
bcurtiswxxclaesse: Send me an email and I can get to it.01:16
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: nm 0.9 is pretty much ready, but I'm struggling a bit porting the indicator patch to nm-applet 0.9.01:55
cyphermoxonce that's done I'll upload to oneiric and we can put it in the PPA too01:55
bcurtiswxIt needs gtk3 and kenvandine may be able to help once he catches up.01:56
bcurtiswxcyphermox: Great though!01:56
cyphermoxbah, we already have gtk301:57
bcurtiswxThe indicator patch needs to be gtk3ified01:58
cyphermoxyeah, I'm working on it01:58
cyphermoxthat's all that's stopping me from uploading NM, because otherwise the applet is broken, and wifi is pretty much unusable :)01:58
bcurtiswxI may steal your work when your done O:-)01:59
cyphermoxI'm already running 0.9 on my laptop, but without applet for now01:59
bcurtiswxI am in NY camping with my 'rents this weekend.02:02
cyphermoxcamping with the intarwebs ? ;)02:05
bcurtiswx3G phone and colloquy :) I start tomorrow02:06
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cyphermoxbcurtiswx: done! I'll give it some more testing locally and push/upload tomorrow :)02:58
bcurtiswxcyphermox: Great! :)03:14
EhsanSanayeiHi does anyone know how can I add a keyboard input layout using terminal?Im Using ubuntu 11.0405:26
pittiGood morning05:27
RAOFGood morning!05:28
EhsanSanayeiHi Good morning05:28
EhsanSanayeido you guys know how can I add a keyboard input layout using terminal?Im Using ubuntu 11.0405:28
RAOFEhsanSanayei: This is not a support channel; a better place to ask would be #ubuntu or askubuntu.com.  That said, ‘sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration’ is likely to do what you want.05:29
pittirobert_ancell: hey Robert, how are you?05:30
EhsanSanayeiwhat channel is this?05:30
robert_ancellpitti, hello05:30
pittirobert_ancell: urgh, that must have been the worst ubuflu ever -- do you feel any better?05:30
robert_ancellpitti, I've been feeling better the last two days, but still not 100%05:31
TheMusoGood morning pitti.05:32
pittirobert_ancell: so, I hope the weekend will provide the rest! *hug*05:32
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?05:32
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks.05:33
RAOFrobert_ancell: I see that you've managed to eliminate the flicker on login between lightdm and unity.  Yay!05:33
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, it seems just setting the background pixmap and cursor was all that was required05:34
robert_ancellI just need to add Plymouth integration (which seems overly complicated) and then I think it's ready for A105:34
robert_ancellRAOF, actually, do you know the details of Plymouth?05:35
RAOFPlymouth integration shouldn't be hard, right?  As far as I'm aware, all you need to do is pass X the “no background” option and tell plymouth to quit?05:35
robert_ancellRAOF, well, actually the display managers do more: 1. They tell Plymouth to get ready to quit, and then they tell it to quit in different ways, and if the X server fails to start they do it differently again05:37
robert_ancellI can't see what the point is, it's only going to save microseconds instead of just going.  "I am the display manager and you shalt quit now!"05:37
RAOFAh, ok.  I'm more aware of the X side, which is basically just ‘pass -nr to copy whatever was left on the fb to the root pixmap’05:38
RAOFI guess as long as you tell plymoth to quit in such a way that it doesn't clear the framebuffer you're golden - as long as you can clean up if X doesn't start.05:39
robert_ancellwhat do you need to do to clean up?05:40
RAOFWell, you'd like to leave the user with a text mode VT with a login prompt on it, I guess.05:40
RAOFAlthough that's really a lie.  You *want* to leave the user with X up, whatever it takes to get it there.05:41
pittikenvandine_: are you still awake by any chance?05:41
robert_ancellRAOF, is that just a matter of telling the kernel to switch VT?05:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: I'm not familiar with the details of what plymouth does in the various exit scenarios, sorry.05:42
robert_ancellRAOF, but in terms of graphics, Plymouth is just writing to the frame buffer on one VT right?05:42
RAOFAlthough if you could ensure that plymouth doesn't mess with the tty's input mode, making “enter” send SIGQUIT, that'd be ace :)05:42
RAOFrobert_ancell: Precisely, yes.05:42
pittirobert_ancell: I don't think anything except plymouth itself should ever do a VT switch these days05:44
robert_ancellpitti, doesn't CK do VT switches too?05:45
pittiOMGno; CK only tracks VT switches, but never actively does them05:45
pittithere's some clever handover between plymouth and X.org, but I don't know the details of that05:46
pitti(to get it completely flicker-free)05:46
robert_ancellpitti, so how do you switch user? I thought that went via CK and it did the VT switch05:46
RAOFI presumed that's gdm?05:47
pittirobert_ancell: yes, you can tell it to change to a different VT05:47
pittirobert_ancell: sorry, I thought you were talking about the initial startup and plymouth handover05:47
robert_ancellRAOF, no, that was outsourced to CK05:47
pittionce X is running, plymouth is gone, so from then on it's not involved any more05:47
robert_ancellpitti, The GDM plymouth patch calls plymouth_quit_without_transition if the X server dies.  I'm guessing the idea is to quit Plymouth if you fail to start the server?05:51
pittirobert_ancell: I think so, so that you at least have a VT05:56
didrocksgood morning07:11
pittibonjour didrocks07:13
pittididrocks: seems unity-2d and dependencies currently pull in 10.6 MB of extra .debs07:13
didrockspitti: guten morgen. compressed or uncompressed?07:14
pittididrocks: compressed (.deb size)07:14
didrockshow did you see that? there was no respin. did you try manually?07:15
pittiI apt-get upgraded, removed all Qt stuff from my system, and then dist-upgraded (which was only ubuntu-desktop pulling in unity)07:15
pittii. e. upgraded everything else except unity-2d, and then pulled that in by itself07:15
pittiI wanted to see the magnitude of it07:15
didrockspitti: it seems not as bad as what we were thinking of first (15/18MB)07:15
didrocksdo you know what changed yesterday to make the CD oversize (and win 15 MB) btw?07:16
pittididrocks: no; actually I still don't know what made the 0525 one so small07:17
pittiwe added GTK3, numpy, langpacks got bigger (due to update packs), gcc/g++ got bigger, etc.07:17
pittithat's why it really surprised me that the first build was not oversized07:17
pittinow we are about 15 MB oversized which is about what I expected07:17
pittiI mean, 10 MB oversized, grew by 15 MB07:18
didrockspitti: ok, so 15 MB to win now that we everything in. That will be challenging…07:18
pittiI'm fixing numpy right now07:18
pittididrocks: today's build should come out as 720 MB, with unity-2d in07:18
* pitti unseeds g-s-t07:19
didrockssorry, I miss 5 MB there :-)07:19
didrocksok no07:19
didrocksyou are speaking of amd64, right?07:19
didrocksok, I was focusing on i386 ;)07:19
didrocksso, I found the 5 Mb delta I was missing ;)07:20
didrockspitti: a quick look at gnome-panel + applets + alacarte and we should win 1.3 Mb one unseeded07:25
pittiI also unseeded g-s-t07:26
pittididrocks: do you already have an idea how much can be squeezed out of qt?07:26
didrockspitti: those are replaced by g-c-c modules for most of them?07:26
pittididrocks: we only used users-admin in natty07:27
pittithe rest already had replacements07:27
pittiand g-c-c 3 now provides that07:27
didrockspitti: well, the dep seems to be quite minimal, I need to first do the merge with debian (next week) which will be touchy to have a deeper look, but it seems we only pool the modules we need07:27
didrocksok, nice :)07:27
pittididrocks: so shoudl we unseed gnome-panel/-applets, as they are already pulled in by session-fallback?07:28
pittiso that they fall off the CD once session-fallback does?07:28
didrockspitti: exactly07:29
didrockspitti: do you want me to do that? (or are you already modifying the seed with g-s-t)07:29
pittiI'm at it07:29
didrockspitti: don't forget alacarte07:30
pittigot it07:30
pittididrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.oneiric/revision/184107:31
didrockspitti: excellent :)07:32
pittididrocks: does unity-2d use metacity?07:32
pittiwe still seed this directly07:32
didrockspitti: yeah, we can remove the direct seed07:33
didrocksunity-2d depends on it07:33
didrockshum, indicator-applet-session, dpkg -L seems to show it's only the applet, so safe to remove07:33
didrockswell, once we will remove the fallback session07:33
* didrocks adds a note to the pad07:33
pitti= GUI infrastructure =07:34
pitti * xterm                         # Provide a backup terminal and complete X env.07:34
* pitti kicks out gconf-editor; dconf-editor FTW!07:34
didrockswill we install dconf-editor by default?07:35
didrocksI like the "Provide […] complete X env" :-)07:36
pittiwe don't install it right now07:36
didrocksseems we shouldn't?07:37
pittinot sure07:37
pittihttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.oneiric/changes has some further cleanup now07:41
* didrocks pulls07:42
pittiI left metacity for now07:43
didrocksgtk2-engines isn't needed anymore?07:43
didrockspitti: oh, why?07:44
pittiit's already a dependency, and should be07:44
pittiit's not a top-level app which we want to seed, is it?07:44
didrockspitti: the why is for "left metacity", sorry about the confusion07:44
didrocksyeah, for gtk2-engines, themes should depend on it07:45
pittiI'm not 100% clear that we can drop it; if you are, please drop it07:45
didrocksyes we can07:45
pittithat's the Obama spirit! :)07:45
didrocksdropping compiz as well, unity pulls it in07:48
alex3fmvo: you around?07:48
pittididrocks: committing small cleanup, please update again07:48
didrockspitti: sure, and done :-)07:49
didrockswhat's the firefox's thing? seems to take some disk space… :-)07:50
pittiwget -O- |less !07:50
didrocksisn't the way everyone is browsing the web? ;)07:51
* pitti kills gnome-about, pulls in pygtk2, and unity doesn't show it anyway07:53
pittiand classic session pulls it in07:53
pittiuh, we still install pulseaudio-esound-compat -- do we still need that? it's 2011!07:54
pittiTheMuso: ^ opinion?07:54
pittipulseaudio still recommends that, too07:55
* pitti unseeds07:55
pittididrocks: what about gnome-menus?07:56
pittiunity uses these as well for the categories, right?07:57
didrockspitti: unity-place-applications uses it IIRC07:57
didrockslet me check07:57
pittifor the category view, presumably07:57
didrocksyeah, it's merging the usc categories with the gnome-menu ones07:57
didrocksthe final goal is only to rely on usc categories (and have everything in the right category)07:58
didrocksbut with mikkel out for 4 months, that won't happen this cycle07:58
alex3fsoftware-center related question, anyone?07:58
pittididrocks: ok, I think that was a nice cleanup round, I'll rebuild08:00
didrockspitti: great, let's see how bad it goes :-)08:01
pittididrocks: shouldn't make a lot of actual difference on the CD08:01
didrockspitti: I'm help smspillaz to prepare the compiz SRU and then, I'll be able to *finally* upgrade to oneiric08:01
pittimost of the cleanup was stuff that already is a dependency08:01
pittijust shouldn't be seeded directly08:01
didrocksyeah, if we didn't screw up one dep, which should be ok ;)08:01
didrockspitti: btw, what is the scheme policy to upload unity 3.8.14-0ubuntu1 for -proposed? adding a ~sru1?08:03
pittididrocks: if you actually take the oneiric package and backport it, use ~natty108:03
didrockspitti: ok, doing that :)08:04
pittiif you take the natty package and update the version only (i. e. don't change the packagin), use -0ubuntu0.11.0408:04
didrocksthere is a change in the packaging (adding a compiz dep)08:04
mvohey alex3f - yes08:07
alex3fmorning, I found a problem in running s-c locally (not installed)08:07
alex3fit doesn't detect software-center.menu from build08:08
alex3finstead searches for /usr/share/app-install/desktop/software-center.menu08:08
alex3fI will patch it08:08
alex3f(the visible result: no categories are loaded)08:08
mvoalex3f: cool, please do08:08
mvoalex3f: I will be happy to take the patch08:09
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pittirobert_ancell: FYI, I'm applying our remainign libgtop2 delta to Debian and will sync afterwards, no need to merge08:40
pitti(addition of the gir package)08:41
pittiugh, today's alternates are at 729 MB08:49
pittithat's going to be fun08:50
pittihey rodrigo_08:53
rodrigo_hi pitti08:55
didrockshey rodrigo_08:57
rodrigo_hi didrocks08:57
didrockslut seb12808:59
pittibonjour seb12809:02
rodrigo_bonjour seb12809:02
seb128hey guys09:05
jibelseb128, is the retracer offline ?09:06
seb128jibel, dunno I didn't check since we turned apport off before natty09:06
seb128jibel, we have no oneiric retracers set up yet for sure09:06
seb128let me check if the natty ones are working09:06
jibelseb128, ah ok. I'm selfish here and more concerned about oneiric ;-)09:07
seb128well I'm not ;-)09:07
seb128we usually don't turn apport on so early because it would spam launchpad with bugs that will be fixed by upstream before we triage them09:08
seb128not to mention that keeping an oneiric system uptodate and running for the retracers is costing in maintainance time so early in the cycle09:08
htorquehello everyone! is it a bug that i cannot change gdm's config using 'sudo -u gdm gsettings set ...'?09:09
pittiour gdm is using GTK2 and gconf09:10
pittiseb128: do you have a minute to discuss icon downsizing? on mumble perhaps?09:11
htorquepitti: thanks, yet the key is there and writable but always stays 'true' (org.gnome.power-manager 'backlight-enable')09:13
jibelseb128, no worries, understood. thanks.09:14
seb128jibel, if you feel like we need retracers now we can discuss it, you should just know it has an impact on the launchpad noise level and is work to keep them running so early09:15
seb128pitti, heh, sure, I can discuss it there or on mumble, I'm just not sure I know enough about icons to be useful to you09:16
seb128could be better to discuss there to let a chance to people who have a clue about icons to comment if we need input?09:16
pittiseb128: (@phone, brb)09:16
pittiok, let's do that here the09:16
seb128lol, I can picture pitti the phone on one side, mumble on the other side and the discussing on IRC on the middle ;-)09:17
htorqueanother question: is it ok to ask questions like above in the ubuntu-* channels? i'm not looking for support, i just don't want to create useless bug reports.09:17
jibelseb128, no, there are very few crash report coming in for Oneiric, I was just wondering.09:17
seb128jibel, ok, I think we will set up the retracers when we have a moment without turning on apport by default to start09:18
pittiseb128: so, given that we are now 30 MB oversized, I think the "reduce icons" thing is pretty much non-optional now; so I ponder about the "how"09:21
pittithere are 207 icons in gnome-icon-theme which aren't provided by humanity09:21
pittiwhich is too much to just copy to -humanity09:21
pittiso I had this in mind:09:21
seb128we are? cdimage are 709meg09:21
seb128didn't we say we would go to 720meg isos?09:22
pitti- split out these icons into gnome-icon-theme-shared09:22
pittiseb128: alternates from today are at 73009:22
pittiseb128: yesterday's live images don't have unity-2d/qt yet09:22
seb128sorry keep going I didn't mean to stop you09:22
pittiand none of them have the LLVM gallium drivers09:22
seb128right but they still have gnome-panel etc though, but that's another discussion09:22
pitti- add build dep to humanity to dynamically determine the missing ones and which ones to move to -shared09:22
pitti- g-i-t depends: g-i-t-shared09:23
pitti- add human-i-t depends: g-i-t-shared09:23
pitti- replace all g-i-t depends on the default install with human-i-t | g-i-t09:23
pittiadd g-i-t depends to tweak tool (for people wanting to change theme)09:24
pittithat should save us some 5.8 MB09:24
pittiit's hackish, but it's quite a large savings09:25
pittiwe need to fix the dependencies of some 10 packages, so not too bad09:25
pittidoes that sound reasonable to you?09:25
pittivish: ^ I'd appreciate your opinion as well, you worked with icons quite a lot09:28
seb128pitti, the " - replace all g-i-t depends on the default install with human-i-t | g-i-t" means having to have a delta over debian for all of those?09:28
seb128i.e we can't be on sync due to that?09:28
pittia lot of those are already "ours": ubuntu-mono, gdebi, unity-asset-pool, apturl09:29
pittifor the others, yes09:29
pittiwe don't currently have any of those in sync anyway, but if that would be the only delta, perhaps we can check if the dependency is necessary in the first place09:30
seb128I can't say I'm happy about it but I don't have a better suggestion yet09:30
seb128pitti, we have some, gnome-icon-theme-symbolic for example09:30
pittiI'm not exactly fond of the delta myself, but it seems to be the biggest potential savings that we have right now09:30
pittiseb128: right, that one seems to be the only one09:31
pittiah, the other is libgtkhtml-4.0-common09:31
vishpitti: do you have a list of those 207 icons? In Humanity, We have not done a few icons in all the sizes because they are not used/required in all the sizes, (so we could narrow it down and copy it over and drop g-i-t)09:31
pittiseb128: FTR, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110527/ just came in09:31
pitti733 MB :(09:31
seb128pitti, did you diff consider missing variants or only missing names?09:31
pittidiff -u <(dpkg -L humanity-icon-theme | sed 's_.*/__; s/\.\(png\|svg\)//'|sort -u) <(dpkg -L gnome-icon-theme | sed 's_.*/__; s/\.\(png\|svg\)//'|sort -u)|grep ^+09:32
seb128pitti, will we go for 720 isos this cycle? ie is that only 13meg over?09:32
pittithat's missing icon names09:32
seb128pitti, so we need to check also missing variants09:32
pittiseb128: we don't have a commitment to go to 720 this cycle yet09:32
pittiit indeed e. g. has09:33
didrockspitti: hum, more than the additional +15 Mb with unity-2d you counted?09:33
pittibut humanity already has "battery_full"09:33
pittiI wonder why we have two icons with the smae purpose but different names09:34
seb128well even moving the icons to h-i-t would not solve the "need to change the depends"09:34
pittiright, it would just simplify the g-i-t packaging09:34
pittiseb128: in theeeeory we could add a Provides: gnome-icon-theme to humanity-i-t09:34
pittiwell, no09:34
seb128provides are not versioned09:34
pittia lot of depends on it are versioned09:34
seb128pitti, same function, different name? because they added some names to the fdo spec and cleaned the naming while they were at it09:35
seb128some names are deprecated probably09:35
seb128pitti, but otherwise I've no better plan than yours for now and I don't see a real issue with it so go for it if you can so we can get testing and spot issues09:36
pittiI ran with g-i-t purged and didn't see any difference, but I'm sure there are some where I didn't notice easily09:36
seb128pitti, it might also allow use to reinstall icons we stopped installing previous cycle that will make i.e the gnome-shell users happy since they need nice icons for their alt-tab and overview09:37
pittithe 256x256 ones09:37
pittiwe can put them back then09:37
pittiugh, we will so much miss this..09:37
seb128one way to avoid the depends tweaking would be to have gnome-icon-theme depending on gnome-icon-theme-real | humanity-icon-theme09:38
pittiwell, we can also try to uninstall it completely09:38
pittiit seems that a lot of these aren't very useful anyway09:38
seb128or reverse09:38
pittioh, nice trick09:38
seb128h-i-t | g-i-t-r09:38
pitti-full and -shared09:38
pittithen we seed h-i-t early09:39
pittiand have tweak-tool depend on -full09:39
seb128right, for example09:39
pittimuch less intrusive indeed09:39
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pittiwe don't even need -shared then, I think09:39
pittig-i-t with the shared set, and depends: h-i-t | g-i-t-full09:40
pittithat way we only add one more package09:40
* pitti hugs seb128, nice idea09:41
* seb128 hugs pitti ;-)09:41
seb128pitti, we could maybe bribe mvo or kees to grep for the names not in h-i-t through a checkout of the sources from the default installation09:42
seb128like your 200 names09:42
seb128just to see which ones are used and where09:42
seb128it might be down to a few and we would get those in h-i-t09:43
didrockswe really need some kind of cross reference with all sources available for grep09:49
pittiseb128: I think I might do that first indeed09:50
seb128pitti, well I was just suggested kees or mvo because I know they have mirrors they can use for those sort of things09:52
pittiseb128: people.c.c. (lillypilly) has one09:52
seb128kees grepped through main for gtkstatusicon users previous cycle for dx09:52
seb128oh ok, great09:52
* pitti dusts off his old for-srcarchive scritp09:53
seb128pitti, I've the feeling we will get like 10 icons used and that we can copy them to h-i-t09:53
pittiyeah, me too09:54
pittiI have run without g-i-t for a week, and haven't seen a single broken icon09:54
didrocksthat's a nice plan :)09:55
faganchrisccoulson: not around yet?09:56
seb128didrocks, is the yellow color on the etherpad yours?09:56
didrocksseb128: there are two yellow colors IIRC, let me open it09:57
seb128didrocks, is that you who added a comment about indicator-applet-session?09:57
didrocksseb128: right09:57
seb128ok, I just wanted to confirm that it's indeed only the applet ;-)09:57
didrocksseb128: great! :-)09:58
didrocksso an easy target for removal once gnome-panel isn't there09:58
didrocksnot sure why g-p didn't recommend it btw?09:58
seb128didrocks, we can already drop it btw09:58
faganLooks like he isnt when does chrisccoulson start his day anyone im looking into the bindwood addon in 11.10 and im looking for some help with debugging09:58
njpatelpitti, Morning dude, I ended up quitting irc right after asking this a few days back, but how does one get a page like http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/u/jorge.html ?09:58
seb128didrocks, it recommends indicator-applet-complete which is the one we use since natty09:59
didrocksseb128: oh nice, so yeah, let's shot it:09:59
didrocksseb128: doing as well for indicator-message which a recommends of indicator-complete and recommends of unity10:02
seb128didrocks, thanks10:02
seb128while you are at it maybe drop g-s-t if that's not done yet10:02
seb128we have useraccounts in g-c-c10:02
didrocksseb128: pitti did g-s-t this morning10:03
seb128didrocks, btw if you review the at-spi2 mirs bonus point since that's at-spi which is basically the remaining libbonobo user on the CD10:03
didrocksseb128: we touched a little the seed, makes some cleanup (like removing window managers, and such)10:04
didrocksseb128: can do10:04
seb128thanks ;-)10:04
didrocksyw ;-)10:04
seb128ok, done with emails, let's get some work done ;-)10:09
seb128didrocks, btw if we have unity-2d on the CD did you guys drop gnome-panel?10:12
pittiseb128: we did a major round of seed cleanup this morning10:17
pittisee the recent ubuntu-meta upload10:17
pittimost of it won't actually fall off, as it's depended on by something else already10:17
pittinjpatel: hm, they shoudl be produced for everyone, let me check10:18
didrocksseb128: we can't, because the version of gnome-panel recommending the fallback session is dep-waiting10:18
seb128well we can clean the rdepends next10:18
seb128didrocks, ok, that will be sorted today, I started on the GNOME3 version10:18
seb128which I will probably upload when it's ready10:18
didrocksseb128: so, for people upgrading to alpha1, they won't have the session on upgrade if we don't have gnome-session dep on gnome-session-fallback10:18
didrocksseb128: awesome! :)10:18
seb128didrocks, if you want to workaround it make gnome-session recommends gnome-session-fallback and don't make gnome-session-fallback install gnome-panel10:19
didrockshum indicator-appmenu only recommends appmenu-gtk, not sure what we should do with appmenu-qt10:19
seb128users who have gnome-panel will still have it10:19
seb128didrocks, it should probably recommend both if we have the appmenu-qt depends on the CD10:20
didrocksseb128: right on the workaround, we can do that if you don't achieve to upoad it today10:20
pittinjpatel: hm, seems like a bug :(10:20
didrocksseb128: my estimate for gnome-panel + some deps are 1.6Mb10:20
seb128if we land gnome-panel it will be not be ubuntu-ish10:21
seb128the update will reset to an upstream layout and indicators are not ported yet10:21
didrocksseb128: for recommending both, that was my first shot (it's already on the cd by unity-2d, but I feel it's wrong), better to use indicator-appmenu for this10:21
seb128but that's fine, that will make GNOME users happy since they will get a GNOME experience10:21
didrocksseb128: the thing is that, will there be the case when we only want appmenu-gtk or appmenu-qt?10:21
didrocksseb128: agreed10:21
seb128didrocks, ? what I suggested is indicator-appmenu Recommends: appmenu-gtk, appmenu-qt10:22
seb128didrocks, those are small pieces of codes and recommends can be uninstalled if for some reason some users don't want them10:22
didrocksseb128: yeah, that what's I did in the vcs, but I'm wondering if there can be a spin of the cd where we want indicator-appmenu but without both toolkits10:22
didrocksappmenu-qt will bring qt?10:23
seb128didrocks, let's deal with real world complain when they come10:23
didrocksseb128: ok :)10:23
didrocksdoing that then10:23
didrocksand cleaning unity-2d dep10:23
seb128didrocks, the other option is to make libqt<something> recommend appmenu-qt10:23
didrocksseb128: I still find logical that the indicator recommends it, let's see later if we have special corner case with only one toolkit10:24
seb128didrocks, ok10:25
didrocksseb128: thanks for confirming :)10:25
seb128I'm wondering if we could make appmenu-qt not depends on qt and be a no-op if that one is not installed10:25
didrocksseb128: that would be the best way to handle it, right, same for appmenu-gtk10:26
didrocksseb128: let's see with aurelien on Monday, I'm dropping a note on the pad10:27
didrockshum, 3 MIRs on at-spi2-core?10:42
didrocksseems duplication of the same10:42
seb128didrocks, copy error in the title10:42
seb128one it -atk for sure10:42
seb128not sure about the third one10:42
didrocksok, looking at affects then10:42
didrockshum, 2 for -core and one for -atk10:43
seb128ok, one dup then10:43
didrocksah, and pyatspi10:44
pittinjpatel: for the moment, you can use http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/all.html#njpatel10:59
njpatelpitti, awesome, thank you :)11:04
ricotzfta, hello :), could you run your magic ppa-stats-script for the gnome3-ppa again?11:05
pittiseb128: 27 kB grep result, that's not too bad; now let's go through it with a fine comb11:11
seb128pitti, can you pastebin it somewhere?11:11
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/g-i-t-grep.txt11:13
pittibut let me weed out the noise first11:13
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
asacpitti: moin moin ... apport is set to enabled=0 in etc/default ... however, for all crashes i get this bug reporting tool blocking my workflow11:26
asacpitti: how can i disable that ;)?11:26
asaci am only on stable releases atm, so i dont really want to report crashes anyway11:26
pittiseb128: ah, it was 270 kB instead; cleaned up, now it's 5511:26
pittiasac: which kind of crashes?11:26
pittiasac: with enabled=0 it shoudln't trigger indeed11:27
pittipackage crashes will, though11:27
asacpitti: a few minutes ago gnome-terminal crashed and this bug reporting tool shoed up11:27
asacand did core dump analysis i guess because it was high load for a minute blocking everything11:27
pittiasac: cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern11:28
asac cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern11:28
pittiso it's not apport11:28
asacwhat is it?11:28
pittido you have bug-buddy perhaps?11:28
pittiasac: do a screenshot?11:28
asacyeah... i thought actually that apport was now integrated with their tool11:28
asacpitti: its gone ... let me check11:28
pittino, it's not11:28
asacif bug-buddy is installed11:28
pittiasac: do you have recent stuff in /var/crash/?11:29
asacpitti: no its empty :/11:29
asacpitti: i had bug-buddy installed ... no clue why11:29
asacpurging it does not remove any other package. thanks a bunch!!11:29
pittiyw :)11:29
seb128pitti, that list is managable, some probably just miss a symlink in h-i-t11:31
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/g-i-t-list.txt11:31
pittiicon names grepped out, and sort -u'ed11:31
pitti98 items11:31
seb128some are probably missing like the smiley ones or the style (italic, etc) ones11:31
pittiright, icons can have aliases, can't they?11:32
pittivish: ^11:32
pittivish: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/g-i-t-list.txt are the icon names which we actually use which humanity doesn't provide; I'm sure that many of them are just slightly different names11:33
pittiso I wonder whether I should go ahead and split them out, or whether we want to link/copy them into humanity11:33
pittibut, lunch first, or I fall off my chair11:33
seb128pitti, the smiley ones are probably missing, we should maybe just keep those in g-i-t and move the other ones to the new binary11:33
seb128hum, lunch!11:34
seb128pitti, enjoy ;-)11:34
pittistill some lasagne left from yesterday's dinner11:34
seb128hum lasagne11:36
seb128pitti, stop it, my stomach start complaining ;-)11:36
seb128in fact I should have lunch as well seems about time11:36
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mptseb128, hi, what was that gconf key that you got me to delete at the sprint, to stop the XKB error messages appearing?11:47
mptSomeone else in the office has the same problem :-)11:47
seb128mpt, the ones in11:48
seb128mpt, the ones in11:48
seb128mpt, the ones in /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd11:48
seb128sorry, select and middle click doesn't work with gconf-editor ;-)11:48
mptthanks seb128, I knew I should have written it down :-)11:48
seb128mpt, the error dialog should hint you iirc it ask for the value of those keys11:49
rodrigo_ok, evo-indicator wasn't as easy as we discussed yesterday, but not too hard, so proposing merge now11:59
mvoI finally have enough from this block-theme, how can I change the theme in gtk3?12:29
mvo(in oneiric)12:29
xclaessemvo, with gnome-tweak-tool12:32
didrocksseb128: commented on the 3 MIR for atspi2, still need some work12:32
mvonice, thanks xclaesse!12:33
xclaessemvo, note that only adwaita theme works on gtk312:33
mvohrm, hrm, it crashes here on startup, can't find org.gnome.shell.clock appparently12:34
zniavrei got his crash too12:35
xclaesseit probably doesn't run on unity :(12:37
ricotzit depends on an installed gnome-shell package12:38
mvoand that is not in oneiric yet, right?12:38
rodrigo_mvo, it needs the Gsettings schemas from gnome-shell, yes12:38
zniavre:o) wich is not into repos ...12:39
rodrigo_mvo, you can install it from the gnome3 ppa12:39
mvoanything I can do with dconf-edit/gconf-edit/*-editor?12:39
ricotzmvo, not yet ;)12:39
mvoI really don't mind the theme that much, but multiple tabs in gnome-terminal are really hard for me to distinguish (what tab is active). its not really a great default theme12:39
xclaessemvo, you can probably write manually "Adwaita" in org.gnome.desktop.interface12:40
xclaesseusing dconf-editor12:40
xclaesseand/or desktop.gnome.interface12:41
pittimvo: I merely installed gnome-themes-standard, and it just worked12:41
rodrigo_yes, dconf-editor or gsettings command line should be enough12:41
pittino need to dconfify anything12:41
rodrigo_right, that works also, since it has the default theme12:45
mvohrm, dosn't work for me, gnome-themes-standard is installed now, but I still seem to have the default, dconf-editor also has no effect12:49
mvonow :)12:49
mvomuch nicer!12:49
seb128mvo, there is no nice theme for gtk3 yet12:50
seb128mvo, you can try https://code.launchpad.net/~lucazade/+junk/ambiance-gtk3/ other if you used ambiance before12:50
mvowell, niceness(default) < niceness(adwaita)12:50
mvoradiance I was using12:51
seb128same here12:51
mvoat least I can see my g-t tabs properly now :)12:51
* mvo is happy12:51
seb128lucazade is working on the gtk3 theme, not sure if he did a light version yet12:52
seb128"the -> a" rather12:52
* mvo nods12:53
lucazadeseb128... not yet, when ambiance style will be finished it'll be simpler to make also radiance12:53
lucazadethey share same style but different color scheme12:55
RAOFOooh, how's ambiance-gtk3 coming along?12:56
seb128didrocks, ^ can you review rodrigo_'s evolution-indicator upstream merge request?12:56
didrocksseb128: aready started it12:56
seb128RAOF, it's not from dx but lucazade work on his own version cf url before12:57
seb128didrocks, thank12:57
didrocksyw :)12:57
lucazadeRAOF http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338581/varie/Schermata.png12:57
seb128pitti, who wrote the evo,tb pro and con arguments?12:58
RAOFlucazade: Oooh, that looks substantially nicer :)12:58
pittiseb128: I think jasoncwarner c&p'ed them from the original thread on u-desktop@; I assumed it was chrisccoulson ?12:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, that might have been me12:59
seb128I was wondering about the initial account setup and the tabs12:59
seb128evo in oneiric pre-file all the settings for you if you enter i.e a gmail email12:59
seb128like smtp, imap etc are all filed from the email info12:59
chrisccoulsoni haven't tried it in oneiric yet13:00
seb128pitti, btw you copied the text twice it seems13:01
pittioh, oops?13:01
* pitti fixes13:01
pittimeh, this ajax editor field is so utterly broken13:02
didrocksrodrigo_: see my answer on https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/evolution-indicator/port-to-3-0/+merge/6265313:06
didrockschrisccoulson: it's there since maverick AFAIK13:07
didrocksthat was part of the express part backported13:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, so i've used the setup wizard before tehn13:14
chrisccoulsoni just tried it in a guest session13:14
chrisccoulsonit presents way too much information, even if some of it is filled out by default ;)13:14
ftapitti, i have g++ crashing in a 32bit pbuilder, how do i get a crash file inside the chroot instead of in the host (64bit)?13:15
chrisccoulsonwith thunderbird, all it asks for is a name, email address and password. if the account settings can be figured out, and they work (it tests the settings), then it doesn't present or ask for any more info13:15
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittifta: tricky with apport, as the kernel calls it, which isn't chroot aware13:19
pittifta: you could set "ulimit -c unlimited" to get a core file?13:19
seb128didrocks, +       GTKHTML_EDITOR=gtkhtml-editor-4.0,13:21
seb128-                  gtkhtml-editor-3.1413:21
seb128+                  $GTKHTML_EDITOR13:21
seb128didrocks, in the diff?13:21
ftapitti, yep, but how do i figure out which symbols i need? http://paste.ubuntu.com/613723/13:21
seb128didrocks, not sure to understand your review comment13:21
pittifta: apport-retrace should work quite well in a chroot, doesn't it?13:22
didrocksseb128: +GTKHTML_EDITOR=gtkhtml-editor-3.14,13:22
didrocksseb128: line 2213:22
didrocksseems to be the 2.0 version, but depends on the 3.0 include?13:23
seb128didrocks, that's the fallback case though, if that one is not installed it uses the previous one?13:23
didrocksseb128: well, it's in PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(evolution-plugin-3.0,13:23
didrocksand not along13:23
pittifta: hm, gcc-4.6-dbgsym, g++-4.6-dbgsym, and libc6-dbg should get you quite far13:23
ftapitti, it's all broken. 1/ it doesn't request enough deps, 2/ the multiarch thing i told you about yesterday 3/ crash file from the host leads to crc mismatches in pbuilder13:23
seb128didrocks, right, that seems buggy but if the build-depends is not there it should just use what is installed which is the new version?13:23
seb128didrocks, i.e it should only be an issue if you have the old version leftover locally13:24
seb128well I will let rodrigo_ comment but the review is confusing in that regard13:24
didrocksseb128: I added a comment to be more clear about that13:24
seb128in fact13:25
seb128+               AC_MSG_ERROR(You need evolution-plugin to compile evolution-couchdb))13:25
seb128seems like a copy error from evo-couchdb13:25
didrocksseb128: I guess so13:25
rodrigo_seb128, yes, it is13:26
* rodrigo_ fixes13:26
rodrigo_didrocks, I left the 3.14 thing just in the fallback case, so that it can be compiled with 2.0, if needed13:29
rodrigo_didrocks, I didn't want to just remove support for that, with no reason13:29
rodrigo_didrocks, so, if we build-depend on evolution 3.0, it will try to use gtkhtml-editor-4.013:29
didrocksrodrigo_: as long as it's a real fallback we can build, that's fine :)13:29
seb128rodrigo_, well it seems it does error if it's not available13:30
seb128it's not an if else13:30
rodrigo_it does error if no evolution-plugin is available13:30
didrockshum, not that I though, even with the refresh13:30
seb128well so it errors if only the new version is available13:30
didrocksrodrigo_: if we have only the old version13:31
seb128like it try the new version and then the old and error13:31
didrocksPKG_CHECK_EXISTS(evolution-plugin-3.0, will fail, right?13:31
didrocksso, we will never execute PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(evolution-plugin, ?13:31
rodrigo_no, if it's not available, it will run the 3rd part of the PKG_CHECK_EXISTS13:31
rodrigo_which will check for evolution-plugin, and then error if that's not available13:31
didrocksoh right13:32
rodrigo_PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(check, what_to_do_if_ok, what_to_do_on_error)13:32
didrocksyeah, approved then13:32
seb128oh, it's still a call from the same function13:32
seb128the autotools are confusing :p13:32
rodrigo_is it merged automatically?13:32
rodrigo_seb128, :)13:32
didrocksrodrigo_: no, will sponsor you13:32
rodrigo_didrocks, also, do we want that patch in the package, or should we wait for a new release?13:33
didrocksrodrigo_: I can do a new release13:33
rodrigo_didrocks, ok13:33
ftapitti, hm, gdb is pretty raw in the chroot, iy doesn't load any dbg/dbgsym13:36
pittistrange; but the versions match?13:37
didrocksI'm not on oneiric (still waiting for the compiz SRU before migrating), can someone on oneiric finish the release? (not real found of doing a release in a chroot)13:39
seb128didrocks, you mean? rolling the tarball?13:40
didrocksseb128: yeah13:40
seb128do you need to be on oneiric for that?13:40
didrocksseb128: you need to configure ; make ; make dist13:40
didrocksso yeah, for configure and make to pass, you need evolution 3.013:40
seb128well, I can roll a tarball for you but I've no clue how to upload tarballs to a launchpad project etc13:41
didrocksseb128: time to learn? :p13:41
seb128rodrigo_, ^ you probably know how to do that?13:41
seb128not to mention you have a local checkout of the code you built ;-)13:41
didrocksrodrigo_: I bzr pushed the merge + release tag13:41
seb128didrocks, if rodrigo_ doesn't reply in a bit I will roll the tarball13:43
didrocksseb128: just FYI, I will certainly leave at 16h10 (having my train at 17h for going to the Ubuntu Party in Paris)13:44
seb128didrocks, ok, no worry we can roll a tarball and package it even if we don't upload it to the launchpad project today ;-)13:45
didrocksI'm preparing the milestone meanwhile13:45
didrocksseb128: what? and being a bad upstream? no way! :-p13:45
* cyphermox bbl -> travelling to the office.13:45
didrocksseb128: ok, I have created the milestone and released it, you will just need to go to https://launchpad.net/evolution-indicator/+milestone/0.2.16 and click on "Add download file" (think to add a .asc file as well)13:47
didrockswell, only if rodrigo_ isn't back :)13:47
ftais it expected that nautilus 3 is no longer doing thumbnails for pdfs?13:57
ftait still does for video files though..13:57
rodrigo_didrocks, I can do the tarball, yes14:03
didrocksrodrigo_: excellent, thanks :) trunk should have all what you need14:03
seb128rodrigo_, thanks14:07
seb128fta, nautilus is not doing thumbnails, other softwares are responsive to do those for the formats they handle14:08
seb128i.e evince does it for pdf for example14:08
rodrigo_didrocks, ok, tarball done, so just upload to https://launchpad.net/evolution-indicator/+milestone/0.2.16 right?14:14
didrocksrodrigo_: right, do you have access?14:14
rodrigo_let me try14:14
rodrigo_seems so14:14
didrocksnice :)14:14
didrocksdo you want to handle the package update then?14:14
didrocks(I think it's using merge-upstream)14:15
rodrigo_in ~ubuntu-desktop, right?14:16
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah: ~ubuntu-desktop/evolution-indicator/ubuntu14:17
didrocksrodrigo_: so yeah, it's using merge-upstream with the upstream tarball + branch14:18
rodrigo_yes, taking a long time to get it :)14:18
seb128does anybody know off hand what broke tomboy in oneiric before I debug it?14:26
ftaseb128, so, how do i check why evince stopped doing the thumbnails?14:26
seb128fta, you can start by running evince-thumbnailer by hand and see if it works14:27
ftaseb128, it does14:27
ftaseb128, .. while in nautilus, i get what looks like an acrobat logo14:28
seb128ok so somewhat the thumbnailer is not called by nautilus14:28
fta(i have acroread installed)14:28
seb128it used to be a gconf key not sure how it work in GNOME314:28
seb128check with ricotz if he knows maybe14:29
ftaricotz, ^^ ?14:30
seb128fta, seems a packaging but, I will fix it14:34
ricotzseb128, fta, sorry, i dont know14:40
ricotzseb128, i will look a the bug fix later ;)14:41
fta$ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers14:41
ftaorg.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers disable @as []14:41
ftaorg.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers disable-all false14:41
seb128ricotz, it's likely a dir not installed in the .install14:41
seb128i.e it should install a file in /usr/share/thumbnailers14:41
seb128the multi build sources suck in that regard, dh_install --list-missing doesn't work14:42
ftaricotz, btw, gnome3 stats updated14:42
ricotzfta, thank you14:45
vishpitti: ah, thanks for the list, a few would just need symlinks but we need the smilies and emblems.. we could copy it over too, whichever is preferable for you guys..14:46
vishpitti: also to note is that new theme g-i-t-symbolic is required in GNOME3..14:47
pittivish: at least the symlinks would be more correct to have in humanity itself, so that programs using these alternate names would actually get the humanity icons, not the gnome-* ones, right?14:47
visha lot of apps depend on it for the monochrome toolbars and stuff..14:47
pittiyes, we'll keep -symbolic14:48
vishpitti: yea, a few are just missing symlinks in Humanity, I'll fix that14:48
pittivish: thanks a lot14:48
pittivish: for the rest, I'm happy with splitting the g-i-t package to avoid duplication14:49
pittior would you prefer having a complete set in humanity, for this to be self-contained?14:49
vishpitti: we can add it to humanity and replace the icons later, when we have a better alternative.. but a split g-i-t is good too.. either way I'm fine with it :)14:50
pittivish: how many of these (roughly) will be handled through aliases (symlinks)? just a few, or like half of the missing ones?14:51
pitticopying 10 icons into humanity seems fine, it's much easier packaging-wise and avoids a lot of confusion14:52
vishjust a few, let me count and get a closer number14:52
pittibut copying 100 icons, maybe not14:52
vishpitti: hmm, only around 10 can be fixed by symlinks, so we'd have to copy a lot...  I guess splitting is better15:01
pittivish: ok, thanks for checking!15:02
seb128ok, I figured the tomboy thing15:05
seb128Laney, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=622207, how did you try without dh-autoreconf for this one?15:05
ubot2Debian bug 622207 in tomboy "Fails to start, missing library" [Grave,Fixed]15:06
seb128seems similar to bug #78758715:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 787587 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Cannot change screen resolution on Dell Duo in Natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78758715:06
seb128ups, wrong number15:06
Laneyseb128: I just patched out the tests differently15:06
seb128bug #78610115:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 786101 in libao "libao (main) tries to pull in b-d roaraudio (universe)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78610115:06
Laneysee the referenced commit15:06
seb128oh, come on #78858815:07
seb128Laney, seems like the issue is the ltmain.sh copy you have (had) in the rules15:07
LaneyI didn't really investigate where the autoreconfing problem was I'm afraid15:07
Laneymight have needed updating15:07
seb128you copy a version built from an older version15:07
seb128commenting that line fixes the issue15:08
Laneywasn't needed any more anyway15:08
seb128is as-needed still required nowadays?15:08
Laneyi diffed the binaries and there were no new deps15:08
seb128well it is in ubuntu ;-)15:08
Laneyso it is now gone15:08
seb128well dh-autoreconf is15:08
seb128ok, so let's drop the buggy line15:08
Laneyi forgot what the ubuntu tomboy patches are15:08
Laneybut you can probably just remove the ltmain stuff indeed15:09
Laneyjust debdiff the binaries to check the dependencies are ok15:09
seb128will do, thanks15:09
seb128brb session restart15:09
didrocksneed to catch the train, have a nice week-end everyone and see you on Monday!15:11
pittisee you didrocks15:11
pittienjoy the weekend15:12
seb128didrocks, have fun at the ubuntuparty15:12
didrocksthanks, you too pitti, seb128 :-)15:12
pittiseb128: hm, wrt. gtkmm2.4 on versions.html, I figure that should actually become a new gtkmm3.0 source, right?15:21
seb128pitti, right, it's in pkg-gnome svn ready for sponsoring it seems15:22
seb128someone should review15:22
seb128it's on my list but I will not likely come to it today15:22
pittilibgnomemm2.6 is only in main because of libgnomeuimm2.6, which is only in main because cdrdao b-deps on it15:23
pittilibgnomecanvasmm2.6 is also only due to libgnomeui15:24
pittisame for libglademm2.415:24
seb128pitti, we could build cdrdao without xdao, I can do that if you want15:25
seb128(just looking at it, I've a checkout there)15:25
pittiI was already wondering15:25
pittioh, it builds a gcdmaster binary15:25
pittiI figure that's it15:25
seb128AC_ARG_WITH(xdao,[  --with-xdao             enable build of gcdmaster Gnome GUI front-end (default is YES)],[xdao=$withval],[xdao=default])15:25
seb128let's turn that off, I bet nobody use it15:25
pittiit uses bonobo, glade, libgnome-vfs, etc.15:25
pittiand all the old stuff15:26
pittipangomm, too15:26
pittidoes that thing even work still?15:26
pittiseb128: I'm all for that15:26
chrisccoulsonyou're removing something? that's it, i'm switching to arch!15:26
seb128chrisccoulson, good for you!15:26
seb128chrisccoulson, or you would maybe port the code to use xulrunner? ;-)15:26
pittiseb128: seems by disabling that we can get rid of a whole lot of cruft15:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 - well, i'm in the process of killing that off ;)15:27
pittiseb128: I guess we just need to drop the b-dep and the package in debian/control; want me to look at it, or do you want to have the honor?15:27
seb128pitti, well I bet that things using those old libs is not maintained well enough to be of any use, let me drop it15:27
pittiwhat else is left for gtkmm15:27
seb128pitti, I'm on it15:27
pittiseb128: 'zactly; thanks!15:27
seb128pitti, gnome-system-monitor is left15:27
pitti-- oneiric/main amd64 deps on libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a:15:27
seb128but current version use gtkmm315:28
pittithese mainly15:28
seb128the bindings are in the pkg-gnome svn15:28
seb128the real "blocker" for gtkmm is gparted15:28
seb128that was the case when we looked at it previous cycle15:28
pittithere's some more build deps on it, but a lot of them are also cruft15:28
pittidbus-c++ and aptitude are the real additional ones15:28
seb128gnome-system-monitor would be easy to port in vala or such15:28
seb128but gparted is not15:28
pittiah, k3b still uses cdrdao15:35
pittiI wondered, I thought brasero & co used cdrkit15:35
pittiargh, we need to merge gnome-python, as Debian removed the python:Provides from pygtk215:46
pittiI'll get to it15:46
seb128pitti, if you do you can drop most of the diff15:46
seb128pitti, we don't need the -dbg so we can drop the rules dual build thing15:46
pittiyeah, I wouldn't bother carrying these for this old stuff15:47
seb128the dbg has never been used by anybody and the binding are deprecated anyway and it has no rdepends15:47
seb128those -dbg have costed lot of work for nothing if you ask me but shrug...15:47
pittiand apparently we split out python-gnomecanvas15:48
seb128right, it's probably not worth the transition work to merge it back15:48
pittiit has one rdepends (system-config-date)15:49
seb128that diff is pretty small and can stay there until things go to use g-i15:49
seb128hum, I guess it could be merged back and go back in sync if we add the replaces in debian then15:50
pittiok, meeting time15:50
pittiI'll put that on my list for Monday15:50
pittiseb128: I'm not sure about 01-dont-build-with-lpython.patch, otherwise the diff doesn't really look interesting any more15:52
pittiso adding the replaces in Debian, syncing, and fixing system-config-date seems easiest to me15:53
pittithen we can stop worrying about it for the longer tail of rdepends15:53
seb128pitti, it was to avoid getting a depends on a specific libpython version iirc15:53
seb128pitti, right15:54
seb128pitti, which was an issue when we were building for i.e 2.5 and 2.615:54
pittiseb128: ah, if it does, I'll fix that in Debian, too15:55
pittigood night everyone, enjoy the weekend!16:50
cyphermoxciao pitti16:51
seb128vuntz, seems http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-panel/patch/?id=76dc5a00044de3076fe7117ff9944e4c5660e5ba got dropped from the gnome-3 serie, the issue is back17:45
seb128vuntz, could you apply it again?17:45
ricotzseb128, are mutter and gnome-shell considered to move to main in this cycle?17:49
seb128not sure, we didn't really discuss but the default reply is probably "not if we don't have a good reason"17:49
seb128it's easier to get contribution17:50
seb128it's easier to get contribution to it if it's in universe17:50
ricotzalright, so i wont care about dependencies to universe17:52
seb128it's still better to not add extra depends if not required17:53
ricotzok, but for now it isnt needed to move debian-dependencies to Recommends if they are in universe17:55
ricotzin case of gnome-shell it would be mesa-utils17:56
seb128no, and you can't recommends things in universe either it would have to be a suggests17:56
seb128but yeah don't bother about that17:56
seb128those can be discussed the day it's promoted if that happens17:56
vuntzseb128: done (had to-redo it as cherry-pick failed)18:00
seb128vuntz, thanks18:00
seb128vuntz, well the 3 was changed to 4 but instead the diff applied as it18:01
ftaseb128, thanks for the evince fix. wfm now \o/19:02
chrisccoulson*sigh* @ bug 78919819:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 789198 in firefox "Firefox crashes when attempting to play webm video embedded in the home page on Linaro 11.05 LEB with Ubuntu on OMAP4 Panda Board A2, with "panda" hwpack." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78919819:06
chrisccoulsoni wonder why people do that, especially when they know that hardly anybody else has the hardware ;)19:07
nivardusI must have ran into an odd package, gtk3 was uninstalled and while gnome-shell functions all my windows are in an old funky theme and GDM is reverted and has a plain blue background19:52
bratscheIs there an irc channel specifically for the GNOME3 PPA stuff?22:18
micahgbratsche: I don't think so, most of that stuff should be in oneiric already22:20
bratschemicahg: I'm not using oneiric, I'm using Natty.  Do I have to upgrade to not have conflicts?22:41
micahgbratsche: idk, I think there's still an effort to backport stuff to natty, but I think most of the people involved are EOW22:42
micahgbratsche: end of wekk22:43
bratscheOh, right.22:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not sure how much effort people are spending to get stuff working on natty22:44
chrisccoulsoni'm hardly involved with the desktop team at all ;)22:44
bratscheYeah, I guess that's always the problem.  Everyone is working on the new version now. :)22:51
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