
bin_bashwhat's the command to restart the xfce session00:04
bin_bashit's like00:05
bin_bashxfsession or something00:05
bin_bashlike when i login00:05
bin_bashi have to manually start xfwm00:05
bin_bashi know the command for that is xfwm400:05
charlie-tcait depends on how much you want to restart, but from a tty, startxfce4 starts a session00:06
bin_bashno like00:06
bin_bashi'm in xfce right now00:06
bin_bashwhen i login i have to manually restart xfwm400:06
bin_bashand then00:06
bin_bashall my workspaces are gone00:06
bin_bashand i have just the one00:06
charlie-tcathat should be xfsettingsd00:06
bin_bashthat'd it00:06
charlie-tcano problem00:07
charlie-tcaI got the whole list here00:07
charlie-tcagot to be one of them00:07
charlie-tcaif any one of those is not running, the session has something broken00:07
bin_bashyeah something is definitely broken lol00:08
charlie-tcatry each one from Alt+F2, one at a time, to see which one it is00:08
bin_bashnone of them worked00:08
aminiestawhich one is better xubuntu or lubuntu00:24
four2zeroi think i heard it best from someone in here it like a shoe if it fits where it00:25
aminiestamy shoe is one giga size of ram00:26
four2zeroxubuntu ran fine for me on 51200:26
aminiestalighter than Lubuntu00:27
bin_bashit's all about personal preference00:27
four2zeroi dunno am new as well....try ubuntu was alright try xubuntu it fits everything is logical to find and i like it and the more i sit here for hours on end and play with it the more i like it00:28
four2zeroi have total of maybe 36hours of use00:28
aminiestaI'm also newbie here00:28
aminiestaI'm just give a lubuntu a try today00:28
four2zerocurrently got install of xp in a virtual box makin a usb windows xp installer so i can dual boot right now00:28
four2zeroand then after that i gonna try and figure out how to run my xp install through virtual machine00:29
four2zerovirtualbox rather00:30
four2zeroya installs are fairly quick and easy to change if you have a usb stick handy i have noticed00:32
bin_bashxubuntu is probably better for beginners00:34
four2zeroya i am finding that so far00:35
four2zeroi feel i have acheived a lot for being brand new00:35
four2zeroi have a lot of does experience from back in the early 90's but that a long time ago00:35
four2zerodos even lol00:35
four2zeromy biggest help for me was understanding sudo...00:37
bin_bashsudo is important00:37
four2zeroshoulda kept that link thati  got in here handy not in my buffer no more00:38
charlie-tcaWhat was the link for?00:41
charlie-tcaWe probably can find it again00:42
Soupermanito!info virsh00:57
ubottuPackage virsh does not exist in natty00:57
Soupermanitooh thank you ubottu00:57
Soupermanito!hi | Pirevai00:58
ubottuPirevai: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:58
Pirevaisomeone there?00:58
Soupermanitonope, the rupture came. and you are lonely, sorry :(00:58
Soupermanitowhats your problem Pirevai :D00:58
Soupermanitoand how might we help you whit it? :D00:59
PirevaiI don't have any problems00:59
Soupermanito:D awesome then!00:59
Pirevaithank you for asking00:59
PirevaiI'm just curious about Xubunto00:59
Soupermanito:) what is you are curious about?01:00
PirevaiI'm studing to fix computers01:00
PirevaiI'm from Paraguay01:00
Pirevaiand we usually don't use Linux01:01
Pirevaiand I'm curious about Linux01:01
Pirevaicoz I never used before01:01
Soupermanito:) Pirevai no problem =D im from argentina che! :D01:01
Pirevaiheee, ya esta ya entonces01:01
Soupermanitotho here we speak english :D01:02
Soupermanitobut you could go to #ubuntu-es or #ubuntu-es-offtopic to speak whit people freely01:02
Pirevaione sec01:02
Soupermanitosadly there aint a #xubuntu-es01:02
Pirevaiohhh I see01:03
Pirevaibut I don't have any problems to talk in english01:03
Soupermanitoapparently there is a #xubuntu-es but is unhabitated01:03
Pirevaimy wife is an american01:04
Soupermanito:) then you could go to #xubuntu-offtopic01:04
Pirevaiso I talk all the time in english}01:04
Soupermanitoand talk freely there :D01:04
Pirevaiohh I see01:04
Soupermanitohere is for people who have problems to come and ask, there is to speak about stuff01:04
Pirevaiohh I see01:05
Soupermanitowe are usually a kind community01:05
Pirevaiwell, so that means that I need to go to other place?01:05
PirevaiI mean, other channel?01:05
bin_bashif i want to reformat this usb would i do cd /media/ and then sudo rm -rf /CDROM/01:06
Soupermanito:) to chat about stuff not related to problems whit xubuntu, yes Pirevai :) but feel free to stay here if you want, to learn stuff XD01:06
Soupermanitobin_bash, what?01:07
bin_bashi need to wipe this usb drive01:07
Soupermanitonever, ever sudo rm -rf bin01:07
Pirevaithank you Soupermanito, I will do that, thank you for your help01:07
Soupermanitobecause its stupidly dangerous01:07
Soupermanitobecause if you for some silly reason add a space after / cdrom/ you delete everything01:08
bin_bashoh right01:08
Soupermanitoalso use gparted01:08
Soupermanitoor some partition editor01:08
Soupermanitoor use gksu thunar01:09
Soupermanitoand do it manually01:09
Soupermanitobut never, ever sudo rm -rf01:09
Cube``halt vs poweroff?01:12
Cube``whats the diff?01:12
Soupermanitohalt keeps the system runing, poweroff kills every process and saves energy.01:12
SoupermanitoPirevai, :) i recomend you to /join #ubuntu-es-offtopic01:13
Soupermanitoto chat :)01:13
Pirevaithank you bro01:14
bin_bashcp: cannot create regular file `/media/Macintosh HD/Random Stuff/chakra-2011.04-kde462-i686.iso': Read-only file system01:20
bin_bashhow can i fix that01:20
bin_bashhow can i write to a read-only file system01:25
ubuntu564how can i see all my partitions and how much of the partition is filled01:27
bin_bashsudo apt-get install gparted01:28
ubuntu564that doesnt tell me bin_bash01:29
ubuntu564just "-----" under used01:29
ubuntu564bin_bash, is there any other wall01:29
bin_bashyou can use the mount command01:31
Soupermanitohe is gone01:36
Soupermanitoanyway bin_bash next time, you can know disk usage whit du01:36
Soupermanitono df01:36
Soupermanitowhit df /dev/sda1 for example01:36
Soupermanitooh and if you use df /dev/sd* it lists all your disks :D01:37
bin_bashoh right01:37
bin_bashhow do i write to a read-only partition01:38
Soupermanitoyour problem01:38
Soupermanitochange its attributes01:38
bin_bashi cant01:38
Soupermanitochmod 666 /dev/whateveritis01:38
Soupermanitoor something like that01:38
Soupermanitoor change the usb slot you are using to toher one01:39
bin_bashno it's my os x partition01:40
bin_bashi need to put this iso over there so i dont ave to redownlaod it01:41
Soupermanitocan't you mount the linux partition form osx?01:41
Soupermanitommm edit fstab to give you write powers?01:42
Soupermanitobin_bash, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/how-to-edit-etc-fstab-so-that-normal-user-has-read-write-access-to-ext4-partitions-873700/01:43
bin_bashit's not ext401:45
Soupermanitooh well can't you translate it to whatever format mac uses?01:46
bin_bashi'll just redownload01:52
wcchandlerIn 11.04 in the indicator applet, is there a way to make the background transparent?02:04
Soupermanitonot knowing what the indicator applet it, will say "don't know"02:05
wcchandlerIndicator Plugin...  I migrated from a default install of vanilla Ubuntu then did apt-get install xubuntu-desktop.  Then from the login screen setting I changed it to do Xubuntu.  This is whatever the default were...  The indicator plugin included an envelope, speaker, and network manager.02:07
wcchandlerAfter deleting it then re-adding it, it doesn't show the icons anymore.  But it also doesn't show the non-transparent background.  It also doesn't show the running processes in the background. :/  Hmmm...02:09
Soupermanitocan you screenshot please?02:10
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.02:10
wcchandlerThe area that I'm talking about looks like a grey bar to the right of the trash can02:15
Soupermanitoin the panel menu, when you choose the indicator applet, cant you use the gear icon to choose properties?02:17
wcchandlerA picture of the icons that were previously in the area are here: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/S8HiGi-cwJI/AAAAAAAAHVw/tx_1OqaJFH4/s400/Selection_001.png  The volume thing, mail thing, and other stuff02:17
wcchandlerI have it opened and selected but the properties gear is greyed out and unclickable.02:18
wcchandlerNevermind, I did not02:18
wcchandlerin the picture02:18
Soupermanito:( i don't know sorry02:22
wcchandlerit's cool, thanks for the troubles02:22
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jgvoxalgum brasileiro aqui04:06
charlie-tcaEnglish please, in04:06
charlie-tcathis channel04:06
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dirtycookiehello people, i have an eeePC 4g where i successfully installed xubuntu. my problem is that i cannot mount my sdcard into the slot. but i cat access my sdcard from an external usb cardreader without a problem. xubuntu even automounts it06:55
psycho_oreosmaybe the media card controller is not supported, i.e. no drivers06:58
john_ramboHi I am using squid caching proxy ....How use it system wide in Xubuntu07:02
dirtycookiepsycho_oreos: cant be, because when inserting the card to the slot, dmesg tells me that the device sdb ist being created07:03
Unit193john_rambo: Does this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/6943/how-can-a-proxy-be-set-for-the-whole-xubuntu-system07:04
psycho_oreosweird, it might be udev issue then07:04
dirtycookiepsycho_oreos: here is the dmesg part http://pastebin.com/cfyCmxEp07:05
dirtycookiepsycho_oreos: funny thing is that when i use the mount command to mount the device the console halts for as long as i take out the card07:06
dirtycookiepsycho_oreos: ctrl+c doesnt have any affect07:06
Sysidirtycookie: totally fresh install, not old user configs stored?07:09
dirtycookieSysi: no is 11.04 completely fresh07:09
Kevin_FlynnHow do you change the panel color in XFCE?07:26
Kevin_FlynnHow do you change the panel color in XFCE?07:27
Kevin_FlynnHow do you change the panel color in XFCE?07:27
Kevin_FlynnHow do you change the panel color in XFCE?07:27
Sysirepeating doesn't help07:28
Sysifrom settings, if you're using 11.0407:28
john_ramboSysi, I got logged out ... Repeat ???07:29
Sysijohn_rambo: what Kevin_Flynn said07:29
john_ramboHi I am using squid caching proxy ....How use it system wide in Xubuntu  ?07:30
Kevin_FlynnSorry, Instead of answering my question in Ubuntu I basically got told "go to Xubuntu stupid!"  I generally find these chats are full of people who are logged in but, not willing to help.  I thought maybe repeating would at least get me some response.07:34
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels07:35
Sysihum, not there07:35
Sysieasiest would be just to find new gtk-theme07:36
Sysior workaround with something like this07:37
Kevin_Flynnhow do you install a new theme?07:37
Sysiextract the tarball and copy folder inside it to .themes in your home folder, you may need to create that folder07:39
Kevin_FlynnI can't create a folder in my home folder.07:58
Sysithat folder or any folder? files and folders starting with . are hidden08:01
Kevin_Flynnnevermind I gksu-ed it.08:02
Kevin_FlynnOk, so, Gnome themes work in xfce?08:09
Kevin_FlynnSysi, Ok, so, Gnome themes work in xfce?08:12
Kevin_FlynnDo Gnome themes work in xfce?08:20
jarnosgreetings from broken desktop08:53
jarnosIn Natty Windows buttons don't show up and work anymore, windows don't have title bar anymore, alt-tab does not work either...09:00
four2zeroanyway to fix a missing cursor?09:25
four2zerowithout reboot? am in the middle of install here and lost my mouse cursor somewhere still works but not really functional09:25
four2zerokinda like click and hope type go at it09:26
TheSheepfour2zero: you can try switching to the text console and back09:42
four2zerohow do i do that09:42
TheSheepfour2zero: with alt+ctrl+f1 and then alt+ctrl+f7 (or f8)09:42
four2zeroam in the middle of an install right now09:42
TheSheepit won't stop it09:42
TheSheepat least shouldn't09:43
four2zeronope no luck09:43
four2zeroand my text console looks messed09:43
four2zerobuncha the same beige character U where it should be black09:44
four2zerosure is taking a long time this install is09:45
four2zeroanyway to safely abort an install?10:02
TheSheepfour2zero: you mean undo it? no10:08
four2zeroi dunno taking an aweful long time...imported my shit from a fresh xp install probably shouldn't have done that10:09
four2zerohd got lotsa activity but the lil bit of info i get from the install don't tell me much10:09
four2zeroubuntu acpid: client 1986[0:0] has disconnected10:13
four2zeroubuntu acpid: client connected from 1986[0:0]10:13
four2zeroubuntu acpid: 1 client rule loaded10:13
four2zerodid that 4 times about 23 minutes ago lol10:14
four2zeroi dunno man10:20
four2zerohow you copy paste from terminal window? keyboard shortcut10:22
TheSheepjust select it with a mouse and then press middle mouse button10:46
TheSheepno keyboard needed10:46
four2zerogot no nmouse though lol10:47
four2zeroalmost 2 hours now on an install that normally take 20 mins10:48
four2zerowtf could be wrong and all i wanted to do was dual boot10:48
four2zerorestarted install11:01
four2zerothink it was the import settings from xp that was screwing up11:01
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charlie-tcaUbuntu Bug Day today for compiz bugs - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2011052615:16
emiel_I have a question. Is it allowed to use a domain name with xubuntu in it?15:44
charlie-tcaxubuntu name is owned by Canonical, which makes that a trademark/copyright question for the corporation.15:45
ubottuOfficial Ubuntu artwork including the Ubuntu logo can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official15:46
* charlie-tca fails too15:46
emiel_can i use the name xubuntu in a domain name?15:53
charlie-tcaYou should check out http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy15:54
charlie-tcabut It would depend on how it is used. xubuntu.com/xubuntu.net, etc will not be allowed15:54
charlie-tcaThings like myxubuntublog might be okay15:55
charlie-tcaborderline, Would suggest checking with Canonical first, to save headaches later15:56
emiel_ok I will do that.15:56
charlie-tcaWish I had a clear answer for you15:57
=== Sysi- is now known as Sysi
charlie-tcaUbuntu Bug Day today for compiz bugs - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2011052615:57
* drc looks around for the staff lawyer...*everybody* has a lawyer these days ;)15:58
charlie-tcaWe use the one Canonical supplies us15:58
charlie-tcaIt is easier that way :-)15:58
* charlie-tca doesn't see the lawyer here, either ;-)15:59
emiel_yes thanks for your help15:59
* drc has to do something with that indicator bug he filed, but he's not sure anymore exactly what the real problem is, it appears to have mutated.16:01
* charlie-tca hates when they that. He still has a bug from natty iso testing that did that to him.16:01
mnemochi, can one open webm files with parole?17:05
Soupermanitoi don't know what that is17:06
Soupermanitolet me do some research17:06
likemindeadNot familiar with "webm" either.17:07
Sysiif it can't, vlc will17:07
Soupermanitothis vlc says it can play webm17:08
mnemocvlc leaks and eats the 4G of real ram and the 6G of swap whenever I pause17:08
Soupermanitoi would try to do so,  aparently if gstreamer is updated anything that uses it should too17:08
Soupermanitoso try lurking gstreamer package that supports webm17:08
mnemocthe parole-browser-plugin (or however it's called) opens the videos just fine, but the "GUI" app ignores them :(17:09
mnemocnot sure if there is any connection between both packages17:09
Soupermanitoyes, thats because firefox supports webm natively17:09
Soupermanitoalso chrom[e/ium]17:10
charlie-tcausually means the codecs or gstreamer package is not there17:10
Soupermanitomnemoc, http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/webm17:11
Soupermanitoalso http://www.webmfiles.org/how-to-play-webm-files/17:11
Sysimplayer could also be worth a try, if you can't use firefox for local files17:12
Soupermanitoyou need to install ffmpeg apparently17:12
mnemocSoupermanito: gstreamer-plguins-good supports webm since .... natty has 0.10.28 :(17:18
Soupermanitoisnt there a ppa for the newest version?17:19
|thrawn|are there any known problems with xfce4-xfapplet-plugin in xubuntu 11.04?17:21
|thrawn|i'm wanted to insert the gnome clock-applet into xfce (because of it's evolution-data-server integration)17:21
charlie-tcaxfapplet has never been known to work very good17:21
charlie-tcaOnly a few applets are available now when you install it, and once gnome3 integration finishes, it will not be usable at all.17:22
charlie-tcaNot sure how it will work in the future17:22
|thrawn|is there another clock applet in xfce with support for webcal17:23
|thrawn|as far as i could see orage only supports local calendars17:24
mAxImUnKiLlEri have a problem17:24
charlie-tcanot that I know of17:24
charlie-tcaI looked for one about 6 months ago and could not find one17:25
mnemocSysi: gnome-player has the same "weakness" that chromium playing some HD webm talks... it doesn't allow me to scale the video to the size of the window so I can only see 1/4th of it :<17:25
charlie-tcamAxImUnKiLlEr: Please ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.17:25
charlie-tca|thrawn|: if you find one, let me know, huh?17:25
mnemocgnome-mplayer i mean17:26
|thrawn|i will17:26
charlie-tcaI used to use Sunbird, and it worked great. Now it is discontinued... :-(17:26
mAxImUnKiLlEralways good when I turn on my pc the screen instead of being usplash xubuntu patches is 11.04 please help17:27
|thrawn|evolution (at least the calendar part) with it's nice integration to the gnome-clock-applet was very nice17:28
mAxImUnKiLlErhello help me17:29
|thrawn|but gnome3  is just unusable to me, therefor i switched to xfce17:29
charlie-tcamAxImUnKiLlEr: you are not seeing the xubuntu splash?17:29
charlie-tcaWe don't use usplash for17:30
charlie-tcaanything anymore17:30
mAxImUnKiLlErif you see what happens is q q instead of letters there patches of otherwise perfectly17:30
charlie-tcabut it will get to the desktop, right?17:31
charlie-tcajust looks ugly?17:31
mnemocnomodeset maybe?17:32
charlie-tca|thrawn|: I wound up switching to google calendar in a browser until I find something17:32
mAxImUnKiLlErif only looks ugly but otherwise nice17:33
charlie-tcayeah, I don't think we can fix that17:33
mAxImUnKiLlErto bad better I will change the GUI to console17:34
|thrawn|charlie-tca: does that give you reminders?17:37
charlie-tcayeah, but it opens them in the browser and swithes the tabs to it, and even the workspace will switch regardless of what I am doing17:38
charlie-tcaTyping a sentence and having it jump to the calendar in the middle of a word is not the best thing.17:39
|thrawn|i see17:39
mAxImUnKiLlErgood bye17:40
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:47
jozefkI notice red "fail" while rebooting but it was too fast to see what was it related to. I check all logs in /var/log and I don't see it anywhere. where is the log I should check?19:43
Sysijozefk: check dmesg19:48
jozefkit was while the system was going off19:49
charlie-tcausually something unimportant, like the VBox manager or something on my system19:55
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