
rrnwexecjono: is there a UDS-O track summary posted somewhere for the community track?00:05
jonorrnwexec, not yet00:06
rrnwexecjono: thanks.00:07
mhall119AlanBell: is that new moin?00:07
AlanBell1.9.3 is the very latest00:08
mhall119nice, how does it run?00:08
AlanBelllike a dog00:08
AlanBell(and not a fast dog)00:09
AlanBellbradm wants to do the upgrade and then think about turning on xapian later /o\00:10
AlanBellnobody in IS seems to give a toss that it takes ages to save pages because they don't save pages00:10
AlanBellif they put it live like this and make a fuss about the fact they upgraded it they are going to get a huge pushback about moin and calls to move to mediawiki again00:12
mhall119is it running on MySQL or Postgresql?00:42
* head_victim can probably drive to bradm's place for some standover tactics if that helps AlanBell, I believe he's fairly local ;)00:45
czajkowskijono: sorry fell aslee :(02:17
czajkowskijust woke up02:17
dpmgood morning everyone!08:14
czajkowskisleeping pattern is well off this week08:55
kim0morning folks09:01
kim0dpm: czajkowski hi o/09:01
dpmmorning kim0, czajkowski :)09:01
nigelbhey kim0, dpm :)10:25
nigelbczajkowski: Hey, we missed you last night!10:25
czajkowskiyeah sorry10:25
czajkowskijust out of whack atm with sleeping pattern10:25
czajkowskiit didnt show up in my google cal :/10:25
czajkowskiI'd also only had my weekly call last week with jono and I thought we were merging them so it wouldn't be till next week10:26
dpmhey nigelb :)10:26
nigelbczajkowski: Its okay :) That's why took notes and sent it across.  Mike couldn't make it either.10:26
kim0nigelb: hey there :)10:33
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dpmhey cjohnston, hey mhall11913:46
mhall119hey dpm13:53
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=== daker is now known as daker_
koolhead17kim0: around20:18
czajkowskivery quiet in here22:37
czajkowskinobody alive22:37
cjohnstonit is quiet today22:37
czajkowskibreaking things instead22:37
JFoFriday afternoons feel like they go on forever22:40
JFogood that I use them more for planning :)22:41
czajkowskiJFo: any fun plans for this cycle22:41
czajkowskiQ&A sessions22:41
czajkowskigetting folks involved?22:41
JFonot any of those yet on the agenda for me22:41
JFoI think jjohansen has some work items for that this cycle22:42
JFoand he has told me he will drag me in as needed :-)22:42
JFogotta run pick my truck up from the shop22:42
JFok, back :)22:55
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
JFonow that was odd22:57
JFoI see where I said I was back but the screen was frozen.22:57
JFoso I did a hard reboot22:57
JFovery strange22:58
czajkowskiI'm having to do that a lot lately22:58
czajkowskieverything just goes tits up and locks22:58
czajkowskimost annoying22:58
JFoyeah, that was the second time today22:58
JFowell, I am done for the week. Have a great weekend czajkowski :)22:59
czajkowskialso vlc has become really unsatable for me22:59
czajkowskiyou too22:59
czajkowskiJFo: have fun22:59
JFothanks, you too :)22:59

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