
j1mccody-somerville: ping21:32
cody-somervillej1mc, pong21:32
j1mchey cody - how's it going?21:33
j1mcyou probably aren't the right person for this, but i was hoping that you could point me in the right direction.21:33
j1mcwho would be a good person to talk to about oem documentation needs?21:34
j1mcoems are a downstream for ubuntu docs (or, at least they have the potential to be) and so i want to have someone take a peek at part of the docs team strategy document21:34
j1mcit won't be much work21:35
j1mccody-somerville: can you recommend anyone?21:35
cody-somervillej1mc, One moment.21:36
j1mcsure thing21:36
cody-somervillej1mc, If you can e-mail your request, I can forward it to a few different people and mailing lists.21:38
j1mcsure - i'll wait until i have the document fully drafted. i should have something ready in a few days.21:39
j1mcthanks, cody.21:39
j1mccody-somerville: btw, was good seeing you at uds, even if we didn't get to talk much. i hope things are going well.21:40
cody-somervillej1mc, ditto! :) Was very excited to see you there.21:40
mdkej1mc: Kyle, no?23:59

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