
NRWlionhey there people its Bobby Brown15:39
pleia2nhandler: NRWlion has volunteered to help out with UWN, when do you plan to start on this next one?15:47
* pleia2 is leaving in about 8 hours, limited internet access through the long weekend15:47
NRWlionpleia2 & nhandler i was advised to come here due to my experience15:53
pleia2I know :)15:54
NRWlionhi jono16:14
jonohey NRWlion16:14
jonohow are you doing?16:14
NRWliontired as hell.. serving 24 hrs as medic toda16:15
NRWlionjono: how about you?`16:16
jonoNRWlion, wow!16:17
jonogood here, ready for the weekend :-)16:17
jononice long weekend too16:17
NRWlionjono: well do it yourself then you might change your mind ;)16:18
NRWlioncalls kept me out of bed since 4am (utc + 2)16:19
jonowell get some rest16:20
jonoright, going to do my email :-)16:20
jonoback soon16:20
NRWlionjono: sorry to interrupt but Id like you to know a little bit more about me: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nrwlion and what others do thing about me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nrwlion-testimonials16:29
NRWlioni gotta leave now16:30
nhandlerpleia2: I've started pulling links from the Planet (and I'll try and get caught up today). I could really use some help with finding any other news that is not on the planet.  I'll try and get a wiki page set up so we can clearly see what needs doing18:58

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