
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
ogasawaraapw: just fyi, I'll cover us at the release meeting tomorrow.  gcc should just about be done building by then so I plan to do one last kernel upload to pull in what we have in master-next for Alpha-1.07:44
open-nandraafter upgrading to ubuntu 11.04 (for 10.10) i have troubles with my SD card reader integrated in acer extensa 563507:50
open-nandrasimply put SD card in usb device (some realtek reader ) is recognized but then after some seconds is disconnected07:50
=== fairuz_ is now known as fairuz
open-nandravery strange07:50
open-nandraworks fine with 2.6.3507:51
open-nandraany ideas or it is known pb?07:51
apwopen-nandra, nothing i've heard about no08:05
apwpls file a bug against linux08:05
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jjohansenmorning smb08:24
jjohansenmorning: ppisati, apw08:26
apwjjohansen, late one for you08:26
jjohansenheh yeah, Ian had a late nap, so he will be up for at least a couple more hours so I am writing08:27
smbcode or documentation?08:27
jjohansensmb: documentation after a fashion, its a paper08:27
apwanyone else running natty with an external monitor, and if so, are the indicators on the external monitor creaping off the right slowly over time?08:29
smbapw, Well I run it on my desktop...08:30
apwthis is over days i am noticing it moving off, the power button me menu and clock have gone now, and a few pixels of the envelope now08:30
jjohansenapw: I get indicators being half drawn/covered and indicators disappearing, not seen going off the right08:30
smbBut the indicators stay I think (if they show up at all, though that could have been because when booting there was an external networking issue)08:31
apwyestrerday i only had the date, no time from the time app, now the date is gone as well08:31
ohsixare any of the migration applets in the empty space08:32
jjohansenapw: fun, have you tried killing compiz, and or unity to see if it restores them08:32
smbHrm, only got the time there ... and the settings thre brings up ... nothing08:32
ohsixer if it's unity then it's not a real panel and nevermind me :]08:33
sorenapw: I do have an external monitor, but I switch between it and the laptop's LCD a couple of times a day, and I don't see this happen at all.08:33
RAOFapw: That's an *awesome* bug.  That I've not experienced with my external monitor and oneiric.08:33
apwsoren, yeah i suspect if i unplug and replug it'll get fixed 08:34
sorenapw: If only there was a way to find out...08:34
apwthe one on the LCD is fine, its just my external08:34
smbGreat, no changing time and date settings today... at least not with the ui08:34
c2tarunMy kubuntu's performance is getting poor when I try to run my laptop on battery. Is there any way to improve it. I tried everything from power management and everywhere but, its not improving. I think its a kernel issue. Can anybody please help?08:50
jjohansenc2tarun: that is rather vague, you need to collect more information08:52
c2tarunjjohansen: what kind of information?08:52
jjohansenc2tarun: well, some firm performance figures showing how things are slower would be good08:54
jjohansena bug with logs, etc08:54
jjohansenmaybe some runs with powertop, latencytop, ..08:55
c2tarunjjohansen: hmm... how can I get log for getting system slow? I can feel it, opening any window and closing it, switching workspaces, openening widgets, everything is getting slower. :(08:55
jjohansenc2tarun: right, but your feel of things getting slower isn't something we can debug against08:58
jjohansenfiling a bug, that collects the logs and system information gives some basic information to start from.08:59
c2tarunjjohansen: yeah, you are right, actually I was looking for something that can enhance my system's performance and not fix a bug.08:59
ohsixc2tarun: do you see intel_idle in the output of lsmod?08:59
c2tarunohsix: nope here is pastebin for my lsmod http://paste.kde.org/75217/09:01
=== htorque_ is now known as htorque
apwppisati, how goes your cve fun10:11
ppisatiapw: it goes :)10:12
ppisatiapw: i'm piling up the patches10:12
apwppisati, heh, how far through are you?10:12
smbapw, If you do not hear us you are buggy10:14
apwnow i hear10:14
ppisatiapw: down 15, i'm applying all of them now10:47
apwppisati, nice ... that'll help out stats10:48
ppisatiapw: yep10:48
ppisatiapw: i really didn't know of the existence of that page...10:48
apwppisati, heh no worries, that page is really the stable teams input for cves10:49
apwand until karmic went dead fsl-imx51 at least was a rebase onto that, now its not we need some other solution10:49
apwand you are the solution there, so its a new requirement just since release10:50
apwso you not knowing isn't supprising10:50
ppisatikernel is compiling11:08
* ppisati rushes out to het some food11:08
ghostcubehi friend of mine has a 10.04 lts server with ecc ram and gets spammed by edac mc0 errors is there any solution11:13
smbghostcube, Yeah, better RAM11:13
smbBut really, had the same and had to find the module that was faulty. 11:14
smbThose messages tell you that there is a problem. Usually like correctable ecc errors. There is some hints about the location too, but it can be a bit tedious to map them to the physical slots11:15
ghostcubeseems to be an edac bug11:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 367774 in linux "EDAC spam in dmesg, edac-utils shows no erros" [Undecided,Expired]11:17
ghostcubehis ram isnt faulty he testet it11:17
apwghostcube, in that bug all of the users seem to have indicated that quick boot was not clearing the memory out leading to the eec errors11:30
apwsomone has to write to all of ram before eec can be safely enabled11:30
ghostcubeyeah he tried this, but its still spamming errors its strange 11:35
ghostcubeone hint is just to blacklist edac modul11:35
apwyep stops reporting but they are still there i am sure11:35
ghostcubenope, he tried debian 6 hdd and bootet in slow boot now no more errors11:36
apwand does that kernel even have the edac module for his h/w ?11:37
apwthey are quite new in some cases11:37
ghostcubeits a asus pb5v11:37
ghostcubehttp://buttersideup.com/edacwiki/Uninitialized_ECC_bits  found this11:40
ghostcubehttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=564274  and this11:42
ubot2bugzilla.redhat.com bug 564274 in kernel "fake EDAC errors on i3210" [High,Closed: notabug]11:42
ghostcubeok seems to be a bios prob11:42
apwghostcube, thats what it sounds like11:43
cjwatsoncould somebody advise me on what to do about bug 785394?  reserving 128MiB of RAM seems like an awful lot, and I wonder why the kdump kernel is taking quite so much memory to boot12:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 785394 in grub2 "Hard-coded crashkernel=... memory reservation in /etc/grub.d/10_linux is insufficient" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78539412:14
cjwatsonIt looks like it's OOMing while unpacking the initramfs ... hmm12:23
cjwatson$ zcat /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-9-generic | wc -c12:23
apwcjwatson, the kernel en-toto is pretty huge, initramfs coming straight out of ram, both compressed and uncompressed12:35
apwcjwatson, do we use a standard kernel for the kexec kernel?  ie. do we not strip the initramfs at all12:36
cjwatsonI was hoping one of you lot would know12:38
apwi can have a look12:39
cjwatsonit does have to mount the rootfs, so it seems to me that it would have many of the same requirements12:39
apwcjwatson, and the complaint there is that it won't fit into 64M in that bug12:39
cjwatsonthough maybe we could use MODULES=dep for the kdump initramfs, if it's possible for it to be different12:39
apwwhich with a 40M initrd, ... its not going to i suspect12:40
apwcjwatson, right that was what i was thinkng, you kexec initrd really doesn't need to be portable12:40
cjwatsonI don't know if it's possible for it to be separate, though12:41
apwcjwatson, me either, shall i take a look ?12:41
cjwatsonif you could, that'd be great12:41
ppisatilucid -proposed is stuck due to ec2 bug, right?13:08
ppisatii mean linux (2.6.32-32.62)13:08
hertonppisati: yes, was put on hold because of ec2 issue13:36
ppisatiherton: i see13:44
apwcjwatson, so its is a simple configuration to change which kernel kdump uses, defaulting to the current kernel, whats not so obvious is how we might maintain more than one initrd for a kernel via the normal mechanisms.   i don't know if we could consider having on fixed kernel for kdump, as using the likely crashing one to dump itself is a little scarey14:29
* apw pops out to collect a bag15:11
ppisatiwhat was the script that updated the changelog?16:37
hertonppisati: debian/rules insertchanges ?16:37
ppisatiherton: i mean, the kteam tools16:38
ppisatiherton: i think it's startnewrelease16:38
JFoI'm going to take a bit of an extended lunch. need to run some errands and check on my truck in the shop.16:38
JFomay not be gone very long, but wanted to let you know anyway :)16:38
hertonppisati: ah sorry, should be maintscripts/maint-startnewrelease16:38
ppisatiherton: yes, that one16:39
ppisatiherton: but it doesn't update the changelog16:52
hertonppisati: yep, it just adds a boilerplate and insertchanges updates it after you commit your changes16:52
ppisatithe process is16:53
ppisatidebian/rules insertchanges16:53
ppisatiand then a commit UBUNTU: Ubuntu-2.6.X-Y.Z16:53
hertonyep, from what I read from KernelMaintenance page in wiki16:56
ppisatiah, the wiki... :)16:56
hertonppisati: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance16:56
hertonbut it seems to me we should always use maint-startnewrelease instead of startnewrelease rule, correct? (at least that is the procedure on stable proposed releases)17:09
ppisatiherton: yep17:10
ppisatiherton: maint-startnewrelease17:10
ppisatiherton: apply stuff17:10
ppisatiherton: and then close it17:10
ppisatii will tatoo these steps on my right arm so i won't forget it anymore17:10
* herton --> lunch17:11
smbherton, ppisati maint-startrelease also gets you the abi files and applies them to the commit17:11
ppisatisorry, but still can't get my changelog updated17:27
ppisatie.g. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=commit;h=538abd32e3b8b1fb152927c9dfbd7b43f301e37717:30
ppisatii miss the modification to changelog that this commit has17:30
ppisatii know, i did it in the past17:30
ppisatibut i don't remeber how i got the stuff there17:30
ppisatiis there some magic script? or what else?17:31
bjfppisati, i can walk you through it17:31
ppisatibjf: ok17:32
ppisatii know i did it17:32
bjfppisati, did the "maint-startnewrelease" do the right things?17:32
apwppisati, thats the fdr insertchanges  t17:32
bjfdid you do a "fdr insterchanges" ?17:32
apwthat makes those changes17:32
apw-  CHANGELOG: Do not edit directly. Autogenerated at release.17:32
apw-  CHANGELOG: Use the printchanges target to see the curent changes.17:32
apw-  CHANGELOG: Use the insertchanges target to create the final log.17:32
apwthe key lines are those and need to be there17:33
ppisatithat's what i get17:33
apwalso does fdr printchanges print anything17:33
apwas that is what gets inserted instread17:33
ppisatiprintchanges i mean17:33
apwok then that likely means your previous commit has the wrong format17:33
apwprintchanges looks backwards for the UBUNTU: Ubuntu-xxxx line17:33
apwand if thats not formatted right in the previous version it breaks17:33
ppisatithe tree is this one:17:34
apwcommit 861bf6eb84e2b72966a881ce523661ae850b43ef17:34
apwAuthor: Tim Gardner <tim.gardner@canonical.com>17:34
apwDate:   Thu Mar 10 01:57:49 2011 -070017:34
apw    Ubuntu-2.6.31-608.2517:34
apwand indeed its wrong17:34
ppisatishall i... amend it?17:34
apwit is missing the UUBNTU: prefix17:34
apwi would ammend it yes17:35
ppisatilet me try...17:35
apwbjf, you have a script for checking a tree tip has been correctly closed i think?17:35
bjfapw, yes, "verify-release-ready"17:36
apwppisati, ^^ that is a good thing to use17:36
ppisatiany way to amend the -16 commit?17:37
apwppisati, which one ?17:37
ppisatithe broken one17:37
apwoh you mean the one which is 16 back from HEAD17:37
apwgit rebase -i HEAD~1617:37
apwthen change the first line to edit17:37
apwthen git commit --ame17:38
apwthen git rebase --cont17:38
* ppisati tries...17:38
bjfppisati, is that commit on master branch and was it in a release?17:42
smbsconklin, Hey Steve, you still need me to write a request to revert that max_pfn_mapped patch for Lucid and Maverick or will it be done just based on the failure17:42
apwbjf, its on an fsl-imx51 branch17:43
bjfapw, yes, but if that commit was part of a release, that history shouldn't be re-written17:43
sconklinsmb I already reverted it for both17:43
smbsconklin, Ah ok good17:43
apwbjf, that specific commit is safe as it is now in a tag17:43
apwand all of our arm kernels are rebase anyhow17:44
apwso that having a non-linearaity isn't a big deal17:44
ppisatieverytime i close a release17:47
ppisatii need a tracking bug?17:48
ppisatii mean17:48
ppisatisince there's a big pile of cve17:48
ppisatii wanyed to do it in steps17:48
ppisatiso, now i'm doing this17:48
ppisatiwith some cves17:48
ppisatiand i'll ask for a pull17:48
ppisatibut i don't want an upload17:48
apwwell we don't have to close the release to do a pull of it17:49
ppisaticool :)17:49
apwso just do the startnewrelease, add gthe patches17:49
apwand then just ask for a pull17:49
apwjust leave it open17:49
ppisatiso, everytime we close, we upload and thus i need a tracking bug17:49
apwyeah thats a pretty accurate17:50
bjfppisati, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/StableHandbook/StablePatchApplication17:50
bjfppisati, that explains all the steps17:50
apwppisati, but for the meantime we can leave it not closed,17:50
apwwe often don't have it closed in the repo17:50
apwwith things sitting there waiting for more before the release gets closed17:50
ppisatiok, so let's see it the other way around17:51
ppisatii have a backlog of...17:51
ppisati50? 60? patches waiting to be applied17:51
ppisatiwhats' the best policy?17:52
apwwell you are applying about 15 a day17:52
apwi would apply them as i go, pushing the branch to zinc in my public repo ready for pulling17:52
apwthen say weekly ask for it to be pulled17:52
apwwhen _all_ are applied we can close it and give it stable for handling out17:52
ppisatiso the there will be just one big test session at the end17:53
apwyeah most of these cves are 1) generic and 2) already tested17:53
apwso the chance of regression for any which are just cherry-picks is pretty low17:53
apwi would test them at the end and cross my fingers :)17:53
ppisatiactually i don't have the hw17:54
ppisatiso from time to time i compile a kernel and "ship" it to someone to do, at least, a boot17:54
apwi would probabally produce one weekly as i went and ask #arm to test it17:54
apwas it takes hours to build :(17:54
ppisatii do it in about 15/20 minutes17:55
ppisatii cross compile17:55
ppisatiall the other arm guys do native compilation17:55
ppisatibut it's really too slow17:55
* ppisati start a new recompilation...17:55
=== ericm_ is now known as ericm-Zzz
* apw wanders off to the pub18:06
* smb wanders off into the weekend18:19
JFo<-jealous :)18:33
keesapw: so, what happened with CVE-2010-3880 and maverick, exactly?20:34
ubot2kees: net/ipv4/inet_diag.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.37-rc2 does not properly audit INET_DIAG bytecode, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (kernel infinite loop) via crafted INET_DIAG_REQ_BYTECODE instructions in a netlink message that contains multiple attribute elements, as demonstrated by INET_DIAG_BC_JMP instructions. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-3880)20:34
bjfkees, it's in the changelog as having been fixed, will look at the commit20:44
bjfkees, the commit is there, it points at bug 71186520:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 711865 in linux-fsl-imx51 "CVE-2010-3880" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71186520:46
bjfkees, do you believe there is an issue with the commit?20:46
keesbjf: I don't know, apw's script flipped it from released to "pending" with no version20:57
bjfkees, _that_ i have no idea about21:02
keesbjf: yeah, I'm scratchin' my head too :) it was the only thing I saw in the latest merge that looked funny21:07
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
QuintasanUm, hi there. I'm running Kubuntu Natty and I'm experiencing strange freezees (seemingly at random but mostly occur when playing a video). The video stops, I can kill the player, but if I try to type someting in for ex. konsole it doesn't respond, then everything stops responding (can't run anything, can't close anything) so I can only do SysRq + RSEIUB -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/613947 <- kernel log from before the freeze, what is 23:29
Quintasanexatcly going wrong there?23:29

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