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hyperairhmm my universe contributor membership is about to expire. i wonder if i should renew it..06:18
persiahyperair: Do you currently have membership another way?  If so, it's not so important.06:35
hyperairpersia: well i'm a MOTU.06:35
persiaThat's kinda what I was thinking.  Since you have indirect membership, do you care if you also have direct membership?06:36
hyperaireh? direct membership to universe-contributors, you mean?06:39
hyperairhmm i guess it doesn't matter then06:40
* hyperair didn't realize motu was a member of universe-contributors06:40
persiaUnless I made a mistake, MOTU is a member of universe-contributors, which means that as long as you are maintaining MOTU, you're a Universe Contributor regardless of whether you renew.06:40
hyperairi see06:41
hyperairalright, i'll let it expire then06:41
ricotzhyperair, hello :)07:10
hyperairricotz: hi :)07:11
ricotzhyperair, do you want to upload/sponsor two packages?07:11
ricotzhyperair, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/mutter+g-s/07:13
hyperairricotz: maybe later.07:14
* hyperair is at work07:14
ricotzhyperair, ok, no problem07:15
hyperairricotz: (i.e. remind me after 10:00 UTC)07:16
ricotzhyperair, ok, i will try in 4 hours07:17
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Laneybdrung_: looks like packaging-dev is being well received :-)11:39
Laneydo you imagine including a setup-packaging-environment style script in there?11:39
chrisccoulsonwho looks after the moonlight package?12:25
persiachrisccoulson: Check the changelog for the unfortunate who touched it last, but it's mostly handled by the Debian Mono team.12:26
chrisccoulsoni touched it last ;)12:27
persiaThe you look after it :)12:27
chrisccoulsonthat's not the answer i was hoping for ;)12:27
persiaHonestly, if you don't want to own it as TIL, coordinate with the Debian Mono team.12:29
persiaA large number of the members are also Ubuntu Developers: you ought be received well.12:29
ricotzbigon, ping12:41
Laneychrisccoulson: directhex12:42
Laneybut he is away for a week or so more12:43
bigonricotz: yes12:45
ricotzbigon, hi12:45
ricotzbigon, i wanted to ask if you could upload mutter + gnome-shell, but hyperair just arrived ;)12:46
ricotzcould you upload mutter - gnome-shell12:46
ricotzhyperair, so you are going to? :P , bigon might have more insights here12:47
hyperairricotz: then let bigon do it. =)12:52
bigonricotz: why did you modify libxfixes-dev B_D version?12:53
ricotzbigon, because it isnt available in oneiric yet12:54
ricotzbigon, thanks for taking care of :)12:55
bigonthat will probably tonight or during the weekend :)12:55
bigonricotz: but for libxfixes I would wait til the package is updated12:56
bigonin oneiric12:56
ricotzbigon, hmm12:56
ricotzbigon, it isnt needed12:56
bigonlet's me ask to fredp12:56
ricotzthe xserver isnt even patched12:56
ricotzbigon, it is only needed for pointer barriers which is only in xserver master12:57
bigonoh ok12:57
ricotzbigon, the mutter package is just a uupdate and gnome-shell quite a sync12:57
ricotzbigon, could you upload them, please?13:00
bigondid you tests the packages?13:01
Laneyare you talking about debian uploads?13:01
ricotzbigon, yes13:02
bigonLaney: ubuntu universe13:02
ricotzLaney, hi, no, about oneiric uploads13:02
Laneyah ok13:03
bigonI guess we should also ask archive admin to remove blacklist for gnome-shell13:03
bigondidrocks: ^13:03
cjwatsonif a blacklist entry should be removed, somebody should file a bug with the details13:04
cjwatson(blacklisted in response to bug 690045)13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 690045 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Please remove and blacklist gnome-shell" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69004513:04
bigoncjwatson: ok I'm doing that13:05
bigonblacklist doesn't prevent manual upload in the archive right?13:05
ricotzbigon, thank you13:06
bigonricotz: I'm thinking about updating the packages in debian before13:06
cjwatsonbigon: no, but don't work around blacklists with manual uploads (especially not ones that would be identical to Debian)13:06
cjwatsoneven if the upload isn't identical to Debian, sync-blacklist entries inhibit merge-o-matic from processing the package13:07
bigoncjwatson: ok so 1st removal of blacklist and then upload13:07
ricotzbigon, ok13:07
bigonricotz: in debian/changelog of gnome-shell you are talking about a merge, this is not strictly correct </pedantic>13:13
ricotzbigon, hmm, how would you call it?13:16
ricotzin this case probably just strip this line?13:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 789106 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Please remove archive blacklist for gnome-shell" [Undecided,New]13:22
LaneyScottK: Did I remember to sign your key?13:34
artfwothe versioned copyright format url no longer seems to work: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dep/web/deps/dep5.mdwn?op=file&rev=REVISION14:22
artfwowhere can i look for the latest dep-5 and how to link to it?14:22
artfwoah, it's http://www.debian.org/doc/copyright-format/1.0 now14:30
jtaylormdeslaur: concerning SRU bug 774265, maybe it should be postponed14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 774265 in meld (Ubuntu Natty) "[natty] meld hangs comparing attached files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77426514:32
jtaylormdeslaur: bug 786134 also affects meld git HEAD and may be related to the fix14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 786134 in meld (Ubuntu) "Meld chokes on file comparison" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78613414:32
mdeslaurjtaylor: hmm...ok, I'll get it removed from -proposed. Thanks!14:34
jtaylormdeslaur: thx, sry I didn't see that earlier14:35
jtaylorunfortunate that a development release landed in natty ..14:36
jtaylorI wonder what the rational was14:36
jtaylorurg it also affects the stable release 1.414:45
jtaylormdeslaur: the bug is unrelated to the other fix, but as it affects git HEAD it may take a while until it is fixed as it needs to get released first15:06
jtaylormdeslaur: don't know if it should hold up the other fix15:06
mdeslaurjtaylor: so they're unrelated?15:07
mdeslaurjtaylor: ok, I'll push it through15:07
jtayloras far as I can tell, but maybe we should wait for an upstream reply15:07
jtaylorbut bisecting shows it was introduced in a completely other place much much earlier15:08
jtaylorI can also fix it with a hack without reintroducing the other hang bug15:09
mdeslaurjtaylor: I've already asked the SRU team to cancel my upload, so let's wait until a complete fix is available for both issues before sending it back to -proposed15:10
nigelbmdeslaur: hey15:29
mdeslaurnigelb: hi15:29
nigelbmdeslaur: Did redis build for you? Daviey and I noticed an interesting problem last night.15:29
nigelbmdeslaur: It built for me, but not for him.15:29
mdeslauryeah, it did15:29
mdeslaurlet's see if the builders like it :)15:30
achiangfta: i see you uploaded a new version of chromium to Lucid... but there's no armel build? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/chromium-browser/11.0.696.71~r86024-0ubuntu0.10.04.115:32
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Davieymdeslaur, Interesting... i was getting a rouge $ARCH thrown into some of the build lines, causing it to fail.15:34
bdrung_Laney: the responses were either positive or neutral. I think it's better to have setup-packaging-environment in one of the dependencies15:34
nigelbDaviey: just checked LP build logs. That doesn't seem to happen on LP.15:35
mdeslaurDaviey: huh...were you trying in schroot or pbuilder?15:36
Davieymdeslaur, i did that in pbuilder.15:36
Davieyi'll try again in schroot just for giggles.15:36
* mdeslaur likes giggling15:36
nigelbDaviey: I used pbuilder-dist. Now I'm really curious why your build failed :)15:37
mdeslauroh, I also applied the patches before building15:37
ftaachiang, you should ask micahg15:37
mdeslaurnigelb: your merge request didn't have patches applied15:37
Davieymdeslaur, well i imagine your source package was patches unapplied.15:38
* mdeslaur shakes fist at UDD patch confusion mess15:38
nigelbmdeslaur: oh?15:38
achiangmicahg: oh you are right. sorry, i misread the debdiff15:38
nigelbmdeslaur: I thought patches were applied during the build15:38
achiangfta: ^^15:38
mdeslaurnot with source format 3.0...they get applied when the package is unpacked15:38
nigelboh, so I have to do a "quilt push -a" before I request merge?15:39
mdeslaurnigelb: well, it depends...there seems to be a lot of differing opinions on that15:39
mdeslaursome repos have patches applied, some have patches unapplied, and some have patches applied but the .pc directory deleted15:40
mdeslaur(which is completely insane, IMHO)15:40
nigelbSo this is not Right Way (tm)?15:40
mdeslaurnigelb: I think the Right Way(tm) is still up for debate15:40
mdeslaurunless it's been solved and nobody's told me15:41
nigelbheh, I'm a bit rusty. I did what I used to do in Lucid cycle when source format 3.0 was really new :)15:41
Davieynigelb, as mdeslaur is saying, it's not a well polished machine :)15:41
mdeslaurnigelb: essentially, when I check out source, I check to see if patches are applied or not, and then make sure I check it back in in the same state15:41
DavieyUDD mimics the output of dpkg-source -x *.dsc.15:41
ftaachiang, sorry but i'm tired of armel, where i have no h/w to build and test on, and no one is helping either15:42
Davieynigelb,  with 3.0 (quilt) packages the patches get applied with that command.  Other source formats don't do this.15:42
nigelbmdeslaur: so check if its applied and follow that pattern seems to be what to now? :)15:42
nigelbDaviey: I remember it being horribly confusing to the 'Right Way' back then :)15:43
achiangfta: sorry, i wasn't trying to ask you to do armel. i was apologizing for asking you incorrectly15:43
mdeslaurnigelb: I think so, yes15:44
mdeslaurnigelb: I'm about as far as can be from a reliable source on that matter though :P15:44
ftaachiang, i still maintain chromium in +1 (oneiric) and in the 4 channels (ppas), but i gave up on the SRUs, hence micahg replaying my branches15:45
ftaachiang, but dropping armel was not my choice15:45
nigelbmdeslaur: heh :)15:45
achiangfta: understood, thank you15:46
ftaachiang, i meant to blog about this, but every time i tried, the conclusion was me retiring from ubuntu15:48
achiangfta: not trying to cause you any angst this morning15:49
ftaachiang, no harm done (and it's 5pm here)15:50
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nigelbmdeslaur: phew, sucessfully built on i386 and amd64. I'm happy :)15:54
nigelbDaviey: that string you were getting doesn't seem to happening on builders. Something's b0rked on your builder :P15:54
mdeslaurnigelb: ah, cool :)15:55
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nigelbAny suggestions on where to start looking for fixing the --as-need change in packages using automake?16:33
ScottKLaney: I don't think so.  I don't think I did yours either.16:43
LaneyScottK: there, done17:04
gesernigelb: mostly likely Makefile.am (which is used to build the Makefile.in which is used to build the Makefile)17:19
nigelbgeser: hrm. This is not easy :)17:19
nigelbI'm reading autotools manual to get a hang of how it works.17:20
gesernigelb: have you a specific FTBFS you are looking at?17:20
nigelbgeser: yeah, timblserver. it seemed similar to what I'd done the other day with redis17:21
nigelbthe autotools was a surprise :)17:21
micahgachiang: arm will come back for chromium, but it was holding up the i386 and amd64 builds, once we're pretty sure the build will succeed, I'll upload them in a new source.  ATM, no one has had a chance to look at the build failures, if you have time that would be great17:21
jtaylornigelb: with autotools as-needed errors are often just libs in LDFLAGS instead of LDADD17:22
nigelbjtaylor: oh.17:23
achiangmicahg: where are the FTBFS logs?17:24
gesernigelb: in the case of timblserver the bug seems to be in libtimbl which is missing a link to a library17:28
micahgachiang: well, oneiric has one, but I think that might be toolchain related, no proof though, the last one for arm is here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/11.0.696.57~r82915-0ubuntu0.10.04.1/+build/2463470, you'd probably be better off building the current source, just s/i386 amd64/armel/g in debian/control17:29
nigelbgeser: libtimbl3-dev packages?17:29
geseryes, because of "/usr/lib/libtimbl.so: undefined reference to `GOMP_critical_end'" in the log for timblserver17:30
nigelbgeser: ah. I've been staring at the wrong failure :)17:31
geserin this case I'm not sure myself in which package the linking error is: timbl or timblserver17:32
pindongahi everyone, I'm one of the developers of configglue, which is already packaged on ubuntu (since lucid/maverick). I wanted to ask what's the best way to become the ubuntu maintainer for that package?18:23
GansekiI've got a question about packaging. I just checked git and the debian/changelog doesn't have the distribution set, it's set for Debian standards. How does the build process know for what distro to build for?18:36
jtaylorpindonga: I'd say ask the current maintainers if you can help18:38
jtaylorGanseki: locally it builds for whatever you (or your chroot) is running18:42
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achiangmicahg: trying a lucid build now19:39
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