
phillwbelak: there is a community built 64bit version available.00:48
phillwbelak: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GetLubuntu01:01
=== Vinylourson is now known as Vinylourson_
=== Vinylourson_ is now known as Vinylourson
bU1337Pr00fI just have a single question. Does Lubuntu support 64 bit architectures or is it only 32 bit? I was confused that there was only one .iso file to download off the site.04:27
KM0201bU1337Pr00f: the 64bit version (for now) isn't officially part of Lubuntu (a community port, of a community port..)... at last i think thats how it is.04:28
Unit193bU1337Pr00f: There is a community edition at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GetLubuntu04:29
bU1337Pr00fSo there won't be official support for 64 bit until the release of 11.10?04:30
poltak_No modern processors even support 64bit yet, so why would you even care unless you were running a supercomputer? :P04:31
poltak_(which I'm assuming you're not)04:31
KM0201bU1337Pr00f: far as i know, that is correct, but Unit193 would know better than i04:32
bU1337Pr00fpoltak: then what is ia64 and x86_64?04:32
poltak_ia64 is itanium thingy... not really a common processor04:33
bU1337Pr00fTrue, but x86_64 if very common.04:33
poltak_x86_64 is for further advanced machines (not commercial)04:33
bU1337Pr00fwell thanks for the answer. I'll leave a spot in my CD wallet for when Oneiric comes out.04:40
Unit193poltak_: That is totally wrong. 64bit supported processors VERY common...04:41
poltak_Unit193: Okay Tron :P04:42
* jgould has two 64 bit processors04:44
jgouldthey are x86_64's04:45
poltak_Ergh, you guys are imbeciles. Going back to my work.04:46
bU1337Pr00fI run a dual-core 64bit, that's why I asked.04:46
Unit193bioterror Howdy hoho!04:46
canthus13bU1337Pr00f: Which OS?04:48
bU1337Pr00fRight now Ubuntu Natty.04:48
canthus13bU1337Pr00f: 32 or 64?04:48
* canthus13 runs 32 on most of his machines, just for compatibility's sake, but runs Debian 64 on his servers with 64 bit processors.04:49
bU1337Pr00fI was thinking of shit canning it and switching to Gentoo, but it takes too long.04:49
bU1337Pr00fI was running Gentoo on my server. Old beat up Celeron 466. Takes 9 hours to complie the kernel...04:50
canthus13Heh.  That's why I stick with Debian for my servers.. precompiled, and works fine.  I was running it quite nicely on a 500mhz P3 with 128mb ram.. until I 'upgraded' the CPU and killed it, anyway... :/04:54
bU1337Pr00fThat's why I like Gentoo. I can control just about everything. My next project is LFS.04:57
canthus13I've worked on and off with an LFS install in a VM for a while.... It's tedious.04:58
canthus13It's way more annoying than a stage one install.04:58
bU1337Pr00fYeah... it's mento to be04:58
canthus13It's like making your own legos, then building a house with them.04:58
bU1337Pr00fI build houses too. ^_^ Don't use Legos though. Well logging off chan. Thanks for the info guys.04:59
jmarsden<poltak_> Ergh, you guys are imbeciles. Going back to my work.        # This is disrespectful.  Please read and follow the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.  Channel guidelines are expected to be followed, see /topic05:03
poltak_jmarsden: ignored05:07
jmarsdenphillw: Around?05:07
bioterrorjmarsden, may I help?05:09
bioterrorwhy this uses nick ban :D05:27
DragonEyesError.  The syntax for that command is: part <channel>05:30
bioterror;part #lubuntu05:30
bioterrorsilverarrow, did you order aeropress? :)09:36
silverarrownot yet09:54
silverarrow...one minute...09:55
silverarrowin 4 or 5 days I might have it09:57
silverarrowthis one10:00
silverarroware there serveral versions?10:00
silverarrowI like coffee gadgets10:05
silverarrowespecially if the work10:05
silverarrowi tried to order this one before, but the seller turned out not to allow bidders outside UK10:13
bioterrorI've enjoyed my ;)10:34
bioterrormine even10:34
silverarrowthanks for thip, I look forward to getting it10:40
stlsaintSup folks11:11
=== Vinylourson is now known as Vinylourson_
=== Vinylourson_ is now known as Vinylourson
jarnosHow can you set autostarted applications in lubuntu natty?12:41
jarnosbioterror, I tried that, but the item (for pidgin) is not chown in the list13:24
jarnosbioterror, I could not find the documentation via lubuntu.net, btw.13:25
jarnosbioterror, if it was easy, there would not be faq ;)13:26
bioterroryou dont have pidgin.desktop in /usr/share/applications/ ?13:32
jarnosbioterror, yes I have an I copied it to ~/.config/autostart13:57
jarnosbioterror, xchat.desktop does affect the list, when I copied it.14:31
SpaceBackhi !14:39
SpaceBacki need the lubuntu alternate cd,i just cant find it14:40
DaxwaxI guess he found it =)14:52
mimilus_Is there a place to find an iso for lubuntu 10.04 ? not a torrent please !15:06
mimilus_How amount of memory does lubuntu eat by default ?15:07
phillwmimilus_: yes the link in the topic has all the methods of getting lubuntu15:07
* mimilus_ is opening eyes15:09
phillwmimilus_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GetLubuntu15:09
mimilus_ah ok, thank's15:09
mimilus_the iso are live cd like standart ubuntu CDs ?15:10
phillw128Mb is about the minimum for lubuntu15:10
mimilus_ok thank's15:10
phillwjust bear in mind the 'check cd' does not work on 10.04 (Save you thinking it was a corrupt download / burn)15:11
mimilus_ok thank's , at the end of the install, just before reboot ?15:12
mimilus_check cd does not work, in the menu after boot ?15:13
* mimilus_ 's trying to connect synapses15:14
phillwyes, you need to manually verify it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/10.0415:15
mimilus_so I'll see it , that's it ?15:15
mimilus_ok thank's15:15
jarnosCan someone add pidgin to autostarted applications?15:53
stlsaintjarnos: you can on your install ;)15:54
jarnosstlsaint, like how?15:54
Unit193jarnos: Is that what you want to do? There is a sweet wiki page telling you how: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ15:55
jarnosUnit193, for some reason it does not work for pidgin.desktop in Natty.15:57
Unit193jarnos: You're talking about program launch on login?15:59
jarnosUnit193, I can't see pidgin in Desktop Session Settings dialog even if I copy pidgin.desktop to ~/.config/autostart16:00
jarnosUnit193, it is strange, since I can add xchat to autostarted in similar way, actually it shows enabled in the dialog, if I copy the respective file.16:13
jarnosEven if not shown in the dialog, pidgin gets autostarted in login.16:16
Unit193jarnos: That does seem a little odd...16:16
home-alonehi....what are the system requirements for Lubuntu...???18:22
mikedep334home-alone: with 10.04 at least, basically any computer with 128MB of RAM18:43
mikedep334eg, you could use a 300 mhz CPU if you had to18:44
mikedep334a video card that can do 1024x768 would be safe18:44
mikedep334keyboard + mouse, stuff like a trackball should work too18:44
mikedep334home-alone: oh, at least 3GB of HDD space or so18:44
faaarsomeone can help me?how can i install skype on lubuntu 11.04?18:44
mikedep334faaar, I know that if you install the ubuntu software center you can install it from the "canonical partners"18:45
mikedep334let me see if there's a direct way18:45
mikedep334faaar: can you try running: sudo software-properties-gtk18:46
faaari ll try18:46
mikedep334if it works, go to the "other software" tab18:46
mikedep334and enable the partner repository (not the one with source code)18:47
faaarnow what?18:47
mikedep334if that works, open up synpatic package manager18:47
mikedep334hit "reload" or whatever in the top left18:47
mikedep334and search for skype18:47
mikedep334select it18:47
mikedep334hit install18:47
mikedep334it should then install18:48
Unit193mikedep334: You really should use gksudo with GUI apps!18:48
mikedep334Unit193: ahh, thanks18:48
faaarit works,thanks mikedep33418:50
mikedep334faaar: glad to be of help!18:50
mikedep334run a test call though18:50
home-alonedoes Lubuntu uses only LXDE as DE...???18:51
mikedep334home-alone: you can add other desktop environments if you want18:51
mikedep334I'm almost definite you chose between them at the login prompt18:51
mikedep334it's part of LXDM18:51
mikedep334LXDE Display Manager18:51
mikedep334eg, you can install the "ubuntu-desktop" package to get gnome18:52
home-alonebut then it will nomore Lubuntu...???18:52
Unit193Don't forget about the openbox18:52
home-alone"L"in lubuntu is LXDE18:52
mikedep334then went prompted, chose to stick with lxdm as the display manager18:52
mikedep334home-alone: Lubuntu uses LXDE, Ubuntu uses gnome. Whichever one you start out with doesn't matter too much.18:53
mikedep334AFAIK, if you're switching between GNOME & LXDE, the only real difference between Ubuntu & Lubuntu is the artwork on bootup & the display manager18:54
mikedep334just keep in mind that installing Ubuntu-Desktop will install ALL the standard GNOME Ubuntu packages18:54
mikedep334it will take up a lot of space18:54
mikedep334and GNOME apps will use up more memory than LXDE (or regular GTK) apps in general18:55
home-aloneI will go with default Lubuntu . I have a fairly old pc its PII with 256 ram and 20 gb HD18:55
Unit193Ubuntu went Unity, so not so much gnome ;)18:56
mikedep334home-alone: Ubuntu 10.04 should run great on there18:57
home-aloneno ubuntu 10.04 is pretty slow on it18:57
mikedep334Ubuntu 11.04 used up like 256MB for me out-of-box, but I think there may have been something wrong or a hardware-specific memory usage issue.18:57
mikedep334Ubuntu 11.04 should defniitely run on it though18:58
Unit193mikedep334: s/Ubuntu/Luubuntu ?18:58
mikedep334home-alone: do not expect 11.04 to be significantly faster than 10.04 though18:58
mikedep334Unit193: my bad18:58
mikedep334*Lubuntu 11.04 used up like 200-250 MB of RAM for me out-of-box for some reason, but I think there may have been something wrong...18:59
mikedep334home-alone: you might want to try the 'midori' web browser if web browsing goes slow18:59
mikedep334also, try not run too many apps at once (but that's generic advice)18:59
mikedep334also, here's the latest version of midori: https://launchpad.net/~midori/+archive/ppa19:00
mikedep334let me know if you need help installing it from the PPA19:00
Unit193I have heard good things about arora too (Midori is a great browser, if a little buggy)19:00
mikedep334Unit193: haven't tried it19:00
mikedep334I know many people are using epiphany too, it's lightweight now that it uses webkit19:01
mikedep334Unit193: Arora uses QT though, QT would take up some extra memory on his system19:02
Unit193mikedep334: Yeah... That is the downside. I personally use midori19:04
mikedep334Unit193: yup19:06
mikedep334I mainly know about this stuff for when I am helping people with old systems19:07
mikedep334I use firefox or chome myself19:07
Unit193Chrome? Not Chromium?19:08
kosaidpohello guys19:11
kosaidpoanyone know a good app to convert files to mp4 ??19:12
mikedep334kosaidpo: assuming you mean apple mp4 files, then handbrake should do a good job19:16
mikedep334Unit193: I use Chrome. I am also on Windows most of the time (ie, now)19:16
kosaidpomikedep334: thanks ill try it now ,btw i mean an application by app : D19:17
mikedep334kosaidpo: np, every body knows application = app19:17
mikedep334kosaidpo: what (L)ubuntu release are you on?19:18
mikedep334here's the PPA for Lucid and older19:18
kosaidpomikedep334: 11.0419:18
mikedep334kosaidpo: ahh, good19:19
kosaidpomikedep334: but its not availabe tho :P19:19
mikedep334handbrake-gtk is the package you want, it's in the default repositories19:19
kosaidpoi have to add the repo mikedep33419:19
mikedep334maybe I got it from another repo19:19
kosaidpoohh okies no console version ?? i wud like it if its lighter n faster19:20
Unit193!info handbreak-gtk19:20
mikedep334kosaidpo: oh, there should be handbrake-cli19:20
ubot5Package handbreak-gtk does not exist in natty19:20
mikedep334I assumed you weren't fluent with the CLI19:20
kosaidpomikedep334: im not tho but ilike to use it :D19:21
mikedep334kosaidpo: getdeb has handbrake-gtk & handbrake-cli19:21
mikedep334kosaidpo: cool19:21
kosaidposo i can be fluent in the future19:21
mikedep334the PPA is only for lucid and older19:21
kosaidpomikedep334: ohhh okies19:21
mikedep334kosaidpo: http://www.getdeb.net/software/HandBrake19:22
mikedep334looks like you'll have to add the entire getdeb repo19:22
mikedep334that link does not include the handbrake-cli package19:23
mikedep334see the "Click here to learn how to install application from getdeb"19:23
kosaidpoi dont mind addin the getden repo i have already the game one :D19:23
mikedep334follow the instructions, and then you should be able to find handbrake-cli in synaptic19:23
Unit193or apt-get ;)19:24
mikedep334Unit193: or "sudo aptitude install handbrake-cli"19:24
mikedep334I for one will mourn the loss of aptitude on the ubuntu-desktop CD19:25
Unit193I won't as I use apt-get full time19:25
mikedep334Unit193: gotcha19:25
mikedep334I have a ton of trouble whenever I try to use the interactive mode of aptitude19:25
Unit193mikedep334: Have you looked at pastebinit? That's one program I want by default19:25
mikedep334but the command line mode (if that is the correct term) has more feature than apt-get19:26
mikedep334try entering "aptitude " then hitting tab19:26
kosaidpomikedep334: i use apt-get too :D19:26
mikedep334Unit193: no, sounds cool though19:26
Unit193mikedep334: lspci |pastebinit | usage :D19:27
kosaidpoguys icant add the deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps using the cmmd line ??19:27
mikedep334for example, try "aptitude search <part-of-package-name>"19:27
kosaidpoi mean with apt-add-repo19:27
mikedep334Unit193: ahh! good test case.19:27
Unit193mikedep334: apt-cache search lala19:27
Unit193mikedep334: Maybe we should take this -offtopic...19:27
mikedep334kosaidpo: use sudo dpkg -i <getdeb-.deb-file-name>19:28
mikedep334or double click the getdeb repository-adding deb19:28
mikedep334in case that works19:28
mikedep334Unit193: I'm about to head out19:28
kosaidpomiked yeh i kno it will im jst curious how to add a non launchapd repo using the console for ex this one sudo apt-add-repository deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps19:29
* kosaidpo this does work19:29
mikedep334kosaidpo: in case you don't know, you do need to use sudo19:29
kosaidpomikedep334: what ?? i use this ---> sudo apt-add-repository deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps  BUT its not wokin19:30
mikedep334kosaidpo: the line "deb http://arhive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps" needs to be entered in software-properties-gtk19:30
kosaidpomikedep334: so thers no way to do it via the console ?19:31
mikedep334kosaidpo: it's a different syntax19:31
mikedep334let me look it up19:31
mikedep334kosaidpo: apt-add-repository is only for PPA's it sounds like19:32
mikedep334try running just:19:32
mikedep334sudo deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps19:33
mikedep334then the 2nd command they tell you to for the signature19:33
kosaidponot workin19:33
mikedep334the deb command does not exist19:35
mikedep334oh, ok19:35
mikedep334sudo apt-add-repository http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps19:35
kosaidpomikedep334: this one doesnt work19:36
mikedep334kosaidpo: for reference, I looked this up by running: apt-add-repository --help19:36
kosaidpomikedep334: yesh :P19:38
mikedep334got it!19:38
mikedep334sudo apt-add-repository 'http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps'19:38
mikedep334for reference19:38
mikedep334you chould probably put the original line (beginning with 'deb') into a file like /etc/apt/sources.list19:39
mikedep334Unit193: how do you echo a line into a file with >> when you need to use sudo?19:39
kosaidpookies thanks19:39
mikedep334I thought it complains about permissions19:40
kosaidpomikedep334: even i already did it using the gui :P19:40
Unit193mikedep334: I just use sudo nano19:40
mikedep334Unit193: yeah, me too19:40
kosaidpomikedep334: i guess sudo echo "hello" > filename19:40
mikedep334I just want to avoid making typing mistakes at times19:40
bioterrortwo arrows19:40
Unit193Doesn't that clear the file?19:40
bioterrorwhen you want to append19:40
mikedep334yeah, two arrows is append19:41
mikedep334one arrow is overwrite19:41
mikedep334make sure you use the correct one!19:41
kosaidpoyeh sorry need to add 2 arrows19:41
bioterrorKurdistan, 6-1!! :D19:41
mikedep334sudo echo deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps >> /etc/apt/sources.list19:42
mikedep334bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: permission denied19:42
Kurdistanbioterror, I didnt get you.19:42
bioterrormikedep334, uou forgot " "19:42
mikedep334bioterror: no difference19:42
bioterrorKurdistan, you watch only football?19:43
mikedep334sudo echo "deb http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu natty-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list19:43
mikedep334same error19:43
Kurdistanbioterror, almost, you talk about hocky?19:43
bioterrorKurdistan, ya!19:43
Kurdistanfinland against sweden?19:43
Kurdistan:) okey now I understand19:44
Kurdistanhow is lubuntu shaping up?19:45
mikedep334ok, I'm off to play with my eee pad transformer at starbucks at the mall19:45
mikedep334last weekend I was there with my viewsonic gtablet, after talking to an apple store employee for a bit he encouraged me to apply for a job at the apple store19:45
mikedep334Kurdistan: I didn't get a chance to play with it too much; I installed it on a machine with either a failing HDD & DVD drive, or a failing storage controller19:46
Kurdistanmikedep334, I see. better luck later then.19:46
d3vl1nhi all21:04
semitoneshey you guys21:45
semitonesi'm running lubuntu from USB, and it's not detecting my wifi card that it should detect (texas instruments acx)21:45
szczuri guess tiacx modules were removed form kernel around ubuntu 9.10. You'll have to use windows drivers with ndiswrapper.21:53
bodhi_zazenI am looking for advice on how to make an iso bootable from grub2 without installing the iso22:47
bodhi_zazenI understand lubuntu has been modified to allow this, but can not find documentation of how to do this22:47
bodhi_zazenanyone here able to shed some light on the question ?22:47
Unit193bodhi_zazen: You're asking about changes to the ISO? That's best for jmarsden, gilir or maybe even bioterror22:50
Unit193ISO Building that is22:50
bodhi_zazenWell, it will probably be changes to the initrd ...22:53
bodhi_zazenbut yes22:53
Unit193You may need to hangout for a while...22:56
Unit193Do you have any idea what file it might be in?23:14
bodhi_zazenWell, to boot an iso you use a config for grub2 that loop mounts the iso23:17
phillwbodhi_zazen: lubuntu have only been very recently the tools for ubuntu official builds23:17
phillwbodhi_zazen: in the past, the devs were using their own system.23:18
phillwby the way, hello bodhi_zazen, master. Quiet I may be, listen I do :)23:19
bodhi_zazenSo I can loop mount my zenix iso, but I am getting a kernel panic23:19
bodhi_zazen'lo phillw =)23:19
phillwbodhi_zazen: jmarsden would probably be the best to help you on that issue.23:20
bodhi_zazenso my kernel loads, it runs initrd (the init in the rd) , but then when it goes to pass off the root fs -> panic23:20
phillwbodhi_zazen: as you well know, I'm an admin not a dev. get a hold of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JonathanMarsden and have a chat to him, he is a really good guy and well skilled.23:23
semitoneshey phillw how's it going?23:26
phillwsemitones: after yesterday, waking with a pulse was good :) Things are okay. How are things with you?23:27
Unit193Had a little spam there...23:28
semitoneswhoa, intense :)23:28
semitonesthings with me are pretty ok -- just struggling a little with installing lubuntu to my dad's old laptop23:28
semitonesare you on lubuntu right now?23:29
phillwsemitones: nope, it is on my to do list, once I have the database recovered for my parents' company. Which has so far taken 3 days. It will either go well, or fail massively.23:31
semitonesgood luck!23:31
phillwsemitones: what is the problem?23:32
semitonesphillw, lubuntu doesn't automatically detect my old wifi card23:33
semitonesit looks like the drivers were dropped from the kernel23:33
semitonesso I was wondering if lubuntu had ndiswrapper installed automatically23:33
phillwsemitones: As we use the standard WiFi that comes with the ubuntu family, if it works on ubuntu and not on lubuntu then it is a bug that needs checking.23:34
semitonesphillw, I'll boot ubuntu and verify -- I'm using 10.10 by the way, 11.04 won't boot at all (it might be a bad .iso23:35
phillwsemitones: as I am running 9.10 ubuntu as they managed to 'improve' things and break my 3G device, sometimes things go well, some times there are regressions. We adapt :)23:37
mikedep334semitones: you know how to check the burnt CD?23:37
mikedep334it's in the boot menu23:37
semitonesmikedep334, hehe, about that23:37
semitonesit fails the same way if I choose "test cd" or "install"23:38
semitonesactually, let me try it on a newer computer23:38
mikedep334semitones: try one of the F6 options I think23:38
phillwsemitones: depends on which version of lubuntu you are using :)23:38
mikedep334there should be some options like "disable acpi"23:38
semitonesmikedep334, you think that will work?23:38
mikedep334semitones: yes, it's worked for me in the past23:38
mikedep334especially on older PC's23:39
mikedep334fiddle with those hardware compatibility options23:39
mikedep334well, not older PC's, but still23:39
semitonesdang this time the bootlogo is taking a long time to come up23:42
semitonesyuck, it froze trying to load bootlogo23:43
semitonesblinking cursor syndrome23:43
bodhi_zazenWhile I am here ...23:43
bodhi_zazenphillw: do you mind if I post a link to my custom iso ?23:43
Unit193bodhi_zazen: I'm guessing you could in #lubuntu-offtopic ?23:44
phillwbodhi_zazen: not at all, my friend. and if you wish a secondary link for it, I will happily post it to my server,23:45
bodhi_zazenThank you23:45
bodhi_zazenDownloads : http://zenix-os.net/download.html23:45
bodhi_zazenphillw: If you would be willing to mirror those , that would be fantastic23:46
bodhi_zazenPM me the url and I will add it to the downloads page23:46
phillwbodhi_zazen: I will get bioterror to upload them to my server. but, as Unit193 pointed out - rules are rules and we 'should' be on #lubuntu-offtopic. Heck, we do train them well :)23:47
Unit193phillw: I wasn't sure if linking to other distros was allowed in here...23:51
phillwUnit193: officially it should have been done on -offtopic, however all rules are made with the sole intent of being broken. And to have that 'rule' broken by such a fantastic guy is, to me, a honour.23:54

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