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jmlczajkowski: hi09:32
faboI subscribe a wrong person to a bug, how can I fix that?10:47
geserask them to unsubscribe10:48
fabogeser: there's 2 users "Deepak Saxena", ~dsaxena and ~/dsaxena-linaro. Launchpad refuses to subscribe both of them to a bug. should I fill a bug against launchapd?10:51
faboas soon as I try to subscribe the 2nd account: Deepak Saxena has already been subscribed10:51
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darthello someone commented on a bug in launchpad from my account...I was not logged in...Here --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/cardapio/+bug/603795/comments/2711:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 603795 in Cardapio "Cardapio don't show on panel when new "Appmenu" Applet is activated" [High,Fix released]11:27
maxbdart: Hello. Unfortunately that's what happens when a spammer forges your From address on email to a launchpad bug11:27
maxbI have hidden the comment11:27
dartuhm don't get you exactly11:28
maxbIt is possible to comment on a bug by emailing NNNNNN@bugs.launchpad.net11:30
maxbIf someone forges the from address on such an email, stuff like what you saw happens11:30
wgrantWe often find that they are not actually forged, though.11:30
wgrantGmail accounts often tend to be compromised.11:30
dartAlso I am getting mail from *me to me* in gmail. And also mails are automatically forwarded to my other contacts in gmail. But delivery fails11:32
dartThe mail being forwarded is having the same link that is in launchpad bug11:34
wgrantAre they in your Sent folder?11:34
dartomg yes..mails are being forwarded to all account is launchpad from my gmail account11:36
wgrantYou probably want to change your password and try to ensure the security of any client on which you've used it lately.11:36
dartI changed my password. I am using thunderbird11:36
dartits not all lauchpad accounts...its all other guys whom I have mailed till date11:38
wgrantThey will generally go through your address book and anybody you've sent email to in the past and spam them :)11:39
wgrantLovely people.11:39
dartargh how can i stop this?11:39
dartIs my account hacked?11:39
wgrantChange your password.11:39
dartI did11:39
wgrantIf they're in your Sent folder, it has probably been hacked, yes.11:39
dartOk there are no more sent mails since last one hour. I changed my password 1hour back.11:43
dartIs it possible for the guy who hacked my account to hack my other mail accounts in thunderbird?11:48
dartI may change password for that too11:48
wgrantIt's rather difficult to say how your account was hacked. May have been a Trojan on your machine, or a lucky password guess, or...11:49
wgrantProbably best to change lots of passwords, to be safe :/11:49
dartsuch a pain :(11:50
dpmhi, is there a way to remove feedback requests I requested from someone else in a blueprint? I happened to request feedback from the wrong person.11:52
wgrantdpm: Congratulations, you have stumbled on the most useless feature in Launchpad!11:53
wgrantdpm: Feedback requests can be created, but that's about it.11:54
dpmwgrant, heh, I was wondering why I did not get notification when someone else requested feedback from me in another blueprint... oh well...11:55
wgrantdpm: Yeah, pretty much.11:55
dartwgrant, thanks for the help :D11:56
dpmok, anyway, thanks, I now know I shouldn't use them :)11:57
darthehe one spam mail was sent to webmaster@canonical :P12:09
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: bac | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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dpmhenninge, I've got a couple of questions on message sharing if you are around: I'm looking at https://translations.launchpad.net/synaptic/main/+translations, where it says: "This project series is sharing translations with synaptic in Ubuntu Natty". How can I make it share translations with another distro series, e.g. Oneiric? And the other question is, if I go to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+sources/synaptic/+translations it tells m13:45
dpme that the Maverick source package is also sharing translations with upstream, which I cannot quite understand, as the upstream page tells me that upstream is sharing with Natty, not Maverick13:45
henningeAbout the first question: Translations are really being shared with all series, as the series are sharing amongst themselves, too.13:53
henningeIt is using the translation focus for Ubuntu, which still seems to be Natty.13:53
henningedpm: ^13:54
sorenHow can I tell which version of bzr-hg Launchpad uses for imports?14:01
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maxbsoren: the one mentioned here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/view/head:/utilities/sourcedeps.conf14:03
sorenmaxb: Thanks!14:03
sorenmaxb: Wow, that's old.14:04
maxbI'm not entirely surprised14:04
maxbFortunately, I think updating Launchpad's bzr stack is on jelmer's near-term todo list14:05
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Morbuswhere does launchpadlib store the OAuth details I'm about to put in? the script will be running as a different (non-Unix) user than my current Unix user, so I don't want it to overwrite my own data.14:09
maxbIt depends on precisely how you invoke it and what version you're using14:10
Morbushey max ;)14:11
Morbuswelp, i'm using the latest launchpadlib as retrieved from pip.14:11
maxb1.6.x generally uses ~/.launchpadlib 1.9.x uses gnome-keyring or kwallet if available14:11
Morbusneither are - there's no desktop.14:11
Morbusshell only.14:11
Morbusi ran a script that contained login_with, it opened up lynx, I logged in, went through a bunch of stuff, and eventually got to this form that i kept clicking Conitnue on, but nothing else happened14:12
Morbusi quit the process for kicks, can see that a ~/.launchdpad lib was made, btu there's nothing in the api.staging.launchpad/cache directory14:12
maxbWait, staging?14:12
Morbusyeah, per the help docs.14:12
Morbus    launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('My Application', 'staging')14:13
Morbusoh, i guess i should do this "Authenticated access for website integration" section.14:13
Morbussince that more closely matches the automated shell process i'm going for.14:13
Morbusgah, this is madness.14:14
Morbusthat doesn't sound ideal for a shell script either.14:14
maxblink to what you're following?14:17
Morbusyeah, i get into an endless cycle inside lynx when i log in.14:22
Morbusi get to the "are you sure you want to login as this user?" page, I say Submit, and then it just brings me to a form that says "Continue" over and over again.14:22
Morbusand nothing gets saved into the cache directory (be it staging or production).14:23
maxbMorbus: try http://paste.ubuntu.com/613757/14:24
maxbWhich you can run on a local machine with a GUI, and copy the file elsewhere, if you like14:25
Morbusmaxb: whine.14:26
Morbusmaxb: i really need a GUI to do this?14:26
* Morbus goes off to install pip and all that jazz on os x.14:29
wgrantMorbus: It should have given you a URL that you can browse to in your desktop browser.14:31
Morbuswgrant: it didn't - just ran lynx again.14:31
wgrantMorbus: But recent versions of w3m are known to work.14:31
Morbuswgrant: i've got it going under os x though.14:31
wgrantHmm. It will also print out a URL...14:31
Morbus[xxx@dev1.staging ciofat]$ python ciofat_getMergeProposals.py14:32
MorbusExiting via interrupt: 214:32
Morbuswas all I saw - before the Exit, I was inside Lynx.14:32
Morbusanyways, i've got new-tojken.txt now, maxb.14:32
Morbusso now it looks like i'll need to take this new-token.txt, pass it into Credentials somehow, and then send that alongside the Launchpad().14:34
* Morbus wonders if there's a creds.load_from_path() equivalent, and heads to the api docs.14:35
Morbussweet, there is.14:37
Morbusit's still loading lynx.14:47
Morbuscredentials = Credentials('ciofat')14:48
Morbuslp = Launchpad(credentials, service_root="production")14:48
Morbuswhy is it still loading lynx if i'm passing the credentials in?14:48
Morbusso, it doesn't look like load_from_path is working properly.15:10
Morbusif i vars() the credentials object, i don't see any of the properties defined in the credentials.txt15:10
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Morbuslooks like it might be in oauthauthorizer.load().15:15
Morbusprint vars(parser) shows me the credentials.txt is loaded properly.15:16
Morbusbut print parser.get('1', 'consumer_secret'), which is what load() does, returns nothing.15:16
Morbusbah, no, it does work - consumer_secret is just empty. heh.15:18
Morbusmaxb: should i have received a consumer_secret from the oauth integration?15:25
maxbUse an empty string15:25
Morbusyeah, that's what i'm seeing.15:26
* Morbus scratches head.15:26
MorbusTypeError: __init__() takes at least 4 non-keyword arguments (2 given)15:29
Morbuson [ lp = Launchpad(credentials, service_root="production") ]15:29
maxbIn a manner in which I highly disapprove of, Launchpad broke its constructor argument signature in 1.9.0 vs earlier versions15:29
maxbYou now want Launchpad(credentials, None, None, "production")15:29
Morbusso the wiki is outta date.15:30
Morbusyay, a new error! :D15:30
Morbusin part:15:31
Morbuslazr.restfulclient.errors.Unauthorized: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized15:31
MorbusUnknown access token (None).15:31
Morbusprint credentials.access_token15:32
Morbusin fact, returns "None"15:32
* Morbus goes back to oauth.py15:33
Morbusaccess_token and access_secret both have values inside the credentials.txt.15:33
Morbusi can confirm that credentials.txt is being loaded...15:33
Morbusso it must be something in the AccessToken call, from oauth.py, line 173.15:34
Morbushrm. though, i tmight be that it's being declared a bad token and being set to None on line 13715:41
Morbuswhere is oauthtoken.init defined?15:47
Morbusmaxb: i have no idea why print credentials.access_token is printing 'None' :(15:54
Morbusmaxb: progress!15:59
Morbusbad: [[[15:59
Morbuscredentials = Credentials('ciofat')15:59
Morbusgood: [[[ credentials = Credentials.load_from_path('credentials.txt') ]]]15:59
maxboh, hah16:03
czajkowskiAloha, wondering who might be best to poke about a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/78917116:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 789171 in Launchpad itself "sending mail to LP - copy to sender also" [Undecided,New]16:04
Morbusmaxb: where's the code/documentation for branches and getMergeRequests and so forth? not seeing 'em in the source.16:05
bachi czajkowski16:13
bacczajkowski: thanks for the suggestion about 'me too' on email from LP.  did you want to discuss it?16:13
mounirsinzui: I need to add dependency to a blueprint which I have created. But, I cannot see the Depends on bottom, which role I have to have to be able to add dependency?16:27
sinzuiI do not know. I will check the code16:28
mounirsinzui: the blueprint is: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/linaro/+spec/tr-kernel-ltp-failures16:28
Morbusmaxb: sweet, i won. thanks for the help and patience.16:28
sinzuimounir: you must be assigned a specification role, or be the owner/driver of the specs goal16:29
mounirI am the owner since I created the blueprint, no?16:30
sinzuiI am not certain of that16:30
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mounirsinzui: fyi - looks like whenever I set the series goal, I see the depend on bottom. I will experiment with that more to see whether this is it. thanks for your help16:38
sinzuimounir do you have more than one login identity16:38
mounirsinzui not that I know of16:38
* sinzui just create a spec on staging in linaro and can edit it16:39
mounirsinzui yes will try that16:39
sinzuimounir: are you https://launchpad.net/~mounir-bsaibes16:39
sinzuihover your mouse over the logged in as link to verify the URLs are the same16:40
crazedpsycI'm making a launchpad scraper for DuckDuckGo, and i'm testing it right now, so if you guys notice a traffic increase, its me. This won't be a problem will it?16:42
mounirsinzui - I have created a bp on the staging server uncer the same project, I could see the Add dependency bottom right away. So, I am puzzled16:43
sinzuimounir: I see small differences between my test on staging and your blueprint. I wonder if there were also permission changes. Can you change https://blueprints.staging.launchpad.net/linaro/+spec/tr-kernel-ltp-failures once you are logged in?16:43
mounirsinzui: yes I was able to change the approver16:44
sinzuicrazedpsyc: we encourage you to use Launchpad's API. We do not approve of pace scraping16:44
sinzuimounir: I think there is a permission problem in production that is fixed on staging maybe16:45
crazedpsyc sinzui, the launchpad API is *very* slow though, and what is 'pace scraping'?16:45
sinzuipage scrapping.16:45
sinzuipage scraping16:45
crazedpsycThat's really too bad. Would it be okay if I add a delay between each download?16:46
crazedpsycsinzui: What if I add a 3-5 second delay between each page download?16:47
sinzuimounir: I think you may need a member of16:47
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sinzuihttps://launchpad.net/~linaro-drivers or https://launchpad.net/~linaro-maintainers to make you the drafter to unblock you16:48
sinzuicrazedpsyc: Lp is scanned every minute. You can run your script and if it proves to be a problem you can add a delay16:49
mounirsinzui: maybe you are right, whenever I defined the series goal, I was able to see the Add dependent on16:49
crazedpsycsinzui: Okay, thanks16:49
crazedpsycsinzui: running for 8 minutes now, any problems?16:54
sinzuiNone reported16:54
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czajkowskibac: hi I just thought the cc email might be an idea as I know I'm trying to figure out who I mailed recently and have no copy of date/time to refer back to18:07
bacczajkowski: i understand.  it is a good idea, so thanks for filing it.18:08
czajkowskibac: glad to hear it :)18:09
czajkowskiI know it's not critical or urgent more a nice thing to have18:09
bacczajkowski: currently, we have two squads working on really important features and two more only working on critical bugs.  but good ideas will be addressed...eventually.  :)18:09
czajkowskibac: yup, tis all good. more something that popped up via another conversation and it reminded me I contact locoteam contacts who dont display a public address which is rather annoying18:10
czajkowskiif the go to the round of being a contact display your flipping email address :s18:10
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binwiederhierhey there, how do i give a team access rights to a branch owned by me?20:15
binwiederhierspecifically, this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~binwiederhier/syncany/trunk to this team: https://launchpad.net/~syncany-team20:16
binwiederhierbac: help!20:21
bachi binwiederhier20:21
bacwhat's up?20:21
* bac reads up20:21
binwiederhierread above.20:22
binwiederhieri'd like to make a team the owner of my branch20:22
binwiederhierwould be great if you could help. thank you20:22
bacbinwiederhier: that branch lives in your personal space20:22
binwiederhierhm. can i move it?20:22
binwiederhierso that the team can own it?20:23
bacbinwiederhier: you cannot move it to the team but you can push a new copy up so the team owns it, then everyone on the team can have access to write to it20:23
binwiederhierokay that's great. do you think that's a good idea for an open team?20:25
binwiederhierbecause everyone can join, and everyone can upload changes20:25
bacbinwiederhier: that's a policy decision for your project to make20:25
bacbinwiederhier: you'd use something like:  bzr push lp:~launchpad/tarmac/lp-tarmac20:26
bacer, sorry20:26
bacbzr push lp:~syncany-team/syncany/trunk20:27
binwiederhierbac: would i have the right to change that policy if it (for some reason) doesn't work out like this?20:27
bacbinwiederhier: many projects do create restricted membership teams that own the trunk branch for their code, so it is not a bad idea20:27
binwiederhierbac: i just started the project, so i though it'd be great if many people contributed20:28
bacbinwiederhier: you'd simply have to create the new team and set the project development branch to be one owned by that new, restricted team20:28
bacbut if you think that's how you want to structure it perhaps it would be cleanest to do so now20:29
binwiederhierbac: but can't i just change the subscription policy later?20:29
binwiederhierwhy would it be necessary to create a new team?20:30
bacbinwiederhier: you're right20:30
binwiederhierbac: okay thanks. how would the others (with possibly modified code) 'switch' to this new branch?20:38
bacbinwiederhier: they would just push/pull from the new location20:38
binwiederhierok, so the same thing i'll do when i check in the code20:39
binwiederhierbzr push lp:~syncany-team/syncany/trunk20:39
binwiederhieri'll try20:39
binwiederhierthank you very much!!20:39
matsubarabac, hi Brad, are you the right person to ask about a failing code import? https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/django-south/trunk20:53
bacmatsubara: wow, that's ugly20:55
matsubaraI think it's failing due to bug 519709. Is there other way to import that branch?20:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 519709 in Launchpad itself "Import fails with infinite recursion through _reconstruct_manifest_and_flags_by_revid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51970920:55
matsubarabac, ^20:55
matsubarait's been suggested in the bug report to update bzr-hg to see if the issue goes away. Do you know how or who I can request such update?20:56
bacmatsubara: i'm looking....20:59
bacmatsubara: i know how to update packages for buildout but not the packages in the old sourcecode21:03
bacmatsubara: i'm asking gary21:04
matsubarathanks bac21:05
gary_posterhi bac; still looking.  It's an easy file, and I think it is in utilities, but I don't see it as quickly as I usually do...21:06
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gary_posteroh yeah21:07
matsubaraperhpas utilities/sourcedeps.conf?21:07
bacmatsubara: that looks good!21:07
gary_posterbac, matsubara, yeah that's it21:07
gary_posterhaven't had to think about that in a while21:08
bacgary_poster: so you just update the revno and magic happens?21:08
gary_posterbac, yeah.  can even go backwards if you need to21:08
bacmatsubara: can you run with that?21:08
gary_postermagic happens when you run utilities/update-sourcecode21:08
matsubarabac, gary_poster: so, just make a MP that changes the bzr-hg revision in sourcedeps.conf to the latest trunk, get that landed on trunk and all is fine? is this something that's updated during the daily rollouts or only during the downtime?21:11
gary_postermatsubara, yes, that's what you do.  You'll want to run tests (e.g. ec2 land), of course.  It's updated in no-downtime deloyments21:12
matsubaracool! thanks gary_poster and bac21:12
bacnp matsubara.  thanks gary_poster21:13
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smoseris it the default behavior, or is it just me...22:23
smoserwhen i create bugs using the email interface to launchpad, i don't get any acknoledgement on success.22:24
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lifelesssmoser: have you turned off 'do not send me mail for things I do' ?23:07

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