
Tm_Tone more from Herb and he's out too06:19
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from morph3k)06:30
ubottuIn ubottu, syrinx_ said: you is lame09:50
bazhanggrex23 ban evading in -ot13:14
bazhangfowlmouth seems to be offering useless advice13:48
bazhangmonkeydust claims to be running unity and classic simultaneously. I think he means compiz14:04
bazhangfowlmouth, hi14:21
fowlmouthwhat is this fuckery14:21
fowlmouthyour servers messed up14:22
bazhangyou're ban forwarded here14:22
PiciHow annoying14:23
bazhanghe /noticed me as well14:23
Pici(the the log readers, he just sent a ping to the entire channel)14:24
bazhang<I just said "hah">14:24
bazhangkubuntu minimal desktop seems like an oxymoron15:06
genii-aroundHehe, maybe15:08
Picirww: nothing worth repeating16:01
ubottuIn ubottu, Logan_ said: !forget paste-#ubuntu-uk16:03
ubottuPastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:03
Logan_(it points to a nonexistent pastebin, and the people in that channel can just use the default pastebin factoid)16:03
popeywe could be told about it so we can fix it16:03
PiciI like popey's idea16:03
IdleOnepopey: you want to edit that :)16:04
PiciLogan_: I'm wary of touching channel specific factoids for non-core channels.16:04
Logan_hmm, ok16:04
IdleOnelooks like that link points to the LoCo home page16:04
PiciLogan_: Although broken links should probably be brought to their attention I suppose.16:05
popeyright, fixed it16:05
IdleOneI am sure they would appreciate the effort16:05
popeyit mentions -#ubuntu not #ubuntu-uk in the reply16:07
popeynvm, its good enough ☺16:07
Logan_sorry, my client glitched16:08
Logan_popey: thanks for fixing that :)16:08
popeynp, thanks for pointing it out16:09
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
r|a|khi Pici17:05
r|a|kPici: Pici Pici Pici Pici Pici Pici17:05
IdleOneJungli can we help you?17:07
Picihilights :(17:14
rww. !fx4 is redundant with !firefox, imho. The latter links to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion which goes through the PPA stuff.18:00
rwwany objections to me repointing !ff4, !fx4, and !firefox4 to firefox considering that?18:01
gordgiven that we now have firefox 5, makes sense18:01
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Versions of Ubuntu before 11.04 do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox18:06
ubottuff4 aliases: fx4, firefox4 - added by IdleOne on 2011-03-22 20:52:15 - last edited by rww on 2011-05-16 04:52:5418:06
ubottufirefox aliases: firefox1.5, ff - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 13:48:13 - last edited by genii-around on 2011-03-31 00:12:5818:06
rww!no, fx4 is <alias> firefox18:06
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm18:06
rww!no, fx4 is <alias> firefox18:06
rww!no, firefox4 is <alias> firefox18:06
rww!no, firefox4 is <alias> firefox18:06
rww!no, ff4 is <alias> firefox18:06
ubottuI'll remember that rww18:06
rww!no, ff4 is <alias> firefox18:06
ubottufirefox aliases: firefox1.5, ff, ff4 - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 13:48:13 - last edited by genii-around on 2011-03-31 00:12:5818:06
* rww pokes ubottu with a stick of poking18:07
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox418:07
rwwoh well18:07
* genii-around sips some coffee18:08
* h00k cheers genii-around 18:17
rwwtsbtmn: hello18:18
tsbtmnI was unable to join #ubuntu due to what was explained as a DCC exploit.  I am using a Linksys WRT54G router, hardware version 8.00 and firmware version 8.00.8, which I updated this morning and appear to the be most recent firmware for my hardware.  Still no luck joining #ubuntu.  Is my hardware unfixable?18:18
tsbtmnrww: hey there.18:18
rwwtsbtmn: I'm not sure about your particular router, but the easiest way to stop yourself from being vulnerable to that exploit is to change your IRC client to connect on a port other than 6667 (8001 tends to work well) and reconnect.18:18
rwwonce you reconnect on another port, you'll be dropped into #ubuntu-read-topic again, and "test me" shouldn't disconnect you (it'll take a couple of minutes for the bot to verify that)18:20
tsbtmnrww: Cool.  Looks like that may be the only solution, which is surprising.  I would have thought that since this router was so popular, it would've been fixed.18:20
LjLrouter makers don't care :(18:21
rwwso would I. it could theroetically have been your IRC client, but the one you have is fine... hrm.18:21
rwwlinksys's website isn't being cooperative, as usual. I'd just change the port and not worry about it personally :)18:23
tsbtmnOh well.  A shame this particular model can't run any of those replacement firmwares.18:23
tsbtmnOk, I think I've reconfigured my IRC client to connect to Freenode on port 8001 and I've disconnected and reconnected to make sure that I'm current on port 8001 but I still can't seem to join #ubuntu.  Has my nick been flagged, or something?18:50
macoi think you have to wait for someone to test you, then they let you in18:50
LjLtsbtmn you need to say "test me" on #ubuntu-read-topic18:50
macobut i dont know how to do the testing18:50
PiciThe bots do the testing18:50
tsbtmnThanks I'll give it a go.18:51
tsbtmnLooks like it's all good now.  Thanks gang.18:53
genii-aroundAnother satisfied customer18:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (blissi appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)21:12
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu (blinkyb)21:13
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu (blissi)21:13
bazhang* [default_1234] (~default_1@  Java IRC Hacks Bot22:38
idleone_FORMAT timestamp {timestamp %%H:%%M:%%S}23:56
idleone_no slash means GNR suck23:57

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