
AbhishLinkmaster: I love my openSUSE. Even under KDE this latest version outperforms the XFCE based Xubuntu, by a wide margin.00:00
AbhishLinkmaster: The YaST tool is an amazing, wonderful, and mildly erotic thing.00:00
LinkmasterAbhish: its probably because yours is good software. The software our school forces us to use is basically Windows in Kiosk mode :P you can see why my first experience was bad at best00:02
KerrMDWould anyone happen to of a plugin or program that can tie into dolphin allowing me to right click an iso and mount it? dvd images and whatnot?00:03
KerrMDEvery program I've seen is gtk based as opposed to qt00:04
dijonyummymy vm has 2GB of memory thats more than enough, actually i installed ubuntu, then added the kde desktop to it00:04
LinkmasterKerrMD: someone could probably script it..if you know what your doing, you can make it a shellscript. perhaps00:04
KerrMDLinkmaster: I am rubbish at scripting.. a complete and utter noob.00:05
Linkmasterand dijonyummy thats why. Your using KDE libs and GTK+ libs on the same machine, no wonder its slow00:05
Logan_Abhish: Have you tried Gnome3 on OpenSUSE?00:05
AbhishLogan_: No, not interested really.00:05
LinkmasterKerrMD: same here :P I know[knew] the command line for it though, but it didn't work too well00:05
AbhishLogan_: The feedback I have heard though is that it is well implemented. Gnome3 is still a bit buggy though, as would be expected.00:06
Logan_Abhish: I'm considering downloading Fedora or OpenSUSE to try it.00:07
LinkmasterGnome3 is what..three weeks old?00:07
AbhishLogan_: Both are nice. Fedora is much better polished than Kubuntu was when I was using it not long ago. openSUSE is king of KDE though.00:08
KerrMDLol... vlc had what I wanted all along. I did not notice the "menu" icon at the bottom... now to get my sound to work properly within vlc00:10
LinkmasterAbhish: thats arguable, and opinion. I like Kubuntu, since its specifically for KDE. I haven't seen something as well integrated as Kubuntu00:10
KerrMDbe back a bit later. Thanks for the assistance Linkmaster00:11
AbhishLinkmaster: Kubuntu improved when they moved to 4.5 or 4.6 I don't remember which. But before that I found it to be slow, and painfully unstable.00:14
LinkmasterOh, agreed. Most users state that 3.* was bad in general, though that was KDE, rather then Kubuntu00:15
AbhishLinkmaster: True, later versions of KDE benefitted everyone. But I did find it in Kubuntu to be significantly more painful than Fedora 14 or openSUSE 11.3 implementations.00:16
LinkmasterIt could be userpreference00:17
LinkmasterThere are some things that are annoying, and some that are amazing. its a world of choice, Linux is. I respect your choice of openSUSE, I'm glad that your happy with it. It may/may not work for me, I don't know. I know that I don't like Gnome openSUSE or Fedora, or Mint, or really anything gnome actually00:18
AbhishLinkmaster: KDE is prettier, and has a much more powerful application environment.00:27
LinkmasterYep, which is why I said "no, never, not happening" to gnome00:28
valoriehey y'all, now about taking this discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic?00:37
valorietoo much chat and the support questions get lost00:38
greyboyhow do i get sound going in kubuntu, i have a xtreame gamer x-fi creative card01:38
* wn1zid will race his gnome against any kde machine01:43
hakamywhich version of gnome do u use, wn1zid?01:45
wn1zidi havnt tried 3 yet, still 2 buggy01:46
wn1zidand personally, i think (like alot of others) that they screwed up by instituting unity.01:47
hakamyis the Unity interface that bad?01:56
* hakamy haven't tried it yet01:56
wn1zidhakamy-  2 many distros that sent out on doing it, dropped it not long after.01:57
Aniarok, pulse just isn't quite right here...02:17
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
JuJuBeeIs there an equivalent in kde for Places->Connect To Server in gnome?02:21
AniarJuJuBee: open up Dolphin, type the server name and path in the address bar02:23
AniarJuJuBee: you can also try the KDE launcher -> Computer -> Network02:23
AniarI need a "reset pulse configuration" howto, my google skilz are failing me. I don't want to start asking questions till I'm in a known state02:25
Aniaranyone know one? (it's not in the !pulse wiki)02:25
valorieAniar: how about deleting .pulseaudio, whereever that might be?02:31
Aniarvalorie: just in my home?  (and it's apparently ".pulse/")02:32
Aniarvalorie: or is that as much of a guess as I've been making this afternoon? :)02:33
valorieyes, in your home02:34
valorieI've done it once, and it fixed whatever problem I was having02:34
valorieoh, it was alsamixer, sorry02:36
Aniarvalorie: yeah, alsa actually works (vmware plays sound)...02:38
Aniarvalorie: well, now KDE plays sound.  let's see if multiple clients are fixed...02:38
Aniarvalorie: well, I'm back to my 10.10 issue: only one client can connect, others just hang.  So, once firefox plays a sound, pidgin can't give me "new IM" notifications, amarok can't play, etc.02:40
valorieI had that back in the day02:41
valoriepulseaudio fixed it02:42
Aniarlol.  pulseaudio *caused* it here02:42
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*02:42
valoriewell, perhaps you should remove it then02:42
valoriehmmm, not #pulseaudio02:42
Aniarvalorie: was considering it, but since it's default in 11.04+, it'll likely remain hard to keep it that way02:42
Aniarvalorie: yeah, didn't see one, and most of the forums talk specifically about Gnome/Ubuntu fixes/changes02:43
valoriethere is #pulsemedia02:43
valorienot sure that's right02:43
valoriethe #phonon team might be able to help02:44
Aniarvalorie: /join #phonon02:50
AniarI can't type02:50
FloodBotK1Aniar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
Aniarwon't do that, or make this joke again.02:51
* valorie is already in phonon anyway02:52
=== greyboy is now known as newbiathon
newbiathoncan someone help me get sound and update my video card drivers, im runnin 64 bit02:58
areichmanis there any way to install VirtualBox 3.2 on (k)ubuntu 11.04?03:00
Newbiathon_can someone help with a sound driver issue03:03
newbiathonoops sorry didn't see the other window03:03
=== newbiathon is now known as helpmeout
helpmeoutanyone awake?03:25
Newbiathoncan someone help with a sound driver issue?03:27
Newbiathoni have a soundd blaster xtreame gamer chip03:27
Newbiathonon 64 bit platform03:27
Newbiathonanyone here?03:29
valorieI'm here, but you haven't described the problem03:31
valorieso I have no clue if I can offer you help or not03:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:32
Newbiathonoh i need help getting sound drivers03:34
Newbiathoni have a creative sound blaster xtreme gamer card03:34
Newbiathonalso need to get ati radeon h.d. 5850 drivers03:35
Newbiathonwould that be in the  package kit?03:35
valorieNewbiathon: have you run jockey-kde?03:42
valorieor you can find it in the systemsettings03:42
Newbiathonwhere do i find the sys settings lol03:45
Newbiathonnm found it03:45
Newbiathonwhy is it that my windows is still on here partitioned but it doesn't ask me at bootup  which os to choose?03:57
TeslaTonyHow can I set my clock to use a 24hr instead of 12hr time?04:58
valoriewhen you right-click on the widget, I think there is a settings choice04:59
valorieyes, with the little wrench icon04:59
TeslaTonyThis is the one on the task bar05:00
valorieright, that's what I was talking about05:06
valoriewidgets can live on the taskbar or desktop05:06
valorietaskbar is just another widget05:06
corigoAnyone point me at simple instructions for installing an app from a source tar.gz?05:07
Helpmeout2yo i messed up my kubuntu theme somehow05:08
valoriecorigo: you should avoid that if at all possible05:08
Helpmeout2any way to go back05:08
Helpmeout2i don't want gnome ui05:08
valoriesure, choose a different theme05:08
valoriecorigo: why?05:08
Helpmeout2i was downloading so much at once i don't know what messed it up05:08
Helpmeout2was getting themes and programs and all05:09
Helpmeout2i don't want to reinstall05:11
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.05:12
valoriehmmm, no info05:12
Helpmeout2how come nobody helps me05:13
Helpmeout2is it the nickname05:13
valorieI'm looking something up for you05:13
valoriewhy are you complaining?05:13
Helpmeout2oh thnx05:14
Helpmeout2no im just ready to rip my hair out05:14
valoriein a console, run05:14
valoriedpkg --configure -a05:14
valoriethat should fix any borked packages05:15
valorieit might take awhile05:15
valoriecorigo: I know how to build from a tarball, but I'm reluctant to tell you05:16
valorieunless you explain why you can't install the usual way05:16
Helpmeout2what does the -a mean?05:20
valorieyou can use --all instead if you like05:21
Helpmeout2type it in a terminal shell?05:21
valorieor Konsole, or yakuake05:22
valoriewhatever you use05:22
corigoNew version only available in source tar ball05:22
valorieI see05:22
Helpmeout2with a / in front05:22
valorieno one has packaged it yet?05:23
valorieHelpmeout2: you'll have to do sudo in front of it05:23
corigoNew Miro 4.0105:23
valorieit's a command05:23
valorieno /05:23
valoriecorigo: have you thought of using Project Neon instead?05:24
Helpmeout2requires superuser05:24
Helpmeout2so sudo?05:24
Helpmeout2sorry im new05:24
valoriecorigo: have you seen http://www.getmiro.com/download/for-ubuntu/05:25
corigoI've already got Amarok, does it stream video from my windows machine?05:25
valorieHelpmeout2: we all start somewhere!05:25
valoriecorigo: Amarok is a music player05:25
valorieyou can install a video applet, which will play video podcasts05:25
preecheri was in the process of installing kubuntu restricted extras--the download has completed but its stuck at 67%  of the installing part--any ideas on how to fix or stop this05:25
valorieyikes, preecher05:26
valoriethat sucks05:26
valorieyou'll need to do what Helpmeout2 is doing05:26
valoriedpkg --configure -a05:26
preecheri know--idiot me installed linuxmint knowing i wouldnt like it and now im having to install kubu again05:26
Helpmeout2ok so "sudo dpkg --configure -a"05:27
valoriebut I would wait for awhile05:27
Helpmeout2just like that?05:27
valorieyes, without the quotes05:27
Helpmeout2ah kdesudo05:27
valoriekdesudo is for running apps05:27
Helpmeout2that didn't do anything05:27
valorieyes, it is doing something05:27
valoriejust wait05:27
Helpmeout2ah man i typed it like 5 times lol05:28
valoriewhy type?05:28
valoriecopy/paste is so much better05:28
Helpmeout2it just tabs down05:28
Helpmeout2this is on a diff. comp05:28
corigoThanks Valorie...05:28
corigomuch better05:28
valorieis that what you want?05:28
preechervalerie ive been stuck at 67% for last our and 10 minutes so im gonna go ahead and follow with that command u gave05:28
valorieoh, good05:28
Helpmeout2so how long do i wait?05:29
Helpmeout2i have 4 gigs of ram05:29
valorieso you get right back to the prompt?05:29
valorieif you are back to the prompt, it's done05:30
valoriemaybe there was only one stuffed package05:30
Helpmeout2yeah im back05:31
Helpmeout2it just tabbed down a line05:31
Helpmeout2didn't do anything05:31
valorieI'm out of ideas then, sorry05:32
valoriedpkg is a miracle worker05:33
Helpmeout2np ill just reinstall the damn thing05:33
valorieperhaps you got a crappy theme with a bug05:33
Helpmeout2i got a little carried away05:33
valorieI love Oxygen, so I stick with it05:33
Helpmeout2now i remember why i quit using ubuntu05:33
Helpmeout2linux is so sensative05:34
valoriein general, the standard Kubuntu is exactly what I like05:34
Helpmeout2i liked the default05:34
valorieactually, I find it very robust05:34
Helpmeout2was just monkeying around05:34
Helpmeout2while waiting for downloads05:34
Helpmeout2son of .....05:34
Helpmeout2i had all the apps i wanted05:34
Helpmeout2guess they aren't going anywhere05:35
valorieyou know, you could do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:36
valoriethat will remove unneeded cruft05:36
preechervalerie--i did the command---now when i open kpackage its saying i have the restricted extras05:36
valoriethat's dpkg for ya05:36
preecheroh i thought it was like a delete--didnt know it finished the job---many thanks05:37
valorieno, it forces a finish05:39
preecheragain thx-)05:39
valorieyou are most welcome05:41
Helpmeout2well here we go again05:43
Helpmeout2can you change the name of the work station05:45
Helpmeout2once installed?05:45
Helpmeout2also i never could figure out my sound issue05:45
valorieyour sound issue?05:46
valorieI don't know about the name05:46
valorieprobably, but I don't know how05:46
Helpmeout2yah i have a x-fi xtreme gamer card05:46
valorieand did you use jockey-kde?05:47
valorieor systemsettings?05:48
Helpmeout2and also when i log in it doesn't ask if i want to log to my window partition05:48
Helpmeout2how do i get back to my win7 part05:48
valorieyou might need to run grub repair05:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:48
valorieuse the second link for that05:48
valoriecommand might even be grub-repair05:49
Helpmeout2i don't mean to hurt kubuntu's feelings and i think it looks and has a way better feel05:50
Helpmeout2but my exp. with gnome were easier05:50
Helpmeout2so far05:50
Helpmeout2for $x reason05:50
valorieI like gnome users05:51
valorieI just don't like *gnome*05:51
valoriebut to each hir own05:51
Helpmeout2is there a way other than using wine to use my ipod touch on kubuntu05:51
preecherive another question since im lurking about--is it ok to install packages from terminal as opposed to the kpackage--is it just as good is what i mean--reason im asking is the downloads seem to fly05:51
Helpmeout2yeah once i learn a bit more i won't mind it05:52
valorieyou might try gtkpod05:52
valorieyes, I usually use the console05:52
valoriemuch faster, and fewer problems05:52
Helpmeout2so can i change the pc name in the system?05:52
valorieHelpmeout2: probably, but I don't know how05:53
nodragonhelp ! why my picasa can't run05:55
Helpmeout2rekonq is god aweful lol05:56
yuvankumar_hi,  sry for the newbie question...how do i update my alsa driver using kpackage kit?05:57
valorieupdate it05:58
yuvankumar_when i do cat /asound/version it says version 1.0.23, but when i look at kpackage kit, it says i have 1.0.24 installed05:58
valorieyou run alsadriver in a console05:58
valoriethat's odd05:59
yuvankumar_hmm...i just type alsadriver in konsole? the command doesn't work05:59
valorieoops, sorry05:59
valorieI was thinking of alsamixer05:59
yuvankumar_yeah, having a hard time with nvidia graphic card06:00
nodragoni found the muon is better than kpackage06:00
valorieso in kpgk, you can reinstall06:00
valorieindeed, I use muon almost exclusively -- except for the console06:00
yuvankumar_nodragon: thx, will check out muon06:00
yuvankumar_lol, nvr heard of it before...06:01
valorieit's new06:01
valoriekpackagekit has been improving, however06:01
valorieso eventually they will have to fight it out, I guess06:01
yuvankumar_let me try reinstalling on kpackage first, if it still doesn't work, then i'll switch to muon06:02
yuvankumar_thx guys!06:02
nodragonmy kpackage is always can`t run  so  i changed moun06:02
Helpmeout2ok in ubuntu it is gksu gedit /etc/hostname06:11
Helpmeout2to change it06:11
Helpmeout2so what what it be in kubuntu06:11
valorieit would be kdesudo06:13
valorierather than gksu06:13
valorieyou can use gedit, kate, vim, whatever you like06:13
valoriekate is my favorite06:13
Helpmeout2won't let me save changes06:16
valorieyou started it with kdesudo?06:17
Helpmeout2i went to the file manually06:17
Helpmeout2ui style06:17
Helpmeout2what would console cmd be06:17
valorieyou can go there from Kate06:17
Helpmeout2it is in root/etc/hostname06:18
valorieif you start it from kdesudo06:18
Helpmeout2how do i do that06:18
valoriekdesudo kate06:18
valorieopen file06:18
valoriego and open it06:18
valorieand remember to Save As when you save it06:19
Helpmeout2now when i try to kdesudo kate it says cannot connect to x server :006:22
Helpmeout2bc i need to change the hosts file to06:22
Helpmeout2i changed hostname06:22
Helpmeout2durp dee durp06:22
Helpmeout2now what06:23
elijahever since upgrading to 11.04 I can't shutdown or restart, i can standby though06:24
elijahIs there a way I can see what is going on?06:24
elijahOr maybe manually restart with the CLI06:24
Helpmeout2this sucks06:25
elijahHmm, I also can't update with kpackagekit, it keeps waiting for a lock of somesort, after I enter my pass06:26
elijahAlmost like something is on a separate screen, yet Nvidia settings only show the one screen06:26
Tm_Telijah: are you familiar with CLI ?06:27
elijahYet my left and top screen have infinite space it seems past the screen edge, so there is space there....06:27
elijahTm_T: yes06:27
noaXessgood morning06:27
elijahI think the issue is that there are dialogues on the left void of the screen06:28
Tm_Telijah: ok, "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to run normal update for installed packages06:28
noaXesscan i foncigure kate to open a new instance if i open another file from dolphin?06:28
Tm_Telijah: "sudo shutdown -h now" to shutdown the system06:28
Helpmeout2guys pleeeease help06:29
Helpmeout2i changed my /etc/hostname file06:29
Helpmeout2and want to change it back to the original computer name06:30
Helpmeout2bc now it is broken06:30
elijahTm_T: hmm, i ran that and it finished with "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. "06:30
elijahHelpmeout2: Do you mean you changed the filename or just the contents of it?06:31
elijahbrb, gonna do the shutdown command Tm_T06:31
Tm_Telijah: so do it (:06:31
elijahgosh, must be late, so obvious :_06:32
Tm_THelpmeout2: do you have the full desktop running in front of me?06:33
Tm_Tfront of you obviously ...06:34
* Tm_T needs his morning coffee06:34
Helpmeout2sorry yeah i changed the actual hostname in the file06:39
Helpmeout2sorry i was reading06:39
Helpmeout2then i couldn't access the hosts file to change it there06:39
Helpmeout2i just knew it would break06:40
valorieyou changed it, but you couldn't change it?06:40
valoriethat makes no sense06:40
Helpmeout2hostname and hosts are two seperate files06:40
valoriedescribe what you did06:41
Helpmeout2look in your etc folder06:41
Helpmeout2i changed the hostname in the /etc/hostname file with kdesudo kate06:41
Helpmeout2then navigated to etc/hostname06:41
Helpmeout2changed the name inside the file06:41
Helpmeout2went back to terminal06:42
Helpmeout2typed in kdesudo kate and no dice06:42
valoriewas kate still running?06:42
Helpmeout2can't remember06:42
valorieyou can't do two sudo commands at the same time06:42
Helpmeout2i just rebooted06:42
Helpmeout2ah that might be it06:42
Helpmeout2i just edited the hosts file06:44
Helpmeout2wonder if that will fix it06:46
Helpmeout2is anything else tied to the hostname06:46
Helpmeout2ok weird06:47
Helpmeout2and now there are 2 files with recycle symbols on them named hostnam~ and hosts~ next to the txt ones06:47
elijahTm_T: thanks for your advice!06:48
Tm_Tnp (:06:48
elijahall is working now, I did have to manually set resolution in nvidia settings to get my ghost screen to turn off06:48
elijahbut other than that,  very helpful!06:49
valorieHelpmeout2: that's why I said to Save As06:49
Helpmeout2ok it wouldn't let me update lol06:49
valorieso you would have a backup file06:49
Helpmeout2would be faster to reinstall at this rate06:49
Helpmeout2lesson learned06:49
Helpmeout2so basically linux is like a heiarchy06:51
Helpmeout2stemming down from /06:51
Helpmeout2then /home06:51
Helpmeout2or /user06:51
valorievery organized06:52
Helpmeout2i like it that way06:52
Helpmeout2easier to understan really06:53
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier06:53
Helpmeout2ok and cd .. takes you back a folder06:54
Helpmeout2how do you go forward a folder06:54
valoriels lists the files and folders06:54
valorieyou can cd as far up or down as you want06:55
Helpmeout2thnx for that link btw very helpful06:55
valoriecd=change dir06:55
valorieubottu is endlessly useful06:56
ubottuvalorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:56
valoriebut not intelligent06:56
Helpmeout2linux is stubborn as i am06:57
elijahIs there a way to adjust trackpad sensitivity, I just googled this and am coming up dry06:59
elijahmy trackpad is always getting touched while typing06:59
valoriesynaptix or something like that, I think07:00
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:00
Helpmeout2so basically you could burry the root kernal behind like a ton more folders to secure it better but would have to change all of the dir routes for everything07:01
valoriesecure it better?07:02
Helpmeout2since prob every linux user knows that most of the time it is / then /home, /etc, etc..07:02
valoriethe kernel is secure07:02
Helpmeout2yeah i know07:02
valoriealso, *buntu is secure07:02
valorieand comes without a Root login by design07:03
MadRobotHi all07:03
Helpmeout2yeah so basically impossible to access without passwork07:03
Helpmeout2unless you tamper with it of cours07:03
valorielinux is designed to be secure07:03
valoriebecause it was originally only used in servers07:04
valoriethere were no personal computers back in the old days07:04
Helpmeout2windows is getting more secure ive noticed07:05
MadRobotI've been recieving this notification for sometime now and it's getting annoying recently.  It says: "Could not download the proxy configuration script:07:05
MadRobotCould not connect to host my-proxy.co.uk: Socket operation timed out.".  What could be the problem?07:05
Helpmeout2they are trying to pull a linux kind of07:05
Helpmeout2with the locked system account and all07:05
Helpmeout2hey is Gimp near as good as photoshop?07:10
Helpmeout2can you do layering?07:10
Helpmeout2my trial is up and my torrent days have been long gone07:11
Helpmeout2even though stealing from adobe wouldn't bother me much07:11
Helpmeout2what is the terminal shortcut?07:13
Tm_Twhat do you mean?07:13
Helpmeout2oh is there a built in ftp server in kubuntu?07:18
Tm_THelpmeout2: well, not really, but you can easily install one07:18
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd07:18
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP07:18
Helpmeout2any reccomendations?07:19
Tm_Tnot really, I don't use ftpd07:19
Helpmeout2is there a apple theme for kde?07:22
Helpmeout2linux reminds me of mac07:23
Helpmeout2but free of course07:23
valorielook at kde-looks.org and search for Mac07:23
valorieI'm sure there are such themes07:23
Helpmeout2k i just don't want to jack my settings up07:24
Helpmeout2is there any way to set a restore point or backup?07:24
valoriemillions of ways to backup, of course07:25
valoriebest way to backup settings files is to copy them to another file called Old$setting or something similar07:26
valoriethen you can always roll back to them07:26
Helpmeout2so just copy the root folder and and stick it in a new b4 making changes right?07:27
Helpmeout2and what is ssl good for?07:28
valorieyou need to do some more reading07:29
valoriethe root folder has some settings, for sure07:29
valoriebut that is not where your app settings and such are07:29
valoriemost of those are in your home folder07:29
valorie~/.kde , most of them07:29
valoriessl for IRC?07:30
valoriemore secure way to connect07:30
Helpmeout2how do i connect through ssl?07:31
Helpmeout2yeah i do need to read more07:31
Helpmeout2are there free proxy servers now days07:32
valoriesilly ubbotu07:32
valoriejust google on secure connection IRC07:32
valoriealso look at your MOTD here07:33
valorieit will give you more specific information about freenode07:33
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
c2tarunthe performance of my kubuntu degrades if I switch off the power and try to run my laptop on battery power. Why so? How to fix it?08:23
MadRobotHi all08:24
MadRobotI've been recieving this notification for sometime now and it's getting annoying recently. It says: "Could not download the proxy configuration script:08:24
MadRobotCould not connect to host my-proxy.co.uk: Socket operation timed out.". What could be the problem?08:24
valoriec2tarun: you can make it run full-power if you want08:25
valoriein systemsettings08:25
valoriebattery won't last as long, of course08:25
c2tarunvalorie: where in systemsettings?08:26
valorieMadRobot: did you google that error message?08:26
valoriehardware > power management08:26
MadRobotvalorie: Yeah, but I did't find anything relevant.08:27
c2tarunvalorie: there is no hardware option, I tried to fix this issue by changing profiles but no luck. System is still performing very slow.08:28
c2tarun*profile=power profiles08:28
valorieare you running 11.04?08:28
c2tarunvalorie: yup08:29
valorieMadRobot: poke around in /etc/NetworkManager/08:29
valoriemaybe you'll find something relevant08:30
c2tarunvalorie: any suggestions?08:31
valorieha, have you tried the battery widget?08:32
Clown_KnifeHi All08:32
c2tarunvalorie: the one in tray icon? I tried it, its taking  me to power management only08:33
valorieand none of that works?08:34
MadRobotvalorie: what is it that I should be looking for in etc/NetworkManager/?08:34
c2tarunvalorie: nope, power profiles are just helping me changing brightness,  but nothing for slow performance.08:35
valorieMadRobot: my-proxy.co.uk08:37
valoriefor some reason you are trying to connect there08:37
MadRobotvalorie: Nope, couldnt find that.08:37
valorieand it isn't working out08:37
MadRobotvalorie: I don't even remember trying to do such a thing.08:38
valorieso do you have a firewall with such a setting? a modem?08:38
MadRobotumm.. no. None that I know of at least.08:41
valorieeither #ubuntu-network or #networking might be able to help08:45
MadRobotvalorie: Thanks08:46
c2tarun_valorie: any idea where should I ask about power management problem?08:47
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valoriec2tarun: hmmm08:48
valoriemaybe #ubuntu-kernel?08:48
valoriethat's all I can think of08:48
valoriewithout the ? of course08:48
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
anuvratI was trying to use the ghost (aurorae) theme09:02
anuvratalthough the ghost desktop theme works perfectly fine09:02
anuvratghost (aurorae) window decoration breaks09:02
anuvratWindow borders flicker and loose their decoration too09:03
anuvratcan somebody help me filx this?09:03
anuvratAurorare is compatible right?09:03
NinjaWulfeHello, I have a question, Im having a little bit of issues Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 25165824. But when i try to edit /etc/apt/apt.conf acess id denied, read only, file system...09:16
LinkmasterUse it as sudo/kdesudo09:16
Linkmasterif that doesn't work, add writable to its permissions09:17
NinjaWulfei tryed to add writable, it says root, everything else is dimmed out09:18
Linkmaster'sudo chmod +x apt.conf'?09:20
NinjaWulfelol!! chmod: cannot access `apt.conf\nsudo chmod +x apt.conf': No such file or directory this is rediculous, ive been trying different ways to fix it for like 6 hrs09:21
LinkmasterHuh....if it says its not there, I don't know how to help D: I'm sorry man09:23
NinjaWulfeits alright, im a female btw. lol ;)neway imma try n see what i can do09:24
Linkmaster*I'm sorry chickski xD09:24
Linkmasterand good luck09:25
NinjaWulfethank you :) debating on taking courses 4 kubuntu, todays the first time used for me, used to ubuntu 10.04, or puppy.. just kinda ended up gettin it09:26
jussiNinjaWulfe: nice to have you along. :) DO feel free to join us in #kubuntu-offtopic for some general nonsense chat :)09:28
LinkmasterWhoa, did you straight install 11.04?09:28
Linkmasternonsense is about right...xD09:28
LinkmasterBut does kubuntu even have that...let me check my own file path, hold on09:29
Linkmastercheck the 'apt.conf.d' folder. that might be what your looking for NinjaWulfe09:30
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:31
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please I am facing a problem. I am not able to update or open the synaptic manager. The error is as follows09:33
TornadoXubuntuE: Encountered a section with no Package: header09:33
TornadoXubuntuE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.E: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:33
jussiTornadoXubuntu: ouch, Ive not seen that before09:33
Linkmasterniether have I..I have some errors because I'm too lazy to comment out some sources, but not like that09:34
jussiTornadoXubuntu: try in konsole: sudo apt-get update09:34
jussiId be interested to see the output in  a pastebin09:34
LinkmasterYeah, that does sound like something...pleasant09:35
TornadoXubuntuhere is the output: http://pastebin.com/2tdev2UW09:37
TornadoXubuntuafter issuing apt-get update09:37
jussiTornadoXubuntu: cripes, you have a load of strange repos there...09:38
Linkmasterthats the same as mine. Go through your souces.list, and either delete or comment out the ones that its complaining about. Then you should be able to get an empty response09:38
jussiTornadoXubuntu: its likely that one of those has hosed your system - not much we can help you with.09:38
TornadoXubuntui will try to change that... Thanks anyway09:39
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TornadoXubuntui removed almost all of them, and still i am receiving the message of: The package system could not be initialized, your configuration may be broken09:46
andeeeukHas anyone got adobe Illustrator working in wine?09:47
LinkmasterHm...when did this happen?09:47
Linkmasterandeeeuk: if you dont mind me asking...why would you use it on Linux?09:48
TornadoXubuntuafter you told me to comment many of them from software sources09:48
andeeeukWhy would i want to use Winblows :p09:48
Linkmasterandeeeuk: why not use GIMP or something?09:48
Linkmasterand TornadoXubuntu it really does sound like your system is hosed...09:49
andeeeukThe question is has anyone got it working. I know about the other applications and used them. It would just be great to have the pro alternatives working09:49
TornadoXubuntudo you think there is anything i can do at the moment?09:49
TornadoXubuntuandeeuk, most adobe programs malfunction with wine...09:50
TornadoXubuntuadobe has special versions for linux09:50
TornadoXubuntunot for everything though09:50
andeeeukadobe has special versions for linx?!?09:51
andeeeuksince when?09:51
LinkmasterTornadoXubuntu: I don't think so man :/ someone with more skill might be able to help, though at the same time they might say just reinstall09:51
TornadoXubuntui see... thanks a lot linkmaster09:52
andeeeukI have Photoshop CS4 working well09:52
LinkmasterNot much help I'm afraid D:09:52
andeeeukjust not illustrator09:52
TornadoXubuntui told you, not everything works09:53
TornadoXubuntuthey have many problems09:53
TornadoXubuntuinstall windows or check if adobe has issued any packages for linux09:53
TornadoXubuntuthough it won't be for free, if they issued anything09:53
andeeeukWow...lol. I know not everything work. That is whey oi am asking anyone if they have got it working well. P.s. there are not linux versions of these apps and wont be for sometime09:55
* Linkmaster thinks its because corporations hate the wonderfulness of Linux09:56
andeeeukLol, so very true Linkmaster shame on them :P09:57
andeeeukhas anyone the irc for ubuntu instead of kbuntu?10:04
Linkmastermines 'irc.ubuntu.net' xD10:05
grhi. i have installed on my notebook machine (celeron 1,5 ghz+750mb ram) kubuntu 10.04 after some years in XP (preloaded). KDE running well and fast. The only problem is that Firefox is very slow downloadinfd certain pages (although bandwith is very large) so i went to Chrome. GC is faster but still cannot load quickly certain pages (like blogsot.com or google related) although the download speed is almost 1,5mb/s. i have a contact wih my isp to make faster the10:07
grline and they gave me also dns entries. The problem is still the same. Does any one have any idea if the problem is because of the compability of hardware and kubuntu or anything else?10:07
Linkmasternot at all. If your having issues with only certain pages, then its the browser/servers fault10:08
gr@linkmaster. thank you for your opinion. actually the most of the pages which they dont have advertisments and google's ads they load extremely fast so maybe what you say is right. is there any way to be fixed this fault which all browsers make (firefox/opera/chrome). chrome is lightly better.10:13
valoriegr: try adblock or flashblock10:15
valorieit's a bit annoying, but it turns off the ads10:15
valorienoscript is useful also10:15
valorieannoying but useful10:15
gr@valorie. it's a good idea and i tried already to load "heany" pages via free proxies and is much better but annying too because they have adverts and they open some new windows. adblock and flash block are available for chrome too and for linux distros?10:17
valorienot sure about chrome10:19
valorieit was a bit lacking last I checked10:19
valorieI use FF and rekonq10:19
grhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom here it says that is supported.10:21
Briareos1I encrypted my partitions with LUKS in a prior kubuntu version - today I upgraded to natty and it cannot be booted. However, booting the old kernel works.10:21
Briareos1any hint on how I can use the new install with the new kernel?10:22
Peace-Briareos1: eh?10:22
Briareos1old kernel = 2.6.35-28-generic; new kernel = 2.6.38-8-generic10:22
Briareos1I already re-created the ram-disk10:23
Briareos1Peace-: ?10:23
muraliplesae help. hw to repair kubuntu. its keep freezina a lot10:31
Peace-murali: ehhehe freeze eh10:31
Peace-well you need to understand why does it freeze10:31
Peace-could be the video card10:31
Peace-or other sutff10:32
muralihow can i do tht. i dnt have a video card10:32
muraliit workd fine till yesterday10:32
Peace-you need to undestand10:32
Peace-if before it worked well ==> some upgrade ?10:33
Peace-has messed the system?10:33
Peace-i have no time right now10:33
muralii am not sure. done updates couple of times10:33
muraliis there a repair option in kubuntu?10:34
Peace-murali: freeze can depend from a lots of stuff10:36
Peace-murali: kernel , driver10:36
muraliwat shud i do? how to isolate the prob?10:37
Peace-kmenu ==> search for log10:37
Peace-murali: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/27/plasma-desktopPV1745.jpg10:38
muraliopened it. now?10:39
murali27/05/2011 3:10:16 pmHOMEpulseaudio[1902]core-util.c: Failed to stat runtime directory /home/murali/.pulse/2ebb9c92b71c3edb0c085ff44da5ab3f-runtime: Invalid argument10:40
murali27/05/2011 3:10:16 pmHOMEpulseaudio[1902]lock-autospawn.c: Cannot access autospawn lock.10:40
murali27/05/2011 3:10:16 pmHOMEpulseaudio[1902]main.c: Failed to acquire autospawn lock10:40
muralithe above lines keep repeating mostly10:40
FloodBotK1murali: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
muraliok sorry10:41
muraliPeace, wat shud i do next?10:42
muraliPlease help. kubuntu keeps freezing10:45
muraliPlease help. can i repair kubuntu 10.0410:48
DareDevil_good mornig cani speak italian?10:52
muraliPlease help. how can i repair kubuntu 10.04?10:53
szal!it | DareDevil_10:57
ubottuDareDevil_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:57
chilmaasterhey guys11:54
natman2chilmaaster: hi11:56
chilmaasteri'm having some problems with my wifi connection on Kubuntu 10.04. Somehow it doesn't connect automatically anymore although the "connect automaticly" checkbox is selected. common problem?11:57
natman2chilmaaster: whats the wireless manager, is it the default one?11:57
chilmaasterit's the default kubuntu networkManager11:58
natman2chilmaaster: did it ever connect for you?11:58
natman2hit key by mistake sorry11:59
chilmaasteryes it did11:59
natman2chilmaaster: is your wireless turned on? desktop or laptop?11:59
chilmaasterit is a laptop12:00
natman2chilmaaster: is the wireless light on?12:00
chilmaasteryes. i mean wifi connection works fine it's just it does not connect automaticly12:01
natman2chilmaaster: have you the kwallet enabled?12:01
chilmaasteryes i do12:01
natman2chilmaaster: and if you chosse to connect will it work?12:02
chilmaastermanually it works fine12:02
natman2chilmaaster: ok this is just my own personal experience i cant promise anything but try:12:03
natman2chilmaaster: Go into sys settings and disable Kwallet, then reboot and ask to connect, if will ask for the password ( if there is one on the wireless ) give it and tick "remember" ( something like that not sure of the name )12:04
natman2chilmaaster: check your connected, log out and in / reboot and check that you connect automatically12:05
natman2chilmaaster: option 212:05
natman2chilmaaster: try clicking on knetworkmanager and manage connections12:05
natman2chilmaaster: then delete your current connection and basically start from scratch all over again12:06
natman2chilmaaster: after that im stumped perhaps a new network manger?12:06
chilmaasterthank you natman212:06
chilmaasteri'll start with option 2 ;)12:07
natman2chilmaaster: lets hope it works! natman212:07
chilmaasterwill give feedback in a few minutes12:08
chilmaasternatman2 thank u, it worked12:17
natman2chilmaaster: Cool!12:17
natman2chilmaaster: not a pretty solution but it worked :)12:17
chilmaasterthough i don't know how it worked before12:18
chilmaastercos on my wifi network setting it said no securitiy (no pw required). just changed it to WPA2/personal and entered the key.12:20
chilmaasternow it works12:20
chilmaasteranyway, does someone have experience with the hibernating mode an Kubuntu? it just doesn't work at all on my laptop12:23
chilmaasteri send the laptop into hibernate. Next time i switch it on it's just black screen12:24
natman2chilmaaster: have you gone into kpowerdevil and checked the settings?12:32
chilmaasterno i don't even know this12:34
chilmaasteri'll give it a try12:34
natman2chilmaaster: click the little battery icon on taskbar, then the little spanner then have a poke around and cross your fingers :)12:36
chilmaasterthx hey12:37
cousin_mariois there a PPA for kde 4.7 beta?12:37
JuJuBeeIn gnome I can go to places->connect to server.  What is the equivalent in kde?12:38
natman2JuJuBee: try dolphin - network12:39
JuJuBeenatman2: where is that in dolphin?12:40
natman2JuJuBee: its just the file manger, alt+F2 type Dolphin12:40
JuJuBeeI have dolphin open, where is network?12:41
natman2JuJuBee: Left hand menu under Home12:41
JuJuBeeNot here... have Root, Trash then disc's and custom folders....12:42
natman2JuJuBee: inside Dolphin do you have the bar at the top for typing in locations12:43
natman2JuJuBee: Type "remote:/"12:43
JuJuBeeAh  so if  I need to use openvpn to connect to a drive at work, do I run openvpn then go here?12:44
natman2JuJuBee: sorry not really sure, all i ever use that for is ssh'ing12:44
JuJuBeeWe can no longer ssh to our home dir's on the work servers.  Have to map a network drive now with openvpn12:45
JuJuBeeNot sure how to do that in kde...12:45
natman2ok bye12:47
cousin_marioJuJuBee: I'd try with network-manager-openvpn-kde.12:47
JuJuBeecousin_mario: thanks, I will give that a go12:48
JuJuBeecousin_mario: you ever use that?12:50
cousin_marioJuJuBee: No, I've just switched to kde.12:52
cousin_marioJuJuBee: I use the openvpn client in my router for such purposes.12:52
cousin_marioJuJuBee: by they way, you'll have to make sure that not all of your traffic is routed through your employer's network.12:53
JuJuBeecousin_mario: my job provides me with a config file I use when starting openvpn, how do I enter that info in the config file into the connection properties...12:53
dimroumHello. Kubuntu does not save multimonitor configuaration. Any advice?12:53
JuJuBeecousin_mario: yea, I get that, but need to connect first..12:53
JuJuBeedimroum: what are you talking about, I use multiple monitors...12:53
cousin_marioJuJuBee: I'm not sure, I've never used that graphical client.12:54
JuJuBeethanks anyway12:54
cousin_marioJuJuBee: You'll probably have to copy it into /etc/openvpn12:54
dimroumI have install two monitos. I have to setup the dual monitor every time i boot on kubuntu12:54
dimroumJuJuBee: Could you please explain more?12:55
JuJuBeedimroum: is the monitor connected before boot12:55
dimroumJuJubee: yes12:55
JuJuBeedimroum: have you looked at System Settings->Display and Montior?12:56
dimroumJuJubee:Both monitors are installed , up, and runnig before boot12:56
dimroumJuJubee: from system settings  i choose display and monitor12:57
JuJuBeedimroum: what video card are you using?12:57
dimroumJuJubee: the one installed on motherboard12:58
JuJuBeedimroum: really ?12:58
dimroumJuJubee: this configuration works properly on windows12:59
JuJuBeedimroum:  is it nVidia or ATI12:59
JuJuBeedimroum: so, this is not windoze12:59
dimroumJuJubee: when settings are ajjusted, all works ok. but only while this session until shutdown13:00
JuJuBeedimroum: did you install the ati drivers and is there a control panel or something for the video settings for the ATI card?13:00
dimroumJuJubee: i am using kubuntu 11.0413:00
dimroumJuJubee: i am not sure? How can I check this?13:01
JuJuBeedimroum:  I am using nVidia, so I cant help much with ATI.13:01
dimroumJuJubee:Now I am working on both monitors and works ok13:01
JuJuBeeI understand13:01
JuJuBeeWhat I had to do was use the nvidia control panel to create a working xorg.conf file and save it in /etc/X11/ so when I boot, the config is applied.13:02
dimroumJuJubee: do you mean that you rae using two monitors and your Linux installation remebers settinmgs?13:02
dimroumJuJubee:Thie xorg.conf file must be created within control panel?13:04
JuJuBeedimroum: my xorg.conf file is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/613713/  have a look at yours and see if you can use mine as a template but don't simply copy/paste it as the settings will be different and you can do physical damage if improperly configured..13:05
JuJuBeedimroum: that is how I did it.  You can look to see what you already have configured and use mine to help create a dual display13:05
dimroumJuJubee:Thank you a lot. I agoing to follow your suggestion right now13:06
JuJuBeebe careful.   the sync rates will likely be different13:07
dimroumJuJubee: I am reading your file now13:07
JuJuBeePaste your xorg.conf file and maybe I can help you create one...13:07
dimroumJuJubee: Thanks again. I am going to work out this. bye13:08
vbgunzI just upgraded from a gtx 460 to a radeon 5850. If I selected shared memory in effects the whole screen becomes garbled. only texture from pixmap works. anyhow, the card should be better in a sense but it doesn't feel like it. anybody have an idea what I can do to improve performance?13:13
Graf_Westerholtvbgunz, do you have the ATI drivers?13:15
vbgunzGraf_Westerholt: I believe I do. I went to additional drivers and activated catalyst13:15
Graf_WesterholtDid you restart the x server?13:16
vbgunzI rebooted13:16
Graf_Westerholtvbgunz normaly it should work now.13:16
vbgunzI believe my best performance came from shared memory. but if I activate shared memory for this card, the entire screen becomes corrupt13:17
Graf_Westerholtvbgunz, why shared memory?13:17
vbgunzI believe shared memory is what gave me the best performance with my gtx 460. e.g., almost everything was super smooth.13:17
Graf_Westerholtvbgunz shared memory is crap.13:18
Graf_WesterholtIt is very slow.13:18
vbgunzit's really not an option though atm. which is ok. right now I am doing texture from pixmap which isn't bad but I feel like some sort of performance is lacking here13:18
Graf_WesterholtDisable shared memory vbgunz13:18
vbgunzI did. I had no choice. for me, shared memory really worked better with the former card13:19
Graf_WesterholtThat is strange. Shared memory is for graphic cards without graphic memory. Your card has its own faster memory.13:20
vbgunznot sure whats up. my graphics are a bit choppy. I am looking for 2 things equivalent to nvidia. nvidia had a way to write a xorg.conf and nvidia had a powermizer setting which would make the power consumption adaptable or tuned for performance. I am not finding either in the control center13:23
vbgunzhmm, seems like more options might be available to me in the cli app aticonfig13:24
vbgunzI did it. I think I wrote the default xorg.conf13:27
vbgunzgonna restart x13:28
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox413:47
=== dan____ is now known as dan_l
dan_lHalp!  What version of firefox installs with the installer in Kubuntu 11.04?13:48
dan_lGraf_westerholt:  thanks.13:48
dan_lI was worried it was still late 313:48
dan_lI converted another user13:49
dan_lIf I do like 3 more, shuttleworth sends me a set of steak knives or a wrist watch13:49
jussi!info firefox13:50
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.3 (natty), package size 13779 kB, installed size 28720 kB13:50
Graf_Westerholtjussi :)13:50
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
vbgunzanybody know how to list my powerstates? how to change them? with an ati card? I do have aticonfig *but* don't have --list-states or --set-state14:22
sourav7mishraHi I am trying to build kdevelop and to resolve the dependency I should install package 'Qt-devel >= 4.5.2' and 'Boost MultiIndex library >= 1.35', can anyone please tell me the correct package name in kubuntu repository15:27
peace2_sourav7mishra: sudo apt-get build-dep kdevelop15:32
BluesKajImportError: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32...wonder if they're hiding a 32 bit version hoping I have ia32-libs installed15:37
soeei see in repos qt4gui for wine but it uses wine 1.0 right? and newest version of wine is 1.3?15:44
natman2anyone know about searching within Kubuntu?16:05
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=== militia__ is now known as militia
ubuntufreakHi guys, i am having problem with restoring my GRUB in Kubuntu 11.04 installation and this the result of the boot-info-script http://paste.kde.org/75397/  any help ?16:29
=== ironfroggy_ is now known as Guest72213
BluesKajubuntufreak, looks like you have the old grub installed , you should be using grub2 with 11.0416:34
BluesKaj!grub legacy16:35
BluesKaj!info grub legacy16:35
ubottu'legacy' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable16:35
genii-aroundubuntufreak: Probably no ext4 support loaded pre-boot16:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:35
ubottugrub 1 is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub for Karmic onwards16:35
BluesKajhmm, didn't mean to create a flood :)16:36
BluesKajyeah , he's asking wherever he can get an answer16:38
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: how do i install grub2 using the live cd ?16:38
ubuntufreakgenii-around: how do i restore the grub2 using the kubuntu live cd ?16:39
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: thanks will check it !16:40
BluesKajubuntufreak, just open a terminal and follow this if the other one isn't helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:40
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: thanks for the link will check it now16:41
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: when i try the install command i get this error http://paste.kde.org/75403/16:44
BluesKajubuntufreak, remove grub (which will be the old one) then install grub216:48
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: i dont have any write permission on the mounted drive16:50
BluesKajubuntufreak, then you'll have to install ubuntu again . thisn time when it asks for the boatloader say yes to grub16:55
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: the actual problem was when i removed the windoz and resized my kubuntu partition to occupy the space before, the grub2 was deleted i guess16:56
BluesKajubuntufreak, do you have everything installed on / , or do you have a /home partition as well ?16:57
ubuntufreakBluesKaj: everything is installed in the / partition only16:57
BluesKajubuntufreak, this might work for you16:58
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:58
BluesKajfollow the tutorial about reinstalling grub after installing windows , it's essentially the same thing .16:59
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nikitisHow do I capture printscreen?  alt+printscreen doesn't work.17:44
DarthFrognikitis: You want a screenshot?  kscreenshot is your tool..17:46
jussinikitis: printscreen by itself?17:46
DarthFrogErr, make that ksnapshot, not kscreenshot. :-)17:47
nodragonI`m new18:06
=== WaKKa is now known as SoulEdge
Mc-NateYou know programming languages?18:07
nodragoni little18:07
Mc-NateWhat programming languages?18:07
nodragonnot much18:07
Mc-NateThe C, the python?18:07
Mc-NateMe too18:08
Mc-NateBut now i learn the python18:08
nodragonis it  hard?18:08
nodragonto learn?18:08
seesallnot really18:08
nodragonoh  good!18:09
nodragoni can have a try18:09
Mc-NateI know some documentation sites18:09
nodragonbut i don`t know how to learn18:09
Mc-NateBut there are french18:09
Mc-NateAnd i'm french18:10
nodragonyou are french?18:10
nodragoni`m a chinese18:11
nodragonyes  !18:11
Mc-NateI want to learn this language18:11
peace2__!chat | Mc-Nate18:11
ubottuMc-Nate: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin18:11
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:11
peace2__BluesKaj: xD wrong command18:11
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Beat me to it :)18:12
nodragonit`s easy18:12
nodragonhow old are you ?18:13
DarkriftXso during a 10.10 to 11.04 upgrade, i got an error during the installs stating "the upgrade has aborted, your system could be in an unsable state, a recovery will now run (dpkg --configure -a). please report blah blah. then i got about 20 lines of: /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2), E:Sub-process18:13
peace2__!ot | nodragon18:13
ubottunodragon: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:13
DarkriftXnot sure what i should do at this point18:13
peace2__DarkriftX: sudo dpkg --configure -a18:14
DarkriftXdpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 14540 package 'kde-plasmoid-cwp':18:14
DarkriftX junk after word in `priority' field18:14
DarkriftXshould i attempt to edit the file to remove any said junk?18:15
vbgunzanybody have an ati card and using the ati binaries kubuntu provides? how do you set the cards powerstate? supposedly I should be able to aticonfig --list-powerstates and --set-powerstate *but* those options are unknown. have they been replaced? is powerplay only available for later drivers?18:15
peace2__DarkriftX: sudo apt-get -f install18:15
peace2__DarkriftX: sudo apt-get remove kde-plasmoid-cwp ; sudo apt-get -f install18:15
DarkriftXso, the 2nd one?18:16
genii-aroundDarkriftX: I would try first instead: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status-corrupt  && sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status        and then retry the sudo apt-get -f install18:17
DarkriftXwell shit18:18
DarkriftXok, so same error18:18
peace2__even with the genii-around command ?18:19
DarkriftXno, doing that one now18:19
DarkriftXsame error, different line#18:20
genii-aroundDarkriftX: OK, so the old status file had also the same problem.18:24
DarkriftXis there a quick easy way to remove a line from a file?18:26
DarkriftXok, so the line before, the line with the error and the line after are:18:33
DarkriftXStatus: install ok installed18:33
DarkriftXPriority: low18:33
DarkriftXSection: kde18:33
FloodBotK1DarkriftX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
DarkriftXand donot appear to have "junk" characters18:33
DarkriftXwhew, edited a few files as root and seem to have fixed the issue18:37
DarkriftXits now doing stuff :P18:37
genii-aroundDarkriftX: The system also archives these files in the same way as logs, in /var/backups with names as: dpkg.status.0 dpkg.status.1.gz and so forth. You can keep going back, unzip them, rename to status and put in /var/lib/dpkg directory until you hit one that is not corrupt18:39
genii-aroundApologies on lag, work got busy18:39
DarkriftXi manually removed the 10-20 lines for that package in the "current" and the "available" file in the dpkg folders18:39
DarkriftXthen re-ran the apt-get -f18:39
DarkriftXits replacing a lot of packages right now18:39
DarkriftXso will apt-get -f finish the dist upgrade?18:40
DarkriftXor are there other things ill need to do?18:40
vbgunzdoes anybody know why I don't have --list-powerstates or --lsp in the provided ati catalyst binary driver? aticonfig has no idea what I am talking about :/18:40
DarkriftXgenii-around: will the "apt-get -f" finish the dist upgrade, or will there be other steps i need to take to finalize it?18:45
genii-aroundDarkriftX: You might want to re-run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade        one more time after to see if any held back packages or other issues18:47
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genii-aroundvbgunz: Maybe they might know in #ati18:47
DarkriftXwow, bunch of crap18:47
vbgunzgenii-around: thanks, gotta keep restarting x18:47
DarkriftX890 upgraded, 93 newly installed, 11 to remove and 1 not upgraded.18:48
DarkriftXNeed to get 633 kB/1,070 MB of archives.18:48
MadRobotHi all.18:48
MadRobotHow do I change the time format from 24hr to 12hr?18:49
DarkriftXdamn, it was done with the downloading, wonder why it needs to get that much more18:49
LinkmasterYou managed to get yours in 24 hour??18:49
LinkmasterI've been trying to get mine to display 24 hour format..though I'll tinker with it. I'm assuming your using the digital clock widget?18:51
LinkmasterMadRobot: I honestly don't know..Huh. Thats a good question to find out18:53
MadRobotLinkmaster: yup. I'm not quite sure what I did that made it display time in 24hr format. But whatever it is, I'd  really like to reverse it.18:53
MadRobotLinkmaster: the weird thing is that the only related thing I remember doing before I got this problem is installing a wallpaper clock.. :S18:54
Linkmastertry tinkering with the wallpaper clock settings18:55
yofelI think that's in the locale settings18:55
yofelsystemsettings->locale->country/region & locale -> date&time18:56
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MadRobotyofel: okay. what then?19:00
LinkmasterMadRobot: yeah, what yofel said is right, I just tested it myself19:00
akishi. which is the command to remove directories and its contents?19:00
DarkriftXrm -rf /path/to/folder19:00
DarkriftXuse carefully19:01
Linkmastervery carefully19:01
akiswhy? so many warning?19:01
DarkriftXand if someone tells you to do it as root, and you dont know what you are doing, dont do it19:01
DarkriftXyou can kill your system if you delete the wrong folder19:01
Linkmasternever do it as root, and NEVER leave it at '/' or '/*'19:01
Piciakis: Because people remove paths that they shouldnt and there is no undelete.19:01
DarkriftXif you are in any way unsure what you are deleting, dont do it19:02
LinkmasterThis isn't Windows where it still hangs around for a bit, and as said here ^ leave it unless someone tells you exactly what it is your doing, and even then be wary19:02
akissure. i know. i have in my temporary dir under /home/documents a dir that i cannot send it to trash.19:02
DarkriftXi talk to 5+ "linux admins" a day who deleted the wrong folder and want to know if we backed up their server. after we laugh a little we inform them backup is the admins responsibility19:02
yofelMadRobot: there put 'PH:MM AMPM' as time format I think19:02
MadRobotakis: Any misuse of that particular command can irreversibly destroy your  linux system.19:03
DarkriftXakis: id check permissions first19:03
DarkriftXif you are unable to delete it, chmod it then try again using whatever you were using19:03
DarkriftXchmod -R 0777 /home/yourname/documents/folder19:04
DarkriftX777 since you are just going to delete it anyways19:04
Picioh, well thats still silly.19:04
Aluminhat "powers" the little popup thing from K3b and Amarok (and maybe other stuff) that says "hey, I want to install some other packages for more functionality!"19:04
akisactually permissions are gray. what can i do for that?19:04
DarkriftXakis: what do owner and group show?19:04
DarkriftXyou prob dont own the files19:04
DarkriftX"grey"'s meaning depends on where you are looking at it19:05
Linkmasteryofel: I tried to go to that to change my clock to 24 hour format, and its simply staring at me19:05
MadRobotLinkmaster: Nothing happened.. : \19:05
LinkmasterYou too?19:05
akisowner can view and modify/ group can view only19:05
DarkriftXPici: yes, im sure there is a better permission to use, but what does it matter when its being deleted?19:05
yofelhm, not sure what's needed then :/19:05
AluminI just asked in the main KDE channel and they say that notification is a Kubuntu-specific addition19:06
LinkmasterHm. Frustrating19:06
PiciDarkriftX: Yeah. I just dislike 77719:06
DarkriftXme too19:06
akisi am the root user too, why i dont own them?19:06
DarkriftXand the only time i do it is when it doesnt matter19:06
DarkriftXwhy are you root?19:06
DarkriftXif you have to ask how to delete a file, you should not be running commands as root19:06
akiswait...i mean i have all the privileges19:07
DarkriftXhaving roots privs is the same as being root for this conversations purposes19:07
akisanyway. what can i do to send to trash?19:08
DarkriftXhaving the ability to wipe your system out with one typo but not knowing the commands you are running is bad19:08
DarkriftXwhat is the path to the folder?19:08
yofelLinkmaster, MadRobot: you need to restart plasma19:08
yofelalt+f2, then: kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop19:08
LinkmasterThat makes sense, now that you present that19:08
LinkmasterDoes it come back by itself, right?19:09
MadRobotyofel: killall plasma?19:09
* Linkmaster asks since he's never restarted plasma before19:09
DarkriftXrm -rf /home/user/Documents/Temporaries19:09
yofelif you use my command yes19:09
yofelkillall just kills it19:09
LinkmasterCool stuff, thanks19:09
akisthis command will remove only /temporaries?19:10
Linkmasternow...for it to come back19:10
akisand its content?19:10
Linkmasterand akis, yes19:10
Linkmasterbut personally, I cd to right above the directory to prevent issues19:10
DarkriftXdist-upgrade wants to replace my sudoers file. the format seems to have changed19:11
akisstill persmission denied system answers19:11
Linkmasterwhat do you have in there?19:11
DarkriftXjust myself19:11
DarkriftXguess i can just re-add it19:11
yofelthere was a change to sudoers in natty19:11
yofelso you'll have to merge it19:11
DarkriftXim just worried about crap breaking again during this upgrade19:11
Linkmasteryofel: its not coming back D:19:12
MadRobotyofel: Thanks! That worked. :)19:12
yofelLinkmaster: then press alt+f2 again: plasma-desktop19:12
Linkmasteralright...I was contemplating doing something similar, I just didn't want to do something stupid :/19:12
DarkriftXakis: if root cant delete it, drive is prob read only19:12
DarkriftXtype "id" and paste the result in here19:12
akisan extract file of java: jre1.6.0_2519:12
DarkriftXif its a single line19:12
DarkriftXtry: sudo rm -rf /home/user/Documents/Temporaries19:13
Linkmasteryay, worked for me too. Now I can help people with that in the future, thanks yofel!19:13
akisbingo! thanks19:14
DarkriftXyou were *not* root19:15
DarkriftXand you did *not* have root permissions19:15
DarkriftXsudo ran that command as root19:15
akiswhy denied to be removed with all the other command and finall system accepted the last one?19:15
yofelhe did create the folder as root though (or with  root permissions)19:15
DarkriftXbecuase the folder was owned by root, or it had no read permissions19:15
yofelor as anyone else19:15
DarkriftXor write19:15
yofelwrite in this case (for you)19:16
DarkriftXyo must have created it with root19:16
akismaybe because i create it using my root previleges?19:16
akismaybe because i created it using my root previleges?19:16
akisi c. that;s clear19:16
DarkriftXprob used sudo to dl it or to unpack it19:16
ubuntufreakI have problem mounting my external usb2.0 hdd here is the issue http://paste.kde.org/75457/19:17
akisthanks a lot. your advises where ver useful. one more think. i am running 10.04 with a 1,5 ghz celeron and 750 mb ram. kde running well but using chrome for hours the system becomes "heavy". do u think the possibility of maximaze my ram up to 1,5 gb will solve the problem?19:19
DarkriftXit will help19:20
DarkriftXnothing "solves" computer speed issues19:20
Linkmaster[except for removing windows]19:21
DarkriftXmost browsers also leak a little on linux19:21
DarkriftXso i close them when im done19:21
DarkriftXand close any tabs running flash that i dont need open19:21
DarkriftXeven better is get a plugin that makes you have to click a button to start a flash object on a page19:21
akisyes i know all these. it is solution19:21
LinkmasterI close my web-browsers periodically, though I run one browser that uses constant flash though, which sucks :/19:21
DarkriftXtons of flash ads cause major memory problems these days19:21
Linkmasteradblocker for firefox is wonderful in that sense :P19:22
DarkriftXok, my dist upgrade completed19:22
DarkriftXno packages left to install19:22
DarkriftXbut im afraid to reboot now. guess its time to just bite the bullet :S19:22
akisi tried to load an extension for "a la carte" use of flash but is anavailable (for chrome)19:22
LinkmasterNatty is good, you'll like it19:22
DarkriftXim sure, but my dist upgrade died in a fire halfway through19:23
LinkmasterThat....isn't good19:23
DarkriftXi had to recover it from command line. im worried something else might have broke in the process19:23
LinkmasterThough Linux has the great ability to be able to recover failed upgrades19:23
LinkmasterDid you back everything up?19:23
DarkriftXi read in the changelog that users with pae kernel can have problems with it not installign. i did see it recompiling it during the dist upgrade, so im hoping im safe19:23
akisflash and ads is the big problem. i have already enabled adblock because i have a big proble to load blogspot pages.19:24
DarkriftXLinkmaster: i work with computers all the time and know the value of a backup, of course i did not backup anything.....19:24
LinkmasterJust making sure you were screwed for life19:24
DarkriftXi joke daily that the ones who know the need for a backup most are the least likely to do it19:24
LinkmasterIts true sadly19:24
LinkmasterI have to force myself to back up my system every so often :P19:25
DarkriftXok, bullet, meet teeth. teeth, bullet.. I hope I am back in a few minutes19:25
=== Space_Man is now known as Space_Man__
LinkmasterSame here, good luck19:26
ubuntufreakthanks guys fixed the error :-)19:28
=== AndIrc_ is now known as darkrift-tablet
darkrift-tabletit froze19:32
darkrift-tabletat: stopping read required files inadvance19:33
darkrift-tabletright after starting apache19:33
roadfishin "top", I see that "kded4" is running at over 90% CPU ... basically saturating the system. How do I fix this problem? I have an older PC from 2005 and everything was running find in Hardy Kubuntu but now is sluggish in Natty Kubuntu.19:34
wohnpalhow do I do the 3d effects in kde ?20:07
wohnpallike desktop cube20:07
peace2__wohnpal: ...20:12
peace2__wohnpal: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/27/plasma-desktopsl1745.jpg20:12
wohnpalthe desktop effects have already been enabled.. I just don't know how to do them.. I use alt-ctrl and leftmouseclick, but nothing happens20:16
peace2__wohnpal: ahhhhahaha20:18
wohnpaldon't laugh!20:18
wohnpaljust tell me how20:18
peace2__wohnpal: ctrl f1120:19
peace2__wohnpal: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/27/plasma-desktoplG1745.jpg20:19
wohnpalI looked for info about the keyboard combinations or any form of documentation on kwin but could not find any!!20:20
wohnpalwhat about ctrl-alt-left mouse ? ctrl f11 is complicated!!20:20
peace2__wohnpal: sure oyu can change it20:21
peace2__wohnpal: look at the screen... just change20:21
wohnpalwell if go to for instance 3d setup and do the settings there is no way to change how it is invoked..20:23
peace2__wohnpal: say the true , you was a gnome guy?20:25
wohnpalI was ! And now I hate gnome so much, this unity crap is so bad!20:38
wohnpalit turns a i3 machine into a mobile phone!!!20:38
wohnpalI did not like kde before, but that was 2 years ago, now it finally does not crash on me every 5 minutes.. no crashed until now!!! it looks good too!20:39
wohnpalkde is not so popular however, I have the impression kde users are a very small minority.. 90% use gnome...20:39
jmichaelxwohnpal: i have also preferred several other DEs over Gnome, but keep in mind that the calamity that is presently Unity is NOT Gnome20:45
peace2__wohnpal: nope20:47
peace2__wohnpal: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/27/UNity.gif20:48
peace2__wohnpal: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/macstyle2.jpeg20:48
peace2__wohnpal: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/gnome-defaltt-panel-kde.gif20:48
peace2__it rocks20:49
wohnpalgnome shell is the same as unity...20:54
wohnpaldid not try gnome shell but read that it is not fundamentally different from unity20:55
wohnpalI just don't get it, why would one want to change something that just works!20:55
jmichaelxwohnpal: good question. that's what many said about KDE4, when it was rolled out long before it should have been20:56
wohnpalI can have 20 windows open at the same time in gnome 2 and I scroll between them effortlessly.. can't do that in windows... the pc is much slower under windows 7. In unity I had to fiddle around just swapping between 2 windows20:56
wohnpalwell I am not changing back to gnome again... I really like kde.. the screen looks also smoother somehow... each OS has its own kind of effect on the monitor even though the resolution is the same.. it has to do with antialiasing methods probably20:57
=== RKyle_ is now known as RKyle
=== ummccal1 is now known as ebonair
nikitishelp  my kubuntu keyboarda stopped letting me use shift and control keys.  what can i do?21:10
vbgunzanybody have an HD ati card? do you use the "present windows" effect? is it choppy? mines is choppy and I can't figure out why. I have a 5850 and this card should be able to handle that effect. what could be wrong?21:44
bizzyI have a Lenovo ThinkPad w510 /w Kubuntu 11.04 installed.  It will randomly freeze up where i cant move or intract with any programs.  I cant even turn off/on caps lock. However, I can still move my mouse courser.21:47
bizzyCan some one help me trouble shoot this?21:47
gr8m8bizzy:  you could check in ~/.xsession-errors21:54
bizzygr8m8: Thanks I'll take a look.21:54
wohnpalI guess kde only holds 10% of the market or something like that... any ideas why?22:08
wohnpalI guess it is because it was so unstable in the past...22:08
cpatrick08gnome will be that was in the future with gnome3 and the gnome-shell xfce will be the linux desktop of tomorrow22:10
vbgunzanybody have an ati card and super smooth effects? how did you do it? I have a 5850 and I swear I don't think it's gonna happen. any tips?22:17
bizzyCan some one have a look at this and help me understand whats going on?22:17
wohnpalxfce? I tried that and did not like it.. it is simple yes, but it is also buggy... and illogical.... it is just no so smooth, for instance if you want to put icons on the startbar22:19
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=== Guest28677 is now known as markit
markithi, I need to change akonadi from using mysql to sqlite3, since with  mysql creates a HUGE 140MB structure for nothing (I don't use PIM). Is for the server of a school, so imagin 300 students * 140 MB...22:26
markitany idea? in the server config I can choose among mysql and posgres, no sqlite3 even if sqlite3  package is installed22:27
markitnatty 11.04 here22:27
Jmoeyhi, does anybody know why 'system connection' is greyed out when you add a network in kubuntu 11.0422:33
=== david is now known as Guest85347
wohnpaljmoey: you mean a wireless network?22:55
wohnpalyou mean it is greyed out in the system tray applet for networks?22:56
wohnpalthere are a lot of bugs regarding wireless... with me the connect button was greyed out all the time... in the end I don't know how I got it to work, but I basically installed all the networkmanagers and tools and only installed the kde networkmanager, and then it worked23:00
Darkriftany gurus around who can help me revive my dead system? never restarted fully after distupgrade from 10.10 to 11.0423:20
Darkriftit locks up during boot, i can get to a prompt but cant get networking going23:21
Darkriftdmesg doesnt show anything useful and the spot it locks up has changed 3x so its not always the same thing causing it23:21
Jmoeysorry for the slow response, xchat didn't blink23:25
JmoeyDarkrift: what happens if you do sudo service network-manager restart23:26
Darkriftnetwork-manager start/running process 391723:27
Darkriftessid shows off/any in iwconfig23:27
Jmoeywhat does the output of lspci give23:27
Darkrifti can see my card there23:27
Darkriftit should be configured, it was before the reboot23:28
Darkrifti just can never get it to connect via cli23:28
Jmoeyare you in recovery mode or single user23:28
Darkriftduring boot it locked up so i hit alt+f5 and logged in23:28
Darkriftnot sure which that is considered23:29
Jmoeyyou could try sudo dhclient23:29
Jmoeyto get ethernet connection23:29
Darkriftit ran, no output, no wifi connection made23:29
Jmoeyare you using proprietary graphics drivers such as nvidia?23:29
Jmoeythat could be the problem23:29
Jmoeythey can give lock-ups23:30
Darkrifti dont think its a real lock up since i can still login23:30
Darkriftbut the boot process freezes23:30
Jmoeyare you running the latest driver23:30
Darkriftalways near th esame spot, but not exactly23:30
Darkriftshould be, i just did a dist-upgrade before the reboot23:30
Jmoeyyou could try sudo apt-get install nvidia-current23:30
Darkriftit looked like it grabbed a new version23:30
Jmoeybut you need networking23:30
Jmoeycan you plug it into ethernet for now23:31
Darkrifti suck at getting networking working via cli23:31
Darkriftnot really23:31
Darkrifti dont have a cable long enough23:31
Jmoeythat would be the easiest way23:31
Jmoeyis your network protected23:31
Darkriftjust by mac23:31
Jmoeythat could be easier then23:31
Jmoeytry iwconfig wlan0 essid yournetworkname23:32
Darkriftno output but iwconfig still shows no essid and no ap23:34
Darkriftthanks for working with my btw23:35
Darkrifti knew that distupgrade was going to die on me23:35
Darkriftiwlist wlan0 scan gives results23:36
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Darkriftand when grepping it i get my AP listed23:36
Darkriftjust not sure how to tell it to connect23:36
Jmoeydid that work23:37
Jmoeyanyway sorry but have to go now23:37
Darkriftok, thx23:37
Jmoeyif you would like me to help you more, drop be an email (jmoey139@gmail.com)23:38
=== Darkrift is now known as DarkriftX
=== RKyle is now known as RKyle|away
surunveriis there anyway to access linux partitions from windows?23:54
=== RKyle|away is now known as RKyle

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