
James2^2hey guys, i seem to have lost the repo selection page from MCC.17:16
James2^2any ideas where it has gone and/or how to change to 0.23.1 on 11.0417:19
James2^2the backup restore system is a bit flaky too17:19
James2^2i dod a backup before reinstalling this system17:19
James2^2having re mapped /var/lib/mythtv to where all my recording are, and restoring the backup17:20
James2^2i still have no chanels, or recorded programs17:20
James2^2at least myth isnt showing them17:20
James2^2i can see the files in /var/lib/mythtv/recordings17:20
James2^2ok somehow mythbuntu-repos got removed,17:24
James2^2but now it still isnt showing 0.23.1 as an option17:25
tgm4883James2^2, 0.23.1 isn't a valid option for 11.0417:48
James2^2so will a 0.23.1 backup restore properly on 0.24?17:49
James2^2otherwise the backup i took is useless17:50
tgm4883it should, you would still need to do the steps to upgrade the database to the new schema17:50
James2^2got a link?17:50
tgm4883going into mythtv-setup does it I believe17:51
James2^2does myth use a preset password for mysql?17:51
tgm4883no it uses a generated password17:51
James2^2i like how my clean reinstall has the same mysql password as the backup i took (prior to restoring the backup that is)17:51
James2^2lol must just be a billion to 1 fluke then :P17:51
tgm4883no, the backup also backs up the password17:52
James2^2i know, thats how i know the passwords are the same lol17:52
James2^2/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt and the copy in the backup have the same password17:52
tgm4883/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt should have been restored from the backup17:52
James2^2i havent restored it yet lol17:53
James2^2freaky :P17:53
tgm4883it is a random 8 character password right?17:53
James2^2i was trying to get back to 0.23.x before i did the restore17:53
James2^2yeah, as was the old one17:54
James2^2its not based on the hostname as a seed or anything?17:54
James2^2that might exlpain it lol17:54
tgm4883just FYI, the restore process will crash unless you kill mcc-backend then start (with sudo) /usr/share/mythbuntu/mcc-backend17:54
tgm4883How did you upgrade to 11.04?17:55
James2^2yeah i got my mirc log from you telling me that the other day :P17:55
James2^2its a clean install17:55
James2^2from an iso downloaded ~2 days ago17:55
tgm4883thats why mythbuntu-repos was not installed17:55
tgm4883it's not part of the image17:55
James2^2ah right17:55
James2^2how do i deal with dulpicate channels17:56
James2^2i have dvb-t and dvb-s17:56
James2^2using just eit, i have created "eit" and "eit-freesat" video sources17:57
James2^2i scanned dvb-t first17:57
James2^2and when i scan with dvb-s it tells me a hundred or so conflicting channels were found17:58
James2^2whats the best thing to do with them?17:58
James2^2i know theres not that many, lol17:58
James2^2yesterday when i tried, i noticed 3 or 4 copies of the same channels coming in from the dvb-s17:58
tgm4883IDK, I don't scan for channels, I have a list17:59
James2^2and it tried to make me specify a channel number for each of them17:59
James2^2where do you get your list from?17:59
tgm4883if you have two channels (on two tuners) that are the same and showing up twice you can change the callsign and name to match17:59
James2^2is it somewhere that would have a nice uk list for me?17:59
tgm4883then mythtv should see them as the same17:59
tgm4883James2^2, nope, US here, Schedules Direct18:00
James2^2ok, thats what i need to do for bbc 1 for example18:00
James2^2is there a tool for doing it, or is just editing the database easier18:00
James2^2sql geek here, so id probably be happier editing the db than using the tool tbh lol18:01
James2^2ok, i just deleted all channels18:02
James2^2gonna add the channels the other way round18:02
James2^2dvb-s first, so now half hour wait lol18:04
James2^2hmm or not18:04
James2^2if i try to scan channels using a vertical polarity, i get nothing18:06
=== duron23 is now known as iamfarooq
James2^2if i try to scan a horiz one, i get everything, including the vertical ones which failed18:06
James2^2thats getting the details of freq, polarity, rate etc from lyngsat18:08
James2^2ok this still isnt showing recordings that i had done prior to the reinstall19:14
James2^2i have restored the db, i can see the files that are the progems19:14
James2^2but watch recordigns is still empty19:14
James2^2what is the mysql root password?19:25
James2^2i havent set one, root doesnt have a ~/.my.cnf19:26
James2^2and it wont let me log on to localhost without one19:26
James2^2more important question i suppose, will starting the mysql server with --init-file to reset the root pass break anything19:29
James2^2i hope mythtv just uses the mythtv user for all db access19:29
James2^2ah well lets see19:31
James2^2i have a backup of /var/lib/mysql just in case :P19:31
James2^2ok im in :)19:34
James2^2should /etc/mythtv/mythweb-htaccess exist?19:58
James2^2putty always makesme chuckle when you do20:03
James2^2shutdown -r now20:03
James2^2"server unexpectedly closed connection"20:04
James2^2wasnt unexpected :P20:04
James2^2ok how do i delay the startup on the master backend20:08
James2^2each time i reboot im getting "could not connect to the master backend"20:08
James2^2and i have to ok the error20:09
James2^2if i restart the frontend, it connects fine20:09
James2^2on the same host this is, its like the frontend initially boots before the backend has fully started20:09
James2^2so i could use a few second pause on the frontend startup20:10

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