qtreactor and the txnamedpipes...15:09
mandelalecu: was that your issue?15:10
dobeymandel: what is the error exactly?15:10
mandelalecu: I did the import as the root exception ;)15:10
dobeyi want to see traceback :)15:10
mandeldobey: let me write a small example15:11
alecumandel, dobey: u1trial installs its own reactor, so if I moved the "from twisted.internet import reactor" at the top of the file I would get a "can't install a reactor twice" kind of error.15:14
mandelalecu: oh, I found a diff issue, the reactor thing is easy, we are working on u1trial to allow choosing the reactor in an easy way15:14
dobeyalecu: that is the opposite of whatn mandel is saying the problem is though. he's saying you can't do the import *inside* a function15:14
dobeyalecu: and this is before the reactor is installed (since it is the function that installs the reactor)15:15
mandeldobey: if you grab by branch and go to ubuntuone/devtool/plugins/reactors/txnamedpipes.py and do not use __import__ but from blah import it brakes15:16
mandeldobey: and  I did not have a clue why…15:16
dobeyok, i'll make a branch with what i'm thinking and see. i think my idea is much simpler15:19
mandeldobey: sure, I tend to over eng15:22
nessitaalecu: any news on the review?15:26
alecunessita, I'm not working on it yet. Do you need me to?15:27
nessitaalecu: kinda, I need to land that u1client branch since is a depends for my u1cp branch (I would like nightlies to be built by the time I request the review for u1cp)15:27
alecuok, will switch to it in 5'15:28
alecunessita, ping.15:58
alecunessita, why enable_show_all_notifications in tools calls two different dbus methods (enable_... and disable_...)?15:59
alecunessita, why not make two different methods in tools?  I remember having this discussion with you earlier, and you supported having two different methods.16:00
nessitaalecu: I know, but i was trying to be consistent with the whoe SyncDaemonTool implementation16:01
alecunessita, yup, I'm seeing that. Ok, no prob.16:01
nessitaalecu: for file_sync_enabled, and throttling, there is only one method at Sdtool level, (but 2 at DBus layer)....16:02
* mandel eod16:02
nessitaralsina: ping re QT16:05
ralsinanessita: pong16:10
nessitaralsina: if I have a QLabel, how can know what kind of markup I can set to it? in particular I need to set font color.16:10
nessitahow can I* know?16:10
nessitaralsina: I'm using a similar markup than what I use in GTK and is not working, and my search-for-qt-doc fu is -116:11
ralsinanessita: basic HTML +CSS2 should work16:11
ralsinayou can probably use the font tag16:11
ralsinabut let me find a reference16:12
nessitaralsina: I'm a web developer but I know nothing about ccs. A reference will be highly appreciated.16:12
nessitaI don't even know how to type css :-P16:12
ralsinanessita: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/richtext-html-subset.html16:12
dobeydoh, mandel is gone16:12
ralsina<font family="helvetica" color="#ff0000">blah</font>16:13
ralsinathat should cover most of what you need ;-)16:13
nessitaralsina: seems like it, thanks!16:13
dobeywell my reactor stuff mostly works16:14
nessitaralsina: do I have to set a property/setting to a QLabel to show that formatting? I'm setting:16:14
nessita<font color="green">✔</font> File Sync is up-to-date.16:14
nessitaralsina: and the UI does not show the  <font color="green">✔</font> at all16:14
nessitahum, seems like a color string will no work?16:16
ralsinanessita: may be a font character coverage problem?16:16
ralsinafor example if you put a X instead of a check?16:16
nessitaralsina: will "green" work?16:16
ralsinanessita: it should16:16
ralsinaor you can try #00ff0016:17
nessitaralsina: nopes, an X will not work16:17
nessitatrying html color now...16:17
ralsinanessita: are you doing this on designer or in code?16:17
nessitaralsina: in code16:17
nessitaralsina: is there any setting I need to tweak on a QLabel to show rick text?16:18
ralsinanessita: give me 30"...16:18
nessitaralsina: no prob, I'll keep digging16:18
ralsinatextFormat property16:19
nessitaralsina: where are you looking? (I would like to learn which are your sources)16:19
ralsinanessita: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qlabel.html16:19
ralsinawhat comes when you google qlabel :-)16:19
nessitaralsina: right, thing is I tend to google qt label16:20
nessitaclose enough!16:20
ralsinanessita: nowadays I use google instead of looking at the help in assistant, actually :-)16:20
nessitaralsina: is there a help assistance? ;-)16:21
ralsinanessita: start "assistant" (maybe assistant-qt416:21
nessitaralsina: is working now!!!16:22
ralsinawhat was the trick?16:22
nessitaralsina: you really wanna know?16:24
nessitayou may fire me after you find out :-)16:24
ralsinanessita: no I won't. I admire your persistence with Qt ;-)16:25
nessitaralsina: I was setting the text to the label before enriching it, because I receive the text from syncdaemon, and then on some cases I enrich it. So the setText was in between :-D16:26
nessitayeah, another shamefully case of PICNIC16:26
ralsinanessita: not as bad an error as you think, since there is an "auto" setting that usually figures out you are using rich text ;-)16:26
ralsinaoh wait, yes pretty bad ;-)16:26
nessitaI'll get better16:27
* nessita promises16:27
ralsinaI know you will :-D16:27
joshuahoovernessita: ping16:29
nessitajoshuahoover: pong16:29
joshuahoovernessita: user on 11.04 getting "bad email token" after entering the verification code, any ideas?16:30
nessitajoshuahoover: he's entering the wrong token... is he using the latest email he got? (he gets an email with a different code every time he tries)16:30
nessitajoshuahoover: when a new token is issues, the former gets invalidated16:31
joshuahoovernessita: ok, makes sense...i'll have him check to make sure he's using the latest email16:32
nessitajoshuahoover: the email may take a few minutes to arrive16:32
nessitamake him remove all his previous emails16:32
nessita(or something similar)16:33
alecunessita, approved.16:38
nessitaalecu: thanks!16:38
alecunessita, ralsina: I think it should be better not to put html and colors in the labels, and adjust all those properties thru Qt css.16:42
ralsinaalecu: well, if you need like one word in bold, you can't do that via CSS16:42
nessitaalecu: how can you do that for the file sync status label?16:42
alecunessita, so, I'm thinking it should be better to have two qlabels, one next to the other16:42
nessitaalecu: that label morphs into different strings with different texts and different icons and different colors16:43
alecuralsina, not with the bolding, not. But if we start including font changes and color codes in translations strings, the translators will be angry.16:43
nessitaalecu: we have at least 3 combinations16:43
ralsinaalecu: the two labels thing is even worse or translators16:43
nessitaalecu: this is just like u1cp in GTK, and no, no markup for translators16:43
nessitaralsina: ^16:43
ralsinaif it's the same as gtk and the translators coped so far... they won't notice much of a change16:44
nessitaalecu: this is being made programatically, and the markup is prefixed according to SD state16:44
alecuralsina, the left label is only used as an icon "./" or "X" or "flechita arriba y abajo" (transfer)16:44
nessitaralsina: but the translatable strings have no markup in this case (nor in GTK nor in QT)16:44
ralsinanessita: even better16:45
alecunessita, right, but then the colors will "atornillados" in our code. Using css makes it easier to write a suitable theme for it.16:45
nessitaalecu: those particular colors we want them atornillados, we discussed this for the GTK control panel... not sure if you were involved16:45
nessitaalecu: I see your point, and I +1 for most of the cases (mainly backgrounds that are theme dependent)16:46
nessitathis particular case we want red to be red in every theme for error16:46
nessitaand green for success16:46
nessita(at least that is what I talked with the design team)16:46
alecunessita, no. We want the theme writer to choose the specific shade of red he wants.16:47
ralsinaalecu: honestly? Cpuld we worry about this in, say, three weeks? ;-)16:47
nessitagiven the time constraints i will not change this ATM16:47
nessitaah, what ralsina said16:47
ralsinanessita: do you have constants for the colors?16:48
alecuI will bother you guys with this later.16:48
ralsinaalecu: cool16:48
nessitaralsina: off course17:01
ralsinanessita: then this is a non-issue, we can load those off somewhere later17:01
dobeyok, i need a branch tested on windows17:01
fagandobey: shoot17:03
fagandobey: so to test I just need to do a run_tests with ubuntuone-client?17:05
dobeyyou would just run run-tests.bat in that branch, i think; and let me know the results17:07
faganooh ok17:08
fagandobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61333017:11
dobeyalthough sso-client and u1cp will definitely have to be updated for this, but i can make those branches when this lands17:11
dobeyhrmm, the pylint warnings there annoy me a bit, but i suspect they were there already17:13
ralsinadobey: making pylint shutup on windows means adding like 500 comments in the linux bits17:14
dobeyralsina: well on devtools it's not that bad, but yes it's annoying17:14
dobeyfagan: just pushed a new revision that switches to using the standard twisted reactor on windows there; can you pull and try again?17:15
fagansure do17:15
fagantab fail17:16
fagandobey: passed17:16
faganstill pylint warnings17:16
dobeyyes well, pylint warnings were there before17:16
faganwell I looked down through the branch anyway and everything seems to be in order17:17
dobeyand i'm not sure what the best way to deal with that is17:17
fagandobey: just disable them its cool17:17
fagan(cool by me)17:17
dobeywell i don't want to disable them, because then if that case happens on linux, we won't get the warnings when we should17:19
dobeyi think the right solution will be another branch to add support for ignoring files in u1lint17:19
fagandobey: cool anyway I +1ed the merge since it passes the tests and my code review17:20
dobeyok, well i'm off to get some lunch17:21
ralsinadobey: yes, havinf "file profiles" or somesuch should do the trick17:21
* fagan goes to get some food and stuff be back later17:27
duanedesignverterok: have you seen this before? bug 74664017:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 746640 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with IOError in _open(): [Errno 5] Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler: '/home/phil/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/tritcask/130090482210061.live.tritcask-v1.data' (affects: 1) (heat: 17)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74664017:32
verterokduanedesign: hi, yes17:35
verterokduanedesign: it might be a broken hdd (or a permissions problem, but not sure about this)17:35
verterokduanedesign: bug 776386 has a similar traceback17:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 776386 in ubuntuone-client "File Sync error (IOError with tritcask metadata) (affects: 5) (heat: 45)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77638617:36
nessitaok, I'm off to get some lunch!17:41
duanedesignverterok: aha, ok17:48
duanedesignthank you17:48
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
dobeycan i get a second review for https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-dev-tools/fukishima/+merge/62506 ?18:34
thisfredon it18:41
dobeyi wonder if we should always unset these env vars, or only when running under appropriate reactors20:31
nessitadobey: I just updated dev-tools from nightlies, and I'm getting:20:41
nessitau1trial: error: no such option: --qt-reactor20:41
nessitadobey: did that changed?20:41
dobeynessita: you're running the tests on windows? or manually running u1trial?20:42
nessitadobey: manually running u1trial under linux for control panel20:42
nessitatill a while ago I used to run: u1trial -t FileSyncStatusTestCase.test_init_loads_ui ubuntuone --qt-reactor=ui20:42
dobeynessita: it did change. --reactor=qt4 and --gui if you need the gui mode20:42
nessitadobey: what's the gui mode? ie, how can I know if I need it? :-)20:42
dobeynessita: if you were passing --qt-reactor=ui before, then you need it. if you were doing --qt-reactor=no-ui, then you don't20:43
nessitadobey: makes sense, thanks20:43
nessitadobey: with the latest changes in dev-tools I'm getting Segmentation fault when creating a UI instance in the tests20:49
dobeynessita: getting it before any tests run, or in the middle of tests?20:50
nessitain the middle, as soon as the UI is created by calling:20:50
nessita QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)20:50
nessita> /home/nessita/canonical/u1/controlpanel/more-file-sync-status/ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/filesyncstatus.py(84)__init__()20:51
nessita-> QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)20:51
nessitaSegmentation fault20:51
nessitaI will try with the previous version of dev tools to confirm20:51
nessitatrying with 0.1.3-0ubuntu120:53
dobeyi don't think that has any qtreactor support20:53
nessitaoh that option does not have --qt-reactor20:53
dobeyyou'd need the previous nightlies20:53
nessitadobey: have the version # handy?20:53
dobey0.1.3+r30-10 i think20:54
nessitahum, it installed the r31... I better try using the source tree directly20:55
nessitadobey: confirmed, PYTHONPATH=/home/nessita/canonical/u1/devtools/trunk/ PATH=/home/nessita/canonical/u1/devtools/trunk/bin/:$PATH u1trial -t ControlPanelTestCase ubuntuone --qt-reactor=ui worked as expected20:56
nessita(revno 30)20:56
dobeyyou're testing sso?20:57
nessitadobey: nopes, control panel20:57
dobeylet me try20:57
nessitayou can try the latest trunk...20:57
nessitawell, you need to tweak the run-tests script, but the point remains :-)20:58
dobeyi already made a branch to tweak the run-tests script :)20:59
dobeywas just about to push/propose it20:59
nessitadobey: need a review?20:59
dobeyi get interrupted system call when starting the dbus-daemon21:00
nessitadobey: try again21:00
nessitayeah, it happens 1 every 3 times approxc21:00
dobeyis happening EVERY TIME for me :(21:02
dobeywhy oh why is that happening?!21:03
dobeyos i can't even run these tests because of the system call issue21:04
nessitadobey: every time? weird21:04
dobeyyep, i just did it like 20 times, and never once worked21:04
nessitadobey: try removing the _trial_temp21:04
dobeybut i did have like 20 copies of dbus-daemon running21:04
nessitaalecu: ping21:06
dobeyno luck21:06
nessitadobey: do you what the error is about?21:07
dobeyhow am i supposed to fix this interrupted system call21:08
dobeyno idea21:08
dobeyit's about something interrupting a system call21:08
nessitathat's clever21:08
dobeywhen trying to read stdout from the subprocess.Peopn()21:08
alecunessita, pong21:09
nessitaalecu: can you please check if using the latest u1devtools the tests run under linux for QT?21:09
alecusure, a sec.21:10
nessitaalecu: you'll need to tweak run-tests a bit, instead of --qt-reactor=ui please use:21:10
nessita--reactor=qt4 --gui21:10
dobeyok, weird21:12
dobeywonder why qt breaks stuff21:12
dobeyi have a fix21:12
dobeyalso for the system call error21:13
nessitaand now none QT code is running for me... for the generated ui files!21:13
nessita  File "/home/nessita/canonical/u1/controlpanel/more-file-sync-status/ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/ui/controlpanel_ui.py", line 47, in setupUi21:13
nessita    self.file_sync_status = FileSyncStatus(Form)21:13
nessitaTypeError: __init__() should return None, not 'instance'21:13
nessitaah, I know21:15
nessitaI added a yield and inlineCallbacks...21:15
nessitadobey: what is the fix?21:16
dobeynessita: pushing branch right now21:18
dobeynessita: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-dev-tools/lilbugs/+merge/6255421:25
nessitaalecu: does it work for you?21:25
nessitadobey: is less surprising than what I expected. It almost makes sense!21:26
dobeynessita: and then there is also https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/new-u1trial-args/+merge/62557 :)21:27
thisfreddobey is that variable really enough? I think if it21:31
thisfreds not used anywhere it gets gc'ed anyway21:31
thisfredat least potentially21:32
dobeythisfred: well it made it not crash here, and without it, it crashed21:32
dobeythisfred: and it's the only real difference between what we had before and what we have now21:32
thisfredoh well, then in this case it works I guess :)21:32
dobeymagic is sometimes really just magic21:32
dobeyno science needed21:33
thisfreddobey: I usually set things like that as a property on a long lived object21:33
thisfredsetting app = None once that is safe to do would also work I think, unless the gc is much smarter than I think21:34
dobeythe fact that we even have to instantiate QApplication is a mockery of the system21:35
thisfredwell, if we were able to mock it...21:35
thisfreddobey: I was looking to set up an lp recipe for ubuntuone-couch, but I don't think I have the rights to do it21:36
dobeythisfred: you can make the recipe itself, but i probably need to put the packaging-dailies branch in place21:38
thisfreddobey: the project page does not give me the link to add recipes21:38
dobeyhmm, i should probably turn my a/c on, starting to get hot in here21:38
dobeythisfred: it's on the branch page21:39
dobeythisfred: anyone can make a recipe of any branch they can see21:39
thisfreddobey, doh! gotcha21:39
alecunessita: with everything updated, the first test crashes u1trial. With dobey's fixes manually applied it worked ok.21:45
alecudobey, approved the u1-dev-tools branch.21:46
* nessita aqpproves too21:46
thisfredubuntuone-couch now has daily builds for Natty and Oneiric in our nightly PPA21:55
thisfredrecipes ROCK21:56
dobeywhy is it older than what's in 11.04?21:57
dobeyerr you did it wrong21:57
thisfredI need to up the version in the branch21:58
dobeyi fixed it21:58
dobeyalthough i don't know if we want to use the ubuntu packaging branch for nightlies21:59
dobeyi think we want a packaging-only branch like the rest of our stuff21:59
thisfredwhere do those live?22:00
thisfredok, I'll start a branch22:01
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
thisfreddobey I have a branch that should go into lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-couch/packaging-dailies, but as that does not exist, I can't propose it for merging into that (launchpad OOPses when I try)22:16
dobeythisfred: ok22:23
dobeywill do that in a bit; need to run off for now22:25
dobeymight get to it tonight; but likely in the am22:26
dobeyhave a good evening!22:26
thisfredyou too22:31
thisfredgonna walk the dog, later peeps22:31
* nessita -> eods23:26
nessitaalecu: you still around?23:27
alecunessita, I am.23:27
nessitaalecu: I've burnt all my brain-books trying to debug a NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS error in syncdemon client (control panel). Yes, this error is old, but I never really understood what was the problem nor how to solve it (last time it was a bug on devtools). If you feel like it, would you help me debug why running QT tests on this branch23:29
nessitaraises the error? (but not in the non-qt suite)\23:29
nessitathe oddest thing is that in trunk both non-qt and qt suites passes all OK23:29
alecuNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS sounds like a DBus error, right?23:29
nessitaand in the changes I'm adding, the test that fails is the *only* suite I did not change!23:29
nessitaalecu: it is, yes.23:30
nessitaalecu: my branch moves all sd_client to SyncDaemonTool (except for the StatusChanged signal that I don't know how to replace), so moving to windows is trivial23:30
alecunessita, probably a DBus test you did is not properly releasing the dbus connection, or leaving dangling objects published in the bus.23:31
alecunessita, so when this other test tries to open the bus, it fails.23:31
nessitaalecu: is a single test :-/23:31
nessitain a suite, a single test23:31
alecunessita, yes, but these are not unit tests, these are integration tests. The DBus-daemon instance is not cleared up between tests.23:32
nessitaanyways, if from windows we can provide a SyncDaemonTool that returns deferreds, we're great (I came to this conclusion after seeing how mandel is replacing CredentialsManagementTool)23:32
alecunessita, so if some test forgets to remove objects then this error can happen.23:32
nessitaalecu: I understand, but the same suite runs OK in non-qt suite. And the QT suite does not add any dbus stuff (That I know of)\23:33
alecunessita, anyway, my brain is not in shape to debug a 1600 lines patch... I may try tomorrow.23:33
nessitaalecu: is ok. I'll keep trying tomorrow23:34
nessitaok, I'm off23:34
alecunessita, probably because of a different test order...23:34
alecuok, bye!23:34
Chipacabeuno: ping23:55

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