
slashtomoh noes, what's happened to nessus. where is it?15:47
slashtomit's missing from lucid lynx, this is strange15:49
ebelslashtom: doesn't look like it's been there for a while15:50
ebelhardy (~April 2008) was last release with it (I think!). Though that was the last LTS15:51
czajkowskiall the pixie albums from ubuntuie I have will be moved over to the @ubuntuie ac15:51
slashtomhow can you do penetration testing from ubuntu now?15:51
ebelslashtom: I'm sure you can still install it somehow....15:52
slashtombut if it's not managed by apt, i may as well be using slackware15:53
slashtomdebian has it, this is strange15:54
czajkowskiis it in the software center?15:54
slashtomwhat's the software centre?15:55
czajkowskiwhere all the software you can install is listed15:55
ebelslashtom: 'software centre' = a GUI apt programme15:55
czajkowskiso wondering is it there15:55
ebelslashtom: Though I suspect it still is in ubuntu, since launchpad lists packages for jaunty https://launchpad.net/nessus15:55
ebel(which is april 2009)15:56
ebelslashtom: pull down the apt source package for jaunty nessus, then rebuild the package?15:56
slashtomczajkowski: i only searched the apt-cache15:56
slashtomi didn't know there was software in a different place15:57
slashtomebel: i don't want to maintain the installation for each package manually15:57
ebelczajkowski, slashtom: you are both talking about the same thing.15:57
slashtomi will have to find out about alternative ways to penetration test15:58
ebel"ubuntu software centre" uses apt. apt-cache uses apt. it's all apt. :)15:58
slashtomit would annoy the crap out of me if you were forced to use a GUI for things15:58
ebelsynaptic uses apt, aptitude uses apt, apt-get uses apt. There are many tools to do the same thing, like how Firefox and Chromium can access the same websites.15:58
ebelslashtom: you could make a PPA for nessus and maintain it yourself? :P15:59
ebelI can't see if anyone else has done it...15:59
slashtomtoo much work16:01
ebelslashtom: look at BackTrack? an ubuntu derivative (I think) with lots of security stuff16:02
ebelslashtom: actually looks like nessus might no longer be free software http://askubuntu.com/questions/12434/vulnerability-scanner-nmap-vs-nessus/12459#1245916:03
ebelslashtom: looks like you have to pay for non-personal use of nessus.16:04
ebelslashtom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nessus_(software)#History looks like it was un-opened in 200516:05
ebelslashtom: looks like the previous open source verion was forked to OpenVAS16:06
ebel(it was originally called GNessUs :P )16:06
slashtomdeadly, thanks ebel16:07
ebelyou could try that? (it is in apt/software centre/aptitude/apt-get/library of alexandria: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openvas )16:07
slashtomaye, just installed!16:08
* slashtom likes using apt and doesn't like using things which are not in there16:08
ubuntucorkGreetings to all citizens not yet colonised by The Peoples Republic of Cork. :)16:26
czajkowskiubuntucork: aloha18:04
dax_rocEvening all20:39

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