
* seidos shakes his pom poms00:23
sn9i need another place to live in Sac before the month is over. craigslist has only a couple ads in my price range, and they've already turned me down00:41
* seidos contemplates that problem00:52
seidosi don't see that there is anything i can do00:53
seidosi have family in the sacramento area, but we really aren't close00:53
seidosand if we were, they would probably still not be willing to help00:54
seidosi *may* have a couch open here, but i have to talk to the coach00:54
seidosdisregard that last sentence, i'm not in sac00:54
seidosperhaps you could check with a priest/pastor/monk in the area00:56
seidossn9: ^00:56
sn9like who?00:57
seidosi dunno.  pick some religions, and check it out on google maps.01:12
seidosthere may be a zen center in sacramento, or various christian denominations.01:12
seidosi dunno, it's worth checking out sn9, to see if there are any religions that will put their money where their mouth is01:13
seidosi tried to stay at the SF zen center, sn9, but that didn't work out.  never got a return email from them.  maybe they had enough negative monkies already01:13
sn9that's not encouraging01:14
seidoswell, change is encouraging01:18
seidosdon't be like my past self01:18
seidoswho i guess is now dead in a sense01:18
seidoslet's a mock funeral for the "last year me"01:19
seidosoh drat, he came back and stole the "have"01:19
seidoshe = "last year me"01:22
seidosget it?01:22
seidosi better /usr/sbin/pm-suspend now01:22
kdubwhat up channel19:32
gueriLLaPunKnot enjoying this freaky may weather... its suppose to be warm!20:07
nhaines70 isn't warm?20:13
sn970 is friggin' hot to me20:14
seidos70 is nominal for me20:20
seidoswatt up kdub20:20
seidosunless i exercise, but cold showers remedy this20:20
akk70 is nice. Earlier in the week they were predicting low 60s and rain today, so I'm happy with how it turned out.20:31
kdub70 is ideal. is that what its like up in LA?21:17
=== seidos is now known as kevin78
=== kevin78 is now known as kdemarest
ElepYo yo22:18
ElepHow goes it22:18
MarkDudeHello Elep22:18
sn9it's been quiet in the channel22:18
sn9MarkDude: you're back already?22:18
MarkDudeWell, she had some stuff to do today22:18
MarkDudeSo we are meeting up later22:18
sn9how long do you have?22:18
MarkDudeIt appears I may be changing my relationship status on FB22:18
sn9from what to what?22:19
* MarkDude is no longer single22:19
ElepGood for you22:19
kdemarestMarkDude: one love, i hope it works out for the both of you22:19
sn9if i used FB, i would now be changing it from "it's complicated" to "single and not looking"22:19
kdemarestoh i just changed my wiki and launchpad wiki's to this name22:19
kdemarestit's like, real22:19
sn9kdemarest: i liked it better before22:20
MarkDudereal is good22:20
MarkDudeDont pay attention to sn922:20
kdemarestsn9: no you didn't22:20
sn9for irc, i mean22:20
sn9not for e-mail and the like22:20
sn9that sucked22:20
MarkDudehis other nick is *myspoonistoobig22:20
kdemarestit did T_T22:20
kdemarestit's all good though, moving forward, not backward22:20
sn9we're in agreement, then22:20
kdemarestMarkDude: have you been meditating or dropping acid?22:21
sn9[Fri 2011-05-27 02:21:10 PM PDT] -NickServ- Nicks      : sn9 DrStrangelove DonkeyHotei danielg4 iScream MySpoonIsTooBig ANTIramisu MyHorseIsAmazing22:21
kdemarestah, i actually do have a big spoon next to me right now22:21
kdemarestthere is no spoon22:22
ElepMarkDude made me sign into FB. Rare occurence.22:22
ElepAll you guys live in Cali?22:22
kdemaresti prefer twitter22:22
* MarkDude is in NorCal22:23
kdemaresthopefully i'll get away from it as well22:23
kdemarestSoCal here22:23
* MarkDude thinks of himself as West Coast22:23
ElepI'm from by Sacramento. Actually more by Folsom.22:23
ElepI'm literally in Alaska but there's no one in that channel :/22:23
MarkDudeCool Elep - we should have something in Walnut Creek soon- I know some folks drive there from Sac22:23
ElepYou guys hold events? That's cool.22:24
ElepGood to have something to do...22:24
MarkDudeWell- you arfe a bit North- but you can idle in Oregon if you like22:24
pleia2I'm going to canada tonight, that's kind of like alaska22:24
kdemaresti think of "myself" as all of reality, but fleshly, i am west coast22:24
MarkDudeCanada is far more well behaved22:24
MarkDudeAlaska has Alaskans22:25
MarkDudeEven felons can own guns there22:25
ElepIs that true?22:25
ElepI'm not so sure.22:25
* MarkDude had lots of foks from Alakska while in PNW22:25
ElepThat's cool. I've been thru Canada. Very beautiful.22:26
* MarkDude is relying on what his friends ffrom there said22:26
kdemaresti watched this horrific video on the sex trade in romania, made me cry22:26
pleia2I've only ever been to niagara falls22:26
pleia2should be an interesting weekend :)22:26
kdemaresti've only ever been to Epcot22:26
pleia2I learned today that SFO doesn't count canada as international22:26
ElepMy friend I work with in Geeksquad lived in niagara falls22:26
pleia2so flights leave out of regular terminals22:27
ElepWhat's SFO?22:27
pleia2san francisco airport22:27
ElepThat's a beautiful airport. I love that city.22:27
philipballewElp i'm from auburn!22:27
ElepWe would go walking around the city. No need for a car22:27
MarkDudekdemarest, things like that remind me how LUCKY I am to live where I do22:28
pleia2yeah, we only really use our car in the city to do grocery shopping22:28
philipballew** Elep22:28
ElepYea it worked philipballew ;)22:28
MarkDudeI mean south Central LA is not that bad - when you step back and look at it that way22:28
kdemarestMarkDude: i don't believe in luck22:28
ElepTotally. I wouldn't mind not having a car.22:28
philipballewbiking is where its at22:28
kdemarestMarkDude: but i know what you're trying to say22:28
* MarkDude would rather have luck than smarts any day22:29
philipballewi biked to sacramento the other day and loved it22:29
philipballew30 miles22:29
ElepWow that's a long way22:29
kdemaresti suspect nowhere is very bad as long as one has friends22:29
philipballewwhen i was in san diego i hated it for the first month untill i made friends22:30
pleia2friends help22:30
philipballewElep, the climb back up th auburn was bad thogh22:30
ElepI'm sure.22:30
ElepIdk much about that area. I know it's a richer neighborhood I think..22:31
kdemarestthe presence of someone you know that cares is often enough to help22:31
philipballewElep, folsom is richer then auburn correct?22:31
kdubtoo many bikers in san diego22:31
kdemarestwhat's wrong with bikers?22:31
philipballewkdub, critical mass is sd tonight 8pm!22:31
ElepYea I only worked in Folsom, so Idk if they were richer or not. A lot of rich people there though.22:31
philipballewwhere you work Elep?22:32
ElepI worked at Intel and there was quite an influx of rich people from certain areas of Folsom22:32
ElepPast tense22:32
kdubphilipballew: yeah, cant make it yet again, wish it was on like a tuesday22:32
ElepRight now I work at Geeksquad in ak22:32
philipballewi was going to go to intel this week and give flyers for the ubuntu hour im starting in sac area22:32
ElepThat's cool22:32
ElepAlaska philipballew22:32
ElepI'm near anchorage22:33
kdemaresti need to get a bike, i had one in SF22:33
ElepBut I lived in Ca my whole life so I feel the love.22:33
kdemarestthere's one in Downey, but it need a new chain, and i just moved (again)22:33
Elepkdemarest have you heard of Chrome shoes?22:33
kdemaresthmmm, Alaska.  i hear it's beautiful there22:33
ElepIt's wonderful.22:33
philipballewoh swet!!!22:33
kdemarestElep: i've heard of Chrome the web navigator22:33
ElepIf you bike a lot Chrome shoes is in SF, great store.22:34
kdemaresti wanted to go ice diving there22:34
kdemarestElep: if i go back, i'll try to remember22:34
kdemaresti'm in LA now22:34
philipballewkdub, then people cant get as drunk on the ride. this guy was oulling a trailer full og bud last time22:34
kdemaresthave a drink!  be merry!22:34
* kdemarest drinks a glass of h2o22:35
ElepMe too. Water is awesome.22:35
kdubsounds illegal22:35
philipballewkdub, they arrested him halfway through the race, but i suppect he considered it worthit22:35
kdemarestElep: too bad they don't sell tape22:36
kdemarestElep: are they affiliated with google?22:36
philipballewkdub, well not really a race, more a giant party hippie ride22:37
kdubthats ok, i'm not going anyways :P22:38
philipballewlol. for sure!22:38
kdemarestlike this stuff:  http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31k8aIH14lL._SL500_.jpg22:39
kdemaresti wonder if it would work like the dragons or vibram 5 fingers22:39
kdemaresti should get some22:39
Elepkdemarest no they're not affiliated22:40
kdemarestah, it's probably more wasteful than the 5 fingers22:40
kdemarestsince it isn't that reusable22:40
ElepWhat do you need the tape for?22:40
ElepI'm not familiar with heavy riding so22:40
ElepWhat do you put it on?22:40
kdemarestconcrete is tough on bare feet22:40
ElepYea that's a good idea22:40
kdemarestit's a thing out here, so i was trying it out22:41
kdemarestthe friction is the worst part actually22:41
ElepWhat do you mean22:41
kdemaresti guess that's why the 5 fingers, well, the socks are good22:41
kdemarester, well, it's cold in alaska so i guess you shouldn't try it22:41
kdemarestgotta' take care of the feet22:41
ElepIt's not cold right now man22:41
ElepIt's like 7022:41
kdemarestawesome, same here22:42
ElepYea people forget we have summer here too ;)22:42
kdemarestexcept those crows...i never know what they are laughing at :/22:42
ElepIt's also like 20 hrs of sunlight as well22:42
ElepSun comes up around 3AM22:42
kdemaresti'm going to pet them in my mind22:42
kdemarestanyway, so go for a walk barefoot22:42
kdemareston sidewalk22:42
kdemarestyou'll see what i mean, probably after about 3 blocks22:43
kdemarestwell, jog it if you can22:43
MarkDudeJust updated FB status, feel like a little kid :)22:43
kdemarestwise children22:43
kdemarestoperation rainbow bridge22:44
kdemarestdisneyland and beyond22:44
kdubMarkDude: for updating facebook?22:45
Elepkdemarest I would just get sandles or something for walking barefoot22:46
ElepSome good birkenstock sandles, which I need.22:46
ElepWhen I was in hawaii I really wanted some of those, and almost ordered some. Some of the are really nice.22:46
ElepExpensive though.22:46
kdemarestMarkDude: what do you think of this song, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3KrGI3Yxd822:47
kdemarestwhen i was in hawaii, i should've just walked around barefoot22:47
kdemarestbut nooooo, i had to go to bars like a Barney22:47
ElepYea screw bars. What's a barney?22:48
ElepA freakin dinosaur for lil kids I've seen.22:48
kdemaresti think a mainland tourist22:48
ElepOh ok lol.22:48
kdemaresthaha Barney:  http://pbskids.kids.us/images/sub-square-barney.gif22:48
kdemaresthere's another Barney:  http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/6300000/The-Flintstones-Barney-Rubble-the-flintstones-6386160-350-454.jpg22:49
ElepIs that a buddhist thing, my girlfriend's a buddhist22:51
ElepI learned how to tie a tie yesterday. I was going thru all the youtube videos. I think my fav is the Prat knot.22:52
ElepThere's so many..22:52
akkre walking barefoot: does anybody make something like light slippers to simulate walking barefoot while protecting against concrete and rocks?22:52
akkLike the five fingers things only not so expensive and without the separate-toe part.22:52
kdemarestwhoa, there are live surgeries on youtube22:52
kdemarestakk: you can try tai boxing tape.  might be a decent hack22:53
akkTthe non-resuable thing mentioned earlier would bother me.22:53
kdemarestdang, doctors are crazy22:54
akkLike that rubbery wrist-wrap stuff -- works great but I hate how I have to throw it away after a couple days.22:54
kdemarestbad or good, i dunno22:54
kdemarestoh, hmmm, rubberbands might work, but they can constrict22:55
akkOne of these days I'll try just getting a light piece of rubber and gluing stuff to it to make sandals, I guess.22:55
kdemarestmaybe old ide cables tied onto the foot22:55
kdemarestreally the issue is the sole22:55
kdemarestsoul pun22:55
akkLong time ago I had this great pair of moccasins, thin rubber sole, suede upper, wore 'em everywhere22:56
kdubdid they last a long time?22:56
akk'til I ruined them slogging through high tide at stinson beach22:56
akkThey lasted a few years, before that22:56
kdemarestman, i am way too squeamish to be a doctor.23:02
kdemaresti just watched a video of a tummy tuck, it looks horrific23:02
kdubakk: i like chucks. they hold up on the beach pretty ok too23:02
kdemaresti have vans with little robots on them23:02
akkI've read that some docs are squeamish when they enter med school, and it's possible to get over that.23:05
akkThough I'm not sure why you'd aim at that as a career if your early reaction to it is ewwww.23:06
kdemarestmy reaction isn't "ewwww" it "owwww"23:07
akkkdemarest: Like Converse? Those don't seem much like being barefoot.23:10
kdemarestakk: no, the slip ons.  they were $25, and i needed shoes.  i had some "water shoes" but those were a bad buy.23:11
kdemarestironically, if i had just bought the vibrams in the first place, i probably wouldn't have spent that much more23:12
kdemaresti'm not even sure where to get them though, i don't see them in the ads in the paper.  maybe after my next two pair of shoes break i'll get some.23:12
kdemaresti bought a pair of airwalks for $5 @ good will23:13
akkI'm not finding anything googling for chucks slip-ons that looks thin-soled.23:13
akkI have some "water shoes" but they have relatively beefy soles too.23:13
kdemarestyeah, i gave my water shoes away.  they didn't work in the rain very well23:13
kdemaresthonestly, i think just save up and buy the good stuff23:14
akkI got them for kayaking and they're okay for that, but really sandals work just as well.23:14
kdemarestin the meantime, you can walk and run barefoot23:14
kdemaresttoughen up the souls, it doesn't hurt too bad if you don't over do it23:15
akkAnd we've pretty much stopped kayaking since they imposed all the rules and costs related to zebra mussels.23:15
kdemaresti <3 zebra mussels23:15
akkThey've really messed up anything related to boating in bay area reservoirs.23:15
kdemarestwhy?  they're growing on boats?23:16
kdemaresti cleaned yachts for a day, but it interfered with school so i stopped.  unfortunately, at the time, i didn't realize i should've just kept cleaning the yachts23:16
kdemarestit was a fun job23:17
akkThey stick to boats, and move that way from an infested reservoir to one that they haven't colonized yet.23:17
kdubso... paint the boats with poison. seems pretty simple to me...23:17
akkSo you have to get (and pay for) an inspection every time you put in any reservoir.23:17
kdemaresthmmm, i wonder if regular boat cleaning would fix this problem23:17
kdemarestboat cleaning was pricey iirc23:18
kdemaresti mean, to pay a guy to dive in the water with scuba gear and a scraper...23:18
akkThey inspect them out of the water. Why try to do it underwater?23:19
kdemaresti think they paid me $12 an hour, but the guy that was replacing zincs and stuff was making like 40 or 50k a year23:19
akkAnyway, when they're in the water, mussels can still attach, so it only makes sense to inspect/clean when they're out.23:20
kdemarestwait they inspect kayaks?23:20
akkThe rules are written for boats. There's no distinction made for kayaks.23:20
akkSo if d and I put our two kayaks in a reservoir, at most places we have to pay a launch fee that's double what a huge motorboat with 12 people aboard would pay23:20
akkbecause we have, you know, two boats23:20
kdemarestcan you sneak past?23:21
akkCrazy stupid rules.23:21
kdemarestwhat if you bring a bow and arrow?23:21
akkYeah, usually we just find places upstream to put in.23:21
kdemarestwar cry?23:21
akkBut That was before zebra mussels, dunno if they're enforcing things more now.23:21
kdemarestzebras have bigger muscles than me i think :(23:21
kdemaresthow strange, all they do is run :o23:22
kdemarestmaybe a lot of sprinting23:22
kdemaresti hope not, kayaking is totally chill.  they should be kayaking with you23:22
kdubin SD, we just plop boats down and go23:22
kdubwhat about paddle-boarding?23:22
kdemaresti went kayaking a few times in long beach23:22
kdemarestbrought mask and snorkel, then dove in where there were some jelly fish23:23
akkIn the bay we can still just plop and go, but not in the freshwater reservoirs.23:23
kdemarestthey didn't sting very bad23:23
kdubyeah, zebra mussels are annoying. asian carp is what everyone was worrying about in MI23:26
kdemarestthey're just sitting there, i think big boats are annoying23:27
kdemarestall polluting and junk23:27
kdemarestthis is an interesting picture, a shopping cart full of zebra mussels:  http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/zebra_mussel_shopping_cart.gif23:28
kdubinternational trade based on sailboats went out of style in the 19th century :P23:28
kdemaresttrue, i wouldn't have this laptop if it weren't for huge cargo ships23:29
kdemarestmaybe i'd have a pet zebra mussel though23:29
kdemarestand maybe we'd live next door, and went surfing every morning23:29
kdemarestand played soccer on the weekends23:30
akkI've heard speculation that huge cargo sailboats (high-tech ones) might come back, with oil prices rising and worry about global warming.23:31
kdemarestwhoa, that's interesting23:31
kdemarestwe'll probably have to wait for it to become financially feasible23:32
kdemarestwhich means peak oil i bet23:32
akkI think Jim Clark's sailboat is controlled by Irix ... probably most of that software would easily port to Linux. :)23:32
kdemarestor not, it could happen sooner23:32
kdemarestyeah, if you could find a developer willing to port it23:33
akkYou kidding? work on software for cutting-edge sailboats?23:35
kdemarestah, you mean like a j-o-b23:35
kdemarestyeah, that's be cool23:35
pleia2we manage some servers at a shipyard, one of which runs the database that holds all the specs for cutting giant ships23:35
akkI bet lots of people would port it just to get to ride on the sailboat. But they can certainly afford to pay.23:36
kdemarestworking on Irix would be like asking me to work Weld.  i don't have a welder, or the space to do it.23:36
pleia2going on site there is fun times, but you need to wear a hard hat on you way to the IT department and server room :)23:36
akkI worked on Irix for years. Liked it a lot -- it was a good Unix.23:36
kdemaresti read this article today that said dressing like men helps women to close the pay gap23:37
kdemarestactually, welding is too easy.  it would be like asking me to perform reparative surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome23:37
kdemarestwhat would the software be running, anyway?  communications and nav?23:37
akkthose, and controlling the sails (and maybe motor when there's no wind)23:38
akkand maybe the rudder23:38
kdemarestthat does sound interesting23:39
akkand things like climate controls, window shutters, lighting etc.23:39
kdemarestclimate controls?  window shutters?  lighting?  what's wrong with a manual switch?23:39
kdemaresti guess if you can afford a huge sail boat, you're too busy to turn a light switch23:40
akkoh, and the sound system. Rich people's yachts are not like an 8' sabot. :)23:40
kdemaresti think the yachts i saw were like 40 feet23:42
kdemarestbigger ones were like 80 feet23:43
kdemarestwouldn't use a yacht to ship, anyway23:44
kdemaresti'm not a fan of yachts23:44
kdemaresti guess a clipper would be nice, if it doubled as a house23:45

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